
Lesson on traffic rules on the topic of ecological transport. Synopsis of a cognitively integrated lesson on traffic rules on the topic “Ecological transport. Musical material, phonograms


Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules for older preschoolers

Summary of the lesson: “Traveling by the rules traffic»

for older preschool children

Target: reinforcing children's knowledge of the rules of the road.
Tasks: -expand knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, in transport;
- fix the name and purpose of road signs;
- educate a responsible attitude to their safety on the street;
-enrich active vocabulary;
- improve motor skills;
- develop flexibility, coordination of movements;
- contribute to the formation of positive emotions from joint games.
Materials: costumes: cat Leopold, two mice; cards with modes of transport; road signs; ball; carpet "pedestrian crossing"; cars big size; two traffic lights; two racks; two cars tied with a rope to a pencil.
The venue is a music or sports hall.

Lesson progress:
Leading: Dear Guys! Today we are going on an extraordinary journey according to the rules of the road. On our way there will be several stops, where we are waiting for difficult tasks. But before you set off, tell me what kind of transport you can travel on? (children's answers)
- Right. Let's warm up before a long trip.

Game: "What's where?"(Children are offered three cards on which: a cloud, two straight lines-the road, and two wavy lines. The host shows the card, and the children name the transport and the type to which it belongs. For example: card "cloud" - plane - air mode of transport )

Leading:-Let's hit the road.

First station: "City of pedestrians"

Ball game: "Continue the phrase" Children stand in a circle. The host throws the ball and asks a question, the child answers and returns the ball.
-On the way to who is going? (pedestrian) -What is going on the road? (cars) -Where are we waiting for the bus? (at the bus stop) -Who drives the bus? (driver) -Where do we cross the road? (at the pedestrian crossing) -Where do we play? (at the playground) -How many eyes does the traffic light have? (three) -If the red eye is on, then what is it about says? (the path is closed) -What does the green say? (the path is open) Leading:-Well done! All questions were answered correctly.

Music sounds. The cat Leopold enters the hall.
Leopold: - Hello guys! I'm going to school of road sciences, I want to learn traffic rules. And you, what are you doing here?
Leading:- And we just repeat the traffic rules. Stay with us, we will tell you everything we know.
Leopold: - Are you familiar with road signs?

Leading:- Yes.
Leopold: - It's good. I have road signs in my portfolio, but I don't know what they mean.

Mice run into the hall, take the briefcase and run away.
They look out from behind the door and shout: - Leopold, come out! Come out, you filthy coward!
Leopold: (grabbing his head) - Those mice again. Oh, and my briefcase was stolen. Now I'll catch up with them! (cat runs away)
Mice appear in the center of the hall with a briefcase. They shake the briefcase, try it on the “tooth”, shake it out and say disappointedly:

I mouse: -Nothing interesting!
II mouse: - And nothing delicious!
The cat Leopold appears.
I mouse: - Forgive us Leopold!
II mouse: Leopold, I'm sorry!
Leopold: -Let's live in peace!
Mice: -What are you all doing here?
Leopold: -We repeat the rules of the road, which you, of course, do not know!
Mice: -We all know!
Leopold: -I doubt!
Leading:-Let's check it out. Tell me, dear mice, how to cross the road?
I mouse: -How how? Of course crawl on all fours!
II mouse: - No, quickly run across so that the car does not notice!
Mouse: - No, crawl!
II mouse: - No, run!
Leading:-Do not quarrel! Guys, help the mice. (Children's answers)
Why do we need pedestrian and underground passages?
- Well, how should you behave when you get off public transport?
Mice: - Well, is it easy to crawl between the wheels of the bus?
Leading:-Guys, is it possible to do this? (Children's answers)
-What else should we pay attention to when approaching the transition? (at traffic lights)
-Have you heard anything about the traffic light?
Mice: -Certainly.
Leading: At what traffic light should you cross the street?
I mouse: -I like red. I'll go for red!
II mouse: - And I don’t like any, so I won’t even look at the traffic light.

Leading: Let's continue our journey.

The next station is "Svetoforiya". There you will find out everything.
I child: At any intersection,
We are met by a traffic light
And it starts very easily
Talk to a pedestrian.
II child: Green light - come in,
Yellow better wait.
If the light turns red
So it's dangerous to move!

