
What to drink during pregnancy for immunity. Immunity for two, or how to improve the work of the protective system in a pregnant woman? Immunity, its changes during childbearing


Immunity is a certain function of the body, thanks to which it can respond in time to viruses and harmful microbes. As a result, a person has a certain protective barrier. This article will tell about what happens to immunity during pregnancy and is it true that during such a period it is catastrophically weak.

Pregnancy with reduced immunity: features of the condition

Among pregnant women, there are often rumors that during this wonderful period of life, the expectant mother's immunity is very much reduced, as a result of which she needs to protect herself from viral and colds in time.

If we consider this issue from a medical point of view, then in fact such an assurance of weak immunity is only half true, because physiologically, during pregnancy, a woman’s body, as it were, is activated and increases its own defenses.

Moreover, many women confirm that it was during the period of bearing a child that they were less likely to get sick and were less prone to colds than in the normal state.

It should be noted that immunity during pregnancy can indeed decrease more, but only under certain conditions and lines of bearing a child.

For example, the first serious failure in the immune system is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the body has not yet “understood” what is wrong with it and perceives the fetus as a foreign body.

In this state, a woman feels weak and exhausted. She may have obvious signs of poisoning and even flu.

The next dangerous period for the state of immunity during pregnancy is the second trimester, when the fetus begins to actively grow and develop its body systems. In this state, the child will need much more vitamin and nutrients, so the mother's body here acts as a kind of reserve. For this reason, immunity can decrease very sharply, especially if external factors and malnutrition of the expectant mother contribute to it.

Moreover, as medical practice shows, it is the second trimester of pregnancy that is most often accompanied by viral and catarrhal diseases in women, as well as allergic manifestations that have not been observed before.

Pregnancy with reduced immunity: causes, symptoms

In medicine, two types of immunity are distinguished - congenital form and acquired. The first type develops in a child even in the womb, and the second one occurs during life after vaccination, as well as past diseases (chickenpox, for example). During pregnancy, the forces of both types of the immune system are used in a woman in order to be able to fight pathogens.

It should be noted that when carrying a child, the female body must protect not only itself from diseases, but also not yet born child, which does not yet have its own protective forces and is very susceptible to external irritants and viruses. For this reason, it is very important to know why immunity can decrease and how to properly increase it.

There are the following reasons due to which the expectant mother's immunity may decrease:

1. Improper nutrition. This includes a poor diet with a lack of nutrients. The lack of fruits, herbs, meat and vegetables on the menu is especially negative.

Also, the lack of nutritional stability plays an important role, that is, large intervals between meals, irregular meals, overeating, and the most dangerous thing is following a too restrictive diet.

In addition, eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates will lead to rapid satiety, but will not affect the strengthening of the immune system.

2. The complete absence of active physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. In this state, the body not only does not receive the energy it needs, but also suffers from oxygen starvation. This can lead to dizziness and severe weakness.

3. Living in a bad ecological environment, as well as an unfavorable psychological situation at home, because of which a woman is constantly worried and stressed. The latter factor can greatly affect not only immunity, but also the overall course of pregnancy.

4. Malfunction of the digestive system.

5. Hormonal failure in the body is one of the most dangerous and common causes immunity disorders and its weakening. Unfortunately, this is a purely physiological process that cannot be changed. Thus, the body responds to changes and secretes more of certain hormones.

According to statistics, even if a woman feels great already before childbirth, her immunity is still a little weakened, because the body continues to protect the child and give all its protective functions help him.

You can identify a weakened immune system by the following characteristic symptoms and signs:

1. severe weakness and lack of strength.

2. Headaches.

3. Dizziness, which usually occurs after exercise.

4. Increased sweating.

5. Brittleness of nails and hair, as a direct consequence of beriberi and lack of nutrients.

6. Dry skin.

7. Paleness.

8. Exposure to any viral and colds.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy

Not all women know how to raise immunity during pregnancy and what needs to be done for this.

In fact, it is not very difficult to increase and strengthen the immune system in this position. To do this, it will be enough to follow the following medical recommendations:

1. Follow proper dietary nutrition. This means eating the optimal amount of healthy food - fruits, cereals, vegetables, herbs and juices. It is also very healthy to eat lean meat, fish, seafood and nuts.

To normalize the work of the digestive tract, a woman must definitely consume low-fat fermented milk products. It can be yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. The main thing is that these products are regularly present in the menu of the expectant mother.

2. A woman must be sure to carefully monitor personal hygiene. This is especially true for washing hands before and after eating.

3. It is important to learn how to follow a certain diet and eat at the same time. At the same time, meals should be frequent, and portions should not be large. So you can saturate your body, and at the same time avoid overeating.

4. Many women during pregnancy have a tendency to fast food, fatty, sweet and smoked foods. Despite this, nutritionists warn that such food is very difficult to digest, and can cause digestive disorders in a pregnant woman. For this reason, it is better to minimize or eliminate junk food from the diet.

5. To further support her body, a woman should definitely take vitamin complexes. Now there are whole programs that accurately describe which vitamins and in what lines of pregnancy should be taken. With their help, you can support the immune system and lay the foundation for the proper development of the fetus.

In addition, most of the beneficial vitamins can be obtained from food, especially from liver, beans, greens and fruits.

6. To avoid unwanted "surprises", even during the planning of pregnancy, a woman needs to pass a complete list of tests to detect sexually transmitted diseases, compatibility with a partner and general clinical pathologies. If necessary, it is better to immediately undergo a course of treatment than to carry it out during the period of bearing a baby.

