
Oil mask for the night. Gelatin for shining hair. Features of night hair masks


There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it

Wonderful transformation of hair under the influence of night masks: best recipes

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How often women do not have enough time during the day to put their heads in order! In this case, hair masks for the night become a real salvation. You will spend a minimum of your precious time on this, but you will achieve the maximum effect in the beauty and health of your curls.

Very often, modern women are forced to give preference to purchased, store-bought hair care products, despite the fact that they are full of the notorious "chemistry" - dietanolamines, phthalates, benzenes, propylene glycols, sulfates, synthetic flavors and other not very useful substances. Even understanding all their harmfulness, you have to use them, because there is no time to use homemade hair masks: cook (minus 30 minutes), apply (take away another 10 minutes), stand on your head (it takes 20 or 40 minutes, and then more), dry naturally (and another minus 1.5 or 2 hours). Where can a modern, busy woman get so much time? There is a way out - these are hair masks for the night: fast, cheap and incredibly effective!

Why overnight hair masks?

There are a number of undeniable advantages of night masks over home day masks and any store ones. If you start practicing such care for your curls, you will appreciate them after the first procedure, as the hair is transformed in a miraculous way.

  • Time saving: for a day and shop mask, you need to find time in the bright part of the day, and during its operation you cannot go outside, receive guests, go to a store or to a friend. But it is during the day that most modern women there is simply no time for such procedures: some people barely find a couple of hours for a hairdresser once a month, but here several times a week you need to allocate at least an hour for such manipulations. But with a night mask - just a fairy tale: half an hour before bedtime, apply and enjoy sleep (most of them have a calming effect on nervous system). In the morning, rinsed in the shower while having breakfast - dried the shining cascade of curls, and you can run about your business without worrying about appearance your hair, because it is flawless.
  • Efficiency: 20 or even 60 minutes are simply not enough for many useful substances (this is how much it is most often recommended to keep mixtures of day masks on the head) for deep penetration to the cellular level. Whereas in 6 and 8 hours of action, all useful substances will have time to penetrate deeply and work out all their functions: moisturize, strengthen, restore, nourish, cure. The effect of daytime hair masks is too superficial compared to night ones, therefore their effectiveness is of a short-term nature. Night masks give a fairly stable and long-lasting effect, and therefore do not require such frequent use.
  • Softness of action: what daily masks do not include in their composition: these are mustard, soda, cinnamon, citrus fruits, onions, peppers, garlic, salt and much more. Yes, such products can undoubtedly be useful for hair, but often they cause allergies, scalp irritation, itching and other miscellaneous side effects. The advantage of night hair care products is that they do not contain such aggressive components. Their main goal is a gentle and gentle effect on the roots, hair and tips.

Attention: to enjoy all these benefits of night masks, you need to know how to use them correctly. Negative reviews about such funds are primarily due to the fact that their use does not comply with certain rules and recommendations.

In addition, now in many sources you can find mustard, pepper, cinnamon, onion and many others in the lists of night masks. People, blindly trusting such dubious and extremely dangerous recipes, lose half of their hair overnight and cause irreparable harm to the scalp, which, under the influence of such aggressive products (mustard, onion, cinnamon, pepper), simply burns out. Some may find such masks useful, but these are exceptional and rare cases. Therefore, be extremely careful when choosing recipes and follow certain rules when using them so as not to be left without hair at all.

Instructions for the use of masks for the whole night

Since the effect of night masks is from 6 to 9 hours, their use should be taken very responsibly so that later bitter disappointment does not befall you. Such hair care products are practiced by many modern women, so the accumulated experience and professionalism of experts (trichologists and cosmetologists) made it possible to develop a kind of instructions for using masks at night. Compliance with these simple rules- a guarantee of the success of the entire procedure and obtaining the desired results that will please, not disappoint.

