
Children's birthday contests for 6 years. Your first real jubilee is the 5th anniversary! Competitions, games, relay races. Lighter than air competition


5 years - the first anniversary in the life of your baby has come! The child already feels old enough to celebrate this holiday not only with relatives, but also to invite friends to visit him.

The organization of such an event at home requires some preparations:

The holiday should be started by creating an atmosphere of intrigue and unity of the whole company of little guests. The game is good for this. "New name".

It is necessary to cut out cards in advance from bright paper in the form of the birthday boy's favorite heroes and hide them in one of the rooms. After that, invite all the children to the secret room and give them some time to look for the cards. As soon as each participant has found a card for himself, we proceed to the second part of this game. The leader in the circle throws the ball, accompanied by the question: "What is your name?" You need to tell not your real name, but the fairytale hero depicted on the card of each owner. For the rest of the evening, each child turns into this hero and should only be addressed by a new name.

Options for games and contests for children

"Magic Cylinder"

All children line up in a circle. The host shows them the hat, accompanying them with the words: “This hat is not easy, it is magical. Whoever puts it on his head starts spinning with a whirligig! And when the music stops, the one who is wearing this hat disappears! " Then, by his own example, he demonstrates to children the principle of play, i.e. puts a cylinder on his head, turns around himself once and then passes it on to the next participant. Then the competition continues with fiery music and the children quickly pass the hat as a relay baton according to the described rules. As soon as the music stops, the player who is wearing the hat is eliminated. The last one who remains in the hat is awarded a prize.

"Adults and kids"

The presenter announces the rules of the game to the children: when to pronounce the word " adults"They should stand on their toes and reach up with their hands, and if they hear the word" toddlers", You have to sit down. Of course, the task of the leader is to confuse the guys and for this he first says the words “ adults!"Deliberately loud, and" toddlers"- in a barely audible whisper. Then the presenter diametrically changes the intonation and volume. In addition, the presenter can mislead children by resorting to visual-sound deception, i.e. saying “ adults"- the presenter squats, and saying" toddlers"- stands on tiptoes. The one who is wrong is out of the game.

"Ice and candy"

This competition is recommended to be held during the warm season. First, you must freeze the M&S candies in small pieces of ice. After some particularly active competition, in order to give the children time to relax and cool down, the presenter invites each child to take one piece of ice and melt it as quickly as possible. Whoever gets a candy from a piece of ice first gets a package of M & S sweets.

"Race cars".

For this competition, you will need two children's toy cars, ropes and pencils. Attach one end of the string to the pencil and the other to the typewriter. Children should wind the rope around the pencil as quickly as possible without lifting the wheels off the floor.

If girls predominate in the company of children, then it is better to replace the typewriter with toy carriages.

"Free hands"

Take big leaf paper (A1 format), colored markers and place the children around the entire perimeter of the sheet. Each child should circle their palms and decorate them at their discretion. Upon completion of the joint creativity of the children, the presenter asks all children to sign this picture. In the center of the canvas, the date of the celebration is written, accompanied by the words: "In 15 years, all the creators of this masterpiece should gather for the next anniversary of the birthday man and circle their palms again."

"Gourmet Competition"

Each child in turn is blindfolded and asked to open his mouth. Then put a piece of fruit or berry in your mouth. The assortment should be varied - chocolate, bananas, marmalade, strawberries, oranges and more. The main condition is that the pieces should be small and put them in the child's mouth very carefully so that the child does not get scared and does not choke. The kid should taste what it is. Find out in advance the dessert preferences of children and be sure to take into account the wishes of their parents. All those who guessed it correctly receive the same fruit or candy as a prize, which they guessed.

"Mini-championship on launching balloons"

You will need a few whistle balloons. All children line up along the wall, inflate balloons as much as possible (if one of the kids does not succeed, then you can involve your parents in the balloon inflation). At the command of the leader, the balls are released. Whose ball will fly the farthest is the winner. You can compete in this competition until the parents get tired of the polyphonic squeaking of balls.

"Mysterious balls"

Parents need to write riddles on small pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and put them inside balloons... First, the children need to destroy the air bombs (the same balls in which we put riddles). You can cheer up children in this process "We are not afraid of these broads, we can easily neutralize them with some priests and solve all the riddles in order to move on!" After it was possible to extract the notes from the balls, the presenter begins to read riddles to the children, and they guess together.