Thus, you can protect yourself and your child even before conception.

7. Regular physical activity is useful, but only if the pregnancy is stable. If there is a risk of miscarriage, then you should limit yourself to long walks on fresh air.

8. In the absence of contraindications, hardening can be practiced. This is an excellent and proven method of quickly strengthening immunity and activating the body's defenses.

9. Avoid stress and nervous tension, because this will not only reduce immunity, but can also negatively affect the entire course of pregnancy.

If you follow these tips, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also simplify the course of pregnancy and minimize the likelihood of developing various pathologies in the unborn child.

How to raise the immunity of a pregnant woman and why should it be done? During this period, there is often a weakening of the body's defenses. Pregnant women are more prone to colds and infections. If the level of body protection in such a patient is high, then this means that the child will develop correctly, and the woman will feel good. It should be strengthened with the help of procedures, taking vitamin complexes, nutrition correction and other measures.

Immunity, its changes during childbearing

Immunity is the body's defenses that destroy pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses that enter the body. There are two varieties of it: congenital and specific.

Innate immunity is a group of phagocytes that recognizes, captures, and digests pathogenic elements; bactericides secreted by human glands, saliva; useful microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes.

Acquired immunity begins to be produced in the body when blood components collide with antigens. In this case, biopolymers synthesize antibodies that neutralize pathogenic microbes. Their formation occurs in the lymph nodes, intestines, bone marrow.

When a woman carries a child, half of the genetic material is acquired from the father, and the immune system begins to weaken. This leads to a weakening of the body before colds, infections that are dangerous for the fetus.

Critical periods for immunity are the time from 6 to 8 weeks, when the body of a pregnant woman adapts to new conditions. At this time, many components appear in the blood that inhibit the body's defenses. During this period, a pregnant woman often catches a cold. The period from 20 to 28 weeks is no less dangerous. The child is actively growing in the womb, and the female body gives all its strength to this process, so the immune system deteriorates.

Causes that weaken the immune system

In addition, the body's defenses are reduced due to hormonal changes. This is manifested in toxicosis, bouts of nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, weakness. Together with the liquid, nutrients are released, which further impairs the body's defenses.

Stress has a negative effect on the immune system, especially if the pregnant woman is a young girl, and she is very nervous. One of the factors provoking a decrease in immunity is an unbalanced diet, when a woman does not eat well, because she often travels to hospitals, she feels sick from toxicosis, and the right amount of calories is not observed. In addition, the growing uterus presses on the gastrointestinal tract, and a sedentary lifestyle is maintained. This provokes constipation, the microflora of the body and immunity deteriorate.

Strengthening the body's defenses

How to strengthen immunity during pregnancy correctly? This process must be comprehensive. It is not recommended to drink medicines so as not to harm your health and the fetus. But in exceptional cases, in agreement with the doctor, this can be done. Usually, non-drug methods are used to correct immunity, for example, regular hardening and adherence to the daily regimen.

Medical impact

For women carrying a child, pharmacists have developed vitamin complexes. Their composition brings maximum benefit to the body and contains components in the required concentration for the body. These supplements should only be used with the advice of a doctor. They accelerate the increase in immunity during pregnancy and are safe for the female body.


The vitamin complex is intended for preventive measures and treatment of hypovitaminosis. The composition is selected to minimize allergies and ensure the absorption of beneficial components. All ingredients are divided into three types of tablets to ensure the absorption of iron, calcium, vitamin B12.

The Alphabet series consists of several drugs that can be selected not only for pregnant women, but also for adolescents, schoolchildren, preschoolers, athletes and other groups of patients. It is not recommended to take with excess nutrients in the body, thyrotoxicosis, hypervitaminosis.

Complivit "Mom"

This drug contains several varieties of vitamins (A, C, E, B), mineral elements. Country of origin: Russia. It is adapted to the environment and climate Russian Federation. Available in the form of coated tablets. Helps to support immunity, strengthens it.

The opinion of doctors about the composition of these vitamins is ambiguous, because excessive consumption of vitamin A can provoke deviations in a child even inside the womb.

Multi - tabs "Prenatal"

Such a complex can be used both before conception to increase immunity, and during the very gestation of the fetus. Its reception contributes to the favorable development of the fetus inside the womb. It fights toxins in the body, reduces the risk of miscarriage. Additionally, doctors may recommend a number of the following effective vitamin complexes:

  • emfetal;
  • Pregnacare;
  • Materna;
  • Elevit;
  • Femibion.

Immunostimulating pills

In addition to vitamin and mineral complexes, doctors recommend using pills that stimulate the body's defenses. Before buying and using them, a woman should consult a doctor.


The drug is made in Russia. It has an immunostimulatory effect, can be used to suppress viruses. It is recommended to take Viferon during epidemics. It is used from 4 months of pregnancy, it is allowed to use during lactation.


This is a homeopathic product created by French pharmacists. It strengthens the immune system, is used to prevent flu and colds.


This is a Russian medicine, active ingredients: succinic and citric acid. It is used to improve immune protection during childbearing.


What to inject during pregnancy for immunity and should it be done? When administered intravenously and intramuscularly, drugs are more effective than when used in tablets. Injections are used to treat pregnant women rarely, when the benefits outweigh the harm to the body itself. Most often, these are B vitamins. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually. The therapy is repeated if necessary. Additionally, immunostimulants prescribed by a doctor can be used. Their appointment is individual and depends on the state of health of the patient.

