
Introduction of triz technology to the senior group. Conducting classes on triz technology in kindergarten. Someone who lives in a teremochka


Creation of conditions for development intellectual abilities preschool children is topical issue development of the intellectual and creative potential of the child's personality.

The solution of modern problems increasingly requires not a highly specialized, but a systematic approach, the ability to see the problem as a whole and the long-term consequences of one's actions.

The problem of the intellectual development of preschoolers has long been purposefully studied by teachers and psychologists.

AT preschool age motivation is developed for subject-operational, gaming, creative, educational activities and communication, the cognitive potential of mental operations is formed. Research by psychologists A.V. Zaporozhets, P.Ya. Galperin say that the forms of cognition used at preschool age are of lasting importance for the intellectual development of the child in the future. Studies of foreign and domestic psychologists: V.V. Davydova, P.P. Blonsky, J. Piaget, L.S. Vygotsky, G. Hemli, V.A. Krutetsky, S.L. Rubinshtein and Politkina V.P. show that without purposeful development various forms thinking, it is impossible to achieve high results in teaching children, systematizing their learning skills, knowledge and skills.

Intellectual development is understood as the level of development of mental abilities and operations, meaning the stock of knowledge and the development of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination) etc.

From early childhood, you can teach a child to think systematically, invent fairy tales, poems, solve creative problems, and much more. One of the directions for the development of intellectual abilities in children of senior preschool age is the use of TRIZ technology (theory of inventive problem solving). TRIZ author - Altshuller G.S. He created it as a technique for finding solutions to technical problems. Long-term use of TRIZ forms creative thinking in inventors, its flexibility, range, consistency, originality and many other qualities. These possibilities made it possible to develop on the basis of TRIZ pedagogical technologies for the development of thinking.

When using technology, classes with preschoolers were conducted by non-traditional methods. The children were interested, they were looking for the truth together. Exercises and games with the use of TRIZ developed children's intellectual abilities: imagination and creativity, dialectical and visual-schematic thinking.

The use of TRIZ technology contributes to: the search for non-trivial ideas, the solution and identification of creative problems, the development of intellectual abilities, the formation of mental actions, the development of a complex of cognitive processes, such as attention, perception, thinking, memory and imagination .

TRIZ principles: “Resolving contradictions is the key to intellectual thinking. The means of working with children is pedagogical search. If the child does not ask a question, then the teacher asks it himself: “What would happen if ...” The lesson is the search for truth " .

One of the important and daily problems in preschool education, is a manifestation of the creativity of teachers in working with children, the formation of a systemic, multi-layered pedagogical thinking.

In order for a child to master not only a certain amount of skills and knowledge, but also to be able to fantasize, actively think, design and invent, it is very important to familiarize children with TRIZ

The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop fantasy and imagination in children, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the ongoing processes. TRIZ for preschoolers is a system of games, exercises and activities designed not to change the main program, but to increase its effectiveness.

TRIZ facilitates the production of new ideas, since the solution of inventive problems is based on a system of logical operations. Currently, TRIZ techniques and methods are successfully used in kindergartens for the development of children creative imagination, inventive ingenuity, dialectical thinking.

As part of a study conducted by the preschool department of the IPK and PRO, kindergarten No. 14 "Gull" Kokshetau city of Akmola region signed an agreement on experimental work "The influence of TRIZ technology on the formation of the personality of preschoolers" . According to which a step-by-step program of measures was developed for the introduction of this experimental technology in kindergarten. This kindergarten experiment has been going on for over a year.

The author of this article is a member of the research group on the implementation of TRIZ technology in preschool educational institutions. We, together with other members of the group, carried out part of the elements of this technology for the introduction of TRIZ into the educational process.

Under the development of the intellectual abilities of children in the process of using TRIZ technology, we understand the level achieved by a certain age mental development, which is manifested in the formation of cognitive functions, as well as the degree of assimilation of knowledge, skills, and intellectual skills.

We carried out diagnostics to identify the level of formation of intellectual development in children of senior preschool age, or rather, to study visual-schematic thinking in older preschoolers. The study used the diagnosis of Matveev and Vyboyshchik "The Fourth Extra" . The purpose of the study is to identify the level of development of visual-schematic thinking in older preschoolers in the experimental and control groups. The stimulus material consisted of five cards with pictures. The child was shown cards, each of which depicted four objects, selected in such a way that only three of them were related to each other according to some sign. The subject had to indicate which of these four items was superfluous and justify his answer. Diagnostics was carried out in preparatory groups No. 5 (experimental) and No. 7 (control). 48 children participated in the survey. The children were engrossed. They were interested in guessing and naming the pictures. The children's answers were complete, but they had to concentrate their attention on the condition of the tasks and help with leading questions. Preschoolers correctly singled out groups of objects, demonstrating the ability to generalize and analyze, but they could not always designate the selected groups with one word - a term. Almost always, this was either a functional characteristic (wardrobe and chest of drawers - "what things are put into") , or narrowing the concept to one element (pen-pencil - "it's a pen") . The impossibility of selecting a verbal generalization is explained, in particular, by the poor vocabulary of these children.

