
Scheduling 2 junior. Methodology for writing a calendar-thematic plan for the second junior group. GCD. Reading fiction


Day of the week Tuesday date "4" _09.2018 Topic of the week: “Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten!


Individual work

Morning exercises. To No. 1.

FKGN: Exercise " Clean pens».

Goal: To form in children a conscious desire to be neat, the habit of taking care of their appearance.

Tabletop theater:"Doll Tanya is visiting us"(Card index).

Goal: To teach children how to role-play a meeting of guests, to introduce them to the world around them (people, toys and equipment).

Games with groups of homogeneous toys of the same type, color, size, shape, material Purpose: to consolidate the concept of “many”.

Design of the exhibition “Farewell Summer!” Selection of illustrations on the topic.


Drawing. Subject "Introducing Pencil and Paper" Target : Formation of the ability to draw with pencils; Hold the pencil correctly and guide it along the paper. Material : Colored pencils, landscape sheets.


“Find a red toy”

Goals: To develop children's visual orientation in the perception of color. Learn to recognize and name the color red. Practice identifying red from many different colors (blue, yellow, green).

(Card index D/i No. 1)

Sound "A"

Goal: Learn to clearly pronounce sound A. Development of phonemic hearing.

Book corner: Poems and stories about summer

- “Here comes the red summer”, “Oh, why are you, lark”, A. Maykov “Summer rain”,


Observation Traveling around the territory of the site “What is there on the kindergarten site?” (Card index No. 1)

Outdoor game “Brave guys”.

Goals: practice fast running; develop dexterity.

Movement development.

Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 1 S/R - game-“ Kindergarten»

Target: Give an idea about the professions of workers in daycare centers, about the group in which they live, act independently with different toys, consolidate knowledge about the daily routine in kindergarten.

Finger gymnastics “Our group”


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

"Guess what it sounds like"

Target : To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them. K/M No. 1

Game "Guests" - learn to identify many and one"

Colored pencils, coloring books. Board games, didactic games.


Monitoring seasonal changesObjectives: to form concepts about the change of seasons;

Working with parents

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Day of the week Wednesday date "5" _09.2018 Topic of the week: “Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten!


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 2 FKGN: Exercise “I myself.”

Target : strengthen the ability to eat carefully.

D/i “Clock” Purpose: Develop children's speech attention.

Teach children to take off and put on clothes in a certain sequence.

center artistic creativity: materials for children’s independent art activities.


  1. Speech development. Topic: “Who is good with us, who is handsome with us.” CHHL. S. Cherny. "Presser." A game " Autumn leaves» music by N. Lysenko. Target:developing children's sympathy for their peers with the help of the teacher's story.
  2. Physical training

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

D/i by acquaintance. from the surrounding “Where is the bunny hiding!”

Target: describe, name plants based on their characteristic features and in connection with the environment. Write descriptive riddles and guess riddles about plants.

Articulation gymnastics"Dudochka"

Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, dolls, cars.


Monitoring the weather conditions (Card index No. 2)

Target : learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features.

Outdoor game. “Take care of the item.”


Movement development.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 2

C.H.L. S. Cherny. "Prestalka"

Lotto game

Game "Helpers" - learn to identify objects for different professions.

Conversation with children “What beautiful, spacious lockers for clothes in kindergarten.”


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Target: Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and animal life in different seasons of the year.

Game “Assemble a pyramid” - fixing color and size.

speech development corner (fiction on the topic of the week, illustrations, encyclopedia for preschoolers), etc.


Outdoor games "Sparrows and a car." Target: teach children to run quickly on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it on a signal from the teacher, find their place.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “Why is the Daily Routine so important!”

Day of the week Thursday date "6" _09.2018 Topic of the week: “Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten!


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises №3 FKGN: Exercise"Clean nose" Target: Reading a story

V.V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad?”

Goal: To educate a child in the standard of culture and morality

Exercises “What’s extra” - developing attention

Watching a cartoon about neat and dirty


Modeling Topic: “Introduction to plasticine” Purpose:Form the idea that plasticine is soft, you can sculpt from it, you can pinch it off.


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Target: teach children to pay attention to the color properties of toys, to develop in them the simplest techniques for establishing the identity and color differences of homogeneous objects.

Exercise “Guess what it sounds like” - sound pronunciation exercise

Finger gymnastics"Our group"

Goal: Development of imitation of adult hand movements, understanding of speech.


Bus Surveillance Objectives: learn to distinguish between vehicles appearance; name the main parts of the car. Outdoor games “Cars”, “Sparrows and the car”. Goals: teach to follow the rules traffic; consolidate knowledge about buses.

game “The doll got sick” - expand knowledge about the hospital


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 3

D/I " Wonderful pouch" Target:focus on the gender of the noun when defining an object by its characteristics.

The game “Wonderful Bag” teaches you to distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

Remote material

Steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

d/i "lost"

Goal: match the name of the animal with the name of the baby

Movement development.

Display books on the topic in the book corner.


P/I “Take care of the object.” Target : learn to act and navigate according to a signal, in space, develop dexterity.

Working with parents

Introducing parents to health-improving activities.

Day of the week Friday date "7" _09.2018 Topic of the week: “Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten!


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 4FKGN: Exercise “Scented soap.”

Target : encourage yourself, take soap from a soap dish, rub your palms. Conversation. Topic: “Safety in our group”Goal: consolidate knowledge about your group.

D/ game “Show the picture” to teach how to determine what an adult is doing.

Cubes, lotto. D/I - “Games with clothespins” Tabletop constructorGoal: Development of fine motor skills.


