
What to eat on a small pension. How to live as a pensioner without support? Tips for saving money. Expenses for other household needs

Pathology of the uterus

Various analytical agencies and research holdings annually conduct opinion polls, but their results from year to year remain disappointing: two-thirds of our fellow citizens are afraid of retirement, and almost every second Russian believes that retirement entails the loss of not only professional, but also social status.

Learn how to live after retirement in this article.

Retirement is a new life stage

On the one hand, old age is the final period of development, and it is no longer possible to put aside thoughts about the results of life. However, on the other hand, retirement is the appearance a large number free time, a measured life without a rigid rhythm and restrictions, the opportunity to do what you love, for which there was not enough time before. For old age to be a joy, you need to prepare for it in advance, you need to be aware that retirement age is just another life stage.

You need to start preparing for retirement from the age of fifty, so that in 5-10 years you won’t feel on the sidelines of life. Today, there are many ways to support yourself financially in this new status. First, you need not only mentally prepare for the end professional activity, but also provide yourself with a material "airbag", come up with a new hobby.

How to secure a decent pension?

How to secure an additional source of income in old age? The very first thing that comes to mind for people of active age is to buy an apartment and rent it out, receiving a solid monthly pension increase. Indeed, this item of income may even exceed the size of the pension. By the way, you can rent not only an apartment, but also a cottage.

However, the purchase and subsequent rental of real estate is not the only way secure a dignified old age.

If a future pensioner plans to ensure his prosperous future through investments, you can bet on a long-term bank deposit - a more reliable and safe tool for saving and increasing funds has not yet been invented. Recall that today each deposit of individuals is insured by the state for 1.4 million rubles.

By the way, you need to prepare not only in material terms. Closer to old age, psychologists recommend, if possible, expanding your social circle and strengthening the existing one, so that in old age you do not find yourself alone, do not fall out of the social environment, in order to be in demand and needed by someone.

How to live on a small pension?

Learn to spend money wisely. With retirement, the family or personal budget "sinks" noticeably, and in order to stay afloat, you have to optimize costs.

Cost planning is a whole science, which almost every one of us has to learn with the onset of retirement age. It makes it possible not only to have everything you need in life, but also sometimes save a pretty penny for large purchases.

After receiving the next pension, distribute it into parts: for paying utility bills, buying food, purchasing medicines, etc.

The budget for food, and this is the main item of expenditure, divide by days and, based on the amount received, make a list of products. Always take only the amount you can afford to the store.

How to improve your financial situation in retirement?

First, do not rush to leave for a well-deserved rest. If you feel strong in yourself, continue to work - working pensioners live much easier. If there is no desire or opportunity to stay in the same place, try to find other options. The best solution would be to work with a flexible schedule, part-time, etc.

If work activity does not suit you for some reason, try to start with what you always liked to do before, devote some of your free time to your hobby. Perhaps you are into beekeeping or you love growing violets. And why not turn your favorite hobby into a profitable occupation? Try to use your hobby as a source of albeit a small, but much-needed additional income.

If you have the strength and desire, devote yourself to your favorite dacha - grow vegetables, fruits and berries. Nowadays, a natural product is highly valued, so there will be no problems with the sale of products. It is not necessary to stand on the market yourself, you can simply hand over the harvest to "outbid".

In any case, doing what you love, you will remain "in the black": even if such an activity does not bring profit, it will help to cope with depression.

One can not talk about how people live in retirement once again. The situation in which Russians find themselves with the onset of incapacity for work cannot be called enviable. And it seems that the size of the social increases every year, but inflation is growing along with it, which literally eats up all the increases. Why, at the end of their days, people are forced to fight for existence and survive, having decades of work experience?

How to live on a pension if it is hardly enough to live on? Many older people, after entering a well-deserved rest, find themselves practically below the poverty line. In a more advantageous position are those old people who are financially helped by children. But what about single pensioners with a minimum payment, how to live on?

Retirement in our country

The size of the minimum old-age payments in the regions of Russia is just over 8,700 rubles. In Moscow, this figure is somewhat higher and reaches almost 12 thousand rubles. Due to the length of service and seniority, many receive an amount in excess of the so-called minimum wage. Their monthly pension can reach 10-15 thousand rubles. But be that as it may, for most people, retirement seems like a terrible nightmare. How to live so that this money is enough until the next payment?

