
Can a 12 year old work. The child wants to earn money - at what age is it, and how to help? Let your child feel independent and mature.

Pathology of the uterus

The needs and desires of today's children are practically impossible to measure. And parents are not always ready to satisfy the "Wishlist" of their underage wards. Then the child has a desire to save money or earn extra money for this or that dream.

Today we will talk about how to quickly save money at 12 years old. This is not the easiest task. Especially if the child has a whole week loaded with chores - sections, studies, tutors, circles. But if you want, you can earn and save money. The main thing is to try and choose the right direction for the implementation of the task.

Saving from pocket money

How to save money fast at 12? At this age, finding a job can be problematic. In Russia, child labor is prohibited. And they can officially take a job only after receiving a passport - at the age of 14.

Therefore, teenagers are often given pocket money. A certain amount is given to minors by their parents. For example, once a day or a week.

To save quickly in this way, it is enough just to spend less. For example, to refuse optional and spontaneous expenses. It is better to keep records of desires and expenses on paper. Such a technique will certainly help to save and rationally spend the budget during adult life.

Walking the dogs

How to save money fast at 12? For 1 week, the savings will not give a significant result. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to earn some pocket money.

In the United States, walking dogs for money is popular among teenagers. In Russia, such an occupation is rare. The child can offer his services to friends, acquaintances and neighbors.

Payment in this area is negotiable. The advantage is that at the age of 12 a teenager can walk several dogs at once. If you take from 100 rubles per person every day for an hour of walking, you can earn good money.

We sell crafts

How to save money fast at 12? Everyone can get 500 rubles or even more through the sale of hand-made. Things self made on the this moment are highly valued. They are willingly bought from hands or from store shelves.

Such a technique provides for the child to have certain skills - knitting, sewing, cooking, turning, and so on. For one hand-made accessory, you can earn from 200 rubles or more.

Such a technique does not work effectively immediately. First, the teenager will have to find clients. But if this can be done, the sale of hand-made can become the main source of income in the future. This is a good freelancing for people different ages.

Work as a promoter

How to quickly save money in 12 years in 1 week? On a phone or tablet, for example?

It all depends on how much you want to earn. Teenagers from 10-12 years old can be hired as promoters. The child will have to stand on the street or in shopping centers, handing out flyers. An hour of work is estimated from 150 rubles. At 12 years old, children are allowed to work 2-4 hours.

Accordingly, if you earn extra money as a promoter every day, you can save up some money for a simple smartphone in a week. Otherwise, you will have to work much longer. Especially if a teenager wants to buy a modern and powerful device.

Household help

How to quickly save up money at the age of 12 for a dog or any other desire? In some families, parents use a system to encourage homework and grades. If the child studies well, he is given a certain (predetermined) amount of funds.

Housework also pays. For example, for major cleaning in the room they pay 100-200 rubles. This is a good option for part-time work and accustoming a child to housework.

Similarly, a teenager may offer housekeeping services to acquaintances, relatives, and even neighbors. Busy people will definitely use such services.

At school

How to save money fast at 12? For 1 month, a teenager can start making good money. Especially if he is quick-witted and distinguished by intelligence in certain school subjects.

Some students do their homework and tests for money. The cost of one job depends on the complexity of the task.

If a teenager has free time, then he can take on the implementation laboratory work, essays and even term papers for students. There are many such orders. And they are well paid.

A talented student is able to earn up to several thousand rubles a month in this way. Sometimes a month of hard work is enough to buy yourself an expensive smartphone or an average laptop. The main thing is to find clients, not be lazy and develop your mental abilities. After all, the described method of earning is not suitable for everyone.


How to save money fast at 12? The next part-time job is making presentations on a computer for a fee. It can be combined with homework assignments.

The bulk of the "clients" are classmates and other schoolchildren. You can search for customers outside educational institution in which the teenager is studying.

Beautiful presentations pay well. On average, for a small job they require from 300 rubles or more. The cost of the order is negotiated with the customer in advance.

Surfing the web

How to save money fast at 12? 1 week each modern child, who knows how to work with the Internet, can get some pocket money.

The thing is that the Web has such a method of earning as surfing sites. You just need to browse paid sites by clicking on the links offered. To do this, you will have to register on special exchanges. For example, SeoSprint, VipIP or Wmmail.

This method of part-time work allows you to receive up to 2-3 thousand rubles per month from one virtual exchange. Problems in a child of 12 years old may arise when withdrawing money from the systems. This often requires an Internet wallet or a bank card. It is difficult for teenagers to access such things.

Social networks to help

How to save money fast at 12? The sale of hand-made is suitable for a girl. But teenagers can earn money regardless of their gender. Social networks will help them with this.

