
Jokes for the wedding in the holding. The scenario of the wedding at home “Everyone to the ball! Competition for guests "Mutual contact"

breast cancer

Newlyweds meeting in a restaurant

(Instrumental music sounds, young people are waiting for an invitation, guests receive balloons and pipes)

Host: Hello, dear participants of the big celebration! I ask you to take your seats at the festive table. Allow me to introduce myself - my name is Natalia, and today I will lead this wedding celebration.

Let me, on behalf of our newlyweds, thank you for responding to the invitation and deciding to spend this significant day with them. A wedding is the greatest event in the life of every person. They dream about it, look forward to it, prepare for it with special trepidation and excitement. So let's give our newlyweds today only the best, so that only warm words and happy faces of their relatives and friends remain in their memories.

Dear guests, let's greet our young people with a “salute”, while clapping loudly, shouting “Congratulations!”, Because, as you know, loud sounds scare away evil spirits, all evil spirits and human envy.

Therefore, dear friends, we loudly and joyfully meet the main characters of a wonderful evening! Here it is - our new family!

(Under friendly applause, explosions of balloons, the newlyweds go to their places of honor)

Host: There has been a belief in Russia since ancient times. For a happy life, a newly-made couple needs to close the symbolic lock, the key to family happiness. Let your road be long and neither grief nor trouble will separate you. Close your love tightly, to friendly applause! (The newlyweds close the castle).

Let's fill the cups to the brim to congratulate the couple again and drink everything to the bottom, for happiness, for love! Men, help the ladies cope with both vodka and Aghdam. You, dear women, follow the men, offer snacks. Since everyone is ready, my first toast is ready, from the most joyful and blessed words!

Fanfare sounds.

The first toast "For the young"

It happens, it happens, it happens

Sometimes two halves do not meet at once,

Sometimes two loves are not found at once,

They have to search and believe for a long time.

But this day is happy, it has come,

Per new family Let's raise a glass.

May happiness be endless

Let neither grief nor trouble knock on the house,

We know that all bad weather will pass you by,

For eternal love, we will drink at the table!

Without violating wedding rituals,

For the bride and groom to be happy

Let's rise, emptying our glasses,

My first toast is to the happiness of the young!

The song "White Dress" is included

Toast "For the rings of the newlyweds"

Host: Dear newlyweds! Today has become your reference point family life. A marriage registration certificate officially confirms your rights to a happy family life. At the same time, marriage is also a great responsibility for each other and a series of trials that can only be overcome together.

We wish you mutual respect, understanding and patience, so that joy, peace and God's grace settle in your souls and hearts until the end of your days.

The song "Wedding Ring" is included

Host: Dear newlyweds! The most precious feeling that you must carry is love, and not only for yourself, but for your close and dear people and, first of all, love for your parents. Thanks to your parents, you are here enjoying long-awaited happiness. It was they who took out hooks and sticks with you, solved puzzles, wiped away tears of insults, worried about your bruises and abrasions, rejoiced at your successes and helped you come to this happy wedding day. Before we raise our glasses to them, the parents will say words of congratulations to you, dear newlyweds.

The host of the wedding introduces the groom's parents, then the bride's parents.

Congratulations to the parents of the newlyweds

Host: Dear newlyweds, let me toast to my parents.

Listen today to the words of your parents, they are sincere, filled with love for you. Let's drink to those who once made the hearts of the newlyweds beat and gave birth to a new family. Let's drink to the parents whose love will light the way in hard times for your family. For dads and moms, whose thoughts and souls are filled with the joy of a solemn event. For parents!

(A toast for parents is pronounced at the beginning of the song "Parental House", which intensifies with the end of the text of the host)

Host: (With a chest in hand) Dear newlyweds, a wonderful, happy and very important day for you is gaining momentum. Important point holiday, this is congratulations to your family and friends.

The wedding custom is unchanged,

Congratulate the young family beautifully,

Put a gift in my magic chest,

So that the life of the young begins so sweetly.

Dear newlyweds, your sisters and brothers are in a hurry to congratulate you.

Congratulations to the newlyweds

Congratulations to the rest of the guests.

Final toast for all congratulations.

Host: Dear guests, let's wish our newlyweds that mutual understanding, friendship, happiness and boundless love reign in their family! And we also wish that any desires (name of the bride) coincide with the possibilities (name of the groom).

Board games for the wedding

"Entrance Examination for Marriage": for the groom. The groom, without prompting the guests, kisses the bride 20 times in different places.

"Entrance exam for the bride": the bride names her spouse as much as possible kind words. "Affectionate hedgehog"

Host: Dear guests, another congratulation for the newlyweds is next!

"Confused congratulations." A dozen guests line up in front of the young table facing them. In a chaotic manner, tablets with letters are distributed to everyone. On command, the guests must reorganize in such a way that the phrase “Congratulations!”

The words of the host for the first dance of the young

Host: Raise your hands! (guests raise their hands)

Put your hands down! (guests raise their hands)

Now pick up any things from the table (guests take any item from the table)

He took the glass again

Apparently he took little

We appreciate your great impulse,

But first, please

Leading: I give the right to open our dance evening to our newlyweds. So, the first marital dance of the young!

Under the chosen music, the first dance of the young people takes place, after the performance, a dance break is announced.

2 table:

Host: Many toasts have already been made today, but I would like to say one more with pleasure - this toast is for cheerful, energetic, young and handsome ... guests.

Musical pause.

Host: And I have a task for you, dear guests. Sing a song, recite a verse, name a movie that mentions your name. Let's get to know each other. The guest rises, sings, a toast to the young - drinks - sits down, etc. in turn.

We recall songs, films in which the names of the bride and groom appear.

  1. "Big name" - we remember famous people of the past and present who have the same names as the newlyweds
  2. "Couples in love" - ​​famous couples in love, the host calls the man, the guests call the woman
  3. "Shifters" - guess the famous phrase for the given "changeling"
  4. "Shoe and shoe" - a comic distribution of duties between the bride and groom
  5. “Who is holding a glass” - a test for guests
  6. "Fairy Tale Impromptu" - "No one marries"

Game "Cinderella"

6 pairs are called. The guys are taken to another room. At this time, the girls sit on chairs in a row and take off their shoes from one foot and put them in a pile. The shod leg is pressed under itself or hidden in another way, and the bare foot is pulled out in front of you. The guys come in. Their task is to remember what their ladies' shoes look like and choose the right one from a pile of shoes. After the shoes are chosen and in the hands of the guys who try the shoe for their partner. If a pair of shoes converged, the pair steps aside, and the rest of the guys, exchanging shoes, without the girls' prompts, still try to find the right pair for the shoe worn on the partner's leg.

Game "Stash"

The host invites several couples. We take the girls to another place. I give out 10 bills to men. The task of men is to “hide” one banknote in their clothes in different places. Then we invite women, and on command they look for a “stash” in the clothes of a partner.

Plastic surgery game

Couples take part. Men sit on chairs with their backs to their partners. The girls stand, and on command they pull a stocking over the head of the young people, so that a small top remains. Then, holding on to the top of the stocking, the girls with one hand! pull the stocking off the guy's head. The guys are sure to smile!

Game "The most attentive husband"

Women line up in a row (including the wife). They stretch out their hands. The man is wearing a bandage. After that, all women are replaced by men. The task of the husband is to recognize his wife by the palms.

Leave a request to write a script

Meeting of the young.

  1. Ribbons: red, blue, yellow.
  2. Hand washing.
  3. The young ones stop in front of a white cloth.

Presenter: (folder 2. Speak against the background of music).

In the old days, seeing off on a long journey, they said: the tablecloth and the road. Thus, wishing that your road was straight, without holes, without potholes. And today we also say to you: good tablecloth to you and the road.

Now look at this tablecloth. It is like the first blank page of your book. life together. Whatever you want, you can draw and write. And I ask you to draw the first picture of your life in the language of tenderness, in the language of love, in the language of flowers.

And so to the applause of the guests. (young make a heart). Here it is, one heart for two. From that day on, one fate for two, one love. Keep your love forever. And now your parents will meet you. In the hands of mom is a loaf. And in order to enter the family path forever, and not somehow, you must decide this question, who will manage all the affairs? And in order to solve this question for you, I ask you to taste this loaf. It's lush, it's beautiful, it's delicious. It has the aroma of the native land. And whoever bites off a piece more will be the head of the family. So, the bride and groom take turns biting, and we cheer for them. Applause! Well, now take a pinch of salt each, and today for the first and last time, salt each other directly in your mouth. Applause!

