
Makeup to increase the eyes and expressiveness of the look. Make-up instructions. How to make eyes visually larger and more expressive


Hello! Elena and mine are with you new topic about subtleties proper makeup eye. You can make perfect skin tone and color, emphasize the beauty of eyebrows, draw seductive lips. But it is the eyes that make the face attractive, alive, interesting. A few high-quality shadows, mascara, eyeliner or a pencil somewhere, perhaps antimony - you yourself will choose the right one if you know how to make your eyes expressive with makeup. My task today is to talk about the features of this process. And at the end of the article you will find something useful on this topic.

For the creative process, you will need three brushes: for shading, beveled, flat. Plus - the right shadows, mascara, possibly eyeliner. In fact, makeup tools, as well as the technique of applying it, depend on the anatomical features of the face, the shape of the eyes. Expressive almost always means big. How do you want to increase them: they will be deeply planted, widely spaced, they will get an almond-shaped, round, slightly elongated shape. In any case, remember:

  • Dark shadows, eyeliner around will give more expressiveness, but visually make the eyes smaller.
  • Light ones will visually increase, and the main goal will be behind the scenes.
  • It is better to use several shades of the same color.
  • Shades of cold will suit brown eyes brown shades or khaki.
  • Blue - light, gray-blue shades.
  • Green - the colors of moss, light ocher.

If you choose your shades correctly, apply them correctly, you will get bottomlessness and depth as a bonus to expressiveness. By the way, everything around the eyes should also be perfect. In order not to have to mask blueness, swelling, wrinkles for a long time, it is important to regularly care for this area. How exactly, you will find in the article How to care for the skin around the eyes: did you know about it?

How to do makeup

  1. Prepare the shadows of the recommended shades: light will serve as the main, medium - for the eyelids, dark - for the contour.
  2. At least 30 minutes before the process, lubricate the eyelids with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  3. Take light shadows on a brush, apply them to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes - from the superciliary arches to the lash line. Reception will help to make the skin tone even, hide imperfections.
  4. Use an eyeliner brush to apply a medium tone eye shadow on the lower eyelid.
  5. Also apply dark color above upper eyelashes- as close to their growth line as possible. Move from the inner corner to the outer.
  6. Highlight the inner corners with a white pencil or light shadows.

If the shading of the eyelids turned out to be untidy, then you picked up too dark a color. The grayish effect will tell you that the shade chosen is lighter than desired.


  1. Hang them up first.
  2. Apply mascara in two or three layers. It should lie flat, without lumps. Don't forget to color your bottom lashes.

Ideally, when the cilia themselves are even, healthy. Have you ever tried growing them? Tell me if it's worth it. If you are interested in how to care for eyelashes after extensions, take a look here:.

You can do the eyeliner of the upper eyelid. Whether it is worth summing up the bottom with a dark line depends on the shape, features of your eyes. I will give an example clearly - look at the photo and decide for yourself.

On right:

The inner dark line from the very corner narrows the eye.

There are no shadows on the eyelid, which also reduces it.

No mascara on lower lashes.

No light highlighter or shadow applied. All attention goes to the eye socket.

Not painted as it should, eyebrows.


Underlined with matte shadows from the outer edges of the eyelids, the eyes visually look wider.

An additional effect of magnification is given by a light line with a white pencil above the growth line of the lower eyelashes.

Light highlights at the inner corner give the look freshness, visually removed from the nasal septum.

Shadows on the outer corner set off, visually increase the shape.

Well-colored eyelashes above and, importantly, below, opened their eyes.

Beautifully designed and colored eyebrows complete the “composition”, as if framing the created image.

Important nuances of makeup for expressiveness

I told how you can make your eyes expressive with makeup, considering only the main points. You will also have to take into account the makeup outfit, the place where you will go, the time of day.


