
Plan of mass cultural events of the white cane action. Mkuk "tsbs imr sk" city of abundant centralized library system. White Cane Day Evening


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Rostov Regional Special Library

for the blind


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I. General Provisions Russian Federation, coincides with the birthday of the French educator, the founder of typhlopedagogy, the creator of the first educational institutions for the blind in France and Russia, Valentin Gayuy (born 11/13/1745) organization uniting representatives of organizations of the blind. In 1965, the IFS, in order to attract the attention of the general public to the problems of the blind, decided to consider October 15 as White Cane Day. The All-Russian Society of the Blind and special libraries for the blind joined the White Cane Day in 1987. The events of the month are opened on this very day, and the results of its holding on November 13, the World Blind Day, are summed up.

The municipal libraries of the region, which are involved in the process of integrated library services for the visually impaired, are given important role in carrying out activities that contribute to the social adaptation of people with disabilities, assisting them in overcoming detachment from the world and joining an active public life.

2. Purpose of the month To form a humane attitude and respect for persons with visual impairments and to consolidate the actions of state and public organizations.

3. Tasks Attracting the attention of the public and state structures to the problems of the visually impaired;

attracting potential readers to the library;

assistance in the rehabilitation of the visually impaired and their integration into the society of the sighted;

promoting the dissemination of humane socio-cultural values;

stimulating people with disabilities to an active creative life;

4. Order of carrying out In the libraries serving the visually impaired, events are held (with the involvement of the primary organizations of the VOS, specialists from district departments social protection population of rehabilitation centers), contributing to the socio-cultural rehabilitation of the visually impaired and the promotion of integrated library services for this category of the population.

Within the framework of the White Cane Month, the following forms of library work are offered:

Round tables;

Open meetings of clubs;

Master classes;


Mind games;

Meetings with writers, poets, musicians;

Meetings with veterans and other wonderful people;

book exhibitions;

Handicraft exhibitions creative works library readers;

Other cultural and educational events.

Example event titles:

"Let's join hands, friends, so as not to disappear one by one!";

“There are values ​​that have no price”;

"The Art of Kindness and Justice";

"Teach your heart to be good";

"Island of kindness";

“Until the spring is dried up in the soul”;

"Look into each other's eyes";

"Let's lend a helping hand";

“We should hurry with good”;

"The holy science is to hear each other";

"Corner of confidential communication";

“We will survive by helping each other”;

"Social rehabilitation is a key issue of our time";

“Not everything is lost with you”;

"Healing without drugs";

"See me as an equal";

“We are like everyone else, but a little stronger”;

"Blindness is conquered by the word";

"On the way to the era of mercy."


October 15 is celebrated worldwide as White Cane Day. The white cane has become not only an auxiliary device for self-orientation in space, but an attribute of the blind and blindness.

As a means of determining the path, the cane has been known for a long time, but the history of the White cane as a symbol of blindness began only in 1921.

In the UK, in the city of Bristol, lived a young professional photographer James Biggs. As a result of the accident, he lost his sight. James was in despair. But one day he met a blind soldier who restored his faith in himself and helped him tune in to a new life. One of the tips of the former warrior was this: having developed independence, go out of the house alone more often, the more you go out with an escort, the more you will ruin your nerves when you have to go out alone.

Biggs began to walk independently with his usual walking stick and noticed that it did not guarantee him complete safety. The cane does not draw attention to itself, and is invisible to everyone, especially in gloomy English weather. Then Bigs dyed the cane in White color so that she immediately draws the attention of others. The thought was successful. He advised others to do the same.

But the blind in Britain had to wait another 10 years until the Rotarian Club (a common charity in Western countries) from Westham gave them white canes.

Thanks to the press, the whole country learned about it. BBC Radio has come up with a proposal that all the blind should be provided with such canes.

In 1932, the Royal National Institute for the Blind, which began its activities in 1868, began to officially introduce the white cane among the visually impaired.

In France, the birthplace of Valentin Gahuy, the founder of the first school for the blind, and Louis Braille, the inventor of embossed dot type, the beginning of the history of the white cane dates back to the 1930s. Her godmother was the aristocrat Gwilly D'eberman, who spent a lot of time and personal money helping the blind. She noticed that not all of them are perceived by passers-by as blind, therefore they have serious problems when moving around the city on their own. And the idea came to her mind that the blind should use a white cane. The prefect of the Paris police supported the idea. With the help of the newspaper, it was possible to launch a movement for the introduction of a white cane throughout France. On February 7, 1931, at special celebrations with the participation of the Minister of Education and Health, Gwilli presented white canes to the first president of the blind French veterans of the 1st World War and the representative of the civilly blind.