The bride and groom invite everyone to the table.

1 table.

To the music of the valley “I invite you all to the table” (folder 3), the guests take their seats. Young people and parents stand near the host. Fanfares sound for each provided. (folder 01)

T: - Dear friends! Dear guests! At any holiday, important people are greeted with applause. Three four! It is precisely such applause that deserves people who are languishing in anticipation of meeting you. We do not lose rhythm, feeling and pressure! We meet!

Meeting texts:

We honor the rites, follow the process -

And who gave the world a prince and a princess,

Meet the kings and kings:

The bride's parents: Tatyana and Alexander!

The groom's parents: Natalia and Alexei!

And THESE people are also like a family,

A play on words, let not parents be guardians!

We welcome you with applause, friends -

The newlyweds are proud witnesses:

Charming Olga!

And brilliant Alexei!

Attention, friends! Let's turn up the heat

So that the head is spinning with delight!

Meet the amazing couple

The King of the Ball and the Queen of Celebration!

Olga and Nikolai

Leading Well, everyone prepared their glasses. Then let me begin.

Dear guests, today we are all gathered here to celebrate the WEDDING DAY of our newlyweds.

!! from today you are two halves of one link. Wedding rings which you put on today have their own traditions. The wedding ring is a glorious multi-valued emblem. Firstly, the ring is a symbol of fidelity, and secondly, the ring is round and has neither beginning nor end, and this symbolizes eternity. And, finally, it is made of gold - and this is a pure and precious metal. Keep this love. May your love be pure, true, and forever secure your marital consent. Well, we, dear guests, will raise our glasses together at the level of our hearts - because everything that we will do, we will do from the bottom of our hearts. And now raise the glasses at the level of the forehead - so that no matter how much we drink, the mind does not leave us in any case. Well, now raise your glasses as high as you wish for the happiness of the young. Higher, higher And so the first toast to the young. Advice to you and love. (folder 4)

2 toast

T: Dear guests, while you are having a snack, I would like to tell you the content of today's celebration, which will consist of three parts:

First part : the most solemn, festive-ceremonial, consisting of toasts, kisses, let's call it like this: “Everything is expensive to start!”

The second part : entertaining, titled: " Life is good and life is good!”

the third part : the most massive, the most fascinating. This part is called: "Who is in what much!".

And further. Dear friends. Everything is for you today. This wonderful restaurant has opened its doors to you. Wonderful chefs - masters of their craft, have prepared delicious dishes for you. If you are afraid to break the diet, drink another 50 grams, they will definitely dull the feeling of fear! So, people say: “there is a small break between the first and second”. Does anyone else know about this topic? (folder 5 massage).

Enough… is it easier for the handles? This is what we will check.

They raised their right hand - everyone waved to the young!
Well, the left hand drops slightly to the knee

Not mine! And your neighbor! With the right hand, we warmly embrace the neighbor's shoulder so decently ... We swayed to the left, to the right. Well done! Excellent! They stroked their belly - Smiled in full mouth! Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left! We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim! We continue the fun - we will clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ... A glass so that it does not fog up, we will clink glasses with the neighbor on the left ... And with the neighbor opposite - for the cheerful team ...
Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say "Congratulations" 3 times! and drink to the bottom! (break 10 minutes)

3 toast.

For parents. Olya, tell me, what kind of hands does your mother-in-law have? Right and left? - No. She has both right hands. At the mother-in-law, list all the fingers. No, all fingers are index fingers. A toast to parents. (folder 6)


Eyes sparkle with happiness.
Beautiful, smart, smart!
Let's applaud all together
charming Olga - the bride!

An example worthy for others is our amazing fiance.

Let's make great moments.
In honor of the groom - applause

Applause unanimously to the ladies,

What is the bride and groom - mothers!

Let the young dads get up

We applaud for them!

In a kaleidoscope family motley

Newlywed sisters fit in!

And you have to give it your due

Who are the bride and groom brothers!

Not for fame, for honor

Newlyweds stand uncle!

And we don't mind welcoming

If the newlyweds will rise aunts!

Let's play, or something, together in patty For noble grandparents

I'll just say, without further ado:

Applause is for friends!

Dear friends! let me introduce myself

Those who are in charge of the wedding.

I'll start with myself - my name is Svetlana

And my partner is known throughout the district.

Our best DJ in the world ___Pavel___!

Friends, we all pose boldly - the photographer ... a skilled specialist!

Allow me to introduce the person who is filming

everything - damage, fatigue, stress, clothes, dirt,

and of course weddings. videographer

So, how are we going to have fun today? All hands raised!!!

T: so we met, and for acquaintance here and there, let's drink 100 grams each! (break 10 minutes).

T: V ancient times gave in marriage
beautiful brides not for love, but for rich princes and nobles. When the guests asked the bride to kiss their unloved groom, they, in order to at least somehow smooth out her bitter fate, loudly shouted “bitterly” to her. But the white light has changed, and there are no hot tears. And the bride's gaze is lit by the brightest dawn. But, like many years ago, young people are shouting “Bitter!” Everyone screams bitterly and to the fanfare (folder 09) the young people kiss.

Kissing Academy. Distribute leaflets to guests.

Caucasian: he is a horseman, standing on one mountain, shouting: “I love you Olya”, the echo (witness) echoes, she, standing at the foot of the mountain, shouts: “I love you, Kolya”, the echo (witness) echoes. After that, he and the witness dance lezginka, (folder 8 - 1 lezginka) go to the bride, the groom kisses the bride.
Cossack: she - a farmer is waiting for him, (put her hand to her eyes) he - a Cossack breaks into the farm, sitting on horseback (witness), goes around her three times, and, without getting off the horse, kisses her. (folder 8 track 2)

Kiss of tenderness:

So that the wife is always sensitive and tender,

Gave the sea affection and warmth,

Press your lips to the palm of your beloved

And in the sensations all dissolve.

The fingertips are incredible

Such relatives, pleasant to the touch.

And if you give your kiss to each,

In return, you will receive a daily erotic massage!

Well, remember everything?

To get skill in the kisses of the hands of your beloved,

Let's do it all over again without stopping.

To the music of the Basque (folder 8 track 3), the groom repeats kisses. Sniper Kiss: heart, control in the head and fix - in the lips.

And of course Kiss of love at the wedding. "bitterly!"

A toast to the kisses of the young. (folder 8 track 4)

Hearth (folder 9)

01. Beginning of the legend. mp3

In distant, distant times there was no life on earth. But one day God got bored, and he decided to create life on one of the planets. His choice fell on the planet Earth. Each of you remembers that the first man on Earth was Adam, and from his rib the Lord created Eve. God settled them in a beautiful garden. They were allowed to do everything. But it was only impossible to approach and touch one fruit - an apple. But the insidious Serpent - the tempter and purely feminine curiosity did their dirty work. God was angry and expelled them from the Garden of Eden. Since then, on planet Earth, each person has been building his own Garden of Life. Now LOVE has settled in these Gardens.

So, (the parents of the bride) created their garden of love. Tatyana, Alexander, Please. Come out to us.

And a completely different family, whose keeper was Nikolai's mother, also created their own garden. Come out to us.

in big and strong love the most beautiful and happiest children are born.
So in the house of Tatyana and Alexander, on the most beautiful flower bed, fertilized with care, warmth, affection, a flower blossomed. And they called him Olga come out to us.

02. The exit of the bride. mp3

And in another family, one day there was a loud voice of a cheerful cheerful boy, “Here he is, I was BORN!” Of course, many learned that it was Kolya, come out to his family. 03. Exit of the groom. mp3

As time went on, the children grew up. And before they had time to look back, the time came for the bride's parents to give their daughter in marriage. And earlier in Russia, when such a time came, mother dressed up, mother in our best outfit today, she dressed up her daughter, her daughter’s outfit today - she couldn’t take her eyes off her, and took her out to the people. To show what a smart, beautiful woman she raised, what a kind hostess she has become. (mother of the bride), take your daughter by the hand and show the people your many years of work.
05. Kupina - The Tale of the Russian Land (showing the bride).mp3

Well, what will the people say, has the bride grown up good? …
Ahh, see how good it is! What do you think, (name of the groom) our blind man?

And as the (groom) realized that (the bride) is the girl with whom he would like to go through life, who will become the mother of his children, the mistress of his house, he made the most important decision in his life - he decided that she would become his wife.
And when a young man made such a serious decision, he always introduced the chosen one to his parents. Take Kolya Olya by the hand and bring her to your family.

