
Cognition. Project snowman.docx - Pedagogical project "Snowman", middle group Short-term project in the senior group cheerful snowman


SNOWMAN Compiled by: Kiseleva S.V. Moscow 2014

Goal: 1. Introduction to the culture of winter fun, holidays, traditions, development of children's impressions and artistic and aesthetic perception.

Project objectives To acquaint children with the history of the image of the Snowman. Develop artistic and aesthetic skills, abilities, visual-effective thinking. To instill skills and abilities of productive activity. Help children interact with inanimate nature. Involve parents in the project.

Planning of upbringing and educational activities Joint activities of children and adults Independent activities of children Creation of conditions for joint activities children Working with parents Conversations on the theme "Winter", its signs and phenomena Drawing on the theme "Christmas Tree". Examining illustrations. Adding illustrations, books, postcards, drawings to the group. Selection of illustrations, books for joint and independent examination. Consultation on the collection of postcards with the image of snowmen. Collective application "Snowman" Viewing the cartoon "When the Christmas trees are lit" Riddles about winter. Drawing up stories about winter from pictures. Examining the painting "Winter in the City", Invite parents to watch cartoons with their children.

Modeling "Snowman" Listening to songs about a snowman. Consultation on the manufacture of crafts for the exhibition "Snowmen". Drawing "Here are some different snowmen" Decoration of windows for the New Year. Adding stickers, snowflakes, snowmen to the group. Parents take part in decorating the group. Reading the fairy tale "School of Snegovichkov" by A. Usachev and V. Chizhikov. Coloring snowmen. Experiment: How does snow turn into water? Design of the mini-exhibition "Collection of Postcards"

Designing from paper "Postcards" A conversation on the topic of what a postcard is. Watching the cartoon "The Snowman to the Rescue". Decoration of the group Folder - sliding "Winter games and fun" Viewing the presentation "The Story of the Snowman" Reading poems about the Snowman, guessing riddles. Design of the exhibition "Snowmen" Making a snowman on a walk. Conversation with children about the collection of postcards, examination. Christmas tree decoration. Making postcards. Advice for parents "What to talk about with a child."

Reading fairy tales about the snowman

group decoration

Kosichkin and Bantikov

Varezhkin and cast iron

group decoration

Exhibition "Snowmen"

Collective application "Snowmen"

Presentation of the presentation "The Story of the Snowman"

Coloring illustrations for the album

The results of the project "Snowman". The Snowman project lasted 2 weeks. Every day we read one story from a fairy tale. During the "Snowman" project, the children comprehensively examined the snow: on walks and in a group in the experimental area, they examined it, touched it, smelled it, all the children were active during the experiments with great interest, drew snowflakes, sculpted a snowman,. During the project, the guys became noticeably closer to each other, speech became more active, the children developed observation, attention, learned the elementary comparison of cold and warm. We presented the exhibition "Snowmen" as the final product of the project. Children have increased cognitive interest in experiments, vocabulary has been replenished.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten
general developmental type with priority implementation
cognitive and speech development of children No. 28 "Spikelet" of the city of Essentuki



"The development of interest in the study of the image of a snowman in children

through a project on artistic aesthetic development»

preschool group

Project "Snowman"

Project Information Card

Full name of the project : "The development of interest in the study of the image of a snowman in children through the project on artistic and aesthetic development "Snowman".

Project participants : children, parents and educators of the group.

Project type : group, short-term, creative - informational.

Purpose, direction of the project : designing a subject-developing environment (creating an exhibition of snowmen from improvised material) in the conditions of enriching the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.


To concretize and deepen children's ideas about winter (weather conditions, typical precipitation), a snowman;

Formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers through practical activities with objects of inanimate nature (snow, water, ice), observations, research work and work with didactic material.

To develop the creative activity of children, the ability to create the image of a snowman different ways.

Raise interest in joint creativity with parents.

Contribute to the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, the ability to notice changes in nature, communicative qualities.

Summary project:

Accumulation of an information base on the problem under study in the course of practical activities on a walk;

Systematization of the stages of interaction between animate and inanimate nature in the process of observation and experimentation;

Analysis of human behavior in nature in winter;

Reflection of knowledge gained by experience, in various types activities (visual, theatrical, mental, gaming).

Dates : December 2018.

Estimated result of the project:

Development research activities preschoolers in the course of joint activities of children with a teacher.

Development creativity children.

Development of children's memory by memorizing poems about a snowman.

Involving parents in creative work with children, they are interested in cooperation with the kindergarten.

Deepening children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the winter season.

Exhibition of snowmen "Parade of snowmen".

Essence of the project : all activities planned in this project are aimed at achieving the main goal - to give an idea of ​​the season - winter, its characteristic features. By participating in activities, children will be able to acquire new knowledge about winter, about winter folk omens and traditions, about animals and birds of the small homeland through conversations, reading fiction, modeling, application, drawing, looking at illustrations.

Since the game is the leading activity in preschool age children are offered a lot of games. In the game in a relaxed way, children enter into cooperation with each other, acquire new knowledge.

Not only children and teachers, but also parents participate in educational activities. Recommendations and information about winter, games, riddles and poems are offered to help them in the parent's corner.

Project relevance:

From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, snow and hail. The relevance of this project is that it allows, in the context of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply the knowledge of children about the snowman. In the process of talking with the children, they played the game "Native words", inventing related words for the word - snow. The children called the words snowflake, snowy, snow maiden, snowball, snowman, etc. after the game, she invited the children to tell stories from personal experience associated with snowmen.

The children shared their experiences on how they built snowmen out of snow, decorated the Christmas tree with toys - snowmen, switched on lamps - snowmen, etc. At preschool age, a child perceives the information received better if all the senses are involved, if he can not only see, but also taste, play, do something with his own hands.

This is how the idea of ​​the project was formed - to learn about snowmen and make them with your own hands in various ways (sculpting, application, drawing), to organize an exhibition of snowmen made together with parents.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

Determining the theme of the project.

Formulation of goals and objectives.

Involving parents.

Search for artworks about snowmen.

Main stage:

Exercise "Make a sentence with the word snowman."

Application "Snowman", Modeling "Cheerful snowman", Drawing "Mittens for a snowman", "My snowman".

Experiments with snow and ice.

Reading works of art: “How snowmen were looking for their mother”, Elena Pavlova “Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “Snowman”.

The final stage:

Creation of the exhibition "Snowmen Parade"

Stages of project implementation -




Stage 1 - preparatory.

Questioning of parents "Winter family entertainment".

determine the place of family entertainment in the life and development of the child



Conversation with parents "Acquaintance with the project".

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. To generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.



Advice for parents "What to talk about with a child", "The Story of the Snowman", "What the Snowman Symbolizes".



Decoration of an exhibition of art works about snowmen

Involving parents in the collection of books for the exhibition.



Folder - shifting "Winter Fun".

Educate parents on this topic.


Selection is clear - didactic aids, demonstration material, fiction and scientific literature, purchase of the necessary equipment.

Create conditions for the implementation of the project "It is not small and not large, Snowy White snow ovik.



Stage 2 is the main one. Practical stage

Observation of snowfall on the site

Watch the falling snow, find out from the children what kind of snow (cold, white), what can be done with it (touch, sculpt,)


Experimental work: "Snow and its properties"

Reveal the properties of snow: it melts from heat. In the process of observing specific facts, the teacher discusses with the children the occurring natural phenomena: it is cold outside, the water freezes and turns into ice, ice in the refrigerator, on the river, in a puddle, etc.; ice and snow melt in hand, indoors.


Conversations "The story of the appearance of the snowman?" “Why does a snowman like the cold? » Santa's Helper

Develop speech, its intonational expressiveness; develop thinking, memory, attention.


Demonstration of the presentation "One winter day", "Beautiful winter landscapes".

Generalize and systematize children's ideas about winter.


Examination of books, illustrations about snowmen. Examination of illustrations, paintings "Funny snowmen"; a series of illustrations "Artists about winter". Compose stories based on illustrations.

Help to see the diversity of winter, to feel and understand the beauty of the world around.



Reading works of art: “How the snowmen were looking for their mother”, Elena Pavlova “The Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “The Snowman”, V. Glukhikh “The Tale of the Snowmen”, E. Pavlova “How the Snowmen were looking for their mother”, “The Snowman”; poems about snowmen: A. Barto “Not Alone”, V. Stepanov “Winter Swing”, J. Prevert “Winter Song for Children”, V. Savonchik “Snowy White Snowman”
V. Pavleniuk "I'm making a snowman"
V. Stepanov "One - two, one - two, we are sculpting a Snowman"
M. Boikova "The kids blushed"
L. Shaitanova “What are you waiting for, my friend?”
G. Radionova “What is it? - Red nose! Snowman has a cold? .. "
G. Osmanova "Oh, the work is not easy - We are making a snowman."
Y. Chichev "Snow flew, flew - tired."



Watching the cartoons "Snowman - mailer", "When the Christmas trees are lit", "The Mole and the Snowman".

Expand ideas about the world around, introduce new words, phenomena, situations; form an evaluative attitude to the world, develop thinking, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships; develop aesthetic taste, sense of humor; cartoons help fulfill emotional needs.



Didactic games: " Antonym words”, “Name it affectionately”, “Find by description”, “Make sentences with the word snowman”, “Native words” (inventing related words to the word snow), “Fold a snowman from geometric shapes”

Outdoor games“Snowflakes - fluffy”, “Frost”, “Winter has come!”, “A little white hare is sitting”, “Snowflakes and wind”,

“Beware, I’ll Freeze”, “Winter Fun”, “Frost is a Red Nose”.

Improving knowledge about the signs of winter. Games are aimed at the development of oral speech, attention, memory. To instill love for the motherland, native land; in outdoor games, to promote the manifestation by children of elements of collective responsibility for the implementation of the rules, the outcome of the game.


finger games on the topic “Snowball”, “Little Yegorka”, “We came to the yard for a walk”, Physical minutes “Winter fun”, “Snowman”, “We will warm up a little”

speech development; formation of the correct sound pronunciation; ability to speak quickly and clearly; development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements; development of memory, attention; the ability to coordinate movement and speech.


Articulation gymnastics on the theme "Winter".

Development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, preparation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes.


Psychogymnastics. Plastic studies on the theme "Winter".

Aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child's psyche, both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres (attention, memory, imagination, emotions, moral ideas).


Breathing exercises: "Snowflake", "Snowfall".

Development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation .


Listening: I. P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter", "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", music. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Introduce children to the musical album by P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"; to teach children to listen to classical music, to speak about the content and nature of music.


Drawing "Snowmen"; "Snowmen on the Christmas Tree", "Winter Fun"

Lepka " christmas tree» , «Snowman on the tree»

Application "Snowy Kulunda",

Creation collective application from children's palms "Snowman", cut-off application "Cheerful snowmen".

Collage "Helpers of Santa Claus"

Development of children's creative abilities, understanding the relationship of natural phenomena. Education of a positive responsible attitude to nature, seasons.


Making homemade books "My funny snowman»

teach to do different ways homemade books .



Stage 3 is the final one.

Children's interview "What do I know about a snowman ..." (Do my dad and my mom know who a snowman is)

Encourage them to express their impressions after the knowledge gained about the snowman.


Modeling snowmen together with parents on the site of the kindergarten.



