
How to apply everyday makeup. Makeup for every day for brown eyes. A set of cosmetics for a teenager


Every morning a woman wakes up with the thought that the first thing she needs to do is to clean herself up, wash her face, do her hair and attractive makeup. But the rapid pace of life dictates the rules, and every minute counts, so it’s impossible to look in all its glory. Hurrying to work, girls and women create sloppy makeup that changes the attitude of others.

Makeup gets better throughout the day, but it only makes it worse appearance. But I really want to create a presentable image that attracts the attention of the opposite sex, opens doors in any direction. But how to make a light make-up in 15 minutes, remaining attractive and radiant throughout the day?

Proper simple makeup hides the flaws of appearance, emphasizing the dignity. Correctly executed make-up is light and barely noticeable, not reminiscent of a mask or a layer of plaster. It takes 15 minutes to complete, but in order to achieve a result, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the intricacies of makeup.

Create an easy look

To create a beautiful makeup, you need to take care of the following points:

  • cleansed skin. Care must be taken that there are no redness, pimples on the face, dark spots and terrible circles under the eyes. Making your skin perfect is not difficult, just take care of it. proper nutrition, increase the time spent on fresh air, observe the mode of rest and activity, increase the consumption of clean water. It is recommended to exfoliate the face once a week, then apply nourishing masks. At night and during the day, ensure the supply of moisture through moisturizing creams;
  • professional set of cosmetics, tools and accessories. If until this moment there was no place in the arsenal professional means, now you should take care of it. Cosmetics from the professional series are a guarantee of high-quality make-up, for the condition of which you will not have to blush. It is important to have high-quality tools of the same series on hand.

Necessary set of cosmetics

It is not enough to have mascara, shadows, lipstick and blush in the set. Simple makeup involves the use of additional tools:

  • cleansing tonic. It will remove dirt and oil from the skin, give a healthy matte tone;
  • day face cream. It is applied before creating makeup, so that the tonal base lies on the skin as lightly and evenly as possible;
  • tone cream, mousse It is recommended to give preference to the basics of light texture, such as BB or CC creams. These products combine the main components for toning and facial skin care, ensuring the elimination of visible imperfections. When choosing a tone, one should build on the natural color of the skin so that there is no dissonance;
  • concealer. An integral attribute of the lung and natural makeup, hides acne and dark circles around the eyes. Visible flaws will become invisible to others;
  • loose powder. It is not recommended to apply compact knocked down powder as it clogs pores. Light mineralized loose powder will keep the make-up, providing durability for the whole day;
  • pencil or eyeliner. The shade is chosen based on the color of the eyes and the type of appearance. So, brown tones are recommended for blondes, and black for brunettes;
  • Eyeshadow Palette. The abundance of colors suitable for the type provides more options for creating an image. Be sure to include light and dark shades in the set;
  • Mascara. When choosing this tool, you should decide on the desired effect: lengthening, adding volume or separation of eyelashes;
  • eyebrow pencil and shadows are selected taking into account the natural color of the hair, 1-2 shades darker;
  • lipstick or lip gloss. The shade is chosen based on the color of the hair and skin. Matte texture lipstick looks great, it has a little shine on the middle of the lower lip, visually adding volume.

When creating daytime makeup, it is recommended to stay on light shades. Bright colors in everyday make-up are unacceptable, it is better to save them for an evening look. Light daily makeup designed to give the image of tenderness and freshness.

Create simple everyday makeup

Let's move on to the design of the face and applying makeup for every day.

  • cleanse the skin with a toner. This will give a matte finish and remove oily sheen from the face;
  • A thin layer of daytime moisturizer is applied. This will make the skin velvety and smooth;
  • if there are flaws, you need to carefully mask them with a concealer. It is applied only to areas that require correction;
  • after that, the main tone is applied with a soft sponge or finger;
  • loose transparent powder will help to fix the tonal foundation, special attention should be paid to the T-zone;
  • the eyebrow line must be highlighted with a pencil or shadows. After that, it is recommended to comb them carefully;
  • light eye makeup is limited to graceful arrows on the upper eyelid, which can be done with eyeliner or a pencil;
  • arrows can be replaced with shadows using one light tone. If the image provides for a heavier option, light arrows and several shades of shadows blend well;
  • mascara is the final detail in eye makeup. It is enough to paint over the eyelashes in 1 layer;
  • if the emphasis is on the eyes, then you should choose light shades of lipstick or a transparent gloss. If there are only arrows or light shadows on the eyelids, you should highlight your lips with bright tones of lipstick.

