
February 19 what day. Holidays and events in February. World day of whales and dolphins


Zodiac sign born on February 19 - Aquarius. They are reasonable, rational, emotional and sensitive personalities. They have a deep inner peace. Endowed with developed intuition and vivid imagination, thanks to which they are interested in philosophy, culture, art, psychology.

It is important for such men and women to self-actualize, so they are constantly improving their knowledge and skills. They readily assimilate new information. Learning is easy for them.

Those born on this day are not afraid to change their field of activity. They strive for success and achieve their goals in stages. They are able to get carried away with innovative ideas and become reformers in their area of ​​interest. The support of relatives or colleagues often helps them to achieve success in business.

Such people do not need constant communication. Friendly relations for them are not paramount. They often feel the need for privacy. They are dreamers and romantics. They are attracted to travel and adventure.

Characteristics of women born on February 19

Such women with early age independence is inherent. They are not afraid to make decisions and are responsible for them.

They are romantic, charming and mysterious personalities. Such ladies have a fine spiritual organization, which, combined with their attractive appearance, makes them popular among men. They take advantage of their advantages and get what they want with cunning.

Characteristics of men born on February 19

They are active, diligent and strong-willed individuals. Throughout their lives, they strive for self-development and self-improvement.

Such men are polite, tactful and romantic. They tend to come up with ideals that rarely coincide with reality. Because of this, it is difficult for them to build relationships with others.

Love horoscope

In a loving relationship, those born on this day are romantic, sensual and passionate. They love to look after their partner beautifully and gladly accept signs of attention. They tend to idealize the chosen one and are disappointed when he does not meet their requirements.

In marriage, such people are gentle and caring. It is important for them to have a common system of family values ​​with a life partner. To build harmonious relationship, the horoscope advises to distribute household duties and areas of responsibility. An obstacle to family happiness can be a passion for work and a career. These men and women should pay attention to household members and be interested in their affairs.


Born 19 february Aquarius works well with Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius. They have a low chance of harmonious and long-term relationship with Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.

The most suitable partner for those born on February 19

People born on these days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 4, 6, 22, 25, 26
February: 3, 7, 27
March: 1, 4, 6, 10, 28
April: 5, 7, 10, 20, 27
May: 8, 14, 15, 23
June: 4, 16, 18, 19, 27
July: 3, 8, 9, 11
August: 9, 14, 22, 27
September: 5, 6, 11, 26, 27
October: 3, 13, 21, 22, 26
November: 9, 18, 22
December: 1, 12, 17

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are reliable and responsible employees. However, they perceive the set conditions, frameworks and rules with hostility. It is difficult for them to work on large-scale projects. They know how to organize work. Leadership positions are often sought. Their success is envy. Among their entourage there are ill-wishers and enemies who want to ruin their reputation and harm the cause.

Business acumen, inner flair and ability to find mutual language with people allow these individuals to become successful managers, lawyers, businessmen.

Health horoscope

Born 19 february Aquarians are prone to leg and spine injuries. They often find themselves in dangerous situations and road accidents. The horoscope advises to avoid spontaneous and risky actions, traumatic situations. It is also important for them not to overexert themselves during physical exercise... They do not know when to stop and often push themselves to extremes. After playing sports, good rest is important.

Such people often ignore the drinking regime and diet, which is why they suffer from dehydration and gastrointestinal tract disorders. Adequate amounts of fluids, fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed.

Accept the support of loved ones

You often achieve success in business thanks to the support of loved ones. Accept help from family, mentors, and coworkers, and remember to thank them for it.

Do not withdraw into yourself

Life's difficulties and troubles make you sullen and callous. Do not withdraw into yourself and do not contain negative emotions.

Show respect when dealing with people.

You can be rude and unrestrained in communication. The people around them perceive this behavior as rudeness. Educate yourself and show respect for your interlocutors.

Each day of the calendar is associated with some important events, significant holidays, name days of famous people. February 19 is no exception. In the history of Russia, he was remembered primarily as the date of the abolition of serfdom. But there are others important events occurred in different years around the world on this February day. Many famous people who influenced the course of history were also born on February 19. And among the people, this day is associated with many interesting signs. Therefore, it will be interesting to learn more about him.

