
Do-it-yourself kuvadka doll for children of the older group. Kuvadka - folk rag doll Little tricks in making Kuvadka

Pathology of the uterus

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The ancient Slavs bequeathed the customs of their ancestors strictly followed and passed them on to the next generations. Each significant event was accompanied by a special ritual, and the birth of a child was accompanied by a whole range of rituals. Important role the ritual doll Kuvadka played in them.

Old Slavic fairy tales did not immediately become fairy tales in the modern sense of the word. So the dolls were not toys at all at first. These were powerful amulets that were made for a variety of purposes. The amulet dolls were bequeathed to children and grandchildren or thrown into the fire, if required by the ritual. The history of the purpose of such dolls has not survived to this day, often in a distorted form. So, the meaning that the Slavs put into Kuvadka has now changed.

Kuvadka - rag slavic doll, former part ancient ritual

Kuvadka can also be called Kuvatka. The doll was once part of the Kuwada ritual. There are several versions of the origin of this name:

  • from the French word for "hatching eggs";
  • from the Slavic "kuvyakat" or "kubyakat", meaning "to cry".
  • In the ceremony, the main role was assigned to the father: he had to pretend that he was giving birth. This performance was intended for the evil spirits, which in this way were distracted from the woman in labor and the baby.

    The Kuvada rite was widespread: it was performed by the indigenous people of South and North America, the ancient Greeks, Basques, Celts and other peoples.

    Description of the rite of Kuwada

    For the ancient Slavs, the Kuvada rite was very significant, since the birth of a child seemed to be a great sacrament. At home, women did not give birth then - they were taken to the bathhouse, and the fathers were nearby: in the dressing room. Men were charged with the responsibility of protecting the mother and the child being born.

    This was done in the following way: the future parent sat on a wicker basket with chicken eggs and, when his wife began to have contractions, he began to moan and scream loudly.

    This imitation of real childbirth was necessary in order to lure evil spirits out of the bath.

    The newly born child was hidden in a closet. To completely confuse the evil spirits, some women immediately after giving birth put on men's pants and a shirt and did the housework. At this time, the father, dressed in a sundress, acted in the role of his wife, weakened after childbirth. Instead of a child, he clutched the Kuwadka doll to his chest.

    In ancient times, a man needed a basket of eggs to protect his wife during childbirth.

    When the spirits realized that the "young mother" was too tough for them, they began to attack a more defenseless victim: a baby. And since his role was played by Kuvadka, it was the doll that possessed the demons. The ceremony lasted until the baptism of the newborn, after which the doll was burned, thereby destroying ailments, damage, curses and envy. After that, the child's soul and body were safe.

    An odd number of Kuvadokas, made of variegated fabric, were hung over the cradle: usually three or five. The Slavs were wary of even numbers.

    The ceremony lasted until the end of the 19th century, after which it was forgotten. Kuvadki, however, survived, but now they were used differently: they were hung over the cradle after the baby was baptized. The dolls were no longer burned.

    Usage and properties

    Usually Kuvadka was done just before childbirth - two weeks before the due date - by the woman in labor herself or her mother. They invested in the amulet good wishes for a child and a piece of soul.

    Men were forbidden not only to make amulet dolls, but even to observe this process.

    After baptism, the baby was given new doll... She protected him from evil spirits and drove away bad dreams.

    When creating Kuvadok for boys, fabrics of blue, black, white and red are preferred. For girls - white, red, green and yellow.

    They made several amulets at once, built a garland out of them and hung them over the cradle. The kuvadka could also be used to protect the dwelling - in this case, it was placed on the supporting beam of the hut.

    The doll remains without a face, since our ancestors believed that if it looks like a person, then a demon will move into it. The "possessed" Kuvadka ceased to be a talisman and became a source of danger for the baby. Well, if Kuvadka doesn't have a face, then he won't see; no hands (it was about palms) - he will not grab, no legs - he will not catch up.

    A protective doll should be faceless

    As the child grew older, dolls served as toys for him. Kuvadki were made bright in order for the baby to develop color perception.

