
How to make a doll from a wooden spoon. Master class “Doll on a spoon. How to make a doll on a spoon - Arkhangelsk folk doll


Vera Amekhina

Target: develop the ability to construct crafts from available materials.


Develop an interest in making crafts with your own hands;

Develop fine motor skills fingers, perseverance;

Strengthen children’s ability to use materials carefully and economically;

Develop creative imagination, the ability to convey the expressiveness of an image.

Purpose: for theatrical play in a group, can be used as a gift.

Materials and tools:

1. Disposable spoon

2. Rubber bands for children's creativity

3. Colored paper

4. Strips of white paper

6. Scissors

7. Glue stick

8. Markers

The doll is the most common toy in the world. “Whoever does not play with dolls does not know happiness,” says folk saying. For a child, a doll is not only fun, it is also the first teacher and healer.

What kind of materials are dolls made from?

I invite everyone to a master class on making dolls “on a quick fix"from disposable spoons. These dolls are very easy to make. They are comfortable to play with - easy to hold by the handle.

I made such dolls with my children from the preparatory school group during the NOD. They were truly fascinated by the manufacturing process and were delighted with the result! After all, everyone’s dolls turned out so different and each one was beautiful in their own way.

Fold a square sheet of colored paper (15*15 cm) into quarters. We round the free corner by cutting it smoothly (or even curly) with scissors.

Fold the resulting segment into four more and compress the part located at the top of the corner. We do this in order to “soften” the hard sheet of paper. It's good if you have corrugated paper.

Cut off the top corner just a little (3 mm). Or unfold the workpiece and pierce it in the center with a spoon. First put 2 rubber bands on the spoon.

We pass the spoon into the resulting hole and press it top part"skirts".

The skirt is already holding on thanks to the bottom elastic band.

Pull the top elastic band over the pressed part of the skirt.

If desired, you can make a long dress for the doll by attaching another skirt of any color with the bottom elastic band.

It is convenient to attach the dolls' clothes with rubber bands for children's creativity. Then it can easily be replaced with another.

Now we will cut out handles for the doll from narrow strips of white paper folded in half. And glue them to the skirt.

We will do the hairstyle by fluffing a piece of cotton wool well.

All that remains is to draw the face using felt-tip pens. The doll is ready.

And then a friend came to visit. "Let's play!"

At home, my daughter and I made such a doll, using a piece of fabric of the same size instead of a sheet of paper. Instead of cotton wool for hair, I found a fluffy feather. The eyes are sequins, the nose and mouth are elements of a small construction set.

The handles were twisted from soft wire.

You can use anything you like for decoration - lace, ribbons, beads.

Doll clothes can be made of paper various types, from napkins, mesh, plastic bags, from fabric, from candy wrappers. Fastening with rubber bands makes it easy to change clothes. For your hairstyle, you can also use any material you think is suitable (yarn, thread, cotton wool, fabric, paper, plastic bags, pencil shavings, natural materials etc.).

The scope for imagination when making such dolls from scrap materials is unlimited! And the materials are “at hand” - apparently or invisibly!

I wish you pleasant creativity!

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Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention crafts from waste material, with which you can decorate the children's area.

Ragdoll on a spoon is, first of all, a play doll. It was done in order to occupy, amuse, and distract the child. Such dolls were common in the north of Russia, in the Arkhangelsk province. But, like almost any object and activity of our ancestors, the doll also had a mystical, protective function. And the “character” of this rag doll was determined by the spoon. After all, this is not just a device for eating - it is a symbol of prosperity and satiety. Small silver spoons were given as wedding gifts. And a silver spoon is still sometimes given to a child “for the tooth” (that is, when the first tooth erupts). A rag doll on a spoon is a nurse, mistress of the house. Her headdress speaks about this too. It consists of a warrior and a scarf, which is tied on top - this is how adult married women traditionally dressed.

You can make such a folk rag doll on a spoon for your baby. And the children themselves can cope with this work from the age of seven or eight. We offer you a choice of two options for such a rag doll. The first one is made authentically, without seams and needles, as it should be. And the second doll is more decorative. But in its manufacture sewn braid, lace, and ribbons are used.

How to make a doll on a spoon - Arkhangelsk folk doll.

1. Making the head for the doll. Place a rag or padding poly in the center of a square flap (25x25cm). We tie it with a thread - forming a ball.

Place the resulting ball into the recess in a wooden spoon, distributing the ends along the handle of the spoon.