An example of a successful simple makeup for every day is presented in the video:

Just to be in time for fifteen minutes. And so every day. Or rather, morning. You need to quickly and efficiently apply makeup to your face - light and high-quality. How to create it correctly? Now let's get acquainted with the nuances.

What cosmetics are suitable for daily makeup

In addition to the usual kit - shadows, mascara, lipstick, blush - some more ingredients are needed.
  • Cleansing toning liquid - removes skin impurities, the complexion becomes matte.
  • Day cream for the face - it is necessary in order for the makeup to fit perfectly on the face.
  • Foundation - when choosing it, pay attention to creams that are light in texture - for example, CC cream. It combines two important effects - care and toning of skin imperfections. Its color should perfectly match your natural skin tone.
  • Concealer - perfectly masks skin imperfections.
  • The powder should be loose - this keeps the make-up firm, does not weigh it down.
  • The color of the eyeliner pencil is selected depending on the type of appearance. It is better to refuse a black pencil for blondes, prefer brown.
  • The more colors your eyeshadow palette includes, the wider the choice of everyday makeup options will be. But it must have both light and dark tones.
  • When choosing a mascara, decide what effect you want to achieve from its use: lengthening, volume, color saturation.
  • Eyebrows tint with a special pencil or shadows a tone darker than the color of the hair.
  • Based on the color of the hairstyle, choose the tone of the lipstick. It can have different textures - matte, mother-of-pearl, glossy, with sparkles.
When creating everyday makeup, try to choose a light, calm range of colors. Leave bright colors for evening makeup. And light, everyday is invisible to the naked eye.

Tools for everyday makeup

To create the right and flawless everyday makeup, you need to have a set of special tools.
  • Set of brushes. It includes: a brush for applying the base; 3-4 eyeshadow brushes, eyelash and eyebrow brush, lipstick brush.
  • Sponge needed to distribute the foundation. Better to have two.
  • Eyebrow tweezers, without which it is impossible to correct the shape of the eyebrows.
These tools must be kept in perfect condition, so get a special box for them. All of them should be washed and cleaned after use.

Create everyday makeup

Daily makeup for green eyes

Choose your color carefully - the best pastel shades. For green-eyed beauties, the purple range of shadows is well suited - from delicate lilac to dark eggplant. The original for such eyes will be makeup with purple mascara on the eyelashes. Lips make up with lipstick of a warm shade.

Makeup for every day for brown eyes

This should be done in a gentle and warm palette of colors. But there may be brighter blotches, for example, lipstick and wine-colored blush. For brown eyes with pale skin, silver and purple shades and berry-colored lipstick are suitable.

Makeup for every day for blue and gray eyes

It has some features. Blue-eyed and gray-eyed beauties have an interesting property: depending on the lighting, clothing and makeup itself, the color of the eyes can change. If you want to focus on the heavenly blue of the eyes, then choose the shades of pearl blue, and the lipstick is a natural shade. With gray eyes, it is better to refuse shadows, and make a beautiful eyeliner on the eyelids and paint the eyelashes with mascara. Lipstick is not very catchy.
Video tutorial on how to do makeup for every day

The desire to attract attention often leads to the creation of a defiant image that is not combined with the requirements of a daytime make-up. Makeup for every day is light and natural, imperceptible, but hides flaws, emphasizes dignity, but not defiant. The creation of this perfection does not take much time on a daily basis, if you follow some rules.

What cosmetics do you need for light makeup?

Skin preparation: cleansing and moisturizing

Cleansing and moisturizing every day precede the application of light makeup.
Cleanse according to skin type.