    DIY kuvadka

    There are several types of Kuvadka - appearance dolls changed depending on the region. Most often there are three options: Vyatka, Central Russian, Tula.

    The rules for making rag dolls-amulets are simple:

  • Never use artificial fabrics, only natural ones: linen, cotton, silk, wool. You can take scraps from things in which you are usually lucky.
  • Scissors with needles are also prohibited: the doll cannot be pricked or cut. Tear the material and threads with your hands.
  • The threads used during the work are pulled from the selected pieces of fabric or matched to the tone.
  • The edges remain unmembered.
  • Kuvadka is not humanized, and therefore remains without a face: do not draw eyes, nose and mouth.
  • The doll's height should not exceed eight centimeters.
  • If the doll turns out to be sloppy, it is better to remake it.
  • Getting started, pull out a square from the fabric with your hands (the sides should be equal to the length of the index finger) and a rectangle (when determining the size, be guided by the length and width of the hand).

    The rectangle is the body of the doll, the square is the arms.

    It is better to make dolls from old, worn out clothes. Not only because it is easier to tear such fabric with your hands. Our ancestors believed that worn things in themselves protect: they retain a part of the life force of the person to whom these things belonged.

    And you also need to learn how to make a guard cross. For this, as a rule, a red thread is chosen. In front, lead the thread from the lower right corner to the left shoulder, wrap it around the neck. Further, the thread goes from the right shoulder to the left side and around the waist - so that the thread is on the right. Now, turning Kuvadka to face you, make the same cross on the back and tie a knot at the back: over the intended spine.

    When creating dolls, many craftswomen prefer thick linen threads or floss

    Several Kuvadoks are often done at once. Sometimes they are tied together by the handles with a strong thread. Some needlewomen hung colorful beads and threads on dolls as decorations. Instead of a belt, you can use a colored ribbon.

    The sound of tissue being torn apart popular beliefs, scared away evil spirits, and then women could calmly do Kuvadok. Since the fabric and threads could only be torn, and not cut in any way, the guardian dolls were nicknamed rags.


    The Vyatka doll is quite simple to perform:

  • To begin with, a triangle is made from a square: a flap torn from a worn thing is bent in the middle.
  • Now a piece of fabric must be folded: from the top down.
  • A ring is formed from the resulting roller.
  • The rectangular piece of material representing the torso is gathered in folds and pushed into the ring.
  • The head is highlighted with a guard cross.
  • Vyatka Kuvadka is distinguished from the rest by its wings-arms

    When working on a doll, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. If you can't concentrate, it is better to postpone the production of Kuvadka for a while.

    The resulting doll should please the craftswoman, evoke warm feelings. Only under this condition can the product become a talisman. If, when looking at Kuvadka, you feel anxiety or fear, then you have failed. It is better to get rid of such a doll.

    Video: master class for making Vyatka Kuvadka

    Central Russian

    The Central Russian doll is made a little differently:

  • The prepared rectangular flap is folded from two sides to the middle and folded in half.
  • A thread is used to form the head.
  • In the same way, a square piece of fabric is rolled, then fastened with threads along the edges.
  • The resulting handles are inserted and fixed in the area of ​​Kuvadka's chest.
  • The final touch - the thread pulls the fabric with a cross on the chest and tied at the waist, after which it is cut off.
  • It only takes a few minutes to get to work.

    The scheme of manufacturing the Central Russian Kuvadka

    Step-by-step instruction making Tula Kuvadka

    Activation and charging

    At first, rag dolls are energized by the person who makes them. If you tune in a positive mood when creating Kuvadka, then it will be charged with light and kind energy. At the same time, it is important to believe in the power of the future amulet.

    As well as creating amulets dolls, men were not allowed to activate. Kuvadki were charged only with feminine energy.

    The Slavs believed that the doll is a magical mediator between the other world and people.

    When making Kuvadka, whisper your wishes for the unborn child and his mother. Thus, you speak a magical object, charge it orally.

