
How to treat cough for pregnant women in the second trimester. Cough medicine during pregnancy. Additional ways to fight


It is difficult to get rid of a cough, especially during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, because not every treatment with medicines and folk remedies is suitable for a woman. Improper therapy at this time can disrupt the development of the fetus. Cough medicines for pregnant women, such as Dr. Mom and Herbion, are prescribed with great care. Breast collection is better not to accept. Tablets must be prescribed by a doctor. It is better to do inhalations, but self-treatment is unacceptable.

Cough is a symptom of any disease: viral or bacterial. All therapy will be aimed at treating the disease and alleviating its symptoms. A strong cough cannot be left unattended, it must be treated. Inhalation will help with a strong cough. Dangerous is not only the disease that caused the cough, but also the cough reflex.

What is the danger?

Coughing indicates that the infection has affected the upper or lower respiratory tract in the body. A symptom can develop in violation of the digestive system, allergies, smoking. The cough reflex in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy torments not only the expectant mother. It affects the formation of all vital systems in the fetus.

  • The formation of the placenta during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is completed, but viruses and bacteria are able to penetrate through it and infect the fetus. The disease will have to be treated in a newborn.
  • 2 trimester, 14-18 weeks at this time, the skeleton of the child is rapidly forming. Starts to be laid endocrine system: adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas. There is a development nervous system: convolutions of the brain. Cough provokes uterine spasms. In this case, the fetus receives little oxygen, hypoxia develops. Oxygen starvation at this time will lead to the development of pathology in the endocrine and nervous system of the fetus.
  • 19-23 weeks of pregnancy is the development of eggs in girls. If the fetus receives insufficient nutrition and oxygen, then there will be a violation in the development of the genital organs. This may affect the later life of the girl and boy, possibly infertility.
  • 2nd trimester 23-24 weeks - the development of the child's respiratory system. Infection and hypoxia of the fetus will adversely affect the formation of the baby's respiratory organs.
  • 25-27 weeks - the baby's immunity is being laid. Hypoxia, malnutrition and fetal infections will not allow the baby's immune system to form properly. The baby may have a small weight, low muscle tone.
  • The 2nd trimester is the development of the organs of vision, hearing, and the vestibular apparatus. If the fetus is infected, lacks oxygen and nutrition, then the organs will not be able to function well enough. There is a risk that the child will develop muteness, deafness or blindness already during the perinatal period.
  • A strong dry cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can cause premature birth. The fetus may stop developing. The threat to the life of the child is high, because his vital systems are not yet well developed.

With a strong cough, it is necessary to reduce the cough reflex. Uterine spasms should not be allowed. It is necessary to prevent the development of fetal hypoxia and nutritional deficiencies. The doctor may prescribe inhalations with a nebulizer, compresses, rinses from dry cough. If this treatment is ineffective, then the woman will be prescribed therapy with medications.

What herbs are contraindicated?

Decoctions and herbal teas will help relieve coughing during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. Not all herbal medicines can be taken at this time.

  • Mother and stepmother. Dry grass is part of breast fees and has a good anti-inflammatory effect. The decoction is good for dry cough, but the plant contains pyrrolizidine. It's a carcinogen. It can cause gene mutation. The fetus will develop with pathology. Changes in the genetic system can lead to deformities. Nursing collection #2 contains coltsfoot as the main component. It is in a mixture of "Breast Collection No. 1" in a small amount.
  • Ginkgo biloba. This herb is found in many cough medicines, but biloba medicine helps thin the blood. Its coagulability is reduced. Ginkgo biloba may cause bleeding in the uterus during pregnancy.
  • Ginseng, Echinacea. Preparations with an extract of these plants are good for coughing. They relieve swelling, but can cause allergies. Herbal medicines increase arterial pressure.
  • St. John's wort. It reduces the effect of painkillers. If a caesarean section is shown to a woman, then it will be problematic to determine the dosage of anesthesia. An overdose of drugs with an analgesic or anesthesia during surgery is possible.
  • Anise. Breast collection No. 3 contains this plant in its composition. It increases the tone of the uterus. The fetus will experience hypoxia. A dry mixture of drops and mixtures with anise cannot be used.
  • Licorice. Licorice root is usually used. Breast collection No. 4, Dr. Mom syrup contains it in its composition. Dry mix and licorice syrup may affect hormonal background fetus and expectant mother.

A pregnant woman should not take these herbs in any form: treatment with decoctions is contraindicated, herbal teas, cough pills should not be drunk, you should forget about breast collection. It is better not to do inhalations with decoctions of these herbs. Syrups, including Dr. Mom, potions, drops, which include these plants, should not be drunk.

What folk remedies to use?

Breast collection is not recommended for pregnant women to drink, but herbs can be bought separately and decoctions can be made from them. When coughing, a dry mixture of marshmallow, sage and plantain leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers will help. It will replace breastfeeding. Decoctions can be used for inhalation. Plantain extract is found in Gerbion dry cough syrup. You can drink it, the fetus will not suffer.

Milk, honey, onions, garlic, sage, figs will reduce the cough reflex and strengthen the immune system. Honey can cause allergies, so treatment with this product should be limited. Warm milk softens the throat. A glass of milk with honey before bed will calm the nervous system.

  • In order to better expel sputum, if the cough is wet, a little alkaline mineral water without gas can be added to the milk.
  • If you boil a glass of milk with 1 tbsp. l. sage and chamomile, you get a good anti-inflammatory cough remedy.
  • With a dry cough, you can use figs. 4 medium fruits are added to half a liter of milk. The mixture is boiled until brown.

This is a good treatment for reducing the cough reflex during pregnancy. You can drink milk with fillers in a glass 4 times.

Honey can be absorbed, added to tea or compresses, rubbing in the chest area. Rubbing data will help a pregnant woman better than Doctor Mom ointment.

  • If you drink tea with honey, then the swelling of the larynx will quickly subside, but more than 2 tsp. Pregnant women should not consume honey per day.
  • A mixture of black radish juice and honey removes sputum well with a wet cough.
  • Onion and garlic gruel is mixed with honey - this will improve expectoration with a dry cough.

Folk recipes, proper herbal medicine will help a pregnant woman faster. They are also safer than traditional breastfeeding.


Treatment of dry and wet cough during pregnancy is possible with the use of inhalation with a nebulizer. The treatment won't hurt. Solutions can be prepared at home:

  • saline solution with eucalyptus oil: 1 tbsp. boiling water, ½ tsp salt, 1 drop of oil;
  • a decoction of linden or chamomile flowers: take herbs 10 g per 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  • alkaline mineral water;
  • soda solution: ½ tsp.