Leading:- Well, remember what traffic signal you need to cross the road. - Then let's play.
Music game: "Musical traffic light" music by E. Komalkova, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov (collection "We play and dance" 1992) In the hall, two traffic lights are installed opposite each other, with a footpath between them. Two groups of children are standing at a traffic light. To the music of "Merry Pedestrians", children-pedestrians cross the road along a zebra. The traffic lights are green. To the music of "Cars", child drivers drive cars along the carriageway. The traffic lights are red. The winner is the team (drivers or pedestrians) that closely follows the music and traffic lights.

Leading:- Guys, what else is very important we didn't tell our guests? What do we see every day along the roads? (road signs) -That's right, these are road signs. And how do they differ from each other? (color, shape) And what are the road signs? (prohibiting, warning, prescriptive and indicative)

Our next station: "Road Signs".
Leopold:- I have a lot of different signs in my portfolio. Only I don't know anything about them.

Leading:- We will play with them now. (Leopold lays out all the signs on the canvas so that they are visible to the children. The leader reads poems, and the children find the corresponding sign, call it and determine the group) 1. “Pedestrian crossing” -Here is a ground crossing,
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pedestrian, pass!
2. "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited" - In the rain, and in clear weather
Pedestrians don't walk here
One sign tells them:
You are not allowed to walk!
3. "Pedestrian crossing" - Pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
underground, ground,
Know that only the transition
Will save you from cars!
4. "Place of a stop of passenger transport" - In this place the pedestrian,
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.
5. "Hospital" - If you need to be treated,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One hundred serious doctors
They will tell you: "Be healthy!"

Leading:-Now Leopold you know what the signs in your briefcase are called. And our journey comes to an end.

The last station left: "Road relay" , here we are waiting for interesting games.

I game: "Nimble drivers"(Two teams of players need to guide the car by the rope between the posts without knocking them down.)

II game: "Fast drivers"(to the rope, middle length a typewriter is tied at one end, and a pencil at the other. Team members need to wind a rope with a typewriter around a pencil as quickly as possible.)

Leading:-So our journey to the country of traffic rules ended. You proved to be competent, knowledgeable pedestrians. And I want to remind you guys again:
Be careful all the time
And remember ahead:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

District competition

teaching materials



St. Petersburg


"School of Pedestrian Sciences".




preliminary work

Members: children, educators.

Materials and equipment

Leisure progress:

There are two teams in the hall.


Team Zebra.


Zebra - skillful team

Smart, strong, brave!

Hurry up to compete with us

We are adults, not kids.

Team "Motorists" .


We are motorists

Don't stand in the way

Our team is always ahead!




Where should pedestrians walk?

Questions for the Zebra team.

Where should cars drive?

What is an intersection?

Jury word.

Leading: On a noisy street always

Friends welcome you around!

What are these friends?



Pinocchio: No, why do I need them.




Jury word.




Jury word.




He does not go, does not go,

Don't hold on - it will fall

And put the pedals in motion -

He will push you forward.


Strong man on four legs.

In rubber boots

straight from the store

Brought to the piano.


The house on the street goes

It takes everyone to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


A wagon rolls along the rails

There are armchairs inside

People are sitting in chairs.

Such a car, remember

It's called...


I will believe with a long neck -

I will pick up a heavy load.

Where they order, I will put

I serve the man.


Hey, stay out of the way!

Alarm car rushes

Why is she in such a hurry?

What do you mean why? Extinguish the fire!

(fire engine).

Jury word.

Children's answers.

Jury word.

Jury word.


We push with one foot

We stand with the other foot.

And we roll very fast.

Practically we are flying.


The sixth competition "Scooters".

Jury word.


Pinocchio A: I know, on cows.


Children: On horseback.

Presenter: Right.

Jury word.



Children: Yes.


Children: No.


Children: Yes.


Children: No.


Children: Yes.


State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 69 with priority implementation of activities for physical development children

Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

District competition

teaching materials

on the prevention of child road traffic injuries among children of preschool and school age


"Organizational-mass work

(cultural and leisure activities)"

literary script (competition games).


