
Reminders for Children's Day. Memo for parents "June 1 - Children's Day". The purpose of Children's Day is to give children protection


Julia Trishina

Entertainment with parents on the topic

Program content:

child protection”; to form the foundations of social and legal consciousness; consolidate knowledge of the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on Human Rights; create a joyful mood for children and parents

Targets and goals:

OO "Knowledge" give to children preschool age elementary knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Day child protection. Form the foundations of social and legal consciousness. To consolidate knowledge of the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on Human Rights.

OO "Safety" Formation of ideas about dangerous situations for a person at a time entertainment and ways of behaving in them.

OO "Communication" Development communicative behavior children. Formation of partnership and mutual understanding between all participants of the event. Formation children feeling of respect for oneself, for each other and for one's own parents. Foster a culture of communication

OO "Socialization". Continue to work on the formation of partnerships and mutual understanding between all participants of the event children use familiar movements in the suggested game situations to create conditions for independent activity.

OO "Music" Maximum engagement children in musical creative activity; To form the ability to improvise dance movements to the music, in accordance with the acquired skills;

OO « Artistic creativity» To form a desire to show creative initiative, providing equal opportunities for this to all children. To form a moral and aesthetic taste, visual and auditory attention, creative imagination, sense of rhythm, curiosity

OO "Health" Strengthen mental, physical and emotional health children using various educational tools. Create a joyful mood for children and parents, friendly atmosphere, favorable climate.

OO "Reading fiction» To consolidate knowledge in poems and stories of knowledge about the holiday 1 June about the rights of the child. Enrich vocabulary, activate speech children(Convection, Declaration, right on the: rest, study, safety, treatment, name, family).

preliminary work: conversations, reading and looking at photographs and illustrations on topics "My family", "My land is my home", "I have a right", "My health" S. Mikhalkov "What about you", Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad",A. Barto "I am growing", E. Uspensky "You and Your Name", didactic games "Say kindly", "Call it sweetly", "Seasons", "The land where I live" other, role-playing games "Kindergarten", "School", "Hospital"

Material: Clown costume, pre-inflated balloons, crayons, hoop, soundtrack by M. Tanich "Balloons", poem by E. Khandyukov "We draw on asphalt", musical record with children's cheerful children's songs. Box - surprise with treats (candy), "Flower - seven-flower" on which the rights of the child are marked, flags cut out of paper 1 June, flowers, birds, smiles, the sun, threads, a magician's box, the text of the letter on the postcard,

Location: While walking on the site.

Members: teachers, parents and children

move joint activities during fun with kids and parents. (The holiday is held on the street, children and parents go for a walk in the field. The site is festively decorated with balloons and flags)

Host - Hello, dear guys and parents! I'm glad to see you. How many bright and happy smiles, how elegant and beautiful everything is! Today is the first summer day - June 1, holiday of all children on our earth.

(To the music of M. Tanich. "Balloons" "arrives on balloons» clown)

Clown - Oh - oh - oh! Landed! But where did I get to? To the circus?

Host - No, kindergarten.

Children: Yes….

Clown - (surprised). To a kindergarten (looks around). Oh yes, Kindergarten! That's great!

I love kids, because you can play with them, joke! Ouch! yes here in kindergarten and there are adults. And what, they also go to kindergarten? Guys this is yours. parents?

Clown - Hello, dear children and adults, my name is Klepa. What is your holiday here today? Do you even know what holiday is today?

Children and parents - yes! Children Protection Day!

Clown - And this is such a holiday, Children Protection Day? And what is a holiday anyway?

Children and parents: It's fun, music, gifts, good mood.