On the Internet, you can earn income from completing the simplest tasks in in social networks. This scenario allows you to earn extra money in your free time, promoting other people's pages and publics. The job does not require any skills or abilities.

The child needs to register on the promotion exchange in social networks, link their work accounts to the profile, and then take and complete certain tasks. You can get various tasks, for example, "Add to friends" or "Repost the entry." Even a preschooler can cope with such tasks.

In this way, it is possible to earn not too much. Maximum - 2-2.5 thousand rubles per month. Most often, users work with the VkTarget, Sociate, V-Like exchanges. Registration here is completely free, there are a lot of orders, but they are completed very quickly.

Captcha and side work

How to save money fast at 12? There are many ways to earn money online without investment. For example, novice users can try their hand at entering captcha.

The child will only need to register on the exchange, and then enter the text from the images that appear. Fast, simple and very convenient. True, the pay for such work leaves much to be desired. One captcha costs from 10 to 60 kopecks.

At the moment, users most often work for RuCapcha and, as in the case of social networks, a child will be able to earn no more than a few thousand rubles here.

Custom texts

The last interesting method of earning and saving money is freelancing. Adults usually work and earn their living in this way. Freelancers offer their skills on specialized exchanges.

Students are encouraged to do copywriting. This is writing texts on a specific topic under the order. For example, about games or technology. For the text, you can get from 50 to 500 rubles. Sometimes even more. Payment is made depending on the complexity of the order and its volume.

The best freelance exchanges are Advego,, ETXT.

That's all. Now it’s clear how to quickly save money at 12 years old. But teenagers at this age are better off looking for a part-time job in real life, and not through the Internet.

According to the current labor legislation, only an adult citizen can officially get a job that does not even require any qualification. But many parents think that earlier child understands how money is obtained, the more benefit it will bring to him. Plus, most teens today are looking to self-employment in order to provide for their own needs that go beyond the necessary - fashionable clothes, a modern gadget, an unusual vacation, etc. For high school students, finding a part-time job is not a serious problem. But earning money for a teenager of 12 is much more difficult than for a 15-year-old. Let's try to figure out what are the options for earning money for this age category.

Where can a teenager find a formal job?

It does not make sense for a 12-year-old schoolboy to apply to the labor exchange or browse sites with vacancies - there will be no offers for his age. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, organizations can employ persons who have reached the age of 14. And even in this case, there are a number of limitations:

  • the vacancy must be in the category of light work;
  • work should not be related to money;
  • a working day can be a maximum of 4 hours;
  • Written consent from parents or guardians is required.

Why is a job opportunity available from the age of 14? Because at this age, a teenager already receives a passport, and an employment contract can be concluded with him. A twelve-year-old student does not have any documents, and it is impossible to bring him to justice under the law. All this causes certain difficulties for employers. So there are practically no chances to get a job in any organization, even in a neighboring hairdresser's, having come there "from the street", for a 12-year-old girl. But fortunately, the ways of earning money are not limited to official employment.

How to make money for a 12 year old student

Teenagers who do not yet have a passport can earn money in the following ways:

  • providing paid services residents of their home, yard, microdistrict;
  • informal part-time work in small organizations near the house;
  • collection of recyclables;
  • participation in Internet projects for earnings;
  • income from needlework.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods below.

Important! Any attempts at employment and earnings of a teenager must be controlled by parents, and best of all, with their help.

Earnings on the provision of services

In Europe and the USA, part-time work for teenagers on small assignments is a completely normal practice. Even in literature and movies you can find a lot of confirmation of this fact. Schoolchildren earn extra money delivering mail, delivering small loads, mowing lawns, babysitting, etc. In Russia, this practice is not yet so widespread, but still, it is present.

A teenager of 12 years old may well perform simple work, for example:

  • help in the garden or at the dacha;
  • shopping and grocery delivery;
  • dog walking;
  • caring for young children;
  • washing cars;
  • courier work, etc.

A student can search for clients for such services in two ways - using word of mouth or through ads. If you live in the private sector, the child can simply go around all the neighbors on the street / block and offer their services. For residents of apartment buildings, it will be more convenient to stick ads with a list of possible works at the entrances and stops within the microdistrict.

Tip: Ads should be written by hand and indicate the age of the child in them - this will cause more trust and sympathy among potential customers.

Naturally, all this should take place under the supervision of parents. They can (and even should) help with the search for clients by recommending the child to their neighbors and acquaintances. And, of course, every order received from outside should be monitored - go with a teenager to the first meeting with the employer to make sure the offer is safe and there is no fraud.