St. Petersburg


From year to year in our city and in our country the number of motor transport increases. City streets with a stream of moving cars require good orientation from children, and orientation is formed in the process of practical activities. The rapid development of road transport, the increase in traffic intensity puts forward a serious task - ensuring the safety of children. According to statistics, every tenth victim of a traffic accident is a child. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something unusual, he finds himself on the street in dangerous situations, especially in the summer. That's why already in preschool age Children need to be taught how to navigate their surroundings. This is all the more important for a future student to know, since he has to overcome the path from home to school and back. In the prevention of a traffic accident with children important role plays the work of the preschool educational institution to explain to children the rules of the road and inculcate the skills of disciplined, cultural behavior on the streets and roads. After all, it is difficult for a child to understand what a stopping distance, driver reaction time or traffic flow is. Children often suffer from a lack of understanding of the danger posed by a car. Program development of preschool children are taught the rules of the road from the first junior group. The work plan of educators included such forms of work with children according to the rules of the road, such as excursions, observations, conversations, looking at pictures, reading works, memorizing poems, various didactic and role-playing games. Starting from the first junior group in our kindergarten, work is underway to familiarize children with various types transport, education in children the ability to behave on the street and the carriageway. Children with early age attracts the diversity of the environment: houses, streets, vehicles moving along them. Observation of the life of the street in itself does not provide the formation of correct ideas about the rules of the road. It is difficult for children to learn the alphabet of traffic on their own, to understand the change of traffic lights, to understand their meaning. This made it timely to start teaching children the rules of behavior on the street. Compliance with the rules is the result of upbringing. The rules of the road require the child to be oriented in space and to respond correctly to changes in the environment.

An important role in familiarizing children with the rules of the road is played by the close relationship of our preschool educational institution with parents. Educators do a lot of work on the rules of the road with parents, acquaint them with program requirements, involve them in the production of material for classes, games, and various tasks with children. Various consultations are held with parents in groups on the rules of the road, visual and information stands on this topic are made out in the parent's corners. Every year, parents are surveyed, holidays, quizzes with parents.

The scenario of the event according to the rules of the road for children of senior preschool age.

"School of Pedestrian Sciences".


To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, types of vehicles, road signs, types of crossings, traffic signals;

To instill a sense of responsibility and careful behavior on the streets.

Encourage children to perform basic movements.

Develop agility, strength, speed of movement.


- Assimilation by preschoolers of initial knowledge about the rules safe behavior on the street.

Formation in children of qualitatively new motor skills and vigilant perception of the environment.

Developing foresight in children possible danger in a specific changing situation and building adequate safe behavior.

preliminary work: excursions to traffic lights, crossroads, board didactic games.

Members: children, educators.

Materials and equipment: road signs, hoops, benches, skipping ropes, scooters, horses.

Leisure progress:

There are two teams in the hall.

Leading: Hello, friends! Dear parents, children and guests! Today is a big and interesting day in our hall! We are starting our fun game- a quiz with elements of a competition according to the rules of the road. Let's welcome the heroes of our game.

Team Zebra.


Zebra - skillful team

Smart, strong, brave!

Hurry up to compete with us

We are adults, not kids.

Team "Motorists" .


We are motorists

Don't stand in the way

Our team is always ahead!

caregiver: Guys, listen carefully to the conditions of the game: for each correct answer, the participants will receive a flag, the team that collects the largest number flags. And our jury will judge you.

caregiver: Before we start playing, we need to do a warm-up.

Warm-up to the music of E. Kardash "Bi-bi-bi, bibika."

Leading: Guys, today we will play with you, compete, perform interesting tasks according to the rules of the road. Everyone must clearly know and follow the rules of the road, both adults and children.

The first competition is called "Question - Answer".

Questions to the "Motorists" team.

Who is a "pedestrian"? (“pedestrian” is a person walking on foot).

Where should pedestrians walk?

Where and how to cross the street?

How is traffic regulated on the street?

Questions for the Zebra team.

Who is a "passenger"? ("passenger" is a person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle).

Where should cars drive?

What is an intersection?

How is a pedestrian crossing on the roadway marked?

Jury word.

Physical culture minute "Traffic light" (game for attention).

Each traffic light signal indicates a certain movement, as soon as the guys see the signal, they perform this movement (red - we stand, yellow - we go, green - we run).

Leading: On a noisy street always

Friends welcome you around!

What are these friends?

(Pinocchio runs in to the music, pounding on his chest).

Pinocchio. I am your best friend! This is a mystery about me.

presenter: No, Pinocchio, the riddle was about road signs. Do you know the name of the road signs?

Pinocchio: No, why do I need them.

Presenter: Road signs are needed in order to know where to cross the road, so as not to get hit by a car.

Pinocchio: I don't want to get hit by a car, teach me the rules of behavior on the road. I have road signs in my purse that I took off on the way, tell me about them.

