
Awards that give the right to the title of labor veteran. How to get departmental awards for the title of "veteran of labor


- the presence of awards (state or departmental). In previous publications, we have already talked about who can become a labor veteran and how to get this title. Now let's take a closer look at what relates to the departmental awards of Russia, how to get them, and which of them give the right to honorary veteran status.

Who establishes departmental awards of the Russian Federation

The requirement for awards for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" does not apply only to those citizens who, during the years of the Second World War, began to work as a minor, and at the same time have the necessary seniority. For all others, the presence of state awards (Soviet and Russian orders, medals, honorary titles, as well as diplomas, thanks from the Russian President) or departmental insignia for labor merits is mandatory.

Not every departmental award gives the right to become a veteran. A specific list of departmental awards for a labor veteran is not provided in the Veterans Act, therefore, in order to understand whether an award entitles you to veteran status, you need to refer to the relevant departmental regulations. According to the Government Decree No. 578 dated June 25, 2016, federal structures (ministries, departments, state corporations) develop their own regulations on awards that allow one to receive the title of “Veteran of Labour”. Each department establishes its own insignia.

The new norms on departmental awards have been in force since July 2016, i.е. from this date, when assigning veteran ranks, the regions should take into account the new insignia. If a worker received an award from the department that gives the right to the “Veteran of Labor” earlier (until 07/01/2016), then this right is reserved for him if he has the necessary length of service (20 years for a woman, 25 for a man), or the length of service necessary for a pension (Clause 3, Article 8 of the Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ).

Departmental awards for obtaining the title of "veteran of labor"

So, departmental awards are understood as insignia, honorary titles, approved by ministries and departments to encourage conscientious and distinguished workers in any industry.

The list of departmental awards for a labor veteran includes their various types. Departmental awards include honorary titles (for example, "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia", "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation") and insignia (badge "For Merit in Labor" of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East, "Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry" of the state corporation Rosatom and etc.). It can also be medals, badges of honor and badges, certificates of honor, etc.

Some departments have established only a single award that makes it possible to obtain veteran status, while somewhere a number of such awards have been approved. For example, the departmental award of the Ministry of Education for obtaining the title of "Veteran of Labor" is only the "Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 29, 2016 No. 1223). The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation also established one award for obtaining veteran status - the medal "Labor Valor" (Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2016 No. 3838). At the same time, departmental awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, contributing to the receipt of the “Veteran of Labor”, include three medals at once (“For Labor Valor”, “For Irreproachable Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, “For Distinction in Service”, I, II degrees) and a badge “ Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "(Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 20, 2017 No. 220). And the FSO awards include three types of badges and two medals (order on departmental awards of the Federal Security Service of Russia dated September 27, 2016 No. 471).

Organizations, institutions and other structures other than ministries and departments that are not endowed with authority may also approve insignia for their employees. But these signs do not give grounds for obtaining the title of "Veteran of Labor". However, this does not mean at all that employees of commercial organizations and non-governmental institutions cannot obtain a veteran's certificate. If an organization works, say, in the field of construction, energy, or agriculture, then departmental awards also apply to its employees. Of course, if the management of the organization takes care of receiving such awards for its employees.

Departmental awards for the title of "veteran of labor": how to get

Regulations on how to receive a departmental award for the "Veteran of Labor" are approved by the relevant department. The document defines a list of persons who can be awarded such a badge of distinction, the procedure and conditions for their award, requirements for work experience, etc.

As a rule, in order to award an employee a departmental award giving the right to the title of “Veteran of Labour”, a petition is sent to the head of the relevant ministry (department). document in free form is compiled at the place of work of the citizen presented for the award. An award presentation in the approved form must be attached, in which the applicant’s personal data is indicated, his labor merits, work experience (in the industry and in this organization) are listed, all periods are indicated labor activity, a description of the employee is given.

Documents are coordinated with the regional head of the relevant industry, the head (highest official) of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and sent to the relevant ministry (department) of the Russian Federation. After checking the submitted information, if a positive decision is made, the ministry issues an order for the award, and later, in a solemn atmosphere, the corresponding distinction (medal, certificate of honor, etc.) is presented. An entry about a departmental award can be made in the work book.

How is the confirmation of the departmental award for the "Veteran of Labor"? Personal awards fully confirm the right to receive the title. If the insignia is not nominal, then an appropriate certificate of receipt by the citizen of this insignia must be attached to it.

Persons who have worked for the benefit of their state for several decades have earned certain privileges from it. The most frequently granted privileges are various benefits and cash payments. What is needed in order to obtain the status of a labor veteran, and what obstacles can a citizen who wants to obtain this status expect?

Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 regulates the procedure for granting the status of a labor veteran to persons entitled to it. The normative act specifies the conditions for conferring this title.

Important! The procedure for obtaining the official status of a labor veteran may differ in different regions of the country. However, regional regulations should not conflict with federal law.

For example, for residents of Moscow, the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 443P dated 06/27/2006 applies. To find out the procedure for carrying out the procedure in your region, go to the website of the local administration. There should be such information. In addition, detailed information will be provided to you by the authorities social protection your city.

What gives the title of "veteran of labor"?

According to Art. 22 of Law No. 5-FZ, the composition of benefits and privileges for labor veterans is determined by regional regulations. Nevertheless, in most subjects of the Russian Federation for this category of citizens there are uniform measures social support, including:

  • Monthly cash compensation
  • Benefits for utility bills
  • Free pass
  • Free medicines (according to the regional list)
  • Telephony reimbursement
  • Free dental prosthetics
  • Preferential sanatorium-resort rest

When moving from one subject to another, the composition of benefits may change, in particular, the amount of monetary compensation changes. But the need for re-registration does not arise, since it is enough to get the title once. When changing the address of registration, it is only necessary to check in on time at the local department of social services. protection so that its employees make a request for your case at the previous place of residence. Moreover, it is necessary to report a change in registration even within the same city.

Who is given the title?

The main question that interests all contenders for the title is how many years do you need to work for this? The answer is given by Art. 7 of Law No. 5F-Z, which defines the criteria for awarding veteran status.

  • A citizen must be awarded honorary state titles of the Russian Federation or the USSR or awarded medals, certificates or insignia for labor merits (loyal service)
  • To obtain the status, you need an experience of 15 years in one sector of the economy, as well as a general insurance experience (for the military - length of service) of 25 years for the male and 20 years for the female part of the population
  • Persons who received state awards for labor merits before June 30, 2016 are subject to requirements only for insurance experience (length of service) without working out a certain number of years in one industry
  • Citizens who, being minors, began their career during the Second World War, to obtain the title must have an insurance record of 35 and 40 years for women and men, respectively

At the regional level, additional grounds may be introduced on which the title is awarded with a smaller amount of work experience. This can be large families, work in difficult and unhealthy conditions, employment in priority areas of the economy for the region, etc.

The length of service must be confirmed by the relevant entries in the work book and archival documents. When calculating it, not only years are taken into account professional activity, but also the following periods:

  • Service in the army
  • Caring for a child up to 1.5 years (no more than 6 years for all children)
  • Care for the elderly over 80 years of age
  • Care for persons with disabilities (1 group or disabled child)
  • Residence of the spouse of a serviceman in the places of his service, in which there is no possibility of employment (no more than 5 years)
  • The period of stay in places of deprivation of liberty with the subsequent recognition of the groundlessness of the accusation

Awards received for conscientious work are documented

The awards must also have accompanying papers, which indicate that they were awarded to this particular citizen. Employees of the social protections do not have the right to take into account documented unconfirmed medals and insignia when registering the status of a labor veteran.

Important point! Only Russian citizens can receive the title. Even if a foreigner has worked in Russia for many years and has awards for his labor activity, in the absence of Russian citizenship, he is not entitled to the status of a labor veteran.

Features of obtaining the title of veteran in the USSR

Soviet citizens, in order to receive a certificate and a medal confirming their labor services to their homeland, had to work actively and show good results for many years. 20 years is the fixed term for women and 25 years for men. There were no benefits and cash payments for obtaining the status, but it served as moral satisfaction for many.

The status was assigned by issuing a certificate and a badge. He could have different shape, depending on the organization. There was no single style.

What categories of citizens have social support

Important! The badge usually had the form of a medal, and a corresponding certificate was attached to it. In 1995, the law "On Veterans" was adopted, according to which everyone who had badges and certificates could receive additional benefits.

The provision of the law clearly prescribes to whom and what benefits are provided and from which budget payments are made. The law was in force until January 1, 2005.

Veterans of labor in the Russian Federation since January 1, 2005

This year there was a monetization of benefits. Veterans have a choice. Some decided to receive money instead of the preferences provided, while others retained due benefits which began to be provided also from the regional budget. A heavy financial burden fell on the shoulders of the regions, as a result of which some could not cope with it.

