
Swaddling the hands of a child. Free swaddling techniques for babies: step by step instructions in pictures. How to wean from swaddling


Some mothers compare the birth of a child with the explosion of an atomic bomb - so quickly they have to change the whole well-coordinated life. Together with the joy of motherhood, a sea of ​​new information for her falls on a woman: how to bathe a baby, what size is the baby it is better to choose how to hold the baby to prevent spitting up, and much more.

Do you need to swaddle at all?

Many modern mothers like to shout that swaddling harms the baby, because of him he develops worse, overheats, curves appear, and some even accuse his parents of abuse at the sight of a swaddled child. However, this type of clothing for newborns has existed in almost every culture for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and humanity has not turned into twisted freaks during this time.

On the contrary, a swaddled baby sleeps more calmly and soundly, cries less. Being in the mother's tummy, the baby gets used to the closed space and feels protected in it. In the diaper, he is almost as comfortable and warm, so the baby calms down. At the same time, it is important to choose the right diaper size- it should not tighten the baby too much, but at the same time, too much excess material can form wrinkles and cause the baby a lot of inconvenience. Swaddling during sleep is simply necessary in the first months of life. At this time, the baby still cannot coordinate his movements, falling asleep, he moves his arms and legs, while being afraid of his own movements. In addition, very many children after birth have a tone in their arms or legs, that is, they are constantly tense, and in order to calm the baby, you need to hug him tightly, or better, wrap him in diapers for sleep up to a year, and some even up to one and a half years.

Yes, those rumors that Soviet children, who were wrapped in a "soldier" up to six months, or even longer, developed much more slowly, we will neither confirm nor deny. Probably the most reasonable would be the "golden mean", that is, a reasonable alternation of swaddling and looser clothes. And if in the first two or three weeks the newborn should be wrapped in diapers almost constantly, then further swaddling should be resorted to only during sleep, giving the baby the opportunity to move freely and physically develop during the “festivities”.

About, what to wear under a diaper to a newborn, there are also several opinions. Some do not wear anything, believing that extra seams and folds can harm delicate baby skin. And they are partly right. The main thing, when choosing clothes, is to reasonably evaluate its necessity, the temperature of the environment surrounding the child and the convenience for the baby. Firstly, modern mothers put a sealed diaper or a reusable diaper on the baby, because infant can soak 5-6 diapers in just one hour, and this is very troublesome. For a walk under the diaper, they often wear vests, blouses or suits in order to better warm the baby.

General rules for making swaddling comfortable and safe

  • The used diaper should be washed with hypoallergenic products, and also wrung out at high speed. It also needs to be ironed with a hot iron on both sides. In the first five weeks of life, the disinfection of a newborn's clothes should be as demanding as possible, because open umbilical wound- this is a direct way for infections to enter the child's body. It is better to iron clothes with the steam mode. This will not only protect the newborn from microbes that are unsafe for him, but also make the fabric soft and pleasant, and in addition, it will help to avoid wrinkles, which very easily injure the skin and lead to diaper rash.
  • Use only soft and natural fabrics. Best of all - time-tested for thin, and - for warm diapers. Optimal p diaper size depends on the age and growth of the crumbs. When swaddled, its height should envelop the child from the back of the head to the heels with an overlap and close in front to the armpits.
  • Equip a changing table in the room - you can appreciate its convenience on merit throughout the first six months of life, until the baby begins to sit down. If it is not there, you can swaddle on the couch or bed, but remember that in this case, the mother will have to be in an inclined position, which can cause back pain.
  • Next to the place for swaddling, you need to place all the products necessary for processing a newborn: powders and creams, brilliant green, peroxide, cotton swabs and disks - everything should be at hand. All baby clothes should be located here.
  • In no case do not leave the baby unattended, even if he still does not know how to do anything at all. Contrary to popular belief, even newborn babies can kick off a table or couch and fall.
  • If you are wearing a vest or romper, try to choose them without ties and buttons. And for children of the first months of life, it is best to choose clothes with seams outward. This also corresponds to the Russian GOST for clothes of the first layer for newborns. Remember that sometimes even a simple thread can harm the skin of a newborn.
  • When undressing your baby, make sure the room is warm enough. The optimal temperature for finding the baby is 20-22 degrees.

Most mothers immediately after childbirth are faced with the problem of lack of skill how to swaddle a newborn in a diaper. Scheme one of the most popular ways is likely to be found on the wall of the information department, there is such a hand-drawn swaddling pattern and on the labels of diapers brand Pampusiki. Moreover, midwives teach this skill to women in labor as soon as the mother starts to get out of bed. You can also ask for advice from the patronage nurse, who will definitely visit you.

However, in order not to experience unnecessary stress in the already difficult period, it is best to practice on the doll in advance.

tight swaddling

  1. Lay a warm diaper on the changing table, and a thin one on it. The child should be placed in the center of the table so that only the head is above the cut (or edge) of the fabric.
  2. Cover the baby with the right side of the thin material and bring the end behind the back of the child, carefully aligning all the folds. Do the same with the left side.
  3. The material remaining below should be straightened and covered with crumbs up to the chest, turning the ends behind the back. The tip remaining on top must be hidden behind the edge of the diaper. You see, the diaper should not be narrow!
  4. Do the same with a warm diaper so that the clothes hold better and the baby is warmer.

To avoid diaper rash, you can put a small piece of cotton fabric between the legs.

Some mothers tie the ends of the diaper behind the baby's back to keep it better. But it’s better not to do this, because the knot can cause a lot of inconvenience to the crumbs.

Free swaddling

During the wakefulness of the baby from a month to four or five, it is very convenient to swaddle, leaving the arms free so that he can play with them, and just get used to them. Let's figure it out how to swaddle the legs of a newborn in a diaper.

  1. Put the washed baby in a fresh diaper and put it on the unfolded diaper so that it reaches his armpits. Wrap the baby with one edge of the material and bring him behind the back. Do the same with the second end of the fabric.
  2. Straighten the lower part, bring the ends behind the baby's back, hide the upper tip in the "pocket".