    After making Kuvadka, put it on something from natural wood: countertop, windowsill, floor, bookshelf. The surface must be horizontal. Place four burning candles in the four corners so that the doll is in the center of the magic square. Carry it over the flame of each candle and imagine that the fire licks everything bad from the amulet, and in return gives fiery power.

    Many craftsmen are sure that any hand-made object is endowed with some magical power.

    At night, take Kuvadka out to the balcony or on an open veranda so that the doll is saturated with lunar energy. Leave it for a day - solar energy is also necessary for the amulet. After three days, Kuvadka will acquire protective powers.

    Kuvadka was the first amulet of a child, protecting him from the moment of appearance from the forces of evil. Depending on the type of doll - Central Russian, Vyatka or Tula - the technique of execution is different, but it is very easy to make it with your own hands: two pieces of fabric and thread are enough. And, of course, do not forget about a positive mood when creating a talisman.

    Folk Slavic Ragdoll- Kuvadka - the first doll that met a newly born baby on the doorstep of this world. She served in order to deceive the evil harmful forces, to distract them from the woman in labor and the child who was just born. And the father of the child was supposed to “play” with these little dolls - kuvadki, to distract the attention of unclean spirits. And after the birth of the kuvadki (of course, newly made) became the first toys of the baby. They were hung over the cradle of a child, as now various modules and garlands of rattles are suspended. It was believed that the number of such rag dolls must necessarily be odd. Otherwise, dolls can become not only useless, but even harmful.

    When the child grew up, it turned from a talisman into a toy. After all, making such a doll is very simple. And she could become the basis for both male and female image... Girls will make "mom", "dad" and "kids" from old scraps and threads and play eternal girlish games - "on a visit", "at a wedding", "in mothers and daughters." Rag dolls awaken the child's imagination, his "play instinct", which allow children to animate any rag and sliver, to make them alive and real. And this is how a real creative person is born.

    This rag doll - kuvadka can become not only a toy, but also a wonderful handmade souvenir gift. A child from 6 years old will be able to cope with such work on his own, and with your active help, even younger children. In different parts of Russia, such pupae were made a little differently. We give three options for making a rag doll - kuadki.

    How to make a flip-flop doll.

    Option 1. The Central Russian Kuvadka is the simplest option

    You will need two rectangular scraps of fabric and some thread for tying (ex: floss). You can take different fabric- one for the handles, the other for the body.

    We take a large flap (we have it 15x25 cm) and fold it from the edges to the center with a step of about 1.5 cm.

    We bend the resulting fall in half and tie it with a thread, forming the head of a rag doll. Leave the threads genuine and tie a knot on the back.

    From a small rectangle we make handles for a flip-flop (we have it 13x10 cm). Bend the edges a little and roll them from both sides to the center.

    Tie the edges with a thread - you get buns.

    We put the doll's handles between the two rolls of the roll.

    We throw the threads left over from tying the head crosswise across the chest, wrap the waist and tie.

    The Central Russian Kuvadka is ready.

    Option 2. Kuvadka Tula.

    You need a rectangle of fabric for the body (for example: 15x25 cm), a rectangle or square for pens (for example: 12x10). You can also take different material for this doll.

    Twist the large rectangle in the center. The head of this kuadka is twisted.

    We tie up the head with a thread. Leave the ends of the thread long.

    We make handles as in the previous version. Bend the ends a little to the center, roll it from both sides to the middle.

    We form the fists by tying it with a thread from the edges of the ramp, retreating about 1 cm.

    We put the handles between two pieces of the doll's body material.

    We straighten the doll's skirt. We throw the thread crosswise across the chest, tie it around the waist and tie it.

    The Tula kuvadka is ready.

    Option 3. Vyatka kuvadka.

    For the Vyatka kuvadka, you will need a square of fabric for the head and handles of the doll (we have it 15x15 cm) and a large rectangle for the skirt (15x25 cm). For this folk dolls it is better to take rags from the same fabric.

    Fold the square in half diagonally. We roll it, starting from an acute angle with a step of about 1 cm, to the diagonal.

    Bend the roll as shown in the figure. At the top, the loop is the doll's head, and on the sides of the edge of the roll, these are the doll's arms.

