
Review of effective deodorants for foot care. Remedies for getting rid of foot odor: pharmaceutical, folk, deodorants


An unpleasant, suffocating odor coming from your feet can be a huge problem for many people. A person begins to be afraid to take off his shoes in someone else’s apartment, avoids close communication with people, loses self-confidence and develops a lot of complexes, because the smell can come from the feet, even if they are wearing shoes at that moment. To avoid psychological trauma and maintain healthy feet, you should know which remedies for foot odor are the most popular and can really help in this situation.

Why does there be an unpleasant odor?

The sweat glands of the human feet are capable of producing over 400 ml of sweat per day. The causes of sweating can be different: wearing poor-quality shoes, heat, mental disorders, fungal diseases and other pathologies.

Important! Sweat itself is not the cause of the unpleasant odor, since it is 99% water, chlorine, acid, ammonia and salts. The repulsive aroma is caused by microorganisms that actively reproduce in warm and moist microflora.

The intensity of the odor depends on the individual characteristics of the body - if for some people the smell of sweat is slightly perceptible, then for others, after 30 minutes of wearing shoes, a strong and nauseating aroma appears.

Natural causes

In some cases, increased sweating and foot odor are a natural reaction of the body to environmental factors. This includes:

  1. Wearing socks, stockings, shoes made of synthetic materials - especially if they have a closed shape.
  2. Stress, fear, nervous breakdowns.
  3. Physical exercise.
  4. Individual characteristics of the body.
  5. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  6. Wearing shoes for a long time, as a result of which the feet sweat, which creates favorable microflora for the proliferation of microorganisms, especially if the shoes are already wet and have a closed shape.

Pathological causes

Sweaty feet may be caused by health problems.

Sometimes sweating is a sign of a more serious condition, which may include:

  1. Fungal diseases of nails and skin.
  2. Disruptions at the hormonal level.
  3. Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Metabolic problems due to poor nutrition.
  5. Thyroid diseases.
  6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  7. Deterioration protective system body.
  8. Tuberculosis.
  9. Diabetes.

Fungal diseases of the feet as a cause of unpleasant odor

Mycosis of the skin and nails can be caught in any public place - swimming pools, saunas, gyms, and even on a bus while holding the handrail. Characteristic symptoms of the disease are dry and red skin, discoloration and peeling of the nail plates and severe itching. Toxic waste products of bacteria accumulate on the skin, which contributes to the appearance of sweat odor. Mycosis develops most severely when the immune system is in a weakened state.

Drugs for the treatment of fungal infections are classified into the following types:

  • Tablets: Fluconazole, Itraconazole.
  • Sprays for the treatment of mycosis: Lamisil, Terbix.
  • Creams: Zalain, Nizoral.
  • Varnishes for application to nail plates: Batrafen, Demicten.

In the case of mycosis, treatment should begin with it, only then the annoying aroma will disappear.

Foot products

There are many remedies that can reduce sweating of the feet.

Means for reducing the activity of sweat glands are divided into several forms:

  • Fragrances – remove unpleasant odors.
  • Medicines that reduce the level of sweating in the body.
  • Antiperspirants - effective, effective remedy relieves not only excess sweating, but also strong foot odor.
  • Essential oils.
  • Medications – treat the underlying cause of the disease.
  • Special creams with a deodorizing effect.
  • Antibacterial soap for daily use - helps destroy harmful microorganisms.
  • Potassium permanganate solution dries and disinfects the feet.

Important! Use antiperspirants long time contraindicated - little by little microorganisms become resistant to such drugs.

Remedies for foot odor from the pharmacy

Pharmaceutical products for foot odor can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. The most popular are:

  1. Teymur paste – has a bactericidal and drying effect. The medication must be rubbed into the skin of the legs for about 1-2 minutes at night for 4 days. You should not use the product too often - it contains lead and formaldehyde, which can lead to serious health problems.
  2. Borozin - exhibits antifungal, anti-inflammatory and deodorizing properties.
  3. Zinc ointment - helps reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the adsorption of odors and drying of the skin.
  4. Belloid and Bellaspon are natural herbal preparations.
  5. Boric acid – when using, pour the powder into clean socks and distribute the product evenly. Before going to bed, you should take off your socks, shake out the contents and rinse your feet. The course of treatment is 7 days; if the result is insufficient, the procedure can be repeated after a week.
  6. Burnt alum – absorbs moisture, disinfects and dries the skin of the feet.
  7. Lavender oil – successfully fights microorganisms and removes unpleasant odors. The oil should be dissolved in milk, after which the finished product should be poured into a filled bath. The course is repeated 3 times a week for 20 minutes before bedtime.