Presenter: Of course, we will teach, dear Pinocchio. Sit down and watch.

The second competition "Road signs".

There are road signs on the floor, the "Motorists" team needs to collect the "Prohibition signs" in the red hoop, and the "Zebra" team in the blue "Warning signs" hoop. Each team names a road sign and what it means.

Jury word.

Leading: You see, Pinocchio, what road signs we know. Do you know, Pinocchio, what is the safest crossing?

Pinocchio: Air, flew and no one will bring you down.

Presenter: No, the underpass (shows the sign of the underpass).

The third competition "Underground passage».

Each team must go through an obstacle course: bench - overhead crossing, arc - underpass, jump rope - pedestrian crossing (traffic signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing", "Elevated crossing" are placed).

Children perform an obstacle course one after another in a streaming way.

Jury word.

presenter: Pinocchio, do you know riddles about transport?

Pinocchio: Of course I know. Here, for example: You go quieter - you will continue.

Presenter: Well done, but this is not a riddle, but a proverb. Sit and listen.

The fourth riddle competition "Modes of transport".

Each team is given a riddle about the vehicle, which, after listening carefully, name this vehicle.

He does not go, does not go,

Don't hold on - it will fall

And put the pedals in motion -

He will push you forward.


Strong man on four legs.

In rubber boots

straight from the store

Brought to the piano.


The house on the street goes

It takes everyone to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


Ding - ding - ding. What's the call?

A wagon rolls along the rails

There are armchairs inside

People are sitting in chairs.

Such a car, remember

It's called...


I will believe with a long neck -

I will pick up a heavy load.

Where they order, I will put

I serve the man.


Hey, stay out of the way!

Alarm car rushes

Why is she in such a hurry?

What do you mean why? Extinguish the fire!

(fire engine).

Jury word.

Host: Well done guys. And if the transport breaks down, what will we do?

Children's answers.

Jury word.

Fifth competition "Auto repair shop".

3 people from the team must run to the hoop and collect the picture "Transport" from large puzzles in it.

Jury word.

Pinocchio: And I also have transport, and guess which one.

We push with one foot

We stand with the other foot.

And we roll very fast.

Practically we are flying.

Pinocchio: What good fellows children! Right.

The sixth competition "Scooters".

Each team must ride a scooter, avoiding road signs.

Jury word.

Presenter: Do you guys know how people used to drive when there were no cars.

Pinocchio A: I know, on cows.

presenter: And they could ride. Children, can you tell Pinocchio, what people used to drive when there were no cars?

Children: On horseback.

Presenter: Right.

Seventh competition "Horse racing".

Each team, one child on a signal, runs to the counter, picks up one passenger at a stop on the way, returns back and drops off the passenger where they were picked up. Passed on to the next participant.

Jury word.

Pinocchio: What good fellows you guys are! Guys, I want to play the yes or no game with you. I will ask questions, and you answer "Yes" or "No".

Pinocchio: Fast in the city is a very ride. Do you know the rules of the movement?

Children: Yes.

Pinocchio: There is a red light at the traffic light. Can you walk across the street?

Children: No.

Pinocchio: Well, the green light is on, then you can go across the street?

Children: Yes.

Pinocchio: I got on the tram without taking a ticket. Traffic light: Is this how it's supposed to be done?

Children: No.

Pinocchio: The old woman is very advanced years. Will you give her a seat?

Children: Yes.

Pinocchio: Well done boys. I have learned so much from you, now I know the rules of the road, I know road signs, transport. I'll go and tell my friend Pierrot. Thank you, goodbye.

Host: And now I give the floor to the jury. (The results are summed up, the participants are awarded). And so our holiday ended.

Dance of all participants "Cars".

The song "Cars, literally flooded everything."

Scenario entertainment according to traffic rules
"Traffic City"
(general event)



Host, Dunno, Znayka, DPS Inspector, Traffic Light.


Cars, Road signs.

Target: Strengthening the ability to use the rules of the road in various practical situations.
To develop the ability to behave correctly on the road;
Develop speed and agility;
To consolidate knowledge about transport, traffic lights, knowledge about road signs;
Continue to acquaint children with the work of traffic police officers;

a tape recorder, road signs, a model of a pedestrian crossing, “car” suits, hoops, cards.


Leading . Guys, today we met to talk about a very important topic - the rules of conduct on the road. Our Kindergarten located next to the main road and there is always a busy traffic on it.

