
Paper tank for February 23. How to make a beer can tank for a man's gift? Quilling postcards


One of the most important holidays is just around the corner - Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you still can’t figure out what to give your beloved men, then create unique gifts for them with your own hands. This article contains the easiest, but at the same time, interesting and detailed do-it-yourself crafts master classes for February 23, which your child can easily present to dad or grandfather as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. I present to you the 10 best master classes - how to make crafts for February 23 with your own hands with step-by-step photos.

This approach to solving the problem of finding an unforgettable gift is traditional when giving children to their dads and grandfathers on February 23. How many such gifts are created by children's hands! To do this, they use not only a variety of paper and plasticine, but also sweets, ribbons, ice cream sticks and many other unusual items for this.

The availability and convenience of such materials allow them to be constantly used, and with each new craft, apply them in a new way. It's no secret that the same materials can be used in crafts of varying complexity. There are many such workshops, which are also aimed at children of different ages and with different skills.

Most often, children choose airplanes as a gift for February 23. But there are a huge number of ways to create them, as well as possible materials for this: cardboard, paper, matchboxes and much more. In this master class I will show you how to make a plane out of plastic bottle in papier-mâché technique.

We take plastic bottle, in my case, this is a small bottle of water with a volume of 0.5 liters .. Cut off with a knife just above the middle, also cut off the nose of the bottle.

We make cuts on both sides and connect the workpieces.

If you wish, you can copy our sketch and transfer it to a sheet of A4 paper folded in half.

Using glue and tape, attach the wings and tail.

Aircraft wheels require 6 plastic bottle caps. Using adhesive tape, we connect two and four covers together.

We glue the wheels and begin to glue the plane with pieces of newspaper, after soaking them with PVA glue using the papier-mâché technique.

We glue the top layer with white paper or white napkins. After all the layers of the craft have dried, paint the finished plane with acrylic paint.

It remains only to add an application in the shape of a star, and cut out photos can be glued onto the windows.

Our plane is ready to fly!

02. DIY plasticine tank

A do-it-yourself plasticine tank is a great craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. In the future, it can be taken to an exhibition or presented to a grandfather, father or brother.

For this master class, we need plasticine in green, black and red, as well as a piece of wire, a toothpick and a pencil.

We will make the lower part of the tank hull in the form of a rectangular bar, sharpening one side of it.

We prepare two black strips, pressing along the entire length with a toothpick, 10 large cakes and 4 small ones made of green plasticine.

We press the cakes with the back of the pencil and draw the axes with the tip of the toothpick.

We collect together 5 wheels and 2 small ones on the sides, wrap them around the track.

Glue a green protective tape on top.

Glue the caterpillars on the sides.

We take the second green bar.

We paste it by beveling the front part with a stack.

We attach the muzzle in front and add small details, an antenna and a star from red plasticine.

Our plasticine tank is ready!

In this lesson, we will make such an uncomplicated cardboard plane.

Draw all parts of the plane.

For the case, you can take the packaging of the juice.

We cut out the blanks, as shown in the photo. Red paper stars.

Glue the tail of the aircraft to the matchbox.

The cardboard plane is ready!

Such a gift can be made for dad or brother. For this masterclass you will need:

  • candy;
  • food film;
  • toothpicks;
  • Scotch;
  • penoplex;
  • blue corrugated paper;
  • silver cord;
  • glue.

Cut out a circle from foam.

You can first draw a sketch of the steering wheel on paper, then transfer it to penoplex.

We decorate the edges with a cord.

Wrap sweets in cling film.

With the help of adhesive tape we attach them to a toothpick.

We decorate the steering wheel with ready-made sweets.

Our sweet steering wheel is ready!

05. Tank of two sponges

Such a craft can be a wonderful gift from a child for the holidays of May 9 or February 23. Its manufacture will not take much time, and a dishwashing sponge will be enough from the materials. Our master class shows phased production tank from improvised materials.

For work you will need:

  1. two green sponges;
  2. scissors;
  3. ruler;
  4. dark marker;
  5. glue gun;
  6. ruble coin;
  7. green straw.

We tear off a dense layer from one of the sponges.

On the reverse side of this dense layer of sponge, using a ruble coin and a dark felt-tip pen, draw six circles.