And I want to ask the mother of the groom - do you approve of the choice of your son, do you like his chosen one? … Like! Then take your daughter-in-law by the hand and brag to all the people - what a clever, beautiful woman your son brought into the house, (showing the daughter-in-law). Do the bride's parents approve of their daughter's choice? Then mom take your son-in-law by the hand and show everyone what you have.

05. Kupina - The Tale of the Russian Land (showing the bride and groom).mp3
Well, since the parents approved the love of children, then the wedding should be. In fact, why are we here today? And from the very morning, the hearts of your parents beat in unison with yours. After all, for them the wedding of children is more exciting than their own. But, Nastenka, I will tell you one very important fact of today. Among us there is a heart that beats a little faster than all the others. I'm talking about dad's heart. And today (father's name) understands that you are under the protection of another man. As a token of gratitude, give this dance to your father. Dear guests, the first wedding dance is the dance of the Father and the daughter. in the folder is a song for father and daughter dance)

And now I want to ask the father of the bride. (father's name), do you think (groom's name) is exactly the man who can protect your daughter, and most importantly - make her happy ...
Then take her hand and put it in the hand of her chosen one. Can you say a few words like a man to a man?

06. Valley - Hearth (for the beginning of words).mp3

And since you have approved the choice of your children, then we are approaching the finale of this beautiful Legend. Since the Wedding Day has come, it is time for parents to kindle a fire for their children.

(Moms from their candles light the hearth of the young).

Here it is, the light of fire of the young Koshkin family. Proudly carry this fire and show EVERY GUEST that everyone is warmed by the rays of your Love!

And now we are ready to appreciate the most beautiful moments of this holiday - the dance of the most charming couple of the city

(dancing break)

Congratulatory marathon.

1. Bouquet for the bride.

Mom gave birth to a daughter, and named Olga.

They did not sleep with their father day or night, but raised their daughter.

They raised a girl, slender as a tree.

Gentle, handsome, like a star.

Greetings, Alexander and Tatiana

Prepare pioneers

There are many miracles in the world, but Nikolai's parents are a gift from heaven.
They raised such a son, frankly, as from God.
There is no reward higher than a son, everyone is happy for him today.

The tomboy boy grew up, and look, he grew up - well done.

Greetings Natalia and Alexey!!! Sergey, Larisa and Svetlana

  1. Our grandmother is in the hall
    Grandma, simply the highest class!
    After all, we respect her
    When will you start applauding her?! (Baba Shura - Olga's grandmother)
  2. Attention! Attention! Nail programs!
    Meet the next guest! Not a guest, but a guest, because she was named sister Oksana. Olga's sister.
  3. And now I'll present to you, For the young people to give up a hundred grams - Sergey, Olga's brother comes out to us. Meet!
  • Well, now ... it will sweep through the hall
    A sigh of admiration and a groan of delight!
    And in anticipation of the whole country ...
    After all, a couple will come out alone:
    Glamor couple:
    Vladimir and Natalia (Brother of our groom with a friend)
    Exit of the pioneers. (folder 11)
  1. I'll tear you away from lunch
    Look you here
    this is Aunt Valentina And imagine, not alone!
    We welcome Svetlana, Valentina and Marina together!
  2. Today is a holiday in our house!
    We walk together, the whole crowd
    We are so happy for you today
    That for a week we will go on a binge!
    But! It's later! And now…
    Aunt Rima and Uncle Vitya are in a hurry to congratulate you!

Tom and Vladimir endured for a long time
Very young people wanted to congratulate
express your love
They are pleased again and again! (aunt and uncle of our young ones.)

Prepare Buranovsky grandmothers. (For this, three people read tongue twisters - a sobriety test.)

The vow of the newlyweds. (FOLDER 37)

Now very important relatives will come to us here
Sister Christina and Ildar - we meet: the Nurgaliyev family

They already know what to wish, And they don’t throw words into the wind,
Kostya and Nelya Kisileva are ready to answer for the words

And now I present to you
For the young wave a hundred grams
friends are coming - Yana and Andryusha
and we will listen to them!

And now my friends
Congratulate your family friends!
Hey! People! Don't spare your hands!
After all, Irina and Sergey are coming to us. (family Curly)

Buranovskiye grandmothers

Already breathtaking
From these Olga's friends.
Olga, Olga and Hope

So as not to miss your thought
and develop it to the end, Denis and Luiza come to us and bring you gifts

All our souls are full of excitement. We meet friends - Anya and Misha!

And for sweets we have
There are a couple - the highest class !!!
We meet: Nastya and Ilya are very friendly, friends

Putin for the wedding. (folder 12)

  1. Hello. Today in the wonderful city of Chelyabinsk we have gathered in this cozy hall to celebrate the wedding of Nikolai and Olga. And we welcome you.
  2. VV, there are rumors that you have known our young people and their families for a long time? Did you even visit them?
  3. In that case, you can certainly express your opinion about them?
  4. Here gathered people who love life in all its manifestations. Allow me an indiscreet question: how is your intimate life?
  5. VV, then maybe at our wedding you will find a soul mate?
  6. Today our guests are having fun, and tomorrow someone will be sick. What is your hangover cure?
  7. Do you mean cucumber pickle?
  8. Thank you VV for a meaningful conversation and we are waiting for you at the festive table. Should you take a seat?

Gives money from the government.

It's like your mother
I'm sorry to understand
After all, long applause
It's time to meet Anton, Alexei, Arthur, Klim and Albert!

Fixing collective toast. (folder 13)

health, money, love.

A toast to all congratulations. Prepare for a cocktail of happiness.

Friends! Today on festive table Festive drinks in abundance - vodka, wine, cognac. Often they are consumed by diluting with water or mixing with each other. Let's talk about famous cocktails.

Beer and vodka- this is a cocktail ... ruff. Indeed, beer without vodka is like a fish without a bicycle, nowhere.

Vodka and tomato juice is a BLOODY MARY. By the way, there is another BLOODY MISH cocktail. What's this? The same Mary, but only with eggs.

Vodka and champagne are the NORTHERN LIGHTS. And who knows the recipe for champagne at home? It is simple - Vodka to the hiss of his wife. Vodka and Coca-Cola is a SUMMER cocktail. Well, where there is summer, a picnic, there is a THREE PIGS cocktail, Who will tell you the recipe? A case of vodka and three friends. Well, we will prepare another cocktail for the hero of the day - this is a cocktail of happiness. What is happiness for you?

love, health, luck, wealth, happiness. (folder 14)

toast to happiness. Dancing at the table (folder 15). Eyes, stirrer, wave. Dance break. During which prepare 2 girls in military uniform and 2 girls in loincloths. Amazons. They steal the groom.

Dear friends!!!

We had an incredible, daring, out of the ordinary incident. Our fiancé was taken from us right from the wedding.
This has never happened before at a wedding. And who do you think did it? - employees of the military registration and enlistment office, they motivate this by the fact that our fiancé needs to be trained.

SO MEET: (cut No. 1-Agutin)

LEADING: Well, my dears! We have a wedding, and what are you doing here in vain, the bride did not have time to become a legal wife - and now who is she ??? We must immediately return the young spouse. What would you like? They say:…-
- let the young wife name three reasons why we should let her husband go ... 2. Let her dance

T: real AMAZONS from the NEW EARTH came to help my wife to rescue her husband! MEET (music. Exit Amazon.)

Come on my good ones!!! You can make sure that our young husband released, these ladies?

Of course, I know that we can dance the national dance of the AMAZONs!

So let's go. (music. Dance of the Amazons by Ruslan).

The girls are dancing.

Well done!!! But what about the campaigners, let our young husband go to his lawful wife?
NO!!! What else do you need??? - let the wife prove that she loves her husband ... perform a serenade for her beloved ...
-Yes, it’s not a question ... come here my dear (I’m talking to the bride), don’t worry, you remember everything ... then let’s go.
- Well, are you happy ??? - Great ... but now the task is from me, come on, beautiful girls, you look so good in a green uniform ... you are still at the wedding, and the gift ... dance with you ... (cut. Status Quo ) Thanks! Go girls to your army!!! We can do without your retraining!!!
FOR A HAPPY FAMILY REUNION!!! BITTERLY!!! And we keep dancing! Go!!!

Sand ceremony.