At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, we singled out the control and experimental groups of 24 people each. The level of development of visual-schematic thinking in preschoolers was approximately the same. The study on the ascertaining stage was conducted in November 2012.

During the experiment in experimental group TRIZ technology classes were held. Where exercises and tasks were used to develop imagination and fantasy, to generalize information, classify and analyze.

In January 2013 a repeated diagnosis was carried out to identify the level of development of visual-schematic thinking in older preschoolers. The results obtained during the diagnostics are presented in Table 1.

The material of the diagram clearly shows that as a result of the use of TRIZ technology in the classroom in the experimental group, the number of children with a level of development of thinking above the average is greater than in the control group, in which TRIZ was not used. The low level of development of thinking in the control group is higher than in the experimental group. Which indicates that TRIZ technology contributes to intellectual development preschoolers, aimed not only at mastering a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also at the development of visual and schematic thinking, and could also fantasize, actively think, design and invent.

So, let's compare the results of studies that testify to the effectiveness of the use of TRIZ technology, including the development of visual-schematic and logical methods of thinking in preschoolers.

All experimental work of the kindergarten "Gull" Akmola region, Kokshetau is accompanied by diagnostic procedures and monitoring measurements. We have already drawn up methodological recommendations for their implementation in the course of further testing and implementation of TRIZ technology in the educational process of a preschool institution.

Spiridonova Vera Nikolaevna

Organization- MBDOU DS No. 44 "Cinderella", m - he Olminsky13

G. Stary Oskol, Belgorod region;

Position- educator.

Efficiency of using TRIZ technology in the mental development of preschoolers

It is impossible to imagine the process of preparing a child for school without purposeful work to develop a creative personality. Creativity is synonymous with the original way of thinking. In working with preschoolers, I use tasks for the development of imagination, figurative thinking. To form a creative approach to "strict mathematics", when getting acquainted with geometric figures, I suggest that children themselves come up with a "name" for a geometric figure. Compare the invented and common name. Children are happy to make images of a house, a clown. They solve problems in the game "Transform the figure", come up with their own "triangular", "round" or "square" fairy tale or whole stories about the life of these men and animals.

They possess fantasy techniques, such as crushing - combining in Nikitin's games "Fractions", "Fold the Square", increase - decrease ("Gingerbread Man - Giant"). I prepare children for system analysis in games: “It looks like it doesn’t look like it”, “Confusion”.

When getting acquainted with the number and score, we guess the riddles of numbers, in the game “It looks like it doesn’t look like it.” I use proverbs that include numerals. We depict them, guess what proverb they drew. The system operator helps in the work, for example: number, digit. To obtain unusual numbers, I use the focal object method.

Object: number. Ideal End Result (IFR): The figure is - (should be) - huge and thick, yet light at the same time.

I offer children an unusual account:

  • account girls, boys. Who more? How much? How to check?

become couples. How much is left?

  • then another unusual count, such as when 1+1=2 and when 1 yes 1 is not equal to 2 if the number is "11"; 1 + 1 \u003d 1, (if you mold together two pieces of plasticine). Or an unusual subtraction: a house - a wall - an arbor.

When getting acquainted with the value, I use the game "On the contrary", which helps to see and form the contradictory properties of objects:

  • call it the other way around: long - short;
  • choose the other way around: a large circle - a small square;
  • find what happens: big and small (balloon);
  • How can a dwarf become a giant?
  • How to draw a big bird on a small sheet.

An interesting method is M.M.Ch. when measuring the length of an object, when getting acquainted with the concepts: more - less; as many; lighter - harder; formation of a number (each number consisting of a different number of men. For example: 1 coffee, 1 lemonade, 1 milk, 1 compote, and only 4 liquid men). The synectics method helps to form associative thinking. The child reflects, draws parallels.

The children played with the analogy:

  • in form, the game "Changeling". Then she moved on to modeling familiar fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Turnip”;
  • analogy in color, size - the game "Find relatives";
  • personal analogy (empathy). I am a circle (my feelings, thoughts);
  • fantastic analogy.

Thus, the results of all work were the following main tasks:

  • Ø development of imagination as the basis of creative activity;
  • Ø formation of non-standard thinking;
  • Ø development of associative memory, attention;
  • Ø development of communicative qualities of speech;
  • Ø development of coordination and fine motor skills.

All this will form a further basis not only for the beginning of systematic education at school, but also for the development of the child as a creative harmonious personality.

Bibliographic list

1. Tamberg, Yu.G. How to teach a child to think / Yu. G. Tamberg. - Rostov - on Don: Phoenix, 2007. - 88, 126.227.

2. Altshuler, G. S., Zlotin, B. L., Zustan, A. V. Theory and practice of solving inventive problems / Guidelines. - Chisinau, 1989. - p. 10 - 20.

3. Gin, S.I. TRIZ classes in kindergarten / S. I. Gin. - Minsk: "IVTS of the Ministry of Finance", 2007. - p.3 - 6.

Private nursery educational institution Kindergarten "Watercolor"

Children's short-term practice-oriented project

on this topic:

"Why eat porridge?"