In the USA, thanks to the efforts of some prominent figures of the National Federation of the Blind, a broad campaign has been launched since the 1950s and 1960s to explain the problems of disabled people among American society. It resulted in a decision by Congress to designate October 15 as Safe White Cane Day.

This day was first celebrated at the initiative of President Lindan Johnson in 1964. Later this day was recognized as International Cane Day by the meeting of the International Federation of the Blind (the predecessor of the World Blind Union) in 1969 in Colombo. On a global scale, this day was celebrated in next year.

In 1992, the World Blind Union took the initiative to celebrate October 15 as United Nations White Cane Day, but there has been no positive decision so far.

Today International White Cane Day is celebrated in many countries. The Unions of the Blind are trying on this day, together with healthy people, to carry out appropriate actions aimed at strengthening the integration of the blind into society. They strive primarily to interest the media, public thought, to draw the attention of local and government structures to their problems.

History provides us with enough examples proving what the blind are capable of if they are seriously involved in their training and education. It is known that in 1260 in Paris a shelter was established for three hundred blind people who were trained in a trade so that they could work and manage, as far as possible, without someone else's help. This institution was opened after the crusades to Palestine and Egypt, from where many crusaders returned with the only acquisition - blindness ... Although then, of course, no one, of course, was officially and seriously dealing with the problem that had arisen.

Of the individuals who influenced the development of special education, there was no more powerful than the brilliant and paradoxical Denis Diderot. Thinking about natural law, he, in fact, was the first to guess to draw attention to the problems of people with a disturbed perception of the world.

In 1749, his essay “Letter on the Blind for the Edification of the Sighted” appeared, in which the idea was expressed about the ability of the disabled to learn.

This treatise not only aroused the wide interest of readers, but also served as an incentive for a number of special scientific studies. Diderot reflected the observations that later became the basis for working with deaf-mutes and people blind from birth.

Contemporaries enthusiastically noted his presentation of ideas for philanthropic activities.

The philosopher organized a circle where progressively thinking young researchers tried to analyze the psychology of the inner world of the blind.

He was carried away by the undertakings of the famous encyclopedist and teacher Valentin Hayuy, who was deeply outraged by the miserable and humiliating situation of the blind in France.

Valentin Gayuy (more correctly Ayuy, Nayu) was born on November 13, 1745. He is called the founder of typhlopedagogy. He owns the priority of creating a system for teaching the blind to read, write, arithmetic and music. And he was the first to achieve the opening of educational institutions for the visually impaired in France, Germany and Russia.

Although the opportunity to realize their ideas presented itself only thirty-four years after the publication of Diderot's treatise. Moreover, the impetus, oddly enough, was the waltzes of Johann Strauss Sr. ...

In 1783, the famous blind Viennese pianist Theresia Paradis gave a concert in Paris. Valentin was among the admiring listeners. Unlike music lovers, he was struck not so much by the virtuosity of the performer, but by the level of skill that a blind person had reached. In a letter, he noted that “he became close to the artist with a pedagogical goal: to trace the process of mental and musical development blind from birth. And a year later, Valenitin Hayuy proposed his theory of teaching the blind, thus laying the foundation for the science of typhlopedagogy. And he immediately tried to bring his developments to life.

He publishes the books Essay on the Education of the Blind and The Origin, Development and state of the art education of the blind”, which were the first attempt in the world to clearly define the objectives, content and methods of teaching the blind.

In 1784, the typhlopedagogue, without any support from the government and charitable societies, at his own expense, in his own house in Paris, opened a school for the blind.

The first student was the boy Francois de Lesueur, picked up on the church porch. Then eleven more of his homeless peers entered the school.

The education and upbringing of blind children was put on a scientific basis by Valentin Hayuy. He developed the relief-linear type "uncial". This typeface takes its name from a Latin word meaning "equal in length to one ounce". These were large, even letters, embossed in relief on thick paper. The main advantage of the uncial was that with its help it was possible to teach blind children to read and print books for them.

To compose words, Valentin Hayuy used split letters of the Latin alphabet, which were a relief designation capital letters ordinary font for the sighted. The font was mobile, and this helped blind children to type the right text. To do this, the letters were inserted into nests made in the board.

In addition, Gajuy designed devices for the blind and matrices for the manufacture of relief visual aids, geographical maps and globes. He taught this craft to his pupils.

The idea of ​​creating books for the blind also belongs to Valentin Hayuy. He constantly pointed out "the need for reading for the blind, without which in the mind of the blind there is only a chaotic heap of vague concepts and ideas."

