
What is a pension. State pension. Pension - what is it


The main provisions of the social payment are regulated by the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On the state pension provision in Russian Federation» .

Types of social pension provision for citizens

Based on the Federal Law of February 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, the following types of pensions are distinguished:

In addition, you can receive such a survivor's pension child whose parents are unknown. For example, children left in maternity hospitals, medical organizations. Payment to such children will be assigned as to orphans, that is, those left without the care of both parents.

In the absence of the right to an old-age insurance pension

Citizens who, due to certain circumstances, were unable to apply for an insurance pension upon reaching retirement age are entitled to a social old-age pension. Most often, the reason is the lack of the necessary insurance experience or the number of pension points. This type of payment is assigned 5 years later than the generally established retirement age - respectively, at 65 years for women and 70 years for men.

The following are eligible for old age benefits:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the specified age;
  2. Foreign citizens who have been living in Russia for at least 15 years and who have reached the legal age.

old age social security do not pay during the implementation of labor activity, during which citizens are insured in the OPS system in accordance with the law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation". Accordingly, if a pensioner gets a job, payments will be terminated.

Pension provision of the indigenous peoples of the Far North

Social pensions are also assigned to residents of districts Far North who do not have insurance experience. For the appointment of pensions to such citizens, only two conditions must be met:

  1. Permanent residence in the Far North.
  2. Reaching the age of 55 for men and 50 for women.

The small peoples of the North include only those citizens who permanently reside on the territory of the Far North, in the areas of settlement of their ancestors and lead a traditional way of life and fishing for those places.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1049 approved the lists small peoples North (they include Eskimos, Chukchi, Lamuts, Kereks, etc.).

Sizes of social pensions and indexation in 2019

The amounts of social pension payments are fixed and depend on the type of the assigned pension and the category of their recipients. The amounts of pensions established are shown in the table below.

Recipient categorySize, rub.
By disability
Disabled children and disabled since childhood, group 112681,09
Disabled people of the 1st group and disabled since childhood of the 2nd group10567,73
Disabled 2 groups5283,85
Disabled 3 groups4491,30
On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner
Orphans up to 18 years old and full-time students up to 23 years old10567,73
Children under 18 (up to 23 in full-time education) who have lost a parent5283,85
old age
Men and women who have reached the age of 70 and 65 years respectively, and citizens from among the small "northern" peoples5283,85

The size of pension payments should be indexed each year depending on the growth in the amount living wage pension from the previous year. If the final amount of payments is below the pensioner's subsistence level established in the region of residence, then the recipients may be assigned.

The pension for residents of the North is additionally increased by the district coefficient for the entire stay in this locality. When a pensioner leaves the "northern" territories, the application of the coefficient is canceled.

Order of appointment and delivery of payments

To assign a social pension, citizens must provide:

  • identity document;
  • statement;
  • additional documents required to confirm various circumstances (for example, the conclusion of the SME).

The required set of documents can be submitted at any time after the entitlement to this type of pension provision. You can apply for payment at multifunctional center (MFC) or to the territorial authority (at the place of residence) pension fund Russia (FIU). Documents are provided both personally and through a legal representative. An application for appointment can be submitted through a personal account on the official website of the PFR.

Pay appointed from the 1st month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than the day the right to it comes. Payments are made monthly.

The recipient of the pension provision has the right to choose the organization and method of delivery of the pension provision. There are several such organizations - these can be the Russian Post, bank branches or an organization that delivers pensions.

Concerning payment methods, then there are several of them:

  • at home;
  • in person at the branch of the organization;
  • to the bank card.

You can issue a power of attorney to receive pension funds. You can draw it up yourself, but it requires certification by a notary or directly in the organization where the pensioner receives payments. To do this, the recipient himself and the authorized person must contact these offices with identification documents (passport).

In connection with the pension reform, more and more people are talking about insurance payments. But some categories of persons are entitled to them, even without a day of experience. Social pension: what is it and how to get it? These issues are regulated by Federal Law No. 166, which takes the disabled population of the country under protection.

Like a labor (insurance) pension, social payments have a function - compensation for earnings. What is the difference between them? The size of the first depends on how many years the person has worked, what insurance premiums have been paid during this time. insurance pension involves the accumulation of IPC. Social payments are assigned if there are no pension points on the person's account or if they are insufficient.

