
How to determine that the baby is not full. Feeling of hunger after eating - the child does not eat up the mixture. Why is there not enough milk?


  • Night feedings
  • Mom's nutrition according to Komarovsky
  • How to express
  • Breast pumps
  • Increased lactation
  • The goal of any mother is the best development of the baby, so the concern that the baby has enough nutrition from the mother's breast so often appears in mothers who breastfeed their newborn. Let's figure out by what signs you can understand that the baby is not full, why this can happen and what the mother should do.

    How to understand it?

    Signs that the baby is not full are:

    1. Insufficient weight gain of the baby. Normally, the baby should gain weight from 500 grams per month.
    2. Small amount of urination. The lack of milk can be judged by the number of diapers wet by the child - if there are less than 6-8.
    3. The discrepancy between the number of sucking movements and swallowing. If the nipple is properly grasped and the baby is comfortable suckling, then for about every four sucking movements, the baby will take one sip of milk.
    4. Hungry cry. The baby often asks for breasts and may even overreact to the approach of the mother, feeling her smell.
    5. Inactivity, weakness and lethargy of the crumbs, as well as restless sleep.
    6. Rare chair.

    Too dry skin baby also indicate a lack of nutrition. Because breast milk is the baby's primary drink and is mostly water, a malnourished baby will suffer from dehydration. For more information on how to understand if a baby is getting enough breast milk, read in another article.

    The fact that the child does not eat enough can be understood by his condition, dry skin, rare urination and small weight gain.


    Mom's milk may not be enough for a baby due to:

    • Stress in a young mother and a difficult emotional situation in the family after childbirth.
    • Unsuitable place for feeding.
    • Poorly balanced and inadequate nutrition of the mother.
    • Psychological unpreparedness of the mother for breastfeeding, as well as postpartum depression.
    • Lack of fresh air and motor activity mother, as well as her fatigue and lack of sleep.
    • Incorrect feeding technique, in particular, attachment to the breast.
    • Cracks and soreness of the nipples.
    • A runny nose in a baby, as well as colic and injuries to the child's mouth area.
    • Flat nipples.
    • Excessive lactation caused by pumping, as a result of which the baby receives a lot of "forward" milk.

    With the right clarification of the cause, you can eliminate problems, improve lactation

    What to do?

    First of all, a nursing mother who has discovered signs of malnutrition in a crumb should not panic, but take the following measures, which are often enough to solve the problem:

    • Adjust your own diet. Mom should eat quite often (at least three times a day, and preferably 3-5 times) and it is important to eat in a balanced way, getting enough nutrients.
    • Adjust the amount of liquid consumed by the mother. Drinking a nursing mother is advised about 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Often, special teas are recommended to stimulate the formation of milk.
    • Do not eat foods that can worsen the taste of milk.
    • Walk more with the baby in the green zone.
    • Try to get more rest and get enough sleep. To do this, the mother should entrust some of the care of the baby to her loved ones.
    • Make sure that the technique of applying crumbs to the chest is correct.
    • Be sure to feed at night (this is important for the release of hormones that affect lactation).
    • Feed the baby on demand.
    • Do not supplement the baby with water, and avoid pacifiers and the use of a bottle.
    • Treat cracked breasts promptly.
    • Pay attention to the convenience of the position in which the mother feeds, as well as the comfortable position of the baby. You can try to feed with a special pillow.
    • To stimulate lactation, do breast massage, as well as warm baths for the mammary glands.
    • Do not limit breastfeeding time to the baby.
    • If less than 1.5 hours have passed after application, and the baby wants to breast again, give him the same mammary gland for more complete emptying and for the baby to receive “rear” milk.

    If such measures have not worked and the baby is still not gaining weight well, emitting little urine and is very restless, the mother should contact the pediatrician.

    Lack of breast milk or weak lactation leads to the fact that the baby simply does not eat up. Do not rush to take drastic measures. To such as supplementary feeding, transition to mixed feeding and soldering. These measures are not needed by the baby, since the child receives the necessary elements from breast milk.

    Only mother's milk provides 100% of the substances that a newborn needs. In addition, such methods lead to an even greater deterioration in lactation, milk may soon disappear completely. And supplementing the baby leads to the appearance of colic and other digestive disorders.