Treatment of unpleasant odor

To get rid of nasty foot odor, you should follow these rules:

  • Wash your feet daily with a washcloth and soap with an antibacterial effect, paying special attention to the area between the toes - this is where lumps of dirt often accumulate.
  • After rinsing, be sure to wipe your feet with a towel: a damp environment is a favorite place for germs.
  • Treat clean, dry feet with an alcohol-based product or apple cider vinegar using a sprayer. At the same time, you can use deodorant, which will help kill germs and prevent moisture from appearing on the skin. You can replace the antiperspirant with talcum powder, soda or cornstarch.
  • Wear shoes only made of quality materials. Shoes made of rubber or plastic are extremely undesirable.
  • It is strictly contraindicated to walk in wet shoes. Complete drying requires at least one day. It is very important to wear socks under your shoes - they will help remove residual sweat.
  • Change socks every day. In case of pronounced sweating, it is possible to change 2-3 times during the day.

Important! Socks must be washed inside out - this makes it easier to remove particles of keratinized skin and remaining microorganisms.

  • Take foot baths more often with the addition of soda, sea salt, acetic acid or herbal infusions.

Baths with sea ​​salt good for feet

How to get rid of men

Smelly, sweaty feet in men are not uncommon; the cause may be a fungal infection, neglect of hygiene rules, stress and various pathologies. To eliminate unwanted aroma you can use:

  • Aerosol 42 – based on oak and lemon extract.
  • Antiperspirant Odaban - available in the form of spray, powder and lotion. The active element of the product is aluminum chloride. A positive result may last for several weeks.
  • Dry Dry Foot Spray is a deodorant with a refreshing deodorizing effect, prevents the occurrence of mycosis and protects the feet from overheating.

How to get rid of women

The female half of the population may also experience hyperhidrosis; for women, manufacturers have come up with the following remedies:

  • Insoles made from coconut flakes activated carbon or flax.
  • Cosmetic talc that helps eliminate odors and harmful microorganisms.
  • Cream “5 days” with a bactericidal, drying and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug should be applied at night for 5 days, the effect can last up to 6 months.

How to get rid of foot odor in children

Aquadetrim will help replenish the lack of vitamin D in the body

Ideally, children's sweat should not have an odor until the child reaches the age of 12 years, therefore, if symptoms are pronounced, parents need to show the baby to the doctor, as this may be a signal of a more serious pathology. This could be bromhidrosis, rickets or mycosis.

External factors often cause excessive sweat gland activity and should be treated according to the underlying cause:

  • Overfeeding and excess weight– follow the diet prescribed by your doctor and drink more fluids.
  • Vitamin D deficiency in the body - take the necessary medications, most often pediatricians recommend Aquadetrim.
  • Hypertonicity lower limbs– the doctor may recommend a therapeutic course of foot massage.
  • Stress, strong feelings - register the child with a neurologist or psychiatrist and try to resolve conflicts in the family or school.
  • Hot and dry air in the apartment - the air temperature in the room should not exceed 22°C.

To eliminate odor you can use:

  • Antiperspirants for feet.
  • Insoles made of wood material.
  • Foot baths with lavender oil.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs, the best means to get rid of hyperhidrosis are: Formidron, Formagel, Zinc ointment or Teymur's paste.

Sweaty feet during pregnancy

During pregnancy, especially in the first stages, many women complain of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor. This is explained by global changes at the hormonal level, due to which the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases, and the composition of the skin changes. Also, a pregnant woman should avoid psychological stress and stressful situations, as this can also lead to increased sweating.

To reduce sweat production you need to:

  • Follow a diet that excludes various seasonings, coffee, onions or garlic.
  • Take a shower more often, after which you should dry your skin with a towel. You should not take a hot bath - this can have a negative effect on the sweating system and cause harm to the fetus.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Ventilate the apartment daily.

It is dangerous to use antiperspirants during this period, as this can lead to fluid retention in the body.

Foot massage


As traditional medicine You can use medicinal tinctures, for this you need:

  • Pour 3 tbsp. l. dry chamomile 0.5 liters of boiled water, leave for an hour, then add a spoonful of soda, strain. Keep your feet in the herbal decoction until the water becomes cold.
  • Pour 30 gr. horsetail with 1 glass of water, leave in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Rub ready-made remedy feet for a month.
  • Steam 1 tbsp. l sage in a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Wipe your feet with the prepared decoction. For the same purpose, you can use thyme or lavender.


Talc, boric acid or starch are excellent powders. The product must be applied to the feet themselves and the area between the toes or poured into socks. Powders can also be purchased at the pharmacy, the most famous are:

  • Borozin.
  • Talc or a mixture of baby powder with methenamine.
  • Drisol.

All these powders have a beneficial effect on the sweat ducts and the functioning of the sweat glands. The course of treatment lasts 1.5-2 weeks.

Foot hygiene

There are several main rules of foot hygiene, without which any treatment will be ineffective:

  1. Rinse your feet morning and evening, paying special attention to the space between the toes.
  2. Use special scrubs or peels to remove dead skin particles.
  3. After showering, rinse your feet with cold water.
  4. Dry the skin with a towel after water procedures.
  5. Buy shoes only in accordance with the size chart.
  6. Change socks at least 1-2 times a day.

