
Natural hair dyes are given by nature. Hair coloring with natural means - you will be surprised


The reddish hair color makes the lady's face more expressive and pretty. The main thing is to choose the right color that suits you. A stylist will help determine this. So, if you want to stand out from the grayish crowd, give your curls a reddish tint.

You will need

  • - paint or tint shampoo;
  • - henna;
  • - boiling water;
  • - castor oil 1 tsp;
  • - kefir 100 g;
  • - 1 yolk;
  • - coffee 2 tbsp;
  • - perhydrol 30 g;
  • - ammonia;
  • liquid soap 1 tsp;
  • - walnut leaves;
  • - tea;
  • - onion peel 200 g;
  • - white wine 500 ml.

To give your hair a reddish color, use paint or a special tinted shampoo. All this in a large assortment is presented in stores. Dye your hair in your chosen color, following the instructions on the package correctly.

Achieve reddish hair color with natural vegetable dyes. For example, if you have blonde hair, use henna. Take 2 cups of this powder, fill it with boiling water so that the porridge mixture comes out. Pour a teaspoon into the mixture castor oil, half a glass of kefir, add 1 yolk, stir everything thoroughly. Apply the composition to clean, dry hair, cover with cellophane and warm with a towel. Walk like this for 2 hours. Natural dyes will help not only to get a prestigious color, but also to strengthen and treat your hair.

A more reddish color can be obtained with coffee. Two tablespoons of instant coffee, pour 200 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, strain. Pour into henna.

It is somewhat more difficult to give a reddish color to black hair. To do this, they first need to be clarified. Take 30 g of perhydrol, 6 drops of ammonia, a teaspoon of watery soap and stir everything thoroughly. Apply on the head for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo. Apply henna and hold for approximately 10 minutes. For 100 ml of hot water, take 10 g of henna.

Chestnut color can be achieved using walnut leaves and tea for coloring. Take both ingredients in two tablespoons, pour 500 ml of boiling water and put on a small fire for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove and let it brew for 20 minutes. Apply the product to wet, washed hair and keep it for about an hour. Chestnut hair color is great for people with dark skin.

Give your hair a reddish color like this. Mix two tablespoons of tea leaves and 200 g of onion peel, pour the mixture with 500 ml of white wine. Put everything on fire for 30 minutes. Strain, cool, apply on a wet head, insulate with polyethylene and a terry towel.

dye plants
these are plants that produce and contain in their individual parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds) and tissues (wood, bark) dyes contained in plastids (intracellular components containing pigments and synthesizing organic compounds) or dissolved in cell sap.
The richness of shades of natural dyes is unmatched, because. they give deep and soft tones.

You can get a coloring solution by evaporating the roots, leaves and flowers of plants in water. Fresh, not dried, give the color the brightest, although less resistant. Shades depend on the age of the plant, the composition of the soil, as well as the time of collection. It is better to collect leaves and flowers that have just blossomed, the bark - in the spring, and the roots and rhizomes - in the fall.
Natural dyes not only change the color of the hair, but also nourish the scalp, strengthen the hair roots.

Recipes for dyeing hair with natural dyes.

Infusion of navel dye

(2 teaspoons of flower baskets are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, then filtered and the cooled infusion is applied to the head for 15 minutes) gives the hair a light brown tint.

Infusion of annual sunflower:

2 tablespoons of flowers are poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered and rinsed hair 1 time per day. To maintain the natural freshness of light brown hair.

A decoction of chamomile inflorescences and nettle rhizomes

For its preparation, take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of each component per 1 liter of water. Rinse the head with a decoction, tie it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. After drying the hair, moisten it with chamomile essence mixed with water (1: 1 ratio). After 1 hour, rinse again with chamomile infusion (1-2 tablespoons of chamomile are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes, then filtered). For lightening hair.