  • Select only those recipes that are marked "NIGHT" or "NIGHT MASK"
  • Immediately filter out those recipes that include aggressor products: salt, spices, seasonings, citrus fruits, which, with their long-term effect on the scalp, can cause a burn or an allergic reaction.
  • Eliminate those recipes that suggest the use of products with the effect of stickiness and clumping. This is, first of all, bread and a banana, which are excellent hair care products, but during the night the masks with these products have time to dry so that in the morning you will have to be late for work, washing and combing the strands from the hardened pieces. Even hot water with shampoo does not always cope with this task.
  • If a mask is chosen, be sure to check if it contains allergens. This is done very simply: a small amount of for 10-15 minutes, apply a thin layer on sensitive skin in the ear area. If after washing a rash, itching, discomfort appear - the mask does not fit, look for another composition.
  • For a new, previously untested mask, choose a day off so that in the morning you don’t have to rush to work, school or Kindergarten. This will protect you from unpleasant surprises when, without rushing, you can be convinced of the effectiveness and benefits of the mask and, without worrying, use it on weekdays.
  • The head before such a procedure should be washed and dried.
  • Apply the mask half an hour before going to bed. During this time, excess liquid will have time to drain, oils and fats will be completely absorbed - this will save your bed linen and negligee from greasy or colored stains, which can be very difficult to wash off.
  • Rub the mask into the roots with massaging movements - such manipulations will have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and will contribute to the rapid and sound sleep. If the purpose of the procedure is to activate hair growth, eliminate seborrhea, care for oily strands, strengthen roots, then the procedure can be completed. If you need an external gloss - to make the curls smooth, shiny, silky, evenly distribute the mask along the entire length of the hair with a comb or brush. If you need to heal split ends, soak them in the prepared remedy.
  • After that, the strands are stabbed (but not too tight) at the crown, a plastic shower cap with an elastic band is put on, and the head is covered with a scarf from above.
  • In the morning it is better to get up a little early, wash off the mask with warm herbal decoction (take oak bark, chamomile, burdock, calendula, for this purpose) or plain water. If the mask does not wash off for some reason, use shampoo.
  • Night masks have an effective, long-lasting effect, so do not abuse them. The frequency of use of such funds should not be more than one procedure per week.

Do not ignore such recommendations so as not to harm your own hair. Be sure to consider these tips - and then the nightly care for curls will turn into a pleasure, and the results will please not only you, but also those around you, as they will be enchanted by the cascade of your shining hair. It remains the case for small - to choose a recipe.

Recipes for night hair masks

Not every hair product can withstand such a long time, so the choice of ingredients for a night mask must be thought out very carefully. Since one of the conditions for the effectiveness of such masks is the regularity of their use, try to ensure that they contain those components that will not be difficult for you to get: they should always be at hand. In addition, recipes often indicate exactly what action to expect from a particular remedy, so focus on solving your problems. Some perfectly moisturize dry strands, others successfully fight hair loss, and others contribute to their rapid growth.

  • To add volume

Mix two tables. spoons burdock oil, one table each. a spoonful of almond, castor, jojoba. Add three drops of pink ether to them. cosmetic oils as part of this recipe, they are not warmed up so that the essential oil does not lose its properties.

  • From hair loss

Recipe #1

Mix one table at a time. a spoonful of burdock, almond, olive oil, which must first be slightly warmed up. Add to them one tables. a spoonful of concentrated fresh lemon juice.

Recipe number 2

Mix one teaspoon of almond, pumpkin and rosehip oils (without heating), add a tablespoon of homemade (preferably) sour cream, egg yolk and 5-7 drops of ylang-ylang ether.

Recipe number 3

Cut off two or three lower leaves of aloe, put in the refrigerator for several days. Using a blender, turn them into a green gruel, into which add two tables each. spoons of apple and carrot juices.

  • For accelerated hair growth

Recipe #1

Homemade kefir is brought to a warm state in a water bath and applied to the head without any additional components. For dry hair, it is recommended to take the fattest product - fat-free.

Recipe number 2

Without preheating, mix two tables. tablespoons of pumpkin and olive oils, one teaspoon each. spoon almond oil and rosehip oil. Add 20 drops of ylang-ylang ether, open 4 capsules of any (Aevit is very good for such a mask).

  • For split ends

Heat up two tables in a water bath. spoons of sesame oil, mix it with one table. teaspoon ground ginger root. Only the ends of the hair are treated with a mask.

  • To add shine

Fill one table. a spoonful of gelatin powder 100 ml of water at room temperature, mix until all lumps are completely dissolved, leave for about half an hour. Pour slowly into the gelatinous mass of two tables. spoons of any conditioner for your hair type. The mask should not touch the roots and scalp: apply it exclusively to the strands themselves.