Swaddling with your head

In the maternity hospital, this method of swaddling turns out to be very convenient - this allows you to save the fontanel on the head of the newborn. Also, swaddling with a head is convenient to use when going for a walk. Diaper size here should be much larger than for other types of swaddling. But since the newborn is still quite a baby, for example, a diaper measuring 80x120 or 90x120 cm will be enough to cover him with his head.

  1. We lay the baby on the diaper laid out on the table, leaving the edge of the fabric above the head. We apply the upper end to the forehead and wrap it to make a scarf.
  2. We cover the baby with the right side and start the end behind the back.
  3. We perform the same actions on the left side.
  4. We cover the baby with the straightened bottom of the diaper to the chest, we wrap the corners behind the back. We hide the upper corner in a fold.

By learning these basic ways to swaddle a newborn, you will be able to easily change your baby's clothes, providing him with comfort and peace of mind. Despite some disadvantages, swaddling has been and remains a necessary procedure for infants, which greatly simplifies the life of the mother, and gives the baby healthy sleep and makes it less disturbing.

old post What diapers are needed in the maternity hospital and how not to make a mistake when buying - advice from Pampusiki

A person who sees a newborn baby usually has an instinctive desire to wrap it in something soft. Most moms do this. They learn how to swaddle a baby and the diaper becomes trueassistant in the first year of life. And sometimes it is more important for mothers to give the baby the opportunity to move without restrictions from the very first seconds of life, leaving the baby without diapers. What is better - swaddling a newborn or freedom? How to swaddle correctly and is it worth doing it at all? How to solve a baby changing issue? Let's try to figure it out.

Secrets of an ordinary diaper or why and how to swaddle a newborn?

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, the newborn really needs to be warmed up, to help him realize the boundaries of the body, so that he felt relaxed and protected like in the uterus. Most babies need soft adaptation to the new conditions of their existence. You need to get used to such a stunning change in external circumstances gradually. And wonderful helpers in this, first of all, mother's skillful hands, the warmth of her body. Mom can take the newborn, warm it by pressing it to the stomach or chest. Provide healing skin-to-skin contact . Then you don't even need a diaper.
But modern young mothers lack of confidence in handling newborns . Often the first newborn a woman sees is her own baby. In the first minutes and days, theoretical preparation does not help much. All subtleties are comprehended in practice. This is where "grandmother's" diapers come in handy. A swaddled baby is both more convenient to take and easier to carry in your arms. Yes, and babies very often calm down and sleep soundly in diapers. There is an opinion that babies up to 40 days do not need clothes at all, only diapers. And this makes some sense. After all, it is much more difficult for a mother without experience to put on a bodysuit and sliders for a crying baby than just wrap it in a diaper .

Benefits of swaddling:

  • babies feel safer in a diaper
  • swaddled babies sleep longer and sounder
  • saving on newborn clothes
  • diapers will later come in handy in life with a child

Vit is important not to go too far : do not swaddle tight and do not keep the baby in swaddling clothes all the time. Tight swaddling, especially with straightening the legs and arms, is definitely harmful (see the tab with WHO recommendations). The diaper should create a soft comfortable shell, inside which baby can move arms and legs freely . The baby should be able to pull out a pen, or two at once, or even get out of the diaper when he grows up a little. In this sense, stretchy knitted diapers are convenient. Yes, and it is easier for an inexperienced mother to swaddle in them. In general, it would be ideal if someone showed the newly-made mother all the subtleties of swaddling and taught how to swaddle correctly. Watch the snippet newborn care video at the bottom of the page, which shows the so-called wide swaddling with free legs.

Swaddling difficulties:

  • there is a chance of overheating if the baby is wrapped too warmly.

So what to do - to swaddle or not??

Universal rule for parents "Look at your own child" helps in this matter. There are days when the baby falls asleep perfectly and so, and sometimes the baby cannot sleep until he feels “like in the tummy”. Be flexible and look at the child. If you notice that the baby is getting out of the diaper, then he does not need them now. Some babies grow out of swaddling with handles fairly quickly, but wide loose swaddling the legs soothes them and helps you sleep better for a while. There is a method of swaddling "under the arms", just for such cases. And you can replace swaddling with a cute sleeping bag, for example.
There are children who clearly protest against diapers birthday. In this case, there is no need to insist. You just need to more often, giving an intrauterine pose. Take a closer look at your baby, listen to his wishes.


No swaddling


  • many babies feel more relaxed in a diaper
  • sleep longer and sounder
  • a swaddled baby is easier to hold in the arms of a young mother and father
  • Save money on newborn clothes
  • Diapers will later come in handy in life with a child
  • baby moves more
  • hardening
  • save money on diapers
  • no need to learn to swaddle


  • you need to practice to swaddle quickly and deftly
  • there is a chance of overheating the child
  • the baby can jump up during sleep and wake himself up with the movement of his arms and legs
  • the baby may be more anxious in the first months

At the same time, the WHO emphasizes that Not all babies need swaddling. Most in need of swaddling:

  • restless and easily excitable, often shuddering, waking up during sleep children;
  • premature (in this case, free swaddling contributes to the stabilization of physiological functions and the development of the neuromuscular system);
  • children with brain damage.

tight swaddling, when the baby's legs and arms are straightened and firmly pressed against the body, and then fixed with a diaper, according to WHO, it leads to dysplasia, impaired blood circulation, and delayed development of neuromuscular coordination. In addition, the risk of overheating is significantly increased.

What do you need for swaddling

    Diapers thin chintz or knitted, about 20pcs. Size 110x110 cm

This is the base diaper. It is thin, breathable, it is difficult to overheat the baby in it. In the heat of the baby, you can swaddle in a thin diaper right naked, and when it's cooler - in a vest. Recommend this diaper size for newborns, because it is comfortable to wear and will last longer. Smaller diapers will most likely be given to you at the hospital.

