
Congratulations. Congratulations Congratulations on February 23 to the financial director man


Good day! After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday did not disappear - it is still popular, and it is still celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Transnistria and Ukraine. Since 2002, February 23 is a public holiday in the Russian Federation.

As historians say, nothing could be found in Soviet Russia that would explain the choice of February 23. However, this is not at all a hindrance to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day as widely as possible. This day embodies everything that women appreciate in men: strength, responsibility, courage and care.

On February 23, not only men are honored, but also. We tried not to offend anyone and prepared a whole collection of congratulations for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Select wishes for February 23 at and, congratulate cheerfully and. In the selection of congratulations, you will find a complete set of beautiful words for a person, husband, dad, brother, son, grandfather, etc. We also did not bypass congratulations on work and. And, of course, they did not forget about the smallest, making a selection of poems. And we offer to present all this variety of congratulations together with a beautiful or a postcard made with love by our own. Well, on February 23, you can also do it yourself.

Congratulations on February 23 to the boss, leader

Happy Men's Day, boss, congratulations!
We give honors, care, respect.
We declare you a combat unit,
Of particular importance and value!

And to work more fun with us,
Let fortune always follow.
And destroys all barriers in front of you
Love, giving from loved ones and honor.

The leader is like a driver
He steadfastly leads the company into battle,
Not afraid of any pest
And it does not threaten work failure.

We are lucky to have such a man
You will cover us in everything,
Therefore, always and everywhere
We boldly follow you.

Today everyone is gathered together
Colleagues, close friends,
To congratulate in the morning
You on the twenty-third of February.

Since February 23, you, our invaluable boss! Among the difficult working days, there should always be a place for a holiday. And now it has come: a real men's day! We wish you to remain the same energetic, fair and conscientious leader! With all my heart - Happy Holidays to you!

To congratulate you, our boss,
We don't need special reasons
But today we will praise you,
On this day, real men.

Fair, serious and smart
You have been called for a long time for a reason.
Let it be fun and noisy
This holiday is at the end of February!

Congratulations on February 23 to the director, chief

Responsible holiday in our country -
We congratulate the defenders of the Motherland.
Who are extremely faithful to duty and honor,
Who is steadfast in work, and unbending in battle.

Who is in charge of everything?
And how do we calculate the correct vector?
And who will protect us today with you?
The answer without a doubt - of course the director!

We are always behind you in battle until victory,
And on a holiday, we wish from the bottom of our hearts
What would a star shine brightly above you
And happiness for a century, well, a century is endless.

Congratulations on the men's holiday!
Always let joy shine in your eyes.
And we wish to always be
A reliable friend and teacher in business.

Good luck and patience as your companions,
We wish to take with you always in life.
And creative thoughts, inspirations,
Let them never leave you, boss!

Dear director! Happy holiday to you! May February 23 give you even more self-confidence and courage, because they will never be superfluous in the fight against disobedient employees! Happiness to you, excellent festive mood, good gifts, attention of others and good luck! Congratulations!

The director served in the army,
We know it for sure!
And we hasten to congratulate him,
The whole team urgently!

Do not bow before the enemy
We want knees.
And continue to serve the motherland,
Behind the working walls!

You are a fair helmsman
In a close-knit team!
We promise you a big career
In the near future!

Poems for February 23 to the boss

He is a reliable stimulant
He is like an engine for us,
Both yesterday and the day after tomorrow
Both today and now!

Only if the twenty-third
February comes to us
That becomes the boss
Like you and like me!

More and more often I think,
How difficult it is to lead people
How difficult it is for everyone to be an example,
Be the best at work, labor officer.

Defender's Day - memory of the Fatherland,
A light burns in the soul, a flame beats in the hearts.
The chief is practically a title today:
You give meaning, you give knowledge.

Beautiful, smart and promising,
In business - assertive and active.
You don't throw words into the wind
And in difficult times you help us.

To say in all seriousness
(And who needs to prove it)
Can I, that such as you -
He does not like farce, fuss.

Words - from the heart, it's not a bluff.
In this way, my boss,
I congratulate you on the twenty-third!
(I hope we celebrate well?)

Dear Team Defender,
The holiday applies to you, no doubt,
Raises have a direct outlook
For those who are working hard.

February 23 we wish to meet
At a serious holiday meeting,
Where your success is not noted
Members of the meeting will not dare!

Let the family also understand you
Both in the department and in the company, of course,
Children appreciate and respect
And they will be healthy and successful!

Congratulations to the boss on Defenders of the Fatherland Day

Our boss, congratulations
We really need today
Happy Defender's Day
We all wish together
Be always healthy
Achieve your goals
Strive only for the best
Say goodbye to problems!

Our labor team
Every day you lead the fight
February 23 is the day
Chief, yours.

On the day of the defender we wish
So that you are healthy and strong
So that on labor fronts
We have been successful.

You are a smart and brave man.
We know that for sure.
And scold only for the cause.
Never for nothing.

Our protector and savior
In any life trouble.
Our boss is like a parent to us.
And keeps us always in line.

On Fatherland Day today
We want to congratulate you.
We wish you happiness and health,
Be forever young!

You, sir, are a big boss
And today, on a bright holiday
We hasten to congratulate you all,
Make you smile

Wish on February day
You forget that there is a "migraine",
Remember "courage" and "honor"
"Valor" and "good news" ...

After all, you, our glorious Defender,
In the team is very important,
We look up to you
Congratulations for the hundredth time!

Unemployment protector,

We wish you good health
After all, you are one of us.

We wish you peaceful years in life,
We wish you all success
We wish you a lot of money
They could raise wages!

SMS congratulations on February 23 to the boss

Dear boss, congratulations on February 23! We wish strength, courage, success, reliable partners and a peaceful environment for the implementation of any plans. Strengthening work ties, personal well-being and great desired achievements in any area of ​​life!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Be healthy and happy
We wish you a team.

