
Adapt to the new children's camp team. Psychological adaptation of a child in a children's camp. Is the child ready to be separated from the parents?


Will the baby like the rest? How quickly will he be able to get used to the new environment? Will you really miss your parents?

Instead of worrying about these questions, try to prepare your child for the trip. It is in your power to make sure that the adaptation period in the camp passes with the least losses, and the rest is a success.

1. Adjust your daily routine

As practice shows, it can be quite difficult for children, especially in a new environment for them, to maintain a certain daily routine. Psychologists advise starting accustoming to the camp routine a couple of weeks before departure. After buying a ticket, check the regime adopted in the units, find out what the children are doing. Try to introduce this routine at home, later it will not seem uncomfortable and unusual.

2. Tell me how to make friends

If your child is not very sociable, camping can be an impetus for him to develop communication skills. The main thing is to be in the right mood. Explain to him that all the children around will be in the same situation - strangers to each other, perhaps shy or worried. Say that you should not be afraid to take the initiative when meeting him, because the guys will only be happy to make friends with him.

It is good to send especially shy kids to camp with someone you know - a brother or sister, a friend from the yard or kindergarten, classmate. Psychologists say that in such a tandem it will be easier for children to adapt to a new situation.

3. Teach not to succumb to provocations

Each detachment usually has its own ringleaders who incite the rest of the children to violate discipline. Most often this happens in the detachments of the middle age group- from 10 to 13 years old. Fights, raids outside the camp, non-compliance with the regime - all this is usually offered by the instigators "on the loose." Talk to your child about how to behave in such a situation, think together what to say to the ringleader in order to maintain your authority, but not succumb to provocation.

4. Explain the role of counselors

Young children may worry that they will be left alone in the camp, without the protection of their parents. Tell him that there will be adults next to him who will be able to help in any way. difficult situation, protect, support advice. Instill confidence in the leader in advance in the child, and throughout the camp shift the child will feel more confident.

5. Instill confidence in yourself

Let the kid know that in such a serious matter as a trip to the camp, you completely trust him. Tell how glad you are that he is already such an adult and can spend two weeks without his parents. Let your child feel responsible for themselves and their behavior. According to psychologists, this becomes the best motivation for quick adaptation in the summer camp.

But do not overdo it, so as not to cause the feeling that he is being left to the mercy of fate. Be sure to tell that relatives (parents, grandparents) will miss him. Start the psychological preparation of the baby at least a couple of weeks before departure. And then the period of adaptation in the summer camp will be easy for him, and the rest itself will bring only pleasant impressions and memories.

Problems of adaptation of a child in a pioneer camp and ways to overcome them



Abstract on the topic Problems of adaptation of a child in a pioneer camp and ways to overcome them

1st year students 221 groups

Parycheva A. A.


Sukhachev M.P.

Moscow, 2009

Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 3

Chapter 2. Ways to overcome the problems of adaptation in the camp………………

2. 2 Preparedness of parents………………………………………

2. 3 Camp selection…………………………………………………………….

Chapter 3 Psychological features shifts, main periods…….



Everyone has the right to rest, be it a child or an adult. One way to combine children's vacation with parents' vacation from children is to send the child to a children's camp.

The adaptation period in a child can last from two to three days to a week. This is the time of getting used to the camp, to the customs and daily routine, gaining a place in the new children's team and building relationships with caregivers. How faster baby finds friends, the more often he participates in games and other events, the faster and more painlessly the adaptation period will pass. As a rule, already on the second or third day, the child stops complaining to his parents that he is bored or does not like it in the camp.

Ease of adaptation depends on the characteristics of character, temperament and upbringing. For faster and painless getting used to the camp, it is desirable that the child be able to make interpersonal contacts with peers and support them, that is, make friends.

I myself worked in summer camps every summer for five years, and therefore I decided to write an essay specifically on the topic of the adaptation of children in a pioneer camp.

