
Do-it-yourself gnomes for the new year patterns. Master Class. New Year's gnomes with their own hands. Forest gnome for the new year


Christmas holidays invariably bring with them a warm atmosphere and good mood. Maybe that's why you want to fill the house with cute little things and decor. Creations are perfect for this. hand made- sincere, positive and incredibly attractive.

We suggest you activate Creative skills and independently create a truly unique thing - cute gnomes for a Christmas tree or for decoration. A detailed process with illustrations will help in this.

Required materials and tools:

  • – fabric in 2 colors,
  • - felt, a piece of gauze or bandage,
  • - cotton wool
  • artificial fur,
  • - a needle and thread.

Stages of work:

1. Cut out a square from the fabric, fold it in half and sew it together to make a rectangle-cylinder.

2. From the inside, along the cocotte side of the rectangle, we make assemblies and tie them with a thread.

3. We turn the body blank on the front side. We fill the resulting bag with cotton wool and again tie the hole.

4. Now we form a spout from gauze and cotton wool. Immediately cut out the triangle of fur - the future beard of the gnome.

5. Using a thread and a needle, we attach the prepared parts to the body-bag.

6. We turn the cone from the felt triangle. Can be crushed a little correct form for realism. We fix the cap to the base.

7. It remains only to make the limbs. We cut out rectangles from another fabric and sew them in such a way that we get narrow long strips. We attach felt palms and feet to them.

Tolkien as a Vedic writer

Laughter causes attempts by Christians to present Tolkien as a Christian writer. This indicates a complete misunderstanding of the Anglo-Saxons in general and an elementary inability to analyze.
Recall that the Anglo-Saxons profess the principle of "changing the internal content under the old sign." Tolkien based his works on the myths of the white race, which later dissolved into national myths. In turn, they are based on the northern Vedas, a truncated copy of which is the timely Indian Vedas. By the way, what the Kremlin is now giving out as the Vedas and what is called the Svalyan-Aryan (here is Tartaria, where there is not a word about the rights of the inhabitants of this very Tartaria, but only some kind of greatness) Vedas are not Vedas (Melkor's distortion?), since there is not a word about self-knowledge (meditation), establishing control over reality and managing it.
Christianity itself, namely the teaching of Jesus Christ, originated in Judea, a province of the Roman Empire, through which there was trade with India. Jesus Christ lived in India from the age of 12 to 33 and after. There is a grave there. Accordingly, in Judea, he preached the Vedic teaching, which was later edited at the Ecumenical Councils. The Sermon on the Mount is dedicated to the ability to think, to distinguish between false and true information. It is filled with a whole range of complex concepts that would give pseudo-Christians a headache just because of their stupidity. It's not for you to crawl on your knees in front of the slave-owning god Yahweh.
Christianity is an Indian Vedic doctrine, which came to the Middle East (Judea), then to Rome and was 99% curtailed by the Ecumenical Councils.
Knowledge of the northern Vedic tradition was transmitted in England in closed societies, which are called Masonic, and today are available to everyone, since no one hides them. Freemasons measure, not obey the will of God the slave owner. That is, they think, but do not believe - they accept facts without evidence. Therefore, Tolkien is a Vedist under the Christian flag and nothing more.
Melkor is not Satan. Satan is bad in Christianity because he does not obey the will of God. Melkor was not obliged to rise to the will of Eru (the One), and his contrary activity is another integral part Eru's own intention. The conditional negative of Melkor is that he does not create, but destroys and distorts - these are Vedic concepts aimed at understanding what is conditionally good and what is bad, and not some kind of slave absolute prohibitions like in Christianity.
Gandalf calls himself wise, that is, seeing cause and effect relationships. Others equal to him are called wise. Christians have wisdom, then knowledge is not held in high esteem. For Christians, knowledge increases sorrow. Eru is an esthete, and there is no aesthetics in Christianity at all, self-flagellation and squalor are encouraged. Orcs were aesthetically disgusting to Eru, while Christians believe that all humans should have lived like orcs. And the Era did not destroy the orcs, but let them live in peace, as well as the Numenoreans. The destruction of Numenor is not the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah because of the wrong way of life in general, but its destruction was due to an attempt on the lands of the immortals. Elves do not reincarnate, but people just reincarnate, that is, they go to no one knows where - they do not remember their previous incarnations. Analogue of the veil of Melien. In a number of early works, Eru says that he is not a person in the understanding of people, but a very complex system that needs to be known, that is, experienced. This is also evidenced by the dialogue between Finrod and Andreth, which indicates the complexity of Eru. And complexity is the concept of a knower, but not a believer.
Let's add that Tolkien's map of the world coincides with the map of Europe. And in the unfinished Oxford cycle, Tolkien directly indicates that in the 20th century, a certain group of scientists visited the knowledge of Atlantis (Númenor), and Aman today is North America. It is logical to assume that the direct route to Valinor is connected with the Bermuda Triangle, since it prevents people from getting from Europe to the USA and they disappear to no one knows where.
In general, there are no Christians anymore, since in Christianity all power comes from God or from Satan. But 99% of the modern population read stories like "Harry Potter", play online games like "Skyrim", "The Witcher", etc., where they themselves are the acquirers-carriers of power. She is not from God and not from the Devil. Similarly, Tolkien's power lies even in objects, and does not come from God or Melkor. 99% of people today thus adhere to the Vedic worldview on the basis of the fact that they themselves comprehend themselves and their capabilities. The emperors of Europe had statuettes of Aphrodite, Zeus and other pagan gods, which are the personification of Vedism, but not the crucifixion. In Constantinople there were temples dedicated to Zeus, Aphrodite, etc., many frescoes with naked girls, like the Indian Kamasutra, and no one went to Christian churches according to the Byzantine chronicles.