Special attention should be paid to foot hygiene

Shoe odor removers

You can buy it in shoe stores or drugstores. special means from the smell that is applied inside sneakers or boots. It is better to use deodorants in the evening so that the shoes have time to dry overnight; insoles should be treated separately.

The best means are:

  • Antiperspirants: Scholl Odor Control, Saphir MENTHOL, deodorizing balls.
  • Powders for treating shoes, for example, Furacilin.
  • Pads with deodorizing effect: Paterra, Salton, 5 days.

Remedies for foot odor are not able to eliminate the original cause of the disease, but with their help you can remove the unpleasant and annoying odor. They can be produced in the form of special deodorants, creams, powders and tinctures; baths using herbal decoctions also help well. If the methods used do not bring a positive result, you should consult a doctor - perhaps increased sweating and foot odor are a symptom of a more dangerous disease.

Sweaty feet is an extremely delicate problem that not everyone can share even with a doctor. Shoes that become saturated with a persistent sour smell after the first day of wearing, and wet marks left on the floor by bare feet do not add attractiveness to the image of a man, much less a woman. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to cope with sweating, just choose the right deodorant for your feet. How? Now you'll find out!

Causes of foot odor

Most common cause appearance unpleasant odor feet are considered a fungal infection of the feet. Daily wearing is too much tight shoes, tights and socks from artificial materials, failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene, inability to allow the feet to air out - all this leads to the fact that bacteria that have settled on the nail plates, between the toes and in the folds of the skin begin to actively multiply. The products of their vital activity give off that characteristic sour smell of unripe cheese with a slight ammonia tint, which, once smelled, cannot be confused with anything else.

Of course, it is necessary to combat sweaty feet, and best of all - with the support of a qualified physician. But the rhythm of modern life often does not allow us to find even an hour to take care of our health. In order to receive quality treatment, most of us use our vacation. But what if there are still a few months left? Suffer in silence and try to be in public less often? Of course not!

First of all, change all your shoes, or at least those in which you spend most of the day: shoes, sneakers, boots, house slippers. Choose one that is made exclusively from natural materials.

Avoid synthetics. If at work you are required to wear thick synthetic tights and closed stilettos, try to wear something else outside the office: loose-fitting trousers and skirts made of natural breathable fabric, cotton socks, and maximally open shoes without heels.

Wash your feet frequently and allow them to dry naturally after bathing.

Change your insoles at least once a week. Never dry old ones or try to reuse them!

Change your socks often - at least two to three times a day. Be sure to wash used ones in hot water using liquid detergent. laundry soap and throw it away after a month of wearing it.

Take care of your shoes. Even if you are very tired, take five to ten minutes to put it in order. If your feet sweat heavily, you should have at least two, and preferably three or four, pairs of shoes for daily wear, so that you can easily wash and disinfect the “used” pair.

And, of course, use high-quality deodorants designed specifically for feet. They successfully cope even with a strong odor and, although they do not eliminate the problem itself, they successfully combat its manifestations.

Foot deodorant against sweat and odor

The right foot deodorant must meet three main criteria:

  1. Mask an unpleasant odor by replacing it with a barely perceptible aroma of freshness, for example, freshly cut grass or lavender (it is undesirable to use deodorants with a pronounced floral odor - in combination with the sour smell of cheese spreading from sweaty feet, the “bouquet” can turn out to be quite extraordinary;
  2. Fight bacteria - they are the ones who give sweat such a peculiar smell and, if actively multiplying, can cause various diseases skin (the presence of antifungal and antibacterial components - chlorhexidine and triclosan - not only eliminates unpleasant odor, but also helps to avoid its appearance in the future;
  3. Reduce the amount of sweat produced - to achieve this effect, aluminum or zinc is added to some deodorants, however, due to the possible development of an allergic reaction, individual intolerance or clogged pores, it is not recommended to use them, risking your health.

Mechanism of action of foot deodorants

When choosing a foot deodorant, it is better to give preference to those that combine several functions at once, having a comprehensive effect on the skin of the feet:

  1. Mask unpleasant odor and give feet a pleasant aroma of freshness;
  2. They narrow the pores, thereby reducing the amount of sweat produced;
  3. They contain an antiseptic that prevents the active growth of bacteria - this function is especially useful for those who visit public baths and swimming pools.

When choosing a deodorant, pay attention to exactly what smell it has. Some are suitable for the fair sex, others for the stronger half of humanity, and there are universal ones that can be suitable, for example, for married couples.

Types of foot deodorants

The variety of deodorants that we see on the shelves of perfume stores can be divided into three groups:

  1. Having only a cosmetic effect - masking the smell of sweat (can be used daily, ideal for people with mild to moderate sweating);
  2. Containing medicinal components intended to combat fungus;
  3. Antiperspirants - reduce sweat production by narrowing pores (especially in the interdigital area and in the center of the feet).

Deodorants are produced in the form:

  • Spray;
  • Cream;
  • Gel;
  • Talc.

