
How sick leave is paid during pregnancy, how maternity leave will be paid. Sick leave during pregnancy: only due to illness? Sick leave for early pregnancy


Feeling unwell during pregnancy is not uncommon. Who issues sick leave for incapacity to work to the expectant mother, and how is it paid for? How can a pregnant woman get relief from hard work?

When a certificate of incapacity for work is not required for a pregnant woman

Problems with health and well-being can arise literally from the first weeks of pregnancy. Morning pain, periodically accompanied by vomiting, general weakness, intolerance to stuffy rooms, nagging - these are frequent companions of the first trimester. Unfortunately, a working woman who goes to see a doctor with similar complaints will most likely simply sympathize and give proper nutrition and daily routine and will reassure her that after 12 weeks she will definitely feel better.

But still, in some cases, partial release from work is possible.

Certificate of release from work: how and where to get it

Without exception, all workplaces are certified for occupational hazards. Depending on their danger to human health, bonuses are constantly added to wages. Many of the harmful substances that have very little effect on the body of a healthy, non-pregnant woman become a potential threat to the fetus or can cause miscarriage. Because expectant mother literally from the first day after conception has the right to be released from work during harmful conditions labor for the entire period until going on maternity leave.

What does this require?

  1. Obtain a certificate from the HR department of the enterprise or from a labor protection engineer, which will indicate the entire list of occupational hazards present in the workplace of a pregnant woman.
  2. Come to the antenatal clinic to a public clinic to see your gynecologist. He will confirm the fact of pregnancy and issue a referral to a medical expert commission to obtain a certificate of exemption. At the same time, you can register for pregnancy a little later - after all the examinations have been completed. Commercial medical institutions usually do not have the right to issue such documents, so it is better to address such legal issues at your place of residence.
  3. At the specified opening hours of the clinic's expert commission, come with a referral, outpatient card, passport and a certificate from your place of work for your appointment. Obtain a certificate of exemption from work in hazardous working conditions.
  4. Take the received document to the HR department of your company.

What occupational hazards should a pregnant woman be exempt from:

  • General vibration (drivers of freight and public transport).
  • Manually lifting and moving loads (about weight restrictions for different terms see).
  • Toxic fumes (for example, lead, formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, various hydrocarbons, including gasoline) and dust aerosols that can cause miscarriage or congenital abnormalities of the fetus.
  • Increased or decreased temperature.
  • Contact with pathogenic microbes.
  • Radiation hazardous to the developing fetus.

These are the most common adverse factors. The complete list, always available to the chairman of the EEC, is much broader.

For such hazards as working overtime and night shifts, business trips to another locality, so remote that it is impossible to return home during the working day, additional shifts on days off without the woman’s consent, You don’t even need a certificate from a medical expert commission. It is enough to notify the employer about your interesting position through the HR department, so that the future mother has Labor Legislation on her side.

What does a certificate of release from work provide?

Main: This is not a certificate of incapacity for work, so you will still have to go to work without being late. But if the working conditions do not correspond to those specified in the certificate, the head of the enterprise is obliged to the shortest possible time temporarily provide another job for the entire period of pregnancy, retaining the woman’s previous one. Or free her from all occupational hazards in her previous place.

When is a pregnant woman entitled to a temporary disability certificate?

Cold? Intestinal infection? Injury? Any illness that makes it impossible to continue working gives a pregnant woman the right to receive sick leave for incapacity for work until full recovery. The conditions for its issuance and payment have so-called general grounds. This means that they are subject to the same government regulations as before conception. That is, the design sick leave carried out by the doctor of the state clinic or hospital who considered it necessary to temporarily completely release the expectant mother from work. For example, a threat of interruption that occurred spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages, gestosis, abortion - gynecological department of a hospital or obstetrician of a clinic, sinusitis - ENT, bronchitis - therapist, burn - surgeon.

Perhaps the only exception to the rule when a healthy expectant mother has the right to an official sick leave is the procedure of in vitro fertilization. Exemption is carried out for all preparatory procedures and examinations, for travel, for the manipulation itself and for the period of restriction physical activity before receiving data about the implantation that has occurred and normal course pregnancy.

How is sick leave paid for a pregnant woman?

In case of release from work due to illness, sick leave is also calculated on a general basis. This means that the accrued amount depends on the length of insurance coverage and the received wages over the past 2 years. Full payment will be for 8 or more years, 80% for 5-8 years and 60% for 6 months to 5 years of experience. The benefit for those who worked for less than 6 months is equal to the minimum wage ( minimum size wages).

