
What medals give the right to a labor veteran. List of departmental insignia when conferring the title "Veteran of Labor"


If a person has worked for the good of his homeland for many years, he should be rewarded. Man or woman retirement age assigned honorary title“Veteran of Labor”, a diploma, a medal and a cash payment are issued, benefits are provided. Learn the procedure and conditions for awarding the title of labor veteran.

Who is eligible for Veteran of Labor

The order of the procedure was established back in the mid-90s by the Federal Law "On Veterans". According to him, a pensioner can obtain such a status under a combination of certain conditions. Who is awarded the title of veteran of labor:

  • a pensioner with state awards;
  • a person bearing honorary titles of the USSR, Russian Federation;
  • a pensioner who has awards with departmental insignia in labor;
  • a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

On December 19, 2005, amendments to the Law are in force, according to which the conditions for obtaining a labor veteran are determined by the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. The authorities of Moscow, for example, do not correct the above list, the authorities of other regions make amendments. One of the common adjustments is seniority on the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation or the presence of awards of local significance.

Benefits for Federal Labor Veterans

Citizens who have been awarded this title by the Ministry have the following privileges:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • leave at a time suitable for the beneficiary;
  • 50% compensation for payment for housing and communal services;
  • covering the costs of gas pipelines;
  • free service in medical institutions;
  • retirees can get paid for denture services at public dental institutions.

The state also took care of providing tax benefits by doing the following for labor veterans:

  • exemption from payment of 100% property tax;
  • the right to transfer the personal income tax deduction to other periods;
  • no personal income tax.

Regional Veterans Benefits

Each territorial subject of Russia offers its own list of benefits for labor merits. In the instance of social support of citizens, you can re-read the current list of privileges. Its diversity and quality depends on the size of the regional budget and the nature of social protection programs for the population. How to get a labor veteran in Moscow, and what are the benefits? The holder of the title will be entitled to (other than federal incentives):

  • free travel on suburban railway transport;
  • monthly cash surcharge from the local budget, which is indexed every year;
  • minus 50% to pay for a landline phone or radio station;
  • the opportunity to visit the sanatorium once a year in the presence of malfunctions in the body.

How to apply for Veteran of Labor

The candidate must go to the social protection citizens at the place of registration with a specific list of documents. After the reception, the registration of the status begins - a personal file is formed, the papers are sent to a special commission to the Ministry of the Region for consideration. The processing time for the appeal is 14-15 days (depending on the region), then the social security staff will make an appointment for you and notify you of the result.

The procedure and conditions for awarding the title

Based on the documents that you provide to the social security authorities, the ministerial commission makes a decision on awarding the title. With a positive result, employees within 3 days (working) draw up a protocol on the satisfaction of the applicant's appeal. This paper will become the basis for assigning the specified status. How to get the title of Veteran of Labor and a certificate confirming it? After the officials sign the protocol, the candidate must come to the social security agency, and they will give him a crust against signature.

If the decision of the commission is not in favor of the applicant, a written notification is sent to him. The paper substantiates the reasons for the refusal, the procedure for appealing them. The withdrawal period is up to 5 business days. You can defend your veteran rights in court, referring to the regulatory framework. If you have labor achievements and documentary evidence of your activities, you should not refuse the possibility of a good reward.

Experience for obtaining a Veteran of Labor

To obtain such a status, one must not only have certificates and rewards, but also work for a certain number of years. It is important to:

  • insurance experience was at least 5 years;
  • had a work experience of at least 25 years (for a man) or 20 years (for a woman) in the presence of awards and honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • a person has worked for at least 40 years (requirement for men) or 35 years (for women), if the beginning of his work took place under the age of 18 at the time of World War II.

What certificates are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor

The basis for awarding a pensioner are certificates issued by the following bodies:

  • Ministry of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal archival service;
  • tax service of the Russian Federation;
  • other federal authorities;
  • scientific institutions that are equated to departmental ones (if a person worked in this organization at the time of assignment);
  • The awards of JSC "Russian railways”, but the diplomas of the railway department of the USSR give a chance for a positive result.

