
Hollywood: glamorous style for your wedding. Hollywood style wedding Hollywood style wedding


The script "Filming a movie" or "Hollywood" is very popular, I decided to do my bit and offer you a fresh interpretation. True, this is not an American version of the party at all. Let's call it "Ode to the old Soviet cinema" :-).

Who is my script "Hollywood" for:

  • for a family holiday, which brought together relatives from 2 to 82 years old
  • for a teenager's birthday (if they know old Soviet films, of course :-))
  • for youth self-made corporate
  • for the entertainment of vacationers with sanatoriums-dispensaries

It's very easy to organize

I wrote a holiday script that is simple in every sense:

  • it is very easy to find accessories for our film, as they are available in all stores
  • no need to rehearse in advance - all lines are taken from famous films
  • the number of participants can be from 5 to 30
  • the presenter has a very simple task (he will alternately be a screenwriter, director, host of the awards ceremony)
  • the program is diluted with competitions, there will be no monotony
  • easy to award winners (each has its own nomination)
  • no special props, decorations and technical devices are needed
  • you yourself can adjust the duration of the holiday by adding or excluding the contests I proposed
  • What you shoot the film on does not matter at all. At least on the phone. This is secondary! First of all - fun!


The presenter (now a screenwriter in a scarf) runs in with a wastebasket: “Help! Help! Yesterday I wrote the script and tore it to shreds. This morning I realized that it was brilliant! Take one piece at a time and help me!”

All guests take one piece of paper and just read what they got. To help you, I collected phrases from old films of this type:

From this list, you can immediately choose the most suitable for your company.

If the guests are sitting at the table at this moment, I suggest not just reading, but pronouncing these masterpieces in the form of an “alaverdi” toast (in a row in a circle, clinking glasses).

Screen tests (casting)

The host can quickly put on a cap and take something like a mouthpiece (now it's the director): “Attention, attention! I invite everyone to the casting and photo tests!

Now everyone takes turns pulling opaque bags with carnival accessories from the box. All this is easy to buy in any festive online store even in summer: a clown nose and a wig, devil's horns, a pirate bandana or hat, Santa Claus's cap and beard, angel wings and a halo, a Batman mask, hare ears, a wig of Baba Yaga or a witch, a crown or a diadem, ears-horns-wigs-glasses of all kinds and styles, bright attributes of the heroes of fairy tales and movies.

Who got what?

Now we alternately sit on a chair for photos and screen tests. It's hilarious enough, as the most serious pig-nosed person utters the phrase he came across earlier: “It's not my fault! He himself came! ”, Looks comedic. If there are few people, do a few screen tests. If a lot - all for 15 seconds.

You don’t forget to shoot and photograph everything, the shots are GREAT!


The director asks to break up in pairs (or three people, if there are a lot of you). To make it more fun, for this task we will distribute cards with other phrases from the films. Naturally, we again use the effect of random coincidences.

Each scene (and the actors in the ears and horns) turns out something like this:

Santa Claus: I'm an old soldier, and I don't know the words of love! (Hello I'm your aunt")
Sherlock Holmes: Announce the whole list, please ... (Operation "Y")
Little Red Riding Hood: Mind you, I didn't suggest that! ("The Pokrovsky Gate")

It is necessary to manage to show simultaneously the hero in which the actor is dressed, and the movie character from whom the text is borrowed.

Choosing stuntmen

Actually, the time has come to move, so we are holding some kind of energetic competition. For example:

  • We fight on swords from long thin balls (you need to push the enemy out of the circle drawn in chalk)
  • We hold a competition of strongmen (who will hold a five-liter bottle on an outstretched arm longer)
  • Magnetic darts competition
  • We organize any relay race

Finding the best costume or make-up artist

  • If there are children, we hold a competition for the best toilet paper mummy, they always like it.
  • Volunteers can make funny face painting ( special paints and body crayons are now in every supermarket).
  • Adults can be invited to create a costume for one of the guests from balloons using adhesive tape (prepare 10-15 balls of different sizes, let them fantasize). Excellent material for making a costume - voluminous garbage bags in rolls, large magazine pages (such as "7 days"), blank plastic bottles etc.

