
How to make a dandelion from colored paper napkins. How to make an application "Dandelion": a master class. Room decoration with napkins


Volumetric application of dandelion napkins is a wonderful craft for children 4-7 years old. Certainly, four year olds need your active help. If you take not yellow, but white napkins, you get a “ripe” dandelion with “parachutes”. By combining white and yellow flowers, as well as "buds", you can create a variety of compositions. With all the ease of manufacture, the application of napkins is very lively and voluminous. Before you make an application, you can learn some poem about dandelions with your children. For example, here it is:

The sun dropped a golden ray.

A dandelion has grown, the first, young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

He is a big sun small portrait.

(O. Vysotskaya)

Master class on making volumetric appliqués from napkins "Dandelion"

Necessary materials:

  • Napkins yellow or white;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Green colored paper;
  • stapler;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Simple pencil.

Take three napkins and cut them into quarters. If you have large napkins, then two pieces will suffice, but you need to cut them into six parts.

Divide the resulting squares in half and fold them into piles. If you are doing this application with children 4 years old, then make the stacks thinner, otherwise it will be difficult for them to cut through them. In this case, proceed from the calculation of one napkin - one flower.

Punch the stacks with a stapler in the middle.

Trimming and rounding the corners, we will make a round one from a square stack. For kids, you can offer this way of cutting out the "circle". First, cut off thin strips around the perimeter from all sides - so that there are no folds left from the napkin. Then cut four corners. We get an octagon. For this application of napkins, such a “circle” is quite enough.

But if there is a desire, then we cut off eight corners of the octagon. We get a hexagon - almost a circle.

We cut the napkins in a circle with “noodles”.

Fluff the dandelion petals.

We are preparing the base-background for a volumetric application of napkins. Let's make leaves. To do this, take green paper, fold it in half and cut out a symmetrical leaflet. You can use a template or draw half a leaf by hand. For young children, the shape of the leaf is better to simplify. Cut out the second leaf in the same way.

Cut out strips of stems from the same paper. Glue together with the leaves on colored cardboard.

In order to make a dandelion bud, take a small strip from a napkin, cut it into “noodles”, roll it into a tube and glue it to the application.

Glue dandelions from napkins onto the base of the appliqué.

Cut out a sepal for a bud from green paper and stick it on. The application is ready.

In order to give the work a more finished and solid look, you can stick a cardboard sheet or thick paper in a contrasting color and a few bigger size. If you are planning such a "frame", then it is better to do this operation before the voluminous dandelions are glued.

Using the technique of making flowers from napkins, you can, by varying the background and color of the napkins, make, for example, or

Panel of napkins and crepe paper "Dandelions".Master class with step by step photo

Dergileva Sofia Yuryevna, 3rd grade student of the MBOU "Blumental basic comprehensive school", the village of Blumenthal, Belyaevsky district, Orenburg region.
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, teachers primary school, parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, works for an exhibition, competition.
Target: making panels from napkins and crepe decorative paper in different ways.
- to form practical skills of WORK with crepe paper and napkins;
- develop artistic taste, Creative skills and fantasy based on knowledge, skills and abilities;
- develop spatial imagination, fine motor skills;
- to form a culture of work: to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, to keep the workplace in order;
- to cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of bringing things to the end;
- to instill a love for art, arts and crafts.
Dropped the sun
Golden beam.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has wonderful
golden color,
He is the big sun
Small portrait.
O. Vysotskaya

Dandelion officinalis (Taraxacum officinale) is a well-known perennial plant of the Compositae family; it is one of the most widespread plants in the world.
Depending on the growing conditions, dandelions vary considerably in height (5-50 cm) and inflorescence diameter (from 1 cm to 5 cm or more). Dandelions bloom for a very long time, forming a huge number of seeds during the season.
In nature, you can find dandelion everywhere, and in the gardens it is a frequent uninvited guest. Due to the ease of wind dispersal of its seeds, equipped with a fluffy flying tuft, the dandelion quickly conquers territory both near and far around the mother plant.
A dandelion flower is likened to a miniature sun: numerous reed petals of an elegant inflorescence diverge from the center to the sides, like golden Sun rays.
Since ancient times, dandelion has been used for medicinal purposes and is called the "elixir of life" for good reason: all parts of this useful plant - roots, leaves, and flowers - have healing properties.