    Flannel diapers20 pcs. Size 100x100 cm

These diapers will be useful for the first weeks. A flannel diaper wraps the baby over a thin cotton or knitted diaper. It turns out a dense good bundle, in which a newborn is comfortable, and which is convenient for a young mother to wear. In addition, this additional insulation which some babies need to fall asleep easier. Gradually, with the growth of the baby, the need to swaddle in flannel disappears. But they will last a long time comfortable bedding and sheets for all occasions: and the stroller, and in the crib, and to the doctor, and so on.

    "Lazy" diapers, diapers with fasteners, envelopesetc.

These modern inventions and devices are designed to make life easier for mom, who can't swaddle child. They can be useful and convenient, but they are definitely not essentials. Good old grandmother's diapers work just as well, but are incomparably cheaper. A changing bag can be handy for walking and car seat travel, just make sure it has slots for seat belts.

    Changing area

A baby changing table with lots of shelves or even a whole chest of drawers for changing is of course very convenient, especially for handling a newborn in the first couple of weeks. But if the place in the apartment is limited, you can easily do without these pieces of furniture. Even a changing board or a changing mattress with sides can be omitted. It is also convenient to swaddle a baby on an adult wide bed or a baby crib with a wall removed. Breathable natural waterproof sheets will help protect the beds from getting wet. Somewhere nearby, at arm's length, it would be nice to place shelves for all kinds of needs: diaper cream, cotton pads, a supply of diapers and diapers. Watch the video at the bottom of the page to see how it can be done. Such an organization of a changing place has many advantages:

  • more free space in the room,
  • no need to buy furniture that will be needed only for a short time
  • it is safer than a tall baby changing chest or changing table.

Attention! Never leave your baby alone on a baby changing table, even for a second. When you reach for the diaper with your other hand hold the baby. If you can’t reach something, take the baby in your arms. Even if the baby does not roll over and does not crawl, there is still a danger that he falls off the changing table.

Swaddling technology - how to do it step by step

There are many ways to swaddle a baby. We offer you the simplest, most convenient, safe and time-tested. You were probably swaddled the same way when you were a newborn baby.

  1. Lay the baby across the sheet on the long side, in the middle.
  2. Take the upper left corner of the diaper and slide it under the baby's right armpit.
  3. Take the upper right corner and bring it behind the back of the baby on the left side.
  4. Take both lower corners of the diaper in both hands, pull them slightly towards you and straighten them.
  5. Throw the bottom edge of the diaper over the baby's arms, wrap the baby loosely and secure it on the back, tucking the corner under the edge of the diaper.

It is necessary to swaddle freely, but to fix the diaper more securely. We should get a cocoon, inside which the baby moves his arms and legs, while the structure does not fall apart. Practice and you'll be fine!

Boil and iron diapers? well, I do not

The good news is that you don't have to boil and iron mountains of diapers every day. Of course, wash and iron all the dowry of the baby in in preparation for childbirth not allowed. It's meditative and useful activity contributes to the development and sets mom in the right mood. But after the birth of a baby, you can forget about ironing with a clear conscience if you have a washing machine with a washing program of 90 * and a convenient clothes dryer. On a truly convenient dryer, you can even hang diapers evenly with one hand, while holding the baby with the other hand or in a sling.
You probably won't need to wash diapers at high temperatures very often. For normal everyday washing, the 75*C program is sufficient. An extra rinse won't hurt either. Boiling (or washing at 90) and ironing diapers on both sides can be useful in case of serious dermatitis or intestinal and other infections.

Swaddling FAQ

How to properly swaddle a baby?

There are quite a few ways to swaddle, you can view master classes on youtube, try a few and choose the most convenient one. The main thing is not to swaddle tight, not to immobilize the baby, to swaddle so that the baby has the ability to move inside and get out of the diaper when he needs to.

What to wear under a diaper?

Depends on the situation and temperature. If the baby is newborn and the house is warm, then you can swaddle over a thin vest or even naked. If you need a diaper to put to sleep grown up baby, swaddle over pajamas. If the baby will sleep on a walk in a stroller, we swaddle a blanket over warm clothes. Etc.

Is it hot for the baby under the diaper?

The baby can be hot regardless of swaddling. Mom must be controlled this moment, feel the baby's neck, see if he is sweaty, if his face is red. Overheating in newborns is considered by pediatricians to be a greater danger than cold, so do not overdo it when wrapping your baby.

How to swaddle in the heat?

In the heat, you can swaddle with a thin diaper directly on your naked body. A thin diaper will even help protect the baby from overheating and harmful effects. sun rays. Just check often to see if your baby is hot. This rule applies whether you swaddle your baby or not.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

You will see for yourself how many months swaddle your baby. Some babies say goodbye to the diaper earlier, some later. There is nothing wrong if baby under one year old will fall asleep slightly swaddled. Even older children can play wrapped in a blanket or sheet to soothe them before bed.

How to wean from swaddling?

Normally, there is no need to wean a child from swaddling. The child will outgrow this need, like many other infantile needs: motion sickness, sucking, etc. You certainly won't have to swaddle your son before the army. If you want to stop swaddling as soon as possible, we advise you to switch to swaddling under the arms by 3 months, put to sleep in a sling without a diaper, alternate between laying with a diaper and without a diaper.

How to combine swaddling with planting?

Swaddling goes well with. Planting out of diapers is definitely more convenient than from overalls, bodysuits and sliders. When dropping off a child, you just need to release the ass from the diaper and hold it over a basin or sink, and then wrap it back. In order not to get too wet in the event of an accident, you need to put a gauze diaper between the baby's legs and use natural

How many diapers do you need?

Usually 20 thin and 20 flannel diapers are enough. You can divide this quantity by size, buy 10 diapers of each type, smaller 90x100 and larger 110x110. In the first days it will become clear whether you need to buy a diaper and how. newborn diaper it takes more than a grown up, boys more than girls (they pee more often).

Do I need to swaddle my baby at night?

If you practice co-sleeping, especially if the baby sleeps on your arm (the position of breastfeeding while lying on your side), then swaddling at night optional. But if mom needs to put the baby to bed for a night's sleep, and she herself needs to do something else around the house, then the diaper will help the baby sleep stronger and longer.