  • For oily hair

Grind (grate, pass through a meat grinder) raw potatoes, squeeze the juice from the resulting puree. In a dry potato mixture (two tablespoons), add whipped egg white and one table. a spoonful of warm honey

Recipe #1

Heat up two tables in a water bath. tablespoons of honey (up to 25-30 ° C), mix with the yolk (if the honey is hotter, the yolk will curdle).

Recipe number 2

Peel one large, ripe, soft pear from the core and pits. Turn it into puree (using a blender, meat grinder, grater), add two tables. tablespoons of olive oil and a beaten raw egg.

Recipe number 3

Without preheating, mix one table at a time. a spoonful of castor oil and burdock oil, 2 ampoules of liquid vitamins retinol (A) and tocopherol (E). Add 2 drops each of rose, sage and ylang-ylang esters.

  • Anti-dandruff

Cut off two or three lower leaves of aloe, put in the refrigerator for several days. Using a blender, turn them into a green gruel, to which add one table at a time. a spoonful of burdock and olive oils without preheating.

Homemade masks for the night for hair are a real salvation for modern women when there is sorely not enough time for themselves, their beloved. Therefore, it is worth using such wonderful recipes to put your head in order, nourish the curls with all the nutrients they need and solve various kinds of problems with the scalp. At the same time, such products can perform both the usual care function - to induce external gloss and beauty, and therapeutic and prophylactic, eliminating such misfortunes as hair loss, their slow growth and even dandruff. Enjoy miraculous night masks - and your strands will shine with chic shine and bloom with renewed vigor.

The condition of our hair is an indicator of overall health. Improper nutrition, a lifestyle that is far from ideal, aggressive coloring and styling products adversely affect their appearance.

Hair becomes brittle, or, conversely, quickly becomes greasy, begins to grow worse or actively fall out. But there is an opportunity to restore the density and attractiveness of the hair - this is the right care. One of the most effective means is an overnight hair mask. Depending on the composition, its action can be nourishing, stimulating or healing and solve a variety of problems.

Night hair mask: general rules for use

It doesn't matter which night hair mask is used in each case, these rules apply to the use of any of them.

1. Give yourself time

The composition must be applied not right before bedtime, but half an hour before you go to bed. This is due to the fact that you may have an allergic reaction to some components of the product. In a dream, you will not notice a slight itch or other disturbing sensations. As a result, instead of benefit, such a hair mask for the night can be harmful.

2. Preliminary preparation

The product is applied to dry and carefully combed hair. So nourishing and moisturizing elements can produce the maximum effect.

3. Tops or roots?

If your problem is split ends, thin and brittle ends, then the hair mask for the night is applied mostly on them. When the main trouble lies in the excessive production of sebum, then the main attention is paid to the roots.

4. Everything has its place

To keep your mask on your hair, and not on the pillow, lay a terry towel under your head, and wrap it with cling film, leaving gaps for air to enter.

5. Evaluate the result

The product is washed off in the morning, depending on its composition, with plain water or shampoo. After the hair has dried, see if the problem has been solved and if the look and texture of your hairstyle has improved. If yes, this mask suits you, you can continue to use it.

Hair mask for the night at home: the best recipes

Professional hair cosmetics are undoubtedly good. However, homemade has a number of advantages over it: only fresh ingredients are used here, of which you are sure, and there are no additives for long-term storage of the composition. And the ratio of elements can be selected specifically for yourself and your hair, taking into account their condition.

Deep Nutrition

An excellent nourishing hair mask for the night is obtained from a beaten egg yolk and a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey. The main part of the composition is rubbed into the scalp, and the remainder is distributed along the entire length. The egg-honey mixture is washed off in the morning without using shampoo.

This is a popular recipe. home cosmetics, and the vast majority of those who use it speak positively about the effect of such a mask. Naturally, it should not be used by those who are allergic to honey or egg white.

Moisture retention

To help dry, mechanically damaged or burnt chemicals for coloring and styling hair - the following recipe. It contains oils: burdock, jojoba and roses in a ratio of 4:2:1. The former has been known as a great hair care product since ancient times. It nourishes, moisturizes and accelerates their growth. The second - moisturizes the scalp, relieves irritation and prevents peeling. Rose oil is used as an antiseptic and fragrance agent.