  • They are more convenient to apply, starting from the middle of the century to the outer edge. There they are placed in a thicker layer. And already with the remains on the applicator, you can shade the inside.
  • When choosing this type of cosmetics, it is important to take into account the color of the eyes and hair, the general type (spring, summer, winter, autumn).
  • Shiny, mother-of-pearl are applied only under the eyebrows, upper eyelid. Do not use these if the upper eyelids hang. Matte are used to stroke the contour, folds of the upper eyelid. Pay attention to the article How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home: methods that work - makeup is easier to do when there are no wrinkles.

Do not use foundation, concealer instead of a base under the shadow. They will even out the tone and even enhance the color of the shadows, but long before the end of the day they will turn them into untidy stripes. The best option is to buy a special base or even out the tone with light shadows.


Need to remember:

  • Be sure to highlight inner corners white, light. It can be shadows or a pencil, even better - a highlighter. You want to get the doe-eye effect.
  • Eyelashes should be curled to also make the look open, to visually enlarge the eyes.
  • Mascara should be applied in moderation. Too little will give the impression of unfinished makeup. Too much will turn the eyes into slits.
  • An eyeliner or a liner is a reason to experiment. Only you can determine if you need them and what type of arrows will suit you. Do not use black eyeliner, preferably dark green, soft brown, blue.
  • Fashionable wide eyebrows make the look heavy, as if closing the eyes. If you choose just such, then at least raise the corners a little higher.
  • The expressiveness of the eyes will be emphasized more if the lips are painted with a light flesh-colored, beige color.

See you in the next article!

Large and expressive eyes are considered one of the essential conditions, in which a woman is called beautiful, but by nature they are not given to everyone. Fortunately, over thousands of years of perfection in the art of charm, women have learned to create beauty literally from scratch, thanks to the possibilities of cosmetics - the art of decorating and improving a person's appearance.

Popular supermodels, "stars" of cinema and show business, looking at us from glossy pages, in Everyday life they do not always have a bright, extraordinary appearance, and the eyes of most of them are the most ordinary. The mysterious brilliance, expressiveness and attractiveness of the look of "star" ladies are given by modern cosmetics, skillfully selected and applied by professional cosmetologists and makeup artists. With a little patience, any woman can learn to visually enlarge her eyes with the help of cosmetics, making them expressive, and the look - bewitching and magnetic.

How to make up eyebrows and eyelashes

First of all, you can visually enlarge the eyes and make them more expressive by giving the eyebrows and eyelashes a certain look and shape.

Eyebrows of any shape should always be neat and clear, not very thick - this makes the look heavier, but also too thin, "in a thread", eyebrows - not the best way. The best choice is the natural shape and color of the eyebrows, but sometimes the eyebrows need to be tinted: there are a lot of pencils of different shades. A dark pencil is suitable for girls with dark skin, and for the rest - in hair color, or a tone darker. Gel is applied to stiff eyebrows and smoothed with brushes. The bend of the eyebrows is well drawn, and, closer to the outside, slightly raised.

On the inside, under the bend, you need to apply some light shadows, you can combine it with a highlighter: on a bright background, the eyes will already look bigger.

The longer and thicker the eyelashes, the more “open” the eyes will be: this is achieved with the help of good mascara (volumizing, lengthening), applied in 2-3 layers. The same is with the lower lashes: a good mascara lengthens them and makes the look more expressive, but here one layer is enough. On the outer corners, the eyelashes should be stained so that the eye lengthens as much as possible.

If you need to “twist” your eyelashes, use tweezers, but now a more convenient and safer device has appeared - thermal eyelash curlers. By the principle of action, it is sometimes compared with an electric toothbrush. The device is plugged into a power outlet, but it can also work on a battery - more than 40 minutes: during this time, you can curl the eyelashes of a whole “squad” of girls. Eyelashes are not only gracefully curved, but also separated from one another - a double benefit.

False or extended eyelashes also make the eyes look bigger and more expressive. This method is proposed to be used for brittle or too short natural eyelashes, although in the first case it is still better to strengthen them first.

Shadows, pencil and corrector

Knowing how to use a pencil correctly, you can make your eyes expressive by slightly changing their shape: flaws are masked, and advantageous features are emphasized.