"Bee in a flower meadow"

For this competition, mom needs to sew some floral hats. For example, from cotton wool - dandelion; from blue satin - a bell; from white chintz - chamomile; from red satin - a rose. The greatest work will be required to make a bee hat. The best thing for this is a deep knitted hat, sew on the wings and antennae on top. The hat must necessarily cover the eyes of the child. The game is built on the principle of blind man's buff. First, they put on a bee hat on the birthday man, unwind him and let him go in search of flowers. When a bee catches a flower, it must guess what kind of flower it is by its headdress. Then the bee and the caught flower change their caps. And again the bee drives.

"Tell my light to the mirror, but show the whole truth ..."

A presenter is selected among the children, whose task in this competition is to show various intricate figures and grimaces. The rest of the children must accurately copy his movements. It is important that every child tries himself in the role of "Mirror". This competition develops acting skills in children and helps to fight the shyness of the child.

"If it is not …"

This game develops associative thinking in children. An object is selected and passed in a circle with the words: "If this is not a ball, then this is the sun." The next child continues the baton with a toy and adds to the previously said version one more assumption: "If this is not a ball and not the sun, then this is an orange!" In this way, the transfer of the toy continues until it has completed the entire circle. The children list what the object is like. A participant who could not find the next word is eliminated.

"Matryoshka with gifts for the whole company"

Take a few boxes a few days before the celebration different sizes and paint them with the children. Then put mementos for all the kids in the smallest box. Put the small box in the box slightly bigger size and so on, like a nesting doll, put all the boxes in the largest of them. On the appointed day of the celebration, seat all the children in a circle and, to the music, begin to hand over a huge matryoshka gift box. When the music stops, the child who at that moment has the box in his hands opens it and finds a smaller box there. The music sounds again and the children pass the next box in a circle until the music dies down. Thus, the game continues until the children get to the smallest gift box for the whole company.

It is best to end the celebration with a traditional loaf!

In contact with

Competitions for children 5-6 years old will allow participants to demonstrate their dexterity, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Riddles will help develop logical thinking, memory. Active play will contribute to good physical development children and give them a positive mood. A friendly passing of tests will fill the holiday with perky laughter and joy.

    The competition is attended by 2 girls. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare in advance 2 types of paper flowers and 2 baskets. Before the start of the competition, you need to scatter paper flowers on the floor. It will be a flower meadow.

    The task of the participants is to collect the maximum number of flowers within a certain time specific type in the basket. For example, one girl only collects daisies, and the other - roses.

    The winner is the participant who has more flowers of the desired type in her basket.

    Creative competition. In it, children can show their flight of imagination and talent for art. It is necessary to prepare album sheets and pencils (according to the number of participants). Only the eyes need to be drawn on each sheet. The children themselves must complete the drawing.

    You can invite them to portray, for example, an unseen animal or bird. Assigning a certain topic will make it easier for the child to choose the direction in which he needs to create. You can also invite the children to give a name to their animal and tell a little story about it or describe its life.

    Game "Riddles"

    The game "I know everything"

    In this game, children can show off their knowledge and learn a lot. To carry it out, you need a ball. All participants line up. The presenter offers to check the knowledge of children on some topic, for example: "Pets". He takes turns throwing a ball to the players and naming the animals. If a child hears the name of a pet (for example, a goat), he must catch the ball and throw it back to the presenter. If the name of a wild animal is heard (for example, a crocodile), the participant must hit the ball.

    A child who loses vigilance drops out of the line. The game continues until the last player. If the children are very good at coping, you can increase the pace so that dropped participants do not get bored.

    Examples of topics: vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers, birds, fish

    Birthday cake game

    All children participate in the game. Before carrying out it, you need to depict the birthday cake on a large sheet of paper and make an exact copy on a small scale. The background of the picture should be colored - so it will be more interesting for children. Next, a large sheet needs to be drawn in the form of puzzles and cut along these lines. The paper should be thick enough so that players, in the heat of excitement, do not tear the pieces of the puzzle.

