
Buy a hair polishing nozzle on Aliexpress: choose a high-quality hair nozzle. How does a hair polisher work?


The polishing process is cutting the ends of the hairs with a hair clipper along the entire length or only at the ends.

Instead of the usual nozzle (and in their absence), special equipment is put on the machine, holding the strand next to the standard knife. By skipping a strand when polishing the hair in HG Polishen, the machine cuts off the protruding ends.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each procedure has its pros and cons. Hair polishing with a special nozzle is carried out not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Before buying a nozzle, the cost of which is 1500 rubles, it is worth considering all the nuances.

Advantages of the HG Polishen hair polishing head:

  1. The procedure lasts from 20 to 60 minutes depending on the thickness of the hair. The nozzle can only process one thin strand, which prevents cutting a large number of hair.
  2. There are few fakes (they can be easily recognized). The nozzle has been on the market relatively recently (2014) and is sold in certain places and on several sites.
  3. Removes up to 95% of all split and damaged ends.
  4. Low cost. The price for 1 polishing procedure is from 400 to 1000 rubles (depending on the qualification of the master). Also, the nozzle can be purchased for home use. It will pay off in 1-3 haircuts.
  5. Doesn't remove length. The nozzle is designed to cut off only the ends of the hair.
  6. Made of durable high-quality material (crystalline plastic polycital - polyformaldehyde). The crystalline structure prevents the formation of fungi on the surface of the plastic.
  7. 6 strand separators securely fix the curl, allowing you to cut the ends evenly.
  8. Does not tear hair, does not get tangled in them, does not pull.
  9. Suitable for any type of hair.


  1. The nozzle has a certain width and is only suitable for machines with a 45-46 mm blade.
  2. If you use the nozzle with blunt blades of the machine, the hair may be damaged.
  3. Counterfeits and analogues (product not from the Hair Grinder manufacturer) may be of poor quality.

Machines to which the equipment is suitable:

  • WAHL (1872, 4212, 1854),
  • OSTER (606, 916, 616, 97),
  • MOSER (1400, 1854, 1230, 1871, 1884, 1170, primat),
  • Wella,
  • Vitek,
  • yaguar,
  • selectline,
  • andis,
  • pritech,
  • panasonic,
  • babyliss,
  • Ga.Ma Italy,
  • atlanta,
  • Brown,
  • Maxwell.

The blade of a standard knife of a machine that is supposed to be used as a polisher, should be 45-46 mm. If it is more or less, then the equipment will not be able to fix properly.

The manufacturer warns that when using some models, a small cut of the nozzle in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe handle of the machine is required so that it does not interfere with the proper fit and operation of the HG Polishen.

Instructions for use

The most commonly used are smoothing nourishing masks, lamination at home, keratin (restoration, straightening), shielding and various serums.


  1. Comb all curls thoroughly.
  2. Straighten the strands with an iron. This is especially true of the ends and curls that are badly damaged by the section.
  3. To eliminate excessive electrification, you can slightly wet each strand with cream or wax.
  4. Attach the attachment to the hair clipper. Divide the hair into two parts in a straight parting. Then also divide each part horizontally.
  5. Separate a small strand from one part (3-4cm). Hair of the same length is polished in the up position, if they are of different lengths (cascade) - down. Check the structure of the hairs along the entire length, determine the place where the section begins.
  6. Fix the strand between the index and middle fingers just above the beginning of the damaged area. Starting from the bottom corner, put the hair into the nozzle, close it.
  7. Place your index finger on lower part HG Polishen at the level of the front bar, the middle one along the bottom edge, the large one along the typewriter on the lid, the ring and little fingers should hold the handle (“hug it”).
  8. Drive the machine up or down the strand to the very tip ( direction - from root to end). Processing must be carried out on both sides.
  9. Consider the processed strand. If necessary, you can go through it with a machine again or process places selectively.

To maximize the length of the hair at the end of the passage of the strand, the nozzle must be unclenched.


On the Internet you can find many various reviews polished with HG Polishen. There is no single opinion on this matter.

The results are purely individual and depend on the skill of the hairdresser., the originality of the nozzle used, on the desire of the client, on the frequency of the procedure.

The official website promises to get rid of all split ends, the effect that lasts for a long period of time, instant transformation of curls in the minimum time (20 minutes), extreme popularity among the weaker sex and the possibility of polishing after any salon procedure.

According to the manufacturer polishing damaged hair is necessary 1 time in 25-30 days.

Manufacturer of professional equipment Hair Grinder advertises in every possible way this procedure, indicating as the main advantage getting rid of the section with minimal loss of length (no more than 3 centimeters).