World history

On this day, the first in the world appeared. It was created by the French astronomer Urbain Le Verrier in 1855. The map was compiled from measurements by weather forecasters from various European cities. The calculations and their figures were sent by telegraph. The map displayed air temperature and other synoptic data. Thanks to such maps, you can get a complete picture of the state of the weather, as well as investigate possible changes in it.

This date remained in history as the day the phonograph appeared. It was patented in 1878 by Thomas Edison and became the first device designed to record and reproduce sound. The phonograph brought worldwide fame to its creator. The great merit of the inventor is that he sent the first batch of instruments to his famous contemporaries. Thanks to this, today you can hear how the voice of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and many others sounds.

February 19 in Burma will be remembered for the most massive crocodile attack in history. In 1935, reptiles ate nearly a thousand Japanese soldiers, who hid in the local swamps, trying to hide from the British.

February 19 in the history of Russia

On this day in 1847, doctor Fyodor Inozemtsev performed the first one under anesthesia using ether. This was a truly revolutionary event and marked the beginning of the era of anesthesia in medicine.

77 years ago on this day, the world's first Soviet drifting scientific station "North Pole-1" completed its work. In nine months of her work, she swam more than two thousand kilometers, and by the end of the research from the ice floe on which she was located, almost nothing remained. The results of the expedition were highly appreciated in the scientific community and played an important role in the study of the North Pole.

Peasant reform

February 19 Russia recalls the history of serfdom and the abandonment of it. The so-called became the very first and, perhaps, the most significant during the years of the reign of Alexander II. The manifesto was signed in 1861, on February 19. however, it did not become complete, as it provided for a number of additional conditions. In particular, the peasants were considered free and received the right to manage their personal property at their own discretion.

The landowners had to offer the former serfs a manor and land. And for this, the peasants were obliged to serve corvee for a long time. Thus, the reform did not free the serfs and was not very profitable for the landlords. Still she played important role in the development of capitalist relations in Russia.

By the way, it is interesting that Alexander II himself ascended the throne on this February day, six years earlier.

Famous birthday people

On this February day, many famous personalities were born who influenced the course of world history. Let's mention some of them.

On this day in 1630, Shivaji, the national hero of India, was born. He became famous as a defender of Hinduism, a fighter against Muslim rulers and the creator of an independent Marakhta state.

On this February day in 1473, the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus was born. He was the creator of the heliocentric system of the world - the astronomer was the first to express the idea that our Earth revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa.

On this day in 1945, the famous Soviet and Russian musician, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Antonov was born.

On February 19, the holiday is celebrated by one of the most famous Hollywood actors. On this day was born

Date meaning for Orthodoxy

Over the long years that Christianity has existed, many monks and pilgrims have been canonized and elevated to the face of saints. The Russian Orthodox Church on February 19 commemorates the day of memory of Photius of Constantinople. He is revered as a zealous defender of the East against the Catholic West. Saint Photius left many works and, without a doubt, was one of the most outstanding people of its time.

also in church calendar many Christian martyrs are remembered on this day. Among them are Dorotheus, Callista, Christina and Theophilus. They lived and suffered for the faith at the end of the 3rd century. Saint Dorothea adamantly professed Christianity and was executed for refusing to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods.

National celebrations

Many interesting holidays are celebrated around the world on this February day. Let's recall some of them. For example, in Armenia, Book Donation Day is celebrated on February 19. The holiday was established seven years ago, and the date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the outstanding writer of the country Hovhannes Tumanyan was born.

On February 19, Kyrgyzstan celebrates a holiday dedicated to the financial police. The service was founded to effectively combat economic crime. And its best employees are awarded honorary awards on this day.

In Nepal, this date is the Constitution Day, and in Turkmenistan - a holiday dedicated to the national flag. There are other very unusual celebrations. For example, in the United States, this February day is celebrated as a holiday dedicated to mint chocolate.

Dolphin and Whale Day

There is also a special celebration that the whole world celebrates on February 19 - Whale Day. Note that this date applies to all marine mammals and other creatures living in the depths of the underwater world. A moratorium on whaling was signed 19 years ago. It remains in effect now. All over the world, whale hunting is prohibited, as well as the trade in the meat of these animals. The fact is that in the 19th century, whales were almost completely exterminated, as a result, today many species are listed in the international Red Book. The only exception is indigenous fishing and the removal of animals for scientific purposes.