  1. Mathematics Topic: “Introductory lesson.” Target:The teacher conducts didactic games to clarify children's knowledge in the field of mathematics.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

D/s on sensory education:Arrangement of homogeneous objects, different in color, into two groups Target: teach children to pay attention to the color properties of toys, develop in them the simplest techniques for establishing the identity and color differences of homogeneous objects

The game “Help feed the doll” - learn to name dishes and food products.

Finger gymnastics"Our group"


Observation of the autumn forest Card file No. 3

Goals :

game “What color is the car, doll” - color, parts, bodies.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 4

"Edible - not edible"

Target: to form and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory and coordination.

Articulation gymnastics

Lacing, puzzles.


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Light heavy.

Target: introduce that objects can be light and heavy. Learn to determine the weight of objects and group objects by weight (light - heavy).


Outdoor games “Birds in nests”. Goals: learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other

Working with parents

Conversations at the request of parents.

Day of the week Monday date "10" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 1FKGN “Clean nose”. Target:encourage children to take care of their appearance.Conversation “What did autumn give us?” Target: to help expand the understanding of the seasons, the main signs of autumn: cloudy, light rain, leaves falling, getting cold.

Consideration of the plot painting “Harvest”.


9.00-9. 20 - Physical education (Swimming pool) (leader’s plan)

10.00 -10.15 - Music (music director’s plan)

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Didactic game “Guess and name” Purpose:To help children understand the classification of vegetables and fruits according to their main features and properties, to develop the ability to clearly pronounce fruits: apple, pear, banana, plum, cherry, etc.

Articulation gymnastics.

Invite children to look at pictures of autumn landscapes.

Goal: expand children’s understanding of autumn, its nature, develop children’s speech.


Walk Card No. 3

Observation of the autumn forest

Goals: expand your understanding of the forest; teach to admire the beauty of our native nature.

Cleaning the forest area where children will play.

Goal: to teach children to maintain cleanliness and order in the forest.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 1

Game Wonderful Bag

Target: To promote the development of skills to describe an object by touch (round, long, rough, etc.)

Finger gymnastics.“The dolls are dancing: one, two!”

D/I “Recognize and name vegetables”


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Talk with children about traffic rules, clarify what traffic rules children are supposed to know, look at the pictures.

Purpose: To determine the initial level of children’s knowledge about traffic rules.

Demo albums “Seasons. Autumn”

"Vegetables fruits"



Set of vegetables and fruits


Outdoor games

"Birds in nests." Goals:

- learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other;

Learn to act quickly on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

Working with parents

Inform parents about factors influencing physical health child (calmness, communication, nutrition, hardening, movement).

Day of the week Tuesday date "11" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 1FKGN “Scented soap.”

Target: learn to take soap from a soap dish, rub your palms, rinse off soap, know the location of your towel. Conversation: “How to behave correctly in kindergarten” Purpose:contribute to the formation of skills not to push, not to shout, to share toys when communicating with other children

D/ game “Colored sticks” - colors, location on the sheet.

Providing the kindergarten site with the necessary physical education material.


9. 10- 9. 15 - Physical education (according to the instructor’s plan)

9.40 – 9.55- MathematicsIntroductory lesson Purpose: conducting a game to clarify children's knowledge in the field of mathematics.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Didactic game “What grows in the garden”

Goal: to promote the ability to classify vegetables by type (which grow in the ground and which on branches)

Solving riddles about autumn

Goal: To develop children’s ability to solve riddles and develop thinking


Walk card No. 5 Looking at the flower bed Objectives:continue to teach to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, and pay attention to their coloring; cultivate a love of nature

exercise “Assignment” - learn to help adults and friends.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics №1Looking at: autumn leaves

Target : continue to get acquainted with the signs of autumn, introduce the concept of leaf fall.


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Coloring: autumn leaves

Goal: to clarify with children what color leaves are in autumn, to encourage them to create colorful drawings.

continue to strengthen the ability to use pencils and hold them correctly.

Offer children skittles and balls.

Goal: learn to develop independently motor activity, strength, dexterity.



Working with parents

Involving parents to participate as much as possible in the design of the group.

Day of the week Wednesday date "12" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

develop the ability to wash hands carefully.Conversation: "Be careful"Goal: to tell children about safety on the street. That you should never run away from adults or approach strangers.

D/ game “Wonderful Box” to expand the stock of understood words.

Children's games with mosaics. Goal: develop fine motor skills hands


9. 40 -9. 55 - Music (music director plan)

(manager's plan)

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Conversation: “My favorite toy”Goal: call children to talk, the ability to describe an object.Outdoor game: Blow up your bubble

Purpose: to introduce new game, develop the ability to play outdoor games.

D/game “Cubes” - assemble a picture.

Demo albums

various transport (Buses, trolleybuses, trucks and cars)


Walk card No. 6 Cloud watching

Objectives: to introduce various natural phenomena;

D/ game “Whose leaf” - learn to name trees.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 1

Reading: fairy tales "Turnip"

Target: Cultivate a love for Russian folk tales, the ability to listen carefully, and empathize with the characters.


16 00-16 15. Drawing. "It's Raining" Purpose:Formation of the ability to convey impressions of the surrounding life in drawing.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Table theater "Turnip"

Goal: to interest children in watching, to evoke positive emotions.

Finger gymnastics “It’s raining”

Board games "Mosaic"

Goal: to help children make patterns based on diagrams, the ability to fantasize, and develop fine motor skills.


Goals: learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

Working with parents

Day of the week Thursday date "13" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 1FKGN “We love to wash ourselves.”

Target: to form cultural and hygienic skills in children.

