
Moral patriotic education in the older group. Lesson on patriotic education in the senior group “Young citizens of Russia. Forms and methods of work


Shushkova Galina Vitalievna
Consultation for parents "Moral and patriotic education of children in the senior group"

Moral and patriotic education of children one of the main tasks of preschool education.

The first universitymorally patriotic education is the family and the preschool institution in which the child is located. It is important that the childbrought up in an atmosphere of love , comfort and attention.

Moral and patriotic education , begins with love for the family,to parents , native street and kindergarten. To form a sense of patriotism, it is important to acquaint him with the concepts of family, hometown,Homeland , native culture.

The first idea ofmoral education the child takes from the family and preschool... It is important at the initial stage to conduct conversations with the child, what a family is - mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents.

In a family, everyone should love each other, show care and attention, provide help and support. In a family, everyone has their own responsibilities,the elders take care of the younger ones , fulfillment of instructions, requests, clarify the concepts of family traditions, holidays.

At the next stage, the child is introduced to the concepts of home street, hometown. Excursions around the city are conducted, acquainting the child with the names of nearby streets, houses, shops, parks, monuments. At this age, the child must know his last name and first name, home address. To draw the child's attention to subbotniks, to explain that the city should be clean and beautiful, as well as to pay attention to the work of people whose professions are related to the improvement of the streets.

At the next stage, to acquaint the child with the name of the city, its coat of arms, with the history of the city, its monuments, their names and history, visit the museum. Introduce poems about your hometown, holidays, for example - City Day.

So, the child develops the concept of a smallhomeland .

It is very important to acquaint the child with the nature of his native land.

Give information about rivers and lakes, their names, what plants grow on the territory of the region, what animals live, and note that you need to be very careful with nature. Therebyeducate the child has a sense of pride and love for his beloved land, to see the beauty of the world around him.

Having familiarized the child with the concepts of the family, the smallhomeland , the beauty of our native land, we broaden the horizons of the child.

Love for the native country, Russia.

At this stage, we introduce the child to the name of the country, with itssymbols : coat of arms, flag, anthem.

Offer the child to look at the map of the world, indicate the location of our country on the map, clarify how huge our country is, introduce the name of our capitalhomeland ... Note how many lakes, rivers, forests, seas, mountains in our country. In the next introductory step, consider the illustrations with their images. It is important to note how huge our country is and how multinational, to acquaint people living in our country with the nationalities, to note that each nation has its own culture, traditions and customs.

It is important to dwell in detail on the culture of our country and its traditions.

It's a good start by reading Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, hums, poems, epics. Memorize your favorite poems and nursery rhymes.

To acquaintchildren with folk art, with objects

folk - applied art. Here it is good to dwell on the history of the matryoshka, to note that it is also a symbol of Russia, to tell about the Dymkovo toy and its history, the Khokhloma painting.

It is very important to stay for the holidays. Tell about the Maslenitsa folk festival and be sure to take part in it. It will be interesting to organize a holiday on the territory of the kindergarten.

Do not forget about such holidays as"Defender of the Fatherland Day" , "March 8" , "Mothers Day" , "Day of the Elderly" , Cosmonautics Day ... Tell children the history of the holiday, tell about the heroic deed of Yuri Gagarin, what contribution he made to the history of our country.

The theme of the Great Patriotic War is a very important part of the history of our country. It is on this topic that we need to dwell in detail. Tell about the holiday"Victory Day" , about the Great Patriotic War, in which the whole country stood up to defend ourHomeland from enemy conquerors, about the rolechildren in WWII ... It is this topic that best reveals such concepts for a : Homeland , patriotism, heroism, courage, courage, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, thanks to these qualities, we became the winners in this war, despite all the hard trials that we had to endure. It is on these examples that children feel pride in our greatHomeland grow up to be a worthy replacementolder generation .

Svetlana Kharlamova
Project "Moral and patriotic education of children preschool age"In the older group

Pedagogical project

« Moral and patriotic education

preschool children»

“Patriotism, combined with interest and love for all nations, is an indispensable condition for the normal health of the mind and heart. For it is natural for a person to love his land, his village and city, his country and its people, as well as his neighbors, other peoples and the entire globe - and our great Motherland. "

D. S. Likhachev


The problem of the patriotic education the younger generation today is one of the most relevant. Accepted Government program"Patriotic upbringing citizens Russian Federation"Targeted at all social strata and age groups citizens of Russia... In this regard, the work of researchers has noticeably intensified and preschool educational institutions, one after another, scientific and practical conferences on patriotic parenting... Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, DO u older preschool children civil-patriotic direction upbringing is included in the educational field "Cognitive development". Senior preschooler must be oriented on the:

1. Patriotism - love for one's people, for one's small homeland, serving the Fatherland;

2. Social solidarity - personal and national freedom, trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society, justice, mercy, honor, dignity;

3. Citizenship - serving the Fatherland, the rule of law, civil society, law and order, the multicultural world, freedom of conscience and religion.

The task of teachers and parents is to awaken love for their native land in a growing person as early as possible, from the first steps to form children character traits that will help him become a person and a citizen of society; bring up love and respect for home, kindergarten, hometown and the nature of the native land; a sense of pride in the achievements of their country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers; develop interest in accessible to the child phenomena of social life.

The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that modern children know little about their hometown, country, features folk traditions, are often indifferent to close people, including comrades in group rarely sympathize with someone else's grief. Working with parents on the problem is clearly insufficient moral and patriotic education in the family... In regulatory documents and programs preschool institutions reflect the need for active interaction with the family, but at the same time, the content and forms of work with families with the aim of fostering feelings of patriotism... The contradictions prevailing at the present time, in the conditions of withdrawal moral ideals of Russian society, acquire special relevance in the formation of the foundations of patriotism among preschoolers.

Taking into account the fact that moral and patriotic education today is one of the most important links educational work in general, the problem of creating such a educational system, which would provide movement from education simple feelings to achieve the highest goal - education patriotic feelings, love and pride for their homeland.

Justification of the need the project

Upbringing patriotic feelings preschool children is one of the tasks of moral education including upbringing love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for the hometown and for the home country. Patriotic feelings are laid in the process of life and being of a person who is within the framework of a specific socio-cultural environment. From the moment of birth, people instinctively, naturally and imperceptibly get used to their environment, the nature and culture of their country, to the life of their people.

