
Appointment, calculation and components of the pension. How is the old-age pension calculated this year? Calculation formula


Every citizen whose age approaches that at which it is difficult to fulfill his duties as an employee claims to receive an old-age pension. During this period, people begin to worry about the question of what pensions consist of, how they are calculated and on what conditions accruals are made. And this is not all the questions that interest future pensioners.

Who is entitled to an old-age pension?

To retire, two conditions must be met:

  • The length of service at which the pension will be assigned.
  • The age after which a person can apply for the accrual of payments.

Despite these conditions, there are a number of exceptions to the rule. They concern not only the gender of the future pensioner, but also the working conditions in which a person worked for the time necessary for retirement. Moreover, some areas of activity allow people ahead of schedule take a well-deserved rest. In other cases, the pension is calculated according to the general rules.

Types of pension

With these payments divided. Now it is more difficult for citizens to understand which ones should be assigned to them, as well as which pensions the old-age pension consists of. There are three types of old age benefits:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • insurance.

A pensioner has the right to receive any of these. Moreover, as conceived by the government, the labor type will gradually be replaced by insurance, so that there is no confusion.

The amount of accruals

The labor pension consists of parts. There was a time when accruals were carried out according to general schemes. Now, each person's allowance is calculated individually. Therefore, it is important for future pensioners to know what pensions consist of.

According to the new standards, this type of payment consists of the following parts:

  • Experience. It must be at least seven years in 2017, and one year will be added every year. So, by 2025, the experience should be 15 years.
  • Individual calculation coefficient.
  • Length of service during which deductions were made to the PFRF.
  • The total amount of contributions made by the employer.

According to the new calculations, pensioners are assigned a payment that is proportional to the length of service and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.

Individual coefficient

Knowing what parts the pension consists of, people are wondering about the coefficient. Since 2015, when calculating a pension, the number of points accrued according to the amount of salary and the period of work, which is included in seniority. For mothers, periods of caring for children under the age of one and a half years will be included in the length of service. The total amount of pension points will be calculated monthly. Points will be converted to currency twice a year. This year 1 point is equal to 78 rubles.

By 2025, the government plans to increase the number of points to 30. Moreover, this figure will be minimal. In 2025, a pension will be accrued if a citizen has at least 15 years of service and 30 points. If points or length of service are not enough to the minimum indicator, then a social pension will be assigned, according to old age. This year it amounts to almost 5,000 rubles. Since the pension cannot be lower living wage, then accruals will be made to it, which will allow the pensioner to receive benefits in the amount of the minimum subsistence level in his region.

old age pension

For those who meet the standards for calculating an old-age pension, an appropriate calculation will be made. What are the parts of the old age pension? Under the new legislation, this type of benefit consists of insurance and funded parts.

Insurance is a guaranteed amount of payment, which is assigned to each pensioner. For her appointment, it is quite enough to have a minimum experience, match the age and score the appropriate number of points. Also, the threshold of the minimum amount can be increased. This is influenced by such factors:

  • age over 80;
  • getting a disability;
  • achievement retirement age and having dependents.

According to the new legislation, the length of service for women includes the period of childcare, and for men - the time of serving in the army.

Allowances for certain categories of citizens

  • seniority allowances;
  • title payment;
  • post pay.

Knowing what military pensions consist of is not enough. It is necessary to follow all the innovations regarding the calculations. It should be understood what pensions the old-age pension consists of. Today, military pensioners are paid the calculated part of the salary, but from 2025 the government plans to bring pension payments to this category of citizens to 100% of the salary.

Working pensioners

Pensioners who are still engaged in labor activities at the time of retirement are not advised by Pension Fund employees to rush to go on a well-deserved rest. For such citizens, a system of encouragement has been developed. With a voluntary refusal of early or timely retirement, the size of the future benefit increases. Moreover, not only contributions are growing, but also points. For such people, a special system of their accrual is provided.

For those who decide to continue working, restrictions have been developed. Previously, upon reaching a certain age, benefits were assigned, but a citizen could continue labor activity without losing wages. Now he will have to choose: he continues to work and receives wages, or he goes on a well-deserved rest. According to statistics, few people apply for benefits if they received a fairly high salary at their last job. Such people are still long time continue to work and retire only in cases of health problems.