Movie song

This is an ordinary karaoke contest, only we choose songs from well-known films. You can sing alone or arrange a "battle of the choirs". Everyone usually loves it! I use ready-made collections of songs on

We are looking for a sound engineer

We choose 5-7 people to participate. In front of them on the table we put pieces of newspapers (they can be torn), rustling bags, empty iron cans from drinks and a trifle (ring), a glass of water and a straw (you can gurgle), bells, whistles, tweeters, graters and carrots, etc. . In principle, you can get by with only voice effects.

The host gives the task, and the participants can make the necessary sounds with their mouths, click their tongues and use objects:


  • Sounds in the morning forest
  • How the fox ran into the chicken coop
  • Bigfoot slowly walks on crisp snow
  • Wolves howl on a moonlit night
  • A man accidentally walked into the women's locker room
  • A herd of horses crosses the busiest street in the city
  • I think you will come up with stories 🙂

Main choreographer of the film

Great discharge! I especially love the ending song from Shrek 1. We put everyone in a circle, and the choreographer of your choice shows funny movements.


We divide guests into 2 teams. It would be nice to find a place where you can attach sheets of A2-A3 paper to double-sided tape.

You need to draw the final scene from "Kolobok" (Kolobok sits on the fox's nose):

  • task for the 1st team - like a thriller
  • task for the 2nd team - like a love story

We appoint responsible for special effects

Here, in fact, everything is simple. We will soon start shooting the film itself, in the final we need to use all sorts of sound, light and visual effects. What could it be?

  • crackers from which rose petals fly out, fake banknotes or just serpentine
  • bubble
  • "cold fountain" (sometimes such a thing is inserted into the cake and lets out a silver stream)
  • hair dryer (blowing hair during filming)
  • flashlights and laser pointers

We distribute them to those responsible, conduct briefings and ask us to wait for the final.

Movie! Movie! Movie!

It's time for the final Hollywood script. It is better to entrust the shooting of the film to two people who wish from different angles (suddenly there will be a desire to mount best moments for memory).

Let me remind you that all our heroes received accessories at the very beginning of the holiday, we also handed out phrases from films (if it happened several times, let each guest choose the best one).

We will have 8 scenes in total. Divide all guests into 8 teams (if there are few guests, say “you participate in the first and fifth episodes”, and if there are many participants, then 2-4 people participate in one scene and each pronounces his phrase).

I will now roughly outline how this can turn out (we are all on the effect of chance):

Assistant director with clapperboard: "Episode one, take one!"
Host: Unknown people are running out of the forest with heartbreaking cries!
The participants of the 1st episode (whoever gets in - an alien, an imp and a cowboy, for example) run across the room from one end to the other, shouting:

- I'm all so sudden, ... so contradictory ...! ("The Pokrovsky Gate")
- Fly in, do not be stingy, buy paintings! ("Operation Y")

Clapperboard: "Episode two, take two!"
Leading: Riders on horseback set off in pursuit!
The participants of the 2nd episode parody the horsemen, pronouncing the words:

“Our people don’t take taxis to the bakery!” ("Diamond Arm") Brace yourselves! Russia will not forget you! The West will help us! ("12 chairs")
— Your gopher flies to his hen on the wings of love! ("12 chairs")

Assistant director with clapperboard: "Episode three, take three!"
Host: The large window of the old mansion is open, a conversation is heard:
The actors of the 3rd episode artistically pronounce their text:

- I successfully entered ... ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession")
- You see, every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse ("Irony of Fate")
- So that you live on one salary! ("The Diamond Arm")

Clapperboard assistant director: "Episode four, take four!"
Leading: Robbers jumped out from around the corner with pistols!
The actors of the 4th episode portray bandits with pistols, the voice is appropriate:

"Chief, it's all gone, it's all gone!" ("The Diamond Arm")
- Well, give me a cigarette, you have striped trousers! ("Dog's heart")

Assistant director with clapperboard: "Episode five, take five!"
Host: The unfortunate victims begged for mercy...
Episode 5 members fall to their knees and beg:

- To live well! A good life is even better! ("Prisoner of the Caucasus")
- A camel has two humps, because life is a struggle! ("Garage")
“This is a conspiracy against me and France!” ("D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers")