The first three options are suitable for daily use, but only for mild (spray) or moderate (cream and gel) sweating. In case of severe sweating (hyperhidrosis), a deodorant in the form of talc will be much more beneficial, however, unlike sprays, creams or gels, which provide the user with a feeling of cleanliness and freshness throughout the day, it is not very successful in combating the unpleasant odor , although it copes with sweating “excellently”.

Review of the best deodorants for foot odor and sweating

High-quality deodorant against sweating feet from a British manufacturer. Perfectly disinfects and dries the skin of the feet, has a tonic and cooling effect. The transparent film formed by aluminum chloride hydrate prevents sweating. Thanks to the lemon extract included in its composition, the product nourishes the tissues of the feet with vitamin C. The action time is up to ten hours.

Avon foot deodorant

One of the best (according to consumer reviews) foot deodorant. Serves to soften the skin in the foot area, effectively eliminates corns, tones, refreshes and disinfects. Has almost instant absorption, leaving no marks on tights, socks and shoes.

Rexona foot deodorant

A popular foot care product. Reduces the level of sweating, eliminates unpleasant odors, softens and tones the skin of the feet, and normalizes the secretion of sebum. The content of zinc oxide and lavender oil in this deodorant provides feet with dryness, a fresh aroma and a high antiseptic effect.

Foot deodorant Hasiko

An excellent hygiene product, intended primarily for the stronger sex. It is used very sparingly because it lasts for a whole day. Thanks to its pronounced antiseptic properties, it destroys the fungus, and therefore the very cause of the characteristic pungent odor.

This product is produced in our country and has already gained great popularity. It contains no alcohol or possible allergens, but it dries the skin of the feet well and fights fungus. One application of this deodorant is enough to feel comfortable for 24 hours.

Composition and properties of foot deodorants

The composition of deodorants intended for feet is very specific. In addition to antiseptics and medicinal components to combat fungus, they contain a whole complex of vitamins, as well as aromatic oils - in particular, tea tree oil, which prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, and therefore helps to significantly reduce the unpleasant odor. Other proven fragrances include shea butter and lavender, which also perfectly moisturize and soften the skin. To heal wounds and microcracks, deodorants include B vitamins and retinol.

Method of using deodorizing agents

In order for any foot deodorant to be as effective as possible, it must be applied only to thoroughly washed and completely dry feet. You can wash your feet with any means you are familiar with, using a soft brush, but you can dry them either naturally (if you have free time - for example, in the evening, before going to bed), or using hygroscopic cotton fabric: a piece of gauze folded in several layers, a bandage or diapers. Pay special attention to the areas between the toes: they are more difficult to wash than the rest of the foot, and they take much longer to dry.

After your feet are dry, you can begin applying deodorant.

If it is a spray, then it should be sprayed along the entire surface of the foot, not forgetting the areas between the toes. Now there are sprays on sale that are used both for treating feet and shoes.

Deodorants in the form of talc, gel or cream are applied to the foot and wait a few minutes until it is absorbed. When the surface of the foot becomes dry to the touch, you can put on tights or socks and put on your shoes.

Rules for the selection and use of cosmetic deodorizing products for feet

Choosing the right deodorant for your feet is not as simple a task as it might seem. This process requires patience, thoughtfulness and responsibility.

  1. First of all, decide what you need this tool for. If your feet sweat slightly and the smell is almost unnoticeable, it is better to pay attention to sprays: they can be used every day without fear of damaging the skin on your feet. If, in addition to its direct purpose, the product is supposed to be used to heal small cracks and wounds that often appear on the feet due to fungal skin infections, these can be gels or creams. If your feet sweat a lot, definitely buy talc deodorant and don’t delay your visit to the doctor too much: hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of a serious disease, and the sooner you start treatment, the better.
  2. Before making a purchase, carefully read the composition of the product you have chosen, its method of use, and the duration of action. It may contain components to which your body reacts with severe allergies, for example, compounds of certain metals. In this case, it is better to refrain from purchasing this product and opt for something else.
  3. If you need deodorant not only to prevent your feet from smelling, but also for some therapeutic effect, it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy.
  4. And one more thing: be sure to check the expiration date of the product you choose. If it's about to run out soon, it's not worth buying such a deodorant. Also, never be tempted to buy an expired product, even if it is sold at half price: products that have passed their expiration date can pose a great danger to your health.

Foot deodorant, where to buy in Moscow, price

You can buy foot deodorants in Moscow in pharmacies, as well as in some beauty salons. Thus, such drugs are offered by such organizations as “Goodster”, “Pills” and “eapteka”, as well as “krasotkapro” and “R-smile”.

  • A deodorant from Scholl costs an average of about 260 rubles.
  • Avon products are cheaper - only 120 rubles, but they also have less deodorant.
  • Rexona has a fairly low cost - 180 rubles.
  • Deo control costs about the same as Rexona - 180 rubles.
  • Hasiko deodorant will cost the buyer about 140 rubles.

