
Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the middle group “Counting within five. Educational portal We comply with the principles of education


Dadykina Tatyana Valentinovna

Mathematical representations for children of the group " special child» play important role in the subject "Mathematical representations and construction".

A score within 5 is formed throughout the course elementary school and, as a rule, children develop the skills of forward and backward counting. Often unconsciously, mechanically after prolonged exercise.

To identify certain knowledge of students in the subject "Mathematical representations and construction", I conducted game exercises, in which there was a count in order and exercises on the ratio of the number with the presence of objects.

For children with moderate mental retardation, certain difficulties are caused by changing objects when counting in order.

The first exercises must be carried out with the same objects, the change of objects causes unpredictable reactions (refusal to perform exercises, “turning away” from the proposed work, rocking, loud guttural laughter, simultaneous clapping on the table, distorted facial grimaces, clapping on the table). All this can simply lead to the rejection of the proposed work.

I had to introduce items one by one. She let me play by hand, found in the picture, recognized among different objects united by one theme.

Revealing knowledge of numbers, the ratio of numbers and numbers occurs with certain difficulties.
Numbers of different sizes at the beginning of the training course are not recognized as the same, the student shows different blocks: in color, in shape, in size, and only then begins to correlate the number and figure. The identification of knowledge of the number and the number of objects designated by it also occurs with the manifestation of certain difficulties.

It is calmer and easier to learn with a group of identical items that do not change for a certain time. The acquired skills allow the student to assimilate the proposed educational material at the level of tactile sensations.

After revealing knowledge of numbers and the ratio of numbers and numbers, I proceed to identify knowledge about geometric shapes, based on knowledge of numbers and numbers. Comparison by color, shape and size.

Abstract of the lesson in mathematics "Funny bunnies". Middle preschool age

Target- the formation of counting skills in children within 5.
- practice counting within 5;
- develop the ability to build geometric shapes from counting sticks (square, triangle, rectangle);
- to educate in children the ability to listen and hear the question;
Preliminary work: reading fiction on the topic of winter (poems, riddles, stories), looking at illustrations, working with counting sticks, getting to know the composition of the number 5.
materials: presentation; musical accompaniment; counting sticks; number cards; dummy carrots; paper hares or soft toys.
Equipment: multimedia installation (projector, screen), music center or tape recorder.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Hold hands, give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, say hello and give them a smile. Fine. Now everyone is in a great mood. Let's try to carry it through the entire lesson.
Educator:"I have a lot to do
I cover the whole earth with a white blanket
I whitewash the fields, at home, they call me ... (winter) ". Slide 2
- Do you like to walk in winter?
- What can you play on winter walk? slide 3
- Guys, look who appeared on the slide? slide 4
This is not a simple bunny, but a magical one, and he calls you and me to his fairy forest. Do you want to get there?
To be in the forest, we will now say the magic words:
Close your eyes and turn around in the magical forest!
The screen turns off, appears soft toy Hare
Look, now the bunny is with us. But for some reason he is sad. Let's find out what happened?
He says that his bunny friends early in the morning, while the bunny was still sleeping under its bush, ran away to another clearing to look for food. They left an envelope with a note for our bunny telling us how to find them. This note is not simple, but encrypted, in order to find a clearing with bunnies, you need to solve several tasks. And the bunny does not know how to solve these tasks.
Let's help the bunny find his friends? Consent of children
Educator: then take a seat at the tables. Now we will open the envelope and see what the first task awaits us on the way to the bunnies.
1 Task: guys, in pairs, you will lay out numbers from 1 to 5 in ascending order. The numbers are laid out from left to right. You will lay out on the table, and we are on the board with the bunny. Then we will check how you coped with this task.
- What will be the first number? What is the last one?
Educator: And now the bunny invites you and me to stretch our fingers to make it easier to cope with the second task: (musical accompaniment)
The bunnies went out into the meadow
The bunnies stood in a circle
One, two, three, four, five
They began to knock with their paws (2 times)
Educator: now we have stretched our fingers and we can move on to the second task from the envelope.
2 Task: In front of you are boxes with counting sticks. Each of you will count yourself 5 counting sticks.
- Now the Bunny will guess the number, and you each count and put the same number of sticks on your table.
- Everyone counted the sticks correctly!
- Now we need to make geometric shapes from sticks, which we all know. Let's repeat them first, shall we? (Square, rectangle, rhombus, triangle). And what geometric shapes can you and I not be able to make from counting sticks? (circle, oval)
- first we need to build a triangle
How many sticks do we need? Why?
How many sticks are left?
- Guys, who among you knows objects similar to the geometric shape of a triangle?
- Now guess the riddle. Will these sticks make one square?
How many sticks did you need to make a square? Why?
How many sticks are left? (one)
- Let's count! (4)
- Guys, how many of you know objects similar to the geometric shape of a square? (cube, socket, pillow)
- And now another mystery. Can we make a rhombus out of our sticks?
How many sticks did you need? How much is left over?
- And how to get 2 triangles from a rhombus? Do it!
- How many sticks did we need for this? - correct 5
Educator: Well done guys and coped with this task.
Educator: Here We are with you and ended up in a magical clearing where the hares galloped away, but they all hid well so that neither the wolf, nor the fox, nor the hunter would find them. To find the friends of the hare, you and I need to solve the last task - to remove the spell from this magical meadow. I will read you a riddle, and you will answer me in chorus, if you answer correctly, then we can find all the bunnies. Well, shall we begin?
Once a hare ran along the plains, which means that the hare was alone.
A hare ran up to him, then there were only two hares.
Another one sat down to them, look. Now there are three hares.
A new hare rushes: "The path is wider for me." And now there are four of them.
Here one runs again, now there are five hares.
Educator: Well done guys disenchanted this clearing and were able to find all the bunnies. But look, our bunnies couldn’t find food for themselves and got hungry, let’s treat them to something that bunnies love? Carrot
- let's count how many bunnies in total?
- I have a basket with me. Let's calculate if there are enough carrots in it for all the rabbits? (Recount. 4 carrots.).
- What needs to be done to find out if there is enough carrot for all the hares?
(One of the children distributes carrots to bunnies).
- Are the rabbits equally divided in carrots?
- Which is more, five hares or 4 carrots? (5 bunnies more than 4 carrots). What is less? (4 carrots are less than 5 rabbits).
- How to make carrots and rabbits become equal?
We discuss two ways to equalize items, by adding or subtracting one item. One child calls in one way (removes the bunny), the other brings another carrot (adds a carrot).
- And now all the hares had enough carrots?
Children treat bunnies with carrots
Educator: bunnies invite you and me to their clearing (Slide 5) look our bunny also ended up with friends in the clearing (toy disappears)
caregiver: now the bunny thanks you guys for your help and invites you to play with him. (Slide 6)
Children become in a circle. Performing movements with speech accompaniment:
Physical education "Hares"(to the music)
Jumping, jumping in the woods (jumping in place)
Hares are gray balls. (hands near the chest, like paws of hares, jumping)
Jump - jump, jump - jump (jumps back and forth, back and forth)
The hare stood on a stump. (stand up straight, hands on waist)
They built everyone in order, (turned the torso to the right, right hand to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)
Began to show charging.
Once! Everyone walks in place. (steps in place)
Two! Hands wave together, (hands in front of you, scissors movement)
Three! Sit down, stand up together. (sit down, get up)
Everyone scratched behind the ear. (scratch behind ear)
On the "four" stretched. (arms up, then on the belt)
Five! Bent over and bent over. (bend over, lean forward)
Everyone stood in a row again, (stand up straight, lower your hands)
They marched like a squad. (steps in place)
Educator: the bunnies say goodbye to us, and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's say our magic words again. Screen goes blank
Close your eyes and turn around kindergarten turn out!
Educator: Guys, let's remember who we helped today? (To Bunnies) How did we help them? (fed and counting carrots)
- Did you like it?
- Well done!

Presentation on the topic: Funny bunnies

Program content

Learn to compare adjacent numbers within 5 and understand the relationship between them, correctly answer the questions “How much?”, “Which number is greater?”, “Which number is less?”, “How much is the number ... more than the number ...” , "How much is the number ... less than the number ...".

Get to know number 4.

Continue to learn to determine the direction of movement, using signs - indicators of the direction of movement.

Strengthen the ability to sequentially name the days of the week.

Didactic visual material

Demo Material. Typesetting canvas with 5 stripes, 15 squares of one color, 4 squares of another color, nesting doll, 2 sets of number cards with the image from 1 to 7 circles in two colors, a route plan indicating landmarks and directions of movement, cards with numbers from 1 to 4, toys : hare, squirrel, fox, bear cub.

Handout. Five stripe cards, rectangles of the same color (15 pieces for each child), cards with numbers from 1 to 4.


I part. game exercise"Building a ladder"

Squares of the same color (from one to five) are laid out on a typesetting canvas on 5 strips.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the top strip and clarifies: “How many squares are on the first strip? How many squares are on the second strip? Which number is greater: two or one? Which number is smaller: one or two? How much more is two than one? How much is one less than two?

As the relationship between adjacent numbers is clarified, the teacher replaces the last square on each strip with a square of a different color (so that it can be seen that the next number has increased by one).

The teacher, together with the children, leads the nesting doll up the stairs and counts: “One, one and one - two, two and one - three ... What do we do when we count from one to five?” (Each time we add one more to the number.)

II part. Working with handouts.

Children count 5 rectangles of the same color on the top strip of a five-strip card, 4 rectangles on the second strip, 3 rectangles on the third, etc.

Then the teacher asks: “Which number is greater: five or four? Which number is smaller: four or five? How much more is five than four? How much is four less than five?

Children compare the numbers 4 and 3, 3 and 2, 2 and 1 and clarify the relationship of adjacent numbers.

Then the children take the matryoshka up the stairs from top to bottom and count backwards, starting from 5. “What did we do when we counted from five to one?” (Each time one was taken away from the named number.)

III part. Mobile game "Days of the week, line up."

The teacher makes riddles about the days of the week and invites the children to find cards with so many circles that shows the sequence of the days of the week:

First day of the big week

Labor day, not a bum,

What is the name ... (Monday).

The mustachioed janitor shouted:

“Second day of the week (Tuesday)!”

The third day is not nonsense,

What is his name... (Wednesday).

The fourth day laziness rejected,

What is his name ... (Thursday).

Fifth day - neat,

What is the name ... (Friday).

Day six - end of work,

What is his name ... (Saturday).

And the seventh day is fun for everyone,

What is the name ... (Sunday).

As the riddles are guessed, the corresponding cards with circles are posted on the board. Children repeat the names of the days of the week.

The group is divided into subgroups of seven people. Each subgroup takes cards with circles of a certain color.

Children move in a circle to the music, at the end of which each subgroup makes up its own week, starting from Monday and ending on Sunday. Then, by roll call, the correctness of the task is checked.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with the change of cards.

IV part. Game exercise "Gathering guests for the holiday."

The hare counts the guests and asks the children to help indicate how many there are. The hare meets the fox and clarifies: “How many guests have come? What digit can represent the number one?

The called child puts the number on the board, the children find it in their place and put it on the table.

A hare meets a bear cub, then a squirrel. Each time, the children determine the number of guests, indicate the resulting number with a number and lay it out on the board and on their tables in order.

The hare invites the animals to a round dance and invites the children to count how many guests there are.

The teacher puts the guests in a row and asks: “How many guests are there?” Shows the number 4, which can represent the number 4, and specifies what it looks like.

Children find a card with the number 4, put it in a row with other numbers and call them in order (1, 2, 3, 4).

The guests give the children assignments: “Show with a number how many legs are on the table (how many corners are on the square, how many corners are on the pillow, how many legs are on the hare)?”

Children show the number 4 and explain why they showed this number.

V part. Didactic game"Let's help the bunny find its mother."

Children consider a plan on which landmarks and direction of movement are indicated. Then they tell the bunny how to get to the mother, naming the landmarks and the direction of movement.

Abstract of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers in the 2nd junior group.

Topic: “Counting within 5.

Comparison of 2 groups of objects ”(fixing).

Triune task;

Learning tasks:- fix the score within 5, calling the numbers according to

order, keep score from left to right and vice versa;

To learn to compare one group of objects with another, to distinguish between equality and inequality of objects, using

the words: equally, as much as.

Development tasks:- develop logical thinking, attention, memory,

eye gauge;

Continue to train and distinguish between the right and left hands.

educators: - develop the ability to work independently;

Learn to perform the task joyfully;

Instill a love for fairy tales.

Equipment: 2 easels (magnetic boards), a marker, flat images of flowers.

Demonstration material: planar figurines of a bun and wild

animals, flat figures of gnomes and kittens, Christmas trees, berries, mushrooms, paths.

Handout: typesetting canvas, pencil cases with geometric shapes,

individual cards, pencils.

Course progress.

I. Introductory part.

Org. moment.

Guys, today the gingerbread man was rolling through the forest and suddenly he saw that a hare, a wolf, a bear and a fox were chasing him. They wanted to catch the kolobok and eat it. But the gingerbread man turned out to be faster than them, and he ran away from them. And the bun turned out to be in our group, he came to our lesson in mathematics. Let's make him happy, show him what we can do.

II. Main part.

1) Frontal work with demonstration material.

Look, guys, at the board, on it we see gnomes and kittens, whom the gingerbread man met in the forest. But he could not count them, let's help the kolobok to count them and compare.

(on the board there are 5 gnomes and 4 kittens under each other, the children count and put the kittens on the gnomes).

Equally them? Who more? Who is less? How much?

How to make them equal? (you need “+” 1 kitten or “-” 1 dwarf).

How many kittens have become ?, gnomes?

(there are as many kittens as there are gnomes, i.e. equally).

2) Individual work with pencil cases. (I leave 3 gnomes and 2 kittens on the board).

Guys, count how many gnomes and kittens we have left.

We lay out the figures of glory to the right with our right hand on the typesetting canvas. Exercise; - Put as many circles on the top strip as

we have gnomes.

Under them put as many squares as we have kittens. – What more? What is less? How much? How to make circles and squares equal?


Guys, the gingerbread man is tired of sitting with us, let's have a rest with him. 1-2-3-4-5 - stomp your feet,

1-2-3-4-5 - clap your hands,

1-2-3-4-5 - we are doing again, (on the board we count the bun and animals)

3) Work with demonstration material.

And also, when the gingerbread man was running away from the animals, he saw 3 paths.

On the first path, 3 mushrooms grew, on the second - 1 Christmas tree, on the third - 2 berries (they count).

We need to put as many points near each path as there are objects on it (if 1, then we put one point).

Task: Work with individual cards.

Now take a card and hold it with your left hand, and take a pencil in your right hand.

Put as many dots near each rectangle as there are animals in it.


III. Final part.

Summary of the lesson.

So our lesson ended, in which we counted to 5, compared objects, worked with pencil cases and cards.

All the guys tried to please the bun, and our bun began to smile.

When the gingerbread man rolled through the forest, he collected flowers for you, which I will now distribute to you.

“Mathematics already then needs to be taught, that it puts the mind in order,” everyone knows this statement of Lomonosov. In life, mathematics helps a person to solve various kinds of problems, to see the future, to plan his actions. Psychologists confirm that teaching children to count improves the work of all mental processes, forms logical thinking and intelligence. Children who can operate with numbers and mathematical concepts are doing well at school in all subjects. Therefore, as soon as the baby grows up, caring parents immediately begin to teach him to count. However, teaching children at home requires a special organization. It's important to know, when and how correctly develop elementary mathematical concepts. According to experts, the age of 2-3 years is considered the best period to start learning. This is due to the fact that kids already have experience in knowing the world around them, understanding adult speech, the ability to visualize objects and associate mathematical concepts with them, for example: how many, one - many, more - less, equally. To the questions of parents, where to start teaching the baby, there is only one answer: we learn to count from 1 to 5.

Item count within 5

The main thing is that when teaching children to count within 5, adhere to the basic rules, then the work on developing elementary mathematical concepts will go much easier and faster. So how do you teach a child to count?