Exhibition of children's creativity, co-creation of children and parents: "Snowmen Parade".

Involve parents in the educational process.



Processing and design of project materials in the form of a presentation

The results are summed up, the presentation is being prepared.


Results of the project implementation:

The Snowman project lasted two weeks. During the "Snowman" project, the children comprehensively examined the snow: on walks and in a group in the experimental area, they examined it, touched it, smelled it, all the children were active during the experiments with great interest, and drew conclusions.

They sculpted a snowman, practiced rolling lumps of plasticine in circular motions, in joining the lumps together.

Also learned to draw a snowman (objects round shape), reflecting the impressions of winter in their works; consolidated the skills of painting rounded shapes with continuous lines from top to bottom and from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush.

During this time, the children watched the snowfall while walking, looked at the snowflakes, concluded that the snow was cold and melted on the palm of their hand. listened to the sounds made by the snow (the snow crunches underfoot).

In the course of the Snowman project, children developed a steady interest in creative, cognitive activities; a number of skills have been formed, the children have acquired and consolidated elementary knowledge about snow, they know well that snow white color, cold, melts in the palm of her hand from her warmth. Snow is water droplets that turn into snowflakes in winter. Snow is a lot of snowflakes.

On a walk, the children could not make a snowman (the snow was crumbly), but it turned out to be a snow lady, pouring snow into a large pile and decorating it with colored ice and pieces of snow.

Throughout the project, the children with pleasure and desire played mobile and speech games“A little white snow fell”, “Two Frosts”, “Snowflakes”, “I will freeze” - they learned to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game in accordance with the text.

The children got acquainted with new works of art: “How snowmen looked for their mother”, Elena Pavlova “Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “Snowman”, “I wanted to bring a snowflake home ...”, conversations were held: “How did the snowman appear?”, “Why does the snowman love cold?", "Happy birthday, snowman", "The story of the snowman?"; reading fairy tales "Frost", "Snow Maiden", "Moroz Ivanovich", "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; considered illustrative and visual material depicting winter landscapes and winter fun. We learned by heart A. Barto's poem "Not Alone".

During experimental activities experiments were carried out with snow: “Snow and its properties”, “What is snow?”, “Ice and its properties”, during which the children learned that snow is cold, fluffy, white, crumbly, and when it is wet, you can sculpt; When warm, snow turns into water. We also learned that water tends to freeze and turn into ice (hard, brittle, cold, transparent).

During the project, the children became noticeably closer to each other, speech became more active, the children developed observation, attention, and learned elementary experimentation.

The final product of the project was the creative exhibition of crafts "Snowmen Parade".

Material base:

Various materials for creativity.

Laptop, software.

Illustrations of snowmen.

Practical part:

Introduce children to the snowman through viewing illustrations, toys, cartoons.

Doing work with children various materials offering a variety of ways.

Invite parents to take part in the creative exhibition of crafts "My favorite snowman."

Consultations, conversations with parents on the topic of the project.

Design a creative exhibition of crafts "My favorite snowman."

Conduct a direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (application, drawing, modeling).

Submit information to the DOE website.

Summarize the project. Photo report of the implementation of the project "Snowman".


1. Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S. An exemplary general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school"

2. Dybina, O.V. Rakhmanova, N. P. The unknown is nearby. Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M:-2001

3. Kudeiko M.V. " Unusual ways drawing for big and small dreamers", Minsk, 2007

4. Reader for reading in kindergarten and at home 5-6 years old. V.V. Gerbova, 1996

5. Materials from the Internet.

Duration project - 1 week.

Idea project: integration of joint and independent activities of children in the process of mastering tasks educational areas "Cognitive", "Physical", "Social and communicative", "Speech", "Artistic and aesthetic".

By type of activity: cognitive-creative project.

Relevance project: Man is a part of nature, without interaction with which his life cannot be complete. The world of nature and the world of movement, united, become a powerful tool diversified development the child in conditions of psychological comfort. Kindergarten today is an educational institution that provides sports and recreation; cognitive - speech; artistic - aesthetic; social personal development children. The environmentally oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each of the above directions, as it has a huge impact on the intellectual, creative and moral education, forming a modern educated personality. Most effective method implementation of the tasks of environmental education is an organization project activities.

Subject definition research: a huge role in environmental education children play practical, research activities in the study of natural resources. After all, in the process of children's research, the child receives specific cognitive skills: learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word develops cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as the leading way of knowing the world around them.

Problem Statement: From birth, children are surrounded by various inanimate phenomena nature: sun, wind, starry sky, crunch snow underfoot. Children with interest collect stones, shells, play with sand, water, snow. Objects and phenomena of inanimate nature enter into their life activity, are objects of observation and play.

Once, on a walk in winter, the children asked to blind snowman but for some reason it didn't work for us. In the conversation, not all children were able to answer the question.

final product project:

1. « snowman» - teamwork children, made independently in non-traditional technique.

2. "Happy snowman» - competition-exhibition of joint works of parents and children.

Final event: presentation of the work of parents and children.

Members project: educator, children of different age groups 4-7 years old, parents.

Target: to involve all participants in an active cognitive and creative process.


For kids:

Generalization of knowledge about the seasons, winter months and winter fun

Develop an interest in research activities.

Expand children's ideas about properties snow.

Develop mental abilities, form mental activity.

Development of skills of independent creative activity.

Instilling the skills of collective interaction and individual activity.

For the teacher:

Creation of conditions for children's activities.

For parents:

Involve parents in joint creative work with children.

Activities in project« snowman» :

Educational area "Cognitive":

Formation complete picture peace

Observation of inanimate nature;

Experiences with snow"Properties snow»

No. n/a Subject of experience, purpose Content and equipment

1 Introduce children to properties snow, it is molded and consists of snowflakes Consider with children how it falls snow. It consists of beautiful snow-white snowflakes. If you take a snowflake in warm hands, it turns into a drop of water. Snow is molded, from it you can build a slide with the help of a spatula, and then ride a doll from the hill on a sled.

2 Show the children how traces are formed on snow Consider the footprints of children and the teacher, birds and animals on a walk.

3 Introduce melting snow On a walk, collect with children in a cup or basin snow and bring to the group. Then watch what happens snow. Drop into the water white paper and consider that the melt water is cloudy, therefore you can't eat snow he is dirty. But they love melt water houseplants. Water the plants with this water.

"Addiction melting snow on temperature» ( :

Target. Lead children to understand the dependence of the state snow(ice) from air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster it melts snow.

move: 1) On a frosty day, invite the children to make snowballs. Why don't you get snowballs? Snow crumbly, dry. What can be done? bring in snow in a group, after a few minutes we are trying to make a snowball. The snow has become plastic. Snowballs are blind. Why the snow has become sticky?

2) Put saucers with snow in the group on the window and under the battery. Where snow melts faster? Why?

Conclusion: State snow depends on air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster it melts snow and changes its properties

Cognitive-exploratory and productive (constructive activity)

paper construction « snowman»

Drawing up a geometric picture "Winter"(trees from triangles, ovals, the sun from a circle, triangles, snowman from circles and t.)

didactic games : cut pictures, puzzles with a winter theme.

Educational area "Speech":

Selection of literature and preliminary reading: riddles, learning poems about winter; K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree", "Mistress Metelitsa"(German fairy tale, « Snow Maiden» (Russian folk tale, V. Berestov "Ice", N. Sakonskaya "Where is my finger?", L. Voronkova « Snowing» etc;

speech games

"Say the words associated with the word « snow»

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (snow) .

Fluffs are falling from the sky -

Silvery … (snowflakes).

To the villages, to the meadow

Came out white... (snowball).

Here's some fun for the kids

Getting stronger... (snowfall) .

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play... (snowballs).

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up… (snowman)

Articulation exercise for language:


Develop the stability of the most important positions of the lips and tongue.

caregiver: "Let's smile snowman and show our teeth - exercise "Fence"(teeth closed, lips in a smile, and now let's show the tongue - exercise "Shovel" (lips in a smile, the tongue lies relaxed on the lower lip). Blow on the tongue - exercise "Breeze" (the tongue lies relaxed on the lower lip, we blow on the tip of the tongue). We will remove the tongue behind the teeth and show how clean they are - exercise "Brushing Teeth" (with the tip of the tongue we draw along the inside of the upper and lower teeth). Now leave your tongue behind your lower front teeth and let breeze: "s-s-s". You got your favorite sound snowman».

Exercise for the development of speech breathing and voice


Develop correct speech breathing;

Winter storm. An old, gray-haired, with an ice stick, a blizzard hobbles Baba Yaga. Howling Winter storm: "Z-z-z-z" (with amplification). The forest groaned blizzards: "M-m-m-m". (Quietly, in a high voice). Oaks moan heavily "M-m-m-m".(in a loud, low voice). I'm moaning PS: "M-m-m-m".(Quietly, in a high voice). Noisy ate: "Shhhhh". subsides Winter storm: "S-s-s-s"

Finger gymnastics:

1). "We came to the yard for a walk".

One, two, three, four, five

Bend fingers one at a time

We came to the yard for a walk.

"Let's go" on the table with index and middle fingers

They sculpted a snow woman,

"Lepim" lump with two palms

The birds were fed with crumbs,

Crushing movements with all fingers

Then we rode down the hill,

We pass the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand

And also in covered in snow.

We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other

And we threw snowballs

imitate text movement

All in snow came home.

We shake our palms

We ate soup and went to bed.

Movements with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks

2).« snowman»

We made a snowball We make a lump with both hands,

They made a hat on him. We join our hands in a ring and put it on our heads,

The nose was attached and in an instant We put the fists to the nose,

It turned out snowman Draw a shape with both hands snowman.

Educational area "Physical"

morning exercises:

Complex "Winter".


Continue to maintain and improve the health of children;

Arouse in them a cheerful, cheerful mood;

Raise the need and desire to exercise.


The cold has come

Winter has come to us again.

But we are not afraid of winter

Let's fight the cold in sports!

Are you afraid of frost?

Turn right all

Need one after another

Go together!

One two Three

One two Three

Raise your legs

Have fun walking!

Keep your back straight

We don't lower our heads

Together, we walk cheerfully,

One, two, three, four, five

We go for a walk in the yard

(walking in column)

On snowy paths

We creep like cats.

(walking on toes - hands on the belt)

We walk through the snowdrifts

Raise your legs higher

We go through the snowdrifts

And we don't get tired

(walking with high legs, hands on the belt)

We walk along the path

We warm our hands.

One, two, three

Catch the snowflake!

One two Three

(walking with claps above the head, hands on the belt)

How great is the frost

We are not allowed to stand.

(easy running in a column on toes)

One two Three

One two Three

Raise your legs, have fun!

Petya, Sasha and Kirill are now linkmen,

The command must be listened to.

Links, to me

Lead the links together!

(rebuilding in three units)

General developmental exercises (children 5-7 years old start showing exercises, children 4-5 years old continue)

1. "Let's warm up." I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, arms raised to the sides. Clap on opposite shoulders. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. "Happy snowman» . I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Turn the torso to the right - spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Turn to the left - spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Repeat on each side 4 times.

3. "Skier". I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms slightly bent at the elbows forward to shoulder level, fingers clenched into fists. Tilt your torso forward without lowering your head, bend your knees and lower your arms down and back; then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "skating" I. p .: sitting, straight legs slightly apart, straight arms raised forward. Slight tilts back - forward, without lowering your hands. Perform the exercise 4 times back, 4 times forward.