I want to note that getting to the camp, the child finds himself in a completely new place for him, which is significantly different from the school. He studied at school for several years, he knows children and teachers, is engaged in educational activities, has a certain status in the class.

The process of getting used to a new place and new people is always associated with certain stresses and experiences, both on the part of the child and the parents. All this urgently requires targeted psychological and pedagogical training of the future staff of the pioneer camp and the mandatory inclusion of a psychological service in its structure, in developing the program of which it is necessary to use the experience gained school psychologists. The success of their activities is due to the implementation of the reserves of each age in work with children; the development of individual characteristics of schoolchildren, as well as the creation of a favorable psychological climate for the child. The application of these principles in the conditions of a pioneer camp will have a peculiar refraction. Therefore, in addition to the individual psychological characteristics of children, the work of the psychological service should also reflect socio-psychological aspects. Unlike school life, coming to a pioneer camp, a child enters a new social community for himself (pioneer detachment) and the effectiveness of his development will largely depend on how much this community is interested in accepting manifestations of his individuality and how successfully he integrates into it. In this regard, when developing a program for the activity of a psychologist in a pioneer camp, it is also necessary to take into account the proposition that the individual passes through the stages of asserting himself as a person in a new social environment. In addition, fluctuations in subjective assessments of the emotional and psychological climate should be taken into account here, because it is the atmosphere prevailing in the camp that is of decisive importance for the rest and health of the child.

Chapter 1. The problem of adaptation in the children's camp.

Adaptation is the process of a child entering a new environment for him. social situation development, therefore counselors and psychologists need to take into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of children.

In the context of a consistent solution of a complex of problems, it seems extremely important to organize in the conditions of children's health camps efficient work psychologists and psychologists-trainers for correction emotional states children. This activity, of course, should not become self-sufficient, but should be one of the areas of work of teachers, along with leisure, cognitive, and developmental. The place that is given today to the cognitive and developmental aspect of working with children undoubtedly deserves respect, but the current real situation dictates the need to strengthen the psychohygienic orientation of professional pedagogical activity in the conditions of temporary children's collectives.

Practice shows that modern organizers of children's summer holidays have to deal with children suffering from the following typical types of emotional distress:

  • behavior disorder associated with the peculiarities of the established style of relationships in the family (shyness, non-contact, aggression, egocentrism, depressive states);
  • conditions caused by inattention to the child in the family (psychological and pedagogical neglect, unbridledness and permissiveness);
  • character disorders, including pronounced character accentuations;
  • neurotic disorders (hysterical states, children's fears and phobias, neurasthenia, obsessions, etc.);
  • persistent personal and mental defenses, manifested in addictive and deviant behavior.

As you can see, much of the above is related to family relationships that affect the child, as well as his worldview, worldview and mental state.

There are more and more such problems, and I myself had to deal with them virtually every time I took command of the detachment.

Chapter 2. Ways to overcome the problems of adaptation in the camp

2. 1 Age characteristics of children.

Since there is now a trend towards the formation of groups of different ages, each leader, both beginner and experienced, must take into account age features children in his squad, as well as look for ways to resolve conflicts between them.

Children under 10 years old.

For kids younger age characterized by stubbornness and the manifestation of one's own will. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that the child has a desire for independent knowledge of the world around him, and one should not forget that a small person is aimed at knowing himself. In any family, the child is the center, he is used to the fact that everyone listens to him, pays attention mainly to him, and therefore the counselor must immediately confront the child with a fact: you are not alone in the detachment, you are a member of the team.


1. Imitation - we, counselors and psychologists - a prime example

5. Curiosity

6. Concrete thinking

For children under 10 years of age, feelings are characteristic: innocence, openness (there is no lie as such), kindness. They feel false, so our basic principle is that small lies give rise to big distrust.

The main turn of speech of counselors and interns: "It must be so." After all, children very quickly forget that it is impossible.

This age is characterized by:

1. Cheerfulness

2. Activity

3. Emotional brightness

4. Worship of physical qualities

5. Near prospects

love and friendship. Increased interest in adults, their habits and behavior.