Despite huge financial difficulties, Valentin Hayuy built a printing house at the school, in which he printed his works and manuals for students. For example, "Short French Grammar", "Latin Grammar Textbook" and others. According to the books of Valentin Gayuy, the blind were trained until Louis Braille invented the six-point relief.

Gajuy paid special attention to musical education in his work with blind children. Children were taught to play musical instruments: harpsichord, clavichord, piano, as well as choral singing.

Fame came. The achievements of the French typhlopedagogue were reported on the pages of the press. However, the school continued to exist at home, which no longer met the growing needs.

Valentin Guyuy began to raise funds for its expansion. He managed to organize public performances of his wards before members of the Paris Academy, in charitable societies and simply on the streets and boulevards. With the funds raised, he opened a school for thirty blind children on the Rue Saint-Victor. The school was provided with an old and dilapidated building, although it was already called the Royal Institute.

Revolution in France! Her ideas first inspired Gajuy, and the Convention supported his undertaking, giving the Institute the status of a National Institute and, moreover (!), Allocated one hundred and twenty scholarships for students from their meager funds. Blind students, together with their teacher, repeatedly demonstrated their devotion to the ideas of freedom, equality and brotherhood...

For which, as usual, they paid dearly both at the peak of the glory of the revolution and after its defeat. In 1800, by order of Napoleon, the Institute for Blind Children was closed under the pretext of saving public funds, and its pupils were transferred to almshouses. And the founder was forced to leave the Institute. He tried to organize a private school, but this initiative of the great typhlopedagogue did not find support in his homeland. The only way out for him and his wife was to emigrate.

In Russia, the first reports about the Paris Institute for the Blind were published in 1792 by the Russian traveler N.M. Karamzin in the Moscow Journal.

The government of Catherine II ignored the "miracle of the century". But Emperor Alexander I, having learned about the removal of Gayu from his post, wished to invite him to St. Petersburg to establish the Russian Institute for the Blind.

Information has been preserved that Emperor Alexander was generally distinguished by his great love for science and art and actively carried out reforms in the field of education and enlightenment. No matter how hard it was to leave his beloved France, Guyuy understands that it is simply stupid to refuse the highest offer.

The earth is full of rumors. The news came about the trip of Valentin Hayuy to Russia and to Germany. The King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm III does not want to lag behind the Russian monarch and calls him to the city of Charlottenburg in a handwritten letter, and the Berlin Academy of Sciences invites him to its meeting. Guyuy agrees to these visits. In Germany, he will meet with the teacher Johann August Zeine and help him. And on October 13, 1806, Zeine will open the first Prussian Institute for blind children, investing in it (following the example of his French colleague) all his fortune ...

Passing the Russian border, Valentin Gayuy went to the city of Mitava, where the future King of France, Louis XVIII, lived then.

The blind student of Gahuy, Charles Fournier, introduced Louis to typhlomethodology and wrote an appeal to the royal person in relief and flat-printing, mentioning that “... in his reign, the institution of the blind will reach its full development; Already many sovereigns are hastening to assist in the fulfillment of this prediction."

The exiled autocrat greeted the teacher and student with the words: “I followed the newspaper reports for the services you rendered to mankind. In whatever situation I may be, I will not forget you.

In the meantime, newspapers reported on the imminent arrival in the northern capital of Valentin Gayuy, the founder of the world's first school for blind children. The journalists did their best, and inspired by hopes, Valentine goes further - to an unfamiliar and incomprehensible country. To Russia.

But in Russia he was in for a deep disappointment.

Politics intervened. September 9, 1806 Gayuy arrived in St. Petersburg. The emperor, angry at Napoleon for some reason, did not confirm the invitation.

And, as a result, the premises for the educational institution were not prepared, the lists of students were not compiled, and the personnel were not selected.

Then he advertises in the capital's press about enrolling in a school. The initiation took place. His first student was a blind boy from Kronstadt - on February 10, 1807, a poor woman brought her son from the almshouse of the Smolny Monastery.

In the Smolny almshouse there were more than a hundred such children. Officials hid this fact from Gaiuy, as they were mortally afraid of competition from his side. Being completely unknown about Russian blind children, he decides not to waste time and organizes the education of blind adults. Every day they were brought from the almshouse to his apartment, and after classes they were taken back (no one objected to adults, since it was believed that it was impossible to teach them). Several other adults from poor families responded to the ad themselves.

According to the program of Valentin Gajui, literacy, crafts, typography, music and singing were taught. Gajui fed his students breakfast and lunch at his own expense.