Oily and combined are cleaned with water-washable products: gels and mousses. Milk and cream with a soothing effect are used for dry and sensitive skin.

Tonics are tailored to the needs of the skin. oily skin tone with a tonic with a matting effect. Combination skin differs in the degree of oiliness on the face. Toning provides the necessary balance. Moisturizing requires dry skin and soothing - sensitive.

Any type of skin after tonic requires moisturizing. This is done with a moisturizer. Creams differ in composition depending on the type of skin and the desired goals: matting, nutrition, moisturizing, narrowing pores, etc.

Evening skin tone: makeup base, tonal and concealer

Primer is the basis of make-up, which gives it stability, makes the skin surface even, hides pores and wrinkles. The tonal coverage is thin and natural lays down on the primer.

Base options:

  • without color or having color;
  • matting and moisturizing effect;
  • makes the tone lighter or accentuates the tan.

On skin without obvious imperfections, the primer is not used.

Types of correctors:

  • base corrector - primer for the whole face;
  • corrector-cream - for obvious skin imperfections;
  • pencil, etc.

Correctors vary in color.

Each is responsible for a specific problem: age spots, bruises, allergies, etc.:

  • White color- dark patches of skin and freckles, for fair skin or emphasizing bulges;
  • lavender color- unhealthy yellow or green color face, bruising at the final stage;
  • blue with purple tint- pigmentation, self-tanning;
  • green- masks rashes with redness, allergies;
  • pink- universal color: dark circles under the eyes, veins, pigmentation, etc., suitable for artificial lighting;
  • apricot with red tint- adds freshness age skin with a gray or olive tint;
  • Orange- bright bruises on dark skin;
  • yellow- for purple tints on the skin: bruises, circles under the eyes, etc., used in sunlight;
  • beige- an additional layer of correction on top of neutralizing colors;
  • blue- bright tan.

It is important to carefully blend any makeup product, including corrector. Apply with fingers or brushes. It depends on personal preference.
Dark circles under the eyes are removed by concealers. With the disguise of other skin imperfections will not help. For bruises, yellow shades are used.

Important! Concealer is used lighter than skin tone.

Reflective particles light up the required area. Concealers are applied to the tonal foundation and shade the borders. When masking imperfections, the concealer is patted onto the foundation and powdered.

Eyebrow shaping

Eyebrow design is an important aspect of any kind of makeup, including light daytime makeup. Before registration, overgrown eyebrows are plucked, a correction is made.

The following rules will help you carry out the procedure yourself:

  1. Don't pluck your eyebrows before applying makeup.
  2. Carry out the procedure in bright light.
  3. You can pull out and not break off the hair only with high-quality tweezers.
  4. Disinfection of skin and instruments is mandatory.
  5. Pulling out hairs in the direction of growth prevents ingrown hairs.
  6. Outlining the shape of the eyebrow will ensure the creation of the desired image.
  7. The thickness of the eyebrow is not wide and not narrow, the same in length, decreasing from the bend towards the end.
  8. Long hairs are cut with an indent of 1 mm.

Eyebrow makeup tips:

  1. From the bottom of the eyebrow, a wide line is drawn with a beige-pink pencil.
  2. Above the line, the eyebrow is stained with a pencil or special shadows. The thickness of the eyebrow does not change before the bend, after it narrows.
  3. The naturalness of the image is achieved by shading with a hard brush without violating the outlined boundaries.
  4. Use a cotton swab to smooth the edges of the drawn pink line.
  5. Colored or clear brow gel sets makeup.

It is important to respect the natural personality, including the shape of the eyebrow without a strong change. The color of the pencil is chosen in accordance with the color of the shadows or ink.

Eye makeup: shadows, pencil, mascara

Eye color and skin tone are the basis for choosing the color of the shadows, which corrects the shape of the eyes, emphasizes the color and expressiveness. The contrast of the color of the shadows with the color of the eyes is important, the match will not emphasize the brightness of the eyes.