Decoction of chamomile

For fair hair, take 100 g of dry chamomile inflorescences, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, then filter. For darker hair, you need to take 150-200 g of chamomile. Moisten the hair with a decoction and leave for 30-40 minutes. In order to dark hair become lighter, 100 g of chamomile pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, mix well, leave for 30-60 minutes, filter, squeeze out the residue and add 1/4 cup of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate the hair and leave without wiping for 30-40 minutes.

onion peel

A decoction made from onion skins is used natural dye. Such a dye is one hundred percent natural, which means it is completely harmless. And this gives it a lot of advantages. Onion peel will be a reliable help when using various cosmetics. A decoction of onion peel will also help heal the scalp, solve problems such as its excessive dryness and dandruff. To create such an amazing infusion, simply pour boiled, but not hot water over the husk. After covering the workpiece with a lid, leave it for about twelve hours. Then use the infusion every time you wash your hair. Onion decoction is ideal for those who want to give their hair a soft reddish tint.

St. John's wort for hair

The herb helps to strengthen the hair follicle, deeply affects the structure of the hair, strengthening and toning it. Products based on St. John's wort help get rid of oily hair, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With their help, you can effectively reduce the symptoms of baldness and overcome dandruff, give hair splendor, silkiness. Beneficial features St. John's wort spread not only to the hair, but also to the scalp. Rinsing the head with a decoction will help eliminate itching, moisturize and tone the skin.

Decoction of St. John's wort for hair.

To prepare a decoction, you will need fresh (2 tablespoons) or dried (1 tablespoon) St. John's wort flowers, which must be poured with boiling water and left for an hour, the decoction gives the hair a chestnut tint. You can also use the pharmacy fee. The product is used to rinse the hair after shampooing. Decoction for oily hair prepares more concentrated. If the scalp is very sensitive, it is recommended to add chamomile to the decoction.

Vegetable hair dye from walnut shell

As a result, the hair acquires a beautiful brown color. Such a dye is prepared from the shell of a green walnut, which must be boiled in water for 3-4 hours. The result is a dark brown liquid, which is then evaporated to obtain a pure extract. Next, we add olive and sunflower oil to the resulting extract in the ratio: 1 part of the obtained extract 2 parts of oil. Then we evaporate the resulting mixture until the water has completely evaporated. We cool the resulting dye to 40-50 degrees, apply it to the hair, hold for 25-30 minutes, and then rinse.

Herbal hair dye from nettle

Nettle dye is used to obtain a chestnut color. You will need 400 grams of dry chopped nettle. Fill it with warm water and boil for 4 hours - about 2 liters of dye should remain. Then we cool it, filter it and add vinegar in the ratio: 4 parts dye 1 part vinegar. Next, apply the resulting dye to the hair, hold until completely dry, then rinse. This is an excellent tint. It can be used every day.

Vegetable hair dye from fallen birch leaves

Use dye to obtain a golden hair color. It is prepared in the same way as nettle dye.


Herbal hair dye from buckthorn bark

Gives hair a reddish-gold color. To prepare the dye, take buckthorn bark - 1 tablespoon, pour boiling water over it and cook for 10-15 minutes. After that, cool the red-brown dye, apply to the hair, hold for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Madder dye

An infusion of the rhizome gives the hair a brown color. Infusion of flowers to strengthen hair, gives them shine and health.

The use of dye plants and obtaining natural, natural dyes is not only useful, but also very pleasant.

I hope it was useful to you! All beautiful and healthy hair!

Many of the women are used to dyeing their hair. But at the same time, not everyone thinks about the harm they do to their hair by applying chemical dye to them, which includes many aggressive and skin-irritating substances, such as ammonia or alkali (you can’t do without them - otherwise the dye will not stick to hair and wash off after a few days). Ammonia is very damaging to the hair, with constant use it destroys their structure, just as ammonia aggressively opens the hair scales and removes its own pigment. And shop paints also include paraben, which accumulates in our body and can cause very serious diseases. And also…

We will not describe in detail here why it is better not to use chemical paints, but rather we will tell you how you can do without them.

How to give your hair a beautiful shade WITHOUT chemistry? Let's turn to the old proven recipes.

Our ancestors for many centuries used only natural remedies to give their hair a beautiful shade. Such natural paints have many advantages:

✔ they do not damage the hair
✔ they preserve the hair structure, nourish it
✔ many natural remedies are used both as natural dyes and as masks for hair restoration and growth, to reduce brittleness and loss.
✔ Easy to prepare and use at home
✔ unlike chemical, natural paints can be mixed in any combination to achieve the desired shade, add a variety of ingredients that nourish the hair and scalp
✔ they are much cheaper than store and, especially, salon paints

Natural ingredients will not change your color completely, but they will either give a new shade to your hair or make your own hair color richer and more beautiful. Natural dyes begin to gradually wash off, mainly after the second or third washing of the head.