Finally, on March 12, 1807, the Institute for the Adult Blind was formally established. And his staff was approved for twenty-five pupils. On May 5, 1807, Valentin Gayuy was offered to take the house of the merchant Ramentsov on Vasilyevsky Island.

Thus was founded the Institute for the Blind Adults in St. Petersburg, the first in Russia and the third in the world.

The world is not without good people. In St. Petersburg, Valentin Hayuy met like-minded people. In October 1806, a student of the Pedagogical Institute Galich came to him and offered his services - to teach the blind in literature, that is, reading, writing and grammar. At the same time, the Russified Frenchman Luet came, who agreed to teach music to the blind.

In total, the world-famous teacher had to achieve the fulfillment of all his requirements for eleven years.

Well, okay, Russia is a foreign country! But native France...

In 1817 Valentin Gayuy returned to Paris with his wife and Charles Fournier. The teacher could not fail to come to the Institute, to which he gave his whole soul in his time ...

Now turned into an almshouse, it eked out a rather miserable existence. Gajui did not expect... The matter of his whole life - in such a state! He decides to meet with the current director Guillet and seriously address this problem.

Guyui was simply not allowed into the building of the Institute. Little of.

Guillet published a brochure "Essay on the History of an Institution", printed both in the usual typographical font - for a select public, and - RTS. In the "Essay ..." he argued that the merit of the emergence of an educational institution for the blind in France belongs either to Louis XVI, or to some kind of "Society of philanthropy."

A word about the founder of the world's first official institution for blind children did not find a place in the "Essay ...". He took this situation very hard. Got sick.

Justice will be restored only after his death. And his life will end on March 19, 1822.

In 1855, at the Paris Art Exhibition, models of the monument to the great typhlopedagogue were presented. The young sculptor Badion de la Tronchet won.

The composition shows Valentin Hayuy in full growth, his gaze is turned to Francois de Lesueur, who, sitting on a bench, reads the words written in raised letters: “Valentin Gayuy”. The left hand of the teacher rests on the head of his student.

The grand opening of this bronze monument, which brought together teachers, pupils and graduates of the Institute, who came from all over France and other European countries, took place on August 10, 1861.

It was installed in front of the main facade of the building of the Paris Institute of the Blind.

There were many speeches by students of Gajuy, but the words of gratitude from the Belgian Alexander Rodenbach were especially remembered by the audience. Having received an economic education, he took part in the creation of many laws aimed at improving the welfare of the inhabitants of Belgium. For thirty years, Rodenbach was a member of the country's Chamber of Deputies.

January 15, 1883 in Paris, the first issue of the magazine "Valentin Gayuy" was published on French. Its founder was Maurice de la Sizeran. On the first page of the first issue it was said: "It is necessary to acquaint the blind and friends of the blind with what is being done usefully to improve the lives of the blind, both in France and abroad." The magazine covered the issues of education, upbringing and charity of the blind. Maurice himself became blind at the age of eleven. He studied at the Paris National Institute for the Blind. This man took an active part in the creation of the Museum named after Valentin Gayu. The museum was opened in 1883 at the Valentin Hayuy library.

There are collected various manuals for teaching the blind. Sizeran, on the other hand, founded the Valentin Hayuy Society for the implementation of charitable goals aimed at improving the lives of the blind.

On May 14, 1884, France solemnly celebrated the 100th anniversary of the opening of the first school for blind children by Valentin Gahuy. A touching description of this event has been preserved.

“The monument to the founder was decorated with tropical plants and flowers. In the assembly hall of the Institute of the Blind, a marble bust of Haüy by the sculptor Dalion was installed on a high pedestal - a gift for this day from the Minister of Education and Arts.

The celebration began with a divine service to the sounds of the organ, the choir of pupils and pupils of the Institute for the Blind sang beautifully. Then everyone went to the Pere Lachaise cemetery to bow to the ashes of the great man.

Surrounding the grave of Valentin Hayuy, all the blind walked around the tombstone in the form of a parallelepiped, touching it with their hands. Wreaths and flowers were laid at the monument. Then the blind teacher Gilbo made a heartfelt speech: “We

Children of your creative thought. We brought to your, Valentin Gayuy, deeply revered grave our boundless love and our eternal gratitude to you, who opened the spiritual and moral world to us. You, who dedicated your whole life and all your strength to our revival; you, who drank a hundred times the cup of bitter disappointments and endured so many insults and insults, you suffered for us ...

Now the hour of your glory has struck; that bright glory that places you high among the outstanding creators of spiritual principles, among the benefactors of the human race.