N. Chuprova. Dandelions
On the lawn where the bushes
bright yellow flowers
Woke up with the sun
Stretched sweetly.
Surprised mosquitoes:

No flowers, only balloons
soft, fluffy,
Light silver.
The wind ran past
The wind shook the balls
And flies for a row
Parachute squad.

Today I want to bring to your attention the execution of the Dandelions panel in two ways.

Materials and equipment:

1. Colored cardboard
2. Colored paper
3. Glue
4. Scissors
5. Simple pencil
6. Stapler
7. Crepe (corrugated) decorative paper yellow and Green colour
8. Plain yellow and green napkins


1. Take a napkin yellow color and fold it in half and again in half. It turned out a square.

2. Fasten it with a stapler.

3. Cut in a circle, cutting off the edges.

4. Let's make small cuts around the entire circumference.

5. Let's begin to form a flower. Gently lift the first top layer of napkins and squeeze it. Raise the next layers. We compress. We form a flower. Let's make 3 flowers in this way.

6. We take a green napkin. Fold in half. Fasten with a stapler 2 times as in the photo.

7. We draw arbitrarily a dandelion leaf in the form of a Christmas tree.

8. Starting from the top layer, bend the layers one by one through the middle to the opposite edge. Likewise on the other side. We need to hide the paperclips. Got a leaf. We do this with two sheets.

9. Cut off 3 strips 3-5 mm wide, 10 cm long from green colored paper. Glue them on A8 cardboard of blue color as in the photo. These are dandelion stems.

10. Glue flowers and dandelion leaves. Can be framed.

Here we have such a beauty!

11. Now let's make the second panel using the volumetric trimming technique (trimmings are glued at different angles to the sheet surface, which allows you to create a three-dimensional image)
12. Cut the yellow crepe paper into squares with a side of 2 cm.

13. Glue the cardboard in the place where we plan to get the flower
14. In the middle of the square, put the end of the pencil rod and tightly twist the paper around the rod. It turns out a tube - end face.
15. The resulting small trimming, without removing it from the rod, is glued onto cardboard. We take out the rod.

16. We glue each next trimming next to the previous one tightly to each other in a circle so that there are no gaps.

17. We coat the middle of the flower (in some places the glue will be on the ends of the trimmings. Glue the trimmings, form a flower.

In this way we make 3 flowers.
18. We make stems from green colored paper (3 strips 3-5 mm wide, 10 cm long) and glue them by lifting the lower petal of the flower.

19. Cut out 2 sheets from green paper. We twist them with the blunt edge of the scissors blade.

20. Lubricate with glue not the entire surface of the sheet, but only the line in the middle. Glue as shown.

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Slides captions:

Take a table napkin, consisting of three layers. Separate all layers. 2. Take two thin layers and fold each one into four.

3 3 . Fold each layer in quarters again. 4. Layer the layers on top of each other. 5. Connect all layers by punching them with a stapler.

6. Punch for strength again, placing the paper clips crosswise. 7. Cut out the circle. 8. Make cuts about 10 mm deep at regular intervals.

9. Lift the top thin layer. 10. Squeeze it with your fingers around the center. 11. Lift the next layers and also squeeze them with your fingers. 12. Raise all layers one by one. You can lift 2-3 layers at a time.

13. To make dandelion leaves, take strips of paper measuring 3.5-4 cm by 8-12 cm and fold in half. Cut off the corners. 14. Cut out the teeth piece by piece. First make an incision perpendicular to the fold line, then an incision obliquely. 15. Unfold the sheet and bend it a little. Cut out some leaves different sizes and different shades. Stick to the base only lower part sheet. For the stem, roll a tube from a strip of thin paper.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation (2007) Napkin Flowers

This presentation can be used in any teaching materials at technology lessons and extracurricular activities. The content and structure of the presentation allows you to use it when explaining new material and during...