So that you do not know adversity,
And things were going well.
Well, so that your nerves

SMS congratulations on February 23 to the boss

We want to be happy!
Since February 23!
Plans to come true
Time did not fly in vain.

We respect and love you
For goodness and justice.
Let the profit be higher
And so that life is not overshadowed!

From February 23
Congratulations, our leader!
Although it is not easy to manage everything,
You are a born winner.

We wish you well
At work, at leisure, in the family.
Let them talk about you - "lucky",
Love everything in your life.

We congratulate you on the February holiday, we bring you our sincere wishes for indestructible health, professional success, personal growth, a sense of happiness, may your life be decorated with joyful and bright events.

You are successful, you are strong
Never break you!
You are one in a million
The boss is just anywhere!

We wish you patience
Only achievements and victories
Wishes of all realization,
Health, strength and long life!

SMS congratulations on February 23 to the director

I sincerely congratulate my dear boss on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be always self-confident, strong, healthy, courageous, strong and successful. I wish you beautiful deeds, great victories and good happiness in life.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to a wonderful and brave boss. I wish you to remain strong and strong, I wish you good health and cheerfulness of the soul, I wish you to always be a hero for your relatives and a respected person for those around you.

The boss is the wisest
The best boss ever!
Defender of the whole company -
Will solve any issue.

We sincerely congratulate
Today we want you
So that you know that together
We will win all!

Unemployment protector,
We hasten to congratulate on the day of men.
We wish you good health
After all, you are one of us.

We wish you peaceful years in life,
We wish you all success
We wish you a lot of money
They could raise wages!

SMS congratulations to the boss on Defenders of the Fatherland Day

You are a very strict boss -
But fair and simple
No colleague is more radical
And there is no more successful one.

On the day of the defender - you are a knight,
And a constant guide.
We are all an important particle,
Star - what he wants in the sky.

Congratulations on February 23,
We wish you a peaceful sky
Light and peaceful
Today is a holiday for men
We congratulate you boss
Since February 23 good,
We wish you reliability
And congratulations to you
We will give, and together,
Congratulations on the holiday.

You represent goodness
In you courage lives invincibly;
We were very lucky with the defender,
And to us, and to the world, and to the beloved country.

Congratulations on February 23
We want the head of the whole team
And express gratitude, loving,
And infect. Not the flu - positive!

You need special congratulations
We have decided this for a long time.
We wrote awkwardly
But still joyful to the soul.

You are our boss, our protector.
Who, if not you, should know everything?
You always have a mobile phone in your hand,
And we are like a devoted army.

Since February 23,
Our boss is strict
We wish you bright
life road,
May good luck and success
Meet you together
Be the happiest of all
Like a glorious song!

Congratulations on February 23 to the boss in prose

Congratulations on February 23! We sincerely wish good health, peace, kindness, joy, good luck, prosperity and happiness. Let work always bring pleasure, and let the family idyll reign at home.

On the day of February 23, we congratulate you on the wishes of well-being, perseverance, strong-willed decisions and right deeds. May luck, success and stability accompany you everywhere. Be always healthy and active, purposeful and influential.

Please accept our congratulations on this wonderful, courageous February holiday. We wish you, always with the same honor and dignity, to manage the helm of our enterprise with a strong strong-willed hand. Always the right business decisions, success in labor activity and reach new heights. Peace and prosperity. Sincerely and Best wishes, since February 23!

Dear leader! With great pleasure we want to congratulate you on February 23! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to wish you health, wisdom and patience. Always remain the same fair and objective boss. May life bring you only pleasant surprises, long-awaited meetings and happy smiles. We sincerely wish you career growth and prosperity.

Congratulations on February 23! We sincerely wish you well-being, strong friendly family and endless patience. To make work a pleasure, a career is always on the rise, and on the way I met kind, honest, reliable people!

Wishes to the boss on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose

Let the Defender of the Fatherland Day become for you, dear boss, a truly festive day. Working with you, we learned that leadership can not only punish, but also encourage. That in the face of the employer you are not looking for extremes among subordinates, but boldly defend the point of view of the department. You know how to trust people. You know how to fight, and this is necessary not only in a team, but also on the battlefield, where the principles and properties of the individual are manifested more. So let you never really have to defend your homeland with weapons in your hands. Let there be a peaceful sky above your house, and a prosperous country around.

Chef, congratulations on February 23 and we wish you to fight only for raising our salaries, fight only with bureaucracy and win on all fronts with our competitors. Good luck to our common cause, prosperity, health and prosperity. Happy Defender's Day!

Dear (name, patronymic)! We congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you to remain a fair boss in our friendly team. May your decisions be always correct and unmistakable! We wish you a promotion, more bonuses, awards, encouragement and recognition from colleagues!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you peace in your home, warmth in your heart and peace of mind! So that your children are proud of you, and your wife understands and supports you. So that nothing else makes you relive what you went through again!

  • Postcard from category "hand made". Let's agree right away that ready-made greeting cards are for the lazy and indifferent. If you want to express your sincere gratitude, then it's better to make a card yourself. You can draw something from the "courageous" category: military equipment, barbell, cool car or funny animal. Do you have the talent of Surikov and Manet? It doesn't matter - you can decorate a postcard with an application or make a collage from bright pictures pulled from magazines.
  • congratulatory poster a good option if you want to congratulate all male colleagues or students in your class on February 23 at once. The poster can also be decorated with congratulatory words, pictures, drawings. And you can prepare a photo collage of photographs that depict the heroes of the holiday. It is even more interesting if you finish the cut out silhouettes, inventing your own drawing plot for each.
  • Presentation. Why not, if now every school has a projector. This is good way congratulate all male colleagues, boss or boys in the class on February 23 at once. The content of the presentation can be different - photos of the heroes of the day, wishes, parting words, advice. The main thing is that every man in the team is mentioned.
  • Bouquet of balloons. And in each you can put a note with wishes and parting words.

