
Masks for aging skin with kefir. Kefir face masks at home. The best recipes for kefir face masks


  • Yeast. They give a special spiciness to this drink. Yeast, when combined with milk sugar, forms alcohol (a small amount).
  • Thermophilic streptococcus- a useful microorganism widely used for the manufacture of fermented milk products.
  • Acetic acid bacteria They also add some spiciness.
  • Simple milk sugars useful for health.
  • Calcium. This is important because it provides muscle contractions. Lack of calcium prevents the muscles from working properly.

Rules for the use of funds in cosmetology

Fish oil for the skin of the face and around the eyes:

The use of kefir masks is possible at any time, especially their use is recommended in the spring, when the skin is in great need of vitamins. The action directly depends on how they will be used, so you should know some points:

  1. It is important to choose kefir of the correct fat content, because a drink with a high percentage is most suitable for dry skin. If you use a mask for oily skin, then you need kefir with a low percentage of fat. Normal skin requires kefir with a fat content of 1%.
  2. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the product is fresh, sour is used only to treat problem skin.
  3. You need to decide which area you want to influence today. It can be not only the face, but also the neck, as well as the décolleté area.
  4. Before using the mask, it is necessary to treat the face with lotion.
  5. If irritation occurs after applying any kind of mask, then it is necessary to determine which of the ingredients may be allergic, kefir itself is harmless.

Kefir masks can be used for any skin type.

How to choose and store?

  1. Pay attention to the expiration date!
  2. Make sure that “Kefir” is written on the package - not kefir, not kefir drink.
  3. Choose a drink in glass packaging and in the form of tetra-packs.
  4. The composition should contain only two ingredients - milk and sourdough.
  5. It must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.
  6. To use kefir for the face as part of masks, look at its fat content. For dry skin, take a drink with a fat content more. For oily skin, fat-free kefir is suitable.

Causes of skin aging

  • Wrong nutrition. The predominance in the diet of processed foods, semi-finished products, fast food, a large number of salt, sugar, wrong fats, lack of plant foods that supply vitamins and fiber - all this causes deterioration appearance faces.
  • Lack of fluid. The less pure water we drink, the drier the skin becomes. Lack of moisture leads to the appearance of early wrinkles, unhealthy color, loss of elasticity.
  • Of course, one of the main reasons, which, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated is the unfavorable ecological situation of the urban environment. Exhaust gases, production, the accumulation of people and equipment in one place - all this affects how the epidermis looks.
  • The negative impact of dry air in conditions of frost on the street and central heating in the room.
  • Lack and poor sleep conditions. It is known that a person should rest for at least 7 hours in the dark and cool. Irregular sleep, city lighting - all this contributes to a decrease in the quality of sleep and, accordingly, poor skin condition.
  • Constant use of cosmetics, neglect of facial cleansing. The pores are clogged with the remnants of cream, blush, lipstick, powder, in which bacteria begin to multiply.
  • Stress. The modern rhythm of life, problems at work and in relationships, continuous haste are the cause of problems with the epidermis.

What happens if you drink kefir every day?

So, with the help of regular use of kefir, you can:

  1. Improve digestion.
  2. Accelerate metabolism.
  3. Remove toxins.
  4. Satisfy mild hunger.
  5. Strengthen immunity.
  6. soothe nervous system and reduce stress.
  7. Help the stomach.
  8. Get rid of bloating and flatulence.
  9. Remove swelling.
  10. Reduce cholesterol levels.
  11. Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

How to whiten skin and fight age spots

Pimples and acne marks are a concern for many people and are not easy to get rid of. The following kefir-based masks will help eliminate this problem.

Easy Homemade Egg Mask

To eliminate pigmentation, masks with kefir and egg are excellent. It will take 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 egg and 1 cucumber. Cucumber without skin must be chopped with a blender and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the product for 20 minutes.

With cucumber juice

For especially lazy people, the option of rubbing the skin with cucumber juice without additives is suitable.

For skin whitening, acidified kefir with cucumber juice helps very well, the ingredients are mixed in a 3: 1 ratio, respectively. Apply to the face with even movements in a clockwise direction, then wait until the mask is absorbed, rinse with warm water.

With green tea at night

Very effective for stains night mask with green tea leaves and kefir. Add to 1/4 cup of kefir 1 tbsp. l. grated green tea, 3 pinches of oatmeal and 1 tsp. olive oil. Gently apply the product on the face, leave overnight, wash off the mask in the morning with warm water.


Not everyone can drink kefir regularly. Doctors do not recommend it for the following diseases:

  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Body poisoning.
  • Gastrointestinal infection.

Please note that the drink contains alcohol, although in a small amount. Therefore, children are allowed to give kefir only after they are 8 months old.

The least alcohol in a fresh drink - up to three days.

Useful properties of the ingredient

Kefir is a unique product that:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevents the appearance of new acne;
  • moisturizes, cleanses dark spots;
  • starts the processes of active collagen production;
  • cleanses from impurities, refreshes;
  • smoothes age spots;
  • protects against negative external factors;
  • maintains tone and elasticity, strengthens the immune system, eliminates wrinkles.

It is no secret that kefir made from natural ingredients has a large number of useful properties, but it is sometimes difficult to purchase, so you can get by with a purchased one.

The fat content of the product determines the taste and effect on the skin.

The use of kefir for the face without additives

Kefir for the face is used independently, without other components. To do this, take some warm drink and soak a cotton pad in it. Apply gently to face.

This will allow the skin to restore its acid-base balance and saturate it at a deep level with vitamins and nutrients. The use of kefir for facial skin in its pure form helps to eliminate inflammatory processes.

It is better to wipe the face immediately after sleep, when the pores are enlarged and have not yet had time to get dirty. Wait for the drink to dry and rinse it off with warm water.

A fermented milk drink can cleanse the skin. Apply some yogurt to your face with a cotton pad and leave it on for a few minutes. After that, wash your face with cold water and wipe the skin with ice cubes.

Kefir face masks: the best homemade recipes

To prepare masks based on kefir, cosmetologists advise using a product whose shelf life does not exceed a week. Home care product can be enriched with vegetable and essential oils, the pulp of berries and fruits, vitamins, activated charcoal. The consistency of the kefir mask is similar to thick sour cream. The recipe must be selected, focusing on the type and condition of the skin, the tendency to allergies to individual components.

All kefir masks are applied to the skin cleansed in advance with cosmetic milk or micellar water. Exposure time home remedy– from 15 to 20 minutes. After washing, lubricate the face with a cream to preserve moisture.

For acne and inflammation

Kefir for skin prone to inflammation and pustules is a real salvation. An anti-inflammatory composition is prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. 3 art. l. kefir, 10 g yeast, 5 ml (1 tsp) hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. kefir, powder from 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (can be replaced with Streptocide), 1 tbsp. l. water (mineral or melt).

A kefir-yeast mask is allowed to be used at intervals of 4-5 days, an agent with aspirin - no more than once a week (it can dry out the skin). The course of treatment for an acne-prone, inflamed face is 1 month.