Why swaddle during the day?

It depends on age. The newborn is swaddled to better adapted to a new life, was less nervous and developed better. An older baby can be swaddled to soothe and put him to sleep during the day.

Features of swaddling with dysplasia?

With dysplasia, wide swaddling is used, when several diapers are placed between the legs of the child. This is done so that the baby's legs are divorced as much as possible. How to do it correctly, the doctor will tell you. Healthy children this type of swaddling is not needed, even as a preventive measure. But all babies without exception can be recommended: the baby's legs in a sling are widely separated, which contributes to the healthy development of the hip joints.

So, let's sum up. Swaddling is ancient way of caring for a child, it certainly has a deep wisdom that will be useful to modern parents. Swaddling is not necessary for all children, but for many of them it will bring peace and deep sleep. Now you know how to properly swaddle a newborn, and why to do it. Try it! If you notice beneficial effect, practice free swaddling for as long as the baby needs it. The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a child, only you can give yourself. Listen to your child, turn on maternal intuition and let the baby grow up healthy and happy!

Some three decades ago, the question of the expediency of swaddling a newborn was not even a question for young parents.

They simply had no other alternative. As a dowry, a baby was given a set of diapers and a blanket, and diapers were made from gauze or from an old sheet.

The modern view of the need to swaddle a baby has changed dramatically. Newborns are dressed in elegant suits already at discharge from the hospital.

Are today's parents right? Do babies need to be swaddled? Let's figure it out.

Proper swaddling of a baby has a number of positive aspects.:

  1. It facilitates the adaptation of the baby to new living conditions outside the mother's womb, in which he was warm and comfortable. A diaper tightly covering the body of a newborn, as it were, returns him to the cramped conditions of the mother's womb. That is why the baby wrapped in it calms down and falls asleep faster.
  2. A heated soft diaper, which replaces the warmth of a mother's body, helps the baby's body adapt to new temperature conditions.
  3. Having been born, the little man is going through a lot of stress. He often shudders in his sleep, waves his arms, and, touching his face, wakes up. This is exactly what happens to newborns whose arms and legs are left free. If the baby is swaddled, this does not happen and his sleep will be more restful.
Full swaddling

Pediatricians tend to believe that swaddling is beneficial for newborns during the first four weeks of their lives. With the help of diapers, adaptation to the "new" world for babies will be more harmonious and gentle.

Somewhat accustomed to the environment, the baby will lose the habit of reflex tossing of the limbs, and their movements will become more smooth and coordinated. There is no longer a special need for swaddling a one and a half month old baby. It makes sense in nightly swaddling only for those babies who continue to throw up their arms during sleep.

No definitive recommendations can be given here. In each case, it all depends on the behavior of the baby himself. If it is difficult for him to fall asleep without swaddling or his sleep is interrupted by frequent awakenings, it means that the time has not yet come to refuse diapers.

Wrapped baby feels protected (photo)

  • Babies should only be swaddled at bedtime. During wakefulness, it is better to leave them in clothes that do not restrict movement. The best option there will be sliders and a vest.
  • Parents of toddlers should initially refuse from too tight method, because in addition to difficulty in breathing, it can contribute to hip dislocation.
  • Diapers must be immaculately clean and ironed. Using an iron with a steamer or spraying the surface of the diaper with water during ironing provides a special softness of the fabric and comfort for the baby. If the baby urinates on a diaper, it is absolutely impossible to dry it on a battery - this is fraught with the development of diaper rash and irritation of delicate baby skin, up to the development of dermatitis.
  • Only a washed child should be wrapped.
  • If the temperature in the children's room is not higher than twenty degrees, the best option is to swaddle the baby in two diapers: cotton and flannel. In an overly hot room, gauze is suitable for swaddling a newborn. Such a fabric will create optimal conditions for the moisture exchange of children's skin.
  • You can swaddle a newborn on any horizontal surface, but it is most convenient to do it on a changing table: this will prevent unwanted stress on the lower back while caring for the baby. It will also be convenient to carry out the procedure directly in the crib, if it provides the opportunity to install it on the second (higher) level.
  • Before wrapping, a diaper or diaper is put on the baby. When using a diaper, it is necessary to ensure that it contributes to the breeding of the legs. If the diaper is made of thin gauze, a small diaper folded in a rectangle is placed between the legs of the child.
  • In addition to the diaper, the baby is put on a fresh thin undershirt, wrapping on the back and warm, wrapping on the chest.
    The room should be warm and draft-free.

Under no circumstances should the baby be left unattended on the changing table. Leaving the room even for a few minutes, you should transfer it to a crib.

The baby needs to learn how to control the arms and legs

Swaddling with a diaper and/or blanket

Swaddling babies is tight and loose. For many centuries, it was believed that the tight swaddling of newborns forms the correct posture in them and guarantees the straightness of the legs in the future.

In Russia, for the tight swaddling of babies, they used a swaddle - a special strip of dense homespun fabric (at least twenty centimeters wide). A baby wrapped in a diaper was wrapped from head to toe with this ribbon over the diaper. As a result of such swaddling, the baby, deprived of the ability to move his limbs, lay in the crib like a soldier at attention.

Nowadays, too tight swaddling is recognized not only as inappropriate, but also as a harmful procedure that hinders the natural physical development of the child and can cause serious injury to him.

The tradition of wrapping children in diapers dates back to Ancient Russia

What is the harm of traditional tight swaddling:

  • The kid, whose limbs were forcibly straightened and fixed in this position, is forced to spend hours in a completely unnatural position (in the normal position, slightly apart legs should have maximum freedom of movement).
  • The movements of a baby accustomed to tight swaddling, for a long time remain uncoordinated. He is significantly behind in physical development from those of his peers who had the opportunity to freely move their limbs.
  • Artificial restriction of mobility leads to the fact that six-month-old and even eight-month-old babies practically do not know how to roll over or crawl normally.
  • Tightly tied diapers disrupt normal blood circulation in all parts of the small body. The lungs are especially affected by this, since the compressed chest prevents proper breathing.
  • Violation of normal blood circulation has no less deplorable consequences for the formation of the immune system. Tightly swaddled babies subsequently get sick much more often than their unrestricted peers.
  • Tight swaddling of straightened legs often leads to dysplasia (congenital subluxation or dislocation) of the hip joint.

