
The karmic number of the couple is 11. Karmic relationships by date of birth: find out your compatibility with your partner. How to understand that karma has been worked out


Hello! Many spouses at least once in their lives asked themselves the question: is the person next to me going through life? Whether you are suitable for each other will help explain the karmic connection by date of birth.

How to Calculate Spiritual Connection

How to recognize your soul mate? You can compare the signs of the Zodiac, but it is better to identify the karmic relationship between a man and a woman by date of birth.

It is known that karma is called the line of fate, which is given at birth. It marks the different points that a person must go through. Nodal stages can completely change the fate of the individual. That stage is marriage.

The essence of karmic relationships in marriage is the loss of the thread that connects two hearts together. From here, problems in relationships begin, the desire to fight for love disappears. The Vedas call those relationships karmic when there is no spiritual connection between people.

Many marry not for love, but because it is necessary, then they suffer themselves and torment their chosen one. In this case, it is better to wait for your person than to live and suffer. To understand who your destiny is, try to calculate your compatibility by karma.

  • Add up partners' dates of birth
  • .Example: your date of birth is 04/13/1991; your partner - 07/19/1985.
  • Add -1+3+4+1+9+9+1+1+9+7+1+9+8+5= 68.
  • From the resulting number, you must subtract the number 22. Subtract 22 until you get a number less than 22.
  • In our case, the number is 2.

Deciphering karmic connections

Number 1

A couple can be formed by great passion, falling in love, the ability to win hearts. Great achievements await you due to resourcefulness in solving any issues or your ability to present yourself brightly in society. Such a marriage will not last long, you will simply annoy each other. There is a danger that one of you is conducting magical effect.

Number 2

Your connections come from the deep past. The union can render romantic with riddles and secrets. However, excessive wandering in the clouds can spoil the relationship.

Number 3

The relationship will be more influenced by the woman. Perhaps for a man the union is given by karma, and for a woman it is another entertainment or a convenient option. A strong, lasting union is possible only with mutual respect for each other.

Number 4

The union has more to do with a man. Its strength will depend on the behavior of the man.

Number 5

Understanding will reign in marriage, since the karmic connection is strong on a spiritual level. It may not show up right away.

Number 6

Due to many disagreements, the marriage will not be strong, as both partners will be in an eternal search for sensual pleasures more on a subconscious level.

Number 7

A strong connection between two people will help you go through the most difficult trials for the sake of family happiness. The couple is waiting for happiness achieved by their work.

Number 8

A formal union based on calculation and the need to be together. There is no love here. If partners are set up for a long relationship, then communication can bring great joy and quiet life.

Number 9

A good union that will last until old age. A strong connection on a spiritual level, which will not appear immediately.

Number 10

There is a danger that marriage will not bring happiness. A man and a woman will look for each other for a long time or will spin together for a long time without pleasure from their relationship. If the marriage did not immediately work out, then it is better to break it.

Number 11

Low karmic connection. Two people will draw themselves in front of each other, play the role of spouses, but until the end of their days they will not be able to know true happiness and sincerity.

Number 12

Karmically people are too different, it is difficult for them to live together. There is a danger: for one of them, the union can become destructive. Healthy sacrifice will help save a marriage, but not to the detriment of either yourself or those around you.

Number 13

An empty union, but it can lead to a strong change in life.

Number 14

A calm karmic connection that will positively affect the development of children.

Number 15

A destructive connection in which deceit, danger, temptation are hidden. For both or one marriage can be disastrous.

Number 16

Bad karma, which can bring the destruction of material wealth, lead to poverty.

Number 17

A strong, calm, happy, bright marriage. Kindness can last until old age, which brings with it a good understanding with children, grandchildren, and all relatives.

Number 18

Marriage is built on a deep, subconscious desire to be together. The shadow side of the individual can attract, the secret essence of which will help to reveal the relationship.

Number 19

The union is based on light energy.

Number 20

Relationships will force you to reconsider material values ​​and begin to achieve deferred goals.

Number 21

Karmic connection maintained by children.

Number 22

An empty pastime, falling in love with passion, which then leads to emptiness, disappointment, fear.