It should be borne in mind that preschooler perceives the reality surrounding him is emotional, therefore patriotic feelings for his native city, for his native country are manifested in him in a sense of admiration for his city, his country. Such feelings cannot arise after a few sessions. This is the result of a long, systematic and purposeful impact on the child. Parenting carried out every second, in the classroom, events, holidays, in the game and in everyday life. The work is structured in such a way that it goes through the heart of everyone. kindergarten pupil... The love of a little child preschooler to the Motherland begins with the relationship to the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for his home, the street on which he lives, kindergarten, city.

For a kindergarten, pedagogical activity, aimed at developing interest and love for the native land and the ability to reflect all this in productive activity, the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. Training in the basics of work and the formation of ideas about the social problems of the village, spiritual education moral feelings baby, upbringing respect and love for your home, friends and acquaintances.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for the small Motherland. In this regard great value has an introduction preschoolers with historical, cultural, national, geographic, natural and ecological originality of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Getting acquainted with the native land, its sights, the child learns to realize himself as living in a certain time period, in certain ethno-cultural conditions and at the same time to become familiar with the riches of national and world culture.

The main purpose of the kindergarten in the patriotic preschool education laying the foundations moral personality with an active life position, and with creative potential, capable of self-improvement, harmonious interaction with other people.

1.1 Purpose the project:

The development of moral, spiritual moral values ​​of the individual, the formation of worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.


1. Organization educational space through the creation of the necessary scientific, methodological, material and technical conditions.

2. Upbringing a child has love and affection for his family, home, land where he was born, on the basis of familiarization with his native nature, culture and traditions.

3. Formation of ideas about Russia as a native country and Nefteyugansk as a hometown.

4. Education of patriotism, respect for the cultural past of Russia by means of aesthetic education: music, visual activity, artistic word.

5. Education is moral-patriotic feelings through studying the history and culture of their people, state symbols of Russia and the city.

The systemic activity approach involves the inclusion of each child in different kinds activities: educational, play, communicative, motor, creative and leisure according to the goals and objectives educational system based on interests and needs children... It is very important that this activity is not imposed on the child from above, but is motivated with active perception the child studied phenomena and events and comprehended by him.

To achieve the set objectives, the following five are required conditions:

1. Subject-developing environment.

Difficulties in acquaintance children with individual historical facts, everyday life, traditions are caused by the fact that preschoolers peculiar visual-figurative thinking... This requires saturation of the environment pupil reality with objects and manuals that allow him to more accurately imagine what the teacher is talking about.

2. Organization of educational activities.

Educational activity, in accordance with the goals and objectives, is represented by a cycle of educational activities, child-parent projects of educational, artistic-aesthetic and physical-health-improving directions, united by common thematic blocks: "Our Motherland - Russia", "Native Russian motives", "My favorite city is Nefteyugansk", "Our defenders", "My family"... In addition to classes, it is necessary to conduct excursions to the sights of the small homeland and targeted walks.

3. Leisure activities.

A large role in the implementation of the tasks of the patriotic education assigned to joint leisure activities educator with children, because. education of feelings is a process, which is impossible to fit into a rigid schedule of classes. This is a daily, constant communication between an adult and a child, as a result and through which such a complex education as a feeling of love for the Motherland is formed. In joint activities I use didactic and folk games, theatrical activities, conversations, exhibitions, competitions. The greatest emotional response in children cause holidays, matinees, others public events... Traditions take a special place in leisure activities. They allow you to create in kindergarten periods of increased creative activity, set a clear rhythm, avoid spontaneity, determine the degree educational impact.

4. Additional education.

Great help in education little patriots provide classes children in hobby groups and studios. Work in circles involves consolidating the knowledge gained in the classroom about culture and the subjects of folk applied art.

5. Interaction with society.

Only with the involvement of all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, institutions of society, can we talk about the successful implementation of the system of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions, since the family hearth, the connection of kindred souls under one roof is the initial link in the process education.

Expected Result:

Formation of senior preschoolers foundations of patriotism, citizenship, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, readiness to defend.

Application of the knowledge gained about the native land in good deeds and deeds for the benefit of the small homeland.

Rallying children and parents, upbringing future citizens of their city and country.

The accumulation of experience of life in their homeland, the assimilation of the rules of behavior and relationships between people.

1.2 Stages of work:

Stages of work on project:

Stage 1 - design stage(2016 year):

Study of methodological literature, regulatory documents;

Drawing up an implementation plan the project;

Selection of visual-didactic, visual-demonstration materials;

Selection of musical compositions for national holidays;

Development and preparation of presentations on the topic;

Drafting long-term plan work with parents on;

Drawing up questionnaires for parents.

Stage 2 - practical (2016-2018 academic years):

Implementation of innovative the project« Moral and patriotic education of preschool children»:

Expanding and strengthening ties with social partners (MBOU "SOKSH №4" the city of Nefteyugansk, implementation of plans for joint activities;

Parents' questionnaire subject: "Patriotic child education» ; -implementation of a long-term plan of work with parents on morally- patriotic education ; -productive activities with children (applique, drawing, modeling, construction); -conducting a cycle of cognitive occupations: "Russia is my Motherland!", "Family values"; -conducting joint events with social partners: "Mothers Day", "Victory Day!"; -stand design "To the 50th anniversary of the city of Nefteyugansk"; -creation of a mini-museum "Our native army"

Stage 3 - generalizing (2018year):

Questioning parents and diagnosing the level of patriotic parenting... Analysis and summing up of the results of the work; -presentation the project.

Construction features the project

2.1 Methodological framework

The methodological basis of the work system is based on the key positions of the following concepts:

Concept preschool education(V.V.Davydov, V.A.Petrovsky, etc.) The developmental function of education is brought to the fore, ensuring the formation of the child's personality and revealing his individual characteristics.

The pedagogical concept of the holistic development of the child preschooler as a subject of children's activity (M. V. Krulekht)Holistic development a child is a unity of individual characteristics, personal qualities, the child's mastering the position of a subject in children's activities and individuality.

The concept of spiritual moral development and education personality of a citizen of Russia (A. Ya.Danilyuk, A.M. Kondakov, V.A.Tishkov) Raising a person, the formation of the means of spiritual developed personality, love for one's country, the need to create and improve is the most important condition for the successful development of Russia.

2.2 Principles

1. The principle of personality - oriented communication - individual - personal formation and development of the moral character of a person. In the learning process, children act as active researchers of the world around them, together with the teacher, and it is not easy to passively adopt his experience. Partnership, complicity and interaction are the priority forms of communication between a teacher and children;

2. Principle thematic planning material - involves the submission of the studied material on thematic blocs: home family, native nature, native culture, hometown, home country;

3. The principle of visibility - a broad presentation of the relevant material under study visibility: illustrations, photographs of landscapes, monuments, attractions, etc .;

4. The principle of consistency - involves planning the material studied sequentially (from simple to complex, so that children acquire knowledge gradually, in a certain system);

5. The principle of amusement - the studied material should be interesting, exciting for children, this principle forms the children desire to perform the proposed types of tasks, strive to achieve a result.