If a citizen continues to work, he will be able to increase the size of his future pension three times. But for this it will be necessary to postpone its registration for five years. In order for a decent allowance to be paid in old age, it is necessary to work for at least fifteen years and have at least thirty points. In this case, the amount of monthly payments will be more than fifteen thousand rubles, but only on condition that a “transparent” salary was received, without envelopes and other unaccounted income.

Future pension generated by donations employers to the Pension Fund - 22% of the amount wages and enumerations.

Since 2002, part of this amount, namely 6%, can be deducted for funded pension, she accounted for in a separate account future retiree.

16% is the insurance part. They differ in that the pensioner himself only the cumulative part belongs, which he can then receive either in shares for each month, or lump sum cash payment.

If after his death there is something left in the savings account, these money will be inherited next of kin.

Upon reaching old age pensioner has the right:

  1. withdraw from the Pension Fund the money that has accumulated from the 6% employer's contributions and receive only an insurance pension;
  2. receive an insurance pension and a funded one: the amount from 6% contributions divided by 234 months (this is average age survival, established by the FIU).

Attention! The insurance pension is the compensation that is paid to citizens at retirement age to compensate for their earnings during the period of employment.

It is assigned if a certain number of pension points and insurance experience (in 2017 - 8 years, from 2024 - 15) and includes all employee's past deductions.

What is the insurance part?

The amount of the insurance pension directly depends on the earnings from which contributions to the Pension Fund were paid. Every year a person pension points are awarded(IPK) depending on the amounts received by the FIU.

Since in 2016 and 2017 the State established moratorium on funded contributions 6%, all 22% go to the insurance part. One point is awarded approximately from 7,300 rubles of a monthly salary.

However, from the number of IPK only part of the pension depends, the second part is a fixed payment. On the this moment it is 4805 rubles 11 kopecks.

The amount of future payments for old age is calculated according to the formula: PV + IPKxSIPC, where PV is the established fixed payment, SIPC is the cost of the 1st IPC, IPC is the amount of pension points. At the moment it is 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

The state establishes maximum number of IPCs, which can be accrued for 12 months. In 2017 - 8.26.

How is it calculated?

Let's deliberately simplify the calculation, assuming that neither the salary nor the amount with which receive 1 IPC has not changed for several years.

The man worked for 15 years and received 20,000 rubles every month from the employer.

Thus, he accumulated 15x(20,000/7300)=41 IPC.

His pension will be 4805.11 (fixed payment) + 41 (number of pension points) X78.58 = 8026.89, that is, a little more than eight thousand rubles.

Minimum payouts in 2017

Individual pension coefficient cannot be lower than the value determined by the state when calculating the payment.

Important! The legislation establishes requirements for the minimum amount of IPC required to receive an insurance pension.

Now it is equal to 11.4. In this way, smallest possible size 4805.11 + 11.4x78.58 = 5700 rubles 92 kopecks.

How do periods when a person did not work affect its size?

In a person's life, there are periods when, for one reason or another, he does not work. Respectively, insurance premiums to the Pension Fund are not listed, IPCs are not accumulated. However, for some of these periods, get retirement points:

  • 1.8 per year - during the period of military service on conscription; caring for the first child until he turns one and a half, a disabled person of the 1st group, an elderly person over 80 years old or a disabled child; residence of spouses of soldiers and officers in areas where they cannot find a job (no more than 5 years); living abroad spouses diplomatic workers and employees of consulates (no more than 5 years).
  • 3.6 - during the period of caring for the 2nd child until he is one and a half years old.
  • 5.4 - when caring for the third and subsequent children who are less than 1.5 years old.

All other periods insurance experience and pension are not included.

Thus, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have worked no less than the statutory period and accumulated IPC from employers' contributions to the Pension Fund. It consists of a fixed part and a part depending on the amount of earnings. Minimum pension in 2017, 5,700 rubles, the average is about 12 thousand.

A pension is a payment made by the state to citizens who have reached old age. This type of compensation can be received by people with sufficient experience for this, and beneficiaries. For example, they can be received due to disability or loss of a breadwinner. After the reform, the state made changes to the calculation of these payments. Only the calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 remained the same.

How is your pension calculated today?

For citizens over 50 years old, the calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 is carried out in a special way. The amount consists of a mandatory fixed state part and an insurance part. The value will depend on the following factors:

  1. the person's age;
  2. number of years worked, profession;
  3. on the amount of wages received.