Completed by: Rigert A.V.

March 2016

Project participants: children of the preparatory group with their parents.

Period of execution: from March 21 to March 25 (5 days).

Project type: children's short-term practice-oriented.

Target: creating conditions for enriching children with knowledge about the usefulness of porridge through various activities.


1) to develop cognitive activity in preschool children;

2) find out the reasons why children do not want to eat porridge;

3) develop joint creativity of parents and children.


Adults often say that porridge is the best breakfast, if you don’t eat it, then you won’t have strength, you won’t grow big. It is prepared at home and in kindergarten. But not all children like to eat porridge. We wondered if this was true. And we decided to start our research work on this topic.

Project implementation

1. Preparatory stage

Discussion of the project, finding out the possibilities, funds necessary for the implementation of the project;

Selection of methodological fiction, visual material on the topic;

Drawing up action plans.

What do we know about porridge?

What do we want to know?

What will we do?


Adds strength;

Not all children love her;

There is oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice porridge;

It happens in bags;

Helps to grow.

What are they made from?

How they prepare;

Is there fruit porridge.

We go to the kitchen;

Let's see how mom cooks;

Let's ask for the recipe.

We decided to find out how many children in our garden do not like porridge and why?

To do this, we conducted a survey:

1. Do you like to eat porridge?

2. What is your favorite cereal?

3. If you don't love, then why?

56 children from our kindergarten took part in the survey.

The results of the survey revealed the following:

46 people (82%) like to eat porridge.

10 people (18%) do not like to eat porridge.


3 people (5%) do not like porridge because it is tasteless;

6 people (11%) - looks bad (does not like how it looks);

1 person (2%) - there are other healthy foods.

Favorite cereals:






Thematic plan:

    what is porridge? (work with explanatory dictionaries);

    study of porridge, which is given in kindergarten;

    proverbs and sayings about porridge;

    phrases and expressions about porridge;

    visiting the kitchen, questions to the chef;

    role-playing game "Cooks";

    writing poems about porridge;

    game "Past-future" ("Logic chains");

    composing and guessing riddles;

    what is useful in porridge, what useful material it contains.

2. Main stage

Conversation with children on the topic: "What is porridge?"

Let's turn to dictionaries.

Explanatory Dictionary of S.A. Ozhegov :


1. A dish of boiled or steamed cereals.Buckwheat

2. trans. Same as mess (in 1 value) (colloquial). K. from sand and snow.

3. Something disorderly, confusion (colloquial).

Explanatory Dictionary V.I. Dal:


1. Thick food, cereals boiled in water or milk. Steep porridge, buckwheat, millet, spelled, barley, oatmeal, rye or green, etc. it is cooked in a pot and in the oven, baking on top; liquid, gruel; slurry, according to density, between steep and gruel, stew with cereals.

2. old lunch after the wedding at the young, on a new farm. A neighbor calls for porridge, for christening or for dinner with the young. Cow, feast on cereals, with young people, or at christenings. Cashiering cf. feasting on porridge, porridge.

3. Confusion, turmoil, turmoil.

Etymological Dictionary of R.P. Andreeva:


Type of food: a dish of cereals, boiled to a density in water or milk.

From what we read, we concluded that porridge is:

    cereals boiled in water or milk;

    dinner after the wedding;

    mess, confusion.

A study of porridge, which is given in kindergarten.

We examine the cereals that are given in kindergarten and put our observations in the table.

Learned phrases and expressions about porridge

You won’t cook porridge, you won’t agree, you won’t do the job.

I ate little porridge - little strength or experience

To brew porridge is to start something complicated that threatens with trouble.

To disentangle porridge - to cope with a difficult task.

Proverbs and sayings about porridge.

Shchi and porridge are our food.

Brewed porridge, and disentangle it yourself.

Visiting the kitchen, questions to the chef

Alena Vladimirovna told us how she cooks buckwheat porridge.

Sort out the cereal.

Put on fire. Salt. Add sunflower oil.

Follow and stir.

Role-playing game"Chefs


Composing poems about porridge

Once upon a time there was a kind Masha,

She ate oatmeal.

She became beautiful.

And she was always loved.

Eat porridge!

There was porridge on the table.

Mouse Masha crept up to her.

The mouse loves porridge very much.

Well, we'll forgive the cutie.

Making puzzles about cereals

White as snow.

Oval like the number 0.

Small as an ant, but not alive.

Boiled like noodles.

This grain is brown like wood.

Smaller than a stone.

The shape is triangular like a mountain.

Light as a ball.

The game "Past-future" ("Logic chains")

Target: learn to name the past and future of an object, make a chain.

Game progress: the child makes a chain and answers the question of an adult:

- What was the object? What will the object be? For example: millet-millet-millet porridge.

What is useful in porridge, what useful substances does it contain?

If you eat porridge every day, you won't have to

go to the pharmacy for vitamins

2. Vitamins A, B, C, D,E.

3. Adds strength.

4. Contains fiber, which affects the functioning of the heart.

5. If there is cereal with milk. That will be a slim figure.

composing a fairy tale

A fairy tale about a cat, a mouse and porridge.