When dyeing hair at home, you can use two methods:

1. Rinse your hair after washing
2. Apply to hair evenly from roots to ends with a brush or sponge.

Which of the methods is more suitable for you personally - you need to find out empirically. After applying natural paint, it is better to wrap your head with a plastic cap and a towel (create heat).

After dyeing, it is better not to use a hair dryer!

CHAMOMILE (golden shade or lightening)

1. To obtain a golden hue. Suitable for light hair only.
200 g of chamomile, pour 1 liter of boiling water (the concentration can be varied). After 30 - 40 minutes, strain the resulting composition. Wet your hair with golden liquid and let it dry completely, do not rinse.
Chamomile hair can be used as a rinse after each shampoo.
2. To lighten hair. Make the same infusion as above and add the juice of one lemon to it. Rinse your hair, pat dry with a towel (but not too much, just to remove the main liquid) and sit under straight Sun rays and wait for it to dry completely. After such a procedure, your hair will become much lighter, softer and silkier.

ONION HUSK (copper)

Depending on the original color, the hair may acquire a chestnut, red, golden or copper hue.
More suitable for blondes or fair-haired.

Take 200 g of onion peel and pour 1 liter of hot water, hold the composition in a water bath for about half an hour (it is not recommended to put the composition directly on the fire). Cool, strain and rinse your hair. The more intense shade you want to get, the more husks you need to take and the longer to keep on fire (determined empirically). Cover your head with a hat and keep it on for half an hour. After that, wash your hair with water without soap and shampoo.

At the same time, the scalp can also be colored - to wash off the stains, use a pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Also, onion peel is a well-known ancient remedy for strengthening hair, stimulating their growth. Therefore, this method of coloring is also very useful for your hair!

LINDE (chestnut).
Linden for hair coloring was used in Ancient Russia. And this means that natural remedies have always been relevant and have been used with pleasure by women in all ages.

Linden gives the hair a chestnut or brown tint.

1. To give hair a chestnut tint: 5 tbsp. spoons of linden flowers are poured with 1.5 glasses of water. The composition is put on a slow fire and, with constant stirring, is evaporated until about 1 cup of broth remains. We cool and filter. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and aged until the desired shade appears.
2. Brown color will give a decoction of twigs and leaves of linden. The rest is the same as described above.

BLACK TEA (brown)

We all know that with the frequent use of strong tea, our teeth turn yellow. The same is true with hair. Tea is a strong dye that will give your hair a beautiful chocolate hue.

To dye your hair with tea at home, you need 3 tbsp. crushed tea leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Apply the resulting decoction to the hair and hold for about half an hour. After that, rinse with warm water without soap and shampoo.

Rhubarb (light brown or ashy)
To betray fair hair light brown shade with a golden or copper sheen, after washing the head, the hair should be rinsed with the composition: 500 g of chopped rhubarb are poured with a liter of cold water, with constant stirring, the composition is boiled over low heat until its amount is reduced by three to four times, then cooled and is filtered. The resulting decoction is applied to the hair after washing.

Suitable for covering gray hair.

FIRE BARK (dark)
Home cosmetics use spruce bark for natural hair coloring. It is necessary to grind the powder from the bark of spruce, brew with boiling water, apply to the hair. Hold for at least 1 hour. Hair will be dyed dark.

BLACKBERRY (reddish brown)

Even blackberries can be used for hair coloring! To do this, blackberry juice should be applied to clean, dry hair, hold for about an hour and rinse with warm water. The color will turn out unusually beautiful.

HONEY (lightening)

Honey is also good for lightening hair at home.

1. Add the juice of a whole lemon to honey and apply to your hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a towel or scarf and walk like this for an hour. Then wash off with warm water.
2. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to honey and use as a mask before washing your hair.

There are a lot of recipes for hair coloring, so you just need to find a way that suits you.

How nice, having received a new shade of hair, to realize that the hair not only did not suffer, but became stronger, more beautiful and healthier!

