
Entertainment for children 9 10 years old. Ideas, quizzes, contests for children's birthday. The biggest soap bubble


For all those who first appeared on the Again Holiday website, I want to inform you that I am collecting the most interesting ideas for children's parties.

Fun contests for children (5-8 years old):

This is a fragment of an interview with one of the animators. I asked to list a few games that are easy to play, but at the same time the children are happy to join the process.


Any number of children participate. The driver asks all participants to turn away and count to 30, and at this time he hooks clothespins to household items - to a chandelier, paintings, curtains, soft toys, dishes (20-30 pieces in total). The one who managed to collect the most clothespins receives a prize and becomes the driver.


Try to draw a birthday card with your children. Bright felt-tip pens, glitter glue, stickers, pencils will come in handy. Give free rein to creativity, and you can suggest a theme and wishes to the birthday man: a smiling sun, blue sky, unusual flowers and little animals. These postcards can remind the child of a joyful event for many months to come.


Pour water into the bucket (no more than half). Give each child a disposable cup. In the role of "Titanic" will also be a plastic cup. Pour some water into it (it should float) and place it in the center of the bucket. Now the children should stand in a circle and take turns pouring water into the floating glass. The one who drowned the Titanic is eliminated, and the game continues until one participant remains. He becomes the Captain, and the entire children's company goes to eat icebergs. Ice cream, of course!

Christmas bagels

You will need: bagels, colored woolen threads, buttons, large beads. All this goodness can be made Christmas decorations if the New Year is approaching, or unusual jewelry.

Air battle

Inflate 10 round balloons(5 pieces of two different colors). Create two teams. Divide the room into 2 equal parts with chalk, arrange the teams against each other. Give each team 5 balls. Task: while the music is playing, you need to transfer the balls to the opponent's side. It's not so easy, because the opponents return the victory balls! As soon as the music stops, the kids freeze. We do the calculations. This fun competition for children is held in several stages.

The team with the fewest balls on their side wins.

Fashion show

Give free rein to children's imagination. Let the hero of the occasion become a couturier for a while. Children love to dress up and imitate adults. You only need to prepare a variety of ribbons, paper, handkerchiefs, scarves, tape, paper clips and safety scissors. The courier dresses up the guys according to his taste (mummies, pirates, flowers, princesses, sorcerers, etc.). If the boys are embarrassed to participate, they can be made members of the jury.


Participants line up one after another. Lay apples (20 pieces) in a line on the floor (at a step distance) Task: 1st participant squats down and takes the first apple, then (!) makes a small jump to the next apple without getting up, takes it and so on, moving squat jumps. Task: collect as many apples as possible! As soon as the apples crumble, lay them out again on the floor, the next participant starts the task. Apples can not be collected in clothes. You can do it in your hands, on your knees, under the chin ... Fun!


Learn a few simple dance moves ahead of time. Offer the kids a fun disco! While the music is playing, the guys will repeat the movements after you (movements, as I said, should be simple and fun, often repeated). And at the climax of the disco, make this move: invite the children to show the movements themselves to the music, and you will only repeat. This is where they will laugh!


Invite the children to prepare their own concert! Poems, songs, riddles, fashion shows, dances, somersaults, splits .... Help build the order of performances and sequence. Give it time to get ready. Let each child show himself and his talent. From those children who did not dare to show their number, create a jury.


Give the children spoons, pot lids, ladles, pots, buckets. Come up with your own musical part for each instrument. You are the conductor! You have a ladle in your hands. To a well-known melody (“Radetzky March”, for example), you create an orchestra. Point a ladle at the pans, and they will play like drums, at the lidders - the timpani will sound, let the spoons beat the rhythm. Change accompanists slowly at first, then faster and faster. In the finale, all instruments of the orchestra sound simultaneously! It's loud and fun!

Birthday contests for children 10 years old at home: funny and fun games

For any child, age 10 is the first real anniversary, round date. On this day, the child needs to arrange all kinds of entertainment, contests and games. How to arrange everything, and what competitions are better to arrange and we will talk further.

To begin with, the child needs to create festive mood, which means you need to decorate the house with balloons, Christmas garlands, brilliant rain. Hang the date and congratulations in the center of the room. If games and competitions are planned in another room, which is much larger in space, then the table can be placed in the middle. At the entrance, give out various accessories for the celebration to the guests who will come: masks, glasses, caps, and so on. So they will have the appropriate mood at the beginning of the celebration.

Games and contests for the birthday of 10 years

If the boy has a birthday, then intellectual, musical, artistic contests are suitable, but with a certain bias: about weapons, about cars. You can show your imagination and make a holiday in a certain style, for example, “Guess the melody”.