Citizens of Russia, as well as foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the country, can apply for state pension funds. What social pension and to whom it is paid, you can find out in the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision" No. 166-FZ. So, for registration, you must belong to one of the groups of those who receive a social pension:

  • men over 65 and women over 60 who do not have the right to obtain insurance coverage due to lack of experience or its insufficiency;
  • disabled persons whose status is confirmed by medical and social expertise;
  • unemployed minors and full-time students under 23 who have lost one or both parents;
  • representatives of small indigenous northern peoples who support the original culture of their ethnic group.

For example, the family of a deceased during military service can receive two types of support at the same time, one of which is of a social nature. The second category, which has this right, is the disabled as a result of the Chernobyl accident and his dependents (in the event of the death of the victim in Chernobyl). This also includes the widows of servicemen who died during hostilities.

Types of social pension payments

In Art. 5 of the Federal Law No. 166, the following types of pension provision are distinguished:

  1. old age;
  2. by disability;
  3. on the loss of a breadwinner.

Payments differ in the term of appointment and the characteristics of the recipient. For example, provision under the SPC is provided to a person under 23 years of age (subject to full-time study at a university or secondary school).

Five years longer

Social old-age pension is a payment designed to protect the elderly, accrued to persons five years after the standard retirement age. The right to receive it is somewhat different from the conditions for issuing insurance. It is accrued at the age of 65 (60 for women) if by that time the person has not gone to the insurance (labor) pension.

Similar payments are due to residents of the small peoples of the North from 55/50 years old. In this case, the person is obliged to live at the place of settlement of this ethnic group, to support its culture and way of life. A complete list of peoples falling under the law is approved by the Government. If a person moves outside the habitat of the indigenous people, no money is paid on this basis.

Social security for people with disabilities

Disability pension is granted regardless of age. The terms of her appointment include:

  1. lack of entitlement to disability insurance coverage;
  2. ITU-certified disability.

The terms of registration depend on the period for which the commission extended the status. As a rule, disability of the first group is established indefinitely or for two years; the second and third - for a year. Disabled children may be assigned a deadline for re-passing the ITU, or they may establish an indefinite nature of the decision. Accordingly, after passing the examination, the urgent provision for disability is extended at the request of the person.

survivor's pension

Disabled relatives who have lost their breadwinner have the right to apply for social security under the SEC, if the deceased had no insurance record at all. It is available for:

  • minor children;
  • persons under the age of 23 studying in a higher or secondary special educational organization in full-time education;
  • child/children of a deceased single mother.

It is necessary to prove that the income of the breadwinner was a source of finance for the person. For example, a child received alimony from his father, additional assistance was provided.

Adopted children are eligible for benefits just like their own children. If the missing parent is declared dead by the court, his child can also receive funds from the state budget under the SEC. Security is not issued to a person involved in the death of his breadwinner.

Payments stop when the disabled family member finds a job (or reaches the maximum possible age).

The amount of payments received

Each of the categories of persons is entitled to a fixed amount paid monthly. is determined annually, taking into account indexation. If this amount is below the subsistence minimum, according to the Federal Law "On State social assistance» No. 178 there is a surcharge.

The size of the social pension in 2017 was approved from April. It is these payments that will be due until April 1, 2018. Indexation of social pensions is carried out annually according to the percentage of inflation.

Usually the amounts are unchanged, but for living in the Far North or in areas equated to it, other areas difficult to live in are assigned district coefficients. When you change your place of residence, the coefficient changes or is canceled.

Where to apply for clearance

To apply for a GPO for old age, disability or SEC, you should contact the MFC or the Pension Fund. The first ones only accept documents, sending them for work to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If you need to issue it as soon as possible, it is better to give documents directly to the Pension Fund. The application is submitted to the territorial office at the place of residence. When moving for permanent residence in another country, payments stop.

List of required documents

Having obtained the right to pension provision, a person needs to prepare a package of documents, the exact composition of which depends on the basis for receiving payments.

In each of the cases, you will need an application and a general passport (of the applicant or his representative). The rest of the required documentation diverges.

Order of appointment and payment

A correctly assembled package of documents is considered no more than 10 days. Payments start from the month of application. If you apply for a SEC pension within a year, the day of its assignment will be the day of the death of the breadwinner.