This date is celebrated in order to preserve the whale population, as well as to draw the attention of the masses to the need to protect these unique creatures and all marine mammals in general, since they have a direct impact on the entire ecosystem of the Earth.

What will horoscopes tell?

Many are interested in the following question: “Who is the person born on February 19 according to the horoscope? - Aquarius or Pisces? " The answer is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that this date is a borderline for two signs. This is the last day of the rule of Aquarius, and the very next day Pisces take over. Therefore, a person born on February 19 is influenced by two signs at once. He has qualities inherent in both Aquarius and Pisces.

In addition, every year the transition from one sign to another occurs in different time... Therefore, you can more accurately determine your zodiacal patron, knowing the exact place and time of birth. Using this information, you can find out for sure what sign the Sun was in that day.

According to the flower horoscope, those born on this day are patronized by a belladonna. She gives people both inner and outer beauty.

According to the Druidic calendar, February 19 is under the auspices of the pine. She gives people born on this day grace, courage and fortitude.

The so-called shadow horoscope, which shows the dark sides of human nature, is also interesting. According to him, people born on this day are under the influence of the Harpy sign.

Folk omens

On February 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Monk Vukol. He became the first bishop to serve in Tam Vukol and converted a huge number of pagans to the Orthodox faith.

Popularly, this day is associated with the beginning of the calving of livestock. Our ancestors had many signs indicating what sex the calves would be and how long they would live. On this day, it was customary to pray for a good hotel. The birth of two calves with the same color on that day was considered a good sign.

On February 19, the weather was predicted for spring and summer. It was believed that the colder it is on Vukola, the warmer it will be in March and April. And the people also believed that if a lonely person reads a prayer on this day, then he will soon meet his fate.

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February 19, 2018 - Monday, 50th day of the 2018 Gregorian calendar. February 19 corresponds to February 6 of the Julian calendar (old style).

The beginning of Lent

Holidays February 19, 2018 in Russia

Holidays February 19, 2018 in Ukraine

World and international holidays 19 February 2018

World Day for the Protection of Marine Mammals (Day of the Whale). World Marine Mammal Day or World Whale Day is celebrated in many countries on 19 February. This ecological date is considered the day of protection not only of whales, but also of all marine mammals and various other living creatures that live in the seas and oceans of our planet. This Day was established in 1986, when the moratorium on whaling, imposed by the International Whaling Commission (IWC), came into force.

Orthodox holidays 19 February 2018

February 19, 2018 in the Orthodox Church: Week 1 of Great Lent, fast day.

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • The Great Canon of Andrew of Crete;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Vukol of Smyrna, Bishop;
  • Memorial Day of the Monks Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet;
  • Memorial Day of Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople;
  • Day of Remembrance of Martyrs Dorothea, Christina, Callista and Martyr Theophilus;
  • Day of Commemoration of the Martyr Julian of Ames (Emissky);
  • Day of Commemoration of the Martyr Fausta (Fausta) and the Martyrs Evilasius and Maximus;
  • Day of Remembrance of Martha, Mary and their brother, the Martyr Licarion the Adolescent;
  • Memorial Day Hieromartyr Demetrius Rozhdestvensky, Presbyter and Martyr Anatoly Rozhdestvensky;
  • Memorial Day Hieromartyr Vasily Nadezhdin, Presbyter;
  • Memorial Day Hieromartyr Alexander Telemakov, Presbyter.

Holidays February 19, 2018 in the countries of the world

Holiday in Kyrgyzstan

February 19, 2018 - Day of the Financial Police Officer. The day of the employee of the financial police of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstandin finance police son kyzmatkerinin kүnү) is celebrated in the Republic on February 19. This holiday was established by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated February 17, 2005 in order to form the traditions of the financial police. On February 19, 1993, the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the creation of special units of tax investigations under the State Tax Inspectorate of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan" was signed, which laid the foundation for the development of the financial police of modern Kyrgyzstan. The Financial Police Service of the Kyrgyz Republic was created in order to improve the efficiency of combating economic types of crime, streamline the functions and powers of state bodies operating in this area, and its activities are aimed at protecting small and medium-sized businesses from unreasonable inspections by law enforcement agencies.