If the girl has a birthday, then more creative competitions need to be done. As an option, lay out a lot of different clothes and offer to create one stylish outfit from all this. Invite guests to make their own original brooch or hairpin, just do not forget to purchase everything for the competition in advance. Many girls love to cook, cook sandwiches or salads with them, you can choose any dish or sweet, while taking into account the age of the “cooks” and choosing the easiest recipe to cook.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to make children sit at the table, even if it is a birthday, then all the same, children try to eat everything quickly and run away to play. Funny and fun birthday contests for kids 10 years old. They will help you keep all the children at home. Each competition is interesting tasks and a lot, a lot of positive and good mood.

Funny and funny contests for children's birthday on 10 years at home


In this competition, we will not only play, but also help decorate the place of the holiday. You need inflated balloons and markers. Each child receives two or three balloons and markers. At the command of the host, the children should draw emoticons on the balls. Whoever gets the brightest and most beautiful emoticons wins.
And when you hold a competition, then all the balls can be hung in the form of decorations.


For this contest you need boxing gloves. Children put them on their hands. At the command of the host, he picks up a spoon, that is, in a boxing glove, and with its help feeds his partner with fruit salad. At the same time, in his second hand he has a handkerchief to wipe the mouth of the second participant if the salad spills. Who is original way the first to eat the whole plate of fruit salad, he won.


And again you need balloons. Only balls with pigs painted on them from the game angry bears. And also soft toys are needed - angry birds. We tie the balls in a room near one of the walls. And from a certain distance we throw birds at them. Whoever can hit the most different balls with pigs wins.


Three ribbons are placed on the floor, at a distance of about a meter from each. The first ribbon is white, the second is blue, and the third is red. The first participant is blindfolded and untwisted. Then he should go to the first white ribbon. When it comes, they tell him. What's ahead of the white tape. And now he must remember how the other ribbons lie, and try to get straight to the red ribbon and not step over it. When he reached, in his opinion, they remove the bandage from him and measure the distance that he did not reach the tape. And so are all the participants. As a result, whoever has the smallest distance to the red ribbon wins the competition.

guess the picture

The host shows the players a picture that is covered with a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The facilitator moves the sheet around the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. Whoever guesses the fastest wins.

ball races

Contestants (children and adults can participate) stand on one line and pinch balloon between the legs and in the armpits. At the command of the judges, they begin to run to a certain mark and back. For example, go around a tree and back.

The reverse is very important in this competition, as participants can bump into each other, adding fun and joy to the audience and themselves.


The rules are very simple. Participants line up one after another at a distance of a meter from each other and bend forward (or squat if the difference in height of children is too big). The last one starts jumping. As soon as he jumps to the beginning of the queue, he gets up and bends down. The participant who has just been jumped over immediately begins to jump himself.

If there are a lot of children, then you can line up two lines and arrange a competition, who will get to the conditional mark faster.

Equestrian fight (game on the water)

Children are divided into two teams, taking into account the physical fitness of the players. Pairs are formed - "horse" and "knight". The rider sits on the shoulders of his partner. At the command of the referee, the teams begin combat. The task of the "knight" is to throw the enemy off the "horse" into the water. "Horses" cannot participate in the battle. Grabs are allowed only by the hands. The discarded "knight" together with the "horse" are eliminated from the game.

Sea battle (water game)

Children are divided into two teams and stand facing each other at a distance of one and a half to two meters. On command, they begin to splash at each other. The contestant who turns away or starts wiping his face with his hands is eliminated. The team with the most members left at the end of the time (usually 30 seconds) wins.


Children are divided into three teams. Two teams stand at a distance of 10-15 steps from each other. The third is between them. With two balls, the players of the first two teams try to knock out the players in the middle. This continues for 30 seconds. Then the teams switch roles. After all the teams have been in the middle, the points are counted. The team with the most players not eliminated after 30 seconds wins.

Get rid of the match

A match is taken, dipped in water and stuck on the participant's face. Which will need to get rid of it, using only facial expressions, but not hands.

Blow the ball

Both children and adults can participate. The contestants stand in one line on all fours. A balloon is laid out in front of each. At the command of the judge, the participants begin to blow on the ball, trying to "finish" it to the finish line.

To make the competition more fun, you can make the participants reach a mark, such as a tree, go around it and come back. In this case, the participants will collide with each other, causing delight onlookers.

We offer a list of the most common games for children 10 years old

Each child is given a card with ten unpopular words written on it. It can be anything, since the vocabulary of children is not so large and they simply do not know many words yet. Most importantly, so that they can explain these words, choose not very complex in content.


All children are given several letters, which are made of cardboard or plain paper, on a rope and clothespins. The task is to assemble the words “Happy Birthday” as quickly as possible and fasten the congratulation on a rope using clothespins. Whoever completes this task first is considered the winner of the competition.