Assistant director with clapperboard: "Episode six, take six!"
Host: And then superheroes appeared!
Actors with the appearance of rescuers and benefactors:

— Citizens bandits! You are surrounded! Come out one by one and throw your weapons into the snow! (" Meeting place can not be Changed")
"I'll be in command of the parade!" ("12 chairs")
- King, nice to meet you, king! ("Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession")

Assistant director with clapperboard: "Episode seven, take seven!"
Host: The saved rejoice at their release!
Actors hug, congratulate each other, shaking hands:

“I demand the continuation of the banquet!! ("Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession")
Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump! ("The Diamond Arm")
- We are superfluous at this celebration of life ("12 chairs")
- There were kind people ... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up ... ("The Irony of Fate")

Assistant director with clapperboard: "Episode last!"
Host: Everyone dance!

(you can take the song “About Hares” or “Conversation with Happiness”)
Under the slow part we dance and hold hands, under the chorus - violent dances “But we don’t care” or “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked” ... We shoot all this. You should get a movie for 10-15 minutes.

Those responsible for special effects blow bubbles, light "cold fountains", blow hair dryer on girls with long hair, rattling crackers, showering everyone with tinsel.


Any wedding is an extremely important event, and you need to prepare for it responsibly. An Oscar-style wedding is a pretty popular choice these days. This option is the best solution for newlyweds who love luxury and chic parties.

This style allows every bride to feel like a real movie star and enjoy the glory. But the organization of such a celebration, especially walking along the red carpet, is a rather costly process that requires patience and responsibility.

Oscar style

To organize a wedding in a similar style, the first thing you need to do is rent a spacious banquet hall, after which the room will need to be decorated according to Hollywood traditions.

Particular attention should be paid to the wedding menu: only fresh food and expensive alcohol should be on the tables, all this will create an atmosphere of luxury. You will also need to warn guests that a themed wedding will be held and it is better to wear luxurious outfits.

To do this, you may need the help of professionals, but if you wish, using the Internet, you can write a script yourself.

An Oscar-style wedding should include the following attributes.

  • Well-designed invitations. In order for guests to feel the atmosphere of the celebration even before it starts, you will need to create invitations in the style of the wedding. Since the Oscar or Hollywood style is closely associated with cinema, guest cards can be designed in the form of movie theater tickets. They should indicate the names of those invited, the place, date and time of the ceremony. Please note that invitation letters must be sent out a few weeks before the start of the celebration, so that guests have time to prepare.
  • Vehicle. Often, newlyweds arrive in a beautifully decorated car. For an Oscar-style wedding, experts recommend renting a retro wedding cortege, which can be seen in old Hollywood films. A white car will be the best choice for a wedding in a similar style.
  • Celebration Features. There are several options for the development of events at a ceremony in a similar style, but most the best option is the presentation of the Oscar statuette. The prize goes to the culprits of the holiday - the newlyweds. At the same time, reporters, presenters and other characters who are present at the presentation can be made from guests. Witnesses of the newlyweds should also actively participate in the production.
  • Entertainment. Acrobats or illusionists who organize various shows will help diversify the celebration. All performances must be of high quality, as mistakes are unacceptable at an Oscar-style wedding. If everything is carried out at a high level, the guests will remain impressed for a long time.

Equally important is the design of the room.

For a holiday in this style, a carpet must be present. So the banquet hall should be chosen wide so that tables for guests can be placed on the floor, and a path can be laid between them.

Also, the atmosphere can be maintained with the help of various expensive bouquets of flowers, posters with a Hollywood actor and “Hollywood” inscriptions hung around the banquet hall. If you plan to hold an outdoor ceremony, the room or area on the street will need to be decorated as a film set or pavilion.

The appearance of the newlyweds can be combined with the intro of a Hollywood romantic movie. The area for photos and video shooting will also need to be properly arranged. It can be decorated with the inscription "Hollywood" and various elements that immerse you in the atmosphere.

It is best if the ceremony is filmed, after which all the fragments can be combined into a single film.

Hollywood style

The style of the newlyweds must also match the chosen style. This will require expensive outfits and jewelry, so you will have to spend a lot of money. The best solution would be to dress the newlyweds in such clothes.