We cut them out.

Then we take a glue gun and with its help we fix these circles on the sides of the other sponge (three circles on each side).

Let's start making the turret of our tank. To do this, on the remaining soft part of the sponge (from which the dense layer was torn off), we outline a square with sides of 4 cm.

Cut out the tower with scissors.

We cut off 8 cm from the green straw - this will be the muzzle of our tank. We insert it into the tower, after making a small recess in it with the help of scissors.

Apply hot glue to the underside of the tower.

We fix the tower on the main part.

If desired, you can decorate the tank, for this we cut out small stars from red cardboard.

Glue them to the sides of the tower. Our tank is ready.

This craft will not only a good gift on February 26, but will also serve as a toy for the boy.

Such a star is made very simply - for it we need wire, red yarn and PVA glue.

With the help of round-nose pliers, we make a star out of wire.

We leave to dry.

To create this aircraft you will need wooden clothespins, two ice cream sticks, a piece of cardboard for the tail, two thin wooden tubes and acrylic paints.

Using hot glue and tubes, we attach ice cream sticks to each other.

We make a tail blank from cardboard.

Glue the tail to the clothespin.

We paint the finished aircraft with acrylic paints.

Raising a sense of patriotism in children is one of the most important tasks of teachers and parents. But for children younger age it is not enough just to talk about the war, about battles, victories and defeats. For them, a very important place is occupied by visual aids, games and classes devoted to military topics.

Therefore, the child should not only hear about the war, but also watch illustrations, filming, photographs, and also capture their emotions in drawings or crafts. Despite the fact that mostly girls are engaged in knitting, this application will undoubtedly arouse interest among young defenders of the Fatherland.

To tie the application "Tank", you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Hook #1;
  • Yarn of medium thickness, for example, "Jeans";
  • Decorative star. If one was not found, you can take it from New Year's pendants to decorate the Christmas tree;
  • Scissors
  • Glue "Moment", preferably transparent.

We start knitting the appliqué with its “caterpillars”. To do this, we collect 10 air loops.

Then we knit 3 more air loops for lifting, and after that we knit stitches with one crochet to the end of the row. In the last loop row we knit 7-8 double crochets to make a "fan" of loops. If the edge is bent in this place, then we increase the number of single crochets, since the appliqué should be flat.

Next, we knit double crochets along the opposite edge to the very last loop, from where we started the row. In this loop, we again make a “fan” of double crochets, but in a smaller amount than in the previous case, since there are already several loops in this place. As a result, you should get such an elongated oval - the "caterpillar" of the tank.

In the second row, first we knit 5 single crochets.

After that, we make 1 air loop to mark the beginning of knitting of the upper part of the tank.

We turn the knitting and knit 8 single crochets again.

To make a tank cannon in this place, we knit 5 air loops.

We add another loop for lifting, and then along these air loops we knit single crochets to the end of the row, including 8 loops of the “cabin” of the tank.

Turn the applique again and knit 8 single crochets. At the end of the work, using Moment glue, carefully glue an asterisk onto the tank’s “booth”.

Application "Tank" is ready. It can be used in the manufacture of postcards for Victory Day, February 23, or any other thematic crafts.

Are you preparing a gift for a man? Nothing to decorate a gift box with? Maybe you have prepared original postcard and you need a bright accent for her? The made male flower will help to get out of any situation. To create such masterpieces, you can use candy wrappers, notebook leaves, kraft paper, and anything you like.

On the Internet you can find special sheets that need to be cut.

You can take any design paper with a neutral or masculine pattern.

And someone may like this color option.

So let's start creating. For work you need:

  • The above paper is 5x5 cm in size. Having mastered the technique, you can create flowers of any size. The paper may be neatly cut or have torn edges.
  • Glue for fixing modules.

The first version of the flower
Fold the module in half, then in half again to make a smaller square.

It is necessary to make 8 modules in this way.

Four modules must be glued to any piece of paper with a small gap, placing them with a folded corner inward.

Then, in the same way, only without indents, we glue four more modules on top, turning them 45 degrees.

We decorate the middle, twist the edges a little, and stylish decoration ready.

If, when gluing the first four modules, leave a gap between them more, the flower will look different.
The flower is more difficult

Fold the paper squares as shown in the photo.