The procedure for calculating pensions for those born before 1967 depends on the following factors:

  1. Whether the person is a participant in the co-financing program. Financing is state support in the form of additional accruals to old-age benefits, allowing a citizen to increase personal contributions to his future funded share. Several parties can participate in co-financing: the citizen himself, the state (this is a voluntary matter and is carried out on the basis of an application), the employer (this is not necessary, but many enterprises consider this an additional motivation within the framework of the social package they provide)
  2. Does the citizen make regular payments on account of the funded part of future compensation.

Legal Framework

The calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 is regulated by federal law 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. This law discusses aspects of calculating the insurance part. The following types of insurance pensions are provided: old-age insurance, disability insurance, occasional insurance. The regulatory framework also includes federal law 173-FZ “On labor pensions”, in which you can also familiarize yourself with the aspects of pension payments.

General procedure for calculating pension payments

In order for a citizen to be able to count on receiving benefits for the insurance part, the future pensioner must meet the following conditions:

  1. Men can claim compensation at the age of 60, women at the age of 55 (some categories of people can apply for old-age compensation before given age).
  2. Insurance experience must be at least 15 years.
  3. Important individual coefficients by which you can calculate the IPC pension. For each period of seniority, a person is awarded a certain point (coefficient). Their sum must be at least 30.

If it is necessary to calculate the pension for those born before 1967, each condition must be considered separately. Old-age labor compensation is assigned to people who have reached the age: for men - 60 years, for women - 55 years. There are certain categories of citizens who can count on early exit for a well-deserved rest. These include:

  1. citizens who worked in certain conditions (harmful, etc.);
  2. having certain specialties and positions;
  3. having a certain work experience, labor or insurance.

These include:

  • persons who worked in underground structures or in workshops with elevated temperatures, with particularly difficult working conditions;
  • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy machinery;
  • railroad workers;
  • geologists, prospectors;
  • working sea and river vessels;
  • miners;
  • aviation industry workers;
  • rescuers;
  • teachers;
  • physicians working with the public.
  • mothers of many children with five children, or two or more;
  • visually impaired or injured as a result of hostilities.

Early compensation includes a preferential type of pension, which can be received by the following groups of citizens:

  1. If their activities were associated with heavy physical labor or work in adverse conditions.
  2. If the work was done under Far North or in a locality equivalent to the same.
  3. If the working conditions included a certain deadline, after which, regardless of age, it was time to go on a well-deserved rest.

Individuals who raise children alone can count on the insurance share. If the sole breadwinner had a certain period of work, then the insurance share is also charged. To apply for any type of old-age benefit, you must confirm that the breadwinner is absent or dead by providing a death certificate or a court decision declaring missing.


The second condition for receiving insurance benefits is the length of service. These are periods of time during which a person made contributions to the Pension Fund. There are two types of insurance experience:

  1. usual- this is a type of experience when deductions to the PF are made by citizens working under normal working conditions;
  2. special- unlike the usual, this experience characterizes the type of work in special (for example, harmful or dangerous) conditions.

Work experience until January 1, 2002

The length of service until January 01, 2002 is calculated in calendar order according to the actual duration of each period. Personal storage papers will become confirmation of the fact of work, military service or the period of child care, and for calculating the insurance part. What should a person submit to the fund:

  1. work book;
  2. employment contracts;
  3. salary certificates for five consecutive years of work until 01.01.2002;
  4. military ID;
  5. birth certificate of the child;
  6. Marriage certificate.

Only if the fund has these documents, he can count on the timely appointment of a pension in the prescribed amount. To account for hours worked since 2002, an individual personal account with a permanent insurance number must be opened in the Pension Fund for each insured citizen. In it, civil servants are required to reflect:

  • data on the periods of labor activity;
  • information on wages up to 01.01.2002;
  • amounts accrued and paid by the employer or personally insured person of insurance premiums.

Accounting for hours worked since 2002

Information about the periods of work and salary until 2002 in the Pension Fund is provided by the employer in 2003-2004. If during these periods a person did not work or the employer provided incomplete or inaccurate information, then the fund will not have the necessary information. If the insured person doubts that all the information has been provided, then you can always apply and provide the missing information about the length of service and salary until 2002. The following periods are taken into the length of service:

  1. army, service in the police department;
  2. service in the bodies and institutions of the criminal correctional system;
  3. receiving social benefit for temporary disability (decree);
  4. caring for a child up to 1.5 years;
  5. registration for unemployment;
  6. redirection of a civil servant for employment in another locality;
  7. participation in public works;
  8. exile or stay in prison or colony;
  9. caring for a disabled person;
  10. from the attainment of a citizen of 80 years.

