
How to cut letters out of paper. Volumetric letters made of cardboard. Master Class. Variants of volumetric figures from improvised materials


AT kindergarten announced a craft contest, the theme of the letter is their own hands. What can be used to make a craft letter so that it is not quite banal and that the child participates by 90%?

I remembered the positive impressions of crafts from the base for toilet paper, very easy to perform and looks finished. Thanks to my imagination, I realized that the material is grateful in terms of design qualities and due to the presence capital letter"K" in the name of the child decided to do this particular letter.

For the effect of softness, they took kitchen napkins made of viscose among the people of RAG for decoration, for decoration, ribbons and flowers cut out with a hole punch. The flowers were cut out of broken wings from a doll, the plastic turned out to be thick for a hole puncher, but we did it.

Materials used:

1. Toilet paper cylinder (tubes) - 7 pcs.

2. Viscose cloth - 1 pc.

3. A4 paper ( plain paper for the printer) - 2 pcs.

4. PVA glue.

5. Glue brush.

6. Glue "liquid nails".

7. Cotton buds - a few pcs.

8. Scissors.

9. Decorative elements - ribbons, flowers, glitter glue, soft colored wire.

To begin with, I drew a sketch, discussed the stages of work with my daughter, and briefly told what my idea was. Katyusha agreed and we started with enthusiasm.

Following the sketch, three bases go to the vertical leg of the letter, and two to the rest. Separately, we fasten three tubes with A4 paper and two more tubes each with A4 halves. This is all for the strength of the structure, we apply PVA glue evenly over the entire surface of the paper, then “twist the sausage”, if the paper protrudes slightly beyond the edges, we cut it or bend it inside the cylinder.

There is no need to wait for the glue to dry for a long time, because. during the process of gluing the cloth, the cylinders will in any case pick up moisture. Immediately wrapped in fabric, the principle is the same as with paper. We evenly apply glue, “twist the sausage”, cut off the excess. The format of the rags should be slightly larger than A4, try on and cut out, taking into account a slight overlap.

You can immediately apply the first decorative element with glitter glue, you can take several colors.

Next, we glued pieces of fabric of a different color on the inner surface of the resulting tubes, this made it possible to hide the ugly end of the cut and emphasized the concave part. Now I understand that it was possible to solve this problem in another, easier way. Those extra edges that we cut off could be tucked inward. We glue on the triple part on both sides, on the double part on one.

Now the most interesting and responsible. From the form of simple cylinders we turnour feet in elegant boots. From those sides where there is fabric on the inside.

1) make tucks on both sides, flattening the cylinder from above

2) make smooth folds along the edges (depth about 2 cm)

3) we bend a piece of fabric and fix it with “liquid nails” glue, for accuracy, cut the sharp corners with scissors.

We bend the remaining ends without fabric and without boots a little differently, forming the letter “K”, apply “liquid nails” glue to these folds and fix in turn, first the lower part of the letter, after the upper one. At the same time, we put the letter in a vertical position and check its stability.

At this stage, we are waiting for the glue to be 100% fixed, everything is according to the instructions.

Let's get to the fun part, decorating. Here you can completely surrender to fantasy, use any available tricks. The legs of our letter were tied with a brown ribbon, fixing the ends, and flowers were glued on top in a free order. Katyusha and I also decided to make a crown for our letter, especially since the crown also begins with the letter “K” using soft wire. Without the help of parents, of course, this is not possible.

The letter is done! Hooray! We're done!

A little later, another idea came to my mind that the emptiness of the cylinders could also be somehow used, and we poured beans into the vertical part! Now our letter has acquired an additional function, now our letter is Rattle.

It seems to me that using this method, you can perform any letter of the alphabet.

Thanks everyone!

In which the banquet and the actual celebration will take place. Have you rented a small, cozy cafe for this purpose? Then it is simply necessary to hang an appropriate inscription above the entrance so that the guests do not get lost, and the people passing by know: there is now a wedding here!

large styrofoam letters for wedding

How to make volume letters from polystyrene with your own hands?