    Various ceremonies and rituals accompanied the ancient Slavs throughout their lives. Each action was not aimless and meaningless, with its help certain results were achieved. And the birth of a child was accompanied by a whole series of ritual techniques, in which an important role was given to amulets in the form of dolls that bore the name of Kuvadka.

    History and purpose

    The ancient Slavs didn’t have dolls for a game. They were powerful amulets, each with its own function. The guard dolls were inherited or burned after the performance of the rite. Many are made and used as protection and today, the meanings of others have been lost completely or partially changed. The Kuvadka doll (or Kuvatka) belongs to the latter.

    Kuvadka was the very first amulet of a newborn, it is associated with the ancient rite of Kuvada. Cuvada is French for hatching eggs. The ceremony itself is a simulation of the act of birth by the father. The main purpose of this event was to distract evil spirits from the baby and his mother.

    Ethnographers still insist on the Slavic origin of the word "kuvada" associated with an infant. Dahl's dictionary indicates that "kuvyakat" or "kubyakat" means "to cry." But the baby announces its appearance with a loud cry. There is a similar word in the Ukrainian language. The expression "kuwati share" means "to shape destiny."

    The Kuvada rite is very ancient, it was carried out not only by the Slavs. It was popular almost all over the world: in Europe, in the East, in South and North America. This rite was described by the ancient Greek historian Diodir of Siculus, and Strabo, in his travels, mentioned similar customs among the Spanish Basques and Celts.

    Kuvadki dolls served as the very first amulet for a newborn

    How the Kuvada rite was carried out

    To a modern person, the ceremony carried out in the old days will seem ridiculous and naive. But for those who lived in those days, it had a great sacred meaning, because the birth of a child is the continuation of the family, life.

    The main role in the ceremony was assigned to the father of the child, who was next to the woman in labor. It is his actions during execution magic ritual were the main protective force during and after childbirth.

    It was not customary for the ancient Slavs to give birth in the house. The woman in labor was placed in a bathhouse, and the father was located nearby - in the dressing room.

    In a small room, they put a basket with chicken eggs, on which the future father sat. Hearing perfectly what was happening in the bathhouse, he began to groan loudly, groan and imitate the cries of a woman in labor, as soon as the woman began to try. Thus, the man diverted the attention of evil spirits to himself, luring evil spirits out of the room where the birth took place.

    Chicken eggs were often used in ritual activities

    Immediately after birth, the baby was hidden in a closet. To prevent evil spirits from feeling the trick, in some villages the woman in labor even changed into men's clothing and did various household chores. The man, on the other hand, dressed in women's attire, portrayed a young mother, weakened after childbirth. The role of the newborn was played by the Kuvadka doll.

    But the deception could not last until the very baptism of the infant. The strong baptized man was too tough for the evil spirits. Enraged spirits began to rush about the hut in search of a more suitable and weaker victim. It was then that the Kuvadki came to the fore, becoming an object for attack. These inanimate likenesses of people were infused with evil forces. After the completion of the ceremony, the dolls were necessarily burned.

    An odd number of dolls were necessarily hung over the child's cradle. It was believed that an even number of these amulets could harm. Usually a bunch of 3-5 Kuvadoks was made, made of colorful and bright fabric.

    Such a rite was carried out until the 19th century, at the end of which the ritual significance of Kuvadka was finally lost. But the dolls themselves remained, however, their magical purpose has changed somewhat. They continued to be used as a talisman for children, but now the dolls were hung over the cradle after the baptism of the child.

    What is Kuvadka doll

    Although the meaning and meaning of the Kuvadok has always remained the same, their appearance could vary. In different regions, the doll was made in different ways. The most common are 3 options:

    • Kuvadka Central Russian;
    • Kuvadka Tulskaya;
    • Kuvadka Vyatskaya.

    Despite the differences in execution technique, all Kuvadki have the same protective powers.

