
Russians are denied old-age pensions. Which countries do not have an old-age pension and where is the largest pension? Is it worth it for a pensioner to draw up a pension later?


Welcome to site. By law, every citizen who lives in the territory of the Russian Federation and reaches a certain age is entitled to an old-age pension. This type of payment is assigned for material support of citizens who, due to age or for other reasons, are limited in their ability to work. But to at least minimum pension was appointed in 2020, it is necessary to comply with a number of additional conditions that are established at the legislative level.

To assign a pension, you must have a minimum length of service, this is the main condition. A pension payment can also be assigned to citizens who do not have the required amount seniority. The size of the pension is affected a large number of factors. But it can only be compared with the subsistence level of the region in which the pensioner lives.

Depending on what conditions for the appointment pension provision corresponds to a pensioner, one of the following types of pension can be assigned:

  • Insurance pension payment. Its formation and payment is made with the help of mandatory insurance payments, which are deducted by the employer for their employees to the pension fund.
  • Social pension payment. It is formed and paid from the state budget.

It is worth knowing that the appointment and payment of old-age pensions is made to the recipient, regardless of the fact of his labor activity.

While the social pension is the minimum old-age pension and is paid to those pensioners who have no employment. That is, in this case, the pensioner does not have an official salary or income from any other activity, as a result of which he is subject to mandatory pension insurance.

About the insurance part of the pension

The appointment of an insurance pension in our country is made much more often than other pension payments. According to statistics, about 83% are recipients of this particular type of pension provision. The conditions under which it is established, as well as the size of the minimum pension in Russia, are regulated at the legislative level by the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. In accordance with this law, the right to this pension payment in 2020 is subject to the following conditions:

  • Achievement retirement age 56.5 years for women and 61.5 years for men.
  • Availability insurance experience at least 11 years old.
  • The presence of a pension coefficient, that is, pension points, of at least 18.6.

All these parameters work for pension appointments in 2020, and every year these parameters will increase. The experience requirement will increase by 1 year each year until the minimum experience reaches 15 years, and the points requirement will increase by 2.4 each year until the minimum number reaches 30.

Those citizens who carried out their labor activity in areas far north, as well as in heavy and hazardous industries, there is the right to retire earlier than the retirement age, that is, ahead of schedule. The conditions under which a person may be entitled to early retirement, are registered in the Federal Law "On insurance pensions".

How the minimum pension will increase in 2020 in Russia and Moscow

The minimum pension is a concept that in the legislation implies the size of the subsistence minimum. Its payment is made monthly to those categories of citizens whose work experience and age fully comply with the conditions of the law, including those citizens who do not have other pension payments.

The calculation of the subsistence minimum is based on the past inflation parameters for the past year, the level of increase in prices for the consumer basket and other indicators of the state economy. Each region of the country has its own subsistence minimum, and if the pension does not reach the subsistence minimum, the difference is paid from the regional budget.

But the question of how much the minimum pension will be in 2020 is differentiated for each category of citizens separately.

As already mentioned, the insurance old-age pension is assigned to citizens upon reaching the retirement age of 56.5 years for women and 61.5 years for men. It is also necessary to have at least 11 years of work experience, this indicator is set for 2020, it will increase until 2024 until it reaches 15 years. The amount of the minimum pension for the category of citizens who have fulfilled these conditions will be 9,311 rubles in 2020. Under the same conditions, pensioners in Moscow will receive twice as much, their pension will be 19,500 rubles.

Social pension payment is a benefit that is paid to citizens who do not receive an insurance pension, but they need governmental support for other reasons. This may be disability, loss of a breadwinner, or lack of the required amount of seniority. In 2020, this payment is expected to be indexed by 0.4% and the minimum amount since the beginning of April will be 9,311 rubles.

Indexation of 6.6% is also expected for insurance pensions from January 1, 2020 for non-working pensioners. From February 1, it is expected to index monthly cash UDV payments, funeral allowances, a set of social services NSO at an indexation rate of 3.8%.