Host - Klepa, today we all have fun party dedicated to the first day of the warmest, brightest, most colorful season - summer. one June. This day declared worldwide as Day child protection. This is a big, very joyful and at the same time, serious holiday. Each person has his own rights, and the most important human right is the right to life. All rights are spelled out in the Declaration of Human Rights, this is such a statement about human rights. All countries and our Russia have signed a settlement agreement. This document is called the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which obliges everyone to take care of their little citizens. And all this is noted in the Constitution - in the treaty on protection of the rights of the child. Klepa, our kindergarten always celebrates this holiday. And today we will sing, play and just have fun.

Clown But I have never heard of such a holiday. New Year I know March 8 birthday - I know, but about 1 June I don't know. And in general Should children be protected??

Children and parents - must!

Presenter - Guys, look, I have a seven-color flower, each leaf means the right of the child

Clown - Yep! Let's check if the children in your kindergarten know their rights. I'll tear off a piece of paper, and you guys tell me my rights.

(The game « Flower - seven-flower» . The clown tears off the petal, and the children call it right) Presenter - Well done, they called everything correctly. Guys, look at my flag in my hands international day child protection. On its green background, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness and fertility, in the center there is a sign that means the symbol of our common home - the planet Earth, and stylized figures are placed around it

(red, yellow, blue, white and black)- these human figures symbolize diversity and tolerance. Clown - Guys, I just composed something, now I will read it to you. You know what rap is and I think you can help me. Repeat after me

(The clown reads, the children sing along to him)

Adults and children know, well, I found out. Hooray!

That everyone in the world has legal rights.

And it doesn't matter where you live, who is richer, who is poorer and what color your skin is

- You have the right, as well as each of the people

Every child has the right to be treated in a hospital if he is ill,

The right to food, to education, the right to attention,

To the place of residence, the right has a beautiful name,

For joy, for happiness, for a happy childhood.

Host - All is well. But besides the rights children there are other responsibilities. And they must not be forgotten.

Clown - Yes? What are responsibilities? And why are they needed at all?

Host - Responsibilities are what children should do. Children must obey adults. Children should learn, clean up toys, be polite and cultured, help adults and younger children.

Clown:- Clear. Guys, now we will all be very cultured and polite, I will teach you. To do this, I want to say the word again "Hello". Say this amazing word to moms, dads, relatives, friends and passers-by more often. And you will feel how their mood rises. The point is that the word "Hello" special. When we pronounce it, we not only greet someone, but also wish him good health.

Hello! you tell the person.

Hello! he smiles back.

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,

And will be healthy for many years!

Clown: And what other words can you greet each other and wish good?

Children: Kind day! Hey!

Clown: Kind day! - you were told.

kind day! – you answered.

Two strings tied you

Warmth and kindness.

Let's feel the warmth of each other, hold hands, close your eyes and imagine how the warmth spreads throughout the body! And now we will open our eyes and try to convey our warmth to others by touching our palms, stroking our hands.

(Parents and children do the taskClown: Guys, do you know how they greet each other in other countries? Now I will tell you and show you, and you do as I will show, and you repeat, turning to your neighbor.

(The clown shows movements, and the children parents repeat)

In Russia, when they greet each other, they shake hands...

In China, they bow to each other ....

In Tibet, they put the left hand behind the ear and at the same time stick out the tongue ...

In a number of Indian tribes they simply squat ....

In Egypt, put the palm to the forehead ....

In New Zealand - they rub their noses ....

And in the Caucasus they hug and lightly pat on the back. You can hug. Let this warmth stay with you forever.

Clown: How good! Let's all have some fun and play together. By the way, do you like to play?

Children: Yes! Like very much!.

Clown - Well then show me how you know how to have fun

(The game "How are you?" The clown reads the text, and the children and parents motions show what the text is talking about.)

How is it going? - Like this! (exhibit thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

(The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.)

Clown - Well done. I'll tell you now how I spent my day. I will tell you, you will answer me "We, too!"

(A game is being played. The game is played with an increase in pace. The clown tells, the children add the glory "We too)

Clown Kids and parents

I got up so early yesterday! (We, too!)

Went to charge... (We, too!)