Example: how sick leave is paid

A sick leave for ARVI at 18 weeks of pregnancy was issued by a local physician for 6 days. Insurance work experience 6 years. Earnings over the previous 2 years amounted to 400 thousand rubles. It must be divided by 730 - this is the average number of working days for the billing period. We receive an average daily payment of 548 rubles. Don't forget about the 80% coefficient insurance experience: 548 multiplied by 0.8, and we get 438 rubles. For the 6 days indicated on the sick leave, the woman will receive 438 * 6 = 2630 rubles.

In some regions, special correction factors apply, so if you want to calculate it yourself, you need to take them into account.

When calculating sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, they are guided by other legislative acts. Read about it.

Frequent headaches, general malaise, lethargy, nausea, fatigue, complications - all this prevents the expectant mother from concentrating on work. In this case, in order to prevent a disaster, the woman is entitled to sick leave.

Is it possible?

For what period?

How to get sick leave during pregnancy?

When do they give? We all know that when a woman reaches a certain advanced stage of pregnancy, she goes on long maternity leave.

In a singleton pregnancy, this period comes upon reaching 30 weeks, and when multiple pregnancy(two or more children) at 28 weeks(also reports the duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth).

It is believed that at this stage it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to cope with her job responsibilities and she needs to devote maximum of her strength and energy to preparing for childbirth.

But can a woman count on rest earlier, for example, in the first trimester of pregnancy, when it is so important to take care of her body so that the baby develops properly?

Of course. True, due to your lethargy, fatigue and irritability, not a single doctor will allow you to leave your position, even for a while. The reasons for issuing sick leave must be thorough, serious identified during examination and may lead to irreversible consequences for the mother and child.

An expectant mother should not take possible pain and discomfort lightly. They may be the first warning signs to which you need to respond in a timely manner and, if possible, be under the supervision of your attending physician.

Thus, we can conclude that at any time, starting from the moment you learned that you are in an interesting position, and no one has the right to refuse to issue you a sick leave certificate, if there really is poor health and a threat to the mother and child.

Who can give?

Who can give sick leave for pregnancy?

Upon discovering her interesting situation, a woman should contact a gynecologist at her residence address and register for pregnancy in medical institution.

Many people use the services of private clinics, while others prefer public ones.

No matter what form your pregnancy is monitored, the main thing is that your condition is monitored by a qualified doctor.

In addition, a pregnant woman is examined by other specialists, who, if any abnormalities are identified, may offer sick leave during pregnancy. Such doctors include an endocrinologist, dentist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, immunologist, cardiologist.

At the gynecologist

Do gynecologists give sick leave during pregnancy? A gynecologist is a specialist who will manage your pregnancy from the moment it is discovered until the birth itself. Even in the case of a favorable pregnancy, you will see this specialist very often, because his responsibilities include constant monitoring of your condition. Therefore, if complications and negative factors are detected in the gynecological field, your local doctor has all the authority to issue you sick leave for pregnancy.

The most common reasons for receiving sick leave are:

  • toxicosis;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and infections;
  • bad feeling;
  • swelling;
  • complaints of high blood pressure;
  • uterine tone;
  • pathology of fetal development.

Even if the reason for your complaint is not of a gynecological nature, the gynecologist observing you gives you a referral to visit a specific specialist who can determine the severity of the ailment and, if possible, issue you a certificate of incapacity for work.

At the therapist

How to take sick leave from a therapist during pregnancy? Despite the fact that the general practitioner does not constantly monitor pregnant women, he is still authorized to issue sick leave certificates if there are grounds for this.

During pregnancy, women are examined by various medical specialists, after which the general practitioner makes a conclusion about the woman’s condition.

It is not uncommon for cases when the final examination reveals grounds that may threaten the health of the mother and child and the doctor is forced to offer treatment in a medical institution.

These reasons often include:

  • exacerbation of allergic reactions;
  • cold;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, as well as their exacerbation;
  • bad test results.

In the early stages of toxicosis

How to go on sick leave during pregnancy with toxicosis? If a woman feels unwell early stages pregnancy and seriously fears for her health and the life of the child - she you need to go to the antenatal clinic to see your local doctor and explain what is happening. A gynecologist is obliged to issue a sick leave if there is reason to believe that the reason may affect the positive outcome of the pregnancy.

This practice is quite common and often gynecologists themselves remind their patients about the opportunity to be treated in a medical institution. That's why, If you are registered, you should not have any problems getting sick leave.

The doctor issues you a sick leave certificate and sends you for treatment to the appropriate institution.