Anti-aging face mask on kefir

Many women use kefir for facial skin as an anti-aging remedy. The surface is pre-cleaned, smeared with a thin layer of olive or almond oil. Treat with kefir mixture the face, neck, upper part chest, can be used to soften the arms and elbows.

Recipe 1: mix 1 tbsp. l. kefir, 1.5 tsp. gelatin (pre-soaked in 3 tablespoons of water), left for 10 minutes to swell. In a water bath, the mixture is dissolved, allowed to cool to a temperature of 37-38 degrees, the surface of the face is lubricated (it is advisable to relax it as much as possible, do not talk). Apply the remedy up to 2 times a week for a monthly course, after a six-month break, repeat.

Recipe 2: mashed quarter banana mixed with a tablespoon of kefir, cinnamon (1 coffee spoon, or half a teaspoon). The gruel covers the face, without affecting the skin near the eyes, applied to the neck. Wash off after a quarter of an hour, apply a nourishing cream. This mask is suitable for sensitive skin.

During the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling, and after - redness. This effect gives cinnamon. The redness should disappear in 10-15 minutes.

Kefir for oily skin

To get rid of a greasy gloss, drying components are mixed into face masks with kefir. In addition to normalizing the secretion of fat, the products give the effect of cleansing, relieve inflammation.

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. fermented milk product and white clay so that no lumps remain. Lubricate the face with paste, leave for 15 minutes. After washing with water at room temperature. The procedure is performed no more than 2 times a week.
  • A piece of rye bread with a crust is poured with kefir, allowed to swell. Squeeze out excess moisture, grind with a fork into gruel. Apply to face, leave for a quarter of an hour. After rinsing with cool water, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Whitening mask from kefir

Face masks at home are used as a whitening agent. To lighten the skin of oily and normal types, use cucumber-kefir gruel (2 tablespoons of each product) with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. starch. The mass is applied in a thin layer. With dry skin, only pigmented areas are treated.

To whiten the face, parsley (a small bunch) is ground to a pasty state, mixed with 2 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tsp starch. Use this remedy every other day for up to 2 weeks.

You can get a lasting anti-pigment effect if you use kefir masks three times a week for 1-1.5 months. The face should be protected from solar radiation with creams with special filters against ultraviolet radiation, covered with hats.

For the skin around the eyes

You can use a kefir mask for the face and even for the delicate skin around the eyes. To refresh, tone, smooth small wrinkles, use the following mixture:

  • 0.5 tsp aloe pulp (without skin);
  • 1 tsp milk;
  • 0.5 tsp butter (pre-melt);
  • 1 tsp kefir.

The agent is applied for 10-15 minutes, removed with a cotton ball dipped in mineral water. Make such a mask no later than 2 hours before a night's sleep. Repeat the procedure every 4-5 days.

Action against blackheads

A face mask with kefir opens clogged pores, eliminates blackheads. It will take 5-7 minutes to prepare it, but the effect will please:

  1. Grind to the state of flour 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  2. Squeeze out 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  3. Add 1 tsp to oatmeal. soda, juice and 2 tbsp. l. kefir, everything is mixed until a pasty state.

Before applying the mask, the face is cleansed, steamed.

The kefir mask will help to cope not only with black dots. It will eliminate signs of inflammation, soften and give the skin a velvety look. Make masks 1 time in 5-10 days in the evenings.

For the beauty of normal skin

Can be used for every day universal remedy which is suitable for different types skin. Such a mask is prepared from equal parts (for 1 procedure, a teaspoon of all ingredients) of fresh cottage cheese, olive or rapeseed oil, kefir and carrot juice. Everything is mixed, ground to a homogeneous state, applied and left to act for 20 minutes.

In summer, you can add puree from fresh berries and fruits to the kefir mask - strawberries, raspberries, apricots or peaches (if you are not allergic to them).

Mask with kefir for moisturizing and nourishing dry skin

If the question arises of how useful a kefir mask is for dry skin, it is worth understanding its composition. In addition to the fermented milk product, olive oil is added to the care product (a source of antioxidants, valuable fatty acids), yolk (rich in vitamins E, A, D, B6, B12, trace elements, fatty acids). The combination of all components has a beneficial effect on flaky, dehydrated, aging skin.

For a healing mass, mix 1 tsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. fermented milk drink with 1/2 chicken yolk or whole quail egg yolk. With a brush or fingertips, the mixture is applied to the skin, a moisturizing cream is applied. Do the procedure every 1-2 days.

Yeast Blend for Problematic Skin


  • 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 3 tablespoons of kefir;
  • 10-15 grams of yeast.

Apply to face. Leave until completely dry. For washing, it is best to use a decoction of chamomile or warm water.

Compositions useful for wrinkles

Effective anti-wrinkle masks can be prepared according to the following recipes.

with berries

It will take 3 tbsp. l kefir, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, olive or any other oil and berries (cranberries, currants or raspberries). Grind the berries, take 2 tbsp. l. the resulting slurry and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Keep this mask on your face for at least 40 minutes.

Milk and honey for skin after 40 years

One of the most pleasant masks is a mask with milk and honey. The composition includes 2 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tsp. honey, it is best to use liquid varieties. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Milk and honey - a fragrant and healthy combination

Kefir and cinnamon

Cinnamon helps to acquire healthy skin color and improves metabolism. To prepare a mask, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. without a slide of cinnamon, then mix. To make the mask more nutritious, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. honey, and for better cleansing, you need to add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. The mask is applied for 10 minutes, and while washing off, you need to massage the skin a little.

How to use white clay for the face with benefits:

Anti-wrinkle berry mask

Kefir also helps fight wrinkles and perfectly evens out the surface of the face.


  • 3 tablespoons of kefir;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • a few drops of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped berries (you can use raspberries, cranberries, currants)

Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face for forty minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Read: How to use a banana for age and facial wrinkles on the face.

Benefits of face masks

Kefir mask is an effective basis for every day care arsenal for all skin types. It is suitable for any type of epidermis, regardless of current problems and age (you just need to choose the right kefir and a list of auxiliary components). Folk recipes natural, so you can use them almost without restrictions. The list of contraindications is minimal.

Kefir is quite liquid, which many do not like when using masks. But if you mix it with honey, clay, you get a thicker gruel.

The main advantages of masks from the ingredient:

  • deep cleansing of the skin from dust, dirt, sebaceous plugs - without aggressive influences, overdrying;
  • improvement of elasticity, giving freshness;
  • regulation of acid-base balance (the product contains active lactobacilli);
  • whitening spots, freckles;
  • deep hydration at the cellular level;
  • protection against fading, dullness, loss of elasticity.

Carrot mask for oily skin

Oily skin needs special care, because it is necessary to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Mix:

  • 1 tablespoon of kefir;
  • a tablespoon of carrot juice;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • fresh egg white.

The protein is pre-whipped into a thick foam, then all other components are added to it. The mask is applied to the face for half an hour.