Riddles on modes of transport:
1. So that he takes you,
He will not ask for oats.
Feed him gasoline
Give rubber to the hooves.
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ... (car).

2. What is a miracle light house?
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.(Bus)

3. This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it!
Just better drive!(Bike)

4.These strong machines
They ride on big tires.
They carry a variety of goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.(Trucks)

Leading: And in order not to get into trouble, guys, you need to know the rules. Today we will go to an unusual city - the city of traffic rules! What transport do we use?

iron huts
Attached to each other.
One of them with a pipe
Leads everyone along.(Train)

That's right, we'll take the train. But for this you need to buy tickets.

Children go to an impromptu ticket office, buy train tickets in the form of small traffic lights.

Leading: So, does everyone have tickets? Then go!

Children line up one after another as a train and move in a circle with a stomping step.The song "Train" is performed,words by T. Babajan, music by N. Metlov.

Leading. Here we are!

Invites the children to get off the train, draws their attention to the roads of the town, to the traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc. Suddenly, the sound of a car engine is heard, music sounds, Dunno runs into the hall. He has a steering wheel in his hands, and on his chest is a planar image of the car's cab.

Who am I? Well, guess what!
What is my name?

Children . Dunno.

I got a car
I will ride in it, friends!

Music sounds, Dunno "rides" in his car in a circle. At this time, Znayka enters the hall.

Znayka . Hello guys! Welcome to our city! (Notices Dunno.) Oh, Dunno, are you here? Hi!

Dunno . Hi! Look at my car! Is it really beautiful? Come on, sit down with me, I'll ride with the breeze!

Znayka . Dunno, are you familiar with the rules of the road? After all, this is the alphabet of our city!

Dunno . Think what kind of teacher you found! I can do without this alphabet!

What are you, a stranger!
After all, the city in which we live with you,
You can rightfully compare with the primer!
Here it is, the alphabet, - above the head:
Signs are posted along the pavement.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you!

Dunno . Well, here's more! I already know everything! Last time I ask, will you come with me?

Znayka. No, I won't go!

Dunno . Well, it is not necessary! I'll go alone.(Starts engine.)

Music sounds, Dunno rides in his car, and a traffic light comes out in the middle of the hall, blocking his path. He holds a red card in his hands.

Stop, stranger!
There is no road ahead!
Look at the traffic light
The red light is on!

Dunno . How is it that there is no road? Where did she go? All these colored lights - e-run-yes!

Approaches the traffic light. A traffic light blows its whistle to warn of danger.

Traffic lights.
Stop, car! Stop, engine!
Slow down, driver!
The red eye is on fire
This is a traffic light!
I let on a formidable look,
I forbid you to go further!

Dunno. Think you can't! I want to run red lights!

Leading . Ai-yay-yay, Dunno! It turns out that you do not know the rules of the road at all!

Dunno. So what if I don't know? There is nothing terrible in this!

Leading . You're wrong! Listen to what the guys have to say!

Rule #1:
Here blinked at a traffic light
Top, red light.
Suddenly the cars started
There is no pedestrian access.

Rule #2:
And behind the red yellow eye -
There is no movement now.
Get ready for the journey!
Go green!

Rule #3:
Glory stands by the road
Looking left, looking right
No, cars! The path is open!
Jump her, hurry up.

Rule #4:
What is a transition
Every cat knows this.
Respect these signs
Even cats and dogs!

Rule #5:
Why do you have stripes?
Someone just dabbled?
striped markings
A zebra is aptly named.

Rule #6:
Road rules
It's not hard to learn them.
You strictly follow them
Never break!

Thanks guys! I understood everything, I remembered everything!
Follow the simple law:
The red light came on

Children (in chorus). Stop!

Dunno . Yellow flashed -

Children (in chorus). Wait!

Dunno . And the green light

Children (in chorus). Go!

Well done, stranger! Well done boys!

Dunno . Well, since we have become well versed in traffic light signs, then I suggest you play! Bi-bi-bi-i! All for cars!

Adults help children put on car costumes, hand out steering wheels. The game is being played"Cars and traffic lights".

Cheerful music sounds, children-"cars" drive along the road, at the same time carefully follow the instructions of the traffic light. Red card - and the "cars" stop; yellow card - they circle in place with a stomping step; green card - move on. Those "machines" that made a mistake are out of the game. The winner, the most attentive driver, makes a lap of honor to the general applause.

The traffic police inspector enters.