What periods are included in the length of service

Based on the law, the minimum insurance period increases every month. In 2015 it was 6 years, in 2019 it will be 9 years, and in 2025 it will be 15 years. If, upon reaching old age, the minimum number of years has not been worked out, then the insurance compensation for old age will not be accrued. The insurance period is determined by entries in the work book showing the period of official employment of the employee.

If an employee’s work book is lost or some records are missing, then the following documents will confirm the experience:

  1. employment contracts;
  2. certificates issued to the employee at previous places of work;
  3. extracts from orders (for example, orders for admission and dismissal);
  4. personal accounts of the employee;
  5. pay slips.

Since 2019, innovations have come into effect for calculating pensions for those born before 1967 using new formulas. By law, people who have worked for 35 years are eligible for additional pay. And for those who have worked (officially) for more than forty years (40 years for women, 45 for men), upon entering a well-deserved rest, the state will pay an additional larger size.

The third condition for receiving insurance benefits is individual coefficients. This is the number of points earned for 12 months or those periods that are included in the length of service. These coefficients are calculated depending on the salary of a person, subject to his official employment. The higher the salary, the higher the rates. The main condition is that before entering a well-deserved rest, the coefficients should not be less than 30.

Based on the law "On Insurance Pensions", increasing requirements for the minimum pension coefficient have been established. If, from January 1, 2015, old-age insurance compensation is assigned if there is a coefficient of at least 6.6, then with a subsequent increase in the coefficient annually by 2.4 by 2025, its maximum amount will be 30.

All periods will be included in the length of service if they had labor activity lasting at least one working day, during which deductions to the Pension Fund took place. Coefficient increase scheme in the table:

year of retirement

Minimum coefficient

from 2025 and later

Pension for those born before 1967

The Government of the Russian Federation in 2019 is actively pursuing pension reform. The calculation of the pension for those born before 1967 consists of three shares. This:

  1. base share;
  2. Cumulative share;
  3. insurance.

Basic part

Basic is a fixed compensation that every person who has reached old age receives, regardless of the length of service. Effective January 1, 2002, the final base rate was set at 450 rubles per month. This amount is due to all citizens who have reached old age and have a work experience of more than 5 years. Its size is affected by the age of the person.

Accumulative part of pension provision

This share is available only to those citizens who were born before 1967 and are members of the TSO. It is formed if in the period from 2002 to 2004. the employer paid monthly insurance premiums for the funded share of labor activity in the amount of 6% of wages. It is formed on a voluntary basis for participants in the Program for State Co-financing of Pensions and persons who directed funds from maternity (family) capital to. The total amount going to the funded share should not exceed 463,000 rubles per year.

On the basis of the federal decree, paragraph 11 of Art. 31 "On investing funds to finance the funded part of the labor payment in Russian Federation» insured persons born before 1967, who entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance and applied for transfer to a non-state fund (NPF), submit an application for refusal to finance the funded part and send the insurance part for financing in the amount of 6 percent of the individual part insurance premium rate.

Citizens can find out about their savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by writing an application in the prescribed form. Payouts state support, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are not subject to taxation, are not taken into account in the calculation of personal income tax, with the exception of payments if an individual has voluntary insurance of the funded part.

insurance pension

It includes the entire length of service accumulated by 2002, the amount of wages and a special coefficient. Let us analyze the methodology for calculating the insurance share, which should be calculated according to the following algorithm:

  • SP \u003d PB * CB * PC1 + FV * PC2, where:
    • SP is the amount of funds calculated for the payment of an insurance payment;
    • PB - points accumulated over time;
    • Central bank - the price for 1 point established at the time of calculations;
    • PC1 and PC2 are increasing premium coefficients for entering a well-deserved rest at a later period;
    • PV - fixed amount

The procedure for applying for a pension

Learn about the procedure, how to apply for a pension, where to apply, and what papers are needed for this. It is recommended to start making payments in advance in order to have time to fully prepare the papers. With a full package, you must contact the authorized body for the calculation and payment of benefits. Exists step-by-step instruction to calculate the payment and provide documents to the FIU. The full list of documents is given below.