Ate breakfast and lunch... (We, too!)

I ate about 20 pieces of cutlets .... (We, too)

I ran to the circus... …. (We, too)

There I began to look at animals ... .... (We, too)

I saw a baby elephant at the circus... …. (We, too)

He looks like a pig... (We, too)

Host - Klepa, what are you doing? Is our children will be able to eat 20 cutlets, and that the guys do they look like pigs? You probably already forgot that

you can’t offend guys, but you need to protect.

Clown - Excuse me, please, I won't do it again!

Host - Forgive him, guys?

Clown - We know that colorful children live on our planet

And this colorful planet for all time

All multi-colored have only one

Let's all together for the evil of all adversities

Let's hug the planet in a big round dance.

Leading - We call everyone to a round dance, to a multi-colored round dance,

Let the sun circle in the sky. Come out and dance folks!

(All children and parents dance"Round dance", transforming into "A train" to cheerful music)

Clown - Guys, I flew to you here on balloons. Let's play with them. Do you agree?

(The clown invites the children to play different games with balloons).

I have balloons, look, they fly!

We need and parents call with balloons to play.

(Balloon games)

1. Drive the ball into the hoop with a stick "

2."Collect the balls by color"

3."Who will collect the most bouquet of balloons"

4."Ball to Basket"

5."The Elusive Ball"

6 "Pass the Ball"

Clown: Well, well done! How smart, fast, funny you are. Guys, let's write a letter to adults now. I've prepared the text of the letter here, but I don't know what adjectives to enter there. Will you help me? You give me adjectives. By the way, you know that adjectives are words that answer a question. "what, what, what".

Children - Yes!

Clown - Well then, call me, and I will enter.

(Story game "Cheerful childhood" Pronounced adjectives are entered into the blank text, completing the text of the letter)

How good it is to be a child! No ___ worries or problems for you. ___ ___ mom wakes you up in the morning, feeds ___ breakfast and takes you to ___ kindergarten. And there ___ teachers, ___ friends, ___ toys and very ___ life are waiting for you. ___ holidays, ___ classes, ___ walks - there is no time to be bored! And at home ___ grandmother will treat ___ with a pie, ___ dad will let ___ knock on the table with a hammer, ___ mom will tell ___ a fairy tale at night. Everyone loves you, cherishes, cares, pampers with ___ gifts. And I want ___ childhood to never end!

Presenter - Klepa, let me read this letter (is reading) Interesting letter!

Clown - Right. This is a cheerful letter, about a cheerful childhood. But here's what I want to tell you dear adults.

You spare the soul of a child and take care of their eyes more

In vain do not reproach for a prank parent, no teacher

Let the childhood play enough, laugh, jump.

And remember" The best way do children good - make them happy!"

Clown - Guys, well, we wrote a letter, but can you draw?

Children - Yes ....

Clown - Dear guys, dear parents! Look at my crayons! There are many of them and they are the most different colors and shades. And now look around how beautiful it is, but here the asphalt under our feet is monophonic, gray. Let's dream up and make it beautiful, draw something interesting, maybe even magical and fabulous. draw our dreams, and how great it is to be a child. Let in your drawings will: happiness, sun, friendship, bright colors of summer.

Leading: And then we'll see what we got.

(Children with parents to the music they draw with multi-colored crayons on the pavement

The presenter at this time reads a poem by E. Khandyukov "We draw on asphalt")

Have fun with us, have fun, do not be bored.

With multi-colored crayons we draw on the asphalt!

Tin soldiers and learned cats

Cheburashki and pirates give Cinderella flowers.

A dandelion blooms on a wide sidewalk

And Gulliver and the Boy - with - a finger fly on a red ball.

Colored crayons can tell a lot…

We would like to paint a green ball with flowers.

(In custody parents, children and the clown look at the drawings, travel from one fairy tale to another, which they drew themselves)

Clown: Well, well done. What kind of artists are you? Look at the multi-colored asphalt we got. Can you sing loudly?