It's no secret that you can change your hair color with special paint, which is sold in any cosmetic department. But, unfortunately, most paints contain ammonia, which is not in the best way affects the structure of our hair. Many people wonder how to give their hair the desired shade, while not damaging them.

How to change hair color without dye

There are some folk ways hair dye used by our ancestors. You can easily prepare such paint yourself at home. Decoctions from various plants can strengthen hair and give them a healthy shine and desired shade.

That's just such dyes will not radically change the color of the hair. But you can give your hair a rich, natural shade. If you do not like the new color, then it is not necessary to wait until the hair grows back, or buy a wash, as the effect of the decoction is not durable. And this means that you can often change the color of your hair in this way. Consider how to dye your hair without paint, if you are the owner of:

blonde hair

A decoction of chamomile will give your curls a natural golden color. To get a decoction, buy dry chamomile flowers at the pharmacy. Pour a handful of flowers with 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and boil until the broth becomes saturated. yellow. We filter the broth and rinse the hair after washing.

To prepare chamomile-based hair dye, prepare: dry chamomile flowers - 125 g, boiling water - 300 ml. Pour boiling water over the flowers and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then, over low heat, bring the solution to a boil, then cool and filter. In the resulting solution, add the juice from one lemon and vegetable oil- 30 ml. Mix thoroughly and apply to damp hair with a brush. When the hair is dry, wash off the mixture with warm water without shampoo.

yellow hair

We dye hair without dye in a bright golden or reddish-orange color using ordinary onion peel. First, prepare a decoction as follows: pour onion husks (200 g) with boiling water (1 l) and incubate for 15-20 minutes in a water bath. Then cool the broth, filter and rinse your hair with it. The result is a bright golden color.

To get a reddish-orange hue, you need to pour 50 g of onion peel with 1 cup of boiling water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Let the broth brew, cool it. Massage movements rub it into the scalp. This decoction will give a beautiful shade to the hair, strengthen it and accelerate growth. Black tea can also give your hair a reddish tint.

dark hair

With the help of a decoction of oak bark, nettle or linden, you can get a chestnut color. Pour 1 cup of the mixture with 1 liter of water and boil on low heat for 1 hour. Apply the mixture to the hair, wrap it with polyethylene and a towel and keep it on the hair for 1 hour. Without washing off the decoction, dry the hair naturally.

For a dark chestnut color, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 4 tbsp. ground coffee and boil for 5 minutes. Add 1 sachet of henna to the cooled coffee. Mix thoroughly and apply to hair with a brush. We wrap the hair with a film and a towel, stand for 40-50 minutes. Then we wash off the mixture with warm water and rinse the hair with vinegar water - 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp of vinegar. Now you know how to give a natural shade to your hair without damaging its structure.

Some women specially paint in red color - after all, it is very attractive, charming. However, in some cases it turns out to be undesirable. For example, when a girl simply decided to change the color of her hair, and after dyeing an additional reddish tint appeared.

And how do you order to be in such a situation? And we will tell you! First, do not panic and do not cry, tearing out curls. Secondly, carefully read the information below.

We have selected answers specifically for such cases, what and how to do in order to get rid of an unpleasant tone. Our peculiar instruction is good because all the actions described in it can be easily performed at home, with your own hands.

How to avoid mistakes

Before we tell you how to remove a red tint from your hair, let's look at why it occurs. Often, the reason for its manifestation is an ill-conceived approach to the very procedure for changing the color of the hair.

Reddish, and sometimes even bright orange or orange shades can be obtained when stained:

  • from light chestnut to intense white;
  • from brunette to blond;
  • from dark chestnut to light brown;
  • from brunette to chestnut;
  • from dark brown to light brown.

Advice! If you have never changed your natural color before or want to experiment, we recommend that you seek the help of a professional hairdresser who, using their experience, will be able to choose a shade for you that does not lead to the appearance of a reddish tone. The price of the procedure is not so high, given that you completely eliminate the risk of redness.

This is due to the fact that the reddish-yellow pigment in largest quantities contained in curls of the following colors:

  • light chestnut;
  • fair-haired;
  • light brown.

As a result, after dyeing them, the pigment can be activated and appear on the surface of the hair.

Do not panic!

One of the main mistakes that women make in such situations is panic, the result of which is the desire to immediately get rid of the problem, simply by bleaching.