Non-drug methods

Women need to adjust the menu, enriching it with products with fiber, vitamins and minerals.


To maintain health and activate the body's defenses, doctors recommend eating foods with dietary fiber, for example, any fruits and vegetables. Most probiotics in bananas, onions, asparagus, beans, garlic.

Dairy products

Their use ensures the intake of the required amount of calcium in the body, activates the immune system, improves the intestinal flora. Products with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli have a good effect on local immunity (genital mucosa). A pregnant woman is recommended to eat live yogurt, kefir.


Enriching the menu with garlic and onions helps to strengthen immune defenses. These products destroy bacteria and microorganisms that enter the body, do not allow them to multiply. You can even lay out their sliced ​​​​pieces in the apartment to disinfect indoor air.

Seasonal berries and fruits

They strengthen the immune system and contain a large amount of vitamins. Especially rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits, rosehip broth. If you do not exceed the recommended amount, but an allergic reaction usually does not occur.

Diet balance

It is necessary that the body receives a sufficient amount of protein from meat and dairy products. It is impossible to completely remove fats so that immunity does not fall. In winter, fresh vegetables and fruits are replaced with dried fruits, but in small quantities so that constipation does not occur. It is useful to drink compotes from berries with the addition of a small amount honey, ginger tea.

It is useful to eat bee products, but pollen, honey, royal jelly are used on the recommendation of a doctor, because they provoke allergies.

Correct daily routine

In a woman bearing a fetus, the load on the body increases, the volume of circulating blood increases, and weight is added. In order for it to resist viruses and diseases, you need to rest and get enough sleep more often. This will improve your mood, will have a positive effect on nervous system. Alternate rest and activity modes. Sleep duration is 8 to 10 hours. It is best to go to bed at 9-10 pm so that the body and brain fully rest.

Also important physical exercise, walks. Morning exercises, water aerobics, swimming in the pool have a positive effect on strengthening immunity during pregnancy. But you can not play sports intensively. It is recommended to replace such workouts with regular walking in sneakers or shoes with heels no more than 3–5 cm. Fitball exercises are also useful.

hardening procedures

The temperature contrast is regarded by the body as stress. The activation of the immune system begins to fight the unfavorable environment. Do not do extreme hardening procedures. For example, swimming in ice water, diving into an ice hole.


A woman needs to take a terry towel, pour cool water over it. First, they wipe their hands, then the cervical region and chest, then they move to the back. The treatment ends with a foot rub. When wiping the limbs, the direction is important:

  • From the fingers you need to move to the shoulder;
  • From toes to groin;
  • Wiping the back and shoulders should go to the center;
  • Procedures begin with wetting in water of 23-25 ​​degrees, with each session it is reduced. The minimum temperature for wiping should not be lower than 10-12 degrees.

Baths for feet and hands

Two basins should be filled with water: one cold (from 28 to 30 degrees), and the second hot (from 38 to 40 degrees). As hardening, the temperature drops after 5 days of baths by 1 degree. Gradually, the temperature in a bowl of cold water is reduced to 10 degrees. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The limbs are immersed in hot water for 30 seconds;
  • We move them into a bowl of cold water for 15 seconds;
  • We alternate manipulations about 4 times;
  • Wipe with a towel;
  • We rub with a hard washcloth;
  • We put our feet in socks.

Procedures are not carried out in the evening or in the morning, as soon as the woman woke up. To strengthen the immune system, it is enough to carry out 1 session per day. Their duration should be no more than 2-3 minutes. Such hardening sessions should become regular. After the procedure, the body is rubbed to a slight reddening. The skin should not turn pale, you should not bring yourself to hypothermia. If chills are felt, it means that the body is not yet ready for such a low temperature. Before hardening, you should actively walk barefoot or do light exercises to improve blood circulation.

Climate in the apartment

An important point of immunity will be the climate in the room, so that there are fewer bacteria and germs in the air, and the mucous membranes of the nose are moistened. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of rooms from 1 to 2 times a day. During the day, the room should be ventilated, especially before the woman goes to bed.

It is recommended to additionally use air purifiers, devices that humidify the air in the house. You can purchase an ionizer for your home that produces ozone and additionally purifies the air of pathogenic flora. This is especially important if the room is often air conditioned. It is important to have plants in the house that have a beneficial effect on indoor air. This can be used as one of the methods to strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman.

Nonspecific (innate) immunity - This is a defense system that exists due to the same type of body reactions to any foreign agents. In other words, these are reactions that always develop in response to any “foreign body” entering the body, be it bacteria or a splinter. The main representative of nonspecific immunity are phagocytes. This is a type of leukocytes (white blood cells); their main function is to capture and digest agents penetrating from the outside, therefore these cells are also called "devourers".

Protective factors also include natural barriers (skin, mucous) - substances secreted by sweat, sebaceous, salivary glands (contain a variety of bactericidal substances), gastric glands (hydrochloric acid and various enzymes), normal skin microflora - bacteria that inhabit the skin, mucous membranes, intestines, vagina.

specific immunity acquired as a result of contact of the organism with the antigen. Antigens- large molecules (macromolecules) that are able to stimulate the production of antibodies in the body and bind to them. Antigens can be located on the cell surface (microbial antigens) or free (toxins). Antibodies are produced in response to antigens entering the body. Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are protein molecules. They are produced in the body after an antigen enters it. Antibodies are also produced various types leukocytes (white blood cells) - lymphocytes. The antibodies bind to the antigen and neutralize it.