  • We draw letters on a pre-prepared foam using a regular ruler and a black marker and carefully cut them out with a sharp knife. Nuance: if you buy it (styrofoam, not a knife) specifically for this purpose, and do not use packaging material from equipment that has accumulated over the years in the attic, make sure that the width of the sheet matches the expected width of the letters: this will simplify the finish;

Stencil cut out letters from styrofoam

  • We carefully clean the blanks, first with a large sandpaper, and then with a small one. Our task is to get as smooth a surface as possible;

Ready-made blanks of foam letters can be pasted over with paper or newspaper

  • Now we beautifully color the resulting letters and leave them to dry. For this purpose, you can use bright colors, varnish, or you can paste over them with a film, both with a pattern and plain. Here, in fact, is all the wisdom!

Styrofoam letters in red as wedding decor

Illuminated 3D Styrofoam Letters

Want to make your styrofoam letters glow? It's easy to do it yourself!

Make a border with the usual thin garland that decorates Christmas trees on New Year. It can be simply glued around the perimeter with pieces of adhesive tape. Depending on its length and the size of the letters, you may need several of these garlands.

Make sure that there is an outlet nearby, and do not connect them into one, as self-confident craftsmen sometimes do.

There is a reason for this: if suddenly something happens to one light bulb in the process, then not the entire inscription will go out, but only one or two letters, it will be easier to eliminate the trouble. And the probability that it will go out, the less, the less you "chemically" do anything with it.

And it will be even easier to purchase an LED strip of the appropriate length in advance. Then the process of making three-dimensional foam letters with your own hands will be even easier and faster!

Production of three-dimensional letters from polystyrene foam using polyurethane foam

Here are the initial options:

  • a) We make “molds” from cardboard into which we will “blow” the foam. We fill them with foam, wait until it hardens, and then take it out. If you filled it slowly, then there will be no voids and irregularities inside, and only one edge will need to be processed;
  • b) Very large letters can simply be blown more or less evenly onto sheets of paper by placing cellophane on them (just cut a few bags). And you don't have to mess around with forms. The disadvantage of this method is that the subsequent processing of the resulting blanks will take almost more time than the manufacture of molds.

The further technique corresponds to how we worked with ordinary foam: with a sharp knife we ​​cut off the excess foam, carefully clean the bumps, paint, decorate.

Nuance: did the three-dimensional foam letters come out with holes? The effect of "Swiss cheese" can be removed with the help of ordinary mass for wall putty.

Volumetric letters styrofoam with silver decoration for wedding

What else besides three-dimensional foam letters?

With this simple method, you can make almost any foam shape, not just letters. They are definitely planning for a wedding. Prepare in advance for them some toys as prizes!

Instead of cardboard molds, you can also use silicone molds in which soap and homemade cookies are made. Color the blanks brighter, varnish them, draw funny faces.

Volumetric letters with decor in red

You can glue buttons, pebbles and shells, make eyes and a nose from pre-painted peas, buckwheat and semolina (semolina will have to be painted directly on the product). Guests will be delighted!

How to fix three-dimensional foam letters

Lightweight and easy to handle, they are attached very simply: using mounting glue or double-sided tape. Using adhesive tape, practice in advance: some of its types are glued only to a smooth surface. You polished the letters, but the walls are often rough.

A room decorated with voluminous inscriptions, letters or numbers will always look very stylish and impressive. It can be a love confession for the second half, a decorative element for wedding photo shoot, solemn date or age of the birthday man.

Many novice craftsmen have a question: how to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard? There are many various ways making this accessory.

The first way to make the base

First of all, you need to prepare a stencil of the selected number, letter, or the whole inscription. You can take it ready-made from the Internet, or you can draw it yourself. For beginners in this business, it is recommended to use the simplest template without curls - it will be much easier to work this way.

As for the sizes of three-dimensional letters made of cardboard, they can be very different. These can be very tiny items or large ones that can be mounted on a wall or placed on the floor. The most popular is the size of about half a meter high.

After the stencil is ready, it is transferred to cardboard, and then carefully cut out along the contour. The material for the base is recommended to take the most dense. For example, you can use an unnecessary box from household appliances.

Then you need to take the thread bright colors and wrap them around the craft very tightly. Experienced craftswomen recommend taking threads from synthetics. It will be much easier and more pleasant for a beginner to work with such material.

The basis for a three-dimensional letter or number is ready, it remains only to decorate it. Here the imagination of the master is boundless.

Second way

There are more difficult option making this accessory. For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Cardboard (packaging from household appliances or ordinary corrugated cardboard).
  2. Double-sided tape.
  3. Adhesive tape.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Ruler and pencil.