Rewards for obtaining the title of Veteran of Labor

The status can be assigned in the presence of medals and orders issued by such bodies:

  • the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • head of a department or head of a ministry;
  • the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
  • the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • The medal "Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation" gives the right to take advantage of benefits.

However, not all awards qualify for this status. According to the Law, medals or diplomas for participation in an exhibition of the national economy are not valid, sports competitions, academic title or degree. The awards of the Presidium of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR also do not give grounds for obtaining an honorary status either in Moscow or in other settlements Russia.

How to get a Veteran's Certificate without awards

The status can only be obtained by those pensioners who began their work activities during the Second World War (1939-1945) before the age of majority. If a man has worked for 40 years and a woman for 35 years, they are entitled to receive benefits. To do this, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence that labor activity was not carried out in the occupied territories of the USSR. In other cases, to get the status, you need certificates, medals and other awards.

What documents are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor

If you have a chance of being awarded an honorary status, you must collect a package of necessary documents. How to get a labor veteran, and what papers will be required:

  1. Statement. A sample can be found in the appendix to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for awarding the corresponding title.
  2. Copies of all pages of the passport.
  3. A copy of the work book (if you continue to work, then the copy is certified by the seal and signature of the head of the organization).
  4. Help from the place of work.
  5. Pension certificate (original and copy).
  6. Copy and original of diplomas, documents confirming the honorary title.
  7. Help from pension fund about experience.
  8. Confirmation extract from the archive labor activity during the years of WWII.
  9. Two 3x4 photos.

Video: how to become a Labor Veteran

Federal Law No. 5 establishes legal guarantees for veteran workers in Russia in order to recognize merit, ensure respectful attitude society. The seventh article puts forward requirements for applicants - and the availability of documented awards. From July 1, 2016, FZ-388 was introduced, which will be taken into account when establishing labor veteranship. Orders, medals of the USSR, the Russian Federation, presidential thanks and letters of appreciation, as well as award documents established by federal state bodies (departments) are recognized. What kind departmental awards need today to get a veteran labor?


Already the first edition of Article 7 put forward requirements for the availability of rewards. However, the legislation did not provide specific guidance. The situation has changed dramatically due to the entry into force on July 1, 2016 of the Federal Law-388. Paragraph 1 (Article 7) obliged to take into account only departmental regalia established by the federal authorities.

On June 25, 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 578 aimed at streamlining incentives established by departments. According to its provisions, the federal ministries (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Industry and Trade, etc.) develop legal acts, clearly designate regalia, which serve as a justification for the preferential status of a veteran worker. The authorities of the regions, in turn, bring their own regulations into line with the norms.

What are the rewards for?

Each person, choosing a labor path, strives to become the best in the profession, to achieve high results. This is encouraged by the employer, senior management, the state in order to recognize the importance of the employee's work, to approve the results. In addition, public awarding contributes to the activation of professional forces, serves as a material incentive.

For example, educators are rewarded for achievements in the upbringing and education of children, a high professional level. The Ministry of Education has developed several industry awards - a medal, badges, certificates of honor, gratitude. Among the requirements for the award of regalia, in addition to merit, there is often a certain number of years of pedagogical experience. However, the only encouragement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia by order No. 1223, which acts as a rationale for issuing a veteran's certificate, is the "Golden Badge of Distinction".

Candidates for the award must meet the requirements prescribed by Decree No. 578:

  • 15 years of experience in the industry;
  • 3 years - in the organization, institution that applies for the promotion;
  • The presence of other awards-encouragements of the same department;
  • Information about professional merits, confirmed by diplomas, certificates;
  • No disciplinary action or criminal record.

Marks of Excellence

Previously, the gradation of awards-incentives was approved in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, issued by letter No. 5636-KS (7.10.98). The document summarized the practice of determining the regalia taken into account in the procedure for awarding an honorary title, took into account a wide list of thanks, commendation lists, badges, diplomas.