Washing with kefir

Have you heard about washing with kefir? Cleansing the skin with kefir is a very common procedure. However, it should be remembered that such manipulations are best done if you have combination or oily skin. Kefir has an anti-inflammatory effect, perfectly dries the skin, kills bacteria and microbes. Just apply the product on the face lightly massage movements. The lactic acid contained in kefir will quickly remove dirt and sebum.

But for owners of dry and sensitive skin, it is better not to resort to such a procedure. Kefir dries out the skin and can cause irritation.

Mattifying agent with sage


  • 1 part sage;
  • 1 part chamomile;
  • 1 part of kefir;
  • 3 tablespoons of starch or rice flour.

Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave to infuse for half an hour. Mix the resulting broth with the same amount of kefir (for example, 3 tablespoons each), add starch or flour. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Read on: Mustard masks: burning benefits for the face.

Indications for use

The maximum rejuvenating effect is achieved with the regular use of kefir masks. If you approach the matter wisely and comprehensively, beauty recipes will help to maintain the smoothness of the face and neck, including in adulthood.

Masks can be done up to 3 times a week, use one recipe or alternate different ones to enhance the effect.

Kefir perfectly moisturizes, whitens, gives velvety, smoothness. Its use is indicated for:

  • dryness, peeling;
  • dull color, uneven relief;
  • acne, rashes;
  • burns different nature(especially solar);
  • wrinkles;
  • recovery after chemical peels, other aggressive procedures.

The tool is suitable for all skin types - oily like recipes with kefir, avocado, chicken egg protein, dry with olive oil, yolk, normal with starch, green tea. To nourish aging skin or normalize its condition, use kefir with cocoa.

AT adolescence recipes effectively help with acne, rashes, after 30 they have an effective prevention of aging. After 40-50 years, masks are also very useful - they rejuvenate, start active regenerative processes, and improve skin condition. You can do them constantly or in courses. Results - the skin is moisturized, nourished, without pronounced wrinkles and inflammation. You will notice a pronounced effect after the first few procedures. Apply ready-made formulations to cleansed skin.

How to choose kefir for masks

In order for the masks to be as effective as possible, you need to choose the right kefir. Store-bought with any fat content is suitable - for dry skin it should be higher, for oily it should be lower. You can make your own yogurt from milk. It is more convenient to apply liquid kefir on the face, but dense yogurt can be mixed with other ingredients - and you will also get a mask that is well distributed over the face.

You can try different brands of product to compare how it works on your skin. If you think one type is best for your skin, stick with that one. Any kefir is useful, but for dry skin it would be better to take a fatter product.

from black dots

Among kefir homemade masks, if necessary, you can choose an effective recipe that helps remove black dots from your face and at the same time lighten pigmentation, even out skin color.

Kefir + soda

In a bowl, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with two dessert spoons of crushed oatmeal. In a separate cup lay out 2 tbsp. l. fermented milk product with a teaspoon of fresh lemon. Combine both mixtures and knead until a fluffy homogeneous mass. Withstand 15 minutes.

With rice flour

Rice groats are ground into flour using a coffee grinder, or a ready-made variety is used. Spread 2 tbsp. l. flour and ½ tsp. drinking soda in a bowl. Adding small portions of kefir drink, knead the dough of the density of the paste. Distribute with gentle massaging movements over problem areas, washing off after five minutes.

Kefir as a basis for diverse cosmetic masks, necessary to improve the condition of the skin of the face, is included in the list of the most popular components. It is important to select recipes that are appropriate for the problem being solved and the type of skin.

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You can see that kefir contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are well absorbed into the skin and significantly improve its condition. Therefore, it can be used for any type of skin:

  • retinol (vitamin A) - an antioxidant that prevents aging
  • ascorbic acid (vit. C) - cleanses, refreshes, produces collagen, which has anti-aging properties
  • thiamine (B1) - relieves inflammation
  • riboflavin (B2) - smoothes wrinkles, makes elastic
  • niacin (nicotinic acid, B3, PP) - nourishes, moisturizes, whitens freckles, age spots
  • pyridoxine (B6) - treats inflammation, acne, acne
  • folic acid (B9) - protects against negative impact external environment
  • cyanocobalamin (B12) - oxygenates
  • tocopherol (vit. E) - restores healthy color and radiance, eliminates wrinkles
  • biotin (vitamin H) - has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps get rid of acne, blackheads

Do-it-yourself cooking with kefir cosmetics with excellent moisturizing properties. Additionally, the effect of tightening the skin and obtaining the necessary nutrition is achieved.

Starch + kefir

Separate and beat fresh protein. Grind it with a sour-milk variety and starch, measuring these ingredients in 1 tbsp. l. It should be applied in a thin, even layer, keeping no longer than 15 minutes.

  1. For masks, take slightly fermented kefir, it is much more useful. To ferment kefir, put it for several days in any warm place.
  2. When applying kefir to the skin, do it by lightly massaging the skin, which will provide the best effect.
  3. Before applying kefir masks, steam the skin with a steam bath to prepare the skin for cleansing.
  4. All kefir masks prepared for the face and body can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. In the future, using such a mask is very dangerous.

So, we looked at various masks designed for your face and body, talked about the properties of kefir, but the benefits of such a fermented milk product do not end there. If you are burned in the scorching sun, then kefir will save you. Kefir compresses, thanks to the proteins contained in the composition, will relieve itching and redness. To do this, you will need any dairy product. Compresses should be done several times at regular intervals until the complete disappearance of all irritations. If you are making a mask for burned skin, then use only chilled kefir. He is able to relieve pain.

It is difficult to find a better refreshing and rejuvenating remedy than kefir. Kefir masks do not require much time and will be available to any woman!

The secret of health

Kefir is milk that has been turned into a well-known consistency by special bacteria and retained all its “usefulness”, which, among other things, help other essential elements to be absorbed by the human body.

Today, experts say that kefir contains at least 200 useful components, vitamins and substances that cannot be taken and listed like this. To appreciate this product, it is enough to name its main useful properties. In addition to vitamins, kefir is valued for the huge amount of minerals it contains, as well as for organic acids and natural sugars.

It is known that good color skin and its general condition is an indicator of a properly functioning gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to maintain the health of the epidermis, you need to consume a glass of kefir daily and apply kefir masks on your face for a quarter of an hour (no longer). As a result, you can achieve fresh and even color face, as well as velvety and elastic skin.


The list of useful qualities of kefir is complemented by whitening properties that make it possible to make freckles less noticeable and lighten pigmentation. The effect is enhanced by the introduction of ingredients with similar characteristics into a homemade mask.

with parsley

A small bunch of fresh juicy parsley is thoroughly washed, dried, laid out on a paper towel. Finely chop and lightly rub the stalks. Adding thick kefir, knead the elastic mass, keeping after application for 15 minutes.

with cucumber

A small crispy fresh cucumber is peeled and grated or mashed with a blender. By adding thick kefir, knead a fairly dense mass that adheres well to the skin. Removed after 20 minutes.



I use kefir for regular skin care, I really like its effect and pleasant texture. Personally, in my case, there were no cardinal changes, but a friend with his help brought out postpartum pigmentation on the nose and chin. natural and very useful product which can be used both externally and internally.