In fact, it turns out that polishing, carried out every month, for 3-4 months gives a thinning of the hairs at the ends. Women using this service recommend polishing no more than once every 3 months. So the tips do not have time to lose their volume.

Hair polishing and removal with the Hair Grinder HG Polishen gives excellent results without significant loss length. The procedure is painless, safe and performed in as soon as possible. For home use, only original equipment should be purchased.

Useful video

Working with the HG polishen nozzle on the video:

678 10/08/2019 6 min.

A very common problem among girls with long hair is split ends. If they take place, then they greatly spoil appearance hairstyles, giving her untidiness and unkemptness. Previously, the only salvation was a trip to the hairdresser, where damaged hair was cut. But going constantly to the salon is not an option, because this way you can lose your long hair, and the problem will not go away from this. Today, experts have been able to develop a special device for polishing hair, with the help of which the strands become alive and healthy. And all the work takes on a nozzle for polishing.

Description of the procedure for grinding and polishing hair

But how polishing is done and with the help of what is the best tool is described in this

How to put on the nozzle on the machine

Before you carry out a wellness procedure, you must put on a polisher. The device used must have a knife block, the width of which is 45-46 cm.

Wear science to the limit. At the same time, it is desirable to carry out polishing with the help of professional clippers.

How to use

It has become possible to perform the treatment procedure at home today. But for this you need to know certain rules for using the nozzle and the machine as a whole:

  1. Print the purchased nozzle and put it on the clipper.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair, dry it with a hairdryer, and then walk through it with an iron, pulling out a curl after a curl.
  3. Divide the weight of the hair into parts, as when creating a regular haircut.
  4. If they have different length, then they will have to be pulled downwards and held with a device with a nozzle along their entire length. When the hair is of equal length, then pull the strands up, as a result of which you can set the maximum graduation.
  5. At the end, it is worth trimming the tip a little so that the strands get the same length.

Already after the first procedure, every girl will be able to understand that if - this is not such a global problem. Hair will again look well-groomed and healthy, while not losing a noticeable length of hair. In addition, do not think that after the first procedure, the problem with split ends can be solved. They will still appear from time to time. But for six months you can definitely forget about them.

On the video how to use the nozzle for polishing hair:

If you want to see your hair healthy and well-groomed, then in addition to polishing, you will have to perform home procedures using oil masks, balm, which is applied to the hair after each wash.

Manufacturers and prices

Today, there are not many manufacturers of polishing nozzles for hair polishing in specialized stores, but the most popular ones can be distinguished

Polishing nozzle HG polishen: price

Healthy hair

This nozzle is used for cutting split ends. And it can only be used for a professional haircut device. With this model, you can 100% get rid of split ends, while not involving healthy curls in the process. The cost of the nozzle is 1700 rubles.

This unique device also fights damaged hair. The nozzle is very convenient in terms of application, it is easy to put on the machine and does its job well. The cost of the product is 2000 rubles.

Smooth Hair Polish

This nozzle effectively copes with split ends, while not removing too much length. It is designed in such a way that it removes only the tips from 3 to 10 mm. In terms of application, the nozzle is very simple, since it is necessary to correctly set the minimum cutting height on the machine and install the product. You can buy a nozzle at a price of 1800 rubles.

But how the hair polishing procedure goes most often and what result is achieved most often, is described in this article.

For those who want to understand what is the price of a split ender comb and in what cases it is used, it is described in this

Hair polisher "HG polishen"- nozzle on the machine for cutting split ends. Attachment for professional clippers, designed to cut only the ends of long and medium hair along the entire hair web. Removes up to 100% of split ends without affecting healthy hair.

The HD Polishen attachment fits all professional hair clippers with a blade width of 45-46mm.

Hair polishing - a solution to the problem of split ends

The problem of split ends is familiar to many girls. As a rule, cosmetics designed to deal with this problem do not give a noticeable result, it remains only to go to the master and cut off the damaged ends, but then the length will suffer. However, today there is worthy alternative, which allows you to remove more than 90% of split ends in half an hour and at the same time the length of your strands will not change - this is hair polishing. About what is hair polishing with the HG Polishen nozzle, what reviews does the procedure have and how much does it cost, read on.

Features of the strand polishing procedure

A unique device - the HG Polishen hair polisher has become a real salvation for many girls with damaged curls. The procedure quickly became popular and in demand, the service is provided in almost any city in Russia, since it does not require expensive equipment. The hair is polished with a machine, on which a special nozzle-polisher is put on. It can be bought on the Internet, the estimated price is about 1500 rubles. The nozzle for polishing hair can be matched to almost any model of the machine.