First, a diagonal line is found, then the sides of the square are tucked to it. The resulting airplane folds in half lengthwise. We make 8 identical modules. The last step: you need to carefully nest the modules one into the other, using the resulting pockets.

At the output we get original decoration for a men's gift.

In this case, glue is needed only to fix the finished decor directly on the gift item. If you make modules from squares with the same pattern, fold the modules exactly the same, relative to the pattern, then your flowers will look neater and acquire an additional pattern.

Here is such a cute tank that can be made from matchboxes and colored paper.

We glue the boxes with green paper as shown in the photo. For the tower we take a green cap from a plastic bottle, for the muzzle we wrap a toothpick with green paper.

The wheels are cut out of black paper.

It remains only to collect all the parts and the tank is ready!

How to make a tank out of money

If your man served in the tank troops or just a specialist in the game of "tanks", then make him like this original gift — .

DIY gift for a man

How to make another very original look here.

Original gift set "Grow greenery"

How to make such an original look here.

Crafts for February 23, created by a child with great care and attention, are of great value on this holiday.

A unique gift will bring joy not only to parents, but also to the child himself, because with the help of it he will express his love for them. Let him bring joyful emotions to loved ones!

Not all men are positive about useless gifts, therefore, help your child create such crafts with his own hands that will be useful and will not gather dust somewhere in the closet. If you think a little, then the created gift can be much more surprising and more practical than the purchased one.

Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan pink modules around the perimeter and put on a round stand, and glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. V […]

Hello dear masters and craftsmen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a Swan tricolor from triangular modules. It would seem, what else can you think of, what other options are there for making Swans using the modular origami technique. But it turns out that there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention new master class for making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson, we made a Swan in red, and now I decided to change the style a bit and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of various schemes and workshops on making Swans using the modular origami technique. I am sure that you have never seen such a swan. This scheme is quite simple and even […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 3. In the third part of the master class, I offer you two video lessons and detailed diagram origami how to make a swan. The first video shows how to make a swan neck and how to make a small stand. The second video talks about how to glue a swan better and faster. Lesson 6 (neck and […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the "Swans in Blue" mater class, we complete the torso. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed origami swan diagram from modules. To assemble the swan, you will need 1438 1/16 size modules, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami paper swan from 3D origami modules. The scheme is rather unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. Frankly, the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme, I […]

“Rainbow Swan” scheme and video tutorials (part 3). The third part of the "Rainbow Swan" master class consists of three video tutorials on assembling the stand. And I also decided that a video tutorial on gluing the "Rainbow Swan" would be very useful to you. Lesson 5 (stand part 1) Lesson 6 (stand part 2) Lesson 7 (stand part 3) […]

Also very often crafts are required in Kindergarten and school. For all categories, we decided to make step by step wizard class and explain how to make a tank, soldier or bottle decor for February 23rd.

Do not leave men unattended on Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Even if they did not do military service and have nothing to do with the troops, they must receive it without fail.

On March 8, all women receive surprises, so why separate the men then. Let them rejoice too. And do-it-yourself crafts for February 23 will help you with this.

Tank for February 23 - the best craft

A do-it-yourself tank is suitable for a gift for any man, whether it's a grandfather, dad or just.

Making it is easy too. For the tank we need:

  • 20 cm camouflage fabric;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard or two boxes;
  • black paper;
  • stapler;
  • Super glue.

Camouflage fabric is available at any fabric store, and you can probably find it at home or cut up an old military suit.

If you have two boxes (one small square, the other slightly larger and rectangular), then you only need cardboard for the wheels.

Otherwise, you will have to make cardboard boxes of the sizes you need.

Black paper is needed to create tank tracks with your own hands. It is better to use corrugated or crepe.

We take a box of gouache paint (it is perfect for our base on February 23 and cut off a piece of camouflage so that it is enough to pack the entire base.

We glue the seams super glue and proceed to the wheels. We will make them out of cardboard.

To do this, cut out two ovals of equal length, a little over size base boxes.

Then we cut out a strip, such a length that it is enough to wrap this oval. Glue the strip to the oval along the contour, creating a cap. It's best to do this with masking tape.

Now we need to wrap the wheels with camouflage. To do this, cut out a piece of fabric and fasten it with a stapler. This will work quickly and reliably.

