
How to remove yellowness from a washing machine. Preparing to remove yellow plaque. Nail polish remover with acetone


When using plastic in everyday life, namely in the kitchen, it is constantly exposed to the negative effects of temperature, sun and fat. This causes the plastic to turn yellow. But how to bleach yellowed plastic? After all, objects made of this material are absolutely indispensable in our life.

Why does plastic turn yellow?

The first plastic was invented in the 19th century by the English metallurgist Alexander Parkes, but, of course, the magnificent qualities that plastic has today are an achievement of the 20th century. Today, all kinds of household appliances, electronics are made from this polymer, it is actively used in the interiors of cars and buildings. Plastic has almost completely replaced other materials in the production of high-quality children's toys. The high quality of the plastic allows it to be used in various aggressive environments.

However, plastic also has its drawbacks. First of all, it is negatively reflected by the light of direct sun rays. Some organic solvents also have a negative effect on plastic.

So how do you whiten an object that has lost its appearance and return the original appearance to yellowed old plastic? It is not easy to remove yellowness from plastic, but it is possible. There are several ways to get rid. This can be done using the following materials:

  • alcohol;
  • soda ash;
  • bleach containing chlorine;
  • acetone;
  • perhydrol;
  • washing powder.

Before bleaching the yellowed plastic, it is necessary to wash the object from dust and grease using special means sold now in all supermarkets. Plastic can only be washed with a soft sponge, otherwise scratches may remain on its surface. Also in stores now sell a large number of napkins impregnated with a special composition or napkins made of special woven materials. But all these tools will only help remove surface contaminants from plastic and clean it if the interaction of polluting particles with it has not yet occurred.

After the plastic has been cleaned of grease and dust, you can try bleaching all the yellowed parts of the plastic with alcohol. But, before wiping plastic surfaces with alcohol or perhydrol, you need to check its effect on an inconspicuous area. Perhydrol treatment should be carried out twice. All work on cleaning plastic should be carried out with gloves and do not forget about airing the room.

Small plastic parts can be cleaned by soaking them in bleach containing chlorine. Keep parts in a chlorine solution for at least 10 hours. Another type of solution for cleaning plastic parts is one tablespoon of soda ash and laundry detergent per 1 liter of water.

There is another way to clean plastic with acetone. However, it is not applicable to all types, as it can significantly damage the item itself. When cleaning with acetone, always move in only one direction and very quickly. This substance will dissolve dyes on the surface of the plastic, and if not properly applied, smudges may remain on the plastic. If all these remedies did not help, the last way remains - spray paint.

Plastic products are not afraid of exposure to moisture, withstand the effects of acidic and alkaline substances. The material pleases with a long service life and is widely used in a wide variety of industries. Caring for plastic products is easy and hassle-free. But what to do if the plastic has turned yellow, how to bleach it to its original shade?

Preparing to remove yellow plaque

The untidy yellowness of housewives is usually upset by products from the white case of household appliances, and window sills, children's toys and a variety of household trifles. What to do if the plastic has turned yellow, how to bleach? If you have to clean a structure consisting of several parts, disassemble it into parts. For example, a refrigerator is much more convenient to wash by pulling out all the shelves and drawers. Start by removing the top layer of dirt. Wash the product or part with soapy water. Dishwashing liquid will also work. Try to visually assess how the surface is afraid of mechanical damage. The general rule is that glossy plastic is best washed with a soft sponge, and rough plastic can be rubbed with a brush. Sometimes the yellow tint disappears after normal washing. If this does not happen, you should try special tools.

How to clean plastic from a layer of soot and grease?

Very often, plastic products that are constantly in the kitchen are covered with a layer of fat and soot. Such a coating looks like a solid yellow film and does not add neatness to the interior. Do not panic, the usual will help to cope with the problem. laundry soap. Take half a bar and grate on a coarse grater. Soap shavings pour hot water and stir. Apply the resulting solution to contaminated surfaces and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. The secret of this recipe is very simple. Contains alkali. This substance is completely safe for plastic, but it can remove grease and some other stubborn dirt.

Alcohol will return the plastic to its original whiteness

Very often, plastic products change their color after many years of use. What to do if the plastic turned yellow from old age, how to bleach it? Try one of the simplest and most reliable folk remedies. You will need alcohol, it is best to take medical. In its absence, replacement with isopropanol or methanol is acceptable. We recommend that you work in a well-ventilated area. Alcohol must be applied to a piece of cloth and carefully wipe the yellowed areas of the plastic. It is advisable to use a cloth with a smooth texture, fleecy and terry fabrics will not work.