    How to make a charm yourself

    Kuvadka is easy to perform, work in skillful hands was argued in a couple of minutes, which made it possible to make a talisman just before childbirth. Rules for making protective dolls:

    • you need to use only natural fabric;
    • you can take scraps from the happiest things;
    • pull threads for fastening from the same fabric;
    • when making, never use a needle and scissors - the doll should not be chopped or cut;
    • do not process the edges;
    • do not make the doll a face, so that it is an inanimate object, and does not resemble a person.

    Before starting work, make blanks of a certain size:

    • square flap with sides equal to the length of the index finger;
    • the dimensions of a rectangular flap were determined by the length and width of the palm.

    The rectangular flap should be the same length and width as the palm of your hand

    Step-by-step process of making Kuvadka

    Girls starting from 4-5 years old can be involved in making Kuvadok. Simple work helps to develop hand motor skills.

    Kuvadka Central Russian

    This option is considered the simplest and most common. To create a doll you will need:

    • 2 flaps of natural fabric - one square, the other rectangular;
    • natural thread.

    When making a doll, a needle and scissors are not used. The fabric is torn by hand, the thread too. The edges of the product are not processed.

    The process of making Kuvadka Central Russian:

    1. We tear off a rectangular flap from a natural fabric.
    2. To make the product look neat, without protruding threads, we fold it from both sides to the middle.
    3. We fold the resulting roll in half.
    4. With the help of a thread we form a head.
    5. Then we roll up a square flap (these will be handles). We fasten the edges of the patchwork roller with a thread.
    6. Insert ready-made handles into the chest area of ​​the doll and with the help of a thread we fix them, at the same time shaping the torso.
    7. We wrap the thread in the form of a guard cross, and then break it off.

    The doll is ready, it took very little time to make it.

    Photo gallery: step by step creation of the Central Russian Kuvadka

    We wrap the edges of the rectangular flap. Fold the resulting roll in half.

    Kuvadka Tulskaya

    Before starting work, prepare:

    • natural fabric, better with used clothing;
    • threads.

    The process of creating Kuvadka Tulskaya:

    1. Take a long rectangular flap and twist it into a bundle in the middle (as if you were squeezing the fabric).
    2. We bend the twisted section in half (we get a ring) and form a doll's head, pulling it with a thread.
    3. We make handles from a smaller piece. To do this, we tie the ends of the twisted fabric with a thread, after which we straighten the edge of the fabric, forming the palms.
    4. We insert the finished handles into the middle of the body and fasten with a thread, again forming a protective cross on the body.
    5. At the finished Tula Kuvadka lower part fabrics need to be straightened, giving it the appearance of a fluffy skirt.

    Tula Kuvadka also doesn't take much time. It turns out to be very elegant if you use bright fabric for manufacturing.

    Tula Kuvadka looks elegant thanks to a fluffy skirt

    Kuvadka Vyatskaya

    To make this doll yourself, you will need all the same starting materials. But the technique of its manufacture is slightly different from the previous ones:

    1. Tear off a square-shaped flap from a piece of natural fabric.
    2. Bend in the middle to form a triangle.
    3. Begin to roll the material from top to bottom. You will get a roller from which you need to roll a ring.
    4. Collect the large rectangular flap intended for the torso in folds and pass it through the rolled ring.
    5. Using a thread, we wrap the doll with a protective cross, forming the head and body.
    6. Slightly straighten the skirt to give it splendor.

    Vyatka Kuvadka, although it differs in its execution technique, is also very easy to manufacture. She differs from other dolls unusual shape hands, rather like the wings of a bird. Sometimes Vyatka Kuvadka is called the Soul that comes into the world.

    Photo gallery: step by step creation of Vyatka Kuvadka

    We fold a triangle from the fabric. Roll up the roller from the top to the base.

    Additional information on the manufacturing process

    Important rules for making a talisman:

    • each doll should look neat, if it turns out to be disheveled, with protruding threads, it is better to remake it;
    • Kuvadka size should be no more than 8 cm;
    • it is desirable that in colors used red, black and white.