Important! negotiate with customers in such a way that the teenager is paid money immediately after each completed task. This will keep the child interested in work, and in addition, protect him from fraud.

Informal part-time work in organizations

In any microdistrict there are many small offices that need the services of a janitor, a janitor, a courier for short distances, or an assistant to carry out small assignments. A teenager of 12-13 years old can cope with such work. But to get it, you need the help of parents.

Ideally, to begin with, walk through potential employers followed by an adult. Employees of the organization are more likely to take the parent seriously than the student. First of all, contact those offices (shops, hairdressers, car services, etc.) where you are already known as a client - it will be easier to negotiate with them. Explain the situation, describe the child's abilities, and, if possible, arrange an interview. Pay attention to private organizations - they definitely won’t take a student to a chain store or a beauty salon.

Important! It is better to send a teenager to the interview itself - this will teach him to take the job offered more seriously and add points to him in the eyes of a potential employer.

Recycling work

Soviet schoolchildren have always had a completely legal opportunity to work part-time at the delivery of glass containers. If you caught those times, then remember that any drink, from milk to mineral water, was sold in glass bottles, which were accepted for return in stores, paying a certain amount for each. Accordingly, glass containers suitable for delivery could be found in any home. And this process was perceived quite normally, it acquired a touch of marginality only after perestroika.

However, recycling offices still exist. And they accept not only glass containers, but also waste paper, scrap metal, and non-ferrous metals. In addition, the delivery of things for recycling in Lately has become fashionable again, with the development of the trend of caring for the environment. If there is a collection point for glass containers / waste paper / other secondary raw materials in your area, you can offer your student to earn extra money with his help. Of course, collecting bottles and scrap metal is not a suitable way to make money at the age of 12 for a girl, but for boys it is quite suitable.

Earnings on needlework

Many students are interested various types creativity - drawings, making jewelry, beading, knitting, woodcarving, etc. If the work of a teenager is done neatly and beautifully, he may well make money on their sale. School fairs, your own page on the social network, or just a group of friends and classmates can become a trading platform. By the way, parents can help here too by showing their child's products to their friends and work colleagues.

Tip: in addition to selling works, a teenager can sell materials for creativity or do simple workshops on any stage of creativity and make money selling them.

How to make money for a student of 12 years on the Internet

Quite attractive, from the point of view of a teenager, is earnings on the Internet. It is in this area that strict control of parents is necessary, at least at first, and somewhere their participation. Not every banner that promises instant profit on the network leads to a trustworthy site. The main task of parents is to help a teenager to weed out deliberately fraudulent projects, as well as to teach the basics of cyber security so as not to put viruses on him.

As methods of network earnings for schoolchildren of 12 years old, the most suitable are:

  • boxes - sites, which pay money for viewing ads;
  • wrapping systems– sites where certain actions in social networks are paid;
  • solving control and writing essays to order;
  • sale of items from online games.

The first two methods are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age, since they only need a computer and a social network account. But there is little money to be made on such sites. One view of an advertising link costs about three kopecks, actions in social networks - from 10 to 25 kopecks.

To sell statuses and gifts from online games, a teenager will have to spend a lot of time in the game itself. Not every parent seems to agree to this. However, the event can bring good profits.

To find orders for tests and essays, a student can register on one of the websites of companies providing such services. In addition, there are groups on social networks for each city dedicated to solving academic work to order, groups of schools and classes. You can advertise your services there.

Important! Many sites recommend that teenagers of 12 years old make money on freelance exchanges. However, this cannot be called a good idea - schoolchildren of this age do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills to develop a quality program, write a competent and informative text or create a good illustration.

Second important point in which a teenager will need the help of parents is receiving payment for work via the Internet. Most freelance sites and exchanges withdraw money earned by users to wallets of electronic payment systems. Anyone can have such a wallet. But in order to receive payments on it and withdraw money, you will need to confirm it in the payment system, for which you will need a passport, which a 12-year-old student does not have. There are two options here: use the parents' passport data for confirmation or look for sites that transfer earnings to the balance for work mobile phone. But still, the best solution would be to wait with Internet earnings at least until the age of 16, until then learn how to make money in real life.

Why does the child need his own money? It would seem that parents create comfortable conditions for him, buy toys, clothes and gadgets on demand, provide him with food and a roof over his head. However, in transitional age the child becomes more independent and suddenly discovers that his desires do not always coincide with the desires of his mother or father.

Therefore, many teenagers are eager to learn how to make money for a 12-year-old schoolboy: in addition to satisfying the need for independence, work allows them to feel self-confidence and get the first experience of adulthood. But we should not forget that at this age, children still do not know how to distinguish good employers from scammers: accordingly, any attempts to find a child's job must be accompanied by constant monitoring and help from parents.

