
What to think of for a party. How to Party at Home: Tips for organizing a themed holiday. Food, drinks, moment of engagement

Pathology of the uterus

Topic 1. Lunch for fresh air.
Idea: An elegant summer lunch (dinner) with a touch of rustic chic.
Decorations: Decorate tables with white linen tablecloths or tartan dyed yarn, and lay out vintage cutlery and delicate little lanterns. Wrap the napkins with fringed ribbons and fill the vases with wildflowers. Hang small lights in the trees, and kerosene lamps can be used to illuminate the paths.

Food and Drink: Serve simple fire-fried foods and colorful salads, tables abundant with fresh fruit and sweets for dessert. Champagne or chilled white wine go well with this table, and a strong, aromatic, sweetened elderberry drink as a non-alcoholic option.

Topic 2. Arabian nights.
Idea: deserts, sand dunes, rich materials and soft oriental music - that's all that should inspire you. It is ideal for a summer evening party.
Decorations: Decorate the party venue like a harem with lots of pillows and draperies. Well, if you want to bring the real spirit of the East, you can even put up a beautiful Bedouin Tent, at the entrance to which you can put real torches. After sunset, only candles should light up your holiday. And ask all women and girls at the party to dress up as belly dancers (even if they don't know how to dance it!)
Food & Drink: Serve delectable meats with spices and rice, as well as a variety of thick cocktails. Of course Turkish delight on the table will not be superfluous!

Topic 3. Big company in swing style.
Idea: This is a real party in the full sense of the word, only music and dancing.
Decorations: Of course, the most important thing at a party like this is to have a good dance floor. If you want to really ignite, then you should order a music group. You can also decorate the walls with silhouettes of jazz musicians playing the saxophone and photos of jazz musicians. Arrange small tables around the perimeter of the hall, light candles, this will be the perfect place to take a break between dances.
Food & Drink: A variety of cocktails from Martini to Cosmopolitan. To keep guests energized, treat them to a variety of large canapes.

Topic 4. Night on the Caribbean Islands.
Idea: Who Needs Sunshine If You Can Bring It Into Your Home!
Decorations: Of course, you can hardly make a real beach at home, but you can throw an outdoor party, wear colorful clothes, and even order a palm tree for a while. Invite a noise band or play Bob Marley-style music. And the entertainment for the guests will be to walk to the music under a stick (which is held by two people), with each circle the stick falls lower and lower, and you cannot fall or touch the ground.
Food & Drink: Serve colorful cocktails in large tall glasses, fish in coconut milk, and lots of fresh fruit.

Topic 5. Casablanca.
Idea: party in the style of classic cinema of the 40s, pure romance. This type of party can be perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day.
Decorations: Create your own Cafe at Rick's with palm trees and cocktails. You can even hire a pianist to entertain you and your guests with 40s tunes all evening. And, of course, guests should dress in clothes from those years like Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
Food and drink: only champagne!

Topic 6. Children's party for adults.
Idea: We are all happy to remember our childhood years, so why not have fun like children?
Decorations: school uniform- the dress code for this party, and the hall should be decorated with simple, fun decorations: air balloons with helium and many confetti firecrackers. Entertainment for guests: hide and seek, tag, bottle and charades!
Food and Drink: Serve the food you and your guests loved as a child - pies, ice cream, candy, etc.

Topic 7. Cocktail party.
Idea: This is James Bond style - time to dress up in your best suit and surrender to refined elegance.
Decorations: Anything will do if it looks stylish! Candles and classical music. You can even hire multiple waiters to serve your guests.
Food and drink: Cocktails, of course! Take some time and create your own cocktail for this party! The food should take the form of delicious, gourmet little canapes.

Topic 8. Rural holiday with country dances in country style.
Idea: I-ha! Get cowboy hats, plaid shirts and snakeskin boots. Find country music and old Wild West music and start dancing!
Decorations: A barn or stable would be the ideal venue for this kind of party, but outdoors, this party will be a very special occasion. Add a few bales of hay for the entourage. And invitations can be printed on flyers with huge letters: WANTED - WANTED!
Food & Drinks: Pastry sausages and fried chops, cold beer and lemonade decanters.