They are characterized by the formation of their own point of view as opposed to ours. Therefore, counselors should build relationships with them on a contractual basis, on the principles of "trade". For example, let's imagine a situation: a child does not want to go to the gym, in which case the end for him will be at 9 o'clock instead of 10:30 pm.

This category has its own moral basis, so we discuss any act in front of everyone, and then draw conclusions. Each leader is obliged to earn a position in the detachment, and most importantly, he must do only what he himself can.

2.2 Preparedness of parents.

The more communication experience a child has, the easier it will be for him in the camp.

Caring parents can prepare the child for the camp, instill in him those skills that will help him quickly get comfortable, join the team. It is worth teaching the child to make their own bed, keep their clothes clean, put away their belongings, follow the rules of hygiene, and the like. Parents of a child who goes to camp for the first time or goes after an unsuccessful experience should find out in advance about the routine and rules of camp life and tell them in detail to the child so that he has a good idea where he is going. It is not advisable to send the child to the camp if he himself does not want to go there. However, you can try to convince him.

Some parents, when trying to get their children interested in camp, humorously tell them about their camp background, the friends they have made, and the experiences they have had.

Before the trip, parents should talk with the child, explain that they will miss him and he, probably, too, that the first days are the most difficult, that the main thing is not to be shy, not to be afraid to ask and get acquainted. It is necessary to convince the child that even being far from home, he will not be abandoned, he will still have protection and support - these are counselors.

It is very important that parents explain to the child that in any situation he can turn to the counselor for help or advice.

Be sure to resolve the issue of communication, if for some reason you are afraid to give your child a cell phone with you, then be sure to issue a phone card or money to buy it so that the child can call home at any time. Make sure your child knows how to use the phone or card.

Explain to the child when he should call home, how often he should get in touch, and how much money he can spend on calls, what is the cost of incoming, outgoing calls and SMS messages. The child will feel more confident knowing that he can call home. However, the presence of an accessible connection does not mean at all that children should disturb their parents for any, even the most insignificant reason. Conversely, parents should not overly control their children.

Frequent calls to parents not only do not contribute to a softer adaptation, but, on the contrary, can become a reason for conflicts. So a child who reports several times a day about what he did, with whom he played, when he ate, can be called a "sissy."

2. 3 Camp selection.

Psychologists believe that if a child is 8-10 years old, he is healthy in body and soul, then he simply needs to rest with his peers separately from his parents.

Your child is growing up, he needs to "get rid of the umbilical cord", and the children's camp in this case is a great inoculation of independence. For the first time, you can send the child to the camp with friends - so it will be easier for him to adapt to an unfamiliar environment for him

Of course, at first he will have to experience some stress. After all, before he never got into a world where there is no mother who is always ready to make a decision for him and help, who always loves him no matter what.
But the educator or counselor is a stranger, whose respect and love still needs to be earned. Not to mention a dozen completely unfamiliar peers who will become buddies or even friends. In other words, the camp is a real school of life and growing up.

The main rule: the camp should be chosen not only according to the principle - "where the weather is good and where the food is tasty", it is much more important that the children are busy all the time and can properly show their activity. If you have a choice: for the same money, send your child to a regular camp (4-5 meals a day, a sports ground is open during the day, in the evenings - a disco and slot machines) for 2 shifts of 24 days or to a thematic camp, where the child’s time is will be scheduled by the minute and he will always be busy with something interesting, but only for 2 weeks, remember worst enemy called "boredom".

Even if the child will have to spend the rest of the summer just in the country, when choosing a camp it is better to focus not on the number of days, but on their quality. If at the very beginning of summer you send him to an active recreation camp, then for the rest of the time he will live under the impression of exciting camp activities, trying to transfer them to his ordinary life.

Wonderful camps are those where the whole shift is devoted to some thematic psychological game. For example, the game of state. At the beginning of the shift, a president, a parliament are elected, television, a post office, etc. are created. All children find their place in life: someone becomes a journalist, someone an artist, someone a politician or a businessman.