Holiday in Armenia

February 19, 2018 - Book donation day. Every year on February 19, Armenia celebrates Book Donation Day. This holiday was established in 2008 on the initiative of Levon Ananyan, chairman of the Writers' Union of Armenia. The initiative was supported by the Armenian government. This date was not chosen by chance. On February 19 (new style), 1869, Hovhannes Tumanyan, a famous Armenian writer, poet and public figure, was born. During his life, he wrote a huge number of poems, poems, tales, fables and ballads, many of which are based on Armenian folklore. Many of his works are recognized as masterpieces of Armenian literature.

Celebration in Canada

February 19, 2018 - Heritage Day. Heritage Day is celebrated in Canada on the third Monday in February. In some provinces, Heritage Day is celebrated as an additional civil holiday... In Alberta, where the third Sunday in February is celebrated for Family Day, Heritage Day is celebrated on the first Monday in August, the Yukon celebrates Heritage Day on the Friday before the last Sunday in February, and Saskatchewan on February 17. As the name suggests, this is the day of all that is part of the Canadian National Heritage. Heritage scholars define this concept as the totality of all physical and cultural resources (which are, for example, archaeological and historical territories and objects) that have received public recognition, confirmed by national identities and political ideologies. A complicated definition, but the concept itself is not easy.

Holiday in the USA February 19, 2018 - Birthday of George Washington (Presidents Day). Every year, on the third Monday of February, the United States celebrates a federal holiday - the birthday of George Washington. Sometimes it is called Presidents Day. A celebration in honor of George Washington was established by Act of Congress in 1879. Initially, it was officially celebrated only in the District of Columbia, but in 1885 this day became a day off in all federal institutions. It was the first federal holiday to honor a U.S. citizen. It was first celebrated on February 22nd, the day George Washington was born. However, in 1971, it was postponed to the third Monday in February. The holiday can fall on one of the dates between February 15-21, so Washington's birthday is never actually celebrated on the president's real birthday - the holiday cannot fall on either February 11 (old style) or February 22 ( new style). The first attempt to introduce a common Presidents Day was made in 1951, when the "National Presidents Day Committee" was formed. The goal of the committee was to introduce a holiday dedicated not to a specific president, but to the institution of the presidency as a whole. So, it was proposed to rename Washington's Birthday to Presidents' Day in honor of the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln. This would explain why the chosen date falls in between these birthdays.

Today my head is busy with Xiangxiang. I can’t eat or drink. Over and over, I mentally go over the details of what I experienced that night and my strange awakening in the park. I do not understand anything. How did I end up in the park? Why did Xiangxiang leave? Xiangxiang is a riddle that suddenly allowed itself to be solved. And she immediately made a new one for me.

Turning on the computer, I entered the Internet. At first, as usual, I connected to the domestic information portal, but no interesting information did not find: usual digest - news vinaigrette. I was about to leave the main page, when suddenly in the lower left corner in the links section I noticed four hieroglyphs, made in the old style of "kaishu". It was a link to the Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves site.

There could be no mistake, but where did the "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves" come from? Several million people visit this information portal every day. These large portals only link or exchange banners with very popular sites. "Wandering souls of ancient graves" in comparison with them - just a personal page. There are thousands of them on the Web. Maybe this is another site with the same name? I clicked on the link button. No, those same "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves."

They must be stopped somehow. "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves" have already appeared on the first page of the famous portal. They will lure a lot of Internet users to themselves, and the lives of these people will be in jeopardy. I immediately sent a letter to the site administrator, warning him against contact with the "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves."

Then I entered another well-known Chinese site - this was also the entrance to Wandering Souls. The next big domestic portal - again, they are.

I automatically ran my eyes across the page. In the news section, my eyes literally stumbled over a word that recently sounded in Ye Xiao's house and from that moment, inspiring fear, seemed to have settled in my soul forever:

I carefully read the message:

“A mysterious virus has infected all major information portals... There was an invasion of banners and links. "

I click on this line and read the details:

“According to the information received, yesterday all major domestic complex portals were invaded by a mysterious virus. On all portals, the links section was distorted and a website banner appeared under the name "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves". Experts say that this site is private and belongs to a resident of our city.

"Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves" is a thematic site dedicated to the ancient tombs of China. Currently, the public security authorities have begun to investigate the unauthorized intrusion. The specific details are unknown, but, in any case, it is safe to say that the virus spreads by hacking sites. The portals that have been invaded have reliable anti-virus protection, but the aggressor, using new technologies, can easily modify the protection of the portals and reveal internal passwords. The technical services of all of the compromised portals are currently developing new antivirus protection, but to no avail. We ask users not to worry, only certain categories of links on the portals were affected by the intrusion; this did not affect the work of the portals in general. The aggressor did not damage the personal materials of users. "

Trouble! I have long guessed that the owner of the "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves" owns the latest technology, but it never occurred to me that such a massive invasion of the virus into the databases of the largest portals would begin. Thus, Wandering Souls can become ubiquitous and attract many new users.

What an attack! I lost my Xiangxiang again, and then there's the virus.

Virus! This is what Ye Xiao told me about.

The doorbell rang. It was Ye Xiao.

At first glance, I realized that he was in a very bad mood today. Without even saying hello, I bombarded him with Internet news. He nodded calmly and replied:

- I know. It started a few days ago. We use the most modern technology, but we cannot stop it. The administrator's IP address is clearly in our city, but we can't get to it in any way. We didn't find anything at all. Some kind of phantom.

- Remember, you said that all these suicides seem to be infected with an unknown virus. Now everything is developing exactly like a viral infection, ”I said excitedly.

- Yes, the situation is very serious. And last days the technical level of the "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves" is constantly growing. Now they are able to modify links in the interface of any site, and in the future, perhaps, this virus will begin to distort the content of the pages of large portals. Then terrible things can happen.

I imagined the home page of my favorite news portal suddenly transforming into a black screen, on which a skeleton, a gravestone and a portrait of a Qing dynasty emperor appear, followed by a line: "She is in the underground palace." And all Internet users go into the labyrinth and then commit suicide. On this my imagination ran out.

Indeed, according to the law of Buddha, dharma is a foot, and a demon is a fathom. No, it's better not to even think about it.

- Have you come to tell me about this? I asked Ye Xiao.

- Of course not. Last time in Nanhu High School, Master Yu gave us a list of the hungweipings who went down to the basement in 1966. Today I went to the archives of the local administration to find people from this list. Look what I dug up.

Ye Xiao took out a piece of paper from the folder and handed it to me.

Liu Weizhong, male, was born on March 17, 1950, took rat poison at his home on the evening of October 15, 1966 and committed suicide.

Zhang Hongjun, male, born January 26, 1950, on the morning of October 17, 1966 at the sports field high school Nanhu took a herbicide and committed suicide.

My Jianguo, male, was born on November 6, 1949, and on the evening of October 18, 1966, on Nanhulu Street, he deliberately threw himself under a speeding truck and died.

Wu Insun, male, born on May 15, 1950, hanged himself at home on the morning of October 19, 1966.

Zhang Nanju, male, born on September 27, 1949, jumped into the Suzhou River on the morning of October 19, 1966 and drowned, committing suicide.

Xin Xiong, male, was born on February 10, 1950, took poison at his home on the evening of October 19, 1966 and committed suicide.

Feng Kanmei, male, was born on June 18, 1950, on the morning of October 20, 1966 at the institution where his father works, opened his ulnar vein and committed suicide.

Fan Te, male, was born on December 2, 1949, hanged himself at home on the evening of October 23, 1966 and committed suicide.

Cheng Xuyan, male, was born on April 18, 1950, in the evening of October 23, 1966, on Nanhulu Street, he cut open his ulnar vein and committed suicide.

Luo Kangming, male, born on November 27, 1949, jumped from a tall building at No. 125 Nanhulu Street on the morning of October 24, 1966 and crashed, committing suicide.

Chen Xilong, male, born October 12, 1949, hanged himself at home on the morning of October 24, 1966, committing suicide.

Li Hongqi, male, born on January 15, 1950, disappeared in the last decade of October 1966.

Huang Donghai, male, born on March 21, 1950, disappeared in the last decade of October 1966.