I started using kefir masks recently, my beautician advised me to improve my complexion. The skin really has become much fresher, the only complaint is the smell of the mixture, which in wet weather can appear at the most inopportune moment. To prevent this from happening, I use a self-prepared face lotion. I cook it for essential oils from natural juices.

The use of kefir face masks will significantly improve the condition of the skin and help solve a number of problems. Freckles and pigmentation, excessive oiliness and the first wrinkles - this is an incomplete list of indications for using this miracle product. Kefir masks are also recommended for prevention, especially in the post-winter period, when the skin is vital careful care and extra food. Kefir has no contraindications, but it is necessary to ensure that there is no reaction to other constituent components. The main nuances of preparing and using kefir masks, along with the best homemade recipes, are given in our article.

Kefir face mask: reviews of women

There are many masks with honey in the world, with castor oil, as well as those containing aromatic oil, cocoa, including onion essence and mustard. Each of them has its own properties and has reviews from many of the fair sex, but you should choose for yourself only proven and most effective ones. For example, kefir-based masks are considered frequently used, since this is a natural product that can only bring benefits and nothing more, with the exception of those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Kefir can be combined with various products and therefore it is considered the most practical and unique component.

It can be mixed with natural herbs, fruits, berries, and other ingredients.

On the net you can find reviews such as from:

  • Angelina, who spoke about her sensitive skin, about the presence of age spots and contaminated pores, and also that she managed to cope with all the problems with the help of kefir and eggs, as well as just a couple of minutes for cleansing;
  • Inessa, who quite often uses a mask based on kefir and eggs, which allows to improve the external data of the skin, as well as to achieve smoothness, evenness of tone and chic tenderness;
  • Valentina, who used to always complain about dry skin and peeling, and now after using a mask based on kefir and olive oil, she no longer has to buy expensive cosmetics, which are practically useless.

You should not save on yourself and, most importantly, on time for skin care, otherwise it will simply not work to keep youth for a long time.

Kefir will do a great job of cleansing and healing the skin as a monocomponent. However, it is permissible to add additional ingredients to the fermented milk mask that enhance the effect of kefir. These include:

  1. Herbs (chamomile, sage parsley, etc.). Helps reduce inflammation and clear the skin.
  2. Honey. Softens the skin, making it smoother and softer.
  3. Egg. Helps to saturate the dermis with active ingredients and even out its tone.
  4. Vegetables and fruits (banana, lemon, potatoes, carrots). Nourish the skin, supplying it with vitamins and minerals.

Advice. To prepare natural kefir masks with or without additional components, it is best to purchase a quality product with a minimum shelf life (5-7 days). It is best to prepare kefir intended for care procedures on your own, for example, by fermenting milk. It is also permissible to prepare a drink using special pharmacy starter cultures.

How to make a kefir mask at home?

To prepare a high-quality kefir mask, it is best to use the kefir that has been stored for five to seven days, because it contains the largest number of beneficial microorganisms.

A kefir mask is possible and even necessary for daily use. Only one thing must be taken into account: if the mask contains other components - for example, lemon or honey - the use of the mask should not exceed one or two times a week, or even less often.

You can add honey or lemon to the mask

It is more correct to apply the mask on the face immediately after it is prepared, and on the skin that has already been cleansed, leaving the areas around the mouth and eyes free. And to cleanse the skin beforehand, you should apply a well-known lotion or tonic to women.

It is best to wash with warm water. Then the skin is steamed a little and the substances it needs penetrate much faster as deeply as possible. To prepare a really healthy mask, you should use kefir at room temperature. To make the effect stronger, such a mask should be washed off with warm milk and the face should be left to dry on its own.

The effect of kefir will be much stronger if it is combined with other ingredients, so it is quite possible to add vegetables or fruits to the mask. To properly apply the mask on your face, you can use a wooden spatula: it will be much more convenient and with maximum hygiene.

Composition, benefits of kefir

Common and loved by many, kefir belongs to the group of fermented milk products. In addition to milk protein, its structural formula contains many vitamins (A, B, C), essential minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium and others), fatty and organic acids.

The rich composition explains the benefits of kefir not only as a pleasant refreshing drink that has a beneficial effect on the body, but also in folk cosmetology.


  • anti-inflammatory;
  • moisturizing;
  • healing;
  • protective;
  • nutritional;
  • rejuvenating;
  • bleaching.

Benefits for facial skin:

  • slowing down age-related changes associated with aging of the dermis;
  • improvement of the shade of the skin;
  • protection from external adverse influences;
  • increased immunity of the epidermis;
  • stimulating the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • providing prevention of dry skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • assistance in the treatment of acne;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • reduction of greasiness of the dermis;
  • removal of peeling, irritation and inflammation.

Expert opinion

Studying the reviews of many women about kefir masks, we can definitely say that most of them are positive. Indeed, this product brings tremendous benefits to the health of the body. Many women claim that kefir helped them improve their complexion, eliminate wrinkles, increase firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The fermented milk product has a good brightening and whitening effect. It can be used every day in its pure form, and it will help eliminate age spots, freckles. In addition, it makes the skin clean, removes acne and acne. And all this is confirmed by the numerous comments of women and girls.

The use of kefir in the composition of masks is in a good way restore youth and freshness to the skin. This is an affordable product that you can buy or make yourself, can be used in its pure form in the form of masks or rubbing. And if it is supplemented with other nutritious ingredients (oats, honey, lemon juice, soda), then its benefits increase several times and it can quickly bring back to normal withered and flabby skin.

Nourishing blends for dry skin

Dry skin requires special care, as it is very sensitive to environmental influences.

With honey and olive oil

Recipes for effective egg face masks:

Dry skin requires gentle treatment, so it is recommended to add honey and oils to the mask. You need to connect 3 tbsp. l. kefir with 20 g of parsley, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Honey and oil are preheated, then the rest of the ingredients and warm kefir are added to them. The mixture should be kept up to 30 minutes.

With carrot juice

2% kefir will help very sensitive skin, it needs to be diluted with 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice and olive oil. The mask should be applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with chamomile decoction. The remedy relieves severe peeling of the skin.

How else can you use kefir for the face (video)

What is special about them?

So, we have already understood that there is a huge number of different kefir masks. But it's so simple - a kefir face mask. How useful can it be for every woman? The fact that each of them guarantees the effects that every woman needs, because you want the skin to be nourished, cleansed, whitened, and so on. In addition, in many of them, a sour-milk drink is combined with other ingredients that are no less useful.

Many users do not cease to admire the effect that has come. And there is an explanation for this: such masks are suitable for everyone, they are very affordable, their preparation does not require large material investments, their components are always in every home. There are no contraindications for such masks. Some auxiliary components may just not be suitable.

Whitening mask based on kefir

Kefir face mask - a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. It performs several functions at once: cleanses, moisturizes, exfoliates, nourishes and whitens. To lighten the skin, before going to bed, wipe the face, décolleté and hands with a cotton swab dipped in kefir. This is especially true for those who have freckles spread throughout the body.