There are other games: detective, city, where each squad represents a street, school foreign languages, into space aliens ... There are also unusual projects like "Robinsonade", where children live on an island in tents and, under the supervision of adults, study the art of human survival in extreme conditions. Well, since all children are different, it would still be useful here to apply an individual approach and choose a camp of the appropriate theme for your child.

The change in the camp should consist of three stages.

1. The organizational stage, which includes the implementation of children's requests, people getting used to each other, to the regime. The organizational period lasts 3-4 days. During this time, the counselors should have time to introduce the children to each other with the help of various games (A ball is flying through the sky, Mobile, Snowball, Elephants). It is during this period that the children adapt to a new world for them, new people. Children immediately receive a lot of different emotions and everything must be done to make these emotions positive.

approach and fast team building. Development of individual impact programs.

in squads. Psycho-correctional work should also be carried out with children with mental disabilities: various kinds of deviations, hyperactivity, impulsivity. All important events are held during this period, they should have a bright start and an enchanting end.

3. Final stage 7 days. Improving discipline, analyzing the changes that have taken place, developing a program for the further activities of staff and self-education of children.

psychological state of temporality of stay, which is caused by an early departure and generates excessive excitement. It is necessary to ensure that the children feel more strongly their community, belonging to the same ideals and aspirations. They should feel that their attraction to each other will intensify after parting. This will make the guys think about the possibilities of meetings outside the camp, correspondence between themselves, about how it would be nice to organize such relationships in their school, class, yard.


In conclusion, I want to say that sending a child to the camp, especially for the first time, is an important test for both parents and children. Everything needs to be prepared, everything needs to be foreseen. The problem of adaptation in the children's camp is especially acute, because the health of children has deteriorated due to a sedentary lifestyle, environment more and more often it negatively affects the mental state of children and the counselor will be exactly the person who can help the child believe in his strengths and his talents.


Few things can transform a teenager so quickly and so powerfully as a summer camp. Letting children go for three or four weeks, parents never know how they will return and whether they will be happy with the changes. How to prepare a child for a trip and survive it yourself without unnecessary nerves, - will tell child psychologist.

Parent preparation

It is worth warning the young traveler about how to avoid conflicts and problems: do not snitch, do not swear with others, be able to share and work in a team. The child must be prepared to for a long time he will be constantly surrounded by strangers. This obvious fact can seriously frighten those who find themselves away from their parents for the first time.

Even before the trip, it would be nice to get to know the leader of the group in order to know his style of behavior and methods of education, to make sure that the child is not shocked that the new mentor is “not at all like mom and dad.”

The first couple of days will be the most difficult for the child - he can constantly call, ask to go home, talk about problems that he is not able to solve. In this case, it is better to call the teacher and find out if the son or daughter is really experiencing difficulties or is simply hard to endure separation from home. But at the first opportunity, it is better to go to the camp and visit the settler.

Taking him home is a last resort. Parents need to help the child cope, survive this first moment of independent life, support, talk, discuss difficulties together. Within a week after arriving at the camp, most children fully adapt, the difficulties are replaced by the joy of communicating with new friends. The offspring stops calling home, causing the parents to panic.

“It’s better to agree with the child at home how often you will call up. As a rule, he needs regular contact with the parent, but the frequency of calls should not disturb either him or the adult, ”says child psychologist Maria Lomakina.

You should prepare for the fact that your well-mannered, educated, prudent child will return home with a whole heap of bad habits and bad words. It is unlikely that in a couple of weeks spent away from home, the character of the child will change dramatically. Therefore, most likely, bad habits will disappear as quickly as they were acquired.

The task of parents is to calmly show rejection, but not of the son or daughter himself, but of his new image. The child must understand that he is loved, as before, but swearing or illiterate speech, rude behavior upsets parents. Then he will independently refuse the negative experience accumulated in the camp.