In one cozy village house there lived a cat Purr.

Purr's cat was kind but lazy. The whole day the cat lay on the stove and was lazy, did nothing, and even he was too lazy to eat.

But late in the evening hunger attacked him, and he had to cook porridge. He liked buckwheat porridge, because it reminded him of a big cutlet. Gathering his strength, the cat began to cook porridge.

The mouse Belozubka lived in the house, she was cunning and gluttonous. Smelling the smell of porridge being prepared, the mouse decided to eat porridge, and for this she came up with an insidious plan.

The mouse waited until the delicious porridge was cooked, got out of the mink, ran up to the cat and told him in a plaintive voice: “kitty, you are so kind, so caring, don’t let the poor mouse die of hunger, treat me with one tiny grain of your delicious porridge.”

The cat took pity on the little hungry mouse and gave her a grain. After eating a grain, the mouse began to ask for more and more. The cat was very kind, so he could not refuse the poor hungry mouse. And so, grain by grain, the mouse dragged all the porridge from its mink

The cat saw that he no longer had porridge, was very upset, and began to meow plaintively. His plaintive meow was heard by the brownie, who lived in this house and guarded his peace and comfort. He decided to help the cat, gathered all the crickets living behind the stove, and they dragged all the grains of porridge back into the cat's bowl.

What was the surprise of the White-toothed mouse when she did not find a single grain in her mink. And Purr's cat could not believe his eyes, the porridge was again in his bowl.

So the brownie helped the good cat, and the mouse stopped being cunning and learned to share.

Cooking porridge at home with moms

"There is nothing easier than to study what is interesting," these words are attributed to the famous scientist Albert Einstein, a man who is used to thinking in an original and unconventional way. However, today very few students consider the learning process to be something exciting and exciting, and, unfortunately, such antipathy is already manifested in early age child. What should teachers do to overcome the dullness of the educational process? How to help children grow into thinking individuals from kindergarten? Many teachers have learned from their own experience that the TRIZ system - the theory of inventive problem solving - is an effective assistant in achieving these goals. What is its essence? How can this technique be used in practice in kindergarten?

The main concept of the technique

Initially, Heinrich Altshuller developed his theory to solve technical and engineering problems. However, over time, the basic principles migrated to pedagogy, gaining more and more new fans every year. The TRIZ system in teaching children is a practical help to a child in finding the best solution to a given problem or situation. The principle is this: "There is a problem - solve it yourself", but not through trial and error, but through an algorithm of reflections that lead the child to the best solution.

Difference from standard teaching approaches

Classical pedagogy assumes that the child simply copies or imitates the actions of the teacher.

According to developmental pedagogy, the child has great freedom to think independently, but still the key decision is in the hands of the teacher. We illustrate these approaches with an example.

Let's assume that all children have the same cups. How to remember yours? The classic approach: the teacher gives each individual sticker, sticks it on his cup and asks the children to repeat this action. TRIZ will look like this: to encourage the child to invent and find differences on his own cup. Does it take more time? Maybe. However, the child's fantasy can amaze with its originality and inexplicability, and this will be his personal meaningful decision.

Practical application in kindergarten

In order to successfully apply TRIZ in kindergarten, it is important for the teacher to be well versed in such concepts as the principle of contradictions, the use of all resources, the ideal end result, and so on. However, it is not necessary to describe the technical arsenal of TRIZ - let it be better to have more practice. For example, a child's toy is broken. Using the principle of contradictions, you can clarify whether this is good or bad. The answer is likely to be "bad". Then the use of all comes into force, but how can it be used now? How is the stand? Or is it a supercar that can ride on three wheels?

An example of applying the technique in kindergarten

TRIZ techniques in kindergarten do not require a specially allotted time - this is a matter of thinking and approach to children. For example, when reading a fairy tale with children, you can analyze the line of behavior of the protagonist.

Referring to the classic nursery rhyme about the steer, "The board is running out, now I'm going to fall," you can encourage children to think about the following questions: how to help the steer not fall? Let him stop. But he needs to move on, what to do? Attach another board and so on. The main thing is not to make decisions instead of the child, but to teach him to think and analyze the situation from different angles and from the point of view of efficiency. TRIZ technologies in kindergarten can bring pleasure to the teacher himself.

So, if you are already inspired and eager to reflect with your wards in this way, then carefully read the following tips.

Skillful use of TRIZ in kindergarten

Having already a basic understanding of what the TRIZ methodology is in kindergarten, and keeping these tips in mind, you can safely disassemble some games. Children will not only like them, but will also clothe the whole theory into reality.

Who lives in a teremochka?

Target: teach the child the elements of analysis, encourage him to notice common signs by comparing them.

Need: colorful images of various objects, for example: a pear, a pen, a house, a backpack, a saucepan, a flower, and so on. You can make these blanks yourself or make them with your children. Ideal for teremka big box or a closet - the fantasy of children will tell them everything else.

Introduction: recall the fairy tale "Teremok" with the children and offer to play it the way they do in the country of Changelings.