The presenter pronounces the words "Katya", "Katenka" or "Katyusha" in a different order. At the word "Katya" all participants of the competition must touch their nose, at the word "Katya" - put their hands on their shoulders, and at the word "Katyusha" - put their hands on their belt. The competition is held in several rounds. Only those participants who correctly perform all actions in accordance with the assignment go to each subsequent round.

Ale op

For this competition, you will need baby hoops - hula hoops. The guys are divided into several teams of about 5-7 people. At the start command, the members of each team try to get into the hoop and fit into it faster than the others. The team that succeeds in doing this will win.

Fast snail

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Members of each team line up. At the command "start", children must turn a row of themselves into a "snail", that is, twist, after which, in this position, they must run faster than others to reach their goal, for example, to a chair on which a prize will stand. Accordingly, who is the first, the prize.

The cat rode backwards

Children are divided into teams with the same number of people. The game will be played by relay race. At the same distance from each team there is a chair with any objects (balls, apples, and so on). At the “start” command, the first participants turn their backs to the chair of their team, become in the “cat” position - they run on their hands and feet and on all fours backwards to the chair, grab a ball or an apple and run back to their team, pass the baton to the second participants and stand at the end of the command. Then the second participants run backwards and so on until the last. The winner is the team in which the first participants will again be in the first place.


The guys are divided into teams of 3-4 people. Each team after the word "start" begins to compile its own list of all kinds of electrical appliances (in modern world there are a lot of them, and modern children almost all know them), for example, an electric kettle, a coffee grinder, a coffee maker, a toaster, a multicooker, a microwave oven, a hair dryer, an iron, a mixer, and so on. All teams are given the same amount of time, for example 5 minutes. The fix team with the longest list of real-life electrical appliances will win.

Find the answer

The guys are divided into teams. Each team receives the same set of bottles (simple plastic), including empty bottles and bottles with notes. There will be words in the notes, from these words you will need to make a sentence, and according to the proposal, guess which fairy tale was made up, for example, “Godmother - the fairy waved her magic wand and the pumpkin in an instant turned into a carriage "- a sentence from the fairy tale" Cinderella ". So, at the command "start", the guys from each team begin to unscrew the plugs and look for notes. As soon as all the notes are found, the guys build a proposal and receive an answer. The team that is the first to cope with the task and give the correct answer - will name the hidden fairy tale - will win.

Leaves and fruits

For this competition, you need to prepare pictures of leaves and fruits of various plants (Internet and a printer for help). Pictures can also be cut from various gardeners' magazines. This can be, for example, a picture of rowan leaves and a picture of rowan fruits, a picture of potato leaves and a picture of potato fruits, a picture of raspberry leaves and a picture of its fruits, and so on. All pictures are mixed and put into one bag. These bags with pictures (the same in each) must be prepared for each team. So, the guys are divided into teams, the teams receive a bag with pictures, and on the "start" command, the guys must match the pictures, that is, put the pictures of leaves and fruits of the same plant next to each other. The team that matches all the pictures correctly will win.

Build a tower

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each participant has a cube in their hands. At the start command, the first participants run to the specified distance and place their cube, come back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second participants also run and place the second cubes on the tower. If someone's tower collapses, construction begins with the first cube and it will no longer be as high as it could have been. The team with the tallest tower wins.

Ball race

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. The members of each team stand in separate rows. The presenter gives the first participants a ball (preferably a rubber one). At the start command, the first participants put the ball on the floor between their legs and, quickly moving their legs, move to the goal (you can simply put a chair to the mark that is drawn for each team). Having reached the goal, the participants pick up the ball and throw it to the second participants, they catch the ball, put it on the floor between their legs and continue the relay race. This is how the game continues until the last participants move to the “other side”. The team that completes the ball race faster and moves to the other side will win.

The article will help you prepare your child's holiday so that everyone will be fun and interesting.

The birthday of the beloved child is always the excitement of the mother, not only about the set table, but also about the fun of it. How to make the holiday fun not only for children, but also for guests?

Contests for the birthday of a 1 year old child

Since a baby at 1 year old cannot yet understand the whole meaning of what is happening, then almost all contests are aimed at the participation of guests in them.

Who knows the child better?

