
Literature for the youngest readers. Reading with a child


I thought for a very long time and chose books for the little ones, we are now 7.5 months old and I left all possible development / reading methods for later. Although, after reading about their benefits, she acquired two expensive boxes of Doman-Manichenko cards, a box of “7 Dwarfs” books and came to the conclusion that the child was not interested, pictures of this kind did not attract her, she had to be seated and forced to show the cards for classes. So what's the use of this?

And then, with pleasure, I began to search for books, reading reviews about publishers, the benefits of certain books, and now I brag to you about my acquisitions and gifts for my baby by March 8!

Here I share my findings. And what books do you read to your babies from 6 months and up to 3 years old? I would very much like to see photos, pictures and hear comments, reviews about my findings) I will be very grateful!

1. Books without words, with pictures for viewing. There are a great many such books, but after reading reviews, the best are considered a set of seasons: Summer book, Autumn, Winter, Spring and night. For starters, I bought the Summer Book, just in time for the summer we will be 11 months old, so we will begin to study and consider what the characters in the book do in the summer, comparing everything that happens with real events. Large format and canyon pages are a huge advantage.

2. On the same principle, I wanted to buy another publishing house with pictures about the village, but it was not available and I bought an equally bright book “in the circus”.

3. Then I focused on the encyclopedia for kids, this is a Soviet-made book, but it is reprinted every year, I bought the 2013 edition. A very useful, simple, interesting and accessible book for kids. Of the minuses, paper pages, you can’t leave a book unattended in the hands of an 8-month-old baby.

4. A collection of the most beloved children's works. There are a lot of them, but I found exactly the one in which there are pictures from my childhood!

5. Incredible illustrations, cardboard books published by Rosmen. The most juicy, bright, superbly executed illustrations. It was quite difficult to find them, the order waited 20 days, but these books are worth it!

6. Separately, I want to say about riddle books. Where kids can open additional pictures. My daughter is absolutely delighted with them!

7. These 4 little books I really liked the illustrations. They are made of a very dense pattern, you can safely give to kids and leave unattended.

8. Books with inserts delight even me.

9. And finally, a few books that I liked. I can’t say anything about them, since I didn’t study the reviews from the books below, and I chose a landmark to study to my taste.

Before the year, we had a variety of books: ordinary cardboard and paper, bathing books, with windows, soft inserts, as well as.

In this article I want to talk about our usual books, but the most important ones. And not only about ours, because some publications are no longer on sale, so I picked up an alternative that I would buy myself.

Books for the little ones. Which ones to choose

In my opinion, the first books of the baby should be different: different formats, sizes, made of various materials.

But one thing should unite them - compliance with age. Colorful illustrations without unnecessary details and a minimum of text: nursery rhymes, simple rhymes, short sentences. Or even just pictures, because not every baby at 6 - 10 months old is able to listen to even such a simple fairy tale as "Gingerbread Man". Therefore, the first fairy tales appeared in our country in a year.

Books up to 6 months

Up to 6 months Antoshka, like many children at this age, was ready to “read” anything with me. The main thing is that it should be poetry. We read Aibolita (Ozon, My-shop), Muhu-Tsokotukha (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop) and other works intended for older children.

At this age, the child will also listen to "Eugene Onegin". The kid does not yet understand the meaning, but it is useful for him to listen to the melody of the language, to catch the rhythm of poetic forms, intonation.

After 5 months Antoshka really became interested in books - the time has come for books by age.

Classics for kids

What a blessing that the books we grew up on still do not lose their relevance, and publishers reprint them again and again.

Books with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov, in my opinion, should be in every home library.

There is a wonderful collection of songs, nursery rhymes, jokes and fairy tales "Ladushki". But I prefer separate books, before the year we had 5 of them. They have a minimum of text, but not cardboard, so they are suitable for children who are not prone to vandalism:

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Agniya Barto. At this age, Barto's most important poems are from the "Toys" cycle. But Antoshka also loved poetry for older children. Up to 1.5 years, cardboard books are preferable, and then you can already buy collections. But we immediately bought the collection, it is no longer on sale, there are similar ones. Antoshka does not tear books, so the collection is safe and sound.