It’s a completely different matter when the expectant mother has not yet managed to register.

If a woman is not registered

The earliest stages of pregnancy are rightfully considered the most dangerous..

Any negative impact on the mother’s body can be transmitted to the baby and, due to the fact that he is still too small and weak, the pregnancy will end in failure, barely having time to begin.

That's why Gynecologists closely monitor their patients throughout the first trimester of pregnancy and often they themselves offer to stay in a hospital.

But if the expectant mother has not yet managed to register with the antenatal clinic, this is not a reason to think that she is not entitled to sick leave. How to take sick leave during pregnancy?

You can get treatment by calling a doctor at home and telling him about feeling unwell. You must be taken to the hospital and examined in a gynecological chair. If the fact of pregnancy is confirmed, then you are automatically registered at your place of residence and sent for treatment with a sick leave certificate.

If your strength allows, you can come to an appointment with your local therapist and, having received a referral from him to be examined by a gynecologist, also go on sick leave.

The lack of registration documents is not a reason to deny a pregnant woman proper medical care.


Sick leave during pregnancy is issued for the same period as standard sick leave for other employees. Only your doctor can determine the amount of time needed for treatment.


How long can a doctor open? (in the clinic)

In accordance with the general rules for issuing sick leave, such documents are issued for a maximum period of 15 days.

These rules apply to both women in an interesting position and other employees.

The attending physician may prescribe a slightly shorter period of sick leave if your condition requires this.

During hospitalization

If your condition causes concern for the life and health of the child, then Sick leave can be extended for pregnant women by decision of a convened medical commission. Similar solution valid only if the woman is hospitalized and is being treated not at home, but in a medical facility.

How many days is sick leave during pregnancy? Upon completion of treatment, doctors may insist on extending the sick leave period in favor of treatment in a sanatorium. Such a decision is legal and cannot be challenged. In this case, treatment is extended for a period of 24 days.

As a rule, sanatorium-resort treatment is prescribed in order to protect the expectant mother from stress at work and to give her the opportunity to accumulate strength for recovery.


In the clinic

Since you came to the clinic to renew your certificate of incapacity for work, this means that you carried out all the treatment at home. The attending physician alone cannot decide to extend your sick leave.

In order to understand whether you need additional treatment or not, a medical commission is convened, which, after reviewing your documents, doctor’s notes and examining the patient, makes a conclusion about the condition. This commission, by its decision, can extend the period of disability leave to 10 months..

In the hospital

If you are being treated in a hospital setting, then after your sick leave expires, you are examined and a decision is made as to whether you need medical care or not.

Hospital stay can be extended by 10 days.

Extension of sick leave after sanatorium-resort follow-up treatment

If a pregnant woman has not recovered after follow-up treatment in a sanatorium, then its management may decide to extend the certificate of incapacity for work for some more time for recovery. The main thing is that the period does not exceed the 24 days established by law..

Upon expiration, if the pregnant woman has not returned to normal condition, a new sick leave is opened for her and she is again sent for treatment to a medical institution.

Duration of sick leave

Maximum number of days

The medical commission is empowered to exempt the expectant mother from working at maximum period up to 10 months, if the condition of the pregnant woman requires it.

Minimum number of days

The standard minimum duration of sick leave not only for pregnant women, but for all categories of workers is 3 calendar days. If the doctor believes that this period is enough for a pregnant woman to return to normal, he can issue a certificate of incapacity for work for the next three dates.

Before maternity leave

Can a pregnant woman go on sick leave before maternity leave? Even if there is only nothing left before the official maternity leave, n no one has the right to refuse to issue sick leave to a pregnant woman. Situations can be different and the life and health of mother and baby come first.

Grounds for issuing sick leave

The basis for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work is the woman feels unwell, unsatisfactory results of tests, ultrasound or examination.

Depending on the woman’s condition, the gynecologist prescribes treatment for her on an outpatient or inpatient basis.


Despite the fact that the legislator has officially established the time for going on maternity leave, a pregnant woman has the right to go on sick leave at any time if there are appropriate reasons. Only concern for health expectant mother from the outside medical workers, employer and state will help raise a healthy and strong nation.

Sick leave for pregnant women is given in the same way as for any person with a regular illness, this is due to the fact that in both cases, temporary disability occurs. But, nevertheless, there are some features, and a woman must know them in order to avoid disagreements with the employer.

Sometimes, employers are unscrupulous and try to get rid of a pregnant employee so as not to keep her job for a long time. For this, he will face criminal liability, so in extreme cases, he should contact law enforcement agencies.