Did. game “Find the yellow leaf” Goal:promote the formation of color perception, find and name yellow, participate in joint activities, develop interest in natural objects.

D/exercise “Assignment” - learn to help adults and friends.

Autumn herbarium collection (dry leaves, fruits)


10.00-10.15 - Speech developmentReading RNS “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” Purpose: Introducing children to the fairy tale (about M. Bogolyubskaya)

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Looking at pictures of autumn landscapes

Goal: to promote the development of the ability to understand the plot, develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s explanations, and encourage the perception of the beauty of autumn nature.

D/ game “Wonderful Bag” - learn to identify geometric shapes.

Illustrations depicting an autumn landscape

"Autumn in the Forest"

"Autumn in the City"

"Animals in Autumn"


Walk card No. 7 Bird watching Objectives:continue bird watching on the site; learn to distinguish the main parts of the body.

game “dress the doll” - self-service and helping others.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 1

Learning nursery rhymes

“The sun looks out the window, looks into our room.

We will clap our hands, we are very happy about the sun.”

Goal: develop speech activity, memory.

Finger game "Fingers"

D/I “Recognize and name vegetables”

Goal: enrich children's vocabulary and sensory experience.


16.00-16.15 Modeling. Application. The theme is "Big and small balls". Target:to form the ability to choose large and small objects about round shape.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Building games: build a gate for the car.

Purpose: to learn to roll cars through the gate


Mobile game "Obediant leaves"; "The Wind Blows" Purpose:listen carefully to the instructions of the teacher; develop attention to follow the correct execution of the task.

Working with parents

Conversations about the benefits of walks and excursions for obtaining a variety of impressions.

Day of the week Friday date "15" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 1FKGN “Behavior at the table.”

Target: to form cultural and hygienic self-care skills in children.Conversation: “The road is dangerous!”

Goal: to explain to children that they can only cross the road with adults and in a certain place.

Articulation gymnastics.

Demo albums “Road Safety”

"Be careful"


9. 10-9. 30 - Familiarization with the outside world Topic: “The nanny washes the dishes” Purpose:introduce children to the work of an assistant teacher, teach them to call her by her first name and patronymic.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Game ex. "One is many"

Goal: to train children in the ability to form plural nouns and develop children’s speech.

Finger gymnastics “Mushroom”

Goal: development of fine motor skills and speech of children.

Invite children to look at the book “Mushrooms”.

Goal: Explain to children that mushrooms are edible and not edible


Walk card No. 8 Observation of the roadway

Objectives: to introduce the roadway - highway; give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

game “Repeat” - learn to make animal sounds.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 1

Did. game “collect a basket”

Target: clarify children's knowledge about fruits and vegetables, recognize and name fruits.

exercise “Toy Exhibition” - form an active vocabulary, repeat after an adult

"Assemble a basket"

"Mushrooms in the clearing"


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Game situation"Magic word"

Goal: to develop skills of cultural behavior, to be able to use polite words in various situations, to develop sympathy. Cultivate politeness and goodwill.

Breathing exercises “Feather”

"Dashing - catching up."

Goal: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.


Outdoor game “Sparrows and the cat” Purpose:develop the ability to jump off softly, bending your knees, run without touching each other, find your place

Working with parents

Introducing parents to activities held in kindergarten.

Day of the week Monday date "17" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 2FKGN "I myself". Target:take food only with a spoon.Did. game “Where to put the item”

Goal: Continue to teach children what not to put in their mouth various items, stick them in your ears and nose.

D/ game “Helpers” - learn to identify objects for different professions.

Demonstration albums "Animals of the forests" "Who lives in the village"


10.00 -10.15 - Music

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Reading: E. Lavrentieva “Friendly Kitten”, looking at illustrations.Objectives: to teach children to listen carefully to the work and understand its content. Arouse interest in reading, develop aesthetic feelings.Round dance game "Spider-spider" (Russian folk game).

Didactic game "Whose house?"

Tasks: exercise children to recognize wild animals, name their dwellings


Walk card number 9 Watching the rain

Purpose: to introduce the natural phenomenon - rain.

Finger gymnastics "rain"


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 2

Learning the nursery rhyme "Hare, dance."

Tasks: Encourage children to tell the nursery rhyme expressively. Develop memory, practice accompanying speech with appropriate movements

Articulation gymnastics.

"Pussy Lapping Milk"

Did. a game

"Where to put the item"

“One two three, find what could be dangerous”


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Didactic game “Domestic and wild animals”.

Tasks : exercise children in classifying objects according to a certain criterion, using generalizing words in speech.

D/ exercise “Toy Exhibition” - form an active vocabulary, repeat after an adult.

drawing stamps,

d/ and “Name it correctly”


Outdoor games “Sun and Rain”. Goals: -learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents“We follow the regime.”

Day of the week Tuesday date "18" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 2 FEGN “Clean nose”.

Target: Encourage children to use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Conversation “What did you see on the way to kindergarten”

Target: develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, listen and understand the question asked, and answer.

D/ exercises “What’s extra” - development of attention.

album " Golden autumn»,

E. Golovin “Autumn”,


9.10-9.15 - Physical education (according to the manager’s plan)

9.40 – 9.55- Mathematics Topic “Big Small” Goal:consolidate the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size, using the words “big”, “small”

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Examination of Illustrations about autumn.Goal: To promote the development of the ability to see changes in nature (leaves changed color, people put on warm clothes).

Compiling a retellingbased on illustrations for the fairy tales “Teremok” and “The Ryaba Hen”.

D/game “Which” - distinguish and name colors


for s/r game,

fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Ryaba Hen”.