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Big book with cutting. Songs, nursery rhymes and lullabies arranged by K. Chukovsky, O. Kapitza, I. Karnaukhova

(Ozone, My-shop)

This collection of poems, nursery rhymes and fairy tales is designed for children from birth to three years. Bought on positive reviews, but Antoshka and I were not impressed at all. Apparently, the taste and color ...

Series “Reading to children. Minions»(Labyrinth, Ozone)

What a wonderful series of books! Too bad I didn't know about it before. Not all books I like and not all are suitable for children up to a year, and up to two too. For example, a book with the first fairy tales is not a very good option: one picture for the whole fairy tale is not interesting for kids. But there are some books that are worth buying. The format is small, convenient to take anywhere with you.

Cardboard books

Unfortunately, many of the books we had were no longer available for sale. Therefore, I will write about those that are today and about several alternative options.

Series "My very first book"(Ozone, My-shop)

The books in this series are great for getting to know the world around you. The poems are quite primitive, but the pictures are just for the little ones.

baby day routine(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop) and (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop). These are two sets, each of which contains 4 cute books.

Series "Topotushki"(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop)

Budget book-cardboard, but high quality. Antoshka appreciated them. There are many books in the series, but I took six that I liked the most.

The cat went to the market(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop)

A book from the series "Funny Cardboards" with 4 nursery rhymes about animals and their children. Antoshka liked it. But we had another book from this series - "The Cow" - so-so.

One is grey, the other is white(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop)

Another book with nursery rhymes for kids. We still love reading it.

Series "The world of animals for kids"(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop)

This is an analogue of our Animal Guys series. The publisher has changed the cover, but the content remains the same. Realistic drawings, good poems about animals. The perfect book for a child's first introduction to animals.

Series "22 Pictures"(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop)

The book "My Day" (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop) is one of our favorites. As for the rest of the books in the series, the small format and thick cardboard make them great alternative cards. The cards have a big drawback - they are easy to wrinkle, tear and chew. These books do not have this deficiency. But, frankly, I prefer cards - you can come up with a lot of games with them. Not all books in this series are suitable for children under one year old. But some are the best.

Series "About everything in the world"(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop)

Books will introduce the child to transport, animals, toys. Bright, colorful illustrations, but only 8 pages, however, and the price is small. Also an alternative to cards, but the format is already larger than in the previous series. Antoshka likes these books.

Books on the development of speech for the little ones

In fact, all books develop the speech of the child. However, the series of books We start talking. First phrases"(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop) from the Karapuz publishing house, I decided to highlight, because. on their example, you can clearly see how exactly you need to read books to your baby. Antoshka loves these books very much and for good reason, because here:

  • clear, simple and at the same time pleasant images, without unnecessary details,
  • easy-to-understand texts
  • perfect size - comfortable to hold with small hands, but not bulky,
  • affordable price

The illustrations may seem primitive, but these simple drawings are exactly what kids need.

But there is a drawback - the books are not cardboard, although the sheets are quite dense.

There is a 1+ sign on the cover, but the following books are quite accessible to a child from 10 months old, or even earlier.

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For harmonious development The child needs constant communication with books. Children who “read” with their mothers get to know the world around them from the very beginning. young age. Reading like this has a positive effect on early development mental abilities and expanding horizons. Babies 1-2 years of age can be the most grateful listeners, or they can categorically refuse to look into a book, so it is important to choose the right literature.

Reading books to the baby should start from the very early age

What books can be read to a child from 0 to 6 months?

Children can be introduced to books from birth. It is better to start reading with small rhymes and nursery rhymes: babies perfectly perceive poetic and musical rhythm. Not yet understanding the meaning of words, babies react to the tact of speech and mother's intonation. When the voice sounds affectionate and playful, the child smiles, and if the mother’s tone is serious, then the baby becomes attentive and focused (see also:). It contributes emotional formation personality.

For development figurative thinking show two or three month old baby bright drawings in books, talking about each picture. Do not rush, small children need only one or two pictures at a time.

How to read books to a baby from 6 months to 1 year?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

A six-month-old baby is often actively interested in books, because at this age, babies are interested in everything that surrounds them. Of course, the child will not read and look at books, but he will try to gnaw, shake or tear. Books for six-month-old babies should be made of fabric, rubber or dense polyethylene.