If the eyes are rounded, it is necessary to draw out the corners, outer and inner, drawing them with a pencil and making them brighter.

With an almond-shaped form, the lines along which the eyelashes grow are traced with a pencil and shaded.

The European form is usually understood as “something in between”, although this is not true - there cannot be a general type here: for example, the shape of the eyes of ethnic English women and residents of southern Europe is noticeably different. However, it is generally accepted that European eyes are not elongated and not round, not very large, but not small either. Here it is proposed to highlight the outer corner of the eye - “pull” to the temple and blend upwards; there is no need to focus on the lower eyelid: lightly walk with a pencil.

If the eyes are “deep-set” and small, an arrow is drawn along the eyelash growth line, its expanding tip is bent upwards, pointing to the tip of the eyebrow; shade the corner. Dark pencils will not work - on the contrary, they will reduce the eyes, but gold and silver, in combination with light shadows, will come in handy.

We will not talk about combinations of shadows and their choice by eye color here - this is not difficult to find out. However, "neutral" shades, like light beige, pale pink, peach, etc., can be used with contrasting colors - for example, light mother-of-pearl shadows with dark ones: this way even the most inconspicuous look will become richer and more attractive.

Highlighter, if desired, is applied both under the eyebrows, and on the inner contour of the lower eyelid, and in the inner corners of the eyes, above and below: this way any look will be more “open” and expressive, because the whites will continue. In general, it is worth experimenting with a highlighter: this light tool that works real miracles is not only white, but also pinkish and golden.

Concealer, which must be used if there are spots or blackouts under the eyes, you can also try “unconventional”: not yellow, but pink or blue - the result is often more natural.

Now briefly about the sequence of applying makeup to increase the eyes.

Makeup for expressive eyes

First, a base is applied - such that it holds well. The fold of the eyelid is indicated with a fluffy brush: it should seem a little higher than it actually is. The selected shadows are carefully so that they lie evenly, and the shades smoothly pass one into another or mix, shade over the eyelid. Under the eyebrows, apply a little white or matte eyeshadow (with or without a highlighter), and grind it so that you get a light, slightly noticeable shade.

Dark shadows are placed on the crease of the eyelid, darken the edge, shade; circle the contour of the lower eyelid with a highlighter, highlight the inner corners - the look is given a “radiance”.

Eyeliner is not always used, but dark eyeliner is suitable for enlarging the eyes: the face seems thinner and more elegant - the eyes on it become more noticeable. The lines are drawn near the eyelashes, thinly, from the beginning or middle of the eyelids beyond the outer corners of the eyes. A little before reaching the corner (or in the middle), make the line a little thicker, and then thinner again: gradually reduce the thickness, leading to the end. Along the contour of the line, gently shade with a beveled brush.

Lower eyelid: eyeliner is applied not along the lash line itself, but just below. You can first apply the dots with a pencil, and then connect them with the same beveled brush, and just as gently blend.

How not to paint your eyes

Passion for dark shadows and eyeliners makes the eyes less expressive: a “look from the depths” is obtained.

Too much mascara leads to the same result: the eyelashes become heavier, the look too.

Liquid eyeliner makes the overall look of the makeup heavier - it turns out to be unnatural, but it can be used to fill in the gaps left between the cilia after the pencil.

And once again about the area under the eyes. Be sure to pay attention to it: both too dark and pale skin in this place creates the effect of “sunken” eyes.

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger is of interest to girls with naturally small eyes or those who have a problem with an impending eyelid. After all, a more expressive look always attracts the opposite sex and perfectly complements any image.

Big eyes: who will suit this makeup

For several years now, one of the main criteria for beauty has been considered big eyes. And even those lucky women who are naturally endowed with this distinctive feature are not exempt from the need to highlight the look with the help of a properly selected make-up.

An image with an emphasis on big eyes will suit almost everyone. Before determining how to make makeup to make the eyes appear larger, their shape should be taken into account:

  • eye fit is considered ideal;
  • wider than expected
  • eyes set too close;
  • convex;
  • round.