Who are the gnomes? These are fairy-tale characters, dwarfs who live underground and are famous for their untold wealth. And also they great masters and almost wizards. It used to be that they all have beards, but now this version has been revised because a dwarf cannot be born with a beard.

Previously, people thought that all gnomes were evil, greedy and treacherous, that they sat on their chests of gold and did not give them to anyone. Now this feature has been revised. Every year we make gnomes to bring us gifts.

But for all time there was one invariable sign by which you can immediately recognize him - this is a cap! If the toy is in a cap with a bell, then it's a gnome! Therefore, now we will make dolls in caps.

Tilda gnome

Bright New Year's gnomes on your Christmas tree can not only hang one at a time, but also lead round dances on fluffy green paws. To do this, you just need to sew a few of these funny little men out of fabric. Such a garland will be as long as you want. It can be placed on the Christmas tree or by the fireplace, this cheerful trinity can be attached to the canvas, framed and hung on the wall.

Copy the patterns, make patterns out of paper, and then cut out as many details from the fabric as indicated in the photo. These details are enough for three gnomes.

Cut out the torso from the white fabric, leaving a seam allowance. If you want to make the torso flesh-colored, you can soak the fabric for half an hour in tea leaves.

Sew the cut pieces along the solid lines and turn right side out, tucking the unsewn hem inward.

In the same way, you need to sew legs and Christmas scarves.

Fill the sewn parts with synthetic winterizer or other filler, pin the legs to the body with pins, and then sew.

Next, you need to make doll clothes. It can be sewn from bright colored or plain fabric. First, we sew the shirt along the shoulder seams, then we process the neck, grind the side seams and turn up the sleeves.

We sew the top seams first, and then the legs. We hem the length, tuck the belt and put their outfits on the gnomes.

Shorts can be pleated at the waistband to make them fit more snugly around the waist. Tie a scarf on the rag dolls and glue synthetic hair onto their heads.

New Year's gnomes must be with caps. Start by cutting a felt cone. Then try on, sew, turn out and dress up little men in them.

Sew bells to felt hats.

Every New Year's gnome should bring Christmas gifts to the house. Therefore, we will give each a bag and make a small garland out of the gnomes.

Gnome from cones

If you have open, already shed seeds, Pine cones, you can make funny gnomes out of them. Take a large bead or any ball of suitable size and glue it to the top of the cone.

Patterns are not needed, just cut a cone out of felt and sew a cap. Make a scarf, sew on a bell, draw eyes and dress the gnome.

Christmas Gnome Herbalists

Such a gift for the holiday will be not only pleasant, but also useful. Indeed, in a bag of chintz bright fabric there will be the most medicinal herb in the world. Glue a wooden ball to the bag. This will be the head, so draw a funny face on it. And again, sew and put a felt cap on the ball so that our little man can rightfully consider himself a gnome.

New Year's gnome from fabric

This video shows how easy it is to sew a tilde gnome, the funniest gnome of all. For this you will need:

  • felt of two colors (red and gray);
  • nose bead;
  • two wooden shoes;
  • two strips of knitted fabric for legs;
  • glue;
  • faux fur or synthetic yarn for a beard;
  • filler;
  • threads for embroidery.