What to give a teacher on February 23

Gifts are appreciated when they are made from the heart and selected with taste. All men are probably tired of duty socks, cognacs, razors and lotions. What is original to come up with for colleagues on February 23, what to give to the director or how to organize congratulations from parents for a male teacher?

  • Now popular are the so-called gifts-emotions. Essentially, this Gift certificates which offer a variety of entertainment for every taste. The program may include karting, zorbing, diving, wind tunnel flying, horseback riding, segway racing, various quests, etc. Well, if the certificate involves a choice, so that the man himself can decide on the type of entertainment. If you know for sure that your colleague has long dreamed of conquering the sky, then you can also give a certificate for a parachute jump.
  • Gift Baskets tea, coffee or office supplies decorated in the spirit of the holiday. Look through the catalogs of online stores: they have a lot of original gifts that will please men. Moreover, they are decorated unusually with humor, but at the same time very festive.
  • Sweets. Men are known to have a sweet tooth. Therefore, for fellow teachers or for students in the class, you can organize a sweet table: order a cake in the shape of a tank or a cool car, a huge gingerbread, sweets in a box or in a festive bag, fortune cookies. Of course, it depends on the budget, but such a congratulation will remain a sweet memory in your memory.
  • Pleasant trifles: umbrellas, key holders, stylish key rings, personalized notebooks or diaries - these are the little things that are most often lost, so this choice is justified. This is an option for a gift to the teacher by February 23 from the class, from parents and students.

How to congratulate teachers on February 23

What congratulatory words to choose? In verse or prose? It all depends on your desire and imagination. But the main thing - if you are already giving a card with congratulations, read this congratulation or tell it by heart.


Poem about the holiday

For example,

Comrade teacher! Equal! Quietly! And - at ease! Don't be afraid of us:
To persuade you to negotiate peacefully,
Our class came to you before the lesson! ..

To become a man, it is not enough for them to be born.
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore.
Need to melt down, break down
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

Chief, like a commander,
Strategist and tactician, two in one!
Mentor and pioneer
Whose command are we under?
We are on the day of the defender of the fatherland
We wish you happiness, bright days!
And let life be picturesque
Like the French kings!

Congratulations in prose

It can be some kind of symbolic parable, an interesting story. Or maybe just a few lines dedicated to this particular teacher, this man, boy.

For example,

"We wish you steel nerves, reinforced concrete health, titanium strength, a pearly smile and a rubber salary."


If you want to congratulate male teachers from the whole class, then you can prepare 1-2 ditties about each teacher, about their hard work in the school field.


To emphasize the individuality of congratulations, you can make an anagram for each teacher by his name.

For example,

"We cordially congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. We wish

B - great students

And - interesting life adventures

K - creative friends

T - only sunny smiles

Oh - the adoration of colleagues and a huge salary

R - joy and entertainment.

Whichever option you choose, it is desirable that any gift and congratulations be sincere and from the heart. Happy holiday, dear male colleagues. And may God keep you from adversity and misfortune, and may the disciples please you with success and achievements.

Today, such a holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated not only by military personnel and those who were previously in the ranks of the Russian army, but also by the entire male half of our population. This holiday is loved by many, it is another reason to please the attention and care of your beloved men. February 23 is a great day to congratulate the strong half and make a gift. What it will be depends on who we give it to. It is easier for a close person - husband, brother, father, friend to choose a present. In this article we will talk about what gifts are on February 23 to bosses.

Inexpensive gifts for February 23

Choosing a gift for February 23 to the boss is not an easy task. To please the leader and please him with an interesting gift, you should know his tastes. It is not necessary to make expensive gifts. Below we will talk about what bosses can do.

Writing supplies for the head

The position of the head obliges to surround yourself with presentable and high-quality things. An excellent gift for the boss on Defender of the Fatherland Day will be a beautiful fountain pen, you can decorate it with an individual engraving with wishes from the team. An equally wonderful gift can be a diary made of genuine leather. The boss is always a rather busy person, with a diary it will be easier for him to plan his work time and make business appointments. He will definitely appreciate such a gift.

gift pens in a case with a signature

Gift book for boss

The book will always be a great gift for both the boss and a close friend. You should first find out what the leader likes to read, what kind of literature he is interested in, and, based on this, make a gift. It will not necessarily be fiction. Most likely, he will be interested in a book on economic topics or business strategies. If your leader is a military man in the past, then he will definitely appreciate a book on this subject.

interesting books in gift design

Computer accessories

The boss will appreciate the original design of a flash drive or a wireless mouse as a gift. Choosing these accessories, you can not worry that the gift will be inappropriate. A flash drive is always necessary, especially if the boss spends most of his time away from the office. He will have a great opportunity to always have the information necessary for work with him. A wireless mouse is a handy thing, without which it is difficult to imagine working at a computer. These gifts are inexpensive, but at the same time very necessary and useful.

comfortable mouse and original flash drive

Chief's box

If the manager wears accessories (expensive wrist watch, cufflinks), then you can give him a box to store them. The box should be made of quality materials and designed in a simple style. Such a gift is always relevant, the boss will appreciate such a manifestation of self-care. Leaders love it when everything is in its place.

watch box

Prestigious gifts for February 23

A gift to the boss a priori cannot be simple. When choosing a present, it is worth remembering about his interests, hobbies, you can find out about this in advance. Below we give popular gifts for management from the category of expensive options.