In addition, the letter contained a clarification that the absence of a certain encouragement in the specified transfer cannot serve as a justification for refusing to award veteranship. The modern presentation of the legislation does not rely on this document when it comes to the list of departmental insignia for labor veterans.

Authorized bodies have developed many ways to recognize the professional merits of employees. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 7 (5-FZ), applicants retain the right to apply for an honorary title if the promotion of the department was received before June 30, 2016.

For example, the Federal Penitentiary Service formed Order No. 770, which designated a catalog of awards for employees. The version in force until 08/01/2016 (amended) contained the following list:

Accompanying award documents are taken into account by the commission if:

  • FSIN officer awarded until the end of June 2016,
  • regalia correspond to the register from Order No. 770.

Order No. 823, registered by the Ministry of Justice, established departmental awards of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, giving the right to the title of labor veteran after a change in legislation:

Departmental insignia when conferring the title of labor veteran were designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The FSB has established 3 distinctive badges:

One award for 2019 was established by the majority of ministries and federal services.

The Government of the Russian Federation maintains a register of distinctive badges of departments, the corresponding orders become legitimate after registration by the Ministry of Justice.

Clause 4 of Article 7 (5-FZ) delegates the powers to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish requirements for applicants for a privileged status. The system of regional norms provides for an extended list of regalia or does not introduce them as a mandatory argument at all. When developing administrative regulations, regional governments, regional and republican authorities take into account that during the procedure for conferring a title, difficulties may arise regarding the recognition of a particular award document.

Therefore, the regulations are most often accompanied by an accompanying list of departmental awards for obtaining the title of labor veteran, which each subject independently approves. The registries include awards of the highest order (USSR, RF), legislative assemblies of regions, governors, ministers of local significance.

It is recommended that an elderly person begin registration of labor veteranship with a visit to the territorial branch of the social security authority or the MFC. Employees will evaluate the applicant's documents on an individual basis, explain whether this or that award is a justification for awarding preferential status, talk about the procedure for obtaining a certificate and the benefits that it will give. If the applicant meets the criteria, after collecting the necessary documentation, the procedure will be launched in accordance with the administrative regulations.

With the advent of a new leadership in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, cardinal changes began, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense was recently published, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters, giving the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labor". The document was signed on 04.10.2018 by the Minister, Lieutenant-General E.N. Zinichev.

For reference:

veteran of labour- an honorary title in the Russian Federation, marking people for conscientious long-term work, was established for the first time in the Russian Federation after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans".

It states the following:

In order to implement Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995, I order:

The breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" is a departmental insignia and the highest breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

It is a laurel-oak wreath of silver color. The base of the branches is wrapped around a ribbon with the inscription "HONORED EMPLOYEE OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA", the letters of the inscription are made in burgundy enamel. A double-headed golden eagle is superimposed on the wreath. On the chest of the eagle is a figured shield with an orange field. In the field of the shield is a vertically elongated star white color with eight rays. In the center of the star in an orange circle is an equilateral triangle of blue color with a base at the bottom.

All images on the front side are embossed.

The size of the badge is 46 x 33 mm.

On the reverse side of the badge assembly there is a threaded pin with a nut for attaching to clothing. The serial number of the badge is engraved below.


When this departmental insignia is awarded, the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, whose maintenance is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, are paid a one-time incentive in the following amount: 15,000 rubles, according to.

The badge "Veteran of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" is a departmental insignia. The description, drawing and form of the certificate for the badge are described below.

The badge is a figured shield of white color, bordered by a strip of golden color, with silver-colored scarves. On the shield is superimposed the middle emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which is an image of a double-headed golden eagle with lowered wings, topped with a crown, holding a scepter in its right paw, and a power in its left. On the chest of the eagle is a vertically elongated white star with eight rays, in the center of which, in an orange circle, there is an equilateral blue triangle with a base at the bottom.