The current generation of pensioners is significantly different from the people hardened by Soviet communism. And although even today one can hear lamentations about how well life was in the USSR, it is no secret to anyone that in those conditions, with access to a well-deserved rest, one also had to learn the basics of survival. Modern Russian pensioners have Soviet roots, which means only that they did not grow up in "greenhouse" conditions, they led an active lifestyle. Thanks to constant work, aspirations and perseverance, they have acquired the ability to survive in not the most favorable conditions. The vitality that representatives of that generation show is the envy of today's youth.

So, how to live on a pension if it is within living wage? For this amount, it is quite difficult to satisfy even the most necessary, vital needs of any person. Due to poverty, some begin to drink alcohol more often, get sick more often, which only exacerbates an already difficult situation. And besides, there is a type of people who, no matter how much they pay, they still will not be enough. Money, as you know, does not happen much. Therefore, first of all, you need to pull yourself together and do everything so as not to break down psychologically. Experts urge you to give yourself positive attitudes in order to try to change the circumstances that have arisen for the better or adapt to them. There is no other way out.

Benefits and subsidies

Instead of groaning and aahing, endlessly asking yourself the question of how to live on a small pension, you will have to gain optimism and be active. In the end, psychologists always advise to rejoice in a glass that is only half full, than to look at it with despondency and longing, considering it half empty. You need to take advantage of everything and not give up.

Local authorities are striving to implement regional projects, the ultimate goal of which is to improve the standard of living of persons of incapacitated age. If the funds provided by the state are barely enough to live on, the pensioner needs to:

  • find addresses and contacts of social protection services on the websites of the local administration;
  • find out about existing and planned social programs, the provision of humanitarian assistance, holding actions, registration lump sum payments usually associated with public holidays;
  • get full information about the conditions for obtaining a subsidy for utility bills;
  • make sure that all merits and awards that give the right to receive benefits are taken into account.

So, the right to issue a “Veteran of Labour” certificate, which gives good privileges to pensioners, arises for citizens who have a certain seniority and those who started labor activity as a minor during WWII. Some pensioners continue to work in order to fill in the missing years of professional experience necessary to obtain a preferential title. Here you need to show perseverance and curiosity: rewards and additional payments will not appear on their own.

In addition to municipal authorities, the charitable organization "Red Cross" is engaged in supporting the elderly. The employees of this society know how people live in retirement. The Red Cross helps people in distress not only morally, but also assists those in need in obtaining expensive medical care, medicines, essentials, grocery sets.

Favorable change of living space

Since the most significant item of expenditure for current pensioners is the payment of utility bills, it may be worth considering changing the place of residence. Many people solve their material problems in this way. There are several options, and each of them is possible in a specific situation.

The easiest way is to sell your home and buy a smaller square footage, and deposit the rest in the bank. This will allow you to receive a double benefit every month: on the one hand, the pensioner will have an increase in income due to interest from a bank deposit, and on the other, the cost of utility bills will be reduced. So, a one-room apartment is much more economical in terms of maintenance than a two- or three-room apartment.

The second solution is to move from your own apartment or private house to a rented apartment with a smaller area. At the same time, your property will also have to be rented to tenants. The profit is obvious, but it is worth considering all sorts of risks. It is possible that after the tenants will have to make repairs. In this case, all proceeds will be spent on restoring a comfortable environment. The tenant can protect himself and rent out housing with the requirement to maintain the safety and integrity of the property by concluding an agreement and receiving a security deposit. If the condition of the dwelling at the end of the lease is unsatisfactory, the deposit is not returned to the tenants. In addition, when deciding to rent out your own apartment, you need to find out as much as possible about a potential tenant.

“Maybe I’m just starting to live, I’m moving on to retirement ...”, - who doesn’t remember this phrase from Pechkin’s favorite, probably everyone’s cartoon? And that is exactly what most older people think, because having escaped from vicious circle"home-work", they finally get the opportunity to devote more time to family, grandchildren, household chores. The only thing that overshadows the idyll is the lack of finances. What to live on when you retire? This question pushes pensioners to the decision to rent out one of the rooms in their home. This option is suitable for those who do not have a particular desire to settle in a new place. However, in this case, there are significant disadvantages:

  • moral discomfort. Many older people find it difficult to put up with the presence of strangers in their own apartment, so you should think in advance whether you are ready for such a step.
  • No guarantees in the decency of the tenant. This issue requires careful consideration: letting the first person you meet into your house is not a good idea. Ideally, if the tenant turns out to be a good friend.