Since ancient times, the wedding Sand ceremony has been held in the Hawaiian Islands. During the sand ceremony, the bride and groom pour sand of two colors from two different vessels into one. Two different people are two separate personalities, two colors of sand. One color symbolizes the masculine, the second - the feminine. sand forms beautiful pattern, where a stripe of "male" color sand alternates with a stripe of "female" color. Today there is a merger of two families. Parents, please come. And call the young

T: .(the second composition is in the same folder.) young people hold hands, look into the eyes of each other. then comes the dialogue. After him on the background of music)

Dear Olga and Nikolay! Once upon a time, you were different people. You didn't know each other, you were on your own, like two different vessels of sand. different colors. But one fine day, everything changed ... You fell in love with each other and decided to unite your hearts. Now, you are like one vessel.
Now you will take turns pouring sand from your vessels into a common vessel. How beautifully the sand flows... Look, you seem to give each other a piece of yourself! And, just as the sands from different vessels are combined in one vessel, you now cease to exist separately, turning into a single whole ...

Look what a beautiful pattern! Just as grains of sand cannot separate and return to their vessels again, so let the love between you be indestructible!
(The vessel is sealed with a cork.). Keep this vessel as a memory of all the joys and hardships that you have yet to experience together. Let this beautiful vessel with bright multi-colored sand remain in memory of your wedding. Keep it in the family as a talisman. May he leave bright memories for many years to come. Today 2 genera have merged. You know, newlyweds have new statuses - they have become husband and wife, and new statuses have appeared for their parents.

(mother of the groom):
Natalia (folder 27)

You are not just a lady anymore

And a beautiful daughter's mother!

Never frown

Ideal ... (guests in chorus - mother-in-law

(mother of the bride):

And now you have a son -

Wonderful son-in-law!

So be easy with him

As befits ... (mother-in-law!)

(to the father of the bride):

You are a man, even where, from now on you will forever

A great honor has fallen: You are now called ... (father-in-law!

(to the groom's father): sergey

By the word "father-in-law", no matter how they fought,

Rhymes were not found!

I will ask without further ado:

Father-in-law to be ready?

Groom's father: …ready!

Let's welcome the father-in-law.

Rite of twinning

1. Meet, mother-in-law and mother-in-law

They bless love

Both motherfuckers come out
Dance a gypsy for us.

2. Be born, apple dance

3. Bride, it's your turn

With a witness to go out into the hall

we will ask you ladies, miss:

"can-can" dance us for an encore!

4. And we will ask the groom with a witness!

Light a Georgian spark in the eyes

And to prolong the fun at the party
For intermarriage with Batsay Lezginka!

Dance of mother-in-law and bride

Dance of the groom and mother-in-law

Dear guests! Today, a new family connection has formed between the families of the bride and groom. Hug all together. After all, grief shared is half grief; joy shared is double joy. We wish many happy years to the new kindred union!

(Young people say words of gratitude and give gifts to their parents.) A toast to the union of two families.

Orange mood. (folder 38)

  1. "A" - complements to the bride. "P" - complements to the groom.
  2. "E" - where will our newlyweds go? How will they go? The rarest place?
  3. "L" - and there they will be?
  4. "S" - how will they love?
  5. “And” - and all because people gathered at the wedding ...
  6. "N" - today we are going to the wedding, so that on "N"

Theft of shoes.

  1. Sports performances. (folder 19.
  2. Choral singing (folder 20 Ural dumplings)
  3. Dance to all your friends. Flash mob (folder 20 he kisses you.)
  4. Masks (nosy, kiss, beaten, boar, smile, platypus, godfather)

Bouquet and garter

So, we draw attention to ourselves, fanfare and announcing the beginning of the block. 00 - Fanfare 37.

After that, to the applause of the guests, we invite the bride to enter the dance floor. 01 - Exit the bride

After that, the bride separates from them and throws the bouquet.

In honor of the girl who caught the bouquet, there is always an awesome beat. 04 - Beat 115

We ask the girls to take their places and invite the groom to come out. 11 - Exit of the groom

After him, as well as the girls. "bringing out" single guys - 002

When all the guys went to the dance floor, we invite them to dance the bachelor dance, standing in a circle and leaning back to each other (the groom is participating in the dance). 12 - Dance of future suitors

This is followed by the naturally romantic removal of the garter from the bride's leg. 13 - Removing the garter

To the one who caught the garter, of course, we turn on a wonderful beat, applaud and shouts of Hurray are only welcome. 16 - Beating. Then the married people come out to the march of the hussars and they accept the groom into their ranks. under 18 the composition is rocked by the groom.

The last dance of the young is to distribute sticks. And seeing off the young

Nowadays, many newlyweds abandon the traditional wide feast about their marriage and replace it with a friendly party at the club and honeymoon trip, well, this is their holiday, which means it is up to them to decide how to spend this day. But the majority, nevertheless, arranges a banquet in order to have plenty of fun with friends, and most importantly, so that parents and relatives can celebrate this event with them, who, like the heroes of the occasion themselves, were waiting for this day with trepidation and bated breath. How to make such a wedding banquet fun and interesting for guests of different generations? How to arrange a modern holiday and at the same time observe wedding traditions and rituals? The way out is to find an original and compromise solution for organizing a wedding celebration. To help, we offer our option - New scenario wedding "Happy Day", in which we tried to combine classics and modernity, lyrics and fun, novelty and loyalty to traditions. The script is built according to the classic wedding plot, but all the rituals are presented in a new way, and all the games and entertainment are original, funny and musical.

ABOUT THE SCENARIO: the script is written taking into account modern holiday trends and practical experience events - traditional wedding moments are presented in a new way, softly, in a comic-lyrical form, worked out in detail and fully decorated with music, printing and video files (you can download in full version script). Since the script turned out to be very voluminous and labor-intensive, and many of you in preliminary requests asked only for the beginning of the holiday or, conversely, only for its final and entertaining part, it was decided to break it into two equivalent halves (each contains about 15 game episodes and chips) , for those who are interested in having the whole script, a good bonus discount is provided. Also, due to the fact that a couple of moments of the script are duplicated with a previously placed program" We have fun walking the wedding" , then when it is purchased, a bonus is also valid - details below.

Meeting of the newlyweds before the banquet" family birthday"

This is a new author's version of the meeting of the newlyweds before the banquet, designed in the bright style of a birthday - the birthday of a new family, in compliance with all the necessary wedding traditions, which, according to the plot, takes place on seven different bridges: " amulet " , " Past ", " Wealth " , " Love ", " Happiness ", " A family ", " Future " . Thanks to the chosen theme and inexpensive, but colorful props, such a meeting ritual will give a positive charge to the whole holiday, cheer up all participants and is very spectacular, which is good for memorable photos and video footage. In case of bad weather, the meeting can be arranged in the lobby of the hall.

General requisites for all participants of the meeting: caps, headbands, colorful birthday paper ties, pictures of bridges printed on a color printer (if multiple use is supposed, then it is better to laminate the pictures, except for picture No. 6, because an inscription will be made on it, it will be printed again for each holiday and given to the newlyweds as a keepsake)

Props by groups:

First group of guests(Bridge "Obereg")- pipes, whistles, bells;

Second group of guests(Bridge "Past")- balloons inflated with helium, note paper, felt-tip pens;

Third group of guests(Bridge "Wealth")- crackers - bumfeti with money or gold foil, coins;

Fourth Guest Group(Bridge "Happiness") - sweets, rice, rattles, scissors, blue and pink helium balloons;

Fifth Group of guests (Love Bridge) - hearts and sponges on sticks or balls - hearts

Sixth Group of guests (Family Bridge) - LED or foil stars on sticks, felt-tip pen);

Seventh Group of guests (Bridge "Future") - loaf, glasses, colored ribbons

(Author's note: the scenario is designed for a newlyweds meeting on the street before entering the banquet hall, depending on the number of guests participating in the meeting, each group should have two or more people. The organizers are offered two options to choose from: the first is bright, lyrical and solid, the second is shorter and more dynamic. The theme of the meeting fits well with storyline the whole holiday, so we advise the presenters to keep this in mind when making their changes.)

Training. The host discusses the scenario of the meeting with the guests in advance and distributes roles and props between them. If most of the guests, together with the newlyweds, take part in a walk after the registry office, then you should ask them to arrive a little earlier than the car with the bride and groom arrives. Guests line up in a living corridor, the so-called "corridor of happiness", for all (if possible) paraphernalia for celebrating a birthday, in the middle (along the living corridor) seven pictures depicting bridges are laid out (important (!) - the bridges in the pictures should be located exactly in the direction of the newlyweds, so that the newlyweds seem to walk along them, and not step across them). All guests are divided into seven groups according to the number of bridges and, depending on the conditional purpose of the "bridge" near which they will stand, each group has its own props and tasks, the key moments on each bridge are supported by everyone: with a sound effect, enthusiastic shouts and applause. Pictures are laid out at a small distance (40-50 cm) from each other, each picture is 1x0.52 meters in size, if desired, you can make it larger, reducing the size is not recommended, because. will be uncomfortable. ( ready options images can be downloaded in full version - folder " Meeting (pictures) " ).