    Video: master class on making Kuvadki

    Using Kuvadka

    The doll, which took part in the Kuvada ritual, was burned in order to destroy all kinds of diseases, the evil eye, hatred, envy, everything dark and bad that tried to move into the soul and body of the baby with it.

    After baptism, a new Kuvadka was made for the child, which protected him from evil forces and gave him a peaceful sleep. The doll was fixed over the cradle and played the role of a talisman. Also, the amulets were attached to matrices - load-bearing wooden beams in the hut. Thus, they protected the home from the evil eye.

    Kuvadki were fixed above the cradle to protect the baby

    As soon as the child grew up, Kuvadka became a toy. Made of bright fabric, it helped the baby develop the perception of color and shape, and trained his eyesight.

    Usually Kuvadka was made not one, but several (necessarily an odd number). Pupae were fastened with a strong rope or a long fabric strip in the form of a garland.

    An odd number of Kuvadoks were held together in the form of a garland

    Usually Kuvadka was done on the eve of childbirth. They are quick and easy to make. The main sacred meaning of the amulet lies in the fact that the doll was created future mom or the grandmother of a child who is about to be born. They put a piece of their soul and the brightest thoughts into the craft. In addition to the guard, Kuvadka also had a cognitive function, helping the baby to get acquainted with the world around him.

    Kuvadka, doll - do-it-yourself amulet. Step-by-step instructions with a photo

    Koklova Irina Nikolaevna.

    The master class is designed for senior preschool and junior children school age, parents, teachers
    to acquaint with the history of the Kuvadki (Kuvatki) folk doll, develop an interest in traditional folk culture.
    1. To form knowledge about the folk doll
    2. Master the practical skills of making a Slavic doll.
    3. Develop fine motor skills.
    4. Consolidate children's knowledge of the properties of fabric.
    5. Foster interest in creativity, accuracy.

    Spring marks the beginning of a new life, rebirth. The doll-kuvadka is a talisman for a newborn baby who met a newborn baby. She served in order to deceive the forces and distract them from the woman in labor and the baby. The child's father was supposed to "play" with these dolls - kuvadki, to distract the attention of evil spirits. And after the birth of the baby, the crotchets (newly made) became his first toys. They were hung over the baby's cradle. It was believed that the number of such rag dolls must necessarily be odd, otherwise the dolls could become not only useless, but even dangerous for the child. When the child grew up, it turned from a talisman into a toy.
    Of course, do not forget that when making any crafts you need to be in good mood, a positive person. A piece of our soul freezes in handicrafts and radiates the energy that we put into it during the manufacturing process. I believe that for a newborn baby, this doll should be made by a mother, a grandmother. As a souvenir, use only for loved ones and with good thoughts. Children can make this doll under the guidance of adults for themselves as a toy.
    This rag doll - kuvadka can become not only a toy, but also a wonderful handmade souvenir gift. I used Kuvadok as a decoration for the group, turning them into spring flowers.
    A child from 6 years old will be able to cope with such work on his own, and with your active help, even younger children. In different parts of Russia, such pupae were made a little differently. I propose to carry out the Central Russian sweep.

    We need:
    two shreds of fabric, white 15 by 15 cm and colored - 30 by 15 cm;
    red threads;

    We take a large flap (30x15 cm) and fold it from the edges to the center in increments of about 1.5 cm.

    We bend the resulting fall in half.

    From a small rectangle we make handles for a flip-flop (15x15 cm). Bend the edges a little and roll them from both sides to the center.

    Having retreated from the edge about 1 cm, we tie it with a thread - we get cams.

    Between the two halves of the body, we insert the hands of the pupa, placing them as close to the neck as possible.

    We tie it with a thread and form the head of Kuvadka.

    After tying the head, we throw the threads crosswise across the chest.

    Wrap around the waist and tie.
    The Kuvadka chrysalis is ready.

    We collect dolls for satin ribbon, passing it through Kuvadka's head and we get a pendant.

    Of course, we will count the number of dolls, if we decided to give the pendant: there must be an odd number of them. We have decorated the group with pendants, turning them into pendants.