Who gave

Giving presents is also easy to make an unusual event, turning it into a competition. To do this, all the kids must describe their surprise, using only words and gestures, it is forbidden to pronounce its name. If the hero of the occasion guesses immediately what the guest wants to tell him, then the latter receives a present in the form of a candy or candy.

Making a gift ourselves

Plasticine is given to children and rhythmic music is turned on. While she is playing, the participants must have time to mold several small figures, which will be a gift for the birthday man. Traditionally, the winner is the one who can make the figurines the very first. And of course you can not leave the favorite without a gift.


Divide the children into two teams and give each team 10 apples and 10 toothpicks. Designate the place where the finish will be, and install on it large sizes piece of foam. Then announce the start and the children in turn must run to the finish line and attach an apple to the foam with a toothpick. The winner will be the team that will collect the hedgehog faster, that is, attach all 10 apples.

Number 10

First you need to find a paper tape or fabric, write numbers on it with a marker, starting from one and ending with ten on each side. As a result, the sign number 10 should be exactly in the center. When the signal sounds, participants from both sides begin to twist the ribbon, whoever reaches the number 10 faster, that is the winner.

Have time to sit on a chair

All chairs are in a circle. The calculation is taken from the fact that there are one more chairs than the participants in the game. Then they turn on the music and, on command, they begin to walk around the chairs. When the music suddenly stops, the children should have time to sit on a chair. If someone is left without a chair, he is out. After that, one chair is removed. The game continues until one player remains.

We play with balloons

Children are divided into two groups, and each participant is given a colored hot air balloon. On a signal, everyone tries to burst the opponent's ball with their hands. Whoever has the most whole balls left wins.

Freeze on command

A balloon is tossed into the air until it falls, the children can move, dance and talk, but as soon as it touches the floor, everyone should freeze. Those who fail to do so are out of the game. Play until there is only one winner left.

The search for a birthday

Parents must collect several photographs in advance, depicting small children in infancy and a little older, including the birthday person. The goal of the game is to find a birthday boy among all the kids. The one who found it the fastest wins a prize - a photo as a keepsake.

Costumed holiday

Not a single child will be able to forget the holiday, which is based on the film “Harry. Lost." In this case, the mother of the birthday boy will have to work hard, as you need to take care not only of your child, but also of the incoming guests. But it is best that the guests themselves do everything for this, so it will be interesting and fun for them.
1. magic wand. Get everything ready for the kids necessary materials for its manufacture.
2. Potion. Several ingredients are put on the table, which must be put on your plate strictly according to the proposed recipe and filled with magical power.
3. Magic conspiracy. It is necessary to pronounce it clearly and without hesitation, only in this case it can take effect.
4. Portrait of Voldemort. But you need to draw it not just, but blindfolded, the one who manages to do it best should receive a prize.
5. The science of herbs - herbology. Previously, threads with gifts are tied to the stick, and the children begin to cut off the chosen thread with their eyes closed.


  • Birthday contests for children 11 years old at home: funny and fun games
  • Competitions for New Year 2019 new year games and entertainment

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! All fathers and mothers want to organize a real holiday for their "child". What can you think of to entertain the kids? After all, the gameplay for children is the most interesting and brings a "sea" of pleasure. And so that this day is not only solemn, but also unusually joyful, so that the house is filled with children's voices, laughter, songs, music, fun, and their “treasure” will be remembered for a long time.

To that wonderful holiday parents need to prepare not only goodies for the table, but also entertainment program at least 2 hours. It must be alive and vibrant. Children should not be bored for a single minute. Not only the birthday person, but every guest should feel like the “center of the universe”.

Therefore, the parents of the birthday boy need to develop a plan for organizing and holding the birthday of a child of any age at home:

  • determine the number of guests and give them colorful invitation cards
  • make room decor (balloons, posters, garlands, etc.)
  • buy a new outfit for the hero of the occasion
  • buy a desired birthday present for a birthday boy
  • buy small gifts for all guests and gifts for prizes
  • record popular and funny children's songs
  • determine the holiday menu
  • bake a fresh homemade cake and don't forget about beautiful candles
  • write a script for the celebration, including giving gifts to the birthday man, an invitation to festive table, consideration of gifts. Then entertainment activities, songs, games, dances, contests, riddles, etc.

One year old's birthday

Birthday of a child 2-3 years old

Popular birthday games

Not a single birthday can do without funny children's games, contests, riddles.


"Wolf and goats". This is a mobile game.

Circle the houses with a rope and put all the children in them, except for one. They will play the role of kids. The kids live together and often run to visit each other. And a gray wolf roams around - one and the players. He tries to catch the goat outside the house. The captured kid becomes a wolf. The game continues until everyone is a wolf.