Find out if this is your person?

How do you know if the person you choose is right for life? There are other ways to identify compatibility in relationships, marriage, love. Look at the signs of compatibility to better understand: you are suitable for each other.

Signs you didn't know about:

  1. Your ability to shop. If one likes to squander money and the other likes to save it, then the relationship may be too tense. The same attitude towards money makes a marriage strong and happy. The stingy and the spender do not get along together.

  2. Mutual friends are a sign of good compatibility. Even better, if your friends, who did not know your half before, became her friends too.
  3. Your partner's friends like you. This is a good sign of compatibility.

  4. Is there any hope for compatibility if people quarrel? If a quarrel occurs 3-4 times a week, then you should think: is everything okay in your marriage? And if you argue, sometimes quarrel, and then completely forget about it, draw the right conclusions, then everything is fine in your family.

  5. Take care of yourself next to each other and it does not annoy you. You accept gifts, realizing that you are loved, a loved one also perceives gifts as a sign of love. You express love in the same way through gifts, touch, sharing homework support in any business.

  6. The ability to compromise. A couple can be called compatible if in conflicts it is able to come to a compromise that suits both lovers.

  7. You have acceptable differences, but they have not become a subject of contention; on the contrary, they contribute to better communication together. Differences are better, more interesting for life than the sameness in everything.

  8. You accept their weirdness. If you can tell each other about your quirks, oddities, secrets, while not repelling each other, but feeling light and free, you can be yourself, telling something that you have never told anyone about - you have real compatibility.

  9. Love to sleep naked. You get pleasure from touching, rejoice when you see each other in the morning, ready for intimacy.

  10. In the presence of another, you can relieve yourself. You don't have to build yourself into something sublime. In any state you feel loved.

  11. The ability to be silent together will help determine compatibility. If it's not boring to sit next to each other in silence, read a book, just snuggle up to each other, then you are a couple!
  12. Conduct intimate conversations, be interesting to each other - a sign of true compatibility.

If the relationship is frustrating

How to break karmic relationships if they are not comfortable? To break, it is necessary to peacefully, kindly resolve all problems, forgive, and then start living again. Unresolved problems will not go anywhere from you, they will follow wherever you go.

You will again find people similar to your ex. And all because you didn’t forgive, didn’t let go of the situation, you pull it along with you. You are again working on karmic connections. If the union does not work out, there is nothing to cling to it, but it is necessary to part cleanly, peacefully, wishing everyone peace and good.

How to work out karma?

In a love relationship, do not commit sins, help people just like that, without gratitude, then even heavy karma can be worked out much faster. Realize your mistakes, start correcting them, repent of the sins that you committed in past relationships, show humility. Respect yourself and your significant other. Accept the person with whom you go through life, the way he is. Stop judging, reproaching, teaching for everything, show concern, help in difficult situation.

How to understand that karma has been worked out?

If you managed to realize the value of your union, changed your relationship with your chosen one, learned lessons, gained wisdom, then in a positive scenario, karma will be reset to zero.

The karmic connection will be reset if there are no conflicts, swearing, constant disputes, jealousy, revenge, envy in the family. It is important not to pay attention to the partner's attempts to organize a quarrel. If he wants to leave, do not forcefully hold him, do not humiliate your and his dignity.

What does karmic debt mean? If the karmic connection is not fully worked out, then a karmic debt will form, which will follow you into the next life or go to your children.

Completing the karmic connection, learn lessons, grow up spiritually. If this does not work out, then you can get into the worst situation. For example, you stopped dating a person, suffered greatly, but he did not disappear from your life, he constantly meets on the way, causing even more pain.

Mentally thank the former chosen one for being in your life, helping to come to insight, reveal hidden energy, forgive and let him go. Thank you again for helping to change your character, your behavior.

Following this behavior, the following may happen:

  • Breaking up because you don't see you together, but you've been taken out useful lessons.
  • Stay together, start a new happy life with pure karma.
  • If you start life from scratch, do not sort things out, avoid creating destructive energy, just be happy.

Dear friends, any, even the most difficult karmic connection can be worked out. Be kind to your chosen one, accept and love him with all the shortcomings, do not try to rudely remake him under the image you have invented and you will be happy!