To prepare whitening kefir masks, you need to finely chop parsley or crush almonds, add everything to kefir, apply the mixture on your face and hold for about 20 minutes. Then rinse the mixture under running water.

If a woman is worried about pronounced pigmentation, she can be dealt with with the following recipe: mix kefir, cognac, egg yolk and lemon juice in equal proportions. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. But it should be remembered that frequent use of the mask can be harmful, since the alcohol contained in it dries the skin. If the above recipes did not help you, or, even worse, you developed a rash, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Strictly speaking, the best option will consult with him in advance about the use of kefir masks. If you are allergic to bee products, dairy products, or certain herbs, then consulting a dermatologist before applying prescriptions is vital.

It is easy to maintain youth and a healthy state of the face, you just need to devote 15-20 minutes to yourself every day, and the result will not keep you waiting!
Read the following article: egg face mask

The choice of kefir for the mask

In order for a skin care product to really care and help, it is necessary right choice components. In this case, the kefir itself. Which product is suitable for masks?

  • Most fresh. It is better to take a maximum of two days, otherwise there will be too much acid in it. And for dry skin, it is definitely better to buy a drink exclusively fresh.
  • Medium fat. The classic version is 2.5%. However, if the skin is very greasy, one percent will do. In principle, the fat content of kefir can be adjusted with other ingredients of the mask: oils will increase fat content, and acidic components will decrease it.
  • Shop or home. Homemade is definitely better. For him, milk is mixed with sourdough and left in a warm place for several hours. But the purchased one is quite acceptable.

Other fermented milk products can replace kefir in recipes if necessary. This is homemade or purchased yogurt, natural yogurt. Enriched with beneficial bacteria biokefir, bifidok are also acceptable options.

Amazing properties of kefir

The birthplace of this most popular fermented milk drink is the North Caucasus. For hundreds of years, people living in the Caucasus considered the recipe for making kefir nothing more than a gift from the gods, and therefore kept it in the strictest confidence. Today about useful properties This drink is known to everyone, and its ability to improve the condition after various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is surprising. Kefir is able to increase the body's immunity, rid it of toxins.

Such properties are provided due to the presence in the drink of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which in a friendly alliance are capable of much. In total, kefir contains about two hundred and fifty different useful substances, including twenty-five vitamins. In addition, there are no age restrictions for the use of kefir.

As for the use in cosmetology, kefir is almost impossible to find equal here. What are only kefir face masks presented to your attention in this article. Using our recipes, you will keep your unfading youth and incredible beauty for a long time.

Kefir: benefits and harms for the skin

The composition contains:

  • Folic acid;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Essential beneficial bacteria;
  • organic acids;
  • Biotin.

The combination of components makes the product effective for use in cosmetic purposes. Its main positive feature is the possibility of using it against acne even for owners of “capricious” and sensitive skin.

Additional properties:

  • Increasing the natural production of collagen;
  • Prevention of rashes of various ethologies;
  • Refreshing, softening and moisturizing;
  • Lightening pigmentation;
  • elimination of irritation;
  • Reducing the number of acne elements;
  • Saturation of the covers with essential nutrients;
  • Maintaining the tone of the dermis;
  • Increased local immune defense;
  • Elimination of wrinkles;
  • Elimination of inflamed acne;
  • Protection from the impact of negative environmental factors.

When consumed internally, a fermented milk drink removes toxic substances and toxins from the body, stimulates general immunity, and helps maintain normal body weight.

Kefir is a neutral product that causes allergies and negative reactions of the body in extremely rare cases. Accordingly, harm from use can only arise due to violations of manufacturing technology and storage rules.

  • Products with a long shelf life should be avoided - this indicates the presence of chemical preservatives that adversely affect human health;
  • It is important to correlate the percentage of fat content with skin type. For dry, kefir 3.2% is useful, for normal - 2.5%, fatty should be treated with a product with 1% fat content.

The ideal solution is to prepare it yourself or purchase it in the village from residents who produce "milk" at home.

Contraindications to the use of a fermented milk product

As for contraindications, kefir masks have almost no contraindications. Kefir in its pure form does not cause allergies, if an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash, then most often this happens due to other components that make up the mask. Therefore, it is better to first test the skin for a reaction: alternately apply a little drink and other components to different areas of the skin and see if irritation occurs. If there is no reaction, then you can safely use a mask. It is recommended to be very careful with the components, since honey or lemon most often causes allergies.

Today, many of the fair sex, in pursuit of beauty, tend to buy all the most fashion news cosmetics, spending a lot of money on them.

But there are plenty of natural products around us that are in no way inferior to store-bought ones in terms of their cosmetic properties, but will cost several times cheaper. That's the way girls do, activated carbon etc.

Kefir is a universal remedy applicable to any type of skin that can make the skin of the face soft, tender, if necessary, whiten age spots and get rid of acne, black spots and other minor imperfections.

What is useful kefir for facial skin?

The magical properties of kefir are due to the richest composition, which is represented by such vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - allows the skin to retain youth and elasticity longer due to more active collagen synthesis. Also, vitamin A is effective in combating inflammation, improves the tone of the face.
  • Vitamin B2 - reduces the number of wrinkles, fills the skin with smoothness and elasticity.
  • Vitamin B5 - has a deep moisturizing effect, fights the problem of hypersensitivity and pigmentation.
  • Vitamin B6 - reduces the number of acne and blackheads, and has the same effect on the skin.
  • Vitamin B9 - has antioxidant properties, protects skin covering from the negative influence of the environment.
  • Vitamin C - evens out the tone of the face, has a cleansing effect.
  • Vitamin H - helps to eliminate inflammation and irritation.
  • Vitamin PP - fills the skin with energy and health.

Application features

Masks with a kefir base are quite easy to make and will not require much effort from you.

This fermented milk product can be successfully combined with various herbs, honey, eggs and other useful ingredients that will only enhance the magical effect of the masks.

It is recommended to perform cosmetic procedures in the morning, when all the cells begin to wake up from sleep. By giving them additional saturation in the form of a kefir mask, you will achieve the effect of firm, elastic skin that radiates health.

But in order for the result to be the most pronounced, you should follow some rules:

  1. Before applying a kefir mask, thoroughly cleanse your face. Use special means, and in the end, wipe the skin with tonic.
  2. It will not be superfluous to apply a nutritious mixture of kefir, in addition to the face, to the neck and décolleté area.
  3. Perform all manipulations with light massaging movements, do not rub the mass too deeply into the skin.
  4. Watch the time carefully and wash off the mixture from the skin in a timely manner.
  5. When washing off the mask, alternately switch the tap to cold and hot water. Thus, you will increase the benefits of the procedure at times.

Please note that in stores you can find bio-kefir enriched with more mobile species of live bacteria. The nutritional properties of bio-kefir exceed those of a conventional product, which means that the effectiveness of its use will be higher.