If permanent cohabitation with a stranger is not possible, you can try to rent a room by the day (for example, for people on a business trip). Many retirees have found this way of earning income suitable for them.

Other budget accommodation options

Very often, for the elderly, the acute question is not where it is better to live in retirement, but with whom. It is no secret that it is much easier to survive together than alone. Consequently, many come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create a profitable union on a semi-commercial basis. People in old age often find kindred spirits and decide to live together. This allows you to combine pensions and receive revenue from renting out a vacant apartment.

Living in the city for retirement is difficult due to high food prices. Whether it's in the countryside: in rural conditions, you can buy food at a relatively low cost or grow vegetables and fruits on your own. Do not neglect the opportunity to go to live in the village for the summer. In retirement, you can pay more attention to the country garden, and harvest in the fall.

A modest pensioner's diet

Most old people see the only way out for themselves - to save on food. Waste is alien to Russian pensioners. However, a limited diet is not only a way to save the budget, but also one of the secrets of caring for your health in old age. When shaping everyday grocery basket it is important to take into account the needs of the body. It is advisable for pensioners not to overdo it with sweets, the use of fatty, smoked foods, mayonnaise, etc. In order to live longer and get sick less, it is better to focus on natural, healthy and light food.

Menu example

To understand how pensioners live on retirement and at the same time lead a healthy lifestyle, one of the daily menu options will help:

  • Breakfast. Rice or oatmeal on the water, seasoned with a spoonful of butter. In the absence of the latter, vegetable is quite suitable. Tea black, green or herbal. Loose is cheaper, but before use it should always be doused with boiling water.
  • Lunch. You can eat a banana or drink a glass of low-fat kefir. It is better to completely refuse flour products, but if you really want sweets, it is better to eat a piece of dark chocolate. Good coffee, unfortunately, not everyone can afford, but there are good budget varieties of this drink.
  • Dinner. A simple and inexpensive soup made from chicken offal (muscular stomachs, hearts, liver, necks). To make a rich broth, meat ingredients can be used individually or all together. First, the giblets are boiled, after which the water is drained and the broth is boiled again. Before adding potatoes, offal must be finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder. Then finish cooking the soup, as usual, adding rice, cabbage, other vegetables, dressing.
  • Dinner. As a side dish, potatoes, beans or peas, lentils, rice or buckwheat porridge, pasta from durum wheat. Any vegetables, as well as baked or stewed meat, fish, go well with the side dish. However, you should not combine legumes with meat dishes - an excess of proteins is not the most in the best way affects the health of the elderly.

How and where to buy groceries cheap

A great way to constantly save on food is to periodically monitor prices, follow promotions held in supermarkets, which are accompanied by great deals on certain categories of goods. Buying products during the promotion period, you can save up to 50% of the budget. Most chain stores constantly offer discounts. It is profitable to buy goods in large hypermarkets, where promotional programs "1 + 1" operate: the buyer pays only for one product, and the second one, the same, is given free of charge.

Many appreciated the benefits of buying in bulk. Not everyone has the opportunity to immediately spend an impressive amount on products. However, such purchases are more than justified. In big cities, grocery stores and wholesale stores are within walking distance. If you buy goods in such places, their cost is much cheaper.

For example, in a retail store, a pack of tea will cost 50 rubles. The same is in the wholesale, but if the buyer takes 3 packs at once, he will pay 120 rubles for them. Thus, one pack of tea at a wholesale price will no longer cost 50 rubles, but 10 rubles. less. In addition, the quality of products at wholesale bases is in no way inferior to retail. Over time, people adapt to this type of shopping, choose the most suitable commodity items for themselves, give preference to brands of individual manufacturers. The only drawback of buying in bulk to save money is that in a hypermarket it is hard not to succumb to the temptation and not to buy too much.