The shield is framed along the contour with a red ribbon, bordered by a golden stripe. On the tape along the contour of the shield in one row there is an inscription in golden letters "VETERAN OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA".

In the lower part of the badge, a figured shield is superimposed on the shield and ribbon of blue color bordered with a stripe of golden color. On the shield there is an inscription of golden color in three rows “FOR SPECIAL MERITS”, under the inscription there are two crossed olive branches.

A figured shield, a double-headed eagle, a star with eight rays and a ribbon are located in different planes.

All images and inscriptions on the breastplate are embossed.

Breastplate dimensions: height - 40 mm, width - 31 mm.

On the reverse side of the badge assembly there is a threaded pin with a nut for attaching the badge to clothing.

The medal "For Impeccable Service" is awarded to personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia with at least 15 years of experience (service) in the system of the EMERCOM of Russia (including services, bodies, institutions and organizations transferred to the jurisdiction of the EMERCOM of Russia) who were previously awarded departmental insignia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (with the exception of the medals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Military Service", "For Distinction in Service"), for the impeccable performance of their professional duty, a significant contribution to the development and improvement of the system of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The medal "For Impeccable Service" is a gold-colored circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal there is a large emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. On the upper edge of the circle is the inscription "FOR IMPROPER SERVICE".

On the reverse side, in two rows, there is the inscription "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA", under the inscription - the image of crossed laurel branches.

All images and inscriptions are made in relief.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire ribbon. The shoe tape is blue with orange stripes along the edges. Tape width 24 mm. The width of the strips is 3 mm. A block with a medal is attached to clothing with a pin.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is awarded to servicemen (including servicemen of the federal firefighting service) military service in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), for conscientious service and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" consists of three degrees:

  • I degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 20 years;
  • II degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 15 years;
  • III degree - for rewarding military personnel who have been in military service for at least 10 years.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is I degree.

Military personnel who are positively characterized in service and who do not have disciplinary sanctions are presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Military Service".

Military personnel previously awarded the medal "For Impeccable Service" of the corresponding degrees are not presented for awarding the medal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry "For Distinction in Military Service" of the same degrees.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides of silver (I degree), golden color (II degree), bronze color (III degree).

On the front side of the medal there is a relief image of a shield against the background of crossed swords, wings and an anchor. In the center of the shield is placed a Roman numeral indicating the degree of the medal - I, II, III. Along the lower edge of the medal is the inscription "FOR DIFFERENCE IN MILITARY SERVICE".

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA". Beneath the inscription are crossed laurel branches. All images and inscriptions are made in relief.

The medal, with the help of an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a red silk moiré ribbon with yellow stripes along the edges. In the middle of the ribbon there are green stripes: for the 1st degree medal - one stripe, for the 2nd degree - two stripes, for the 3rd degree - three stripes. Tape width 24 mm, strip width 2 mm. A block with a medal is attached to clothing with a pin.

The medal "For Distinction in Service" is awarded to employees of the federal fire service for conscientious service and having the corresponding length of service in calendar terms, and in some cases to other citizens.

The medal "For Distinction in Service" consists of three degrees:

  • I degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 20 years;
  • II degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 15 years;
  • III degree - for rewarding employees who have served for at least 10 years.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Service" is I degree.

To be awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service" are:

  • employees who are positively characterized by service and do not have disciplinary sanctions;
  • citizens dismissed from January 1, 2002 to April 6, 2005 from the positions of ordinary and commanding staff of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, who were not timely awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in service", if at the time of dismissal the corresponding length of service in calendar terms.

Employees and former employees, who were previously awarded medals for long service by other bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, are not presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service" of the same degrees.

Employees and former employees who previously served in public service in other government bodies of the Russian Federation and were not awarded the corresponding medal for long service are presented for awarding the medal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry "For Distinction in Service" of the next degree if they have the appropriate calendar length of service. In case of non-awardment with the corresponding medal for long service with a length of service of 20 or more calendar years, employees (former employees) are presented for awarding the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Distinction in Service" I degree.