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SBEI RME "Nartasskaya special (correctional) boarding school for students, pupils with disabilities of the VIII type"

Circle occupation " Magic world paper"

Prepared and hosted:

Pleshkova S.V.,

3rd grade teacher

v. Nartas, 2013

Subject: Flowers from napkins. "Dandelion"

Target :

Development of creative thinking and imagination of children on the basis of acquaintance with the technology of making products from paper napkins; to introduce children to the technique of making handicrafts from a two-layer napkin; teach how to make a flower using this technique;

Correction fine motor skills hands by cutting out the details of the product;

Develop the skills of mental analysis of the sequence of manufacturing the product and the practical implementation of the task, the ability to perform step-by-step control;

To educate children in accuracy, discipline, attentiveness, perseverance; develop communicative competence when working in groups, the desire to create beauty with their own hands - to form personal competence.


1. Readiness for class

For the lesson, we need: napkins, scissors, a stapler, glue, colored cardboard, pre-cut green paper rectangles, a simple pencil and a good mood.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson

In today's lesson, we will work with an unusual material, we will master the technique of making products from table napkins.

3. Introductory conversation

First, find out when and where did the first napkins appear?

Napkins have been known since Ancient Greece: they were the leaves of the fig tree, with which the slaves wiped their lips after eating their master. Linen napkins were used in ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages, napkins became widespread in Europe. Napkins were made from paper only at the beginning of the last century in Japan.

Napkins - an invariable attribute holiday table, a small but very useful detail that we are all used to. Guys, what can be made from simple table napkins?

- It turns out that from quite ordinary plain napkins, which we use in the dining room, you can create a lot of interesting and beautiful things with your own hands.

Today we will try to perform a composition from spring flower, and the name of the flower, you will tell me yourself, guessing the riddle:

Holding a girl in her hand
Cloud on a stem.
It's worth blowing on him -
And there will be nothing. (Dandelion)

4 . Safety precautions when working with scissors.

Before we begin to carry out the product, let's repeat the safety rules when working with scissors.

T.B. when working with scissors

Do not take instruments without the teacher's permission.

Scissors are placed on the right side with rings towards you.

Don't hold the scissors upside down.

Don't leave them open.

Pass the scissors in the direction of a friend.

When working, watch the fingers of the second hand.

5. Practical work

We will work in stages.Everyone will make their own dandelion, and then compose their own composition.

1. Take a table napkin, consisting of three layers. Separate all layers.
2. Take two thin layers and fold each one into four.
3. Fold each layer in quarters again.

4. Layer the layers on top of each other.
5. Connect all layers by punching them with a stapler.
6. Punch for strength again, placing the paper clips crosswise.

6. Physical education minute

Spring was walking through the city,
She carried the purse.
Bright colors and brushes
She had to buy.
Opened the wallet
And the coins
Skok, hop, hop! - Rolled out,
ran away
They became dandelions.

  1. Trace the circle around the template and cut it out.
  2. Make cuts about 10 mm deep at regular intervals.
    Lift the top thin layer.
  3. Squeeze it with your fingers around the center.
  4. Lift the next layers and also squeeze them with your fingers.
  5. Raise all the layers one by one. Can lift 2-3 layers at a time.
  6. It turned out to be a magnificent flower.

7. Finger gymnastics

Like our Ira

There are fingers on the handles.

There is a little finger, nameless,

middle, index

And big. Their names

Let's remember for sure.

One, two, three, four, five -

Five, four, three, two, one.

How many fingers do we have?

  1. To make dandelion leaves, take strips of paper measuring 3.5-4 cm by 8-10 cm and fold in half (circle the leaves according to the pattern). Cut off.
  2. Cut out the teeth piece by piece. First make an incision perpendicular to the fold line, then an incision obliquely.
  3. Unfold the sheet and bend it a little. Cut out several leaves of different sizes and different shades. Glue only the bottom of the sheet to the base. For the stem, roll up a tube from a strip of thin paper and glue it to the base of the flower.

8. Project design

Now you need to complete your project.

Collect dandelions in a composition.

Think together about what you would call your work.

9. Generalization

- At the end of our lesson, let's take a group photo with our product. The lesson is over. Well done!



  • demonstration dandelion,
  • glue,
  • stapler,
  • scissors;
  • paper napkins,
  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper,
  • ruler,
  • eraser;
  • simple pencil,
  • detail templates.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time

(children's answers)

- "Inspiration".

- Well done! We are working with you.




- The case of the master is afraid;

II . Introduction


(children's answers)

- These are applications.

- (children's answers).