We comply with the principles of training

Adults should understand that young children do not always manage to quickly master new knowledge. So that the kids do not lose interest in classes due to the complexity of the material, training should go:

  • from simple to complex;
  • gradually and in stages;
  • the duration of classes at the initial stage does not exceed 10 minutes;
  • no need to load the child with unnecessary information;
  • knowledge needs to be constantly updated.

The program of home learning for counting within 5 consists of the following steps:

  1. Compiling the number of items within 5 and counting them in forward and reverse order (first from 1 to 5, then from 5 to 1).
  2. quantitative (question: how many items?) and ordinal (question: which one counts?) score within 5.
  3. Correlation of number and number: we connect the auditory perception of the number with its designation (writing).

Preparing for a meaningful perception of mathematical knowledge

Teachers say that even the most Small child can easily count objects: one, two, three, etc. This reassures parents, they think that their baby can count. However, often the baby simply repeats after the adult and mechanically remembers the name of the numerals. Once in other conditions, he can simply confuse them. Parents will understand whether their baby is thinking meaningfully if they change the conditions, for example, make up the number of different toys, mix them with household items, count drawn objects, counting sticks. For the accuracy of perception and meaningfulness of the count, you need to teach the child to act correctly: to count objects, touching them with your hand, from left to right. When naming the last numeral, ask how many items are in total.

Do not forget! The numeral "one" cannot be replaced by the word "one"!

Count forward and backward

When teaching a child to count, it is important to show him what can be counted forward and backward. Experts say that such skills are necessary for further, more complex, actions with numbers, for example, learning to subtract. Simple games will help teach kids countdown within 5, for example: lay out a ladder from cubes, along which toys walk up and down counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Or play game "What has changed?" (an adult makes up the number of 5 small items, the baby counts them, concludes: there are only 5 toys. Then he closes his eyes, and the adult removes the toy, the child counts and concludes: there are 4 toys in total, etc.).

Learn to count

After the baby learns a quantitative account, it is necessary to move on to the ordinal one. With such an account, each item receives its own serial number: first, second ... You can only count in order from left to right. Useful for reinforcing ordinal counting skills finger games, for example, bending your fingers, count with your child:

"The first finger is the largest, the index finger is the second, the third finger is the middle one, and the fourth is the ring finger, the fifth finger is our favorite, and his name is little finger!"

Or "The first finger is grandfather, the second finger is grandmother, the third finger is daddy, the fourth finger is mommy, the fifth finger is our baby and his name is (child's name)."

The game "What toy is gone?" will be useful. (each item is assigned a serial number: the first is a bear, the second is a ball, the third is an elephant, the fourth is a cube, the fifth is a house. Then the child closes his eyes, the adult hides one of the toys and asks which item is gone).

We connect the number and the corresponding figure

Children can learn to quickly match numbers and numbers. Proper training is important, in which the best technique is when the baby is taught the numerals and the corresponding numbers constantly, in everyday situations. For example, at home they count and number the books, putting them in order; count the steps indicated by numbers; pigeons on the playground, trees in the park. Useful to create for a child problem situation, specifically skipping some numeral, for example: "Let's collect the leaves for the bouquet, the first leaf, the second, ... the fourth. Right?" At the same time, pay attention that the number can be written down, look for numbers in the surrounding objects: in books, house numbers, bus numbers.

Children's games, rhymes, counting rhymes will help to meaningfully remember the number and connect it with the number. For example, to the words of S. Marshak: "Here is one or one, very thin, like a knitting needle. But this is the number two. Admire what it is like: the deuce arches its neck, the tail drags behind it ..." an adult lays out numbers from improvised material or draws their. You can draw in numbers the names of the kittens in S. Mikhalkov's counting rhyme: "We decided, we wondered: what should we name the kittens? Finally, we named them: One, Two, Three, Four, Five." Or give the guys pictures with numbers and play: "We will run and play, I decided to count you: one, two, three, four, five ...".

Learning to act with numbers

Memorizing numbers will go much faster if the preschooler learns to actively act with them, for example, to add. With kids 2-3 years old, they move on to adding numbers only when they master a meaningful account. Don't worry if your three-year-old doesn't understand addition yet. This skill requires knowledge of the composition of the number, it can be formed later, by the age of four, which is also the norm. In order for the child to understand the composition of the number, counting sticks are used as a simulator: "Put one stick on the left and two on the right, how many in total? What number did you get?"