And this should never be done for several reasons!

  1. Lightening mixtures have an extremely negative effect on the health of the hair, making them dry, brittle.
  2. In addition, they are able to destroy pigments of only dark colors - black, brown, but they do not have any effect on red, yellowish, reddish pigments. That is, the use of clarifiers is a completely useless procedure.
  3. As a result of such lightening, and an unpleasant color remains on them. And here you can’t do without the help of scissors - the only way out is to cut the curls.

When an undesirable tone appears, the main thing is not to panic.

Below we will give you some tips on exactly how to act in this situation in order to get rid of unwanted:

  • reddishness;
  • redness;
  • yellowness.

Professional and folk remedies to solve the problem

So there are actually a few effective methods how to remove red pigment from hair. Because it can be not only undesirable, but even extremely vulgar.

professional tools

To combat the shade that is unpleasant for you, you can use professional cosmetics that are characterized by efficiency.

Among these, the following shampoos can be distinguished:

  • Bonacure Color Save Silver Shampoo by Schwarzkopf;
  • Silver Shampoo from CEHKO;
  • Otium Pearl from Estel.

The advantage of such formulations is that they contain a special, unique ingredient that allows you to suppress the reddish tint.

Note. None of the aforementioned professional shampoos should be left on the head for more than three minutes as this can lead to highly unpredictable colors. And it will be almost impossible to eliminate them!

Folk remedies and masks

Naturally, one cannot ignore folk remedies.

Masks made from natural, natural ingredients will not only help you solve the problem, but will also have a beneficial effect on the general condition:

  • hair;
  • roots:
  • scalp.

As a result of applying these masks, your curls will become:

  • more beautiful;
  • stronger;
  • brilliant.

At the same time, all masks are prepared at home, with their own hands. That is, you save time on visiting the salon, and you also know exactly what was used in a particular mixture.

In particular, among the most common means used in this case, it is worth highlighting:

  • chicken eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon.

For example, in the summer, on a sunny day, grease your hair with lemon juice. Make sure you soak your hair well and let it dry naturally.

If possible and desired, repeat the procedure. As practice shows, lemon juice and the sun work wonders and the hair is lighter pretty quickly.

Advice! After applying such a mask, the hair must be washed and treated with a nourishing balm. After all, the sun and lemon juice dry out the strands, and therefore you need to take care of their restoration.

A bread mask has a good effect. It will be in demand in the winter season, when there is little sun and it is not rational to use lemon juice.

To create a bread mixture you need:

  • separate the crumb from rye bread;
  • fill it with water;
  • leave overnight;
  • in the morning, the resulting slurry is evenly distributed over all curls;
  • wrap your head with polyethylene (you can put on a shower cap) and warm it with a towel - the heat will increase the effect of the mask;
  • it takes about an hour to keep the composition on the hair;
  • then rinse with warm water.

Depending on the original hair color

Now let's look at how to deal with unwanted red undertones, depending on what your natural color is. Since there are subtleties here, which we want to talk about.

If you have dark curls

Immediately, we note that an unpleasant and unwanted redhead on dark hair can be a consequence of:

  • violation of the rules of staining;
  • the wrong shade.

Therefore, in such a situation, as professionals note, it will be optimal and rational to return to your natural color.

But if you need to remove a consciously acquired red or reddish tint, then in this case you will first have to perform a complete bleaching of the hair. Naturally, this will have an extremely negative impact on the general condition of the hair and their health, but then you can give your hair any desired shade.

Note. After such discoloration, it is recommended to use special cosmetics by - balms, masks and so on. They will help restore the health of curls.

Now you know how to remove a red tint from dark hair - this task, although not simple, is completely doable.

If you have blond curls

Let's talk about how to remove the red tint from blond hair. In this case, the simplest method is to paint over again, but in your natural color.

Advice! If you don't want to shock your hair again negative impact coloring composition, it is recommended to perform a more gentle highlighting with a predominance of ashy tones. It will divert attention from the redhead. You can also tint your hair in a blue-violet color.

Note. In some cases, the cause of an unpleasant red tone may be chlorine, which is contained in the water from the utility pipeline. Therefore, install at least the simplest filter that will eliminate chlorine.