The regions were allowed to independently set the amount of benefits in order to provide them as much as possible. Since the possibilities of the federal budget are much higher, the regions have reduced the provision of beneficiaries, as a result of which many have abandoned their privileges in favor of receiving funds.

Veterans of labor in the Russian Federation since July 1, 2016

Several amendments were introduced to the law “On Veterans”, as a result of which this status could be obtained by:

  • Persons who were issued a badge and a certificate at the enterprise in which they worked for many years during the USSR
  • Persons who were forced to start working before reaching the age of 18, since the war began. The total length of service for men and women should be 40 and 35 years respectively
  • Persons who have been awarded a state award for their contribution to the development of the USSR, the RSFSR and (or) the Russian Federation

Personnel military personnel who have worked for more than 15 years in the Armed Forces of the USSR, the RSFSR or the Russian Federation can also be recognized as labor veterans in certain regions. At the same time, they must work for at least 20 years (women) and 25 years (men) in their lives.

Registration process

To get it, you need to be patient and be present in state structures in person. Not all pensioners can ensure their presence and travel due to their age. Therefore, you can issue a power of attorney and certify it with a notary. Then the legal representative, having collected the necessary package of documents, will be able to issue an honorary title.

According to the current legislation, it is required to contact the department of social support of citizens. It is usually located in the district administration. You will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Two shots. Like a passport
  • Certificate of pensioner or SNILS
  • Employment record and other information that will confirm the candidate's work experience
  • Documents confirming the receipt of an award for conscientious work for a long time

You need to have copies of all documents with you, as they are handed over to the social security department after the specialist checks with the original and certifies the copies.

Important! The medal itself is not required. If there is a medal, but no certificate, then it will not work to get the status of a veteran, since an individual number was not written on such award signs. Thus, there is no way to determine to whom exactly the medal was issued.

When the representative of the candidate applies, he must additionally present his passport and power of attorney. It is worth noting that in some regions they accept a hand-written power of attorney, which is not certified by a notary. Therefore, it is recommended to call the department of social protection in advance to clarify what kind of power of attorney should be issued. There is a good chance that the staff will provide a sample.

Document Requirements

Obtaining a veteran title implies filing with the social authorities. protection of the application and supporting documents.

Each region develops its own application form. As a rule, it reflects the following data:

  • Name of the state body the authority receiving the application
  • FULL NAME. and year of birth of the applicant
  • Registration address
  • Passport data
  • List of documents serving as the basis for assigning veteran status
  • Date and signature

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Passport
  • A document containing information about the place of residence of the applicant (in case of residence not at the registration in the passport)
  • Photo 3x4 cm
  • Marriage certificate or other document proving the fact of the change of surname (name)
  • Certificates of honor and papers confirming other state awards
  • Employment book or certificates from the archive

The applicant for the title of labor veteran has the right to apply to the state. authorities through their representative. Then, to the package of documents, you must add the passport of a third party and a power of attorney issued in his name. A simple written receipt will suffice, it is not necessary to contact a notary.

You can speed up the registration procedure by submitting documents through the multifunctional center - this will avoid large queues. But in this case, only a personal visit is necessary, since the rules of the MFC do not imply actions through proxies. In addition, you can apply for a labor veteran certificate without leaving your home, through the State Services portal.

The duration of consideration of the request by the management of social. protection is determined by the regional regulations for the provision of services. In Moscow, for example, a certificate is issued after 10 working days.

What types of awards are needed?

The main part of the controversial issues in obtaining veteran status concerns state awards. The following are the guaranteed grounds for awarding the title.

  • Orders of the Russian Federation (“For Merit to the Fatherland”, “For Personal Courage”, St. George, Zhukov, Suvorov, etc.)
  • Orders of the USSR (Lenin, Glory, Red Banner, October Revolution, Red Star, etc.)
  • Medals and insignia of the Russian Federation ("For Courage", "For Labor in Agriculture", "For Irreproachable Service", etc.)
  • Medals of the USSR ("For labor valor", "For distinction in military service", "For labor distinction", etc.)
  • Honorary titles of the Russian Federation (People's Artist, People's Teacher, Honored Agronomist, Honored Art Worker, etc.)
  • The highest insignia of the USSR (Hero Soviet Union, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, etc.)
  • Departmental honorary titles of the Russian Federation and the USSR (Honorary Miner, Honorary Metallurgist, Honorary Oilman, etc.)
  • Other awards (Veteran of the gas industry, Excellent worker of the border troops, Honorary donor of the Russian Federation or the USSR, Drummer of the five-year plan, etc.)

In total, more than 70 orders, 100 medals, over 100 honorary titles and 450 departmental awards serve as grounds for awarding veteran status. Moreover, this list is regularly updated with new types of insignia of state distinctions, which in our time are awarded to honorary workers.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the medal "Veteran of Labor of the USSR". At the time of its presentation, it did not carry any material benefits, but only acted as a symbolic sign of honor and gratitude from the state. But now the medal has become a legal basis for the appointment of monetary compensation and a set of benefits.

Not all state awards make it possible to obtain veteran status. You will not be able to get it if you have:

  • Honorary titles, certificates and diplomas from enterprises, military units and public organizations
  • Diplomas confirming the qualifications of an employee (including awarding an academic degree)
  • Cups and medals for victories in sports competitions

Sometimes there are disputes that can only be resolved with the help of the court. Thus, there are cases when citizens were denied the assignment of veteran status in the presence of the award "Drummer of Communist Labor". But the court considered such a refusal unlawful, as a result of which certificates were still issued to them.

Thus, it is important not only to earn seniority and honorary awards from the state, but also to prove the right to the title of labor veteran. Most often, documents confirming the experience and insignia are sufficient for this. But if you have received a refusal that you consider unreasonable, it makes sense to apply to higher state bodies or courts.

The most significant award for obtaining veteran status is the Labor Veteran medal.

Since 1974 it has been awarded to:

  • Collective farm workers
  • To the children of war
  • Workers for hard work

The Ministry of Labor has issued a letter “On departmental insignia in labor taken into account when conferring the title“ Veteran of Labor ””, which lists all the regalia that are taken into account when deciding on the award of the title.

Ministerial Commendation

The Ministerial Certificate of Honor recognizes the merits of employees of any profession. Each department issues an order that regulates issues:

  • Who is eligible and for what?
  • How to present for an award
  • In what form is the diploma issued?
  • When and in what circumstances are they handed

Such acts usually establish a limitation on work experience: from 3 to 10 years.

The presentation of a ministerial diploma is usually accompanied by a cash payment at the place of work. But the main plus - a ministerial letter allows the owner to issue the title of "Veteran of Labor".

  • Physicians who have proposed innovative ways to treat severe diseases
  • Teachers who have introduced the latest teaching methods. Especially if as a result there was a cultural and intellectual growth in the development of students
  • Employees of executive authorities whose work has led to improvement educational process at the local level
  • Employees of research institutes, institutes and universities who have worked fruitfully and efficiently for several years
  • Employees of the Federal Treasury for a real contribution to the solution of financial and economic problems, the development of technologies for cash services for budget execution and more
  • Employees of the bodies of the Ministry of Culture who have contributed to the development and preservation of Russian culture, art, etc.

By itself, a ministerial letter does not provide benefits. To receive full social and material support, you need to apply for the title of "Veteran of Labor".

The applicant's package of documents includes:

  • Passport
  • Certificate of insurance experience
  • certificate of honor
  • 1 PC. pictures 3*4cm

But there are a number of preferences for employees with ministerial diplomas:

  • Taking leave out of turn
  • Attending free training courses
  • Salary supplement
  • Other established by local acts of the organization or regional legislation

How can a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs get a title

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, upon reaching the established length of service or on merit to society, are awarded a commemorative medal "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs". This badge of honor belongs to the public type of award, because the decision to award is made by public organizations. The solemn presentation of the medal usually takes place in the administrations of municipalities or deputy receptions.

The name of the medal determines the moments of its presentation: on the anniversary days of the divisions, on the dates professional holidays, for the birthdays of anniversaries and before the retirement of employees.

Important! Although the name of the award is "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", it does not entitle the owner to receive the title of "Veteran of Labor".

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2017 No. 220 "On departmental insignia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" approved the procedure for awarding departmental signs differences.