A number of questions about the birthday boy are asked for the guests. Whoever answers correctly first gets, for example, one candy. Whoever picks up the most sweets wins. If there are many guests, you can divide them into several groups. At the end, respectively, one of the groups wins. Some questions are obvious, but are for speed. Sample questions:

  • How much did the birthday boy weigh at birth
  • What day of the week was born
  • What time was born
  • What is the patronymic of the birthday boy
  • Favorite toy
  • When the first tooth came out
  • How many teeth are there now
  • Favorite food
  • Zodiac sign
  • What are the names of godmother and dad
  • What is the first word you said?
  • Favorite cartoon
  • What is the weight now
  • When I first got to my feet

IMPORTANT: There can be many such questions. But do not overdo it so as not to tire the guests with interrogation.

Who will the birthday boy be in the future?

This competition is personal for the birthday boy. But other small children can also participate.

Items are laid out on the table. The subject that the child will take and will mean his future profession. Example:

  • Keys - builder
  • Comb - hairdresser
  • Money is a financier
  • Book is a scientist
  • Soft toy - veterinarian
  • Vitamins - doctor
  • Flashlight - Police
  • Calculator - economist / accountant
  • Any technique (mouse, remote control, tablet) - programmer or technician
  • Doll outfit - clothing designer
  • Spoon - catering
  • Beautiful figurine - interior designer
  • Children's signet - lawyer
  • Pen - writer
  • Brush - artist

IMPORTANT: You can come up with a lot of your own options.

When the birthday person makes the choice, give this opportunity to other children.

The best gourmet.

  • Invite several people from the guests to participate (it will be more fun if they are supporters of early feeding)
  • Prepare jars baby food and remove the labels from them
  • Take turns giving them a try. Whoever guesses the taste the most is the one who won

IMPORTANT: It will be more fun if you choose less tasty options for testing: broccoli, cauliflower.

Spit it out.

For the competition, you can take two or three children from 6 years old. Give each one a pacifier or a pacifier (better - the same). Whoever spits on two attempts further won.


The competition is suitable for children who are not afraid to go into the arms of other people's uncles.

Invite men to the competition. Let everyone lift the child and name the approximate weight. The one who will be closer to the truth will win.

Laughter of the birthday boy.

Call for the competition those who wish, regardless of age and gender.

The one who can make the birthday boy laugh in 1 minute is the winner.

After each competition, guests can be awarded medals:

Contests for the birthday of a child 2-3 years old

At 2-3 years old, the child himself will actively participate in competitions.

Cheerful balls.

For this competition, involve little children and their mothers or fathers.

Give each child an inflated balloon and felt-tip pen. With the help of their parents, children draw funny faces to the music. At the end of the music, the presenter evaluates the drawing of each and, of course, we say that friendship has won. We present prizes to all participants.

Accuracy competition.

  • To participate, take the birthday man and his friends. Line up the kids
  • Opposite each, at a distance of 2-3 meters, place an adult with a bucket. Give each baby a small ball or paper crumpled into a ball
  • Give everyone 3 throws. Who will show the best result - he will win


  • You can print 3 types of pictures with animals measuring about 10 by 15 cm in several copies
  • The number of copies depends on the number of participants. Cut each picture in half
  • Give each participant 3 cut pictures. At the signal, everyone begins to collect the picture. Whoever collects 3 pictures first will win

IMPORTANT: You can involve mothers to help

Show the beast.

  • On pieces of paper write animals that children love and know how to show: dog, cat, mouse, frog, monkey, bear, hedgehog, donkey, duck, bird, goose, chicken
  • Inflate air balloons, having previously thrown into each piece of paper with the name of the animal. Tie the ball on a bow (in case someone is afraid of bursting the ball)
  • The child chooses a balloon, you pop or untie it, and name the animal that the child should voice or show. It will be more fun for both children and adults if mom and dad keep their baby company
  • According to the results of the competition, all children win

Contests for the birthday of a child 4-5 years old

Candy soup.

  • Invite two children to participate
  • Give each one a ladle. Opposite, after 3 meters, place a stool with a saucepan. And near the child is a handful of sweets
  • The task of the participants is to put the candy in a ladle, bring it and pour it into the pan
  • Whoever did it faster - he won

An attentive parrot.

  • The facilitator explains to the children that they must repeat all the words after him, except for the word "parrot." To quiet music, the presenter calls out words, including the word "parrot". Anyone who repeats "parrot" is out of the game
  • With each dropout, the presenter accelerates and accelerates to make it easier to confuse the children
  • The last remaining wins
  • A maximum of children are involved to participate. Adults can also participate for fun
  • One person sits on a chair, facing away from the others. One participant from the rest comes up from behind and pronounces the sound of an animal: "woof-woof", "meow", "pee-pee-pee"
  • The person sitting in a chair must understand who came up. If you guessed right, then a suitable child sits in the chair.
  • There is no winner as such. Everyone is rewarded for participation

Fun birthday contests for kids

In the footsteps of animals.

  • Children with parents involved
  • Each team is given two cartons, cut out in the form of an animal footprint. At a distance of 3-4 meters, improvise the finish
  • The adult's task is to substitute a cardboard box under each step of the child.
  • The child's task is to walk the entire distance exclusively on cardboard boxes.


  • There are two teams of children involved. Give one team 5 inflated balloons of one color, the other team a different color
  • Put the teams opposite each other. Draw an impromptu line between them (like a volleyball net)
  • When the music begins, each team tries to throw their balls over the line, and, at the same time, knock out the opponent's balls that have flown in from their territory
  • At the end of the music, the team with the fewest opponent balls wins.

Easy birthday contests for kids

Making a shish kebab.

We give each participant a stick (it is possible from the balls) and put 10 dryers on a plate. The one who quickly puts the drying on the stick, he made the first kebab.

Collect sweets.

Spread sweets on the floor. On command, children begin to collect them in their hands, pockets, sleeves. Whoever collects more - he won. Of course, everyone takes their sweets for themselves.

Music contests for children for birthday

Find the color.

  • Children participate in the competition. The presenter says out loud a color and the music turns on for 10 seconds
  • During this time, each participant is looking for something in the room of the corresponding color and put his hand to it (guests' clothes, a toy). Who could not find in the allotted time - he is eliminated
  • Then another color is announced, and so on until one winner remains

Guess the song.

  • A presenter is selected from adults or older children. He leaves for another room. At this time, the children are divided into two teams. Each team makes a song for itself
  • When the host returns, the teams simultaneously begin to sing their songs. In this noise, the presenter must guess who is singing which song.
  • If he guesses wrong, he fulfills the wishes of the children.

Outdoor games at the birthday party

Relay "Find a Pair".

  • 10-14 participants are invited to participate (even number). You can attract adults. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams
  • Each participant takes off one foot. All removed shoes are put in one pile, located at the same distance from both teams
  • The relay is to run to a pile of shoes, find your own, put them on and return to the team.
  • The first team to be announced as the winner

Reel on the reel.

Two people are involved. Each is given a spool of thread. A thread of 5 m is issued for two. The middle of the thread is marked with a knot. Participants begin, upon a signal, to wind the thread each on its own spool from two edges. The first to wind the knot wins.

Funny birthday contests for kids

Who said meow.

  • Choose one adult to lead. There can be as many children as players
  • The presenter turns away, and one of the children shouts "meow". It will be better if the child says this by grimacing or changing his voice.
  • Then the presenter turns, and all the children begin to shout "meow" and run and jump around the room
  • In such a noisy atmosphere, an adult tries to guess who said "meow" first
  • To make it more fun, the loser presenter pulls a phantom from the bag (for example, to portray some kind of animal). Children will have a lot of fun watching this.


The competition will appeal to younger children. The presenter says that he goes to the zoo and leaves the room. Returning, he says that he saw there, for example, a bear. After that, the children should all together show how the bear is doing.

Questions contests for children for birthday

A connoisseur of fairy tales.

The presenter names the beginning of the tale, and the children guess the ending. For the correct answer, everyone gets a candy. Whoever got the most sweets won.

  • "Red ..."
  • "Wolf and ..."
  • Snow White and ... "
  • "Baba ..."
  • "Tom and ..."

Guess a riddle.

The leader asks riddles. For each correct answer, he gives a candy. Whoever has the most sweets wins.

  • They waited for mom with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children? (Seven kids)
  • She bought a samovar, and a mosquito saved her. (fly Tsokotukha)
  • He is always at work when we speak. And it rests when we are silent. (language)
  • There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything. (hairbrush)
  • every day at six in the morning he rattles "It's time to get up" (alarm clock)

Birthday contests for children in the form of a fairy tale

  • To conduct a fairy tale contest, a good preparation of the organizer is required. You need props, script, musical accompaniment
  • The most simple option there will be a fairy tale "Kolobok". All children know it, it is not very long and easy to remember
  • Participants: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, bear, fox, hare
  • For everyone, props should be prepared to help see who the participant is performing: a scarf for a grandmother, a hat for a grandfather, hats of a bear, a fox and a hare (or ears)
  • The presenter reads the tale expressively and slowly. And the participants portray their role at every mention of them.

Table contests for a child's birthday

Guess yourself.

  • Stickers are handed out to everyone sitting at the table.
  • In turn, each writes on his sticker a word known to everyone: fruit, vegetable, animal and others. After the stickers are passed in a circle
  • Having received the sticker, the participant glues it on his forehead and asks everyone leading questions. So trying to guess who he is. Of course, the author of the word does not try to guess and suggest
  • Examples of questions: Am I a fruit? am i red am i round

Broken phone.

The participant comes up with a phrase. He passes it on to a neighbor in a whisper in his ear. Neighbor - to another neighbor. And so on until the end. At the end, it is quite fun to hear the phrase that the last participant will voice.

Prizes for baby birthday contests

The choice of prizes depends on the budget you are looking for. It can be:

  • Egg Kinder surprise
  • Chocolate bar
  • Candy
  • Chupa Chups
  • Small soft toys
  • Dolls for girls
  • Cars for boys
  • Air bubbles
  • Jigsaw puzzles

An economical, but at the same time, memorable option will be medals. Print on thick paper, thread the string. You can give it after each competition.

Contests for adults at a child's birthday

Unravel the ball.

  • One adult and one children participate in the competition
  • The adult walks out the door. Children stand in a circle, join hands
  • Then they begin to get entangled, stepping with their feet or hands over the arms and legs of others. At the same time, hands should not be released.
  • The adult comes back and tries to untangle the ball without unhooking his hands. If he unravels, he gets a prize. Will not unravel - fulfills the desire

Eat to your health.

  • The competition is attended by adults. Everyone sits down at the table
  • A plate of crumbly food is placed in front of each - ideally rice or buckwheat porridge... Each participant is given Chinese sticks
  • On command, everyone begins to eat with chopsticks. Whoever eats more in a minute wins
  • The portions must be equal

As you can see, children's birthday can be fun for both guests and the birthday person. The main thing is preparation.

Video: Games and contests for BIRTHDAY 2-3 YEARS Part 2

Your 4th birthday is coming summer kid... I would like to arrange an unforgettable and fun party which will make your child even happier and have fun with their peers. At this age, the child has favorite games, friends and girlfriends in the kindergarten. Arrange a real holiday for the kid, you can celebrate his birthday at the zoo, kids club, entertainment center. If the parents decide to arrange a real celebration and invite guests, it is worth considering a festive program. So that little guests do not get bored and sad, take care of the entertaining part of the event. It must necessarily include various contests and games. Here are examples of different competitions that are suitable for the birthday of a 4 year old baby.

Competition No. 1 "Who is a dwarf and who is a giant"

To conduct this competition, participants need to stand in a circle. In the center, the presenter tells the children the rules in detail. Their essence boils down to the fact that as soon as the toastmaster calls the word "dwarf", everyone should immediately squat down, and when the "giants" are given, they should stand up again. During the game, the leader pronounces similar words, for example, high or low, the children must also guess and correctly follow the rules of the game. Toastmaster can mislead little guests and say completely different words that are not related to the topic. Such a competition will make children have fun, as well as think about what to do when they hear a specific word. The winner is the participant who made the least mistakes in their actions. Any symbolic gift can be a prize.

Competition No. 2 "Funny Snowballs"

This game does not mean real snowballs, but artificial ones. You can create them using plain white paper or newspaper. Ready-made snowballs are given to the participants of the competition. The condition of the competition is such that a snowball falls into a specially prepared bucket or form. The participant who scores the maximum number wins. The leader can be presented with a souvenir in the form of a chocolate bar.