The pensioner has the right to choose the method of receiving money. They can come to the card, brought to the house, to the post office, received at the bank. The legal representative receives a pension only by notifying the Pension Fund in advance.

Thus, pension provision from the state budget is assigned to disabled persons without insurance record. It has a fixed size and depends on the basis of their receipt.

What is a pension for an elderly person? Is it important to him or not? Why? What are its types? What is a pension in terms of maintaining the stability of the social mechanism of interaction? All these questions can be answered in this article.

Pension - what is it?

Labor pension

It is appointed when a person is unable to work due to his advanced age. To get it, you need to engage in labor or other useful activities. It can be paid at the onset of old age. It is also appointed when the individual has completed a certain due date: in this case it would be a superannuation. This allows you to cover all areas of human activity, taking into account most of the features.

The pension is the most common form of remuneration for work for the benefit of society. Its size directly depends on the length of service worked, earnings, as well as insurance premiums. By the way, earlier these parts were indexed separately. But in 2010 everything changed. And now the entire labor pension is indexed. Thanks to a special mechanism, the insurance part is not just singled out as a separate category. So, let's figure out what an insurance pension is. What is she?

insurance pension

This is a monthly cash payment that compensates citizens wages or other income that they received during their employment. Also, these payments can be claimed by people who are members of the family of the insured, if he died.

What are the features of such income? You need to know that a certain fixed payment is set. It is completely dependent on the type of insurance pension. It is indexed annually by the state. It can be appointed ahead of schedule, but only under certain conditions. This is possible only if a person worked in such types of work where an increased Insurance pension is valid - this is a type of payment in such a case that begins to be made when a man and a woman reach 60 and 55 years old, respectively. Certain social and professional categories of citizens have the right to do so.

Social pension

In practice, the term "allowance" would be more appropriate for this concept. Social pension can be assigned in such situations:

  1. Upon reaching old age. Women and men (over 60 and 65 years old respectively) with less than five years of work experience can count on it. At the moment, payments are provided in the amount of about 5 thousand rubles. In addition to the above individuals, representatives of the small indigenous peoples of the north can apply for a pension. Here the term is as follows: 50 and 55 years for women and men, respectively. The government has created a special list of nationalities whose representatives are eligible for such a pension. This is done only for those who live in indigenous areas and are engaged in a trade characteristic of them: hunting, reindeer herding, and so on.
  2. On the loss of a breadwinner and disability. In the first case, this is available only to minor children, as well as to those who, under the age of 23, receive full-time education at an educational institution. A disability pension can only be received if a person has been assigned the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group. Moreover, this must be confirmed by an act of medical examination. The amounts of payments range from 4 to 11.5 thousand rubles.

Features of receiving social pensions

The fact is that there were legal conflicts before. They were legally allowed only in 2010. It should be remembered that only the person who does not receive labor can apply for a social pension. The conditions for this are as follows:

  1. The person does not meet the requirements due to which a labor pension is calculated.
  2. At first, an application for the appointment of a TA was submitted, but then it was withdrawn before the amount was set.
  3. There is a right to a labor pension, but the person did not apply for its calculation.
  4. The TP was appointed, but its recipient refused it, while submitting a corresponding application.

It must always be remembered that a person can count on receiving only one of the pensions.

Size and world

Let's look at the size of these payments in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world. Verified information will be taken, so in the article we present the exact pensions in 2015:

  1. Social - 8300 rubles.
  2. Military invalids - 28,490 rubles.
  3. For the loss of a breadwinner - 8040 rubles.
  4. For disability - 7994 rubles.
  5. Labor in old age - 13,900 rubles.

As a comparative example, one can also cite the average pension in Moscow - 14 thousand rubles. Now let's go around the world. Different countries (including our neighbors) will act as objects of consideration. The amount of payments is translated into Russian rubles:

  1. Ukraine - 4 thousand rubles.
  2. Belarus - 9916.24 rubles.
  3. Kazakhstan - 14,166 rubles.
  4. Greece - RUB 32,468.59
  5. Germany - RUB 79,329.99
  6. USA. Here, the amount of the payment is about 67,997 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that the pension in this country is calculated in a special way. And it cannot be considered as such in the full sense. Here, a significant income of the pensioner is the return on investment.
  7. Armenia. If the Ukrainian situation can be explained by the war and the unwillingness of the elites to work for the good of the country, then this state is simply characterized by a low pension, which is 5666.42 rubles.
  8. Bulgaria. It has the lowest rate in the entire European Union. It is 7932.99 rubles.
  9. Georgia. Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the average payment is approximately 3399.85 rubles.
  10. Estonia. The amount of pensions in it is kept at the level of Moscow. And it is 14,449.37 rubles.
  11. Finland. Top of our list. The pension in it in 2015 is 112,317.51 ​​rubles.