Do not worry, the brackets will then hide under the tracks.

We pull the wheels on our craft base for February 23. You can glue it if it's too big, but I didn't need it.

Now you need to make a hatch. To make the hatch, I used a children's cube. You can take and make a square out of cardboard, or find any square object and wrap it with cloth.

It must be wrapped in the same way as.

Don't forget the gun. It is easy to make by twisting the paper into a tube and tying it with a bow. Glue better on super glue to the hatch.

Do-it-yourself caterpillars for a tank are made by folding a strip of paper into an accordion.

We glue them to the tank, without stretching too much, and we get a full-fledged military tank.

Craft for February 23 - soldier

Of course, such a craft would be a great gift for a brother who will soon serve or has already served, dad, grandfather and other men associated with military service.

  • camouflage fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer or holofiber for stuffing;
  • scissors;
  • capron;
  • thread and needle;
  • paper.

Any material for stuffing a soldier can be used. Even cotton will do.

Can be used as capron tights or other fabric.

We take a round object (for example, a plate) and outline it to make a circle. Cut it out - this will be the basis for the body.

We insert the thread into the needle and sew a circle around the edge to make a bag, but do not pull the needle out.

This bag is stuffed with material. I stuffed it with pieces of foam rubber that I took out of an old pillow.

We tighten the future soldier tighter and tie a knot.

We made a head for crafts for February 23 from a nylon sock. We tie it on one side and stuff it with synthetic winterizer, since the foam rubber does not look quite even.

We tie the sock on the other side and cut off the excess. It turns out the head. In the same way, we make a spout.

If you have old toys, take their eyes. If you don’t have this, you can buy them at the store, make them from tablets, or simply embroider them with threads. Glue on the eyes and sew on the nose.

We make the mouth with a needle and thread. Make two punctures with a needle in the corners of the mouth and pull it off with a knot. Then stretch the threads, making a smile.

We sew the body and head. The soldier has become similar to, which can also be a great gift for any occasion.

The hat is easy to make. Take a strip of cardboard and wrap it in camouflage, securing it with a stapler at the back, or glue it on with super glue.

Cut out a circle and also wrap it with a cloth. Then insert the circle into the strip, and you get the original cap for the soldier.

Cut out a star from paper or purchase one from the store.

Don't forget to assign a title. To do this, we will make shoulder straps from paper. Cut out a strip of red paper and a little less of black. Glue them together.

Cut out stars from yellow paper and glue them on.

It turned out a beautiful pot-bellied soldier with his own hands, which will become interesting craft on February 23rd.

Bottle decor for February 23

This craft can be presented to anyone, even to those who have nothing to do with the service.

Of course, I will show you an example on an empty bottle, but for a gift you have to do with its internal contents.

For crafts on February 23, I took a bottle of 0.7 liters, so the materials are designed for such a volume.

To decorate the bottle you need:

  • 10 meters of green tape;
  • 2 meters of white tape;
  • 1 meter of black tape;
  • golden buttons;
  • chain;
  • cardboard;
  • asterisks;
  • PVA glue.

We cut the white ribbon into strips 10 cm long and begin to paste over the top of the bottle in the same way.

Coat it well with glue and do not be afraid that then it will remain on the tape. When the glue dries, it will not be visible.

Let's get to the tie. To do this, we need to tie a large bow so that the two segments converge into one. If this does not work out, glue them together and trim the edges with a corner.

Glue the tie to the bottle by gluing the ends of the bow.

We start decorating the bottle with a green ribbon. To do this, we continue to glue it in the same way as the white tape.

Glue obliquely to about half the bottle. Then it is necessary to hide the ends of the tape, which we glued obliquely with a tape wound evenly.

And we wind it to the end of the bottle. To do this, you can simply grease the bottle with glue and simply wind it.

Cut out a triangle from a white tape and fasten it to the place where the pocket should be and glue the buttons on super glue.

Making a hat is easy. Cut out a strip of paper and glue a green ribbon to it. We turn the strip into a circle to make the base for the cap.

Cut out the circle and also cover it with tape. Then glue the circle to the base.

The visor can also be cut out of colored paper. A star must be glued to it.

We do shoulder straps in the same way as for a soldier in the master class above. We hang the chain, attaching it near the pocket and shoulder.