Foot deodorants are by no means a panacea for unpleasant odor, but only a means to mask it. Only maintaining personal hygiene and timely consultation with a doctor will help you say goodbye to this problem forever.

Our life consists of constant movement. Almost every day is accompanied by trips on various errands. Stress and physical activity cause an unpleasant odor when taking off shoes, which causes discomfort. The reasons for bad-smelling feet are varied – from simple failure to comply with hygiene rules to disorders in the body. One way or another, no one wants to blush in front of others, spreading an irritating smell. To avoid this, and even get quality foot skin care, you need to use deodorants that are designed specifically to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Today there is huge selection antiperspirants for feet. All of them work effectively and allow you to carefully care for your feet. Excessive sweating causes many inconveniences. The problem is very delicate, which is why you often have to deal with its consequences yourself. Deodorants, which should be in the home of every person prone to sweating, will help you take off your shoes without unnecessary thoughts.

TOP 10 best deodorants for feet

10 Aromatics

Relaxing effect
Country Ukraine
average price: 128 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The name of the spray fully justifies its functions. It effectively copes with unpleasant odor and fights excessive sweating. User reviews confirm these facts. The natural composition promotes gentle care without causing harm, which makes it safe to use. It is recommended to use deodorant in the morning. The advantage is that this product is absorbed very quickly, and the procedure does not take extra time. By the end of the day, thanks to its use, your legs will not feel tired, because the spray has a relaxing effect.

The antibacterial effect is provided by tea tree extract, which is included in the composition. Therefore, for fungal diseases, this remedy will be the best assistant. After use there is a feeling of freshness. The smell of the deodorant is quite pleasant, it eliminates sweating without drying out the skin. It’s no wonder that buyers actively recommend it to friends.

9 Domix Green Professional

Doesn't dry out skin
Country Russia
Average price: 203 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An effective product that relieves feet from sweat and odor. The spray acts immediately and provides freshness and long-lasting effect from the first use. The best benefit is that the deodorant does not irritate or dry out the skin. The unique composition of the product helps eliminate unpleasant odors. It contains components that destroy dangerous microorganisms, thereby preventing them from multiplying.

Applying the spray gives a pleasant feeling, because it has a cooling and soothing effect. There are enough reviews on this matter to verify its effectiveness. Antiperspirant is perfect for dry and rough skin, because with its unique properties it moisturizes and nourishes the feet. Using this product you will not have to worry about the repulsive odor of your feet or be embarrassed to take off your shoes outside the home.

8 Rexona Deocontrol

Softening effect
Country Russia
Average price: 148 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“Rexona will never let you down” is an expression that is heard by every television viewer. It should be noted that this slogan is completely justified, because the majority of buyers of these products are satisfied with the use. Antiperspirant Deocontrol effectively combats the occurrence of unpleasant odors. Possessing a “delicious” aroma, it is a short time copes with its functions. After spraying, you don’t have to worry about the condition of your clothes, because the deodorant is presented by the manufacturers as “quick-drying.”

The product is sprayed evenly with one click. It fights harmful bacteria, which eliminates odors. Antiperspirant helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and has a softening effect on the skin of the feet. At the cellular level, it nourishes and moisturizes. Using this product, it becomes possible to prevent the occurrence of skin diseases.

7 Mikostop Green oak grove

Safe composition
Country Russia
Average price: 180 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

An indispensable assistant for eliminating sweaty feet. The spray in the form of a bottle contains 150 ml of active substance. The components included in the composition help stop fungal infection. The main one among them is bifonazole. It actively destroys pathogenic microorganisms. The deodorant does not contain fragrances or dyes, which allows customers to be confident in the safety of use.

The complex effect is due to effective components. Indicators for use are different: from disinfection of shoes to skin candidiasis. Antiperspirant should be used once a day, preferably after thoroughly washing your feet. This product will refresh the smell of feet and improve skin health. Customer reviews indicate the best effect with regular use.


Quick results
Country: Belarus
Average price: 194 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Taking care of your shoes and feet ensures there is no odor, which causes discomfort both to yourself and to others. This antiperspirant helps you look healthy and smell good. Thanks to its unique composition, the spray cools and soothes the skin. The affordable price allows you to purchase this product without damaging your budget.

The cylinder is consumed economically and conveniently. The pleasant smell of deodorant provides a fresh aroma for both shoes and feet. The result of use will be noticeable immediately, because the manufacturer guarantees instant action. Antimicrobial components remove odor by killing harmful bacteria, so this product can prevent various infections. Antiperspirant should be sprayed evenly onto clean, dry feet.

5 Ultra freshness Green pharmacy

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Poland
Average price: 151 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Despite the low cost, this product copes with its tasks perfectly. It does not irritate the skin and is also convenient to use. It is not for nothing that customer reviews have a positive effect on future users. Manufacturers promise better protection against sweating and guarantee odor prevention. The special formula of the product can eliminate fatigue, and the unique components included in the composition perform a nourishing function for skin cells.