For inhalation, you can use saline or tincture with eucalyptus: a few drops are added to boiled water. With a nebulizer, the procedure is easier and more efficient. Duration of inhalation - 10 min. It can be applied up to 4 times a day.

These solutions are also used for gargling. The procedure is carried out up to 8 times a day: 1 approach - 1 glass of solution. Plantain has a mucally active effect. Treatment with a decoction or extract of plantain is prescribed if the cough is dry or wet.

During pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, compresses can be used. They are kept up to 4 hours. Mixtures for compresses can be prepared by yourself:

  • cake: flour, vegetable oil and honey;
  • a mixture of honey, radish juice and dry mustard; proportions 1*1*1;
  • warmed honey and vegetable oil;
  • softened boiled potatoes in their skins; you can do inhalations - breathe over steam from potatoes;

The agent is applied to the chest area, wrapped with a film and covered with a warm diaper. The procedure is best carried under a warm blanket.

What medications are contraindicated?

You can not treat a dry and wet cough and at the same time drink a chest collection, use medications during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester without consulting a doctor. The only exception is inhalation. Many drugs have a contraindication: pregnancy in the 2nd trimester and lactation. Not all medicines for children, such as Doctor Mom, can be used by pregnant women. You have to be especially careful with medicines. It is contraindicated for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester to treat dry cough using drugs:

  • Codelac tablets;
  • ACC powder;
  • medicine Broncholitin;
  • syrup Tussin plus;
  • potion Pertussin;
  • tablets, Ascoril syrup and many other drugs;

A special place among the drugs is occupied by the drugs Dr. Mom and Herbion. They are prescribed for children from 2 years old, but the instructions have special instructions.

  • Syrup Doctor Mom should not be drunk during pregnancy. It contains licorice extract.
  • Doctor Mom lozenges are prescribed for dry cough. You have to take them every 2 hours. They will relieve sore throats and spasms when breathing. They should be used with caution, because there are no clinical data on the effect of the drug on the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Ointment Dr. Mom will relieve inflammation, pain: smear the wings of the nose and chest area. In medicine, the experience of using Doctor Mom ointment for pregnant women is not described, so doctors do not recommend using it in treatment.

The effect of the drug Gerbion on the female body during pregnancy has not been described. Herbion for wet cough contains thyme extract, which increases blood pressure. If a woman has a history of vascular disease, then Gerbion should not be taken. It is contraindicated with an increase in the thyroid gland, impaired renal function.

What means can be used?

Cough can be treated with the following medicines:

  • Faringosept - lozenges; soothes the throat;
  • Sinekod - syrup or drops; suppresses cough;
  • Ambroxol - tablets; increase respiratory activity, dilute sputum;
  • Gerbion - syrup with plantain; relieves irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat; you can drink with a dry cough;
  • Stoptussin - drops, solution; relieves swelling, has an expectorant, has an antitussive effect;
  • Prospan - potion; antispasmodic;
  • Flavamed - tablets; contribute to the excretion of sputum;
  • Stodal - syrup; it will moisturize the mucous membrane with a dry cough, relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • Mukaltin - tablets to improve expectoration.

The drug for dry cough Gerbion contains 2 extracts: plantain and mallow. The action of these herbs will not have a negative effect on the fetus, but may cause an allergic reaction. Herbion is prescribed for children from 2 years of age. Women during pregnancy can treat a severe cough with Gerbion, but it should be taken with caution.

The doctor will prescribe drugs if other safe methods of treatment have not brought the desired effect. Treatment of cough 2nd trimester of pregnancy should not be neglected. The development of the fetus and its life in general depend on the activity of this symptom.

Cough is one of the symptoms of a respiratory viral infection. During pregnancy, colds are more severe, because the immune system is weakened and cannot fully resist viruses. Cough pills during pregnancy are chosen based on their safety, reliability and lack of side effects. Women who are expecting a baby are faced with the question of the possibility of using certain antitussives. Let's try to understand the question of which cough medicines and pills can be used during pregnancy.

When choosing a medicine for the treatment of a pregnant woman, the following principles should be followed:

  • Security . Medicines should be equally harmless to mother and fetus. They should not be embryotoxic, have teratogenic or fetotoxic effects. In addition, drugs should not increase, so as not to provoke or. Drugs that exhibit cardio-, hepato-, and nephrotoxicity are also excluded. Cough pills must be labeled as safe to use during pregnancy.
  • Efficiency . The number of drugs that can be used by expectant mothers is limited. This confuses the doctor when prescribing treatment - it is necessary to choose 1-2 remedies that are most suitable in this case. Therefore, a cough medicine should be as effective as possible.
  • No side effects . Cough tablets should not cause adverse reactions such as bronchospasm, provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions, affect the hormonal background, or cause contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus.
  • Inability to cross the hematoplacental barrier . That is, the active substance should not enter the bloodstream of the fetus through, so as not to have a negative effect on it.

Treatment begins with the choice of a drug that best fits the description above.

What drugs are allowed

Consider which cough pills are allowed during pregnancy, depending on the trimester.

In the 1st trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the woman's body occur. During this period, the main organs are formed in the embryo, so it is important that the drug chosen for treatment does not have an embryotoxic effect.

Permitted cough pills in the first trimester:

  • Mukaltin . Has an expectorant effect. Safe at any stage of pregnancy, as it is of plant origin. Increases secretion of mucus. Due to this, sputum discharge improves, so the drug can be prescribed for dry cough. In addition, Mukaltin has an anti-inflammatory effect. Improves mucociliary clearance and accelerates the passage of sputum through the respiratory tract, thereby improving expectoration. The only contraindication to taking Mukaltin is individual intolerance.
  • Cough tablets Dr. Theiss with sage extract and vitamin C . Due to the essential oils of sage, which has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, sputum liquefies, its viscosity decreases. The presence of vitamin C additionally stimulates antiviral immunity. Contraindication to use is individual sensitivity and diabetes mellitus. In the instructions for Dr. Theiss cough lozenges, there are no contraindications for use during pregnancy.
  • Sinupret refers to a homeopathic remedy. The composition includes several drugs that exhibit a complex effect - these are gentian root, primrose flowers with cups, sorrel herb, elder flowers and verbena herb. Together they exhibit secretolytic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Herbal extracts inhibit the reproduction of viruses, including influenza, parainfluenza and other respiratory pathogens. Against the background of taking the drug, sputum becomes more liquid and its discharge improves. Like other cough medicines, Sinupret tablets, although safe for pregnant women, require a doctor's prescription.