    How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk

    • The baby is crying a lot. There can be many reasons for crying, so this symptom alone cannot be considered as an indicator of a specific problem (malnutrition, colic, illness or lack of attention). It is possible to identify the cause of crying only in the aggregate of several signs;
    • Weakness and decreased activity of the baby. Remember that the child is calm and by virtue of character, and not because of a lack of milk;
    • The newborn sleeps poorly or does not sleep at all;
    • Not enough bowel movements. In the first month after birth, the chair is 8-12 times a day after almost every feeding. Then the frequency is gradually reduced and reaches 1-2 times a day. The absence of stool for two or more days is a sign that the baby has constipation. Read more about the norms of a newborn's stool at the link /;
    • The baby sucks his finger and the edges of the diaper, smacks his tongue or lips. These signs indicate that the child is not full breast milk and looking for breasts further;
    • The baby is not gaining or losing weight. In the first month, a newborn should gain an average of 90-150 grams per week. In the period of the second-fourth month - 140-200 grams per week. After the fifth month, the increase gradually decreases. By six months, the weight of the child should increase by about two times compared to the figures at birth. You can learn more about the norms for weight gain in infants up to a year old;
    • The intake rate does not play a big role in determining whether the baby is getting enough milk. This norm is different and depends on the age of the baby, individual development and needs. As a rule, in the first four days, a newborn eats about 200 ml of breast milk per day, by the month the norm increases to about 600 ml.

    Why is the baby not eating?

    When a baby does not get enough breast milk, the main reason is the lack of breast milk and low lactation. In this case, you need to figure out why the milk disappears. Most often, low milk production is due to malnutrition nursing mother.

    However, the baby may not be full even with normal milk production. This means that he is not getting enough milk. As a rule, this is due to improper organization of breastfeeding, uncomfortable posture during feeding and improper nipple grip.

    The psychological state of the baby and mother is an important factor in breastfeeding. Depression, psychological unwillingness to breastfeed or take milk, pain in the breast and cracked nipples lead to the fact that the milk disappears or the child rejects and does not take the breast.


    If the baby is not full of breast milk, and lactation is at a good level, it is necessary to follow the passage of feeding. Incorrect posture when feeding and improper gripping of the nipple leads to the fact that the baby does not receive the right portion of milk.

    When feeding, the baby should capture both the nipple and the area around with a radius of 2-2.5 cm (areola). Make sure that the nose rests, but does not sink into the chest. In this case, both lips should be turned outward, and the child can freely adjust the nipple in the mouth. The baby should take the breast himself, do not force or push the nipple. Force feeding leads to improper nipple latch. If the baby does not take the breast, let him suck his finger.

    If the problem is lactation, it is necessary to increase the stimulation of milk production. There are many methods that will help to establish lactation without harming the baby. Among the most effective ways allocate:

    • Drink more fluids. Warm plentiful drink will ensure successful lactation, strengthen the immune system and help with viral diseases. The minimum volume of fluid per day is 2 liters, half of which should be drinking water. Otherwise, you can drink dried fruit compote and weak tea. Soups and broths are also sources of liquid;
    • Adjust your diet. Remember that the menu should include the necessary vitamins and elements. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits, meat and fish. But it is better to refuse too fatty and spicy during breastfeeding. Reduce your intake of salty foods, sweets and starchy foods. By the way, there are foods and drinks that increase. You can find a list of these products at the link /;
    • Get more rest and sleep, walk on fresh air and do simple physical exercise. Yoga or a pool are activities that are not contraindicated for a nursing mother. At the same time, you will quickly return to the prenatal figure, recharge your batteries and good mood;

    • . Clockwise circular movements stimulate lactation and, if necessary, help to eliminate lumps and strain the milk. In addition, massage is the prevention of lactostasis and mastitis. However, keep in mind that massage during breastfeeding should bring pleasure, and not cause pain;
    • Feed not on schedule, but on demand of the baby. Frequent application will help to increase lactation. During the day, you can feed every 1-2 hours, and at night - at least four times. ;
    • Be sure to take care of breast hygiene. Wash twice a day without using regular soaps and towels as they irritate the skin. For washing, take a neutral liquid soap, and for wiping - soft napkins. Keep an eye on the nipples, as they cause discomfort and dangerous diseases. Such as staphylococcus aureus, mastitis and other infections;
    • Drink decoctions of cumin, dill and fennel. However, use folk remedies with caution, as some components cause allergies in infants. Help and special.

    Tips from the article "" will help to establish milk production. When breastfeeding, it is important to remain stress-resistant and comfortable. emotional background. However, many mothers are prone to depression after childbirth. Lack of sleep, fatigue and other problems lead to strong feelings. In this case, do not rush to take sedative pills, as some drugs adversely affect the composition of milk and the condition of the newborn.