Love from a magical point of view is any happy and not very long or fleeting union of two people who have real feelings for each other. When human personalities, habits, karmic vectors and worldview are put to the test, one of the most terrifying purgatories on the planet comes.

A karmic marriage is a union of two individuals who were previously well acquainted in one of their past lives. They still had debts to each other, so fate brought them together again. It is likely that in past incarnations they could be spouses, relatives, parents, lovers and even sworn enemies.

Karmic marriage: what is it?

Karmic relationships are quite common. At first glance, it may seem that this is an unlikely union. In itself, the concept of "karma" came to us from the distant and mysterious East. But this does not mean that it is alien to us.

You can consider a karmic marriage on a life example. In a past life, the girl had a boyfriend who loved her very much. He is on it. And she preferred him a middle-aged man, promising excellent prospects.

Many opportunities opened up before a woman: a well-paid job, a large and spacious house, a personal car, travel and a lot of money. The girl chose the option that she was more. She rejected the feelings of a loved one due to personal convictions.

In the next life with a person who did wrong, something similar will happen. He will have to go through this again. Again, he will face a difficult choice and, most likely, will stumble. And so it will continue until he learns a valuable life lesson. The main thing is to always do the right thing, at the behest of the heart.

Often, before entering into a legal marriage, no one studies karma. And in vain, because a lot depends on it. The facts themselves, which usually guide people when linking themselves with a loved one, can tell a lot.

Blind passion is a prime example of a karmic marriage. You can consider a specific situation. In a past life, Viktor Sergeevich was a promising young scientist. Because of his strong love for his girlfriend Alevtina, he quit his scientific work.

In the next life, his main goal is a career, and he literally eschews women. The soul of this person remembers the previous bitter experience. Consequently, on a subconscious level, a man is afraid to tie the knot. This fear can be compared to claustrophobia, arachnophobia.

Karmic laws cannot be undone. That is why in life Viktor Sergeevich finds himself in a similar situation. His fears, as well as all attempts to escape from omnipresent love, are blocked by an amazing mechanism of blind passion. A man falls in love like a teenager, lives with his beloved, raves about her.

Later, protective barriers are destroyed, fear recedes. After some time, he will have to face a similar situation again.

Again, difficult choices will need to be made. It is important to make the right decision, as a lot depends on it. The ideal way out of this situation is to combine work and love.

You can not betray yourself and give up your favorite business. Another striking example of a karmic marriage is the expression "the time has come".

If a person formalizes official relations not out of great love, but because such a moment has come, then this will not lead to anything good. From a biological point of view, the individual has simply achieved the so-called " ". He is ready to create a family, the birth of children.

According to karma, the desire to get married or marry arises at the age when it happened in a past life. Especially if the previous marriage was not very successful. The mistake that has been deposited in karma is waiting for its correction. It seems that fate pushes a person to decisive action.

Special attention should be paid to marriages that are arranged. Often, the epidemic of weddings begins in the last years of university. All ties are cut off, the usual rhythm of life is radically changing, girls and guys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new life stage.

Each person continues to search for a suitable partner. People always choose their companions with a stable financial position, with the presence of real and movable property.

But such a relationship will be happy only if there are strong feelings between young people. The guy and the girl should be connected. If the decision to formalize the marriage comes spontaneously, only for selfish reasons, then the probability of creating happy family equals zero.

From a karmic point of view, such a marriage union is a simple desire to deliberately get rid of problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the spouse. The desire to be happy and not need anything is quite natural. But in fact, no one will solve other people's problems.

No matter what misfortunes a person is hiding from, they will surely overtake him again. This will continue until he finds the strength to solve the problem on his own. If a woman values ​​him most in her husband wages sooner or later he will lose it.

As a result, the couple will be left with nothing. If the fair sex likes the position of her husband in society and reliability, then, unfortunately, he will lose everything in the near future. And these are not tricks of fate at all, but only karmic lessons. Each person is forced to go his own way and learn many things.

Nowadays, many young girls, in order to get rid of excessive parental control, decide to marry a stranger. Because of this, they face many problems that are now associated with the husband.