When processing strands with a nozzle, almost every tip is trimmed. Its edge is even, unlike cutting with scissors, when the cut is looser. Polishing the hair with the HG Polishen nozzle allows you to cut the split ends even if they are shorter than the main length, which is impossible to do with ordinary scissors. This allows you to remove the "fluffiness" of the hair and make the strands smooth along the entire length. Curls become soft, obedient, alive. Hair polishing with a clipper can be an alternative to a regular haircut or be performed as an additional procedure after a keratin hair straightening or lamination.

Benefits of polishing strands

Hair polishing quickly gained recognition among girls with different type and strand length. The result is not only noticeable, it radically changes the look of your hair. The procedure has the following advantages:
  • Hair polishing in the salon is available to everyone, its cost is slightly higher than the price of a standard haircut. The cost of the service is from 300 to 900 rubles, depending on the prestige of the salon and the region.
  • Unlike alternative methods of cutting with hot scissors or a hot razor, the tip polisher does not heat the ends of the hair, which is known to further break the tip and does not solve the problem of split ends.
  • The whole procedure will take no more than half an hour, even on very long strands, while working with scissors will take about an hour.
  • The hair polishing nozzle does not cut more than 1 cm, and therefore you can be calm - the length of the strands will not suffer. This is an especially important benefit for girls who grow out curls.
  • The effect lasts for at least 4 months.

How is the polishing of the strands

As we have already said, hair polishing in the salon is carried out using a special nozzle on the machine. step by step diagram the following procedure:
  • You will be comfortable in a chair.
  • The master will straighten all the strands with an iron or use a hair dryer and brushing for this, stretching the strands.
  • The master will divide the entire hair into zones, as is usually the case with a haircut.
  • After that, the master will put the HG Polishen hair polisher on the machine and proceed to the procedure.
  • If you wear a graduated haircut, that is, the curls have different lengths, the master must pull the strand down and run the machine along its entire length.
  • If all your curls have the same length, the strand needs to be pulled up, thus setting it to the maximum graduation.
  • At the end, the master can trim the tips, giving them the same length. polisher work

The hair tip polisher can change your idea of ​​a haircut. Your strands will look well-groomed and healthy. The technology allows you to facilitate the work of the master and reduce the time of your stay in the salon, taking hair care to a new level. Of course, HG Polishen cannot solve the problem of split ends once and for all, since damage to the strands is provoked by many factors, including the influence environment and a lack of vitamins, but the technology is capable of improving the condition of curls several times.

Beware of fakes of this popular piece!

Every girl dreams of beautiful, thick and healthy hair, as in a photo in a magazine. You can achieve this effect in a beauty salon by visiting a procedure called “hair polishing”.

Sellers on the popular Chinese site are always up to date with the latest trends, literally a day after fashion shows you can already find similar dresses, what to say about the beauty industry, which also does not stand still. One of the latest innovations- hair polishing.

A miracle device allows you to get rid of split ends that give the hairstyle fluffiness, not only at the ends, but along the entire length of the hair. As a result, the strands look perfect, as in the picture in a glossy magazine. With the help of scissors, this effect is much more difficult to achieve, because you actually need to go through every hair, and styling products do not always allow you to cope with naughty strands.

Polishing devices are presented in the “Hair Care” category, then “Styling Tools”, “Trimmers”. The site presents various devices that allow you to solve the problem of split ends.

Devices aimed at combating split ends

Split ends give even the healthiest hair an untidy and somewhat unkempt look. This explains the number of devices and notions aimed at solving this problem:

  1. Scissors- the most ancient and most reliable tool, the quality of work depends on the conscientiousness of the master, who goes through each strand, removing excess split ends. The strand is twisted into a flagellum, the protruding ends are cut off.
  2. Hot scissors allow you to more effectively deal with split ends, but often after such a procedure, women complain of a decrease in hair volume. The cut ends are sealed at a high temperature, which allows you to maintain a well-groomed appearance for a longer time.
  3. Various balms, masks, care products can only improve the structure of the hair, but they are not able to save you from existing split ends, and to a greater or lesser extent, everyone has split ends.
  4. Polishers - clippers with a blade that cut protruding split ends along the entire length are absolutely harmless and safe.

Nozzle and devices for hair polishing, how to buy on Aliexpress?