It is quite possible to eliminate the red tint, but we still recommend that you seek help or at least advice from a professional hairdresser who will help you choose the right shade and method for solving your problem.

In conclusion

Now you know exactly how quickly and effectively you can remove the redness that appeared after dyeing the hair. There is nothing complicated about this, there is no need to despair after the manifestation of such a shade. The additional video in this article will provide you useful information on this topic.


Posted on 03/02/2017

hello .. I made a wash with a powder on a six percent peroxide, it turned out to be a light orange color .. how can I remove it .. I would like to have a dark blond color


Tamara (website)

Posted on 03/02/2017

Hello Ekaterina. Any dark blond with an ashy undertone will help cover up the yellow pigment. But a warm shade will still be present - only an experienced colorist can completely remove it. After coloring, tone your hair once a week with an anti-yellow shampoo.



Posted on 03/02/2017

good afternoon. I dyed my hair a very light golden brown. the result is red hair. is it possible now to dye your hair into a very light blond ash or light blond. Initially, the color was light blond closer to blond. how long can this be done


Tamara (website)

Posted on 03/02/2017

Try an ash blonde. It will lower the main hair color by one tone, but will remove the redhead that has appeared. if you want a lighter result, do a powder blond. After it, tint with a dye of the appropriate level of clarification, but always with a cold shade - ashen or pearl blond.
When painting, try to get away from paints with a golden tint.



Posted on 08/13/2018

To me, such a tone, on the contrary, made a redhead even brighter on such hair



Posted on 03/18/2017

Hello! For a long time I dyed my hair red, now I want to return my native color - a brunette. dark colors do not sit down, it turns out only a darker shade of red. how to be?


Tamara (website)

Posted on 03/21/2017

Yana, hello! Judging by what you wrote, I can assume that you got the red color with henna staining. After natural dyes (henna, basma) it is very difficult to change the color of the hair and the artificial pigment on top of them, as a rule, does not fit at all or very badly. In this case, you won’t get a single natural color when staining, because the redhead strongly shows through in the base. The most gentle option is to gradually grow. It is possible that after a while it will be possible to color it, but picking up some intermediate color (not higher than level 4) between the red that is and the brown that you want. Be prepared that the color will not be uniform along the entire length of the hair.



Posted on 03/21/2017

Hello, a few years ago I dyed my hair copper, I went with it for a long time. Its own natural shade is light brown. But last year, I wanted to update the shade of my hair, dyed it in dark blond to return the natural hair color. The paint washed off quickly, and copper remained on the hair again. Should I try first to dye my hair in an “ash blond” tonic, and only then in light brown to remove the redhead?


Tamara (website)

Posted on 03/22/2017

Hello Yana. Let's go in order.
1) The fact that your hair has already been dyed (no matter what color) means that yellow and / or red pigment will always be present in the background - this is chemistry and this is how hair is arranged
2) The task of toning is to give a shade to hair already dyed in some base color. The adhesion to the hair of any tonic is minimal, superficial. For a cardinal transition from color to color, you first need to introduce an artificial pigment deeper into the hair structure and fix it there. That is, the basic rule is this: the shade is applied to the main color, and not vice versa.
3) In order for the staining to be stable, the procedure is performed on an oxidizing agent from 6%. Perhaps you used a tinted or ammonia-free dye? ..
Now, closer to the solution.
In order to bring the current color closer to a cold tone, you will either need to mix several shades of paint (preferably professional), or the help of a specialist who knows how to work with color and mixtones. In the first case, the color of the natural range and the color with a pearl or platinum (silver) tint are combined (the numbers will depend on the manufacturer - everyone is different), the proportion is 2: 1, the oxidizing agent is 6%. The downside is that in relation to your situation, this is pure theory. In the second case, the master personally assesses the subtleties of color and the condition of the hair, takes into account your wishes and is able to solve the problem adequately to the situation.



Posted on 03/26/2017

Hello!!! I used to be dyed black, but recently I started dyeing black blonde and it turned out red, now I want to bring red at home to light brown, but I don’t know how to do it


Tamara (website)

Posted on 03/26/2017

Hello Olga! It is problematic to get fair-haired without a redhead with “home staining”. To neutralize the redhead, professionals use several colors - without coloring skills at home, you can’t mix it up like that. Therefore, the best option is to contact a specialist. But if you want to experiment further, and the condition of the hair allows, try to continue washing with a blond composition and reach the background level to light copper; choose a professional paint of a natural shade and add a purple corrector to it. It is better to dye your hair after such a wash in a week.