Shadow types:

  • dry - applied with an applicator and lie flat on the skin to create more bright color- wet;
  • pencil - convenient for beginners;
  • liquid - resistant, used as an eyeliner, suitable for professionals;
  • cream - quickly roll down.

Tips for using eyeshadow colors:

  • light - visually enlarge the eyes;
  • dark - for naturally expressed eyes, when wearing glasses;
  • black, red, neon - for parties;
  • beige, golden, pale lilac - daily makeup.

Light shadows are applied to the moving eyelid, dark ones - to the outer corner of the eye, a bright line - along the border of eyelash growth.

Makeup durability is achieved by powdering each layer of shadows.

Table - The dependence of the color of the shadows on the color of the eyes

Technics " smoky eyes» allows you to do expressive eyes. smoky makeup does not mean using only black and gray shadows. In this technique, shadows of any color are applicable.

It is important to follow the basic techniques - enveloping the eyes with the help of haze shadows:

  • the lightest color - on the upper eyelid,
  • dark - along the lash line;
  • shade;
  • light shadows - on the inner corner of the eye.

Light make-up for every day does not accept black and graphite shadows in a smoky technique.
With the help of a pencil, the shape of the eye is formed, additional expressiveness of the look is emphasized. Unlike eyeliner, mistakes in drawing with a pencil are easily corrected with a cotton swab.

Eyeliner will facilitate the execution of the arrow. The evenness of the arrow is important, otherwise the makeup looks careless. With a pencil, the arrows are softer, with an additional mysterious look.

With the help of mascara, the final design of the look is created. Depending on the wishes, the mascara increases the length, volume, splendor of the eyelashes. Large palettes of colors are presented. Apply mascara in zigzags. It lifts and fixes them.

Highlighting cheekbones

Highlighting the cheekbones is achieved by creating the effect of light on the face. For this, dimming and highlighting agents are used.

Selection methods:

  • blush - create a natural skin tone;
  • highlighter and bronzer - highlighting or additional tan on the skin;
  • dark shade concealer - creates a facial contour;
  • powder - a darker shade under the cheekbone will create a visual highlight;
  • tint - used instead of blush.

Rules for choosing cheekbone highlighters:

  • lack of sparkles in the corrector;
  • for each cosmetic product a separate brush;
  • beauty blender - a drop-shaped sponge for applying cosmetics;
  • the color of the bronzer is 1.5 tones darker than the color of the skin, close to the color of a tan;
  • The optimal color of the blush corresponds to the color of the redness of the skin.

Lip makeup

Lips are a tricky part of makeup. Contour pencil and lipstick change the shape of the lips, their attractiveness. Without lip makeup, the look will not be finished.

Lip selection rules:

  • the color match of the pencil and lipstick or the pencil is a little darker;
  • a white pencil adds visual volume, a nude one - to correct the shape;
  • light lipstick visually enlarges the lips, dark - reduces;
  • pink reflects skin imperfections, gum color will help you navigate with pink;
  • the contour line is applied more easily with a pencil warmed up in the hands, naturalness is achieved by shading;
  • gloss visually makes lips plump;
  • prioritize makeup: eyes or lips, both accents are not allowed at the same time;
  • matte lipstick is not suitable for thin lips.

Lip makeup depending on the shape:

  • plump lips- do not draw a contour, saturated shades with mother-of-pearl are acceptable in evening make-up, during the day, the shine of natural colors is used;
  • thin lips- give up cold dark tones, limit matte lipsticks, apply pink and beige glosses and lipsticks, the color of the pencil and lipstick are the same;
  • small lips- the use of reflective particles, the rejection of dark lipsticks in favor of bright mother-of-pearl shades.

Quick makeup for every day

Light make-up steps for every day:

Light makeup: option for teenagers

A set of cosmetics for a teenager:

  • transparent lip gloss;
  • brown or gray eye and eyebrow pencil;
  • powder;
  • ink brown or gray;
  • corrector with bactericidal action;
  • light shades of warm and cold shades;
  • brushes.