  • It is best for the bride to dress up in a white dress with a tight corset and a long voluminous skirt. It is recommended to decorate the dress with shiny jewelry, this will add a touch of luxury.
  • The groom must wear a black tuxedo. white shirt, pants that match the style. For decoration, you can use a butterfly.
  • Also a good solution for the bride would be a beautiful long tight dress, the hem of which will touch the floor. Usage white color optional, blue, burgundy or beige shades are also suitable. For such a dress, large jewelry is considered the best accessory.
  • For the groom, a gray suit with a matching hat and tie is a good choice. The color of the suit may vary, as long as it goes well with the bride's dress.
  • For the bride, a clutch bag, long gloves and a fur-based shawl will be good accessories.

It is also necessary to take into account that the hairstyle, manicure and make-up of the bride must also be performed at the highest level.

The guest outfit is more simple solution. It is best if the black and white dress code is respected..

A good combination can be created if the bridesmaids set off her white outfit with their black dresses, and friends young man emphasize the severity of his tuxedo with their white suits. Guests can also dress up in costumes of red, gold or silver hues.

Use of dresses bright color or trousers for women is unacceptable. Any display of bad taste in dress will stand out unpleasantly at an Oscar-style wedding.

From this video you will learn how to hold an Oscar-style wedding:

As for the wedding bouquet, it should be small in size, look elegant and elegant. It can be decorated with rhinestones or shiny beads.

The Oscar style is an excellent solution for lovers of wealth and luxury, as well as for connoisseurs of Hollywood cinema. Although such a design will require enough a large number of funds, the holiday will be remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and all the guests present. The main thing in this choice is to warn guests in advance so that they can match the style.

In this article:

The wedding ceremony always turns into a unique event that gives a starting spurt for the formation of a new family. In order for this day to be remembered for a long time by all participants and guests of the ceremony, it is recommended to consider beautiful script. A very interesting solution could be a Hollywood-style wedding, transferring everyone present to the other side of the ocean. I remember colorful films, lush scenery, luxurious decorations and red carpets.

The whole planning process begins with making a list of the people you intend to invite to the wedding ceremony. Few people in our country can afford not to think about costs at all, so the budget is always calculated at a very early stage. This will avoid various troubles associated with a lack of funds. Hollywood is a desirable place for many, but this does not mean that such a wedding will necessarily be expensive.

Do I need to contact a wedding agency? If funds allow - why not! Professionals will prepare the necessary decorations, invite a good photographer, and arrange everything in the best possible way. If you have a creative streak, it is quite possible to arrange training on your own, without spending a lot of time on it.

Oscar ceremony

Yes, yes, the famous film award is well known to everyone, so the wedding can be turned into a ceremony of its presentation! Inexpensive analogues, which are sold in many souvenir shops, can be used as a figurine. Some masters offer inexpensive custom-made production, which is also very convenient. Consider the interests of the guests of the ceremony.

The ideal atmosphere is created when not only the newlyweds take an active part in the ceremony. Some roles can be entrusted to guests and relatives. Some of them will become reporters and journalists who select interesting material for their periodicals. Others will get the role of hosts, announcers of awards, movie stars.

A mandatory presence at such a wedding is the red carpet used during the Oscars. This already speaks of chic and luxury. Suitable and various items additional props, such as an assistant director's device that allows you to announce the start of new takes. "Camera, motor, let's go!" This ceremony turns into a fascinating role play with a clear script and different kinds entertainment program.

A certain style of clothing is also observed, emphasizing the significance of the ceremony. For lovely ladies, classic evening dresses are perfect. For men, it is better to wear tuxedos with bow ties and shoes. Some people prefer to rent a whole set of costumes, which is much more convenient and easier.

Hollywood Bride Kidnapping

There are many American films in which the characters are the bride and groom. At the very last moment, someone kidnaps the beauty, and then demands a ransom. It is important to observe here the general effect of surprise, so that no one would guess in advance about the events taking place. Come up with a plan in advance of where the beauty will be during the abduction.

American treats and dishes can be used as ransom. Even at an ordinary wedding ceremony, such episodes sometimes happen. Here you have a wonderful opportunity to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to turn the holiday into a unique event. Be sure to use good cars, you can even order a wedding limousine.