    Plasticine paper options are more suitable for joint crafts with children. And if you want a more presentable and practical gift, I can advise you to make a tank out of men's socks. It is easy to do, and most importantly, it looks beautiful and socks can be used for their intended purpose. On the Internet you can find master classes and various variations of such gifts with your own hands.

    I am for useful gifts, so I advise you to make a tank from things that will be useful in the future, or just from sweets or in the form of a cake.

    I'll start with a tank of socks. For this, you will need at least six pairs of socks, but more is better. We roll up the socks with rolls, fasten with one toe. We make two tiers, the top one is smaller. We wind all the socks with tape, as seen in the picture.

    By the way, shorts can be used instead of socks.

    The next option is from sweets. This option is suitable for a sweet tooth. Everything is simple here. We glue two boxes of different sizes, make a barrel from a tube or paper. We glue the whole structure with sweets.

    Another option is a cake. To give the cake the shape of a tank, you need to cut out rectangular cakes, one larger, the other smaller. Grease them together. You can use mastic as a decoration. You can work wonders with it. her cake shape. You can decorate at your discretion.

    Well, I couldn't resist!

    For the first time I will try to answer a similar, sorry, not very urgent question. If you know what a modern tank looks like and know how to do something with your own hands, then you can do it yourself without prompting. And what is easier, in my opinion, to make it from plasticine. From paper (papier-mâché) it will be more difficult. Here you need to have at least some experience.

    And everything is so simple. Hull, caterpillars, and on them a tower with a cannon barrel. You can also make machine guns from matches in the right places and paint them black.

    I've been doing stuff like this myself for a long time. Moreover, in a very deep childhood. Or are kids different now?

    Nothing worked, however. Until now, somewhere these models are lying around in the house, which have not disappeared for a long time.

    And in modern times, a tank of any model can be bought in a store, if, of course, there is money.

    By February 23, a tank can be made from many materials, you just have to show at least a little imagination.

    You can, for example, make such an original candy tank.

    Or a cake in the form of a tank covered with mastic.

    A practical thing is a tank of socks. However, a similar tank can be built from towels or other things. An ordinary pen will serve as a muzzle.

    I suggest make your own tank on February 23 as a gift to a man (as well as on May 9) from socks.

    For some reason, most often people from close circle give the necessary things on February 23, and socks are on this list.

    But just giving socks in factory packaging is not interesting, so you can dream up and make a tank out of socks.

    I offer two options for a tank made of socks.

    In the first case, to create a tank from socks, we also need a handle as a muzzle.

    You can make such a tank as a gift for a man according to the photo schemes below:

    You can also use in the design of a gift from socks in the form of a tank and a bottle of wine or champagne, in which case you will need step by step diagram below:

    The simplest and beautiful option crafts tank (especially if you do crafts with a child) is a tank made of corrugated cardboard. It is done like this:

    We take a sheet of corrugated cardboard and strips are cut along the long side, 16 pieces 1 cm wide and 2 strips 2 cm wide.

    The smallest ones spin from one strip, the rest, which are larger, two strips are glued together. The end result should be something like this:

    Five wheels per side. We'll leave the biggest one for now. You'll need it a little later.

    Then we take two strips of ordinary green cardboard. And those pucks. Glue the wheels tightly to each other.

    and then we wrap it in shape and glue it with a strip of cardboard. We make the shape slightly curved. Here's what should happen:

    We cut ordinary green cardboard and do it in the same way as the wheels. There should be three of them in different sizes. And we take the largest workpiece that we did at the beginning.

    The following photo shows how to assemble the top tank.

    We make a rectangular blank and a fuel tank from scraps.

    Glue the rectangle.

    And glue the top. We decorate.

    There are many ways to make a tank in the form of crafts, do-it-yourself toys for February 23 as a gift or for decoration.

    You can make a tank out of paper in different ways.

    The tank can be folded out of paper using the origami technique. This is one of the least difficult crafts. To make an origami tank, ready-made schemes, templates, lessons in a photo or video will come in handy.

    Another popular technique modular origami is the assembly of a whole tank in parts from separate paper blanks-modules, which are made in advance and then fastened together. Separately, a caterpillar, a hull with a turret and a muzzle are assembled.