When I read to the end, I got goosebumps. In nine days - from 15 to 24 October 1966 - eleven people committed suicide, and two more were missing. They all went down to the basement and saw the remains of the Empress. Except for teacher Yu, who no longer went there, everyone died a terrible death.

Ye Xiao told me:

- Pay attention: there are two peaks in these deaths. From the evening of the eighteenth until the morning of October 20, five people died, on the twenty-first and twenty-second no one died, but from the evening of the twenty-third to the morning of October twenty-fourth - practically in one evening - four more died. As for the two missing, I believe they are also dead, just their corpses have not been found or identified.

- So, all the strings have broken?

`` In general, yes, '' Ye Xiao grinned sadly.

He paused and suddenly said quickly:

- I decided to give up this case.

- What are you saying?

- I'm giving up. I'm sick of. I'm tired. All this disgusted me. I can not do it anymore.

Ye Xiao lowered his head.

“We have learned so much about the" Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves ", about Dongling, about the Empress's case, about the Black House ... Is it all in vain?

He said nothing. I also fell silent. A dead silence reigned in my apartment. Then Ye Xiao whispered, barely audibly:

- I am very afraid.

- Can public safety be afraid? I joked awkwardly.

- Enough with me. I am human too. I'm afraid, really afraid. From the very beginning. Since I started this business, I read materials about suicides, visited the site "Wandering Souls of Ancient Graves", went to Dongling. Investigating this case, studying the materials, I constantly, every minute felt fear, lived in horror. You will not understand this. I tried to be as strong as bamboo, but in reality I am much weaker than you.

- So rely on me. Let's continue ...

“Listen, everyone has the right to be afraid…” Ye Xiao slowly spoke word by word, staring at me. His eyes were wide open, beads of sweat were beading on his forehead - I had never seen him like that. A secret fear crept into my soul: what if he too? ... Ye Xiao continued: “Now the last line of defense has collapsed in my soul, I have lost all hope. I want to live, you know, I want to live! From the very beginning, this so-called investigation was carried out on my own initiative, now the time has come to stop it and wash your hands.

- You've changed a lot. I remember that as a child you did not know what fear was at all.

- Yes, I have changed a lot. Do you want to know why?

- If you can, tell me.

- This is the nightmare of my life. I am terrified to remember this. When I was studying in Beijing Public Security University, I had a friend who studied with me. We often had intimate conversations with her. I really liked her. We had practice before graduation. My friend and I were sent to Yunnan, to the anti-drug group. We went together.

During one operation to arrest drug dealers, the unexpected happened. Nobody knew that there are several times more drug dealers than us. A firefight began, many of our people were killed. During the battle, I lost sight of my girlfriend. When it was all over, it turned out that she was nowhere to be found - neither among the living nor among the dead. She fell into the hands of bandits. A few days later, we found her body. Her head was cut off. It was impossible to look at the corpse without shuddering: she was raped non-stop for several days in a row, her whole body was punctured with syringes, a colossal dose of heroin was injected into her, she died in terrible agony.

On the same day, I detained one drug dealer. I handcuffed him and held a pistol to his head. I looked at him, and before my eyes was the head of my friend. I was beside myself with rage, I hated this villain fiercely. I only wanted to take revenge. "Revenge, revenge, revenge ..." - sounded in my ears.

As soon as I pulled the trigger, a bullet would knock his brains out. Out of his head. "Head, head, head ..." - I kept repeating. However, at that very moment, when the only thing left to do was pull the trigger, I thought: if I fire a shot, I will thereby break the law. This type has already been arrested and does not resist, which means that I cannot, I have no right to kill him. At that moment I was suffering inexpressibly, I had to make a choice between revenge and duty; I longed to see the shattered head of this villain. I dreamed that he would experience the same torment as my friend. In the end I lowered the pistol, I didn’t fire.

Then I found many excuses, convinced myself of the need to abide by the law. But in fact, I knew that all these arguments were a lie, I just got cold feet, I got scared: suddenly someone saw me kill a person, even a criminal; I was scared that I would be fired from the authorities, despite the fact that I had a good reason for revenge. But even this reason could not be compared with the avalanche of fear that befell me. I was scared, I just got cold feet. Since then, fear has been deeply embedded in me, because I am just a despicable coward.