Introduce your 1 year old to soft toy books to develop tactile memory and fine motor skills. Soft books can be crushed and felt, stroked, bathed in the bathroom, examining bright pictures. Also show your baby "talking" books. A child will definitely be interested in a cow mooing from a turn, a meowing cat or a croaking frog. It is better if mom shows how to “read” correctly: carefully turn pages, press buttons, listen carefully and repeat sounds. You can name the animals shown in the pictures.

Soft book toy will help develop not only the imagination of the baby, but also fine motor skills but you can do it by hand

Up to a year, children concentrate on books for several moments, which means that it is better to have 5-6 bright educational books in stock and keep them within reach. When the child's interest fades, you can change the books, taking out previously hidden ones. The kid will meet them with great joy.

Basic rules for reading to a child under 1 year old

  • You need to read in a calm environment, turning off the TV and putting aside your phone and laptop. It is better to put aside toys that can distract the child.
  • Turn one reading session into a pleasant ritual. Read books to your baby up to 1 year old every day at the same time, for example, before going to bed after bathing.
  • You need to read poetry with expression, clearly pronouncing each sound. It is useful to read, changing intonation: higher, lower, louder, in different voices.
  • Show your child all the pictures in the book. Move the child's finger over the image, naming the elements of the picture: "This is the sun, clouds, grass, bunny."
  • If possible, demonstrate the actions described in the book: swing for the bull on the board, stomp for the bear, cry for Tanya.
  • Put the book aside as soon as you notice that the child is tired of it. Pick up another book next time.

It is better to read a book at the same time, for example, before going to bed.

Books can be with or without text. Small rhythmic quatrains are best perceived by children. They are easily remembered by mothers after 1-2 readings. Learned nursery rhymes can be told to the baby regularly on the street, in the park, on the playground. The most liked verses the child will demand to repeat again and again.

Paper books can be offered to a child at the age of about a year. For safety reasons, it is not recommended to leave children alone with printed materials; books can be not only torn, but also chewed.

Requirements for educational books for children under the age of 2

Choose books with colorful illustrations, mostly on a white background. On each sheet there is no more than one drawing that is well known to the child: smiling faces, animals, trees.

It is better if the animals are depicted as naturally as possible - as they are found in wildlife - without hats, glasses and beads. There is a huge amount of children's literature in the stores these days. When choosing a book, you should pay attention to whether the hygienic requirements for the publication are met: the material from which the book is made is important. The product itself should be strong, dense, and best of all washable.

Colorful educational books, when read by mom, will help the baby learn new words and objects

The most interesting series of books for the youngest "readers" are presented in the list:

  1. Series "My first book": "This is me"; "Animals"; "Car"; "The words"; "Farm". Colorful books with funny pictures are specially designed for children from 6 months to 1 year old.
  2. Series "Lessons for kids": "Different voices"; "In the forest", "Let's play." Cardboard books with a small description of the items depicted.
  3. Series "Topotushki": R.Sef. "My bear", "Jests". Made of thick cardboard with rounded edges, they are perfect as the first books for the baby.
  4. Series "For the little ones". Poems of favorite authors A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov and others.
  5. Russians folk tales for children: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen". Suitable for children from 0 to 2 years old. Even the most modern mothers grew up on these fairy tales.
  6. V. Stepanov: "Miracles", "It's good next to mom", "Mishka's birthday", "Bunny's coat" are small poems with a good rhythm.

Agnia Barto's poems have been loved by everyone since childhood, and if the book is supplemented with musical accompaniment, then the baby will be doubly pleased

Educational books for children from 0 to 2 years

Popularity among parents Lately Bought a development kit. "My First Words". The series includes 15 cube books with vivid illustrations on the topics:

  • "Food" - will help you learn the names of fruits, vegetables, and other equally delicious foods. You can work with the baby before lunch, after class the child will probably want to eat.
  • "Nature" - will help the baby remember the names of plants, flowers and trees, show how they look weather conditions. Playing with a book, the child will be able to quickly adapt to the world around him and develop imaginative thinking.
  • "Colors" - will help you learn all the colors of the rainbow, and even more, teach you how to compare colors in the picture and in life.
  • "Pets" - the kid will learn what cats, dogs, chickens, horses and other representatives of the domestic fauna look like. It will be interesting for the child to learn how animals scream, after a couple of lessons he himself will be able to repeat many sounds.
  • "Clothes" - the child will find out why clothes are needed, when they need to be worn, how summer clothes differ from winter clothes. Regular classes will help you learn new words, colors, and items of clothing.
  • "My home" - teach 1 - 2 summer child recognize household items. He will tell you what furniture, toys, dishes look like.