You should know: Benefits of the Veteran of Labor will be valid only upon reaching the Old Age Pension.

A number of social benefits await holders of the Labor Veteran certificate. These are benefits for rent, privileges in terms of transport travel, taxation, medical care, read the article “Supplements and payments to labor veterans in 2018” for more details. However, in order to issue a veteran title, it is required not only to work out a certain number of years, but also to document the regalia of the established list. What awards qualify for the title of labor veteran?

Privileged status is awarded to Russians for:

  • development of experience in accordance with the norm of FZ-5 (Article 7, paragraph 1, paragraph 2);
  • relevant awards.

The obligatory presence of orders, medals, and other badges of distinction was designated by Art. 7 FZ-5 is already in its original version. Awards of the level of the USSR, the Russian Federation, diplomas, certificates of merit, gratitude issued by industry departments were recognized.

  • awards-encouragements of the highest level were supplemented by presidential letters and thanks;
  • clause 1.1 was introduced into the seventh article, which discloses the regulations for the establishment of badges of distinction of departments by federal state bodies, ministries;
  • the duration of the required length of service is determined in numerical terms.

Thus, the mandatory components in resolving the issue of awarding preferential status are many years of work and legally designated awards.

State awards-encouragements

The list of awards for conferring the title of labor veteran of the Russian Federation is quite extensive. Promotions of the times of the Union include more than 90 items, RF -100.

Active working life, political position, participation in communist construction, professional achievements of Soviet workers were stimulated by the government. Decree No. 360-X, issued in 1979 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, approved the regulations on medals, titles and orders Soviet Union.

By 1988, Soviet regalia included:

It is important to understand that FZ-5 says that signs and award documents issued for achievements in work and service are taken into account. In Soviet times, people were encouraged not only for work, but also for active participation in social activities, competitions, work in trade union committees, Komsomol organizations, etc. Therefore, most commissions refuse applicants if, for example, badges of public organizations are offered as incentive awards:

The Russian award system is streamlined by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1099. The legal document establishes:

  • 2 titles of the highest level - Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • 16 orders;
  • 16 medals;
  • 3 badges of distinction;
  • 63 honorary titles.

What kind of regalia of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation are recognized as justifying for the award of veteranship to workers, FZ-5 does not regulate.

Decree No. 487 in April 2008 approved the regulation on the Certificate of Honor and gratitude from the President of Russia. These award documents are intended for famous people, civil servants, authoritative figures in culture, sports and other areas of society as evidence of recognition of special merits before the state.

A variety of state awards have become government incentives issued for assistance in the development of self-government, strengthening the country's state security, and assistance in pursuing an effective state policy.

The Government of the Russian Federation established:

Government bodies (central and local), which are endowed with duties, rights and powers in the field of state activity or the economic sector, are called departments.

Not every award-encouragement issued by the department is recognized as the basis for establishing a veteran title. Previously, there was a wide list of departmental regalia based on the letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 5636-KS. The list listed thanks, diplomas, badges, medals, orders. Each worker could find in the register the award he had. Even if the name of the remuneration was absent in the letter, the Ministry of Labor made a remark - this circumstance is not a basis for refusing to issue a veteran's certificate.

Since July 2016, this document has become invalid due to changes in Russian legislation.

FZ-388 introduced a restriction on departmental insignia. According to Government Decree No. 578, federal authorities must develop their own regulatory documents, designate special awards that will serve as a justification for establishing a privileged status for workers. Several ministries, federal agencies and services have already taken appropriate decisions.

For example, the Ministry of Education issued Order No. 1223, which established the "Golden Badge of Distinction". The order of the award is as follows:

  1. The labor collective nominates a candidate, writes a petition.
  2. The Minister of Education, based on the conclusions of a specially created commission, makes a positive or negative decision on delivery.
  • have completed 15 years in the field of education and 3 years in the institution that submits the application;
  • be the owner of professional achievements, confirmed by diplomas;
  • not have penalties, a criminal record (outstanding).

