
How to develop a baby in. Child development per year: advice to parents. Development of creative abilities per year


Having reached the age of 1 year, the child moves from the material satisfaction of his needs to intellectual food: the baby is actively developing psychologically and socially. Food and sleep provide his physiological needs, but the entire period of wakefulness is directed to the accumulation and improvement of mental abilities. Of course, he continues to grow and get stronger in body. An important role is also played by competent education, which is given to the baby by parents.

Indicators of physical development

If the first year of life the child grew and developed normally, then by the age of 1 his weight should increase three times compared to how much he weighed at birth. Adds baby and growth. According to statistics, about 25-29 centimeters are added to the initial height with which the baby was born. There is a development of the brain: in a year its volume should be 60% of the volume of the brain of an adult.

motor skills

The arsenal of motor skills with which children meet their first year after birth allows us to talk about the increased independence of the little man. Many children by this time are already starting to walk. If your baby has not yet walked, do not miss the moment of his first steps. Capture on camera an event that takes a child's life to a new level.

At the age of about a year, the baby moves to a fundamentally new stage of development - he begins to master independent steps and becomes less dependent on mom and dad.

Fine motor skills develop:

  • The child takes food with his hands, learns to hold a spoon.
  • Helps mom to flip through the pages of books that are read to him.

Dressing, gives arms and legs. Recognizes the purpose of household items, knows what a comb, broom or telephone is for. Tries to repeat the manipulations of adults with these objects. The movements may be awkward, but they are clearly deliberate. It is still far from the moment when your child will completely get rid of parental care, but without you he will not come to independence.

Development features

After the child is one year old, the frequency of visits to the pediatrician is reduced - as a rule, preventive examinations are carried out 1 time in 3 months (see also:). Such a regulation is associated with the individual characteristics of the development of each child. Psychology often comes out on top in terms of a negative result. This happens due to the inexperience of the young mother, who has not been able to develop a sense of tolerance for the whims of the baby. Deviations from the established norms can be in premature babies. From 1 to 2 years old they are slightly behind physically and intellectually, but, as a rule, after 2 years they quickly catch up with their peers in all areas.

The nature of the child, the contribution of parents to classes with the baby, the psychological and social environment correct progress in one direction or another. If a mother wants her child to develop faster than the rest, she must be a patient educator - thoughtful, responsible, rational.

calendar periods

Watching her child, it will be easier for mom to determine the degree of his development if you break the entire period from one to two years into calendar periods. Our impromptu calendar is tied to the frequency of visits to the pediatrician: this means that when you are going to see a doctor, you will have an idea of ​​what nuances in the behavior of the baby the doctor pays attention to. In addition, you can independently assess the level of development of your treasure and the correctness of its upbringing. Each item of the calendar is written in ascending order - from a simple action or skill to a complex one.

12-15 months

Here's what a little one can do:

  • start playing on their own, without the help of adults;
  • fulfill simple requests - for example, hug your mother;
  • use a fork and spoon;
  • go up the stairs;
  • notice funny things and laugh at them;
  • imitate the speech and actions of parents;
  • speak your own language;
  • gestures to show what he wants;
  • clap;
  • in addition to the words "mom", "dad", "grandfather", "woman", pronounce one more word;
  • crawl quickly;
  • walk leaning on furniture;
  • take off socks without anyone's help;
  • take a few steps without support;
  • understand simple requests;
  • notice the reaction of parents to his actions;
  • stand confidently;
  • walk holding mom or dad by the hand;
  • shake your head, giving a negative answer;
  • drink from a mug;
  • try to “draw” with felt-tip pens and pencils;

It is not worth waiting for artistic masterpieces from a child at this age: now he is just beginning to feel colors and textures. You should allow the baby to create as he wants, giving him the freedom to express himself.
  • help parents dress him, keeping his arms and legs in a comfortable position;
  • bend over a fallen object;
  • recognize yourself in the mirror and enjoy your reflection;
  • lift heavier objects;
  • when playing with a ball, roll it back and forth;
  • reinforce words with gestures so that he is understood;
  • pull out and lay toys in a box or box;
  • show their eyes, pens, nose and other parts of the body at the request of an adult;
  • run;
  • indicate the demand for silence with the gesture "shhh";
  • "help mom around the house.