Teach kids to count up to 5 in games

So educational requirements answers . Didactic (educational) games are especially successful in mastering and consolidating mathematical knowledge, for example, by the type of lotto, dominoes, and puzzles familiar to everyone. To consolidate new material, verbal and moving, plot and creative games are useful, which can be a good help for parents to exercise their child in counting.

Finger games for the little ones

For the smallest children, finger games are suitable, which will serve not only as gymnastics for the small muscles of the hand, but also as a counting simulator from 1 to 5. An adult offers the crumbs to work with their fingers to the rhythm of the verse: squeeze and unclench, bend and count alternately. Do not forget that we play with fingers and learn to count to 5 together with the baby. Interesting games with fingers will take place if you draw caps with funny faces for each finger or use a finger theater.

"Five fingers"

There are five fingers on my hand
Five graspers, five holders.
To plan and to saw,
To take and to give.
They are not difficult to count:
One two three four five!

"Counting fingers"

Math counting games

Any game can be math lesson for preschoolers, the main thing is to comply with the necessary requirements. Such an activity will help the children practice quantitative and ordinal counting, get acquainted with numbers, mathematical concepts (one - many, more - less), actively work with numbers.

"Our Helper"

Plot actions allow the child to feel his importance in the family, enrich emotionally, and at the same time strengthen the skills of quantitative counting. The child, at the request of the mother, counts and lays out the required number of cutlery for dinner. You can ask him to bring two cucumbers, three tomatoes, one pepper for salad.

"Make a Figure"

The task is used as a simulator for development fine motor skills, accounts within 5, fixing numbers, names of geometric shapes. An adult prepares in advance several colored geometric shapes (square, circle), which are cut into 5 parts. Each part is marked with a corresponding number. The preschooler must pick up the pieces and count their number for each figure. For a change, we can offer a competition "Who will collect the figure faster!" Be sure to give the opportunity to win the baby and encourage him.

"Kids are pencils"

Preschoolers get acquainted with the composition of the number of units, repeat the quantitative account. Colored pencils are required for the lesson. The adult takes out a blue pencil, clarifies that there is only one object, then another pencil, yellow color: the number 2 consists of two pencils (units). Gradually, other pencils are added to similarly introduce the composition of subsequent numbers. At the end of the lesson, to maintain interest, an adult reads poetry based on the work of A. Stepanov, and the child draws a picture:

Babies are in a box
Babies are pencils.
One two three four five,
We start drawing.
Red, yellow, blue...
Choose any one.
Draw a beautiful house
We will live with you in it.
And above the house draw the sun,
To shine in the window for us.
And there are clouds in the sky
They run to us from afar.
And below the stream, grass,
And the leaves on the tree.

"Draw a Number"

The task introduces preschoolers to the composition of the number, helps to correlate the number and figure, exercises in quantitative counting. An adult offers the child to "draw" a number from any objects: pencils, small toys, counting sticks, then count the number of objects.


V story game the account is worked out from 1 to 5 and the ordinal is fixed. It's good to have the whole family playing. If this is not possible, large toys are used: bears, dolls, elephants. An adult puts the chairs in a "train", the baby seats the toys in order. You can ask if there is enough space for all passengers. The child counts chairs, toys. Then, to a cheerful song from the cartoon, the train sets off. The plot of the game may be as follows: "Toys go on a journey. Count them and put them in order: first, second, third, fourth, fifth". You can diversify the action by fixing pictures with numbers on the chairs.

"Math puzzles"

The game develops memory, attention, spatial thinking, trains in memorizing numbers. Prepare material for board game very simple by ourselves: pictures with a large image are selected, for example, vegetables, fruits, household items, houses. Pictures are cut into five parts, and each part is indicated by a number. The child must collect the picture in accordance with the number series. In this game, it is useful to learn how to name "neighbors" of numbers (2 have "neighbors" 1 and 3).

Children will quickly and easily learn to count if adults constantly exercise them!