The mixture is applied to dry hair, paying special attention to the tips. The oil mask is washed off with shampoo after 6-9 hours. Interested in feedback from those who have used this recipe? They are mostly positive. Of the noted disadvantages, it is worth mentioning the danger of soiling bedding with oil during sleep. But this problem is easily solved with a thick headband made from an old towel.

Lamination of hair

Hair mask with gelatin for the night allows you to achieve a lamination effect similar to the result salon procedure. This is not surprising, because in both cases collagen is used. It is the main constituent of gelatin and creates the effect of straight, heavy and mirror-like shiny hair.

The dry substance is diluted in water in accordance with the recommendations on the package, for better dissolution, you can use a water bath. The second component of the mask is your usual hair balm. Mixing one with the other, evenly apply the product on the hair along the entire length, trying not to touch the roots.

It is important that the mask does not dry on the hair overnight - hard gelatin is very difficult to wash off. Wrap your head with a film and a terry towel, and in the morning wash it with warm water.

This recipe blew a flurry of rave reviews: the lamination procedure in the salon is not available to everyone, so getting a similar effect at home for a penny price is very pleasing to girls and women of all ages. It is also noted that it persists only until the first shampooing. But what prevents you from repeating the gelatin mask?

growth stimulation

Which one is the most popular mask hair at night? For hair growth - pepper. The simplest option does not even require wrapping and rinsing. Tincture of bitter pepper from 10 grams of hot fruits and 100 ml of alcohol is infused in a dark place for a week and a half. After that, it is diluted twice with water and rubbed into the hair roots before going to bed. To do this, use a cotton pad. The mask causes an increase in blood flow to the scalp, which leads to the stimulation of the bulbs and the acceleration of hair growth. In addition, new follicles awaken, and the density of the hairstyle increases over time up to one and a half times. It also reduces or stops hair loss. The recipe is not for those who complain of dry skin and flaking - these symptoms may even intensify.

Regarding this mask, there are conflicting reviews. Some women who use it note a sharp acceleration in hair growth and an improvement in their structure. Others speak in the sense that the remedy does not help, but only irritates the scalp.

Magic Coconut Oil

Standing apart among natural care products is Coconut oil. Hair mask for the night (for hair growth) with this substance has its own nuances. It’s worth starting with the fact that coconut oil can be refined or unprocessed. The one that has not been cleaned is more effective - it protects the hair from mechanical damage, protects the bulbs, helps to preserve the protein to the maximum extent, but with prolonged exposure it can cause skin irritation. Wash off such a remedy after 30-40 minutes using herbal shampoo.

If it is a hair mask with coconut oil that is planned for the night, then only a refined substance can be used. It is less effective, but it is fraught with much less dangers.

Universal kefir

No one doubts the benefits of fermented milk products when taken orally. It turns out that this is not the only way their use. For example, a kefir hair mask for the night gives a strong regenerating effect, thanks to the vitamin composition of its main component.

Kefir mask is a lifesaver for split ends and brittle hair. Feedback on its use indicates the fact that almost everyone is satisfied with the results of the procedure. The main thing is to rinse the kefir out of the hair well, otherwise an unpleasant smell from the head may occur.

As part of such a mask, in addition to the directly fermented milk product, you can use honey, egg yolk and your favorite oils.

Night hair mask with mustard

Mustard activates the work of the follicles, like a pepper mask. However, it will not burn if everything is done according to the instructions.

So, you will need dry mustard, kefir and a couple of egg yolks. All this is mixed and applied to the hair, especially at the roots. Since the mustard is powdered, it does not contain sugar, and this will save you from unpleasant sensations on the skin during sleep.

In the morning, the product is washed off with warm water. The recipe is suitable for normal and oily hair, owners of dry hair should treat it with caution.

Sea buckthorn - a natural miracle

At night, you can apply a mixture of crushed sea buckthorn berries and unrefined vegetable oil(olive, almond or even sunflower). In the process of preparation, it is heated in a water bath, then filtered and used. The extract of this berry not only nourishes and moisturizes - it treats microtraumas of the skin, combing, eliminates flaking and enhances the shine and smoothness of the hair. Like any oil mask, it is washed off with shampoo.

exotic avocado

Such a hair mask for the night at home is easy to prepare. You will need a soft avocado that needs to be mashed to a pulp. An egg and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil are added to it. The recipe contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, thanks to which the scalp becomes healthier and more hydrated, which naturally affects the appearance of the hairstyle. This mask is described as very convenient in terms of application. The creamy texture does not flow, is evenly distributed along the entire length and remains on the head until the morning. The procedure will make combing and styling easier.