Topic 9. Party in the style of Eurovision.
Idea: We all like the International Eurovision Song Contest at least a little. It is best to hold such a party on the night of the competition itself, because you can arrange your own vote and choose your winner!
Decoration: Assign each guest a country to represent, or let the guests choose! In accordance with the culture and history of the chosen country, guests should dress up and bring something to decorate the interior.
Food and Drink: As with the decoration, guests must bring one small meal at a time from the national cuisine of the selected country. OR you can cook your own food different nations and countries, and guests have to guess which country this or that treat belongs to.

Topic 10. Ron 'n' roll of the fifties.
Idea: Celebrating the fifties - the party begins !!!
Decorations: Watch the movie "Grease" for inspiration - this is how your guests should dress up and this is how the hall should look like where you will throw the funniest party! If possible, rent a jukebox for the party and play the most famous tunes from the 50s. Organize a dance competition, a competition "Who turns the hoop longer" or "Who blows bubbles the most."
Food & Drink: Serve cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes.

Topic 11. Grand Casino.
Idea: Time for inoffensive Vegas-style games.
Decorations: Buy or order temporarily poker and roulette tables. It will not be superfluous to purchase counterfeit money, as well as hire a croupier. This is a glamorous party, so there must be a specific dress code for guests.
Food & Drink: Elegant cocktails and canapes. You can even make your own cocktails and name them after the games: Blackjack, Baccarat, etc.

Topic 12. Hawaiian party.
Idea: Everything to the Hawaiian Islands, grass skirts, flower garlands and dancing.
Decorations: If you can find an inflatable pool, there is no better decoration like this. If the pool doesn't work out, throw an outdoor party decorating everything with shells, sand and palm trees. Choose Hawaiian music to play in the background throughout the evening.
Food and drink: if you want to arrange a traditional Hawaiian party then it is best to order traditional dishes for those places in a special store, or find recipes on the Internet. But in general, fish, sweet potatoes, pineapples, rice, and so on are all great when served with beer and tropical drinks.

Topic 13. Masquerade.
Idea: A glamorous evening dress ball with an unusual twist - all guests must show up wearing masks.
Decorations: Decorating the hall and the whole party should be simple but tasteful, and let the masks speak for themselves!
Food and drink: only dancing and cocktails, no food!

Topic 14. New York, New York.
Idea: Get some inspiration from the Big City!
Decorations: Black and Silver will transform your room into Manhattan, learn more more ideas Breakfast at Tiffany's will help you.
Food & Drink: Hot dogs, salted pretzels, cheesecake. And donuts can be used to make a skyscraper, of which there are many in New York.

Topic 15. Party "Pamper yourself".
Idea: This party is for girls only, because they will watch tearful romantic movies and gossip all night long.
Decorations: optional. You may need a professional masseuse and manicurist, so hire them ahead of time and arrange everything.
Food & Drink: Chocolate, chocolate and only chocolate ... and maybe some popcorn and champagne.

Topic 16. Sports match.
Idea: This party is for guys, although if girls are into sports and don't mind cheering for their favorite team, they can come too.
Decorations: optional. All you need is a TV and a comfortable sofa that will fit everything. As for the outfits, all your guests, most likely without your prompting, will come in shirts of your favorite team, with fans' scarves and funny hats with bells.
Food and drinks: at your discretion, snacks, sandwiches, chips, beer, juices, etc.

Theme 17. Party in the style of the 70s.
Idea: Were you born in the era of Saturday Night Fever movies and Bee Gees music? Then this evening is for you.
Decorations: Colorful ribbons, disco balls, old roller skates, gel lamps, glitter and clothing in bright, toxic colors.
Food and drink: Make a fondue, the perfect '70s-style snack.

Topic 18. After the shipwreck.
Idea: What were you wearing when the ship went down?
Decorations: If you're throwing an outdoor party, try to find a spot that resembles a desert island. There should be a large bonfire in the center, guests come in rags, or in whatever they managed to save.
Food and drink: kebabs, coconuts and pineapples.