On top of the spoon we place another square piece of fabric (25x25cm) of flesh or white. We tie it with red thread (6 folds of floss) over the handle of the spoon. Try to distribute the fabric so that there are fewer folds on the doll's face.

2. We make a sundress from a rectangular piece of colored fabric (30x18cm). We gather the top of the fabric into folds, carefully distribute it along the neck in a reverse manner as close as possible to the base of the spoon and tie it with thread.

3. We make the doll’s chest on a spoon. Place a little padding polyester on a rectangular piece of fabric (25x10cm) in the center and fold it up long edges to the center.

We tie the fabric with padding polyester on the spoon in the chest area. You can make a knot from the back, or you can tie the ends of the rag with thread.

We tie a thread around the doll's chest. We throw the thread from the front side along the neck back, cross it there, then cross it across the chest and tie it tightly at the back.

We adjust the threads to make the chest convex.

4. We tie a warrior and a scarf on the head (a right triangle with 25 cm legs). We tie the scarf at the back.

5. We tie an apron (6x12cm) under the doll’s chest on a spoon. Throw the edge of the apron over a ribbon or thread. We apply it to the doll, transfer the threads from the back and tie it in front.

The folk rag doll is ready.

Decorative version of a doll on a spoon.

1. We make the doll’s head in the same way as in the previous version.

2. Make hands for the doll. We fold two rectangular pieces of fabric (12x8cm each) along the narrow side and fold them towards the center along the long side.

We tie the edges of the handles with thread, forming palms.

Make eyes for dolls or soft toys you can do it yourself from any suitable material.

I bring to your attention a master class on creating eyes for dolls from disposable plastic spoons.

We will need:

  • two plastic spoons,
  • PVA glue,
  • a piece of synthetic fluff,
  • Super glue.

Step 1: Cut out the desired eye shape from paper. Apply to spoons and circle.

Step 2: Carefully cut out our future eyes.

The spoons break a little during the cutting process. These are the ugly little blanks that turned out. Sand the edges a little.

Step 3: We take 4 pieces of paper, a little larger than our eyes.

Lubricate generously with PVA glue and glue the eyes. We wrap the edges inward.

This is what happened.

Let it dry and apply a second layer as well. During the gluing process, the paper may tear a little and wrinkles may appear. We straighten it carefully.

This is after the second layer.

No matter how carefully you glue the paper, there will be folds anyway, so you can sand it a little. But the main thing is not to sand it to perfect smoothness if this is not intended. Folds create veins.

The question may involuntarily arise as to why paste it over with paper, since you can draw directly on the spoons.

Firstly, if you paint directly on a spoon, then in the end the paint spreads and you get some kind of watery layer. No matter how much you varnish it, it won’t be the same. And the paper is quite loose, the paint adheres to it very well. It turns out to be a completely different texture.

Secondly, the plastic is too smooth and over time the paint will chip, but on paper it will last forever.

Step 4: WITH reverse side glue the eye super glue a little synthetic fluff so that the eyes blend better with the doll’s face.

Step 5: Now let’s put our eyes on the doll’s face.

I want to say that for such eyes it is desirable that a tightening be made in the eye area on the doll’s face. From the inner to the outer edges, otherwise later our eyes will look like headlights on a car - very bulging.

Master Class

Play doll

Kuznetsova Olga Olegovna – teacher primary classes MBOU Kabanovskaya secondary school of Orekhovo-Zuevsky district

Goals and objectives

Goal: To form an idea of ​​traditional folk culture and teach how to make a play doll “Spoon”

Introduce the history of folk dolls;

Make a play doll;

Develop aesthetic taste, attention, artistic and imaginative thinking;

Cultivate accuracy, patience, the ability to carry out work until the final desired result and the ability to work in a team, respect for the traditions and customs of the native land, and develop fine motor skills.

Form individual Creative skills;

Teaches the ability to independently select colors and decorations for a doll;

Enrich vocabulary, introduce new words and their meanings (twist doll, amulet doll, game doll, warrior, flap, faceless doll);

Stimulate the development of communication skills and friendliness.

A little history...

According to archaeologists, historians, and art historians, a doll is any human figurine, even if it is not a toy. The meaning of the doll is diverse: ritual, magical, healing, entertaining, educational.