Paragraph 3 of article 1 of the document lists the awards that give the right to the title of "Veteran of Labor":

  • Badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs". Persons with 15 years of service in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for exemplary performance of duty, for high performance are entitled to the award. The badge is awarded annually on November 10, on the Day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Labor Valor" is awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for high performance in operational and service activities, active work in maintaining order, for courage, dedication and other merits in the service. Civil servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to receive a medal upon reaching 15 years of experience and high quality work
  • The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Impeccable Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs" is awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with work experience of 20 years or more, provided that they previously had departmental awards
  • The medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Distinction in Service" of the 1st and 2nd degrees is awarded to employees of such units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where they do not award medals for long service. Those employees who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the period from 01/01/1996 to 12/31/2002 are also entitled to the medal. The main condition for them is that they were not awarded medals “For Impeccable Service” or “For Distinction in Service” and have the required length of service by years: 20 and 15 years. Awarding a medal - November 10, on the Day of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

As soon as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives at least one of these awards, he can apply to the social security authorities for the title of "Veteran of Labor".

To do this, he submits:

  • Passport
  • Certificate of insurance experience
  • Employment book: original and certified copy
  • Award Certificate
  • 1 PC. pictures 3*4cm

After the expiration of the established time for consideration, he receives the title of "Veteran of Labor" and, upon entering a general civil pension, can enjoy benefits.

How to get a title for a teacher

For teachers, only one departmental award opens the way to the title of "Veteran of Labour". According to Article 1.1 of Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223, this is the “Golden Badge of Distinction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation”.

If a teacher received departmental awards before July 1, 2016, they retain his right to the title of veteran. An exception among such awards is the Gratitude of the Ministry of Education. Departmental awards (except for the Golden Badge) received by a teacher after 07/01/2016 do not give the right to the title of veteran.

The Gold Badge is awarded to:

  • Teachers of educational organizations;
  • Teachers of universities, academies and institutes;
  • Civil servants of structural divisions of the Ministry of Education;
  • The administrative staff of the municipal and regional levels.

A candidate for the Gold Badge must simultaneously meet the following conditions:

  • 15 years experience in education
  • Experience in the organization that submitted the application for the award - from 3 years
  • There is one of the departmental awards: an honorary title, a badge, a medal
  • There are professional merits in the industry, confirmed by encouragements and awards, victories in all-Russian, regional and local competitions of professional skills, etc.
  • Absence of unexpunged and outstanding conviction
  • No pending disciplinary action

An employee can be nominated for the Golden Badge award 3 years after they receive a departmental award. The decision on the application is collegial.

The submission with the attachment of documents is first submitted for consideration to the governor of the region or the president of the Republic. If the recipient works in federal structures, then the documents are submitted to the Deputy Minister of Education. A positive decision on the assignment of the Golden Badge is issued by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia. The right to present the award no later than 6 months after the issuance of the order.

The teacher who received the Golden Badge submits documents to the social security authorities for the title of "Veteran of Labor":

  • Passport;
  • Certificate of insurance experience;
  • Employment book: original and certified copy;
  • Certificate for the award;
  • 1 PC. photos 3*4 cm.

How to get a title in Moscow

We have already said that the procedure for awarding the title of veteran is specified by regional laws. For the capital, the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 06/27/2006 No. 443-PP “On the procedure for conferring the title“ Labor Veteran ”works (as amended on 04/05/2016).

Let's try to highlight what are the differences.

  • The categories of applicants have been expanded in comparison with Law No. 5-FZ at the expense of persons who, before July 1, 2016, were awarded departmental insignia. And at the time of applying they have a work experience of 20 years (women) or 25 years (men)
  • The applicant's place of residence is Moscow
  • The application form is approved by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow
  • The term for consideration of the application is 30 days, plus 5 days to notify the applicant of the result. Total - no more than 35 days

The most significant difference is manifested in the list of benefits for labor veterans. According to Article 22 of Law No. 5-FZ, social support for veterans is established by regional legislation.

In almost every subject of Russia there are benefits:

  • Free travel by public transport or replacement of benefits with monetary compensation
  • Free dental prosthetics
  • Discount on utility bills or replacement of benefits with monetary compensation

What is required for labor veterans in Moscow in 2018.

  • Articles 6, 10, 11 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow”:
    • Free travel by public and suburban railway transport
    • 50% discount on utility bills
    • 500 rubles to compensate for the payment of a landline phone
    • Free production and repair of dentures, the cost of precious metals and cermets is paid by the veteran
    • For non-working veterans - free vouchers to sanatoriums and reimbursement of expenses for travel by railway transport there and back
    • Monthly payment of 1000 rubles to retired veterans
  • Article 1.3 Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 18, 2014 No. 668-PP "On the issue, issuance and maintenance of social cards in the city of Moscow":
    • Free registration of the "Social card of a Muscovite"

Labor veterans can replace benefits with cash payments. For example, instead of:

  • Get 378 rubles for free travel by public transport
  • Get 188 rubles for free travel by suburban railway transport
  • Get free medicines 1108 rubles

What to do if there are no awards

We will find the answer to this question in Article 7 of Law No. 5-FZ. An applicant without awards can receive the title of "Veteran of Labor" if he began to work minor child during the Great Patriotic War. At the time of applying for the title, his work experience must be more than 35 years (women) or 40 years (men).

Therefore, employees of organizations who have worked, maybe all their lives, in one place or who have a long continuous work experience cannot automatically calculate the name. Their work must be evaluated by a ministry or agency at the federal level.

Work experience for the title

The rules for calculating seniority for a title are similar to calculating insurance seniority. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2014 No. 1015 “On approval of the rules for calculating and confirming insurance experience for the establishment of insurance pensions” it includes the periods:

  • Works when deductions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Passing military or other equivalent service
  • Child care (up to 6 years old)
  • Care for the disabled of the 1st group
  • Caring for a disabled child
  • Caring for a citizen over 80 years of age
  • Receiving social benefit on temporary disability
  • Living with a spouse in places where there were no places to work (no more than 5 years)
  • Receiving unemployment benefits
  • Residence abroad of spouses of diplomats (no more than 5 years)

Registration procedure

The entire procedure for processing documents related to the assignment of the status of a labor veteran is prescribed in the relevant Resolution of the regional (territorial, republican) administration.

It usually looks like this:

  • An employee of the local social protection registers the application of the applicant, forms a case
  • These papers are sent to the regional administration. Here they are subjected to an examination for authenticity by the relevant commission. It is created by the decision of the regional administration. One month to check
  • If the issue is resolved positively, the papers are sent for approval to the regional administration
  • In case of refusal to confer the title, the applicant is informed in writing about this with a breakdown of the reasons for the refusal. This must be done within five days from the date of the decision.
  • An extract from the Resolution of the regional administration on granting the status, together with supporting documents, is sent to the place of application
  • District social security issues a BT certificate
  • This document is registered in a special book and handed over to its owner.
  • Copies of papers from the social security file are kept in the veteran's pension file
  • His pension book also contains the stamp “Veteran of Labour”, certified by the authority that issued the certificate

In case of unreasonable refusal to assign the status of BT, you must apply to the court.

AT recent times Applications to the social security authorities can be made electronically.

But in view of the fact that consent or refusal is obtained in writing, it is necessary to ultimately provide this statement personally or through a proxy.

It must be verified by the signature of the applicant and the signature of the social security representative.

It is possible to get the status of "Veteran of Labor" without awards in our time. To do this, it is enough to have an appropriate work experience. The entire process takes 35 days.

Regulations on shock workers of communist labor

A few years ago, there was a lot of controversy about the legality of giving veteran labor to those who had the Communist Labor Shock Badge. This is also a badge of distinction, confirming the fact of the work of a citizen and his outstanding merits, which went to the benefit of his country.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation resolved all disputes when it issued its decision. He provided a complete list of awards, certificates, certificates and other distinctions that allow you to receive the honorary title of veteran. The list is quite large, but this icon is not included in the list. After that, the disputes were resolved and in all regions where the presentation of awards and certificates is required, they began to refuse to confer the title of shock workers of communist labor.

The basis for the court decision was the fact that the issuance of such badges was carried out as an additional motivation for the quality and conscientious performance of labor duties. At the same time, there was no link to the department or experience of the recipient.

The following awards are also not considered as grounds for granting an application for an honorary title:

  • military units
  • Public organizations
  • Sports communities
  • commercial structures
  • Structures of federal authorities

What is work experience made up of?

Applicants must have the required work experience. In addition to working at the main place of work, the experience also includes the following:

  • Military service, including participation in hostilities
  • Maternity leave for 1.5 years after the birth of a child
  • Providing care to a child with a disability or a disabled person of group I
  • Care for the elderly over 80 years of age
  • Employment that complies with the rules of insurance experience

How many years do you need to work to get the title of Veteran of Labor

Important! The total duration of childcare cannot exceed 4.5 years. If a woman was on maternity leave for a total of more than this time, then the experience for the fourth and subsequent children is not counted.