Document submission deadlines

The second step is to submit documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. After the collection, at any time after reaching old age (for women, the age should be 55, for men - 60 years or more), you must contact the Pension Fund of your region to assign and calculate the amount of payments. Then the calculation of the payment for those born before 1967 starts from the date of submission of the application with a full set of documents.

Where to apply

If the Pension Fund requests the provision of additional information, then the specialist accepting the documents does not have the right to refuse to submit the application. The applicant must submit the missing information within 3 months. If the deadlines are met, then compensation will be accrued from the date of application. If the deadline is missed, then it will be necessary to submit the full package of documents again, and the date for applying for the purpose of payment has been changed. The application to the fund must be considered within 10 days from the date of submission of the full package of papers.

After calculating the payment, the moment of its receipt is important. If all the documents are executed correctly and submitted on time, the amount will be calculated and issued on the 10th day. If the pensioner submitted the data of a bank card or account, then the payment is made to it, on the 10th day, and there is no need to apply anywhere. When receiving money by mail, there may be delays of 1-3 days required for the processing of a new application by the postal service. If the amount is less than the subsistence level (it is 10-11 thousand rubles), contact the Pension Fund.

The last step applies to those citizens who, after taking a well-deserved rest, continue to work. For them there is a recalculation of payments. It is necessary to submit to the Pension Fund a certificate from the place of work on the accrued wages for the year and the insurance compensation paid, fill out and submit the appropriate application to the fund employee. It will be reviewed within 10 days. Each person chooses for himself whether to work or immediately after the onset of old age to go on a well-deserved rest.

What documents need to be provided

The first step is the preparation of documents. There is the following list of papers:

  1. a passport for citizens of Russia or a residence permit for citizens of foreign countries;
  2. all forms about study and education;
  3. in the original and copies - a work book;
  4. if necessary, certificates from the employer may be required;
  5. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  6. marriage certificate;
  7. a certificate confirming the place of residence and the existing composition of the family;
  8. copies of documents confirming the identity of dependents;
  9. certificate of the average salary of the employee at the last place of work;
  10. details of the banking institution that will deliver the payments;
  11. application to the Pension Fund;
  12. certificate of average monthly salary until 01.01.2002 for 60 consecutive months;
  13. certificate stating that no other type of payment has been assigned to the person.

How to calculate your pension

Each person who goes on a well-deserved rest can calculate the pension on his own, knowing the formulas and parameters for calculating it. It is possible to make an online calculation, there are also calculators. If you yourself cannot make the calculation, you can contact the Pension Fund to learn how to calculate or request information about future income.

General formula

The formula for the calculation will look like this:

  • P \u003d FV + LF + MF, where
    • PV - fixed share (basic);
    • LF - cumulative share;
    • SC - insurance share.

The procedure for determining the insurance part

The fixed share is set by the state. Each citizen has his own savings share. Therefore, we need to know how the insurance share is calculated. There is a calculation principle for this:

  • MF \u003d PC / T, where:
    • MF - insurance part;
    • PC - pension capital;
    • T is the estimated time that compensation will be paid, measured in months

From this formula, we do not know the value of the pension capital, which must be calculated in a new way. The capital is made up of the values ​​of conditional pension capital (CPC) and estimated payment (RP). Calculated according to the formula:

  • RP \u003d SK * ZR / ZP * SZP, where:
    • SC is the coefficient for the worked experience. It is equal to 0.55 (for men, whose experience is 25 years, for women - experience of 20 years). For each year worked in excess of the length of service, 0.01 is charged, although this indicator should not be more than 0.75.
    • ZR / ZP is the ratio of wages to the average earnings in the country. Its level should not be more than 1.2.
    • SZP - the average wage is calculated by the Pension Fund in the amount of 1671 rubles.

After calculating the estimated payment, you can find out the amount of conditional capital:

  • CPC \u003d RP - BC / T, where RP is the estimated compensation, BC is the base part, T is the estimated time of payment, measured in months.

To calculate the insurance part, we only need to know the value of PC1, which can only be found in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). When you know all the data, you can calculate the insurance share, and as a result, calculate what benefits you can count on when you go on a well-deserved rest. Every year the state raises pensions. This is affected by indexation and inflation. Indexation is an increase in the amount of payments that is made annually.