Many pensioners are advised to shop at the market. To ensure that every penny counts, you should write down your every spending. Even the purchase of penny onions or beets should go under the record - this will allow you to track all the gaps in spending. You can find quite affordable price tags on the market, especially when it comes to spoiled fruits and vegetables. So, many sellers give slightly frozen apples in winter almost for free, but they can make an excellent pie for tea.

To live on a pension in Russia, you need to prepare for the winter in advance. Once again, the market comes to the rescue: elderly people often bring goods of their own production here for sale at a low price. Experienced housewives know how to live in retirement. Women buy berries and vegetables at the market, freeze them, make jam, compotes, pickle them, pickle them.

Is it possible to work in retirement

The benefits are those pensioners who, upon reaching the age of incapacity for work, still remain in the ranks. If the state of health allows you to continue working in the same position, that's fine. The safety of the workplace for a pensioner largely depends on the loyalty and understanding of the employer. Undoubtedly, the opportunity to continue working cannot be missed. But at the same time, in no case should you work to the detriment of your health. In old age, stress on the body is much more dangerous than poverty.

How to live without a pension? This question does not concern a person who continues to work. But what about those who gave their best years and health, earning seniority, and now he is forced to be content with an amount that hardly reaches the subsistence level? Even if it seems to you that you no longer have the strength to work, do not discard the idea of ​​​​working at home.

Some people do not even think about how to live without a pension. With proper activity, you can always find a way and improve financial position. In addition, these days there are many directions for self-realization, so you need not give up and take the following tips into service.

Earning at home

Is it possible to live on a pension without additional income? Today, the elderly have a lot of opportunities to get a good increase without even leaving the apartment. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for part-time work and choose the one that suits your capabilities:

  • Earnings on the Internet. People who have minimal computer and typing skills can earn money by creating custom articles. To understand whether the work of a copywriter suits you or not, it is enough to remember if there were any difficulties when writing school essays. Today, you can earn good money on this.
  • Call center operator, taxi dispatcher. These are in-demand jobs. Work is carried out remotely, that is, at home. The worker's job is to take phone calls.
  • Network marketing. Distributors are individuals who distribute the company's products and receive a percentage of the sales. For people who have experience in trading, this job is suitable. It is important not to lose your vigilance, as in the field of network marketing it is easy to fall for the bait of scammers who profit from gullible pensioners.
  • Floriculture. Growing houseplants and growing seedlings during planting season can provide a decent income. For sale, goods can be given to flower shops, greenhouses. This option of part-time work is suitable for pensioners living in a private house.
  • Homemade baking. The products of good chefs are always in demand. Pies, all kinds of pretzels, buns, cheesecakes - this is within the power of every housewife. Why not make money on it?
  • Minor repair of clothes at home (sew on a button, hem or shorten trousers, reshape a dress, iron a shirt, etc.). The main thing is to do the work with high quality so that the demand is not long in coming.


It is impossible to predict how much time is allotted to each of us. But regardless of how long people live in retirement, everyone tries to spend their final stage of life in abundance, doing what they love. It is not surprising that for some, the onset of disability marks the beginning of a new life - quiet, measured and calm. Many retired people start farming when they retire, they start ducks, chickens, pigs, cows and other livestock. Keeping livestock requires a lot of effort and time, but even the smallest farm will provide pensioners with year-round natural products: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, butter, meat, etc.

Household staff

A good option for older people is unofficial side job for hire. Jobs in the domestic staff category are always in demand. It is not clear how pensioners live on pension without any additional income, but one thing is clear: by getting a job as a nanny, housekeeper, governess, watchman or gardener, a person does not lose anything:

  • Firstly, such work differs little from running a regular household, and therefore no special skills are required for employment (with the exception of babysitting - employers give preference to applicants with a pedagogical education).
  • Secondly, employers often allow service personnel to live on the territory of their home, provide workers with food. Thus, the pensioner not only saves his salary and pension, but also saves on utility bills, food purchases, etc.