    Relaxing baths and aromatherapy, good sleep and walks in the fresh air will help with depression and stress. Valerian, motherwort and glycine tablets are considered safe during lactation. But modern sedatives, such as "Persen" or "Novopassit", doctors do not recommend using nursing mothers. In addition, alcohol tinctures are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

    When supplementation is needed

    Sometimes, if the baby is not full of breast milk, doctors recommend supplementary feeding. However, keep in mind that this can only be done on the recommendation of a doctor! As a rule, supplementary feeding is prescribed for the mother's illness and long-term use of medications that are not compatible with lactation. In addition, supplementary feeding is necessary if the baby is not gaining or losing weight, and also if the baby was born prematurely.

    Supplementary feeding with a mixture should be 30-50% of the daily volume of food. If the dose is exceeded, mixed feeding will turn into artificial! And without breast milk, the baby will not receive the necessary elements and vitamins for full growth and development. In addition, to keep breastfeeding, it is better not to use bottles and nipples. The child quickly gets used to the nipple and subsequently refuses the breast. How to properly feed the baby and what mixture to choose, they will tell.

    The idea that the baby is not full of mother's milk comes to the vast majority of nursing mothers. Especially in the case of firstborns. Why are there "starving" babies while breastfeeding? What are the signs of malnutrition and how to improve the situation?

    From this article you will learn:

    The issue is most acute in relation to newborns and children up to six months. This is the number 1 problem before the planned introduction of complementary foods. Unrest persists up to a year, but to a lesser extent, as the amount of food consumed by the baby becomes more and more.

    Six signs your baby is not breastfeeding:

    • Scream and cry, even if all his needs are satisfied.
    • Weakness, long periods of sleep.

    It is better to wake up the baby after 3 hours of daytime rest. At night, you can increase the interval to 4-5 hours.

    • Dry skin.
    • Frequent "hungry" stools.
    • Rare urination (less than 10 times a day).

    Urine should be clear, without impurities.

    An increase of 500 g per month is the norm. In the first month, it is necessary to count not from birth weight, but taking into account the natural loss of 5-7% of body weight. As a basis, you can take the figure at the time of discharge from the hospital.

    Another video on how to determine whether the baby has enough milk or not.

    Reasons why a baby is not getting enough breast milk

    They originate from the problems of the mother or from the problems of the baby.

    From the mother's side:

    • rejection of the newborn.

    Due to psychological unpreparedness for breastfeeding, baby care, postpartum depression.

    • flat or inverted nipples.
    • lactostasis.
    • power errors.
    • insufficient exposure to fresh air.
    • soreness of the breasts.

    From the side of the child:

    • problems with the digestive organs (including injuries).
    • runny nose.
    • problems with the endocrine system.
    • pacifier sucking.

    Satisfaction of the sucking reflex should take place at the breast. In parallel, the nutrient fluid will flow. The pacifier creates a feeling of imaginary calmness and satiety.

    • fast falling asleep at the chest.

    The baby can make sucking movements even during sleep. He drinks the foremilk, calms down and falls asleep without getting the nutritious hindmilk.

    What to do when the baby does not feed on breast milk?

    How to be a mom?

    • Rest is above all else.
    • Breast pads to correct the shape of the nipples.
    • Light breast massage and cold compresses for lactostasis.
    • Balanced diet.
    • Walks in the open air.

    If the birth of a new family member took place in the winter, then it is better to walk for a short time, but more often. 30 minutes 3 times a day (including balcony or loggia.)

    • Hot drink 15 minutes before the baby is attached to the breast.

    From this reception there will be no more milk, but its outflow will increase. It will come out under more pressure, making it easier for the baby to work. There is a chance that he will eat before he falls asleep.

    • Homeopathic remedies (such as Apilak, lactogenic teas).

    Perhaps there is a placebo effect here, but since it can help, why not?

    • Contacting a lactation consultant.

    Any woman you know who has breastfed her own children can help.

    Creating the Right Conditions

    • Correct attachment to the chest.
    • Various positions for feeding.

    So different parts of the mammary gland are involved. After finding the most suitable pose, you can stop at it.

    • Feeding on demand.

    Due to rare feedings, the breasts become crowded, and it is difficult for the baby to grab onto the areola to get food for himself. Paradox: there is a lot of food, and the baby does not eat enough breast milk. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk, can fully cope with its task. But without frequent breast sucking, the hormone oxytocin is weakly activated, which ensures the release of milk.

    • Irregular breastfeeding.