Despite the help of caregivers, even young children at summer camp will need some degree of independence. Without outside help, children should be able to dress, wash, brush their teeth. You may need to prepare a memo about what clothes to wear on what occasion and what weather.

It would be nice for older children to learn how to wash their own socks and underwear, mend holes that appear during outdoor activities. Both will have to make the bed and take care of personal belongings.

Another camp problem is also connected with independence - the ability to manage one's time, to live according to the established schedule. To practice this skill, you can start living according to a schedule a couple of weeks before departure: walk, eat and sleep by the hour, get ready, dress and carry out hygiene procedures at a certain time. Thanks to such a rehearsal, the student will get used to and easily adapt to real conditions.

You can avoid homesickness and fear of loneliness if, before leaving, you constantly remind the child that the rest of the family loves him and will miss him, that in case of difficulties, adults will come, help or even take him home. This will help not to feel unnecessary, rejected, sent into exile.

Do not plan a trip during periods of difficulties in the family. For example, during a divorce.

To protect your child from child bullies who might suggest smoking, alcohol, or even drugs, talk about the consequences of such experiments. Children of all ages need to learn to refuse harmful suggestions and to say "no" firmly when they don't like something.

If your offspring is hyperactive, cocky and quick-tempered, you also need to have several conversations with him so that the child does not provoke a conflict in the camp.

Child psychologist Maria Lomakina believes that parents of such problem children should not give up the summer camp: “Sometimes it is useful for children with special behavior to be in conditions of strict discipline. At the same time, it is important that they be led by an experienced and authoritative adult who can find an approach, help to open up best sides personality, but strictly enforce the rules. A cocky and quick-tempered child at home in a different environment and with other people may behave differently. But behavioral problems are always an indication that something is going wrong in a child’s life.”

In such cases, you need to contact a specialist who will help you adapt to the upcoming trip. Therefore, the sooner the process of preparing for a trip to the camp begins, the more likely it is that it will be interesting for the student and painless for the parents.

What factors indicate that the child is really ready for his first trip to the camp?

A child may be ready for a short separation from their parents from about 5-6 years old. The optimal age when he can be sent to a summer camp, psychologists consider 8-9 years old, although for many this is too early. Therefore, before planning a trip, carefully look at the child and evaluate its capabilities.

1. The child must have a personal desire to go there. If a child categorically refuses the offer to rest for a couple of weeks outside the city, he is probably not ready to part with his parents or is experiencing some fears associated with separation and being in a children's camp.

3. The child must have self-service skills and be independent in everyday matters. Even if the little traveler is 6-7 years old, he must be able to change clothes, wash himself, use cutlery, make the bed and take care of his appearance.

4. Decisions regarding the camp (where to go, what things to take with you) should be made jointly with the child, taking into account, of course, the degree of maturity of the child and the requirements of the camp. If the child feels involved in the decision-making process, the chances of them having a positive experience in the camp increase.

What will a child have to face when he first comes to a health camp?

Staying in the camp requires a certain level of independence and psychological maturity. Explain to your son or daughter that:

1. there will have to be a long time without parents;

2. the camp space is completely unfamiliar, and it is not so easy to immediately remember what is where;

3. the rules for staying in the camp are initially unknown, but their implementation is required;

4. you need to take care of yourself, for example, keep your clothes, bedside table, bed in order and clean; keep track of your things so as not to lose items that will be difficult to do without - a comb, toothbrush, etc .;

5. the children's team is absolutely new, and you need to find your place in it;

6. You will have to bear responsibility for yourself: decide which circles to enroll in, with whom to be friends, in what games and amusements to take part.

What are the ways to create psychological mood The child has?

For some people, a trip to the camp is family tradition. For others, on the contrary, it contradicts their inner world. If you are sending your child to camp for the first time, then you should be aware that both you and your child are learning separation together, but your task is to support him at this difficult moment for him.

1. Parents can talk about what the camp is, what are the rules in it. Well, if you remember and tell the baby a few interesting stories from your "camp" life, show photos.