6. The scientific principle - upbringing and teaching reveals to children an objective scientific picture of the world, the laws of development of nature, society, culture, thinking.

7. The principle of cultural compatibility - maximum use in education and the education of the culture of the environment in which the kindergarten is located (culture of the region)

2.3 Methods and techniques

Methods used in working with children:

Basic methods:







Problem presentation method;




Sample educator;


Artistic word.

Working methods used in working with parents:

Parent-teacher meeting;

Viewing video clips of activities with children, games, etc.;

- "Interactive platform", "Round table", "Mini club", "Carrying out promotions";

Pedagogical conversations with parents;

Thematic consultations;

Visual informational methods;

Information and analytical forms;

Leisure forms of organizing communication;

Information and introductory forms of work with parents.

2.4 Technology

At designing educational process for the formation of the beginnings of information competence through the implementation design activities are taken into account age, individual characteristics children... For this, selected pedagogical technologies allowing to build educational process taking into account all the requirements for organizing the process of child development in the conditions of a child garden:

Technology designing;




Today, in science and practice, the view of the child as "Self-developing system", while the efforts of adults should be aimed at creating conditions for self-development children... A unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation children and adults, the way to implement a student-centered approach to education is technology designing.

Information and communication technologies of teaching. Information technology, as a rule, refers to technologies that use such technical means as audio, video, computer, Internet.

I have created a series of presentations, which is based on the work on the formation of a sense of patriotism in preschoolers... Conversations were held "Mom is the most beautiful word on earth", "Mother's day","My family". Children were happy to talk about their mothers, about their professions, painted portraits of their mothers and made gifts for them. The completion of this work was the creation of a photo album "Family album group» .

Personality-oriented technology. Person-centered learning is designed to provide the necessary conditions for the development of individual abilities pupil... Interaction with children is based on a personality-oriented basis. Using a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his capabilities, interests and abilities.

For educator in educational process, it is important not only to give the child certain knowledge, but also to teach him self-education, the ability to use the information received in Everyday life... In modern educational educational the process is very important subject - subjective, partnership, interaction educator and pupil based on mutual respect and understanding.

Health-saving technology. Full physical development and the health of the child is the basis for the formation of personality. In the Charter The World Organization health care states that health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical and mental and social well-being.

For raising a healthy child, Considering age features pupils, conditions are created to reduce fatigue:

Providing a change of activity that is beneficial to the physical and emotional condition preschoolers.

Activities with children and other forms of work are carried out in a comfortable, well-ventilated area with adequate lighting. All technical means have high image quality and playback by ear.

Game technology. Play is the leading activity preschool children... The game allows you to create conditions for the implementation of three important criteria for the development of cognitive interest - "Positive attitude to the world around", "Passion for the process of cognition", "Responsibility in relation to the subject of one's interest".

Along with folk folklore games that contribute to the development of physical, mental, intellectual capabilities children, a significant place is occupied by educational games:

- didactic game "Coat of arms of the city";

- didactic game "City trip";

- didactic game "Continue the proverb".

Currently, one of the most pressing problems is education of patriotism. Preschool educational institutions, being the initial link in the education system, are called upon to form children the first idea of ​​the world around us, attitude to native nature, small homeland, homeland. One of the main areas of implementation educational area "Social and communicative development" is a patriotic preschool education.

Today, unfortunately, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones. Our country is at the stage transition period and this should not be the reason for the suspension of the patriotic education the younger generation. Revival spiritual and moral education is a step towards the revival of Russia.

The leading idea of ​​the experience is to identify, theoretically and experimentally substantiate the pedagogical conditions of effectiveness; in purposefulness and consistency of work educator, increasing the level of patriotic and spiritual moral development of personality ensuring the integrity of everything educational process and acquaintance pupils kindergarten with the interests and social life of the cadet school.

3.2 Interaction with parents

Not less important condition patriotic parenting is a close relationship with parents. Touching the history of his family causes strong emotions in the child, makes him empathize, attentively to the memory of the past, to his historical roots. Interaction with parents on this issue promotes respect for traditions, the preservation of vertical family ties. “A future citizen is growing in your family and under your leadership. Everything that happens in the country should come to children through your soul and your thought,” - we used this commandment of A. S. Makarenko when working with children and their parents.

The system of work on interaction with the family within moral and patriotic education of preschoolers:

This system includes three block: diagnostic, theoretical and practical.

The diagnostic unit helps to identify parental requests for moral and patriotic education of preschoolers, to identify the motivation for participation in work in this area, to determine the level of competence of parents in this matter. This work was carried out through such shape:


Conversations with parents.

Traditional forms of work with parents:

-group parenting meetings- a constant form of interaction with the family;

Printed information;

Individual conversations;



Mini library;

Practical block.

Forms of work:


Parents' participation in competitions, exhibitions;

Interactive platform;

Oral journals;

Mini clubs.

3.3 Organization of the process of interaction between teacher and parents

Interaction between teachers and parents preschool children carried out mainly across:

Involvement of parents in the pedagogical process;

Expanding the scope of parents' participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;

Parents stay in the classroom at a convenient time for them;

Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;

Information and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to get to know the parents better with the specifics of the institution, acquaint them with educating and a developing environment;

Diverse programs of joint activities children and parents;

Combining the efforts of the teacher and the parent in joint activities for upbringing and development of the child: these relationships should be considered as the art of dialogue between adults and a specific child based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his age taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child;

Showing understanding, tolerance and tact in raising and educating a child, the desire to take into account his interests, not ignoring feelings and emotions;

Respectful relationship between family and educational institution.


K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “As there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the right key to a person's heart ... "

Patriotic upbringing- the basis for the formation of a future citizen. The patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of long-term purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from the very preschool childhood... The influence of family and education plays an important role here. A child is not born good or evil, moral or immoral... What moral qualities will develop in the child, depends, first of all, on the parents and the adults around him, how they educate what impressions they will enrich.

Love for the Motherland, attachment to the native land, language, culture, traditions are included in the concept "patriotism"... It manifests itself in a sense of pride in the achievements of the native country, in bitterness for its failures and misfortunes, respect for the people's memory, national and cultural traditions.