Since the end of April 2012, new rules for issuing sick leave have come into force in Russia, including for women preparing for childbirth. For all questions of interest or controversial, you can contact the antenatal clinic, where there are lawyers, or doctors themselves have the necessary information.

So, sick leave for pregnant women: when is this certificate given, or from what period can you take maternity leave, as specified in the legislation. According to it, from the 30th week of the term, a woman can receive maternity leave, its duration is 140 days (from the moment the leave begins, not the birth). If childbirth begins earlier, and the woman did not have time to take leave, then sick leave is issued after the fact, i.e. The days are counted from the day of birth (and in this case it will increase to 156 days).

Modern women they increasingly refuse to go on sick leave, continuing to work up to 36 - 38 weeks, and this is their right, because the law gives women the right to choose when to go on maternity leave, but the employer is obliged to provide the right to leave starting from the 30th week of pregnancy. The main thing here is constant consultation with a doctor, who will decide whether the work represents a later danger to the life and health of a woman or her baby.

The medical institution where the woman is registered will tell you where to get a sick leave for a pregnant woman; most often, the sheet is issued there, the main thing is to be assigned to any clinic and see a doctor, otherwise difficulties may arise, you will have to undergo a lot of tests, undergo an examination, and only after that the doctor will be able to sign the form. It is also important to know how to take sick leave for a pregnant woman, because she cannot just stop going to work one day.

The procedure is simple, the doctor warns that you will need to take a vacation long before the required period, then, depending on health or personal reasons, at 30 weeks (or later) the woman decides to go on vacation. She again turns to her gynecologist, who writes out a sick leave note, in which she puts the expected date of birth.

With this sheet, the woman comes to her employer, who, in turn, may ask to write a leave application, although the law does not oblige this, but this will be an extra safety net for the woman, because she will once again clearly indicate the dates of her temporary absence from work . This will save her from unnecessary worries about the integrity of the employer and whether she will receive payment for the entire vacation period.

Next, you need to find out how sick leave is paid for pregnant women. According to the new procedure prescribed by law, the employer must complete all papers and calculations within ten days and submit them to the Social Insurance Fund. And it is this fund that will fully pay for sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, and this is precisely the difference from leave issued for illness.

Payment of sick leave for pregnant women occurs as follows:

    The amount of the benefit is calculated by adding up the woman’s monthly salary for the last six months and dividing it by the number calendar days during the same period. That is, the monthly salary is 30 thousand rubles. (all premiums and bonuses are also summed up here), they need to be multiplied by 6, and the resulting amount divided by 180 days. Thus, it turns out to be 1 thousand rubles, and this will be the average daily earnings of a woman. Based on it, the Social Insurance Fund determines the amount of benefits. If a woman worked for less than 6 months, then the average daily earnings are calculated based on the period actually worked (from one to 5 full months).

    payout is calculated. The amount of the benefit is determined as follows: average daily earnings (for example, 1 thousand rubles) are multiplied by the number of days allotted for vacation (usually 140 days). It turns out that the payment amount will be 140 thousand rubles. at a time, for the entire vacation period.

But in order to correctly calculate the amount, you also need to know for how long sick leave is issued for pregnancy and childbirth. As mentioned earlier, if the pregnancy is normal and there are no health problems or complications, the vacation will be 140 calendar days (70 each, before and after childbirth). But the woman herself can decide how to distribute these days, it all depends on how long she will go on vacation. Sick leave can be increased in time and amount to:

194 days when the pregnancy is multiple, and if complications occur during childbirth, then another 16 days are added.

156 days, in case premature birth, if the child survived the first 6 days.

90 days in the period before childbirth, when a woman lives in an area with high levels of radiation.

In addition, sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is also due if:

    the woman underwent artificial insemination;

    she adopted a child under 3 months of age, the leave will be 70 days;

    the woman has had an abortion, in this case the minimum rest will be 10 calendar days (maximum 30, according to the doctor’s decision).

If a woman registers with the antenatal clinic early (up to 12 weeks), then she is entitled lump sum allowance, regardless of whether it works or not, the amount is about 500 rubles, plus regional coefficients and allowances.

The state is trying to support pregnant women and young mothers, and therefore has taken responsibility for paying sick leave benefits, and has also introduced criminal liability for employers who infringe on the rights of pregnant women.

The question of how to take sick leave during pregnancy arises in almost every pregnant woman. And this is not surprising. The joyful news of impending happiness goes inseparably with the fear that something will go wrong. Therefore, from the very first weeks, women are looking for ways to prevent stress and physical damage. The hardest thing is for female employees of private and public enterprises, who are saved only by sick leave.