Do students need to earn money?

Around the fifth or sixth grade, the child leaves the carefree childhood and faced with typical adult problems. For example, he realizes that achieving some important goals for him requires the availability of funds, as a result of which he asks the question: “How to make money if you are 12 years old?”

At this stage, caring parents begin to allocate some pocket money to the teenager, trying to teach him how to properly manage savings. However, he does not yet understand the real value of money, and therefore quickly spends it on trifles. Showing a student what work is and why it takes so much effort to get a salary is possible only with a good example.

Indeed, with the first experience labor activity the child begins to realize the true value of things. Now he knows that to buy a smartphone, he will have to distribute leaflets on the street for three months, and a bicycle will cost him six months to clean the entrances. Accordingly, not only his attitude towards the work of his parents is changing, but also his life position on the management of his money.

Advantages and disadvantages of earnings for children

It is hardly worth calling the far-sighted policy of overly caring parents, limiting any attempts of the child to become independent. Indeed, labor activity within reasonable limits is extremely useful for a student:
  • Of course, there are not many places where you can work at the age of 12, but even a simple task allows the child to gain experience in interacting with others;
  • Work can make a student learn better. Low-paid physical labor clearly shows him that it is better to earn money with your mind;
  • Having figured out how to quickly save money at the age of 12, the child becomes more independent and self-confident;
  • A teenager, from his own experience, is convinced that it is very difficult to provide for the needs of the family, and therefore begins to appreciate the efforts of parents more;
  • Working for 12 year olds is a great way to teach a student the basics of saving and rationally managing their savings.

However, labor activity of minors is characterized not only by advantages. Such a radical change in lifestyle may well lead to some undesirable consequences:

  • Constantly thinking not only about studying, but also about how to earn money, the child is deprived of rest and free time. As a result, his health may suffer;
  • The ability to earn money can lead a teenager to the idea that it is not necessary to study now - after all, he already provides for his financial needs;
  • Knowing where you can earn extra money at the age of 12, some students become overly self-confident and begin to come into conflict with their parents;
  • Children are more easily tempted and spend their hard-earned money on trifles, which they later regret;
  • A successful work experience makes a student think only about how to earn a lot of money: a teenager may well decide that this is the main goal in life.

Rules for the organization of child labor

How to make money 12 summer child without interruption to study? When studying the prospects for employment of a schoolchild, this issue seems to be the key one: work should in no case interfere with attending classes. To avoid possible complications it is necessary to properly organize the activities of a teenager:

  1. Consider a daily schedule. It is important that the child has time not only to study, do homework and work, but also to have a rest;
  2. The average teenager is able to concentrate on a task for no more than an hour. Then he is recommended to be distracted for 10-15 minutes, to do some physical exercises;
  3. Part-time work for schoolchildren from 12 years old should not involve the regular movement of objects weighing more than 2-3 kg;
  4. Minors may not be involved in work at night or during holidays. In addition, the employer is obliged to give them two days off per week;
  5. The organization of work for schoolchildren aged 12 should not be accompanied by stressful conditions or psychological pressure on young employees;
  6. The recommended working day for a child is two hours. Prolonged monotonous repetition of operations can cause him to break down;
  7. It is better to look for where to make money for a student during the holidays. Combining work and study is difficult even for adults, let alone teenagers;
  8. You can't force a child to work. When the passion for labor activity passes, it is recommended to suggest that he interrupt the experiment;
  9. When choosing who you can work at age 12, you need to consider several options. Switching between them, the teenager retains interest in the process.

Real earnings for schoolchildren

“I want to earn a lot of money - what should I do?” This question arises for all adolescents taking their first steps in adulthood: in the absence of practical skills and work experience, they cannot draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular profession. At the same time, not every employer will agree to accept a child as a staff member: a 12-year-old applicant does not yet have documents for official registration, and the benefits of his employment are doubtful against the background of possible problems. Fortunately, there are several very real ways to earn money for a student.

Posting ads

In search of a suitable job, many teenagers try to put up leaflets from the age of 12. Employers are quite loyal to the age of performers: for them, the main thing is the result. Therefore, they conclude contracts with minor employees orally or involve their parents as guarantors.

Two rubles are paid for one ad: settlement with the employee takes place at the end of the day, upon the provision of a report on the completed task by the latter. But in order to receive a tangible amount, the student will have to walk around a large area and spend a lot of time: it is physically very difficult to post at least 30–40 leaflets per hour.

leaflet distribution

Advertising agencies often hire teenagers to distribute flyers: the job of a 12-year-old to distribute printed materials does not require any special qualities and skills other than communication and responsibility.