You need to change, become a person. Do not constantly depend on someone else's opinion. Only in this case life will change for the better.


Close sexual connection during creation new family becomes the basis for marital karma.

On the this moment there are four main ones:

  1. two souls that are connected by the bonds of previous karmic relationships, regardless of whether they are created by attachment to joint happiness or suffering, are attracted to each other to form a new family, as well as to procreate;
  2. man and woman are connected to each other at the highest level, which is in an unchanging state. In this incarnation, the formation of a family for the birth of children takes place;
  3. a single essence from a high Divine plan is divided into two, appearing in the body of a man and a woman. Later, the souls are united in this earthly incarnation. They are temporarily with each other, combined with material, physical passion;
  4. thanks to God's Providence.


The genus is the bearer of huge resources and abilities. There are some indications that the family system is destructive.


The relationship of the couple develops rapidly over a short period of time. Major life events unfold at lightning speed. The young couple does not have time to come to their senses, as it turns out to be legally married.

Feelings of young people flash like a match. They flare up stronger with each new day. The lovers don't even have time to understand what's going on. Having cooled down a bit, the partners wonder how all this could happen.

Craving for change

A man and woman in love are often drawn to fundamental changes. Often, having entered into a karmic marriage, a couple decides to move to a permanent place of residence in another city. Young people are concerned about the desire to start life from scratch. They change apartments, cut off old ties, delete close friends from their lives.

Problems with children

If, while meeting a person, you have the feeling that you have known him all your life, you may have already met in the distant past. You can determine the karmic connection by the date of birth.

Everyone has a chance to meet a kindred spirit. However, there is an opinion that such fateful meetings can be dangerous and even lead to unpleasant consequences. It should not be ruled out that acquaintance with a potential life partner may not be accidental: perhaps you have already met him in a past life. There are many ways to recognize karmic relationships, but the site's experts suggest you use the most effective of them. To do this, you only need to know the date of birth of your partner.

Signs of a karmic connection

According to the laws of the Universe, not a single meeting in our life happens by chance. Before determining a karmic connection by date of birth, you can pay attention to the signs pointing to it. Perhaps with their help you can understand that your partner not just a soul mate, but a messenger of fate.

Known all my life. If you have a karmic connection with a person, first of all you will have the feeling that you have known him for a very long time. Sometimes it may seem to you that you are familiar with all of his habits, addictions, so you can literally understand each other perfectly.

Sudden acquaintance. Perhaps, a few minutes before your acquaintance, you did not even guess that after a couple of minutes you would meet a life partner or best friend. This will not seem strange to some, but sometimes such a combination of circumstances is not at all a mere accident.

You are drawn to each other with great force. If you cannot live a single day without a person, you may be in a karmic relationship. This attraction is very difficult to explain, but if even a short breakup drives you crazy, then there is reason to think.

The rapid development of relations. Sometimes lovers rejoice when their relationship develops at great speed. Many of them mistakenly think that the reason for such rapid development is strong love. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In some cases, this may mean that you have become a hostage to a karmic relationship.

Abrupt changes in life. Yesterday you did not even think about changing your place of residence, and today a new acquaintance has turned your life upside down and you are ready to follow him to the ends of the world. Do not succumb to emotions: before deciding on such changes, you should think about everything well. If karmic relationships go too far, getting rid of them will be much more difficult.

Diseases and ailments. If, after meeting a person, you began to get sick more often and suffer from emotional experiences, there is a chance that you have become part of a karmic relationship. In this case, the harmful connection should be broken immediately, otherwise the consequences may be sad.

Relationships make you suffer. Constant quarrels and disagreements make it hard for you to be with this person, but it is much more difficult to imagine your life without him. The problem is that it is very difficult to break the karmic connection, but it must be done. If the current relationship makes you suffer, you need to step over yourself and take the first step towards breaking.

Relationships are like a script. If you often communicate with a person using lines from books, TV series or films, this is a clear sign that your relationship is proceeding according to the script. In most cases, this means that you are bound by karma.