Let's say a word about the Russian Federation

As you can see, a pension is a pretty good support for the elderly. Of course, due to a number of different factors, it is inappropriate to compare only one parameter. As an addition, it would not hurt to figure out how much it costs in different countries consumer basket and what is included in it. Nevertheless, pensions help pensioners more or less adequately while away their days.


As you can see, the Russian Federation cannot boast of the highest pensions in the world. But in the CIS, things are going quite well. Of course, this is not the only parameter that must be resorted to in order to have an idea of ​​the standard of living. So, when compared with Ukrainian pensions, a significant gap can be noted. But due to the fact that the main consumer products are many times cheaper than those sold in the vast Russian Federation, the difference is not as big as it seems at first glance. Therefore, in order to determine where pensioners live better, it is necessary to look not only at the size of state payments, but also at the cost of basic food, utility bills and medicines.

In 2015, the Russian Federation held pension reform. She didn't really change the basics. pension system, but led to its correction. You can familiarize yourself with the main principles of calculating and forming a labor pension in the Russian Federation by carefully studying the article.

Basic concepts

What is a labor pension, to whom it is paid, and in what order - the main information that you need to know about the pension system.

What it is?

Labor pension - monthly payments to a citizen from the state, necessary to compensate him for wages accrued during his labor activity.

From 2015, the old-age labor pension will be calculated according to a new formula:

Insurance component = the sum of (CPV*FV) and (CPV*IPC) multiplied by the SIC.

Interpretation of coefficients:

  • PV - fixed payments determined by law;
  • IPC - coefficient of individual character;
  • CPV - coefficient that encourages postponing retirement;
  • SPC is an amount determined annually by the government of the country.

To whom is it due?

Payment of funds occurs in three cases:

  1. An old-age pension is awarded. It is paid to persons who have reached retirement age and have work experience.
  2. A disability pension is awarded. Payments are made to disabled people of 1, 2 or 3 disability groups.
  3. Appointed in case of loss of a breadwinner in the family. Paid to family members dependent on the deceased breadwinner.

The basis for receiving an old-age pension is the onset of retirement age. The remaining conditions will be considered derivative, although their presence is also necessary.

The concept of labor pension is enshrined in the Federal Law of 2001

not excluded early retirement are entitled to receive them:

  1. Doctors.
  2. Teachers.
  3. Miners.
  4. Persons working in the Far North for more than fifteen years.
  5. Women with more than five children, etc.

There are also occupational pensions. This requires professional experience.


Consists of two components:

  • insurance;
  • cumulative.

From the beginning of 2015, these parts will become independent in relation to each other.

Insurance component

It will be formed on the basis of insurance premiums received by the fund since 2002. Also, its size will depend on the pension rights acquired by an individual before 2002.

This component contains the required basic pension, the size of which is 3.190 rubles. These funds are accumulated in the personal account.

Cumulative component

The Law on Labor Pensions provides that the structure of the pension includes funded part. It is formed on a voluntary basis by citizens who have a job.

The employer pays insurance contributions for them to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Attention! Starting from 2014, all insurance premiums are sent to the distribution fund to make current payments. Only clients of non-state funds have the right to set aside financial amounts on separate accounts.

Until the end of 2015, every citizen has the right to return deductions, the amount of which is 6%, to the funded part of the pension.

To do this, you need to draw up an appropriate application to the Pension Fund, then conclude an agreement with the selected non-state Pension Fund in order to transfer money to a new account.

Video: formation of a labor pension

Registration procedure

All citizens receive the right to apply for a labor pension if they have the grounds established by law. With documented grounds, you must go to the Pension Fund and draw up an appropriate application.