Promoters take to the streets in the afternoon or at the end of the working day, which is convenient for schoolchildren: they do not have to choose between earning and studying. The task of a teenager is quite simple: located near a large shopping center or supermarket, it is necessary to attract the attention of passers-by, hand them advertising and say the words specified by the customer. For such work, the promoter is paid about 150-200 rubles per hour.

Distribution of free newspapers

Employers offer conditions acceptable to the student: the performer has the right to choose preferred days and hours for the performance of his duties. A teenager who distributes advertising and newspapers four or five hours a day receives about 2,000 rubles a week.

Improvement and cleaning of territories

If the student does not feel disgust for physical labor, deftly handles a shovel, rake and broom, he can invite a few friends and organize a cleaning team.

How teenagers can make money

  • Clean up fallen leaves in your yard;
  • In winter, clean the paths and parking from snow;
  • Offer services to institutions that have flower beds and lawns on their territory.

Parents should help their children in this endeavor: to negotiate with neighbors or customers about the provision of services, to ensure receipt of payment. Cleaning a couple of times a week, a child can earn about 4-5 thousand rubles a month.

Entrance cleaning

In a multi-storey residential building, you can clean not only the adjacent territory, but also the entrances. How to make money as a 12 year old teenager:

  • Sweep and wash stairs and platforms;
  • Wipe railings and mailboxes;
  • Wash the walls in the entrance;
  • Wash and wipe windows;
  • Clean up in the elevator cabin;
  • Wipe the exit doors of the apartments and the entrance.

Obviously, in this case, the children will also have to involve adults to negotiate with their neighbors. At a service cost of 200 rubles per apartment per month, a team of three schoolchildren at one entrance of a nine-story building will earn up to 3,000 rubles.

Amusement management

In parks and recreation areas where parents walk with their children, trampolines, inflatable slides and other simple attractions are often installed in the summer. Watching this business, it is easy to imagine how to make money at the age of 12 for a boy.

A teenager can:

  • Sell ​​entrance tickets;
  • Record the time spent by visitors on a slide or trampoline;
  • Explain to customers the rules for using playgrounds.

Obviously, a young operator of attractions should not be left alone with visitors, so one of the adults must be constantly nearby. The payment for such work in the summer can reach 8-10 thousand rubles a month.

Help animator

Animators are engaged in organizing children's leisure and holding holidays. Of course, a teenager cannot cope on his own with a group of juvenile tomboys, but he may well earn money as an assistant to an adult specialist.

The assistant does not require special pedagogical skills: it is enough just to love children. In addition, a well-known physical preparation will be needed: the assistant must constantly move, act as a ringleader in various competitions and active games.

For such work they pay about 6-8 thousand rubles a month. The remuneration can be increased if the student himself comes up with a competitive or festive program.

Help for the elderly

When choosing who you can work for a girl of 12, you should remember that many lonely and elderly people need daily help. Of course, no one will accept a child for a position social worker officially, however, a teenager is quite capable of engaging in this activity in private.

The duties of a home assistant are feasible for any student: you need to visit the ward, buy food and medicine for him, sweep the floor in the apartment, wash the dishes, water the flowers, take out the trash. For such simple work, pensioners are willing to pay teenagers at least 150-200 rubles a day.

Growing home flowers

Parents who want to bring up the qualities of an entrepreneur in their child can be offered the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first business for children of 12 years old - growing home flowers and ornamental plants. Of course, at the initial stage, the young grower will need the financial assistance of the elders: he himself is unlikely to raise money to purchase pots, seedlings, tools and soil. But later, a teenager will be able to independently care for plants, water, replant and tie them up. Grown up flowers are easiest to sell via the Internet or sell them to flower shops.

Fish breeding

To earn money, a teenager can not only grow indoor plants, but also breed pets that do not require complex care - for example, fish. This business is characterized by high profitability: aquarium lovers are ready to pay about 150 rubles for one representative of the popular guppy breed. To begin with, a young businessman must ask his parents to buy him:

  • Medium sized aquarium;
  • Lighting and filtration systems;
  • Fry of popular breeds;
  • Fish food;
  • Several books on breeding fish.

Agricultural work

In the village, you can find many ways to earn income for a teenager. The main thing is to explain to the child the difference between selfless help grandmother and paid services to strangers. How to make money at 12:

  • Feed birds and animals, clean cages and aviaries;
  • Weed the beds, water the plants;
  • Collect and destroy pests;
  • Harvest in the beds;
  • Become a shepherd's helper;
  • Help in harvesting mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs.