Now your name is surrounded by a halo of glory; it is honored and spread by those who have seen, thanks to you, mind and heart. Respect and love for you will grow from generation to generation. This centennial anniversary of the idea that revived and saved us from endless humiliation and suffering is the first step towards your immortality, Valentin Hayuy!”

At eight o'clock in the evening, a solemn meeting began, which was attended by representatives of many European countries. A. I. Skrebitsky arrived from Russia with his wife. He presented his book “V. Guyui in St. Petersburg. Then there was a big concert, which began with the performance of the cantata "Valentin Gayu". In the competition for the best essay on the topic: "Eulogy to Valentin Gayuy" won Bernius - a blind teacher at the Paris Institute of the Blind.

This is how Valentin Gayuy proved for the first time in the history of mankind that the blind are able to engage in mental and productive work.


Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809 in France.

The name of Louis (Louis) Braille, as the most dear and closest, is pronounced by millions of blind people in all countries of the world. This name has entered into their everyday life just as the names of Darwin, Fedorov, Pavlov and many other remarkable people who brought good with their discoveries and inventions entered the life of all mankind.

Braille is the universal, simplest and most convenient and - therefore - still unsurpassed embossed dot (RTS) writing system for the blind. These are books, notes, mathematical and other notations that provide the blind with the opportunity to master all the values ​​of the spiritual culture of mankind. The Braille system is the greatest stimulus for introducing the blind to socially useful work.

And yet, few people, not only among the sighted, but even among the blind, know about the life and work of Louis Braille, a talented inventor and a wonderful person. Both he himself and those around him considered him an ordinary worker, an ordinary teacher at the Paris National Institute for the Blind. That is why even in Braille's homeland, France, so little is known about it.

Nobody painted his portrait. The available sculptural and graphic images are made from a death mask. He died a little-known person, his inventions were not recognized during his lifetime ... And only 30 years after his death, his system received citizenship rights.

The Brailles had four children. 3 girls and the youngest is Louis. My father was a village saddler. In his father's workshop, 3-year-old Louis somehow injured his eye.

The local doctor was unable to provide the necessary assistance. Inflammation began, and the boy became blind. Parents managed to courageously take the blow and entered the struggle to improve the fate of their little pet.

When the son grew up a little, his mother invited a village musician to visit him. My father taught me his craft.

And by the time he entered school, Louis knew how to play the violin, weave a fringe for a harness and sew slippers. The parents secured the boy's admission to the local school.

How a blind boy studied at a school with sighted people, why he was forced to leave her, no information has been preserved about this. Attending an ordinary school by a disabled person was a very rare, if not a single, occurrence for that time. In January 1819, thanks to the persistent efforts of his parents, Louis was admitted to the Paris Institute for the Blind.

And now, for 33 years, his fate will be connected with this institution. Within these walls, the process of creating a new embossed alphabet for the blind began. There were patterns before the braille various types- linear, needle, pin. He himself got acquainted with the convex letters of the ordinary alphabet by touch long before entering the institute: his father began to teach him to read and write from the age of 6. On smoothly polished boards, he stuffed furniture studs with round hats along the outline of the letters. Round caps of small carnations were immediately felt under the fingertips. The child diligently felt the convex signs and soon learned to distinguish letters by shape.

Louis Braille at the age of 16 thought about the development of a universal relief-dot writing system for the blind and improved it for 12 years.

Having retained in his system the relief "Gvozdik" point, he created alphabetic characters from a combination of 6 points, which were easily read with the help of consciousness. Simultaneously with the end of the institute, Braille's work on the creation of such a 6-dot writing system was completed.

In 1925, he first proposed the system he created for practice. But sighted teachers of the institute opposed it.

Only in 1837, at the insistence of blind pupils and blind people of other ages, did the Council of the Institute again consider Braille's proposal. This time it was allowed to print the first book " Short story France". A year later, Braille compiled and printed a textbook on mathematics.

In 1835, Braille fell ill with tuberculosis, but the realization that his writing was victorious gave strength, he continued his pedagogical activity;

led the work of circles to study his system; did not leave aside the matter of improving relief-dot printing. O pedagogical activity Little Braille information has been preserved. It is only known that Braille was a supporter of visual teaching methods. He made many manuals for his students himself.

He did not have a family, and devoted his life to teaching, improving the system of writing for the blind and daily care for his blind comrades. In 1840, his health began to deteriorate sharply, and he lived for a long time in his parents' house in Coupvray.

A surge of new strength brought him the next year, when he learned that his system was being introduced into the education of pupils of the Paris Institute for Blind Children.

The official recognition of the Braille system in France was confirmed only at the International Congress of Typhlopedagogues in Paris in 1878.