This tilde gnome can sit or hang on the Christmas tree.

Another option in the video below and a pattern:

Gnome Splyushka from kapron

Here is the most detailed and understandable master class on how to make a wonderful toy out of kapron. And nothing that he sleeps and, in fact, not quite a dwarf. But, firstly, the gnomes also sleep. And, secondly, we have already decided that the status of a gnome is determined by his headdress. Therefore, if this charming nylon doll is put on not a cap cut from the toe heel, but a cap with a bell, then it will be a real sleeping dwarf.

Gnome in just 30 minutes

Gnome from an old jumper

All children know who gnomes are from cartoons, fairy tales and stories. These little characters live in the dungeon, love to collect gems and have magic spells. Kids love gnomes and believe that they bring gifts. Therefore, each house should have its own Christmas gnome, which brings magic and gifts to the house. The most important sign of a gnome is a cap, sometimes a gnome may have a beard. Especially the day before new year holidays you should think about how to make a Christmas gnome with your own hands, because the time for fairy-tale miracles is coming. Such a wonderful gnome can be presented to friends and relatives so that their house is a little filled with magic. You can settle more than one New Year's gnome or elf in your house. It is not difficult to make such a beautiful toy with your own hands, you only need a few materials, time and mood.

There are many fairy tales and beliefs about gnomes, but if you combine all the information about them, you can make a small essay. So who is the Christmas gnome? This is not just a character of fairy tales and legends, a gnome is a small creature that lives for about 400 years. After a couple of centuries, he finds a wife and creates a family, as a result he will have a couple of kids. The gnome is engaged in smoking a pipe, and also hides the treasure. As the legend says about the gnomes, they are much stronger than people.

Having learned a little about these funny little men, you can start producing gnomes on New Year with your own hands. They will look great on the Christmas tree, or as a gift.
Consider several options, of which you are sure to find your taste.

The first to us will be a little elf. This is a magical gnome, which became known to us thanks to the Celts. Elves are wise and most often wear a red caftan and a green cap.
But your imagination can imagine it in other colors.

To make such a New Year's gnome with your own hands, you will need:

- wooden beads of different sizes;
- round ball (face);
- oblong ball (body);
- bell;
- gun with hot glue;
- felt;

We make a funny elf with our own hands

1) It consists in creating a cap. We take the felt and cut out a circle 5 cm in diameter, cut it in half. We turn one half into a cone, gluing along the edge. Sew a bell to the top. Just three actions and the cap of our elf is ready!

2) At this stage, we will make an elf scarf. We take felt of a different color. We cut out a strip 1 * 10 cm. The edges of the strip can be cut a little, creating a fringe.

3) We pass to the most interesting. We collect a little man from two wooden balls - a body and a face. Between them we leave a gap for attaching hands with knots.
As handles - strung beads (6 small ones, 2 large ones), which are also fixed with a knot at the bottom. The legs are made according to the same principle, only small beads can be taken 8 pieces, and large ones also 2.

4) The most interesting is decoration. Tie a tie around your neck, a ribbon on the cap to hang on the Christmas tree.

It will take quite a bit of time to make such a cute Christmas gnome.

Serious tilde gnome

If the previous elf seems very simple option, then use the New Year's tilde gnome pattern to sew a cute new tenant in your house.

Make patterns on paper so that you can then cut out as many details on the fabric as indicated in the pattern picture. You will get not just one gnome, but almost a garland of three Christmas gnomes. Patterns have already been transferred to the fabric, you can cut out the details.

We cut out the torsos from white / beige fabric, not forgetting the seam allowances.

We sew the cut out parts, leaving a piece for eversion at the bottom.

Turn inside out and tuck in this unsewn edge.

Sew and turn the legs, as well as the scarves of the gnomes.

Fill all the details with cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or holofiber. Sew the legs to the body.

Clothing can be made from any fabric. Stitch the shoulder seams, process the neckline, side seams, tuck the sleeves.

Sew the trousers of the gnomes first along the upper seams, only then the legs themselves.

It remains to tuck in the length and belt.

Now you can dress up our gnomes.

If you want the pants to fit snugly in the waist, then pleat.

Don't forget scarves and yarn hair.

In the pattern of the New Year's gnome, which is given at the beginning, you will also find a cap pattern. Not a single dwarf will go out without him. Therefore, ours must also be with a headdress. When you cut out the cap, sew it on the sides, you can try on the gnome's head and attach it.