    You should not interrupt feeding after 15-20 minutes if the baby is actively sucking or has not let go of the nipple. Even when the baby seems to be asleep. An exception can be made for urgent matters. Usually mothers practice alternating breasts. When feeding is interrupted, it turns out that the child does not satisfy his hunger with breast milk, because he drinks mainly the front portion, and not the nutritious back.

    What to do with the little one?

    • Supervision of the child by a pediatrician, otorhinolaryngologist, endocrinologist, ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Refusal of empty space.

    The situation when the lyalka “hangs” on the chest for hours and does not allow anything to be done is a temporary phenomenon.

    • Waking up a sleepy baby.

    To do this, just lightly run your hand over his cheek.

    • Feeding expressed milk.

    Necessarily from a spoon or cup, possibly from a syringe, but not from a bottle. You can use the breastfeeding system.

    7 misleading opinions

    After understanding that the child does not have enough mother's milk, any methods begin to be used. Learn about the most ineffective ways that hardly help.

    • Control weighing. It must be carried out not once, but several days in a row at the same time, in the same clothes. Preferably in a calm environment, and not in a children's clinic.
    • customized mixtures. After supplementary feeding with a mixture, lactation will decrease even more. Resuming breastfeeding is harder than getting it right.
    • Milk of other mammals (cows, goats, etc.). Due to the content of foreign protein, which is difficult to digest, there is a failure in the digestive system.
    • Supplementation with water and other liquids. If the baby is hungry after breast milk, do not rush to drink it hard. The more other drinks you drink, the less your baby will eat.
    • Mother's consumption of large amounts of milk. Breast milk is made from blood plasma, not from drinks.
    • Donor milk. You need to be sure of the hygiene and health of the donor woman. The composition of milk is individual for each mother-child pair.
    • Early introduction of complementary foods. Will cause a negative reaction due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment will follow, the appetite will disappear, and the child may even lose weight.

    If you suspect that the baby is not enough mother's milk, you need to check for signs indicating this. If there are any, find out the causes of malnutrition. The correct actions aimed at eliminating them will help to improve the situation. Be aware of misleading opinions so as not to aggravate the child's nutritional situation.

    It is very important for all mothers that their child is healthy, full, cheerful and playful. After all, who, if not parents, will provide the baby with everything necessary.

    Often there are worries about whether the baby has eaten and whether hunger bothers him. In this article, we will talk about what to do if the baby does not have enough breast milk.

    First of all, you need to build on the age of the baby. After all, if a child is already three years old, then in order to be full, mother's milk will not be enough for him, and this is an obvious fact.

    Although it was up to these years World Organization Health (WHO) recommends that mothers breastfeed their children, we will still consider an earlier age.

    As a rule, in the first weeks of a baby's life, most mothers are concerned about this question: is the baby breastfeeding? And due to their inexperience, they tend to the worst option, although in fact most often their fears are in vain.

    Parents start to worry if, for example, the mother has soft breasts, there is a feeling that there is not enough milk in her, and also if the baby:

    • often crying;
    • little time is at the chest;
    • stays at the chest for a long time;
    • does not visually gain weight;
    • falls asleep on the chest, never finished eating.

    So that parents do not sound the alarm that their child is starving, you need to make sure of this for sure. There are two ways to do this.

    1. Weighing. Obviously, to find out if the child is eating well, you need to weigh him. If the weight increases, then everything is in order. Almost all children at discharge lose weight relative to their birth weight. This is a normal situation, since everything is physiologically laid down. However, in the future, the baby should add 600 grams or more every month. If there are no special scales for babies at home, then you can use the usual ones: you first need to weigh yourself, and then preferably with a naked baby. You should not draw conclusions from one measurement a week after discharge from the hospital. The result will be reliable during weighing every 4 days for at least two weeks, and even better a month. Note! This method has an error depending on the specific weights. Nevertheless, the dynamics will still be traced. But not everyone has a scale at home.
    2. Wet diaper method. Judging by the name, it becomes clear that this method is not as simple as conventional weighing. But the result is visible faster. During the day, you can track whether the baby has enough breast milk or not. To do this, from 8 am of the current day to 8 am of the future, you need to keep the baby without a diaper and count how many times he peed. If the temperature regime allows, then you can keep him naked for 24 hours, either in sliders or in diapers. Hence the name. During the test, the child can only be breastfed; for the purity of the experiment, it is not recommended to supplement it with water.

    child on the scales

    Let's consider the obtained results. If the baby peed:

    • 12 or more times is fine. The young mother has nothing to worry about, there is enough milk;
    • 8-11 times. Lactation is reduced, but do not despair. It is recommended to consult a breastfeeding specialist, as well as to apply the baby to the breast more often. Still can be improved;
    • less than 7 times. Breast milk is clearly not enough for the baby, there is a risk of dehydration.