To place an order for the product you like, you must do the following:

  1. Register and get an account on Aliexpress if you don't have one yet
  2. Add the product you like to the cart
  3. Once again, carefully read all the characteristics of the product, clarify that the color, plug type (EU plug, US plug, AU plug) is correctly indicated, size and other parameters
  4. Check delivery method, change if necessary
  5. Click the "Place an order" button
  6. Make payment in a convenient way for you
  7. Upon receipt of the notification, pick up the order from the post office
  8. After checking the completeness and integrity, confirm receipt or open a dispute

How to use the hair polisher?

Before using it for the first time, check again that the nozzle has not been damaged in transit, wash it with a disinfectant and wipe it with a dry cloth. Next, polishing is carried out on dry, clean and straightened hair with an iron:

  • comb your hair and distribute it into zones for easy polishing
  • put the attachment on the clipper and connect the appliance
  • picking up a small strand of hair, tuck it into the nozzle at the very base and run it along the entire length, the machine will cut off the split ends
  • go through all the strands in this way

Hair polishing nozzle Hg Polishen from Aliexpress

Well-known firm Hg Polishen is the official supplier of hair attachments. Even Chinese masters have not yet dared to offer a cheaper copy. The cost of the nozzle on the official website is 1500 rubles, of course, such a purchase is very beneficial for beauty salons, because the cost will be covered in 1-2 procedures, that is, in a couple of days. Further, this attachment will only bring profit.

The appearance of an analogue on Aliexpress is a matter of time, sooner or later it will also appear. Also known among analogues are firms Moser and Honma Tokyo that offer polishing tips to consumers.

According to consumer reviews, after the procedure, the hair becomes soft, smooth, much easier to comb and style.

It is also worth considering:

  • when polishing, you will not lose in length, but if split ends occupy most of the hair, then the final volume will, of course, decrease
  • the effect will last longer if you use oils and vitamins for hair after the procedure
  • it is undesirable to polish immediately after dyeing, so as not to injure the hair
  • straightening and polishing are different procedures, after polishing the hair will retain its natural structure, if it was curly, then it will remain so

The well-being of a woman directly depends on how she looks. Hair polishing is a relatively inexpensive procedure that will make your hair look much better. After getting rid of split ends, you can experiment with any hairstyles and styling. Of course, this is just one of the means, but why not try it, what if it suits your hair?

Video: Nozzle for polishing hair

It is generally accepted that hair is the health of the whole organism. According to them, one can judge the degree of grooming and the age of the girl. Many help keep them in order. cosmetics for straightening and restoring hair. But not only this is decisive in completing the image. Such a procedure as polishing helps to give a healthy shine and luxury to curls. Finishing coverage can be achieved using special nozzles for polishing hair. They take up a whole section. Below we will talk about the types and types of such devices.

How to find hair polishing nozzles on Aliexpress

Next, in the section that opens, go to the line "", and then "" (Trimmers). Among the presented range of products you will find hair clippers, polishing razors, nozzles for polishing split ends. All of them are divided by trade brands, functionality and cost. If you know what nozzle you need in width and for which machine, then you can use the search bar. It is located at the top of the screen of each trading page. Enter the information for the request there and click on the "Search" button at the end of the line. For example, "Nozzles for polishing."

What is a hair polishing machine

In addition to machines with attachments for hair polishing, you will also find electric shavers who follow the same procedure. A highly specialized device for the price will cost you like a machine with several nozzles. Therefore, choose what is more important to you - a razor for split ends or a trimmer with many attachments.

The electric shaver for hair polishing works from the mains. During operation, the device requires, but this is not a problem at all. They are on the same section, but most suppliers include them with the razor, and some sellers send a spare pair or three of blades as a gift. In addition, you can get combs, napkins, cases for storing hairdressing tools, everything that the Chinese seller is not stingy with.

Polishing tips - overview of models

They can be included in a clipper set, and they can also be sold separately. The ones that come with the kit are usually made of very flexible plastic. Manufacturers do not like to spend money on expensive materials in large sets. Sold separately from the trimmer, nozzles can be made of plastic. It would seem that both in the kit and without it, spare parts are made of PVC materials. However, users note that they are sold from more durable plastic. The most expensive material is considered to be ceramics, the material of the middle class is metal.

The nozzles differ in their size. When choosing, always pay attention to the length of the knife. Sellers usually list the blade thickness on the product page. For example, here is suitable for Philips typewriter different models: QC5130/05/15/20/25/35 3-21mm. If color is important to you, then there is no problem with choosing it. Basically, all hair polishing heads are sold in black. Only occasionally slip plastic parts with a multi-colored coating.

The most purchased polishing tips from Aliexpress

  • 2 nozzles and one sponge;

  • QC5115 QC5120 QC5130 QC5125 QC51;
  • , 9-12mm for Panasonic ER508 ER504.