"Cold-hot." This game at 5 years old seems very mysterious.

The host discreetly hides a toy (dinosaur). According to the presenter, "cold - warmer - hot" children guess where to look for a toy. The game continues until everyone is in the role of a seeker. The found toy is a prize to the player who found it.

"Guess the animal" is a fun game.

Children are blindfolded and given a soft toy in their hands. You have to guess who it is. An adult must start the game, who will deliberately think for a long time, twist, twirl and call the hare a bear incorrectly. Children will laugh and the game will take on a comic character. The game continues until each child is in the role of a guesser.

Mouse Concert is an entertaining game.

Print by clicking on the pictures with mice, finger mice. You can glue the head of the mouse out of paper in the form of a bag on your finger, glue the ears, draw eyes and a nose with a black felt-tip pen. Put a mouse mask on each child's finger. The adult will be the first to start the game with a thin, squeaky mouse voice, sing a song or recite a poem. And then the children take turns demonstrating their talents on behalf of the mouse.

"Don't Crush the Egg" is a funny game. It promotes the development of memory, attention and caution.

A piece of any fabric that depicts the road is placed on the floor. Raw eggs are laid out on this road. The player is offered to carefully look at the road along which he must pass and not crush a single egg. While the player is being blindfolded, the eggs are quietly removed. Here he goes very carefully to the end of the road, and when the bandage is removed, the player and all the children laugh.

"Horned". The game requires focus and attention.

All children stand in a circle and shake their fists. The host says: “He walks, wanders ... and when the horned goat says,” everyone sticks out their fingers. If the leader says “hornless goat”, then the fists do not open. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game and helps the host to look for violators.

"The Case in the Hat" is a musical game.

A beautiful hat is put on any of the children who have become in a circle. Turn on music. The child in the hat turns around and puts the hat on to the neighbor on the left (clockwise). When the music stops, the one wearing the hat leaves the game, sits down at the sweet table and waits for the others.

For the birthday of a child 5-6 years old

Pro Answer “yes” to everything, nesmeyana, mummy, mirror and. And today I have prepared some more fun activities.

Basketball is a game for a group of children.

Attach a wire ring to the wall at a height convenient for this age. The ball will be a balloon. The facilitator explains to the children two rules of the game: the ball must not fall to the floor and it must not be held in hands. The ball can be tossed and hit on it towards the ring. Whoever makes the most hits in the ring will receive a prize - a chocolate candy, the rest of the players will receive caramel each.


Lay out cards with birds and animals depicted on them. The player approaches the table, takes a card and tries to depict the one who is drawn on it with various movements and facial expressions. The player who guesses the image first becomes the leader and the game continues.

“We are bored of sitting” is a simple game for physical development.

Chairs for all children are placed against the wall of the room. At the opposite wall put one chair less. Everyone sits down and reads a poem:

Oh, how boring it is for us to sit and look at the wall. Isn't it time to run and change places?

At the command of the leader “start”, all players rush to the opposite wall and try to take a place. The one who is left without a chair is out of the game. Then another chair is removed. The game continues until the winner takes the last remaining chair. He is given a big ball (or something else), the rest of the players are given small balls.

Jenga is a board game that develops dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination.

This game is sold in the toy store. A tower of 18 levels is built from 54 multi-colored wooden blocks. To do this, the bars are folded in three pieces and, the resulting layers, are stacked on top of each other, one across the other. A cardboard guide will help level the tower.

This game is best suited for 4 kids. You can play with two or more players. They take turns rolling a die, each side of which has a color. Now the player needs only one hand to pull out a block of this color from the tower and put it on top so as to continue construction. You can not take blocks from the unfinished top layer and the layer below it. The player who destroyed the tower is considered the loser and the game continues.

"Nonsense" is a fun game.

We take a double (from the middle) notebook sheet of paper and two pens or two pencils. Two players sit at opposite ends of the table and draw, covering the drawing with their hand, someone's head (human, dog, hare, cat, goat). Then they bend the leaf so that the pattern is not visible, but only the neck would look out and pass it to the second player. He draws the body (hare, hedgehog, man, bear, dog). He also folds the piece of paper to close the drawing and passes it to the first player who draws someone's legs. Then he closes the drawing and passes it back to the second player, who draws someone's feet. Now let's expand the drawing and see what happened? Funny and fun.
room decoration idea

For children 7,8,9 years old

For entertainment at the birthday party of children 7,8,9 years old, games of a slightly different nature are needed. These children are already elementary school students. They can read and write and play sports. At this age, children begin to feel part of the adult world. I suggest you play the following games with them:

"Bear" is an outdoor game.