    If during the weighing process you did not see positive dynamics or your child peed less than 7 times during the day, we strongly recommend that you contact your pediatrician. Most likely, he will prescribe mixed feeding for you: first breastfeed the baby, and then supplement the formula.

    Never make the decision to feed your baby formula on your own. The brand, quantity and mode of administration should be prescribed by a pediatrician after examination and anamnesis.

    If the child added, but not 600 grams, but, for example, 300 per month, or peed 8 to 11 times per day, do not despair. There are measures that you can take at home on your own, before contacting specialists, after which you can repeat the weighing or count the number of urination.

    These measures include:

    • A balanced diet for a nursing mother. All norms for the consumption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, kilocalories in general must be observed, as well as junk food and allergens are excluded;
    • Compliance with the drinking regime. A breastfeeding woman should consume a sufficient amount of warm fluids. It can be ordinary drinking water, teas, compotes and juices.
    • Compliance with the daily routine. It is important not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Sometimes she does not have time to eat properly, she does not get enough sleep while taking care of the house and the child. This behavior is wrong; at the stage of lactation, the rest should fade into the background. It's okay if cleaning is done less often, and dad himself cooks dinner for the family, this is temporary.
    • Baby feeding on demand. Until now, the Soviet regime of feeding a baby once every three hours lives in the minds of many women. The correctness of this approach has long been refuted. After all, lactation is a tool fine tuning. And the more successfully it happens, the more often and mutual contact mother and child. An important point is that it is not necessary to wean the baby from the breast after some time, which the mother herself thought up as the norm. If you need your baby to eat, you have to wait until he releases the breast on his own. This is the most reliable evidence that he ate.
    • Breast massage and hot shower. These procedures stimulate blood circulation in the chest area, and, consequently, the work of the mammary glands. Try massaging your breast from breast to nipple before each feeding. It will turn out more effectively if you massage under a hot shower.
    • Choosing a comfortable position for feeding. Feeding should bring pleasure not only to the baby, but also to the mother. Therefore, do not be too lazy to find a comfortable position for both of you. Then the contact between you will improve even faster. After all, the first months the child can suckle the breast for about half an hour. It is unacceptable for mom to experience inconvenience at this time.
    • Feeding the baby at night. It is at night that lactation is actively formed. If you exclude feeding during this period, the process will become more complicated.
    • Herbal tea. Pharmacies sell special teas to increase lactation. Pay attention to the composition, as some manufacturers add various allergens for taste. Fennel tea is the best. It will help increase the amount of milk in the breast and make it easier for the baby to digest.
    • Refusal of nipples and pacifiers. There are two opinions about their use. Whatever you adhere to, it is better to forget about the nipples at the time of the formation of lactation.

    Baby five months old or more

    If in the first months of a baby’s life, a mother may still not be sure whether her child is eating up or not, then after almost six months she can already determine this for sure.

    After all, more than one weighing took place in the clinic, and parents have already learned to determine whether the baby is hungry by the behavior and crying of the baby.

    Unfortunately, almost six months after the birth of a baby, it is much more difficult to improve lactation.

    Therefore, if the fears are confirmed, it's time to introduce complementary foods. Modern pediatricians recommend keeping the child on breast, artificial or mixed feeding for up to six months. But already from five months it is possible to develop the food horizons of the crumbs, especially if he does not eat up.

    The correct scheme for introducing complementary foods - what, in what quantity and at what time to give, is best discussed with your doctor. There is also a lot of information on the Internet, but still it is better to use it as a reference, and consider the pediatrician as the main source of information.


    As you already understood, before you panic that your child is not full, you need to make sure of this. After all, overfeeding is even worse than underfeeding. And if, nevertheless, the fears were confirmed, you need to see a doctor in order to build the right nutrition plan for the baby with a thoughtful dosage. Remember, habits are instilled in a person from birth. It is not necessary to stuff your child with food for no reason, in the future this can become one of the causes of obesity.

    In the use of a mixture, there is only one positive moment: you always know exactly how much your child has eaten in this moment. Breastfeeding is completely different. That is why it is important for any mother to understand whether the newborn is full of breast milk. Professional, experienced doctors say that there are a number of signs by which you can determine whether your baby is getting enough nutrition.