The Russian rag doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, but also the most important attribute of ancient rituals, a symbol of procreation, a guarantee of family happiness. It is also a guide to the depths of the human soul and a way of self-knowledge. Since time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making dolls that have absorbed the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'. Therefore, it was the doll that was one of those centuries-tested means with the help of which the older generation could convey, and the younger generation could accept, preserve and carry on, the priceless treasures of accumulated life experience.

A doll is not born on its own, it is created by a person. It comes to life through the imagination and will of its creator. When creating toys, fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers put all their life wisdom and love for children into dolls. And the children felt this and treated hand-made toys very carefully. Is it possible to throw it away? parental love, care and affection?

Interest in folk crafts in modern world everything is increasing. And this happens because in not so distant times a void formed here. And now there is a great need to fill this gap.

Our desire today is to know what the folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant - this is not only educational interest, but also the desire to remember the historical and cultural past of our people, to preserve family values.

That is why the traditional rag doll is experiencing a true revival in today's Russia!

Doll "Spoon"

A rag doll on a spoon is, first of all, a play doll. It was done in order to occupy, amuse, and distract the child. Such dolls were common in the north of Russia, in the Arkhangelsk province. But, like almost any object and activity of our ancestors, the doll also had a mystical, protective function. And the “character” of this rag doll was determined by the spoon. After all, this is not just a device for eating - it is a symbol of prosperity and satiety. Small silver spoons were given as wedding gifts. And a silver spoon is still sometimes given to a child “for the tooth” (that is, when the first tooth erupts). A rag doll on a spoon is a nurse, mistress of the house. Her headdress speaks about this too. It consists of a warrior and a scarf, which is tied on top - this is how adult married women traditionally dressed.

Material used

Colored fabric

Ribbon for

Red threads

Wooden spoon

Doll making technology

We put the rag into the spoon and secure it with a warrior, tying it around the spoon. The nodule is located in the back of the head.

  • The skirt should be full, so there is no need to skimp on fabric;
  • If you want to make a thicker body, you can wrap fabric around the handle of the spoon, but be sure to tie it with red thread. But they didn’t do this before, because such a doll was untied in the morning so that the child could eat.

The master class script contains interesting educational information about the traditions of the Russian people and their folklore, where game form presented creative work younger children preschool age for making a doll on a spoon.




Master class script “Doll on a spoon”

The purpose of the master class: to make a play doll with your own hands through the joint efforts of children, parents and teachers.


Introduce children to the history of making play dolls;

Master the technology of making a play doll on a spoon;

Cultivate an interest in the traditions of the Russian people, a desire to please loved ones with a handmade toy;

Develop fine motor skills and children's creative abilities.

Children watch a fairy tale staged by children in the preparatory group.

IN: So we watched a fairy tale about a mother goat and an evil wolf.

The little goats opened the door

And everyone disappeared somewhere.

IN: - Who found the little goats and saved them from the gray wolf?

Children: - Mom-goat.

IN: - Let’s praise her, get your hands ready.

Children perform movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme “Goat Trouble”


Busy day after day(rubbing palms)

She should pinch the grass(pinches with fingers)

She should run to the river(fingers run across the table)

She is to guard the little goats (shake a finger)

Take care of little children!

IN: And our children also have mothers, and our mothers also have mothers - these are our grandmothers.

Our grandmother is very kind

Grandma always helps us.

Children give cards to grandmothers.

IN: There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom!

IN: Today our mothers came to our group to show how their mothers and grandmothers played with dolls, not simple ones, but funny ones, and made them with a simple wooden spoon.

Its history is unknown; some sources say that mothers occupied their children after lunch or dinner so that they would not interfere with household chores.

Screening of the presentation film “Doll on a Spoon”

2 For it you will need: rags or cotton wool for the head, a piece of sewing or lace for an apron, a beautiful piece of colored fabric for a sundress about the length of a spoon and a width of 2 cm, a satin ribbon in the color of a sundress 20 cm long, white calico or chintz for an undershirt in size as a piece for a sundress, and for sleeves 14 by 9 cm, lace 20 cm for the bottom of the shirt, a red piece of chintz for the top scarf, its long side 20-25 cm, a triangle of white chintz for the bottom scarf, 2 pieces of tea-dyed chintz for palm size 3 by 6 cm, white and red threads and of course a wooden spoon.