Makeup Rules:

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin is a necessary initial step.
  2. The corrector will mask skin inflammation.
  3. Pastel colors will help to avoid vulgarity in teenage makeup.
  4. Be sure to remove makeup and cleanse your skin before going to bed.
  5. Scrubs, masks, creams, etc. are connected to the skin care of a teenager.

Stages of daytime makeup for a teenager:

Compliance with these rules creating a lung makeup for every day will not create a feeling of heaviness on the face and emphasize the dignity of a teenager. Other occasions: disco, party, etc. allow the use of eyeliner, shadows and lipstick, but in limited quantities.

Video about light daily makeup

How to do makeup for every day:

Natural daily makeup option for brown eyes:

To be in time in 15 minutes ... Such a difficult task confronts each modern girl in the morning when she tries to create an attractive make-up. In our hectic pace of life, when every minute counts, it is not always possible to be in all its splendor. In a hurry to go to work or school in the morning, but wanting to look perfect, girls put on awkward makeup and go about their business. Throughout the day, they continually correct their make up, eliminating morning imperfections. But it is very important for every girl to have a presentable appearance, how to be? How to create the right daily makeup in the morning for so a small amount of time and still be stunning all day?

What do we know about makeup? Any make-up is created in order to emphasize all your advantages and hide unpleasant appearance flaws. Right everyday makeup should not resemble a mask with a layer of plaster, it should be light, barely noticeable and of course attractive. And of course, it should take as little time as possible to create it. To make a beautiful makeup for every day, you must familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

What is needed to create beautiful makeup for every day?

  1. Ideal skin, which will be completely free of imperfections: redness, pimples, age spots, dark circles, bags under the eyes. To bring the skin of the face into ideal condition, you must take care of proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, sound sleep as well as drinking enough fluids. In addition to all these daily procedures, you should exfoliate the skin of the face once a week, and then make nourishing masks. Don't forget to apply daily cream, day and night, according to your skin type.
  2. Of course, a set of good cosmetics and tools. If you decide to update your cosmetics set, then stop your look at cosmetics from the professional series, it is with these tools that you can create high-quality daily makeup, the condition of which you do not have to worry about. An equally important detail in is the set necessary tools meeting high quality materials.

Necessary cosmetics

In addition to the standard set: mascara, shadows, lipstick and blush, you should have some other cosmetics:

  • Cleansing tonic - with the help of it you will remove all impurities from the skin and give the face a matte tone.
  • Face cream (day) - in order for the make-up to fit perfectly, it is necessary to apply a face cream immediately before the make-up procedure.
  • Foundation - when choosing this product, opt for creams that are light in texture, such as CC cream. It combines 2 necessary effect - care and toning of all skin imperfections. As for the color, it should ideally match your natural skin tone.
  • Concealer - it is indispensable for eliminating imperfections such as: pimples or dark circles. By applying a little concealer on a visible flaw, you will make it less noticeable to others.
  • Powder - it should have a light, crumbly base, it is this powder that will help maintain the durability of the make-up without weighing it down.
  • Contra eyeliner pencil - its color is selected based on the type of your appearance. If you are a blonde, then it is better to give up the black contour pencil, and opt for brown.
  • Eyeshadow palette - the more colors it includes, the more variations of everyday makeup you will have. In the palette of shadows, there must be dark and light shades.
  • Mascara - when choosing a mascara, focus on what effect you need from its application, lengthening, maximum volume, or just separation and rich color. Blonde girls, do not choose black mascara, it does not always suit you. For you the best option the ink will turn brown.
  • Pencil or eye shadow eyebrows - color of these funds should be a tone darker than the color of your hair.
  • Lipstick - its color must be chosen based on the color of your hair. You can opt for a matte texture, glossy or lipstick with particles of mother-of-pearl or sparkles.