Medal sample 1974

In 1974, a medal was established, which was issued at the highest level as a token of gratitude for selfless work over a long period of time. All persons who were awarded it were entered in a special register. Its presence is an indisputable right to receive benefits. It does not matter whether you have a certificate for this medal or not. On its reverse side there is an individual number, according to which in the state archive you can find information about who exactly received the state award and in what year.

Unfortunately, sometimes the title is denied, despite the presence of a complete package of documents. Then you need to do the following:

  • Contact the head of the department of social protection for clarification on the reason for the refusal.
  • Contact the Department of Labor to reconsider your issue
  • Go to court if the two previous steps did not bring the desired result

Courts often take the side of citizens and oblige employees of state structures to assign the title of labor veteran to the plaintiff. However, one claim is not enough. It is necessary to provide a full package of documents and prepare an evidence base. It is best to hire an experienced lawyer who will represent you in court. He will be able to correctly convey your position, based on existing laws.

What support can citizens expect?

There are two types of benefits for labor veterans, which are provided from the regional and federal budgets. More detailed information presented in the table.

Federal BenefitsRegional benefits
Service on a non-commercial basis

in municipal clinics

Special pension supplement (not in all regions)
Free travel or provision
compensation for its payment on all
municipal transport
The right to receive certain medicines free of charge at municipal pharmacies and clinics
50% subsidy for utility bills
subsidized medicines
Eligible for 50% discount when using
broadcasting services about some
Special discount for veterans in all stores with a social card
Free treatment and prosthetics


50% discount on the purchase of train or plane tickets
Taking a vacation when
really comfortable for a veteran
Various tax deductions
Various tax deductions and benefitsOther benefits and preferences that are established in a particular region

Recall that a veteran cannot enjoy all the benefits at once. After receiving a certificate confirming the right to these preferences, he must write an application for the choice of those benefits that are relevant for him.

In particular, people who do not use public transport may not choose to be eligible for free travel.

Labor veterans who are retired are exempt from personal income tax and property tax. They can also issue a deduction for treatment, including spa treatment.

It is worth noting that pensioners who have agreed to monetize their benefits are not entitled to receive them again, as they receive additional pension accruals in the form of compensation for the lack of these preferences.

If social security refused to assign status

Having received a package of documents, the social security authorities make a decision. If the applicant is denied, then this is due to the lack of grounds or the provision of awards that do not entitle the benefit under local law.

When the applicant believes that the refusal was wrongful, the procedure for his action is as follows:

  • Write a complaint to the head of the Department of Social Protection of the region
  • Contact the Ministry of Labor of the region for clarification
  • File a lawsuit

For example, the applicant has a badge "For shock work", and in the regional law such an award is not indicated as a basis. The court may decide on the weight of the award, and the applicant will become a labor veteran.

Lost Veteran's Certificate

Losing your Veteran of Labor certificates is not scary. It can easily be restored in the social security authorities. To do this, it is enough to write an application and attach a copy of the passport with a photo of 3 * 4 cm.

A duplicate is prepared within 2 days. There are no penalties for loss or accidental damage to a document.

Basic moments:

  • The title of "Veteran of Labor" is given to persons with departmental insignia, awards of the USSR, the RSFSR and Russia. Work experience in the industry from 15 years and total work experience - 20 years (women) or 25 years (men).
  • Without awards, the title is given to people who started working during the Second World War.
  • A strong argument for obtaining the title of veteran is the applicant's ministerial diploma.
  • Each department after July 1, 2016 issued orders that determine which departmental awards give the right to the "Veteran of Labor".
  • The procedure and conditions for awarding the title are established by regional laws, they are different in the country. The lists of benefits for labor veterans are also not the same.
  • The unlawful refusal of the social security authorities can be challenged in higher organizations or in court.
  • If the certificate is lost, a duplicate is issued within 3 days at the social security authorities.


departmental insignia in labor, giving the right

for the title of "Veteran of Labor"

Department name

Marks of Excellence



1. USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade

badge "Insignia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR"

2. Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR

badge "Insignia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR"

3. Ministry
internal affairs of the USSR

medal "For Impeccable Service"

4. Ministry of Gas
industry of the USSR

the title of "Excellent worker of Minneftegazstroy";
title "Honorary master of gas
the title of "Honorary worker of the gas
badge "Excellent worker of the Ministry of gas industry"

5. USSR Ministry of Culture

badge for excellent work

6. USSR Ministry of Light Industry

The best inventor of light industry of the USSR

7. Ministry of Petroleum
industry of the USSR

title "Honorary Master of Oil
Honorary Master of the Petrochemical
industry of the USSR;
Honorary Master of Chemical
and oil refining industry of the USSR;
Honorary Master of Chemical
industry of the USSR;
badge "Excellent worker in the oil industry"
badge "Excellent oil worker"
badge "Excellence in chemical
and petrochemical industry of the USSR"

8. Ministry
defense industry of the USSR

the title of "Best Technologist";
the title of "Best Designer";
the title of "Best innovator";
the title of "Best Inventor";
the title of "Best Builder";
the title of "Best Toolmaker";
the title of "Best in the profession";
the title of "Best Worker";
the title of "The best organizer of the inventive

the title of "Best Patent Specialist";

the title of "Best Production Master";
the title of "Honorary Master";

badge "Excellence in socialist competition";

badge "Excellent worker of quality";

Badge "Honorary Master"

9. Ministry
agriculture and
food of the USSR

badge "For trouble-free work"

10. Ministry
construction of enterprises
oil and gas
industry of the USSR

title "Honorary Worker of the Ministry
construction of oil and gas enterprises
industry of the USSR"

11. USSR Ministry of Coal Industry


12. Ministry of non-ferrous metallurgy of the USSR

Veteran of the Mining and Rescue Service of the Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgy of the USSR

13. USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

badge "For mechanization and automation in metallurgy"

14.Ministry of Finance of the USSR

badge "Excellence in financial work"

15. Ministry
energy and
electrification of the USSR

honorary title "Honorary Power Engineer of the USSR";
badge "For the development of energy
honorary title "The best mentor of youth of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR";
honorary title "Honorary Master of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR";
badge "Excellent worker in energy and
electrification of the USSR";
badge "50 years of the first All-Union
rally of Stakhanovite power engineers”;
badge "50 years of GOELRO";
badge "60 years of GOELRO";
badge "70 years of GOELRO";
badge "Trillion kilowatt-hours";
badge "50 years of district heating in the USSR"

16. Minenergomash of the USSR

Honorary Master of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR;
Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR;
badge "For hard work"

17. USSR Ministry of Justice

badge "For success in work"

18. Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR

badge "The best inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR"

19. State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

badge "Honorary State Security Officer";

anniversary badge "50 years of the Cheka - KGB";

anniversary badge "60 years of the Cheka - KGB";

anniversary badge "70 years of the Cheka - KGB"

20. State
USSR Committee on Affairs
publishing houses, printing houses
and book trade

badge "excellent print"

21. State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Foreign Economic Relations

Badge "Insignia of the USSR State Committee for Electricity and Power Engineering"

22. Head office
geodesy and cartography
under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

the title of "Honorary Surveyor";

badge "Excellence in geodesy and cartography"

23. Head office
consumer services
population under the Council
Ministers of the RSFSR

badge "Excellent worker of life service"

24. Main Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

badge "Excellent archival worker"

25. Main Directorate of Civil Air Fleet the USSR

badge "For raid"

26. Ministry
motor transport of the RSFSR

badge "For work without accidents" for employees of the automotive
badge "Excellent worker of the Ministry
vehicles of the RSFSR"

27. Ministry of Trade of the RSFSR

badge "Excellent worker of Soviet trade"

28. Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR

breast badge "Excellent student of the socialist competition of the river fleet";
badge "Excellent worker of the river fleet";

the title of "Specialist of the highest class"

29. Ministry
internal affairs of the Russian

medal "100 years of cynological units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia";

medal "70 years of divisions economic security Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia";

medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia";

medal "For Combat Commonwealth";
medal "For demining";
Medal for Merit in Management
badge "For distinction in the traffic police service";
Badge of the Department of State
protection of the property of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Distinction";
badge "Honorary officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs";
badge "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs";
badge "For assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia";
badge "The best employee of special
police units";

badge "Participant in hostilities";

Badge of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

"For Distinction in Service";

badge "The best criminal police officer";

badge "The best district police officer";

badge "Best Investigator";

badge "The best juvenile inspector";

badge "The best worker of the fire department";

sign "For fidelity to duty";

badge "Excellent militia";

badge "Excellent firefighter";

badge "Best interrogator";

badge "The best employee of the police patrol service"