Secrets of whitening plastic windows

Plastic products can fade with constant exposure to ultraviolet light. In this case, the shades of colored plastics fade, and white objects may turn yellow. Plastic windows, which are so popular today, are not immune from such changes. Window sills and frames can turn yellow over time. How to bleach yellowed plastic in the sun, what is the best home remedy? Try mixing equal parts of any laundry detergent and baking soda. For 0.5 water, you should take a tablespoon of the finished mixture. The solution is intended for soaking. When using this recipe to clean windows, apply liberally to frames and window sills. Wash off after a couple of hours.

Universal folk recipes

How to whiten yellowed plastic on an air conditioner if the methods described above did not help? Try removing plaque with vinegar. Attention: you will need vinegar essence (70-80%), not a food solution (9%). This substance is a concentrated acid. It should be used in rooms with good ventilation, be sure to protect your hands with tight gloves. In vinegar essence, moisten a cotton swab or sponge and wipe the problem area.

Another radical way to whiten plastic is soaking in chlorine. This option is suitable for small items. Take any household remedy, which contains a solution for plumbing or a stain remover. Powders must be diluted according to the instructions, liquids can be used without adding water. Yellowed plastic products must be immersed in the solution and left for 5-10 hours. Easy to soak in the evening and all night. Chlorine is a potent substance, usually it can be used to whiten even very strongly yellowed surfaces.

What to do if the white plastic turned yellow, how to bleach? Tips for the lazy

You can return the original color to yellowed plastic products using special cleaning products. Try to buy wet wipes for office equipment or car interior. These accessories will help to effectively remove unstable dirt and brighten the surface of equipment by 1-2 tones. Special stain removers for plastic are most effective. They can be purchased at home appliance stores or in departments with auto cosmetics. Be sure to read the instructions before use. Some compounds must be left for a few minutes on the surface, while using others, cleaning must begin immediately after application.

How can you bleach the yellowed plastic on the refrigerator if a significant surface area has yellowed? Often only a special spray can cope with such a problem. Household chemicals industrial production has another indisputable advantage. Many plastic cleaners cover the surface of the product with a protective film to help keep it clean longer.

What to do if the plastic is very yellowed, how to bleach it? If not a single plastic product cleaner has helped, you can decide on an extreme method. Buy paint in aerosol format and just paint over the yellow. Often, this option helps to save the yellowed facades of household appliances and other large plastic interior items.

Each house has appliances, utensils, small items used in bypasses, made of plastic. Beautiful, comfortable, practical. But after a while you see that the white plastic has turned yellow. What to do? We suggest you bleach the yellowed plastic.

The plastic has yellowed. How to restore color?

Polymers used in household appliances, kitchen utensils, etc., in most cases, are characterized by resistance to environments with high humidity and aggressive acids and alkalis. But the sun's rays, substances of organic origin, grease and dust do their "dirty" work. It's not worth getting upset. Indeed, for this, there are our tips on how to whiten plastic that has turned yellow.

How to whiten yellowed plastic.

There are plenty of tools to whiten yellowed plastic at home. Choose any tool that is convenient for you, which you have on the farm, which will help turn yellowed plastic white:

  • soap.
  • dishwashing liquid.
  • acetone.
  • chlorine bleach.
  • perhydrol.
  • soda ash.
  • washing powder.

It is necessary to use these substances depending on the degree of yellowness and the reasons that caused the change in color:

  • in the kitchen, the causes of plaque on the white polymer are settled soot and dust. This type of pollution should not raise questions about how to whiten yellowed plastic on household appliances. Since in this case the plastic does not directly interact with dust or soot particles, it will not be difficult to wipe off the yellowed white plastic. An ordinary soap solution or dishwashing detergent applied to a kitchen sponge will instantly restore the primary appearance kitchen appliances.

extractor hood will help reduce the amount of greasy deposits and soot on kitchen plastic surfaces.

  • if the plastic has turned yellow on the keyboard, monitor, processor, then special wipes will be required here. Special impregnation of wipes cleans the plastic surface in a short period of time. They don't leave scratches behind. You can buy such napkins in stores that sell office equipment, computers and related products.
  • small items made of bleaching polymers should be placed in a solution consisting of soda, washing powder and chlorine. Dilute one tablespoon of the above-mentioned products in a liter of water, immerse a plastic product in this solution and leave overnight. In the morning, you just have to rinse the snow-white details and objects.
  • if the plastic on the refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner has turned yellow, then you will not be able to do as in the previous method. And the point is not only the bulkiness of the equipment, but also the fact that the plastic turned yellow from the hot air. And easier from high temperatures. More clearly, you can observe the yellowed plastic near the lamp.

plastic is a soft material. In order not to leave scratches on the surface, wash it only with soft sponges, cloths or napkins.