This product is convenient to carry with you. The bottle will not take up much space and will be a real salvation in any unforeseen circumstances. The sprayer begins to act instantly and eliminates unpleasant odors almost immediately. With this product, going on a visit will not be a complete stress, because your feet will be reliably protected from sweating, and this fact will restore good spirits and lift your spirits.

4 Scholl "Fresh step"

Most Popular Product
Country: UK
Average price: 171 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Few people have not heard of this manufacturer, because its products are used a large number of people, and this speaks of customer confidence. It is worth noting that it is not for nothing that user reviews are full of listing the advantages of this drug. He was awarded the title of the best on the Internet. The freshness of the aroma and its unobtrusiveness successfully solves the main problem - eliminating unpleasant odors. By spraying antiperspirant onto the skin of your feet, you can immediately forget about the fetid aroma.

The convenient bottle simplifies use and allows you to apply the contents anywhere. The main rule to follow before spraying is to keep your feet dry and clean. It is in this case that the spray will prevent the appearance of sweat and odor and maintain a fresh aroma for a long time. The deodorant sprays evenly, is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. If consider simple rules use, there will be no bad odor or sweating within 24 hours.

3 Footprim LAVENA

Best anti-inflammatory effect
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 252 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Freshness and gentle care is the result of using this tool. Customer impressions are mostly positive, because with this antiperspirant you can forget about sweating. They note the convenience and cost-effectiveness of use. The rapid absorption of the deodorant allows you to apply it in any situation if you urgently need to refresh the skin of your feet. In addition, the product does not leave visible traces, which simplifies the spraying procedure. The components included in the composition do not irritate the skin, but make it pleasant to the touch.

With Footprim you can easily forget about the complexes associated with unpleasant foot odor. After all, the product will completely eliminate sweating and give you freshness. Tea tree extract promotes anti-inflammatory effects. For disinfection purposes, you can spray the product into your shoes, which will prevent the growth of bacteria.

2 Naturotherapy SUPER DRY Foot

High efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 460 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This deodorant from this manufacturer definitely deserves attention. All thanks to the fact that its efficiency is quite high. In addition to eliminating odors, it can prevent the occurrence of all kinds of infections. The components of the antiperspirant composition have an effective effect on pathogenic bacteria. The substances contained in the drug do not allow dangerous microorganisms to penetrate the skin tissue, thereby preventing various diseases.

Many of the buyers ask the question whether it is worth paying money for the Naturoterapiya super dry deodorant, and on the review site they themselves answer their question positively. And all because this drug fully meets the expectations of customers. It is easy to use, does not irritate the skin and eliminates unpleasant odor. The deodorant is in great demand and fulfills all its tasks.

1 DRYDRY Foot Spray

Best quality. Economical consumption
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 780 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The problem of excessive sweating of the feet can be solved with DRYDRY Foot Spray. Deodorant can also protect against fungal diseases. It does not mask the odor, but eliminates it, preventing sweat. A pleasant aroma for 24 hours is guaranteed by manufacturers and, importantly, by users, because judging by customer reviews, you can safely use this product.

The menthol aroma will add freshness and the cooling effect will bring pleasure. The consistency of the antiperspirant is liquid and transparent, and the spray sprays intensely and evenly. Its composition has undergone clinical trials, which confirms its safety of use. You can apply the product at any time of the day, but at the same time, your feet should be clean and dry. The best advantage is the cost-effectiveness of use, which allows you to use the deodorant for a long time.

More than 90% of the population faces the problem of sweating and foot odor. Most often, increased activity of the sweat glands does not pose a health hazard, but causes significant discomfort. To get rid of the unpleasant consequences of hyperhidrosis, experts recommend using foot deodorants.

Mechanism of action and classification of deodorants

There are more than 2 million exocrine glands functioning on the human body, almost a third of which are located on the feet. Every day, the skin of the soles produces about 200 ml of sweat; under high loads and in hot weather, its amount increases 2-3 times. Due to the constant wearing of shoes, the evaporation of moisture is difficult, and under the influence of body heat, bacteria begin to rapidly multiply in the liquid, leading to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The problem is aggravated by poor personal hygiene or the presence of certain dermatological and systemic diseases.

Deodorants are cosmetic products aimed at masking or eliminating the unpleasant odor of sweat. The following types of products are distinguished. Based on the operating principle:

  • Deodorants - eliminate the smell due to carefully selected cosmetic fragrances and do not affect sweating and the proliferation of pathogenic flora. Valid for 2-8 hours;
  • Antiperspirants - reduce the amount of sweat produced by narrowing the ducts of the sweat glands due to aluminum and zinc salts in the composition. Valid for up to 24-36 hours;
  • Combined preparations - contain aluminum salts and bactericidal additives. The duration of action depends on the composition.

By release form:

  • Sprays – liquid-based aerosols for spraying;
  • Roll-on deodorants are semi-liquid products for application using a rotating ball;
  • Sticks are oil- or water-based solid deodorants;
  • Powder products (talc, powder, powder).