    The Kuvadka doll is the first bereginya who met a baby in this world. She helped to protect the baby and the woman in labor from evil spirits. You can make such a strong magic amulet yourself.

    In the article:

    Kuvadka doll - amulet functions

    Kuvadka is the first Slavic doll that a person has met in our world. The father of the unborn baby used it. While the woman was giving birth, the task of the father was to protect her and the child from evil spirits that could interfere with childbirth. Therefore, the father of the family "played" with the Kuvadki and distracted the evil spirits.

    After the birth of the child, the Kuvadki played the role of a talisman for the baby. The doll was never made alone. Most often it was a string of several amulets (there must have been an odd number of them. Otherwise, the doll was not only not useful, but could be harmful).

    Beregini were originally hung over the baby's bed. When he grew up a little, the amulet also became a toy. There are various methods for creating Kuvadka, but they are not much different. Each hostess takes as a basis traditional way and supplements it at your own discretion.

    In addition to Kuvadka, our ancestors used a doll and others.

    How to make a Kuvadka doll - master class

    In order to make a Bereginya, you need the following attributes:

    • natural fabric;
    • multi-colored threads;
    • ribbons.

    When making Kuvadka, do not use scissors. Tear the fabric with your hands. Our ancestors were sure that this sound scares away evil spirits and they cannot prevent a woman from making a doll.

    First, measure out the required amount of material for the torso. The piece should be no larger than the size of your palm. Now tear off a shred the right size... You should now have a small rectangle.

    Next, measure out a small square. Its sides should be as long as your index finger. This shred is perfect for making doll handles. It is important that the threads match the prepared material.

    Take a small square and twist it. You should get a small, tight roll. Tie it with a thread on both sides so that the handles are tightly held and do not come loose.

    Now take a large piece of fabric and fold the sides towards the center. Bend the resulting strip of fabric in half. Step back a little from the fold line and, using a thread, shape the neck and head. Do not break the thread.

    Insert ready-made handles below the neck and attach them with thread. It is best to do this crosswise. This will attach the arms and define the waist. Multi-colored ribbons can be used as a belt.


    Each housewife adds something of her own to the process of making bereginia. For example, following long-standing traditions, they make several dolls at once and fasten them together (by the hands) with a thick thread.

    Sometimes women were decorated with multi-colored threads, beads (they were hung on dolls, and not sewn on), ribbons. The product must be done neatly, if you have a disheveled doll, it is better to remake it.

    In order to do Tula Kuvadka, women twist the part of the workpiece from which the head will be formed into a tube and roll it into a ring. The rest of the method is no different.

    When making Vyatka beregin a small square (which is commonly used to form hands) is bent diagonally and only then twisted. The finished tube is rolled up into a ring so that small handles protrude on both sides of the ring (head).

    A rectangular flap is inserted into the ring, which is tied with a thread (the torso is formed). A protective cross is used to shape the neck and waist.

    Little tricks in making Kuvadka

    Try to make your arms out of twisted fabric. It will symbolize the unity of generations.

    • Use only natural fabrics for the manufacture of the product.
    • Do not use needles, the doll should not be "pricked".
    • Use scraps of your "lucky" clothes to make the amulet.

    Do not paint eyes, mouth, nose on the face. Facelessness is the main difference ritual doll... In ancient times, people were afraid to portray a face, because they thought that the doll would be like a person and an evil spirit could enter it. And the amulet, moved by an evil spirit, could harm a child.

    The doll has no palms, the maximum is dedicated brushes. This was done so that she could not grab a person. Our ancestors said:

    There is no face - so that she would not see, no hands - so that she would not grab, no legs - so that she would not catch up.

    The size of Kuvadka should be small - no more 7-8 cm.

    It is desirable that three primary colors are involved: white, red, black.

    These little tricks will help to make not just a doll, but a real amulet that will correspond to all the canons and really save the baby from any misfortunes.

    The Kuvadka doll is one of the most important amulets in a person's life, therefore, it is necessary to approach its creation with all love and responsibility. The more positive emotions you put into the creation of Kuvadka, the stronger your baby's protection will be.