There are officially confirmed data that after the national project, young mothers in Japan abandoned the traditional tight swaddling of their children's legs, the number of cases of hip dysplasia decreased from 3 to 0.3%.

Watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky about swaddling a baby:


Tight swaddling is sometimes called a full swaddle, because with it the baby is wrapped in a swaddle from the shoulders to the feet. This method is relevant for children from the moment of birth to two or three months. There are two main types of it.

Classic variant:

  1. Spread on the table, carefully smoothing, two diapers at once (the flannel should be at the bottom).
  2. Putting the baby on a diaper, put a diaper on him.
  3. At the moment of swaddling, the child's arms, extended along the body, are held with one hand.
  4. The right edge of the diaper, passing over the baby's left shoulder, is tucked under his back.
  5. The right shoulder of the child is wrapped in the same way.
  6. Since the hands of the baby, pulled together by the fabric, lose the ability to actively move, at this moment the hands of the person performing the swaddling are freed. Further manipulations are performed with both hands.
  7. The lower edge (tail) of the diaper is placed on the baby's chest and, wrapping his body, is tucked into the formed tissue fold.

Classic way tight swaddling

Swaddling "with a scarf":

With this wrapping option, the baby's head receives additional protection in the form of an impromptu scarf.

  1. A thin diaper is spread on the changing table so that it is slightly higher than the flannel one (in this option, the insulated diaper is placed on top of the thin one).
  2. The newborn is placed on the table so as to wrap his head with the upper edge of a thin diaper.
  3. The right edge of the diaper is wrapped around the body of the baby and placed under the back.
  4. Do the same with the left edge of the diaper.
  5. Fixing the "tail" is carried out as in the above embodiment.

Swaddling steps using a scarf


This method of swaddling, which does not constrain the movements of the baby, is more gentle, since the position with crossed arms and legs pulled up to the tummy is as close as possible to its intrauterine position in the mother's womb.

The free way gives the baby the opportunity to freely move his legs, suck his fist or finger, touch his face with his palms.

There are two free swaddling options for newborns: in the first variant, only crumbs are free. In the second option, neither arms nor legs are limited in movements. The use of an envelope for newborns, which does not constrain the movements of the child, in this sense can be considered a good alternative to traditional swaddling.

The first option is done like this:

  • Having spread a chintz over a warm diaper, they put a baby on them, already dressed in two vests and a diaper.
  • The top of the diaper should be at the level of the baby's armpits.
  • Tucking the side edges under the back of the baby, lower part diapers are lifted and tucked in.
  • The result should be a semblance of a bag, inside which the baby can freely chat with his legs.
  • A warm diaper is folded in the same way.

Stages of free swaddling (photo)


This type of swaddling is used for babies with developmental abnormalities of the hip joint, musculoskeletal system, and if dysplasia is suspected. The essence of this method is that the legs of the newborn are widely divorced and fixed in this position.

For fixation lower extremities use a folded diaper several times or (in special cases) a Freik pillow. In some sources, it is referred to as a "perinka", tire or bandage. Thanks to this method, the baby's legs take on their natural physiological state: half-bent, with a dilution of sixty degrees.

To help modern mothers for swaddling babies are produced special panties and covers, equipped with Velcro in the shoulder area. In the absence of these devices, you can use the traditional method of swaddling using three diapers.

Having folded one of them into a triangle, they place the baby on it. Another, folded several times, is put between the legs of the child. The side edges of the first diaper are wrapped around the children's hips, fixing an impromptu pad. The lower edge of the triangle, passing between the legs of the baby, is fixed by the same sides.

The upper corners of the third diaper are wrapped obliquely around the baby's tummy. The lower “tail” is wrapped up and tucked under an impromptu belt. If swaddling is done correctly, the legs of the crumbs should be slightly fixed and pulled up.

Wide swaddling can be partial - up to chest level and full - up to chin level.

wide way

Swaddling with head (corner)

This method of wrapping the mother's baby is called the "envelope". In this case, the diapers are laid out in the form of a diamond, and the baby is laid on top of them so that his head is in the lower part of the upper corner.

The side edges of the diapers are wrapped in the same way as in all the methods described above. The lower edge is either placed on the baby's chest and fixed traditional way, or wraps behind the back and, rounding the baby’s body from the sides, tucks into the formed fold in front.

The corner that covers the baby's face allows you to protect him from bright sunlight or from exposure to cold during street walks.

In the warm season, the head of a newborn should be protected by a light cap, in winter - a warm cap.

When walking on a hot day, it is advisable to limit yourself to only one diaper (if the heat is exhausting, the diaper should be gauze). With the onset of cold weather, a warm blanket is wrapped over the baby's diapers.

A baby wrapped with his head does not need a cap

You should not refuse to swaddle a newborn baby in the first weeks of his life. Providing comfort and a sense of security, it facilitates the adaptation of the baby to the harsh conditions of life outside the mother's tummy. Proper swaddling should be gentle and provide the crumbs with the possibility of free movement.

When the baby was born, many inexperienced parents are concerned about many questions, first of all - how to care for and how to swaddle a baby in a diaper? After all, it is undoubtedly important for the health and well-being of the baby.

Ways to swaddle a newborn in a diaper

Ways to swaddle a baby are quite diverse and convenient. There are a lot of varieties of swaddling, thanks to generations of grandmothers who knew firsthand how to swaddle a baby in a diaper. Knowledge collected over the years, now improved and made public.

Varieties of swaddling:

  • Medical.
  • Free, without handles.
  • Tight - a soldier.
  • Wide medical, as well as swaddling only legs.
  • In a blanket with a head.
  • Swaddling without a head.
  • Swaddling only handles.

The list does not end here, you can practice several types at the same time. Now any mother can easily find a suitable swaddling option and learn how to wrap a baby without much difficulty.