The following formula is used for the amount of the minimum pension:

Fixed amount + insurance premium, where:

The insurance premium is the sum of accumulated points multiplied by their value. In 2020, the cost of one point is 93 rubles.

Social pension in Moscow

The cost of living for a pensioner in Moscow in 2018 was at around 11,816 rubles. This amount is the minimum pension in Moscow, taking into account additional payments from the regional budget. In 2019, there was an increase in the subsistence minimum by 299 rubles, in accordance with this, the size of the minimum pension payment also increased, it amounted to 11,280 rubles. In 2020, it is planned to increase the subsistence minimum to 12,130 rubles.

This minimum amount is set for the category of pensioners who are registered and have lived in the capital for less than 10 years. For pensioners who have lived in the capital for more than 10 years, the amount of the pension corresponds to the City Social Standard.

That citizen who, upon reaching retirement age, has lived in Moscow for less than 10 years, is a visitor, and he does not have the right to a Moscow allowance. The calculation of the pension for this category of citizens is based on the lowest subsistence rate in the region. In other words, if at the time of the appointment of a pension, a pensioner has lived in Moscow for less than 10 years, then only the subsistence minimum will be paid to him.

But, if a citizen has lived in the capital for more than 10 years at the time of reaching retirement age, then the calculation and assignment of a pension will be made according to other parameters. To receive an old-age insurance pension, a pensioner must have at least 10 years of work experience. The appointment of such a pension with temporary registration is impossible, you must have a permanent residence permit. The period of residence in the regions that are equated to Moscow is also summed up.

Raising the minimum pension in Moscow from the beginning of 2020

On the this moment It is known that the minimum pension in Moscow in 2020 will be increased. The calculation of the insurance pension is made with the sum of pension points: the difference between the achievement of retirement age and the actual exit to a well-deserved rest. When applying for a pension in later periods pension coefficient will be increased. That is, according to the GSS in 2018, it was already 17,500 rubles, and in 2020 it will be 19,500 rubles.

The cost of one pension point also falls under indexation, but there are a number of important nuances:

  • The increase in pensions for Muscovites took place on January 1, 2020.
  • The amount of pension paid to pensioners amounted to 19,500 rubles.
  • The difference in the amount is 700 rubles, such an increase is very significant for a pensioner.

In 2020, the minimum amount of Moscow pensions was affected by a decrease in the real incomes of poor citizens, in addition, food prices increased due to the past level of inflation. As a result, the amount of the minimum allowance ceased to cover the needs of pensioners. Also, by order of the mayor of the city, 43,000 citizens will be assigned new payments that were not there before.

Pensioners living in Moscow, as well as pensioners from other regions, enjoy all the benefits based on regulatory documents. When determining monetary payments, officials rely on various prescriptions. The calculation of the minimum pension for Muscovites is based on the following documents:

  • For 2018, Federal Law No. 805-PP “On setting the amount of certain social and other payments for 2018”.
  • In 2020, the GSS coefficient increased, on the basis of which the additional payment to pensions up to 19,500 rubles is determined for those living in Moscow for more than 10 years.

The increase in the GSS, as well as the increase in benefits, will affect 2 million people this year. In order to protect the population, benefits that are paid to privileged categories of citizens are also subject to an increase - these are:

  • Large families.
  • Low-income families with children.
  • Families with disabled children (new annual allowance for the purchase of school uniform in the amount of 10,000 rubles).

The amount of pension for working and non-working pensioners

In Moscow, in addition to the social part of the pension, pensioners are also entitled to regional supplements. The final amount of the supplement is determined by how long the pensioner has lived in the capital. If the duration of residence is 10 or more years, then the pensioner is entitled to receive an additional payment according to Moscow indicators. In the country base size is 9311 rubles, in Moscow this figure for 2020 is 12500 rubles.

For unemployed Muscovites, the minimum wage will increase by 7% this year. According to the pension fund, such an increase will cover the cost of living. What will be the minimum pension in 2020? the amount of the pension will be equal to 12,500 rubles.