Posted on 04/06/2017

Good afternoon. I really need advice. I lightened dark hair, got first red, then red-yellow color. Colored with syoss 8-7 caramel blonde. Now I am a light orange shade. I want to get either a caramel blond, in which I painted, or light brown 6 or 7. I really need advice.


Tamara (website)

Posted on 05/29/2017

Hello Victoria. This manufacturer has a lot of orange pigment in the shade "caramel blonde", which on your bleached hair, of course, showed up much brighter. To get a beautiful caramel shade of hair, you need to prepare the background to a light yellow shade with a soft touch of red. Make a blonde wash: 1 part blonde powder + 1 part oxidizer 3% + 1 part shampoo, mix, apply to unwashed dry hair. Keep the composition for 20-40 minutes and control the shade of the hair visually. After such a wash, the hair can be tinted with a caramel shade, but it is better to use professional paints on oxide 1.5-3%.



Posted on 04/15/2017

Hello, Initially there was a dark blond hair color, even chestnut new chtoli. I dyed it with colorless henna to strengthen it, and suddenly the setup turned out to be colored henna - I became red. I went to the salon 2 times, you know, and they never returned the chestnut color to me, it seems to be fair-haired in the salon -in the sun Red. The last time I dyed Pallet powdery blond hair became lighter, but the redhead is still present. help me please


Tamara (website)

Posted on 04/16/2017

Hello. Henna is washed out and painted over very difficult, the red pigment will shine through any dye.



Posted on 04/24/2017

Hello! I had a dark blond hair color, I wanted to become light blond, but it turned out to be light red, it doesn’t suit me at all because I’m swarthy. What can I do to become light blond? wash? or fade? color such as the very first picture of a girl with an unwanted redhead!


Tamara (website)

Posted on 04/25/2017

Hello Galina. Washing will not help, do decapitation with clarifying powder (preferably professional). The technology is as follows: blond powder 30 gr. + oxidant 3% 30 gr. + water 30 gr. + shampoo 10 gr. (proportion to short hair, at medium length hair - to the shoulders - increase by 2 times). Add a couple of drops of glycerin or an ampoule of Estelle HEC to the composition. It should be enough on the hair, i.e. hair after applying the paint should not remain dry. If natural hair has grown back, step back from the roots - do not dye them. After 20 minutes, check the background - it should be closer to yellow. When you wash off, you can tint in light brown. If you want to get a colder hair color, choose a shade of paint without golden and copper nuances. It is better to use mother-of-pearl or pearl shades, the presence of an ashy nuance is acceptable.



Posted on 04/27/2017

Hello, I made an ombre. Now I need to tint, because there are strands of red color, please tell me which paint numbers are better to tint to get a cold light blond color thanks


Tamara (website)

Posted on 04/29/2017

Hello Elya. Ombre toning is difficult salon procedure. And especially on light brown shades, which by nature contain more red pigment than the rest. To create a beautiful color transition, colorists use a whole cocktail of dyes and mixtons. It’s practically impossible to do this with just one “paint number”, all the more so to choose such a dye without knowing and not seeing your hair with your own eyes.



Posted on 05/18/2017

Hello! I have a red pigment, the hairdresser advised me to mix 1/2 light brown, 1/2 ash tube and 2 cm purple, it turned out, is it possible to use the remaining paint a second time after 3 months. Larisa


Tamara (website)

Posted on 05/19/2017

Hello Larisa. Exposed paint is best used as soon as possible. If the tubes were well closed, after three months it is also possible. Longer storage is not recommended.



Posted on 06/16/2017

Hello! Please tell me how can I get the redhead out of my hair? My native color is dark ash-blond .. I experimented a lot with color .. all shades go with red .. I decided to discolor and dye it light brown (I did everything in the salon) Estelle's paint but got more more red color! My strength is gone ((((I want to be a cold shade close to my native color (ash blond) the red color on me is really bad, because my eyebrows have a dark tattoo ...