Meeting of the newlyweds. Option 1.

(When the newlyweds approach, the presenter begins to speak)

Presenter: Hooray! A beautiful and happy couple is approaching us, let's welcome them! (guests shout, make noise, applaud). No, no, dear guests, you probably didn’t understand, not just a couple is approaching us, but an incredibly wonderful FAMILY (!) COUPLE - (Names and surnames of the newlyweds), which means that it is necessary to welcome them incredibly and wonderfully! Let's try again! (guests shout, make noise, applaud even louder and more actively).

Expensive (Names of young people) today a wonderful event happened in your life - you became husband and wife! Your family is celebrating their first birthday today! And all your closest people have gathered here to congratulate you on this event, and also to bless and charge your newborn family for a long and happy life with the help of an ancient ritual - passing through seven bridges!

(points to the picture with the first bridge)

Presenter: First Bridge - "Charm"! You will pass it

You will confuse evil forces and scare away from yourself,

Just walk not straight, but unusually,

And be loud as hell!

(The newlyweds are walking, a group of guests standing near the first bridge on the left and right sides, creates a lot of noise: blowing, whistling, ringing)

Presenter: On the Bridge with the name "Past" step,

Let go of all the past and unnecessary forever ......


Meeting of the newlyweds. Option 2.

(in this more dynamic and simpler version, the essence and sequence of actions is preserved, only the presentation and text of the leader changes when passing bridges, and also in this version, guests can not be divided into groups, but put in a common corridor of happiness on the left and right sides and just hand out props and paraphernalia in the style of a birthday)


Banquet scenario.

Track 1 sounds (from the folder "Music for the script - 1") - young people enter, then guests

(The beginning of the holiday can take place in different ways - it is better to discuss this moment with the newlyweds in advance.

1. Guests and newlyweds are invited to the tables and the host helps in seating, gifts in this case are presented during the celebration.

2. In order for the young people to put themselves in order after the wedding walk, a pause is arranged, and at this time the guests are invited to put gifts on a specially designated table and drop gift envelopes with money into a colorful box.

3. The newlyweds themselves accept congratulations and gifts from the guests and then invite everyone to the tables

Background music plays. If there is a screen, wedding pictures are shown)


Sounds track 2 - the presenter solemnly exits

Presenter: Everything starts with love!

Dream, flight, discovery, inspiration.

Everything starts with love!

Family, birth and union of hearts!

So our holiday began with Love and is dedicated to Love, wonderful, unique and beautiful, the Love of our newlyweds! …………………



- Musical acquaintance of guests "Close people". Option 1

This version of musical acquaintance is an alternative to the popular wedding presentation, which allows you to put an emotional emphasis on the newlyweds and their parents, unobtrusively introduce yourself as the host of the holiday, and the guests to relax, tune in to the festive wave and become closer to each other.

Presenter: It has long been customary that the most dear and close ones are invited to a birthday party. The birthday of a new family is no exception, although it has its own characteristics. Which? Yes, at least these! I ask you, raise your hands, those who sincerely wish the newlyweds happiness? (guests react) Of course everyone! And now respond those who are well acquainted not only with the young, but literally with everyone present in this hall? (guests react). As you can see, there are much fewer of them. After all, a wedding connects not only two loving hearts, but also two Worlds, Two Planets: the World of relatives and friends of the groom and the World of the bride’s relatives, who until this day rotated in different orbits, and, only thanks to the birth of this family, for the first time all met together for one table. And now, everyone just needs to get to know each other better, make friends, and maybe fall in love, right?



But this happy story might not have happened if, in due time, their parents (names of the bride's parents and the names of the groom's parents) did not meet and fell in love with each other, let's greet the parents of the newlyweds and their wishes to the children - applause.

Sounds track 5 or 5a

Our newlyweds managed to fall in love with each other from the first smile, I propose to check with what smile you, the closest relatives and best friends of the newlyweds will succeed?! Do you agree? (guests support). Then let's make it fun and to the music! And help us to

- (DJ name)! Let's welcome him…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .........................

11 ready-made cuts are attached - look in the folder "Close people"

- Toast"For love!"

Track 6 sounds ( from the folder "Music for the script -1") - banquet break

Presenter:"Foreva, Love!", "Love, Foreva!" Expensive (Names of young people)! Love, long and mutual, tender and real, is sought by everyone, but few find it. You're lucky! In this huge and so difficult world you have found each other! ………………………………………………………………………. ................

(Author's note: if grandparents are present at the wedding, then before moving on to the next toast, you need to say a few warm words about them, and give them the opportunity to congratulate the young with a couple of words of blessing)

- Toast - interactive"For parental home!"

Presenter: Yes, today is an amazing day! A day of emotional upheaval, vivid impressions and magical transformations! For this one day (Names of young people) from beloved girls and guys turned, first into the bride and groom, and then the spouses ringed by fate. It is not easy for young people to accept all these changes at once, but what about their parents ?! …………………….................................................. ...................

Track 9 sounds

(words of parting words from parents and words of gratitude from children)

Track 10 or 10a sounds.

- Rite of interbreeding "Matchmakers under hypnosis"

Cheerful and unusual, musically playful and at the same time lyrical version of the traditional wedding moment of rapprochement and intermarriage of two families, written in the style of the show "Stars under hypnosis"



Heroes of the pilot issue - newlyweds and parents, please go to the studio!

(in the center of the hall facing the audience there are six chairs, if the families are incomplete, then less, and the text, depending on the specific family situation, is also slightly changed)

Track 1 sounds (from the folder "Matchmakers under hypnosis") - participants leave

Please sit down on our sofa! This applause sounds for you! (audience applauds). And we start with the most problematic, according to anecdotes, family relationships: mother-in-law and son-in-law! Yes, with you mother-in-law's names and son-in-law). Please change places (if not sitting next to each other) and sit closer to each other (goes up to mother-in-law and stands behind her).

- (While talking - quiet in the background track 2 sounds) Now I will put my hand on your head, and through my palm you will feel warm……………………….


Thank you for such a bright and touching ceremony of twinning! Go to your seats! And remember this state, it will be very useful in life, because where there is mutual understanding and trust, hypnosis is not needed there. (says with a smile) But to consolidate success with a life-giving drink - it won’t hurt, right ?! …………………………….

12 ready-made cuts are attached - look in the folder "Matchmakers under hypnosis"

- Eyeliner to the first dance of the young

dance break


- Musical table game - warm-up for guests "Hot wedding ten"

An original role-playing game - an animation to warm up and activate the festive mood





Wedding rings







Selection of participants and description of activities

(Author's note: the presenter goes around the hall and gradually distributes all the roles, explaining along the way the essence of the actions for each group, representing one or another symbol, the recommended text is below, but the organizers can do it in their own way)

Of course, our newlyweds will be responsible for the "Wedding Rings"! (referring to newlyweds) Your task: to gently stroke your sparkling rings, saying: "My charm!", as soon as you hear ……………….


Presenter:(referring to the audience) Gentlemen artists, is everything clear to everyone? Then let's start! First, let's play together the introduction called "We got to the TOP", and then the staging itself……………………….

Musical accompaniment to look in the folder "Hot ten"

- Block of delivery of wedding gifts "Tangerine Darins"

Author's note: In this case, this is a surprise from the young people with the situation that the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds themselves has already taken place at the beginning of the celebration, if there has not been a donation yet, then this ritual can be carried out as an exchange of gifts……………….

(Liner and explanations are attached)

Track 17 sounds in the background -from a folder" Music for the script - 2"

- Table role-playing tale - the game "Head of the family"

This feasting fun is taken from our author's script #59 "We're having fun at the wedding", so when you purchase it along with it, there is a bonus discount, you can see its announcement there, but the ending is changed to go to the next game block.


………… And try to find confirmation of the axiom,

What is more important and "most importantly - the weather in the house!"

Presenter: Newlyweds, please take the stage (to the center of the room)!