    There are enough training lessons and master classes on the Internet to make such a tank.

    It is even easier to make a tank according to pre-made paper blanks using the papercraft technique. To do this, download a model of a tank from paper, cut it out and glue it in the right parts.

    Crafts with a tank can be made of wood. This requires tools for carving wood, machines, diagrams, patterns, drawings.

    You can make a tank with your own hands not only from paper or wood, but also from various improvised items. For example, from cartridges or screws with nuts, you can make a real metal tank at your discretion.

    Those who are interested in modeling can make a tank out of plasticine, including together with children.

    The tank can also be molded from salt dough, polymer clay and other molding materials. For example, a sweet tank for decorating cakes and pastries can even be made from mastic.

    You can bake a sweet cake and decorate with mastic to make a real tank. To do this, first lay the cakes in the shape of a tank on top of each other, cutting off pieces of biscuit for the caterpillar and tower. Then decorate with mastic of a camouflage shade, decorate with pieces of mastic.

    The tank can also be made from other materials that are at hand. The main thing is to observe the proportions of the tank and show the main components of the part: the main part with the turret and muzzle, caterpillars.

    Particularly original will be decorations in the form of a tank, made from different products or pastries on festive table. You can bake a cake-tank with your own hands, cakes with a mastic tank, make a tank from fruits or vegetables.

    Couldn't get past this one:

    Who said a tank can't be edible? In my opinion, the idea is chic, and there is no need to think about what to cook for February 23rd. There are many more ideas on the Internet regarding tank-shaped dishes, take a look.

    For the sweet tooth, you can assemble such a tank:

    I also saw ideas for crafts in the form of a beer tank. But, since I do not welcome alcoholic topics, I will not post anything. It will be interesting, you will find it yourself, but I think for many this option will seem funny.

    In some regions of our country, the weather will even make it possible to make a tank out of snow for the holiday.

    First, a frame is made of cardboard, and only then pasted over with corrugated paper, plain paper or with a cloth and attach (best, it seems to me, to do this with double-sided tape) sweets.

    Or you can approach the issue more globally and make a tank with control. You can refer to this video:

    Tanks can be made from many materials. The simplest and most affordable are paper and plasticine. But there are many other materials from which you can make a gift in the form of a tank.

    Blinding a plasticine tank is quite simple. Look at the picture.

How to make crafts for February 23 in kindergarten? Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of those rare holidays when a kid can congratulate the strongest and bravest people for him - dad, grandfather, older brother, uncle. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether the craft for February 23 is done with your own hands in kindergarten or at home -

the important thing is that the child invested his part of himself, trying to bring joy to his loved ones. We make a military plane with a child, a tank from a cardboard box, funny soldiers, an army boot and a fast rocket!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of those rare holidays when a kid can congratulate the strongest and bravest people for him - dad, grandfather, older brother or uncle.

Children are always expected to have cute souvenirs and simple handicrafts for the holiday - these touching little things made by children's hands tell us in the best possible way that a little man is ready to give the whole world to people dear to him ...

Crafts with a child on Defender of the Fatherland Day can be done in various techniques- both in the already loved, and in a completely new one for the baby. At the same time, the main thing is that the gifts made on February 23 with their own hands reflected the essence of this holiday.

Crafts for February 23 from paper and cardboard

You can make a commemorative medal out of foil and red cardboard.

It is not so important what kind of gift will be by February 23 - the main thing is that it be made with a soul and a great desire to please a loved one. Toddlers of the eldest and preparatory group You will definitely like crafts using the origami technique.

Crafts for February 23 in a kindergarten can be made to participate in a children's art competition and design a thematic exhibition dedicated to the upcoming holiday, as well as to congratulate the boys in the group or kindergarten guests invited to participate in the celebration.

A paper star craft using a disk is very effective and easy to perform.

The carnation is one of the most recognizable symbols of this holiday. It is customary to give it on memorable military dates and depict it on postcards in honor of February 23. A beautiful carnation can be made from red corrugated cardboard folded into a tube.

Watch how to make a beautiful crepe paper carnation in the video:

So, a funny application in the form of army boots will remind men of how many kilometers they managed to march along the parade ground and run along country roads while serving in the army. A special decoration of such an application will be the lacing of a boot made of satin green ribbon.