Internal migration

How to live on a pension, which is about 25 thousand rubles? One answer suggests itself: without much difficulty. Such an amount seems solid, especially for residents of the European part of Russia. But in Siberia and the Far East it is absolutely unrealistic to live on this money. The thing is that food prices in stores are extremely high due to the costly transportation of goods - they are delivered only by plane. In addition, the predominant part of the lands of these territories is unsuitable for subsidiary farming. Utility bills account for the majority of pension benefits. How to live on a pension with such prices? Therefore, northerners either continue to work after reaching the age limit, or leave for the regions of Central Russia. There, on their pension, you can live quite comfortably, practically without denying yourself anything.

Learning how to budget properly

In fact, there is no universal way how to live on a pension. In whatever country a person lives, whatever his income, he will always have difficulties with prosperity due to the inability to plan a budget.

It is advisable to describe in detail the upcoming expenses before each month. Set aside part for food, the other part - for medicines, rent, clothes, gifts for grandchildren, for a "rainy day", etc. When shopping in a supermarket, you must always pre-calculate the amount - this rule will help protect yourself from unscrupulous sellers.

Since older people often get sick, it is important to learn how to save on medicines. And we are not talking about refusing treatment. Some pensioners have found for themselves an easy way not to overpay for foreign medicines: they have purchased a pharmaceutical guide that lists analogues of modern medicines. The same drug with the same active ingredient can cost several times cheaper just because it has a different name and is produced at a domestic pharmaceutical company. Why overpay for advertising and branding?

It is not easy to live on, but those who plan their expenses wisely manage to save and even make a profit by creating deposits in the bank. If you want, then even with a minimum pension you can provide yourself with cultural leisure, periodically visit theaters, museums, philharmonic societies and lead a rich social life. Despite the high cost of tickets, someone manages to buy them at a low price with the help of friends, while someone attends performances and exhibitions on free invitations and counterfeits.

A huge role in the well-being of pensioners is played by their own adult children, who either actively participate in the lives of their parents and help them financially, or, on the contrary, are indifferent and indifferent to the problems of their fathers and mothers. Do not forget about your parents for a minute, take care of them while they are around ...

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Over my neighbor, 72-year-old Alexandra Vitalievna, time has no power. Youthful, elegant, always tastefully dressed, cheerful pensioner looks 10 years younger. She is a former doctor and used to always be in shape.

The main thing is to never lose heart. Believe me, the most valuable thing for a person is health and life. Do not be upset about the lack of money, the inability to buy the thing you like, trouble at work or in the family. I live by the principle "everything will pass, this too will pass." In any situation, you need to maintain peace of mind. And be able to live on income.

Alexandra Vitalievna learned to stretch her legs by clothes long ago. After the last indexation, her pension is just over 13,000 rubles. This money is enough for her to live comfortably and even for entertainment. My neighbor is an avid theatergoer. He allows himself to go to the theater or museum twice a month. And all this thanks to the rational use of your budget.

She divides her pension into four parts. The first is mandatory expenses, which include utilities and the Internet. It takes 5 thousand rubles. Trying to save on electricity and water.

In no case should pensioners have debts for services to public utilities. If one month is late payment, then the next month you will have to pay for two. And this will take the entire pension, - Alexandra Vitalievna warns.

The second part is intended for the purchase of long-term storage products and sanitary and hygienic products. With each pension replenishes the supply of cereals, sugar, canned food, vegetable oils, cleaning and detergents. Minus one and a half thousand rubles from the budget.

She leaves four thousand rubles for her current expenses: the purchase of meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits for tea.

All that remains, in her words, is money to please yourself. Updates and entertainment. True, in order to treat yourself to a new blouse or dress, you have to save money for several months. Tickets to the theater buys for shares, for 300-400 rubles. And he goes to museums for 100 rubles, since the fee for this category of visitors there is purely symbolic.

It's probably hard to imagine how you can get by with $4,000 in running costs a month, but my roommate manages to keep within that portion of her budget. Thanks for the little tricks. Firstly, he does not go to the store every day, but every other day or two, if possible and less often. Second, with a list necessary products. This insures her against unnecessary and useless purchases. Thirdly, he takes with him a limited amount, no more than 400 rubles. He tries to buy products in stores where there are social discounts for pensioners. In addition, various promotions are often held in retail chains, which she actively uses. For example, if butter, meat and fish products are on sale at a good discount, he buys more and stores in the freezer. This reduces the number of trips to the store and saves money.

