
Is Olga Buzova getting divorced from Tarasov. "Tarabuziki": treason, division of property and application for divorce. "We have serious intentions"


Details scandalous divorce famous TV presenter Olga Buzova with football player Dmitry Tarasov still excite fans. For a long time the true reason for the couple's breakup remained a mystery. But after hackers hacked into the smartphone of the star of the popular TV set, a correspondence dotted the “i” got into the network.

As you can see, in the intimate life of Olga and Dmitry, everything was not cloudless.

But who would have thought that the problem was not in betrayal, not in the cooling of relations, but only in physiology! Specifically, in the stretched muscles of the vagina in the beautiful half of the couple.

According to doctors, such problems usually occur in women after 50 years. But in rare cases (most often, if the girl had too many different partners), this happens to those who are not more than 30. Perhaps this is exactly what happened to the TV presenter. And the following correspondence, posted on the network, confirms this:

When fans spotted Buzova leaving Moscow's best gynecological center late last year, they put two and two together and realized the TV presenter was looking for a way to deal with the problem of stretched intimate muscles. But, judging by the fact that Olga and Dmitry nevertheless divorced, this problem could not be solved. At least at that moment.

We managed to find a doctor who was once treated by the star of the famous TV show.

On terms of complete confidentiality, he said that Olga really had problems with the vaginal muscles. It was for this reason that doctors forbade a woman to have children - as you know, this stretching could become even stronger. First, the doctor prescribed his patient a special gymnastics for intimate muscles. But the exercises take too much time, which public people practically never have. And then the gynecologist gave another advice - use the V-tonus cream.

This cream-gel, according to the specialist, is designed to solve the problems of millions of women who suffer from stretching of the vaginal muscles.

The active ingredients of the product help to strengthen and narrow the walls of the vagina, give muscle tissue elasticity and even relieve possible inflammation! The doctor told us that V-tonus is used by many celebrities. Especially those women who have already given birth, because after childbirth, each (!) Intimate muscles stretch.

The perfect pair of "gibberish" delighted not only their fans, but also ordinary people. Olga Buzova is a successful and beautiful TV presenter, Dmitry Tarasov is a football player of the Lokomotiv club. Their love story, unfortunately, did not end very happily.

"Build your love!" - almost everyone now knows this slogan from the reality show "Dom-2". It was there that viewers first saw Olga Buzova, she was only 18 years old. For six years, she was recognized as the best participant in the television project, during which time Olga released several books, even her statue ended up in the Moscow Wax Museum.

In 2008, she deservedly took the post of host of Doma-2.

Acquaintance of Dmitry and Olga

Later, Olga met Tarasov in a circle of friends.

According to her, they did not part from the first day of the meeting, they were always next to each other, and if there were separations, they talked on the phone until the morning. Dmitry - vice-captain and midfielder of the Moscow football club Lokomotiv, a tall blond is not a man, but just a dream!

Dmitry himself was married at that time and raised his daughter Angelina, she was 2 years old at that time, but the presence of a family could not stop him.

For the sake of Olga, Dmitry filed for divorce. The football player said that in the previous family, the conflict had been brewing for a long time and there was already discord. The fact that he met Buzova only pushed him to such drastic measures. Olga herself, in turn, said the following:

“A real man cannot be “taken away” from the family, he can only make such a decision on his own.”

Wedding and family life

Their romance developed very rapidly: a year after they met, a long-awaited marriage proposal was made. The marriage took place at the Griboedovsky registry office on June 26, 2012.

The wedding was arranged on a luxurious liner, where there were relatives, football players and friends from the Dom-2 project.

Floating along the Moskva River, the guests noticed the most romantic surprise: an inscription made of red balloons appeared on the Novospassky bridge:

"Olya I love you".

As it seemed then, happiness knew no bounds.

After the wedding, they almost immediately parted for work: Tarasov needed to get ready, and she had to conduct a TV set. According to Olga, she was ready for such an outcome from the very beginning and always supported her beloved.

Soon Dmitry's father died. Buzova helped to survive this loss not only to her husband, but also to her mother-in-law, with whom they developed a very close and warm relationship.