- Application translated from Latin means "attaching". This is a very ancient form of art, an interesting type of artistic activity, when figures are cut out of fabric or paper, pieces of leather, and then glued onto the base - the background. Applications are different types: from cereals and seeds, straws, fabrics, natural materials, fluff and cotton wool, leather, paper and napkins, etc.


Children, the long-awaited spring has come. Outside the window, the month of March is the month of awakening. Nature wakes up after a long winter sleep.

Burned in the dewy grass
flashlight golden
Then faded, faded
And turned into fluff. (Dandelion)

(children's answers)

(children's answers)

Dandelion - medicinal plant. It helps to cure many diseases.

In Russia

- "Dandelion"


To make the work boil

Get everything ready for the job

We will glue, craft -

Everything should be in order.

Napkins, scissors, cardboard,

paper, glue

Put it in place quickly.

Don't forget the pencil

He is our helper in work.

Ruler, eraser put,

Keep things in order.

- Everyone ready? Well done!

IV . Sample analysis

Look at the sample. What material do we need to do this job?

Labor is very important
Sometimes unsafe.
We must know the rules
They must be clearly followed.

What tools will we need? (children's answers)
- What rules for working with scissors do you know? (children's answers)

1. Don't hold the scissors upside down.
2. Do not leave scissors open.
3. Pass the scissors only when closed, with rings towards a friend.
4. When working, watch your fingers.
5. When cutting a circle, turn the paper clockwise.

1. Avoid getting glue into your eyes.
2. Transfer the glue stick only when closed.
3. After finishing work, close the glue and put it in a safe place .

VI . Practical part

  1. It turned out to be a magnificent flower.


Dandelion grew in the meadow

Now we will make leaflets. Please note that they should be of different shades and there are a lot of them.

  1. Cut out the teeth piece by piece.

VII . Summary of the lesson.
Exhibition of works.

Reflection .

- What caused the difficulty?

Workplace cleaning.
Guys, let's get the job done.

The lesson is over. Thanks to all.

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“Summary of a lesson on technology. Theme: Volumetric application of napkins "Dandelions"»

Abstract of a lesson on technology

Theme: Volumetric application of napkins


Goals: development of creative thinking and imagination of children on the basis of acquaintance with the technology of making applications from paper napkins "Dandelion".



    strengthening the ability to work according to the template;

    working out techniques for folding paper, cutting paper with scissors;

    consolidation of knowledge on safety when working with scissors, glue.


    development of coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills of hands.

    development logical thinking, creative abilities;

    development of cognitive activity, imagination, speech.


    education of collectivism, responsibility for the task assigned, accuracy, discipline, aesthetic taste.


    demonstration dandelion,

  • paper napkins,

    colored cardboard;

    colored paper,

  • simple pencil,

    detail templates.

Lesson progress

    Organizing time

Dear children and guests, I welcome you! We start our work.

And so that the lesson goes to everyone's future - actively get involved in the work, my friend!

Today we have gathered with you for another lesson of the circle. What is the name of our circle? (children's answers)

- "Inspiration".

What are we doing with you in the circle? (we cut napkins, wrinkle them, glue, do crafts).

- Well done! We are working with you.

Can a person live without labor? (No)

At all times, hardworking people were valued and revered.

There are a great many proverbs, quotes, sayings about work.

Let's remember the proverbs about work.

- You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without effort;

- Patience and a little effort;

- Work feeds, and laziness spoils;

- Love for work is in people's minds;

- The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing;

- The case of the master is afraid;

- Who loves to work, he does not sit idle.

II . Introduction

- Take a look at the work presented at our booth.

Who can say in what technique these works are made? (children's answers)

- These are applications.

- Guys, do any of you know what an application is? (children's answers).

- Application translated from Latin means "attaching". This is a very ancient form of art, an interesting type of artistic activity, when figures are cut out of fabric or paper, pieces of leather, and then glued onto the base - the background. Applications are of different types: from cereals and seeds, straws, fabrics, natural materials, fluff and cotton wool, leather, paper and napkins, etc.

III .Preparation for learning new material

Children, the long-awaited spring has come. Outside the window, the month of March is the month of awakening. Nature wakes up after a long winter sleep.

Guess the riddle and you will know which flower is it?