From August 1, 2019, the insurance pension of working pensioners has increased due to the increase in the size of the IPC (pension points increase). However, this affected only recipients of insurance pensions for disability and old age and was limited to 3 points.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners is no longer carried out long time. The planned pension increase did not happen, and indexation will not be carried out for this category of citizens in the near future. But if a pensioner stops working, then the indexation of the pension will be carried out in accordance with the law.

Additional benefits for Moscow pensioners in 2020

Despite economic improvements in the capital, this minimally affects low-income families and pensioners, the law clearly states what the minimum pension is now in Moscow. That is why we increased additional subsidies to these categories of citizens. At the beginning of 2018, Muscovite pensioners began to receive new compensation, which had not been available before. The increase in these compensations was almost 5 times, 47 billion rubles were allocated for this.

There are several separate categories of citizens who are entitled to receive new monthly supplements to pension payments:

  • Citizens of the defense of Moscow - 8000 rubles.
  • Veterans of labor and service - 1000 rubles, home front workers - 1500 rubles and rehabilitated - 2000 rubles.
  • Participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War up to 2000 rubles, food compensation.
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR, labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, holders of orders of glory and labor glory - 25,000 rubles.
  • Widows of the Heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR, the Labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, cavaliers with orders of glory and labor glory who have not entered into another marriage - 15,000 rubles.
  • Citizens with the title of "Honorary Citizen of Moscow" - 50,000 rubles.
  • Pensioners with the titles of "People's Artist of the USSR", "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", "Artist of the People of the RSFSR", "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" - 30,000 rubles.

Citizens who are considered long-livers of Moscow are also entitled to material compensation. Additional payments are made to citizens who are 101 years of age or older. This category citizens receives lump sum payment for a birthday from the state in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

Minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020

The pension legislation establishes what is the minimum pension in Russia in 2020. In accordance with it, a pensioner cannot receive a pension below the subsistence level established in the region.

The size of the minimum pension payment in the Moscow Region is also equal to the subsistence level for this region and

The subsistence minimum for a pensioner for the 3rd quarter of 2019 amounted to 9,660 rubles. In Moscow, the living standard at this time for a pensioner is 12,487 rubles. This amount will be the minimum wage in Moscow from January 1, 2020.

Which pension is more profitable - Moscow or the Moscow region

Indigenous Muscovites living in the capital receive an additional pension payment up to the city social standard, which from the beginning of 2020 will be 19,500 rubles. In the region, such additional payments also work, but the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020 is much lower than the capital one, and the algorithm for calculating it is much more complicated and is individual for each pensioner.

The minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2018 was 9527 rubles, in 2019 it was increased by 381 rubles, i.e. became 9908 rubles.

It is more profitable to be a native pensioner in the capital than in the regions. But here it could be lucky for those pensioners who live in the region, but are registered in the regions of the new Moscow, which entered the boundaries of the city. Since, together with joining the capital, they received the right to receive exactly Moscow supplements to pension payments and all Moscow benefits.

The minimum pension in 2018 in Russia by region in the form of a table

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In order for citizens residing in Moscow and the Moscow Region to receive an old-age pension, it is necessary to check whether their age and other criteria required by the Pension Fund for receiving a pension on a general basis meet.

Required retirement criteria

In 2018, the applicant must be 60 years old at the time of application (55 years for women). In 2018, upon retirement, you must have a general minimum length of service. Pensioners who do not work should apply immediately upon reaching the Pension Fund, because in the event of a delay, the pension will not be paid. The citizen's application, as well as all documentation, will be considered by the Pension Fund within 30 days. The payment of the pension starts from the moment you submit your application.

In order to carry out the procedure for processing pension payments, you must contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund at the place of permanent residence, or the nearest branch located at the place of residence at the moment. If there is no permanent registration, a citizen can also apply to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia at the time of their immediate location, if it is impossible to contact the authority at the place of permanent and temporary registration.