Walk card No. 9 Observing the clouds in the skyPurpose: to introduce various natural phenomena, to give children knowledge that clouds fly where the wind blows,


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 2

Did. game “In the garden, in the vegetable garden...” Purpose:Develop the ability to form groups of homogeneous objects and isolate individual objects from them.

D/game “Show the picture” - distinguish details, reinforce correct pronunciation

Corner of educational games

"In the garden or in the vegetable garden"

Cut-out pictures on the theme of vegetables and fruits


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Role-playing game “Family”: game situation “Mom puts the children to bed.”

Objectives: To develop in children the ability to choose a role and perform several interrelated actions in the game

game “Do this - that” - listen to the end of the task, comprehend and complete it.

in the book corner


For independent activities,

s/r games,

substitute items


Outdoor game "Sun and Rain".Goal: Maintain interest in motor activities and a positive emotional mood.

Working with parents

Setting up a parent's corner autumn theme. “Golden Autumn” Remind that 19.09. at!7.00 Parent meeting.

Day of the week Wednesday date "19" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 1 FKGN “Scented soap.”

Target: teach, rinse off soap, know where your towel is. Conversation “What autumn gave us” Purpose:Expand children's understanding of the fact that vegetables and fruits are harvested in the fall, introduce them to the agricultural profession (tractor driver)

D/ game “Who came to us” - teach to recognize wild animals.

Pictures of wild animals.


9.40 -9. 55 - Music

10. 10 – 10.30 - Physical education (swimming pool).

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities “Find what I’ll say”Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to distinguish vegetables and fruits by description.Conversation about the benefits of vegetables and fruits

Goal: to give children knowledge that vegetables and fruits are not only tasty, but also very healthy

D/ game “Me and My Friend” - teach how to take care of a friend.

Didactic games

"Find what I'll say"

"Collect a picture"


Walk card number 10Observing seasonal changes in nature “What has changed?”

Goal: to promote the formation of the ability to focus attention on objects and phenomena, the ability to notice changes in the weather.

strengthen children's ability to jump on two legs while maintaining balance


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 2

Reading the Fairy Tale “Kolobok” by K. Ushinsky Purpose:develop the ability to listen to fairy tales, follow the plot, and empathize with the characters.

game “dress the doll” - self-service and helping others.


16 00-16 15. Drawing. Topic: “Let’s tie colored strings to the balls” Goal:developing the ability to hold a pencil correctly and draw straight lines from top to bottom; keep the lines steady

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Conversation: “What you can’t do at home” K#13

Goal: To give children knowledge that there can also be dangers at home, and tell them how to avoid them

Finger gymnastics, with objects.

A set of coloring pages for kids depicting fruits and vegetables.


Outdoor games “Fox in the hen house”. Goals:practice running, the ability to act on the teacher’s signal, and jump off the bench;

Working with parents

Organizational parent meeting “Four Year Crisis”.

Day of the week Thursday date "20" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 1FKGN “Dry sleeves”. Target:develop the ability to wash hands carefully, roll up sleeves, lather hands well and thoroughly wash off dirt. Conversation “Cars on our street”

Target: contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the rules of the road, tell that cars drive on the road, and pedestrians walk on the sidewalk.

D/ exercise “Guess what it sounds like” - sound pronunciation exercise.

"Such different leaves"

Small and large mosaic sets, cut-out pictures.


9.10-9.30 - Physical education (according to the manager’s plan)

10.00-10.15 - Speech development Topic: ZKR “sounds A, U. D\ and “Don’t be mistaken” Purpose: Practice correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds (isolated, in sound combinations).

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Looking at pictures of traffic rules

Target : contribute to the formation of ideas about the rules of behavior on the road, introduce road signs.

Didactic game “Find and name” Goal: help children unite in groups of 2-3 people to play together. Develop thinking and observation skills.

D / game “Do this - that” - listen to the end of the task, comprehend and complete

A set of demonstration pictures on traffic rules.


Walk card No. 11 Introduction to the pedestrian path - sidewalkGoals: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; develop attention and orientation skills in

D/ game “What color is the car, doll” - color, parts, bodies


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 2

Conversation “How to comfort the doll Nina”Goal: to promote the formation of children’s skills to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems, monitor the development of action, and empathize with the heroes of the work.

Articulation gymnastics “The bear stretches its lips.”


16.00-16.15 Modeling. Application. Theme “Sticks” Purpose:developing the ability to pinch off small lumps of clay and roll them between the palms.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Memorizing the nursery rhyme “Night has come.”

Objectives: To develop memory, to train children to expressively reproduce a short text by heart.

Finger gymnastics.

Attributes for theatrical activities,

nursery rhyme

"The night has come"



Outdoor games "Sparrows and a car."

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and spatial orientation.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “What a 3-4 year old child should be able to do.”

Day of the week Friday date "21" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 2 FKGN “We love to wash ourselves.”

Purpose: to promote the correct use of individual towels. Conversation No. Topic: “Dangerous situations: contacts with strangers on the street" Purpose:

D/ game “Water” - experience with objects and consolidation of memorization of nursery rhymes.

Didactic game “Find the same piece of paper.”

Objectives: To train children to distinguish the leaves of plants, to correlate

them with a certain tree


9. 10-9. 30 - Familiarization with the surrounding world “Vegetables from the garden.” Target: developing the ability to distinguish by appearance and taste and name vegetables.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Role-playing game "Bus".

Tasks : Contribute to the development of the plot of the game, teach children to take on familiar roles, and apply knowledge of the rules of polite communication. Introduce a new role - conductor

D/game “Cubes” - assemble a picture.