30. Ministry
health and
social development
Russian Federation

insignia "Mercy";
badge "Excellent worker of health care";
badge "Excellent student of social and labor

31. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

medal "For services to national health care";

badge "Excellent worker of health care"

32. Ministry
foreign affairs
Russian Federation

the title of "Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia";

Commemorative medal of A.M. Gorchakov

33. Ministry
information technologies
and communications of the Russian

the title of "Master of Communication";
badge "Honorary radio operator"

34. Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

badge "Honorary cinematographer of Russia";

badge "For achievements in culture"

35. Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications
Russian Federation

badge "For high achievements"

36. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

badge "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation";

badge "Honorary worker of primary vocational education of the Russian Federation";

badge "Honorary worker of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation";


37. Ministry
education and science
Russian Federation

medal of K.D.Ushinsky;

professional education in Russia”;
Badge "Honorary Worker of the General
education of the Russian Federation”;
badge "Honorary worker of primary
vocational education of the Russian
Badge "Honorary Worker of the Secondary
vocational education of the Russian
Badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher
vocational education of the Russian

badge "Honorary Worker of Science and

technicians of the Russian Federation”;
badge "For mercy and

badge "For the development of research work of students";

badge "Honorary worker of the sphere
Youth Policy of the Russian Federation"

38. Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation

medal "200 years of the Ministry of Defense";

medal "For military valor";

medal "Participant of the forced march on June 12, 1999
medal "For labor valor";
medal "For diligence in performing tasks
engineering support”;
medal "For demining";
medal "For military distinctions";
medal "Colonel-General Dutov";
medal "Major General Alexander Alexandrov";
medal "Admiral Kuznetsov";
medal "Admiral Gorshkov";
medal "Army General Khrulev";
medal "Army General Komarovsky";
medal "Army General Margelov";
medal "For excellent graduation from the military
educational institution of higher
Vocational Education Ministry
defense of the Russian Federation";
medal "For merits in nuclear support";
medal "For merits in perpetuating the memory of
dead defenders of the Fatherland”;
medal "For Service in the Air Force";
medal "For Service in the Marine Corps";
medal "For service in the submarine forces";
medal "For Service in the Space Forces";
commemorative medal "300 years of the Baltic Fleet";
memorial sign "50 years of the space age";
badge "Excellence in military construction";
badge "Excellent worker of the border service";

insignia "For distinction in the search movement";

badge of distinction "For merits in educational work";
commemorative sign of the Commander of Space

badge "For service in the field institutions of the Bank of Russia";

insignia "For service in the Strategic Missile Forces";

"Insignia of officers of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation";

insignia "Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation";

badge "For demining";

badge "Chief Marshal of Artillery Nedelin";

badge "For service in military intelligence"

39. Ministry of Press
and information of the Russian

badge "Honorary radio operator"

40. Ministry
natural resources
Russian Federation,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Badge "Honorary Scout of the Subsoil";
badge "Pioneer of the deposit";

badge "Honorary worker of security

badge "Honorary worker of the forest";
badge "Honorary worker of the water
badge "Veteran of water management";
badge "Excellent worker in subsoil exploration";
badge "Excellent worker of nature conservation";
badge "Excellent worker of water management";
badge "For merits in conservation work";
badge "X, XX, XXX, XL years
services in the state forest guard
Russian Federation";
badge of honor "For Distinction in Service";

medal "Mining and Geological Service of Russia";

Anniversary badge "300 years of the Mining and Geological Service of Russia"

41. Ministry
industry and
power industry of the Russian
Federation, Ministry
industry and trade of the Russian Federation,


industry, science
and technologies of the Russian

honorary title "Honorary Shipbuilder";
honorary title "Honorary miner";
honorary title "Honorary Machine Builder";
honorary title "Honorary Metallurgist";
honorary title "Honorary Chemist";
honorary title "Honorary Worker of the Textile and Light Industry";

honorary title "Honorary Oilman";

honorary title "Honorary Builder";
honorary title "Honorary worker of the coal
honorary title "Honorary forest worker
honorary title "Honorary miner";

honorary title "Honorary metrologist";
honorary title "Honorary Aircraft Builder";

honorary title "Honorary worker of trade";

badge "Medal named after the designer
small arms M.T.Kalashnikov”;
badge "For merits in the field
standardization and quality "named after V.V. Boytsov"

42. Ministry of Railways

(Ministry of Railways

USSR messages)

the title of "Best by profession in railway transport";

sign "Excellent traveler";

badge "Honorary railwayman";

badge "Honorary railway worker";

badge "Excellent worker of departmental security of the Ministry of Railways of Russia";
badge "For irreproachable work on the federal
railway transport";
commemorative badge "130 years of the Ministry of Railways";

"Commemorative medal named after A.A. Betancourt""

"Commemorative medal named after P.P. Melnikov"

43. Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

badge "Honorary architect of Russia";

badge "Honorary worker of housing and communal services of Russia";

Badge "Honorary Builder of Russia"

44. Ministry
Russian Federation
for civil
defense, emergency
situations and elimination
consequences of natural
disasters (EMERCOM of Russia)

insignia - cross "For Valor";
medal "For Distinction in Elimination of Consequences
medal "For courage in a fire";
medal "For demining";
medal "For Impeccable Service";
medal "For Commonwealth in the Name of Salvation";
Medal "For Distinction in military service»;
medal "For Distinction in Service";

medal "For diligence";

medal "200 years of professional fire fighting"
protection of Moscow";
commemorative medal "100th Anniversary of St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";
medal "For promotion of rescue work";

badge of distinction "For service in aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";

medal "For a special contribution to ensuring the fire safety of especially important state facilities";
badge "Honorary Badge of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";
badge "Participant in liquidation
consequences of an emergency”;
badge "For merit";

badge "For Distinction";

badge "Excellent worker of the civil
badge "The best worker of the fire department
badge "Excellent fireman";
badge "Veteran of Aviation EMERCOM of Russia";
badge "Excellent worker of aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";
badge "Excellent worker of GIMS EMERCOM of Russia";
medal "XV years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";

medal "XX years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";

commemorative medal "50th Anniversary of the Journal "Civil Protection";
commemorative medal "75 years of Civil Defense";
badge "The best inspector of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia"

45. Ministry of Communications
Russian Federation,
Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization, Ministry of Communications
the USSR

badge "Excellence in socialist competition of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR";
badge "Honorary radio operator";
the title of "Master of Communication";
sign of special communication "Veteran of service"

46. ​​Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

medal "For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia";

title "Honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia"

47. Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation

badge "Honorary worker of fish protection bodies";

badge "Honorary fish farmer"

48. Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

medal of Peter Lesgaft;

medal of Nikolai Ozerov;

badge "Excellent student physical education and sports";

badge "Honorary Worker of the Youth Policy of the Russian Federation";

badge "Honorary worker of the tourism industry"

49. Ministry
transport of the Russian

insignia "For labor and benefit";

medal "For merits in the development of transport

complex of Russia";

medal of Pavel Melnikov;

Badge "Honorary worker of transport
the title of "Honorary Surveyor";
badge "Honorary motor transporter";

badge "Excellence in air


badge "Excellent worker of the river fleet";

badge "Excellent student of geodesy and

municipal electric transport";
badge "Honorary road builder of Russia";
badge "Honorary railway worker";
badge "Honorary worker of the marine
badge "Honorary polar explorer";
badge "Honorary worker of industrial transport";
badge "Honorary worker of the river
badge "Honorary Worker of State Supervision
in transport";

commemorative medal "For the construction of the Amur highway";

breastplate "Honorary Worker of the Russian Transport Inspectorate";
badge of distinction "For accident-free flying hours";
badge of distinction "For accident-free work";
badge of distinction "For trouble-free work in maritime transport";
badge of distinction "For accident-free work on river transport";
anniversary badge "200 years of transport education in Russia";

jubilee badge "In memory of the 200th anniversary of the Department of Water and Land Communications";

jubilee medal "In memory of the 60th anniversary of the Ulaanbaatar railway";

memorial sign "85 years of civil aviation";

badge "Honorary worker of industrial transport";

badge "For service on the roads"

50. Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Badge "Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Labor

51. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

badge "Excellence in financial work";
Anniversary medal "200 years of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation"

52. Ministry
economy of the Russian

the title of "Honorary Chemist";
the title of "Honorary Engineer";
the title of "Honorary worker of the forest
the title of "Honorary Metallurgist";

badge "Designer of small arms M.T.Kalashnikov"

53. Ministry
economic development and trade of the Russian Federation

badge of distinction "Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation"

54. Ministry
power industry of the Russian

honorary title "Honorary worker
fuel and energy complex”;
honorary title "Honorary Worker of the Gas
honorary title "Honorary Oilman";
honorary title "Honorary petrochemist";
honorary title "Honorary Builder";
honorary title "Honorary worker of the coal
honorary title "Honorary miner";
honorary title "Honorary Power Engineer";
badge of distinction "Miner's Glory";
badge of distinction "Labor Glory";
honorary title "Honorary Miner"

55. Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation

"Honored Worker of the Ministry
Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation”;
"Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex";
"Honorary oilman";
"Honorary petrochemist";
"Honorary Worker of the Coal
"Honorary Miner";
"Honorary Power Engineer";
breastplate "Miner's Glory";
Badge "Labor Glory"

56. Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

medal of Anatoly Koni;
silver and bronze medal "For Valor";
gold and silver medal "For strengthening
penitentiary system”;
medal "For diligence";
medal "For Service";
medal "Veteran of the penitentiary
medal "In memory of the 125th anniversary
penitentiary system of Russia”;
medal "In memory of the 200th anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of Russia";
memorial sign "125 years of the penitentiary system of Russia";

badge "For service in the Caucasus";

badge "Honorary Worker of Justice

57. State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education

badge "Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education of Russia";

Badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher

professional education in Russia"

58. State
Committee of the Russian
Federation for the North

badge "For merits in the humane
activities to protect the indigenous peoples of the North”;
Badge "Honored Worker
State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Affairs of the North”;
badge "Honorary Badge of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the North"

59. State
Committee of the Russian
Federation by

badge "Honorary cinematographer

60. State
Committee of the Russian
Federation of Fisheries

badge "Honorary worker of the fish industry of Russia"

61. State
Committee of the Russian
Federation by
and metrology
(USSR State Committee for Standardization and Metrology)

badge "For merits in standardization"

62. State
Committee of the Russian
Federation for Statistics
(for employees of the system of bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service, who were on the staff of statistical bodies according to the entry in the work book)

badge "For active participation in

All-Russian population census of 2002"

63. State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Complex

insignia "Honorary worker of housing and communal services of Russia";

insignia "Honorary Builder of Russia"

64. State
courier service
Russian Federation

Badge of distinction "Honorary Officer of the Courier Service";

insignia - cross "For Merit";

insignia "XXX years in the courier service";

insignia "XXV years in the courier service";

medal "For fidelity to duty";

medal "For labor distinction";

medal "Lieutenant General of the Internal Service B.I. Krasnopevtsev";

medal "For diligence";

medal "Veteran of Courier Service";

medal "For Service";

medal "For Assistance";

badge "For Distinction"

65. Foreign Intelligence Service

medal "For Merit";

medal "Veteran of Service";

medal "For Distinction";

medal "For interaction";

honorary badge "For service in intelligence";

anniversary badge "75 years of INO-PGU-SVR";

anniversary badge "80 years of INO-PGU-SVR";

anniversary badge "85 years of INO-PGU-SVR";

badge "For scientific achievements"

66. Federal Antimonopoly Service

the title of "Honorary Worker of the Antimonopoly Bodies of Russia"

67. Federal Archival Service of Russia

Badge "Honorary Archivist"

68. Federal Migration Service

medal "For conscientious service";
medal "For Merit";
medal of the Federal Migration Service

"For service";

medal "For diligence";

medal "For Service";

badge "Honorary worker of the FMS of Russia"

69. Federal Tax Service

insignia "Honorary worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia";
badge "Excellent worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia"

70. Federal
registration service

medal "For Merit";
title "Honorary Worker of the Federal
registration service";
badge "For impeccable work"

71. Federal service
security of the Russian Federation

medal "For Merit in Counterintelligence";

medal "For merit in the fight against terrorism";

medal "For merits in ensuring economic security";

medal "For merit in intelligence";

medal "For Merit in Frontier Activities";

medal "For merits in ensuring information security";

medal "For Distinction in Counterintelligence";

medal "For distinction in the fight against terrorism";

medal "For Distinction in Ensuring Economic Security";

medal "For Distinction in Intelligence";

medal "For Distinction in Border Activities";

medal "For Distinction in Ensuring Information Security";

medal "For Distinction in Military Service";

medal "For Combat Commonwealth";

medal "For participation in the counter-terrorist operation";

medal "For distinction in a special operation";

medal "For Distinction in Labor";

insignia "For bravery"

72. Federal Air Transport Service of Russia

badge "Excellent worker of air transport";

badge "For accident-free flying hours"

73. Federal service

(for employees of the system of bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service, who were on the staff of statistical bodies according to the entry in the work book)

badge "Excellent worker of statistics";
medal "For merits in holding the All-Russian
agricultural census 2006”;

badge "For active participation in the

All-Russian Agricultural Census

medal "For merits in holding the All-Russian

2010 census"

74. Federal service
railway troops
Russian Federation

badge "Veteran of the Railway Troops";
badge "Excellent worker of Railway
badge "The best specialist in
badge "The best specialist
Railway Troops";
badge "For Distinction in Service";
Badge "For Impeccable Service"

75. Federal Service for the Execution of Punishment

the title of "Honorary worker of the penitentiary system";

Fyodor Gaaz medal;

medal of Mikhail Galkin-Vrasky;
medal "For valor in service";
gold and silver medal "For the contribution
in the development of the penitentiary system
medal "For diligence in service";
medal "Veteran of the penitentiary system of Russia";
medal "For Distinction in Service";
badge of honor "For Distinction in Service";

memorial sign "125 years of the penitentiary system of Russia";

badge "The best officer of the operational service";

badge "The best security officer";

badge "The best employee of the special purpose department";

badge "The best worker of the service of social and educational work with convicts";

badge "The best employee of the personnel service and work with personnel";

badge "The best worker of the capital construction service";

badge "The best worker of the logistics service";

badge "The best worker of the penitentiary inspection";

badge "The best security officer";

badge "The best employee of the escort service";

badge "The best employee of the financial and economic service"

76. Federal service
counterintelligence of the Russian Federation

badge "Honorary employee
badge "For service in counterintelligence"

77. Federal Forestry Service

badge "For saving and increasing the forest resources of the Russian Federation";

badge "X years of service in the state forest guard of the Russian Federation";

badge "XX years of service in the state forest guard of the Russian Federation";

badge "XXX years of service in the state forest guard of the Russian Federation";

badge "XL years of service in the State Forest Guard of the Russian Federation"

78. Federal service
tax police
Russian Federation

Badge "Honorary Tax Police Officer";
badge "For service in the tax police"

79. Federal service
protection of the Russian

medal "For Distinction in Military Service";
Badge "Honorary Officer of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation"

80. Federal service
in hydrometeorology and
environmental monitoring

badge "Honorary worker
hydrometeorological services of Russia"

81. Federal service of the Russian Federation for drug control

the title of "Honorary Officer of Drug Control Bodies";

medal "For distinction in service in drug control bodies";

medal "For assistance to drug control authorities";

commemorative badge "For Merit"

82. Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation

memorial sign of the director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation;

insignia "For merits in the field of military-technical cooperation";

medal "For Distinction"

83. Federal Service for Technical and Export Control

medal "For strengthening the state system of information protection";

badge of distinction "For strengthening the export control system";

the title of "Honorary Officer of the FSTEC of Russia";

badge of distinction "For merits in the protection of information"

84. Federal Financial Monitoring Service

medal "For Merit to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service";

Badge "Honorary Officer of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service"

85. Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

medal to them. Jacob Bruce;

medal to them. Melnikova L.G.;

medal to them. Academician Aleksandrov A.P.;

medal "290 years";

Badge "Honorary Inspector";

Badge "Honorary Worker"

86. Federal service

medal "For Service";
medal "Veteran of the Federal Judicial Service
medal "For Merit";
medal "For contribution to the development of the Federal Bailiff Service";

medal "For fidelity to duty";

medal "For Valor";

badge "Best bailiff";

badge "The best bailiff in ensuring the established procedure for the activities of courts";

Badge "Best Investigator";

Badge "Honored Worker of the Federal Bailiff Service"

87. Federal
border guard
Russian Federation

medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth";
medal "For Distinction in Military Service";
Medal "Federal Border Service"
Russian Federation";
badge of distinction "For merit in the border service";
insignia "For service in the Caucasus";
insignia "For service in Tajikistan";
insignia "For service in the Arctic";
insignia "For Service in the Far East";
badge "Honored border guard
Russian Federation";
badge "Excellent worker of the border service"

88. Federal
customs Service
(formerly State
customs committee
Russian Federation)

badge "Honorary customs officer of Russia";
badge "Excellent worker of the customs service";
medal "For service in the customs authorities";
medal "For Valor";
medal "For diligence";
medal "For strengthening the customs community";
badge "Veteran of the customs service";

badge "For the development of the customs service of Russia";

anniversary badge “10 years of the State Customs Committee of Russia;

badge "For merits in the development of sports";

badge "Champion"

89. Russian Road Agency

badge "Honorary road builder of Russia"

90 Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography

badge "Excellence in geodesy and

title "Honorary Surveyor"

91. Federal Forestry Agency

badge of distinction "For the conservation and enhancement of the forest wealth of Russia";

insignia "For Distinction in Service";

badge of honor "Honorary worker of forestry"

92. Federal Agency for atomic energy(previously - Ministry
Russian Federation
for atomic energy)

badge of distinction in labor "Veteran of nuclear energy and industry";

badge "Academician I.V. Kurchatov";

badge "E.P. Slavsky"

93. Federal Agency for State Reserves

badge "Honorary worker of the state
reserve of Russia"

94. Federal Agency for Fisheries

medal "For merits in the development of the fish industry of Russia";

the title of "Honorary worker of the fish industry of Russia";

medal "Veteran of the fish industry of Russia";

the title of "Honorary Worker of the Fisheries of Russia";

title "Honorary fish farmer of Russia"

95. Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports

badge of honor "For merits in the development of physical culture and sports";
"Medal of Peter Lesgaft";
"Medal of Nikolai Ozerov";
badge "Excellent worker of physical culture and sports"

96. Federal agency
Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation

medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth";
medal "For Distinction in Military Service";
badge "Honorary Officer of the Federal Bodies of Government Communications and Information";
badge "For honor and dignity in the service of the Fatherland"

97. Federal Agency for Special
construction of the Russian Federation,
federal Service
special construction of the Russian Federation (Spetsstroy of Russia)

insignia "Veteran of Spetsstroy of Russia";
badge "Excellent"

98. Federal
space agency
(formerly Russian

Tsiolkovsky sign;
Queen sign;
Gagarin's sign;
badge "For providing space launches";
badge "For the promotion of space activities";

badge "For international cooperation in the field of astronautics";

title "Honorary Aircraft Builder"

99. Federal Biomedical Agency

badge "Golden Cross of the FMBA of Russia";

medal "For assistance to the donor movement";

badge "A.I. Burnazyan";

Badge "Best Physician of the Year of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency"

100. Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia

Badge "The Best State Inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia"

101. Federal oversight
for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

badge "For length of service";
badge "Honorary worker
Gosatomnadzor of Russia"

102. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

breastplate "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation";

nominal weapon;

badge "For irreproachable service in the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation";

insignia "For fidelity to the law";

medal "For interaction";

Medal "Veteran of the Prosecutor's Office"

103. Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

medal "For fidelity to duty";

medal "Valour and Courage";

medal "For Merit";

medal "For Distinction";

insignia "For participation in countering aggression in South Ossetia";

medal "For Impeccable Service";

medal "For Assistance";

medal "Veteran of the investigating authorities";

badge of distinction "For diligence in service";

breastplate "Honorary Worker of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation";

nominal firearms and edged weapons

104. Judicial system
Russian Federation,
Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

medal "For services to the judiciary"
Russian Federation";

honorary title "Honorary worker of the judiciary"

105. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

badge of honor of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

badge of distinction "For merits in the field of healthcare";

badge of distinction "For conscientious work"

106. Pension fund of the Russian Federation

badge "Honorary worker pension fund Russian Federation";

badge "Excellent worker of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation"

107. Russian
republican council
for tourism and excursions

badge "For merits in the development of tourism
and excursions in the RSFSR"

108. Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

badge "For active work in trade unions";

badge "For services to the trade union movement of Russia";

badge "For the Commonwealth";

medal "100 years of Russian trade unions"

109. Central Bank of the Russian Federation

badge of honor "For impeccable service in the Bank of Russia";

honorary title "Excellent worker of the Bank of Russia"

110. Centrosoyuz of Russia

badge "For conscientious work in the consumer cooperation of Russia"

111. Other departmental

badge "Winner of the socialist competition ... of the year"; badge "Drummer ... five-year plan"; certificates of honor, gratitude, diplomas


1. The decision to reward a person with labor merits must be made by the heads (their deputies) of the ministries and departments of the USSR, the RSFSR, and the state authorities of the Russian Federation.

If, in accordance with the Regulations on the badge, the badge is awarded on the basis of an order of a structural unit of the federal ministry and there is a reference that the award is made on behalf of this federal ministry, the indicated badge is also taken into account when conferring the title "Veteran of Labour".

2. Awards, including a Certificate of Honor, from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Central Union of Russia are the basis for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" only in relation to full-time employees of these systems, according to the entry in the work book.

3. The sign "Winner of the socialist competition ... of the year", issued before 04/08/1977, the sign "Drummer ... five-year plan" is accepted as a basis for recognizing citizens as labor veterans, provided that they were awarded on behalf of the ministry of the corresponding industry of the USSR or RSFSR.

The badge "Winner of the socialist competition ... of the year", issued after 04/08/1977 (by the decision of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 04/08/1977, the right to award the badge "Winner of the socialist competition ... of the year" on behalf of the ministry (department) and the Central Committee of the trade union was granted to produce jointly by the decision of the administration and the trade union committee of the enterprise, association, institution, both based on the results for the year and during the year for the early fulfillment of the annual task and the fulfillment of socialist obligations) is accepted as the basis for recognizing citizens as labor veterans, regardless of who awarded this badge .

4. Certificates of honor from the ministries and departments of the USSR, the RSFSR, state authorities of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Central Union of Russia are accepted as a basis for recognizing citizens as labor veterans only if they there is a seal and signature of the head (his deputy) of this body.

5. Acknowledgments and diplomas are accepted as a basis for recognizing citizens as veterans of labor only in cases where they are classified as departmental insignia in labor by order of the relevant federal body, are issued on a separate sheet, on which there is a seal and signature of the head (his deputy) of this body.

6. In addition to the departmental signs listed in this List, departmental signs also include other departmental signs established (established) by the ministries and departments of the USSR, the RSFSR, and state authorities of the Russian Federation.

With the advent of a new leadership in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, cardinal changes began, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense was recently published, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters, giving the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labor". The document was signed on 04.10.2018 by the Minister, Lieutenant-General E.N. Zinichev.

For reference:

veteran of labour- an honorary title in the Russian Federation, marking people for conscientious long-term work, was established for the first time in the Russian Federation after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans".

It states the following:

In order to implement Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995, I order:

The breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" is a departmental insignia and the highest breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

It is a laurel-oak wreath of silver color. The base of the branches is wrapped around a ribbon with the inscription "HONORED EMPLOYEE OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA", the letters of the inscription are made in burgundy enamel. A double-headed golden eagle is superimposed on the wreath. On the chest of the eagle is a figured shield with an orange field. In the field of the shield is a vertically elongated star white color with eight rays. In the center of the star in an orange circle is an equilateral triangle of blue color with a base at the bottom.

All images on the front side are embossed.

The size of the badge is 46 x 33 mm.

On the reverse side of the badge assembly there is a threaded pin with a nut for attaching to clothing. The serial number of the badge is engraved below.


When this departmental insignia is awarded, the personnel of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, whose maintenance is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, are paid a one-time incentive in the following amount: 15,000 rubles, according to.

The badge "Veteran of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" is a departmental insignia. The description, drawing and form of the certificate for the badge are described below.

The badge is a figured shield of white color, bordered by a strip of golden color, with silver-colored scarves. On the shield is superimposed the middle emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which is an image of a double-headed golden eagle with lowered wings, topped with a crown, holding a scepter in its right paw, and a power in its left. On the chest of the eagle is a vertically elongated white star with eight rays, in the center of which in an orange circle is an equilateral blue triangle with a base at the bottom.

The shield is framed along the contour with a red ribbon, bordered by a golden stripe. On the tape along the contour of the shield in one row there is an inscription in golden letters "VETERAN OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA".

In the lower part of the badge, a figured shield is superimposed on the shield and ribbon of blue color bordered with a stripe of golden color. On the shield there is an inscription of golden color in three rows “FOR SPECIAL MERITS”, under the inscription there are two crossed olive branches.

A figured shield, a double-headed eagle, a star with eight rays and a ribbon are located in different planes.

All images and inscriptions on the breastplate are embossed.

Breastplate dimensions: height - 40 mm, width - 31 mm.

On the reverse side of the badge assembly there is a threaded pin with a nut for attaching the badge to clothing.

The medal "For Impeccable Service" is awarded to personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia with at least 15 years of experience (service) in the system of the EMERCOM of Russia (including services, bodies, institutions and organizations transferred to the jurisdiction of the EMERCOM of Russia) who were previously awarded departmental insignia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (with the exception of the medals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Military Service", "For Distinction in Service"), for the impeccable performance of their professional duty, a significant contribution to the development and improvement of the system of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The medal "For Impeccable Service" is a gold-colored circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal there is a large emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. On the upper edge of the circle is the inscription "FOR IMPROPER SERVICE".

On the reverse side, in two rows, there is the inscription "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA", under the inscription - the image of crossed laurel branches.

All images and inscriptions are made in relief.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire ribbon. The shoe tape is blue with orange stripes along the edges. Tape width 24 mm. The width of the strips is 3 mm. A block with a medal is attached to clothing with a pin.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is awarded to military personnel (including military personnel of the federal fire fighting service) who are serving in the Russian Emergencies Ministry (hereinafter referred to as military personnel) for conscientious service and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" consists of three degrees:

  • I degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 20 years;
  • II degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 15 years;
  • III degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 10 years.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is I degree.

Military personnel who are positively characterized in service and who do not have disciplinary sanctions are presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Military Service".

Military personnel previously awarded the medal "For Impeccable Service" of the corresponding degrees are not presented for awarding the medal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry "For Distinction in Military Service" of the same degrees.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides of silver (I degree), golden color (II degree), bronze color (III degree).

On the front side of the medal there is a relief image of a shield against the background of crossed swords, wings and an anchor. In the center of the shield is placed a Roman numeral indicating the degree of the medal - I, II, III. Along the lower edge of the medal is the inscription "FOR DIFFERENCE IN MILITARY SERVICE".

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA". Beneath the inscription are crossed laurel branches. All images and inscriptions are made in relief.

The medal, with the help of an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a red silk moiré ribbon with yellow stripes along the edges. In the middle of the ribbon there are green stripes: for the 1st degree medal - one stripe, for the 2nd degree - two stripes, for the 3rd degree - three stripes. Tape width 24 mm, strip width 2 mm. A block with a medal is attached to clothing with a pin.

The medal "For Distinction in Service" is awarded to employees of the federal fire service for conscientious service and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms, and in some cases to other citizens.

The medal "For Distinction in Service" consists of three degrees:

  • I degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 20 years;
  • II degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 15 years;
  • III degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 10 years.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Service" is I degree.

To be awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service" are:

  • employees who are positively characterized by service and do not have disciplinary sanctions;
  • citizens dismissed from January 1, 2002 to April 6, 2005 from the positions of ordinary and commanding staff of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, who were not timely awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in service", if at the time of dismissal the corresponding length of service in calendar terms.

Employees and former employees, who were previously awarded medals for long service by other bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, are not presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service" of the same degrees.

Employees and former employees who previously served in public service in other government bodies of the Russian Federation and were not awarded the corresponding medal for long service are presented for awarding the medal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry "For Distinction in Service" of the next degree if they have the appropriate calendar length of service. In case of not being awarded the appropriate medal for long service with a length of service of 20 or more calendar years, employees (former employees) are presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For Distinction in Service”, I degree.

You should know: Benefits of the Veteran of Labor will be valid only upon reaching the Old Age Pension.

If a person has worked for the good of his homeland for many years, he should be rewarded. Man or woman retirement age the honorary title "Veteran of Labour" is awarded, a diploma, a medal and a cash payment are issued, benefits are provided. Learn the procedure and conditions for awarding the title of labor veteran.

Who is eligible for Veteran of Labor

The procedure was established back in the mid-90s federal law About Veterans. According to him, a pensioner can obtain such a status under a combination of certain conditions. Who is awarded the title of veteran of labor:

  • a pensioner with state awards;
  • a person holding honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • a pensioner who has awards with departmental insignia in labor;
  • a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

On December 19, 2005, amendments to the Law are in force, according to which the conditions for obtaining a labor veteran are determined by the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. The authorities of Moscow, for example, do not correct the above list, the authorities of other regions make amendments. One of the common adjustments is the length of service in the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation or the presence of awards of local significance.

Benefits for Federal Labor Veterans

Citizens who have been awarded this title by the Ministry have the following privileges:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • leave at a time suitable for the beneficiary;
  • 50% compensation for payment for housing and communal services;
  • covering the costs of gas pipelines;
  • free service in medical institutions;
  • retirees can get paid for denture services at public dental institutions.

The state also took care of providing tax benefits by doing the following for labor veterans:

  • exemption from payment of 100% property tax;
  • the right to transfer the personal income tax deduction to other periods;
  • no personal income tax.

Regional Veterans Benefits

Each territorial subject of Russia offers its own list of benefits for labor merits. In the instance of social support of citizens, you can re-read the current list of privileges. Its diversity and quality depends on the size of the regional budget and the nature of social protection programs for the population. How to get a labor veteran in Moscow, and what are the benefits? The holder of the title will be entitled to (other than federal incentives):

  • free travel on suburban railway transport;
  • monthly cash surcharge from the local budget, which is indexed every year;
  • minus 50% to pay for a landline phone or radio station;
  • the opportunity to visit the sanatorium once a year in the presence of malfunctions in the body.

How to apply for Veteran of Labor

The candidate must go to the social protection authority at the place of registration with a specific list of documents. After the reception, the registration of the status begins - a personal file is formed, the papers are sent to a special commission to the Ministry of the Region for consideration. The processing time for the appeal is 14-15 days (depending on the region), then the social security staff will make an appointment for you and notify you of the result.

The procedure and conditions for awarding the title

Based on the documents that you provide to the social security authorities, the ministerial commission makes a decision on awarding the title. With a positive result, employees within 3 days (working) draw up a protocol on the satisfaction of the applicant's appeal. This paper will become the basis for assigning the specified status. How to get the title of Veteran of Labor and a certificate confirming it? After the officials sign the protocol, the candidate must come to the social security agency, and they will give him a crust against signature.

If the decision of the commission is not in favor of the applicant, a written notification is sent to him. The paper substantiates the reasons for the refusal, the procedure for appealing them. The withdrawal period is up to 5 business days. You can defend your veteran rights in court, referring to the regulatory framework. If you have labor achievements and documentary evidence of your activities, you should not refuse the possibility of a good reward.

Experience for obtaining a Veteran of Labor

To obtain such a status, one must not only have certificates and rewards, but also work for a certain number of years. It is important to:

  • insurance experience was at least 5 years;
  • had a work experience of at least 25 years (for a man) or 20 years (for a woman) in the presence of awards and honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • a person has worked for at least 40 years (requirement for men) or 35 years (for women), if the beginning of his work took place under the age of 18 at the time of the Great Patriotic War.

What certificates are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor

The basis for awarding a pensioner are certificates issued by the following bodies:

  • Ministry of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal archival service;
  • tax service of the Russian Federation;
  • other federal authorities;
  • scientific institutions that are equated to departmental ones (if a person worked in this organization at the time of assignment);
  • The awards of JSC "Russian railways”, but the diplomas of the railway department of the USSR give a chance for a positive result.

Rewards for obtaining the title of Veteran of Labor

The status can be assigned in the presence of medals and orders issued by such bodies:

  • the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • head of a department or head of a ministry;
  • the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
  • the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • The medal "Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation" gives the right to take advantage of benefits.

However, not all awards qualify for this status. According to the Law, medals or diplomas for participation in an exhibition of the national economy are not valid, sports competitions, academic title or degree. The awards of the Presidium of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR also do not give grounds for obtaining an honorary status either in Moscow or in other settlements Russia.

How to get a Veteran's Certificate without awards

The status can only be obtained by those pensioners who began their work activities during the Second World War (1939-1945) before the age of majority. If a man has worked for 40 years and a woman for 35 years, they are entitled to receive benefits. To do this, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence that labor activity was not carried out in the occupied territories of the USSR. In other cases, to get the status, you need certificates, medals and other awards.

What documents are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor

If you have a chance of being awarded an honorary status, you must collect a package of necessary documents. How to get a labor veteran, and what papers will be required:

  1. Statement. A sample can be found in the appendix to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for awarding the corresponding title.
  2. Copies of all pages of the passport.
  3. Copy work book(if you continue to work, then the copy is certified by the seal and signature of the head of the organization).
  4. Help from the place of work.
  5. Pension certificate (original and copy).
  6. Copy and original of diplomas, documents confirming the honorary title.
  7. Certificate from the Pension Fund on the length of service.
  8. Extract from the archive confirming labor activity during the Second World War.
  9. Two 3x4 photos.

Video: how to become a Labor Veteran