The organs and cells of the immune system are scattered throughout the body - they are in the bone marrow, in the blood (lymphocytes), in the lymph nodes, in the spleen, in the tonsils, in the intestines; there are accumulations of lymphoid tissue in all mucous membranes, in the skin.

What changes during pregnancy?

The human embryo receives from the father 50% of the genetic information that is foreign to the mother's body. The other half of the fetus's genetic information is shared between the fetus and the mother. Thus, the fetus is always genetically "semi-compatible" in relation to the mother's body.

It would seem that in response to a significant amount of new, alien paternal substances (antigens), a huge amount of antibodies should be produced, but this does not happen with a normally developing pregnancy. This is due to the suppression of immune protective factors. Some inhibition of the immune forces of the body can cause a predisposition to infectious diseases during pregnancy. This must be remembered - especially in connection with the possibility of contracting acute respiratory diseases: the body of a pregnant woman is more susceptible to these troubles than the body of a non-pregnant woman.

Experts identify two critical periods during which expectant mothers are most susceptible to various respiratory diseases. The first - 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the mother's body only adapts to a new state. Various biologically active substances produced by the chorion, the precursor of the placenta, begin to be released into the blood. They also suppress the immune system. That is why on early dates During pregnancy, more than 80% of expectant mothers suffer from mild colds. The second critical period is 20-28 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, when the baby has already laid all the systems and organs, they begin to grow actively, while using all the resources of the mother's body, including those that were used to ensure the functioning of the immune system.

How to help your body?

In order to reduce the likelihood of respiratory diseases during pregnancy, it is necessary to use all means that help strengthen the immune forces of the body.

Proper nutrition, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

In order to support the immune system, nutrition must provide the body with all the substances necessary for normal operation immune system.

Protein and amino acids affect the production in the intestine of immunoglobulin A, which is important for immunity - such antibodies that are constantly present in the intestinal lumen, "fight" with foreign agents that have entered the intestinal lumen. The main source of protein is meat and dairy products.

Among carbohydrates, dietary fiber is the most important for immunity. They create favorable conditions for the processes of the immune system. Dietary fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, cereals.

Substances that seriously affect the immune system are found in fats. Therefore, it is impossible to completely exclude them from the diet.

The daily diet should be balanced and contain a variety of foods. The amount of proteins and fats is introduced into the daily diet at the rate of 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of a woman's body weight. Carbohydrates, as the main energy material and source of fat formation, should be no more than 500 g per day.

The gastrointestinal tract is an essential part of the body's defense system. The gut immune system makes up a significant part of the body's overall immune system. Externally, the intestine is a long corrugated "pipe" through which food passes. The intestinal microflora plays an important role in the process of digestion and the production of various vitamins. But along with food, harmful viruses and toxins enter the gastrointestinal tract. A healthy intestine is a barrier to harmful microorganisms, it constantly “filters out” harmful elements that enter our body with food. Therefore, maintaining a normal balance of intestinal microflora plays an important role in maintaining the body's natural defenses. To maintain this function, measures are important to prevent constipation, which worries many pregnant women, because. constipation can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora, adversely affect the production of protective immunoglobulin A.

To avoid constipation, it is necessary even in the absence of the urge to defecate at the same time to go to the toilet. It is better to do it in the morning. This helps to form a reflex to defecate.

The diet of pregnant women suffering from constipation must necessarily include coarse fiber: vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals. Vegetables and non-allergenic fruits can be eaten in any form and in sufficient quantities. One-day (fresh) kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk have a laxative effect. You can drink a glass of cold water with a spoonful of sugar in the morning or eat a banana, a couple of apples. Effective for the treatment of constipation and infusion of prunes with figs. It is prepared as follows: 10 berries of prunes and figs are washed and poured with 1 glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and kept until morning. The liquid is drunk on an empty stomach; 5 berries of prunes and figs are eaten at breakfast, the rest - in the evening.

Foods that promote colon emptying:

  • black bread with bran, whole grains;
  • vegetables and fruits (especially melons, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini);
  • dried fruits (especially prunes, dried apricots, figs);
  • oat groats;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetable oil.

Products that prevent bowel movements:

  • broths;
  • porridge-smear (rice, semolina);
  • kissels, pear compotes, quince, blueberries, strong tea;
  • astringent fruits (pear, quince, pomegranate).

A certain place in the prevention of constipation is given to physical therapy, swimming, massage and motor activity in general (if this is not prevented by the gestational age and the condition of the expectant mother).

Self-massage of the intestines is also useful. In a standing or lying position, with light movements of any palm, you need to “pass” from the right groin up, then hold your palm above the navel and go down to the left groin. The massage can last 10-15 minutes. It is better to coincide with the time when there is a desire to empty the intestines in order to develop a conditioned reflex to defecate. The introduction of a candle with glycerin into the anus can also help with this. 20 minutes after this procedure, you must definitely go to the toilet, even if there is no urge to defecate. When the urge to defecate occurs daily, candles are canceled.

Provision with vitamins, microelements

It is known that vitamins are necessary for the formation of immune cells, antibodies and various substances involved in the immune response.

B vitamins help stimulate the immune system during times of stress (pregnancy itself is considered stressful), after surgery or injury.