Children and parents - yes.

Clown: Let's remember what songs you know, and together we will try to perform them. The holiday will be more fun. Come on, sing all the friendly

.(Music, clown and parents

Clown: Dear guys, dear parents! And now, maybe we can all… dance together! And help us dance girl - Polina, she came to you for a holiday from school

.(Music, clown and parents sing along with the children various children's songs according to the phonogram)

Clown: Dear guys, dear parents! And now, maybe we can all… dance together! And the girl Polina will help us dance, she came to you for a holiday from school.

(Music sounds, clown and parents dancing with children

Clown - Guys and you adults! Oh, how I feel sorry and insulting that

you have to say goodbye. After all, I stayed with you anyway, and they are waiting for me at the circus, at the performance the same guys and adults. And in parting, I'll show you the trick. Repeat after me the magic words - . Let these magic words be the motto of all children. Do you agree? What I want more than anything is for the world to be at peace And that brings everyone together "Health! Joy! Laughter, smile and success!”

.(Children and parents repeat words, and the clown at this time pulls out their boxes for tricks paper-cut flags 1 June, flowers, birds, smiles, sunshine, games "bubble")

Host - Guys and respected parents, Klepa and I invite you to let other people know about our holiday, release our balloons into the sky and release many, many soap bubbles. But first, adults will help you tie paper-cut flags to your balloons 1 June, flowers, birds, smiles, the sun that Klepa pulled out for us.

Clown - You are only mine, please do not touch, otherwise I will not be able to fly further to the circus. ( Parents tie paper-cut flags 1 June, flowers, birds, smiles, the sun and children release them together with soap bubbles into the sky)

Clown: Thank you my friends, you need to hurry to other guys.

I will return to you, we will sing and dance and we will have fun again

Guys, goodbye small exchange: me mine Balloons and you candy.

(The clown pulls out a box - a surprise with treats and treats all the participants to them, then says goodbye to them and promises to come visit)

Clown: Hello everyone, and I have to go. Goodbye adults and kids!

("Flies away" on balloons. Children and parents say goodbye to him)

Presenter - Dear guys and you, dear parents, so our guest flew away. And we will also say goodbye. Goodbye! See you tomorrow. Come! We will be waiting for you.

If only SUMMER didn't go away...
If only SUMMER would not disappear ...
If only SUMMER was and was -
No matter how much...
All of it is not enough...

Many people remember that genuine feeling of truly childish happiness - the beginning of the long-awaited vacation, Children's Day, drawings with crayons on the pavement. Who should protect whom and from whom - it was completely incomprehensible then for us, the children, and the current younger generation is hardly worried. But the holiday feeling is definitely the most all-encompassing! Blue sky, hot summer sun, carefree noisy little people drawing colored clouds and houses with crayons.

Children's Day, falling on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays It has been celebrated all over the world since 1950.
The decision to hold it was taken by the Women's International Democratic Federation at a special session in November 1949. The UN supported this initiative and declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of the priorities of its activities.

International Children's Day is, first of all, a reminder to adults of the need to respect the rights of children to life, to freedom of opinion and religion, to education, recreation and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from the exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for the formation of a humane and just society.
Children's Day is always celebrated with various events, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the situation of children around the world. In 1959, the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which included articles calling on parents, state bodies, local authorities and governments, non-governmental organizations to recognize the rights and freedoms of children set forth in them and strive to respect them. The Declaration was only advisory in nature and had no binding force. Other laws were required, and on November 20, 1989, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was signed by 61 countries. On July 13, 1990, the Convention was ratified by the USSR.
The rights of children in Russia are protected by the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation» dated July 24, 1998. The law establishes the basic guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in order to create legal, socio-economic conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of the child.
The state recognizes childhood as an important stage in a person's life and proceeds from the principles of prioritizing the preparation of children for a full life in society, the development of socially significant and creative activity in them, the education in them of high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship.
Children who often “fall out of sight” of the authorities and society as a whole need special attention: children in crisis, children living with HIV, “street children”, children of migrants and others.
One of the most pressing problems in Russia is the situation of disabled children and their families. Today there are more than 600,000 children in the country with the status of "disabled".
So Children's Day should be appreciated as a holiday that helps social development children, physical and mental.