Didactic game "Magic Box".

Objectives: To train children to recognize objects by description and special features. Develop imagination and logical thinking.


Card No. 11 Observing the sky and the sun.

Objectives: To develop children's interest in natural phenomena, to develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships during observation.

D/ game “Wonderful Bag” to teach the difference between vegetables and fruits.


Educational activities in special moments

Reading: A. Barto “The Dirty Girl.” Tasks:Introduce children to poetry, teach them to understand the content of the work. Create a desire to be neat, practice comparing yourself with the image created by the poet.

D/ exercise “Seasons” - learn to determine the season and signs from a picture.

A. Barto “Dirty Girl”,

attributes for work


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Role-playing game “Family”: game situation “We have guests.”

Tasks : To consolidate children’s knowledge of tea utensils, to activate speech. To teach them to use in the game knowledge about the rules of behavior at the table, experience in communicating with guests. To cultivate friendliness and responsiveness

D/ game “The doll got sick” - teach empathy and care for the sick

Attributes for s/r game,

for theatrical play

leaves from different trees


Outdoor games “Dashing - catching up”. Target: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Working with parents

Day of the week Monday date "24" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 3 FKGN “I myself.” Target:strengthen the ability to independently remove shoes and clothes and put them in a closet.

Conversation Topic: “Dangerous situations: contacts with strangers on the street” Purpose:review and discuss typical dangerous situations possible contacts with strangers on the street, teach how to behave correctly in such situations.

D / game “Help feed the doll” - learn to name dishes and food products.

attributes for the role-playing game “Fruit Store”;


9.00-9. 20 - Physical education (Pool)

10.00 -10.15 - Music

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

A game based on the fairy tale "Turnip". Target: develop children’s ability to play independently with tabletop theater figures

- material for drawing (sculpting) vegetables and fruits;

- coloring pages and stencils of vegetables and fruits;


Walk card file No. 6 Observing the clouds Goals: to acquaint with various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water conditions in environment.

Development of dexterity and accuracy


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 3

Independent activity of children. Didactic game: “Match by color”Goal: to consolidate ideas about four colors. Learn to highlight colors, distracting from other features of the object.

D/game “Which” - distinguish and name colors

- illustrations and books about vegetables;

- models of vegetables, fruits


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Theatrical game based on the fairy tale: “Teremok”Goal: To develop children's interest in theatrical games, to help create a play environment.
Reinforce previously acquired knowledge about the work you read.

Finger gymnastics.

Attributes for theatricalization


Outdoor games: “Sun and rain.”Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

Working with parents

Suggest to parentsGo to the grocery store with your children and talk about vegetables and fruits.

Day of the weekTuesdaydate"25" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 3 FKGN “Clean nose”. Target:encourage in a timely manner, use a handkerchief, cultivate neatness and independence.Finger game“We chop and chop cabbage...”

Goal: to achieve expressiveness of movements, gestures, facial expressions. Give an idea about preparing vegetables for the winter.

Finger gymnastics.

Top up centers

board and printed games: lacing “Collect beads”; “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, “Mushrooms” - lotto, cut pictures


9.10- 9.15 - Physical education

9.40 – 9.55- Mathematics Purpose:Strengthening the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size, using the words “big” and “small”.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Situational conversation “Vitamins are important!” Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the vitamin content in fruits and vegetables, healthy way life; expand your horizons

D/game “Show the picture” - distinguish details, reinforce correct pronunciation.

Replenish the role-playing game “Fruit and Vegetable Store” with new items and dummies.


Walk card file No. 5 Looking at the flower bed

Goals: continue to teach to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, and pay attention to their coloring; cultivate a love for nature.

teach to maintain order in the kindergarten area.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 3 D/ Game “Masha drinks tea” Purpose:expand your vocabulary and improve your child’s speech skills.

D/game “Cubes” - assemble a picture.

Ball games, cars.


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

A dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip".

Didactic game: “Pick a color” Purpose: Develop memory, observation, attention, logic.

Memorizing “We lived with grandma...” Purpose: to develop children’s voluntary memory and pronunciation.

Printed board games of children's choice. Free drawing.


Outdoor games “Bird in the nest”.Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

Working with parents

Prepare vegetable salad and fruit salad, specifying the taste, color, shape and what else can be prepared from these vegetables and fruits.

Day of the weekWednesdaydate"26" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning exercises No. 3 FKGN "Behavior at the table."Purpose: to form cultural and hygienic self-service skills in children.Musical - didactic game"Bird and Chicks." Goal: to develop in children the ability to distinguish sounds in pitch and reproduce them with their voice.

Finger gymnastics"The bird drinks some water

Bring in hats - bird masks. Prepare equipment, recordings with the voices of birds, for listening.


9.40 -9. 55 - Music

10. 10 – 10.30 - Physical education (swimming pool).

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Didactic game"What is he doing?". Purpose: Examining illustrations depicting birds. Purpose: to promote the development of the ability to select verb forms, actions.Reading r.n.s. "The Fox and the Hare."

Game exercise “Little Flower” to develop the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

Musical instruments: metallophone, bell, musical triangle, etc.


Walk card file number 6 Watching the clouds

Goals: to acquaint with various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water conditions in the environment; develop a creative attitude to work.

Learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 3 Didactic games: “Guess what I play?” Target:Develop sustainable auditory attention, the ability to distinguish instruments by ear by their sound.

Exercise in distinguishing and comparing the size of objects

Equipment: Drum, tambourine, pipe, etc.