Topic 19. Dinner on the road.
Idea: Ideal party for 4 couples - you will visit 3 times and be the host, everyone takes turns receiving guests in their house, and the journey ends in the last fourth house.
Decorations: not necessary, the most important thing at such a party is the treats!
Food and drinks: Be sure to agree in advance how you will treat your guests so that you do not end up with 4 identical tables.

Topic 20. Party in the style of the 20s.
Idea: Feathers, long beads and tuxedos.
Decorations: simple and elegant. Music in Charleston style, girls in dresses with long fringes.
Food & Drink: Elegant cocktails and canapes.

Hey friend, are you aware that today is World Party Day? Such an important holiday must be celebrated with dignity! (Yes, we know it's the middle of the week)

Sometimes not everything goes as we intended. And we do not always succeed in everything. Even the coolest party can be in jeopardy. But do not despair, because there are no problems that cannot be solved. Do not believe? Then this article is for you.

Oops, no party money

“Calm, only calm” - as a friend of all offended kids used to say. Such a nuisance can happen to anyone. And this is not at all a reason to hang your nose and even more so to refuse the party. After all, to have fun with friends, big money is not necessary at all. Savvy and creativity literally work wonders. And if you try, you can throw a good party almost for free. We checked.

If your option is completely sad and you didn’t manage to clear the room of your parents, and they are strongly against the noisy company, then the “walk” option will definitely save you. Walking around the city on foot is completely free. Come up with an interesting route, draw funny invitations, save on breakfasts, buy a loaf of bread and sausages for butters, and make tea in a thermos. Cheap and cheerful.

And how much fun it all depends only on you and your friends.

If you have a room, then everything is even easier. The original design of the apartment can be built from old things lying around on your mezzanine, completely free of charge. Why don't you have a retro party? By the way, you won't have to spend money on costumes in this format - just take a good look at my mother's old wardrobe. In general, rich imagination and good mood will make any party unforgettable. And what does the money have to do with it?

How to collect friends

The main thing at any event is, of course, the guests. So, in order not to be the only one who came to your own party, it would be good to take care of a competent invitation in advance. The easiest option is to create a VKontakte event. So you can easily describe in detail what kind of party you are planning and invite everyone you want.

Just keep in mind that the invitation must reach the addressees some time before the party itself. Then they will definitely be able to free up the evening to spend it in company with you. And by the way, they will have time to properly prepare if it comes to a costume party or a trip to your country house.

The network invitation can be supplemented with a paper duplicate. Pre-made letterheads are now sold in bookstores and regular supermarkets. But to be honest, they tend to be a little boring. Therefore, if you want to stand out and interest your friends, you will have to make invitations yourself. This, by the way, is not difficult at all. It turns out very beautifully and, most importantly, is remembered for a long time.

Whichever invitation option you choose, do not forget to indicate the exact address and start time of the event.

If the party involves any special things, such as a dress code, this must be reported. And of course, a few days after the invitation, it's a good idea to check the response. It may turn out that your party will have to be rescheduled or some other interesting details will be revealed.

How to choose a place to party

A walk is, of course, cool, but in our latitudes the weather conditions often leave much to be desired. So it would be great to come up with some kind of room in which you and your friends could get together and have a cozy time.

For a small company, your room is quite suitable. Especially if you are going to sit quietly with the girls or just watch a movie together. For larger events, it is better to get the whole apartment for your use. But, unfortunately, not all parents are ready to make such sacrifices.

And for a truly large-scale party, an apartment is clearly not enough.

If you and your friends are planning to have an incendiary dance party or to please your classmates with a super-party, then you will definitely have to look for a larger room. And then you will need to negotiate with the school staff. You can start with class teacher... Maybe one of your class will be enough for you.

If a school building is not an option, go to Plan B. Now in almost every city there is such a thing as anti-cafe. This is a cafe in which you can bring food and drinks with you (as a rule, the establishment itself has tea and cookies). As a rule, there are board games there - and everything in order to sit well, and you pay only for the time spent in it.