You often see a person in a dream. If you dream of a loved one occasionally, there is nothing to worry about. If he visits your dreams daily, your connection with him can be dangerous for both him and you.

Love addiction. Addiction itself is a disease. If you are literally dependent on a person and suffer during his absence, first you need to contact a psychologist. If visits to a specialist did not bring a positive result, perhaps the cause of addiction is a karmic connection.

How to determine a karmic connection by date of birth

Having determined the karmic connection using the date of birth, you can once again confirm that there is a person next to you with whom you have already met. For calculations, you need to use your dates of birth.

For example, your date of birth is 08/15/1982, your loved one is 05/22/1987.

It is necessary to sum up all the numbers - 1+5+0+8+1+9+8+2+2+2+0+5+1+9+8+7=68.

You only need the last digit, with which you can find out the result.

0 — the resulting number indicates that your couple does not have a joint future.

1 — such relationships are mostly based on passion, but karma has nothing to do with them. As soon as feelings begin to fade, the love union will cease to exist.

2 — you have already met once in the past, and your love was strong. However, in this life, the connection between you is unlikely to lead to a good result.

3 — in such a union, the woman is the main one. If a man can accept this, then the relationship can last a long time.

4 — there is a karmic connection in such relationships, but it is very weak. Therefore, partners are not in danger.

5 — a strong spiritual and karmic connection, because of which people are drawn to each other. Such relationships can last for a very long time.

6 — dangerous number. It means that in the past the partners were very close, but one of them died early, which made the other suffer. Relationships can be long and painful.

7 — successful union. The number seven promises partners a long and happy life together.

8 — in numerology, this number is considered the symbol of infinity. It says that the partners met in a past life and will meet more than once in the future.

9 — there is no karmic connection, so the duration of the relationship depends only on the partners themselves.

If you suspect that you are currently in a karmic relationship, do not worry in advance. They are not always dangerous: some in such an alliance get the opportunity to solve all the problems that haunted them in a past life. If you feel that the relationship does not bring you anything but problems, then you will be able to break the connection and find your true life partner. We wish you happiness and love,and don't forget to press the buttons and

". It goes back to ancient Indian religious philosophy. It is understood as the actions of higher forces that regulate our lives. From Sanskrit, it can be translated as "retribution." The law of karma is to get in life what you deserve by your actions. In the karmic system, a person is responsible for all the moments that occur in his life. Some simply consider karma to be synonymous with fate. It relates to most aspects of our lives, including relationships.

Fateful connection between people

In the course of life, we meet a huge number of people. These meetings are different. With some people we part in a few seconds, while with others we stay for life. All these processes are not random. People who appear in our destiny are given by the highest law of justice according to the qualities of our life.

Have you met a new person, and you have the feeling that you have known him for a thousand years? Are you kindred spirits with him? This state can be explained by the fact that you knew each other in past lives. You could be:

  • friends,
  • enemies
  • relatives,
  • lovers
  • spouses,
  • colleagues.

It is impossible to determine exactly who you were for each other. The only thing that is absolutely clear is that you experienced something strong. And now you met again to continue them or solve problems that you did not have time to cope with in the last incarnation. Relations with such a person will be a karmic connection.

How to determine a karmic connection with a person?

You have met your kindred spirit. You understand each other perfectly and cannot get enough of each other. It seems to you that with this person life will pass in constant joy and harmony. But don't jump to conclusions. There are two categories of karmic relationships: creative and destructive.

A creative karmic connection. In a past life, you may have been a very good person. You were open to the world and people. They helped everyone, shared their savings, did not leave people in difficult situations. And with your beloved in the past earthly incarnation, you created true love which, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, can wait, be merciful, does not consist of envy, anger or irritation, can go through everything. You were honest with your loved one and helped him in everything. In this case, the universal karmic law will reward you with a fair reward.

With a karmic connection, the same person with whom you were in a past life will be with you. Fate gives you a chance to establish yourself in your true love affair, which has already lasted for more than one millennium. But do not relax, you must accept this gift with due respect.

Realizing that the person with whom you are creating a karmic connection is with you, you should try to create harmony in your relationship. This energy has a positive meaning, but it is extremely strong!

To cope with it, you need to lead morally good image life, to truly love your person. Then you will continue the great cycle of your love energy in the Universe.

Negative karmic connection. You met a person with whom you are very good together. You can't imagine a day without it. Even mental separation from him gives you the greatest heartache? Perhaps this is your destiny or your cross, which is given to you for the mistakes of the past.

We all do bad deeds towards our neighbors on our life path. It is not necessary that we killed someone in a past life or left without a roof over our heads. No. Hundreds of years ago, you could be with someone you cheated on, betrayed, or otherwise hurt. Or he brought it to you. It would seem, why meet with him again, already in the current incarnation? But the karmic law is not guided by our mundane logic. It comes from the eternal laws of the universe, which are much older than humanity and in general everything that was created.

The Universe allows you to experience a karmic connection with this person for pedagogical purposes. You are given a chance to try to create a good relationship with him or stop them, if for hundreds of centuries they have finally come to a standstill. How to be, of course, you decide. Each person must himself bear responsibility for his life and for his actions, which is what the laws of karmic truths want to teach us.

The situations can be quite varied. You may have a person with whom you experienced a crazy romantic ecstasy. You accepted him as your destiny, but he began to be rude or deceive you. You leave him, but some unknown force pulls you to him again and again. You come back and everything repeats again.

You must clearly understand for yourself if you have repeatedly tried to fix your relationship, but this has not brought results, you must immediately leave this person and cut off any contacts with him.

The law of karma is just, but also harsh. A karmic connection can bring you a share of intense suffering. If you realize that the karmic connection only gives you pain, then you need to immediately interrupt it, otherwise it will be repeated in new incarnations, and it will ruin your life now.

Signs of a common share between partners

The general share has a number of possible signs that are associated with extraordinary situations in life. Below we will give the most striking examples that can make it clear that your relationship with your loved one is a karmic connection.

    Without logic. Your relationship began completely from scratch, for no apparent reason. The share of illogicality can manifest itself in a large difference in age, in earnings, in habits, or you are just completely out of different cultures and social strata. You could have known each other for a very long time, but one meeting determined that you like each other and will be together.
    Swiftness. Your union is created very quickly. You seem to be led by some kind of force, which in one or two months of relationship will take you right down the aisle. When this obsession is gone, you simply will not understand how and what moved you in those crazy days. By removing the veil from your eyes, you can consciously fall in love with this person or, conversely, you will realize that he does not suit you at all.
    Abrupt change of scenery. If at the very beginning of the relationship you moved with your lover to a new place of residence, maybe even to another country. They began to communicate less with a relative, changed the circle of friends. All these factors show that your relationship is conditioned by the laws of karmic connection.
    Childlessness. If the Universe does not give you children in marriage, then you should concentrate your spiritual efforts on solving problems with your half. You can't blame each other for this situation. Both of you decided to create this union and all problems must be solved jointly. If both partners realize this, then they can adopt a child, if only one - the Universe will give him a second chance with another person, with whom he will most likely already have his own children.
    Serious problems. After a couple joint years lived happily, it may turn out that one of the partners suffers from some kind of ailment: addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling. It may also turn out that he is sick with an incurable disease that will bring him pain and an early death. This is an example of a negative karmic connection in which you pay for the mistakes of a past life. And again, it all depends on your understanding of these events. Perhaps this connection is aimed at bringing you suffering, or maybe it gives you a chance to carry the cross of pain with this person and make amends for the guilt that you caused him in the past incarnation.
    Wrestling. This is one of the most important signs of a karmic connection. Your life with this person is one big test - this. He got you, destroying another family. Or, on the contrary, during your relationship, he himself seeks to leave or you from him. You understand the gravity of your union, but there is nothing you can do about it. There is a kind of repetition of the phases of "love" and "hate", which replace each other in a circle.

Calculation of karmic proximity between two halves

You can understand whether your relationship is a karmic connection not only by observing the processes in your relationship, but also by using. You need to match yours with the dates of your half.

For example, 07/23/1990 and 07/01/1985. Now you need to sum up the individual numbers in these dates. In both cases, you get 31. This is a direct indication that your marriage is a karmic connection.