According to paragraph 1 of article 7 (5-FZ), Russians awarded departmental awards before 06/30/2016 retain the right to the title if they have the required number of years of experience.

The Ministry of Education explains this norm regarding its industry by Letter No. OV-344/12, recognizes as valid award documents issued before July 2016 and established by orders No. 84, 580, 68, 546.

For example, the Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation gives the right to a certificate of a labor veteran if received before 06/30/2016 (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 580).

What certificates are needed to obtain the status of a labor veteran of all-Russian significance, each federal department independently determines under the control of the Government. These must be documents of a special type, federal or all-Union degree.

Certificates of honor as one of the criteria for veteranship are established by the ministries:

  • Health (Ministry of Health);
  • culture (Ministry of Culture);
  • agriculture (Miselhoz);
  • for the North Caucasus Affairs (Minkavkaz);
  • labor and social protection (Ministry of Labor);
  • construction and housing and communal services (Minstroy);
  • economic development (Ministry of Economic Development);
  • Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Medals as a qualifying criterion for veteranship are designated by the ministries:

  • energy (Ministry of Energy);
  • Industry and Trade (Ministry of Industry and Trade);
  • Defense (Ministry of Defense);
  • Justice (Ministry of Justice).

The badge and medals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, giving the right to receive the title "Veteran of Labor", are awarded to police officers:

Several types of incentives were established by the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Order No. 620), the Prosecutor General's Office (No. 454), the Federal Penitentiary Service (No. 823), and the Russian Guard (No. 233).

One award as a basis for a veteran title is provided for:

  • Ministry for the Development of the Far East;
  • Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Rosrezerv;
  • Ministry of Agriculture;
  • Ministry of Energy;
  • the Ministry of Health;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Ministry of Communications;
  • Ministry of Sports;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade;
  • Minkavkaz;
  • Ministry of Transport;
  • Ministry of Labor;
  • Ministry of Construction;
  • Ministry of Culture;
  • Rosstat;
  • Ministry of Economic Development;
  • Ministry of Natural Resources;
  • State Corporation "Roscosmos";
  • Rosfinmonitoring;
  • Ministry of Justice;
  • Rosarchive;
  • State Corporation Rosatom;
  • FSSP;
  • Ministry of Finance;
  • Accounts Chamber;
  • GUSP;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • FANO.

If you do not have awards, but have experience, read the relevant article on our website.

Federal Law No. 5 authorized the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to independently determine the regulations for establishing the title of workers for the years of conscientious work and the requirements for applicants. Therefore, regional administrations are considering an extended register of award documents when issuing a veteran certificate to an elderly person. Regional, republican, municipal departments of social protection have at their disposal up-to-date lists of recognized awards.

Employees of the territorial offices will advise the applicant on each specific diploma, gratitude or medal. For those who already own a certificate, employees will help determine the choice of preference option - natural species benefits or additional payments to pension benefits.

Russian pensioners deserve to have their long-term work appreciated.

List of departmental insignia when conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor"

Departmental insignia for awarding the title of "Veteran of Labor" (VT) - a new, government-approved collection of documentation and distinctions that allow a resident to issue a VT and enjoy privileges. The status was registered in the seventh article of the Federal Law "On Veterans" in 1995. According to the document, they are given to persons who have distinctive badges of the USSR and Russia. This also includes men who have twenty-five years of work experience, and women who have officially worked for at least twenty years.

Who can apply for BT this year

To qualify as a pensioner, you must have:

  • a special certificate issued before 2006 (awards of the Soviet Union), and experience (for men - from twenty-five years, for women - from twenty);
  • awards of the Union or the Russian Federation, a diploma and title issued by the President, a distinctive sign of a departmental type plus experience similar to the paragraph above. This also includes uninterrupted exemplary fifteen years of work in a particular area.

Also, BT is given to residents who were forced to work in young age due to WWII battles. At the same time, their work experience must be at least forty years for a pensioner and thirty-five for a pensioner.