Patriotism in modern conditions is, on the one hand, devotion to one's Fatherland, and on the other, the preservation of the cultural identity of each nation that is part of Russia. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate in this regard the systematic purposeful work that is being carried out in our preschool institution for the formation of children of moral the rudiments of self-awareness of the true Patriots of their Motherland.

Project for senior preschool children in kindergarten "I love Russia"

Project type: social and moral, short-term, group, cognitive and research with a given result for children 5-6 years old.
Project implementation period: 16 days
Project participants: children of the older group, parents of pupils, educators.
Relevance of the problem: The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent today, since it is the basis for the formation of the future citizen of the country. A strong, indestructible and mighty country consists of the multitude of its patriots. The country is one big family, and the family will be strong only on one condition - when within this family there is a spirit of love and respect for each other.
Patriotic education of preschoolers is love for the Motherland. Love for the Motherland begins:
with the relationship to the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother;
with love for your home, the street on which the child lives;
with love for kindergarten, school, city;
with love for the nature of the native land.
And also patriotic education includes fostering a respectful attitude:
to the worker and the results of his labor;
to the native land;
to the defenders of the Fatherland;
to state symbols;
to the traditions of the state;
for national holidays.
Objective of the project: Creation of conditions for the formation of the foundations of the patriotic consciousness of children on the basis of the types of activities corresponding to preschool age.
Project objectives:
1. Development of self-esteem as a representative of the people of Russia;
2. Development of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, towards peers, parents, neighbors, and other people.
3. Development of love for the nature of the native land;

1. Raising love and respect for their national characteristics;
2. Fostering love for the native land, for the Motherland (an idea of ​​the country, cities, the capital, the symbols of the state);
3. Fostering interest in Russian folk tales;
4. Fostering interest in Russian cartoon characters (Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile)
1. Acquaintance with the sights of the city, architectural monuments, with the names of streets bearing the names of famous people;
2. Acquaintance with the events taking place in the country, expansion of ideas about the country, the capital, the symbols of the state;
3. Formation of love for the native land (involvement in the home, family, kindergarten, city);
4. Formation of spiritual and moral relations;
5. Formation of love for the cultural heritage of their people.
The intended result is: Based on vivid impressions of the native nature, the history of the native land, the Motherland, the child forms certain character traits that will help him become a patriot and a citizen of his country.
Preliminary work:[
setting goals and objectives;
acquisition of visual didactic material;
work with informative and fictional literature (selection of illustrations, books, fairy tales, stories, riddles, poems);
selection of didactic, outdoor and finger games;
plans for joint educational activities;
reminders for parents;
purchase of a disc with recordings of Russian cartoons

Collaboration with other educators:
music director and instructor physical culture organize a sports and music event "We are the future of Russia", dedicated to the Day National Unity;
teacher of visual activity organizes a lesson on the topic "The nature of the native land" and "National ornament of the Komi people"
Family cooperation: Parents together with their children participate in a sports and music event, dedicated to the national unity, "We are the future of Russia!"
Project activity product:
Quiz "Russia is my Motherland"

Stage I - preparatory (collection and accumulation of information)
- preparation of a questionnaire for parents on the topic “Patriotic education of a child”;
- development of a long-term plan for the implementation of the project;
- development of GCD plans;
- selection of visual material (illustrations, toys) to create a developing environment in a group;
- selection fiction and artistic words for reading and retelling during GCD, conversations and independent activities of children;
- selection of didactic, outdoor and finger games on the topic of the project. - filling out a questionnaire on the topic "Patriotic education of a child"

Stage II - main (practical)
first day
- Reading poems about the nature of Russia. Discussion of the read.
- Conversation "I love you, Russia"
- Examination of illustrations on the theme "Nature of Russia"

- an outdoor game "Because of the forest, because of the mountains"
- Parents are encouraged to read Russian folk proverbs about Russia and discuss them. And also Learn with the child the poem of M. Lisyansky "My Motherland";

second day
- Conversation "My Motherland"
- Reading and discussion of the poem "Song" by V. Stepanov
- examining illustrations on the topic "Natural zones of Russia"
Parents are invited to read the child V. Stepanov's poem "Native expanses" and discuss it.

the third day
- Conversation "Big and Small Homeland"
- sliding folder "Birch - a symbol of Russia"

- making riddles about birch
- viewing illustrations on the theme "Tundra, taiga, steppe, summer, autumn, winter"
- dance moves to the Russian folk song "There was a birch tree in the field ..."
- gymnastics for breathing "Birch"
- Drawing "Birch grove"
- Parents are invited to read to their child a collection of poems "The Immense Country" from V. Stepanov's book "We Live in Russia"

fourth day
- Abstract of the GCD "Russia is a huge country"
- finger game "Native Land"
- a lesson with a teacher of fine arts "The Nature of the Native Land"

- memorizing the poem by I. Tokmakova "Red Square"
- parents are invited to read and discuss V. Stepanov's poem "Moscow"

the fifth day
- Travel game "Moscow is the main city of our Motherland"
- a folder for parents "Moscow - the capital of Russia"
- Finger game"Moscow"
- viewing illustrations on the theme "Moscow"

- parents are invited to talk with their child about Moscow, the capital of our Motherland.

sixth day
- Conversation "State symbols of Russia"

- Game "Symbols of the country"

- Talk-story "Saint George the Victorious"
- Drawing in gouache "Flag of Russia" and "Flag of the Komi Republic"

seventh day
- Abstract of the GCD "Russian Army"
- Examination of illustrations on the theme "Army of Russia", "Our defenders", " Military equipment»

- An outdoor game "We are the brave pilots"
- Coloring pages on the theme "Military equipment"

eighth day
- Participation with parents in a sports and entertainment event dedicated to the Day of National Unity (with a music director and physical education instructor)

ninth day
- Synopsis of GCD "Hometown"
- Examination of illustrations on the topic "Syktyvkar"
- Design of the photo album "Memorable places of our city"

tenth day
- Presentation "Nature of the Komi Republic"
- lesson on visual activity with a teacher on art "National ornament of the Komi people"

- parents are invited to talk with their child about the beauty of the nature of our republic.

eleventh day
- Reading the Komi fairy tale "The Mouse and the Magpie"
- replenishment of the Komi corner with new utensils

twelfth day
- Conversation "Family and family traditions"
- Finger game "Family"
- Parents are invited to learn the words of the game "Matryoshka and Mice"

thirteenth day
- Conversation "Russian nesting dolls"
- Application "Outfit for a matryoshka"
- Coloring "Matryoshka"

fourteenth day
- Conversation about Russian folk tales.
- Reading "Three Bears"
- Consultation for parents "The value of Russian folk tales in raising children"
- Staging of the fairy tale "Three Bears"