Calculation example

Citizen Sidorov Ivan Sergeevich, born in 1956, can retire in 2016. The work experience of a citizen is 29 years. His monthly salary was 1700 rubles. It is necessary to consider step by step the calculation of the pension:

  1. First you need to calculate the coefficient of experience. For 25 years of experience, the coefficient is 0.55, for each next year there is an increase of 0.01. The final rate of a citizen will be 0.59 points.
  2. Divide the salary by the average salary, i.e. 1700:1671 = 1.02.
  3. Substitute these figures into the formula (see above) and find the pension capital ratio: 1.02 x 1671 x 0.60 - 450 (fixed payment in 2002) x 228 (approximate number of months of compensation) = 130564.66. This is how the capital for 2002 is calculated.
  4. Every year the government indexes pensions, because of this it is necessary to multiply the resulting number by the total coefficient: 130564.66 x 5.6148 \u003d 733094.45 - this is the amount of Ivan Sergeevich's pension capital by 2019.
  5. A small allowance is made for the post-Soviet period of work from 1991 to 2002, it is equal to 0.1 of the amount of capital and amounts to 73309.45.
  6. To all these allowances, you need to add the amount of compensation collected on the personal account, which the employer has been paying since 2002. According to pension fund they amount to 856342.10 rubles. Calculation principle: add up all these numbers: 733094.45 + 73309.45 + 856342.10 = 1662746.00.
  7. Divide the amount received by the approximate period of benefit payment, so you will determine the benefit (228 months): 1662746.00: 228 = 7292.75.
  8. Multiply the individual pension coefficient (for contributions it was 106.393) and the value of the point (in 2019 it is 78.28). You will receive an additional insurance part: 8328.44 rubles.
  9. Add the basic fixed payment to the insurance part, the minimum amount of which is currently 4805.11 rubles. You will receive the final payment, the amount of which is (8328.44 + 4805.110) = 13133.55 rubles.


Every citizen of our country, upon reaching the age when it becomes difficult to fulfill his duties as an employee, has the right to apply for a labor pension. After it passed pension reform, many people did not fully understand what this old-age payment consists of and how the final amount receivable is calculated.

Who can apply for a pension

In order to receive an old-age pension, two important conditions must be met:

  • reach a certain age;
  • earn the minimum experience.

However, all rules have an exception, and the appointment of a pension also occurs under flexible conditions, both in terms of age and length of service. Currently, the moment of retirement depends on:

  • gender;
  • conditions at the main place of work;
  • current legislative acts.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on working conditions under which it is possible to retire earlier than the retirement age. These include work in the following industries:

  • river and sea transportation;
  • port services for the population;
  • aviation;
  • transportation of goods and passenger transportation;
  • ensuring the safety of the population (Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire protection, armed forces, police and others);
  • mines and subways;
  • production (some workshops, including hot ones).

This list can be expanded. Since 2015, all workplaces in our country have been undergoing a special assessment of working conditions (SUT), which identifies factors that can adversely affect the health of workers. This assessment helps to regulate all the rights of workers, including at the federal level provides for the possibility of early calculation of pensions.

What determines the amount of pension payments in the future

In 2015, the scheme for accruing pension payments was changed. Previously, a pension was assigned to everyone according to the same scheme, which many considered unfair. Now the amount of the pension depends on a large number factors:

  • the presence of a mandatory length of service (now it is 6 years, by 2025 it is planned to increase it to 15);
  • individual coefficient (depends on many factors);
  • the length of service during which contributions to the fund were made;
  • the total number of contributions paid by the employer.

By new scheme each pensioner will receive a monthly payment, which will be proportional to the number of years he has worked and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.

What is an individual coefficient

The individual coefficient introduced after the start of the reform is a point system. From 2015, all working periods of citizens will be evaluated in points. They will be accrued for the entire period of employment, which is included in the length of service. It is worth noting that this period includes not only years, but also months that a citizen has worked in his life. For mothers, periods equal to one and a half years for each child will be included in the insurance record.

The total amount of points earned will be the basis for calculating the monthly payment upon reaching retirement age. The government plans to convert points into cash twice a year. In 2016, one point will be equal to 71 rubles.