Recipes for masks at home

All mixtures with a kefir base are made taking into account a specific skin type.
Allocate masks based on this valuable fermented milk product, suitable for:

  • dry skin type;
  • normal or mixed;
  • oily skin type;
  • skin prone to acne and blemishes.

Based on the needs of each type of skin, appropriate natural ingredients are selected. So, for dry skin, the emphasis is on nutrition and hydration, for oily and problematic skin, ingredients that inhibit the production of sebum are chosen. And for normal and mixed skin, hydration and nutrition are important to slow down the aging process and maintain a fresh look for a long time.

For masks, choose those varieties of kefir, the term of operation of which varies from 5 to 7 days. In such a product, a greater number of valuable natural microorganisms are preserved.

For oily skin

Recipe one. Mask with kefir, egg and honey.

This option will remarkably dry and cleanse oily skin, and also help reduce the hated oily sheen.

Cooking process: combine 20 milliliters of kefir with one protein, add 10 grams of honey to the mixture. Cover the face with the mass and leave for about 18 minutes, and then wash off the mask with water.

Recipe two. Mask with kefir and yeast.

This option has lifting properties, remarkably whitens the skin, narrows enlarged pores.

Manufacturing process: mix 100-125 milliliters of kefir with a tablespoon of dry yeast. Add a little lemon juice and a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. Beat the mass until a thick foam forms on it. Apply the foam on your face. After 16-23 minutes, wash off with warm water.

An important point is the right choice of product. If you have oily skin, buy a more acidic 2 or 3 day yogurt. A one-day product should be slightly warmed up immediately before application, then the result will please you even more.

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Watch the video recipe for a kefir mask for all types of facial skin

For dry

Recipe three. Developed for dry skin, the mask is used no more than three times a week.

Production method: 20 milliliters of kefir are mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil, one yolk is added. The resulting mass covers the skin of the face and hold on it for about 17 minutes. After washing the face with water and moisturizing with a cream.
They deservedly and rightfully possess good camouflage qualities. This product is designed for all skin types and takes care of it gently.

The mask should be applied to the skin as soon as you have prepared it. If you do not follow this rule, kefir may lose its valuable properties and the mask that has stood in the refrigerator can even provoke allergic manifestations.

Recipes for whitening masks

Recipe four. A mask with a kefir base that eliminates pigmentation with freckles. It has a pronounced whitening effect.

Preparation: 20 milliliters of kefir is taken, combined with chopped parsley root. The mass is evenly applied to the skin of the face, left for 18-25 minutes. Finally rinsed off with water.

Recipe five. 50 ml of kefir is combined with egg yolk, lemon juice and vodka (in the amount of one tablespoon). Beat the mixture very thoroughly, cover your face and neck with it. Leave to act up to 17 minutes, remove with a damp swab.

Watch a video about what facial skin problems bodyaga helps with

Familiarize yourself with the range and characteristics of Shiseido face cream

For problematic

Recipe six.

It has antibacterial, drying, healing and nourishing effects, helps eliminate acne, quickly heals the skin, makes it smoother. Do it once or twice a week.

Preparation: combine cottage cheese and kefir in a ratio of 1: 3, grind into gruel and apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water

For acne and blackheads

Recipe seven.

Mask with kefir and blue clay.

Deeply cleanses the skin, has a drying effect, evens out the complexion, tightens pores, and helps eliminate black spots. It is recommended to resort to this recipe once a week.

Production method: Pour 20 grams of oatmeal with 60-80 milliliters of heated water, leave until the flakes are completely swollen. Then dilute 20 grams of blue clay in water and add to the mixture. Spread the resulting gruel on your face, hold the mask until the clay dries. Then cleanse the skin with warm water.

Recipe eight. An effective acne mask.

It has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, healing effect, will help eliminate acne that spoils the mood. The mask is done once or twice a week.

Preparation: pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers and mint with hot water, make a herbal infusion. Strain it and add a handful of crushed oats. Boil for 7 minutes, cool, cover the skin of the face with a warm mixture, cover with a napkin on top. Leave to act for 17-19 minutes, after use, remove with a cotton pad moistened with infusion.
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For the night

Recipe nine. Night face mask based on kefir.

Designed for dry skin, sallow complexion and hyperpigmentation

Production method: grind 10 grams of green tea into coffee grinders into powder, add 60 milliliters of kefir, 10 grams of oatmeal and 20 grams of olive oil. Beat all the ingredients well, cover your face with the resulting mass and go to bed. Remove in the morning by rinsing with warm water.

If you do not have time to bother with the preparation of masks, you can apply one kefir film to the skin. Leave it on your face until morning and then cleanse your skin with cool water. Smooth, fresh and young skin after such a procedure is guaranteed to you.

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Watch the video recipe for a face mask with kefir oil

On every day

Recipe ten. Mask of kefir, with protein and starch.

It has a nourishing, moisturizing effect, tightens the skin, evens out the tone of the face and eliminates early wrinkles. Suitable for owners of any skin type. The mask should be applied to cleansed skin, hold for 11 to 17 minutes. The procedure is repeated a couple of times a week.

Preparation: one chicken egg is taken, the protein and yolk are separated, thoroughly rubbed. 20 grams of potato starch are mixed with a tablespoon of kefir. Add protein and mix thoroughly. The face is covered with this mixture for 14-24 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Recipe Eleven. Mask based on kefir and banana.

Preparation: combine half, two tablespoons of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt), a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of oatmeal. Mix all ingredients well until a homogeneous mixture. Apply to face for 20-23 minutes. After this time, rinse with warm water. You need to perform such a mask every other day.

Kefir has been used by women since ancient times to preserve beauty, as it whitens and creates a blush. The big advantage of the product is that it is used for all types of facial skin, it gently affects the skin and does not harm. In addition, kefir is accessible to everyone, which allows you to use it at home.

What are the benefits of kefir for the face

The benefits of kefir are as follows:

  • the formation of collagen, which contributes to the elasticity of the skin for a long time;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protection of the skin from inflammation, acne;
  • moisturizing the skin and eliminating age spots;
  • cleansing from pollution and refreshing effect;
  • protection of the skin from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • keeping the skin in good shape, fighting wrinkles and increasing immunity.

Eating fermented milk products also has a positive effect on the beauty of the skin of the face and body.

Rules for the use of funds in cosmetology

The use of kefir masks is possible at any time, especially their use is recommended in the spring, when the skin is in great need of vitamins. The action directly depends on how they will be used, so you should know some points:

  1. It is important to choose kefir of the correct fat content, because a drink with a high percentage is most suitable for dry skin. If you use a mask for oily skin, then you need kefir with a low percentage of fat content. Normal skin requires kefir with a fat content of 1%.
  2. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the product is fresh, sour is used only to treat problem skin.
  3. You need to decide which area you want to influence today. It can be not only the face, but also the neck, as well as the décolleté area.
  4. Before using the mask, it is necessary to treat the face with lotion.
  5. If irritation occurs after applying any kind of mask, then it is necessary to determine which of the ingredients may be allergic, kefir itself is harmless.

Kefir masks can be used for any skin type.