Taking a multivitamin containing vitamins A, C, D, E, B 6, helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and viral diseases.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) increases the activity of macrophages (devourer cells) in the fight against infectious agents.

Of the trace elements, zinc, iron, selenium and iodine are of particular importance for the functioning of the immune system.

Zinc associated with the function of the thymus gland and is involved in the maturation of the so-called T-lymphocytes. The lack of iron and selenium leads to suppression of the immune system and contributes to the penetration of viral infections into the body. Iodine also helps the immune system fight off viral infections.

Thus, an important part of the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza in the season of high incidence is the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. I must say that taking these drugs should become an integral part of the lifestyle of pregnant women, not only in connection with the prevention of respiratory diseases, but also to provide the growing body with the necessary substances.

Immunomodulators- These are substances that contribute to the activation of the immune system. These include:

  • Garlic and preparations based on it, the simplest - natural garlic in the form of inhalation; it can be kept chopped on a silver platter in the room, so you will inhale garlic phytoncides;
  • bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly- these are beekeeping products that should be used with caution or not used at all during pregnancy, as they can cause allergic reactions, form an allergic predisposition in the baby.

It must be said that traditional immunostimulants such as echinacea, eleutherococcus, and magnolia vine are not recommended during pregnancy.


For the expectant mother, a convenient daily routine with enough time for rest and exercise is important. Adequate sleep plays a huge role in maintaining the immune system. The total duration of sleep during pregnancy should be 8-10 hours per day. Best of all, the body rests and gains strength from 9 pm, so you should try to go to bed as early as possible.

It is known that active outdoor exercise strengthens the body's natural defense system, increasing its strength. Immunity is strengthened by all types of physical exercises: swimming, gymnastics, etc., but with reasonable physical activity. Exercise to the point of exhaustion - to the detriment of the immune system, and pregnancy. Useful walking (in comfortable shoes), gymnastics, corresponding to the period of pregnancy and the initial fitness of the woman.


The body perceives hardening procedures as stress, while the work of the entire immune system is activated, the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors is developed. Of course, you should not master such extreme hardening procedures during pregnancy as swimming in an ice hole, but rubdowns, contrasting dousing of hands and feet will benefit the expectant mother.

Rubbing is the mildest means of hardening with water. With a well-wrung wet terry towel, the whole body is wiped in the following sequence: arms, then neck, chest, back, and finally legs. The direction of wiping is important: arms and legs - from the fingers to the forearms and thigh. Shoulders and back are massaged from the periphery to the center. Initially, the towel should be moistened in water at room temperature, then gradually reduce the temperature, bringing it to 10-12 ° C.

Useful contrast baths for hands and feet. Prepare two basins: with hot water (temperature - 38-40 ° C) and cold (28-30 ° C). Reduce the temperature of cold water by one degree every five days. The ideal temperature for healthy women is 10-12°C.

Dip your feet and hands in hot water for half a minute, then in cold water for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. Then dry your feet and hands with a cotton towel, rub your soles and palms with a coarse, “prickly” dry washcloth, and put on soft socks.

Water hardening procedures can not be carried out before going to bed and immediately after waking up. They are desirable during the period of the day when the body is active. Water hardening should not be abused, the ideal rate is one procedure per day. It is strictly forbidden to start immediately with cold water. The duration of the procedures should not exceed 1.5-2.5 minutes. Wiping, dousing should be done daily. It is useful after water procedures to rub the body with a towel until noticeable redness. You should feel that the skin is completely warmed up. Before water procedures, it is recommended to walk barefoot on the floor for at least 10-15 minutes and do exercises.

Chills, blue, goose bumps are an indicator that this procedure is not suitable for you. In this case, it is worth choosing a more gentle temperature regime.

Indoor climate

Since we still spend most of the day indoors (at work and at home), we need to take care that the indoor climate helps the immune system cope with bacteria and viruses that can enter mom through the upper respiratory tract. The following is recommended for this:

  • wet cleaning of the premises - at work 1 time per day, at home - 1-2 times a week;
  • airing the room, especially before going to bed;
  • the use of climate control equipment - air purifiers and humidifiers, ionizers (these devices produce ozone, which has a bactericidal effect), especially if the air conditioner is running in the room.

Good mood

Women whose pregnancy takes place in a calm and joyful environment are much less likely to get sick than those who experience psychological discomfort during this period. Therefore, thinking about strengthening the immune system, do not forget about your own psychological comfort. Remember: laughter lifts not only your mood, but also your immune status.

Before answering the question of how to increase immunity during pregnancy, the subject should be briefly highlighted. It is important to understand that in the matter of health, the surest way to influence it is always the one that is based on the principle of measure as much as possible. Immunity is a particularly sensitive topic, because. the slightest changes in the direction of weakening or, conversely, strengthening the body's immune capabilities are fraught with consequences. Any woman asking questions like how to boost immunity during pregnancy should be guided by the medical advice of a specialist and, if possible, expand the scope of her knowledge of the subject.

Regardless of the individual differences between our organisms, the immune system has a common fundamental function - protection. For women who seek to increase immunity during pregnancy, it is especially important to understand that it works according to the principle "all means are good in war." The defense system can behave aggressively both in relation to foreign bodies and in relation to the host. This is confirmed by the radical means used by the body: lipid peroxidation, operative interferons, a kind of special forces - immunoglobulins, and so on.