15-18 months

  • turn book pages when reading a fairy tale;
  • feel affection for animals and favorite toys;
  • walk confidently;
  • sing and do it with pleasure;
  • hysteria, if something is dissatisfied;
  • walk backwards;
  • climb on different surfaces, simultaneously exploring them;
  • speak up to 15 words with different meanings;
  • take off your socks or panties;
  • sleep once a day after dinner instead of two;
  • run fast;
  • sort things by size, shape, color (we recommend reading:);
  • playing, "feed" dolls or soft toys;
  • put together phrases from words;
  • independently "read" the book, looking at the pictures;
  • confidently cope with a spoon, eat with it;
  • brush your teeth under parental supervision;
  • speak more clearly to adults.

A baby under one and a half years old is already able to brush his teeth on his own under the supervision of adults. Care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not swallow toothpaste

18-21 months

  • speak about 50 words;
  • understand the meaning of about 200 words;
  • make simple sentences from words;
  • take off your own clothes;
  • , controlling the acts of defecation and urination;
  • wash and brush your teeth under the supervision of mom or dad;
  • know and name the parts of your body (handles, legs, ears, nose);
  • imitate more adult actions - for example, throw garbage in a bucket;
  • build towers from cubes;
  • give descriptions of simple drawings from books;
  • open and close doors in the house and cabinets.

21-24 months

  • ask to go to the toilet;
  • quickly learn new words or actions (10 words in one day);
  • repeat everything after other people;
  • collect simple puzzles;
  • draw a straight line
  • go down the stairs by the hand with mom;
  • to distinguish cold - hot, a lot - little, big - small;
  • put on and take off clothes independently;
  • distinguish people by gender (boy-girl, uncle-aunt);
  • jump;
  • understand good and bad (behavior, word).

By the age of two, a child usually learns a very timely and useful skill - asking to go to the toilet, holding back physiological urges for a while (more in the article:)

How to submit information?

After a year, the period of active mental maturation of the baby begins. All his actions are an avid interest in the world around him, in its internal and external structure. The easiest way to give him this knowledge is through the game. Make a lesson plan for yourself with your child, enter into it. Your task is to provide the baby with competent social and emotional development. Create situations during the game that the child may encounter in real life (we recommend reading:). This method of presenting information is optimal for a 1-2 year old baby, he remembers everything better and coordinates his behavior more easily.

Explain moments related to real life when the child can see their visual embodiment: talk about personal hygiene when washing hands with the baby, and talk about danger on the road when you are standing with the baby near speeding cars. Information that is not supported by vivid images is poorly perceived and is not fixed in the mind of the crumbs. Help your little treasure develop properly.

Deviations in development

It’s great if the baby fits into the norms of behavior prescribed for his age. Small deviations from the standard may be associated with the individual characteristics of the child, and they, as a rule, do not cause alarm among specialists. There are also critical moments which deserve special attention. Assessing physical and intellectual ability child, check if he has similar problems:

  • by 15 months, the baby still does not understand the functions of the simplest household appliances;
  • does not seek to imitate the actions of adults;
  • having reached the age of 18 months, the baby never learned to walk;
  • at the same age speaks less than 15 words;
  • at 2 years old, he does not know how to compose words into a sentence (more details in the article:).

Doctors believe that these deviations are most often associated with insufficient efforts of parents in teaching a child. Lack of communication can also be the cause of the problem. It depends only on the parents how correctly the development of a small person will go. Give him as much warmth, knowledge and skills as a loving and caring mom and dad can give.

How to deal with a newborn

First days with a newborn. Well, here you are at home. And at home, as you know, the walls help. On the same day or the next, both a pediatrician and a children's nurse will definitely visit you. The pediatrician will examine the baby weekly and the nurse will come.

Advice. Write down all your questions in advance and feel free to ask them. The health worker is obliged to answer them, but it makes sense to remember that the doctor is also a person and it is more pleasant for him to communicate with benevolent people.

The solemn meeting took place, the guests left, the flowers are in vases, the baby lies in his bed. If you spent a week together, then you already know your baby a little. But only now you can start doing everything as it seems reasonable to you. If there was a “dress uniform” in the maternity hospital - diapers, and the temperature in the ward was 27 degrees, then your baby got used to these conditions. It is possible that at home he will behave differently, because the conditions have changed.