By availability of additional functions:

  • Cosmetic (moisturizing, softening, refreshing);
  • Medicinal – contain anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antifungal and antibacterial components.

Composition of the product

All produced deodorants against foot odor contain the following groups of components:

  • Base (fats, fat-like components, organic solvents). To maintain constant consistency and homogeneity, emulsifiers, stabilizers, viscosity and pH regulators, preservatives, and antioxidants are added to the base;
  • Active ingredients. The main active component of antiperspirants are mechanical sweat blockers (powder based on zinc and aluminum oxides). Deodorants include astringents that help reduce the amount of sweat produced;
  • Additional substances and medicinal components. Most often, products to combat sweating of the feet contain antiseptics that are active against bacteria and fungi;
  • Caring components (emollients, natural oils, plant extracts, vitamin and mineral complexes);
  • Fragrance (synthetic fragrance, essential oil).

You should not use regular foot deodorant, since the composition and amount of sweat on the soles is significantly different from the fluid secreted in the armpits and other areas of the body. Pathogenic flora multiplies faster on the feet, so to eliminate unpleasant odors, products with a higher concentration of disinfectant components are required.

On a note!

Due to the high content of fragrances and synthetic substances, foot deodorants can cause an allergic reaction, dryness and irritation of the skin. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should stop using the product.

Types of foot deodorants

To choose a good foot deodorant for foot odor, you need to be guided by your own preferences and the desired effect. Let's consider the main types of products depending on the form of release and composition.


Anti-sweating and anti-odor spray products are the most popular due to their ease of application and high effectiveness:

  • Teymurov's spray. Aerosol based on salicylic and boric acid, borax and complex essential oils has a pronounced antibacterial effect and can be used for the treatment and prevention of hyperhidrosis. The spray is effective as part of complex therapy at the initial stage of fungal infection. It is recommended to spray the odor remover on the soles of your feet 1-2 times a day and leave until completely dry, after which you can put on socks and shoes. The cost of Teymurov's spray in a pharmacy is 75-90 rubles;
  • Sholl antiperspirant deodorant (Scholl). The main active ingredient is aluminum chloride hydrate, which prevents excessive sweating. The lemon extract included in the aerosol creates a feeling of freshness, cools, relieves itching and burning. The product should be sprayed onto the skin of the feet daily, the duration of use is not limited. The average price of Scholl foot deodorant is 250 rubles;
  • Deodorant Gehwol (Gevol). A blocker of excessive sweat gland activity is zinc ricinoleate. The product prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor from feet and shoes, refreshes, and protects against fungal infection. It is recommended to apply the spray to the skin of the feet once in the morning or before visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or gym. The cost of the drug is 700-750 rubles.

I use Scholl foot spray before sports training. The symptoms of hyperhidrosis and the unpleasant odor of sweat have become much less of a concern. The product is easy to use, does not cause discomfort and has no side effects.

Mikhail, 27 years old, St. Petersburg.


Products in the form of cream have a more pronounced therapeutic effect due to the high content of disinfectant and anti-inflammatory components that penetrate deep into the epidermis:

  • Cream Lavilin (Lavilin). Hypoallergenic foot deodorant against sweat and odor contains talc, starch, natural vegetable oils, extracts of arnica, calendula and chamomile. Prevents the proliferation of pathogenic flora, softens rough skin of the feet, and is not washed off with water. It is effective for 7-8 days after a single use. A small amount of The products should be applied once a day, evenly distributed over the skin of the feet and covering the area between the toes and around the nails. The average price in a pharmacy is 800-860 rubles;
  • Cream Gehwol (Gevol). The product contains antibacterial, nutritional and softening components, a complex of plant extracts. Tea tree oil disinfects, prevents the appearance of odor and the development of fungal infections. Aloe vera and jojoba soften the skin of the feet and help in the fight against calluses and corns. Apply deodorant cream in the evening to clean, dry skin. The cost is about 700 rubles.

I have been using Lavilin cream for a long time. The product not only eliminates unpleasant odor, but also significantly reduces sweating, softens and refreshes the skin of the feet.

Irina, 37 years old, Yekaterinburg.

Other forms of release

Less popular, but effective and safe, are deodorants against sweating feet and unpleasant odor in the form of powders and sticks:

  • DeoNat – natural powder based on ammonium alum and talc;
  • Arcana Natura - aluminum alum in powder form with the addition of antibacterial components;
  • Skinfood – stick containing extracts of apple, lime, peppermint;
  • Lavilin – stick with talc and plant extracts;
  • Dry Dry – stick and foot wipes containing about 30% aluminum oxide.

DeoNat foot powder significantly reduces sweating and keeps you feeling fresh, but does not address the root cause of the problem. When the product was discontinued, the unpleasant odor from the feet reappeared.

Alexey, 49 years old.