5. "Skater".I. p .: kneeling, knees apart shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. Tilt the body to the right, slightly crouching on the heel (exhalation); take the starting position - inhale. The same on the other side. Repeat the exercise 4 times in each direction.

6. "We warm our feet" I. p .: sitting, hands on the side, on the floor, legs together. Bend your knees and wrap your arms around them. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

7. "Snowflakes" I. p .: legs together, arms lowered along the body.

Jumping on two legs. During the jump, spread your legs and arms to the sides, return to the starting position. Run 2 times.

Stop! Charging finished.

Inhale and exhale for order.

(breathing exercise).

I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise straight arms through the sides up - inhale through the nose, lower the arms down - exhale through the mouth.

One two Three

Cyril, lead the link from the yard,

One two Three,

Dasha, lead the link!

One two Three

Petya, lead the link!

(transformation into a column).

One two Three,

One two Three,

So that your day is in order

Start by charging!

One two Three

We're back in the garden!

wake-up complex

"Journey of the Snowflake"

(Children wake up)

The sun no longer sleeps

He looks out the window at us.

Good for you to rest

But it's time to get up.

Everyone woke up, stretched,

And they smiled at each other.

1."Snowflakes wake up"-AND. P: lying on your back, arms along the body. head turns left and right (5p)

2. "Snowflakes - fluffs"- I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms and legs to the sides, return to the starting position. (5p)

3. "Snowflakes - ballerinas"-AND. p .: standing near the crib, arms to the sides. Turns of the body with the rotation of the hands. (3p)

4. « Snowfall» -AND. p .: standing near the crib. Slow squats with arms down (3p)

5. "Dance of the Snowflakes"- I. p .: standing near the crib, hands on the belt. Spinning in place on your toes (4p)

Children go along the massage paths.

outdoor games air:

1). « snowmen»

All players « snowmen» randomly located in the hall, leading in the center of the hall (there can be two drivers). Each player has « snowman» two balls each, which they hold on their sides, clasping their hands (hands on waist) You cannot move or hide balls forward.

On signal: "One, two, three drive!" the game starts. The driver must each player « snowman» knock out one ball as soon as the ball is knocked out or dropped, snowman melted, player « snowman» picks up his ball and is out of the game.

The second version of the game: All players « snowmen» are located on one side of the hall, the drivers, two in the center of the hall, stand facing « snowmen» .

2). Fun game "Hide and Seek"

Children scatter, hide behind snowy ramparts and wooden buildings. At this time, the host again analyzes snowman and instead of him, a character goes to look for children - snowman.


Being alone is boring.

I'll go find the kids.

One two Three-

Four five.

I'm on my way to look!

snowman finds children, children gather around him.

Educational area "Social and communicative"

conversations, discussions: “What dangers lurk outside in winter?”(ice, overhang snow on the roofs, winter storm, hard frost, falling icicles); How to protect yourself from winter dangers?

didactic games: "Collect snowman» , “Pick up your favorite colors snowman(cold) and the sun (warm), games with clothespins "Broom for snowman» , "Find the same snowmen» ;

role-playing games: "Journey to the Park", « snowman away» ;

theatrical games: "Trace to trace", « snowman» , "Visiting the winter teremok"( .

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic"

Music games

1).« Snowman Yegorka» (text version and music by M. Kartushina)

Famously, shifting sideways (children, holding hands, walk in a circle)

old bucket,

Leaned on the fence (stop)

Snowman Yegorka

His nose is on fire (put hands to the nose, showing a long nose)

Fun and bright.

It's cold outside, (cross arms and pat hands on shoulders)

And Yegorka is hot. (stretch arms forward)

He invites the guys (beckon with hands)

Ride down the hill. (raise hands up and down sharply)

Eyes sparkle merrily (put hands on waist and shake head)

Happy Egor.

One-two! One two Three! (clap hands)

Egorka, catch up with us! (clap hands on knees)

(Children run away, and The snowman is chasing them.)

2). "Blind snowman»

Children dance and sing Snowman - in the center:

We blinded this miracle in five minutes, in five minutes!

What is the name of such a miracle, what is the name?

snowman: snowman!

We to Let's go to the snowman(narrow the circle,

We will start a round dance! (expand circle).

Children talking while standing place:

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's throw snowballs!

(thrown snowballs from snowman) ;

3). "Metelitsa".

For this game, the children should work in pairs. Pairs form a circle. The players in each pair need to grapple their hands under the elbow, thus standing sideways to each other. Then the pairs alternately begin to circle under song:

Blizzard, blizzard,

Snow spreads across the field!

Who is spinning, spinning -

He will swoon!

The song is repeated as long as the players are spinning. The couple that circled the longest wins.

Painting: « Snowman in the park» , "Zimushka-winter",

modeling: « Snowman and his friends» .

Application: « snowman» (final lesson).

Result project« snowman»

During project« snowman» children have a steady interest in creative, cognitive activities; a number of skills have been formed, children have acquired and consolidated elementary knowledge about snow, became noticeably closer to each other, speech became more active, the children developed observation and attention. final product project became an exhibition of children's work on applications using non-traditional technique on this topic « snowman» , as well as a show jumping exhibition of joint works of parents and children "Happy snowman» .

List of used sources:

1. Molchanova Z. I. Project« snowman» . Kindergarten of the future - gallery of creative projects 2012. №01(02) -With. 22-23

2. Solomennikova OA Environmental education in kindergarten. Program methodical recommendations. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

3. Shishkina V. V. Walks in nature: Proc. - A guide for preschool teachers. educate. institutions/-2nd ed. -M.: Enlightenment, 2003.

Internet resources:






MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 27" Brook "Project activities in the second junior group"Our funny snowman"

Compiled by: teacher

second junior group

Rogacheva A.F.


Part 1. Relevance of the project:

  • Question environmental education and education of children is becoming relevant at the present time. Environmental literacy, careful and loving attitude to nature have become an analogue of human survival on the planet.
  • Kindergarten today is an educational institution that provides sports and recreation, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and personal development of children. Ecologist - oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each of the above directions, as it has a huge impact on intellectual, creative and moral education, which forms a modern educated personality. The most effective way to implement the tasks of environmental education is the organization of project activities.

Part 2. Definition of the subject of research.

  • A huge role in the environmental education of children is played by practical, research activities in the study of natural resources. Indeed, in the process of children's research, the child receives specific cognitive skills: he learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word, develops cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as the leading way of knowing the world around them.

3 part. Problem formulation.

  • Recently in preschool pedagogy The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers has not received much attention, while the cognitive interest is now recognized as one of the leading motives that encourage children to knowledge and learning.
  • A powerful factor contributing to the cognitive activity of children is nature, therefore, such an organization of activity is possible, where the education of their cognitive interests is carried out through observation in nature.
  • Cognitive activity forms curiosity, the desire to learn the laws of the world. It is necessary to make curiosity a manageable process, since it should form in the child aesthetic and moral feelings. It is very important to develop a child's attention, thinking, speech, to arouse interest in the world around him, to form the ability to make discoveries and be surprised by them. Interest leads the little man to the endless goals of knowledge that begin with wonder. In turn, the surrounding reality, which is the source of the awakening of cognitive interests, can be a surprise for the child.
  • From birth, children are surrounded by various phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun, wind, starry sky, the crunch of snow underfoot. Children with interest collect stones, shells, play with sand, water, snow. Objects and phenomena of inanimate nature enter into their life activity, are objects of observation and play.
  • Once, on a walk in the winter, the children asked to build a snowman, but for some reason we couldn’t do it. “Why? » In the conversation, the children found it difficult to answer the question. “Why didn’t you manage to make a snowman?”, “What is snow?”

4 part. Putting forward a hypothesis.

  • I wanted to tell and show the children that a snowman is a snow building, which consists of snow, and snow, in turn, is one of the states of water, and water can also turn into ice, into snow;
  • To enrich children's knowledge about a natural object - water, to identify the properties of water.
  • Increase cognitive interest in experiments;
  • Develop observation in children;
  • To enrich the active and passive vocabulary of children at the expense of the words: “cold”, “little star”, “Winter-winter”.

5 part. Hypothesis testing.

  • Objective of the project:
  • The development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of familiarization with snow and experimental activities with water.
  • Tasks:
  • To give children elementary ideas about the natural object - water, its transformations into snow, into ice.
  • To enrich the vocabulary of children on this topic.
  • To form the cognitive activity of children during experiments, experiments and observations.
  • To fix the concepts of "white", "round", "cold", "ball".
  • Project type: information and research.
  • Members: Teachers - educator of the group - Rogacheva A.F., musical director Sukhova I.A., children of the second junior group, parents.
  • Duration: 3-4 weeks (short term).

6 part. The results of the project "Our cheerful snowman".

The project "Our cheerful snowman" lasted 3-4 weeks. During the project “Our Cheerful Snowman”, the children comprehensively examined the snow: on walks and in a group in the experimental area, they examined it, touched it, smelled it, all the children were very active during the experiments, made conclusions.

  • They sculpted a snowman, practiced rolling lumps of plasticine in circular motions, in joining the lumps together.
  • During this time, the children watched the snowfall while walking, looked at the snowflakes, concluded that the snow was cold and melted on the palm of their hand. listened to the sounds made by the snow (snow crunches underfoot).

During the project “Our Jolly Snowman”, children developed a steady interest in creative, cognitive activities; a number of skills have been formed, the children have acquired and consolidated elementary knowledge about snow, they are well aware that the snow is white, cold, melts on the palm of its warmth, in a warm room. Snow is water droplets that turn into snowflakes in winter. Snow is a lot of snowflakes.

  • During the project, the kids became noticeably closer to each other, speech became more active, the children developed observation, attention, learned the elementary comparison of cold and warm. As the final product of the project, we presented the joint work of children with their parents " New Year's snowman", which was in the form of an exhibition at the New Year's party.

Examination of albums and illustrations, landscapes of plot pictures depicting winter natural phenomena, a snowman. Reading works of art: fairy tales, short stories, poems, nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles about winter, snowman. Conversations on the topics of the project. Listening and performing children's songs about winter, a snowman, watching cartoons and fairy tales about a snowman.

  • Material:
  • plot pictures, albums on the theme of the project;
  • fiction - S. Marshak "Snow", A. Barto "Snow", N. Nikitin "Meeting of Winter", Y. Akim "First Snow" S. Marshak "Snow", N., Y. Akim "First Snow", Z. Aleksandrova "Snowball", O. Zhuk "Snow House", Prikhodko "Snowflake";
  • - iso - material for children's creativity, building material;
  • - audio recording of children's songs about winter: "The Snowman's Song";
  • - attributes for N/n games, D/i, S/r games, dramatization games;
  • - material for table theater.
  • Labor :
  • selection of information and design of material on the topic of the project;
  • Drawing, application, modeling, testoplasty.
  • Gaming :
  • D / and: “When does this happen?”, “Snowflakes”, “Make a snowman”;
  • P / s: ““Snow is spinning” (based on a poem by A. Barto), “A little white snow fell”, “Sliding down a hill”, “Snowflakes are fluffy”, “Snowflakes and wind”, “Where is a snowflake?