Moreover, you need to choose the right basic cosmetics. It includes:

  • shadows to highlight the eyelids;
  • eyeliner and pencil to emphasize the contour of the eyes;
  • mascara for lengthening eyelashes;
  • eyebrow pencil.

Before proceeding directly to eye makeup, you should use a concealer. It can be used to hide dark circles and other imperfections. Properly selected shades of concealer will help to give a look of brightness and favorably emphasize facial features.

If makeup includes powder and foundation, when creating a correct and natural look, you should choose a concealer that is a tone lighter than these products.

To achieve the effect of an expressive look, it is also important to choose the right foundation, since the wrong complexion can ruin the impression of even the most professional eye makeup. The tone should be chosen a maximum of a few shades lighter or darker than the natural complexion.

Eye shadows: color palette

Choosing color scheme shadows, you need to pay attention to the shade of the eyes, skin type and hair color.

There is an erroneous opinion that when creating an image with a large, expressive look, it is necessary to give preference to dark palettes. You can select several suitable scales under different colour eye:

Choosing the Right Color Palette


Preferred Shades


Beige, black, yellow, emerald, grey, lavender


Purple, Copper, Gold, Purple


Gray, black, peach, blue-blue, pink, brown, steel


Suitable for most shades, make-up using different shades

According to makeup artists, The maximum effect can be achieved by applying a palette of different shades of the same tone..

Like when applying makeup alternate shades,to make your eyes look bigger, and do emphasis on expressiveness

Hue saturation



Under the eyebrow line, the inner corner of the eye and the moving part of the eyelid


The crease that appears from the movement of the eyelid

The darkest shade

Outer corner of the eye

To create a memorable image, you must first consider the right combination make-up with the chosen clothes and the time of the event.

Eyeliner and pencil: what colors to prefer

Most girls in makeup prefer black, both pencil and eyeliner. but make-up artists recommend doing makeup using bright shades to make the eyes look bigger. Blue, green or purple eyeliner will perfectly cope with the task.

The lower inner eyelid is emphasized with light shades. To choose the perfect shade, you should not be afraid to experiment with color schemes.

First of all, it is necessary to abandon thick arrows or a thick line denoting the contour of the eyes,- such a trick will lead to their visual narrowing. You can experiment with thin, graceful contours and feathery matched tone.

How to shape your eyelids to make your eyes look bigger

You can visually expand your eyes with the help of competent makeup. To do this, you need to know the rules for the design of the inner and outer corners of the eye, upper and lower eyelids.

Upper eyelid shaping

An important role in creating an ideal image is played by a properly emphasized upper eyelid. Thanks to this, the look will become more open and clear. A layer of shadows on it is applied more highlighted than on the lower eyelid but don't overdo it.

Light colors should be applied under the eyebrow- this will visually enlarge the look and give the image of femininity. In the center of the eyelid, the main color should be applied and shaded, the moving part of the upper eyelid is made a tone lighter.

Important to remember! The transitions between shades should be distinguished smoothly, and the applied layers should not be excessively thick or greasy in order to avoid rolling and shedding.

To make the eyes appear larger, if there is a problem of “hanging” eyelids, certain rules must be followed. Stylists give the following tips on how to do makeup correctly:

  1. Basic shadows. Designed for application to all parts of the eyelid.
  2. The accent with light tones is carried out in the center, the place where the eyelid is lowered is slightly darkened.
  3. White highlights the inner corner of the eye and the line under the eyebrow.

How to make up the corners of the eyes

With any shape and color of the eyes, without exception, to visually increase the look, it is recommended to highlight the inner corners of the incision of the eyes with a white tint or the lightest tone from the palette chosen to create the image.

In turn, the owners of the lowered outer corners of the eyes should highlight them with brighter, but at the same time, light tones - this will help get rid of the “sad” image.

Lower eyelid shaping

On the lower eyelid, eyeliner should be applied in a thin, natural line, starting from the middle of the eye. The second half must be drawn with a white pencil or light shadows.