What to count on

Each trimester of pregnancy is important in its own way in the development and formation of the baby. And each of them is accompanied by characteristic discomfort signs. But, according to labor legislation, only after the 30th week can a woman count on receiving long-term sick leave, which is intended as preparation for childbirth. But how can you take sick leave earlier during pregnancy if your body is aching and weak and you want to sleep all the time?

A pregnant woman requires much more attention and care, so doctors give certificates of incapacity for work, but only if there are sufficient grounds for this. It is necessary to confirm by examination or tests that there are reasons to fear for the health of the baby or mother. In antenatal clinics, sufficient grounds mean even the slightest and insignificant deviations from the norm. If you abuse the attention and responsibility of your attending doctor, you can spend your entire pregnancy on sick leave.

In medical practice, either a gynecologist or a therapist can give sick leave. The gynecologist can be a personal or replacement doctor. The district therapist or anyone replacing him is also involved.

Specialized doctor

The antenatal clinic doctor, who is assigned to monitor the pregnant woman until the very day of birth, bears maximum responsibility for her condition and the health of the baby. Therefore, getting a sick leave from a gynecologist is not at all difficult. For sick leave, at least one of the following grounds is sufficient:

  • severe odor intolerance (toxicosis), which does not go away even when taking targeted medications;
  • significant infections and diseases of the genital organs;
  • excessive swelling (noticeable mainly in the second half of the term);
  • threat of miscarriage (regardless of the reasons);
  • general weakness and poor health;
  • blood pressure with abnormal values;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • identified pathologies in fetal development.

It is not difficult to ask a gynecologist for a certificate of incapacity for work, but you need to understand that each of these ailments is the basis for inpatient treatment and these disorders cannot be neglected. The period of inpatient treatment ranges from 10 to 15 days. If necessary, this period may be extended. Sick leave for pregnant women issued by gynecologists is used for actual treatment purposes. If you just want to go home, sit down and do nothing, then it’s better to see a therapist.

Important! If any kind of discomfort or pain occurs, you need to contact the observing gynecologist. He decides which doctor to send for a consultation examination.

General doctor

The therapist has an indirect relation to the pregnancy, but his conclusion is mandatory at the beginning of the term and immediately before going into pregnancy. maternity leave. In addition, he can conduct unscheduled examinations on the initiative of the pregnant woman or on the recommendation of the gynecologist.

Considering that a therapist is a specialist who is authorized to issue certificates of incapacity for work due to various types of diseases, he can also provide sick leave for pregnancy. The main feature of such certificates of incapacity for work is the possibility of self-treatment at home.

To receive sick leave from a therapist, you must have at least one of the following indications:

  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • colds;
  • poor test results;
  • chronic ailments of a pregnant woman.

If a pregnant woman asked a gynecologist for help in providing sick leave, complaining of general malaise, the doctor would refer the woman to a therapist. It is he who is authorized to issue certificates of incapacity for work on such grounds.

Off the books

The first three months are the most difficult and dangerous. This is the period when the female body is actively fighting a foreign body, and therefore all the beauty of pregnancy in the first trimester is accompanied by strong and changeable discomfort. That is why it is important to register with a local hospital as early as possible in order to protect both yourself and your baby from negative consequences.

But it also happens that a woman feels unwell or other alarming signals even before registration. But even in this case, pregnant women are guaranteed sick leave. There are two options for obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work before registering with a gynecologist.

So, first of all, this is a call to the house for an ambulance. The paramedic gives a referral for an examination by a gynecologist, who must confirm the fact of pregnancy. Confirmation of this fact provides grounds for automatic registration. And, of course, given the visit to the emergency department, the pregnant woman will undergo inpatient treatment.

The second way is to visit general doctors, in particular a therapist. The doctor will study the etymology of the disease and give a referral to the gynecological office. If a woman went to an appointment and received confirmation of her condition, then she should return to the therapist to complete the registration of sick leave during pregnancy.


In addition to determining the order in which certificates of incapacity for work are issued and taken, it is important to find out about the possible deadlines for outpatient and inpatient treatment. This will help you figure out how to take sick leave for as long as possible.

As a general rule, initial disability documents are issued for 15 days. If at the end given period If no subsiding symptoms are observed, then in order to extend treatment, a commission is convened that will take information about the illness and the amplitude of recovery and, if necessary, extend the sick leave.

The state of pregnancy, as one of the most difficult periods in the life of every woman, provides sufficient opportunities for obtaining sick leave. The main thing is the woman’s attention to herself and her baby.