How to use kefir for the face in its pure form every day

Kefir masks whiten and cleanse well

Kefir can be used in its pure form without the addition of additional ingredients. The easiest use: take warm kefir and cotton wool or cotton pads. Soak a cotton pad in kefir and apply on the skin of the face. This will help the skin get the necessary vitamins and restore the acid-base balance, and kefir even in this form helps to get rid of inflammation. It is worth wiping in the morning, at this time the pores are clean and enlarged after a night's sleep. You need to wait until the kefir dries on your face, and wash with warm water, you can lather your skin a little and rinse off the product.

You can wipe your face with a swab dipped in kefir several times a day. But if you add additional ingredients to the mask, the product can be used 2 times a week.

“Washing” takes place according to the same principle: kefir is applied to the skin with a swab or sponge, lasts for 2-3 minutes, then the face is washed with cold water and the skin is toned by rubbing with an ice cube (you can use herbs).

Acne masks

There are many kefir masks, and each has a certain effect.

Lemon juice will help in the fight against oily skin

With oatmeal, baking soda and lemon juice

One of the effective kefir-based masks includes oatmeal or wheat flour, 2 pinches of soda, 1 g of lemon juice and 100 g of kefir. The mixture should be similar in consistency to sour cream. The easiest way to apply the product is with cotton pads or special spatulas. You need to hold such a composition on the skin for about 30 minutes and perform the procedure 3-4 times during the week.

With yeast and peroxide

A very effective composition to combat acne and rashes: kefir in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. mix with yeast in an amount of 10–15 g and add a maximum of 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Spread the mask on your face and wait until it dries completely. It is better to wash after the procedure with water at room temperature or a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

With aspirin

Helps against acne mask with 2 tbsp. l. kefir, 2 crushed aspirin tablets and 1 tsp. mineral water. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face, leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wipe the face with lotion.

Masks with aspirin are quite hard, test for sensitivity before use

With oatmeal

Milk and honey - a fragrant and healthy combination

Kefir and cinnamon

Cinnamon helps to acquire healthy skin color and improves metabolism. To prepare a mask, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. without a slide of cinnamon, then mix. To make the mask more nutritious, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. honey, and for better cleansing, you need to add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. The mask is applied for 10 minutes, and while washing off, you need to massage the skin a little.

For oily skin

Oily skin is often a problem due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, so it requires certain care that reduces oiliness. Effective remedies can be prepared as follows.

With carrots and protein

It will take 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, juice of half a lemon and protein. The protein must be whipped and mixed with the remaining ingredients, you need to keep the mask for 30 minutes. It will help eliminate oily sheen.

When applying masks with carrots, remember that it can stain very fair skin.

With honey and bran

Mask with flour and bran. 3 art. l. kefir should be diluted with 1 tsp. honey and 1 egg white, add 5 drops of lemon juice, 4 pinches of oatmeal or potato flour, rye bran in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. This mask saves from acne and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

How to smear your face with sour kefir

From sour kefir, you can also make very useful masks. The fatter the skin, the

Such kefir will work better. The drink should be put in a warm place for several days, and then applied to the face and held for 20-30 minutes, and then washed with cold water.

How to whiten skin and fight age spots

Pimples and acne marks are a concern for many people and are not easy to get rid of. The following kefir-based masks will help eliminate this problem.

Easy Homemade Egg Mask

To eliminate pigmentation, masks with kefir and egg are excellent. It will take 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 egg and 1 cucumber. Cucumber without skin must be chopped with a blender and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the product for 20 minutes.

With cucumber juice

For especially lazy people, the option of rubbing the skin with cucumber juice without additives is suitable.

For skin whitening, acidified kefir with cucumber juice helps very well, the ingredients are mixed in a 3: 1 ratio, respectively. Apply to the face with even movements in a clockwise direction, then wait until the mask is absorbed, rinse with warm water.

With green tea at night

From stains, a night mask with green tea leaves and kefir is very effective. Add to 1/4 cup of kefir 1 tbsp. l. grated green tea, 3 pinches of oatmeal and 1 tsp. olive oil. Gently apply the product on the face, leave overnight, wash off the mask in the morning with warm water.

Nourishing blends for dry skin

Dry skin requires special care, as it is very sensitive to environmental influences.

With honey and olive oil

Dry skin requires gentle treatment, so it is recommended to add honey and oils to the mask. You need to connect 3 tbsp. l. kefir with 20 g of parsley, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Honey and oil are preheated, then the rest of the ingredients and warm kefir are added to them. The mixture should be kept up to 30 minutes.

With carrot juice

2% kefir will help very sensitive skin, it needs to be diluted with 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice and olive oil. The mask should be applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with chamomile decoction. The remedy relieves severe peeling of the skin.

How else can you use kefir for the face (video)

Contraindications to the use of a fermented milk product

As for contraindications, kefir masks have almost no contraindications. Kefir in its pure form does not cause allergies, if an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash, then most often this happens due to other components that make up the mask. Therefore, it is better to first test the skin for a reaction: alternately apply a little drink and other components to different areas of the skin and see if irritation occurs. If there is no reaction, then you can safely use a mask. It is recommended to be very careful with the components, since honey or lemon most often causes allergies.

Using kefir as the main ingredient of the mask is the easiest and most affordable way to always look fresh and young. Kefir mask for facial fit for skin of any type. This simple and healthy product will help brighten the skin, whiten freckles and age spots, and will also be an excellent nourishing skin care product.

The benefits of kefir for the skin

Sour-milk products are widely used to make homemade masks for face and hair care (read more about kefir hair masks at home). Kefir face mask will help restore the beauty of oily and problematic skin, get rid of imperfections, saturate the skin with nutrients and reduce the number of wrinkles.

Kefir has a rich composition, thanks to which it has such a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. In the composition of kefir:

  • lactobacilli that stimulate the metabolic processes of the skin and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • essential vitamins, including B vitamins;
  • amino acids and proteins;
  • more than ten trace elements necessary for the skin.

This product also contains "beauty vitamins" - A and E, which are distinguished by their antioxidant effect, as well as biotin, which is necessary for healthy skin and hair.

Kefir face masks

A kefir face mask is used to care for all skin types and is suitable for absolutely all ages. Properly selected ingredients add the necessary substances to the mask, thereby increasing the effectiveness of its effect on the skin of a certain type.

Kefir for oily skin

Oily and breakout-prone skin is often the cause of self-dissatisfaction. Kefir mask for oily skin will provide matting, help to narrow pores, provide an even matte complexion and eliminate oily sheen.

    Kefir and fresh parsley will have a whitening effect on the skin, as well as significantly narrow the pores. To prepare the mask, grind half a bunch of parsley in a blender and mix with slightly warmed kefir.

    The mask is suitable for problematic, combination and oily skin, and it can be applied up to three times a week. Such a face mask with kefir will be an "ambulance" for tired skin.

    A mask of kefir and yeast will help to cleanse, refresh and eliminate the shine of oily skin. To do this, you need to take fresh yeast and mix it with slightly warmed kefir in proportions of 1: 3, that is, for one part of yeast, you will need three parts of kefir.