It is recommended to paint the inner part of the eyelid with silver or pinkish hues, avoiding white, as it will spoil the naturalness of the image. With the right application and combination of tones, the look will turn out open, and the makeup itself will give a fresh and natural look to the girl.

Mascara to enhance the eyes

When choosing a mascara to increase the volume of cilia, everyone except brunettes is not recommended to use black. Ideally and naturally, the eyelashes look a few shades darker than the shade of the hair, so a brown shade is a good fit.

Mascara should be applied along the entire length of the cilia. If the effect obtained is small, after drying, paint over the tips.

If by nature a girl has straight or slightly curved eyelashes, you can use special curling irons. Mascara that gives volume or with a twisting effect is perfect, the main thing is to choose a product with a brush that separates the cilia well.

In the presence of long cilia to fix the image well suitable dry mascara that will give brightness and adjust the density.

How to shape eyebrows to visually enlarge the eyes

When it comes to makeup to make the eyes appear bigger, the eyebrows are of paramount importance, as a properly adjusted line gives an open shape. For this procedure, you should:

Blend the eyebrows outlined with a pencil along the bottom with a brush
  • carefully outline the eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil lower part, making a border with the eyelid;
  • highlight the end with a thin line and mark the top line, not reaching the base a couple of centimeters;
  • without going beyond the outlined boundaries with a brush, distribute shadows over the eyebrows;
  • gently, with a brush, blend the borders, which will help in creating a natural look.

It is important to use a suitable shade of pencil and shadows when highlighting the eyebrows, which matches the color of the hair, otherwise you can completely spoil the desired effect of makeup.

Common mistakes when creating makeup that enlarges the eyes

Creating an image without the help of professionals, Most girls make a few common mistakes:

  • Applying a thick layer of mascara. This manipulation makes the eyelashes heavier and lowers, thereby making the eyes smaller.

Use lengthening mascara to make your eyes look bigger

To enlarge the eyes, mascara with a lengthening effect applied in one layer is ideal. It is important to ensure that there are no sticky eyelashes or lumps. We should not forget about the need to highlight the lower eyelashes, the main thing is not to overdo it.

  • Applying dark eyeliner on the inner eyelid or an excessive layer of it on the lower eyelid will lead to a strong narrowing of the eyes.
  • The exact lines highlighted with shadows will emphasize all the flaws, therefore, to enlarge the eyes, one should resort to shading the color scheme.
  • Untidy eyebrows with too thin or too wide a line are the most common cause of a completely ruined look.
  • Arrows aimed at unprepared skin will also negatively affect the integrity of the image, while they fade and partially erase within a few hours.
  • Excessive emphasis on bright lips - to complement the image, the shade of lipstick should be selected close to the natural tone.

Without sufficient personal skill in creating makeup to make the eyes appear larger, it is recommended to both train and fill your hand on your own, and seek help from experienced makeup artists.

Pro Tips: How to Get the Perfect Eye Makeup

When creating the right image, it is important to pay attention to the advice of makeup artists, which will help in achieving the maximum effect. Some of them can be distinguished:

  • Eyelashes will better emphasize the eyes if you use curling irons to curl them in the corners and be sure to make up the lower cilia.
  • Well-groomed, well-defined eyebrows, with the right distance between them, perfectly emphasize large eyes.

The best shape of the eyebrows is smooth, with rounded lines. Excessive bending should be avoided, and it is not recommended to make a shape with a pronounced refraction.

  • The most common makeup secret to make your eyes look bigger and open is to use a white pencil or light-colored eye shadow.

The easiest way to make your eyes look bigger is to use light colors. In particular, light shadows should be applied under the eyebrows.

They should make up the lower eyelid and the inner corner of the eye section. In this case, you can try lilac, light golden, light green, peach tones.