Girls if you create a daily day makeup, then opt for a range of light, calm shades. A riot of rich colors is inappropriate in everyday makeup, better leave it. Light make-up for every day is a make-up imperceptible to others, which makes your look gentle and light.

make-up toolkit

With a set of necessary cosmetics we completely figured it out. To create a flawless daily make-up, one cosmetic is not enough, you must have a set of special tools. Every girl who decides to master the art of makeup should purchase a professional set of tools:

  • - it includes a brush for foundation, corrective agents, powder, several different brushes for applying shadows, a brush-comb for eyelashes and eyebrows, a brush for applying shadows on eyebrows, a brush for lipstick.
  • Sponge - it is necessary for a thorough distribution of the tonal foundation. If you are allergic to the hairs from which makeup brushes are assembled, then the sponge will become an indispensable tool. Your cosmetic bag should contain at least 2 sponges.
  • - without it, it is impossible to make an adjustment to the shape of the eyebrows, and perfect eyebrows are a very bright detail in the image of any girl.

Remember that all these tools require proper and timely care. To keep the tool as clean as possible for as long as possible, put it in a special case or box after use. All brushes, brushes, combs should be washed when visible contamination forms. This also applies to sponges.

We create makeup for every day

So, let's move on to how to make the right one. perfect makeup for every day at home:

  1. We clean the skin with a tonic and a small cotton pad. After this procedure, the skin will become dull.
  2. Apply your usual day cream for face skin care. This will help nourish the skin with moisture and make it velvety.
  3. Now you need to start masking the flaws with the help of concealer. We apply it to all areas that require correction with a special brush.
  4. Having finished the masking procedure, proceed to applying the main tone. The foundation will help you with this, the foundation must be applied with a brush or a soft sponge.
  5. To fix the tone on the face, lightly powder it with powder, paying special attention to the T-shaped zone.
  6. Now you need to highlight the perfect eyebrow line, apply a little shadow or pencil on the hairs and comb them well.
  7. To make a simple eye makeup, it is enough to apply graceful arrows to the eyelids with a contour pencil in a shade that suits you.
  8. Simple eye makeup can be done with the help of shadows alone. Apply one tone all over the eyelid and the eye makeup is ready. Of course, you can make a heavier version of makeup for every day, you can combine light arrows and several shades of shadows in it.
  9. The last chord in eye makeup is mascara, we apply mascara in 1-2 layers, no more.
  10. The line of lipstick, if you have done a full eye makeup, then it is better to give up colored lipstick, apply lip balm or a colorless gloss on your lips. If your daily eye makeup is done modestly, that is, arrows on the eyelids or just eyelashes are highlighted with mascara, then you can safely afford colored lipstick, but its color should not be flashy.

We select simple makeup for every day for all eye colors

For green-eyed beauties

It requires some care in choosing a color, it should not be too bright, as well as merge with the iris of the eyes.

  • For green eyes, shades in purple are ideal, ranging from delicate lilac to dark eggplant.
  • Unusual will be everyday makeup for green eyes with purple mascara on the cilia.
  • As for lip makeup for every day, lipstick should be a warm shade of the palette.

For brown-eyed beauties

Must be made in warm, delicate range of colors.

  • A warm tone on the face, gentle shadows for brown eyes, the color of lipstick in everyday makeup for brown eyes, can undergo slight changes and become brighter, for example, a wine shade.
  • For owners of brown eyes and pale in color skin suit everyday makeup, where silver and purple eye shadows and berry-colored lipstick are used.

For blue-eyed and gray-eyed beauties

And also gray has some features. The owners of blue and gray eyes have the ability to change the color of the iris, depending on the mood, lighting, clothing and, of course, the makeup itself.

  • If you want to emphasize the heavenly blue of blue eyes, then apply pearl eye shadow on the eyelids. blue tint, and lipstick is better to choose from a natural range or completely abandon it.
  • As for makeup for every day for gray eyes, it is better to abandon the shadows in it, and decorate the eyelids with beautiful eyeliner and mascara, make the lip makeup not too catchy, this is such a fairly simple makeup.

We hope that you understand what the correct daily makeup is, in what colors it is performed and what kind of tools and cosmetics are needed for it. Using our little tips, you can easily master makeup at home, and you can create unique looks for every day in 5-10 minutes!