2. Make it clear that if the child follows the basic rules and shows goodwill in communication, the holiday will be successful. Give your child confidence that they can have a good time away from home.

3. If possible, send the child to the company of guys he knows, so it will be easier for him to adapt to the new team.

4. The calmer the parents will react to the departure of the child, the easier he will perceive the separation and new conditions in the camp. Almost all children are “infected” with parental anxiety (especially elementary school). Psychologists have proven that anxious (hysterical) mothers have children with the same indicators. Most importantly, don't panic!

5. Parents need to collect as much information about the camp as possible: where is it located, what are the conditions, who will be the teacher, what circles, sections, entertainments are there in the camp, when can you come to the child, etc. Then the anxiety subsides.

How to respond to the child's requests to take him home?

In one form or another, every child undergoes adaptation, but this does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to the complaints and tearful requests of the child to take him away from the camp. Even being away from the child, you can try to help him by trying to use simple tips.

1. It is necessary to ask the child about what exactly he does not like in the camp, together look for a solution to these problems.

2. It is important to say that you are also bored, but you believe that he will quickly find new friends, you should set the child up for a good rest.

3. If a child complains that he is beaten, teased and offended, it is necessary to contact the camp administration and ask the educator (counselor) to clarify the situation, you can, by prior arrangement with the camp administration, go to understand whether the child is telling the truth or fantasizing with the goal attracting attention.

4. A demonstrative child feels a lack of attention to himself and therefore can throw a tantrum to both parents and counselors. There is no single strategy that can be recommended when dealing with such a child. Patient parents can endure until the end of the shift, leaving the child in the camp for educational purposes, those whose nerves can not stand it can pick up the child in the middle of the shift. It all depends on the patience of the parents and the goal they want to achieve.

5. One more important advice: try to communicate with the child on the phone in the morning and before 18 hours - at this time your child is passionate about activities and communication. Your call will not cause sadness and homesickness. Late calls, especially closer to lights out, remind the child of the cozy atmosphere at home. The child begins to get bored and ask to go home.

In most cases, what initially caused anxiety will turn into an advantage. The setting is unusual, but so much fun! The team is unfamiliar, but you can make up your mind and show yourself in a new way, more daring and interesting! You need to make independent decisions, because it's great! Yes, parents do not tell, but there is neither increased control nor excessive guardianship. Children who have overcome the difficulties of adaptation are glad that they did not go home, but stayed to rest.

Another "sharp", but short period - when the shift passes for the middle. For a few days, homesickness, for parents, fatigue from communication in a new team return. Again, you can hear the child complaining and asking to be taken home. But this is only for 2-3 days. Then a “second wind” opens up: the children understand that the shift is coming to an end, and they are in a hurry to do what they cannot do at home. Toward the end of the shift, many children say that they are sorry to leave the camp. If you hear such words from a child, if he asks you to next year once again send him to the camp, it means that he got what he needed from the rest!

Even if your child's first acquaintance with the camp did not work out very well, you should not be upset. The camp is a small school of life for both children and parents. And, it is likely that, "having learned this lesson", next time you and your child will rest with much more pleasure.

Now there are many opportunities for organizing interesting summer activities for a child - for example, his trip to a children's camp. Sports, language, developing, tourist - a lot thematic areas camps. But no matter how interesting it is entertainment the child may not be ready for long separation with relatives. How can parents help their child adjust to the new environment? What to do if a child asks to go home in a couple of days?

The willingness to spend some time away from mom and dad comes in due time for every child. Some of the kids are already preschool age enjoys spending time without relatives in the circle of peers. And it’s hard for someone to part with their parents even for a couple of days. Yes, and they are often in no hurry to let their child go to the summer camp - they are afraid that he is not yet prepared for such “life trials”.

It is believed that at 5-6 years old, the baby can already “endure” a short separation from mom and dad. But at this age, few parents enroll their child even in one queue at a summer camp. If this type of summer vacation is chosen, then preference is given to day camps- a kind of alternative to kindergarten or school for the summer.