Terms of appointment

An old-age labor pension is assigned on the following grounds:

Requirements for applying for a disability pension:

  • citizens recognized as disabled of any group. Confirmation is carried out in medical centers on the basis of the procedure specified in;
  • It does not matter the reason for obtaining the degree of disability. An exception to this procedure is paragraph 4 of the Federal Law No. 173 "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation";
  • if a person who has received a degree of disability does not have an insurance record, a social pension under the Federal Law is also established.

Grounds for receiving a pension due to the death of the breadwinner:

  1. Disabled family members who have the right to receive a labor pension have. An exception to this provision are individuals who have committed a criminal offense that caused the death of the breadwinner. One of the parents, the husband (wife) and other close relatives (the full list is indicated in paragraph 2 of the Federal Law No. 173) are granted a pension regardless of whether they were dependents.
  2. The pension is paid exclusively to disabled relatives.

These include:

  • relatives (children, grandchildren, etc.) who have not reached the age of majority, who are studying full-time in higher education educational institutions. The exception is not foreign establishments located outside the country. The pension is paid until the age of 23;
  • a parent, spouse, other close relative has the right to receive a pension if he is engaged in raising (care) for a child, grandson or other close relative of the deceased breadwinner;
  • parents or wife (husband) of the breadwinner, if their age exceeds 60 for men, 55 for women;
  • family members who received all or part of the means of subsistence from the breadwinner will be recognized as dependents;
  • disabled parents.

Required documents

The following documents are required for the old-age pension:

  • an individual applying for a pension;
  • a document proving the identity, age and citizenship of an individual. In most cases, such a document is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • on monthly earnings in the period from 2000 to 2001 or for sixty months in a row until 1.01.2002 of labor activity.

Documents for the appointment of a labor pension due to disability:

  • application of an individual;
  • the passport;
  • from medical institution confirming incapacity for work;
  • certificate of monthly earnings in the period from 2000 to 2001 or for sixty months in a row until 1.01.2002 of labor activity.

Among the additional documents that may be required only in some cases, in order to receive an old-age pension or in connection with the assignment of a disability group, include:

  1. Information about disabled family members.
  2. A document confirming the residence or long-term stay of an individual in the Russian Federation.
  3. Certificate confirming the change of surname or name (if any).

Documents for receiving a labor pension due to the loss of a breadwinner:

  • citizen's statement
  • the passport;
  • certificate of monthly earnings in the period from 2000 to 2001 or for sixty months in a row until 1.01.2002 of labor activity;
  • , indicating the presence of family ties with the deceased person.

At the request of the relevant authorities, the following documents may be presented:

  • about the location of an individual on;
  • about the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • about the unknown absence of the breadwinner;
  • about the lack of a source of financial resources for living.

To the application for receiving a labor pension ahead of schedule on the basis of Art. 28 of Federal Law No. 173, in addition to the listed documentation, it may be required:

  1. , confirming the length of service in a particular activity.
  2. A document indicating the birth of the fifth or more children.
  3. A certificate indicating the disability of the child since childhood, on the recognition of a person as disabled due to a military injury.

Where to apply?

Where to go to get:

  • persons residing in the country, to the Pension Fund at the place of residence;
  • persons not registered within the Russian Federation, to the Pension Fund at the location;
  • citizens of Russia living abroad of the country to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • foreigners without Russian citizenship to the Pension Fund at the place of residence in Russia;
  • minors apply to the FIU at the place of registration of the parent, guardian, etc.

An exception to this is the payment of an old-age labor pension to individuals:

At the same time receiving a disability pension, the payment of which ceases upon reaching the established age.

These persons are granted a pension without submitting an application, on the basis of information at the disposal of the Pension Fund.

The documents at their disposal include the amount of the disability pension, passport data, certificates from medical institutions.

Financing procedure

Funding for labor category pensions comes from the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Based on Art. 18 financial sums of the PFR have a designated purpose - the payment of pensions.

The fund's budget is formed from various sources:

  1. Citizens' insurance premiums.
  2. Finances of the federal budgetary fund, which include social tax.
  3. Pennies and sanctions.
  4. Contributions of citizens on a voluntary basis for the formation of a future pension.
  5. Funds received from investors.

The budget can be formed from other sources that are not prohibited by the legislation of the country.

Main features

The old-age pension has a number of distinctive features:

  • firstly, her payments are assigned for the rest of her life;
  • secondly, it depends on the work experience of an individual;
  • thirdly, pension payments are assigned only to those persons who have reached the established age.