When choosing alcoholic beverages, one should be guided by the taste preferences of the leader. Good quality alcohol cannot be cheap. Preference is best given to well-known brands. Whiskey, cognac belong to elite alcohol. Some categories of men are real collectors of rare alcoholic beverages.

elite alcohol


An excellent subject for the interior will be a table clock, they can always find a place in the office. good an expensive gift there will be a wall clock in original design. The category of elite men's gifts also includes wristwatches, best of all - made in Switzerland. This is a very expensive gift, and it is purely individual. Suitable for those who perfectly know the taste of their boss.

swiss wrist watch


The boss should always look expensive and stylish. What, if not cufflinks, can emphasize his position in society. The price varies depending on the amount collected by the team. You can buy gold and silver cufflinks on February 23, or choose a model with precious stones. In the latter case, the price will be higher.

beautiful cufflinks

Original gifts for February 23

If you know your manager well, you can surprise him by giving an unexpected gift. Gifts on February 23 to bosses can be very original.

historical portrait

If the boss has a good sense of taste and humor, then he will definitely appreciate the gift in the form of a portrait in which he himself is depicted. As a basis, you can choose a famous historical character, for example, a Russian commander or other influential figure. With the help of photomontage, experts will depict your leader proudly sitting on a horse or on a throne in the picture. Such a present will be remembered for a long time and will remind the boss of his wonderful team. Instead of a portrait, you can give a photo made on canvas.

historical portrait from photo

Statuette "Oscar"

very original and an unusual gift will be the statuette of the world's most prestigious film award "Oscar". Such a gift will definitely not leave indifferent any leader. What else to give the person who has everything? Of course, the Oscar! On it, the engraving "To the best leader" will be useful. Any inscription can be made, the main thing is that it be done from the heart and show your collective respect for his merits. Also, original gifts made in the form of a statuette of a person are gaining popularity.

oscar statuette

Gift Diploma

You can show your respect for the leader by giving him a diploma from the whole team, which will describe all his positive business qualities. It would be great if each of the employees write a small wish from themselves. It is best to arrange such a diploma in a beautiful frame and hang it on the wall. Let this gift please the eye of your leadership every day.

gift certificate

name star

An original gift will be a personalized star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Such a gift is unlikely to leave your manager indifferent. Having presented it, it is worth noting the business merits of the chef. For example, the conclusion of a profitable deal or the signing of an important contract. The star will be a reminder that his achievements have not passed by, and employees appreciate his contribution to business development.

nominal star

Whatever the holiday, February 23 or the birthday of the boss, it is important to feel the chain of command. A gift to the boss should express, first of all, respect for him. The price depends on the capabilities of the team. In any case, it is not so much the present that is important, but the attention to the person. February 23 is a great opportunity to once again tell your boss how much you appreciate and love him.

[in prose]

A real man has a lot
The advantages of the most diverse - they can not be counted!
Able to choose the right path
And prove to your beloved that happiness exists!

Congratulations to the boss today -
The real man is you!
And on February 23rd we wish
Health, happiness in life and love!

When a blizzard desperately beats under the eaves
I will come to congratulate you on February 23
And I wish you good luck and good luck on this day,
So that everything is always okay with happiness and warmth.

And to make my head spin, everything was fine
And so that life is bright and that wine flows!
Let the glass fill - I'll drink it all to the bottom
And from the bottom of my heart I will tell you these words!

You are my drooping boss, you are my tired boss,
Well, smile, there is a cool reason!
Today, in honor of the heroes, our gentlemen,
Let's have fun, drink and eat delicious!
Be healthy and happy, cheerful, energetic,
Rest more, things will not run away!
Let everything be smooth in business and personal,
To make life beautiful and easy.

The best man in the world
To our coolest boss
I wish more reasons for happiness
More poetry in life and prose!

I wish you more luck, I am inspiration,
There is a lot of courage and courage not to take.
Happy Day to all men! Let the mood
The best will not keep you waiting.

There is a men's day in the Russian calendar,
He praises the Defenders of the Fatherland!
Accept my congratulations, boss,
May health and Fortune not leave you!
I wish you always be on a horse,
In business - success, in rest - peace.
So that peace reigns in the soul, in the family, in the country,
And so that the military registration and enlistment office does not bother.

Nice job, no problem!
Let not the entire Fatherland, but us
You are protection, hope and support
Always, in the most difficult times:
After all, you are the boss, our honor and glory!
After all, people like you stand on the ground!
And, therefore, we have the right to you
Congratulations on February 23rd!

There is a special number in February.
On this day we are always in a hurry to congratulate
Men who are lucky to meet
To say "Thank you" and add:
A man-husband is a reliable shoulder,
A male friend is always not indifferent,
The male father loves dearly,
The male chef is talented, wise, practical.
And we know that you are:
Support for wife and joy for friends,
The father is excellent and (not at all flattery),
You, as a boss, are also what you need!
We wish you all the best, health and success!
For us, you are a knight, albeit without armor!

Our boss is a real man!
Severity suits him so well - after all, according to his rank!
Defender's day is his holiday,
He won't let anyone offend us!
We are grateful for your work, for your patience,
We want to continue to work well.
Let your life be well, like from a fairy tale,
Let the colors become brighter every day!

Let the gray blizzard blow
Frost crackles outside the window
We are not afraid of evil colds:
Our fearless boss is with us!
Happy men's helmet congratulations!
You are our protector, hero!
We are behind you, without a doubt,
Like behind a stone wall!

What can be presented to the boss, director, boss, boss on February 23?

The most interesting gifts below

Gifts for a men's holiday should be light and non-binding. Perhaps these will be objects that are pleasing to the eye, non-binding, and preferably related either to professional activity or with rest. That is, neutral. According to surveys, gifts for a comfortable stay are valued by men much more than gifts for work. If you have the opportunity to find out your boss also served in the army and in which troops, find out. He will be very pleased to receive even an inexpensive souvenir associated with his service. Well, it's just in case.