Hello my friends!
Did you hear my whistle?
You are a traffic inspector
Did you know everything right away?
Day and night
In the heat and in the cold
On the road for a long time
We honestly serve pedestrians -
Me, my rod and traffic light.
We regulate the movement
We are subject to the driver,
But you, unfortunately,
We are not always happy!
They teach you at school and at home
Be careful on the way
Are you familiar with the signs?

Now I will ask you questions, and you answer me. If you agree with me, then speak in unison: "It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!”Well, if you do not agree, then just be silent. Deal? Then attention!

Which one of you is moving forward?
Where is the transition?

Children (in chorus).

Who flies forward so soon
What does not see a traffic light? The children are silent.

Which of you, going home,
Keeps the path on the pavement? Children are silent

Who knows that the red light -
Does that mean there is no move?

Children (in chorus). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.

Inspector: Well done boys! They answered well and correctly!
Our faithful friends - road signs - will always give the right advice and warn of danger. Signs are silent guardians of order, they have different shape and painted in bright colors.
And you, Dunno, do you know the traffic signs?

Stranger: And how! (thinking lists)Question mark, exclamation mark, punctuation marks!

Inspector (whistles): Citizen! One minute! It's about road signs. And I see that you are not familiar with them! Get to know our signs.

Children dressed as traffic signs come forward.

We are road signs!
It's easy to remember
What each of us says!

"Transition sign."
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Do you remember about the transition -
underground, ground,
Know that only the transition
Will save you from cars!

"Sign of the turn."
On two wheels I roll
I spin with two pedals,
I'm holding the wheel, I'm looking ahead
And I see - soon in the mouth!

Phone sign.
If Valya needs a doctor,
Or Galya is waiting for dinner,
Or you need to contact a friend -
The phone is at your service!

Sign "medical care."
Lena with Nastenka
in anxiety:
They need a doctor on the road.
Don't look sad
Help is near! The doctor is near!

Znayka: Remember them, Dunno!
Lots of signs! In any weather
Each of them is a true friend of the pedestrian.
Don't forget their meaning
If with a friend went on the road!

Traffic lights:
And to help you, my friend,
The path is dangerous
Here in the city the lights are on
Green, yellow, red!

How many signals does a traffic light have? (3) And now you need to collect traffic signals.

Relay "Collect a traffic light"
Children take turns “driving in cars”, collecting (2 pieces) a traffic light (circles made of cardboard of three colors, lying in hoops), bypassing obstacles - hoops. At the end of the game, children are praised.

Znayka: Do you know, Dunno... (children help answer)
1. How many wheels does a car have?(Four.)
2. How many people can ride one bike?(One.)
3. Who walks on the sidewalk?(A pedestrian.)
4. Who is driving the car?(Driver.)
5. What is the name of the intersection of two roads? ( Crossroads.)
6. What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules?(Accident or traffic accident.)
7. What is the top light at the traffic light?(Red.)
8. How many signals do you have pedestrian traffic light? (Two.)
9. How many signals does a traffic light have?(Three.)
10. What animal does the crosswalk look like?(On the zebra.)
11. What machines are equipped with special sound and light signals?("Ambulance", fire and police cars.)
12. What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? ( Wand.)
13. Where should I play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground.)

- Guys, I want to give you some good advice.
If there is no traffic light
Determine your own path
Look first to the left
And look to the right.
sidewalk for pedestrians,
And the road for cars
We are at any time of the year
We are all in a hurry.
Only haste is not the reason
To break laws
Let the cars pass first
And then we have to walk.

Flash mob "Observe traffic rules"

Traffic lights: . Well done boys! Remembered the basic rules of the road, learned the signs, traffic lights! And we will give you these books as a souvenir! They contain all the rules of the road.

Rules from this book
Need to know firsthand.
And not to teach them lightly,
But seriously, for sure!

Distribute books to children. Commemorative photo.

Inspector: It's time for us to go now.
Goodbye, kids!

Leading . And guys, it's time to go back!

Invites everyone to take their seats on the train again.Music sounds. Children leave the magical city of road signs.

Larisa Yanchenko
Synopsis of a cognitively integrated lesson on traffic rules on the topic "Ecological transport"

Synopsis of a cognitively integrated lesson according to traffic rules in preparatory group on the topic: « Ecological transport»

Program content: Expand the idea of ​​the bike, introduce with the rules of movement on it. Learn to distinguish road signs and name their purpose. Strengthen the ability to analyze possible dangerous situations from personal experience, to determine the places of games and cycling. Raise the desire to obey the rules of the road.