Appendix to work - Project activity in the second junior group "Our cheerful snowman":

  • Experience No. 1 "Snow and its properties"
  • Experience number 2 "What is snow?"
  • Experience No. 3 "Ice and its properties" Summary of GCD .. Application-game "house for a snowman."
  • Synopsis of GCD. Drawing "And in our yard there was a snowman in the morning."
  • Synopsis of NOD. Modeling "Snowballs for a snowman"
  • Speech therapy game "Snowflakes"
  • Synopsis of the walk "Snowfall" Author's tale "The Journey of the Little Snowflake" -
  • Screening of the table theater "Our friend - the Snowman".
  • Origami "Snowman" from paper"
  • Exhibition-competition of crafts of parents "New Year's Snowman"
  • New Year's party with the participation of the snowman hero.
  • Collaboration between teachers and children. Craft from snowman threads.

From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, snow and hail. The relevance of this project is that it allows, in the context of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply the knowledge of children about the snowman.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution kindergarten №7 "Rainbow"

Project theme:

“Development of interest in the study of the image of a snowman in children of the older group through the project on artistic and aesthetic development “Snowman”.

Gerber L.A.

With. Kulunda

Kulundinsky district


Project for artistic and aesthetic development "Snowman" in senior group

SNOWMAN, -a, m Unfold.

Item for children's games, folk festivals,

Sculpted figure from laid

snowballs at each other,

resembling a human figure;

Big explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns.

AST-Press Book. Babenko. 2009.

Project Information Card

Full name of the project: « Development of interest in studying the image of a snowman in children of the older group through the project on artistic and aesthetic development "Snowman".

Project participants: children, parents and educators of the senior group.

District, city that submitted the project: Altai Territory, Kulundinsky District,

S. Kulunda, MBDOU kindergarten No. 7 "Rainbow".

Project type : group, short-term, creative - informational.

Purpose, direction of the project: designing a subject-developing environment (creating an exhibition of snowmen from improvised material) in the conditions of enriching the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.


To concretize and deepen children's ideas about winter (weather conditions, typical precipitation), a snowman;

Formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers through practical activities with objects of inanimate nature (snow, water, ice), observations, research work and work with didactic material.

To develop the creative activity of children, the ability to create an image of a snowman in various ways.

Raise interest in joint creativity with parents.

To promote the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, the ability to notice changes in nature, communicative qualities.

Summary of the project:

Accumulation of an information base on the problem under study in the course of practical activities on a walk;

Systematization of the stages of interaction between animate and inanimate nature in the process of observation and experimentation;

Analysis of human behavior in nature in winter;

- reflection of knowledge gained by experience in various types of activities (visual, theatrical, mental, gaming).

Dates: December 2016.

Estimated result of the project:

The development of research activities of preschoolers in the course of joint activities of children with a teacher.

Development of children's creative abilities.

Development of children's memory by memorizing poems about a snowman.

Involving parents in creative work with children, they are interested in cooperation with the kindergarten.

Deepening children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the winter season.

Exhibition of snowmen "My cheerful snowman".

Essence of the project: all activities planned in this project are aimed at achieving the main goal - to give an idea of ​​the season - winter, its characteristic features. By participating in the activities, children will be able to acquire new knowledge about winter, about winter folk signs and traditions, about animals and birds of their small homeland - Kulunda, through conversations, reading fiction, modeling, application, drawing, looking at illustrations.

Since the game is the leading activity in preschool age, many games are offered to children. In the game in a relaxed way, children enter into cooperation with each other, acquire new knowledge.

Not only children and teachers, but also parents participate in educational activities. Recommendations and information about winter, games, riddles and poems are offered to help them in the parent's corner.

Project relevance:

From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, snow and hail. The relevance of this project is that it allows, in the context of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply the knowledge of children about the snowman. In the process of talking with the children, they played the game "Native words", inventing related words for the word - snow. The children called the words snowflake, snowy, snow maiden, snowball, snowman, etc. after the game, she invited the children to tell stories from personal experience related to snowmen.

The children shared their experiences on how they built snowmen out of snow, decorated the Christmas tree with toys - snowmen, switched on lamps - snowmen, etc. At preschool age, a child perceives the information received better if all the senses are involved, if he can not only see, but also taste, play, do something with his own hands.

This is how the idea of ​​the project was formed - to learn about snowmen and make them with your own hands in various ways (sculpting, application, drawing),

Organize an exhibition of snowmen made together with parents.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

Determining the theme of the project.

Formulation of goals and objectives.

Involving parents.

Search for artworks about snowmen.

Main stage:

Exercise "Make a sentence with the word snowman."

Application "Snowman", Modeling "Cheerful snowman", Drawing "Mittens for a snowman", "My snowman".

Experiments with snow and ice.

Reading fiction: “Like snowmen mom

searched”, Elena Pavlova “Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “Snowman”.

The final stage:

Creation of the exhibition "My Jolly Snowman"

Stages of project implementation -

"Snowman" .

(senior group )





Stage 1 - preparatory.

Questioning of parents "Winter family entertainment".

determine the place of family entertainment in the life and development of the child



Conversation with parents"Introduction to the project".

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. To generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.



Advice for parents "What to talk about with a child","The Story of the Snowman", "What the Snowman Symbolizes".



Decoration of an exhibition of art works about snowmen

Involving parents in the collection of books for the exhibition.



Folder - shifting "Winter Fun".

Educate parents on this topic.


Selection of visual - didactic aids, demonstration material, fiction and scientific literature, purchase of the necessary equipment.

Create conditions for the implementation of the project "He is not small and not large, Snow-white snowman."



Stage 2 is the main one.Practical stage

Observation of snowfall on the site

Watch the falling snow, find out from the children what kind of snow (cold, white), what can be done with it (touch, sculpt,)


Experimental work: "Snow and its properties"

Reveal the properties of snow: it melts from heat. In the process of observing specific facts, the teacher discusses with the children the occurring natural phenomena: it is cold outside, the water freezes and turns into ice, ice in the refrigerator, on the river, in a puddle, etc.; ice and snow melt in hand, indoors.


Conversations "The story of the appearance of the snowman?" “Why does a snowman like the cold? » Santa's Helper

Develop speech, its intonational expressiveness; develop thinking, memory, attention.


Demonstration of the presentation "One winter day", "Beautiful winter landscapes".

Generalize and systematize children's ideas about winter.


Examination of books, illustrations about snowmen. Examination of illustrations, paintings "Funny snowmen"; a series of illustrations "Artists about winter". Compose stories based on illustrations.

Help to see the diversity of winter, to feel and understand the beauty of the world around.



Reading works of art: “How snowmen were looking for their mother”, Elena Pavlova “Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “Snowman”,V. Glukhikh “The Tale of the Snowmen”, E. Pavlova “How the Snowmen Looked for their Mom”, “The Snowman”; poems about snowmen: A. Barto “Not Alone”, V. Stepanov “Winter Swing”, J. Prevert “Winter Song for Children”, V. Savonchik “Snowy White Snowman”
V. Pavleniuk "I'm making a snowman"
V. Stepanov "One - two, one - two, we are sculpting a Snowman"
M. Boikova "The kids blushed"
L. Shaitanova “What are you waiting for, my friend?”
G. Radionova “What is it? - Red nose! Snowman has a cold? .. "
G. Osmanova "Oh, the work is not easy - We are making a snowman."
Y. Chichev "Snow flew, flew - tired."

Application No. 3.



Watching the cartoons "Snowman - mailer", "When the Christmas trees are lit", "The Mole and the Snowman".

Expand ideas about the world around, introduce new words, phenomena, situations; form an evaluative attitude to the world, develop thinking, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships; develop aesthetic taste, sense of humor; cartoons help fulfill emotional needs.



Didactic games: "Antonym words”, “Name it affectionately”, “Find by description”, “Make sentences with the word snowman”, “Native words” (inventing related words to the word snow),"Build a snowman out of geometric shapes"

Outdoor games “Snowflakes - fluffy”, “Frost”, “Winter has come!”, “A little white hare is sitting”, “Snowflakes and wind”,

“Beware, I’ll Freeze”, “Winter Fun”, “Frost is a Red Nose”.

Improving knowledge about the signs of winter. Games are aimed at the development of oral speech, attention, memory. To instill love for the motherland, native land; in outdoor games, to promote the manifestation by children of elements of collective responsibility for the implementation of the rules, the outcome of the game.


Finger games on the topic “Snowball”, “Little Yegorka”, “We came to the yard for a walk”, Physical minutes “Winter fun”, “Snowman”, “We will warm up a little”

speech development; formation of the correct sound pronunciation; ability to speak quickly and clearly; development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements; development of memory, attention; the ability to coordinate movement and speech.

Appendix No. 1.


Articulation gymnastics on the theme "Winter".

Development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, preparation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes.

Application number 2.


Psychogymnastics. Plastic studies on the theme "Winter".

Aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child's psyche, both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres (attention, memory, imagination, emotions, moral ideas).

Annex No. 8.


Breathing exercises: "Snowflake", "Snowfall".

Development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation.


Listening: I. P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter", "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", music. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Introduce children to the musical album by P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"; to teach children to listen to classical music, to speak about the content and nature of music.


Drawing "Snowmen"; "Snowmen on the Christmas Tree", "Winter Fun"

Modeling "Christmas tree", "Snowman on a Christmas tree"

Application "Snowy Kulunda",

Creation of a collective application from children's hands "Snowman", a broken application "Funny snowmen".

Collage "Helpers of Santa Claus"

Development of children's creative abilities, understanding the relationship of natural phenomena. Education of a positive responsible attitude to nature, seasons.


Making homemade books "My cheerful snowman"

Learn to do it in different wayshomemade books.



Stage 3 is the final one.

Children's interview "What do I know about a snowman ..." (Do my dad and my mom know who a snowman is)

Encourage them to express their impressions after the knowledge gained about the snowman.


Modeling snowmen together with parents on the site of the kindergarten.



Exhibition of children's creativity, co-creation of children and parents: "Cheerful snowman".

Involve parents in the educational process.



Processing and design of project materials in the form of a presentation

The results are summed up, the presentation is being prepared.


Results of the project implementation:

The Snowman project lasted two weeks.During the "Snowman" project, the children comprehensively examined the snow: on walks and in a group in the experimental area, they examined it, touched it, smelled it, all the children were active during the experiments with great interest, and drew conclusions.

They sculpted a snowman, practiced rolling lumps of plasticine in circular motions, in joining the lumps together.

They also learned how to draw a snowman (round objects), reflecting the impressions of winter in their works; consolidated the skills of painting rounded shapes with continuous lines from top to bottom and from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush.

During this time, the children watched the snowfall while walking, looked at the snowflakes, concluded that the snow was cold and melted on the palm of their hand. listened to the sounds made by the snow (the snow crunches underfoot).

In the course of the Snowman project, children developed a steady interest in creative, cognitive activities; a number of skills have been formed, the children have acquired and consolidated elementary knowledge about snow, they are well aware that the snow is white, cold, melts on the palm of its warmth. Snow is water droplets that turn into snowflakes in winter. Snow is a lot of snowflakes.

On a walk, the children could not make a snowman (the snow was crumbly), but it turned out to be a snow lady, pouring snow into a large pile and decorating it with colored ice and pieces of snow.