- Parents are encouraged to read any Russian folk tale at home to their child.

fifteenth day
- Conversation about Russian cartoons.
- Reading "The Adventures of Cheburashka" V. Uspensky
- Watching the Cartoon "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile"
- Drawing "Cheburashka" - Look in the family circle cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena"


To foster in the child a feeling of love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city.
To form a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things.
Foster respect for work.
Develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts.
Form basic knowledge of human rights.
Expand ideas about the cities of Russia.
To acquaint children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).
Develop a sense of responsibility and pride in the country's achievements.
To form tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

The system and sequence of work on the moral and patriotic education of children is presented as follows:
- Kindergarten

- Native street, district
- Hometown city
- Country, its capital, symbolism
- Rights and responsibilities (Constitution)
- Children's rights (convention)

Solving the tasks of moral and patriotic education, we build our work, taking into account the following principles:
"Positive centrism" (selection of knowledge most relevant to the child given age) Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process
Differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of him psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests
A rational combination of different types of activity, an age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads
Activity approach
Developmental learning based on children's activity



"My favorite kindergarten"

1.A tour of the kindergarten and acquaintance with the work of employees.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the premises and staff of the kindergarten.

2. A conversation about the importance of the work of all people working in kindergarten.

Purpose: to deepen the knowledge of children that there are many people working in kindergarten who take care of them.

3. Singing songs and reading poetry about kindergarten.

Purpose: to develop the speech of children

4. Lesson "Our kindergarten"

Purpose: to consolidate, deepen, expand knowledge about the work of an educator, assistant educator, cook, doctor.

5. Conversation: "Where there is neatness, there is neatness."

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge and skills of children about etiquette.

6. Lesson "Let's play together"

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about a benevolent attitude towards peers, about the need to play together.

6. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "My favorite kindergarten".

Purpose: to make children want to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing, to foster love for their kindergarten; friendly attitude towards peers; to cultivate respect for kindergarten employees, a desire to help them, to bring joy.


"My family"

1. Lesson "My family".

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe composition of the family, to foster love and respect for close relatives.

2. Conversation "Our Motherland-Russia".

Purpose: to clarify, deepen knowledge and understanding of Russia (territory, president, capital, language).

3. Children's stories about family members based on personal experience.

Purpose: to instill love and respect for close relatives, respect for their work.

4. Conversation "Respect your father and mother - there will be grace in life."

Purpose: to foster love and respect for parents.

5. Drawing on the theme "My family"

Purpose: to make children want to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. Foster love and respect for your family members.

6. Lesson "I bake, bake bread".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the process of growing bread; to give an idea of ​​how the bread came to our table; to cultivate a respectful attitude to bread, respect for human labor, an understanding that the work of everyone makes our life, our country better and richer.


"Our Motherland-Russia".

  • Lesson "All sorts of mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed"
  • Lesson "State flag of the Russian Federation".
  • Conversation "Who wants good for people, he gets it himself"
  • Reading competition "Poems about Mom".
  • Lesson "National Anthem of Russia"
  • Conversation "House, street, address".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the work of a mother at home and at work, to foster feelings of love, respect and care for women; broaden the understanding of professions

Purpose: to acquaint with the State flag of the Russian Federation, the purpose, symbolism of flowers and their relationship.

Purpose: to teach to understand oneself through the knowledge of one's feelings, to promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and mood of another person, to foster a sense of compassion and mercy.

Purpose: to foster feelings of love, respect and care for mom.

Purpose: to acquaint with the national anthem of Russia and the rules of its use, to tell about its origin, purpose, content; to determine its features, similar to the features of other musical works and different from them.

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with their hometown, to develop communication skills.

7. Conversation "The Nature of Russia". Purpose: to form the idea of ​​children about the beauty of nature in Russia, to foster a sense of pride that they live in such a beautiful country.

8. Holiday "Mom, you are the best in the world!"

Purpose: to instill feelings of love and care for mom. "

9. Drawing on the theme "My Motherland".

Purpose: to make children want to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. To foster love and respect for the Motherland.


"According to the New Year's card" (or " New Year at the gate. ")

1. Lesson: "What is New Year's holiday?"

Purpose: to expand and deepen children's knowledge about new year holiday, family, kind, fun.

2. Conversation: "What is good and what is bad?"

Purpose: to reveal to children the meaning of the words “no”, “you can”, “you must”; to learn to evaluate actions and correlate them with words good and bad.

3. Lesson "My native country!"

Purpose: to continue to introduce home country(cities, anthem, flag of Russia); develop a sense of pride in the country. Encourage the desire to learn more about Russia.

4. Making the album "Native side".

Purpose: to instill love, respect for nature, to expand the knowledge of children about their native Stavropol Territory.

5. Entertainment "Me and my rights."

Purpose: to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child in an accessible form for preschoolers.

6. Conversation "The animal world of our region."

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the environmental conditions to which animals and plants have adapted in our region; to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in our region; foster respect for animals.

7. Holiday "New Year's carnival".

Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children.

8. Carrying out the competition "The best New Year's toy" (together with parents).

Purpose: to bring up in children and parents the desire to invent and create something together.


"Folk Holidays"

1. Lesson “Folk holidays in Russia. Christmas"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the tradition of celebration Orthodox holiday Nativity; foster interest in national traditions. Expand children's knowledge about folk holidays in Russia.

2. Entertainment "The carol has come to visit."

Purpose: to foster interest in Russian folk holidays.

3. Lesson "Bring the matter to the end."

Purpose: to teach children to bring the work started to the end, not to quit their work halfway through, to teach to predict the result.

4. Conversation "The history of my city".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the history of the city; develop the ability to understand the inextricable connection "past" - "present".

5. Examination of photographs depicting the most famous places in the area, city.

Purpose: to instill interest and love for the hometown, area.

6. Exhibition of children's drawings "Miracle, Miracle Christmas".

Purpose: to make children want to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing;


"Strong and mighty heroes of glorious Russia" (to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland)

1. Consideration of the painting by Vasnetsov "Three heroes".

Purpose: broadening one's horizons.

2. Excursion to the winter park.

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy and involvement in the fate of birds in winter, love and interest in native nature, in the symbol of Russia - a birch tree.

3. Conversation "My friends".

Purpose: to form in children the idea that people are not alike, but they are all equal; to educate children to respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, appearance, physical disabilities.