Video: Do-it-yourself makeup for every day

The power of makeup has an irresistible power over women. After all, thanks to modern technologies and improved functioning of the beauty service, any defects and imperfections of the skin, birthmarks and freckled pigmentation can be hidden under cosmetics skillfully applied to the face. Moreover, properly selected everyday makeup can successfully emphasize and give effect to the most expressive part of the face - the eyes.

Meaning and Benefits of Eye Makeup

The essence of applying daytime makeup is to highlight the contour of the corners of the eyes, shade the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and refresh the look by brightening their inner part. In other words, its main purpose is to visually emphasize the natural female beauty.

In addition, applying makeup provides a trend towards positive changes in the appearance of the representatives of the fair half who use it daily, namely:

  • skillfully shaded base under the shadows hides small irregularities, deformations and imperfections of the skin of the eyelids;
  • a correctly selected color palette of shadows can expand the narrow section of the eyes and visually enlarge them;
  • well-designed makeup can correct the wrong fit of the eyes;
  • A well-designed make-up in front of the eyes of an adult lady can lift the eyelids and open the eyes, from which the face will look younger.

Preparatory stage when creating a make-up

Everyday is applied step by step and consistently on the skin of the face, stage by stage, following the general clear technique of its design. Before you start painting your eyes with shadows, mascara, eyeliner and other cosmetics, you should prepare your face.

First, the skin must be cleansed. You need to wash your face with clean water and wipe it, wetting it with micellar liquid.

Secondly, most cosmetics have side effect- they dry the skin, so it needs moisturizing care in the form of a nourishing cream.

Thirdly, in order for the makeup to stay on the eyes for as long as possible and the shadows not to roll, you need to apply a special tonal base on the eyelids, which has a slightly powdering effect. This trick will prevent the shadows from quickly fading or crinkling, forming an ugly dark line.

After carrying out such simple manipulations, you can prepare the appropriate tools for work and start applying step-by-step everyday makeup.

List of necessary materials for makeup for every day

In order to make up her eyes with high quality, the fair sex should have in her cosmetic arsenal some required attributes to create beauty, namely:

  • eyeshadow palette;
  • eyebrow shadows;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • Eyeliner;
  • tuba with brushes of different density, length, volume and shape of the pile;
  • comb for eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • eyeliner;
  • eyelash curlers;
  • Mascara;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • remover;
  • concealer.

General step-by-step instructions for applying everyday eye makeup

Having everything at hand necessary items cosmetic use, you can start making out everyday makeup step by step.

Step 1. You need to take a comfortable position at the mirror, required condition- The room should have good lighting. Otherwise, in the twilight there is a risk of drawing nonsense before your eyes and ruining your makeup.

Step 2. After cleansing the skin and treating it with a special foundation the shadows themselves are applied directly. The movable eyelid is stained with a light shade, the motionless one - with a slightly darker tone. It is important to remember that it is everyday makeup that is being created, and this suggests that the shades of the shadows should be chosen as light, matte and discreet as possible.

Step 3. The shadows applied to the eyelid need to be shaded well. To do this, in a tube with brushes, you need to pick up one that has a thick pile and walk it through specific areas of the eyelid.

Step 4. You need to process the eyebrows. Some prefer to make them out immediately after working out the skin with a tonal foundation, but this, in fact, does not change the result. Eyebrows should be combed and brought in a neat well-groomed appearance.

Step 5. You can draw lines of arrows along the outer corner of the eyes - the procedure is not mandatory, but highly recommended by many stylists. Beautiful and well-chosen arrows can add expressiveness to the eyes and adjust their cut and size.

Step 6. With wide open large beautiful eyes you can afford more "capricious" and difficult option make-up - pencil eyeliner along the outer corner of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

Step 7. When the eyelid is fully worked out with shadows and arrows are drawn, you can start working with eyelashes. Having previously combed them with a special comb-brush and after twisting them with tongs, you can apply a layer of mascara. It is important not to overdo it with its amount, because this, after all, is everyday eye makeup, and not evening.