You can not only “read” books-cubes, but also play with them - build turrets and houses, put them in their places. Choose the right developing children's literature, do not force the child to study through force, and then reading will become one of the baby's favorite activities.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Children should be taught to read from infancy. At an early and harmless age of up to 1 year, babies can already perceive some books. Modern books for kids contribute to the improvement of visual perception, the development of tactile feelings, the interest of the little one in the outside world.

If you are faced with the task of which book to choose for a baby, this article will be useful to you. Consider what types of books for babies are.

Toy books

Books for the little ones are the initial component of personality development. Toy books are interesting soft or cardboard, static or moving, simple or musical publications. These fascinating brochures can be made in the form of animals, take the form of an accordion, turntables, panoramas, puzzles.

Read more about the types of toy books for toddlers

When choosing a crumbs first book, pay attention to high-quality educational and educational options:

    • Triangle-shaped edition with padded double-sided pages that can be folded like a pyramid and unfolded like a flat sheet. This thing can be attached to the crib, stroller. The child will look at funny pictures, learn new objects, learn to turn pages;
    • Book with sounds - soft book with pictures of animals and buttons that reproduce the sounds of their voices. The toy will help the baby learn how cows, pigs, dogs, cats speak. Imagination and memory, emotional perception will develop;

    • The product-rug is a bright little book, consisting of a different number of shreds. The squares depict animals, insects, birds, simple household items, seasons, plants. Scraps can be tied with a strong rope and get a rug;
    • The rattle version is a fun little thing with a rattle handle. And it will entertain the child, and teach to memorize the type and name of objects, animals, natural phenomena;
    • A mosaic book (puzzle) is an entertaining thing consisting of large details. The kid will diligently collect the puzzle. It develops logical thinking, fine motor skills, improves color perception;
    • Tweeter products. The squeak that appears when you click on a page of a soft book attracts the little one to view pictures, stimulates learning new things;

  • Development cube - lifting the cover, the child will find cubes with pictures and words. Play with your child, ask him to find a cube with a specific image, build towers from cubes;
  • A book with slip-out inserts - turn over the cardboard pages and take out animal figures, plant specimens from the secret inserts, hide the characters in the rooms with your child;
  • In the form of a clamshell - unfolding with contrasting pictures. Can be used as a protective barrier in a carrycot or crib. Waking up, the baby will look at bright drawings, develop visual memory;
  • Toy with magnets - a publication through which characters depicted on magnets can travel. The peanut himself will attach them to the places that he wants;
  • Book-night light - glows and produces calm lullabies, helps to fall asleep sweetly and soundly.

Toy books are sold in different forms, different sizes and from different materials. Editions are presented individually and in sets. They are made from hygienic, environmentally friendly materials and paints. They will be a wonderful gift for a child.

Bathing books

Caring parents will definitely pay attention to children's swimming books. Floating editions will attract the baby to bathing, even if he hates water. The material is moisture resistant, durable, details with rounded corners.

Poems, fairy tales, bright characters on the pages will help you joyfully splash in the bathroom and at the same time develop. Some models are supplemented with squeakers, melodies, sprinklers. When choosing an option for swimming, carefully read the label or description in the online store. See who the manufacturer is, whether details on compliance with hygiene standards are indicated.

An interesting model is the thermometer book. The pages change color depending on the temperature of the water. This amuses the baby and stimulates her to look at the pictures, remember them. Some floating items include a rubber squeaker toy.

Finger activities and development

If you want to ensure the quality of early development of the child, pay attention to the series of books "Finger Lessons". The publications were developed by the famous methodologist and psychologist Elena Danilova. The methodology on which books are built for the smallest up to 1 year old takes into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the baby. Contrasting pictures and well-composed tasks will allow children to develop easily, harmoniously and enthusiastically.

Finger games form fine motor skills, train children's memory, logic, attentiveness, imagination. Under the pictures in the publications there are tips for parents. Tips suggest that parents show the baby an object or animal, invite the baby to demonstrate how the animal jumps or what sounds the animal makes.

In the “Finger Lessons” about parts of the human body, parents are offered to visually show the child the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc. As a model, parents can use themselves, the baby, the doll.

The described form of education is liked by children, it is understandable to the smallest. An effective method of finger development leads to the formation of speech, improves the speed of reaction, and trains thinking in space.

The creativity of children allows you to develop albums for finger painting. Children are encouraged to draw with their fingers, depicting different plants or animals. This is not only exciting, but also develops an artistic taste, trains fine motor skills.

Special development kits, which consist of sets of thematic cards, will give kids the first knowledge about numbers, shapes, mathematical operations, words, types of flora and fauna, and much more.

Tales and poems

It is necessary to attract to the beautiful, to accustom children to literature from birth and even before birth. Psychologists have proven that beautiful, pleasant and good words able to soothe not only a baby, but also an adult. Good poems and fairy tales will teach moral standards in society, will favorably affect the character and upbringing of a small person.

In fairy tales and poems, the baby can find answers to many of his questions. Until the baby is one year old, literature will be useful for getting to know our world. Listening to another fairy tale before going to bed, the baby develops, remembers words and expressions, perceives different intonation and loudness, imagines characters, feels rhyme.

When parents read a quatrain to a child several times a day, they soon notice that the child himself is trying to repeat the end of the line or the beginning of the next. Fairy tales and poems develop speech. Artistic children's books can be read to the baby and shown. Children love the colorful illustrations on the cover and inside the edition.

What fairy tales and poems develop the baby more effectively?

Both classical and modern works contribute to the favorable development of the peanut. The main thing is that the text was written correctly, taking into account the age characteristics of the child, and performed didactic, aesthetic, cognitive, and entertaining functions.

Only one fairy tale can be published in one edition, and maybe a dozen. Collections of poems and fairy tales are grouped on a specific topic and released on general topics. It is important to bring a variety of literature into the life of the child, which in the kit will help diversified development.

How to choose the right books for the little ones up to 1 year old

Books for the little ones can be made by yourself from pieces of fabric or cardboard. In this case, it is necessary to use bright shreds of different textures. But since not all parents with the birth of a baby have the time and energy to sew and stick homemade books, we will give tips on choosing store publications.

  1. Buy books with high quality pictures;
  2. Images should be contrasting, simple, without small details;
  3. Choose durable editions;
  4. For children under 3 months old, books should be soft and fabric, then you can buy cardboard products;
  5. All goods must be safe: environmentally friendly and without sharp corners;
  6. If the publication is strange, smells unpleasant, refuse to buy;
  7. The older the baby, the more letters and words should be in the publications. For children under 3 months, you can bathe options without text;
  8. Closer to the year, start buying the first fiction, simple fairy tales and collections of good poems;
  9. If the book is intended not only for parents to read, but for the direct use of the child, pay attention to the weight. The child will not hold massive editions in his hands;
  10. At the age of 9-11 months, the baby shows interest in puzzles, puzzles, secret windows and other intellectual elements.

Remember that even if you have purchased a book that the baby does not like yet, seems difficult to him, this is not scary. The child will grow up, and the level of development will allow him to love this book.

Do not think that while the little one cannot talk, he does not need children's books. Simple listening develops future communication skills, literacy, vocabulary. When the child grows up, he will thank you for what you gave him in childhood.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 16 minutes


A baby barely discharged from the hospital, of course, does not need books. However, as soon as he begins to listen to sounds and respond to them, books really come to the aid of a mother who simply cannot remember all the lullabies, rhymes, nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

At what age can you start to rustle the pages?

  • At 2-3 months - only acquaintance with the book. The baby is already looking around with interest and listening to the gentle mother's voice. Naturally, a child will not be able to understand fairy tales at this age, and will not listen to his mother with genuine interest. Therefore, the book should be contrasting, soft and with the most simple black-and-white pictures, and mum will come up with rhymes-jokes as comments to the picture herself.
  • At 4-5 months - a new "book" stage. Now you can buy soft (and safe!) books "in the bath", as well as the first cardboard books with large images and short (1 word per 1 picture) text. Be sure to accompany the viewing of pictures with nursery rhymes or nursery rhymes "on the topic."
  • At 9-10 months, the child already listens to his mother with pleasure. It's time to buy Turnip, Ryaba Hen and other children's bestsellers. Thick books - "folios" are not recommended. Buy small books that are easy for your baby to hold and flip through.
  • By 11-12 months, the baby can no longer do without books, and at the first opportunity, she shoves another literary masterpiece into the hands of her mother about “our Tanya”, animals or Teremok. Do not dismiss the child - read until he gets bored. By instilling interest in books, you make a serious contribution to its development.

Your attention - the rating of "bestsellers" for the very smallest

Age: for the smallest, from 6 months to 5 years.

A book with wonderful illustrations by Vasnetsov.

Here you will find both funny nursery rhymes and jokes from famous poets. A real “childhood book”, which many parents will surely remember with joy and nostalgia.

Age: for kids up to 3 years old.

An almost immortal book with Russian songs, nursery rhymes and fairy tales. A masterpiece for children, thanks to which the artist Vasnetsov was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Age: up to 3 years.

Poems and songs that they carry with them through their whole lives, reading first to their dolls, then to children, and then to their grandchildren. A powerful charge of warmth, love and mischief from the poems themselves, combined with colorful illustrations.

A book that every mom should have.

Age: for the little ones.

One of the books that exudes carefree childhood and boundless happiness. Excellent art and very informative literary part. Here you will find the White-sided Magpie, and Kolobok, and Kot Kotofeevich.

A book that often becomes the favorite in the library of a young reader.

Age: up to 3 years.

An ideal book for the first steps in reading - a masterpiece of children's book classics. Especially, "complete" with Vasnetsov's drawings. Fantastic modern edition for kids.

Learn folklore nursery rhymes with your children - help develop speech!

“Like ours at the gates ... Nursery rhymes, songs, chants, pestles, sentences, games, riddles and tongue twisters”

Age: for the little ones.

Almost all genres of Russian folk art in one wonderful book. Lullabies to sleep better, nursery rhymes - for fun games with mom, songs - for development.

A real treasure trove of folklore wisdom.

Age: up to 3 years.

The book for acquaintance of peanuts with the rich world of literature. Poems that children adore are kind, easy to remember, instructive, educating love for animals, toys and the world around them.

Age: for the little ones.

“A bull is walking, swinging,” remember? And "Our Tanya"? And even "a dirty girl"? Well, of course you remember. Your mother and grandmother read them to you as a child. And now it's time to read these poems to your children.

A kind and bright book that has not lost its relevance for many generations in a row.

Age: up to 3 years.

Poems to introduce kids to the literary world.

Easily remembered, kind, instantly learned by heart by all children. Barto's easy style, requiring no effort to understand texts and memorize them.

Age: for kids.

A book that should be on the shelf of every parent.

Written back in 1926, the work is not outdated to this day. A fairy tale in verse, which gave the world a lot of popular expressions - with a fascinating plot, light rhyme and colorful drawings.

Age: up to 3-5 years.

A fun and interesting tale-shifter about nature, animals and disobedience, which never leads to good. An instructive story to strengthen your child's life experience, increase his self-esteem, expand his vocabulary and improve his mood.

An interesting dynamic plot, a very light style, colorful illustrations by Konashevich.

Age: up to 3 years.

One of the most famous and, despite the age of the fairy tale (note - from 1927), still popular stories in verse about the sun swallowed by a crocodile.

The favorite fairy tale of all the little ones with a rhythm close to children, easy memorization by heart, with wonderful images of characters.

Age: up to 3 years.

If you have got cockroaches, and all the dishes have escaped, then it's time to be treated for laziness and slovenliness!

An instructive and funny story for the little ones with a fast-paced plot, light syllable, ringing rhyme and a happy ending. A fairy tale that teaches kids about cleanliness and order.

Age: up to 3 years.

Discovering the wonderful world of Marshak, kids get acquainted with riddles, instructive and mischievous poems, songs and fairy tales. This book contains the best works of the author with colorful illustrations - Kids in a Cage, Merry Alphabet and Robin Bobbin, Humpty Dumpty, King Pipin and many others.

Warm and cozy book for toddlers.

Age: for the little ones.

Captivating play by Marshak, loved by many generations, with illustrations by Vasnetsov.

A simple story told to young readers with great humor. Continuous action with short lines of characters, memorable verses and, of course, a happy ending to the fairy tale.

Of course, there are much more books for kids - the choice is truly huge. But that doesn't mean you have to buy them all.

Read your baby every day his favorite books, if he asks you.

And return to childhood with him.

Enjoy reading!

In addition to reading, learn with your baby.

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