Psychologists call the optimal age when the baby can already be sent to a children's camp for the first time - this is 8-9 years old. When preparing a child for a summer vacation, realistically assess his capabilities and the degree of readiness for separation from you (albeit a short one).

A child is ready to spend a couple of weeks away from mom and dad if:

  • he himself wants to go there;
  • he fully owns the skills of self-service;
  • he can easily find mutual language with peers and obeys elders.

Does the kid categorically refuse to part with you and go to an unfamiliar place? It is hardly worth forcing him to do this. Nothing good will come of the idea - most likely, within a couple of hours after separation, the child will call you with requests to "take pity" on him and take him back home. It is important to find out the reasons for such a negative attitude towards the summer camp. Ask what exactly the child is afraid of. Is he worried about separation from mom and dad? Or is he afraid that other guys will offend him? Help the kid overcome fears so that next year he will calmly go on a trip with his peers.

The first trip of the baby to the camp is stressful both for him and for his parents. But such separation is a useful school of life. Rest in the camp (provided, of course, that the parents have chosen a good place taking into account the age and hobbies of the child) will only benefit - the baby will learn a lot of new things, become a little more independent, and spend the holidays with benefit.

In order for the adaptation in the summer camp to be quick and painless for the child, it is important to properly set him up for the trip:

  1. Don't escalate the situation. Even if you yourself are very worried about the departure of the child, be calm - do not run in a panic, packing a suitcase for the baby, do not hug him every second, as if you are parting forever, do not cry. Your anxiety will certainly be passed on to the child, but this is precisely what is not needed now.
  2. Talk about upcoming activities. Focus only on positive things, telling your child that a lot of interesting things await him on the trip - new acquaintances, exciting trips and excursions. Set your baby up for the positive!
  3. Find out in advance about the daily routine at the camp. Be sure to tell your child about the rules. He must clearly imagine what awaits him on the trip - "surprises" are useless here.
  4. Resolve the connection issue. Give the baby mobile phone, by which he can always call you. But you don’t need to keep the situation under total control - don’t call your child every minute, don’t visit every day. If the adaptation of the child in the camp is going well, such overprotection can only distract the child from an interesting pastime.
  5. Have your child bring at least a couple of their favorite toys with them.
  6. Parents should teach their children the skills of independence. Ideally, of course, by the age of 10, a child should already be able to make his own bed, wash his face, and brush his teeth. But if something is "missed", it's time to catch up. A child should be able to take care of himself!
  7. Before leaving, convey to him the idea that he can always turn to you for help or advice. Prepare him for the fact that the first few days he will probably want to go home - this is quite normal. But no matter what, let him continue to meet other children and have fun.

Adapting to a new environment is a completely normal process. The kid gets used to an unfamiliar environment - it will take at least 2-4 days before the child joins the new team, gets used to the counselors, begins to accept new rules and daily routines.

If a child calls you on the very first day asking you to pick him up as soon as possible, you should not rush on the first bus to the camp in order to return the child to the bosom of the family. First, figure out what caused such negativity. As a rule, there is nothing serious behind such requests - the baby just misses mom and dad. Do not shame him for this (“all the children have fun, and you ...”) and do not scold - listen, cheer, promise to come visit him on the weekend. You will see, in a couple of days there will be no trace of sadness. But if adaptation to the camp is delayed, the child is not used to the new environment, spends more time alone, not participating in collective games, you should meet him halfway - take him home. Perhaps the time when the baby is ready for a long separation from his parents has not yet come.

Sometimes children ask to be taken home as soon as possible when something happens - literally yesterday everything suited him, but today everything is “not like that”. There can be a lot of reasons for this - quarreled with a friend, someone offended, lost on sports competitions momentary homesickness. The task of parents is to find out what happened, and only then make a decision. You may have to talk with the counselors - do not offend the child in the team. Listen to the baby and try to help him - support, give advice, visit with guests this coming weekend.