Swaddling a newborn algorithm of actions

The algorithm for swaddling a newborn baby is very simple, but, like any other field of activity, it has nuances from a theoretical point of view:

  • the diaper needs only washed and ironed. There can be 2 diapers at the same time during the swaddling process, and for each type of swaddling, the product folds differently;
  • you should definitely wear a diaper or diaper at the discretion of the mother;
  • You can wear sliders, bodysuits or vests. The main condition for their use: production of high quality cotton;
  • before wrapping in a diaper or blanket, it is important to wash the genitals well under running or just warm water. It is allowed to use baby wipes;
  • after washing, it is necessary to treat the folds with powder, ointments, oils.

Mom's steps before swaddling:

  • unfold, remove the old diaper;
  • wash the child well - all the folds and organs of the reproductive system. Wash off old hygiene products;
  • wipe dry or blot with a towel;
  • treat the folds and genitals with creams, ointments against diaper rash, powder (1 care product of your choice);
  • put on a diaper or diaper;
  • spread the washed, ironed diaper.

special instructions

  • Washing and thorough wiping of the genitals is a mandatory procedure before swaddling. With an unhealed umbilical cord wound, the front of the diaper should be folded back so as not to press.
  • Swaddle only in ironed and washed diapers. Re-swaddling in dirty or unwashed clothing causes skin irritation.
  • Pay attention to room temperature. After that, wrap the baby in a warm or thin diaper. It is better to use cotton material for diapers.
  • Swaddling tightly in exceptionally rare cases. In time, pay attention to the folds of the fabric under the back, in the sides and immediately get rid of them.

You need to swaddle the baby so that the legs and arms are in a natural position. Do not force them to bend. A friendly voice and smile of a loved one will help to calm the baby during the swaddling procedure.

How to swaddle a newborn in the hospital?

On the last days pregnancy of expectant mothers, the question worries:

Are babies being swaddled in the hospital now?

In the maternity hospital, they not only swaddle, but also teach such a simple matter. For some, this is difficult, someone has no idea how to swaddle a baby in a diaper. After childbirth, the body of a woman in labor gets very tired and it is more difficult for an inexperienced mother to invent swaddling.

In the maternity hospital, tight and loose swaddling is practiced.

tight swaddling

At first, a dense one spreads on the table, and a thin diaper on top. A baby in a diaper should be placed in the center. The head should be above the diaper. Do not align your hands, but swaddle them in the most natural position.

The baby is very comfortable to be all 9 months under the heart of his mother. It is surrounded by the tissues of the uterus, which, like a cocoon, envelop a small bladder.

When a child is born, it enters a completely different environment. But he also wants to feel warm and protected. For this, swaddling has been invented since ancient times. Many mothers wonder how to swaddle a newborn.

In America, Indian tribes used rabbit skin and dry grass as ingredients in their diapers. Then the used grass was thrown out, and the skin was dried. So the baby was comfortable and dry. In the second century BC, Europe was already beginning to swaddle a baby in cloth as reusable diapers.

Our article will highlight all the nuances of swaddling and answer the question of up to what age this simple procedure should be done.

Swaddling is a set of measures aimed at creating a comfortable stay for the baby, retaining his waste products and preventing diaper rash.

With the help of diapers, favorable conditions are also created for a calm sleep of the child.

  1. Facilitates breast adjustment to the outside world and brings it closer to the conditions of intrauterine life.
  2. Reduces excessive excitability, as the child can involuntarily wave his arms and legs. This can frighten him and interfere with restful sleep.
  3. Keeps warm. In children of the first months, the processes of thermoregulation are not fully developed, and swaddling helps them maintain a normal temperature for them.
  4. Prevents the appearance of diaper rash. The fabric is breathable, unlike diapers. And mom will replace wet diapers immediately, rather than diapers, which will prevent prolonged contact of delicate skin with a wet surface.
  5. Development of touch. The soft touch of the diaper will allow the baby to develop this feeling.
  6. During the first baths, you can swaddle the baby in a thin diaper. For him, this will be a kind of protection from the outside world, and so the newborn will not be afraid of the bath and water.

Pediatrician Komarovsky E.O.: “Swaddling a baby is not harmful. Buying diapers is much cheaper than undershirts and sliders. But it’s easier for dads to put on undershirts and sliders. Not the kind of dad who masters the art of swaddling.”

Varieties of diapers

It is important to study the requirements for the fabric.

  1. Good quality. The diaper should not tear when stretched.
  2. Absorbent effect. The most important property. The diaper should absorb moisture well and at the same time maintain a “breathing effect”.
  3. Proper edge processing. In general, children's things are hemmed with an overlock. This is necessary to avoid tight seams that can rub delicate skin crumbs.
  4. Feel soft to the touch, free from foreign odors. Should not shed when washed.
  5. Only natural materials- chintz, flannel, cooler, linen, footer, knitwear. Avoid synthetics.
  6. Diaper sizes. Very comfortable in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 m. This is enough for you to calmly swaddle your baby.
  7. Do not take fabric with bright colors so as not to annoy the child. The composition of dyes can be dangerous for the skin.
  8. Diapers should be washed regularly with baby powder and iron on both sides.

Types of diapers and their purpose

Calico. Must be cotton. They are usually always closest to the newborn's body. Also used as a bed sheet.

flannel. They are swaddled over cotton. Thicker than chintz, retain heat well. They can be used as a blanket. May not be used in summer.

Knitted. Appeared in Lately. Stretch well enough, soft, gentle to the touch. They are also swaddled under flannel.

Velcro cocoon diapers. Modern diapers, which can also be made of knitted fabric. Do not create extra folds. Mom will not be difficult to wrap the baby in such a diaper

Disposable diapers. Not intended for swaddling. Necessary to lay on a changing pad or on a bed so that the baby does not stain the surface. Convenient for trips to the clinic. Must not contain synthetic materials.

How many diapers to take?