  • The eyeliner should be slightly feathered - this trick creates the effect of a shadow from the eyelashes.
  • Eyes should be prepared before applying shadows - soften and moisturize the skin, which will not allow the shadows to crumble, it is recommended to use powder.
  • When highlighting the moving eyelid, the shadows should be applied in a thin layer, leaving the outer corner of the eye section unpainted. This will help create a clear uplifting effect.
  • Before proceeding to the eyes, all imperfections should be eliminated with powder, foundation or concealer.

Adhering to these rules, any woman will eventually learn to do perfect makeup eye, highlighting its advantages and skillfully hiding flaws.

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger - in this video:

Another video about eye makeup with eyeliner to visually enlarge them:

  • Expressive makeup for brown eyes
  • Expressive makeup for blue eyes

If you want to do makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, you should think not only about the technique, but also about right choice shades. A certain color scheme can both make the eyes brighter and divert attention from them. We will tell you which shades are best for you.

Makeup rules for expressive eyes

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a color, use our cheat sheet.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

The easiest way, which is suitable for those who are not used to spending a lot of time on makeup, is to use colors that can emphasize the natural shade of the eyes.

  • For example, if you have grey-blue eyes, you can try shades of blue (but they do not have to match the shade of the iris exactly!).
  • And brown will become brighter if you use purple or deep in makeup. blue tint.

If colored shadows are not for you, but you want to visually enlarge your eyes, then apply light shadows in the corner - this will “open up” your eyes and visually make your eyes bigger.

Feel free to experiment with eyeliners and shadows with a shimmer - glitter and graphic lines always attract attention, so your eye makeup will definitely not go unnoticed.

Expressive eye makeup: step by step photo tutorial

Apply a thin layer of foundation or eyeshadow base to your eyelids. Then blend the matte beige shadows. This will create a base for eye makeup, thanks to which it will become brighter, will not fade or roll on the eyelids during the day. Then, with a persistent black eyeliner, paint over the mucous membrane of the eye from below and above, paint over the space between the cilia and walk along the entire ciliary edge. With a small, soft brush, immediately blend the edges.

Apply dark matte or satin shadows to the entire mobile eyelid from above and to the entire lower eyelid. Use a flat, natural bristle brush for this. Choose any shade of shadows - here you can use both rich bright shades and neutral ones: for example, brown, purple, bronze or marsh.

With a so-called “transitional” color that should be slightly darker than the skin color (for example, light brown, muted pink, reddish ash), blend all the shadows to get a haze, and also go over the lower eyelid. To make it look like the eyes have a beautiful almond shape, blend the shadows from the outer corner of the eye towards the temple. To make the shading as soft as possible, take a clean, fluffy brush and walk along the edge of the shading again.

If you want to make your makeup both bright and fresh at the same time, add light shimmery shadows to the center of the moving eyelid. Use your fingertip to do this and gently blend the shadows around the edges. Illuminate the inner corners of the eyes with a highlighter or light shadows with shimmer, and mark the bone under the eyebrow with matte shadows a tone lighter.

Expressive makeup for brown eyes

  • Pastel colors are suitable for owners of brown eyes: pale pink or purple, as well as gold, green and lavender shades.

© reneblackburn

  • If you have dark skin, pistachio or deep purple color will help you. And if you are fair-skinned, then you should pay attention to beautiful copper shades.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Brown-eyed also suit a deep blue tint. With a pencil of this color, draw an arrow and paint over the ciliary contour of the lower eyelid. This will make your eyes look more open. Another option is gold, which will beautifully emphasize the amber color of the eyes.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Another option is smokey using different shades of blue: for example, turquoise or blue-black.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • If you're ready to experiment, try pairing emerald eyeliner with plum mascara. Together with brown eyes metallic will also look good - it will “highlight” the dark color of the eyes.

Expressive makeup for green eyes

To highlight the green color eye, it is important to choose the right color palette that will not merge with it.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • If to be significant event and you want to make an evening make-up, then draw smokey ice using coffee shades with gold. The lighter color should be applied in the corner of the eye, and the darkest color should be applied at the outer edge.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Do you want to emphasize not only color, but also nice shape eye? Your option is a contour eyeliner. Use a gray pencil for this.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • And if you are a master at drawing arrows, then use a plum-colored pencil. Due to the contrast of colors, your eyes will become brighter. And for a quick make-up, you can use shades of pastel pink.