Taking any other drugs that are not included in this list is possible after consultation with a specialist.

In the 2nd trimester

During this period, the list of approved drugs is expanding. Many drugs that could not be used in the 1st trimester are allowed in the 2nd.

List of approved drugs:

  • Ambroxol . Shows mucolytic action. Stimulates the synthesis of surfactant and regulates bronchopulmonary secretion. Due to this, the mucus becomes less thick, which contributes to its better discharge during coughing. The drug is well tolerated and approved for use in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Available in the form of tablets and syrup. It is prescribed 1 tablet / tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Fluditec . Mucolytic and mucoregulatory drug. Regulates the ratio of sialomucin and fucomucin, which contributes to the normalization of sputum viscosity for its better discharge. Approved for use in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  • Bromhexine belongs to the group of mucolytics. Increases the volume of sputum, makes it less viscous and improves coughing. Bromhexine is the precursor of the active form of Ambroxol. Therefore, the indications and contraindications for its use are identical.

In the 3rd trimester

The list of cough pills in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is wider. Tablets should not have a fetotoxic effect and cause uterine contractions.

In the 3rd trimester, it is allowed to use any drugs that are indicated in the 1st and 2nd trimester.

Special instructions for certain drugs

Next, consider cough medicines that are prescribed if the benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the fetus. These medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician, after weighing all the pros and cons. They do not have a toxic effect on the fetus or the mother's body, but the lack of research limits their use.

These are the drugs:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) or drugs based on it. It is prescribed for coughing with mucus sputum that is difficult to pass. It is used only on prescription if the benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • Linkas . Complex drug for the treatment of cough. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy due to possible adverse reactions, but possible under the direction of a doctor.
  • Mucitus (erdosteine) . The studies did not reveal a pathological effect on the development of the embryo or fetus, however, it is not recommended to prescribe in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and from the 2nd trimester - only as directed by a doctor.
  • Milistan . Combined cough medicine, which includes ambroxol and acetylcysteine. It is strictly contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd or 3rd it can be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
  • Prospan . Available in the form of effervescent tablets and lozenges for resorption. The drug contains a dry extract of ivy leaves, which has anti-inflammatory, secretolytic and mucolytic effects. Due to the content of glycosidic saponins, it has an antispasmodic effect on the bronchial tree. There are no contraindications to the use of this medicinal product during pregnancy, but it should only be used as directed by a doctor, weighing the risk/benefit ratio.

What pills are strictly prohibited

The use of the following drugs is completely contraindicated for use at any stage of pregnancy:

  • Tablets based on licorice root. Licorice (licorice root) is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. It changes the hormonal background, increases the amount of estrogen. This can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Also, any combined preparations for the treatment of cough, which include even a small amount of licorice.
  • Tablets containing anise oil.
  • Bronchipret, which contains thyme and ivy extract. Not recommended for use in any trimester of pregnancy due to lack of clinical studies.
  • Prospan, made on the basis of liquid ivy extract. It has antispasmodic, antitussive and mucolytic effects. It is used for coughs with sputum that is difficult to pass.
  • Codeine and preparations based on it. Inhibits the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata.
  • Erespal or Inspiron. Not recommended for use at any time. However, if pregnancy has already occurred during treatment, this is not a reason for her

During the period of bearing a child, women are always more attentive to their health, trying to protect themselves from various diseases as much as possible, which, unfortunately, is not always successful. From the first days after conception, significant changes occur in the body of the future mother, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child.

information Such changes also have their negative sides, and first of all, this is due to a sharp decrease in the immunity of a woman. In this regard, pregnant women are very susceptible, especially during epidemics.


It should be understood that cough is not an independent disease - it is a symptom that signals the development of a separate disease that irritates the respiratory tract.

The main causes of cough:

  1. Acute viral infections(ARVI,);
  2. Pneumonia;
  3. Measles;
  4. Whooping cough;

The danger of coughing during pregnancy

It is imperative to treat cough during pregnancy, because. during the period of bearing a child, he can pose a serious danger. The most dangerous is a dry cough that is not accompanied by sputum: it causes severe discomfort to the woman herself and can lead to serious complications for the course of pregnancy.

Possible complications of pregnancy:

Treatment of cough in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the first 12 weeks, the expectant mother should be extremely careful about the choice of any medication: at the time of laying all the organs and systems of the child, any intervention can be dangerous.

IN early dates development of an embryo from coughing for pregnant women, you can use funds traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine methods:

  • based on medicinal herbs (one of the most effective ways to treat cough): with dry - linden, chamomile, sage, plantain, with wet - yarrow, string, wild rosemary. Also for inhalation, you can use ready-made essential oils: mint, eucalyptus. For the procedure, you can use a special nebulizer device or, in its absence, any wide container (basin, pan). Inhalations can be carried out several times a day until complete recovery.
  • Drinking herbal decoctions. The same herbs can be used for oral administration: 1 tablespoon of the plant is brewed in a glass of boiling water. You can take decoctions 3-4 times a day until the cough disappears;
  • Compresses on the chest. good remedy from cough during pregnancy - a compress from a cabbage leaf. The leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest, covered with a bag and a terry towel on top and left overnight;
  • Drinking hot milk with honey. To enhance the effect, you can add onion juice, but in this case, you should drink the resulting drink in small doses: 5 ml 3 times a day.

Unfortunately, against the background of reduced immunity, a folk remedy for coughing during pregnancy will not always be effective. In this case, you can not do without taking ready-made medications, but they should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Treatment of cough in the second and third trimesters

A woman can take many cough medicines during pregnancy from the beginning, so its treatment is an easier task. Naturally, one should not forget about traditional medicine, which is always more preferable due to the minimum side effects.

Cough tablets

Cough pills during pregnancy are selected by the doctor individually for each woman, taking into account the minimum risk to the child. This dosage form is still not preferred, and it can only be used if there are strict indications.

Tablets used by pregnant women for coughing should be only of plant origin: based on marshmallow, Bronchipret (based on thyme and primrose), etc.

cough syrups

Cough syrups during pregnancy are used more widely and their choice is quite large.

Most used cough syrups during pregnancy:

  1. Bluecode;
  2. Herbion(herbal preparation based on mallow and plantain);
  3. "Althea" (based on the herb of medicinal marshmallow);
  4. (active ingredient - ivy leaf extract);
  5. Stodal(homeopathic remedy).