Burned in the dewy grass
flashlight golden
Then faded, faded
And turned into fluff. (Dandelion)

That's right, dandelion. Where do dandelions grow? (children's answers)

They appear on hillocks, on small lawns.

What do you think, are dandelions a useful plant or not? (children's answers)

Dandelion is a medicinal plant. It helps to cure many diseases.

It can also be used in food: a good source of fiber, and this aids in digestion. Its leaves are used in salads, and healthy honey and jam are made from the flowers.

In Europe there is even such a saying: "If you eat dandelion, then the disease passes by the door of the house."

Because of medicinal properties it is often referred to as the "elixir of life".

In Russia the following was told about this plant: it was the most beloved flower, for it gave nectar to bees, girls for wreaths their flowers, the roots healed the sick, at night golden flowers illuminated the path of the traveler. But one day the sky frowned, and evil riders appeared in the steppe, sowing death and destruction everywhere. Dandelion hid its petals, bowed its head, cringed, not wanting to serve evil people. Time passed, the black tribe disappeared, but the dandelion did not forget anything. In clear weather, he brings joy, but as soon as a cloud appears, he closes his petals, warning of bad weather.

- Today, you will be doing crafts "Dandelion" and for this we will need the following materials:

- Let's check the readiness for the lesson. I will read you a poem, and you listen carefully and check if you have everything on your desks.

To make the work boil

Get everything ready for the job

We will glue, craft -

Everything should be in order.

Oilcloth (paper) must be laid,

Napkins, scissors, cardboard,

paper, glue

Put it in place quickly.

Don't forget the pencil

He is our helper in work.

Ruler, eraser put,

Keep things in order.

- Everyone ready? Well done!

IV . Sample analysis

- Look at the sample. What material do we need to do this job? (paper napkins, green paper of different shades, a sheet of cardboard).

We will work in technology: voluminous application from napkins.

V. Safety regulations

Labor is very important
Sometimes unsafe.
We must know the rules
They must be clearly followed.

What tools will we need? (children's answers)
- What rules for working with scissors do you know? (children's answers)

Rules for safe work with scissors:

1. Don't hold the scissors upside down.
2. Do not leave scissors open.
3. Pass the scissors only when closed, with rings towards a friend.
4. When working, watch your fingers.
5. When cutting a circle, turn the paper clockwise.

Rules for safe work with glue:

1. Avoid getting glue into your eyes.
2. Transfer the glue stick only when closed.
3. After finishing work, close the glue and put it in a safe place .

Rules for safe work with a stapler:

1. Do not take tools without the permission of the teacher.

2. When working, watch the fingers of the second hand.

3. The stapler cannot be transferred, we only take it from the desk.

VI . Practical part

And now we will watch the presentation, and you will see the order of the work.

Order of work (on a computer)

    Take two napkins and fold each one in four.

    Connect all the napkins by punching them with a stapler.

    Punch for strength again, placing the paper clips crosswise.

    Circle the circle according to the template and cut it out.

    Make cuts approximately 10 mm deep at regular intervals.

    Lift the top thin layer, squeeze it around the center with your fingers, lift the next layers and squeeze them in the same way.

    Raise all layers one by one. You can lift 2-3 layers at a time.

    It turned out to be a magnificent flower.


Finger gymnastics "Flower"

Dandelion grew in the meadow

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

All petals beauty and nutrition

Together they give roots underground!

Evening. Yellow flowers cover the petals.

They fall asleep quietly, lower their heads.

- Now we will make leaflets. Please note that they should be of different shades and there are a lot of them.

    To make dandelion leaves, take 4 x 12 strips of paper and fold in half. Circle the pattern.

    Cut out the teeth piece by piece.

    Unfold the sheet and bend it a little. Cut out several leaves of different sizes and different shades.

    Glue only the bottom of the sheet to the base. For the stem, cut a strip of thin paper.

    Collect all work. Glue all the details of the dandelion to the base.

VII . Summary of the lesson.
Exhibition of works.

You have done a very great job today.

Look at your application. You have made very interesting and beautiful crafts. They can be donated.

Reflection .

What is your mood now?

What did you especially like about the lesson?
- What caused the difficulty?

Workplace cleaning.
Guys, let's get the job done.

Now we will listen to a song about a dandelion.
The lesson is over. Thanks to all.