    External signs

    If infant receives an insufficient amount of nutrition, then he will try to report it in the first place. For example, a newborn in case of constant hunger often opens his mouth, smacks and turns his head around. Thus, he tries to find your breasts and eat. In some cases, it is possible to note the manifestation of anxiety, groaning, crying. Most often, symptoms appear at the stage when it should be fed immediately.

    You can tell if a child is eating outward signs

    Other manifestations

    Mom should be extremely careful not to miss the signs that usually indicate that the baby is not full.

    • In addition, there are a number of external manifestations by which you can say with absolute certainty whether your child is full. First of all, attention should be paid to the condition of the mother's breasts. It is considered normal when after feeding it becomes empty.
    • We advise you to find out and constantly keep under control the weight of the baby. It must always be within a certain norm. For this, there is a specially designed series of evaluation tables. Parents should have them with them and constantly check the result.
    • Carefully monitor and count the number of diapers that are wet during the day. It is normal to change diapers six times in 24 hours. The color and condition of the stool should be mustard yellow and not thick.
    • Carefully examine the condition of the skin. The baby eats well if his skin is elastic and has a pale pink color. Wrinkled cheeks most often indicate malnutrition and the need for additional feeding using mixtures.

    You can understand whether a child is full by observing his behavior during feeding. He must constantly suck and swallow breast milk. The feeding pattern consists of pre-sucking movements that are used by the baby to stimulate lactation. After that, slower movements are felt, which are accompanied by periodic swallowing. The child constantly moves his chin up and down.

    If you wish, you can watch the throat and count exactly how many times he swallowed milk. For a premature baby, a different pattern is characteristic. He commits a large number of sucking and fewer swallowing movements.

    For a child to eat, at least forty-five minutes must pass. At the age of a six-month-old baby, this period is reduced to ten minutes.

    Whether the baby is eating should be monitored regularly. For normal growth and development, a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is necessary. Nutrition should be complete, breast milk is such an option. Every mother on a subconscious level feels her child, so she will instantly respond to his urges. If necessary, you can always increase breast milk. .

    It is also possible to determine whether a child has a complete diet by the regularity and structure of his stool. In the first days of life, it should be dark green. Fecal masses should be observed on the diaper at least three times a day. Over time, their color becomes lighter. If during the first day of life the child has no stool, then this is the first sign that he is not receiving enough nutrition.

    If the baby does not fill up with breast milk, urine is characterized by the absence of color and a slightly perceptible aroma of milk.

    Whether the baby eats enough can be understood by the number of wet diapers

    Breastfeeding experts identify the following signs that characterize a child in a hungry state:

    • The baby begins to show irritation and anxiety at the moment when the woman's chest becomes empty. If he ate well, then by the end of the process, the baby should already be sound asleep.
    • There should be two hours between feedings. If the baby wakes up earlier, this is the first sign of malnutrition.
    • The baby does not diligently suckle the breast, but from time to time it can even release the nipple.

    These criteria are the mother's first signal that her baby is not feeding enough. However, the reason may be hidden in something else. For example, newborns often suffer from colic in the intestines. The disorder may be due to a nervous emotional state mother.

    It is possible to determine whether the baby is getting enough nutrition by taking control of the child's weight. To do this, you should regularly put it on the scales and record the result. It is recommended to weigh the baby before and after the feeding procedure. Thus, you can find out the approximate amount of milk that the baby sucked. The procedure is recommended to be performed more than once a day.

    This is due to the fact that the volume during feeding may differ. To obtain an accurate result, weighing is performed every time. Pediatricians note that in a normal state, a child should eat a volume per day that is equal to one fifth of his weight. Not always a deviation from this volume is a pathology. The main criterion is still weight gain and good health.

    Keep your child's weight under control

    Daily rate

    You can determine if your baby is getting enough nutrition by following established standards. The volume of milk per day depends on the weight of the child, his age. Doctors say that at the age of up to 4 days, milk should enter the child's body in an amount of up to 200 ml. The volume increases to 600 ml during the first year of a baby's life. It is recommended to regularly apply the baby to the breast, in which case you will be insured against the disappearance of lactation. The little person feels his needs, so you have to adapt to them yourself.

    Increased lactation

    Understanding that a child is not feeding enough is simple. However, later you will have to think about ways to stimulate it. For this ethnoscience offers infusions and decoctions, and traditional - medicines. They should not be taken without first consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you run the risk of overproduction of milk, which will negatively affect the health of the mother. The use of any remedy is allowed only after the approval of the attending physician.