All syrups should be used only as directed by a doctor!

What not to do when pregnant women cough

Prohibited manipulations for the treatment of cough during pregnancy:

  • Reception
  • Hot foot baths (this procedure leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus);
  • Setting mustard plasters;
  • Carrying out physiotherapy;
  • Carrying out inhalations at high temperature;
  • Use of illicit drugs with teratogenic effects. Medicines are prescribed by a specialist, they should be used with careful observance of the dosage and frequency of administration.

The second trimester is considered the quietest period of pregnancy. However, its course can overshadow the cough. The occurrence of this unpleasant symptom of many diseases should be a cause for reasonable concern and immediate treatment to the hospital. The consequences of untimely or self-treatment can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the mother and child.

Reasons for the danger of coughing during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The appearance of a cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is a signal of the onset of the course of various diseases and the impact of pathological factors that put an additional burden on the immune system of a pregnant woman and cause irreparable harm to the health of the fetus and expectant mother:

Cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be dry, wet, constant, short-term. He is a rather dangerous independent provocateur of various pathologies in women who are expecting a child.

A strong paroxysmal cough at 14-15 weeks of carrying the fetus threatens to increase the tone of the uterus, which is a strong provoking factor in the occurrence of its spasms. This phenomenon has an extremely negative impact on the health of the pregnant woman and can result in a miscarriage.

Spasms lead to impaired blood supply to the fetus, the impossibility of sufficient supply of nutrients to it. This is fraught with pathological changes in the endocrine system of the future baby, as well as inferior development of his internal organs, the bookmark of which has not yet been completed.

Cough at 16 weeks pregnant

The completion of the formation of the placenta, which acts as a protective barrier against various negative factors, occurs by the 16th week. The danger of the reflex act is that as a result of the delay of various infections that cause it, fetoplacental insufficiency may begin, which makes it difficult to supply oxygen and nutrients to the unborn baby.

During this period, the nervous system of the fetus actively develops, its bone tissue - they suffer in the first place. Also, from a lack of nutrition, the child risks being born prematurely or having a low weight.

Cough at 18 weeks pregnant

Strong bouts of coughing during this period can provoke an increase in arterial and intra-abdominal pressure. Women begin to feel the first movements of the child. Together, these factors are extremely uncomfortable for expectant mothers. They can cause premature termination of pregnancy.

At week 18, the formation of the eggs of girls occurs. A strong jerky reflex act and a cold can cause irreparable damage, threatening infertility in the future.

Cough at 20 weeks pregnant

At the 6th month of carrying a child, attacks of reflex action can cause severe tension in the muscles of the uterus and subsequent spontaneous bleeding. Particularly at risk are women who have placenta previa, as well as its location too low.

From 20 to 27 weeks, the fetus is already quite active and developed so much that the uterus begins to prepare for childbirth, contracting and relaxing. Prolonged coughing during pregnancy can activate and intensify such "contractions", causing a threat of termination of pregnancy.

How to treat cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Due to the decrease in immunity during pregnancy, a pregnant woman should never delay cough treatment. Only a doctor can determine what caused it, whether it poses a danger to the fetus.

The main rule for the treatment of pregnant women in the second trimester is the safety of the unborn child. There are two goals in the actions of a doctor.

  • Symptom relief.
  • Creation of conditions for the complete elimination of the causes that caused it.

If the reflex act arose as a result of a cold or infection, then in no case should you take antiviral drugs and antibiotics on your own, thinking that they are harmless.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend treating this ailment with the help of traditional medicine. If non-traditional methods do not bring relief, then the doctor prescribes preparations containing herbs. They do not cause pathologies in the unborn child, but they are still medicines, so they cannot be taken uncontrollably.

most efficient and safe methods treatments are those that act directly on the throat, moisturizing the mucous membrane and facilitating the discharge of sputum:

  • Inhalations.
  • Compresses.
  • Rinsing.

With severe attacks, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage, which is an excellent way to reduce the threat of miscarriage. Only an immediate appeal to a specialist and cough treatment under his strict control can bring effective results without harming the unborn child.

Cough during pregnancy 2nd trimester - treatment

Treatment of a cough that occurs during pregnancy, including in the 2nd trimester, should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor and according to his appointments. At the same time, it is very important to turn to specialists in a timely manner, because. any disease during childbearing can negatively affect not only the condition of the fetus, but also the pregnant woman herself. Let's take a closer look at such a violation and talk about how to treat a cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester and what medicines can be used for it at this time.

Features of the treatment of cough in the period of 12-24 weeks of pregnancy

A woman whose pregnancy has reached this period can calm down a little, because. in most cases, coughing at this time cannot cause a particularly strong blow to a small body, as in short periods. The fetus is already under the protection of the placenta, which serves as a conductor for the supply of nutrients, oxygen and, in addition, is a barrier to various pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.

If we talk about how to treat cough in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester and what drugs to use for this disease, then it must be said that any use of the medicine must be agreed with the doctor.

What drugs can be used for coughing in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester?

For the treatment of cough in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, both syrup and tablets can be used to help get rid of such a disorder during pregnancy. So, from syrups, doctors often prescribe Stoptussin-Fito. It is this remedy that is used to treat if a woman has a dry cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

If we talk about the tablet form of drugs, then most often it is Mukaltin, Bronchiprest, Gerbion, Tussin. It all depends on the specific case and the exact gestational age.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the inadmissibility of the use of alternative methods of treatment. This can adversely affect the condition of not only the baby, but also the pregnant woman herself. No matter how harmless medicinal herbs may seem, they can be used only after consulting a therapist.

Thus, it must be said that there is no universal remedy that helps get rid of cough during pregnancy in its 2nd trimester. After all, quite often such a phenomenon can only be regarded as a symptom of a viral or infectious disease that requires complex treatment and medical supervision.

Effective cough remedies during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful period for a woman. If it is desired, all 9 months pass in a positive mood. There are actually many advantages of pregnancy, for example: easier work at work and at home, a daily walk, sometimes even with a loved one, dreams of an unborn child, talking with him, and so on. But along with the pluses, all 9 months are fraught with a lot of life-threatening situations for the mother and baby. We are talking about various diseases that a pregnant woman suffers at any time.

What are the dangers of diseases during pregnancy?