4. Lesson "State Emblem of Russia".

Purpose: to acquaint with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, to form elementary ideas about the origin and function of the emblem of Russia, about symbolic meaning color combination and images in it.

5. Maslenitsa holiday.

Purpose: to foster interest in Russian folk holidays, interest in the history of Russia, national pride.

6. Making gifts for dads and grandfathers.

Purpose: to instill a desire to take care of their close relatives.

7. Lesson "Who guards the silence?"

Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the Russian army, to consolidate knowledge of various military professions and branches of the military; tell about the people who glorified our country during the war years, about how people honor their memory.

8.Sports entertainment"The boys want to serve in the army."

Purpose: to develop in children speed, endurance, strength, attention.


"My mum"

1. Lesson "About mothers, relatives and very important."

Purpose: to educate kind, attentive, respectful attitude to mom, the desire to take care and help her.

2. Making a gift for mothers, grandmothers.

Purpose: to foster a desire to please mothers and grandmothers.

Purpose: to foster a desire to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, take care of them.

4. Game - journey "Moscow - the capital of Russia".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the sights of Moscow. To form in children the concept of Moscow - the capital, the main city of Russia; foster patriotic, civic feelings.

5. Plot - role-playing game"Daughters - Mothers".

Purpose: to promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, to develop the ability to get along with each other in a joint game.

6. Game - gatherings "Ladushki visiting grandmother."

Purpose: to form in children the concept of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes, to foster love for oral folk art.


"Our cosmonauts"

1. Lesson "Conquest of space".

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​space outer space; about the nearest star - the Sun, about the satellite of the earth - the Moon; to cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of an astronaut. Learn to fantasize and dream

2. Holiday "Russia is famous for the miracle - the masters."

Purpose: to acquaint with folk crafts, to instill love and interest in Russian antiquity, folklore traditions.

3. Conversation “I and my name”.

Purpose: to acquaint with the meaning of the names of children, parents; explain the concept of name, patronymic, surname; to consolidate the ability to understand and explain the meaning of Russian proverbs about the family.

4. Lesson "Holiday of Easter".

Purpose: to form interest in the culture of their people; develop the ability to apply knowledge of national culture in different types activities.

5. Entertainment "Holiday of the Motherland - Russia!"

Purpose: to foster love for our Motherland - Russia, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia; about the history of Russia.

"Spring Festival"

1. Entertainment "Vesnyanka".

Purpose: to clarify and systematize children's ideas about spring; to form an interest in the culture of their people.

2. Conversation "Banner of Victory".

Purpose: to form an elementary understanding of the history of the Fatherland, to consolidate and generalize knowledge about the types of flags, about their purpose; give brief information from the history of the banners.

3. Lesson "This Victory Day".

Purpose: to acquaint with the life of children during the Great Patriotic War; to form patriotic feelings, interest in the past of Russia.

4. Excursion to the eternal flame with the laying of flowers at the obelisk of the fallen soldiers.

Purpose: to convey to children the idea that many years later people remember the events of a formidable war, honor the memory of the victims.

5. Design of the stand "My dad and grandfather are defenders of the Fatherland."

Purpose: to foster love and respect for close relatives, as defenders of the Motherland.

6. Conversation "Grandmother and grandfather together." Purpose: to expand the understanding of the family, to teach how to navigate in family relationships, to educate children in a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders, the desire to help them.

7. Lesson "Children's Day."

Purpose: to continue to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child in a form accessible to preschoolers.

8. Competition of drawings "My favorite city". (Together with parents). Purpose: to foster love and respect for our small homeland.



1. Entertainment "Knowledge Day".

Target. To give children an idea that everyone needs knowledge, a source of knowledge - books, the older generation, school.

2. Lesson "I and my rights".

Target. Continue to familiarize children with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in a form accessible to preschoolers.

3. Drawing a house for your family.

Target. Arouse in children a desire to reflect their love for their parents in the drawing. Foster love and respect for their family members.

4. Role-playing game "Family".

Target. Promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life; develop the ability to get along with each other in a joint game.

5. Conversations with children about their household responsibilities, about family traditions and holidays.

Target. Foster a desire to take care of close relatives, develop a sense of pride in your family. Form an idea of ​​family traditions and holidays.

6.Lesson " Kind word heals, but the bad cripples. "

Target. To form in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, the ability to correct their mistakes, asking for forgiveness.

7. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "My small homeland"

Target. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the sights of the city; to cultivate love for the hometown.

8. Conversation "Calling Mom to Work".

Target. Form the foundations of etiquette.


1. Conversation about the professions of people working in kindergarten.

Target. To foster respect for the kindergarten employees, the desire to help them, to bring joy.

3. Examination of photographs about the historical places of the city and its famous people.

Target. To expand the knowledge of children about our city, to instill a desire to take excursions around the city with their parents.

4. Entertainment "Gifts of Nature".

Target. Expand children's understanding of the benefits of vegetables and fruits; show the importance of bread in human life. To foster respect for the work of vegetable growers and grain growers.

5. Didactic game"Where was Petya."

Target. To activate the processes of thinking, remembering, attention; to cultivate respect for working people.

6. Conversation "What should be boys and girls."

Target. Form friendships between children.

7. Exhibition of joint creativity of parents and children on the theme: "Autumn palette".

Target. To bring up in children and parents a desire to invent and create something together

8. KVN "Autumn Marathon".

Target. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the surrounding nature, instill a respectful attitude towards it.


1. Lesson "The earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos."

Target. To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos. Raise love and respect for mom.

2. Conversation "Tell me, where do you live?"

Target. Expand the knowledge of children about their home village, develop communication skills.

3. Entertainment "Mom, you are the best in the world."

Target. Foster a desire to take care of mom, congratulate you on Mother's Day. 4. Competition of readers "Beloved Mom".

Target. Raise love, respect, caring attitude towards mom.

5. Entertainment "Cossack Fair".

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the history of their native land, with its traditions, folk culture; with the development of the region today, with the achievements and riches of the Kuban people.

6. Photo exhibition "Very much my grandmother, I love my mother."

Target. Foster a desire to take care of your grandmother, be proud, love her.

7. Entertainment "Fairy Tale Holiday".

Target. To deepen the interest of children in fairy tales, to instill a love for oral folk art.


1. Lesson "On playing rights".

Target. Increase children's knowledge of the rights of the child; about his responsibilities.

2. Conversation “Laws by which we live”.

Target. Continue to introduce children to the concept of "Constitution"; expand their knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of the child.