In general, if there are a lot of men in the team, then, probably, the gift should be given the same as everyone else. That is, do not single out leadership in a separate category. That will be fairer. And you will not put him in an awkward position. He is the same man as everyone who is congratulated on this day. Although, in different organizations, traditions develop in different ways. Even if the female part of the team gives their boss a cake, it will be great! Gift for everyone! He will still give it to you! And, as a rule, it can’t do without a “tea party.” So think for yourself, decide for yourself what to give him.

How to congratulate? Funny. To be remembered. Lots of options. In any case, there should be an initiative group of girls and women who will take all this into their own hands. The more people involved, the more fun it will be. Creating a festive atmosphere is also not difficult: balls, flashlights, children's toys, posters, postcards, comic pictures - literally everything will do. In any case, the director will be pleased that the female part of the team has tried. He will remember it. And ahead of March 8!

So, once again approaching February 23 - the red day of the calendar! All men need to be congratulated, cheered, watered - fed and put to bed!

Original gifts for the leader on February 23

Gifts by occupation and profession. There are many different statues here. And each of them, as a rule, carries its own specific meaning. Wisdom, intelligence, health, wealth, prosperity, and so on, could become relevant topics for the director (boss). Perhaps among a large number different figures you will come across one that is directly related to the work or some kind of hobby of your boss. Such a little thing in the office will take up little space, but the memory of the event will remain.

Items on the desktop. Very beautiful! These can be some not quite ordinary things that your boss's desktop interior will not spoil: pen holders, business card supplies, letter pads, various holders, an original magnifying glass and much more. Take a look, you might find something interesting.

spotting scope. Good gift! You can beat so that your boss will be pleased. For example, when congratulating, say that this pipe is given to him so that he can see you (his subordinates) better! He won't be offended! But seriously, why not look out of the office window into the telescope and admire the clouds or landscapes during moments of relaxation? A very exciting activity. And then, the design of the pipe itself will not spoil the interior of the cabinet.

Tabletop telescope. It will fit into the interior of any office, it will not disturb the aesthetics, and your director's visitors will be surprised and want to look into it. And the director (or boss) will be happy to look at the starry sky. He stays late at work, doesn't he? Yes, and at home to have such a thing is also good. very unusual and original gift for your director.

gift pen. Not necessarily Parker. There are other brands that are less expensive. And pens, as you know, are never superfluous: sometimes they get lost, sometimes someone drags them away. In any case, it will come in handy. If not now, then later. Well, what else to give the boss, who already has everything? Probably those things that are constantly needed. The main thing is to be comfortable and beautiful.

Travel bags. There are different options: expensive ones are a leather case with everything you need, and there are more economical options when a travel bag is a small bag (without items) with pockets and compartments where you can put everything you need on the road. This is a razor, and hygiene items, and scissors, and a mirror, and so on. In general, everything that a man himself considers necessary.

Author's clock from a vinyl record. More than 50 exclusive works on different topics. Some watch models are made so jewelry that they cause genuine admiration. The imagination of the authors has no limits. If your director or boss is not a young person, then he will appreciate such a gift. Vinyl is a whole era in the history of the USSR. There is no such person who would not know the record company Melodiya. If you like the idea, then finding the right watch is not difficult.

Men's set "Businessman". Italy. Belt and cufflinks in the same style. Leather. Beautiful gift box. "LaGeer" - famous italian brand. A combination of luxury and quality. The name is associated with the name of a French beauty-aristocrat of the 18th century, with whom a young Italian jeweler fell in love. The chances of reciprocity from the poor young man did not have. The young man created jewelry from improvised cheap materials. He called each new product the name of his beloved girl - La Geer. The work begun was continued by his ancestors. Jewelry production grew and expanded, but the name remained unchanged. Now it is a well-known company for the production of jewelry and accessories.

Gifts for February 23 with personalized engraving

Note! Engraving is applied by you online. That is, the result will be visible immediately. Try! It is interesting.

Engraved diaries. From inexpensive to prestigious in a leather cover. Business does not like chaos, so diaries have long been an integral part of successful work. For any self-respecting leader, the diary is a reference book. In general, any good stationery donated by subordinates will never be seen as something unethical. Everything within the bounds of decency, everything for successful work.

Engraved pens. From budget to elite "Parker". In different price range. The higher the rank of the leader, the greater the requirements for the ethics of giving gifts. Everything must be at the right level. Success in work depends on many factors, including the little things. By and large, a good pen is not a trifle. This is the status, this is the prestige and the level of self-esteem of any leader. February 23 is a good occasion to make the director a pleasant surprise. "Parker" engraved is a great option.

Signature Zippo lighter. Consistent American quality since 1933. More than 1000 models are now being produced, designed for the financial capabilities of a variety of buyers. But, regardless of the price, they are all reliable, practical and simply beautiful. Rectangular shape with rounded edges, clicky lid, wick and flame protection are the three main features of Zippo. Good version of the real male gift on February 23rd.

Gift set with engraving "Coffeeman". For a true connoisseur of this wonderful drink. Not many men can boast of knowledge in this area. But, if your boss belongs to a small category of coffee lovers, then this option is for him. There are three items in the set. Namely, a copper cezve with a removable handle, a manual coffee grinder and a special spoon. Everything is simple, beautiful and elegant.

Name plate "To the coolest boss". Original souvenir which will pleasantly surprise your respected chef. And if a fun corporate party is planned, then you can organize a cool draw. Serve some of the food on this plate. Just carefully hide the inscription. The surprise will open quickly when the letters become visible. Can you imagine his surprise when he read the entire inscription? Well, then the plate will take its place of honor in his office. The stand is included.