One of the players is chosen as the "bear". He lays down on the floor. The rest pretend to pick mushrooms, pick raspberries around the "bear" and sing:

In the bear's forest Mushrooms, I pick berries, But the bear does not sleep, looks into both eyes. The basket overturned. The bear rushed after us.

And then the bear rises and catches the fleeing players. Whomever he catches becomes a bear. The game continues.

"Third Extra" is a musical game.

For the game you will need chairs one less than the guests. Both adults and children play. Chairs are placed with their backs to each other, with the seats facing out. The players stand around the seats of the chairs. The host turns on fun music, and the players start running around the chairs. Once the music is turned off, the player must sit in any chair. Whoever does not get a chair is out of the game. Another chair is removed, etc. The winner is the remaining one participant.

Sparrow-Crow is a game of attention and speed of reaction.

Two players sit down at the table opposite each other and extend one hand to each other, but the hands should not touch. The host gives names to the players: one - "sparrow", the other - "crow". The host calls the names of the players. The one whose name is called must grab the opponent's hand. For fun, the presenter slowly and in syllables says the names of vo-rooo-na, vooo-rooo-bay, or maybe say vo-ro-ta. A caught sparrow becomes a crow, and a crow becomes a sparrow. The game continues.

Chamomile is a fun game.

A chamomile is made from white paper with as many petals as there will be guests. On the reverse side each petal write funny assignments. Children take turns tearing off one petal and begin to complete the task: they dance, crow, sing songs, recite poems, tongue twisters, etc.

Znayka is an educational game.

All children sit on chairs in one row. The host announces the theme of the game, for example, the city. Then he comes up to the player sitting on the edge, calls any city and gives him a ball in his hands. The player must quickly name any city and give the ball to a neighbor. Who could not name the city is out of the game. Then the theme changes: fruits, flowers, countries, rivers, names. The game continues.

For children 10-12 years old, such games are suitable

If you have a private house and summer is in the yard or you are celebrating a birthday in nature, then they are ideal

"Smart and funny train" is an intellectual game.

The host (adult) asks each player one question. For example, which scientist had an apple fall on his head? (to Newton). Which of the heroes fought with the Serpent Gorynych? (Nikitich). In which hemisphere do penguins live? (in the South), etc. If the player answers the question correctly, then he becomes a trailer of a smart steam locomotive. If the player cannot answer, he can take a hint for a certain service: sing, recite a poem, dance, portray an animal.

A merry train must gather all the players and the wagon children will sing a merry song.

"Fishermen and fishes" is an active game.

Of all the players, two fishermen are chosen, and the rest of the players are fish. They dance and sing:

Fish live in the water, No beak, but peck. There are wings - they do not fly, There are no legs, but they walk. Nests are not made, but children are brought out.

After that, the fish scatter, and the fishermen join hands and catch them. Caught fish join the fishermen, which makes the net longer, and catch the rest of the fish. The last fish that the fishermen didn't catch is the winner.

"Pick up the key" - this game contributes to the manifestation of skill.

Two players are each given three closed padlocks and a bunch of keys. The task is to open each lock. The one who opens the locks first wins. The game continues until everyone is a "discoverer".

"Will you go to the ball?" Girls love this game.

The facilitator starts the game by saying:

Yes and no, don't say

Black and white - do not take

Are you going to the ball?

- Probably the player answers.

- What will you ride? Who will you go with? What will you wear? What colour? With such questions, the host tries to catch the player and use forbidden words. If by chance the word is said, then the players change roles.

Treasure Hunt is an interesting game that develops ingenuity.

The host reads the first riddle-hint:

Everyone who came to visit us

Let them sit down at our ... .. Guessing table - a place where to look for a clue. There is again a riddle-hint in the table - which horse does not drink water? The answer is chess. Chess is again a mystery - in a colorful wrapper dressed in a vase lies ... .. The answer is candy. There is a riddle-hint in the candy again - everyone goes, goes, goes, only they don’t get up from their place. The answer is hours. Behind the table clock is a treasure - a box with small chocolates for each player.

Funny win-win lottery game

An adult presenter will lay out bright lottery tickets with numbers on the table, there are as many of them as there are guests. The player walks up to the table, pulls out one lottery ticket and says the ticket number out loud.

The presenter reads out the text corresponding to this ticket and presents the prize to the player. Prizes can be very different, and the texts for them are comic and better in poetic form:


You won't lose your keys

And you won't forget about them.


If anything happens

You will need this here.


The prize is beautiful, don't be shy

I give you cool glue.


So that the wind does not blow off the caps,

Here's a paper clip for you.


A very necessary thing

Useful in the dark.


May your life be brighter

From the flame of Prometheus.


To always have a haircut

You are given a hairbrush.

Chewing elastic.

If your teeth are bothering you

Chew Orbit, it helps!