Also, values ​​\u200b\u200bwhen the results are multiples of each other fall under the karmic connection. For example, 30 and 40 or 21 and 49. If, in your calculations, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare not the same or not a multiple of each other, then your relationship is not of a karmic nature, but certainly they can become successful and happy.

If the number 10 is present in your date of birth, you do not need to break it into units, but sum it up as 10. For example, 10.03.1955 will be equal to 33.

A karmic connection can be a gift from higher powers, or it can become a punishment. Most importantly, if you find that your relationship fits the description of a karmic connection, then try to realize that your life is part of one big story that began a very long time ago and continues now. And it is in your power to influence it.

A karmic relationship is a connection between two people who already knew each other in their past lives and experienced deep emotions in this relationship. When it seems to us that a meeting with some person was destined by Fate, we can assume that we are talking about karma.

BUT find out if there is karmic love or a karmic relationship between a man and a woman, you can use numerology - by the date of birth of both partners, calculating them.

The karmic connection of a man and a woman in the present does not necessarily refer to the love experience of past lives. In their previous incarnations, the two could be just friends, and relatives, and work colleagues, and lovers. In other words, the type of relationship in the past is unimportant, what matters is that the experience was shared and very memorable.

Speaking of karmic love, now for some reason most often they mean complex, difficult, addictive and exhausting relationships. At the same time, they are called bad karma, hard fate, hard fate. However, karmic relationships are both destructive, negative, negative, and healing, positive, positive, creative.

Positive, creative karmic relationships

If in real life two met and fell in love, thanks to good karma, it means that in past incarnations they were a happy couple, led a harmonious life, did not change or betray their loved ones. And since none of them accumulated karmic debts, Fate rewarded them with one more happy life together and planned their meeting in advance.

It does not matter if they had other relationships and marriages before, when and at what age they met. What matters is that these two were destined to connect and experience true happiness.

Positive, positive karmic relationships are given to people so that they become better, moving along the path of spiritual growth, understanding and forgiving a partner, supporting him, not trying to change a loved one to please himself.

Negative, negative karmic relationships

Destructive karmic relationships can be determined by several features: as a rule, they are distinguished by the fact that from the first minutes of meeting people begin to feel an irresistible attraction to each other, and it begins to seem to them that they have known each other all their lives. There is a quick "recognition" of your soulmate, love at first sight.

A sign of the beginning of karmic relationships is also the speed of their development. Due to emotional closeness, two people either get married very quickly, or radically change their lifestyle, breaking off former ties. This is due to the fact that their meeting seems to people to be a real sign of Fate.

However, such an idyll at the beginning of a relationship later develops into a series of disappointments. Living together brings misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts, lies and betrayals. Relationships cause unbearable pain to one or both partners, which often leads to the emergence of bad habits and addictions that lead one or both spouses down the path of self-destruction.

Destructive, negative karmic relationships can also be assumed on the basis of the absence of children in such couples. In a situation of karmic love, two people experience difficulties with procreation, even if both sincerely want to have children. Sometimes it also happens that a child is still born, but is born sick, with congenital pathology or even die at an early age.

Negative, negative karmic love in real life, it is usually filled with hardships and suffering, it can be called mutual torment, when two people both love and hate each other at the same time. When they are together, it is bad and hard for them, but as soon as they part, they again begin to be drawn to each other. However, after the resumption of relations, quarrels and conflicts continue with renewed vigor.

Karmic relationships and karmic love by date of birth - how to calculate

Find out if love and relationships are karmic, will help . To do this, add up the number of dates of birth of each person. At the same time, “zeros” are not taken into account, except for those cases when there is “10” in the date or month of birth. That's how you get partners.

If, as a result of the calculation, two identical numbers were obtained, it means that the meeting did not happen by chance, and the relationship between a man and a woman is definitely karmic.

If the final numbers are different, then they turn to the second rule that applies to love karma: karmic birth numbers that have a common multiple of "11" or are in the range from "3" to "9" indicate the presence of signs of a karmic connection in love and relationships.