You can also remember such a wonderful thing as dad's garage. But this is only for the happy owners of an adequate dad with an insulated garage, in which you can even make a rehearsal area ...

How to persuade parents

Yes, this is not an easy task. There are, however, individual parent specimens, which themselves agree to everything, but this is a great rarity. If you are not from the lucky clan, then specially for you we have collected several useful tips... Each of them is tested on its own skin. Trust us.

For a start, it would be nice to establish contact with the parents some time before the alleged events. Try not to scandalize with your mom about trifles for at least a week. And in general, for a laugh, listen to what she says. Perhaps she's not as wrong as you think.

In general, if you prove to your parents that you are able to take responsibility for your actions, they will begin to trust you much more. After all, it is this skill, together with the ability to think about the consequences of one's actions, that makes a person an adult. You can start to get established in a new status small. For example, regularly perform homework, return from a walk at the agreed time or call grandmother without reminders.

Another strong argument in favor of a party is getting to know the prospective participants in the event.

If your parents know who, where and when you are going, it will be easier for them to let you go. By the way, if your party has a plan or concept, it will only add bonuses to your freedom bank. Parents generally love certainty. So if they see such a serious approach to business, it will reassure them. The ability to plan is a sign of seriousness and maturity, just be aware.

Be sure to discuss how long the event will last and when you will return home. Promise that you will call yourself and answer your parents' calls. And, if you managed to agree, try not to break these promises. Otherwise, next time you will receive a fair refusal on your request. You have to answer for your words.

How to feed guests

Any party can turn into a nightmare if its participants are not fed on time. This is an immutable truth. So don't even think about arguing. Better check if your refrigerator is ready to welcome guests.

Luckily for you, humanity has now invented a bunch of ways to quickly and inexpensively feed hungry friends. The most convenient and, most importantly, the fastest option is pizza. You can order it, or you can cook it yourself. It's quick and easy, and you can put just about anything in your pizza. Another "lightweight" option is sandwiches or, for sophisticated connoisseurs, canapes. In the latter case, however, it will take a little more time to cut the ingredients. But on the other hand, the leftover remains of sausage and cheese can be successfully attached there and there.

If time permits, you can pamper your friends with pies or birthday cake. A good option is pancakes, if you know how to bake them, of course. By the way, this is a good reason to learn. Because a pancake is a very valuable thing. Almost everything is easily wrapped in it. On the Internet, it is now easy to find a huge number of culinary blogs with thousands of recipes designed for a variety of tastes and wallet sizes. You just have to choose.

And most importantly: what to wear to the party

Ahh! There is nothing to wear! Yah! Is it true? By the way, we also think so on a regular basis. Several times a day. So don't be upset, this is a common state for any girl. In truth, there are very few parties that require a special dress code. Unless, of course, you are a socialite chronicler. At the session of close friends, you can declare in anything, they will definitely understand. And for a school disco, there is always an option to steal a dress from an older sister.

By the way, girlfriends do not need to be written off either. They also exist just to snatch their clothes. Therefore, do not be shy, a real girlfriend will never refuse. However, be prepared for counter requests.

If you have a serious event that requires an evening or cocktail dress, then you should prepare well. Not everyone can afford to buy an expensive toilet for the sake of one outlet. There are clothing rentals especially for such cases. The rental price depends on the item you choose. Similar rentals are now operating in many cities. Passwords and logins can be found on the Internet.

In the same way, you can dress up for any costume party. If you are not satisfied with the poorly tailored nurse outfit sold in a nearby supermarket, use the rental service carnival costumes... Or, in the end, sew Little Red Riding Hood's dress herself. And no matter what happens, do not hang your nose and remember - there are no hopeless situations.

Party at home is a risk and a last resort, which should only be decided by desperate and professional daredevils. First of all, this concerns the New Year, when a good half of friends do not know where to settle on such a night. If fate decreed that the organization fell on your shoulders, and your favorite cuisine will become a place of action, you should not despair: the main thing here is to experimentally and in advance solve all the issues that will smooth out the unpleasant consequences. On the eve of the holidays, FURFUR asked musicians, DJs and just house party tycoons two simple questions: what does not a single right party at home do without and what situations should be avoided so as not to ruin your mood?