For a maturing baby, it is extremely important that nothing interfere with the formation of its main organs, especially the nervous system, intrauterine development and growth. Indeed, during this period, all cells, systems and functions of organs are laid. From correct behavior and the way of life of the mother during this period depends on almost the entire life of the child. If a woman does not take care of herself, is at risk of contracting any infection, this can end badly for the fetus. For example, a disease such as rubella leads to fetal fading. There are also many other infectious diseases, which will certainly lead to a delay in the maturation of all body systems of an unprotected baby. This applies to complex diseases. But are seasonal ailments dangerous: the common cold, cough? What cough medicines can be used during pregnancy?

If there is a cough during pregnancy, what should I do?

By itself, coughing does not bring obvious harm to the health and development of the fetus. But there are some nuances that can be dangerous for a woman during this period. If a dry cough appears during pregnancy, it should be treated immediately, since sputum is not excreted and is absorbed into the bloodstream, gradually reaching the child. In addition, a dry cough may indicate diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and so on. With such a cough, it is imperative to consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis and receive appropriate recommendations. It can also be dangerous to cough of any kind at the beginning of the term, since, trying to clear your throat, a woman can provoke a threat of miscarriage. If it is not possible to immediately seek the advice of a doctor, you need to find out what cough remedies you can use during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to choose the right drug or method of treatment. After all, there are drugs that in no case can not be used for a specific period. The mildest and safest cough can be cured if you use traditional medicine recipes.

The main cough remedies during pregnancy

If we divide the cough into types, then we can distinguish two main ones: dry (unproductive) and wet (productive). The first, due to the lack of sputum production, does not fulfill its main function - protective. Most often, it indicates the occurrence of the following pathologies: laryngitis, viral infections, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial tumors. In order to translate this type of cough into a productive one with sputum production, it is necessary to treat it as quickly as possible. Why such urgency? From a dry cough during pregnancy, bleeding can occur if the location of the child and placenta previa are low. In the event of such a cough, the doctor may prescribe herbal medicines or with a chemical composition acceptable in this position. These can be syrups or tablets that depress the cough center in the medulla oblongata, and also reduce the inflammation and sensitivity of the mucous membrane of all respiratory tracts to irritants that attack them.

Actions of a woman with a strong cough in the 1st trimester

If there are signs of SARS at the beginning of pregnancy, and even more so a cough develops, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This period is very important due to the fact that in the first 3 months the cells are actively dividing, creating the organs and systems of the child's body. Let's imagine the situation from the inside: in a perfectly protected warm place, inside the mother, the process of formation of legs, arms, nose, sponges, and internal organs is actively going on day and night. And here, the baby's nervous system, which has just begun to develop, feels threatened in the form of twitching of the abdomen, a strong sound and muscle tension of the mother, as well as an infection walking through the woman's body - all this is a cough.

If a cough occurs during pregnancy (1 trimester), you need to take a very responsible approach to its treatment, because at this time the formation processes slow down. In addition, the intake of nutrients and vitamins to the child is difficult. If this condition lasts for a long time, some organs may not form properly or not completely. It can also occur due to inadequate treatment, such as antibiotics. Cough remedies during pregnancy at this time are selected the most harmless. The main ones are:

  • Inhalation is an effective remedy for dry as well as wet cough.
  • Compresses. There are effective recipes:
    • a compress with honey (spread the chest with liquid honey, cover with polyethylene and wrap yourself in something warm);
    • from potatoes (boil a couple of potatoes, ceiling them and, wrapped in polyethylene and a knitted flap, attach to the chest for 10 minutes);
    • compress with cabbage and honey (take big leaf cabbage, soak it in boiling water so that it is not cold, then anoint it with honey and sprinkle with a small pinch of salt, then put it on your chest, cover with polyethylene and a warm blanket), this compress can be done all night.
  • Gargling - most often this method is used for dry cough. Herbs for coughing during pregnancy The best way harmless treatment of the disease, therefore, for rinsing, you can use infusions, decoctions, fees.

How to deal with a cough in the 2nd trimester?

Very often there are such drugs for which the 1st trimester of pregnancy is a contraindication for use. But already in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters they can be used. Of course, at this stage of the development of the child, some drugs pose a threat, but the range of cough suppressants has already expanded. Prescribes drugs, of course, a doctor. Most often, pregnant women can use for treatment those medicines that are allowed to children from birth. Cough during pregnancy (2nd trimester) can be treated with drugs such as Mukaltin, Gerbion, Prospan, Pectolvan, Gedelix. From traditional medicine, all those that are possible in the first trimester are suitable.

Cough during pregnancy, 3rd trimester

When a cough occurs at this time, a woman begins to worry very much, because the tone of the uterus can be more frequent, and therefore, options for premature birth are possible. Of course, I would not want to infect a baby at birth when the disease came at 9 months. Therefore, the question of quick and harmless treatment is very important, because every expectant mother wants to quickly cure a cough during pregnancy. The 3rd trimester is good because the range of drugs and treatments has already expanded significantly compared to the first. During this period, you can take more of the necessary medicines without harming the fetus. Along with taking medications, folk remedies are actively used during pregnancy. Cough at this time can be treated in the following ways:

  • Taking medications such as Sinekod, Bronhikum, Stoptussin, Fluditec, Fluifort, Ambrobene, Sinupret, Mukaltin, Bromhexin, Pectusin, Linkas. These drugs contain special chemicals that should be taken with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The use of herbal preparations: licorice root syrup, marshmallow root, Prospan, Pectolvan Ivy, Doctor MOM, Breast Elixir, chest collection, dry cough mixture.

You can not use for the treatment of thermopsis grass, preparations "Bronholitin", "Alex plus", "Glycodin", "Terpinkod", "Tussin plus", "Codelac", "Kodterpin". Before starting treatment, you must always consult with your doctor about the benefits / harms to the baby and do not self-medicate.

Foods that help reduce cough

An excellent alternative to medicines are foods that will help in the treatment of cough. Hot milk with butter and soda is actively used at night (1 cup: 1 tsp: 1/3 tsp, respectively). Also, many use honey for cough during pregnancy. If there is no allergy to it, it can be added to tea, milk, just eat, put on a lemon and dissolve. In addition to the listed funds, you need to include natural vitamins in the diet - more fruits and vegetables, then no illness will affect you.

Which is better: dry cough or wet during pregnancy?

In any case, if we compare dry and wet cough, then the latter always indicates a healing process. Any cough is undesirable in such an "interesting" position. With a dry cough, it is more difficult to diagnose the cause of its occurrence, so it is fraught with more dangers. A wet cough can provoke a threat of miscarriage with increased expectoration, but it is the first step towards a healthy state of a woman. All experts are in a hurry to translate a dry cough into a wet one, as it clearly indicates good treatment results.