Track 18 sounds (folder "Music for the script - 2") - at the exit of the newlyweds

Game block for newlyweds. School of family life "Weather in the house"

Presenter:(sings or speaks):"There is me and you, and everything else is easy to fix with an umbrella." In my opinion, golden words! (referring to newlyweds) Do you agree? (newlyweds answer). The experience of family life shows that you can fix it not only with the help of an umbrella, but also with a trash can taken out, a nail hammered in time, a delicious dinner cooked, a washed shirt and many other household trifles, which, at times, are akin to feats. What exploits are you ready for? I propose to check with the help of a comic video game under the symbolic name "Twenty exploits of the newlyweds"

- Video game for newlyweds "Twenty feats of newlyweds"

A modern version of playing up the traditional moment of "Distribution of matrimonial duties" - in game form, with the help of comic pictures and appropriate musical arrangement.

Props: screen and projector or plasma TV and computer

The competition is made in Power Point format, the download link is at the beginning of the full version of the script, the author's explanations are attached.

Presenter: Attention to the screen! (on the screen the first picture). You are invited to express readiness to the groom - for his beloved, the bride - for his beloved to perform a dozen feats (picture 2 on the screen). You can choose in turn and in any sequence, if one of you finds ten feats beyond your strength, you can stop at any moment, but whoever stops, as a penalty, right here and now, fulfills any desire of his half. The essence of the game is simple: say the phrase: "I'm ready or ready for (name of the second half) ...", name the number, the DJ clicks on it, on the screen there is a picture with a feat, if you are really ready, dance, raising it in agreement thumb up (sign IN!) if, no, you dance with your arms or fingers crossed. Clear? Then let's go!

Examples of feats to illustrate:

(game in progress)


- Lesson of reconciliation for the newlyweds "Step towards"

Ready-made pictures in the folder "Step forward", background music in the folder "Music for scenario -2"

- Kissing lessons "Bridges of Love"



- (on the screen the fifth picture"Bridge of Sighs") In front of you is the Bridge of Sighs. And we have a kiss of continuous romance. So the bride is high on the bridge again (the groom helps the bride to stand on a chair). She is a young Venetian who is waiting for her hot lover - a gondolier. And as he swims towards her, she sighs deeply from each stroke of his oar. Then he swims up, takes her off the bridge to his gondola and kisses her passionately, in Italian.

Track 5 sounds - newlyweds kiss

(Author's note: all three games with the newlyweds, in this case, are designed with video or printing and it is better to conduct them using the screen, but if the technical capabilities do not allow, the first lesson can be replaced with a similar one in scenario No. 59, and the second and third can be conducted using printed pictures or invite guests and newlyweds to just dream up and present the appropriate picture)

Ready-made pictures in the "Bridges" folder, musical cuts in the "Bridges of Love (music)" folder

- Game decoy for a general photo"Family Support"


…..Presenter: Now, everything is correct. Dear newlyweds, look around, look around! From all sides you are surrounded by faithful and reliable friends and relatives, this is your wall, on which, like each other, you can always lean! Photo for memory!

Sounds track 21 - everyone is photographed

dance break

- Game during the dance break "Who got married in .. "

See the musical arrangement in the folder "Who got married"


CONTINUATION In, which is offered separately (500 rubles), then when they are purchased together, there is a bonus discount (250 rubles), for two (900 rubles). The discount is also provided when purchasing together the second part of the Happy Day wedding scenario, which is separately offered ( 650 rubles), and if with this scenario, then there is a discount (300 rubles), for both (1000 rubles). For those who want to have all three scenarios in their arsenal, a discount (400 rubles), and thus, for three scenarios (1400 rubles). Only for this scenario, respectively, 650 rubles will be enough.

AT recent times appeared new trend- organization of a wedding event without observing ancient traditions, during which a lot of time is devoted to fun game contests and competitions.

This means that in preparation for the celebration, funny and modern wedding scenarios for the toastmaster are prepared in advance. When conducting a wedding in this format, it is required to involve the newlyweds and guests in a fun, exciting game festival - an interesting show that will remain in the memory of all participants in the holiday for a long time.

Scenario with contests

The biggest celebration of a young family is rightfully considered the Day of Registration of the Marriage Union.

The wedding format has a wide range: from a modest student party to a grandiose large-scale celebration. It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom, national traditions and, of course, on financial capabilities. Without exception, all newlyweds dream that their wedding would be a real joyful festive event filled with fun, laughter, jokes, songs, interesting competitions, dancing.

To do this, even during the preparation of the wedding, it is necessary to draw up an interesting scenario, according to which the wedding host will be able to competently and cheerfully hold the event, observe the customs and traditions of everyone.

According to the modern style, the wedding can be divided into several parts:

  1. Start of the wedding. Begins wedding celebration solemn part. Young spouses at the festive wedding table accept congratulations and gifts from all participants of the wedding celebration.
  2. Main part. During the second part, a fun entertainment program is held, full of numerous fun contests, funny competitions, game theatrical skits with the participation of the newlyweds and wedding guests. There are also fun song competitions and, of course, moving dances.
  3. Final part. In the final part, romantic wedding rituals are held: lighting candles hearth, sand ceremony, tying a scarf, throwing the bride's wedding bouquet and other interesting rituals. At the end of the wedding, guests are offered a delicious dessert - a wedding cake.

If you are planning a wedding with a large number of young people who are not interested in boring old traditions and want to have fun, you can offer one of the options interesting scenario with the participation of the presenter or toastmaster.

The wedding begins with the words of the toastmaster: “Attention, our dear guests! Now we will see an amazing and beautiful couple - our beautiful bride and groom are coming up to us. Let's greet our newlyweds with thunderous applause!

The bride and groom approach the toastmaster and stand in the center of the wedding hall. Tamada continues: “Good afternoon (gives the names of the bride and groom)! Let's start your wedding. Please accept our congratulations on entering into a legal marriage.

Congratulations on the birth of a new young family (gives the name of the young spouses)!”

The host recites the following short congratulatory poem:

“Our dear newlyweds! Let's now come to the closest and dearest - your parents. In the hands of your mothers you see a symbol of well-being - ruddy and lush wedding bread, a symbol of your home well-being and prosperity. I suggest that the bride and groom go up to their parents and break off a piece of the wedding loaf for themselves.

The newlyweds come up and break off a piece of bread from the sides.

"Dear guests! What conclusion can be drawn from the broken off young pieces of loaf? Now you can understand who in a young family is a big fan of food or will be the main one in the family!

Now salt your slices of wedding bread hard. Salt do not regret, salt as much as possible! With love and tender eyes, look affectionately at each other, exchange pieces and feed each other diligently! Dear guests!

Pay attention to how carefully they feed each other, they don’t want to be hungry!” There is laughter in the hall. Tamada invites guests to go to wedding hall and take a seat at the wedding table. While the guests are seated, the host says the words: “Dear guests! Please do not be shy, today we will have fun, try delicious treats and raise toasts in honor of the most beautiful couple.

I suggest gentlemen to look after beautiful ladies so that glasses and plates are not empty.

Participants of the wedding celebration fill their glasses. The leader's words are:

“Dear newlyweds! Today, on this wonderful day of the wedding, the most significant event– You have connected your destinies and united your life paths. From now on, you are no longer a bride and groom, but real spouses - husband and wife. Let me congratulate you on behalf of all the wedding guests on this step and on your legal marriage!”

“Dear (name of the groom, name of the bride)! What a joy to see a happy couple in love! Everyone knows that the greatest happiness in life is confidence in mutual love!

Our newlyweds have such great happiness. It is for this happiness that we raise our glasses.

Our first toast is to our beautiful newlyweds, to your happy family life!”

While the participants at the wedding table are trying festive dishes, the toastmaster invites the guests to get acquainted, congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts.

The host approaches each of the guests, introduces himself and offers a microphone for congratulations.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, the toastmaster offers to hold a quiz about the newlyweds: “Dear bride and groom! Now we will hold a quiz among the guests on the knowledge of the history of your acquaintance. Guests must answer questions, and for young people - please do not suggest the correct answers.

  1. The first prize is an air kiss from our beautiful bride. Question to the audience - who is the bride according to the horoscope? Answer: Taurus.
  2. The second prize - a strong male handshake of the groom - will be given to the one who answers the question: what kind of sport does (groom's name) prefer. Answer: sambo.
  3. The third prize is a kiss from our bride. Question to the guests: What are the bride's favorite flowers? Answer: roses.
  4. The fourth prize is a triple kiss from our fiancé. What is the groom's favorite sport at the wedding today? Answer: A unique opportunity to have a drink with our bride for brotherhood.
  5. The fifth prize for the bride and groom is the opportunity to give each other a hot kiss if they give the correct answers to the following questions: Question to our bride: What is the groom's favorite dish? Question to the groom: What long-running series (bride's name) has been watching since childhood and will not be able to watch it to the end?