For those who served in rocket troops, it will be interesting to see the image of the rocket going up. Puffs of smoke from under it will perfectly replace lumps of white cotton wool.

Or you can just give men small souvenir soldiers by gluing them out of cardboard, colored paper, using a toilet paper roll for the base.

DIY tanks for February 23

Tankers will love the tank layout, which is easy to glue from empty boxes.

Men are generally indifferent to military equipment so it will always be a win-win.

Tank tracks can be made from painted cardboard rolls.

A tank can even be made from a painted egg carton.

It looks interesting souvenir in the form of a tank, which is glued together from a thin box and strips of corrugated cardboard. We twist the black stripes into six identical rolls - we get the basis for the tracks. We wrap three rolls with one tape of cardboard - one caterpillar is obtained. In the same way we make the second one, and then we attach them on both sides of the small box. It remains only to twist another roll - the tower, glue a cardboard muzzle to it, and then connect the tower to the tank hull. The craft is ready!

You can have a real little fight.

Cardboard tank with cutout template

Make a beautiful tank for February 23 according to our template. From brown cardboard we cut out the base of the craft.

Using the template, mark the brown base and cut it out.

We fold the brown base and glue the parts. Glue a sheet of green corrugated cardboard on top. From below we glue two strips from the same cardboard.

We twist the turret with a cannon and other decorative elements of the tank from strips of corrugated cardboard. We glue the attributes of the Red Army flag and star on the tank. Tank for February 23 - ready!

Tank from improvised materials on February 23

An interesting and simple tank is obtained from plastic corks and a sponge for washing dishes.

sponge tank

The muzzle of the tank is rolled up from green paper and attached to the tank turret with plasticine.

Watch how to make a sponge tank in the video:

Plasticine tank for February 23

A spectacular tank can be molded from plasticine. To do this, we sculpt and connect all the details of the tank.

We sculpt a caterpillar from plasticine.

Craft a plasticine tank - ready!

It can be made from any materials, but most often crafts are made for February 23 in kindergarten from paper and various (textured or plain) cardboard; they can be made in the application technique and in the form of a voluminous souvenir.

Different types of troops can be dedicated to their application and their souvenir. The tank can be laid out from plasticine. This is a wonderful gift for dad or grandfather on February 23rd.

On February 23, you can make a military aircraft out of plasticine. We take three colors - yellow, green and blue and mix them together.

We sculpt the body and wings of the aircraft from plasticine.

From our colored and ordinary blue plasticine we sculpt the cockpit.

We sculpt a propeller from blue plasticine.

Using a match, we fix the propeller on the plane. We decorate the craft with a festive inscription and the flag of Russia. Plasticine plane for February 23 - ready1

An interesting craft for February 23 in kindergarten can be done using the facing technique. We cut the color corrugated paper into small squares.

We wrap a stick with a piece of paper. Dip a piece of paper on a stick in glue.

Glue the paper to the drawn template.

Glue the papers one by one onto the template with a stick. We make the numbers "23" in the same technique. Craft for February 23 in the technique of trimming - ready!

So, a tank will become a symbolic image of the ground forces, which will look more advantageous if it is made not from paper, but from unusual materials - for example, buttons . The body of the tank is laid out with black buttons, and its tracks are made out with buttons of a different color or shape.

Crafts for February 23 from cereals

Naval troops can be depicted as a ship. It turns out to be more interesting if it is made using the groats sprinkling technique. The sail can be made from real white fabric, the waves from white napkins, and the clouds in the sky from cotton wool.

The symbol of the air forces - an airplane - can also be made using this technique. The body of the aircraft will be well decorated with coconut, semolina or rice.

There are many ideas for wonderful crafts using cereals. Watch the video on how to make beautiful postcard for February 23 using corn kernels:

The children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten will be able to make an airplane out of kinder surprise and paper.

A real military aircraft can be made from cardboard or foam board. The wings and tail of the craft are inserted into the holes on the body.

From cardboard and clothespins, you can make a military airplane that can hang, for example, on curtains.

A luxurious military aircraft can be made from a plastic bottle. Detailed master class look at the video:

Crafts for February 23 from paper on a disk

We glue together a disk and a sheet of white cardboard - this will be the basis of the craft. Glue three green strips to the base.