Pros of herbal medicine

In the treatment of cough, herbs can be used both for oral administration and for rubbing, inhalation, rinsing, and so on. Herbs for coughing during pregnancy are the most harmless way to normalize your condition. Phytotherapy can be used as an effective additional method of treating cough. After all, herbs cannot replace some of the chemicals necessary for treatment, and if they can, then in very large quantities and over a long period of time. This is not always advisable, so drugs are preferred. Decoctions and infusions of thyme, chamomile, coltsfoot, rose hips, lime blossom, marshmallow root, plantain help with coughing.

Inhalation for pregnant women with cough

Inhalation can be done using a special nebulizer or in the old fashioned way - using a kettle, pan. To do this, you can use potatoes, mineral water, garlic and onions, saline, honey, herbs. But with aromatic oils you need to be careful. Very often, eucalyptus is used for inhalation, this method is very effective.

Will gargling help?

Some are skeptical about gargling when coughing. But in vain, because in the process of rinsing, not only tonsils are involved, but also the larynx. The medicinal substance is carried down to the trachea and bronchi with the help of saliva, where it is absorbed and has a therapeutic effect. Rinsing should be done between meals. To do this, you can use herbal preparations consisting of at least two of the following elements:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • eucalyptus;
  • raspberries.

In addition to herbs, you can use soda, apple cider vinegar, iodine, salt.

The development of a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy

A woman whose body cannot prevent the penetration of a viral infection into it during pregnancy is worried about how such a process will affect the development and condition of her child. It is known that any disease manifests itself in completely different ways on different terms pregnancy. A cold in the second trimester of pregnancy may no longer cause such serious harm as in the first 12 weeks of bearing a child, but some violations can occur.

What is the danger of the disease during this period?

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks, during this period the baby is reliably protected by the placenta, which prevents viral infections from entering his body. Through the placenta, he receives nutrients and oxygen from the mother, but the virus can cause this vital relationship to be disrupted.

Many women often ask specialists if a cold can really affect pregnancy if it enters the body of a future mother after 13 weeks from the moment of conception. Danger colds lies in the fact that placental metabolism can easily be disturbed, as a result of which oxygen is supplied in insufficient quantities to the baby. In the case when oxygen starvation occurs, and soon fetal hypoxia, delayed physical and mental development, underdevelopment or incorrect formation of many organs and systems. Based on this, obstetrician-gynecologists recommend that all women from the moment of conception constantly monitor their health and take all necessary measures to prevent the development of a cold.

Due to fetoplacental insufficiency caused by impaired placental metabolism, the child may be born earlier than expected, often with insufficient weight. Such children usually have a pale skin color, they are very lethargic and weak. Moreover, in the second trimester there is an active development of the nervous system, so there is a high risk that it may also suffer. Therefore, there is no doubt that a cold affects pregnancy, having a harmful effect on the body of the mother and child.

Other dangerous complications

If a woman falls ill with a cold at the 13th week of pregnancy, there is a high probability that the baby's endocrine system will suffer, and a miscarriage is not excluded. In the case when such a process develops at 16-17 weeks after conception, the bone marrow is likely to suffer, causing irreversible consequences.

A woman who is expecting the birth of a daughter should be especially careful at 19-20 weeks, because it is during this period that the egg is formed. And if a viral infection enters the body of a pregnant woman, this may be fraught with infertility of a female baby in the future.

Considering all the danger that can arise if a woman gets sick with a cold, it should be concluded that it is impossible to let the disease take its course, you should immediately contact a specialist. Of course, it is much better if a woman prepares her body in advance for the upcoming serious load, strengthening her immunity, so that colds cannot harm her and her child for all 9 months.

Temperature in the second trimester

Very rarely, colds that affect the body of a future mother are manifested by a slight malaise, much more often they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is generally accepted that temperature does not adversely affect the condition and development of the baby, since at this moment the placenta is already protecting it. However, the treatment of a cold is much more complicated, since it becomes necessary to use antipyretic drugs, among which only paracetamol is allowed. A pregnant woman can take paracetamol and other drugs based on this substance Panadol, Efferalgan. True, paracetamol will be safe for a woman and a baby only if a small amount of this medicine is used. It is strictly forbidden to take such drugs as:

  • Aspirin;
  • Nurofen;
  • Analgin.

It is impossible to bring down the temperature during a cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy if it is below 38 degrees, since such actions can only worsen the health of the pregnant woman, weakening the body's defenses. If necessary, to lower the body temperature, it is better to use folk methods - drink a decoction of lime blossom, raspberry tea, make cold compresses. If the fever is not accompanied by other symptoms of a cold - runny nose, cough, malaise, it is worth visiting a specialist's office. Indeed, in this case, quite serious diseases can develop, the temperature usually occurs with such diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • herpes.

Pregnant women should not worry if long time they retain subfebrile temperature - 37 - 37.5, because this is a normal process, however, in the absence of any disturbances during the course of pregnancy. However, such a subfebrile state should not be observed in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes the presence of temperature can be caused by an ectopic position of the fetus, so an ultrasound scan is required.

How is the treatment carried out?

Self-medication during pregnancy is fraught with complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist

Treatment of a cold in the second trimester in a pregnant woman should be carried out only by a doctor, and given the fact that during this period the use of drugs is completely undesirable, they must be replaced with folk remedies. First of all, doctors insist that the following actions become the main methods of treating a future mother:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • use a large number warm drink;
  • gargling with soda and decoctions medicinal plants;
  • washing the nasopharynx with saline;
  • implementation of inhalations.

It is forbidden for a future mother to endure a cold on her legs, since such a careless attitude to her health can cause many complications that are dangerous for the formation and development of a child. It is necessary to carefully apply not only medications, but also folk remedies, because often some medicinal herbs can have a stronger effect on the body than medicines. You need to carefully select the dosage and follow the prescribed course of treatment, because both a cold and its complications are dangerous for a child.

For pain and sore throat, you can rinse it with antiseptics using:

  • alcohol or oil solution of chlorphyllipt;
  • Lugol's solution;
  • iodine-salt solution.