Distinguishing benefits include:

  • firstly, for its payment, confirmation from a medical institution is required;
  • secondly, payments can be made at any age, including from the moment of birth, if the child has been assigned a degree of disability of any group;
  • thirdly, the amount of the payment depends on the group of disability.

Pensions are necessary to support the disabled population of the country and citizens who have reached a certain age. In order to receive decent payments in the future, it is already recommended today to familiarize yourself with the basics of the pension system.

Today, the state supports citizens in a difficult financial situation in various ways.

This applies to both persons who have reached a certain age, and citizens who have fallen into a difficult financial situation. The amount paid in this way will provide a minimum standard of living.

What it is

On the this moment the term pension is understood as a certain amount of money that the state transfers to its citizen through a specialized institution.

Today, both the process of calculation and accrual, other important points regulated by the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation. If possible, the pensioner should familiarize himself with the relevant legislative acts.

There are many various types accruals of the type in question:

  • state - for long service (appointed by civil servants);
  • old-age pension - due to everyone without exception upon reaching 55/60 years for men / women;
  • - if a parent or other person who provided for a minor, otherwise disabled, died;
  • disability pension;
  • social - assigned to various categories of citizens.

The pension itself is formed at the expense of deductions made by the employer of an officially employed citizen.

Today, the corresponding amount of contributions from each salary is 22%. All deductions are made to a specialized institution - called the PFR. This fund is state, but at the same time it is off-budget.

Employees of this fund are also involved in the calculation of the corresponding payments. That is why, in order to receive almost any pension, you need to contact the regional branch of the type of institution in question.

Some individual pensions are formed through individual ministries. For example, in order to receive a military pension for length of service or on another basis, you will need to contact the military commissariat at the place of registration of the serviceman.

Also military pension can be obtained simply through the FIU. For clearance various kinds a different set of documents will be required.

The list of mandatory is established by special regulations. If you have any questions, you should contact the FIU directly. Employees will be required to answer all questions that ordinary citizens have.

Today, two factors have the maximum influence on the size of the standard labor pension:

In some cases, various kinds of allowances are required. For example, for citizens who have reached the age of 80, it doubles.

Various multiplying factors are used for persons who carry out labor activity in the Far North, as well as regions equivalent to it in terms of climatic conditions.

Be sure to familiarize yourself in advance with all the points that have a direct impact on the amount of pension contributions.

What laws govern

Today, all issues related to accrual, transfer and are regulated by the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The fundamental legal document is the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

It includes the following main sections:

lists the legal documents that apply to payments of the type in question
concepts/terms used in this type of legislation
who exactly can receive the type of pension accruals in question
who can choose a certain type of pension
types of labor pensions are listed
due to which the formation of pensions of this type is carried out
what conditions must be met for the appointment of a labor-type pension due to the onset of a certain age
conditions for receiving a pension due to the presence of a disability group
How is a survivor's pension determined?
which periods are necessarily counted in the total length of service
various additional periods of time that are not included in the length of service, but are taken into account when calculating the size of the pension
How exactly is work experience calculated?
the main criteria for calculating the length of service of the insurance type, as well as the procedure for its confirmation
retirement pension due to old age
disability pension amount
amount of pension contributions in case of loss of a breadwinner
regulates the procedure for calculating, recalculating, as well as indexing
how is the recalculation

An equally important document is the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision”. It also regulates the process, various other important points.

For some individual categories of pensioners, there are special regulatory legal acts of an internal nature. For example, this applies to military personnel, as well as other government employees.

Is it possible to refuse

Previously, it was simply impossible to refuse pension accruals on legal grounds. But relatively recently, serious reforms have been carried out in the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation on this matter.

Based on new regulations, it became possible to delay the start of receiving pension payments. These innovations began to be used from 01/01/2015.

If, upon reaching retirement age, a citizen does not apply to the FIU in order to receive appropriate deductions in his favor, then he will be entitled to special “premium coefficients”.

Moreover, the longer the period of non-use of the right to a pension lasts, the higher these coefficients will be. In this case, the premium coefficient is due for each full year.

The increase in pension contributions is carried out for each year of non-circulation by the following amount:

For example, if you do not apply for a promotion for 5 full years in a row, then:

  • the size of the fixed payment will be increased by 36%;
  • The amount of the insurance part of the pension was increased by 45%.