Material: slides on the topic; road signs; bicycle, scooter; split pictures, labyrinths, planar figures of a person and sets of clothes for them.

Methodological techniques: demonstration of an illustration on slides; showing methods of action; surprise moment; conversation; a game.

preliminary work:

looking at pictures "Bike"; walking observation; conversations with children from personal experience "How I Ride My Bike"; didactic game "Collect the road sign" reading fiction.

Lesson progress

That's so miracle-miracles.

Two moving wheels!

There are pedals under your feet

There is a saddle on a rigid frame.

I pedal.

I go where I want!: Bicycle.

Guys, our city is very beautiful and nature and people and movement. But sometimes the movement of cars can lead to accidents. To live safely, you need to learn and be able to behave correctly in various situations. We are still small, and we do not have the right to drive a car. Therefore, small cars are created for us, as well as bicycles and mopeds. It's no secret that all kids love cycling. Did you know that cycling has its own safety rules.

Enters the hall on a bicycle Dunno: “Hello guys, my friends from the Sunny City gave me a bike, but I don’t know where you can ride it?”

Guys, help Dunno? Can you tell me where cycling is allowed? (In the yard, on the sidewalk, on the side of the road).

Let's find out with you where cycling will be safer for children. I will show a picture of a cycling place, and you will name its characteristics.

yard (which)- clean, cheerful, noisy a lot of greenery, large, spacious, there is an asphalt path, on the sides of which the grass turns green in summer.

Sidewalk - Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk.

Roadside - there is a road nearby, along which cars drive, there is a lot of garbage on the side of the road, poor road surface, cars can be parked, people walking along the side of the road.

Conclusion - a safe place for cycling, a yard.

Dunno. I know that you can ride a bike, but how else can you use it?

Children. In sports, in the circus, to transport cargo, to go to work, to visit, to hike, etc.)

Who can ride a bike?

Children: adults and children.

Dunno. What else does a cyclist need to know?

On roads and paths

Signs strange ones stand

They want to tell us something.

Dunno: What other signs? And what are they talking about?

These are road signs! Let's look at them.

Pay attention to the shape, color of the sign, what is shown on it.

What do the red signs say?

Children: Red round sign - prohibits, red triangular sign -


What do the signs say of blue color?

Children: Signs in blue - allowed.

You can ride a bicycle in places where there is a special sign "Bicycle lane". And under the sign "Biking is prohibited" you can't go. (I show signs, putting them on the board).

I suggest you play didactic game "Collect the Sign". (Children collect signs from a set of cut cards, put together an image of a road sign from them and name it)

Dunno - How much I learned interesting and useful. And now I can safely go home.

Wait Dunno, your clothes are not suitable for cycling.

Dunno - Why doesn't it fit?

Children - Pants are very wide, can get caught in the chain.

We will help you pick out clothes.

Didactic game "Dress the cyclist".

paper dolls (boy and girl) you need to choose clothes that are comfortable and safe for cycling.

Dunno - Now I know how to dress when riding a bike. Guys, do you want to ride my bike? Then solve my problems.

Problem 1. Two bicycles rode on a wide and a narrow road. The adult bicycle was not riding on a narrow road. Which road was the child's bike on? What about an adult?

Task 2. Four boys went to ride bicycles through the streets of the city, one of them was 10 years old, the rest were 15 years old. How many kids got it right?

Task 3. Seven guys played ball on the roadway. Two went home. The rest stayed to play. How many kids got it right?

A game "Who quickly?" Bicycle competition.

Now show Dunno how to cross the road

A game "Cross the roadway"(Children show in turn, comment on them actions: you need to get off the bike and walk it along the pedestrian crossing, holding the steering wheel)

Well done! About what kind transport we talked today? Let's once again remind Dunno the rules of the road that cyclists must follow.

Dunno. - Thanks guys. I will be careful on the road and will not forget what you told me. See you soon!

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12", Plast


“Road, transport, pedestrian. Dangerous road"

lesson on traffic rules in the middle group

Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group

Topic: “Road, transport, pedestrian. Dangerous road"

educational task:

Teach children responsibility for road safety.

educational task:

Expand children's knowledge about road and the rules of movement on it; familiarity with the concept "slippery road» And "braking distances".

Development task:

Develop children's attention and interest in learning road

signs, develop children's speech.