Soon he will be 43 years old. Of course, he is waiting for this day, but even more he wants to wait for the moment when the fruit of his creation will be in his hands - a Braille book printed in a real, which is about to open, printing house. It was January 4, 1852. Louis Braille's birthday.

And on January 6, his forces left him. The embossed-dot book, which he had been waiting for, would come out of the institute's printing house in 1852 after his death. At the expense of friends, students and teachers of the institute, his bust was ordered, which was installed in the lobby of the Paris Institute for the Blind. In May 1887, a monument was unveiled in Coupvre Braille. It should be noted that the funds for its construction were collected by subscription among the blind.

With his discovery, Louis Braille made a huge contribution to the reconstruction of the social and cultural life of the blind not only in France, but throughout the world, earning the boundless gratitude of these people who felt the value of the great invention.

For the blind, the Braille writing system is and will be the main and reliable key to all the treasures of the human mind.

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Monthly report "White cane" for 2015.
On October 15, the annual regional campaign "White Cane" started in the Stavropol Territory, which is already held for the 12th time by the Stavropol Regional Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired named after V. Mayakovsky (SKBSS) together with the Stavropol Regional Public Organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind (SKOO VOSS). In 2015, the month is held under the motto "From accessibility to equality." In 2015, the term for the implementation of the state program "Accessible Environment" ends. The goal of the Accessible Environment program is to create conditions by 2015 to ensure equal access of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transport, to information and communication, as well as to facilities and services open or provided to the public. Measures to ensure the accessibility of cultural and art institutions are aimed at harmonious development the identity of disabled people and people with limited mobility, as well as the creation of equal rights for all citizens of access to institutions and activities in this area. Realizing state program"Accessible Environment" in the Central Library for people with limited mobility, a ramp and a canopy were built.

In accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, low-mobility groups of the population include:
. Disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system
. (including disabled people using wheelchairs);
. Disabled people with visual and hearing impairments;
. Elderly people (60 years and older);
. Temporarily disabled;
. Pregnant women;
. People with prams;
. Preschool children.
As you can see, in addition to the disabled, the people with limited mobility also include a large number of social groups, so everything that is made convenient for the disabled will be convenient for all other library users, even if they do not have physical limitations.

To guide visually impaired users of the library, the movement paths inside the building are marked with a contrasting tape. The application of these signs improves the navigation of users, and they can easily find the desired path.

The activities of the Central Library for the social integration of visually impaired users also include providing them with books in various formats. The Stavropol Regional Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired named after V. Mayakovsky (SKBSS) helps us with this, with which an agreement on outpatient services has been concluded. Visually impaired readers of the Central Library can use special literature in large print format and written in Braille according to their needs. In 2015, 51 copies were received. Received books have different themes and are intended for both adults and children. At the subscription for the visually impaired users, exhibitions with large-printed books are constantly arranged: “Books with large print”, “New items for the visually impaired”. In total, 12 disabled people are registered in the Central Library, 8 of them with impaired vision. Book lending to readers of this category amounted to 202 copies. of which large-printed books - 104 copies.

Literature is delivered to the home of disabled people, elderly users and other people who, for health reasons, cannot visit the library on their own. For 9 months of 2015, 22 home visits were made to 4 disabled people; 48 of them are in enlarged type. Reference and bibliographic services were provided at the request of users, including by phone. Completed -81 references, including 48 references with the help of electronic resources.
The Central Library strives to become a place of interpersonal communication and cultural leisure for the disabled. This work is especially intensified during the days of the White Cane month, on the Day of the Disabled, the Day of the Elderly.

Library staff conduct literary and musical compositions, rehabilitation evenings. Not only the visually impaired but also pupils are invited to the events remedial school and patients of the psycho-neurological boarding school.

15.10.15 in the reading room of the Central Library, within the framework of the White Cane month, a literary and musical composition “They see the world through their hearts” was held. Students attended music school, high school students of MKOU secondary school No. 2, patients of a psycho-neurological boarding school, visually impaired people and library readers. Leading event librarian V.P. Plyusnina at the beginning of the meeting introduced the audience to the history of the "White Cane" - the symbol of blind people, about Louis Braille - the inventor of writing for the blind. In the future, the conversation continued about the problems of the disabled and the special needs of people with disabilities, in particular, those who are blind; about the attitude of society towards these categories of citizens, about their struggle with the disease for their place in life. The teacher of music school No. 1 I. V. Mnatsakanova told about the fate of Johann Sebastian Bach, who, having gone blind, continued to work, relying on "inner hearing". Students and teachers of the music school performed works by Russian and foreign composers and folk melodies. During the event, one could get acquainted with the book exhibition "I see with my heart" dedicated to famous blind people: composers, artists, writers, poets and singers, past and present.