V countryside it is easy to find busy or elderly neighbors who are willing to pay a child at least 150-200 rubles a day for such work.

pet care

When thinking about how to make money at the age of 12 for a girl, one should first of all consider activities that require typically female character traits - attentiveness, responsibility, care. For example, you can take care of animals: many pet owners need help during a business trip or vacation. Of course, a teenager should not take responsibility for large and aggressive dogs - it is better to limit yourself to such small wards as:

  • Parrots and canaries;
  • Cats;
  • Rodents;
  • Fish and turtles.

In order not to go to other people's apartments, the child should agree with the parents and organize overexposure at home. Working simultaneously with several clients, you can earn up to 10 thousand rubles a month.


It is believed that needlework is more suitable for girls, although in some types of applied arts, boys realize themselves no less successfully. If a teenager knows how to handle tools and has an artistic taste, he should think about perspective, making various products with his own hands.

  • Bijouterie - beads, bracelets, pendants;
  • Knitwear - scarves, hats, socks and mittens;
  • Figurines and souvenirs made of wood and polymer clay;
  • Handmade postcards and photo albums.

Earnings for children on the Internet

Today, to earn income, a teenager no longer needs to leave home: on the Internet, you can always find how to earn money urgently. However, at the initial stage, one cannot do without the assistance of parents: first of all, the elders must explain the safety rules to the child and teach him to recognize fraudulent projects, which abound in the virtual world.

In addition, you will have to solve problems with payment. Earning sites usually transfer money to an electronic wallet, which can only be verified if you have a passport. Therefore, the student will have to register in the payment system on behalf of mom or dad. In general, working on the Internet is characterized by several important advantages for a minor:

  • There are no age restrictions for performers;
  • It is usually possible to make money on the Internet at the age of 12 without education;
  • Customer requirements are the same for all performers;
  • The child works in comfortable home conditions and does not risk anything.

Earnings on online games

How to make money without working? Schoolchildren are given a similar chance by online games like World of Tanks, which are played by millions of people around the world. An experienced player can earn income from the sale of game currency, armor and weapons, magical artifacts and virtual characters on special exchanges.

For these items, game fans pay quite real money. Practice shows that a student who plays on the Internet for at least two or three hours a day can earn about 5-8 thousand rubles a month.


Not too complicated, but rather time-consuming way of earning money for a schoolboy at the age of 12 is a set of texts. Such work is paid for by customers who need to transcribe an audio recording of an interview, a video with a presentation or a lecture.

The performer does not have to express his thoughts in an artistic style or write abstruse articles. Typing is similar to dictation: you just need to carefully listen to the recording and literally type what was said in a text editor. Where can a teenager earn money? Decryption orders are often placed on specialized exchanges.

Enter captcha

If the student prefers relatively simple job and has free time, he can make money on captcha recognition. A captcha is a picture with distorted text or a simple graphic puzzle that is placed on a website to protect against robots. A computer cannot bypass such an obstacle, and therefore, when sending out advertisements, customers are forced to resort to the help of real performers.

How to make money on the Internet for a student? You need to create an electronic wallet, register on the most popular RuCaptcha service and start decrypting. For 1000 correctly solved problems, this site pays 50 rubles.

Clicks on ads

Do not require intellectual tension and clicks on advertising. Looking through the websites of advertisers on special exchanges, a teenager can get the first profit. How to make money for a 12 year old child:

  • Register on the stock exchange as a performer;
  • Select a link to the advertiser's website and click on it;
  • Leave the opened window active until the end of the timer;
  • Perform a verification action in this window (solve a simple example);
  • Get money into your account;
  • After accumulating the required amount, withdraw money to your electronic wallet.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to earn a tangible amount on clicks: viewing one advertisement brings only 5–10 kopecks, and therefore, for several hours of work, a teenager is unlikely to receive more than 40–50 rubles.

Working on social networks

Modern teenagers spend all their free time on social networks, paying attention mainly to communication and entertainment. After thinking about how to benefit from this activity, you can search the Internet for services that pay for activities to promote different communities. How to earn money as a student:

  • Like the given posts and photos;
  • Join the specified groups and add customers as friends;
  • Make reposts of certain posts;
  • Participate in polls and surveys;
  • Leave comments under other people's posts.

Completing tasks

Any site looks useful and in demand if there are lively discussions and disputes between visitors on its pages. Therefore, webmasters on exchanges hire special performers who imitate active communication and create the appearance of a high popularity of the resource. Where can you make money at 12:


How to make money for a 12 year old student? Depending on the goals pursued, the customer can offer the contractor for a fee of 5-10 rubles:

  • Register on a website
  • Vote in the poll;
  • Comment on a post or article;
  • Find the site specified in the task in search engines;
  • Make a repost of a certain page of the site in social networks;
  • Watch the video, like, subscribe to the YouTube channel.

earn money on smartphone

Today it is difficult to meet a student who does not own a smartphone or tablet. Thanks to the ubiquity of the mobile Internet, the owner of the gadget can receive income at any time: just download and install the special AdvertApp program on the device. How to make money at 11 years old:

  • Download and run certain applications or games;
  • Rate downloaded applications;
  • Write reviews for the programs;
  • View ads.