After that, it was possible to call them a truly strong couple. Olga went to all the matches of Lokomotiv, supported her husband during multiple operations, even created a special hashtag #gibberish.

Dmitry was very kind to Olga, constantly arranged some kind of romantic surprises, and flowers were always in their house. Not family life, but a real fairy tale that every girl dreams of.

In addition to such everyday "little things", the couple clearly planned a story in the style of "lived happily ever after": they began to build a house in the Moscow region worth about 100 million rubles.

Dmitry also presented his wife with an expensive car.

There was no doubt about Olga's intentions either: she cooked for him at night after work and once rented Luzhniki to celebrate her husband's birthday.

The couple even got pets - a Yorkshire terrier and a Pomeranian.

Fans have criticized the "gibberish" for not having children. Olga reacted to this remark quite sharply:

“I posted a photo with our friends and with the baby, and away we go ... they get dogs, animals !!! And only my husband and I decide what time it is for us, whom, and when !!! Live your life. My life my rules".


Nothing foreshadowed trouble, however, towards the end of 2016, rumors of a divorce appeared. Since November, the couple has ceased to publish joint photos and appear together at public events. wedding rings removed both. When this news was made public, everyone immediately began to wonder what caused it.

Numerous correspondences of the couple were posted from which it was clear that things were heading for a break. Olga accused Dmitry of cheating on her with a young model Anastasia Kostenko. Dmitry denied an affair with a girl. As during the first divorce, he said that their paths had diverged a long time ago. In addition, the football player wanted children, but Olga was not ready for them.

It is possible that the cat ran between the "tarabuziks" on the basis of Dmitry's distrust: he issued Vacation home on my mother, the same situation was with family cars. According to friends and relatives of the couple, Olga was offended by this attitude.

Interview of Olga Buzova about the divorce from Tarasov:

Life after divorce

Since January 2017, Dmitry began to meet with Anastasia Kostenko. Their relationship also developed quite rapidly. Now they have already got married and are raising a daughter (more about them).

“Love has passed, the tomatoes have withered. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it does not happen that only one. So Dmitry commented on the divorce.

Olga almost immediately changed her image - she dyed her hair in a burning brunette.

At first, she was very upset by the divorce: she constantly worked, ate little and lost weight dramatically. Perhaps this paid off, and the TV presenter reincarnated as a singer. The first recording "To the Sound of Kisses" almost immediately took first place in the iTunes Russia chart.

In addition, Olga was actively engaged in a versatile business: she opened her own cryptocurrency, several restaurants, and bought a bakery.

Since the divorce, Olga has not been a member of serious relationship. She was credited with an affair with Timur Batrutdinov, Comedy Club comedian, when they were vacationing together in Thailand.

Since the TV star is constantly busy, she decided to arrange her personal life with the help of television. In August 2018, the Marry Buzova project was launched, where 15 successful young people are fighting for Olga's heart.

For a long time, the former spouses tried to avoid each other, especially Olga. Nevertheless, not so long ago they crossed paths in a Moscow restaurant: Buzova participated in a press conference for a new show, and Tarasov, with his wife, daughter and mother, decided to celebrate the christening there.

The administrators were simply asked to make sure that the guests did not intersect. The TV presenter claims that she has long fallen out of love with Dmitry and is ready for a new relationship.

A former participant in the show "Dom-2", and now its presenter, is not only the main blonde of the TV show, but, it seems, of the whole country. Buzova wrote several books, got a job on television, became a fashion designer and married football player Dmitry Tarasov, midfielder and vice-captain of Lokomotiv Moscow ... However, their small family did not last even 5 years.

Critics and advisers: it's time to have children!

Olga Buzova rarely swears and provokes scandals, even now, in a tense period of discord with her husband. However, one day the star's angelic patience came to an end when subscribers criticized her ... because, having been married for several years, she never gave birth to a child! The comments angered Buzova so much that she could not resist making harsh statements and asked the subscribers what place they think.