Like a doctor, trying to stick to healthy lifestyle life. Her diet contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, dairy products. In the autumn he makes preparations for the winter: he freezes tomatoes, bell peppers, cauliflower, berries. Does not abuse red meat, prefers fish, chicken and seafood. Sausage products do not use at all.

Alexandra Vitalievna even has her own emergency reserve. Every month she saves more than a thousand rubles on the card, which the state returns to her as compensation for utilities (if utility bills are 22% of income, the pensioner is entitled to a subsidy). This is money for unforeseen expenses - medicines, gifts for friends or relatives.

She can't afford big purchases. Yes, and there is no need for them. Alexandra Vitalievna prepared for the moment when she would not work. I updated all the equipment, made repairs in the apartment, bought bedding. The same advises future pensioners to do. People of pre-retirement age need to know that pensions are enough only for the most minimal needs of a person.

Retirement has its own positive points, and this period of life can be a joy if you learn to adjust your lifestyle, your needs, find yourself a hobby. I don't consider myself an unhappy person. The main thing is that she is dressed and well-fed, she has relatives and friends. If only not to get sick and live under a peaceful sky. And so that the pension is paid on time, - says Alexandra Vitalievna.

Faina Svedovaya

Have you ever thought about how much our pensioners receive from the state? How does it assess the contribution of our grandparents, fathers and mothers to the development of the country? With what baggage do they enter the rest from many years of work?

How are they

Let's turn to the all-knowing statistics. The average pension in Russia last year amounted to a little more than 8,000 rubles, in European countries this figure is about 8 times higher. Retirement age Europe is generally higher, as is life expectancy. From this we can draw a simple conclusion - European pensioners live better and longer, respectively, their health is more stable and life after retirement is richer.

Like we have

In our country, they live quite modestly, often after paying all the mandatory payments, there is no money left even for quality food, not to mention hobbies and recreation. Especially when you have to compare the size of pensions and the price level. The question inevitably arises how to live in retirement? How to plan expenses in such a way as not to count pennies and borrow from relatives and friends?

Planning Secrets

The main thing in this matter is to carefully plan everything and stick to the planned expenses, read up-to-date information on about pension reform and current news. Here are a few points that will help you keep finances in your pockets longer.

Useful video

Let's look at the advice of experienced pensioners:


If you are retired, but active yourself, want to communicate with positive people and earn extra money for your retirement, be positive and optimistic. This will prolong life, and registration in the company will allow you to earn good money.

Honestly, our grandmothers - pensioners sometimes just amaze me. Not only do they manage to live on, to put it mildly, a small pension that the state pays them, they are also trying to help us, the grandchildren!

Modern pensioners are just a standard of thrift and economy. Of course, they are clearly not chic, but, as a rule, they live quite tolerably: they have enough money for food, and periodically buy new clothes, and help their grandchildren.

True, not all pensioners manage to lead a comfortable existence. Actually, how to live on a small pension, including some practical tips, will be my article today.

The lower the pension, the better

First. Start by carefully counting all your expenses. Get yourself a small notebook, and write down absolutely all your payments there. Even if you bought an inexpensive pen, the amount you spent on it must be written down in a notebook.
The constant maintenance of such a notebook allows you to understand where your pension goes, and see what you can save on and what expenses can be reduced.

Of course, you can already tell me where you spend your money. And I even know that you will answer me! These are payments for an apartment, food and medicine.

Agree. An elderly, and sometimes not very healthy person, spends a lot of money on medicines. And utility bills and grocery shopping are the biggest expenses for any family.

At the same time, I am almost sure that as soon as you get yourself a notebook in which you write down all your expenses, you will understand that money is often spent just like that, on all sorts of uselessness. For example, to buy some kind of miracle - a remedy that helps both from hypertension and from hemorrhoids. More on that later...

Second. Do not be shy, without leaving the cash register in a store or pharmacy, check both the amount of the check and the change that you have received.

I don't want to say that the saleswoman wants to deceive you. But she's at work all day, and she might just make a mistake giving you change, or make a mistake beating a check for groceries or medicine.

Third. When paying your utility bills, at least once a year check your management company to see how it calculates your payments.
To do this, you need to find out what tariffs apply in your locality, and just check if the calculation is correct. If you can’t do it yourself, ask younger relatives about it. I don't think you will be denied.