Weather station desktop or wall. Will become an office decoration. The main instrument is a barometer. Typically, indoor weather stations consist of a clock, a thermometer, and a barometer. Maybe even a hygrometer to measure the humidity of the air. The decrease in atmospheric pressure to rain and vice versa. Such a station is good because knowing the weather, you can plan or adjust your business. Very often summer residents, mushroom pickers and fishermen look at the barometer. The station will be a good gift for weather-sensitive people. And in general, it looks very nice on the wall and does not spoil the interior.

Wine sets from 990 rubles. With or without wine bottle compartment. The most important item in any wine set: the sommelier knife, which includes a corkscrew, an opener and a knife for cutting the foil from the neck of the bottle. The second mandatory item is a cone-shaped cork. Everything else varies. The kit may include a thermometer, a device for accurate pouring, a collar. We all know perfectly well that it is precisely these "little things" that are missing when a bottle of wine "suddenly" appears on the table. Men treat such things with respect.

Giftware with engraving. Inexpensive, but it will come in handy for February 23rd. It would be nice to hand over the dishes right at the corporate party. Actual. In general, here you will find a lot of things: gift sets, whiskey glasses, cognac glasses, champagnes, flasks and more. The Valley of Gifts store has its own production. Orders are fulfilled quickly and efficiently. Or maybe you will find something for your family and friends men.

Name box for wine corks. Any male leader is first of all a man, and nothing human is alien to him. Unless, of course, he is a teetotaler by conviction. In the office, he will not hang a piggy bank, but in the country or at home with great pleasure. Its size is very impressive: 40 x 30 x 7 cm. There will be a lot of traffic jams and the piggy bank will last for a long time. If your director (boss) is a cheerful and adequate person, he will like the gift. Moreover, the design and execution are top notch.

Bathrobes with name embroidery. 3190 rub. 100% cotton. Material: soft terry. The dressing gown well absorbs moisture and is pleasant to a body. Several embroidery options: initials, first and last name, boss or it will be exclusively your text. For a young leader, white is better, and blue for an elderly one. However, it's up to you. If you doubt whether it will be convenient to give the chef a dressing gown, weigh all the pros and cons. This gift is not for everyone. If the situation in your team is far from "strictly official", then you can. The Democratic boss will not be offended. In general, look and make a decision.

Diaries are unusual. Leather and leatherette. Engraving is done on a metal plate in 1 day. Of course, the manager needs to buy leather. There are not so many of them, but those that are worth paying attention to. Among the "budget" models, you can pick up gifts for colleagues. Almost all managers use diaries. Work is like that. This is to the fact that the new one, and even with a nominal engraving, will surely please the chef. And it will come in handy, of course, too.

Leisure gift sets. For a picnic, barbecue, barbecue and many other useful little things. Finding a gift for your boss is a difficult task. Whoever does this, sympathy and respect. It's not just him who has to please. It needs to be approved by the team. And this is not always the case. The collected amount also limits the possibilities. In general, you look and decide: does he need it on the 23rd?

Personal set of honey in a wooden box "To the Best CEO". There are 4 beautiful jars in the set: cream honey, ordinary flower honey, honey with walnuts and mint. Exclusively natural product of the well-known manufacturer LipkoSladko. Honey gift sets are very popular. An original box with a beautiful personal inscription will be a pleasant surprise for your manager. The gift is very kind and sincere.

Personal set of honey for the leader. You have 2 lines of text at your disposal: write what you want. This set also contains 4 jars of honey with different flavors. None of us need to talk about the benefits of natural products, which, unfortunately, are becoming less and less. In general, honey will be eaten with pleasure, and a personal box will remain as a keepsake. Like u winnie the pooh: "Here is an empty pot, it is a simple object, it will not go anywhere." Only in our case there will be no pot. Joke.

Personalized set of handmade sweets "Ideal man". Elite sweets. Producer: confectionery factory "Fidelity to quality". The name speaks for itself. In production, only elite varieties of cocoa and natural ingredients are used. You will be asked to make a choice: either it will be assorted or truffles. Both are equally delicious. Only the best for the perfect man! A black strict box with his name will make the right impression

Personal "General food ration for February 23". Handmade sweets. These are considered elite. We all know for a long time that sweets lift our spirits and make us kinder. For subordinates, the mood of the leader is especially important: a lot depends on him. On the eve of the holiday, the main thing is not to make a mistake with a gift. Personalized handmade candies are a good option. And the word "general", not "soldier", will do its job. Of course he (the chief) is a general! Self-love will be comforted. And that's all we need.

And further...

Flask with personalized engraving "February 23". Exclusively male version. Material: steel. Volume: 270 ml. Lead time: 1 day. The writing will not fade or fade. An option for a manager who, in his spare time, prefers outdoor activities, likes fishing or hunting. There would be a flask, but there is always something to fill. And a personalized gift ordered by subordinates in advance is much more pleasant to receive!

A set of personalized whiskey glasses. With a beautiful monogram and a name. Defender's Day Fatherland holiday exclusively masculine, therefore, gifts should be masculine. Glasses of this shape are called "rocks" and are intended for many spirits, and not just for whiskey. It is difficult to surprise a male leader with anything. But personal engraving will no doubt be an unexpected surprise for him. So decide. The idea is good.

Personalized glass "Best Boss". 4 lines of engraving according to your desire. Also a good option for an inexpensive presentation on the 23rd. It is not easy for a boss who has everything to pick up a gift: you always want to surprise a person at least a little pleasantly. If it were the most ordinary glass of life, it would turn out boring and uninteresting. But a personal inscription turns any thing into an exclusive one. Now this is original and creative! Try. Write and admire the result right here and now.