16 00-16 15. Drawing. “Beautiful stairs” Purpose:Forming in children the ability to draw lines from top to bottom, draw them straight, without stopping.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Role-playing game “A family trip to the forest.”Distribution of roles; changing roles during the game, the main role is assigned to the child. Goal: formation of role interaction: mother-daughter, mother-father, caring for the family.

D/ game “Me and My Friend” - teach how to take care of a friend.

Printed board games of children's choice. Free drawing. D/i “Wonderful bag” - determine the shape of objects by touch.


Outdoor games “Find your house.”Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

Working with parents

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of the weekThursdaydate"27" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 3 FKGN “Behavior at the table.” Target:teach children to sit correctly at the table and use cutlery.Presentationon the topic “Trees in autumn” Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the names and main parts of trees, to see their characteristic features.

Finger games.

Exhibition of books about trees and shrubs.


9. 10- 9. 30 - Physical education

10.00-10.15 - Development of speech “ZKR sound U” Purpose: exercises in clear articulation of sound (isolated sound combinations)

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Memorizing the poem “Falling Leaves” by I. Bunin.

Goal: develop the ability to understand and then reproduce the figurative language of a poem, read expressively by heart, cultivate a love of nature and trees

D/ game “Tracks” - one, many, counting to three.

Add the material needed for experimentation.


Card No. 7 Observation of the flora. Target: to form an idea of ​​the characteristics of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Improve your jumping skills.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 3

Didactic game“Find a leaf, like on a tree.”

Goal: to promote the development of children’s ability to classify

plants for a certain trait.

D/ game “Building a tower from cubes” - size, color.


Bring in samples of bark from various trees for examination.


16.00-16.15 Modeling. Application “Balls are rolling along the path” Purpose:introduce children to round objects. Encourage you to trace the shape along the contour with a finger of one hand or the other.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Reading Russian folk tale“Like a goat built a hut.”Goal: to instill a love for Russian folk tales.

D / game “Help the bear” - determine high - low, wide - narrow.

Bringing in a chest of cards.


Outdoor game: “One, two, three - run to the rowan tree.”Goal: to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

Working with parents

Summing up the results of the exhibition on the theme of the week “Colors of Autumn”: .Exhibition of photographs: “Children in the autumn forest”.

Day of the weekFridaydate"28" 09.2018 Topic of the week: "Autumn"


Organization of various activities

Individual work

Organization of subject-spatial development environment

Educational activities in special moments

Morning gymnastics No. 3 FKGN “Dressing and undressing.”

Target: strengthen the skills of unfastening and fastening Velcro fasteners.

Mini-conversationwith the children, we’ll tell Lesovich “What we know about autumn”

Goal: to form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature; develop components of oral speech.

D/ game “Tools for work” - teach to recognize objects for work.

Contribute books and illustrations on the theme “Autumn”.


9. 10-9. 30 - Familiarization with the outside world “what we do in kindergarten” Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the work of workers preschool– educators.

Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Didactic game for a walkLeaves big and small.

Purpose: to form sensory perception; research activities; develop playful communication.

Guessing riddles with children. Goal: practical mastery of speech norms; broadening one's horizons

D/ game “Harvest” - count to three.

Coloring pages and stencils on autumn theme for independent activities.


Observation "Autumn on the site."Goal: to make children want to find signs of autumn, to help them see the beauty of the autumn landscape.

learn quickly, act on a signal, navigate in space.


Educational activities in special moments

Invigorating gymnastics No. 3

Finger gymnastics “Hedgehog”Goal: perform movements in accordance with the content, achieve clear pronunciation of words.

D/game " Air balloons" - colors, shapes.

Insert a picture “Golden Autumn”. (From a series of paintings on speech development on the theme “Autumn”).


Joint activities in the process of organizing various activities

Mini-game “Who lives in the little house.” Target:interest children in making hat-mask decorations for role-playing games, ready-made shapes (circle, oval). Develop constructive activities and fine motor skills

D/game “Which” - distinguish and name colors

Albums “Mysteries of Autumn”, “Poems about Autumn”.


Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain” Purpose: to act on a signal, accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience.

Working with parents

Exhibition of group board and educational games, in accordance with age, program, design

Svetlana Sesilnikova
Calendar planning for every day (junior group)

Junior group No. 11

Wednesday "4" May 2016


Conversation:“And today we have a guest” introduce children to the matryoshka doll, involve children in role-playing interactions, and develop gaming skills.

Story-based role-playing game: plot "In the toy store" develop friendly interactions between children.

Individual workRepeat with children nursery rhymes and poems they know. Encourage children to repeat familiar texts after the teacher.

: Continue to develop the skills to correctly break off bread into small pieces on your own individual napkin, without crumbling it. Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread.

Canteen duty: Invite children to help an adult arrange individual napkins under plates.

Listening to music "Bird", music M. Rauchwerger, ate. A. Barto. To evoke an emotional response to music in children, to teach them to sing along, listening to the voice of an adult, and to take their breath correctly. Develop auditory perception, modal sense

OOD: Speech development map no.

OOD: Physical Culture By physical plan. instructor


Observing objects and not alive nature: Observing the sky - teach children to note that the sky is blue, white clouds slowly float across it.

activity:learning to compare objects by size. Strengthen children’s ability to distinguish objects by size and compare them different ways. Learn to convey the results of comparison in speech, form the grammatical structure of speech.

Individual work:. Didactic game "More less". Exercise children in distinguishing and comparing objects by size, continue to familiarize them with various methods of comparison, teach them to use familiar methods.

Story-based role-playing game:“Let’s dress Katya doll for a walk” help children remember the sequence of dressing and undressing, teach children to hang and fold clothes neatly, encourage them to use the names of items of clothing in speech.