This event caused a big scandal, and UEFA representatives assessed the athlete's antics as a provocation. Lokomotiv fined Buzova's wife 300 thousand euros (more than 25 million rubles) and was deprived of all February bonuses. In another unpleasant incident, also related to football, Olga Buzova turned out to be the heroine, but this time in the role of the injured party. On April 30, the TV presenter was rooting for her husband during the Spartak - Lokomotiv match.

After the news of the breakup, the “Buzova side” was the first to speak. Olga Buzova’s sister Anna posted a photo on Instagram with words of support: “So much dirt that not everyone can bear, but we can bear it all, my little blood, my little sister.” Following Anna, Olga's friend Rustam Solntsev, a former participant in the reality show Dom-2, spoke out, who, like many Tarabuzikov fans, nevertheless expressed hope for a family reunion: “Olya and Dima have been together for a long time. Maybe, to some extent, their relationship has lost its freshness. At one time they wrote that Dimka could cheat on her - well, it's a young thing. In general, he is quite a rude and ill-mannered person. But I love Olya and I hope that they will overcome this crisis. But only if they really need it, otherwise it's not worth even trying ... "

Have a Conversation with Them: Anti-Divorce Petition

The most desperate fans of the couple do not doubt that the spouses really need to make peace. The day after the announcement of the divorce, fans created a petition sent to Federation Council member Elena Mizulina to help save the marriage of the TV presenter and football player. “Dear Elena Borisovna! You, like no one else, will be able to influence the decision of our beloved Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov. For us, fans of this beautiful couple, they are an example of an ideal relationship, family values ​​and mutual love. We do not know what happened to them, but we are sure that their marriage can be saved. Please have a conversation with Olga and Dmitry!” - bluntly wrote the fans. To their chagrin, there was no reaction from Mizulina ...

We met rather banally - in a circle of mutual friends.

It was 2011, she had already become the host of a scandalous television project, and he was still thundering as a famous football player.

Sympathy between them appeared instantly, and the TV presenter herself admits that she fell under the spell of a famous athlete immediately and to the fullest. Relations developed rapidly, but at the same time very romantic.

Due to a busy schedule, the lovers could not meet often., but they had endless nights and phone calls at their disposal.

After a while, the star couple admitted that at that moment each of them felt like a teenager in love.

Moreover, later Olga was perplexed - as soon as they had enough strength for such a format of relations, because the schedule of the football player and TV presenter was always more than tense and sleepless nights did not fit into it.

True, there was one fact that overshadowed the life of lovers - this is a stamp in Tarasov's passport.

It should be noted that Dmitry Tarasov himself and Olga Buzova said more than once that at that time this marriage was already considered formal, the athlete did not live with his wife and kept the external side of the relationship for the sake of his little daughter.

Whether this is true or whether Buzova is a real homemaker - only the participants in those events themselves know.

But dry facts suggest that Dmitry began the divorce proceedings after meeting with Olga, and as soon as he brought it to the end, he went down the aisle with her.

Their large-scale, cheerful and, admittedly, expensive the wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took place on June 26, 2012.

The entire subsequent life of a married couple became public. Moreover, Olga and Dmitry never hid from the paparazzi, but rather willingly gave them reasons for reporting.

The couple actively posted photos of them family life , talked about their joint vacation or other events that they attended. Buzova even came up with a number of hashtags (#gibberish, #moyamoy, #husband), with which she and her husband subsequently accompanied all their entries in in social networks.

The life of the guys seemed cloudless, although in fact it was far from it.

First, Dmitry was seriously injured and underwent a complex operation, then he was severely punished for going to an international match in a T-shirt with the image of the President of Russia.

We must pay tribute to Olga - she was always there. She could be seen both in the hospital ward and at parties in support of Tarasov's outrageous act.

In parallel with this, the guys constantly pleased each other in small things and big things - Dmitry dedicated his favorite song, Olga arranged enchanting holidays for him, he gave her bouquets, and she dedicated frank posts on the network to him.

The guys were also preparing their own family nest - it was supposed to be a mansion in the suburbs, which the couple acquired ... for 100 million rubles!