Your tasks for the first time remain the same: more peace and relaxation next to the baby, establishing a routine living together, feeding and care, walking and bathing, massage and gymnastics, the first games and communication in those few minutes when the baby is awake. Remember that communication, muscle activity and hardening are the three pillars that are the basis harmonious development child.

The first year of life as a whole is a period of active growth and development of the child. And it is especially important to create best conditions for the crumbs at the very beginning, when the baby is most of all limited by external conditions, when so much depends on your attitude towards the little man. For the development of the brain of the crumbs, an influx of nerve impulses is necessary, which is provided by a load on the sense organs, sensory stimulation, and, simply put, an abundance of impressions from the outside world. Impressions of the most different, in the widest range.

Advice. The baby is small and seems helpless, but the newborn is much more physically strong than we think.

Look at the baby as a person who has to conquer the big world, which means that he must be introduced to this world, to changes in air and water temperature, to the simplest and most ordinary things, to the immediate environment. It is possible and necessary to talk with a child from the very first days and minutes. The rhythm of folk pestles, sentences, lullabies helps the baby to calm down, coinciding with his internal rhythms. The mother's voice enables the baby to feel that his mother is near, that in this vast world there is an unchanging fulcrum and protection from everything and everything.

The baby himself can only make micromovements, but the more often you take him in your arms (raise, lower, turn over), the more you yourself move with the baby in your arms, the more his vestibular apparatus works, a sense of balance develops, they tense up, which means they develop muscles, the entire musculoskeletal system. In newborns and infants, the physical and mental are so closely intertwined that the language of touch and body movements is as important a way for them to communicate as the speech of adults addressed to them.

From the very first days of life, the baby has the ability to communicate with others and feels the need for this communication. In fact, our communication with the child happens all the time, no matter what we do with him. Whether he is breastfeeding, whether he sways in our arms, whether we bathe the baby, do him massage or gymnastics - in addition to purely practical action, we conduct a kind of dialogue with him through a variety of signals. The peculiarity of this language is that communication takes place using signals that are unusual for an adult. Vision and hearing "supply" the baby much less information than his sense of touch, vestibular apparatus, thermoreceptors. An important role is played by kinesthetic sensations, i.e. sensations of the position of the body in space, muscle tension, and in general what can be called intra-corporeal sensations. Through movements, you can enable the baby to get an idea of ​​​​the structure of his body, how it works, how it tenses, relaxes and rests, what are its capabilities. The kid gets acquainted with the world around him, learning what top, bottom, change of direction of movement, rhythm and arrhythmia, speed and amplitude are.

If desired, you can create the most comfortable conditions for the baby for the first few months. But it is in these first weeks and months that the baby's natural mechanisms of adaptation to any features of the external environment are launched at full capacity. If the conditions to which the baby adapts are a room with closed windows, warm socks on legs and a restriction motor activity, then he will adapt to these conditions.

But it’s better, having overcome shyness, from the first days of a baby’s life, to treat him not like a crystal vase, but about the same as mothers from those countries where babies spend the first year of their lives in close contact with mother and nature.

Advice. If the child does not require this, it is not necessary to carry it in your arms for hours. And without that, the baby is in the arms very often. If he is calm and happy in the crib, you have the opportunity to do numerous things.

Rules for communicating with the baby:

Feed on demand, but remember that the digestion period of milk is about two hours;

Do not solder from the horn (if necessary, add from a spoon) and do not use a pacifier during the period of lactation;

Ventilate the rooms more often so that the air is fresh;

Walk, starting from 15 minutes and up to two or more hours a day;

Maintain cleanliness, but do not strive for perfect sterility;

Bathe, not "soar";

Maintain skin-to-skin contact, often pick up and hold in different positions, including vertically;

Put to sleep with you;

Create opportunities for physical activity of the baby;

Talk to the baby: pronounce your actions, read poems and nursery rhymes;

With the help of the first toys, stimulate the development of tactile sensitivity;

Stimulate the development of vision, drawing the attention of the baby to toys;

Stimulate the development of hearing by arranging small "concerts" - listening to classical and folk music.