Set "Personal damask and 4 glasses" 690 rub. Standard volume: 0.5 liters. Usually such things donated by subordinates are not taken home, but find their rightful place in the office. A personal damask for strong drinks will be obtained during business negotiations in an informal setting. As a rule, such meetings end with mutually beneficial agreements. So a nominal damask and 4 glasses will contribute to business success. The option is quite affordable and absolutely in the theme of the men's holiday

Set with engraving for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The same thing, only specially for the men's holiday. All personal engraved gifts have the biggest advantage: they are unique! A personal inscription, which, by the way, is not ordered for oneself, turns any thing into unconditional property. And, protected. Men are proud of such gifts. In general, decide for yourself: which damask is more suitable for your leader.

Personalized mug "Best Boss". In demand! Before February 23, all bosses are the best! Choose what suits your manager best. Perhaps age matters here. And position, of course. Such an inscription causes gratitude and, of course, pride in any boss. If your boss drinks beer at least occasionally, don't hesitate. From such a mug, he will drink much more often. For everyone to see.

And one more mug in the theme of the upcoming holiday on February 23. 2 lines of any engraving. In the bottom line you can write "From the team". The theme of February 23, of course, is more suitable for older men. This holiday was once called "Day Soviet army and the Navy. "It was a long time ago, in the USSR. But those who ... know this very well, remember and respect this day. And the mug itself is made in the Soviet style: the standard is 0.5 liters, a thick bottom and a large pen Everything is as before.

Personal box for wine "Best Boss". You have three lines. If you know what kind of alcohol the chef prefers, then a gift box will come in handy. This is not a banal package, even if it is very beautiful. The wooden box has a retractable lid and a carrying strap. Please specify box dimensions when ordering. Good alcohol is a versatile option. He certainly will not disappoint a man.

Wine box with personalized engraving "From February 23". If the name and patronymic of your boss does not fit in the first line, divide by two. In general, try, play. This box is more suitable for an older person, because it depicts Soviet symbols of the holiday. The value of such a gift lies precisely in the fact that the wine will be drunk and, of course, forgotten, but the original wooden box with a commemorative inscription will remain.

Name calendars for February 23. In a calendar without a photo, you will need to enter the name of your boss. And then the designer will create a beautiful picture with an inscription within a few seconds. The images are different for each month. Review everything carefully. And if you have the opportunity to create a photo calendar, then the surprise will turn out even cooler. Photos from previous corporate parties are quite suitable. Try placing them on the calendar pages. The creation process is very interesting. You will like this kind of work. But what will be the result?

Name cards from February 23. And what about without a postcard? All in the good old traditions. Only now there is an opportunity to make postcards personal. Right before your eyes. Two sizes are available: A 5 and A 4. In addition, the postcard will be packed in cardboard box. Of all the proposed options, you will choose the most suitable. Great addition to the main gift.

Original cufflinks with car logo. Look! There are cufflinks "Toyota", "Audi", "Lexus", "Volkswagen", "Peugeot" and others. Here you can find symbols of different professions and hobbies. You can make a name engraving. Additional features: gift boxes. A leader of any rank should have men's accessories in his wardrobe. Cufflinks are just as important as shoes, a belt or a tie. There are many models. Take a look and decide what suits your boss best.

Gift flash drive "Golden Bullet". Or silver. By choice. With a carbine. Outwardly, it is no different from a beautiful keychain. But only the owner knows that this is an 8 GB or 16 GB flash card. Very often in work there are situations when a flash drive may be needed at any time. The head, as a rule, always carries the keys with him. Accordingly, the "Golden Bullet" will be at hand at any time. Giving a bullet is absolutely on topic on February 23rd.

Nominal set for wine "Etiquette". Round beautiful box. Inside 4 items: a corkscrew, a special cork, a collar, a device for accurate pouring. Of course, in a normal situation, one corkscrew would be enough. Everything else can be done without. But, that's not the point. The point is a beautiful congratulatory inscription on the lid of the box, which will definitely catch your eye. This is a gift! And it's personal! And all items will definitely be used on occasion.

Personalized coffee and tea. Coffee beans, black or green tea. Original packaging, and most importantly, personal. The director (boss, boss) is a special person. Much depends on his mood: both our moral state and, moreover, material. Therefore, the main task is to please. To be liked. Tea or coffee options are neutral, non-binding. No tea at work. So take a look. Good roast coffee beans is a great idea, because the packaging will be personalized. Managers are very efficient. Service is top notch.

Sets of honey and jam personal. Most best option for the chef - a set of honey, consisting of 4 jars. In addition to the usual flower and buckwheat, the set includes two more jars of cream honey. This is a novelty on the Russian market, which came to us from Canada. It was there that it was invented new technology honey processing. By and large, this is the same honey, only whipped up to an "air mass" with the addition of natural juices. Well, very tasty! Your boss should definitely try this. From a sweet man they become kinder, especially before the holiday.

Terry towels with personalized embroidery. Natural cotton 100%. 70 x 140 cm. High-quality embroidery, threads are bright and durable. A good gift for a chef who loves a bath, sauna or gym. The towel will definitely be shown to friends, because they don't have one! The cost of embroidery is included in the price. In general, the idea is very ... Inexpensive and original. He will like it. What will be a pleasure to use, that's for sure.

Sets "Damasks and glasses" with engraving. Crystal and glass. Crystal bottles without glasses, in a wooden case with engraving. Of course, crystal is more suitable for the leader. Glass sets are no less popular. Packaging: branded box. Gifts from the team in the director's office, as a rule, always stand in a conspicuous place. Let the incoming ones be surprised and envy.) In general, if you are looking for a good idea, here it is!

Cognac glasses with personalized engraving. Large: 400 ml. The option is inexpensive, but very impressive. There is always good cognac in the manager's office. And the dishes? And there are dishes, but there is not yet one that you can proudly show to your partners. So let it be! February 23rd is not a DR and not an anniversary. Gifts are usually more modest. But even for a small amount, you can get quite a worthy present for your boss. And if there are several of them, then no one will be offended. Order different.