How to get privileged status

In July 2016, the country's government complicated the procedure for conferring this honorary title. To apply, the applicant must:

  • collect the necessary documentation;
  • apply to the competent government agency;
  • wait for a response from the commission;
  • get a special license.

Let's consider each item in detail.

  1. A special application completed by the pensioner.
  2. Passport or other proof of identity.
  3. Papers proving the existence of awards that give the right to receive the title of "Veteran of Labor".
  4. Employment history.
  5. Two standard document size photographs.

When the pensioner personally submits the documentation (copies), there is no need to certify it. If this is done by an authorized representative, you must provide a notarized power of attorney, which will clearly indicate the authority of the representative.

The issue is supervised by territorial departments that provide social protection to the population of the Russian Federation.

After acceptance by a state institution, the documents are sent for a ten-day review by a special commission. The body is obliged to announce its decision two weeks after the appeal. A photocopy of the verdict within five working days comes to the state defense agency, territorially corresponding to the address of the applicant's residence. The pensioner will be notified in writing within the next seven days of the confirmation of the title or refusal of it. If the application is approved, the resident is issued a special certificate.

List of orders allowing to assign VT

Let's clarify what awards give the right to receive the title of "Veteran of Labor" 2018. This list includes orders:

  1. Andrew the First-Called,
  2. For special services to the Motherland (all degrees),
  3. St. George,
  4. Friendship and friendship of peoples,
  5. For outstanding courage
  6. For special merits of a military nature,
  7. Suvorov, Ushakov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov, Nevsky,
  8. Zhukov and Lenin
  9. For service in the military forces of the USSR,
  10. Maternal glory and Labor distinction.

List of medals for registration of BT

Medals will help in obtaining veterancy:

  • For showing courage in emergency situations;
  • Pushkin, Nesterov, Ushakov and Nakhimov;
  • For special merits rendered to the Fatherland;
  • distinctive;
  • issued in honor of the anniversary of an event.

Applicants with the following regalia can apply for BT:

  • awarded the titles of "people's" or "honored", related to the profession (people's artist, honored master of sports, etc.);
  • who became laureates of the state award and social labor, heroes of the USSR, mothers-heroines.

What departmental awards are needed to receive a labor veteran:

  1. Honorary titles (miner, architect, power engineer, petrochemist, builder, metallurgist, machine builder).
  2. Awarded "best" degree related to the profession (the best innovator, aircraft builder, patent specialist, etc.).
  3. Signs for exemplary performance of work duties, participation in dangerous events of national importance (liquidation of consequences of natural disasters).

These awards include certificates. What certificates are needed to obtain a labor veteran:

  • from the trade union of employees of state institutions;
  • issued by ministries, federal services, committees of the Russian Federation and Russian agencies, the CEC, etc.

Also, the diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation gives the right to a labor veteran.

Non-common awards that secure labor veteran status

  1. Veteran title of auto and gas industries, mine rescue organization, State Labor Committee, sports, Spetsstroy.
  2. The title of excellent student, issued by the border troops, archives, the State Bank, health authorities, institutions involved in education, sanitary defense of the USSR, social security authorities. This category includes the status of an excellent signalman, wagon worker, restorer, railway worker, active participant in the development of sports and culture of the Union, honorary donor, winner of diverse socialist competitions.
  3. Signs confirming activity in Komsomol meetings, cultivation of the new land, naval construction work.
  4. PG for excellent work in the trade union (but only if it was received by a citizen belonging to the staff of this organization), letters of the Komsomol.
  5. Gratitude for the registration of full-time employees of statistical bodies.
  6. A labor distinctive sign issued by the authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or another institution on the initiative of the Federal District. At the same time, there is a document confirming this decision.

Be carefull! The title of "Drummer of Communist Labor" is not equivalent to the 2018 BT. At the same time, the presence of a citizen badge "Excellent Soviet army" allows you to get the title of VT, since the time of service is included in the length of service. But this solution is not widespread throughout the country and is supported only by some regions.