Information from the site

Children's Day Information Blog Children's Day, which falls on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays, celebrated all over the world since 1950. The decision to hold it was taken by the Women's International Democratic Federation at a special session in November 1949. The UN supported this initiative and declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of the priorities of its activities. International Children's Day is, first of all, a reminder to adults of the need to respect the rights of children to life, to freedom of opinion and religion, to education, recreation and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from the exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for the formation of a humane and just society. Children's Day is always celebrated with various events, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the situation of children around the world. In 1959, the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which included articles calling on parents, state bodies, local authorities and governments, non-governmental organizations to recognize the rights and freedoms of children set forth in them and strive to respect them. The Declaration was only advisory in nature and had no binding force. Other laws were required, and on November 20, 1989, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was signed by 61 countries. On July 13, 1990, the Convention was ratified by the USSR. The rights of children in Russia are protected by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 1998. The law establishes the basic guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in order to create legal, socio-economic conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of the child. The state recognizes childhood as an important stage in a person's life and proceeds from the principles of prioritizing the preparation of children for a full life in society, the development of socially significant and creative activity in them, the education in them of high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship. Children who often “fall out of sight” of the authorities and society as a whole need special attention: children in crisis, children living with HIV, “street children”, children of migrants and others. One of the most pressing problems in Russia is the situation of disabled children and their families. Today there are more than 600,000 children in the country with the status of "disabled". So Children's Day should be valued as a holiday that helps the social development of children, physical and mental. Educator: Mkhitaryan T.A.

There are a lot of countries in the world, everyone knows this.

Who, tell me, is the most important in these countries?

Do not rush, do not try to give an answer at one moment.

There are many main ones - choose

There is the King, here is the President!!!

About the Kings and about the Leaders we know from the cradle.

But the main thing, more important, more important for the country is a CHILD!

What will he become tomorrow, small and tender?

All the Earth's rights are his - the right to hope!

“The children of the world are innocent, vulnerable and dependent,” states the World Declaration for the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. In accordance with this provision, the international community for the protection of the rights of the child has adopted important documents designed to ensure the protection of the rights of the child throughout the world.

Normative basis for the protection of children's rights

The main UNICEF international documents related to children's rights include:

– Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959)

– UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

– World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990)

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is the first international document. The 10 principles set out in the Declaration proclaim the rights of children: to a name, citizenship, love, understanding, material security, social protection and providing the opportunity to be educated, to develop physically, morally and spiritually in conditions of freedom and dignity.

Particular attention in the Declaration is given to the protection of the child. Based on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, an international document was developed - the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Convention recognizes that every child, regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, has the legal right to:

- for education;

- for development;

- for protection;

- Active participation in the life of society.

Children's Day has been celebrated since Soviet Union, but still parents are lost at his approach. The choice of the place and format for holding this holiday falls entirely on their shoulders, and they are not always ready for such a responsibility, because on this day the child should receive maximum pleasure and pleasure.

How can you celebrate Children's Day?

* Congratulate your child. A holiday without a gift for children of any age seems unreal. Let your child on this day ask you for a gift that he has long dreamed of receiving.

* The easiest option is to go with your child to city events organized by the authorities on the occasion of the holiday. City parks, squares, the main square - usually these are the places chosen for festive concerts, competitions, organized fun and entertainment for children and their parents. So feel free to head to one of them and trust entertainment program organizers of the holiday, among which there are usually teachers from children's centers.