3 Sew to the bottom of the sundress section satin ribbon, connect the side seams. On the undershirt to the bottomsew lace and also connect the side seams, steam the seams. Sew a lengthwise piece for the sleeves. Wrap a ball of rags or cotton wool with thread so that it does not fall apart

4 Attach the undershirt to the “neck” of the doll. For convenience, so that the assembly is uniform, you can gather the upper edge of the shirt with a thread. The doll's face is the convex part of a spoon.

5 In the sleeve blank, fold the edge and gather it with a thread around the palm; for pomp, you can put cotton wool or a rag inside the sleeve. Wrap red thread around your palm, imitating cuffs and embroidery

6 Attach the sleeve-handles to the “back” of the doll and tie them crosswise with red thread, without cutting the thread, wrap the apron, make a knot under the apron, cut the threads.

7 Such DIY folk doll, front view

8 View from the back.

9 Place a lump of rags into a spoon and, securing it, tie a lower white scarf, tuck the ends of the scarf inward, so they do not interfere and create additional volume for the head.

10 Tie a red scarf on top, you can do it like a woman, i.e. married woman having children

11 The result is a bright and soulful doll. When making folk dolls, something inside awakens and warms, probably this is the call of our distant and not so distant ancestors, who can even make something special out of a spoon.

The teacher lays out scraps of fabric and spoons. Children choose the ones they like and look at them. Then they are selected necessary materials: red and white threads, white fabric for the head and arms, cotton wool, triangular fabric for a scarf. All this is laid out on an individual tray and the process of work is repeated.

IN: - Now, guys, let's play a little, go to the middle!

Outdoor game “The goat went out for a walk”

The goat went out for a walk

Stretch your little legs.

The goat knocks its legs

He shouts like a goat:

“Be-e-e, be-e-e!”

The children take their seats.

IN: - Guys, now we will help our mothers make a doll, and when it is ready, we will name it. Every person has a name. Likewise, dolls have names, and they can be different. For example: Arina, Sveta, Ksyusha, etc.

Children make a doll with their mothers, and at the end, the teacher invites everyone to stand in a circle with the doll and play the dating game “You and I,” where each child introduces us to the name of his doll (He speaks on behalf of the doll)

Progress of the game.

Hold hands, friends(Children join hands)

And they said “You and I are us!”

I am Katyusha, I am Vityusha

I - …

IN: Now let the dolls make friends. Let's teach them to be friends!

Game exercise “Come to me”

Come to me (beckons with a finger)

I beg you.

Come to me (stroke his finger on his friend’s shoulder)

I'll tell you a secret.

Shu-shu-shu, shi-shi-shi(“whispers” in your ear)

The kids started spinning.(circle in pairs)

Russian folk game “Slutty”, “Stream”, “Round dance with a wall”

At the end everyone is invited to try cake and tea.

IN: Tara-bars rastabars

Let's drink tea from the samovar

Delicious with pretzels

With rolls, crackers

With Russian pies.

After tea, the teacher offers to put the dolls to sleep with a lullaby.

Bye-bye, bye-bye,

You, little dog, don't bark,

Whitepaw didn't whine,

Don't wake up our Masha.

It's a dark night - I can't sleep,

Our Mashenka is afraid...

You little dog, don't bark

Don't scare our Masha!

Our Masha will sleep,

He will close his eyes.

Children leave the dolls to sleep, and they themselves quietly leave the group outside so as not to wake the kids.

Advice for parents

It is very important that the child himself gives the doll a name.
It is important that the child helps choose the material, holds it, ties it, straightens it, etc. up to self-made, especially by an older child for a younger one.Don't forget to thank your baby for his help!
Be sure to be interested in how the child plays with the doll, ask questions, praise for imagination, care and affectionate treatment of the doll.
In such a game, the child develops: communication skills, initiative in setting a task (dressing a doll, making dishes for it, etc.), willpower as the ability to hold an image within oneself and complete the task, needlework, role-playing game and a very important game with substitute objects (any available material and objects), etc. Learn lullabies for your doll with your child.
I foresee questions about facial design. Since the doll is a play doll, the face can be decorated, but it is hardly necessary. The child will often lull the doll to sleep, and open eyes will cause contradiction; in addition, the child experiences different emotions and moods through the doll, and the stamp in the shaped face will interfere more than contribute to such a deep internal connection.

Used Books

  1. E.I. Yakubovskaya, Candidate of Art History; N.V. Eremina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher-folklorist “Traditional folk holidays in educational institutions"
  2. I.A. Boychuk T.N. Popushin “Introducing young and middle-aged children to Russian folk art