3. Reading the fairy tales of Y. Olesha "Three Fat Men", D. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino".

Target. Talk with children about the fairness of the fairy-tale state.

4. The teacher's story about meeting the New Year and an imaginary journey along the map.

Target. Expand children's knowledge about New Year symbols, O New Year's customs.

5. Didactic game “Where will you go and what will you find”.

Target. Improve the ability to navigate in the surrounding space. Understand the meaning of spatial relationships.

6. Registration of the group for the holiday.

Target. Arouse the desire for everyone to decorate the group together, to work together.

7. Holiday "Hello, hello New Year!"

Target. Make children want to celebrate together, create a joyful mood.

8. Competition " New Year's miracle". Purpose. To bring up in parents and children the desire to invent Christmas toys and do them together.


1. Lesson "School of green light".

Target. To foster a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

2. Physical culture leisure "Christmas carols".

Target. To expand the knowledge of children about folk holidays in Russia; foster interest in the national traditions of the Russian people.

3. Conversation "Birch-symbol of Russia".

Target. To foster a desire to learn more about the symbol of Russia, the Russian birch, to learn poems and songs about a birch. To instill love for the Motherland.

4. Kuban folk game "Three grandmas"

Target. To instill an interest in Kuban folk art, a desire to play Kuban folk games.

5. Conversation "Folk crafts".

Target. Form the concept of a Russian folk toy; instill an interest in Russian applied art; create and create based on Russian folk art.

6. Compilation of stories about their homeland, about its future.

Target. To instill an interest in the life of people in Russia, love for our Motherland-Russia, pride in Russia and its citizens.

7. Conversation "Winter - winter".

Target. Expand children's knowledge of winter seasonal changes, about winter fun.

8. Exhibition of drawings "Winter Holidays".

Target. Arouse in children a desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. To foster love and respect for national holidays.


1. Conversation "We are all different, but we are all equal."

Target. To expand the knowledge of children about people of different nationalities living in Russia; work on the concept of "citizen"; introduce national holidays different nations.

2. Lesson "Our Army".

Target. Continue to expand children's understanding of the Russian army; to consolidate the knowledge of children about military professions; instill respect for people of these professions.

3. Physical culture entertainment"Russian bogatyrs".

Target. To develop in children speed, strength, endurance, attention.

4. Lesson "My pedigree".

Target. Teach children to love their family, arouse interest in their ancestry, a desire to tell about their dads, grandfathers, older brothers, uncles.

5. Viewing video presentations "Defenders of the Motherland".

Target. Tell children about the people who glorified our country during the war years and in our time.

6. Making gifts for dads and grandfathers.

Target. Instill an attentive, caring attitude towards loved ones.

7. Joint entertainment with students of the 1st grade of the Moscow Educational Institution of Lyceum No. 14 "A Merry Journey of Friends".

Target. Instill an interest in school, a desire to study at school.

8. Photo exhibition "Defenders of the Motherland - our grandfathers and fathers."

Target. Instill a desire to learn more about your loved ones.


1. Lesson "All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important."

Target. To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mom, the desire to help her.

2. Making gifts for mothers, grandmothers.

Target. Instill a desire to give gifts to relatives.

Target. Foster a desire to congratulate mothers, grandmothers and take care of them.

4. Exhibition of children's drawings "I will give a drawing to my mother."

Target. Instill feelings of love for mom and care for her.

5. Lesson "Moscow is the capital of our Motherland."

Target. To form in children the concept of Moscow, the capital, the main city of Russia; foster patriotic, civic feelings.

6. Conversation "State symbols of Russia".

Target. Continue to form an idea of ​​the state symbols of Russia - the flag, coat of arms, anthem; bring to the understanding that symbols not only designate, but also describe phenomena. To instill in children a sense of pride for the Motherland and love for the Motherland.

7. Lesson "Walk in the spring park".

Target. To cultivate love for nature, for birds; desire to take care of them.


1. Lesson "Our cosmonauts".

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the profession of an astronaut (by watching a video); to acquaint children with proverbs and sayings about this profession; teach children to dream. Foster respect for this dangerous and difficult profession.

2. Sports entertainment "We are cosmonauts."

Target. To develop in children agility, speed, strength, endurance.

3. Conversation "Our state - the Russian Federation".

Target. To acquaint children with various cities of Russia. Strengthen children's knowledge about the state symbols of the Russian Federation; cultivate love for their homeland.

4. Entertainment "Spring gatherings".

Target. Clarify and systematize children's ideas about spring; to form an interest in the culture and folklore of the Russian people.

5. Talk about school, excursion to school.

Target. To expand the knowledge of children about the school; evoke the desire to learn in it.

6. Lesson "The Earth is our common home".

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "Earth is our common home", with the fact that there are many countries and many different peoples on Earth, that we all need to live in peace and harmony.

7. Holiday "Inseparable friends - adults and children!"

Target. Raise in children the desire to have fun, to compete with their parents.

8. Exhibition of drawings "My teacher".

Target. Arouse in children a desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing; foster respect for the profession of an educator, a desire to help him.

1. Thematic lesson dedicated to Victory Day.

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the exploits of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War; to form patriotic feelings.

2. Tour and flower-laying to To the eternal flame.

Target. Show the children that many years later people remember the Great Patriotic War and honor the memory of the victims.

3. Planting flowers in the kindergarten in memory of the fallen soldiers.

Target. To form patriotic feelings in children.

4. Conversation "My family".

Target. Continue to educate children about the world of the family; actualize the emotional experience of children about family relationships. 5. Didactic game "Own city".

Target. Promote the development of imagination. To foster a sense of belonging to the life of the city, country, region.

6. Entertainment - conversation "Travel to the sea".

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge of marine fauna and flora.

7. Lesson "Flowers".

Target. To instill an interest in plant life, respect for the surrounding nature.

8. Graduation ball "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

Target. Raise the desire in children to play, to have fun with their peers and parents.

List of used literature:

1. Vetokhina A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. - St. Petersburg, Childhood - Press, 2010.

2. Makhaneva M.D. Moral and patriotic education of senior preschool children. - M: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2004.

3. Mosalova L.L. I and the world. Summaries of classes on social and moral education of preschool children. - St. Petersburg, Childhood - Press, 2010.

4. The program "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2010.

In the program for the upbringing of preschoolers in Russia, the main position is given to acquaintance with the Fatherland, its traditions, and heroes. Patriotic education in kindergarten aims to teach kids loyalty to the Motherland, readiness to be on guard of its interests, to fulfill their duty to the state, their city and family.