Game progress: each child draws out his drawing with his eyes closed and plays for the drawn object. The host chooses the owner of the tower - the king of the Changelings, who called his friends to a feast. The characters take turns approaching the tower. The first invitee asks the question:

Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?

I am ... (calls himself, for example, a flower). And who are you?

And I - ... (calls himself, for example, a pear). Will you let me into the teremok?

I'll let you in if you tell me how you look like me.

The guest carefully compares the two drawings and names the common points found. For example, he can say that both a flower and a pear have a branch. After that, the first participant enters the tower, and the next guest is already knocking on the owner. It is important to maintain a friendly atmosphere: if someone cannot answer, then the rest of the children help.


Target: train attention, the ability to see all the necessary resources.

Before the game it is important to include TRIZ elements. In kindergarten, this is not difficult to do, since a huge number of various objects are offered to the child's attention. One might ask, pointing to an object, "What is this cup for? What is the door for? What is this pillow for?"

Introduction: tell children about absent-minded and forgetful people who confuse and forget everything (do not forget to make an educational conclusion). And then ask: who wants to help the confused monkeys? Further, the game can be played in two ways at will.

  1. The host will be Masha. Looking around in confusion, he says:

What happened?

I lost (names some object, for example, a spoon). What am I going to eat soup now (or call any other action)?

Sympathetic helpers begin to offer their own ways to solve the problem: you can take a cup and drink yushka, and then eat everything else with a fork, etc.

2. The development of the game takes place in the same way as in the first one, but the role of Masha-Confusion is played by different children, and not just the leader. For example, whoever suggested the best alternative to a lost item becomes Masha. Thus, the activity of all participants in the game is ensured.

The role of play in child development

These are just two illustrative examples that illustrate how effective TRIZ methods are, of course, they can be very diverse, for the teacher there is complete freedom of imagination. But if at first something doesn’t work out very well, this is not a reason to give up. The game for the development of a child aged 3 to 7 years is of great importance, because it is in it that the child imitates the social roles surrounding him, so you should try to learn how to combine TRIZ technologies with the game. In kindergarten, this is especially important, believe me, the result is worth it.

What age to start

There are no strict rules and specific restrictions in this matter. However, it is important to remember that already from the first years of his life, the child begins to face situations that require him to find a rational solution. Probably, many of us were eyewitnesses or participants in such a conversation:

Mom, light!

Olya, a chair!

Here is TRIZ. Although, of course, that mother in this case was not aware of what approach she was now using. She simply helped the child solve the problem, prompting him to reflect and use all the resources available to him.

It is all the more important to use TRIZ technologies in kindergarten when a trained teacher works with children. Of course, everyone will have their own successes: some kid is better at sculpting, not drawing, while another is the opposite. However, both have a positive impact on its development. Similarly, TRIZ technologies in any case will have a beneficial effect on the mental and mental development of the child. So is it worth the hassle?

The influence of the technique on the type of worldview of the child

At preschool age, the child does not yet have a formed worldview. Therefore, at this stage, the role of TRIZ in kindergarten is to develop analytical and comparative thinking, the ability to find possible solutions and choose the best ones.

However, in the future, such mental training will form not just a thinking person, but someone who is always able to develop. This is not a narrow-minded who gives up and is lost in the face of difficulties. No, it is the kind of thinking that is aware of past wrong conclusions and hypotheses, but continues to move forward with confidence. It is these qualities that are so valued in modern society. A purposeful person, if he sees a dead corner in front of him, then, after analyzing, he will understand that it may be made of plasticine or paper, and will overcome it, spending additional strength.

Choice for everyone

Of course, each parent or teacher will decide for himself how to deal with children. However, it is always useful to reflect: how do I want to see my child or the wards entrusted to me? If all aspirations and efforts are directed only to satisfy physical needs and give a minimum store of knowledge, then will a thinking and versatile personality grow? In our age of fuss and intense pace, it is sometimes difficult to learn something new, but the result is worth it! In any case, climbing a mountain begins with the first step. And who knows what hidden possibilities and huge potential can be discovered in oneself using TRIZ? The main thing is not to be afraid to break teaching stereotypes and look for new approaches. Of course, no one can become a perfect teacher, but you can constantly strive for this goal!

TRIZ for preschoolers .


Kindergarten "Teremok" Reshulskaya Yu.Sh.

He plagued adults with the question "Why".

He was nicknamed "The Little Philosopher".

But as soon as he grew up, they began to

Present answers without questions.

And since then he is no one else

Doesn't ask "Why?"

Preschool childhood is that special age when a child discovers the world for himself, when significant changes occur in all areas of his psyche (cognitive, emotional, volitional) and which manifest themselves in various types activities: communicative, cognitive, transformative. This is the age when the ability to creatively solve problems that arise in a given situation in a child's life appears. At this age, not only all mental processes develop intensively, but also the general foundation of abilities is laid.

The problem of intellectual creative development children is one of the most complex and relevant, which many well-known researchers have paid great attention to:

Ya.A. Comenius, J.J.-Piaget, L.S. Vygotsky, L.A. Wenger.

Preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative means: sensory standards, various symbols and signs that are figurative in nature (models, diagrams, plans, etc.). Psychologists also argue that the development of the child occurs in the activities inherent in him: designing, visual activity and above all in the game. Naturally, the development of abilities develops in the process of activities inherent in a preschooler.

When mastering the "Childhood" program on which we work, the child certainly masters specific knowledge, skills and abilities that are of great importance for development, but play a subordinate role in relation to abilities. Therefore, we considered it necessary and significant in the development of a child’s own active position, in the development of his initiative and creativity, the use of TRIZ technology in the educational process in the most different types activities.

“TRIZ is a controlled process of creating something new, combining precise calculation, logic, intuition,” the founder of the theory Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller and his followers thought so. “You need to start teaching creativity as early as possible…”. The use of elements of the theory of solving inventive problems in the development of preschoolers radically changes the style of work of the educator, liberates children, teaches them to think, to look for solutions to problems. TRIZ-technology adapted to the preschool age allows educating and teaching a child under the motto "Creativity in everything!".

The focus of TRIZ - pedagogy - is a creative and creating person, who has a rich flexible systemic imagination and owns a powerful arsenal of ways to solve inventive problems

The purpose of using TRIZ - technology in kindergarten is the development, on the one hand, of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialectic; on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty; speech and creativity.

Teachers are well aware that any child can be a creative person, he is potentially talented from birth. And only improper upbringing and training destroys in children the sprouts of this giftedness in the bud.

To educate a talented person, it is necessary to develop creative thinking in preschool childhood, the ability to think outside the box, to look at the world around.

Understanding the above gave me an impetus to use the TRIZ-RTV technology in working with preschoolers.

Stage 1 - Diagnostic:

The educational process in our group is carried out according to the program "Childhood". That is why I started my work on this problem with its analysis. In this program, the tasks of the intellectual and creative development of preschoolers are not singled out, they are formulated extremely vaguely, non-technologically. There is not enough methodological, didactic and diagnostic material. Therefore, I studied the experience of advanced pedagogical work on this problem and TRIZ technology.

The next step was to determine the initial level of development of children, for which diagnostics were carried out under the "Childhood" program, which showed the following results:

Stage 2 - Implementation :

Second phase includes the implementation of planned activities.

Since the game is the leading activity of the child, the proposed games should be interesting for children and evoke positive emotions in them; they can be repeatedly varied, changed, modified when studying different topics.

Every child has something special, and I decided to give children the opportunity to show their abilities and abilities as much as possible, without being embarrassed by incorrectness or inaccuracy in answers or reflections. The development of cognitive processes and abilities in preschool age occurs through didactic games(here children not only acquire new knowledge, but also assimilate socially developed means and methods of mental activity, show their own initiative and activity in solving the task).

We have created a game multifunctional field, which consists of four fields.

Each field contains TRIZ elements.

Field #1

A game"System lift"

Target: Develop the ability to analyze and generalize; form dialectical thinking; develop imagination, the ability to stage; teach to use the "system lift" model for object analysis.

"System elevator" graphically looks like a three-story building - the introduction of the concept, for further work of the NS - S - PS; nest - 1st floor, bird - 2nd floor.

It used to be a caviar - it became a frog.

The future of man. Small now, then big.

In games - "What from the beginning, what then" - the sequence of origin of an object is fixed.

Right here. Game "Labyrinth"

Purpose: Develops practical-effective thinking.

To boost development creativity children, creating interest in activities, I took from cartoons the characters beloved by all children - Smeshariki, which help to captivate children into the world of fairy tales, joy, and creative imagination.

The toy has a problem that needs to be solved. In this case, this is Nyusha, she needs pencils.

Field #2

A game:"Five Screen Journey"

Target: To develop the skill of system analysis of the object; develop dialectical thinking.

“System Operator” is a typesetting canvas – “five-screen”, it is an elevator on which you can ride in all directions: if you go down, you will recognize the parts that make up you; you go up - you will know the places where you can be, you will go back - you will know the past, forward - the future.

In this game, children can ride their favorite items on the five-screen: Toys, ice cream and a book of fairy tales, not only with positive properties, but also with bad ones, etc.

On this field you can compose a story, a fairy tale, a riddle, you can travel in unusual country, to a desert island, to the moon, where you can help the heroes overcome various obstacles.

Field #3

A special stage of work on TRIZ is fairy tale work.

After using TRIZ elements in various activities, I decided to try to apply TRIZ in inventing a schematic representation of a fairy tale with a pencil.

The children easily coped with these tasks. Then she invited the children to come up with their own fairy tale, depict it with a diagram and tell it using this diagram. And they succeeded. Children are just great!

And the next game is called Magic Track

Target: Activate the thinking of children; develop imagination, fantasy

Option 1 "Association" transparent circle travels through " magical path» and changes color and turns into various objects

Option 2 "I am an apple ..." identifying yourself with an apple or some other object.

Option 3 "Journey" Implies the journey of any character with the performance various options moves.