The only thing that the spouses lacked, at least in the opinion of others, was children.

But Tarabuziki have always emphasized that everything has its time I, they will definitely come to the decision to have a child, but for now, all their efforts are aimed at developing a career and raising two charming dogs of the Yorkshire terrier breed.

But it turned out that happiness for show cannot be eternal. The first news about the discord in the family of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova appeared in the fall of 2016.

Don't miss the fun:

For the first time in 5 years, the TV presenter's Instagram stopped replenishing with joint photos, and the pictures of pleasant surprises, trifles, and bouquets that she received from her husband disappeared.

Then Olga from post to post began to complain about the lack of understanding of the closest people and total loneliness. At the end of October, the discord became noticeable not only on social networks, because Buzova came alone to present her with the prestigious Insta Awards and did not want to communicate with the press.

And very soon, from one of Dmitry's messages, it became clear that for the first time his wife did not support him during the next operation. The finale of this sad story was that the couple took off their wedding rings.

What caused such a fatal discord? Some sources say that the essence lies in the financial issue - it seems that Dmitry decided to issue their joint mansion to his mother, thereby depriving Olga of any rights to it.

After a quarrel Dmitry took the car donated to them from Olga.

Others close to the star couple say that the reason is Tarasov's behavior - allegedly he has been seen cheating more than once and is now seriously carried away by someone. There are those who accuse the couple of ... PR!

Allegedly, there is no divorce at all, and all the hype was created only in order to stir up public interest in Buzova's solo song, which she released at about the same time.

Most likely it will take a little time and everyone will know real reasons the parting of this beautiful couple, but for now you just need to note - there are no more Tarabuzikov.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have been, perhaps, one of the most discussed couples in the media for more than six months. For a long time, the couple did not comment on what was happening in the house. When the tarabuziki broke their silence, new grounds for gossip appeared.

At first, Buzova said that Tarasov, who did not want children, was to blame. Then the Lokomotiv footballer gave an interview in which he refuted the words of his missus. Like, it dreamed of kids, and Olya resisted.

Fans were at a loss, but soon the love story took on the shape of a triangle. All the stones flew into the garden of the new girlfriend of the football player Anastasia Konstenko ...

Boris Korchevnikov decided to dot the i's on the show "Live". Here he invited friends of the star couple, who eventually divided into two camps ...

The first to appear on the air was Andrey Chuev, a member of Doma-2 since 2008, who recently left the project:

Olga herself is to blame for what happened. Dmitry Tarasov wanted to start a family, Olga did not want this, her whole life was for show. Now she is also ostentatiously trying to inspire self-pity. Olga is actually not very worried about the divorce, she rather increases her own popularity. Are you talking about sincerity? I myself personally heard how Buzova, talking with her husband on the phone, cursed over money, specifically over a common house worth 160 million rubles. And then, Olga once herself took Tarasov away from the family where there were children. What did she expect?

There were many supporters of the fact that Buzova was building a PR campaign, but there were those who nevertheless supported the TV presenter. Gleb Zhemchugov was once the host at the wedding of Buzova and Tarasov: “I remember when rumors about a break in relations first began, Olya was very worried. She tossed and didn't know how to behave. What is it about her dancing, singing, writing books and being active on social media? This does not mean that she is deceiving us, Olya just fills life with bright moments in order to quickly get distracted and forget.

Of course, the program also included opinions about the new passion of Dmitry Tarasov. Who knows Nastya better than the leaders of the Image modeling agency in Rostov, who gave the girl a ticket to adulthood?

"She is from large family and got used to working hard. Her parents are exceptionally decent people. Nastya would never break up a family, ”commented Elena Stepura, director of the agency. Colleagues and friends of Kostenko, Rostov models Anna Sorokina and Elena Lobanova described Nastya as honest, open and simple girl: “She even came to Tarasov’s anniversary in a dress for 2 thousand rubles. And she is too proud and well-mannered to be a homemaker.” It turns out that Kostenko is not the reason for the divorce, but the very victim of gossip and intrigue. Is it really all about the money?