When choosing an avocado in the store, make sure that there are no black spots on its surface, otherwise you will have to throw out most of the fruit after peeling it.

Why night care?

Why do many women prefer overnight hair masks? The fact is that during the day it is not always possible to find 2-3 hours of free time for regular care. At the same time, the night is a suitable option for relaxation, combined with improving your appearance.

After a morning shower, your hair will look like you just returned from the salon, which means that you are guaranteed a perfect hairstyle and good mood. And all without much difficulty!

To keep your hair healthy and supple, you need to follow the care instructions for your hair type. Home care is one of the main places. Use head massages that you can do yourself, rinsing with decoctions of medicinal plants to add shine to your hair, getting rid of dandruff and stimulating the roots with alcohol tinctures and, of course, nourishing homemade masks. By the way, washing your hair with home remedies such as yogurt, beer, eggs and decoctions of some medicinal plants is very useful.

Hair masks for the night should not cause itching, irritation and allergic reactions of the scalp during prolonged contact with various products and medicinal plants, do not impede skin breathing. In this sense, oil hair masks are the most effective, popular and safe.

Oil hair masks instantly restore damaged hair structure and give shine. Recipe for the easiest hair mask for the night consists in applying a small amount of oil along the entire length to saturate the hair. Wash your hair with shampoo 2 times in the morning. Thus, the oil nourishes the scalp with vitamins and microelements.
Most healthy oils for hair - almond, peach, castor and burdock. I would like to highlight natural oil coconut. This well-known hair repair product spreads evenly over the hair shaft, preventing protein loss, resulting in smoother hair and less split ends. The principle of application is the same as described above. After applying the oil along the entire length, wrap your head with a warm towel. By the way, after washing your hair, it is useful from time to time to apply a couple of drops of oil to the ends of your hair and do not rinse during the day. This will protect the ends of your hair from drying out.
Oils combined with herbs, fruits, berries and vegetables suitable for your hair type also make great overnight hair masks. Try to prepare a mask for dry hair according to the following recipes:
Recipe 1 - Hair mask for the night - burdock + vegetable oil. Rub at night into the scalp 2 times a week with a course of 10 rubbing.
Fresh crushed burdock root is poured with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3. Infuse for a day, then heat in a water bath for 1 hour and strain.
Recipe 2 - Hair mask for the night - sea buckthorn + vegetable oil. Apply 2 times a week with a course of 12-15 procedures.
The fruits of sea buckthorn are pressed and the pomace is heated with vegetable oil in a water bath, periodically adding new portions of raw materials until an orange color is obtained. Then the mixture is filtered and mixed with oil in a ratio of 1:9. Rub into the scalp at night.
Recipe 3 - Hair mask for the night - parsley + castor oil. Rub into the scalp at night every other day with a course of 15 procedures.
Parsley root rubbed on a fine grater and pour castor oil in a ratio of 1:5. Heat in a water bath for 1 hour and strain.
Tip: use the same principle to prepare a mask with celery root.
Recipe 4 - Moisturizing overnight hair mask - avocado + egg + olive oil.
Mash 1 ripe or overripe 1 avocado with a fork. Add 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the puree. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the hair along the entire length. Wrap your head with a film and a warm scarf and leave it overnight. Wash your hair in the morning with your regular shampoo.