Field #4

A game"Nine Screen Journey"

Target: Develop the ability to systematically analyze an object; form dialectical thinking

Graphically it consists of nine windows in which not only Hs - S - PS are visible, but also the subsystem in the past and in the future.

Example: Seed - Sapling - Young tree - Tree - Log - Board, etc.

Here is the Game: "MCH"

Target: Activate the thinking of children; systematize children's ideas about the properties of gaseous substances; develop imagination, the ability to transform and abstract.

“The technique of “little” men and significant interactions between them helps the baby to make the first discoveries, to carry out scientific research work at his level, to get acquainted with the laws of living and inanimate nature. With the help of such "little men" children make models.

“Small particles” that make up substances are called “molecules”, instead of the word “molecules” we say “little men” solid - hold hands; - soap; liquid - hands on the belt; - water; gaseous - run - wind.

I would like to note the achievements of the children of the program for the period 2008 - 2011 academic year. The introduction of methods and techniques of the theory of TRIZ into the pedagogical process contributed to an increase in the level of development of preschoolers under the ongoing program "Childhood", which confirms a comparative analysis of the results achieved and their positive dynamics. The results are shown on the slide.

Children began to show more active interest in the objects of the world around them, acquired the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation, to see the unknown in the known, began to think more logically and creatively, and most importantly, strive to fantasize and invent.

TRIZ allows you to remove psychological barriers, remove the fear of the new, the unknown, form the perception of life and educational problems not as insurmountable obstacles, but as the next tasks to be solved.

Thus, TRIZ helps to form creative thinking in children, contributes to the education of a creative personality, prepared for the stable solution of non-standard problems in various areas of reality.

The use of adapted methods and techniques of TRIZ technology in the educational process has shown the effectiveness and positive dynamics in the intellectual and creative development of preschoolers and confirmed the relevance and significance of work in the chosen direction of preschoolers. The sooner they begin to engage with the child, the more abilities to assimilate new knowledge, their creative use, he will show, the higher will be the formation of his intellectual and creative abilities. And it primarily depends on us. Therefore, the practice in this area will be applied by me in my future work.

- wrote K.D.Ushinsky.



He plagued adults with the question "Why".

He was nicknamed "The Little Philosopher".

But as soon as he grew up, they began to

Present answers without questions.

And since then he is no one else

Doesn't ask "Why?"

Preschool childhood is that special age when a child discovers the world for himself, when significant changes occur in all areas of his psyche (cognitive, emotional, volitional) and which manifest themselves in various activities: communicative, cognitive, transformative. This is the age when the ability to creatively solve problems that arise in a given situation in a child's life appears. At this age, not only all mental processes develop intensively, but also the general foundation of abilities is laid.

The problem of the intellectual and creative development of children is one of the most complex and urgent, to which many well-known researchers have paid great attention:

Ya.A. Comenius, J.J.-Piaget, L.S. Vygotsky, L.A. Wenger.

Preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative means: sensory standards, various symbols and signs that are figurative in nature (models, diagrams, plans, etc.). Psychologists also argue that the development of the child occurs in the activities inherent in him: design, visual activity, and, above all, in the game. Naturally, the development of abilities develops in the process of activities inherent in a preschooler.

When mastering the "Childhood" program on which we work, the child certainly masters specific knowledge, skills and abilities that are of great importance for development, but play a subordinate role in relation to abilities. Therefore, we considered it necessary and significant in the development of a child's own active position, in the development of his initiative and creativity, the use of TRIZ technology in the educational process in a variety of activities.

“TRIZ is a controlled process of creating something new, combining accurate calculation, logic, intuition,” the founder of the theory believedGenrikh Saulovich Altshullerand his followers.“You need to start teaching creativity as early as possible…”.The use of elements of the theory of solving inventive problems in the development of preschoolers radically changes the style of work of the educator, liberates children, teaches them to think, to look for solutions to problems. TRIZ-technology adapted to the preschool age allows educating and teaching a child under the motto "Creativity in everything!".

The focus of TRIZ - pedagogy - is a creative and creating person, who has a rich flexible systemic imagination and owns a powerful arsenal of ways to solve inventive problems

The purpose of using TRIZ- technology in kindergarten is the development, on the one hand, of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialectic; on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty; speech and creativity.

Teachers are well aware that any child can be a creative person, he is potentially talented from birth. And only improper upbringing and training destroys in children the sprouts of this giftedness in the bud.

To educate a talented person, it is necessary to develop creative thinking in preschool childhood, the ability to think outside the box, to look at the world around.

Understanding the above gave me an impetus to use the TRIZ-RTV technology in working with preschoolers.

Stage 1 - Diagnostic:

The educational process in our group is carried out according to the program "Childhood". That is why I started my work on this problem with its analysis. In this program, the tasks of the intellectual and creative development of preschoolers are not singled out, they are formulated extremely vaguely, non-technologically. There is not enough methodological, didactic and diagnostic material. Therefore, I studied the experience of advanced pedagogical work on this problem and TRIZ technology.

The next step was to determine the initial level of development of children, for which diagnostics were carried out under the "Childhood" program, which showed the following results:

Stage 2 - Implementation:

Second phase includes the implementation of planned activities.