Forming the foundations of security (Safety of one's own life): To form children’s understanding of safety rules during games: do not push each other, do not grab each other’s clothes, etc.

children: Construction games material: "Houses for nesting dolls", learn to create buildings of different sizes and play with the buildings.

Labor education: encourage children to collect toys after a walk, put them back in their place

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during lunch and getting ready for bed): Continue to develop skills in using a fork, after finishing a meal, place the fork on the edge of the plate; undress and put things away on your own.

2nd half of the day

Gymnastics-awakening. Complex No. 2. Hardening procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Independent play activity children: offer games in development corners based on children’s interests.

Theatrical activities:exercise "Geese".Teach children to convey the peculiarities of an animal’s movement, its characteristic actions, and imitate its voice. Develop imagination and creativity.


environment:digging up the garden. Expand children's understanding of seasonal work in the garden, tell them about the purpose of this operation. To form primary ideas about the work of adults, its meaning in life each person.

Independent play activity children: offer children games with sports equipment.

Outdoor game:"Hit the target".Teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, navigate in space, and act on the teacher’s command. Develop gross motor skills of the hands, eye, and increase joint mobility.

Individual work: learning to compare objects by size. Strengthen children's ability to distinguish objects by size and compare them in various ways. Learn to convey the results of comparison in speech, form the grammatical structure of speech.

Evening. Work in group.

Didactic games: Didactic game "Count - ka"- Intensify speech and clarify concepts "a lot of", "one", "no one".

Reading fiction literature:Reading fiction. "In the toy store" Ch. Yancharsky, translation from Polish by V. Prikhodko. Teach children to listen and perceive a literary work.

Story-based role-playing game:"Family": plot "Preparation for the holiday".To develop in children the ability to act within a certain plot, choose game actions, interact with other participants in the game, and take their interests into account. Encourage children to use it in play personal experience, singing songs, telling poems.


Individual work:Formation of friendly relationships between children

Interaction with parents pupils: Recommendations for parents "Children's clothing according to the season"

Junior group No. 9

Thursday "5" May 2016


Conversation, speech situation:“What are toys for?”.clarify ideas about what toys are needed for.

Story-based role-playing game: "Kindergarten": plot «» . Help children build a unified plot and combine game actions. Learn to reflect actions with objects and human relationships in play.

Individual work: Didactic game "Who hid where". Teach children to correctly use spatial prepositions in speech "under", "above", "behind", "V", correctly construct speech structures. Develop the grammatical structure of speech, learn to act in accordance with the game task.

Morning exercises. Complex No. 1

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during washing and breakfast): Gaming situation: "Clean hands"- continue to develop children’s ability to properly wash and dry their hands with a towel, and rinse their mouths after eating.

Canteen duty: Teach children to place spoons carefully and perform their duties accurately. Form primary ideas about the role of work in people’s lives

Breathing exercises: "Geese", "Pump"- help strengthen the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs.

Organized educational activities

OOD: Cognition-FCKM card No.


Observation of wildlife objects. Observation: insects in spring. Teach children to distinguish between representatives of different groups(beetles, butterflies, ants, identify similarities and differences, correctly name the body parts of insects. Introduce interesting facts, features of the life activity of various insects. Develop cognitive interest, enrich children's vocabulary.

Outdoor games:

1-s subgroup(with running)- "Run to the flag". Exercise children in running, promote the development of functional systems of the body, teach them to quickly respond to a signal.

2 – with all group(by climbing)"Mice in the pantry"- Introduce the rules of the game, develop skills in pronouncing text, develop flexibility and dexterity.

Informative - research activities (sensory development, d\i): "Wonderful bag"- continue to develop children’s skills to determine the shape of an object by touch.

Individual work. practice throwing at a distance with the right and left hand, develop the eye, cultivate the desire to perform the exercises

Plot-role-playing gamePlot "Food block".Expand children’s understanding of the work of a cook, update their knowledge of the names of kitchen utensils. Enrich the gaming experience of children, promote the emergence of games based on scenes from the surrounding life.

Independent play activity children: Teach children to find activities of interest, to unite in pairs, microgroups.

: "Baby in the Street"- looking at the illustration of the road. Build skills in children safe behavior on the road, clearly demonstrate the essence of the basic rules for crossing the street. Continue learning to recognize traffic lights

Labor education: cleaning the site. Organize an inspection of the site by children and discuss what needs to be put in order. To form a conscious attitude towards order, to support children’s desire to be useful.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills : We continue to build skills correct behavior– wash your hands thoroughly before eating, do not jostle, and carefully place things on high chairs before going to bed.

2nd half of the day

Gymnastics-awakening. Complex No. 1. Hardening procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Independent play activity children: offer children games with the designer.

To develop children’s skills in putting the construction set in a special container and putting it on the shelf after playing. Cultivate a conscious attitude towards order and the desire to maintain it.

Entertainment:fairy tale "Masha and the Bear". To form in children the desire to improvise based on a familiar fairy tale, teach them to convey the emotional state of the characters, develop the desire to imitate movements, and perform in front of their peers.

Organized educational activities

OOD: Physical culture by physical plan. instructor


Observations of nearby objects environment: Birdwatching. Teach children to compare birds by size, color, plumage, and write a short story. Supplement children's knowledge about various types birds.

Independent play activity children: Invite the children to clean up the veranda. To support children’s desire to be useful, to be independent, to teach them to see and enjoy the results of their work

Outdoor game: "Sparrows and the cat". To help improve children's performance of the main type of movement - running, to teach them to maintain cross-coordination of the movements of their arms and legs.