The main thing to understand is that a party is not "to visit". No table with Olivier is needed - just a buffet table! Drinks and snacks. Someone might have a minibar - great. The organizer should approach the process as if his apartment is a small club. Accordingly, you need to think about what the music will be, who will stage it, who you want to see as guests. Random people should not be called. But if among the guests there are people unfamiliar with each other (females, for example) - this will still add additional interest to the party. The music should be selected based on the general average taste of the audience. So that at some point all the drunks would start yelling "van deeey you gona liv in paris ..." and merge in ecstatic unity.

In general, the ideal party should look like it is shown in American pop films! For this it is necessary that the density of people is a little more than usually lives in this apartment. "

The main mistake, it seems to me, is always the same - there is no need to entertain guests. At a good party, guests have fun themselves. Leo Tolstoy wrote in War and Peace that a commander can influence the course of a battle only before it begins, placing regiments and giving them orders, after which everything is left to chance. This is true of any form of household gathering, from bingo games to clandestine punk concerts. There are only two things that you can really seriously influence the course of events - turn off Wi-Fi and disperse everyone to their homes. The last resort should be resorted to immediately after the third visit of the police, in decent houses it is a sign of good form. "

The presence of a balcony is very important. It will be possible to drive out all smokers, and even more so with cigars, so that they can be ventilated in the fresh air and can continue to decompose qualitatively.

If we talk about the main mistakes of house parties, then the decision to stir up drugs or women comes first. It usually happens like this - everyone is eating alcohol in the right male company and suddenly an idea appears to find, get something, for example, cocaine. Old friends start acting like Niels with wild geese walking around the house. As a result, some kind of pills appear, and worse than under pills, there are no friends, for which later it becomes ashamed. At such moments we are not talking about any quality, but everything should be natural.

Another common mistake is to go to the DJ with a request to put on some of his own music. It makes everyone terribly unnerving and ends up sounding some complete bullshit. "

But seriously, find a place without nighttime neighbors and police outfits, take those who will not be boring in musical terms, preferably fifteen or twenty people and not in pairs, otherwise everyone will be looking for a secluded place where to kiss or lie down. Do not forget also about light snacks and a supply of alcohol, so that you do not have to run around the city at night ... New Year it is or just a party - the instigator should be flexible and ready at least for the arrival of unexpected guests, friends of friends, and so on.

In general, for some reason it seems to me that if your new Year party- not a simple greedy olive oil, and you will be ready for night adventures, then everything will work out for you without any advice. "


First of all, identify a reason for the fun. Check your calendar for official holidays and the ones to come. If none are foreseen, the recent sporting achievements of our athletes, foreign ones such as Halloween or Oktoberfest, any historical event or invention, your idol will do. You can have a "pizza day", "beer day", etc. The more fun you come up with, the more exciting the party promises to be.

Think about who you want to see at the party and count the number of invitees.

Find a suitable place where you can organize your party. In summer, you can also have fun outdoors by making the appropriate decorations: pull up tents, throw up rented tents. A summer cottage or a cottage is perfect for a party. In the cold season, the premises can be rented. House parties are not the best option if you live in an apartment building: there is a limited space for a maximum of 10 people, and outraged neighbors. However, if you are having a quiet, intellectual party or a mystical, tarot reading, consider this option.

Set a date and time for the party that suits most of the invitees.

Determine your party budget. Calculate how much money will have to be spent on room equipment, food and drinks, inventory and gifts for contests. Feel free to invite everyone you invite to chip in for the party, after all, they will be the ones to have the fun.

Choose food and drinks. When it comes to food, you need to find a middle ground. On the one hand, it is not the amount of food that determines the fun of the guests, so you should not arrange a long feast. On the other hand, guests should not get hungry, otherwise they will also have no time for the holiday. Perfect option- provide a snack in the public domain, so that everyone can easily have a bite when he wants it. Accordingly, such an appetizer should be in the form of fruits, sandwiches and canapes, pieces of cheese, meat, sausages.