26.10.15 for the disabled, visually impaired, pupils of the city's schools, a lesson of kind words "Let's compliment each other", timed to coincide with the White Cane month, was held. To the song of B. Okudzhava, the librarian of the Central Bank V.P. Plyusnina spoke about the meaning of the word “compliment”, the tradition of its use since ancient times. She cited examples from the classics of world literature, folklore and everyday communication, urged to be more tolerant, show more participation and not spare a kind word for relatives, friends, especially for people with disabilities, always remembering the power of words. The audience saw a staging of I. Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox", participated in the games-competitions "Tell a friend:" Hello "and" Compliment chamomile ", got acquainted with the book exhibition" Tell me a kind word ".

11.11.15 an hour of poetry was held in the Central Library "Our life is like a narrow trail of a flashlight" - about the work of a wonderful poet, Hero Soviet Union Edward Asadov. Eduard Asadov is one of those courageous people who did not give up to the terrible illness that struck them, but continued the struggle and managed to fully realize themselves, their talent in practice. The librarian of the subscription V.P. Plush. The book exhibition "I see with my heart" included collections of poems by E. Asadov, works by Homer, J. Milton, E. Bazin, A. Marshall, D. Cusack, Y. Nagibin and others - about the fight against illness, about those who do not give up and fights. The books aroused great interest among readers; they took several collections of Asadov's poems directly from the exhibition stand.

Readers with disabilities actively participate in creative competitions: quizzes, reader competitions, exhibitions of creative works. During the month of "White cane" on the subscription acted an exhibition of arts and crafts of disabled people "Talents of our city".

The purpose of the round table was to consider the specifics of working with deaf-blind citizens in a library environment and to discuss topical issues of interaction with users with other disabilities. Head of the service department G.A. Remygina took part in this event.

All this together allows to include in public life as many people with disabilities as possible.

Today the world celebrates the 160th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Ossetian literature, Kost Levanovich Khetagurov. The main celebrations of the republic were held in the village of Nar, where the great playwright was born. Hundreds of people gathered at the literary and folklore festival. The poems of Kosta Khetagurov could be heard everywhere today. In Vladikavkaz, many people came to honor the memory of the great son of Ossetia and lay flowers at his pantheon. All day long, people of all ages came to the walls of the Ossetian church. Among them is Candidate of Philological Sciences Boris Khoziev. The honored worker of culture is sure that if it were not for Kosta Levanovich, he would not have connected his life with Ossetian literature. Remembered the name of Costa today and outside the country. The Ossetian diaspora in Belgium "Alany Nykhas" gathered connoisseurs of the Ossetian poet's work in the city of Ypres. Among the admirers was the Belgian political scientist, president of the public organization Euro-Rus Chris Roman. According to him, he got acquainted with Costa's work when he was an OSCE observer in South Ossetia. The center of the celebration of the 160th anniversary of the birth of Kost Khetagurov was his native village of Nar. Even the youngest guests of the holiday demonstrated their reading skills. Vyacheslav Bitarov and President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov came to the celebration in Nar. The official end of the holiday is the performance of the national teams of the republic. The most impressive and spectacular performance was the performance of the equestrian drama theater of Narta with the production of "Holiday in the Mountains" based on the life and work of Kosta Khetagurov. According to the organizers, it is the children who are the most important participants in the holiday, they first of all need to become closer to Costa, to his fate and creativity. Children in organized groups came from different regions of the republic. Kosta Khetagurov did a lot for his people. We can't ruin it all. And you just have to appreciate it. The guys also walked around the museum of Kosta Khetagurov in Nara. According to the director of the national museum of the republic, it is always very joyful when on such a day children come with interest to learn more about Costa. The Costa Museum will soon be able to receive even more visitors. Next year, it will undergo a large-scale reconstruction with a complete renovation of the exposition and library.

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11/21/2017 "White cane - 2017"

"Month" White cane - 2017: with an open heart to a blind person "" - under this motto, from October 15 to November 13, the annual regional action was held in the libraries of the Budyonnovsky district. The main purpose of this action was not only to organize the leisure of blind and visually impaired readers, but also a kind of reminder to those who see a person with such a cane: you should help cross the road, show the way, you should not be afraid of blind people - sometimes they simply need our help. Specialists of the libraries of the district held talks, information hours, thematic meetings and literary and musical compositions for people of different ages. Librarians urged residents and guests of the villages to be more attentive to those who have disabilities, who need support and understanding. In order to draw society's attention to the visually impaired, the staff of the Budyonnovsk inter-settlement central library held an Orthodox hour for younger schoolchildren "Where does KINDNESS live?".