In a preschool institution, work with children to form the foundations of patriotism, respect for the Motherland, its values ​​begins with early age and is a purposeful systematic activity to create a spiritual and moral principle, patriotic consciousness, a feeling of love for the Fatherland, respect for its symbolism.

Moral and patriotic education in kindergarten is a complex of civic activities that contribute to the formation of common values ​​in the child and his family.

Relevance of the program

Many events and facts are not fully realized by children with a deep understanding of the problem. But, passing them through his baby thinking, perception, preschoolers receive valuable guidelines for citizenship, patriotism, hard work, a healthy rhythm of life.

The kids learn that the Motherland will only become more beautiful, richer, stronger and more independent when everyone, including them, will make efforts to establish its power and steadfastness.

The guys understand that they need to learn a lot in order to contribute to the development of the city in which they live, will study and work. Starting their acquaintance with their small homeland, preschoolers gradually assimilate their belonging to the big homeland - Russia.

To be a citizen of the Russian Federation means to be the son of a great state, to carry its banner high and to be responsible for its stability and well-being.

The goal of moral and patriotic education of children is to form among preschoolers a relationship of high spiritual morality with an active life position aimed at preserving and increasing the achievements of the people of their country.


  • To foster love and reverent attitude towards the values ​​of the family, kindergarten, hometown.
  • Contribute to the formation of a desire to participate in social events aimed at improving your yard, the territory of the group, the streets of your hometown.
  • Teach a caring attitude towards family and friends, younger peers and the older generation.
  • To foster respect for the work of various professions.
  • Develop interest in the traditions of the native land, observe and preserve them.

  • To form a reverent attitude towards nature, its resources, to spend them sparingly.
  • To acquaint with the symbols of the Russian state, its meaning for the people and the country as a whole.
  • To give an idea of ​​the rights of the child, aimed at protecting the interests of every preschooler.
  • Expand children's ideas about the regions of the country, its big cities.
  • To foster pride in Russians who have achieved success in various fields of activity: agriculture, science, sports, culture, education.
  • Promote the development of international feelings in relation to other peoples, their culture, traditions.

Pedagogical principles

When planning classes in kindergarten, the teacher takes into account the basic principles of working with children:

  • regionalization;
  • continuity;
  • availability;
  • scientific character;
  • integrity;
  • consistency;
  • continuity;
  • culture-like;
  • stimulating children's activities.


The work of fostering patriotic feelings in preschoolers can be broken down into thematic blocks for the convenience of children's perception.

This street, this house

Target: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the streets of the city on which they live.

Tasks: To acquaint the children with the history of the emergence of the names of streets, enterprises, social facilities located on them.

The teacher reveals to the children the unknown on the street where they live, teaches them to notice how the city is being built, who is building it, and how the street becomes even more beautiful from this. The attention of the kids is paid to the cleanliness and order around the houses. Children get involved in landscaping and landscaping the territory of the kindergarten and their homes.

Together a friendly family

Target: Expanding knowledge of preschoolers about the structure of the family, the need to strengthen family ties.

Tasks: Develop interest in older generations, their role in family relationships... To foster respect for the oldest relatives, the desire to take care of them.

In the course of working with children, the educator forms an idea of ​​family roots: parents, grandparents, great-grandfathers. Studying the biography of your family can turn into an exciting activity - decorating a family tree, where there will be a photo and a baby.

The teacher can arrange a corner "Do as we do", where there is a place for photographs of kids with their parents on a hike, in the circus, in the forest, on the way to kindergarten. The colorfully decorated stand will contribute to the broadcast of positive parenting and the prevention of early trouble.

The city i live in

Target: To reveal the beauty of the city where children live, to show its social significance in the development of the country.

Tasks: Tell preschoolers what is the product of the city enterprise where their close relatives work. Show the importance of production in the global market. To acquaint children with cultural objects, ancient monuments, cult architecture.

The teacher shows the importance of the work of parents of preschoolers, their contribution to the development of the country's economy. The guys know the history of the temples, to whom and for what merits the monuments were erected, what the steles and mass graves remind us of. Children, in contact with the history of the city, learn to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers, to take care of war and labor veterans.

Our pantry

Target: To acquaint children with the variety of natural resources of their native land, teach them how to use them carefully and economically.

Tasks: To develop an understanding of preschoolers about the country's natural resources, their production and purpose. Teach vocational guidance to children.

The educator, together with the pupils, studies the "storeroom" of the country and determines the ways of its growth. Counseling for parents helps children to comprehensively educate children to save water, electricity, and heat resources. Children learn to manage, planned distribution of material wealth.

Expected Result

Forms and methods of work

  • interviews with viewing photographs;
  • pedagogical project “We and Russia are one family”;
  • excursions to famous sites;
  • games "Find out where it is located", "My house is the most beautiful"; “Who is doing this?”;
  • KVN with the participation of parents "Do we know everything about our city?", Quizzes, branding, round table;
  • cinema lecture hall;
  • illustrating your city, sketches for calendar holidays;
  • contests for the best family newspaper, a poster for the holiday, a gift to a veteran;
  • exchange of family traditions;
  • family trips to places of military glory;

  • outings to nature;
  • circle "Pathfinders-kids";
  • creation of the museum "Nobody is Forgotten".

Games to educate children of patriotism

Questions of patriotic education of preschoolers are included in the work plan on a monthly basis and are systematic and purposeful.

Games for the education of patriotism in preschoolers are classified into:

  • didactic: "Whose parents do it", "Find out what is growing in our region", "Tell me where you have been";
  • desktop-printed“We save light, heat”, “Distribute to everyone equally”, “Become a leader”; "Exchange";
  • movable: “We are tourists”, “Who is faster?”, “Military training camp”, “Who will be the first to reach the flag”;
  • musical: "Yanka", "There was a birch in the field", "Harvesting", "Help grandmother to unravel the ball";

  • sports: "Zarnitsa", "Russia, forward!", "Olympic Games";
  • role-playing: "Professions", "Theater", "School", "Supermarket", "Polyclinic", "Library", "Bank".

Work on instilling a patriotic spirit in children in kindergarten should be based on close ties with family and society. The accuracy of the child's assimilation of his role in the life and development of the Motherland depends on the worldview of adults, their position in life, and vivid visual examples.

The kid will quickly join in good deeds for his family, kindergarten, friends, city. He will understand that he is that little brick in building peace, order, and prosperity for the Fatherland, which simply cannot be done without. Teach your children goodness, tolerance, a healthy rhythm of life, and they will not hesitate to please you with their achievements.

Video: Fundamentals of civic education in preschool educational institutions