You can not be afraid of filling up the memory of your smartphone: after a few days, downloaded games are allowed to be deleted. For each task, they pay 5–30 rubles: thus, an active teenager earns about 120 rubles a day.

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Unsuccessful part-time job ideas for schoolchildren

Thinking about how to make money right now, teenagers, on the advice of their parents, sometimes try to engage in activities that are not appropriate for their age in terms of risk or responsibility. We are talking about such ways of earning as:

  1. . This is a great way, but for 12-year-old schoolchildren, it comes with a real threat: not every teenager is able to keep the animal from showing aggression or protect it from the attacks of other dogs. As a result, both the pet and the child can suffer;
  2. Carwash. Listing, the authors of various articles suggest that children wipe the windows and headlights of cars in traffic jams. However, the teenager will have to run between cars on the roadway, which is very dangerous. In addition, one grain of sand in a dirty sponge can scratch the body or glass, as a result of which the parents of the young washer will have to compensate the motorist for the damage;
  3. Babysitting. It is hardly worth thinking about by babysitting: few parents will agree to entrust their child to an inexperienced teenager. In addition, such a part-time job is characterized by great responsibility and constant nervous tension, which not every minor can withstand;
  4. Payment from parents. When a child says, "I want to make money, but I don't know how," overprotective parents begin to offer him payment for daily chores. However, a student who receives money for good grades or washed dishes develops a misconception about work and a desire to seek material gain in everything.

For a 12-year-old child, finding ways to earn money can be accompanied by some difficulties: employers are not yet ready to offer him interesting vacancies, and the available activities look boring and monotonous. So that the first experience of adult life does not cause a minor aversion to any work, parents should adhere to certain rules:

  1. No need to dissuade a teenager from this venture. If he is trying to learn how to make money at 12, it is better to support his desire to become independent;
  2. You can't take money from a student. He has every right to dispose of honestly earned funds and spend them at his own discretion;
  3. You should not force the child to give part of the reward to the general budget. Providing for the family is considered the responsibility of the parents, not the children;
  4. Do not tell a teenager how to spend his salary. In the absence of independence, he will not understand that money cannot be spent on trifles;
  5. It is advisable to check the employer. Thinking only about how to make a lot of money, a 12-year-old student may not notice signs of dishonesty;
  6. The location of the child should be monitored. You can ask him to call home every hour or carry a special tracker with you.

The book of the famous German economist and philosopher Karl Marx "Capital" is relevant to this day. Every day people run from one job to another in search of financial prosperity. Our children are not far behind us.

Children want to work

Increasingly, children ask their parents the question: “How to make money for children of 11 years old?” If a child has a desire to receive his first salary, do not rush to dissuade him, this is just the first step towards his financial independence.

There is work for a child of 11 years old with a salary, the main thing is the desire of parents to help their child in her search.

Work for kids

Activities available for schoolchildren at the age of 11:

summer work

Is there a job for children 11-12 years old with a salary during the holidays? Of course have! In the summer season, ways to earn money become much more diverse. All of the above are joined by the following directions:

Earnings on the Internet

If your child sits for hours staring at the monitor, then this can also be directed in the right direction. There are thousands of online earning offers on the World Wide Web. But an independent search is not recommended here, stay close to your child while he browses sites with job offers, so as not to become a victim of Internet scammers.

Types of earnings in the network

Now we will look at how children of 11 years old make money on the Internet:

  1. Paid surveys and tests. There are a lot of such services, you just need to register and wait for an invitation to participate in the survey.
  2. Writing positive reviews. How often do you write positive reviews about a beauty salon, car service, etc. Never? Then where do they come from? This is also one of the types of online earnings.
  3. Paid web browsing. It's simple, you need to view the pages on the links and get rewarded for this.
  4. Reading letters. You read letters - you get money. More letters - more money.
  5. Performing simple tasks. Basically, the essence of this type of earnings is the passage of demo games. After the game is completed, you will need to write a short report on the work done.
  6. Photo editing. Suitable for anyone who knows how to use Photoshop.

Copywriting is a great activity for a budding writer

What other job is suitable for a child of 11 years old with a salary? Copywriter, rewriter.