Karmic love by date of birth sometimes they are determined without resorting to numerology, but by the difference in the age of the partners: if it is a multiple of “5” - 5, 10 or 15 years, then such relationships are also classified as karmic.

Some sources offer a way to determine karmic relationships by summing up all the numbers of partners' dates of birth, followed by reducing the total to a figure less than or equal to "22". However, such an algorithm is not correct, since it is calculated only on Tarot cards.

On our site, you can use the online calculation form and quickly find out if your relationship with your loved one is karmic.

Karmic relationships by date of birth - calculate online

To calculate online and find out if your relationship with a partner is karmic, predetermined by Fate, select your and your partner’s date of birth in the form and click the button "Calculate karmic relationships".

Your date of birth: Partner's date of birth:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900
Calculate karmic relationships

You are clearly dealing with a karmic relationship, the purpose of which is either reward or punishment for past sins. Whether your relationship is positive and uplifting or negative and destructive, your relationship will benefit you enormously. It is thanks to this relationship, this love, that you will be able to realize your mistakes and correct your life for the better.

Your relationship is not accidental and is karmic in nature. It is most likely that there is a connection between you from past incarnations that requires working off mutual debts. It is karma that holds you together. You need to go through life in one direction, but at the same time, one of you must take on the role of a leader, and the other - become a follower.

There is an indicator of a very strong karmic attraction in your relationship. Most likely, it will be difficult for you to leave forever, even if you want to do it. However, these relationships are very complex. They either help each of you choose the right life path, or, conversely, lead astray, increasing the karmic debt of each even more.

There are karmic signs in your relationship. Either the striking similarity of your characters, or the polar differences in everything, can tell you about them. If difficulties, conflicts, misunderstandings constantly appear in your union, but for some reason you simply cannot break off relations in any way, then this is a manifestation of karma.

There are very few karmic attachments in your relationship. The only thing that can probably be an echo of past incarnations is an equally strong desire to create a family. You have every chance to live together all your life, but love will fade into the background over time.

There are karmic signs in your relationship with your partner. Probably, at some stage of development, your union will come to a standstill. However, this will not have fatal consequences. Children can become a deterrent if you have them at the time of the relationship crisis.

Your relationship has signs of karmic. In the process of developing your union, one of you, or both of you, may suffer from your own selfishness. If you begin to suffer from narcissism, then it will be quite easy to solve the problem. If your partner becomes selfish, then there will be more difficulties. Even if you manage to come to terms with the shortcomings of the second half, it is far from a fact that you can live with this.

There are signs of karmic attachments in your relationship. Usually they manifest themselves in the union of people who are ready to do anything for the sake of the family. In previous incarnations, each of you behaved correctly in relation to your soulmate and your family, so in this life you will not have to pay for the mistakes made in a past life.

In the relationship that binds you, there are signs of karmic. You and your partner in the development of the union may encounter incompatibility in needs and desires. If you strive for success and happy marriage, then it is better to dot all the “i” from the very beginning of the relationship.

Signs of karmic echoes of the past that you have in your union warn that your relationship is likely to constantly go in circles. Although you will find a way out of a certain difficult situation, it will be repeated periodically. All the bad things that you managed, at first glance, to get rid of forever, will again and again return to your relationship. Your quarrels will be repeated, which will most likely lead to a break in relations. The only way out is to give more freedom to your soulmate.

There are signs of karmic attachments from past incarnations in your relationship. Most likely, your union has a material interest, or in your relationship there is a financial dependence of one partner on another. Most often, such unions are not built on love, but on the desire of one person to get something material from another.

There are very few karmic attachments in your relationship. As a rule, nothing threatens happiness in such an alliance. In such a relationship, both partners will be happy, as they can fully trust each other without fear of being deceived.

There are no signs of a karmic connection from past incarnations in your relationships and love. Even if your relationship is difficult, if conflicts, quarrels or misunderstandings occur in them, the reasons for this should not be explained by the influence of karma and difficult Fate.

Do not forget that all unions have their ups and downs, their white and black stripes, their successes and failures. Everyone faces trials in relationships, only some couples go through these difficulties, learning life lessons and strengthening relationships, while others choose the path of divorce or breakup.