Children's machine.

There is no better remedy for stress

Than buying a Mercedes.

Birthday games for parents

Children are very happy when parents participate in their games. My grandmother told how she participated in the game "musical chairs" on graduation party her seven-year-old daughter in kindergarten and won this music competition. How all the children rejoiced, shouted "Hurrah!" and applauded. And her daughter's eyes just shone with happiness. Since then, 50 years have passed, and my daughter happily recalls this interesting episode in her life.

I suggest that adult guests at the “child’s birthday” party play the following games with the children:

"Potato Soup"

Put two tables at a distance of three meters. On one table, put two plates with small potatoes, seven each. On the other table are two empty pots. Two players are given one tablespoon each. The task is for each player to transfer one potato with a spoon into a pot of seven soup potatoes. Whoever completes the task the fastest is the winner. The game continues until all players have cooked the soup. A prize for all guests for a chocolate candy.


Prepare four identical cardboard boxes. All players in pairs at the command of the host "Start!" Compete to see who gets to the finish line the fastest. Then they hold the second round of those who won the victory, etc. In this way, the fastest runner is chosen. He is awarded a flashlight prize.

"Kindergarten for kangaroos".

Enclosed with a rope " Kindergarten for kangaroos "for 2 - 3 meters from the starting line-rope. Children of 2 people each pick up one soft toy (you can plastic bottles) and only by jumping get to the garden. They come back, leaving the kangaroos in the garden, also jumping. The one who returns the fastest wins.

They are replaced by two parents at the start and jump into the kindergarten to pick up the kangaroos from the kindergarten. And, also jumping, they return to the start. Whoever jumps the fastest is the winner.

"Magic Pencils"

Two plastic boxes with inscriptions are placed on the start line: a walnut is a prize for the winner, a hazelnut is a prize for the loser.

Now they take two identical pencils and tie them to a thick woolen thread the same length (approximately 3 m).

Two players compete to see who can wind the thread around the pencil the fastest. Prizes are awarded based on the results of the competition.

"Merry Orchestra"

Everything that is playing in the house (guitar, balalaika, tambourine, pipe) and even creaking, rustling, rattling (spoons, saucepans, metal lids, metal cans with pennies, etc.), we distribute to children and adults.

We put on a fun children's song. Everyone begins to play, sing and dance together. Under this amazing cacophony (chaotic heap) of sounds, it turns out to be "outrageous" fun.

Contests for the birthday of a child 10 years old

A decade is the first serious anniversary for a child. It requires a memorable celebration with good friends. Organize a fun party so that all guests enjoy it and positive emotions.

It is better to coordinate the entertainment program with the birthday person. Perhaps he has his own specific wishes for games and contests. They should be taken into account first.
Don't forget to prepare small memorable gifts. All competitions are held under festive musical accompaniment.

Competition "Burn the ball!"

Required props:

  • thread;
  • Balloon.

An exciting active competition, from which everyone will be delighted. A balloon is tied to the leg of each participant with a thread. Incendiary music is turned on and the guys begin the competition. In the allotted time, the comrades need to burst the opponent's ball.
The game continues until the ball remains on the foot of only one player. He is declared the winner and receives a symbolic prize.

Competition "Quiz of Taste"

Required props:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • plate;
  • dark opaque tape.

Participants of the competition sit at the table. Saucers are placed in front of them, in which berries, fruits and vegetables lie. The contestant must try the treat and guess what he ate.
The one with the most correct answers wins.
Tip: Only offer foods that are familiar and well-flavoured so players can easily tell which vegetable or fruit is in front of them.

Competition "Riddles with a trick"

It's time to test the intelligence of the assembled guests and entertain them with funny riddles with a secret.

A dog lived in Prostokvashino
And the sailor cat was friends with him.
He was a little simple.
What is his name? (Totoshka - correctly Sharik).

He rode boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate it.
Only managed to sing, poor thing,
His name is ... (Cheburashka - correctly Kolobok).

Traveled across the wide world
To find your bride.
A ball was given to help him,
His Name ... (Gingerbread Man - correctly Ivan Tsarevich).

After the rest, you can again move on to active competitions.

Contest "Feed the hedgehog"

Required props:

  • 2 foam hedgehog figures;
  • apples;
  • toothpicks;

Competition for speed and ability to work in a team. At one end of the room, 2 hedgehog figures are placed side by side, made of foam rubber or polystyrene.
Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each is given a basket containing 12 apples and 12 toothpicks.
At the signal of the leader, the first participant takes an apple, strings it on a toothpick and runs to the “hedgehog”. With the other end of a sharp wooden stick, he attaches the fruit to the foam and returns back. The next player starts behind him.
The team that completes the task first wins. All guests are rewarded with apples from a satisfied and well-fed “hedgehog”.