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Mom Elena, 28 years old: “I bought 10 flannel and 10 cotton and knitted diapers for my daughter. Enough, even a surplus. It was possible to swaddle a couple more children. A very comfortable diaper - a cocoon, I had it in one copy. My daughter loved sleeping in it.

Required minimum dowry baby for swaddling

  • flannel - 5 pieces;
  • chintz - 5 pieces;
  • Velcro diapers - 1-2 pieces;
  • disposable diapers.

Classic swaddling with handles. Option number 1

We spread a cotton diaper on the changing table so that there are no wrinkles. We put the baby in the center of the diaper so that the head lies above the edge of the fabric.

We put the left hand on the baby's chest, wrap one end of the diaper under the back of the crumbs. With the right handle we do the same, and we also wrap the second edge of the diaper under the back.

We straighten the lower corners, cover the baby’s chest with the lower edge and lay the right corner under the back of the newborn, and the left corner over the child’s right shoulder. We tuck a small corner into the crease on the chest of the child.

The diaper should not crumple and create unnecessary folds. It will interfere with the baby's sleep.

Swaddling with handles. Option number 2

We spread the diaper. Slightly bend the top edge. We hide the baby's right hand in the formed pocket. Now we put this hand, together with the diaper, on the stomach and close the right side of the baby with the diaper.

Then we do the same with the left edge of the diaper. We straighten the lower edge and bend it under the knees.

Swaddling with handles. Option number 3

We spread the diaper with a rhombus. We bend the top corner. We lay the child so that the head is above the diaper. We hold the baby’s right hand and put the corner of the diaper behind the baby’s left side through the armpit.

And the other lower corner is over the child's left shoulder. We wrap the left corner of the diaper around the baby's body. The loose bottom can be simply bent under the legs.

When the temperature is high, you can not swaddle the baby.

It is used in the treatment of hip dysplasia and for the prevention of congenital dislocations. Such swaddling creates a "frog pose" to unload the joints.

Everything is as usual. Lay out the diaper on the changing table. Fold it diagonally to make a triangle.

We start the larger edge of this triangle under the baby's lower back. It is better to put on a gauze diaper even before the diaper.

We put the lower corner of the diaper on the tummy, and tuck the side corners from above on the baby's belt. You can wear a vest on top.

Swaddling with your head

Favorite type of swaddling immediately after birth in the hospital. We spread the diaper, put the newborn so that the head is below the edge of the diaper. We wrap the crumbs. First, we bring one edge behind the back, while fixing the handle, then the second. The bottom edge can be put on the breast and fixed.

In this position, the baby is very comfortable sleeping, it is difficult for him to move even his head, from which unnecessary movements will not wake him up.

tight swaddling

Even in Soviet times, it was believed that this type of swaddling helps to straighten the legs. But, as it turned out, it was an erroneous version.

Tight swaddling prevents the baby from breathing and developing normally, so recently it has been abandoned.

Go for a walk

In cool weather, either a blanket or a warm envelope is still needed over the diapers. First, you swaddle the baby in diapers with any convenient way. Then spread the blanket with a rhombus and wrap the baby. The top corner of the blanket can cover your face from strong winds or frost.

Until what age do we wrap babies?

In general, the baby should be swaddled until the age of three months. This is the period when the baby is already starting to roll over on his tummy, and extra diapers will prevent him from exploring the world.

You can swaddle with your head only the first week of a baby's life.

Pay attention to how your baby sleeps. If he does not wake up from a shiver of arms or legs, you can swaddle him freely.

Some parents generally wear undershirts and sliders almost at birth.

A modern take on how to swaddle a newborn baby

  1. If the baby is calm, then swaddle for up to a month.
  2. Watch your baby's behavior.
  3. The latest swaddling age is 4 months.
  4. It is not recommended to swaddle for a long time, delay motor development.

The process of swaddling is very important in the life of children. So it allows the baby to feel mother's hands, warmth, care. And if both parents do this, then this will free up a few minutes for mom to relax. Everyone chooses what is convenient for him. And, as it turned out, swaddling is not harmful, but even useful.

Be healthy!

The debate about the benefits of swaddling newborns has been going on for decades. If you are a supporter of the use of diapers and are expecting your first child, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the ways in which you can swaddle your baby.

Why should you swaddle your baby?

Even if a mother is going to put on baby sliders from the first days, she still needs to learn the basics of swaddling. For example, giving a child medicine or cleaning the nose is much more convenient when the baby's arms are wrapped in a diaper and do not interfere with the mother to carry out the necessary manipulations.

In the womb in the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby is, as it were, in a cozy cocoon. Every child experiences stress when they are born. Swaddling helps the baby get used to the new environment.

In addition, in favor of swaddling, facts such as:

  • Wrapped in diapers, the baby sleeps stronger and longer.
  • A swaddled baby experiences physical and psychological comfort.
  • The possibility of fright from involuntary sharp movements of the handles is excluded.
  • The diaper retains heat better, so the risk of colds is reduced.

The main types of swaddling newborns

Today, not all young mothers are familiar with the rules for swaddling newborns, although this skill will definitely come in handy for them in a crumb.

Our grandmothers and mothers also used 3 ways of swaddling babies - tight, loose and special wide swaddling for babies who have joint problems.

Whatever method you use, it should be done on a flat surface. It is enough for today's mothers to purchase a special changing table, a wide range of which is presented in any store for newborns.

Today, against tight swaddling, a whole wave of protest has risen. More and more specialists in the field of pediatrics are talking about the dangers of this method. But if you think about it, this method of swaddling was used almost from the birth of the first person. If everything was so bad, then humanity would have died out long ago, but everyone who was tightly swaddled as a child feels great. Therefore, we still describe this method of wrapping the baby in diapers.

A diaper is spread on the changing table so that its wide side is perpendicular to the position of the child. The upper edge of the diaper is folded a little and the baby is laid so that the head is located above the folded edge.

The baby's arms are pulled along the body, take the diaper by the upper left edge and lead to the right side, straightening the excess diaper under the baby's back. Then, similarly, they take the diaper by the upper right corner and wind it behind the back to the left side. The bottom of the diaper is tucked along the length of the legs under the back. The edges of the canvas are folded to the front side and fixed, winding each other.