At present, the minimum individual coefficient is 6 points. However, by 2025 the government plans to increase it to 30. This is necessary in order for citizens to register for work officially, carry out labor activities for as long as possible and do not want to pre-register old-age pension payments. It depends on the final number of points how much the pensioner will receive.

What is the old age pension?

The old-age pension consists of the following parts:

  • accumulative;
  • insurance.

The last part includes a fixed share guaranteed by the state, which each pensioner receives, regardless of whether he has a funded part. It is enough that he had a minimum length of service and reached the established retirement age after many years of work. In 2019, the average size of the fixed part is four thousand rubles. It can be increased if one of the following conditions is present:

  • the pensioner has reached the age of 80;
  • a citizen refers to the inhabitants of the Far North;
  • received a disability group;
  • upon reaching retirement age, a person continues to take care of disabled family members.

For women, insurance experience includes one and a half years maternity leave, and for men - the time of service in the army. For all categories of citizens, the following are not excluded from the general experience:

  • time of disability;
  • days when unemployment benefits were paid;
  • the period of caring for disabled relatives, including the elderly (over 80 years old) and the disabled.

In the future, for each citizen of our country, the insurance share of the pension payment will be calculated separately. After the final establishment of the point system, the following will be able to increase the basic amount of the payment:

  • the amount of wages;
  • general experience;
  • the number of deductions to the FIU by the employer.

Each citizen is able to increase the funded part on their own by participating in the co-financing program and investing their money in a stable Non-State Pension Fund.

It is realistic to increase the labor pension not only at the expense of savings, but also with the help of its later registration. For each year that a citizen has worked over the established age, he will be able to receive an increased number of additional points. Now for all citizens of our country the following threshold for retirement by age applies:

  • for women - 55;
  • for men - 60.

What is the pension

Another concept in which citizens are often confused is the types of pensions. Under the current federal law, each pensioner has the right to receive only one type of pension:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • insurance.

Now all these types operate simultaneously, but gradually labor pension will be completely replaced by insurance, and there will be much less confusion. The fewest conditions you need to meet to get social pension by old age. It is assigned if one of the following conditions is met:

  • living in the north of the country;
  • citizenship and age of 60 for women, 65 for men.

This cash payment is a benefit and can be assigned to foreigners who have lived on the territory of the Russian Federation for the last 15 years, including those without applying for citizenship. The size of this payment is small, so any citizen strives to provide himself with a decent retirement pension in advance.

By 2020, the Ministry of Labor plans to introduce a law to increase the retirement age to 65 years and decouple its value from gender. This means that the number of years lived before retirement no longer depends on the gender of the citizen. In 2016, such a law will not be adopted, since the President of the Russian Federation considers it inappropriate to introduce an increase in the retirement age with an average life expectancy in our country equal to 71 years.

How is the old age pension calculated?

In the future for 2016, employees of the Pension Fund offer future pensioners not to strive to retire on time or earlier (if this is provided for by working conditions). The longer a citizen is employed, the more funds will be accumulated in his account. The point system also encourages voluntary withdrawal from the labor market early.

In this case, the insurance part will increase due to an upward change in the level of contributions under the compulsory pension insurance program. Accumulative part continues to increase annually due to interest, investments and investments.

Online calculators help future pensioners not to delve into the current formulas, which clearly represent the dependence of the future pension on age, the amount of funds in the savings account and the current level of wages.

The trend towards voluntary abandonment of early retirement began to add up with the help of the bills being introduced. For example, in 2015 a number of restrictions were introduced for working pensioners.

Since 2015, pensions have been calculated according to a new formula. But something else is much more important: to qualify for it, you need to earn at least 30 pension points. This condition, first of all, affects the rights of the young: those who have little work experience. Let's consider several examples of calculating an individual coefficient that will help you understand the mechanism of the new law and consciously plan your future.

New calculation principle

To understand what the essence of the changes is, let's give a brief historical background. The table below shows that previously only two conditions were required for granting a pension:

  • the onset of the legal age;
  • availability of the required work (insurance) experience.

Its size was calculated from two values: length of service and wages. At the same time, for the period from 2001 to 2014, it directly depended on the amount of insurance premiums transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. They accounted for 14-16% of earnings. The formula for calculating pensions since 2015 contains a new indicator: IPK– individual pension coefficient

It represents the sum of points for each year of work, but in fact reflects a new condition: in order to receive a legal payment, you must not only work out the required length of service, but also with such a salary that the amount of contributions paid is not less than the amount established by law.