As for drinks, you should ask the guests what drinks they expect to see at the party. In the end, maybe someone will have individual wishes.

Think about music. A universal option is to create a trendy dance mix. When a party is dedicated, for example, to Britney Spears 'birth of another child, you should focus primarily on Britney Spears' songs. If you have special musical preferences in your environment, follow them.

Come up with entertainment and contests, because it's boring to just eat and dance. Try to fit entertainment and contests into the theme of your party. For example, on “pizza day”, have a speed-eating contest. Celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the Bolshoi Theater with a masquerade. Celebrate the release of a new action movie with your favorite actor in the title role with competitions on accuracy with the help of a target and darts. Search the internet for universal game ideas. For example, “forfeits” will be held with a bang at almost any party. Stock up on all the necessary equipment for games and contests.

Appoint a host of the party. If there are many guests, equip it with a loudspeaker or microphone.
That, in fact, is the whole ideological background of a cool party. Now it remains to bring the idea to life and have fun from the heart!

A successful party can only be organized after preliminary preparation. It requires careful planning in all aspects. Take advantage of our Party Plan to ensure you don't miss out and anticipate a bad outcome.

The plan includes defining the theme of the party, selecting the date, time and premises, making a list of invitees and mailing out, planning a budget, choosing the right games, making menus, drinks, choosing decorations for the room, small gifts for guests and farewell. Each of these points has its own nuances. Let's consider them in more detail. Topic. It is preferable to avoid parties like "80s", as guests may have been to them more than once. Try to come up with something original. You can pick up an idea. After choosing, select the necessary props and decorations for the room. Take care of the music. Collect enough songs so that they don't go around in circles. Don't forget the hardware. Date, time and place. Choose the most successful date for the party for the invitees. Choose a time that most guests can arrive. House parties are now a big hit, but you can choose and public place. A good option are restaurants, bars, public parks, entertainment centers, sports complexes, etc. Do not forget to decorate the premises based on the theme of the event. If you're throwing a classic party, be sure to prepare napkins, cutlery, and lighting. Make sure that people have easy access to food, drinks, and the toilet. Move fragile and valuable items away. List of invitees. Events with a lot of people are considered the most successful, but guests shouldn't feel like herrings in a barrel. Decide how many people you plan to invite and find out in advance who will come exactly. This is very important as you need to plan your budget for food and rental space properly. You can create an invitation using social networks and place it on your page. Beautiful picture with a description of the party will give the impression of a pleasant anticipation. Then send each guest to in social networks message. For people to answer, ask a question at the end. If some people are not there, contact them the most. in a convenient way... Don't forget to include in the invitation important points, for example, for guests to take drinks or meals, choose the appropriate outfit, indicate the cost of the party (if any). Start inviting them three or two weeks before the event starts. Budget. List all costs. If the amount turns out to be too impressive, exclude not too important things. Experts recommend introducing each guest to the party. Ask them to bring something with them, prepare music, take care of costumes, etc. This way you will involve people in the process, equip them with responsibilities and they will feel important and needed. This will increase the chances of all planned guests arriving.

Games. Find games that suit all guests. You can play mafia, any board game. Very popular is board game"Alias ​​for parties". Food and drinks. Decide on the preparation of your meals. It is preferable to create snacks so that people can grab food and eat it on the go. Fruits, vegetables, chips, cheese, desserts, etc. are good choices. If you want to include more nutritious meals in your party, make a list and buy groceries. To avoid standing in the kitchen for 3 days in a row, take on the main course, and ask your friends to take something light with you. You can make a large bowl of punch or pour in a large tub of alcohol and soda. There is another idea. Make a cocktail corner. Place all the food to cook in there and hang up small instructions. Personalized items. Choose a unique gift for each guest. You may not buy expensive items. Do something memorable for everyone personally. You can decorate your cupcakes in an original way or decorate your glasses of drinks with bright stickers printed from the Internet.

Now you know how to organize an amazing party. Only formalities remained. Take your responsibilities seriously and sort out important details as early as possible. Guests will remember you as a pleasant leader and will be happy to come next time.