Don't forget the little bell on the cap.

Since, according to legend, the Christmas gnome brings a gift, don't forget the bags.

These bright DIY Christmas gnomes will cheer you up and bring coziness and a little magic to your home.

Forest gnome for the new year

These gnomes are considered the most serious, because they guard the forest, keep order. Therefore, it is worth giving them to those who truly have important role in your life.

What you will need to make this Christmas gnome:

- felt (felt) in 2-3 colors;
-wool for felting;
- threads;

Starting work on the gnome

1) Let's start with the torso and head. They are made according to the principle of dry felting. To do this, take a piece of wool of a light color, close to natural. We pierce many times with a needle for felting. We do this until we reach the adhesion of the fibers to a homogeneous state and clear shapes: a ball for the head, an oval for the body.

Now you can sew the body and head.

2) Without a cap, the gnome will not be a New Year's gnome. Just like the elves in the first master class, we make a cap. Cut the circle in half, fold half into a cone, sew along the edges. But on the outside. The seams of our lumberjacks are open.

3) Let's start making a raincoat from a rectangular piece of felt. The edges are slightly rounded and finished with an overcast seam. Stitch at a distance of 0.7 cm from the top of the cloak to secure it around the dwarf's neck. Leave the ends of the thread for tying.

4) We make the dress according to the same principle as the raincoat. After decorating it with embroidery, fasten it with a curved seam on the gnome's body.

5) With the help of your imagination and embroidery tools, you can decorate all the details of the Christmas gnome.

And in the end, collect all the details into one beautiful New Year's gnome with your own hands.

6) We collect the toy.

If you get carried away with the process of sewing such wonderful gnomes, you will not notice how you find yourself in a mysterious world full of magic and magic. It is inhabited by gnomes, elves, and angels.

After watching films about fairy elves and gnomes in the company of my eldest daughter, I came up with the idea to create such a stylish gnome for home decor. Yes, and the children will certainly be delighted with this delightful toy!

In addition, there are less than 100 days before the New Year and Christmas, so why not start preparing, albeit slowly, but carefully, already now.

I thought for a long time how and from what to make christmas gnome until my needlewoman friend gave me a wonderful idea with an old sweater. Such an old sweater that you don’t want to wear, but it’s a pity to throw it away, is in every housewife’s house.

« So why not make a stylish craft out of it.!" - I said and, thanking my friend for the advice, set to work. The best part is that it doesn’t take much time to create such a decor, while the process and the result will capture you with your head.

Editorial "So simple!" prepared 12 inspiring examples of fairytale gnomes which you can easily make with your own hands. And the manufacturing process itself can be viewed at the bottom of the article under examples of work. Enjoy watching!

DIY gnome

  1. To sew a gnome, you will need: a sleeve from an old sweater, a piece of fur, a synthetic winterizer and material for a hat, such as knitwear (it can also be from a sweater).

    The whole process takes me about half an hour. Can be sewn on sewing machine or manually.

  2. What a great idea for a Christmas present!

  3. To understand how to make such a gnome Check out this little tutorial.

  4. Not only an old sweater, but also bright warm socks can be suitable for making a gnome hat.

  5. « The gnome turns out to be small, but remote! Smiling playfully, smart, kind and beautiful!" - my youngest daughter Lisa used to say when we made such gnomes together.

  6. One more accessible master class how to make an adorable Christmas gnome.

  7. I love these ideas!

  8. Did you know that in Scandinavia such gnomes are called nisse. The Nisse live on the farms and help the farmers with their daily chores. In return, the nisse asks for trust, respect, and porridge seasoned with plenty of butter for every Christmas Eve.

  9. And these will be a wonderful decoration not only on the eve of the winter holidays, but also in the fall.

  10. The Norwegians say that it is the nisse gnomes who are “responsible” for the December holidays, and all because once upon a time, their great-great-grandfather decided to have a little fun and put two coins in a bowl of a hungry girl.

    He liked this leprosy so much that he next year he decided to repeat it, and there he got involved, and away we go. His grateful descendants now also indicate to people which spruce should be cut down for Christmas, swinging on its top until dull people finally turn their attention to the beauty.

  11. Some more cool ideas!

  12. And so that such charming gnomes not only decorate the house, but also bring good luck, they need to be made with your own hands, and not bought in a store. It is simply necessary to put your soul, your feelings and mood, your New Year's dreams into them. Otherwise, they simply will not become magical!

To understand how to make such a gnome with your own hands, watch this video.