Methodological techniques:

art word

The teacher's story

Phys. minute

surprise moment

Questions for children

Show illustration

Outcome classes

Dictionary activation:

Activate terms and concepts in children's speech: « road» ,

« transport» , « a pedestrian» , « footpath» , « crosswalk» , "slippery road» , "braking distances"


road signs

Didactic games

preliminary work:


Watching the movement transport and pedestrians.

Lesson progress:


Tall trees are longer

Small blades of grass below.

With her, the distances get closer

And we open the world with her.

Children : road.

Educator: right road.

Educator: What are the types roads?

Children: automobile, railway…

Educator: Which of them are the most dangerous?

children: wet road covered in snow...

Educator: On different roads people and machines feel differently. OK, when the road is dry and smooth. But after the rain road becomes wet and slippery. Road can be spoiled by wet snow, ice, also dangerous road, covered with fallen leaves, doused with foreign liquid.

Drivers and pedestrians must be careful and be prepared for dangers. Do not get close to cars. Especially if they are turning, braking or pulling away.


Guys, let's play a game with you: "Say the opposite"

Roads are different:

long -… short

wet -…. dry

rough -…. flat

paved -…. unpaved

narrow- … wide

Educator: Well done, children, you were attentive and gave

right answers.

Phys. minute:

Fizminutka: "We are chauffeurs"

(children should show movements)

Let's go, let's go by car (driving)

We press the pedal (bend the leg at the knee and stretch)

Turn gas on and off (turn the lever towards you and away from you)

We look intently into the distance (palm is applied to the forehead)

The wipers count the drops

Right, left - clean! ( "wipers")

Hair ruffled by the wind (tousle hair with fingers)

We are drivers - no matter where! (thumb right hand up)

The children are seated. Knock on the door. Enter Luntik, hello with children and begins to talk about his adventures

“It’s winter outside and it’s very slippery outside. I went to kindergarten and forgot that it was slippery. Suddenly I see a bus coming very close to me. I think - "Well, let him ride - I'll have time cross the road - and went. Suddenly, how I slip, but how I fall! The driver saw this and began to slow down, and the bus was on a slippery road brakes do not obey, still rides. Although not fast, it rides like skis. He stopped right next to my nose, a little more and would have crushed. Oh, and the driver scolded me, but for what I did not understand.

Educator: Children, why did the driver scold Luntik?

Children: Because he moved road in the wrong place.

Educator: What was Luntik supposed to observe?

Children: Follow the rules traffic.

Educator: What is the name of the people walking along road?

Children : Pedestrians.

Educator: And who was Luntik on road?

Children : Pedestrian.

Educator: Children, choose the signs that you need to know pedestrian pedestrian?

(children choose signs)

Educator: Because of what, Luntik almost fell under the wheels of a bus?

Children : The road was slippery so the bus couldn't stop quickly.

Educator: And now we'll see how the cars drive along the slippery and rough road. The teacher shows how the cars drive. Why do cars drive like this?

Children: Because one the road is slippery and the other one is rough.

Educator: Here, the children, you yourself saw that on a rough road the braking distance is shorter, and on slippery road stopping distance is longer.

Children show this technique again in order to consolidate knowledge. Luntik thanks the children.

Educator: What signs are intended for pedestrian?

Luntik: I don't know

Educator: Children, help Luntik

Children: Yes!

Educator: What kind of sign is this hanging?

Stop - cars he orders.

A pedestrian! Go boldly

By tracks in black and white. (Crosswalk)

Educator: Using pedestrian You have to be very careful with the transition. 'Cause you'll be going to the other side roads along the carriageway of the street. Approaching pedestrian crossing: look to the left, and when you reach the middle roads, look to the right, make sure there is no one nearby transport.

Overground and underground pedestrian crossings are the most convenient because you don't have to step onto the road roads.

Educator: Luntik, now you understand everything what these mean

Luntik: Yes

Educator: Luntik, what other cars are moving along road?

Luntik is silent.

Educator: Let's tell Luntik!

Children: Trolleybuses, trams, trucks, cars

cars, taxis.

Luntik: Thank you, children, I remember everything. I have to go. Goodbye!

Children: At a red light - no road

On yellow - wait

When the green light is on

Have a good trip.

Educator: What new did we learn today?

Children: we met a new sign - slippery road.

A game : "Collect the Sign"

Educator: Luntik left an envelope, and in it were the medals "Connoisseurs of traffic rules"