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • But do not think that if you use green colors in makeup, then your eyes will be “lost”. For light green eyes, a swamp-colored pencil is suitable. Blend the arrows at the outer corner of the eye - you get a beautiful haze.

Expressive makeup for blue eyes

You can safely look for makeup ideas for blue eyes on photo reports from the red carpet. Barbara Palvin often opts for soft pink shades of eyeshadow, which makes the face look

Every woman wants to look as attractive as possible. At the same time, any means are used: visits to a cosmetologist to improve facial skin, the use of medical and decorative cosmetics. With the right makeup, making your eyes more expressive is easy, but how to make your eyes expressive without makeup?

Expressive eyes and make-up

When we meet a person, the first thing we pay attention to is the eyes. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the human soul. Big expressive eyes, open look - it always looks attractive.
Of course, there are a huge number of women who will not leave the house until they have applied all the products necessary for makeup. At the same time, this habit is so ingrained and so strong that it seems that it is no longer possible to do otherwise. However, quite often when you come home from work in the evening and wash off all decorative cosmetics from your face, an image appears in the mirror that is noticeably different from the one that was “drawn”. And it is precisely in such in kind your beloved man sees you in the mornings and evenings. Also, not all women want to wear make-up like eye shadow and mascara every day. That is why you need to worry about how to make your eyes more expressive without using makeup.

Eye beauty without make-up

It seems somewhat paradoxical that for greater expressiveness of the eyes, it is necessary to abandon the use of decorative cosmetics. However, it seems so only at first glance. The thing is that the application of artificial colors harm the skin and create an effect only for a while. At the same time, dermatologists have proven that if you refuse to use decorative cosmetics, then in a couple of weeks your eyes will look brighter, a natural blush will appear on your cheeks.

Healthy lifestyle and appearance

Since all processes in the human body are interconnected, the wrong way of life will certainly affect the appearance.

Proper sleep

Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to rest. After all, such little attractive things as fine wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes appear as a result of excessive fatigue. No wonder they say: "Don't go to bed on the day you wake up." continuous healthy sleep will help to correct the shortcomings that have appeared. At least several times a week, you should fall asleep no later than 22 hours. Of course, with the modern pace of life, this is quite problematic, but it is necessary to strive for this.

Eye beauty and computer work

Don't spend too much time in front of a computer monitor. Otherwise, redness of the eyes may appear, and this does not add attractiveness, and here no decorative cosmetics will help. The eyes should look clear and bright, not red and tired. If you still have to spend a lot of time in front of the computer, then you need to adhere to several simple rules- often take breaks in work, at least for a few minutes and periodically perform special exercises for the eyes. This will help preserve both vision and the beauty of the eyes.

Proper nutrition

Now there is a lot of talk about proper nutrition and this is not empty talk. Indeed, what and how much a person eats largely depends on how he looks and it's not just about the figure. Presence in the diet a large number vegetables and fruits will enrich the human body with essential vitamins, and this, in turn, will make the skin more toned and healthy, and the eyes brighter. It is also worth reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages, or even better, completely abandon them.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that you should not drink too much liquid at night. Of course, water is very useful for the body, but not at night. Because it can cause swelling. Puffiness around the eyes in the morning will not make the eyes bigger and the face as a whole more attractive.

More expressive eyes without makeup

achieve more expressive eyes You can do it without using make-up. Properly selected and shaped eyebrow line will make the eyes not only larger in size, but also the look will become more open. Curling or eyelash extensions are another way to make your eyes more attractive without makeup. Hairstyle also plays an important role in this, a professional stylist will help with its choice.

Don't be afraid to ditch your eye makeup. Natural beauty has attracted attention at all times. And the right lifestyle and a few simple rules will help keep it for many years.

Video on the topic of the article: