
Everything for a pensioner magazine. What benefits are provided to pensioners in Russia. Do all retirees need a business


Since pensioners are one of the most vulnerable social strata of the population, the state is making every effort to create comfortable conditions for their existence in modern society. Much attention in the work in this area is given to various benefits intended for use exclusively by pensioners. Undoubtedly, the main right of pensioners is to receive a pension. Read more about the procedure and conditions for assigning pensions in our section.

Privileges and benefits for working pensioners

A separate item of all available benefits for people of retirement age marks the category that continues to work actively, due to which it receives certain benefits, which are that:

  1. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any employer, upon receiving an application from a working pensioner with a request to grant him leave at his own expense, is obliged to satisfy it. There are small time limits here, which directly depend on the category to which the person belongs. Namely, if he is a participant in the Second World War, he can take a vacation at his own expense for 35 days, but if a person retired upon reaching the legal age, then given term is 14 days, but if he is disabled, then leave without saving wages can be up to 60 days. granted by law calendar days can be used both one-time and in parts, depending on the needs, divided into 1 year.
  2. If a person, upon reaching retirement age, continues to work and there is a need or desire to improve their professional qualifications, then in this case they can use the free service to improve their qualifications in the employment service of their city. In addition, on the same grounds, you can get another profession.

Tax deductions for retirees when buying real estate

Secondly, the benefits associated with real estate include the transfer of balances of property deductions for personal income tax to previous tax periods.

The essence of this benefit is that if a pensioner legally owns a built or acquired residential building, room, apartment or is a shared owner of an apartment, as well as a land plot on which a house has already been built, or it is provided for these purposes. Then he may demand the payment of a property deduction for expenses related to the construction of real estate, as well as the payment of interest accrued on certain loans taken for the relevant purposes, for 3 tax periods that go before the period in which a directly transferable balance from property is formed deductions.

Benefits for pensioners on payment of housing and communal services

Another category of benefits related to real estate, namely, premises intended for permanent residence in them, can be called the benefit of obtaining gas and heat at the expense of the state. In accordance with certain social programs for the financial support of each region separately, they contain an article on the provision of a one-time financial assistance pensioners in terms of reimbursement of money spent on gasification of their homes.

In order to receive such a payment, certain conditions must be met, which include:

  1. This house or apartment must be the only place of residence of a particular pensioner.
  2. The pensioner must not work and must receive either an old-age pension or a disability pension.

To receive this material assistance, you must contact the executive authority of the region. This may be a regional ministry or department, as well as a committee social protection of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the implementation of this law. It is also worth noting that such assistance can only be obtained in the region of the Russian Federation in which a social program for general gasification in the countryside is in operation. The amount of the payment that is returned to the pensioner almost never covers 100% of the expenses and is calculated by each region independently. At best, it is 50%.

Other types of benefits for pensioners

In addition to everything described above, for pensioners in some regions there is a preferential system of paying for public transport, utilities, the purchase of any medicines, etc., which is based on local and regional regulations.

Also, the law for all regions provides for a program of so-called targeted assistance, which is focused not on people who find themselves in difficult life situation, including pensioners. In accordance with the law, it can be expressed as in certain sums of money, for example, in the provision of food, clothing, footwear, personal hygiene and sanitation, and other essential items. In addition to basic necessities, in certain cases this may be fuel or the provision of a specialized vehicle or technical means for the rehabilitation of a person who needs constant care.

The responsibility for providing assistance of this kind lies with the regions separately. In order to get it, you need to be really in emergency circumstances, the list of which is regulated not only by general provisions for all regions, but there are also local regional lists. They also stipulate such points as documents confirming the right of a pensioner or another person to receive such benefits, their amounts, types, and much more.

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Retirement can be perceived in many ways: as a tragedy (you were deprived of your favorite job), as an opportunity to finally relax and devote more time to yourself and your family, or as a chance to learn a new business for yourself, for example, entrepreneurship.

Business for pensioners- a great chance to get an addition to a pension, which in our country is often meager, and in general - to find a second youth, doing an interesting and profitable business.

Do all retirees need a business?

No one encourages all retirees without exception to start doing business as soon as you quit your previous job.

You can safely enjoy your vacation if you:

  • you do not need financially (children help, you managed to earn a decent pension from the state or took care of savings);
  • have health problems - then it is better to focus on something more important;
  • in demand even without a business, for example, you have a hobby or raise grandchildren.

If you are full of strength and desire to work further, besides, you are in financial need, but are forced to leave your main place of work due to age, then you should look for business options for pensioners.

Being constantly busy and in demand is simply necessary - this prolongs youth and allows you not to focus on age or minor health problems.

Why do pensioners simply need to do business?

Some older people, when they retire, fall victim to the stereotype: my time has passed, I have worked out, I need to give way to the young.

Young and themselves will easily find their place under the sun.

After all, it's not about age, but about the desire and personal qualities of a person who decides to do business.

You can easily give odds to young competitors, because you have many advantages over them:

  1. Nothing distracts you from business anymore: you don’t have small children who are sick, a second job that takes a lot of time and effort, etc.
  2. You have plenty of time to do business.
  3. Pensioners have experience (including life experience) accumulated over the years, while young people in no way can boast of this.
  4. Retired people need less time to sleep, many generally suffer from insomnia, which means that you can devote all your free time to business.
  5. You have many friends and acquaintances who can help you in the early stages of launching a startup.

What should a retiree look for when choosing a business?

If you want to have what you never had, you will have to do what you have never done.
Coco Chanel

In fact, the most difficult thing for you is not to collect the amount of capital investment (there are startups that require minimal investment), but to decide what kind of business a pensioner should do.

You should choose a project that is right for you, will not be too difficult to manage and will become self-sustaining in the first year.

To choose the right business for a pensioner, you need to consider many factors:

  1. How much money do you have to start a startup.
    If, for example, you decide to open a store, then you will need an impressive amount, and an online business does not require any investment or is content with minimal investment.
  2. What knowledge and skills do you have.
    Confident computer users of retirement age can start a business on the Internet.
    Those who don't know how to work on a computer should look for a more traditional startup.
  3. How much time are you willing to devote to business: you will be satisfied with full or part-time employment.
  4. What resources do you have: land, personal transport, free real estate, a computer connected to the Internet, something else.
  5. The state of your health.
    Can you, for example, farm, clothing business Or else I'll have to look for something lighter.
  6. Free niches in your city, especially if you decide to engage in a traditional business: sales, catering, manufacturing, etc.
  7. Profitability of the business you are interested in.
    No matter how young and strong you feel, consider your real age.
    A good business for retirees is one that pays off within a year maximum.

Traditional business for retirees

If we talk about the traditional perception of the word "business" itself, then many understand it as a synonym for the word "sales".

And this makes sense, because, for example, opening your own grocery or clothing store is simple and profitable. business for retirees, however, with the condition that you think through all the nuances.

It is profitable to open a store or a stall for residents of small towns or villages of retirement age, if in your locality there is a lack of places where people can shop.

Moreover, you can open such a store in your own home, if the area allows and your housing is located in a place with high traffic, or by buying a metal container.

To become the owner of such a modest business, you do not need large financial investments.

Opening a catering establishment can also be attributed to traditional startups.

A large restaurant in a large city is not a business for all retirees, because it will take a lot of money to open it.

But if you live in a small town and you know that its inhabitants do not have enough catering establishments, then why not use your chance to start a business.

See for yourself what is better to open: a bar, a small home-cooked restaurant, a roadside cafe, or something else.

Home based business for retirees

There are types of businesses that you can do right from the comfort of your home and without investing a lot of money in opening them.

These start-ups for retirees include:

  1. Internet work.
    We will talk about this type of business a little later.
  2. Tutoring.
    If you for a long time worked as a teacher, you know perfectly foreign language or if you have another useful skill, such as sewing, then you can organize lessons right at home.
  3. Creating something for sale with your own hands: knitted or embroidered things, postcards self made, bouquets of sweets, jewelry, souvenirs and other things.
    You do not have to sell all this on your own - you can conclude an agreement with the distributor.
  4. Growing indoor plants.
    You can focus on one thing (cacti, orchids) or try various options.
    By the way, you can also breed for sale aquarium fish or small rodents.
  5. Mini kindergarten.
    You can look after the kids of neighbors who do not want and cannot send their babies to Kindergarten while their parents are at work.
  6. Repair (household appliances, watches, shoes, clothes) is relevant for jacks of all trades.
  7. Treatment.
    If you are a nurse or a doctor by education, you can give injections at home, put droppers, massage, consult.
    The main thing is to remember the basic rule of the physician: do no harm.

When choosing a business for retirees at home, use your knowledge, skills and abilities.

You can very well continue to do what you did before retirement, just work not for someone else, but for yourself, devoting as much time to the business as you want.

Business for pensioners on the Internet

Smart people use the Internet not only as a tool for communication or entertainment, but also for making money.

If you, being a retired person, are a confident PC user and have a computer connected to the Internet, then you can run a business right from your home that does not require investments and does not take too much time.

This business is:

  1. Copywriting.
    Relevant for pensioners who know how to write competently and interestingly.
    The creation of various texts for websites has become a real salvation for people of retirement age and a decent addition to their pensions.
  2. Creating your own website.
    In this case, you must, of course, have certain knowledge and skills, as well as have the necessary amount to create a site.
  3. Writing to order control, term papers, essays and other things.
    Relevant for teachers and retired teachers.
    By the way, in the same way you can edit manuscripts or proofread printed texts.
  4. Earnings on clicks, reading letters, clicking on links and more.
    You can search for such earnings on the sites,, Profitcentr and others.
  5. Sports betting.
    Retirees have enough time to follow the news in the world of sports, watch matches and other sport competitions, so they can bet on the Internet or in real ones.

How to make money for pensioners through the Internet,

see in the video:

Business for pensioners with no health problems

If you retire young enough, still full of strength and health, then you may well take up an entrepreneurial business that requires a lot of physical exertion.

A business for pensioners living in a village or in a city in a private house with a personal plot can be as follows:

  1. Growing seedlings, flowers, fruit bushes and trees for sale.
  2. Growing agricultural products for sale.
    If this case gets in your way, then you can think about opening your own agricultural company in order to be able to conclude contracts with supermarkets for the supply of vegetables and fruits.
  3. Dairy business.
    Get one or two cows or several goats to sell dairy products in a market close to you.
  4. egg business.
    Homemade eggs are healthier than factory-made eggs and are more valued by buyers.
    By the way, you can sell not only chicken eggs, but also, for example, quail eggs.
  5. Livestock business.
    You can grow poultry, rabbits, sheep, piglets and other animals for sale.

Another profitable business for retirees that you can do right at home is cakes and other desserts for the holidays to order.

You can also prepare snacks for receptions, corporate parties and other festive events, or hot dinners for traders in the market and office workers.

If the territory of your private house allows, then you can install a smokehouse and sell your own smoked fish, lard, chicken, ham.

It is clear that all the proposed options require good health and physical strength, therefore, if you cannot boast of either one or the other, then it is better to look for an easier business that does not require such serious loads, since there is plenty to choose from.

If you didn’t like any of the proposed options, or due to objective reasons (poor health, lack of special knowledge and skills, problems with resources, lack of time, etc.) you cannot implement any of the startups, then it’s not necessary to look for business for retirees.

You can get an increase in your pension in any usual way, for example, by getting a job as a caretaker in a museum, a watchman or a night watchman.

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What if the pension cannot provide for all our desires and needs? How to prepare the ground to guarantee a carefree old age?

This article will tell you what it can be like working at home for retirees and help you find the answers to these questions! Here you will find the latest and safe ways earnings, thanks to which you can feel self-confident, independent and happy person.

In addition, by working from home, you will plan your own employment, and you will have time for visits to your beloved grandchildren, needlework, hobbies and household chores. And this is important for someone who is accustomed to devote himself completely labor activity and work. So, what can a woman do in retirement: TOP of the most relevant vacancies.

Retirement is a great opportunity to realize your ideas!

In the life of almost every modern person, the economic component plays a rather significant role. Especially for those who plan to retire or are already "there". And this is not surprising, because if you are an ordinary, average resident of the country, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the size of your pension payments. Moreover, each of us has a desire to live well, and not just to survive.

In this regard, the question of what to do in retirement is relevant in order to be able to dress well, pamper yourself and your family with tasty treats, maintain your health, travel, give worthy gifts to children and grandchildren, and also keep yourself in shape (acquire cosmetics, visit beauty salons, go for massages, etc.).

Believe me, no matter how old a woman is, she can even find an occupation to her liking in retirement, which at the same time will bring a good income. Here you don’t even know what is more important - a sense of satisfaction from your own employment and demand, or additional earnings and an increase in pension?

But for people doing what they love, another moment will be more burning. How to monetize your hobby to make money on it? By the way, not only pensioners can strive for this, but also many other people who want to stay “afloat” in our economically unstable time.

Many retired women want more than to sit on the watch in the entrance or get a part-time job as a cloakroom attendant. Especially if they have been engaged in responsible work in a prestigious position all their lives.

When you have certain skills and knowledge, and many years of experience behind you, when you retire, willy-nilly, you begin to think about where all this can be applied with profit and benefit. Therefore, retirement can be considered an excellent occasion to start doing what you love and realize your dreams.

"Such" are not taken as astronauts? Let it go!

Retirement is a unique period of life when you can finally do something, not because you have to, but simply because you want to. An excellent bonus to this will be the opportunity to receive additional income. Having a hobby, you can turn your favorite business into a business for retirees. Experience shows that older people can be just as successful as their younger counterparts.

And do not be afraid that work for pensioners will not bring the expected results. After a preliminary study of “supply and demand”, all you need is the desire to start something from scratch. Those who are interested in how to make money in retirement should motivate themselves properly and learn to look at different things outside the box. These are perhaps the most important, key components of success.

When looking for a suitable vacancy or idea for starting your own business, you need to rationally evaluate all the pros and cons. So, for women who decide to start a business from scratch in retirement, it is important to understand that it may not require financial investments and registration, but at the same time be economically profitable.

When looking for a suitable source of income for retirement, do not limit your flight of fancy. Yes, without start-up capital, the list of options will be sparse. But even so, you will be able to choose the optimal field of activity where you can do what you love and get a good increase in your pension every month.

So, what should a retiree do on a well-deserved vacation? If you take an interest in the secrets of the success of rich people, you can see that many of them started with absolutely nothing to their hearts. And therefore, in any scenario, your prospects are not at all ghostly.

There are several conditions that will help pensioners who want to become financially independent to "unwind":

  • The main thing is not the lack of money, the main thing is the presence creative idea. If your project/experience/skills are unique and original, and at the same time the demand for them is very high, this will already be 50% successful.
  • The market (sales) of your idea should be wide, but not oversaturated. In this case, work for retirees on the Internet is great, where you can find a huge audience of potential consumers.
  • The goal must be clear. Having correctly motivated themselves, having a great desire to be successful, pensioners easily achieved their goal - of course, if it was clear. Fortunately, at present there are many sources that are ready to provide free information about training and planning, as well as promoting ideas.

Let's take a closer look at what could be home work for pensioners.

Real ideas for extra income

Home-based part-time work for retired ladies is the most real, safe and comfortable source of additional income. Here, the success of the enterprise will depend directly on what you know how and what you want to achieve by doing a specific business in retirement.

It will be nice if you can match the type of your activity with the needs of your peers, pensioners. If such an audience is likely to be targeted, then engage in training or providing the following services to women aged 55+:

  • Production of traditional or exotic culinary masterpieces (on request).
  • Help in preparing for winter: canning and seaming.
  • Baking cakes and other sweets to order is an ideal job for young retirees who love and know how to make such treats.
  • Tailoring or knitting clothes to order for pensioners (people aged 50 and over).
  • Needlework with benefits: creating jewelry and exclusive decor.
  • Growing indoor, garden plants or seedlings.
  • Beauty treatments at home, haircuts, styling or manicures.
  • Massage with a visit to the customer's home or the provision of services in your "home office".

For those who are interested in how to make money for a pensioner with experience in IT technologies and PC skills, the following options for making money at home are suitable:

Separately, you need to talk about online counseling. For those who have a high level of education, know how to communicate with the target audience and are interested in what a retiree should do, counseling (coaching) can bring excellent financial rewards, and most importantly, the pleasure of being in demand and the realization that your knowledge can help someone.

Considering that hundreds of thousands of people turn to psychologists for help every year, you can try yourself as a healer of souls. If you have a wealth of knowledge and rich life experience behind you, as well as a computer connected to the network, then this is the ideal part-time job for retirees.

Of course, practicing psychotherapists must be qualified. This means that you will have to undergo training in order to be able to earn money by providing online (or offline) consultations to those in need. It is worth noting that many older people have already adapted to such a profession and earn good money as a connoisseur of human souls.

As we said earlier, in order to work as a retired psychologist, you need to take appropriate courses. This will help you learn new tricks and learn how to properly plan your work so that it brings income to you and benefits to those in need. But, like any other profitable business, coaching and consulting requires an initial investment. Fortunately, when you are retired, you have the opportunity to pay for your education and, having received the right to independent activity, start practicing.

Those who are engaged in the main work, but are already making plans for their future activities on a well-deserved retirement “vacation”, can also adopt this idea. Consultations can be held at a convenient time for you and your clients. By planning a schedule for extra work in advance, you can start practicing even before you retire.

By getting a part-time job in some firm providing psychological assistance to those in need, you can try your hand at this specialty and at the same time “fill your hand”. You can safely apply this experience in the future when you embark on an “independent voyage” after retirement.

Before finding a job, a pensioner needs to remember the wonderful words of one of the great political figures - Abraham Lincoln. The first president of the United States of America always said, "Most people are only as happy as they choose to be." And if you want to be a happy pensioner, just allow yourself to be one - do not be afraid to learn new things and open up new horizons for yourself. Author: Elena Suvorova

The third period, the autumn of life. As soon as they don't call retirement age. Contrary to popular belief, pensioners are not only grandmothers on benches at the entrances and "old people who still knock on dominoes."

It is also called a well-deserved rest. But does this necessarily mean that people sit in front of the TV for days and nights, sleeping to the bone? And the only entertainment is grumbling about the failure of the younger generation in all respects?

A person absorbed in worries and a crazy rhythm in life has no idea what to do in retirement and what to do with so much time. Whereas a lot of activities and opportunities open up just after going on a well-deserved rest.

The third age is no time for discouragement

Nature is so arranged that any changes are stressful for a person. They are the threshold beyond which the unknown. Therefore, at first, a retired person may believe that he has been thrown overboard by life. Hence the sadness Bad mood, bad thoughts. Such a state is addictive, therefore it is immediately necessary to start planning further actions.

An example of this is the success of people, part-time work for pensioners, which turned them into successful businessmen. One developed ideas, but since there was no investor, he realized his achievements himself and became the director of a large company. Another woman decided to help her grandson pay for tuition, and after 5 years she turned into a successful business woman, the owner of a chain of stores.

Studies show that the number of travelers among retirees has also increased. Many couples seek to visit places where they could not go in their youth, and are in a hurry to experience unforgettable emotions.

Lesson options

Now all kinds of courses, part-time jobs, schools and much more are provided for pensioners. In order not to get lost in the abundance of proposals, you need to decide on your desires, and based on what your darling wants, choose ways to implement it.

So what can you do in retirement?

    open your business;

    learn new skills and master other professions, languages;

    finally start traveling


    hit the needlework;

    become an advanced user;

    make money on the Internet;

    fulfill old and secret dreams;

    participate in retirement programs.

The listed options make up a list of the most popular and bringing pleasure and even income. In fact, retirement age is not a diagnosis, but open new opportunities and time, which young people so often lack. In addition, a great chance to prove to yourself and others that life during this period is full of interesting things.

Open your business

Someone dreamed of a perfume shop, someone reads the classics and gets upset when they don’t find the right book in the library or store. The main thing is to find the product or service that will be interesting to sell.

Now there are many free trainings and programs, thanks to which learning how to conduct business competently is as easy as shelling pears. There are sites on the Internet dedicated to business ideas with plans posted.

In addition, you can open your own private business at any age. And you can easily complete the documents yourself. A simplified system of the process of starting a business makes it possible to become an entrepreneur in one day.

On your side - experience and wisdom, the ability to understand people. Professionals advise starting a business from two or three positions, and then increasing the range of services, guided by the needs of customers.

Another plus is the availability of cash payments. Risk is a noble cause, but it is much more pleasant if at least some minimum is left behind. And what can you do in retirement, how not to fulfill your dreams?


Many, when they retire, feel like they are degrading without communication, development needs and aspirations. This can be compensated by the beginning of training.

Let a walk around the city be accompanied by looking at ads and various offices of companies that provide training services. Also, all the necessary information can be found on the Internet.

You should not be limited to only courses for pensioners. There are many organizations that recruit multi-age groups. It is not uncommon for them to become the favorites of the group at the dance school or give odds to the young.

In addition, no one canceled lectures, libraries, video and audio courses, trainings, and so on. Many of them are free.

The advantage of such training is that it completely lacks the hated word "should". Doing something for yourself is always easier and more enjoyable.


“Where I just haven’t been: in Paris, and in Berlin, and in New York ... Yes, I haven’t been to Voronezh either!”. The phrase sparkles with sarcasm that will touch every person who is a traveler at heart. What to do in retirement, how not to make friends with many countries and cities, immerse yourself in culture, traditions different peoples and overwhelmed with impressions?

It's great if you have a small bunch of grandchildren. Then you will not only please yourself, but also give an unforgettable experience to your children. Give the kids the long-awaited moments of relaxation from the screeching and hassle associated with little monsters.

Travel restrictions are dictated only by the state of health and material possibilities. But if a newly-made successful businessman who went on vacation, then why not get medical treatment on the shores of the foamy sea?

Among the things you can do in retirement, travel is one of the most popular in the ratings of various websites and magazines, as well as special publications. Travel agencies even offer special tours for them at a lower price than regular ones.

Go in for sports

Take care of yourself and start leading healthy lifestyle life is never too late. At a mature age, this is even more necessary than at a young age. The body is not the same, and you need to try at least to strengthen and maintain health.

There are cases when women of advanced age (not just retirement) showed miracles of flexibility, which even young gymnasts would envy. And retired men carry tables with their teeth, do push-ups on their fists.

If setting world records is not included in the plans, then morning exercises, walking or jogging will significantly improve overall well-being. Grandchildren can also be involved in such activities.

You can enroll in the sports section, where the same active people are engaged. Or arrange a chess tournament in your own backyard.

For former athletes, it is suitable in the form of training for the younger generation.


When the question arises: “What do people do in retirement?”, in the imagination of many, a granny in glasses immediately appears, which is knitting a hundred-kilometer scarf. In fact, needlework does not end with knitting. Quilling, patchwork, drawing, dough modeling or polymer clay also do not limit the list of classes.

Both women and men can find themselves in this. You can acquire the necessary skills through magazines, courses, and even naked fantasy. The choice of materials is the widest.

The beauty of this activity is also that it can generate income. There are two main options:

    organize your studio of creativity and teach it to others;

    put your creations up for sale.

Needlework makes it possible to find many new friends of interest, to find peace and tranquility. A nice bonus will be material incentives from customers. Yes, and you will bother with a gift an order of magnitude less - a masterpiece made by yourself is highly valued.

What to do in retirement for a man, how impatiently to hold the yarn of his beloved?

Become a user

The Internet erases borders. And not only between cities and countries, but also between age categories. Communication in in social networks has gained momentum so much that it is a common occurrence to see an elderly person with a fancy phone on the bus, who surfs the expanses of the World Wide Web.

Computer courses for pensioners will help "dummies" to become professional users. In addition, you can use the miracle of technology in business. This will facilitate many processes and allow you to reach a new, high-quality level of business.

Computer courses for pensioners also teach simple programs, thanks to which communication with clients, colleagues or friends will become more accessible.

On the this moment organized a large number of courses in which those who wish will be willingly taught to communicate with sophisticated technique. Some are so immersed in the process that they become top-level IT specialists.

Take advantage of retirement programs

Due to the fact that not everyone is allowed to live in a big way, the state and private entrepreneurs are trying in every possible way to support and lighten the burden. For this, special programs for pensioners are being created.

They are aimed at creating cheaper goods and services, and also involve a large number of discounts. In addition, this is both a PR move for the company and an opportunity to save money for pensioners.

Paradoxically, sometimes young people also chase after such programs because they offer more benefits. These include training events, courses for pensioners.

Earn money online

Another way to spend your leisure time usefully is to earn money online without straining. For the same, you went to additional computer courses. Now that the mystery of Google has been comprehended, it can be safely strained by looking for a part-time job on the Internet without investment or risk.

Through this great invention, you can sell your crafts, resell foreign goods, write articles, and so on.

There are also many other ideas of what to do in retirement and at the same time not only earn money, but also enjoy your favorite pastime.

Make your dreams come true

There is nothing better than what you can do in retirement, how to start pursuing your dreams. This may be a long forgotten but desired recklessness or a set of activities that are described above.

Firstly, no one has the right to judge you, and in adulthood everyone comes to understand this. Therefore, even the most daring dream has the right to exist and come true.

Secondly, while health and time allow, why not do what you have long wanted to do? Moreover, you can put off forever and never have time to do what you want.

Based on the foregoing, we hope that the question: "What to do in retirement?" for you will never remain unanswered.