After choosing the branch to which the citizen wants to apply, the following procedure takes place. A call is made from the applicant in order to consult on the reception of citizens, the exact list of documents that need to be collected. On the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, there are samples of forms and applications. Retirees who are employed can also consult with specialists over the phone about a more favorable retirement time.

With the help of a consultation, you can prepare all the forms in advance, and then a citizen who wants to apply for a monthly pension applies personally to the Pension Fund. A list of papers that have been prepared earlier is provided, and a check is made with the list of required forms, and if some issues cannot be resolved at the time of application, the state allocates 90 days. Professionals working in pension fund, calculate the amount of payments on their own, and then tell the applicant about the date of the first accrual. Funds can be sent either to the Russian post office or to a bank account.

List of documentation

The following documents that must be prepared without fail: an application for the appointment of pension payments, a citizen's passport Russian Federation, work book with all records of layoffs and jobs. A certificate of compulsory pension insurance and a certificate of wages over the past 5 years. Sometimes controversial issues arise when employers incorrectly make an entry in the work book.

There may be some difficulties in obtaining a pension, but within 90 days all issues must be resolved. Documents on the conclusion or dissolution of marriage (if these procedures were carried out) are also provided. The applicant, if he is a man, is required to provide a military ID. In the event of a change of name or surname, such documents must also be present

Image copyright Viktor Drachev/TASS Image caption The Pension Fund says cases of refusal to pay an insurance pension are rare

The Pension Fund of Russia refuses to assign an insurance pension to people due to the fact that they did not have enough insurance experience and pension points, the Minister of Labor and social protection Russian Maxim Topilin. The Russian service of the BBC tried to figure out which of the Russians could be in the "risk group".

“Already in 2017, there were cases when the Pension Fund was forced to refuse to assign an old-age insurance pension to people because they did not have enough insurance experience and pension points. Such people are assigned a social pension. And if its size is below the subsistence level, then they will be given an additional payment and "will last" their pension," Topilin admitted in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta the day before.

The press service of the PFR confirmed that there were indeed cases of refusal to pay insurance pensions. However, the department has previously reported such cases: for example, in 2016, almost 400 residents of Saratov did not have enough experience or the number of pension points to accrue an old-age pension.

As explained in the Pension Fund, in order to receive an old-age pension, three conditions must be met: a minimum insurance period, age for women is 55 years, for men - 60 years, and a certain amount of pension points (coefficients).

The number of points depends on the accrued and paid insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system and the length of service.

Two pensions

According to the FIU, the average old-age insurance pension today is 14,075 rubles ($247), and the amount social pension- 9,045 rubles ($159).

Last year, in order to receive an insurance pension, it was necessary to have eight years of work experience and 11.4 pension points. As expected, by 2022, this will require at least 15 years of service and 30 pension points.

According to Russian law, an insurance pension is paid to a citizen to compensate for the income that he received during his working life.

In addition, it can be appointed on disability and provided to disabled family members in the event of the death of the breadwinner.

The social pension is assigned five years later than the insurance pension: women can receive it from the age of 60, and men from the age of 65.

"Grey" salaries

Requirements for documents that prove the length of service of an employee continue to tighten. Experts explain this by the fact that in Russia since the 1990s, tendencies to pay "gray" wages to workers have persisted.

"This is due to the transition to a market economy, when economic entities either appear or disappear, while they do not pay contributions for employees, and, accordingly, they do not receive any certified work experience," the Kommersant newspaper quotes Andrey Gudkov, Doctor of Economics .

Thus, as the publication notes, in the first place, workers with minimum wages and representatives of creative professions - artists, freelancers, as well as personnel involved in short term projects and startups.

Image copyright Viktor Bartenev/Tass Image caption Experts believe that the retirement age will be raised in the coming years

According to Sergey Smirnov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, the point system has become another attempt by the state to legalize the income of the population, but at the same time, the authorities leave employers to choose the points system themselves, and employees often cannot influence this in any way.