Recipe 5 - Nourishing mask for hair at night - honey + egg yolk + olive or other vegetable oil.
Mix 50 ml liquid honey, 2 egg yolks and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length, wrap with a film and a warm towel and leave overnight. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.
A few recipes for oily hair:
Recipe 6 - Revitalizing overnight hair mask - bread + burdock oil.
Pour the rye crumb with warm water and knead until a slurry is obtained. Add 1 teaspoon of burdock oil. Apply the mixture to damp hair and rub into the scalp. Wrap with foil and a warm towel and leave overnight. Wash your hair in the morning with regular shampoo.
Recipe 7 - Night hair mask - propolis + alcohol.
Effectively reduces excess sebum secretion.
Propolis is poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:4 and infused for 3-4 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally, then filtered through gauze. Lubricate the scalp at night along the partings with a brush dipped in the solution. The liquid dries up, forming a film. In the morning it is cleaned with warm water.
Recipe 8 - Night mask for hair with henna and lemon.
Normalizes oily hair. It is recommended to do 1-2 times a week with a course of 6-8 procedures.
Pour henna with hot water and mix thoroughly with any nourishing cream suitable for any skin in proportions of 1:2:7. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, cover your head with a warm scarf and leave the mask overnight.
Tip: In the finished mask, you can add 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice for hair shine.
For all hair types, mask rinses made from natural plants have proven themselves as home remedies. Infusions of medicinal herbs rinse hair abundantly and leave to dry without using a hair dryer, including overnight. A decoction of nettle and apple peel gives hair shine and silkiness, chamomile mask gives fair hair golden hue, moisturizes hair and accelerates their growth, lemon rinse will give hair softness, and calendula tincture is an excellent remedy for hair loss. Against abundant dandruff, a mask of fresh cabbage juice, which is rubbed into the scalp and left overnight, will help.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any remedy may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Night hair mask reviews: 2

  • Tom

    I can't imagine how I could fall asleep with a mask on. But for those who can, it is very convenient, especially oil masks to keep for greater effect. And I prefer to do household chores with a mask on my head.

  • Marina

    Indeed, coconut oil is great for overnight hair restoration. But argan and sesame oil also nourishes and restores hair very well. So that the hair after the morning wash is not greasy - you can rinse with water with lemon.

Don't find time for hair care at all? An emergency at work, time pressure at home, there is no time for masks ... There is a way out! To have beautiful hair, you can make masks at night! True, for this you need to know some rules and the composition of "allowed" mixtures. We will help you understand this simple science, and you will only have to enjoy the result!

Night hair mask: rules

In order for your night care to bring only benefits, and not backfire with skin irritation or, even worse, an allergic reaction, it is important to consider some rules.

1. Be sure to conduct a rapid test before using the mask. Are you allergic to one of the ingredients? Everything is as usual - apply a small amount of the mask on the bend of the elbow and wait 15-20 minutes. If there is no irritation - feel free to use it!

2. Apply the mask half an hour before bed to be ready for surprises. The mask may leak, and it is better to be aware of this in advance in order to take action.

3. Treat dry hair only.

4. Never apply masks with a burning effect at night! Save these recipes for the daytime. Banned: onion, garlic, pepper, mustard.

5. Do not wear an insulating cap, you risk waking up with a headache. Just wrap your head in a linen towel.

6. Don't overdo it with essential oils or you'll get a headache.

7. Wash off the mask with warm water and then shampoo. If you chose an oil wrap, you may need to apply the cleanser twice.

8. Night masks are best done in courses. For example, in this mode: twice a week for a month.

Hair mask for the night: choose the composition

You have several options:

1. Oil wraps

Indian beauties with the help of oils solve any problems with hair. And often apply your favorite oils at night! Follow their example! For better penetration, heat the oil in a water bath, and then rub into the hair roots with gentle movements, and only then distribute it throughout the hair. You can add a couple of drops to enhance the effect. essential oil.

The best oils for night care:

· Coconut;



· Castor;

· Olive;


Wheat germs.

From essential:

· Ylang-ylang;

· Lavender;

Rosemary oil;

· Geraniums;


· Orange;


· Tea tree.

2. Honey masks

Honey is suitable for any type of hair, so feel free to use it. But it is especially important to check yourself for allergies! Three tablespoons of honey is usually enough for hair. middle length. Warm it up a little in a water bath, add a few drops of vitamin E or your favorite essential oil and spread the honey nectar all over your head.

3. Sour-milk masks

The choice of product depends on your hair type. If you have:

· Greasy hair. Choose kefir with a low percentage of fat content. Apply it to the roots of the hair without distributing it through the hair.

· Dry hair. Use sour cream, smearing it along the entire length of your hair.

It is customary to add yolk, honey, fruit puree to sour-milk masks (banana and avocado are especially effective). Just be prepared for the fact that you will have to wash off such a mask longer than usual.

4. Cognac masks

Mix 2 tablespoons of cognac with chicken yolk, to enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Cognac can also be combined with fruit puree.