The basis of the immunological interaction of mother and fetus organisms

In the context of the story about pregnancy and how to raise the immunity of a pregnant woman, there is a special specificity. Why? There is an inevitability of a special immunological status of the uterus and placenta, dictated by the fact that the fetus is a genetically, immunologically foreign organism . Since the main goal of fertilization is the creation of a new life, evolution has found a way to organize specific conditions for the peaceful interaction of mother and fetus. These conditions are carried out through unique and, at the same time, organically inscribed in the work of the immune system mechanisms.

From the point of view of immunological processes, the interaction between mother and fetus is provided on the basis of:

  • specifics of the expression of antigens of compatibility of organs and tissues in the trophoblast (i.e., the structure that forms at the early stages of the development of the fetal egg)
  • innate immune cells in the placenta
  • special differentiation of T-lymphocytes
  • control of humoral immunity

Omitting physiological, genetic details, for a deeper understanding of what constitutes the immunity of a pregnant woman, it is important to note the following: there is a lot of evidence that maternal immune system receives immunogenic signals from the fetus . Evidence of this is the accumulation in the serum of women who have previously given birth of various fetal antigens: their content and heterogeneity increases with an increase in the number of pregnancies. It is clear that a certain specificity of maternal immunological reactivity is determined by endocrine changes: progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, and other hormones, the content of which increases during pregnancy, help to restrain reactions aimed at fetal rejection.

From here the conclusion follows, why it is important to pay special attention to how to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman without overdoing it, because this is a matter of fetal safety!

On the importance of measures in strengthening immunity during pregnancy

From the representatives of the weaker sex, one can sometimes hear that, being pregnant, they feel whether they have a boy inside or a girl. This fact is confirmed by a number of medical studies, which have shown that some of the not-too-pleasant symptoms during pregnancy appear stronger or weaker, depending on the sex of the unborn child.

The reason for these differences lies, according to research, precisely in immunity. Feeling unwell begins with inflammation, which is regulated by the immune system with the help of signaling proteins (cytokines) that appear in particular in large numbers if a pathogen enters the body. This point is important for further understanding the specifics of the immune response of a pregnant woman.

The concomitant level of inflammatory cytokines in the blood of a woman during pregnancy does not depend on the sex of the child. However, everything changes if bacteria appear. The immune cells of women who are pregnant with girls respond much more strongly to the presence of infection, producing more inflammatory molecular signals. Various microbes enter the body in one way or another continuously, and the immune system successfully responds, preventing the development of a full-blown infectious disease.

However, the immune response must be adequate to the danger. But precisely because of the too pronounced “trying” of immunity, pregnant women can get tired more intensely, experience more suffering due to any pain, they may experience an exacerbation of symptoms of chronic ailments (for example, asthma), which are associated with pronounced activity of the immune system.

An aggressive maternal immune system can harm the baby!

That is why specialists always take into account such specifics of the activity of the immune system and, if necessary, not only take measures to strengthen it, but also implement some immunocalming measures .

The question of how to increase immunity during pregnancy should rather imply how to balance the functioning of the immune system. Unless, of course, we are talking about diseases that imply a drop in immune efficiency.

How to increase immunity during pregnancy with vitamins

The fact that breastfeeding and pregnancy are included in the reproductive cycle has been largely neglected in medicine, leading to the assumption that breast milk is replaced without any harm by artificial products.

Both during pregnancy and at the initial stage of life, the necessary substances are transferred to the child from the mother. For healthy development fetus, a woman should ask herself how to strengthen immunity during pregnancy, and this is a matter of competently compiling a diet that contains the necessary vitamins.

The current products bought in stores, as a rule, have a low level of saturation with vitamins. To meet the needs of the body (your own and the fetus) in useful substances, you need to eat a variety of foods together with vitamin complexes.

Priority elements for strengthening the immunity of a pregnant woman

Still, how to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman with the right beneficial substances? The primary elements in the context of general health and immunity are:

  • vitamin A: has a positive effect on the visual organs, in addition - affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails
  • vitamin D: important in the context of the issue of calcium absorption (lack of this vitamin can subsequently lead to rickets)
  • vitamins of group B: contribute to the proper formation of the brain and spinal cord, support the activity of the liver, kidneys, affect hematopoiesis
  • ascorbic acid: contributes to the strengthening of blood vessels, plays an important role in the absorption of iron
  • iron: participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, thereby taking part in the oxygen saturation of organs and tissues; iron is important to prevent anemia in a child
  • calcium: needed to ensure the formation of the skeleton, nerves, skin, hearing apparatus, vision, takes part in the regulation of heart rhythm
  • iodine: important for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, takes part in the regulation of metabolism

The lack of these elements is fraught with impaired development of the child and the deterioration of the mother's condition.

Natural sources of vitamins

An increase in immunity during pregnancy can be achieved by replenishing the lack of necessary substances, what will help:

  • beef liver
  • lean meat
  • dairy products
  • fresh fruits, vegetables (with the exception of highly allergenic and provoking fermentation in the stomach: cabbage, grapes, citrus fruits, strawberries, mangoes, any exotic fruits, etc.)
  • cereals
  • compotes, fruit drinks

At the same time, it should be remembered that chips, crackers, fast food, crab sticks, fried, smoked, spicy foods, seasonings, strong tea and coffee, fatty meat and fish, carbonated drinks, alcohol are strictly prohibited!