Games and toys for a newborn

Immediately after discharge from the hospital, the young mother, most likely, is not up to games. And the baby spends most of the time in a dream. But there are children who, for one reason or another, cannot sleep. If the baby feels good, then he can just lie in the crib, and then it would be very useful to give him the opportunity to look at something more interesting than wallpaper. For example, on a mobile with toys or a garland of rattles. Perhaps, for the development of vision and concentration of attention, you will want to hang graphic drawings with sharp contours (image of a chessboard, concentric circles, black and white photographs) next to the crib in the field of view of the baby.

Advice. Quite a crumb and a baby a little older are attracted by novelty, so toys (stimuli for attracting attention) should be changed more often, at least once a day.

If you put a bracelet with a bell on the baby's hand or foot, the sound will attract the baby's attention. He, albeit by chance, with his movements produces changes in the world around him.

You can put a homemade rattle in the baby’s palm (a store-bought toy is too big for a tiny pen). Touch the baby with the most different surfaces and materials. Carry the baby in your arms, show everything that surrounds the baby in the house.

Games and toys for a little older baby

If a newborn can be called a sleepyhead, then a little older baby is an “observer” who is trying to become an “explorer”. The baby is awake longer and shows more and more interest in what is happening around him. The kid remains inactive and only tries to control his movements. The ability to examine an object and follow a moving object is present in a baby from birth. His eyesight, hearing and coordination are not yet perfect, but they are developing every day.

The visual apparatus improves during the first 6 months of a baby's life.

Advice. Toys are useful for the development of the child’s vision, but traveling around the house, the opportunity to see familiar objects from a “new point of view” will also be an excellent stimulation of the visual apparatus.

The child begins to look at “moving” objects, the mother’s face, “finds” her hands, keeps her head longer, lying on her tummy or being in her mother’s arms. Every day his back and neck muscles are getting stronger. A little later, the child joyfully perks up when he sees an adult, soon he will begin to roll over onto his tummy from the back, leaning on his elbows. The baby is still watching more, and you “play” by stimulating his activity. Carry the baby in your arms: periodic “change of places” will help the baby learn new things in the world around him.

The child needs toys that he will look at, touch. To develop the ability to distinguish sounds, musical ear, one needs not only rattles, but also a xylophone and bells. Tactile sensitivity is developed by touching a variety of textures and surfaces.

If the baby is whimpering and worried, shake the rattle or talk to the baby from out of sight. The baby will focus on the sound only on a short time, then may start to "complain" again. By one and a half months, the baby will listen to voices, music, soft sounds. By 3 months, the baby will respond with a smile to the conversation, turn his head and react differently to different sounds.

The kid is very interested in his hands. He moves his fingers, tries to grab toys. Then he begins to manipulate them. The child tries to pull a fist or finger into his mouth. By the end of the 2nd month of life, he can unclench and squeeze his fingers. Visual-motor coordination of movements improves, and the baby begins to touch toys.

Advice. The more developed the baby's hands, the more his brain develops, the faster and clearer his speech will sound.

At this age, toys are needed not only for looking at, but also for touching, and then grabbing. Toys should be within arm's reach of the child. They must be well secured. It is advisable to use toys that are pleasing to the eye, green, blue, yellow. Choose those that are more convenient to grip: rings, bells. Rounded objects will slip out of the baby's hand. At 3 months, the child is already consciously hitting hanging toys. He carefully observes how the touch of the lower toys causes the movement of the upper ones.

Lay the baby on the tummy more often and leave it longer, attracting his attention with toys so that he holds his head longer. It is useful to purchase or sew a developmental mat with toys sewn to it that are easy to grip and feel.

In the third month of life, the baby begins to turn on its side. If you show the baby a toy so that he can see it, as they say, out of the corner of his eye, he will turn his head, followed by his shoulders and torso. Some babies as young as 3 months may roll from tummy to back.

Baby toys should be varied in color, shape and texture (soft, smooth, rough). When giving your baby toys to feel, talk to him, repeating the sounds that you heard from him: “uh-huh,” “boo-boo,” “ah-ah,” “oh-oh-oh.”

Advice. Give the baby the opportunity to touch and grab not only rattles, but also balls, cubes, shreds, spoons. While the baby's fingers are very awkward, but any games with fingers, hand massage - this is the development of fine motor skills, and hence the speech centers in the brain.