After graduation, I did not go to the criminal police, but began to work in the information center. Now I don't do shooting and chasing. That's how it is, that's why I've changed. Once upon a time I could not overcome the fear that was originally hidden in the depths of the human soul. Since then, this innate fear has been eating me up from the inside. And now it is growing in me at a breakneck pace. Every night this fear thickens more and more densely around me. Soon, only fear and horror will remain in me. In addition, almost every night I dream about the terrible death of my friend. I can't take this anymore! I’ll go crazy or commit suicide.

Ye Xiao blinked quickly to hide the tears from me. Even as a child, I never saw him cry.

“I'm sorry Ye Xiao, I shouldn't have forced you to talk about this. “I didn't know how to comfort him.

- Well, now you know everything. He shook his head sadly, wiped away his tears and stood up. - I'll go home, go to bed early. Remember: don't get involved in this business anymore. I don't want to lose you brother.

Ye Xiao hugged me by the shoulders, and we again felt like brothers, as in a distant and serene childhood.

I silently accompanied him to the door. What advice could I give him?

Fear. He was tormented by fear.

Fear and horror.

What is fear? What is horror?

I looked at the white roses that Xiangxiang had given me.

Or is it Rose?

World history, significant and fateful events, the birth of celebrities, as well as their death, discoveries and accomplishments that took place for many centuries on the day of February 19, to one degree or another are reflected on this page - which you can familiarize yourself with, learn more about it day of the year.

We will tell you in more detail about this day, as well as about the rest of the days of the year, because on the day of February 19, a variety of events, incidents, discoveries took place, amazing things, both explainable and incomprehensible to you and me, and so on - what made him so special. , what he was and you will read below in the text.

In this section "about each day of the year" and in particular on February 19, the most significant events that took place in our world at one time or another are displayed, moreover, starting from distant times before our era. Here you will learn about amazing discoveries and scientific achievements, turning points in the history of the world or some country, making fateful decisions by politicians and rulers, get acquainted not only with the birth of famous people of the world, politicians, generals, especially royal ones, but also with the days of their death , as well as what outcome awaited them.

February 19 to 20 ( XX) century - what was the day?

197 - The Roman emperor Septimius Severus defeated his last rivals for the throne at the Battle of Lyons and re-established the unity of the empire.

356 - The Byzantine Emperor Constantine closed all pagan temples in the Roman Empire.

1145 - The poet Abu-l-Ala Abu-n-Nizam Mohammed Shirvan * died.

1473 Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer (d. 1543) was born.

1651 - The beginning of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon. Prohibition of polyphonic singing in churches.

1722 - The decree of Peter I was issued on the expulsion of 20 thousand Cossacks for the construction of the Ladoga and Donskoy canals.

1793 - A decree of Catherine II is issued, interrupting all relations with revolutionary France.

1800 - Napoleon I Bonaparte proclaims himself the first consul of France

1822 - A.S. Griboyedov was appointed diplomatic officer under General Ermolov in the Caucasus.

1826 - Nikolai Lobachevsky presented his work "Concise presentation of the principles of geometry ...". Non-Euclidean geometry is born, which will soon turn the idea of ​​space

1837 - Lermontov wrote the poem "On the death of a poet."

1855 - A synoptic (weather) chart is invented.

1856 - The Ottoman Sultan officially confirmed the freedom of religion of Christians.

1861 - Manifesto of Alexander II on the abolition of serfdom.

1878 - Peace Treaty in San Stefano, ending the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

February 19, 1905 - what was the day?

1905 - The battle of Mukden began.

1905 - Mass clashes between Armenians and Tatars (who are now called Azerbaijanis) begin in Baku, during which hundreds of people died.

February 19, 1921 - what was the day?

1921 - The first issue of the Trud newspaper is published.

February 19, 1933 - what was the day?

1933 - Stalin set the task "to make all collective farmers prosperous."

February 19, 1938 - what was the day?

1938 - The work of the world's first drifting research station "North Pole - 1" is completed. Polar explorers Papanin, Shirshov, Fedorov, Krenkel spent 274 days on the ice.

1938 - Aziz Alem (Aziz Shikhbinetovich Fatulaev) was born, a famous Lezghin poet, who significantly enriched Lezgin literature by introducing new themes, genres and forms.