We fold the red strip in half and make cuts at the fold. Then we roll the strip into a bud and fix it with glue. Wrap the flower in green paper. We make three such blanks.

Glue the flowers together with the leaves on the base. Glue over stems St. George ribbon paper, and paper star. It remains to supplement the craft with congratulations - "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day."

Volumetric stand - postcard for February 23

Many will like the original three-dimensional stand dedicated to February 23rd. To make it, we bend a sheet of cardboard and draw two rectangles of different sizes on the inside.

We make cuts along the rectangles. We bend a sheet of cardboard so that the rectangles are bent at the places of the cuts.

We decorate places with ledges of a rocket and a tank cut out of paper. We make a congratulatory inscription on the stand and decorate it with flowers. Craft for February 23 - ready!

Can do voluminous crafts from paper on February 23 a little differently. We bend a sheet of colored cardboard in half and make small cuts at the fold. We bend the incisions in the opposite direction.

We decorate the background of the craft with the sun, clouds and a tree. In some retreat from the background, we fix two tanks and grass. Glue white snowdrifts of paper on the horizontal part of the postcard.

On the horizontal part of the craft we fix the congratulatory inscription "February 23". Courageous and bright craft on February 23 - ready!

Postcard with an airplane and a steamer for February 23

As one of the options for crafts for February 23 in kindergarten, you can also make an unusual postcard with the image of an airplane and a steamer with your own hands. We cut out an airplane from blue paper and glue white portholes to it.

Cut out the boat and color it with felt-tip pens.

We glue smoke to the plane - a curl of white paper.

Sprinkle clouds and numbers "23" on the front side of the postcard with semolina.

Quilling postcard for February 23

Very interesting postcard on February 23, it turns out using the quilling technique. We will need to make the base of the postcard. To do this, bend a sheet of cardboard in half. Glue yellow paper on the front side of the craft. On top of it we have green spots imitating a military camouflage pattern. Cut off a fairly large area from the top. The base of the craft is ready!

We turn to the quilling technique (or paper rolling). We wind a yellow strip of paper onto a special tool or a thin stick (it is better to use special quilling ribbons). We make several of these paper curls. We fix the ends of the blanks with glue.

By the same principle, we twist the green curls.

We have yellow curls on the front of the postcard along the edge of the cut off area. From green curls we lay out the number "23" on the inside of the postcard. Postcard for February 23 in quilling technique - ready!

Postcard with a shirt and tie for February 23

Postcard with a shirt - great option gift for February 23. Fold the collar of the shirt and cut out the tie.

Green paper jacket.

Postcard with a black jacket and tie (smart)

Glue a white sheet of paper folded in half between the "leaves" of black paper.

Postcard "military uniform with stars"

A postcard with a military uniform folds up very simply, but the stars on shoulder straps and a congratulatory inscription give the crafts an incredibly festive and solemn look.

How to sew a pencil case in the form of a tank on February 23?

Skillful needlewomen will be able to sew a funny military pencil case in the form of a tank. We will need to sew a zipper, lining and upper part pencil case.

For a detailed master class on making a pencil case, see "".

If you apply imagination and add your own touches to each product, you get a unique craft that will take its rightful place among other crafts made by the hands of kids from kindergarten.

St. George's brooch made of ribbons in the technique of kanzashi

Postcard - triangle front letter

Socks have long been a classic of gifts for February 23rd, however, decorated in the form of a tank, they will turn into an unforgettable souvenir and a reason for joy and delight. For crafts, you will need 3 pairs of gift socks, 6 golden chocolates, a beautiful pen, scissors, ribbon, a piece of red paper.

To make the caterpillar of the future tank, put two candies on the first sock, then carefully twist the sock with candies into a roll. We make three such convolutions.

And of course, we could not ignore the drawings for February 23. On this we drew the main attributes of the holiday: a tank and a flag.

First, we make a pencil sketch and color it with a marker.

Drawing with a pencil and marker "tank"

Then we color the drawing with pencils or paints.

Craft on February 23 in kindergarten reviews:

Beautiful crafts to choose from! (Sveta)

A sock tank is a super idea) (Nadezhda L)

I really liked the corrugated cardboard tank (Sasha)