Gifts by profession. To: lawyers, accountants, military, drivers, railway workers, doctors, sailors, pilots, musicians, cooks, oil workers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, investigators, firefighters, programmers, builders, customs officers, trainers, teachers, financiers. Do not miss. Maybe it is in this section that there will be something that will become great option on the 23rd. A good leader is a person who has taken place in his profession. We, the subordinates, always respect professionalism and wisdom. The best gifts for a good boss!

Hobby Gifts. Who is your leader? A traveler, a fisherman, a hunter, a collector, an avid summer resident, a desperate motorist, or maybe a biker? Then take a look at this section. Here you can find a great surprise for him. Work is work, but there are things no less interesting. The more active the boss's life, the kinder he is. Tested in experiments. And subordinates are happy with such a scenario. Find something for him such a surprise, from which he will be with a slight shock.

Men's gift sets. From 800 to 4000 rubles. Flasks, key chains, multi-tools, lighters, pens, cufflinks and clips, belts, wallets. Quality men's accessories in a stylish design. Handing a beautiful box is a pleasure. A good leader always keeps the bar high. And it doesn't matter what it is: the ability to communicate with subordinates, style in clothes, good perfume, men's accessories, and so on. I would like the present for the 23rd to correspond to a high level. Right? Then choose.

Cufflinks and tie clips. Pay attention to the Italian sets of the LaGeer brand. This is one of the oldest brands interesting history. In the 18th century, a very poor French youth went to Italy to learn jewelry. There he fell in love with a rich girl named LaGeer. His love was unrequited. However, every new jewel he called her by her name. Over the years, his skill has reached the heights. Children and grandchildren, who continued the work of the famous master, retained the name of the brand. Beautiful story? And the sets are great.

travel kits. From 1200 rub. For 1/2/3/4 persons. From simple to elite. real men appreciate such things, because it is not only convenient, but also stylish. If your boss is driving, goes on business trips, loves to travel, then he needs a travel kit. Even if you already have one, don't be afraid to repeat it. The new one will still be better. Read the description and specifications carefully. The more useful things in the set, the better. The material of the case also matters. Leather is unbeatable.

Souvenirs on the table. Pendulums different sizes. Belong to the category of anti-stress. It is clear that the perpetual motion machine has not yet been created, so the balls need to be "launched" from time to time. By the way, it really calms the nerves. By the way, this is a good informant. If the balls are moving, then the boss is nervous! (If only they could be launched with the power of thought...) In addition to the pendulums, there are cool retro-style pen holders. Oh yes! And a desk bell! Also cool. Call the secretary.

T thermoses and flasks. From 400 to 3900 rubles. Elite thermoses and flasks are usually complemented by leather cases with straps. Additional pockets are welcome. The category of goods intended for tourism and recreation is the most popular. Our men prefer to relax beautifully, regardless of profession, position and status. It is clear that the leader is a special person, so the gift to him is selected more carefully. View all products shown. There are some very cool flasks and thermoses here.

Gift sets for strong drinks. Highly unusual design! Handmade. Each piece is a small masterpiece made by the hands of real masters. A lot of dishes with state symbols. Such sets in the chief's office are usually in plain sight. For a not too high price, you can pick up a decent set. The boss present is where the packaging matters. Check out all the sets. But what if? If there is enough money, then there will be no problem with the choice.

Author's key holders in the head's office. Real works of art. For the leader, the thing is extremely necessary, because it is he who keeps the keys to all doors. Such a key holder will decorate any wall, it will not spoil the business interior and will be used for its intended purpose. Inside, the key holders are trimmed with velvet, the impeccable work of wood craftsmen is visible to the naked eye. Do you want to surprise your boss? unusual thing? Here she is! Dear key! It remains only to choose.

Cases for 1 or 2 bottles. From 500 rub. Vertical and horizontal. No one canceled good alcohol on the 23rd. If you are going to present your boss with a bottle of 100-year old French wine, and dusty, straight from the wine cellar (just kidding), then you need a suitable wardrobe trunk. And he is here! A reusable thing that you are not ashamed to show to guests and business partners. You can also give an empty one, but it’s better to put something inside.

Name calendar "Man of the Year". from any month. Be sure to try the name! Try it right now. The creation of the layout will take place right in front of your eyes and will take no more than 1 minute. Months marked with a checkmark will appear on the left. View each! Pictures with the name are just cool. What man doesn't like a personal calendar? There are no such. You can start from any month. Formats to choose from. Maybe you will order such a calendar for your husband, dad, brother, friend? Either way, it's going to be a super surprise.

Comic surprise for a leader with a good sense of humor

Give funny and funny gifts! This is what you can surprise your boss with. Everything is within the bounds of decency. And these frameworks, in each individual team, are completely different. Define the limit of permissibility yourself. And what kind of holiday is it when everyone sits with serious faces? February 23 should be celebrated either well or not at all. But in general, we are all people. And the director, too.

New! Space food. From Russian manufacturer. In tubes. And why not give the chef a full-fledged space lunch, consisting of three courses. For the first, you can serve borsch, for the second, pork with vegetables, and for dessert, cottage cheese with berries. And forward to new space goals! It is always difficult to surprise a man. It is even more difficult if he is a leader. Difficult, but possible. Seeing such an original dinner, he will surely laugh! But he will try, that's for sure.

Bouquets of socks. For a leader with a sense of humor who will not be offended. Fortunately, there are many. If yours is one of them, choose the best "roses". It is unlikely that you will be able to make such beauty yourself, because you need a special frame. In addition to bouquets, the site offers a huge number of cases with socks. In general, look and make a responsible decision. Choosing a gift for a director or boss is not an easy task. In the end, we are all human. And nothing human is alien to him. In any case, hardly anyone presented him with such "flowers". Why not?

More gifts for the 23rd