February 19, 1942 - what was the day?

1942 - US President F. Roosevelt signs an order to place nearly 120,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps.

February 19, 1943 - what was the day?

1943 - Hitler visited Field Marshal Manstein at his headquarters in Zaporozhye, promising to use a new secret "miracle weapon" soon.

February 19, 1945 - what day was it?

1945 - Himmler secretly meets with the head of the Red Cross, Count F. Bernadotte, proposing peace talks with the West.

1945 - The most massive crocodile attack occurs in Burma. Crocodiles ate up to a thousand Japanese soldiers trying to escape the British in the swamps.

1945 - Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov, Soviet and Russian singer and composer, People's Artist of Russia, was born.

Now you are reading about the day of February 19 - what this day left about itself in human memory, how it differs from other days of the year, how historians and history will remember it for many centuries. There is no need to remind or remember once again that every day is special in its own way, like the one you are reading about, in which we hope you agree - we are sure that it is hardly possible in the world to find two externally identical people, just as there are no two identical days!

February 19, 1949 - what was the day?

1949 - Soviet Union, as well as Ukraine and Belarus secede The World Organization health care.

February 19, 1953 - what was the day?

1953 - Former Deputy Foreign Minister Ivan Maisky was arrested on charges of espionage for England.

February 19, 1954 - what was the day?

1954 - Approval by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR of the decision to transfer the Crimean region to Ukraine.

February 19, 1959 - what was the day?

1959 - Britain, Greece and Turkey signed an agreement guaranteeing the independence of Cyprus.

February 19, 1980 - what was the day?

1980 - The vocalist of the group "ACD" Bon Scott died of drinking.

February 19, 1982 - what was the day?

1982 - The first flight of the Boeing-757 passenger airliner.

February 19, 1986 - what was the day?

1986 - The Soviet orbital station Mir was launched.

February 19, 1991 - what was the day?

1991 - In the course of the struggle for power between Yeltsin and Gorbachev, the former called on the latter to resign, not without reason accusing him of conniving at the dictatorship and the collapse of the economy.

Each of us also remembered the day of February 19 with something, someone has his own name day or his relatives, acquaintances or friends, or maybe he is remembered by some special events that happened in our life, although it is quite possible that he was not remembered for anything like that ... In any case, this day, like the rest of the year, we should live for the benefit of ourselves, our relatives and society as a whole, so that if it does not get imprinted in our memory with something significant and unusual, then at least it does not disappoint, but brings some positive emotions, charged us with positive energy for the coming days!

February 19, 1993 - what was the day?

1993 - British explorers R. Finers and M. Stroud became the first people to cross Antarctica on foot.

February 19, 1996 - what was the day?

1996 - A Boeing 727 crashed in Spain, killing 148.

February 19, 1998 - what was the day?

1998 - All-Russian premiere of the film "Titanic" by James K. Ameron, the most expensive film in the history of cinematography.

February 19, 2000 - what was the day?

2000 - During the fighting in the south of Chechnya, a Mi-8 helicopter of the Federal Forces was shot down. 15 soldiers were killed.

2000 - On the Great Wall of China, 3,200 people built the largest Chinese dancing dragon with a length of 3,048 meters.

February 19, 2008 - what was the day?

2008 - Cuban leader Fidel Castro announced his retirement from big politics.

What was the day of February 19 - what do you remember?

The day of February 19 will be remembered for its own achievements, the course of history, traditions, holidays, as well as what kind of events took place, who was born from prominent people, among whom are famous politicians, royalty, rulers, commanders and traitors, artists and actors, scientists and famous artists, successful athletes and scientists, discoverers and travelers, singers and musicians, like many others.

In addition to what happened on February 19, you also learned about significant and memorable dates this February day, enriched themselves with new knowledge - folk sayings and by signs, we learned what holidays are celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox. We hope you are convinced that every day is individual and special in its own way - February 19, as well as other days of the year, is unforgettable and unique, it has its own personal history, unlike anyone else! We are sure that it was interesting for you to learn about the day of February 19 - for our part, we promise to replenish the page with new data that we will be able to get about this day, supplement the article, expand it with new events or old interesting news about which we still do not know , but what they probably were and they will certainly appear!