By the age of 10, all children have made friends. Girls at this age are usually friends with girls, and boys are friends with members of the same sex. When compiling competitive program this is worth considering. If the company gathered the same sex - entertainment should be appropriate.

Competition for boys

Required props:

  • rope or thick rope;
  • chalk or tape.

Boys at the age of 10 are real rivals. This competition for strength and dexterity will appeal to them.
Guests are divided into 2 teams. A line is drawn on the floor or a space is demarcated with a tape. The first participants of both groups pick up the ends of a rope or a thick rope. Behind them line up the rest of the team. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to pull the rope to their side.
Those who are the first to step over the line lose. Be sure to prepare a prize for the winners, and symbolic souvenirs for the losers.

Competition for girls

Required props:

  • combs;
  • hairpins;
  • bows;
  • varnish, hair gel.

Invite a company of girls to compete in hairdressing skills.
The company is divided into pairs. The first participant sits on a chair, and the second undertakes to build her a stunning hairstyle. Everyone is on the move necessary items: combs, mirrors, elastic bands, hair sprays and gels, colored mascara.
Then the participants switch roles.
No one will leave the home hairdresser with bad mood! At the end of the competition, you can vote among parents for the best hairstyle or give the birthday girl the right to announce the best hairdresser of the day!

On which we did without competitions. But... There were so many requests for help in organizing the holiday in the comments that I went around the Internet three times in search of games and entertainment that would not be very childish and did not require the presence of an adult presenter.

The task, I tell you, is very difficult. There are funny contests, but those that adolescence spend early, and they can cheer up only tipsy guests. It doesn't suit us...

Where to begin

The Again Holiday website contains many ready-made free scripts. These are not only selections of contests, but also full-fledged home quests and creative programs (culinary, photo parties, etc.)

Obstacle dance

First stage. We pull one rope at a height of 1 meter, and the other at a height of 50 cm from the floor. You can move a little, not one above the other. As a rule, there is nowhere to tie in the apartment, you have to hold the ends of the upper and lower ropes in your right and left hands.

Now we turn on dance music (fast latin is better) and ask the bottom rope to step over, and crawl under the top one. If there are few guests, several dance circles.

Second phase. We tightly blindfold two participants, ask them to overcome obstacles. We quietly remove the ropes ... it remains to observe the efforts of careful dancers.

frozen artist

Presenter: "We need two people who draw well." He gives them each a felt-tip pen: “Only today you won’t need it, I’ll bewitch you. Imagine that there is an invisible sheet of paper in front of you, prepare a felt-tip pen and ... freeze!

We call the other two participants, to whom we give a landscape sheet in their hands (it is better to attach it to a solid base). The point is that the artists with felt-tip pens stand still, and their assistants move the sheet along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to capture a drawing that everyone understands. It can be a portrait of a birthday person, a birthday cake with candles, just a house with a tree and the sun. Everything is fun, try it!

Siamese twins

On the cards you need to write some part of the body, call all the guests and build them in pairs. Each couple draws a card and sticks it with the part of the body that fell out to them, like Siamese twins. Noses, heels, nape, elbows, knees, backs. Now you need to tie a handkerchief to each other. Let one couple do it, the rest just watch. The one with the most wins a difficult situation. Try to put a handkerchief on the "twin" if you are stuck with your backs ...

What did you do there?

The game is equally fun for both children and adults, as it is more fun random coincidences questions and answers are hard to come up with.

We write on the tablets:"Dentist's Office", "Director's Office", "Toilet", "Bathhouse", "Bakery", "Cinema", "Post Office", "Park", "Zoo", "Theatre", "Hairdressing Salon", "Basement" , "Construction", "Kindergarten", " Pension Fund”, “Desert island”, “Fitness club”.

The player stands with his back to the guests, the host puts a sign with one of these inscriptions on his back. The guests know what they are talking about, and the “lucky one” answers at random. Players can be changed. Here is a sample list of questions (you can not answer "yes" or "no"):

  • Do you often go there? (Every Friday, three times a week, rarely but with pleasure)
  • Do you like this place? (It can be better, I'm not sure yet)
  • Who do you usually go there with?
  • Which famous person would you like to meet there?
  • What do you usually take with you there? Name three things.
  • What do you usually do there?
  • Why did you choose this place?

We change the plate and the player. It's fun when they go to kindergarten once a month with Alla Pugacheva, take a laptop and a toothbrush with them, do ballet there or eat pizza) &

downed pilots

I somehow held this game on February 23 at school, but all the spectators were so carried away that I boldly propose to organize it at a birthday party. Oddly enough, it's fun.