* Visit shopping malls. Major entertainment centers every year organize an interesting program for the perpetrators of the holiday. You don't have to invite clowns on your own, pay for life-size puppets and invent entertainment - the administration of the center will do it for you. Your child can take part in fun competitions and get prizes for them, watch a play or other performance. If all this does not inspire him, you can always go to the gaming area and play his favorite slots.

* Take your child to a theater performance. kind and instructive tale with beautiful characters great alternative familiar cartoons from the TV screen.

* You can also visit children's attractions, a dolphinarium, a water park and plunge into the world of childhood with your child.

Whatever you choose, be sure to consult with your child!!! Offer him two or three options to choose from, make him feel like a full-fledged participant family life with the right to vote. After all, that is what the holiday is all about.

Our kindergarten will also host musical entertainment for Children's Day "Childhood Holiday", where children will be able to meet and play with various fairy-tale characters, participate in fun relay race games, dance, show ingenuity and curiosity in solving riddles.

Main tasks musical entertainment are:

To please, to amuse children;

Expand knowledge about the holiday - Children's Day;

To form the ability to guess riddles about summer;

develop attention, Creative skills, dexterity and speed, competitive interest, ability to act on a signal;

Bring up friendly relations between children, cohesion.

It is important that children grow up in an atmosphere of respect and do not suffer negative consequences.

In the weak hands of the kids - our future with you, our tomorrow.

Every year on the first day of summer, a big holiday is celebrated -International Children's Day.

This holiday is joyful and sad at the same time. It is wonderful that our children are happy, but it is sad that so many have to be protected and even saved from adult cruelty.


Children's Day.

It is believed that for the first time the holiday of the child was organized back in 1925 by the Chinese consul in the United States, in the city of San Francisco. He invited children of Chinese origin who had no parents to his Duan-wu-jie festival. They were fascinated by the presentation of dragon boats (this holiday is dedicated to them), received gifts and were happy. Similar holidays began to be held every year. Whether this event or something else served as the starting point for the announcementJune 1st - International Children's Day . The holiday was loudly spoken about in 1925 in Geneva, at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children.

Subsequently, the tragic war years in the history of not only Europe, but the whole world prevented this date from being celebrated. After the Second World War, in 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation was organized, it was held in Paris, and raised many social issues. And it was here that they remembered a good pre-war undertaking - the Children's Day. Since 1950, International Children's Day (in English - "International Children's Day") has been held all over the world.

Holiday traditions.

International Children's Day is not only fun, laughter, songs and entertainment. It is also an opportunity for adults to speak out loud about their desire and opportunities to do something good for those children who need to be protected.

On International Children's Day, representatives of most public organizations, enterprises that have the opportunity to help, try to visit orphanages, shelters and other state institutions for children left without parents.

Gifts, surprises, excursions to museums, children's theaters, circus, zoo; meetings with artists, singers and musicians on this day are able to distract the child from sad thoughts, at least for a while warm his soul, push back the feeling of uselessness in this world. Come to the nearest Orphanage with gifts, entertainment, an invitation to creativity, sports competitions any person can. And you! And this will also be a tribute to the holiday of protecting the child from the difficult circumstances of life.

similar holidays.

International Children's Day is not the only children's holiday on a global scale.20 November noteWorld Children's Day , aJune 16 - Africa Children's Day . Summer,July 25 , celebrated in the world and a date with a beautiful name -White Orchid Day . This is a holiday of embryologists, a day in honor of children who appeared "from a test tube", and is celebrated by the date of birth of the first such baby - Louise Brown, born on July 25, 1978.

In Russia, they recently began to celebrate another holiday -eighth of july , Day of Family, Love and Fidelity , which also directly relates to the happiness of the child - the key to a friendly and strong family.

VInternational Children's Dayit is customary to think about the instability in the world, and to show care and support to children who find themselves in a difficult situation by the will of fate or through the fault of adults.

The slogan of such meetings and actions should be the words "there are no foreign children »!