Before you make three-dimensional letters from cardboard, you should prepare a template. Having decided on the desired style and size, the letters should be drawn on cardboard, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. It is worth remembering that for work you will need two blanks for each letter.

The next step is to measure the length of each side of the perimeter piece. Now make the sides. For example, if you plan to make a workpiece seven centimeters thick, then you need to cut a strip nine centimeters wide from cardboard, leaving some distance for bending. Passes must be carefully bent and glued to the workpiece with adhesive tape. Thus, a three-dimensional letter or number is formed. To make the parts more resistant to external influences, it is recommended to carefully glue them

Third way

The most common way to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard is to make them using paper rings. To do this, prepare the following:

  1. Thick cardboard.
  2. Toilet paper or paper towel roll.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Paper.
  6. Glue.

First of all, the conceived letter or number must be transferred to cardboard. If you can’t draw the blank, it’s okay, you can use a ready-made stencil. Below are examples of do-it-yourself volumetric letter templates made of cardboard.

You just need to print the stencil you like, transfer it to cardboard in duplicate and carefully cut it out.

Then you should think about how large the letter will be. If it is supposed to make a workpiece with a volume of three centimeters, then rings of the appropriate thickness must be cut out of the sleeve. There should be about seven such details. The wider the thickness of the rings, the larger the letter will be.

Details must be applied to one letter and secured with glue. When everything is ready, you need to grease the other edge of the rings with glue and glue them to the second part of the letter. The resulting workpiece should be left for several hours until completely dry.

The next step is to tear the paper into small pieces and mix with glue. Paste the entire letter with such a mass. Thus, the product will become more durable and solid.

Do-it-yourself volumetric letter made of cardboard is ready, it remains only to decorate it.

Craft decoration options

There are many ways to decorate volumetric figures and letters. Considering the general style of decoration of the celebration, you can choose the most suitable decoration option:

  1. Twine.
  2. Colored paper.
  3. Floral film.
  4. Multicolored napkins.

Decoration with twine

Eco-style - interior design, which involves the use of natural materials. Such a stylish decor item will be a three-dimensional inscription, decorated with twine. It is not difficult to make it, it is enough to stock up on a bit of patience.

To begin with, the cardboard blank must be greased with glue, and then carefully wrap the outline of each letter with twine. The material can be left unpainted or painted in any color you like. And it is also allowed to decorate with any small things at hand: buttons, beads, beads or decorative feathers.

paper roses

Flowers made from corrugated paper They look very elegant and delicate. Particularly impressive are obtained with the effect of mother-of-pearl or metallic.

To create a bud, a square piece with a side of approximately seven centimeters should be cut out of paper. Then draw a spiral inside this blank and cut it along the contour. Do not be afraid to make small irregularities, this will give the flower splendor and originality.

The edges of the resulting spiral must be connected by first placing any solid object on them. When the bud folds, this item will be in the middle. The bottom edge of the workpiece should be fixed with glue so that the flower does not fall apart. Other flowers are made according to the same principle.

For one letter, you will need about 65 of these buds. When everything is ready, the cardboard base must be greased with glue and decorated with the resulting paper roses.

Funtiks from a floristic film

Many people ask themselves: how to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard with pounds? Such a product looks very beautiful, elegant and elegant - everything you need for a memorable holiday.

Funtiki can be easily made from floral film. To do this, the material should be cut into several square blanks. The parts should be folded unevenly in half, and then in half again and again unevenly. You should get a part with protruding edges on the sides.

The resulting pound must be fixed with glue or a stapler exactly in the middle. By the same principle, you can make other parts, and then paste over the letters or numbers on the cardboard base.

Napkin flowers

Volumetric letters made of cardboard and napkins are perfect as decor for a wedding photo shoot.

Such jewelry always looks very gentle and airy.

To make a fluffy flower, you need to fold the napkin four times. The resulting workpiece must be fixed in the center with glue. Then cut the part so that you get a circle. Carefully cut through the edges, not reaching the center. Twist the leaves of the flower a little and lift up. In this way, airy flowers are created, with which you can then decorate the letters with glue.

Crafts made from this material are very beautiful and unusual. Photos of volumetric letters made of cardboard and napkins are given in this article.