  • Normal yellowing on a plastic surface can be removed with alcohol. It is enough to walk on the product with a cloth soaked in alcohol to immediately evaluate the result.
  • technical alcohol dissolves all kinds of raids and changes in color much better, which affected not only the surface, but also penetrated inside. But when using industrial alcohol to bleach plastic, special care should be taken. Processing with industrial alcohol should be done very quickly and accurately. Otherwise, the agent will penetrate into the polymer and leave you with irregularities over the entire surface of the product.

before washing the yellowed plastic in the refrigerator, remove all food and defrost household appliances.

  • technical alcohol can be replaced with ammonia. Just be sure to provide your own protection for your face, hands and respiratory organs.
  • An effective remedy for bleaching yellowed plastic is hydrogen peroxide. With a sponge dipped in hydrogen peroxide, you need to walk through the yellowed places three to four times. The result will please you.

if the yellowness on the plastic is very strong, then add any stain remover to the hydrogen peroxide.

How to bleach plastic yellowed in the sun.

Timely care of polymer surfaces, the use of cooker hoods, cleaning of grease and soot until the particles begin to affect the plastic, reduce the yellowing process of the material. But, unfortunately, plastic has the ability to yellow water with ultraviolet light. Exposure to sunlight leads to a change in the color of the once snow-white material. Most of all, the plastic on the windowsill turns yellow.
The approach to the problem, than to bleach the yellowed plastic at the windowsill, will be somewhat different. But first things first:

  • before bleaching plastic that has yellowed in the sun, we clean the surfaces from grease, dust and soot. For this, any detergent or soap solution is suitable.
  • after cleaning the surface contaminants, we begin bleaching. We offer you several options for bleaching yellowed plastic:
    1. You can use ammonia. The processing of the window sill should be done with rubber gloves.
    2. An excellent plastic bleach is obtained from perhydrol and bleach powder. Take two tablespoons of perhydrol and powdered bleach and mix with a liter of water. Treat the surface of the window sill with the resulting solution. Work only with rubber gloves. And do not allow the perhydrol to heat up.
    3. Special care and caution is required when working with such a bleaching agent for plastic as acetone. Work with acetone should be fast. Wetted a cotton pad and quickly ran it over the windowsill. Let's repeat about the need for protective equipment when working with acetone.
    4. For cleaning plastic in car showrooms is sold liquid agent. It is also suitable for bleaching window sills.
    5. If possible, buy a Defender plastic surface cleaner. In addition to whitening, it has the properties of creating a kind of protective film with antistatic characteristics.

If none of the above remedies can cope with the yellowed plastic, you will have to buy spray paint. They, like the Defender cleaner, not only return the plastic to its original appearance, but also cover the surface of the polymer with a thin film with an antistatic effect.

Not only various household appliances are made of plastic, but also windows and balconies are made.

If this material is of good quality, it is easily washed from dirt, is not afraid of moisture, and also withstands the effects of acids and alkalis. But there is one drawback with plastic - it quickly turns yellow.

Causes of yellowness

Many housewives during the general cleaning think about how to wash the plastic, because over time the material becomes covered with yellow spots.

There are several reasons:

  • adverse effects of sunlight. Specialists have determined that ultraviolet radiation leads to partial disintegration of the plastic surface;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • the presence of low-quality additives in the composition of the product.

It is for these reasons that people notice how window sills, window frames, and refrigerator surfaces turn yellow.

How quickly yellowness will appear, no one can predict, because everything depends not only on the impact of these factors, but also on the handling of the material.

Whitening methods

If the plastic surface still turned yellow, do not rush to get upset. There are several proven methods.

First method

How to bleach yellowed plastic? The first handy tool is laundry soap.

Take 100 grams of soap and grate. Pour the resulting chips with a mug of warm water. Wait approximately 15-20 minutes. During this time, the mixture will become like gruel.

Apply the product on the yellowed surface and leave for half an hour. After that, rub the places of contamination with a sponge, and then rinse.

If stains still remain, then the procedure can be repeated again.

Second method

How to wash plastic at home? Ethyl alcohol will help whiten the plastic.

Do a test before trying this method. Apply the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product and watch the reaction.

If the surface is not damaged, soak a soft cloth in alcohol, and then wipe everything.

Third Method

How to wash plastic? One of effective means It is considered a mixture based on washing powder and baking soda.

Mix the components together in equal proportions, and then pour a mug of warm water. Wait until the powder and soda are completely dissolved.

Apply the finished mixture with a sponge to the window frames and wait six to eight hours. And then rinse with running water.

Fourth method

How to remove yellowness from the windowsill? Cosmetics that are designed for cars help to wash plastic parts. It will not only clean the surface, but also remove the unpleasant odor.

Sprays well restore the structure of plastic, and polishes and cleaners retain its original appearance for a long time.

Fifth method

Whitening of plastic can be done with wipes designed for computer equipment. They have a special impregnation that does not harm the plastic.

This method is effective but expensive. Yes, and you can buy them only in specialized stores with household appliances.