As for the dishes on the tables, everything needs to be arranged strictly and stylishly. Be careful about finding an institution where the celebration will take place after the official part at the registry office. If there are not very many people, you can get by with a home, but the mass character during a Hollywood wedding looks much more spectacular.

The decoration of the hall in such a restaurant is carried out using the appropriate paraphernalia. Remember the famous Hollywood letters, located on a hill near the film studio. The same letters can be used to write the names of the bride and groom. For example, "Kostya + Katya = Love for centuries." Such trifles will look especially impressive at the photo session being made.

Entertainment and filming

A leader at such a wedding is required! It is this person who will be able to add his own unique notes to the general atmosphere of the celebration. Just discuss a possible scenario with him in advance, since your event will be thematic. A professional will always be able to prepare accordingly, pick up jokes and interesting topical statements.

You can think of a lot of interesting prizes awarded at such a wedding. Among them are the “Best Witness”, “The Best Mom”, “Beloved Friend” and so on. Come up with a large number of nominations, because the owners of souvenir figurines will have a lot of great memories from the evening. Add a variety of intellectual competitions that allow everyone present to demonstrate the level of their erudition.

As for professional photo shoots, there can be a lot of scenery. The photographer must be a professional with a capital letter, so carefully review his shots in advance. There is always a detailed portfolio that allows you to see the real level of shooting. A video operator is also invited, who, after the celebration, will mount a full-fledged film from these events. A beautiful installation is a must.

It will not be superfluous to play a little journalists present at the Oscars. This will add interactivity and communication between guests when someone is interviewing others. People here are divided into roles depending on their type, since not everyone is sociable enough for this. A Hollywood-style wedding ceremony will be remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and all the other guests of this unique celebration!

The wedding day for every person is a very important day in life, so this day should be spent in such a way that positive and colorful emotions and impressions remain for the rest of your life. Naturally, the classics will never go out of fashion, that is, a wedding in a classic style will always be relevant.

But today a large number of couples want to spend this significant day somehow in a special way, according to some unusual and original scenario. As an option, you can opt for a script for a wedding celebration in the style of "Hollywood". The organization of such a celebration is very easy, besides, a wedding in this style will give guests and newlyweds a lot of pleasant memories.

How to organize a Hollywood wedding?

Although such a wedding has a very creative name, you can organize it without much difficulty on your own. But still, it's better an important event trust the masters of their craft and spend money for help from specialists working in a wedding agency. Agency employees will be able to come up with and organize very interesting scenario a wedding celebration that will please the newlyweds and invited guests. If it is not possible to use the services of an agency, then you can turn to a talented toastmaster, he will help the newlyweds to translate all their desires into reality.

The most spectacular and simple version of a Hollywood-style wedding is the Oscar wedding-style script. Everyone knows about this ceremony, so everyone invited will recognize it. You need to create the right atmosphere, ask some guests to be reporters, some to be presenters. For such a wedding, you must have festive clothes. All women present should be in evening dresses and men in tuxedos.

Redemption of the bride at a Hollywood wedding

Not a single Hollywood movie even talks about redeeming the bride. Therefore, it is best to refuse such an idea. It will be more interesting if the main hero of the occasion - the groom, simply steals his beloved. For example, all this can happen in the bride's house. During preparations, the groom may suddenly appear in the house, entering through the door or through the window, and, taking his beloved beauty in his arms, will disappear with her towards the registry office.

Hollywood style wedding venue

When choosing a venue for a Hollywood-style wedding, you need to take into account that there is room in the aisle to the hall for placing a red carpet carpet. After all, it is on it that the stars of the wedding evening will pass - the bride, groom, witness, witness, as well as the parents of the young.

The celebration itself can take place in the same way as a classic traditional wedding. You can order a large hall for a banquet. The hall can be located either one large table for guests or several small tables. Depending on the preferences of the newlyweds, you can organize a small buffet table or a magnificent feast.

When in which the celebration will be held, one must not forget about the theme of the wedding. On the walls you can hang various posters of movie stars, the inscriptions "Hollywood", around the perimeter of the hall on the tables you can place small figurines of the "Oscar".