We make 5-6 paper airplanes, and put 20 pieces in a basket paper balls. One person launches airplanes (choose the longest side in the room), everyone else tries to shoot down flying airplanes. If this is a competition to determine the winner, we give 5 attempts to each.


It can be held at the moment when you want to invite guests to the table. Build them against the opposite wall and solemnly announce (the roles do not need to be distributed in advance): “They arrived at the gala dinner: a famous yogi, a dancer from the east, Baba Yaga, a fairy Princess, an ogre, a Shusher rat, a ballerina from the Bolshoi Theater, a one-legged Pirate, the President of Russia , bodybuilding champion, famous supermodel (actress), baby who learned to walk today.

All guests need to walk a few steps in character and sit down at the table.

Unlucky Sculptor

You don’t need to tell anyone the name of the competition in advance, otherwise the meaning will become clear, and we don’t need this. All guests must go to another room, only the leader and three players remain. You appoint one sculptor and ask him to put the other two in the most uncomfortable positions. For example, let the first one freeze, pushing himself off the floor in the top position, and the second one will sit on his back, clasping his hands behind him in the castle. And now the presenter changes the one who has the hardest time in the new sculpture to the sculptor himself. Since he himself came up with torture for others, take the rap :-).

Now you can start one new player from another room. Now it's the sculptor who must examine the previous strange statue and create his new one, again coming up with complex poses. We repeat everything, the sculptor takes the place of the victim himself. It's always funny, try it! Naturally, all other guests enter one by one and remain in the room until the end of the game.


Line up several people (4-6) one after the other, side by side with the guests. Show the last player a simple drawing of a snowman and ask them to draw THIS on the previous player's back. He is trying to understand what he was depicted, draws on his back what he understood (silently). So we reach the first in this line, which should depict the original drawing on clean paper. Usually a snowman turns into a face :-). The rest of the details are lost along the way.

Guess what's in your hands

Thanks to the oddities of the manufacturers soft toys this competition is funny. We blindfold the player and offer to guess what he is holding in his hands. For example, when we offered to identify a snake in a Santa Claus hat with a bag for gifts, the girl said that it was a snail. Guests are always surprised that they failed to guess such an obvious little animal. It’s funnier if a person comments on his guesses aloud.

What would the Indians call you?

This is not a competition, just an excuse to laugh at the table while eating cake. I found a picture on the Internet, I laughed myself. These are funny names that the Indians might give you. The first column is the first letter of the name, the second column is the first letter of the last name. I, Irina Panasyan, would be called the Playful Pelican ...

Word shifters

Solving the shifters is fun. I remind you that this is:

Above the stagnant sand, milk boils (which means - Under a lying stone, water does not flow).

I will not list all the options with answers, just copy the link, there are about 100 options:

flip pictures

Print these pictures and cut them so that the answer is not so obvious. In principle, you can close the half with a sheet of paper right on the monitor. First, show the first one: “You see, here a huge crow grabbed a little man with its beak. Guess what you will see if you flip the picture. The correct answer is: "A man in a boat near the island, to which a huge fish swam." There is a lot of this on the site that I give!


Move 3 matches so that the arrow points in the opposite direction. There are answers to all mysteries!

I advise you to buy fireplace (long) matches. In a company, it's clearer.


This is absolutely unbeatable entertainment. Tested on thousands of children's and adult holidays. I found a site that has selected questions and answers that are relatively suitable for a 12-14 year old birthday.

It needs to be done like this. Questions are enough to have only the leader, you can read in a row. But the answers need to be printed on separate sheets of paper and invite guests to pull out a piece of paper at random: “Do you brush your teeth?” “Yes, I have many talents…”

Draw 3D

Now, even among adults, creative workshops are popular, so let's not lag behind. I like that this particular drawing is ALWAYS obtained by EVERYONE, but it looks very impressive. What do you need? Album sheets for each person, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens and 5-7 minutes of time.

We put the left palm on the sheet and draw around with a pencil along the contour. Now we take a felt-tip pen of any color and draw parallel lines at a distance of 1 cm from each other. From the edge of the paper, just a straight line, and where the outline of the hand begins, you need to draw an arc. After the contour of the hand, we continue the straight line. From the picture, I think everything is clear. It turns out a real 3D drawing! I think it's great!

With felt-tip pens of other colors, we repeat the bends of the first lines, this is already quite simple. If you put a date on the picture and hang it in a frame, you will remember for a long time how well you had a good time with your friends on your birthday.

What else is on this site...

  • There are excellent quest scenarios:, and which you can organize for your guests. In both quests, you can change the tasks themselves (complicate or facilitate).
  • If there are only girls at the holiday, look and.
  • . There are tasks that can be used not only in the new year.
  • More ... At this age, they often finish their studies in music and drawing, so I advise you to look: