
Teaching a 4 year old to read. How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways. Get busy every day


It should start within the walls of the house, and parents should do it. Of course, the following question becomes open: when to start and write? In this case, experts disagree. Some argue that a child should be engaged in reading from the age of one and a half. But the opinion of the majority is this: the optimal age is 4 years old, when the child already knows how to speak well. This is the most common practice. And it begins with the preliminary preparation of the baby.

Children perceive information through images and analogies. That is, in everything that a child does, imagination is involved. Therefore, although the child is so young age already consciously makes any decisions, in the question of whether at 4 years old one must adhere to the following: training should take place in an active form, with colorful images and occasional games. Moreover, raising a child requires maintaining and receiving positive / positive emotions. The same applies to reading: in no case should you force the baby, he needs to be interested.

Learning the alphabet

There are several ways to learn the alphabet: through the study of the primer or in the process of games and entertainment. In both cases, visual, auditory and intellectual memory are involved in the course of learning. This must be taken into account if your family finally has a question about how to teach a child to read at 4 years old.

A primer for learning the alphabet should contain colorful pictures with images-symbols. There are manuals for practicing the material learned in parallel with reading the primer, in which children are invited to write the studied letter, choose the correspondence “letter-word”. Moreover, there are special primers based on the gender role of the child: manuals for boys or for girls (author These books allow not only to assimilate the material, but also to educate children in the concept of a social role.

Demonstration - very important point for the child to absorb information. So, learning the alphabet and syllables in the form of a game, you can hide pictures with images of letters and their definition in the room; arrange a game of "pantomime" with the task of taking the position of the body in the form of a given letter.

During games and studying the primer, emphasis should be placed on demonstrating and pronouncing the studied letters aloud. To speed up the process of memorizing the material being studied, psychologists advise calling letters sounds. That is, "be" - "b", "ve" - ​​"c", "ze" - "z" and so on. Thus, the child will not need to rebuild from sounds to letters, look for complex solutions. This practice must be followed for the first two months after you start classes.

It is enough to practice daily for 10-15 minutes to teach the baby to read. The main thing to remember: in matters of how to teach a child to read at 4 years old, you need to be patient.

Today, parents of children of four to five years old are seriously concerned about the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home? There are several reasons for this. Many want to start teaching kids as early as possible, hoping that it will be easier for him at school. In addition, modern educational programs in many educational institutions assume that when they come to school, children will already be able to read in syllables.

Of course, you can entrust the training to teachers of a special preparatory group in kindergarten, or seek help from private teachers if there is no such group in the kindergarten. However, as we understand, in childhood preschool too many children per teacher, so it is not a fact that the child will learn the material well. As for private teachers, here you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on training. There is a way out of this situation - to teach the baby to read independently.

It is impossible to say exactly what the smallest age is suitable for starting learning to read. It all depends on the child himself and his moral and physiological readiness.

If the baby is not interested in the letters in the book, he does not want to sit behind them for five minutes, actively resists, then you should not force him. Thus, not only will you not be able to teach him anything, but you will also cause irreparable harm, discouraging the child from any desire to learn and explore the world.

There are several signs by which you can determine whether the baby is ready for learning or not:

Preparing to Read

Preparing a child for reading begins long before learning letters. In addition to the above points, the baby must have a sense of rhythm and phonemic hearing.

Listening to music and dancing to it will help develop the first. Have fun with the music with your child, over time, the baby will begin to try to imitate you in the dance, capturing the given rhythm. Thus, you will not only have a good time with your child, but also lay the foundation for preparing for reading. Playing to music also has a beneficial effect on the development of rhythmic hearing.

As for phonemic hearing, a number of gaming exercises will help the baby's ability to recognize and pronounce sounds correctly:

How to teach a child to read in syllables at home?

After you are convinced that the child is ready not only physically, but also mentally to start learning, proceed to follow a few rules that will help solve the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home ?.

  • First of all, decide on the choice of a textbook, according to which you will conduct classes with your child.

Remember that simply memorizing sounds without immediate application will not give any results. Your child will just know the sounds, but will have no idea how they can be put into syllables and then into words.

The most suitable textbooks for home teaching reading are those in which, after the first learned vowels “A” and “U”, they are added to the first word, more or less understandable for the baby, “Ay!”. Further, you will notice that knowing 8 letters the child will already read in whole sentences. This technique allows you to capture the interest of the child and after the first lesson, he will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained. N.S. Primer showed successful practice in home schooling. Zhukova.

  • As a rule, the first letters that a child should learn are vowels, but not all in a row (follow the chosen method). Then a couple of voiced consonants and a few voiceless ones.

An important point at the beginning of learning is that you will learn exactly the sounds, not the letters. No Ne or En, only "N".

  • An important aspect of fast learning is to review the letters you have learned in each lesson before learning a new one.
  • After the baby has already learned a few letters, you must immediately proceed to reading by syllables. It is not at all difficult to explain to a child exactly how the letters merge into a syllable. Let's take an example: write on a piece of paper on the left side a consonant letter, for example "C", and on the right side - the vowel "A". Invite the child to “run” from the consonant to the vowel, simultaneously drawing the distance from “C” to “A” with a pencil, as if connecting them: “S-s-s-s-s-s-a-a-a-a-a -a".
  • Having learned the first vowels and voiced consonants, make simple syllables out of them, the constant reading of which will allow the baby to understand exactly how syllables are composed. After understanding the algorithm, it will be very easy for him to read more complex syllables with hissing consonants.
  • Once there are no problems with connecting consonant-vowel syllables, move on to more difficult vowel-consonant syllables.
  • Having overcome this barrier, we begin to compose short words from the recognized letters: “Ma-ma”, “Ro-ma”, “Sa-ma”.
  • Turning to reading simple sentences (Ma-ma we-la ra-mu.), Pay attention to the child that it is necessary to pause between words, and not pronounce the entire sentence in one breath. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds. If necessary, repeat the word you just read, syllable by syllable, in its entirety.
  • Be patient and turn reading into a game. Nothing is given immediately. Try not to scold the child for mistakes or too long "remembering" the letter. It is better to go through the same material again the next day until the baby remembers it well.

Based on what you read above, you probably already understood that the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home is not so terrible. It is important to be patient, attentive, loving, praise for the results and try to practice every day. Only under such conditions will your child be able to quickly learn to read by syllables.

We have already considered various, talked about, dwelling in detail on the physiological and psychological characteristics of one age or another. If you have made the decision to teach your child to read at the age of 4 and you see that he is ready for this, shows interest in letters and wants to learn how to read, our tips will help you.

Teaching a 4-year-old child to read: common mistakes

If you decide to teach your child to read on your own, you should know what pitfalls await you along the way.

  • Name not letters, but sounds!

Perhaps this is the most common mistake. Roughest!
Yes, the letters of the Russian alphabet must be called correctly: “el”, “em”, “pe”, “er”, etc. BUT! Leave this knowledge to the students. When teaching to read, they can play a cruel joke on your child. The abstract thinking of a preschooler is poorly developed, it is difficult for him to remember that the letter "em" is read and pronounced like "m" or "m". and "um-a-um-a" is "mother."

Be vigilant when choosing children's "talking" manuals and books, often this important rule not respected!

  • We learn vowels.

It is not necessary to learn the entire alphabet at once. You can learn to read without knowing all 32 letters. First, learn a few vowels (A, U, O). Explain to the child that vowels can be sung, they are pronounced drawlingly.

This method of memorizing letters also gives good results. Hang cards with letters in different places. It's good to see them all the time. During the day, ask your child to remind you what song each drop sings, ask them to come up with a word that begins with this letter or say a word where this letter ends.


  • Learn letters in context.

Do not teach your child letters for the sake of letters. They showed a new letter, picked up words for this letter, found it in a book (even if other letters are still unknown to the child, the goal is to find exactly THIS.

  • Repetition is the mother of learning.

Do not rush to "load" the child with a lot of information. You can move on to learning a new letter only when the previous one has been mastered. Be sure to repeat those letters that you have already met and come up with more and more new tasks so that the child learns to recognize them, hear them in words.

  • We learn consonants.

Consonants cannot be sung, they can sound dull or loud. A child who is just learning to read can not be told "extra" information. It is enough to simply say that "a consonant sound cannot be sung." You can teach your child to identify vowels and consonants by ear, ask you to choose a vowel / consonant from the 2 sounds you have named a little later, when the entire alphabet is left behind.

When the child has already memorized several vowels well, add 2-3 consonants so that you can already compose short words. Start by reading syllables with letters already known to the child and the simplest short words: mom, dad, grandfather, yes, no, cat, etc.

  • Use different fonts (size, style, color).

A child gets used to one font very quickly, he may “not recognize” a letter in a different style.

  • Use pictures wisely.

If you show your child a card with the word "cat" and the corresponding picture, do you think he will read the word or guess it from the picture? Correctly! It is easier to guess, and this does not mean at all that having met the same word in a book, the child “recognizes” it. The picture may not depict a cat at all, but a cat ... Therefore, if you want to teach a child of 4 years to read, use pictures only at the initial stage, then be sure to connect cards without images.

  • Watch your own speech!

Parents should be careful about what and how they tell their child. Correctly put stress in words, do not “lisp”, clearly pronounce all sounds, explain incomprehensible words. Important! If the child speaks in sentences of 2-3 words, parents should use short sentences of 4-5 words in conversation with him, i.e. slightly ahead of the curve.

  • Teach your child to tell.

In fact, to teach a child to read, it is not enough to learn letters. It is important to replenish and enrich the vocabulary, pay attention to pronunciation (if necessary, contact a speech therapist), teach the child to build sentences, answer questions and retell short texts. A child who speaks well and correctly will have an advantage and learn to read much faster.

Psychologists have noticed that the ability to tell is a bridge that helps to move from speaking to reading.

Learning to read at 4 years old: important points

  • Do not insist on classes if the child feels unwell, tired, sick.
  • Activity = play.
  • The main activity in preschool age- the game. Without play, you cannot teach a child to read at 4 years old. You can learn to read lying down, running around the apartment, playing ball, standing in line and even swimming in the bathroom. It is not at all necessary to sit quietly at a desk for the allotted 20 minutes.

  • Classes should be regular.

At least 3-4 times a week for 10-20 minutes. It is better to practice 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. One lesson is working time, learning new things, the second is consolidating.

  • No need to force through force and against will!

Some parents think that it is necessary to force the child to read "from now to now", a certain number of pages, etc. No and no again! We must not allow a child to associate learning to read with some unpleasant moments, this will cause rejection and unwillingness to read in the future.

  • Praise the child.

How to teach reading at 4 years old: games and exercises

"Magic Square"

Draw a square of any size, for example, 6 by 6 cells. In the cells, write letters or syllables that the child already knows.


  • read the syllables in a line or in a column;
  • name and show the letter (syllable) that is to the right / left of the given letter, above / below;
  • name and show only vowels;
  • read all the syllables starting with the letter Ш, etc.
  • read in one breath the floor of the column. In the future, this will help develop intonation and reading fluency.

These and other similar tasks with tables help to remember letters, expand the angle of view. Such tables help a child of 4-5 years old learn to read syllables of varying degrees of complexity. The child learns to see a piece of text, he reads and at the same time recognizes what has not yet been read. It is this skill that helps to increase the speed of reading.

Tables can be invented by yourself or found in the book by S. G. Zotov “Increasing Reading Speed”.


How the Beetle would speak if he understood our language. Let the child zhzhzhzhzhzhzhe something like: “zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh life is beautiful! Wow, how cool!"

Think of other animals and their sounds.

"Who is bigger"

You can play in pairs or in a group. Goal: come up with as many words as possible that begin with a given letter.


Play like in "Cities", but name any words. The main thing is that the first letter of the next word matches the last letter of the previous one: papa - Orange - Mink ...)

Reading short words

Reading words when the corresponding picture is nearby is undoubtedly easier than just words in a table. But the pictures are distracting, the child does not read, but guesses. Therefore, it is useful to use pre-prepared cards, where short words of 3 letters are printed.

come up with a word

Write on the board with chalk or on a piece of paper words of 2-3 letters, instead of the last put an ellipsis. Invite the child to think about which letters are lost. For example: to ... (cat, stake); ra ... (cancer, slave), etc.

Dear readers! Tell us about how you taught your child to read? Did he already know how to do it at 4 years old?

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The development of a child at 4 years old is associated with his further growing up. The kid has grown up, you have changed the size of clothes more than once. He is mobile and inquisitive, speaks well and expresses his thoughts. The child begins to show character, is affirmed as a person. He can do many things and is actively learning new things. Some children at this age know all the letters, count to ten, begin to read in syllables.

Physical development of a four-year-old child

The growth of a four-year-old boy reaches 98.3-105.5 cm, girls - 98.5-104.1 cm. The boy weighs 15.1-17.8 kg, the girl - 14.8-17.7 kg. By the age of four, the genetic characteristics of children appear; for parents of short stature, the child is likely to be small too. With a tall dad and mom, babies stretch faster in height. Height and weight also depend on activity, nutrition, living conditions. Developmental delay helps to establish a special table with norm indicators. If the child's indicators are greatly underestimated or overestimated, he may need to consult an endocrinologist.

Motor skills in preschoolers become more perfect. They are extremely active, constantly running, jumping, not sitting still for a minute. Children can go up and down stairs without support, with a calm step and run. They climb the Swedish wall, overcome obstacles. They ride a tricycle well, play with a ball. They can stand on one leg for about nine seconds. They tumble over their heads and are able to perform complex gymnastic exercises. True, they have problems with balance, because it needs to be developed.

Fine motor skills of the hands also reach great development. Children can accurately draw different shapes, triangles, circles, squares. They manage to portray some animals, flowers, trees, little people. Some begin to write elements of letters in cursive. In coloring, they almost do not go beyond the lines. A four-year-old child can string beads and buttons on a string. He builds high turrets from cubes, fold constructors.

In everyday life, children by the age of four are very independent. They drink well from a mug, eat with a spoon, fork, some equip with a table knife. They know how to wash themselves and brush their teeth. Putting on clothes is not a problem for them, except that it is not always possible to cope with buttons and laces. It is very important at this time to instill in the child hygiene skills, remind them to brush their teeth, wash their hands. It is necessary to teach the baby to fold toys after class, which is very important for the development of accuracy.

Mental and speech development of the child

By the age of four, the child is actively developing thinking. The thousands of questions that he asks are just a manifestation of this development. At the age of three, the kid mainly used a practical, visual-effective type of thinking. He independently tried to figure out the structure of objects, pressing buttons, levers, breaking toys. Now visual-figurative is joining this type. The kid learns to perceive images and schemes of objects, to use their individual properties. This perception manifests itself very clearly when drawing. The child depicts only the most important details. For example, for a picture of a house, it is enough for him to draw a square with a roof, he depicts a cat on four legs with a tail and mustache.

The development of a more complex type of thinking, logical, is just beginning by the age of four. It manifests itself in the ability to generalize the properties of things, find the same features in them and group objects according to these features. It is still difficult for a child to understand abstract things. From specific images associated with words, move on to general ones. To stimulate mental development, you need to deal with the child, teach him what “time”, “number”, “measure” are.

The speech of the child by the age of four becomes more complicated. He owns more than a thousand words, pronounces almost all sounds and letters. Knows how to correctly compose sentences of 4-6 words, use verbs, adjectives, additions, conjugate nouns in cases. Sometimes in a conversation he makes grammatical errors, but this happens less and less. The preschooler gets a fairly coherent retelling of the events, the content of the book read. A four-year-old child likes to compose new words, they seem to him more suitable for the name of certain objects. The kid already clearly answers questions, can fulfill 3-4 instructions from adults. He knows his own name, the names of his father and mother, grandparents. Can give his address, the address of a friend, grandparents.

Children's imagination develops actively. They compose fairy tales, play difficult role-playing games. Sometimes they invent monsters and monsters for themselves, and then they are afraid of them. You need to patiently explain to the child that his fears are in vain. In no case do not scare the children yourself, this is far from The best way obtain obedience from them. Preschool children improve their memory, they accumulate in their heads the results of their cognitive activity. They already know several colors, quickly remember new ones. They name up to 4-5 figures, including three-dimensional ones. They learn by heart and recite verses from 4-8 stanzas. Children who have good hearing sing songs and remember melodies well.

Emotional and social development of the child

The psycho-emotional development of children at the age of four is no less intense than the intellectual one. The child learned to cope with his feelings, mastered the basic rules of behavior. He can still be moody, but not aggressive. Although new problems appear at this age, the baby suddenly becomes withdrawn, sad, and does not show interest in his peers. He has another transition period, new stage awareness of oneself as a person. He has already learned to evaluate his actions and perfectly understands when he does well and when he does not. If the baby is often punished for wrong actions, and successes and good behavior ignore, he develops complexes. It seems to the child that no one loves him, that he is bad. When a preschooler is hyperactive, such problems result in uncontrollable behavior. In calm children, they are more likely to manifest depression.

In order to avoid problems of an emotional nature, you need to create a favorable atmosphere in the family. It is important for a child not only how they are addressed to him, but also the relationship of parents to each other. Adults need to take it seriously age features the psyche of a preschooler, pay attention to his mood.

Try to understand why he is sad. Perhaps the baby has problems communicating with other children. Maybe the problem is you, you scold him too often, load him with training. It is worth contacting a specialist when Bad mood- not a random episode, but a permanent condition, for 2-3 weeks or a month. Parents should be wary if the preschooler suddenly became very aggressive, began to stutter, stopped making contact with you or with peers.

Social contacts for a four-year-old child become a necessity. He has already mastered the first lessons of communication with children. Now he is actively mastering his role in games, occupies a certain place in children's team. The child has friends and enemies, he begins to quarrel and put up with them. Four-year-old children are less selfish than before. They know how to share toys, treats. Although it happens that a child is greedy, hiding his things from others. Try to gently explain that this is not necessary. After all, no one wants to be friends with greedy people. And if today he shares with others, tomorrow they will share with him.

The regimen and nutrition of the child

In the period from three to four years, the child completely switches to the table that adults eat. This does not mean that you do not need to pay attention to his nutrition. After all, the baby is growing and actively developing, he needs energy. In many children at this age, the appetite is disturbed, the mother has to be very resourceful in order to cook something for the baby. Children by the age of four eat 4 times a day. Half of the total amount of food should be for breakfast and dinner, a little more than a third for lunch and about 15% for an afternoon snack. The diet of the baby should be complete, include all the main ingredients, vitamins and trace elements. Here are the products recommended for cooking (also their daily volume):

  • Meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef, lean pork) - 120-130 grams.
  • Fish, preferably sea
  • Any cereals - 60-70 grams
  • Vegetable oil and butter 10 g and 25 g respectively
  • Cottage cheese - 50 g, milk - 500 g
  • Various vegetables - 220-260 grams
  • Fruits and berries - 220-260 grams
  • Bread (white and rye) - 120-150 grams.

For breakfast, the baby can make vegetable casseroles, cottage cheese with sour cream, milk porridge, an omelet or a boiled egg. For lunch, the baby must have soup, a fresh salad, vegetable puree, meat or fish, juice or compote. For an afternoon snack, a child can be given fruit, cookies, yogurt. Dinner should not be too dense. Prepare vegetable stews, pancakes, pasta casserole with fish or chicken. Before going to bed, the baby can drink a glass of milk or kefir. Do not snack between meals, otherwise the child's appetite will deteriorate.

As before, at the age of four, it is necessary to observe the daily routine. Food, walks, lessons and activities the child should do at the same time. This is especially important for children who go to kindergarten. If during the holidays you wean him off the regime, it will be physically difficult for him to get used to it again. The baby now sleeps once a day for 1-2 hours. Some children gradually begin to refuse daytime sleep, by the age of 6-7 these will be the majority. At night, a healthy baby practically does not wake up, does not scream, unless he experienced an emotional shock during the day, was frightened of loud sounds. He sleeps at night for about 9-10 hours, wakes up at 7-8 in the morning, and should fall asleep at 9 in the evening.

Sports activities with a four-year-old child

By the age of four, the baby is already well physically strong. He is very active, but his balance is still poorly developed, try to improve it. Help in this exercise on the crossbar, walking on a beam, on a curb or at home on a carpet on toes and on tiptoe. Try to show how to make a swallow, stand on one leg, like a heron.

The age of 4 years is the time to send the baby to the sports section. Do not set yourself the task of making him an outstanding athlete, the child should play sports with pleasure, and not under duress. Do regular exercises with a preschooler, buy him rings, a crossbar, a Swedish wall, if you have not purchased these simulators so far.

Teaching language and logical thinking

At four years old, the child is learning well. You can start learning with it. foreign language. If you know it yourself, try learning the language at home. Help in this video, special materials and educational literature, developing cards. Native speech also needs to be improved. Read books together, learn poems, sayings, riddles. It is also worth paying attention to how the child speaks, gently and unobtrusively correcting his mistakes. If he does not pronounce certain letters and sounds well, a speech therapist may need to be consulted. There are different methods of correcting speech, a specialist will help you choose the most suitable one.

    Child development at 4 years old. Game "At the Doctor's Appointment"

    Classes with a child of 4 years. Reading, writing, mathematics

    Speech development in a child 3-4 years old



The child needs classes to develop logic. Prepare picture cards various items. Let the child choose from them images with the same properties, exclude unnecessary ones. Develop logic and various labyrinths from which you need to find a way out. They can be drawn on paper or made from bulk materials. Learn to count with your baby, he is already able to operate with numbers within ten. To study arithmetic, you can use pictures in a special textbook, counting sticks or ordinary pencils. The alphabet is quickly perceived by children by the age of four. Preschoolers whose parents practice early development already know how to read. If you have not yet learned letters with your baby, it's time to start. Be sure to buy a notebook in which the baby will learn to write. Many children dream of becoming adults and going to school. They may like the game of teacher and student, and they will be more willing to master the material.

Creative development of the child

Don't forget about creative activities. They are necessary for harmonic psychological development child. Buy him different educational toys and coloring books, try to keep the baby engaged visual activity on one's own. Lay out cards in front of him, let him draw whatever he wants on them. It is also not necessary to paint with the colors that are on the sample, it is better when the child shows imagination. Modeling improves motor skills, children at the age of 4 can already make quite complex objects from plasticine, birds, animals, cars, people, whole compositions. In addition, the baby should be able to hold scissors in his hands, cut out pictures along the contours, and make applications. Creative activities should include dancing, learning songs. Gymnastics should also be done to the music, so the child will be more interesting and more fun.

By the age of four, the level of development in different children is different. Some show more creativity others are better at math. Someone speaks beautifully, recites poetry, and someone prefers playing sports. That is why it is so important for the upbringing of children to take into account their individual characteristics. If the development and behavior of the child does not go beyond the norm, parents have nothing to worry about. Your baby's development plan should be his own, you should not compare it with other children. In no case should you overload children with classes, arrange endless tests and checks for them, or forcibly develop perseverance. If you overdo it, the child can be discouraged from learning forever.

The best and very first teacher for a child is a mother. And she can quite independently teach a child to read at 4 years old at home, the main thing is to learn how to do it correctly.

Teaching requires a methodology. You can use the syllable reading recommended by Zhukova or Chaplygin, these authors have the appropriate teaching aids in the form of cubes and primers. This method allows for more short term teach your child to read from scratch. In this case, syllables are immediately memorized, from which the child subsequently composes a word.

But if the mother is disgusted by innovations, then you can teach the child the letters in the old fashioned way, and then the syllables that make up the word. This method is quite simple, but it will take more time to learn.

How to quickly teach a child to read at 3-4 years old?

It is important that the child has an appropriate place for learning. It can be a children's desk or just a table on which a young student will put his teaching aids.

The mood of the participants in the process is also important - colossal calmness will be required from the mother, and perseverance from the child. It may take more than one week for the baby to understand what is required of him. After all, learning is something new for him and it is important not to frighten off interest and not discourage the desire to learn with negative emotions.

One lesson should last no longer than 15 minutes, because it is very difficult for a child to concentrate on one thing for a long time.

If a mother does not know how to teach a 4-year-old child to read, then we will tell you what is needed to make the process productive:

  1. Praise your baby no matter what, because praise is a huge incentive.
  2. Don't force your child to read too much at one time. 4-5 words read well will be enough to consider the lesson a success.
  3. Conduct reading lessons daily, without interruption, so that the child will gain a foothold in the mind that now this is his new life.

How to teach a child to read in syllables 4 years old?

Of course, for the classical method of teaching reading, the first thing you need to do is learn the letters, and after that you can start to syllables, which you need not to pronounce, as adults are used to, but to sing. This can be explained to the child as follows: take two cubes with letters, for example, A and U. There is a little man on the cube with the letter A and his task is to jump onto the Y cube without falling. To do this, you need to pull the sound: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. If the sound is interrupted, then the little man will fall and he will again have to climb the cube.

First you need to master only the vowels, so as not to confuse the child with a lot of information, and only when he understands the material can you add consonants. When the child's syllables are already read meaningfully, they are folded into short words in the same way.

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