Since the game is the leading activity of the child, the proposed games should be interesting for children and evoke positive emotions in them; they can be repeatedly varied, changed, modified when studying different topics.

Every child has something special, and I decided to give children the opportunity to show their abilities and abilities as much as possible, without being embarrassed by incorrectness or inaccuracy in answers or reflections. The development of cognitive processes and abilities at preschool age occurs through didactic games (here children not only gain new knowledge, but also learn socially developed means and methods of mental activity, show their own initiative and activity in solving the task).

We have created a game multifunctional field, which consists of four fields.

Each field contains TRIZ elements.

Field #1

A game "System lift"

Target: Develop the ability to analyze and generalize; form dialectical thinking; develop imagination, the ability to stage; teach to use the "system lift" model for object analysis.

"System elevator" graphically looks like a three-story building - the introduction of the concept, for further work of the NS - S - PS; nest - 1st floor, bird - 2nd floor.

It used to be a caviar - it became a frog.

The future of man. Small now, then big.

In games - "What from the beginning, what then" - the sequence of origin of an object is fixed.

Right here. Game "Labyrinth"

Purpose: Develops practical-effective thinking.

To enhance the development of children's creative abilities, create interest in activities, I took from cartoons the characters beloved by all children - Smeshariki, who help to captivate children into the world of fairy tales, joy, and creative imagination.

The toy has a problem that needs to be solved. In this case, this is Nyusha, she needs pencils.

Field #2

A game: "Five Screen Journey"

Target : To develop the skill of system analysis of the object; develop dialectical thinking.

“System Operator” is a typesetting canvas – “five-screen”, it is an elevator on which you can ride in all directions: if you go down, you will recognize the parts that make up you; you go up - you will know the places where you can be, you will go back - you will know the past, forward - the future.

In this game, children can ride their favorite items on the five-screen: Toys, ice cream and a book of fairy tales, not only with positive properties, but also with bad ones, etc.

On this field, you can compose a story, a fairy tale, a riddle, you can travel to an unusual country, to a desert island, to the moon, where you can help the heroes overcome various obstacles.

Field #3

A special stage of work on TRIZ isfairy tale work.

After using TRIZ elements in various activities, I decided to try to apply TRIZ in inventing a schematic representation of a fairy tale with a pencil.

The children easily coped with these tasks. Then she invited the children to come up with their own fairy tale, depict it with a diagram and tell it using this diagram. And they succeeded. Children are just great!

And the next game is called Magic Track

Target: Activate the thinking of children; develop imagination, fantasy

Option 1 "Association" a transparent circle travels along the "magic path" and changes color and turns into various objects

Option 2 "I am an apple ..." identifying yourself with an apple or some other object.

Option 3 "Journey" It implies the journey of any character with the implementation of various options for moves.

Field #4

A game "Nine Screen Journey"

Target: Develop the ability to systematically analyze an object; form dialectical thinking

Graphically it consists of nine windows in which not only Hs - S - PS are visible, but also the subsystem in the past and in the future.

Example: Seed - Sapling - Young tree - Tree - Log - Board, etc.

Here is the Game: "MCH"

Target: Activate the thinking of children; systematize children's ideas about the properties of gaseous substances; develop imagination, the ability to transform and abstract.

“The technique of “little” men and significant interactions between them helps the baby to make the first discoveries, to carry out scientific research work at his level, to get acquainted with the laws of living and inanimate nature. With the help of such "little men" children make models.

“Small particles” that make up substances are called “molecules”, instead of the word “molecules” we say “little men” solid - hold hands; - soap; liquid - hands on the belt; - water; gaseous - run - wind.

I would like to note the achievements of the children in the implementation of the program for the period 2008-2011 academic year.The introduction of methods and techniques of the theory of TRIZ into the pedagogical process contributed to an increase in the level of development of preschoolers under the ongoing program "Childhood", which confirms a comparative analysis of the results achieved and their positive dynamics. The results are shown on the slide.

Children began to show more active interest in the objects of the world around them, acquired the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation, to see the unknown in the known, began to think more logically and creatively, and most importantly, strive to fantasize and invent.

TRIZ allows you to remove psychological barriers, remove the fear of the new, the unknown, form the perception of life and educational problems not as insurmountable obstacles, but as the next tasks to be solved.

Thus, TRIZ helps to form creative thinking in children, contributes to the education of a creative personality, prepared for the stable solution of non-standard problems in various areas of reality.

The use of adapted methods and techniques of TRIZ technology in the educational process has shown the effectiveness and positive dynamics in the intellectual and creative development of preschoolers and confirmed the relevance and significance of work in the chosen direction of preschoolers. The sooner they begin to engage with the child, the more abilities to assimilate new knowledge, their creative use, he will show, the higher will be the formation of his intellectual and creative abilities. And it primarily depends on us. Therefore, the practice in this area will be applied by me in my future work.

Whoever watched the children knows that the child is happy not when he is amused, although he laughs, but when he is completely seriously engaged in the business that captivates him.- wrote K.D.Ushinsky.