Step 8. In case of shadow pollen falling on the cheekbones or unsuccessful drawing of the arrow, as well as in case of accidental imprinting of freshly applied mascara on the eyelid, it is necessary to moisten cotton swab, or a disk with a remover and erase the resulting defect from the skin, subsequently correcting it again.

Step 9. Slightly reddened from the performed actions, the skin under the eyes can be brought into proper form with the help of a concealer.

Step 10. At the end of the daily make-up of the eyes, you need to make accents with white or slightly pearlescent delicate shadows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner and under the eyebrow line. This will open your eyes wide and refresh them.

Eyebrow shaping technique

As the eyebrows play essential role in the guise of any woman, you should describe in more detail the methodology for working with them when creating everyday eye makeup. Photo and video tutorials with instructions on the correct technique for dyeing eyebrows with paint, henna or shadows allow active Internet users to study this technique in great detail. To create a daily make-up, it is enough to remember that eyebrows that are well combed and corrected with tongs in advance must be drawn along the bottom line with a pencil and darkened along the top line and core, thoroughly blending special shadows. It is important to take into account that strokes should be applied with a brush in the direction of hair growth. You need to darken the line from the central part of the face to the outer corner - the tail of the eyebrows. You can fix the result with wax.

Arrow technique

Shooters also need to be given a little more time than the rest of the steps in modeling everyday makeup. Photos with a method for adjusting the shape of the eyes with eyeliner can also be easily found in the media and on the Internet. It should be noted that the daily make-up is characterized by conciseness and moderation in everything. Therefore, there should not be any thick lines, wide tails for arrows with everyday makeup! It is enough to start the line not even from the inner corner of the movable eyelid, but from the middle and extend it to the outer one so that the tail does not go beyond the cut line of the eye by more than a centimeter. At the same time, the line should be thin and clear - this is required by the conditions for designing daytime makeup.

Casual make-up for brown-eyed girls

You can find a wide variety of shadow palettes: from bright and juicy to muted and inconspicuous. There are also combined ones. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from all this variety what is really suitable. You should not focus only on the fact that you liked this or that shade, it is important that it fits your eyes and skin tone.

Therefore, everyday makeup for brown eyes, for example, is different in color scheme from make-up for blue-eyed and green-eyed girls. Skin color can still play some role - her pale or swarthy shade, as well as her hair: blond, light brown, brunette, brown-haired or red. But, nevertheless, the color of the eyes plays a key role in choosing shadows.

Everyday makeup for brown eyes involves a nude group of shades: from delicate cream or beige to coffee and chocolate (subject to careful shading). You can also slightly refresh your eyes with interspersed shadows of a golden hue.

Daily makeup for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties should remember that an adjacent group of shades - green - will help to focus on their eyes. However, in the case of everyday makeup, bright colors should be avoided. Shadows in tone should not match the color of the iris. It is better to choose a palette of olive and shades close to them, as well as use steel or dusty gray.

Everyday makeup for girls with blue eyes

As for representatives with blue or gray eyes, then they can use peach or pink shades. Brighter tones, in particular blue, can emphasize the depth of the color of the iris in the outer corner of the eyes. And again it is worth remembering that the make-up is daytime. When using several shades, avoid creating clear boundaries between them, they should smoothly and accurately blend into each other.

It should be noted that in addition to the correct arrangement of color priorities, taking into account the characteristics of the face of a particular girl, it is also possible to correct the incorrect, as it seems to her, the fit of her eyes. It's amazing, but thanks to the right accents, you can achieve amazing results without intervention. plastic surgery. For instance:

  • In the case of wide-set eyes, makeup artists do not recommend drawing a long arrow along the outer eyelid; together with the shadows, it should end clearly along the cut line of the eyes.
  • Ladies with closely spaced eyes should, on the contrary, lengthen and expand the view due to the good outer eyelid with their protrusion beyond the cut line, while at the same time brightening the inner corner with a highlighter or just white shadows.

Remember that daytime makeup is distinguished by lightness, weightlessness. It should be as natural as possible. To do this, preference should be given to pastel shades, soft pencils and black or brown ink. Having mastered its application technique, you can easily create unique images.