The resorption of lemon will help if the inflammation of the throat is minor. Inhalations with such remedies as chamomile, pine buds, plantain, coltsfoot, tricolor violet, string will help relieve the inflammatory process. It is necessary to treat cough in pregnant women, taking into account its type - dry or wet, since therapy should have significant differences. With a dry cough, it is necessary to use agents aimed at moisturizing the mucous membrane, and with a wet one, it is necessary to increase its viscosity and bring it to the surface of the respiratory tract. With a wet cough, inhalations are useful with the use of such means:

  1. Dissolve honey in warm water 1: 5, but the water temperature should not exceed 50 degrees, since honey will lose all its healing properties. Vapors should be inhaled through the mouth for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour a spoonful of sage herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, the solution is ready for use.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus grass, a spoonful of coniferous buds, a spoonful of chopped garlic, put everything in a saucepan and pour boiling water, breathe in pairs for 10 minutes.

With a dry cough, you can prepare such a decoction for ingestion: take raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, mint, chamomile, marshmallow and pine buds in a tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 10 minutes, strain and drink half a glass 2 times a day. However, the most common way to treat dry cough in children and pregnant women is to drink warm milk with the addition of butter, honey and soda. It is better to drink such a medicine immediately before going to bed, and in the morning it will already be possible to notice an improvement in well-being. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman can protect herself from a cold if she uses oxolinic ointment for lubrication of the nasal mucosa.

It is important to know what to do if a pregnant woman gets a cold, because only with timely and proper treatment can the development of many dangerous complications be prevented. In this case, treatment should be carried out only as directed by a doctor and under his supervision until the expectant mother fully recovers.

With the acquisition of a new status of a future mother, a woman begins to pay special attention to her health. However, this cannot protect her from colds and viral diseases. With the onset of pregnancy, the immune defense of the body decreases. This is an absolutely normal consequence of the new situation. Often expectant mothers complain of sore throat, fever and runny nose. This article will focus on how to treat a cough during pregnancy (the 1st trimester is a particularly dangerous time for this symptom to occur). You will find out what could be the causes of this phenomenon.

Cough during pregnancy (1 trimester): what is dangerous?

Often, expectant mothers at the very beginning of pregnancy suffer various diseases symptomatic of which is cough. It is worth noting that it can be dry or wet. In the second case, the larynx is not irritated so much and there is no particularly strong discomfort.

A wet cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be dangerous because bacteria, along with sputum, will descend into the bronchi and lungs. All this can cause acute bronchitis and pneumonia. For the treatment of these pathologies, antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are used, which are categorically contraindicated at the very beginning of pregnancy. Taking such drugs can lead to defects in the development of systems and organs in the baby.

Dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) can have consequences in the form of a threat to interrupt the life of the fetus. The thing is that with a strong irritation of the throat and coughing, there is tension in the anterior abdominal wall. This leads to an increased tone of the uterus. In especially severe cases, this phenomenon can lead to detachment of the membranes of the fetal egg.

Why does a cough occur in pregnant women?

So, you were struck by a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). How to treat this symptom? For starters, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe a suitable correction. Cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) causes may have the following:

  • wrong way of life;
  • dry indoor air;
  • allergic reaction;
  • cold;
  • runny nose;
  • viral and bacterial infections.

It is worth noting that in all cases the treatment used is different. What will help with an allergic cough is categorically not suitable for correcting a cold. Consider what can help eliminate a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat a symptom in different cases.

Allergic irritation of the larynx

You have a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester), how to treat it if the cause is an allergy? According to the rules of such a correction, you need to take antihistamines. For ease of use, they are available in the form of syrups, suspensions, tablets and nasal products. However, such medicines are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers. Especially when it comes to the first weeks after conception. What to do in this case? How to treat a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester) of an allergic type?

For starters, you should visit a specialized doctor and pass some tests. An allergist can easily determine what exactly caused such a reaction. Only after that, the doctor can assess the complexity of the situation and choose the appropriate treatment. Most often, drugs such as Vibrocil, Tavegil, Finestil, Zirtek are prescribed. They can only be used on the recommendation of a specialist after assessing all the risks. Remember that you can not exceed the indicated dosage on your own. If there is no effect from the treatment, you should consult a doctor for additional advice.

Viral infection

If there is a cold cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), how to treat it? Medicines are very effective tool in this case. However, they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Most often, doctors in the first trimester of pregnancy prescribe a new generation of immunostimulating drugs. These include the following: "Interferon", "Viferon", "Gripferon", "Cycloferon" and so on. In some cases, the drug "Arbidol", "Isoprinosine" and others can be used.

Remember that the dosage should be selected individually and after assessing the risks to the fetus. Most often, doctors recommend using a prophylactic portion of the drug.

bacterial infection

If a bacterial cough occurs during pregnancy (1st trimester), treatment should include antimicrobial therapy. However, almost all drugs in this category are contraindicated for expectant mothers at the beginning of the term. For this reason, doctors prescribe safe syrups and throat treatments.

Oral administration of liquid medicines is carried out in the prescribed dosage in compliance with all the rules. This includes the medicine "Bromhexine", "Doctor Mom", "Gerbion", "Ambrobene" and so on. For local effects on bacteria, "Chlorophyllipt", "Lugol", "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" and others are prescribed.

You can use broad-spectrum antibiotics only in the second third of pregnancy. It is then that the fetus will be reliably protected by the placenta, and its organs and systems will already be formed.

Runny nose

If a woman has a mucous discharge from the nose and a dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), how to treat these symptoms? Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is a runny nose. Anxiety is especially strong when future mom assumes a horizontal position. In this case, it is necessary to treat not the symptom, but its cause. See an otolaryngologist for an appointment.

Most often, a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy is treated by washing the sinuses and instillation of immunostimulating drugs. These include "Gripferon", "Interferon", "Derinat" and others. With nasal congestion, Nazivin, Snoop and others may be recommended. However, they must be used very carefully, since vasoconstrictor drugs can adversely affect the unborn baby.

dry air

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy (1st trimester), treatment can be the most commonplace. Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is dry indoor air. At the same time, a woman feels great on the street and does not feel discomfort.

Treatment is not prescribed. To eliminate the symptom, simply moisten the air. This can be done using a special device or improvised means. Arrange water containers around the house and hang wet towels. Within a few hours you will feel much better.

Applying Grandma's Recipes

If there is irritation of the throat and cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), how to treat? Folk remedies can provide first aid in eliminating the symptom. Here are some tested and effective ways cure cough on your own:

  • brew raspberry jam in a glass of boiling water and drink it before going to bed;
  • heat the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees and put two tablespoons of honey in it, then use the composition;
  • gargle with a decoction of chamomile and sage three times a day;
  • try to avoid cold temperatures and not strain the vocal cords;
  • make a warm compress of camphor oil on the outer region of the larynx;
  • often drink tea with a few slices of lemon.