In this case, the maximum benefit will be received by citizens who, at the time of reaching retirement age, have a fairly high salary and there is simply no need for a pension.

Due to the temporary waiver of a pension, it is possible to obtain a significant increase in payments of the type in question.

This type of rule applies not only to citizens who have not yet begun to receive a pension.

Already valid pensioners, to whom the corresponding payments are transferred, have the right to write an appropriate application for refusing payments.

You will need to contact the regional branch of the FIU at the place of permanent residence. In this case, the duration of the period for which the refusal is submitted must be at least 1 year.

What is a second pension

At the moment, a limited number of persons serving for a certain amount of time in the following law enforcement agencies have the right to this kind of accrual:

  • others similar.

Often, after being dismissed for various reasons from these departments, those who have reached a certain age carry out labor activities in a “civilian”.

Activities of this kind fall under the relevant legislative acts - on pension provision.

But in order to receive a civil pension, it will be necessary to register in the PFR compulsory insurance system. This procedure must be done directly by the employer.

In the future, appropriate deductions will be made for the former civil servant in favor of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

All the necessary information required for the calculation and subsequent accrual of a pension is necessarily reflected in specialized accounts. The account number is indicated in a special document - SNILS.

The second pension to a pensioner (former military man) is accrued upon fulfillment of certain mandatory conditions. The list of such conditions includes today:

  • reaching a certain age - 60 and 55 years for men, women;
  • length of service of a certain amount - the minimum amount of time of official employment for the appointment of a pension (for 2015, such length of service is 6 years);
  • the total number of points - in 2015 they must be at least 6.6;
  • the presence of a pension accrued through the power departments:
    • by disability;
    • for years of service.

It should be remembered that when calculating the length of service for calculating a labor pension, the periods that were taken into account when calculating the pension through law enforcement agencies are not taken into account. This issue is discussed in more detail in federal law from 12.02.93

This regulation applies to:

  • undergoing military service;
  • working directly in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations and fire service;
  • bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs;
  • bailiffs.

Moreover, in some cases, the right to receive a pension extends not only to employees of law enforcement agencies, but also to their families.

For military pensioners, an insurance-type pension is always assigned without summation with a fixed payment. The pension is mandatory annually indexed directly by the state.

Moreover, recipients of the second pension, as well as ordinary citizens, do not need to write any application. Indexing is carried out automatically, in a non-declarative manner. The recalculation itself is almost always carried out on August 1.

Payment Schedule

According to the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, a pension must be accrued at least once a month.

But at the same time, the specific number of transfers to the pensioner's account is determined directly by the local PFR body located in the pensioner's region of residence.

You can apply for a pension at any time. In this case, the documents themselves will be considered within the next 10 days.

After that, a decision on the accrual must be made. If it is positive, then the funds will be sure to be credited in the next month, the date set by the specific FIU.

Adjustments are made annually. However, at least once a year. It should be remembered that from 2016 the indexation size will be minimal. There are several reasons for this: the budget deficit, economic sanctions and the weakening of the ruble.


To receive a pension of the type in question, it is mandatory to have a work experience of at least 15 years. At the same time, for its appointment, certain other additional important conditions must be met.

It is possible to receive a municipal pension if the employment contract is terminated for the following reasons:

  • if the liquidation of the enterprise was carried out, the reduction of the staff;
  • if the authority of the employee in a certain position has ceased;
  • the age limit for holding a certain position has been reached;
  • the occurrence of inconsistency with the position held;
  • at will.


Today, the insurance part of the pension can be reissued to a close relative or another person.

This procedure is performed as follows:

  • it is necessary to obtain information about the location of a particular pension;
  • within 6 months from the date of death, it is required to visit the organization where the funds of the deceased pensioner are located (confirmation of the right of inheritance and a death certificate will be required);
  • a special receipt-notification is issued - on the registration of the application itself;
  • within 10 days the application will be considered;
  • if a positive decision is made, the funds can be obtained in any convenient way.

It is very important to meet the deadlines. If they are missed, registration will not be possible. Today, the receipt of a pension, as well as the process of its formation, are associated with a large number of the most different features, nuances.

It is worthwhile to carefully read all of them in advance if possible. This will avoid the appearance of controversial issues - which will significantly speed up the procedure for registration and, accordingly, the receipt of funds.

Video: Pension provision