During the entire project, the children played with pleasure and desire the mobile and speech games “A little white snow fell”, “Two Frosts”, “Snowflakes”, “I will Freeze” - they learned to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game in accordance with the text. The children got acquainted with new works of art: “How snowmen looked for their mother”, Elena Pavlova “Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “Snowman”, “I wanted to bring a snowflake home ...”, conversations were held: “How did the snowman appear?”, “Why does the snowman love cold?", "Happy birthday, snowman", "The story of the snowman?"; reading fairy tales "Frost", "Snow Maiden", "Moroz Ivanovich", "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; considered illustrative and visual material depicting winter landscapes and winter fun. We learned by heart A. Barto's poem "Not Alone".

During the experimental activity, experiments were carried out with snow: “Snow and its properties”, “What is snow?”, “Ice and its properties”, during which the children learned that snow is cold, fluffy, white, crumbly, and when it wet from it can be sculpted; When warm, snow turns into water. We also learned that water tends to freeze and turn into ice (hard, brittle, cold, transparent).

During the project, the children became noticeably closer to each other, speech became more active, the children developed observation, attention, and learned elementary experimentation.

The final product of the project was the creative exhibition of crafts "My Jolly Snowman".

Material base:

Various materials for creativity.

Laptop, software.

Illustrations of snowmen.

Practical part:

Introduce children to the snowman through viewing illustrations, toys, cartoons.

Performing work with children from various materials, offering a variety of ways.

Invite parents to take part in the creative exhibition of crafts "My favorite snowman."

Consultations, conversations with parents on the topic of the project.

Design a creative exhibition of crafts "My favorite snowman."

Conduct direct educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development (application, drawing, modeling).

Submit information to the DOE website.

Summarize the project. Photo report of the implementation of the project "Snowman".

Activities on the implementation of the project by educational areas:

Socio-communicative development.

Examining illustrations.

Watching the cartoon based on Suteev's fairy tale "Snowman-mailer", "School of Snowmen", "Sun and snowmen", "Santa Claus and the gray wolf", "Snowman", "When the Christmas trees are lit", "New Year's song of Santa Claus".

Plot - role-playing game"Snowman to the rescue."

Finger games “We are making a Snowman”, “Masha put on a mitten ...”, “I am digging, I am digging, I am digging a snowball ...” “We have made a snowball ...”

Breathing exercises: "Snowflake", "Snowfall".

cognitive development.


Experiments with snow and ice.

Laying out a snowman from geometric shapes.

Conversations about healthy lifestyle, about the rules of behavior for a walk in the winter.

Conversations with children “How did the snowman appear?”, “Why does the snowman love the cold?”, “Happy birthday, snowman”, “The story of the snowman?”.

Examination of illustrations "Children on a walk", "Winter fun".

Didactic game "Seasons", ...

Exhibition of books.

Speech development.

Reading works of art “How snowmen were looking for mom”, Elena Pavlova “Snowman”, Olga Korneeva “Snowman”, “I wanted to bring a snowflake home ...”, A. Barto “Not alone”.

Reading fairy tales "Morozko", "Snow Maiden", "Moroz Ivanovich", "Snow Maiden and the Fox".

Making riddles about snowmen, on a winter theme.

Compilation of stories based on the picture "How we sculpted a snowman."

Didactic games "Tell a word", "Assemble a snowman", "Find differences", "Cut pictures by subject", "Good - bad", "Call it affectionately".

Didactic exercise “Finish the sentence”, “What? Which? Which?"

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Modeling, drawing, application.

Listening to a song"Merry Winter", "Song of the Snowmen", "March of the Snowmen"

Physical development.

The mobile game "Two Frosts", "Snowflakes", "I'll Freeze", "White Snowball Fell".

Physical minutes "Winter fun", "Snowman", "We'll warm up a little", "Snowflakes".

1. Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S. An exemplary general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school"

2. Dybina, O.V. Rakhmanova, N. P. The unknown is nearby. Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M:-2001

3. Kudeiko M.V. "Unusual ways of drawing for big and small dreamers", Minsk, 2007

4. Reader for reading in kindergarten and at home 5-6 years old. V.V. Gerbova, 1996

5. Materials from the Internet.

Annex 1

Fairy tale "Journey of a little Snowflake"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a little Snowflake. One day she wanted to know where she came from. And she flew over three mountains, over three seas, into the thirtieth kingdom, into the thirtieth state.

It flies, looks, in a dense forest there is a hut on chicken legs. Snowflakes became interesting: who lives in it? She sat down on the pipe, looked into the hut - it was empty. And in this hut lived Baba Yaga - Bone Leg .., but she flew away in her mortar on some important business. Nothing to do - flew on. She flew and flew, she sees a huge snowball. Snowflake sat down on him and asked:

Lump, Lump, tell me, where did I come from?

The lump did not say anything to her, but rolled slowly, slowly. Snowflake behind him. Lump Snowflake saw off to the end of the edge, said goodbye. And she flew on.

How long, shortly Snowflake flew, flew and flew and saw the guys - they were walking on the playground of the kindergarten. Children held out their little hands, caught snowflakes and looked at them.

All the sky and all the air were full of snowflakes. When the snow flies, they are like fluff, light, airy, and if you take a closer look, you will see stars, they are all so carved and all different.

How many sisters I have! - thought Snowflake, and sank down on a birch branch.

Playful kids, tell me, where did I come from?

The children wanted to invite Snowflake to their group and tell her where she came from.

But one boy, his name was Vitya, told everyone the following story:

“I wanted to bring a snowflake home,

He put her in the palm of his hand.

Snowflake whispered softly "I'm sorry,

But you better not touch me!”

Like I didn't hear anything

He carried a prickly snowflake,

She pricked my palm a little,

And became a drop of tears!

The children began to think how they could save Snowflake so that she would not melt in a warm group. They thought and thought and thought. They called Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to visit. They began to conjure: play the accordion, help with a candle. "One, two, three, snowflake - fly!".

As soon as they cast their spell, the little Snowflake turned into a big, beautiful, fabulous and magical Snowflake. .Now she is not afraid to fly into the room.

And in the group everyone is already preparing for the New Year holiday and many, many snowflake sisters live here: both on the wall and on the windows.

And the children began to say:

At first, Snowflake was just water and lived in the sea-ocean.

The sun began to bake, and the water turned into steam, and began to evaporate: the droplets of steam rose higher and higher. At first they gathered into clouds, then the clouds turned into a cloud, large, black.

The droplets lived and lived in a cloud, they became bored, they began to act up.

The cloud let them go for a walk. And while they were going down, the droplets turned into beautiful snowflake stars. And when there are a lot of snowflakes, it's snowfall. One of them was our Snowflake. And from the snow you can sculpt a snowman, build slides, snow buildings.

Snowflake thanked the guys - now - she knew where she came from.

Annex 2

Mobile game "White snow fell"

Target: Development motor activity, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the song.

Game progress: the adult sings, and the children imitate the words of the song.

A little white snow fell, (Children, standing in a circle, raise

Let's gather in a circle. wave your hands up and slowly

Snow, snow, white snow lower them, imitating falling

Sleeps everyone. current snow)

We sit on the sled (They stand one after another and

And we quickly rush down the hill. run in a circle, hands behind)

Snow, snow, white snow -

We run the fastest.

The children all got up on skis, (They walk slowly in a circle

They ran after each other. arms bent at the elbows and

Snow, snow, white snow - clenched into fists, as if

Spins, falls on everyone. holding ski poles.)

We blinded a lump of snow, (Children bend down and show

We made a snowman. they call how they make snow

Snow, snow, white snow - vetch)

Our snowman is the best!

The children are tired by the evening (Squat down,

And they fell asleep in their beds. hands under the cheek, "sleep")

Snow, snow, white snow

The boys are sleeping the best!

Appendix 3

Experimental activity.

Experience number 1. "Snow and its properties"

Purpose: To introduce children to the physical properties of snow - it is white, cold, fluffy, crumbles. When it is wet, it can be molded.

Material: snow in a bowl.

Move, content of the experience: bring snow to the group. Offer to touch with your hand - is the snow cold or warm? Invite the children to make a lump - do not mold, crumble. Leave for a few minutes, the snow becomes soft and wet and you can already make lumps out of it. Conclude that snow only forms when it is wet.

Experience number 2. "What is snow?"

Purpose: to form ideas about physical properties snow. Bring the children to the understanding that in the heat the snow melts, turns into water.

Material: snow, basin.

The course, the content of the experience: Bring snow from a walk and make a snowman, a nose is a carrot and eyes are pebbles. Leave it in the group.

After a quiet hour, let's look at the snowman. But he is gone, after him there was water. Examine the water, draw the children's attention to the dirt at the bottom of the container. To conclude that snow melts from heat and turns into water, that snow is also water, but in a different capacity, to help children conclude why snow should not be taken into their mouths.

Offer to take the water outside and see what happens to it tomorrow.

Experience No. 3 "Ice and its properties"

Purpose: To continue to form children's ideas about the physical properties of water. Bring to the understanding that water tends to freeze, turning into ice (hard, brittle, cold, transparent).

Material: frozen water in a container (remained from a melted snowman).

The course, the content of the experience: bring a container of frozen water. Children see that the water has turned into ice, frozen into ice: the nose is a carrot and the eyes are pebbles. (Remind the children about the snowman that melted). Why? The children are trying to answer the question - because it is cold outside, frost and the water is frozen. Invite the children to look at the ice floe, touch it. The ice is cold, hard, but when you drop it, it can break, which means it is fragile. Conclude that ice is water.

Appendix 4

Quietly the snow is falling

White snow, shaggy,

We'll clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel!

Crow ate snow

Got angina!

Wants to scream, no way!

You won't eat snow. Like this!

He is neither small nor big

Snowy white snowman.

He has a carrot nose

He loves frost

In the cold, it does not freeze.

And spring comes and melts.

What to do, how to be?

Maybe a white fridge

Buy for a snowman?

(V. Savonchik)

From fluffy snow

I'm making a snowman

In a thick coat, so as not to freeze,

Though already a carrot nose,

Eyes - coals from the stove,

Two grasping hands.

Here is a shovel and a broom -

Oh, things are getting going!

Only a snowy friend is not simple -

He is worthy of holding a post -

Not to death, but to life

Protects our winter!

(V. Pavleniuk)

We made a snowman.

He is neither small nor big.

Carrot nose.

Instead of eyes - potatoes.

Very cute and funny.

They brought him home.

Melted in the morning.

Made me wash the floors.

(I. Ustinova)

Blushed kids -

Rolled three balls!

They stacked them on top of each other

And they piled up the bucket.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,

Snowman from a children's fairy tale!

Hands - branches, mouth - candy ...

Let it stand now until the summer!

(M. Boykova)

What are you waiting for, my friend:

Lump, lump and lump?

Coals - eyes, nose - carrots,

And you hold the broom dexterously.

I'm fine here

at the door New Year knocking

Santa Claus and blizzard

They make a friend for me.

(L. Shaitanova)

What's happened? - Red nose!

Snowman has a cold?...

Maybe he needs a compress

Or do you need a doctor?

But the kids are laughing

cheerful and loud

Instead of a nose

red carrot!

(G. Radionova)

Sculpts since the morning

Snowman kids.

Snow balls rolls

And laughing, connects.

Below is the largest lump,

A little less lump on it.

Even less - the head,

Barely reached out.

The eyes are bumps, the nose is a carrot.

The hat was well put on.

A bright scarf, in the hands of a broom.

And happy kids.

(E. Brom)

snowman adventure

Once upon a time there was a Snowman:

The mouth is a blade of grass, the nose is a knot.

All the animals were friends with him,

Visited often.

He walked somehow past the Christmas tree,

And towards him - wolves!

Hear - they whisper:

Tilt the branches below!

This Christmas tree for four

Let's cut it down with an ax!

There is no sense from these trees -

Only wounds from needles!

The snowman is not confused

Immediately rushed through the forest:

Hey little animals, help

Save our tree!

The animals ran to the Christmas tree.

Well, the wolves got scared

They ran away.

Well done, Snowman!

(O. Korneeva)

snow bunny

We made a snowball

The ears were made later.

And just instead of eyes

We have coals.

The rabbit came out alive!

He has a tail and a head!

Don't pull on your mustache

They are from straws!

Long, shiny, just like real!

(O. Vysotskaya)


Day and night circling in winter

Snow - to the delight of the children.

One morning appeared

Stranger in the yard.

The little man is unusual

He stands motionless.

Very cute too

But he doesn't talk to anyone!

chubby, fat, white,

Corners instead of eyes

Carrot nose, gray scarf,

At the top - a copper basin!

Hands made from branches

Well, what a weirdo he is!

Looks kindly at the children

And he just laughs!

He is not afraid of frost

It looks like he's used to the cold.

Can't bend over to us

Yes, it's a snowman!

A source:
© Children of the House

Not alone

We didn't eat, we didn't drink

They made a snow woman.

February snow, weak-weak,

Crumpled at hand

But just for the snowman

We need one like this.

We were hot to work

It's like there's no winter

As if took February from March

Warm day on loan.

Smiling as if alive

In the park, in silence

The snow woman got up

In a white coat.

But it's getting dark - that's a shame! -

The light of dawn goes out

The boys need to go home

Whatever you say!

Suddenly Natalka frowned,

She's only five years old

He says: - I feel sorry for the woman,

Why should she stand there? -

Soon the sound of the tram will subside

And the moon will rise

There will be a snow woman

Alone under the moon?!

We crowded around the woman,

Thought - how to be?

We have a friend to her at least

Need to get it.

We didn't eat, we didn't drink

They made a new grandmother.

Soon the sound of the tram will subside

And the moon will rise

Our snow woman

Will not be alone.

A. Barto

Annex 5

Consultation "First aid for frostbite"


As a result of prolonged exposure to low ambient temperature in a childchills occur. Damaged areas of the skin externally are red or bluish-purple indurations. Chilling is accompanied by itching, burning, pain, which intensifies if this area is quickly warmed. The legs and arms are often supercooled.

The teacher, gathering the children for a walk, makes sure that they have dry shoes and mittens. Weak children who have had illnesses need special attention.

A sharp drop in body temperature leads to freezing.

The child in this state loses consciousness, skin turn pale, the pulse is rare. After taking first aid in the frozen, drowsiness, memory loss, and mental disorder are noted. A frequent complication of freezing is inflammation of the lungs, kidneys, and acute indigestion.

First aid a frozen child consists in warming him in a hot bath, at the same time a massage is performed. As soon as the child regains consciousness, he must be given a hot drink, food, put to bed, urgently call a doctor or take him to a medical institution.


It is more often observed in children who are weakened, in those who wear too tight shoes. It can even be at 0 temperature. Children freeze their fingers and toes, ears, nose tip.

There are three degrees of frostbite:

Frostbite of the 1st degree occurs with short-term exposure to cold. After warming, the affected areas of the skin turn red and swell, there is a slight pain, burning sensation. After 2-3 days, redness and swelling disappear and no traces of frostbite remain on the skin.

Frostbite 2 degrees occurs with prolonged exposure to cold. Frostbite causes the skin to turn pale. Bubbles appear later. Filled with clear or bloody liquid.

Frostbite of the 3rd degree and 4th degree is possible with prolonged exposure to low temperatures, while not only soft tissues, but also bones die, and gangrene develops. Characterized by fever, general intoxication, restless behavior and chills.

First aid for frostbite is to restore blood circulation to the affected area as soon as possible.

Frostbitten hands or feet are warmed in warm water. The damaged area is carefully exposed, immersed in a basin of water 18-20º and a light massage is performed. Massage starts with fingers up. During the massage, it is necessary to force the child to move his fingers in order to quickly restore blood circulation. When fully warmed, the skin becomes bright pink and pain appears. Then the frostbitten place is carefully wiped, wiped with alcohol, a dry sterile bandage is applied and wrapped warmly.

In case of frostbite of the cheeks and nose, they are warmed right on the street, rubbing the affected area in a circular motion. You should not rub the frostbitten place with snow, as small pieces of ice can scratch the skin, and you can also cause an infection. rub better soft woolen mitten or hand until complete restoration of blood circulation. In more severe forms, urgent hospitalization.

Appendix 6

Advice for parents

"Beware of ice!"

Frozen in the morning
No yesterday's warmth
Ice on the roads
And the cars carry everything.
Sidewalks like a skating rink
Take another step
But the sole failed

She is very slippery.
How many troubles from ice!

There is work for the janitors -
Pour salt and sand,

So that a passer-by could pass.

With the onset of winter, we expect a lot of snow, but, unfortunately, there is very little snow, but frosts alternate with thaws. And this, as you know, best conditions for ice. Ice represents the greatest danger for you and me, dear parents, especially if we are late for work, and even the child needs to be taken to kindergarten in time. It's easier than ever to get a bruise in ice, or worse, a fracture.

What is ice and ice?

Black ice is only ice on the roads that forms after a thaw or rain during a sudden cold snap.

Ice - layer dense ice, growing on objects during the fall of supercooled rain or drizzle, with fog and the movement of low stratus clouds at a negative air temperature near the Earth's surface, close to 0 ° C.

Ice is a much rarer and more dangerous phenomenon, especially for power engineers and motorists, as it is difficult to predict, it usually develops quickly and intensively.

Most often, ice occurs during a sharp warming, when warm air passes over a very cold surface.

Ice is much more dangerous than ice in terms of handling and vehicle stability on the road. The coefficient of adhesion of the surface wetted by water is much lower than in the absence of precipitation in the form of rain. This significantly affects the choice of speed. When there is ice, the maximum safe speed on the highway is in the range of 30-40 km / h, and when it is icy - 60 - 70 km / h. Moreover, in icy conditions, the driver has a chance to find a surface on the roadway on which there was no water before the onset of frost or which other cars have not yet polished to a shine so that the wheels of his car have something to catch on.

On ice, freezing rain covers the entire surface of the road, regardless of how many wheels have already passed over it.

Black ice turns cities into a big skating rink. You can slip and fall at every step.

But injuries can be avoided if you know and follow five important rules.

Rule one: hold the child by the hand

The behavior of children is sometimes simply unpredictable, the child can suddenly run, the consequences in icy conditions can be very unpleasant. In order to avoid such a situation, it is better not to let go of the child's hand all the way. And before you go out, regularly repeat the rules with your children. safe behavior on a slippery road - do not run, do not push, do not play, do not let go of the hand of an adult.

Rule two: don't rush

You never have to rush. Here, by the way, is the proverb “Move slowly, you will continue.” It is recommended to move with a small, shuffling gait. The wider the step, the more likely it is to fall.

Running and catching up with outgoing vehicles is also not worth it. It is better to wait for the next minibus or bus than to get injured.

Rule three: choose safe shoes

The third rule says that adult and children's shoes should be comfortable and safe. In icy conditions, it is better to wear shoes with non-slip rubber or other soles with a deep “tread”. Leather soles are very slippery. When walking on a slippery surface, you should step on the entire sole, while slightly relaxing your knees.


Do you have smooth soles? Stick a regular band-aid on it, and the shoes will slip less.

Rule #4: Always watch your step

You should always look under your feet, and especially in ice. Slippery path, better avoid it.

Rule Five: Learn to Fall Properly

It is not always possible for a person to maintain balance. “Fall without consequences,” doctors advise. Therefore, one should learn to fall without risk. For this:

1. Sit down, the height of the fall will be less.

2. When falling, brace yourself. If you fall on your back, try to keep your chin close to your body. You can not fall on outstretched arms, you can break your hands. To avoid a concussion, avoid hitting the back of the head.

3. When falling, try to fall on your side, so there will be fewer injuries.

Having slipped and fallen, a person strives to get up as quickly as possible. But don't rush. First you need to examine yourself, move your arms and legs. If there is no pain, you can get up. Well, if there were pain, we must try to determine what they are caused by - a bruise, damage to the ligaments or a fracture of the bone.


  • Remember and do not forget that there may be ice under the snow.
  • If the limb is swollen and sore, immediately go to the doctor in the emergency room.
  • Having fallen on your back, you cannot move, urgently call an ambulance.

When crossing the road, follow the rules traffic, do not cross the street and do not run in front of nearby traffic. REMEMBER - the roadway is slippery and braking of vehicles is difficult, drifts are possible.

If there is a traffic light - go only to the green light. On ice, choose a safer route and leave the house well in advance.
In case of a fall on the roadway, try to get up quickly and move to a safe place, if you can’t get up, ask passers-by to help you, if there are none, then try to crawl to the edge of the road to a safe place.

Dear parents - be vigilant, take precautions when icy!

Annex 7

Winter fun for the whole family

For kids, winter is a very fun time! Perhaps no other time of the year can please them with such a wide variety of games and entertainment. fresh air. Winter games are definitely good for kids. A walk in winter is most often an active and active holiday, it is almost always associated with a variety of activities.


Ski trips - almost best view outdoor activities with a child in the winter. Already at 3-4 years old, your children will be able to ride for 20 or 30 minutes in a row, slide down small slides and even ride in tow. Skiing is a fascinating activity, skiing can bring real pleasure to your child while strengthening his health. Many kids love to ride "shorty", which do not need a ski run, and, therefore, there are no special problems.

Safety! In general, this is the least secure type. winter walks. However, pay attention, maybe the hill you are going to ride is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in the park area, either outside the city, or in that area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.


If your kid loves skates - it's for life! The most suitable period for mastering this fast-paced and graceful sport is 3-5 years. Ice skating strengthens the foot and ankle, so it's good for any child! Ideally, the boot should fit snugly if the child's feet are wearing tights and one pair of woolen socks.

Safety! Unlike skiing, skating still comes with a certain amount of risk. Do not go to the skating rink on days when a lot of people are skating. Falls cannot be ruled out, so make sure your child is dressed in tight clothing. Make sure that at least the back of the head is well protected (for example, with a thick layer of soft tissue). Do not step away from the baby even a step, in case of need to support him and avoid falls.


So that the winter for the baby is not in vain, he definitely needs a "transport" for skiing from the mountains and ordinary walks. It can be a sled or an ice rink. Unlike other winter activities, which are associated with active movement, you need to dress warmly for a sledding trip. V Lately it became widespread winter fun like tubing. This is also a kind of sled, which is used for skiing from large and long slopes.

Safety! You can transport a child across the road only in a sled that pushes in front of you. If they only have a tug rope, then the baby must be removed. Sledding downhill is not recommended. Tubing may cause dangerous situations due to high speed.

Rolling down the hill.

Skating down the ice slide is one of the favorite winter activities for children. True, many kids are afraid to ride a hill up to a certain age, up to about 3.5-4 years old, but if you take your mom or dad with you, it’s not so scary! Having fallen in love with this activity, the kids are ready to ride down the hill to infinity and do not want to go home from it. Clothing should not be wet, otherwise after 20 minutes. you have to go get changed.

Safety! Explain to the kid in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide. You need to make sure that the slide is safe, so carefully study the area before riding. The descent should not go out onto the roadway, and it is better for kids to ride from small gentle snow slides, moreover, in sparsely populated places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

Games around the house.

Winter is so good that you don’t have to go far for entertainment! It is enough just to leave the house, breathe in the fresh frosty air and play snowballs. It always causes laughter and cheers up. Build a snowman, and you can also build a snow tunnel, or even make a whole maze! Make an angel in the snow or just lie in a snowdrift! Plenty of options for things to do. The main thing is not to be lazy!

Annex 8

Origami "Snowman" from paper.(

When you have good mood, snow flakes fall on the ground, you should definitely spend your time and make this toy. By the way, it is done very quickly and looks pretty funny.

The scheme with which you can make an origami snowman. Look at it below, friends!

Annex 9

Drawing Christmas characters

Snowman (cute pot-bellied character) - is one of the main New Year's characters. We will show you how to draw a Snowman.

Stages of drawing a Snowman

Annex 10

Open lesson in the senior group on the topic "Snowman"

Educational area: Communication. Artistic creativity.

The development of speech. Application


To consolidate the children's ideas about winter and its signs.

Clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic "Winter".

Learn to use adjectives.

To teach children to compose a story about winter in a picture using mnemonic tables;

Learn to speak coherently, fully and expressively.

Activate the use of single-root words.

Improve the processes of attention, memory, thinking.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with adjectives)

Lesson progress:

Greeting "Hello".

Hello golden sun

hello blue sky

Hello free breeze

Hello white snow.

Hello guys - girls and boys. Hello, I will tell you, I welcome you all.

Guys, I know that all children love to solve riddles. And now I want to ask you a riddle. “I have a lot to do. I cover the whole earth with a white blanket. I whitewash the fields, at home. My name is ... "(Winter

That's right, winter. What are the signs of winter?

What are the winter months called?

Do you guys love this time of year?

And why do you love her?

What winter games do you know?

Vos: Guys, let's play with snow and make snowballs.

Finger game "Snowballs"

Let's play with snowballs


We made snow with you

And not at all sweet

Once - let's toss

2 - caught

3 - let's drop

4 - broke

Guys, look, my snowball didn’t break, it remained intact, let’s play with it. (the teacher offers to pass the snowball by naming adjectives)

Game "name the adjective"

What is winter? (snowy, cold, white, frosty)

What is the weather like in winter? (cold, frosty, windy)

What is the wind in winter? (strong, icy, strong)

- What happens in winter? (blizzard wind, river frozen);

What snow? (white, fluffy, soft, light, loose)

Well done!

Look guys: children from another kindergarten went for a walk and made a snowman. And the snowman is not simple, the guys called him a snowman-mailer.

(fragment of the cartoon how children build a snowman) He went to our kindergarten to bring you a letter. But on the way to us, he got lost in the forest. Let's go with you to the winter forest and look for him, maybe he is in trouble and he needs our help. (episode as a snowman walks through the forest)

Imitation of dressing with skis

We put our feet in winter boots,

Hat on the head and tie deftly,

Gloves on hands, good luck guys.

What is the best way to get to the forest? (children's answers). I suggest you go skiing. Get on your skis and hit the road!

Clean tongues

OZY-OZY-OZY outside the window of frost

ZI-ZI-ZI carry the sled

ISCO-ISCO-ISCO winter sun is low

HISTO-HISTO-HISTO snow hid everything cleanly

Look, guys, here we are in the forest. Winter generously wrapped the earth with silver snowflakes, protecting it from frost. It became beautiful in the forest.

Guys look what is this? (traces of animals). Children examine the tracks describe them determine whose tracks. (they call animals in the Kazakh language). The tracks lead us to the Christmas tree, let's follow the tracks. The Christmas tree is all strewn with snowflakes, snowflakes are not simple snowflakes puzzles. Listen carefully, try to guess. (children guess riddles, who guessed that they put on an animal hat).

Tail with a fluffy arc,

Do you know such an animal?

Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,

Likes to climb trees. (Squirrel)

Angry touchy, lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (hedgehog)

tail fluffy,
golden fur,
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village.

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under the big pine
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep.

Friendship leads only with a fox,

This animal is angry, evil.

He clicks and clicks with his teeth,

Very scary gray


Uphill running from the mountain somersault

Gray in summer, white in winter.


Guys, look, you have turned into wild animals, let's play a game called "Interview with forest dwellers" An interview is a journalist's conversation with one or more persons.

And who is a journalist? (Several responses from children).

A journalist is a person who collects, processes and disseminates information using the media (newspaper, radio, television). The journalist will ask questions, and the inhabitants winter forest- answer it. We already have forest dwellers, and we will have a journalist ...

The game "interviews with forest dwellers"

Hello, please introduce yourself.

Tell us a little about yourself.

What do you eat in winter? Where do you get your supplies?

Do you have enemies in the forest, who are you afraid of?

Do you like living in the forest?

All the animals in unison: “In summer and winter, we love our native forest”

Thanks guys for the interesting stories. It's time for us to move on. (blizzard music sounds) (turn on the episode where the snowman got into a snowstorm)

The blizzard spun like a carousel

Slowly at first, then faster

Nothing is visible, everything is white - white!

It's cold and windy outside,

Children are walking in the yard.

Handles, handles rub,(rubbing hands)

Handles, handles warm. ( blow on palms)

Guys, let's rather play a game so that you and I do not freeze and that the blizzard, blizzard subsides and nothing happens to our snowman!

Game "Tell me a word"

Quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground …………………………………. Snow

Fluffs are sliding from the sky - silvery …………………………. Snowflakes

Here's the fun for the guys - getting stronger …………………………………… Snowfall

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play ……………………………... snowballs

As if in a white down jacket, dressed up …………………………………… snowman

Nearby is a snow figurine, this is a girl …………………………………… snow maiden

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth ………………………. Snow

Finally the blizzard subsided. You can go further!

Oh, and we guys are tired, we probably need to rest, agree ?!

Fizminutka "What we like in winter"

White meadows Spread your arms to the sides

And not a snow hill Raise your hands up (show the slide)

Skis or sleds, skis or sleds. Skier walking

What do we like in winter? Clap

Soft snowdrifts Show snowdrifts

To dig day by day Imitate digging snow with a shovel

Fortress to do so, fortress to do so. Sculpt snowballs

What do we like in winter? Clap

Dress warmly, imitate dressing clothes

In a warm fur coat, Clap your hands on clothes

Warm up in the cold Jumping

We rested, gained strength and we can move on.

(include a fragment where the snowman is in a hurry, runs)

Look guys! It turns out that the snowman has found the way and is already running, rushing to us! Let's look out the window, where is he?

(everyone looks out the window and sees a snowman. The snowman waves his hand to them, and enters the group with mnemotables)

Play: Let's say hello to the Snowman!

Snowman “I, guys, Snowman, got used to the snow, the cold.

You blinded me cleverly, instead of a nose there is a carrot.

And a bucket on my head, and a broom in my hand.

I came to your kindergarten to please the children.

Hello guys! Well, I finally got to you! Can you imagine, so many adventures happened to me. I got lost in the forest, and got into a snow storm and even almost lost my envelope, but you helped me get there!

Vosp-l: well done guys, did you help the Snowman by completing all the tasks?

Snowman : Guys, you know, I love it when people talk about me! Can you tell me something about me? Here are my photos to help you tell about me.

Play: And let's compose a short story about the Snowman, please the guest?

(the teacher writes a story and puts up tables)

This is how the story turned out:

Winter came. There was a lot of snow, snowdrifts everywhere. The children went for a walk.

We took with us: skis, sleds, skates, shoulder blades. Made a snowman. And a plank was attached to the hands of the snowman. Crumbs for the birds were sprinkled on the plank. Birds flew to the snowman for lunch. The snowman was very happy that he was surrounded by so many friends.

Snowman: Oh, can I try too?

Vosp-l: Of course you can, right guys? (The snowman retells the text)

Wake up: guys, who wants to tell? (3 children: 1-beginning, 2-middle, 3-end)

And who will now try to retell the whole story in full? (1 child)

Snowman: Well done guys, I really liked your stories! (Snowman is sad)

Play: What's wrong with you Snowman? You are somehow sad, we told you a story, we wanted to please you?

Snowman: Yes, you are so friendly, and you do well, and you have many friends. And I'm alone ... I have no one to be friends with. If only I had friends too.

Play: Oh, look guys, the poor Snowman has no friends, how bad it is. How can we help the poor Snowman ... I thought, but let's make him the same snowman friends ourselves? (Children agree)

Snowman: Great! Let's! (rejoices)

Vosp-l: But from what, are we going to make it?

Snowman : I know, guys, I completely forgot, I have an envelope for you in which there are magic snowballs, from which you make friends for me! Look (shows cotton pads)

The teacher demonstrates application techniques:

Snowman: make me guys friends like me.

Guys, look carefully, from which figures they made a snowman?

How many are there, are they the same size or different?

Correctly, a snowman consists of three circles of different sizes: small, medium, large. (we will make them from cotton pads different sizes).

We will stick snowballs in a certain sequence, first a large one - these will be the legs, then the middle one - the torso, the small one - the head.

We collect not a lot of glue on the brush, we apply it on a cotton pad, we try to smear the entire surface. Glue on a sheet of paper in the middle at the bottom. And so we paste all three snowballs. We remove excess glue with a napkin. Now we need to add a bucket on the snowman's head, a carrot instead of a nose, and coal eyes. We will finish all this with a brush and gouache. Take brushes and gouache of the desired color and finish the rest.

Vos-l. In the course of the lesson, the teacher prompts the children, praises, analyzes children's work, a general exhibition is arranged.

Children, look, whose snowman is the most cheerful, the most elegant, and whose is the saddest?

Children, and our snowman has become cheerful again, because he has so many friends and thanks you for your help.

The snowman analyzes children's work:

Dasha your snowman is the most cheerful,

Masha your snowman is the most beautiful ...

Look at Seryozha, the biggest snowman turned out.

Children take part in the analysis of children's work.

Educator: Guys, tell us, did you like our lesson? What did you like about our lesson? What caused the difficulty? What have you learned? What did you learn new?

Look guys, our snowman is starting to melt, it's time to say goodbye to him.

The snowman thanks the children, says goodbye to them.

Annex 11

Didactic game "Collect a snowman."

Target: teaching children to distinguish and name the four primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue); reception of the imposition of parts by attaching to each other. Consolidation of knowledge about a geometric figure - circle (white); ability to group by color. Development of fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination.

Material: White circles of different sizes with "buttons" of different colors (snowman, trapezoid of different colors (bucket).

Game progress: Children are invited to help the snowmen: the snowmen got naughty - they indulged and, it so happened, that they fell apart. We need to help them collect them. It is specified how the snowman is built: a smaller circle is placed on a large circle, then the smallest one. After that, we “put on” a bucket (trapeze) on the head and, you're done! We got some amazing snowmen.

Annex 12

Conversation: “The story of the snowman? »

Target: give children an idea about the snowman, its origin.

How much do you know about the history of snowmen?
When snow falls in Russia, they appear on the streets and in parks - snowmen. Big and small, with and without brooms - they have long been symbols New Year holidays.
According to European legend, snowmen were invented in the 12th century by the knight Giovanni Bernardoni - he is also St. Francis of Assisi. According to the life of the saint, Francis, fighting the demons that tempted him, began to sculpt snowmen and call them his wife and children. In the modeling of a snowman, the prototype of the creation of man is guessed, only now the act of creation belongs to the man himself.
In Russia, they also made snowmen, and snowmen. Snowmen were revered as the spirits of winter, to them, as well as to Frost, they raised a request for help, mercy and a decrease in the duration of cold weather. Perhaps that is why a broom is given to the "hands" of the snowman - so that he can safely fly into the sky when he pleases. With snowmen, the story is special. Since in Russia they once believed that the air was inhabited by heavenly maidens, who commanded fogs, clouds, snows, the pagans held solemn rituals in their honor. To propitiate the heavenly inhabitants, they sculpted snowmen, as if exalting the heavenly nymphs on earth.
Snowmen received their canonical appearance - a body made of three snow globes, a nose made of carrots, a bucket on their heads - only in the 19th century. At the same time, snow creatures “broke up” and became an indispensable attribute of Christmas and New Year, a kind of symbol of winter holidays. But before that, snowmen would hardly have seemed kind creatures to us. Here is how they were presented at different times.

Historical truth / Artifacts / History of snowmen.
snowman story
When snow falls in Russia, they appear on the streets and in parks - snowmen. Big and small, with and without brooms - they have long been symbols of the New Year holidays. But how much do we know about the history of snowmen?
According to European legend, snowmen were invented in the 12th century by the knight Giovanni Bernardoni - they are also St. Francis of Assisi. According to the life of the saint, Francis, fighting the demons that tempted him, began to sculpt snowmen and call them his wife and children. In the modeling of a snowman, the prototype of the creation of man is guessed, only now the act of creation belongs to the man himself.
In addition, snowmen with brooms - weapons were the guards of the dwelling, not letting evil spirits go there. Also in the countries of Northern Europe, people made snowmen on the eve of Christmas and as traps for demons - an evil spirit that mistakenly took a snowman for a person, moved into a pile of snow and could no longer free itself until spring itself. Because of this, in Norway, snowmen began to be called "white trolls." There was a legend that one could not look at them late at night because of the curtain in the window. But in Romania, there is a custom to decorate a snowman with "beads" of garlic heads, as this contributes to the health of the household and protects them from vampires, ghouls, werewolves.
In Russia, they also made snowmen and snowmen. Snowmen were revered as the spirits of winter, to them, as well as to Frost, they raised a request for help, mercy and a decrease in the duration of cold weather. Perhaps that is why a broom is given to the "hands" of the snowman - so that he can safely fly into the sky when he pleases.

Annex 13

Conversation with children on the painting "Winter Fun"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in winter; to acquaint with the features of the winter road; teach children to talk about how children play in winter.

The course of the conversation

The teacher offers for consideration the picture "Winter Fun"

Ask children questions:

What season is in the picture?

What are the signs of winter?

What are the children doing in the picture?

What safety rules do you need to know when sledding, skating, playing snowballs?

Guys, what games do you like to play in winter?

(children make up mini-stories about their winter fun)

The teacher continues to ask questions:

Who do you go out with?

How should a child behave on the street in the winter season?

Outcome of the conversation: children are invited to draw pictures with their parents about how they play in winter.

Annex 14

Happy birthday, snowman!

A conversation with children about everyone's favorite pastime, making a snowman: history, customs and traditions.

Purpose: leisure and cognitive activities of children and parents.

Purpose: to acquaint children, parents and teachers with the history, customs and traditions of making a snowman.

Tasks: to develop the mental processes of memory, attention, thinking; develop the ability to work in a team; develop fine motor skills hands

Winter came and as soon as the snow fell, many children run outside to make a snowman. And no one guesses that one of the main winter heroes has a very respectable age: they have been sculpting it for several centuries. And he even has a birthday - January 18th.

Why do you think 18? Look closely at these numbers.

The birthday of everyone's favorite snowman was invented by one collector from Germany (he has more than 3,000 images of him). He thought like this: in mid-January in many countries there is snow and the number 18 looks like a snowman holding a broom in his hands.

The first snowmen were portrayed as evil snow monsters. Harsh winters caused a lot of trouble with severe frosts, and it was believed that the snowman was a threat to people. It was said that you can not sculpt them on a full moon, otherwise you will have nightmares and bad luck. You can’t even look at them from behind the curtains in the evening. And if you meet a snow figure at night, then it is better to bypass it, otherwise expect trouble.

It was only in the 19th century that snowmen “took better” and became an indispensable figure for the New Year and Christmas. According to legend, they are angels, because snow is a gift from heaven, which means that a snowman can convey the requests and desires of people. To do this, they sculpted a small snowman and whispered their desire to him. It was believed that when the snow figure melted, the wish would be taken to heaven and fulfilled.

In Europe, snowmen were decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and brooms were handed into their hands. After all, every detail of their "clothing" is not accidental. For example, a carrot nose was attached in order to propitiate the spirits sending the harvest, an inverted bucket meant prosperity in the house. And in Romania, they put "beads" of garlic on the snowman, believing that this helps to maintain the health of the family and protects it from dark forces.

In Russia, snowmen were revered as the spirits of winter. They were treated with respect and asked to make the frost less. It is curious that, in the view of European peoples, a snowman is always a male creature, and a snow woman is only a Russian character. Our ancestors believed that fogs, blizzards and snowfalls were commanded by female spirits. Therefore, to show them their respect, they sculpted snowmen. And the month of January is sometimes even called “snowman”.

Interesting Facts:

Most big snowman 37 meters high was molded in America. It took 6 thousand tons of snow to create it.

The smallest snowman is 5 times thinner human hair. It was made in one of the scientific laboratories and consists of two nano-balls of tin less than 0.01mm.

Find some time to enjoy winter and make your own snowman! Just don't forget to make a wish...

Appendix 15



One two three four,

We made snow with you.

(we show how they sculpted in the palms)

Round, strong, very smooth

And not at all sweet.

Once - let's throw it up.

(raise hands up)

Two, we'll catch it.

(we press our hands to our chest, as if we caught the ball)

Three - drop.

(put hands down)

And ... break.

Winter fun

One, two, three, four, five

We came to the yard for a walk!

They made a snow woman.

(showing how they made a snowball)

The birds were fed crumbs.

(we imitate movements, as if we picked up a pinch of crumbs and pour them into the birds)

We then rode down the hill.

And they rolled in the snow.

Everyone came home in the snow.

We ate soup and went to bed.

(we show how we eat with a spoon, then we put both hands, folded palms inward, under the cheek)


Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

(clap hands)

Happy snow kids!

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

We're making a snowman!

("make" snowballs)

Who we put on whom

(join hands, raise up)

let's roll our eyes,

(join fingers, put to eyes)

Insert a carrot nose

(put fists to nose)

Let's find a hat.

(put hands on head)

What a snowman

(put hands on belt)

Snow white fat man!

(shake head left and right)


I stand and catch snowflakes in my palm.

(rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the palm of the right hand)

I love winter, and snow, and snowflakes,

(rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index, on the palm of the left hand)

But where are the snowflakes?

(to the question clench fists)

Water in the palm


Where did the snowflakes go? Where?

(Clench your fists for the first question, unclench your fists for the second)

Fragile ice-rays melted...

(small shaking with relaxed palms)

As you can see, my palms are hot.


We made a snowball We make a lump with both hands,

They made a hat on it. We join hands in a ring and put it on


The nose was attached and in an instant We put the fists to the nose,

It turned out a snowman Outline the figure with both hands



The children took a white lump, we depict a lump

We will build a snow house Movements depicting the modeling of snowballs

We will pour water on it, imitate movements

The house will be icy "pour water"

We put lump after lump, we put the fist on the fist

So they fashioned a house. We draw a house in the air with our palms.

Annex 16

Nursery rhymes about winter fun, about frost and snow.

Fall down, fall down
White snow!
Rejoice, rejoice
Everyone everywhere!
Fall, fall
to the village,
The field is white
Cover -
Will be in the summer

You, frost, frost, frost,
Don't show your nose!
Go home soon
Take the cold with you.
And we'll take the sled
We'll go to the street
Let's sit in the sleigh -

You are winter-winter
You came with frost.
The wind howls, the blizzard howls,
It's sweeping along the street.
Covered with white snow
All roads to the village
All roads, all paths
Do not pass through.

Annex 17

Poems, riddles about a snowman.

His children blinded from the snow,
Made a nose out of a carrot
They even gave him a scarf
So that in severe frost it does not freeze.
Who is he? Every child knows.
Standing outside the window in the yard
Friend of boys and friend of girls
Good plump friend ... (snowman)

With a broom in hand
With a bucket on my head
I stand in the winter in the yard. (Snowman)

He put a bucket on his head
On the shoulders is a white down jacket.
Made a nose out of a carrot
Thick white ... (snowman).

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached and in an instant
It turned out ... (snowman)

The man is difficult:
Appears in winter
And disappears in the spring
Because it melts quickly. (Snowman)

He is from the snow alone,
His nose is made of carrots.
A little warm, cry instantly
And it will melt ... (snowman)

Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
At the skating rink stands with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend ... (snowman)

What a strange person
Arrived in the twenty-first century:
Carrot nose, broom in hand,
Afraid of the sun and heat? (Snowman)

With a whisk, in a bucket hat
Director of the winter yard. (Snowman)

Sometimes I feel embarrassed for myself
I have a carrot sticking out instead of my nose. (Snowman)

This lump is like a white house
And above it is a smaller room.
Small lump on top
Eyes, nose and handkerchief.
I'm used to the blizzard, the cold
Hardened ... (snowman)

He always stands with a broom,
But he does not want to clean the snow.
I can't really understand
Who is this person?
Why is he cold
And the blizzards don't care?
Why spring tears
Are they running on it? (Snowman)

I don't shiver in the cold
I hold my nose with a carrot
But I'm not complaining, I'm used to it.
What's my name? … (Snowman)

In winter, it is deftly molded from snow:
Three koloboks and a carrot nose. (Snowman)

The bucket shone with joy,
It shone down on everyone:
Today it has become a hat
On the head ... (snowman)

All of me from head to toe
Well sculpted.
And black-black eyes
And in the hands of a whisk. (Snowwoman)

I wasn't raised.
Blinded from the snow.
Instead of a nose deftly
Put in carrots.
Eyes are coals.
Hands are bitches.
cold, big
Who am I? (Snowwoman)

Appendix 18

We teach the child to retell.


We made two huge snowballs in the yard. They put com on com. Then they stuck hands to the snowman. They stuck a broom in his hand.

Then we made his eyes, mouth and nose. They put a hat on the snowman's head.

1. Answer the questions:

Who did the children make out of snow?

How many lumps did they make?

What did they put on the snowman?

What was thrust into his hands?

What did they do next?

What did they put on the snowman's head?

2. Tell this story in the first person (on behalf of a boy, a girl).