Vitamin complexes to maintain immunity and overall health during pregnancy

How can pregnant women improve immunity? At the stage of gestation, feeding, the norm is the appointment of vitamin-mineral complexes containing all needed by mom substances.

These include, for example, Vitrum Prenatal Forte. This is a complex multivitamin preparation with a wide spectrum of action, prescribed both for those women who are planning a pregnancy, and for those already pregnant or breastfeeding. This remedy is prescribed both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of anemia, hypovitaminosis. It is part of a therapeutic complex for early and late toxicosis in pregnant women and is well suited to those who wondered how to strengthen immunity during pregnancy.

Also one of the most popular and effective means is the drug "Pregnacare". It is a vitamin complex with micro and macro elements necessary during pregnancy. The drug is also recommended for use before the conception of a child and at the stage breastfeeding. Thanks to the optimal combination of vitamins and minerals, Pregnacare helps to regulate carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism in the mother's body, it also strengthens the immune system, and promotes the effective functioning of all body systems.

Other important factors in strengthening immunity during pregnancy

In addition to the well-known factors affecting the activity of the immune system, there are not so obvious ones. Incl. this is also true for pregnant women. It is clear that the influence of various diseases is not in doubt - the mother's body is directly related to the body of the fetus, and this also determines the relationship of immunities. In this context, it can be mentioned that the reactions of the immune system, trying to suppress the disease, often turn into the most unpleasant consequences.

On the relationship between depressed maternal immunity and the risk of developing autism in a newborn

For example, it is known about the harmful effects of excess weight and diabetes or some kind of inflammation in the mother on the health of the child. A few years ago, according to the results of a large study conducted by Danish scientists, it was found that women who had a severe infectious disease during pregnancy (flu, viral gastroenteritis, or, for example, a genitourinary infection) gave birth to children with a significantly increased risk of developing autism. Moreover, if the infection developed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, then the chances of developing autism increased three times, if in the 2nd trimester - one and a half times. Against the background of such data, it immediately becomes clear how important it is to maintain immunity at the proper level of effectiveness. About how to raise the immunity of a pregnant woman, it is written above.

How to boost immunity in a pregnant woman by fighting boredom

It will not be superfluous to know that the activity of the main immune cells - T-lymphocytes - significantly depends on the diversity environment. It would seem, what is the connection between the diversity of reality around a woman and the problem of how to raise immunity during pregnancy? And the thing is this:

T-lymphocytes, which recognize foreign molecules that kill infected and cancerous cells, work better when a person leads an interesting life!

This statement is also true for pregnant women. "Interesting" can be determined by the passion for some hobby, regular walks, identical to a change of scenery. In general, everything that implies the prevention of boredom, because the latter significantly contributes to stress.

Of course, the advice not to let yourself get bored sounds peculiar for women who already experience a lot of not very pleasant sensations during pregnancy, but you need to understand that a positive attitude is also a way to strengthen immunity, which will directly affect the fetus. Do not forget that emotions are associated with hormones that play essential role in the prevention of fetal rejection and adaptation of the mother's body to the child's body.

Given the fact that T-lymphocytes regulate the strength of the immune response, a pregnant woman needs to take care of these cells: there is nothing difficult in doing conditional knitting or reading interesting literature, periodically walking in the fresh air, not limiting yourself to four walls.

Again, a boring environment provokes the emergence of psychological stress, which, as you know, has a purely negative effect on the immune system. The prevention of such stress - good way strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman.

For a woman, immunity during pregnancy is a matter not only of her own health, but also of the health of the child. There can be no unimportant trifles here: the expectant mother must fully comply with the doctor's recommendations, not only eat right, use the necessary vitamins, but also create a positive emotional background around herself.

Useful related links

On the association of diabetes and infections during pregnancy with autism in children:

On the benefits of diversity and the positive impact interesting life for immunity.

According to statistics, almost 90% of women who are expecting a child experience a decrease in immune forces. To figure out how to strengthen immunity during pregnancy, you first need to find out the reason that led to the decline in this crucial period.

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of every woman. The correct development of the unborn child and the well-being of the expectant mother depend on many factors, including the state of the immune system and its ability to resist viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, one of the main tasks during pregnancy is to strengthen and maintain immunity at the proper level.

Why does immunity decrease during pregnancy?

Human immunity is the physiological ability of the body to resist foreign infectious and bacterial factors coming from outside.

According to experts, a woman's immunity during pregnancy decreases due to the negative influence of the following reasons:

  • anxiety;
  • chronic stress;
  • prescribing antibiotics;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • unfavorable living and working conditions;
  • prone to allergies.

There are several main stages of pregnancy, which are classified according to the vulnerability of the woman's immune system.

The first stage lasts from 6 to 8 weeks after conception. During this period, the body of the expectant mother adapts to the new status, while a huge amount of hormones is released into the blood - biologically active substances that reduce the woman's immune defenses.

The second stage falls on the 20-28th week of gestation. At this time, the development of the fetus is in full swing, and therefore the resources of the body are spent as much as possible on this difficult process.

Also, weakening of the immune system can occur due to an unstable state. hormonal background women. Changes in the hormonal system develop already at the stage of fertilization of the egg.

From this moment, intensive production of the chorionic pregnancy hormone begins, which causes characteristic changes in the woman's well-being. Against this background, the body's defenses are weakened.