Here are just some of the games that you can play with your baby.

Put small objects of various textures into the baby’s palm - a piece of paper or a piece of fabric, a cap from a felt-tip pen, a short ribbon or lace.

Throw a stick over the railing of the bed. To it on an elastic cord, hang one or two toys at a height of 15-20 cm from the child so that he can hit the toys.

Take the baby's hand with your hand, shake it, stroke it, drawing the baby's attention to his hand. Play with his fingers, gently massage them.

You can knead and stroke his fingers, play with the baby's hands in finger games. Stroke the baby's palm smooth glass, rough fabric, soft pillow, hard brush.

Offer the baby a toy and help him hold it by holding his hand with his hand. Help your baby shake the rattle and release your hand.

Attach to baby's leg balloon so that the baby can see it. When the baby moves his leg, the ball will move.

Hold a brightly colored toy in front of your baby's face and slowly move it to the side. Shake the rattle to get baby's attention. If his attention is on your face, hold the rattle in front of your face. Then slowly move the toy, making sure that the baby follows it with his eyes.

Position yourself so that your baby can easily see your face. Call him by his name different intonations. Try to meet your child's eyes. If he grimaces, repeat his facial expressions after him. Did the kid smile? Smile back at him. If the baby is gurgling, start a conversation with him. Listen to it and answer with similar sounds, changing the intonation to interrogative or exclamatory.

Tie a bell to your baby's wrist. The baby will quickly catch the connection between sounds and the movement of the pen.

Talk or ring the bell away from and near the baby. Clap your hands, blow the tune, ring the bell. Change the tone and volume of sounds. First, be close to the baby, so that he can see you. Then move away, because your task is to attract the attention of the child and make him want to turn his head in the direction of the sound.

First conversations with a newborn baby

Talk to the baby when you are messing with him: bathe, change clothes, feed. Accompany any actions with the baby with speech. Sing songs to your baby, read nursery rhymes. When talking to your child, change your intonation. For successful development, a child of the first year of life most of all needs a close psycho-emotional connection with his mother, on the basis of which there is trust in the world, a sense of security, self-confidence. If the mother is not a “talker in life”, then some internal resistance must be overcome in order to start one-sided communication with the baby, who, obviously, does not understand anything and almost does not react.

However, the baby understands our intentions if we give ourselves the trouble to explain to the little man what and why we are doing, and do not treat him as an unreasonable creature.

Advice. You can “google” articles and books by F. Dalto, the most famous child psychoanalyst, who back in the 50s of the 20th century helped them recover by talking to babies, and in the 70s she organized the first “Green Island” - a center where psychologists , communicating with babies and older children, but still not speaking, helped parents realize the importance of interacting with babies and learn to better understand them.

Actually, nothing supernatural is required. If you had to take care of your beloved old grandmother, you would probably find it necessary to talk to her. They would say: Good morning, now we’ll wash our faces ... The weather is fine today ... How did you sleep? You would read books to her and tell her what is new and interesting in the world. Just because you love her.

Remember, probably, from childhood: “Early in the morning at dawn, mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders wash their faces ...” (K. I. Chukovsky).

Advice. Read Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, he really is “our everything”. There is a study according to which children who listened to Pushkin a lot are more successful in coping with speech therapy problems.

This is not a fairy tale. The fact is that, in addition to the heart rate, which we all know about, every cell in the human body pulsates. And in the crumbs, the whole organism is tuned to the mother's voice, to the poetic rhythm. We love certain poets because the rhythm of their poems coincides with ours, it helps to find harmony.

Whenever you approach the baby, talk to him. If he is worried, respond immediately. Approach him quickly at first, but gradually lengthen the time between verbally comforting the child and your appearance at his crib. Maybe the baby will calm down already from the sound of your voice. Sometimes choose a time and go to the crib when the baby is not yet calling you. A few minutes of communication will help the baby understand that his mother remembers him, even if he is not outraged.

Babies who are 1 year old are inquisitive and need developmental activities. For the development of the child, you can use improvised means that will replace toys for him. Such activities are very popular with children.

At the age of 1, the child begins a period of active development. He begins to think, observe, study the world. When parents think about what to do one year old baby, then two important factors must be taken into account: the entertainment of the baby and its development. During this period, you can teach your baby a lot through the game, using various techniques. There are many methods for the development of children from 1 year old, but it must be borne in mind that each baby is individual. Some children at this age already utter a lot of words, walk without support, ask for a potty, but other children still don’t even know half of this, although they actively strive for this. If you ask yourself what to teach a child at 1 year old, then you can see that all the methods are divided into sections such as speech development, knowledge of the world, physical development and development of fine motor skills. Such classes can be carried out under the supervision of good specialists in early development. In each city there are special children's centers in which teachers and educators work.

Classes with a one-year-old child at home

Classes in groups are effective, but the main role is played by classes for children from 1 year old at home. One popular, used at home, is the method of Maria Montessori. In this technique, you can do without toys, and various improvised means serve as material for classes. Children enthusiastically reach for multi-colored boxes, jars, sticks. The main thing is that all objects and materials are within the reach of the child. He, under the supervision of adults, can choose activities to his liking. In the methodology, great emphasis is placed on classes with small objects: beads, buttons, cereals. The kid lays out these materials in boxes, bottles, sorts by color. For example, you can take two bowls, one of which pour cereal. Show your child how to use a spoon to pour the cereal into another bowl. This lesson teaches the baby to confidently use a spoon, develops fine motor skills, coordination, logic. Speech development is associated with a specific area of ​​the brain. How to deal with a child at 1 year old to help develop this process? It is known that massage and development of the baby's fingers contributes to the development of the part of the brain responsible for speech. The technique offers a special lesson. You need to take a box, draw on it the muzzle of an animal, in place of the mouth of which make a hole. The child will be interested in feeding the animal. As "food" you can use beads, pasta, buttons. In this action, children's fingers are actively working. For the same purpose, a special frame in the form of cardboard, covered with fabric, serves. Buttons, laces, beads are sewn on the fabric. The child can study this frame for a long time, touching and pulling. It is important to develop an understanding of someone else's speech. During games, walks, children encounter new toys, animals, people. The attention of the child should be focused on this, clearly naming each name. Gradually, he will begin to distinguish between them and try to name them. They develop the speech of imitation games well, where the baby acts as a meowing cat, a hissing hedgehog, which develops creative thinking. On the example of a doll, the baby learns where people have eyes, nose, ears, which he willingly shows on his parents. Attention should also be paid to rhymes that children love to repeat. At the age of 1 year, the development of all systems of the child is associated with physical activity. At the same time, it is good to use developmental activities for children of 1 year old to the music, which perfectly develops attention, concentration, and emotionality. All exercises are aimed at developing motor skills. Run, jump, dance with the baby. Show him how to overcome obstacles. Let him crawl under the table, climb over the pillow. Conducting any activities with the baby, do not limit his desire for independence. Make the space safe so that he actively explores this world. Just listen to your child, help him and he will succeed.

Marina Suzdaleva

Last time we learned, and today we'll talk about.

You can continue with the familiar activities of the previous month, as long as you and your baby like them, and supplement them with games and exercises from this article, which are aimed at enriching the sensory impressions of a grown-up child and developing his motor abilities.

Let's start, perhaps, with what the baby sees in front of him when he wakes up and falls asleep in his crib. I really hope that this is your loving face. However, the baby is not always next to the mother, and if we are already talking about how to develop a baby at 1 month, at this age it is time for the baby to receive more diverse visual, auditory and tactile impressions. This is what we'll do!

Contrasting pictures for the development of a child of 1 month

Surely, you already know that babies prefer (this was established by psychologists in the course of experimental observations) contrasting black and white images to those wonderful multi-colored bears and butterflies that you tried so hard to decorate the nursery with. No problem! Very soon, the baby will grow up to look at bears and butterflies, but for now, place those very contrasting pictures right in his crib or playpen at eye level at a distance of about 30-35 cm. You can draw them yourself (alternating stripes, spirals, geometric shapes, faces, etc.), use black and white photographs, or print them from the Internet.

Hang pictures 1-2 and change 1 time in 2-3 days. You can also place pictures throughout the apartment and periodically change their places.

Little advice: needlewomen can sew a tactile pillow or rug for a baby using black and white fabrics of different textures, buttons different size and forms, etc. month old baby will be happy to touch and examine your creation, developing vision and tactile sensations.

Rainbow butterflies for the development of a child of 1 month

Make multi-colored butterflies from crepe or accordion-folded colored paper and colored clothespins and hang the butterflies in turn over the crib, on the arc of the developing mat or mobile (after removing other toys). Name the colors: “This is a blue butterfly. Where is the blue butterfly? Here is a blue butterfly…etc.” You can glue sheets of paper in a contrasting color (blue with yellow, orange with green, blue with red, etc.), then as the whole structure moves, the baby will receive new interesting visual stimuli.

Bells for a 1 month old baby

It's great if you have a collection of wind chimes. They will come in handy for you more than once. While talking about how to develop a baby at 1 month, we will use them in the following way. Fasten the bells on a ribbon and hang them at the level of the baby’s chest in the crib (or lower so that the baby can hit them with their legs) at a height of 10-15 cm. .

A little tip: record the first concert of your virtuoso on video.

Tactile games for the development of a child of 1 month "To the touch"

Is the baby already confidently holding his head in the prone position? Offer him a job. On the edge of the changing table or directly on the wall in front of it, fix (for example, using double-sided tape) pieces of materials of different textures:

  • velvet paper
  • corrugated cardboard
  • glossy paper
  • plain paper
  • plastic bag
  • foil
  • bubble wrap etc. (by the way, you can use the same contrasting colors - black and white).

Now, during massage and hygiene procedures, the baby can feel these materials. Do not forget to pronounce his feelings using short, simple constructions: “This is velvet paper. She is black. Velvet paper is soft. Let's stroke again! Like this. Very nice! etc.". A similar game can be continued during bathing - let the child touch a dry and wet washcloth, a toothbrush and a terry towel, foam and a bar of soap ...

Little tip: squeeze a little baby cream or massage oil on your baby's hand and watch him explore the new sensations.

Game "Ku-ku" for a child of 1 month

I hasten to please you. Very soon, your baby will begin to notice that you are leaving the room, and start crying at the same time ... But I digress. The game of "Ku-ku", loved by all the kids, is just designed to help your treasure understand that if something or someone has disappeared from sight for a while, it does not mean at all that it has disappeared forever. And there is no reason to cry!

At first, start playing with the baby like this: literally for a few seconds hide your face behind your palms with spread fingers (to see the reaction of the baby and so that he can see your face) and emotionally say: “Where is mom? Here's mom!" (we also said “Lost found!” - my son still uses this expression when he finds something, which always causes tenderness among those present). After a while, try to "hide" under a transparent handkerchief, then behind a newspaper or a diaper - the baby will pull it off you with laughter, and by about the age of 4-5 months. he will be ready to hide from you under the diaper.

Recently became a mother of a baby?

Excursion for a child of 1 month

At the age of 1 month, the baby has already studied the space in which he lives quite well. He knows where the door is located (mother usually appears from there), the window (light source), sees and remembers the location of furniture. And this means that it's time to go on an excursion to the "big world", that is, beyond the children's room.

Take the baby in your arms - it is convenient to use the poses "the baby lies on his stomach on your arm" or "the baby is in an upright position pressed against your chest." Slowly travel with your child from room to room, from the corridor to the kitchen, pay attention to the light, smells, and the prevailing colors in the interior. Take a look at the little one. If you notice that some object especially attracted him, linger near it and tell about it in more detail. For example: “Ah, baby, did you like the watch? Besides, they are so bright! Bright red watch! Look, those are arrows. They go tick-tock, tick-tock. This is a dial. He is round. The clock is made of plastic. Touch what hard ones ... etc. ”

The article “of course, would be incomplete without mentioning classes for the physical development of the baby. In addition, this direction of development is one of the priorities for babies in the first six months of life. Here are some ideas:

Game for a child of 1 month "I have a ball"

Buy a balloon filled with helium and carefully tie it to your baby's leg (do not leave the baby unattended during this activity!). Toddlers at this age usually actively move their legs and arms, but you can slightly stimulate this process by telling a nursery rhyme or turning on music familiar to the child. Draw the attention of the crumbs to the moving ball. After a while, the baby will understand that the movements of the ball are caused by his own movements, and will move his legs more actively.

The following 2 exercises are also based on the same principle of establishing a causal relationship, only now the movements of the crumbs will cause sounds.

Tumbler for baby 1 month

If you already know, then you, no doubt, have a tumbler. And she knows for sure how to develop a baby at 1 month:) When your baby is lying in a crib, playpen or just on the floor, put the tumbler in his legs so that he can easily hit her when moving. The baby will like to hear the iridescent sounds of the roly-poly, and he will knock his legs endlessly. Be there to return the fleeing roly-poly to its proper place in time.

Bells for a 1 month old baby

Now in children's stores you can find bracelets on arms or legs with bells and rattles. I recommend purchasing or making a similar (and even more educational) toy yourself. There are many options. For example, you can sew bells (you can buy them in sewing supplies stores or cut them off from a worn-out toy) directly on your baby's socks or on a soft, not tight hair band. And you can tie containers from a chocolate egg, after putting various rattling fillers inside, and tie or sew Velcro bracelets to them.

Such simple devices help.

Many mothers, when asked how to deal with a newborn child, will exclaim: “He still doesn’t know and can’t do anything!” Believe me, from the moment of birth, he has been looking at an unfamiliar environment, actively tasting everything and carefully listening to your voice. That is why it is necessary not to miss this time and develop the baby literally from the very first days of birth.

Feeding is the key to health

The best food that nature has come up with is, of course,. To lay the foundation for the future successful development of the baby, it is very important to feed him on demand. Thanks to him, the child not only becomes full, but also fully satisfies the need for contact with the mother, in her presence and warmth. Being in the mother's arms, sucking on the chest, he immediately becomes calmer, even if he is in a bad mood or is disturbed. And, as you know, emotionally stable children perceive information much better.


Frequent communication

Perhaps the little man is not yet ready for purposeful games, so just talk to him as often as possible: gently, calmly, changing the intonation and timbre of your voice, depending on what you are telling him now. Be sure to connect dad to the dialogue, let him also share his emotions from the birth of a dear son or daughter. In a conversation, always call the baby by name, it will soon become his favorite word. Lullabies and all kinds of nursery rhymes, dear to the heart, also help the development.

Developing the senses

The development of infants is largely based on the stimulation of taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch. In the meantime, the baby learns most of the new things about objects by touching them.

  • Touch

Touch the legs, tummy and face with a soft feather. If your child liked such touches, “arm yourself” with materials with different textures. It can be cotton balls, terry towel, woolen mitten or a silk scarf. In addition, place your own finger or a small object on the child's palm to make the baby clench his fists.

Hug the kids regularly, stroke them on the head, back, kiss and put them naked on your stomach. So you improve both tactile sensations and the emotional-personal sphere.

  • Hearing

Hang a rattle or spinning merry-go-round that makes gentle melodies above a baby's crib. Do not be discouraged if the baby focuses on them for only a couple of minutes. So far, it is still very difficult for him to concentrate. Babies perceive classical music well: works by Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Mozart and Strauss. And, of course, they love to listen to their mother and father's voice. ()

  • Vision

Up to two or three months, babies can only distinguish black and white colors. Hang an image of concentric circles, a checkerboard, or high-contrast, excellent quality black and white photographs in the toddler's field of view. To attract interest, change the pictures after a few days. And the newborn really likes to follow facial expressions. human face. So smile at him as often as possible! ()

  • Smell

The baby recognizes your smell immediately after birth, because it includes the same components as the amniotic fluid. Some children may develop an allergic reaction to chemical and perfume fragrances. So be careful with perfumes and lotions and, of course, with smoking. Just do not excommunicate dad, who for some reason cannot refuse cigarettes, from communicating with the baby.

  • Taste

From the first days, babies feel the taste and express a preference for sweet food, rather than sour or bitter. Therefore, a nursing woman needs to introduce a variety of foods into her diet, but only gradually and in small quantities. So you can accustom your offspring to a variety of tastes and insure yourself in the future from his selectivity in food.

If you follow these simple tips, then from the cradle your child will actively grow and develop. Just do not overload it with new knowledge, so as not to harm the formation nervous system. May the development of your beloved children be joyful!

Your child from birth to a year