Sixth method

A simple yet effective plastic cleaner is hydrogen peroxide. The solution saves from yellowness and cleans any kind of dirt.

Pour on a sponge a small amount of peroxide and wipe the formed plaque with it.

The procedure should be repeated several more times. The positive effect will not keep you waiting.

Seventh method

Some housewives use acetone as a plastic cleaner. It removes yellowness from plastic well, but has a pungent odor. If you overdo it with the amount of solution, the surface may deteriorate.

After the procedure, wash the surface with running water.

Eighth method

Has whitening properties detergent containing chlorine. This method is best used for small surfaces.

To wash off the yellowish stain, mix a spoonful of chlorine cleaner and baking soda. Dilute in a liter of warm water. Put the object that turned yellow into the solution and leave for 10-12 hours.

Then you need to wash the surface under running water and dry thoroughly.

Ninth Method

How to clean white plastic from yellow plaque? If the surface cannot be cleaned by any means, then yellow spots removed with spray paint.

Apply an even layer and wait a few hours. During this time, the paint will dry and give the original appearance of the product.

To prevent the plastic from turning yellow, it is better to follow some care rules:

  1. Do not smoke in a room near white plastic items. Resins settle on the surface and eat into the structure of the material.
  2. Protect window sills from UV rays. For this, expand decorative napkins. Thus, you decorate the interior and save the plastic from the sun's rays.
  3. Do not forget about holding a constant. It is not necessary to clean the surface with different means every time. It will be enough to wipe with a regular damp sponge.
  4. Glass cleaners, liquid soap, dishwashing gel are well suited for cleaning. Please note that they do not contain wax.
  5. Always rinse off any remaining foam. Otherwise, stains will appear on the plastic. Plain water will wash them off. But it is not always possible to remove traces from the first time.

If you take care of plastic surfaces daily, this will avoid their rapid yellowing, but if the trouble has already occurred, you can use improvised means to remove ugly marks.

Today, most of the household and electronic appliances, kitchen utensils, toys for children and a lot of small household items are made from plastic. Various polymers have the following related qualities: they are resistant to a humid environment, as well as the influence of aggressive acids and alkalis. However, some plastics can be affected by sunlight and organic solvents. negative impact, while yellowness appears on the plastic surface, which is sometimes not so easy to deal with.

You can bleach yellowed with the help of the following means:

  • acetone
  • chlorine bleach,
  • alcohol,
  • perhydrol,
  • soda ash,
  • washing powder.

We remove yellowness from plastic

If light-colored plastic is covered with a slight coating of settled dust or soot and turns yellow from this, this is fixable. Since there is no direct interaction of particles with plastic, you can try to wash the plastic surface with a brush or sponge using an ordinary soap solution, the main thing is that there are no scratches on this plastic surface.

Try to use alcohol, isopropanol, ethanol, methanol, etc. are suitable for this purpose. At the same time, do not forget: the room in which you work must be well ventilated! When working with chemicals, wear gloves, sometimes goggles will not interfere. Before the procedure, conduct a test: wipe off a small area of ​​​​the plastic surface in an inconspicuous place, so you do not spoil the entire plastic object.

You can purchase special wipes designed to care for plastic surfaces and monitors that do not leave scratches. Due to the special impregnation of plastic napkins for a short time becomes cleaner. Usually they are sold in the same place as computers, office equipment and consumables.

A variety of manufacturers produce spray cleaners for plastic surfaces. With the help of these tools, you can return the object to its original color, make the shade fresher and apply a thin protective antistatic layer. Car dealerships also offer buyers polishes (liquid-based products) and plastic cleaners that can be used to combat the yellowness that has arisen on plastic items.

Plastic parts should be left overnight in chlorine-based bleach or hypochlorite.

Soak the plastic in an aqueous solution of soda ash and laundry detergent (1 liter of water + a tablespoon of these products). Evaluate the result after a few hours.

A hair lightening agent, such as perhydrol with an oxidizing agent, may help. If the plastic surface is treated twice with this composition, then a good effect can be achieved.

There is another way to use perhydrol (about 2 tablespoons) in tandem with powdered bleach-stain remover (about 2 tablespoons) + water (1 liter). First, wash the plastic surface with a soap solution, then dip the part in the above perhydrol solution. During the procedure, it is necessary to regulate the chemical reaction and prevent the perhydrol from heating up too much. To speed up the reaction, use an ultraviolet lamp.

Washing plastic with acetone. Remember that this procedure is not indicated for all types of plastic, since this product can affect the plastic as a solvent. When working on the surface, move in a horizontal direction at a fast pace and in the direction from top to bottom. Make sure that no smudges remain on the surface.

If the yellowing on the plastic is the result of some change in the structure of the polymer itself, try updating the item with spray paint.