Distinctive signs that do not provide BT

It is important to remember that not every award is the basis for obtaining the title of "Veteran of Labor". These include:

  1. Distinctive signs and other papers approved and handed over to the resident by the enterprise, military unit, public structure, committee of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Department.
  2. Gratitude, which is in the order, but the Federal District did not approve it with a separate diploma, commendation sheet, diploma.
  3. The degree of scholarship, qualification title, distinctive badges of the participant of sports and athletics, a patent for an invention, financial rewards or personalized items.
  4. A document confirming the participation of a citizen in judging various events.
  5. Diplomas for high labor results and observance of labor discipline, issued by the ministries of the USSR.

What to do if the application is denied

Over the entire period of assignment of VT, there were several cases when a pensioner was refused. The state institution is obliged to notify the resident in writing about decision and justify it in detail. When a citizen does not agree and is ready to challenge his right, the case is sent for examination by a special commission. If the verdict of this body does not satisfy the resident, he can file a claim with the court. According to statistics, in 93 percent of cases the court chooses the side of the plaintiff.

A complete list of distinctive signs for obtaining BT and additional information on issues that have arisen can be obtained from the territorial department of social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation.


List of awards for obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor"

About 1,000 awards and distinctions entitle their holders to the title of "Veteran of Labour". We present to readers full list these awards.

The list of awards for the title of labor veteran is regularly updated

To make it easier to find an award or distinction, we have divided this list into six lists:

These lists are not exhaustive. Departments periodically introduce new awards, the assignment of which gives various benefits to holders, including the right to the title of "Veteran of Labor". If you did not find the insignia you are interested in in this list, find out about it social status can be in departmental or public institution who gave you this award.

However, the reward is different. Here are the insignia that do not qualify for veteran labor status:

Honorary titles, signs, badges, certificates, diplomas and other awards established and issued by enterprises (institutions, organizations), military units, public organizations, organizing committees of All-Union festivals folk art, as well as medals of VDNKh (VSHV);

Gratitude in the order, if it is not issued by the relevant federal body as a separate diploma, certificate or commendation sheet;

Diplomas confirming an academic title or academic degree, titles confirming the qualifications of an employee, medals, certificates, diplomas and other rewards for participation or victory in sports and other competitions and competitions, certificates certifying the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity, nominal watches, cash premiums;

Diplomas and diplomas for judging in certain types of competitions;

Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Labor Reserves of the USSR for excellent academic performance and discipline.

Since July 1, 2016, the rules for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" have become more complicated. This is due to changes in federal legislation. The video below, “Getting a Veteran of Labor status will become harder,” briefly and clearly describes what has changed.

Assignment of the title Veteran of Labor

This is not the first change to the Veterans of Labor law in recent times and perhaps not the last. For example, in the legislation that was in force for many years, there were no specific requirements for which signs can be considered departmental insignia. Therefore, in one region of the country, any departmental award could become the basis for conferring a veteran title, in another region the same award was not, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

“In order to introduce uniform requirements throughout the country and maintain the prestige of the title “Veteran of Labour”, it was decided to clarify which departmental awards will be considered the basis for conferring this title,” the Ministry of Labor explained.

To do this, at the end of last year, a law was adopted (No. 388-FZ of December 29, 2015), which clarifies the concept and requirements for a departmental insignia necessary for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labour".

Previously, there was no clear understanding of what insignia should be taken into account when conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor". The law made this specific. By law, the authorities, including all federal ministries, as well as state corporations, are vested with the authority to establish departmental insignia at the federal level.

Now each authority with such a right must approve its departmental insignia, which will serve as the basis for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labour". All normative acts on this subject will be published in legal reference systems.

Now, the orders of the Ministry of Culture, Rosstat, and the Ministry of Agriculture have already been placed in the legal reference system "Consultant Plus". In the near future, orders to approve their insignia will be published by other ministries and departments.