After the comic quiz is over, the presenter offers to fill the glasses again and taste the dishes of the festive treat. After a while, the host announces a competition about parents.

“Today the bride and groom have new status"Husband and wife". In connection with this joyful event, the changes also affected their parents. We invite fathers and mothers of the newlyweds to learn their new statuses.

He turns to the groom's mother: “Our dear mother, you are no longer just a lady, but a mother of a wonderful bride. An eyebrow will never frown, our ideal .... (guests continue in chorus - mother-in-law!).

The following words are an appeal to the mother of the bride: “Now you have a new son - your wonderful wonderful son-in-law! Be with your son-in-law, you are simpler, as it should be .... (mother-in-law!) ”

Tamada proposes a toast to the parents of the bride and groom: “I propose a toast to the closest people - to the parents. It was these people who surrounded you, young people, with their selfless love and care, were your faithful support and support. Let's raise a glass in their honor and thank them for raising such wonderful children, our groom (name) and bride (name)!

The sound of glasses clinking. After a snack, it's time for moving fun contests.

Tamada proposes to hold a dance competition with the following words: “I invite all wedding participants to the dance floor so that our couple in love will have a pleasant training in our Kissing Academy.”

  1. The first lesson is "Royal Kiss". We offer the bride to sit on an imaginary throne (offers a decorated chair). Here she is, our queen! The bridegroom is her subject, who must kiss the hand of his queen. (The groom should get down on one knee and kiss the bride's hand) Tamada invites the guests to applaud the young for the first lesson.
  2. The second lesson is "Caucasian". The host addresses the groom with a request to imagine himself as a horseman standing on one mountain (puts a chair in front of him). Dzhigit shouts to his bride: "I love you!". The mountain echo (witness of the groom) repeats this phrase. The bride at the foot of the mountain (chair) in response shouts “I love you!”, The witness, like an echo, repeats this phrase to the witness and he passes it on to the groom. In conclusion, the groom and the witness perform an incendiary lezginka. The groom goes to the bride and kisses her.
  3. The third lesson is "Cossack". The bride is a beautiful farmer, and the groom is a Cossack. He enters the farm at a gallop, sitting astride a dashing horse (witness), circles his bride in a circle three times and kisses her on the go.
  4. The fourth lesson is "Graduation" or "Wedding Kiss". The guests stand in a circle, in the center - the newlyweds. The guests chant “Bitter!”, the bride and groom kiss, and the guests count how long their kiss lasts.

After this competition, the host announces the first dance of the newlyweds, which begins the dance program with the participation of all participants in the wedding.

When the guests get a little tired of fast dancing, the host offers to hold a popular contest "Guess the gender of the future first-born of the young."

Tamada announces: “We all know that a happy young family is a family with small children. Dear friends, let's all make magic together and order the first-born for the young spouses - a daughter or a son. I invite witnesses to be bankers and offer them bags to collect money for the baby.

Whoever collects more money in his bag, a baby of this gender will appear in the family.

While collecting and counting money, the host asks funny questions, and the guests quickly answer:

“I suggest our bankers announce the results! Witnesses, state the sums collected. Now you can make a statement: in the family (names the common name of the young) the first will be born (names the sex of the child). I propose the following toast to the health of the firstborn.

It does not matter what gender the first child will be, the main thing is that he be healthy and strong. Let's raise our glasses to love!"

Scenario without competitions and traditions

Thinking over the format of the wedding, modern brides and grooms often think about giving their main festive event a special personality and holding a wedding in their own style without competitions and observing ancient traditions.

The usual scenarios consist of numerous competitions, in order to participate in which the toastmaster has to persuade the wedding guests. Today's youth are perplexed by the contests of carrying an apple between the legs or kissing different parts of the neighbor's body.

In order to hold an interesting and spectacular wedding without competitions and without observance of outdated ancient rites, it is important to correctly plan the wedding event in advance.

The proposed order of the wedding celebration is as follows:

  1. Each of the future spouses, with the help of close friends, prepares for the wedding in their home.
  2. The groom with close friends goes to meet the bride at her house. When meeting the bride, the groom brings a wedding bouquet and words of love as a gift.
  3. Guests are offered light snacks and drinks at the bride's house. The first photo session is underway.
  4. The bride and groom with close friends, witnesses and parents go to the place of registration of the marriage union. The outdoor ceremony is considered a wonderful alternative to the usual ceremony in the official registry office.
  5. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds go for a walk and a photo shoot.
  6. From the walk, the newlyweds come to the place where the wedding banquet will take place. Guests and relatives form a living corridor through which the young people pass into the hall. Along the way, the newlyweds are showered with fragrant petals of multi-colored roses and greeted with words of congratulations.
  7. Congratulations from parents.

The bride and groom and invited guests enter the wedding hall, filled with the sounds of wedding melodies, and take their seats at the festive wedding tables.

Tamada pronounces the following congratulatory words:

A beautiful song plays in the background music wedding theme. The participants of the celebration begin the wedding banquet.

Some time later - after the guests had a bite, the host invites them to congratulate the young spouses and give wedding gifts:

“Let's congratulate our young people (the name of the bride and groom) on the most solemn birthday of the new family - Happy Marriage Day! Today, the closest friends and parents have gathered here and from the bottom of their hearts give you their congratulations.

The host in turn approaches each participant in the wedding and provides the floor for wishes.

After congratulations, the toastmaster pronounces an invitation to fill the glasses and continue the festive meal.

  1. Tamada announces the start entertainment program: "Today, real magicians came to congratulate our young people, who will be happy to entertain our guests with their wonderful and even magical numbers."
  2. After the performance of professional artists, the toastmaster offers professional dancers to conduct dance master classes, followed by the involvement of guests in their dance program.
  3. Those who wish to be photographed are sent to shoot in a decorated photo zone.
  4. Tamada announces the dance of the young: “We invite our dear newlyweds to their first wedding waltz. Now they are no longer bride and groom, but husband and wife. Now our wonderful couple will spin in a slow waltz dance, and let the wonderful sounds of music envelop them with their magic veil! And we will be happy to admire the happy couple in love!
  5. The sounds of the waltz are replaced by rhythmic fast music, the wedding participants join the young people and a kind of wedding flash mob begins.
  6. The wedding ends with the cutting of the wedding cake. The leader says:

The wedding celebration ends with a fire show or touching ceremonies launching into the sky Chinese lanterns with a lit candle inside.

This video will show you how to write a wedding script:

This is how, in a new way, without observing established traditional rites and competitions, you can hold an interesting wedding celebration. The modern entertainment industry and their own creative approach allow young people to make a real fascinating spectacle out of a wedding.

Option 4

We meet young people at the porch. Guests stand on both sides of the path from the car to the porch. Everyone should have rice and coins in their hands. While the young are walking from the porch, in the direction of travel, shouting "Congratulations!" they are sprinkled with cereals and coins.

On the porch they are met by the host and parents.
Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the most dear to you people - your parents - meet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other!
Newlyweds feed each other.

And now we'll see who will be the head of the family! Come on, bring your glasses here! And now on the count of "three!" drain the glasses to the bottom. Who is the first is the main one. Once. Two. Three!
The newlyweds are drinking. All guests are sick.

- What kind of barrier is this?
- The border, but not simple:
family life ahead
behind is single.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

Young people show a marriage certificate.
Briefly - the document is in order!

Come on, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
To the wedding hospitality.

Everyone goes into the hall.

There is joy in this house
For relatives, friends, acquaintances.
Today is a big holiday here,
Because two are cute
Two loving, beautiful
They became husband and wife.

Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long business! Choose a more cheerful neighbor with whom you can talk, and a prettier neighbor who you can take care of. Men are closer to a snack, and women are closer to a drink. The duties of each include: pour, pour, do not deprive everyone of the neighbors and do not forget yourself. Now, prepare the champagne!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses,
Congratulate standing young
To announce the beginning of the wedding
And a new life for two!
May this day, like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let love dawn
Does not go out for many years
Let only the wedding be "bitter",
But never in your life!