To increase the effectiveness of the fight against hyperhidrosis and foot odor, it is recommended to simultaneously use shoe deodorants (Gevol, Lavilin). If there is a fungal infection or other pathologies that lead to increased sweating and unpleasant odor, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the problem. Negative reviews of foot deodorants indicate dysfunction of the sweat glands, which require serious treatment, not masking.

Expert opinion!


The main contraindications to the use of remedies for sweating and foot odor include the following:

  • Hypersensitivity to deodorant components;
  • Mechanical damage (wounds, cracks, rashes) on the skin of the feet;
  • Childhood;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Deodorants for sweat and foot odor mask the existing problem, but do not eliminate its underlying causes. The products can be used as part of complex therapy for hyperhidrosis and fungal infections.

Unpleasant odor and sweating are a problem that makes men and women experience discomfort. Foot deodorant helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

You should pay attention to deodorizing agents that can not only eliminate the fetid odor, but also moisturize, soothe the skin of the feet, and reduce the feeling of fatigue.

Causes of foot odor

The main source of proliferation of pathogenic bacteria is fungus. This is a disease that primarily affects nail plate. Bacteria multiply rapidly, causing your feet to smell bad. You can eliminate the odor caused by fungus using foot deodorant. It is difficult to cure the disease on your own; it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Tight, uncomfortable, poor-quality shoes compress the foot, which provokes the growth of bacteria and the appearance of odor. To avoid this, you should give preference to products made from natural materials.

Wearing shoes for a long time and not following hygiene rules are factors that influence the appearance of a foul odor. Socks and tights made of synthetics provoke the growth of microbes. In this case, foot deodorants can only increase the unpleasant odor. To eliminate it, it is necessary to promptly change insoles, socks, and clean contaminated shoes.

Frequent stress, unstable emotional condition, nervous disorders lead to increased sweating throughout the body, especially the hands and feet.

Deodorant against sweating feet is an indispensable product for those who lead an active lifestyle and regularly play sports. It helps eliminate odor quickly without the help of other aids.

Mechanism of action of foot deodorants

The best types of foot deodorants have complex impact on the skin, combining several functions:

  1. The main function of foot deodorant against sweat is to mask the unpleasant odor created by bacteria. Part cosmetics includes fragrances with one or another aroma. There are men's, women's and universal fragrances.
  2. Some deodorants have antiseptic properties - they prevent the growth of bacteria. Such deodorants will be very useful for visitors to swimming pools and baths.
  3. An important function of cosmetic deodorizing products is to control and combat excessive sweating by narrowing the pores.

Anti-sweat and anti-odor deodorants contain metal compounds that can cause allergies, so you should purchase such products with caution.

Types of foot deodorants

There are several types of deodorizing agents:

  • cosmetic;
  • antiperspirants;
  • containing medicinal components.

Cosmetics reduce sweating, mask unpleasant odors, and kill pathogens. They are suitable for daily use by people who do not suffer from hyperhidrosis. Antiperspirants are designed to reduce sweating and tighten pores, especially between the toes and on the skin of the feet. The third group of foot odor products helps fight bacteria and fungus on the nails.

Forms of release of foot deodorants include:

  • sprays;
  • gels;
  • creams;
  • talc.

Deodorant in the form of a cream or gel should be used by those who have moderate sweating and do not notice much odor.

Composition and properties of foot deodorants

Foot refreshers are specific in composition and include various medicinal components, antiseptic ingredients, aromatic oils and vitamins.

A common component of deodorizing products is tea tree oil. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect, prevents the proliferation of microbes, and helps prevent odor. Shea butter and lavender are good aromatics that help soften and moisturize the skin. Retinol and B vitamins have wound healing properties.

Method of using deodorizing agents

The main condition that should be followed when using deodorant is to maintain cleanliness. Before use, wash your feet thoroughly and dry your skin with a towel or napkin. Any products should be applied only to clean feet.

The application method depends on the form in which the product is used. The spray is sprayed over the entire area of ​​the foot in a circular motion. Modern sprays are suitable for caring for feet and shoes. Proper and timely care of shoes is an important condition for maintaining clean feet. If a person suffers from excessive sweating and the shoes quickly get wet, they need to be dried for 24 hours. The cream and talc are applied to the entire surface of the feet, after which you should wait a while for the product to be absorbed. Then you can put on socks and shoes.

Rules for the selection and use of cosmetic deodorizing products for feet

The issue of purchasing a suitable foot deodorizer should be approached with all responsibility.

It is necessary to study the instructions, where there is a description of the composition, it is written when and how to apply the product, what effect should be expected. It is recommended to purchase products at a pharmacy.

Before purchasing, you should decide what problem you need to deal with. The form of release also matters. Talc, ointments and creams are suitable for those who have cracked feet and sores. Sprays are products for daily use.

The advantages of its use are the following:

  • quick and uniform application;
  • economical use.

It is important to remember that deodorant only relieves unpleasant symptoms such as increased sweating and unpleasant odor. Often these signs can be a signal of a dangerous disease. Therefore, before purchasing deodorant, you need to consult a doctor.