Contest №3 "Fantasy"

To conduct the competition, you will need a huge sheet of Whatman paper, which, if possible, should be placed on the floor. Children gather around him. Each of them is given multi-colored pencils and markers. If you cannot position the sheet on the floor, it is worth fixing it on the wall. Do not forget to factor in the height of the little guests. By joint efforts at the command of the presenter, children begin to draw a picture on a given topic. For example, draw a summer or a birthday cake, a river or a pool. At the end of the competition, the presenter presents the children with souvenirs. Parents of children can help in this competition.

Competition No. 4 "Funny forfeits"

All children are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter prepares in advance the sheets on which tasks or forfeits will be written. Little guests, pulling out a phantom, should depict what is indicated on the sheet. Tasks can be different, for example, eat candy, sit down 5 times, dance or sing, depict how the wind blows or how a kitten meows. Participants perform tasks one by one. There are no winners in this game, all children receive a sweet little prize.

Competition No. 5 "The Highest Tower"

To participate in the game, two teams are created, which are given a set of wooden or plastic colored cubes. Team players must build a tower as high as possible. To do this, the children are trying to carefully build the building, block by block. The winner is the team whose tower is the tallest and does not collapse within a minute.

Contest number 6 "Find me"

An old and familiar game for every adult called "find me" or "warm - cold". Such a competition will interest every child. To do this, the presenter hides in advance soft toy in room. In the meantime, one participant must find her. To do this, the rest of the players tell him how close or far he is from the object, using the words "warm", "hot", "cold". If the kid finds a hidden object, he takes it as a prize.

Competition No. 7 "Vkusnyatina"

The competition will require an assortment of different fruits and vegetables, as well as a variety of sweets. These can be apples and pears, bananas and grapes, an orange or tangerine, a cake or chocolate bar, as well as marmalade candies and other options. The blindfolded participant is allowed to taste a piece of this or that fruit, which he must guess. Each kid who guessed the sweetness is awarded a piece of fruit.

Competition No. 8 "Gray Wolf"

To hold this competition, it is necessary to draw small circles - shelters, in which, according to the meaning of the competition, the "kids" will be hiding. One player is left outside these circles, and the children consider him a "wolf". The wolf walks between the shelters "kids" and tries to grab them. The "kids", in turn, go out for a walk and run from one circle to another. The task of the participants is to avoid being caught by the "wolf". The participant - the "kid" caught by the "wolf" player becomes the "wolf". This is a very addicting game that will make children have fun and enjoyment.

Contest No. 9 "Guess the Object"

Any number of children can take part in this competition. Previously, a black box is placed in the hall, in which a certain object is hidden. The presenter gives the children various hints regarding the characteristics and properties of the secret object. Using hints, children try to guess what is hidden in the box. The participant who correctly named the object becomes the winner of the game. As a prize, he is awarded exactly the item that he guessed.

Competition No. 10 "Cats and Mice"

An unlimited number of participants is required to play the game. The presenter chooses one who will play the role of the "cat". All other players will be "mice". The aim of the game is for the "cat" to catch the "mouse". The “cat” participant is blindfolded and begins the search. Children who portray "mice" should run around the "cat" and tease her.

Competition No. 11 "Visiting the Fairy Tale"

For the competition, children must be seated in a circle. The presenter quotes excerpts from the most famous Russian fairy tales. The task of the children is to guess the title of the work. The participant who guesses correctly receives a golden chocolate coin. At the end of the competition, the number of coins each player has is counted. The winner is the participant who has the maximum number. The won tasty coins remain with the participants.

Competition No. 12 "Tasty - not tasty"

The task of this competition is that the leader, throwing the ball to a specific player, says a word. The facilitator pronounces a word related to food or not. When it comes to edible products, the player must catch the ball, and if inedible objects are pronounced, on the contrary, push it away. The competition is designed for the speed of reaction of the participants and the knowledge of basic foodstuffs. In this competition, friendship wins. The game is designed for collective participation. Children can be given symbolic sweet gifts. If there are many parents invited, they can also play this competition with their children.