Conditions of appointment and calculation of the size according to different laws

Most of the people counting on retirement in the near future started working during the Soviet era. For the period of validity of each of the three laws, its size is calculated differently. From the length of service earned before 2001, salary and insurance premiums, the amount of the insurance part of the pension will be determined. Then it will be converted into points. Let's take an example.

Example 1. Vladimir Ivanovich worked all his life as an engineer with an average income. On December 31, 2014 - received the average Russian pension: 10030 rubles. It consists of a fixed payment (the same for everyone) - 3935 rubles. and the insurance part - 6095 rubles. How many points does he have?

IPC = 6095 / 64.10 = 95

It is clear from the example that in order to receive an average pension, you need to have about 100 units. If the IPC of Vladimir Ivanovich was equal to 30, then he would receive only 5858 rubles.

For those who are still working, the pension calculation formula works as follows:

  1. Individual ratio: PKI = PKI before 2015 + PKI after 2015 until 2015 - we have already calculated on the example; after 2015. - is calculated as the sum of indicators for each year of work
  2. The amount of the insurance pension: SP = IPC × SPC, where: SPK - the cost of a point on the day of calculation
  3. Total size: PV + SP, where: PV - fixed payment (established by law)

How are points awarded for retirement?

federal law Two values ​​are set annually:

  • the maximum wage for the deduction of insurance premiums;
  • price pension point(indexed at inflation rate).

The marginal (maximum) salary for 2015 is 711,000 rubles, that is, 59,250 rubles. per month; with more - contributions are not taken. The amount of insurance premiums calculated at a rate of 16% will be: 113,760 rubles. Let's calculate how many units you can earn.

Example 2. Vladimir Ivanovich continues to work and receives a monthly salary: 25,000 rubles. Insurance premiums are deducted from the amount of earnings - 16%, or 48,000 rubles. per year. Then:

IPC 2015 = (48,000/113,760) × 10 = 4.22

As a working pensioner, he has the right to recalculate from the amount of contributions transferred for work, but no more than 1.8 units will be taken into account.

The number of points earned depending on the salary

Thus, the higher the salary - the more points. The maximum number - 10, corresponds to the maximum salary with which contributions are transferred. But the law is transition period, during which the demanding conditions will gradually increase. It can be seen from the above table that fully earned rights will only be taken into account after six years.

Calculation examples

Before giving a few examples, we note that pension units are not only awarded for work. The law establishes several periods for which contributions are not paid, but are reimbursed by the state in the following amounts.

What the formula for calculating pensions in 2015 for employees looks like, we saw on the example of an ordinary Russian engineer. But there are other categories of citizens, they are also interested in knowing what awaits them.

The new procedure for calculating pensions from January 2015 (plot of Channel 1)

Example 3. A young successful top manager Sergey.

He has been working since 2010, the salary is 100,000 rubles. He has 5 years of experience, his insurance premiums for 2010-2014. recalculated in points (10). He will earn 20 more for the period 2015-2017: 7.39 + 7.83 + 8.26 = 23.48. But we already know that the payout will be minimal. In addition, according to the law, 15 years are required, so we work further: from 2018 to 2025: 8.70 + 9.13 + 9.57 + 5 × 10 = 77.4. Total for 15 years - 107.44. In the prices of the current period, this is approximately the same average pension as that of Vladimir Ivanovich (95 points).

Example 4. Former military man, now - an individual entrepreneur Dmitry.

Until 2015 - the army, 5 years of service in the police. Total: 7 years of experience, or 7 × 1.8 = 12.6 points. Individual entrepreneur with income up to 300,000 rubles. pay a fixed amount of insurance premiums - 18,611 rubles. (for 2015). IPK 2015 = (18611 / 113 760) × 10 = 1.6. He needs to work for almost 11 years to earn the missing 17.4 points and the minimum pension.

The number of units earned in each period will be different. After all, it depends both on the personal salary of the employee and on the maximum amount for calculating contributions, which changes annually. Moreover, it is growing much faster than income. So, in 2015 it increased by almost 14% compared to the previous one, and the average salary for this period increased by only 9%. So, even with good earnings, you don’t have to rely on big pension. Therefore, you need to take care of other ways of accumulating capital for old age.