Surely by the time your child began to think about earning money on his own, he had already written hundreds of essays at school. So why not use it as a source of income? There are copywriting exchanges on the Internet. This is a marketplace that specializes in websites on the Internet.

You can write texts to order or sell them yourself. This is especially suitable for children who have perseverance and patience. Payment for 1000 characters can reach up to 50 rubles. But the initial bar is 6-10 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. So, if your child has the ability to express his thoughts beautifully and competently, then it is definitely worth trying his strength in this direction.

Electronic wallet for withdrawal

Money earned on the World Wide Web is accumulated in an electronic wallet. Your child will be able to start their own wallet only after 18 years. Therefore, without the help of parents here can not do. Thus, you can control where and how your child earns his first capital.

A small conclusion

Now you know the answer to your question: “What is the job for schoolchildren of 11 years old?”

The main rule: do not force or coerce the child into any type of activity. It is necessary to involve a child in the work process motivated and consciously. The child should be interested in what he wants to do so that the work arouses enthusiasm and joy and does not later become a burden.

If you still doubt that work for a child of 11 years old with a salary is real, we will give a final argument. In early childhood, Steve Jobs delivered newspapers, Thomas Edison sold apples on the train, and worked part-time at a veterinary clinic, which undoubtedly helped them to succeed. Even as a child, they felt how hard it is to get money. Therefore, they firmly decided for themselves that they would succeed, so that they would not have to work hard all their lives like a damned one.

So, if your child has set a goal for himself, do not interfere with him on the way to achieving it.

author Vlad Govorkov asked a question in Part time job

Where and who can work at the age of 12 and got the best answer

Answer from Yydor Pizhiy[newbie]
I'm 13 right now. At 12, I was robbed at a car wash there for 1 car for 50r they gave me)

Answer from Lolita Timina[newbie]
maybe in kindergarten

Answer from sashko[newbie]
write if you need [email protected]

Answer from Aorpa lorljor[newbie]
if you have internet and time at home, then I can tell you 15 rubles per hour! really not a scam! attention to work better through the program!! I will explain the subtleties of work and the simplicity of everything in VK

Answer from Natalia Ivanova[active]
Here you can earn:
No investment. Register, complete simple tasks and earn. Money is not huge, but REAL. If you link accounts from all social. networks, then enough tasks will be sent. Good luck)

Answer from Marina Korneeva[newbie]
Hello reader! Do you want to earn money but don't know how? I will help you! I think everyone has a phone. Go to the play market or another store, look for the WHAFF application, earn money! I've already made about $100! To progress faster, enter the invitation code DG60489 and you will receive $0.3 IMMEDIATELY! If you read the reviews, you will see that this system does not cheat and pays out your funds! You can also write your own code with promises in the comments. (enter my code and get $10...). All this is nonsense! So enter DG60489 and start earning! Good luck to all!!!

Answer from Zara Pomerantseva[newbie]
There is a great way to make money! Everything is very simple and profitable!
We will play a game with you, codenamed
Earnings white and fluffy. You can earn about 300-500 rubles a day! maybe more if you push. It does not require investments, special knowledge and efforts too. We read the manual, go through the quest and start earning!
bit. ly/babloQst (remove space before ly/)

Answer from T.I.[newbie]
Try to find people who have their own online store or Vkontakte sales groups - very profitable! I personally do online sales Vkontakte. I work in an online store of laughing hamsters, I sell according to the scheme in the link. And out of about 10 - 6 people agree!) So draw your own conclusions!

Answer from FAITH[guru]
The only option is to help the very elderly, lonely, mothers with babies without fathers and grandmothers. You can negotiate with them for PERMANENT help. It could be going to a magician. , walk the dog, take out the trash.... BUT CONSTANTLY AND RELIABLE. And it’s not difficult for you, and help them.

Answer from Valery Alexandrovich[newbie]
a lot depends on gender, but then on the rise)

Answer from Julia art[master]
Get some rest, baby. On vacation somewhere only.

Answer from Vladislav[guru]
Yes, you can work but during the summer holidays. To do this, you need to contact the State Employment Center in your city or district center (We are talking clearly about Russia). There must be a youth employment department, including for your age. They will select / offer work in compliance with all the rights of a minor worker and are guaranteed to pay a salary. It won’t be enough for a Mercedes, but buy an inexpensive smartphone, that’s for sure. I emphasize once again that this is the STATE employment center and no other.

Answer from Yovetlana Kornilova[guru]
at school, student

Answer from Wladislavskij[guru]
Nope, no one agrees to take responsibility.) You will still have time to work out, believe me.

Answer from Tyoiui parchenko[newbie]
No. And not all schools have holidays.