There are a lot of tips for treating cough. However, before using certain recipes, you need to remember your position. Do not abuse herbs. Some of them can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

Use of inhalation

What to do if you have a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester)? Reviews of women and doctors suggest that inhalation is an excellent assistant in the fight against a symptom. However, it is worth remembering that such procedures cannot be carried out at high temperatures.

Inhalations are carried out using a special device or improvised means. In the latter case, you can use boiled hot potatoes or a boiling kettle. After the procedure, you need to avoid stress on the vocal cords and stay in a warm room.

What to do after cough treatment?

So, you have cured a dry cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). Reviews of doctors say that after each illness it is necessary to check the condition of the fetus. If medications had to be used during therapy, then they could affect the development of the baby. To exclude pathology, it is worth going through ultrasound procedure. It is especially important to diagnose when a viral or bacterial disease has been transferred, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Some future mothers prefer not to attach importance to the illness. It is worth noting that in some cases this can lead to unexpected consequences and diagnoses.


Now you know in what ways you can cure a cough during pregnancy. Remember that the first trimester is the most dangerous for any medical procedures and medications. That is why you should not self-medicate. Seek help from a doctor and get the right prescription. Only in this case, you can protect your future baby as much as possible from possible consequences illness.

Try to protect yourself from colds as much as possible in the first weeks of bearing a baby. It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it with illegal means. Be healthy!

Often the disease lies in wait for us in the most unexpected and sometimes very important periods of life. One of them is pregnancy. But no one is immune from this, and the main thing is not to start the disease, but immediately begin treatment. But here, many expectant mothers are lost. What can and cannot be done so that it does not harm the unborn baby? What is the right way to treat a cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Features 2 trimesters

On the one hand, the second trimester usually proceeds much calmer than the first. Toxicosis by this time is almost gone. The formation of the placenta also ends, which serves as a protective barrier for the baby and prevents harmful substances from the mother's body from entering his bloodstream. A pregnant woman has time to get used to her position and adjust her lifestyle and diet.

On the other hand, at this time, the formation and initial development of all the vital organs of the baby takes place, and its appearance also begins to emerge. And any negative factors can affect this process far from better side. Therefore, with the appointment and administration of drugs, one must be especially careful.

A strong cough in the second trimester can cause such negative consequences:

  • 14th week - placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, since the formation of the placenta is just being completed;
  • Week 16 - the placenta is already able to trap most viruses and bacteria, but at the same time, the baby's blood supply decreases, the developing nervous system may suffer;
  • 18 week - the baby's skeletal system is being formed, and its constant compression when coughing can lead to congenital deformation of the skeleton; the baby begins to move, the tremors of the abdominal wall when coughing provoke its increased activity, which can bring the uterus into tone and create a threat of miscarriage;
  • after 20 weeks - the baby is actively moving, and periodic uterine contractions occur, which are the preparatory stage of labor; coughing can exacerbate these contractions and lead to preterm labor.

Therefore, if for any reason a cough occurs during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, treatment should be started immediately - after all, we are talking not only about the health of the expectant mother, but also about the safety of the child.

Causes of cough

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body, so the reasons that cause it are the same for everyone, including pregnant women. Depending on them, a decision is made on how to deal with this symptom more effectively. Conventionally, all causes of cough can be divided into the following groups:

Whatever the cause of the cough, pregnant women should not be worried. The level of development of modern medicine allows you to cure almost any disease without serious consequences for the unborn baby.

You just need to seek help in time and, if necessary, undergo a comprehensive examination so that the doctor can accurately diagnose. A cold cough or acute respiratory infections is perfectly treated at home.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment are good because they use the properties of medicinal plants or products that are already included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. Therefore, there is no risk of harming the unborn baby. Only a few of them can cause an increase in uterine tone and are not recommended in early pregnancy.

But in the second trimester, only hot baths and those plants that can be toxic in large quantities, such as St. John's wort, sage, tansy, etc., fall under the ban.

If you like herbal teas, it is better to buy them in pharmacies or specialized stores - it is very important to be sure of the composition and quality of the plants included in the collection. Where their grandmothers-herbalists who traded in the market collected them, one can only guess. But herbs are excellent adsorbents. Therefore, if they grew up in areas polluted with dust, chemicals, carbon monoxide and other toxins, then all these “charms” will be in your cup, and then in the body.

Traditional folk remedies that help get rid of a strong cough without harm to the unborn baby are:

With steam inhalations and warming up, you need to be careful. It is best not to use these treatments without a doctor's recommendation. Although with a strong cough, dry heat can be helpful. These are compresses and rubbing with turpentine, camphor oil, vodka.


Cough during pregnancy is well treated with herbal preparations. Usually they are available in the form of syrups, but there are also tablets and even a dry mixture that is diluted with clean water. Most often, pregnant women are recommended: "Stoptussin", "Gerbion", "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan", "Mukaltin", "Linkas".

With caution, drugs are prescribed during pregnancy, which include thermopsis grass and codeine. Although they can no longer overcome the placental barrier, these substances can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and create a threat of miscarriage. In no case should you exceed the dosages indicated in the instructions, as well as prescribe medications yourself.

Antibiotics in the second trimester are no longer as dangerous as in the first. But some of them are also able to cross the placenta and enter the blood of the child, having a toxic effect on its developing organs and systems. Therefore, such drugs are prescribed to expectant mothers only in cases where other methods of treatment are ineffective.

When the disease has not yet started, good results are obtained by intense gargling (every two hours) with decoctions of herbs or antiseptic solutions (chlorophyllipt, furacilin, etc.). The use of sprays for irrigating the throat has minimal contraindications: Ingalipt, Ingacamf, etc. You can treat it with Lugol's solution.

The entire course of treatment should take place under constant medical supervision. If drugs are prescribed, then the use folk remedies must be agreed with the attending physician.

So grapefruit juice enhances the effect of antibiotics and some other drugs, and milk, on the contrary, weakens it. But if the body of a healthy woman easily tolerates such an adjustment, then it can affect the condition of the fetus very negatively.


The best prevention against diseases during pregnancy is a strong immune system and healthy lifestyle life. First of all, this is a complete rejection of bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drug-containing drugs. They depress the immune system and weaken the body's natural defenses against viruses and infections.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy at the initial stage is quite easy, but it is better to follow simple precautions that will allow you not to get sick:

A pregnant woman has a lot of all sorts of prohibitions and rules, and not everyone tolerates this condition easily. But illness and pregnancy are an unpleasant combination. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself for this period in some things, but at the same time preserve the health of yourself and your unborn baby.