It is imperative to warn the wedding host in advance that the wedding is themed so that he can prepare. It is from the words of the host that you can start the wedding, he can announce to everyone the start of the Oscars for the newlyweds as the “Best Couple of the Year”. This presentation will be one of the first; there will be many more such awards throughout the entire celebration. The rest of the awards should go to the "Best Witness", "The Best Witness", "The Most the best parents(parents of both the bride and the groom). Also, statuettes can be received by guests who will participate in competitions.

How to Entertain Your Guests at a Hollywood Style Wedding

So that guests do not have to be bored, you can come up with various interesting tasks and contests. For participation in competitions, the winners will definitely receive memorable prizes and awards. As you know, Hollywood stars are very fond of IQ tests. This must be taken into account and included in the celebration script such a program. Of course, such a competition can surprise many guests and seem inappropriate for a wedding, but it still needs to be held, while determining the participant in the celebration, who, according to the test results, turned out to be the most intelligent.

To conduct this original competition, you must first come up with questions. It is very important to choose individual questions for each of the participants. For example, for a cook - some questions, for a motorist - others. This is necessary so that everyone can show themselves as they should and earn the required number of points. It is better to translate all earned points into numbers with many zeros, so that the IQ of the mother-in-law is about 100,000, and the father-in-law is a little more. There is no need to offend any of the participants in this competition, everyone should have an IQ level that is not very different from each other.

As you know, many journalists are present at all the ceremonies of presenting the well-known Oscar. Before the announcement of all the nominees, and also after the awards are presented, they ask the stars present about everything of interest.

You can talk with your friends in advance about how they play the roles of those same journalists. You can give them microphones, passes, on which "press" will be written. They will have to ask the attendees some questions regarding the event.

It is important to warn the videographer in advance that he will film these interviews. Then, when the video is edited, these interviews must be present in it.

Any show program can be organized at a Hollywood-style wedding. You can arrange a bartender show, show soap bubbles or a soap party, invite illusionists, dance groups and groups. The most important thing is that a solemn and magnificent atmosphere is sustained at the wedding. The staging of the first dance of the young must be approached professionally. You can sign up for dance courses shortly before the wedding day. After all, this is a very important and touching moment that the newlyweds will remember for the rest of their lives.

At the end of the wedding evening, you need to organize a chic and colorful fireworks display. For a wedding, you need to order a real "Hollywood" cake. You can decorate it with an edible Oscar-shaped figurine.

When TV shows excerpts from wedding ceremonies Hollywood stars, the heart involuntarily stops. How can one remain indifferent and not believe in the sincerity of the feelings of the bride and groom, because every little thing of this celebration speaks of love ...

Millions of girls would like to be in the place of Katie Holmes or Angelina Jolie, so why not experience similar emotions at a Hollywood-style wedding, where the main characters of the script are the bride and groom, that is, you!

Hollywood style wedding: decoration of invitations to the ceremony

Any - we emphasize - any wedding begins with invitations sent to guests. We do not even look in the direction of finished printed products with doves and rings, because Hollywood is, first of all, originality.

A room or outdoor area should be decorated as a film set or pavilion. The exit of the newlyweds can be accompanied by a screensaver from a spectacular film corresponding to the event, as well as the phrase "XX century Fox represents."

Romantic outdoor ceremony.

Remember in advance, the first minutes of which Hollywood movie impressed you? Whether it will be a picture of a romantic plan or a lively beginning of an action movie, it is up to the bride and groom to decide.

Hollywood style wedding banquet: exquisite lightness

As with any ceremony, it must be full service. Snacks, drinks and cutlery are left from serving. The latter are also designed in a style freed from plates with patterns, only the classic version is needed.

After the banquet in the second hall, it is already appropriate to organize a buffet table with the connection of waiters offering guests soft and alcoholic drinks.

Tables are organized so that the bride and groom can be seen - this is one, so that they can be approached - this is two. No loaves, branches with ribbons covering the newlyweds!