Malnutrition or malnutrition can also lead to a weakened immune system. In this case, the woman's body will receive few nutrients that are needed during pregnancy not only for her, but also for her unborn child.

As a result, the fetus takes from the mother's body the substances necessary for its development, weakening the mother's immunity.

How to help your body?

Strengthening the immune system during pregnancy is essential. Since it is undesirable for expectant mothers to take medications, it is possible to increase immune protection with the help of a healthy diet, taking multivitamin complexes, hardening and observing the daily routine.

Proper nutrition

Include as many fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible. If the products in the refrigerator do not inspire confidence, it is better to send them to the trash without pity and avoid poisoning.

It is not recommended to eat foods that can cause indigestion: fast food, chips, smoked or overcooked meat, mushrooms. All these dishes are hardly digested by the digestive tract, while they do not provide the body with any minerals and vitamins.

To increase immunity, the expectant mother should eat foods rich in prebiotics daily: asparagus, beans, onion, garlic, figs, bananas.

I would like to mention onion and garlic in this list. These products simultaneously contain prebiotics and phytoncides - substances that inhibit and neutralize the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.

As for meat and fish, then, undoubtedly, these products are equally useful, but they represent a serious burden for the digestive tract of the expectant mother. For this reason, they should not be eaten for dinner.

Be sure to include dried fruits in the daily menu - figs, prunes and dried apricots, as they stabilize the intestines and help get rid of constipation, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

It is of particular importance during pregnancy. It is found in avocados, greens and beans. Under a strict ban for expectant mothers, strawberries, chocolate and peanuts, they can cause food allergies that will negatively affect the immune system.

Taking vitamins

Any multivitamin preparation should be taken with caution. But their use will not be superfluous, because the expectant mother will not be able to get the necessary complex of nutrients with food.

Today, all kinds of vitamin complexes are produced for pregnant women, before using which you need to ask your doctor about the advisability of taking them.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers the following drugs:

  • Elevit: contains a full complex of vitamins, enriched with magnesium, but does not contain iodine.
  • Alphabet: a unique complex, vitamin supplements of which are collected in tablets of various colors. A woman can take those trace elements that she needs and refuse those that she receives in excess.
  • Vitrum Prenatal: a preparation containing the whole complex of vitamins, enriched with iron and folic acid, but not including iodine. Relevant for women suffering from anemia.
  • Complivit Mom: an insurance drug suitable for women who eat well, rarely get sick and take care of their health. Loses compared to previous vitamin complexes.
  • Multi-tabs Prenatal: contains all the main vitamins needed by the expectant mother, nothing more.
  • Centrum Materna: contains all vitamins, especially enriched with iodine, folic acid and vitamins A and B. Not recommended for people with allergies and without a doctor's prescription.

You can buy vitamin complexes without a prescription at any pharmacy, but you need to take them on the recommendation of a doctor. For example, in the summer, against the backdrop of a favorable environment and healthy way life, as well as in the absence of colds, you do not need to drink multivitamin complexes.

Daily regime

During pregnancy, it is important to create a comfortable daily routine with a sufficient period of time for physical activity and rest. Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining immunity.

A mother-to-be should sleep for at least 8 hours a day. During pregnancy, it is better to go to bed earlier than usual.

Active loads in the fresh air improve immunity, qualitatively increase its endurance. Immune protection is strengthened by such physical exercises as light gymnastics, swimming, walking, that is, any exercise within reasonable limits.

If you exercise to fatigue and exhaustion, you can harm not only immunity, but also pregnancy. Loads should correspond to the gestational age and physical fitness of the woman.


Hardening procedures are a specific stress for the body. Thanks to them, the protection of the immune system improves, its resistance to negative environmental factors increases.

But pregnancy is not the time to practice extreme forms of hardening, such as diving into an ice hole or rubbing in the snow. It is enough to practice contrasting dousing of the legs and arms and wiping the body with cool water.

Rubbing - soft way hardening with water. With a carefully wrung out towel, you need to wipe the entire surface of the body according to a certain pattern: starting with the hands and arms, rising to the chest and neck, ending with the legs. At the same time, the back and shoulders are massaged from the periphery to the center.

At the first stages of hardening, the towel is wetted with water close to room temperature, then it must be reduced up to 10 degrees.

Contrasting douches or foot and hand baths also help to strengthen the immune system. For this hardening procedure, you need to prepare in advance two basins with cold (about 30 degrees) and hot (about 40 degrees) water.

Every 5 days the temperature of the water in the "cold" basin should be reduced by 1 degree. Ideally, it should be brought to 10 degrees. For hardening, legs and arms are lowered alternately into hot and cold water for 30 and 15 seconds, respectively, 3-4 times. After that, feet and hands should be wiped with a dry towel, put on warm socks.

Hardening activities should not be carried out in the evening or early in the morning. You need to practice them during the day when the body is at the peak of its activity. No need to get carried away and abuse hardening, it is enough to carry out one procedure a day. The main thing is systematic.

After the procedures, it is desirable to rub the skin until redness. Before water procedures, it is recommended to do a light exercise.

If the skin turns blue, chills and discomfort appear, it is worth considering that the hardening procedures are carried out incorrectly or are not suitable at all.

In such a situation, it is better to choose the most gentle temperature regime or, as a hardening, stop at daily walks in the fresh air.

The basis of any pregnancy should be good mood, good rest, healthy nutrition, and then the expectant mother and her baby will feel good.

Useful video about vitamins for pregnant women