The newlyweds are doing their best to come up with original and bright ideas for their weddings. Particularly popular in recent times apply a variety of exquisite details and decor items in wedding photography, in particular, use three-dimensional letters. But how to make letters for a wedding photo shoot to make fashion trend and in your celebration? Thanks to step by step instructions With detailed description you will learn how to make beautiful accessories for photo and video shooting. Complement the letters with bright unique details, bring a touch of individuality to the final decor.

Cardboard letters

Cardboard letters are considered easy to manufacture. It is easy to make them, the main thing is to be careful in work, then the sides will come out even, the edges are the same. Cardboard accessories do not take up much space during transportation, they are easy to transport to the place of the photo session. It will not be difficult for the bride and groom to hold them and actively use them during the photo shoot. We suggest you make letters with the initials of your names for the wedding or compose some kind of romantic word, inscription. Subsequently, they can become details of your home interior.

Necessary materials

  • Corrugated cardboard (dispose of packaging from household appliances for this purpose).
  • Scotch tape (you will need both double-sided and a simple regular adhesive tape).
  • Stationery knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • Professional marking board.
  • Scrapbooking paper or pretty colored paper.
  • Any decoration items that match color scheme and the theme of the celebration.

Stages of creation

  1. Use a professional marking board or a regular ruler to correctly mark the dimensions of the workpieces. Having decided on the desired size, draw the shapes with a simple pencil on cardboard. Then you need to cut the blanks with a sharp stationery knife. We will need two parts for each letter, so we need to make them in two copies at once.

  1. We measure the length of each side of the workpiece around the perimeter. We cut out the sides: the thickness can be any, we will make them 5 cm thick. To do this, we cut out cardboard strips of the required length, 7 cm wide, leaving a centimeter allowance for bending on each side. Having bent the allowances with our hands, we glue them to one side of the base with double-sided tape, forming the sides.
  2. We attach the second side of the letter to the sidewall and also glue it to the adhesive tape.
  3. We use the usual adhesive tape to fasten the part in arbitrary places for reliability.
  4. We decorate the resulting blank according to our own taste and desire.

A simple and quick way to design a workpiece is to attach it to beautiful paper(you can use bright wallpaper for this purpose), circle the shape with a pencil, adding a few centimeters on each side for bends. Cut the paper with scissors and glue with PVA glue on a cardboard blank. Let the glue dry, and then additionally decorate the facade with lace, beads, pearls, and artificial flowers.

Common variants of words with three-dimensional letters for a wedding photo shoot: love, married, wedding, happiness, love, happy, just married, amore, amour. The phrases “I agree”, “Forever”, “Yes, I do”, “Family” also look beautiful in the pictures. The inscriptions with equation signs look elegant, for example, “Masha + Sasha = Love” or the inscriptions “Husband” and “Wife” with arrows facing the heroes of the photo shoot.

A photo

3D fabric letters

Soft letters look gentle and elegant for a wedding photo shoot. Such letters are pleasant to take in hands, they look beautiful in photographs. Even those who have already for a long time did not hold a needle and thread in his hands and has only basic knowledge of sewing techniques. Let your imagination run wild by choosing bright fabric for your crafts, and then you will have beautiful accessories that will decorate the photo shoot at the wedding.

Necessary materials

  • Soft, not too thin fabric, it is advisable to use felt, fleece fabric or felt. Give preference to high quality fabrics that do not fray the edges.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Strong threads to match the fabric.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Volumetric material for stuffing letters: synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer or holofiber.
  • Decorating elements: bright buttons, applications, ribbons, lace.

Stages of creation

  1. At the beginning of the process, you need to make templates. To do this, it is recommended to write the necessary word or inscription in a Word document, setting the font you like. Visually determine the size by placing a ruler on the monitor with the inscription. Print blanks with inscriptions.
  2. We apply the templates cut out of paper or cardboard to the fabric and trace the edges with chalk or a simple pencil. Next, cut out the patterns, making two blanks of each of them.
  3. We put the patterns with the wrong side to each other and sew the easy way- over the edge. Choose a colorful thread to match or opposite a contrasting color for sewing, such as red thread on white fabric.

  1. When stitching the edges, we fill the letter with a layer of filler, trying to make the thickness the same so that there are no irregularities.
  2. We carefully sew the entire perimeter of the craft. We decorate with decorating elements: sew on buttons, fabric flowers, braid, lace.