The image of the bride at a Hollywood wedding: dress, makeup, hairstyle

It is worth looking at photos of the weddings of the brightest Hollywood actresses in order to understand the overall picture of the image of the bride. The manifestation of fantasy, of course, is welcome, but the classics of the genre:

  • long wedding dress
  • deep neckline
  • professionally selected jewelry
  • long gloves
  • clutch bag
  • fur shawl

The bride's makeup matches the make-up of Hollywood beauties defiling along the red carpet. These are red lips calling for a kiss, long thick eyelashes. If nature has not given a luxurious bend of cilia, by the day of the wedding they can be increased or used overhead.

Eyebrows should be with a clear contour, but a natural shade. You can also line your eyes with a thin black line. Don't like red lipstick? Choose a different shade, but no less juicy and alluring, because Hollywood does not appreciate the inconspicuous!

For a Hollywood wedding, the bride can choose a hairstyle with curls, neatly styled and falling curls. should not be “tightly”, because the play with hair will look very impressive in photographs!

The image of the groom: everything is like in a movie

If the bride can experiment with the outfit by wearing a dress pink shade, as the chosen one of Justin Timberlake for their marriage, then this is unacceptable for the groom. Tuxedo, tuxedo, tuxedo again. A complete picture of the groom's outfit can be like this:

  • tuxedo (color may vary, but you should choose darker ones);
  • bow tie or tie;
  • cufflinks;
  • expensive watches;
  • straight trousers;
  • black leather shoes.

The groom at a Hollywood wedding is like an image that has descended from the pages of glossy magazines - just as stylish and strict at the same time.

Bridal bouquet in the style of a Hollywood star wedding

How about no bouquet? should be small in size, refined and elegant. You can decorate flower petals with rhinestones, and grass stalks with strung shiny beads.

Better in quality wedding flowers choose exactly roses of rich red color, to match the same path along which the couple will pass. By the way, a similar flower can be attached to the buttonhole of the groom's jacket.

Delicate bridal bouquet.

If you want something unusual, try on the bouquets of some stars:

  • The bouquet of Gwen Stefani at the wedding lay just in her palm, because he did not have a leg.
  • Actress Elizabeth Hurley impressed the guests with a bouquet of 101 lilies of the valley - it was stylish, modest and gentle.
  • Marcia Cross, star Desperate Housewives”, Went down the aisle with a bouquet-ball of eupatorium and white tulips.
  • Beauty Nicole Kidman liked white roses, also decorated in a balloon bouquet.
  • Beloved by all Carrie Bradshaw chose a classic bouquet with roses of different light shades, which was tied with a white ribbon.

Hollywood wedding scenario, or how to entertain guests

In addition to the impressive external image of the wedding celebration, which can be achieved by all the above methods, its interesting content is indispensable. It is necessary to carefully consider the contests for guests, woven into the main course of the wedding.

Quite interesting the wedding will take place Oscar style. How many pleasant nominations are ahead: and " best mom this year” and “The most caring grandmother of the season”, and “The most devoted friends”. The main thing is that they all remain a surprise for guests. The effect will be really Hollywood - a sea of ​​grateful smiles and happy eyes.

The bride and groom will be honored to leave their handprints on a special star, and be sure to receive their Oscar as the best couple.

Hall decoration for a Hollywood wedding

Hollywood should be felt and hover everywhere. Therefore, it would be nice to hang posters of famous actors on the walls, alternating them with photos of parents, friends of the bride and groom, as well as photos of themselves. Be sure to install a large screen for broadcasting photo slides, showing the love story of the newlyweds. An operator with experience in such weddings will help to remove it.

Themed room.

Candles in massive candelabra, crystal chandeliers will help create the look of the hall. The place where guests will be photographed can be decorated with the appropriate inscription "HOLLYWOOD" in large letters.

- Another important part of the whole design. A three-tiered creation of confectioners with figurines of lovers on top, decorated with a black and white mastic film, will look chic. After cutting the cake, the final part of the Hollywood-style wedding will be a magnificent fireworks display!

Royal procession for young people - we are going to a fairy tale ...

You can't imagine anything better than limousines for such a wedding. Fortunately, among these cars there are plenty to choose from! Modern wedding car rental salons will pleasantly surprise you with the color of their limousine fleet - from old models to bright new ones.

Oh, Hollywood, how close you are! And you will be remembered forever!

Limousine - a good choice for this style.