At the very beginning of the event, the librarian, Biryukova E.E. a presentation was held, during which the children got acquainted with the wonderful writer Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov, who organized the Russian Children's Fund to help needy children. The guys learned that there are truly kind people in the world who are able not only to sympathize with people's troubles, but also people who are truly ready to help in overcoming troubles. Also, an exhibition of books by Albert Likhanov was presented to young readers. The priest of the Church of Our Lady of Kazan Lev Gil was invited to the event. Father Leo talked with the guys about kindness from an Orthodox point of view. Children learned a lot of interesting things about kindness, the importance of good deeds, mercy, respect for each other, honesty and friendliness. Students willingly entered into a dialogue with Father Leo, answered questions, shared their thoughts. At the end of the event, the librarian, together with the children, “dressed” the “Good Tree” in leaflets with kind words. Thus, they showed that they are well versed in the concepts of “Good” and “Evil”. The event ended with the following words: “You can talk about good for a long time and let good walk on our planet, warming human souls and hearts with faith, hope and love.” The purpose of the event is to form the concept of “kindness” in the minds of children, to expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about kindness and its role in the life of every person, to form an internal need for a good attitude towards others and a desire to do good deeds, motivating children to do good deeds. In the village library Arkhangelskoe was presented the literary and musical composition "And I catch the glare of life with greed."

The spectators were students of the 3rd grade of the secondary school No. 1. Using the example of an electronic presentation, the participants of the event made a short digression into the history international day White cane, learned about blind people who did not withdraw, but were able to join society. Many of them are gifted and talented individuals, including athlete Marle Runyan, surfer Derek Rabelo, artist John Bramblitt, chef Kristina Ha, photographer Pete Eckert and singer Diana Gurtskaya. Diana's songs were played during the event. The names of writers and poets are widely known: Eduard Asadov, Nikolai Ostrovsky, Mikhail Suvorov, Nikolai Rybalko and many others. The books of these authors were presented at the book exhibition "I see with my heart". The guys felt like a "blind" by participating in the competitions "Obstacles" (guys with a cane must go a distance with obstacles) and "Guess the object" (find the object by touch with eyes closed). Then the students talked about the difficulties they experienced while completing the tasks. Librarians urged those present to be more attentive to the blind and visually impaired people. After all, mercy and care are the best human qualities that should be cultivated in oneself from childhood. "Tolerance. Equality. Integration” are the main words of the International White Cane Day. In the village of Arkhipovskoye, librarians held an hour of poetry "He saw with his heart ...". students elementary school took part in the lesson of morality "Do good for your neighbor", which took place in the village library of the village. Red October.

Everything took place in the form of games "Who are you", "Guide", "Together" and analysis of the proposed situations. The game form of the event made it possible to give the children a general idea of ​​goodwill, attention, and respect. In conclusion, the children were offered a short story - "LIFE STORY IN THE PHARMACY". With the help of this story, I wanted to convey to the children that to give a little warmth, to provide all possible assistance not only to people with disabilities, but also to all those in need of support, each of us can do it. You can't take on someone else's pain. But you can at least hold a person by the hand so that he is not alone with his pain. In the village library New life an information and educational hour “We are all different, but we are all equal” was held, which was also attended by children of primary school age.

The children were told that the International White Cane Day is an opportunity to equalize the rights of disabled and conditionally healthy people, to understand and accept them as they are: with all the advantages, negative and positive aspects of character, difficulties and specifics. The participants of the event were able to try on the fate of a person with physical disabilities. The children had to go blindfolded along the path, crossing obstacles that were determined with a cane. In conclusion, the children watched the cartoon "The Hedgehog Must Be Prickly", which helped the children to consolidate the concept that all people are different, but that's why they are interesting. The Hour of Poetry was prepared by the staff of the Praskoveiskaya rural library, which was called "He saw the world with his heart ...".

Librarians introduced readers to the biography of the front-line poet who lost his sight in the war when he was only 20 years old, during the heroic defense of the city of Sevastopol. And then they read his poems ... about love and betrayal, about disappointment and loyalty. Eduard Arkadyevich said that he drew inspiration for his work from letters from his readers and notes that he received during literary meetings. The human stories told in them formed the basis of his new works. Therefore, his poems are so alive, warming the soul. A mini-exhibition “He saw the world with his heart” was prepared for the event, as well as a booklet “Great blind people in world culture” was prepared. For fifth-graders of Preobrazhenskaya high school an information hour “We are like everyone else, but a little stronger” was prepared and held.