And now, dear guests, do not be shy, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself, while we read to you

1. You can't be bored, you can joke.
2. You can't be sad, you can sing and dance.
3. Look at other people's wives and husbands,
And don't forget about yours.
4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you're a little drunk,
It is better to go to sleep in silence.
5. Everyone without further explanation
Place to keep your own
Pouring into a neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.
6. Do not grumble and do not swear,
Do not climb with everyone to kiss,
In no case do not get angry,
Have fun with all your heart.
7.If someone by mistake
I took with me sadness
Put it in the refrigerator immediately
For cutlets to the cook.
8. If you are before leaving
Found slightly
On yourself other people's things
That's right, it's not a problem.
But we strictly forbid
Go home then
When next to you
Someone else's husband or wife!
10 minutes for a feast

Guests, did you take the glasses?
- Yes!
Friendly, cheerfully raised?
- Yes!
Then "Bitter!" - shout to them -
"Bitter! Bitter!" - young.
Kiss, newlyweds
Let those kisses not be counted
Otherwise, the poor invited
And bitter to drink, and bitter to eat!
Let's get this couple
Let's drink a full glass!

Acquaintance of guests
Today, most of all will sing ____.
Most of all will dance ____.
All louder will shout "Bitterly!" ____.
Everyone will drink more ____.
Today ____ will give ____ one hundred rubles.
____ will give ____ his TV with joy.
And ____ will give ____ himself.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No return.
The most beautiful person today is ____.
The most shy person today is ____.
The hungriest person at the wedding is ____.
After the wedding, ____ will walk away on foot.
____ will leave by car.
And ____ and ____ will hardly take ____ away.
In an hour, ____ will say that he (a) is cool (th).
After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he (a) sneezed (a) at everyone.
Two hours later, ____ won't say anything.
At 22:00 ____ will fall asleep.
At 11 p.m., ____ will fall asleep.
At 11:30 p.m. ____ will wake up.
Tomorrow improve your health, ____ invites everyone to his place.
____ will come tomorrow with a case of beer.
Dried fish is taken to bring ____.
And ____ and ____ from 5 in the morning will cook fish soup.
Everyone drinks ____ for health.
For the health of the young and all, I have already drunk ____ seven times.
Word to parents.

Toast to parents
Let's raise the hello
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor rest,
Forged such great happiness for them.
Parents are sad, a little sad.
For this we will not judge them strictly.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
For work and care, for everything we could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For the work of your parent, let's just say to you:
Let time fly, but don't get old
Let the grandchildren grow up, you become younger in soul,
Good to you, health is a huge increase,
We raise a celebratory toast to you.
Presentation of joke documents
- young,
response to young parents,
Let's raise our glasses!

Presentation of joke documents
- parents, others.
The floor is given to grandparents.
The first dance of the young

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz for you young,
First dance for the two of you.
Unwilling to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.

Witness Contest
The witness lies down on chairs, sweets are scattered over her, the latter is placed on her lips. The witness must collect them all with their hands tied.

Witness toast
For those who, taking honorable care,
From now on, I owe many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure,
To be in a family of friends and peace and harmony.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, sunny, big
Before the wedding before the silver at the beginning,
Well, then - before the wedding golden!
We drink, as you noticed
For young witnesses.

Board game for guests.

Envelopes for the bride's guests:
1. Honey, shall we buy a mink coat?
2. Zolotko, will you give me the entire salary?
3. My sun, will you serve me coffee with a bun in the morning?
4. Dear, will you buy me clothes every day?
5. Darling, do you want us to have three girls and no boys?
6. Good, will you help me with the housework?
Envelopes for the groom's guests:
1. Dream, dream, my love.
2. If wages allow.
3. As you say, my only one.
4. It all depends on you, dear.
5. I only dream about this, my good one.
6. Well, you will say too. Wait and see.

Ignition of the family hearth.
Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but it did. "But first," happiness said, "I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which they lived for many years. What do you want?" - happiness asked the mistress of the house. And she answered that she did not have a mink coat, - and the hostess received a fur coat. Happiness asked adult daughter hostess: "What do you want?" - and she replied that she wanted to marry an overseas prince - and married an overseas prince. The happiness of the mistress's son asked: "What do you want?" - "I want, - he says, - a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle," - and the boy got a bicycle. And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: "What do you want?" The owner thought and said: "I want the warmth of the family hearth to never leave my house." And happiness fulfilled the request of the owner and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns!

At the noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness
Light you now together
Star of hope and dreams.

Let's raise our glasses to this small and still very young hearth! But he will grow up, get stronger and will be able to warm both the young, and their children, and their relatives and friends.

Competition for guests

Distribution of duties (balloons)

Contest for moms
Mothers determine by voice:
1. The mother of the bride determines the son-in-law among other guys who take turns saying: "Mother-in-law, I love you."
2. The mother of the groom determines the daughter-in-law by her voice among other girls who take turns saying: "I can't bear to get married."
3. Moms together determine the voices of the young among other couples, who take turns saying: "Mom, it's us!"

Dance competition for couples (with a balloon).
Each couple is given balloon, which the partners must hold between their foreheads (backs of their heads, backs, stomachs, shoulder blades, pop, knees, at chest level - at the discretion of the organizer; during the competition, the method of holding the ball at the command of the host can be changed), couples dance, preferably to fast music and preferably in the nature of music. The pairs that drop the ball are eliminated.
Table competition for guests
And now the color contest. Dear guests, take a look at the clothes of what color you came to the wedding celebration. Pay attention to the neighbor's clothes.
Who came in red clothes? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, they appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in a sense, for a great feeling. They prefer to spend holidays and vacations in the south. Let's drink to red.
Who is in clothes white color? often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears. Pay attention, even if you drank for red, but you also have white in your clothes, you will have to drink again.
The black color of the clothes indicates that we have talented people who are able to bewitch absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They like to relax in the country with lovers.
clothing of blue color guarantees their owners a noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, they literally worry about everything and everyone.
They like to relax everywhere, just to fly a plane.
The green color of the dress indicates that these are people overwhelmed with hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.
Who came in clothes yellow color? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. From jewelry prefer gold. Strive to occupy a place in the upper class. They like to relax on the "Golden Sands", they like to listen to the "Golden Ring", they like to be called "Zolotse".

Determination of the sex of the child.

Word to the Witnesses

Presentation of gifts (eating witnesses)
Order for a new family.

Definition of the groom (by ear, by hand),
Definition of the bride (on the elbow, on the knee).


For couples with tennis balls. (drive through the partner's trousers).

Hospital (on the sheets write "birth house", "hospital", "bynya", "registry office", "bedroom", "work".
-How often do you visit this place?
-How long are you there?
- what are you doing there?
- with whom do you go there?
- what do you take with you?
- Do you enjoy going there?
Who would you like to go there with?

Competition for young "explanatory and justifying" competition. You can call it "I believe - I do not believe." The situation for the competition can be set as follows: “Three months of family life passes, and the young wife comes home at three in the morning. What will she say in her defense, and will the husband believe this? So, the husband opens the door, first looks sternly at the clock, then to the spouse and asks the question: “Darling, why is it so late?” In response, the bride offers her options for excuses, and the groom accepts them or not, while saying “I believe!” or, conversely, “I don’t believe!”.

In order to attract the parents of the young to the sweet kissing moment, the presenter can ask questions to the bride and groom: “Tanya, was there at least one subject in high school, a lesson in which you were taught to kiss?
They didn't teach Tanya to kiss. Let's ask the groom. Alexander, the program of the institute provided for such classes, where could you master the art of kissing? No, there was no such thing in the institute program. What to do? Who will teach the kissing lesson? Probably, as always, parents. We ask the parents of the bride and groom to rise and kiss each other firmly but gently. And we all the wedding feast shout to them amicable "Bitter!".
Newlyweds vows.
At the height of the wedding fun, the host offers the guests the game "In the Bottle". Brings out a large inflatable bottle of champagne that will spin up in the game. On the tray - a place with words. Guests stand in a circle, leading in the center.
Whoever the bottle points to, he takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game. The bottle is untwisted, during the game the cards are sorted out.
Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur - kiss the neighbors of all.
Pipes - kiss a neighbor on the lips.
Point - whoever you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send an air kiss.
Bride - kiss the one whose place is next.

Competition for young people - to dress a doll with tied hands.

- Did you drink for the young?
All: Drink!
Did you drink for your parents?
All: Drink!
- To become closer and dearer to all of us,
Let's drink to the guests!

Throwing a bouquet and a garter.

Well, you can see off the newlyweds from the wedding along the corridor of burning candles held by the guests. The host will say that let so many lucky stars illuminate their joint life path that so many lights light up in the homes of relatives and friends who are always ready to help, give the newlyweds the warmth and joy of meeting.