A photo

Styrofoam letters

Styrofoam letters with creative inscriptions are a popular accessory for a wedding photo shoot. Lightweight foam words look beautiful in pictures. You can toss them in the air to create original and fun photo ideas. Making large foam parts for filming is easy, you just need to get necessary material, fantasy and free time.

Necessary materials

  • Styrofoam (use foam from packages for household appliances or specifically purchase it at a hardware store, they sell it in various thicknesses, so you can choose the material you need for your idea).
  • Bright marker.
  • Stationery knife (sold in a hardware store in the wallpaper department).
  • A piece of fine and coarse sandpaper.
  • Various decorating materials: fabric, paper, paints.

Stages of creation

  1. On paper, you need to make a stencil with your favorite font. We attach the cut out letters to the foam and circle them around the perimeter with a marker.
  2. With a clerical knife, cut out the outlines of the letters.
  3. We clean the surface of the parts with coarse sandpaper, then finally grind the letters with fine sandpaper, trying to make a smooth surface.
  4. We decorate the letters: paint them with bright paint or glue them with colorful paper (some people glue them with a vintage-style newspaper that needs to be cut into small strips), sheathe them with a cloth or smear with glue, and sprinkle them with sparkles on top.

Styrofoam letters decorated with garlands look beautiful and original. To do this, you can use both an LED strip of a suitable length and ordinary New Year's multi-colored garlands. Attach them around the perimeter of the letters with small strips of tape. Hang an illuminated lettering on a tree branch outside with a wire and arrange a romantic wedding photo shoot in the evening. Unique inimitable video and photo frames are guaranteed to you.

The project "Letters with your own hands" can be done even by first-graders. Children choose the letter that they like best and "decorate" it. These pictures that the children made with their own hands can be used in the lessons of reading, writing, Russian, as well as when doing a project on the theme "My favorite letter". It can be a drawing, plasticine craft, appliqué, etc.

Creative project "Letter with your own hands"

The teacher can ask each of the children in the lesson to perform a beautiful letter of the alphabet. Maybe this is your favorite letter or a few letters that you learned in a lesson in grade 1.

The purpose of the project: to create a children's alphabet with their own hands.

Project objectives: 1. To introduce the inscription of the letters of the alphabet

2. Involve in an active cognitive creative process

3. Develop creative thinking and creative imagination

4. Raise interest in the Russian language

We offer design options for the letters of the Russian alphabet.

The letter can be decorated with circles obtained by punching paper with a hole punch or confetti. To make it elegant and beautiful, use foil or velvet colored paper.

The letter itself can be drawn by copying the image in any of the WORD fonts you like. Invite the child to decorate it and stick beads along the contour.

This application can be made using a figured hole punch with nozzles. It can be butterflies, snowflakes or flowers. They serve to decorate your products. It can be bought at Fix-price or in the online store.

This letter can be made from geometric shapes. But for this, you first need to draw the outline of the letter and cut it arbitrarily into several shapes. Colored cardboard or colored paper will come in handy here.

The letter can be made from cereals. Gotta get some cereal different color. It can be rice and buckwheat, millet and buckwheat, etc. Glue darker grains along the contour, and light grains in the center, filling all the space inside the letter.

This letter was decorated with homemade snowflakes. They can be cut from napkins and colored paper. Snowflakes can be glued one on top of the other to make it look voluminous.

The letter can be made from cotton wool. Stick pieces of cotton wool, circle the outline with gouache. And then, dipping the brush into multi-colored gouache, lower it onto the cotton wool. It turns out a three-dimensional color letter.

The letter can be decorated with flowers. It can be daisies with multi-colored petals or any other flowers that the child can draw.

This letter is made of balls made of colorful napkins. Tear off a small piece of tissue paper and roll into a ball with your fingers. First, it is better to roll a lot of balls, and then glue them along the contour of the letter drawn by the children.

The letter can be made from cotton balls. Roll small pieces of cotton wool into a ball and stick on colored cardboard. Then gouache to decorate the resulting letter.

The letter can be made in the form of a letter. An initial letter is the first letter of the initial word of a book, chapter, section, work, enlarged in size and designed in a special style. It was widely used in ancient handwritten books, where it was decorated with miniatures and ornaments. In the first printed books, the initial letter was also used, but it was still signed by hand.

The letter can be decorated with flowers that the child can draw.

Handmade letters can be used in other projects. For example,