Individual work:.Jumping on two legs while moving forward. Learn to push off and maintain balance.

Evening. Work in group.

Structurally – modular activity: Construction games material: construction of buildings of children's choosing. To promote the development of playful actions with building materials, imagination, and creativity in children. Encourage them to play with buildings.

Reading fiction literature: poems by A. Barto "Toys"-To instill in children a love for the artistic word, to develop memory and attention.

Story-based role-playing game "Family": conversation on the topic "My family"; looking at family albums; drawing on a theme "My house". Continue to form children’s ideas about family, teach them to name family members correctly. Cultivate a kind attitude towards loved ones, a sense of pride in the good deeds of loved ones. Enrich children's gaming experience.

Independent play activities for children in corners development: To promote the organization of children’s games with large building materials, favorite toys, to teach how to negotiate interactions.

Individual work:exercise “A girl is a bow, a boy is a button”. To develop self-service skills in children, strengthen the ability to lace up shoes, fasten buttons on a shirt, and tie bows on pigtails. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Interaction with parents pupils: Rules of behavior in public transport

Junior group No. 11

Friday "6" May 2016


Board games:. Laces, Lotto, Dienesh Blocks - develop memory, attention, perseverance of children and fine motor skills of fingers

Story-based role-playing game:plot "Mom goes to the beauty salon".Teach children to take on a role and act consistently within the framework of a single plot. Develop a dialogical form of speech and empathy.

Individual work:Didactic game "A toy shop". Teach children to write short descriptive stories about toys and answer the question about why they like this toy. Develop connected speech.

Morning exercises. Complex No. 1

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during washing and breakfast): Continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them how to use soap correctly, wash their hands after visiting the toilet, walking, before eating, etc.

Canteen duty: learning to set the table. Teach children to follow instructions containing two instructions (arrange cups and spoons). Foster responsibility, hard work, and encourage the desire to be useful.

Finger games: "Kids", "Family"- promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Organized educational activities

OOD: Artistic creativity - drawing card no.

OOD: Physical culture in the air.


Observation of non-living objects. Observation, story telling "What is the weather today?" Teach children to distinguish the nature of the weather, select appropriate definitions (clear, cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy, name natural phenomena. Develop coherent speech, observation, cognitive interest.

Outdoor games: 1-s subgroup: "Get in the circle" (with a small ball)– to develop children’s skills in throwing a ball into a hoop. Develop eye and accuracy

2-s subgroup(for orientation)"Find your flag" develop skills to navigate in space. Cultivate interest in the game.

Round dance game "Spiderbug". Teach children to perform game actions, expressively convey the movements of the character in the round dance game. Develop emotional responsiveness to music.

Cognitive - research activity:

Individual work:exercise "My Shoes".Formate self-service skills in children and a conscious attitude to order. Learn to crumple shoes yourself, untie laces, unfasten Velcro and fasteners on shoes, and carefully place shoes on a shelf.

Story-based role-playing game: "Shop"- plot "toy department"- Continue to develop the ability to adhere to the plot during the game, to promote the development of game actions. Teach children to build interaction with peers, play together, and take into account the wishes of their comrades.

Forming the foundations of security: Game situation "Be careful and careful"- develop skills for safe movement indoors (carefully go down the stairs, holding on to the railings, open and close doors, holding on to door handle etc.)

Independent play activities of children. sand games Develop fine motor skills and tactile mnemonic sensitivity. Contribute to stabilization emotional state, prevention of nervous tension

Labor education:planting peas. Expand children’s understanding of labor operations carried out when growing cultivated plants, teach them to place pea seeds in a hole prepared by the teacher, and develop appropriate labor skills

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during lunch and getting ready for bed): to develop skills in children to maintain posture at the table, rinse their mouths after eating, and undress independently.

2nd half of the day

Gymnastics-awakening. Complex no. Hardening procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Independent play activity children: invite children to look at books and albums in the reading corner.

Use of TCO: "Seasons". Enrich children's understanding of natural phenomena characteristic of spring, teach them to name them correctly. Activate the vocabulary on this topic, form the grammatical structure of speech.


Observations of objects in the immediate environment. herbaceous plants in May. Teach children to distinguish herbaceous plants, introduce some types of herbs. Discuss with children how grass benefits people and animals

Independent play activity children: offer children games in development corners based on their interests.

Outdoor game:"Catch a mosquito". Help children improve their basic movements and teach them how to correctly jump on two legs. Develop leg and back muscles, reaction speed.

Individual work: Writing a story about spring. Teach children to answer questions in detail and make a sentence of 2-3 words. Activate vocabulary on the topic "Spring", develop coherent speech.

Evening. Work in group.

Structurally – modular activity: Construction games material: building a toy store - Teach children to carry out three-dimensional construction collectively, to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players. Develop the ability to play around with a building.

Reading fiction literature: Reading a Russian folk nursery rhyme "There are three chickens on the street". Continue to introduce children to the culture of the Russian people and develop interest in it. Learn to expressively repeat the lines of a nursery rhyme after the teacher.

Story-based role-playing game: plot “We are buying a dress for our daughter”.Teach children to take on a certain role, encourage them to use substitute objects in games. Encourage children to use personal experience in play and develop a dialogical form of speech.

Independent play activities for children in corners development: offer children printed board games.

Individual work: Didactic game "Tell me how much".Consolidate children's understanding of categories "a lot of", "one", practice using them in speech. Teach children to find one or several similar objects in the environment.

Interaction with parents pupils: Conversation with children's parents about the availability of handkerchiefs