    The mask has an astringent effect, and it can be used twice a week, keeping the mixture for 10-15 minutes.

    A kefir-yeast mask with hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of acne and prevent their appearance. Kefir and yeast are taken in proportions of 3: 1, and a teaspoon of peroxide should also be poured into the mixture. The resulting mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

    Important: the mask dries the skin, in order to avoid overdrying it is used no more than twice a month!

    Another simple recipe for acne and acne is kefir and an aspirin tablet. An aspirin tablet should be thoroughly ground into powder and added to pure kefir. For severe rashes, the amount of aspirin can be increased to two tablets. Mineral water can also be added to the mixture.

    A kefir face mask with the addition of a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice will help get rid of excessive fat content. This tool is used twice a week and helps the skin always stay fresh and toned.

    Also, lemon juice has a slight brightening effect, helping to get rid of freckles and age spots.

An important step in the preparation of the mask is the choice of kefir. For oily skin, you need to choose a more acidic, fat-free kefir, while for dry skin care, you need kefir with a maximum fat content.

Kefir for the beauty of normal skin

    For the beauty and radiance of normal type skin, the ideal option would be to prepare a mask using fresh cucumber. Grate the cucumber and mix the resulting slurry with kefir, taking the ingredients in equal proportions. This mask will nourish and moisturize the skin.

    Making this kefir face mask at home does not take much time and does not require the use of rare or expensive ingredients.

    The mask can be applied up to three times a week, and can also be used to care for the skin of the neck and décolleté.

    Great scrub mask normal skin it will turn out if you mix oatmeal flakes with kefir and apply the mixture on your face. In this case, you can massage the skin and wash off the mask after two to three minutes, or you can stand it for 15-20 minutes.

    A tonic kefir mask for normal facial skin is prepared with the addition of strongly brewed high-quality green tea. To do this, you need to mix two tablespoons of tea with two tablespoons of kefir. To make the mask thick, you can add kaolin or starch to it. You can enrich the composition of the mask by adding a teaspoon of jojoba, olive or grape seed oil to the mixture.

    A mask of honey and kefir for the face is affordable and effective method restore freshness and youthfulness to the skin. This mask is perfect for both normal and dry skin.

    To prepare the product, you will need to add a large spoonful of natural honey to the heated kefir. The mask should be applied to the face and neck and kept for about 15-20 minutes.

Kefir for dry skin

When choosing kefir for dry skin care, you should give preference to the most fatty product. Enriching the composition of the kefir face mask cosmetic oils, you can get the effect of deep moisturizing and nourishing tired dry skin. A face mask for dry skin on kefir is prepared with the addition of products that promote deep nutrition.

    Kefir and egg yolk- This is an excellent tool that promotes deep nourishment of the skin. It is recommended to add a small spoonful of avocado oil or almond oil to the mixture, this will help get rid of the peeling of the skin of the face.

    Moisturizing kefir mask is prepared with the addition of carrot juice and cottage cheese. To prepare the product, you will need to mix a spoonful of fatty cottage cheese and a spoonful of freshly squeezed carrot juice with kefir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

    Mask of kefir, honey and cottage cheese: mix a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese with a spoonful of natural honey and kefir.

    Based on kefir, you can easily prepare a simple nourishing mask for tired skin. To do this, mix kefir with full-fat yogurt without additives and apply the mixture on your face, gently massaging. The mask deeply nourishes the skin, making it soft and velvety.

  1. In order for a kefir face mask at home to be as effective as possible, you should choose fresh kefir with a short shelf life.
  2. For skin care with enlarged pores and prone to oiliness, you can use sour kefir as a tonic. You can wipe your face with cold low-fat kefir during the day.
  3. To care for aging skin, you should use a kefir mask not only on the face, but also apply it on the neck and décolleté.
  4. A kefir mask that whitens freckles and age spots will help to achieve an even matte skin color.
  5. You can freeze kefir and wipe your face with these cubes daily along the massage lines. This will help maintain skin tone, and will also become a good stimulation of blood circulation, so that the complexion will be even, and the skin toned and velvety.

Regular use of simple and effective kefir-based masks will help prolong the youthfulness of facial skin for a long time.

Kefir improves the functioning of the immune and digestive systems. With it, you can improve the condition of the skin. Kefir for face and body has many useful properties.

Here you will learn how kefir affects your health and what it consists of. At the end of the article you will find beauty recipes with kefir for the face.

What is useful contains kefir for facial skin

  • Yeast. They give a special spiciness to this drink. Yeast, when combined with milk sugar, forms alcohol (a small amount).
  • Thermophilic streptococcus- a useful microorganism widely used for the manufacture of fermented milk products.
  • Acetic acid bacteria They also add some spiciness.
  • Simple milk sugars useful for health.
  • Calcium. This is important because it provides muscle contractions. Lack of calcium prevents the muscles from working properly.

How to choose and store?

  1. Pay attention to the expiration date!
  2. Make sure that “Kefir” is written on the package - not kefir, not kefir drink.
  3. Choose a drink in glass packaging and in the form of tetra-packs.
  4. The composition should contain only two ingredients - milk and sourdough.
  5. It must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.
  6. To use kefir for the face as part of masks, look at its fat content. For dry skin, take a drink with a fat content more. For oily skin, fat-free kefir is suitable.

What happens if you drink kefir every day?

So, with the help of regular use of kefir, you can:

  1. Improve digestion.
  2. Accelerate metabolism.
  3. Remove toxins.
  4. Satisfy mild hunger.
  5. Strengthen immunity.
  6. Calm the nervous system and reduce.
  7. Help the stomach.
  8. Get rid of bloating and flatulence.
  9. Remove swelling.
  10. Reduce cholesterol levels.
  11. Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


Not everyone can drink kefir regularly. Doctors do not recommend it for the following diseases:

  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Body poisoning.
  • Gastrointestinal infection.

Keep in mind that the drink contains alcohol, albeit in small quantities. Therefore, children are allowed to give kefir only after they are 8 months old.

The least alcohol in a fresh drink - up to three days.

The use of kefir for the face without additives

Kefir for the face is used independently, without other components. To do this, take some warm drink and soak a cotton pad in it. Apply gently to face.

This will allow the skin to restore its acid-base balance and saturate it at a deep level with vitamins and nutrients. The use of kefir for facial skin in its pure form helps to eliminate inflammatory processes.

It is better to wipe the face immediately after sleep, when the pores are enlarged and have not yet had time to get dirty. Wait for the drink to dry and rinse it off with warm water.

A fermented milk drink can cleanse the skin. Apply some yogurt to your face with a cotton pad and leave it on for a few minutes. After that, wash your face with cold water and wipe the skin with ice cubes.

Lemon mask for acne

  • 100 grams of kefir,
  • 1 gram
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • a little oatmeal (can be replaced with wheat).

Apply the product on your face and leave for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water. The procedure can be regularly performed up to 4 times a week.

Yeast Blend for Problematic Skin


The scrub cleanses well and acts as a preventive measure for the appearance of rashes.