5. Vitamin masks

For a vitamin base, you can take vitamin A, E or B12, two ampoules are enough. Add to them 4 tablespoons of aloe juice or, if not, a tablespoon of any oil. Try to carefully rub the composition into the roots of the hair, only then distributing it along the entire length. Shiny hair in the morning is guaranteed to you!

Not everyone wants to sleep with their head wrapped in a turban, but if you decide to make such a mask before going to bed, you will get the strongest therapeutic effect. Hours of exposure to hair beneficial substance works real miracles.

But do not forget about elementary safety: never make such masks for the first time if an important outing is planned in the morning. Who knows how the composition will “play” on the hair, and whether you can completely rinse it out. It would be wiser to test the mask in advance. Apply it for the first time for an hour, rinse, style your hair, evaluate the result - if you like it, you can make a mask even before your own wedding.

Night hair masks: how to apply

All products of this type are usually applied 30 minutes before bedtime. During this time, you will be able to assess whether the mask burns or flows (otherwise, waking up on a wet pillow, you may even catch a cold).

There are especially extreme compounds - fragrant (garlic, onion) and "hot" ("driven" blood circulation in the skin). Try to refrain from the most burning foods - mustard, pepper, alcohol; but even if you decide to add them, do not overdo it - it is better to take them less than the norm than more. And no rubbing the mask into the skin!

Having chosen a “hard” composition, do not forget to take care of the ends of the hair - apply oil to them.

Have you applied the remedy? Do not forget about a scarf, not the thickest, which will not let you stain the whole bed. You can throw a thick towel over the pillow. But you don’t need to hide your hair in polyethylene - create a “greenhouse” inside which your strands will simply suffocate. A fabric shower cap or a highlight cap (film) with holes is allowed.

When washing off the mask in the morning, soothe the hair with a conditioner.

The best hair masks for the night

1. Honey. Strengthens, nourishes. Recipe: 2 tablespoons of honey (light), beaten egg yolk. The mask is rubbed into the roots (without fanaticism), applied to the very tips. Suitable for any hair.

2. Linen. For recolored, overdried/dry, weak hair. Recipe: a tablespoon of linseed oil, the same amount of almond oil, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 2 drops of rose oil.

3. Coconut hair mask for the night. Makes the hair silky, creates a salon effect, saves from dandruff, suitable for wounded scalp (heals wounds). Recipe: a piece of coconut oil (melt in a water bath), 3 drops of ylang-ylang ester. Spray your hair with water. The mask is rubbed into the roots, then applied to the entire length.

4. Herbal. The main ingredient is selected based on the type and even the color of the mane. A chamomile is suitable for a blonde, a brunette and a brown-haired woman - nettle, sage, St. John's wort. Recipe: pour 1 tablespoon of herbs into 0.5 cups of hot water, let it brew for half an hour, strain. Mix 3 tablespoons of this tincture with whipped yolk.

5. Hair mask for the night from aloe. This is real ambulance for affected hair, but it is necessary to apply such masks in a course. Recipe: honey (liquid or melted in a water bath), aloe juice, burdock oil mixed in equal amounts. It is necessary to apply the mask often - every night for a whole week, and even better - 10 days.

6. Yeast. Only for oily strands. Recipe: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of yeast in a few tablespoons of boiled but warm water. You need to take enough water to make a moderately thick slurry. Beat egg white, add to yeast. The mask is not only applied to the hair, but also rubbed into the roots. Washes off with shampoo.

7. Kefir. For owners of brittle, split ends, damaged hair. Recipe: 0.5 cups of kefir, yolk, 1 teaspoon of oil (you can take any vegetable oil). The mask is applied to all hair.

8. Ginger hair mask for the night. For hair growth, especially after active hair loss, seasonal or due to hair weakening (mask restores hair follicles). Recipe: Grate a small piece of ginger on a fine grater, mix it with 2 teaspoons of sesame oil. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

9. Mayonnaise. Nourishing, moisturizing (and this applies not only to hair, but also to the scalp). Recipe: 2 yolks, a couple of teaspoons of honey, the same amount of mayonnaise. Important! Mayonnaise should be homemade! And one more thing: this mask is the most capricious in terms of washing out, so you will have to rinse your hair in the morning for a long time.

  • Nourishing masks with mayonnaise for strength and shine of curls

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