As a result, some citizens may not know until the last that they have not earned enough points to accrue an insurance pension, Smirnov said in an interview with

Age bar

Today, however, many Russians are concerned not so much with points for a future pension, but with the proposed increase in the retirement age.

Although the authorities have not yet announced any decisions on this issue, many experts believe that the retirement age will be increased in the coming years. Among the main reasons are the growing budget deficit and the demographic hole of the 1990s, which can lead to a sharp increase in the number of pensioners with a decrease in the number of employees.

The head of the FIU, Anton Drozdov, noted that the demographic factor plays a particularly important role in making a decision.

He also noted that there are not so many jobs on the Russian labor market that women over 55 and men over 60 can apply for.

  • Every year, the state indexes pensions by next year by an amount greater than the inflation rate of the previous year. So far, only presumably, the inflation rate in 2017 will be 3.2%. It may rise to 3.4% or even fall to 3.1%. Thus, strictly speaking, 2 months before the end of the year, it is impossible to say exactly what the indexation will be. On the other hand, it has already been announced that the indexation will be 3.7%.
  • Since the percentage of indexation is calculated based on real inflation, it is clear why the indexation date was always February 1 - January was needed for calculations. But from 2019, it was decided to focus not on the real, but on the forecast inflation rate - this is to postpone indexation to January 1. So now it will be. Up to the fact that on the same day it will be held for military pensioners. This was specifically requested by the President of the country at a meeting with the Government.
  • But here some factors come into play.

    Firstly, things are not going so badly in the Russian economy, especially in the second half of the year, additional income appears, some funds of 2017 will not be spent. Therefore, there are talks about additional promotions. The State Duma even had to meet for an extraordinary meeting in order to adopt a special law on the distribution of 2017 funds in 2019.

    Secondly, Moscow is a separate region of the country. If they say that the economy is gradually recovering in the country, then in Moscow things are really on the mend, at least all firms, from Gazprom to, “report” record revenues, semi-annual, quarterly.

    Thirdly, and for Russia this is especially important - here we are all "politicians" to a much greater extent than the people around the world - ahead of the presidential elections. Surely you need to wait for these "gifts" from the state. At the very least, it would be the height of unreason on the part of the authorities to cut social payments before the elections - and there is nothing “bad” in this, the whole world does this.

    From all these facts, observations and conclusions are made for Muscovites by the City Government.

    Let's not forget that in 2019 there will be elections for the mayor of Moscow. Therefore, one should not be surprised that it was the mayor who came up with a high-profile initiative, which, there is no doubt, will be definitely supported.

    So, in 2019, the minimum Moscow pension will be increased by 3 thousand rubles - from 14,500 to 17,500.

    This is only a proposal so far, but it was made at a large meeting of the Moscow Government, so it will certainly be implemented. Sobyanin will simply have no other choice before the elections.

    Let's calculate what it all adds up to.

    With an indexation of 3.7% and a pension of 14,500, from January 1, 2018, it should have been 15,036 rubles.

    An increase to 17,500 makes Sobyanin look for another 2,464 rubles for each pensioner somewhere.

    If we take into account that there are 3 million pensioners in Moscow, it turns out that the total amount of the mayor's proposal is 7 billion 390 million 500 thousand rubles a month, for a year - 88 billion 686 million.

    Now let's see how it looks against the background of the city's income.

    In 2016, Moscow had an income of 13 trillion 919 billion 400 million rubles (by the way, it decreased by 3% compared to 2015).

    Thus, it turns out that an additional 6.37% will go from the city budget to increase pensions in 2018. So you have to "cut" something?

    Sobyanin gives an answer to this question - spending on urban improvement will be reduced. True, the answer cannot be satisfactory, because spending on landscaping, for example, in 2016 amounted to only 22.4 billion. Well, let them grow in 2017, but it’s still far from 88 billion.


    As for the Moscow increase in pensions in 2018, then immediately there was talk in the regions - “why are we worse.”

    But this, as they say in Odessa, is a completely different difference.