Since diapers tend to shrink after the very first wash, and babies grow up quickly to make it more convenient to swaddle a child, the diaper is spread on the table with one angle up, that is, like a rhombus.

The video shows the tight and loose swaddling of a newborn baby

Free swaddling babies can be done in two ways:

  • Wrap the baby together with the handles, leaving them in a position convenient for the child.
  • Swaddle only the lower part of the body, leaving the handles free.
In the first case the swaddling process is carried out according to the same scheme as the tight one, only the diaper is not pulled tightly to the baby’s body, but a small space is left inside the cocoon so that the baby can move his arms and legs.

With the second method the baby is wrapped only to the waist. At the same time, if you are worried about the harmony of the baby's legs, you can wrap the diaper tighter. But since it has already been proven that the method of swaddling does not affect the straightness of the legs, it is better to leave room for the baby to move around by wrapping the diaper around the waist without being too tight.

For healthy babies who do not have problems with joint development, this method of swaddling is not applicable. Wide swaddling is used for medicinal purposes.

In this case, a soft spacer made of a diaper or tightly folded fabric 20 cm wide is laid between the baby's legs, and only then swaddling is carried out.

The video talks in detail about the methods of treating hip dysplasia and wide swaddling

Until what age can you swaddle a baby?

Even pediatricians do not give a definite answer to what age it is worth swaddling a child. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby.

All experts agree on only one thing - after 3 months, swaddling must be abandoned.

Until that time, each mother decides individually how long the baby should be in diapers, use them only during sleep or when the baby is awake. Many young parents generally refuse diapers immediately after discharge from the hospital.

In any case, while the baby is awake, it is better to use loose swaddling with open arms. The sooner the baby gets used to calmly respond to involuntary hand movements, the better. Gradually, at the time of sleep, you need to leave the hands of the child at large, in order to completely abandon diapers by 2-3 months.

Swaddling babies according to the time of year

For a long time, warm flannel and light calico fabrics have been used for swaddling children.

In the cold season babies are first wrapped in cotton, and then also in a warm diaper. In summer, in warm weather, they mainly use only light fabric.

In any case, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the child.

If the room is cool and the baby is freezing, in order to prevent hypothermia, he is swaddled in 2 warm diapers, and, if necessary, covered with a blanket. At the same time, a warm cap should be worn on the head of the baby.

No less closely you need to monitor the crumbs and in hot weather . To avoid overheating, do not use tight swaddling. Try to keep the child with free hands as much as possible. While the baby is awake, you can not use diapers at all, so that sweatshirts.

Each baby tolerates cold or hot weather differently. Closely monitor the condition of the baby to prevent hypothermia or overheating of the little man.

Almost every new mother, especially if the firstborn was born, wonders how to swaddle a newborn baby. This simple matter should be taught by a nurse back in maternity hospital. But if this did not happen, or knowledge was forgotten a little, then this article is for you. (At the end of the article, a selection of video instructions)

Before swaddling ( ), you must ensure that you use clean, washed and ironed diapers. Some unscrupulous mothers continue to use the diaper after the baby has urinated on it. Do not do this! Such an irresponsible attitude towards the child threatens with the appearance of dermatitis in him and, which cause the baby suffering and considerable discomfort.

You need to iron the diaper on both sides. Well, if you have a steamer, you will save time, and the diaper will be soft, pleasant to touch the baby. If there is no steamer, then when ironing with a regular iron, spray the diaper with water so that it does not become overdried and hard.

You can swaddle your baby where it is convenient for you - on the changing table, on the sofa, on the bed.

Remember - in no case do not leave the child alone on the changing table, even for a minute - he can turn around, fall from a height and hurt himself. Be carefull. If you need to urgently move to another room, do not be too lazy to put the baby in the crib.

So, how to swaddle a newborn baby.


First of all, make sure that the baby is clean, wash the baby if necessary and put a clean diaper on him. If you don't use disposable diapers, you can make gauze diapers and put them under your baby's bottom. In this case, diapers will be more likely to become dirty, so purchase them in advance in quantities of at least 20 pieces.

If the season is cold and the room is cool, prepare two diapers for swaddling at once.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Let's start swaddling. Spread the diaper on the surface of the changing table or bed. Place the baby gently in the center of the diaper, the baby's head should be above the edge of the diaper. Press the baby's right hand to the body, wrap the right corner of the diaper obliquely. The edge of the diaper should go behind the back of the baby. Then we press the left handle, similarly wrap the left edge of the diaper. We have a "tail" below. We also turn the edges under the baby in turn and fix them in the resulting side pocket. Everything!

If it is cold, then wrap the baby wrapped in one diaper according to the above described principle in the second diaper, the only difference will be that the child’s arms are already hidden and they do not need to be pressed.

In the hot season, the child can be swaddled with open handles, using the free swaddling method. In this case, the child's handles should be above the edge of the diaper, and wrapping the edges follows the same principle as simple swaddling.

Wrapped in a diaper, the baby should feel comfortable. If he is clearly unhappy, and even when carried in your arms you cannot calm him down, check if the folds on the diaper interfere with him, if you have swaddled him too tightly.

You can get used to swaddling a baby in a couple of times of training, then the process will turn out on your “machine”. The main thing is to be confident in your abilities, and success will not keep you waiting!

We also read:

By the way, for moms (and dads) who don’t know how to swaddle at all, there are special swaddling envelopes Summer infant swaddleme, here we wrote a small review of the envelopes

Well, watch the video clip what kind of envelopes are these:

Video instructions - learning how to swaddle correctly

A little humor - swaddling in the style of Batman 🙂

Returning from the hospital, a young mother faces a choice. Stick to traditional views and swaddle a newborn, as it has been done for centuries? Or listen to the opinion of modern pediatricians that this should not be done in order to avoid violations motor activity and other unpleasant consequences?

If the newborn does not have any prescriptions in terms of health, this issue is decided by the parents on their own. And if this is a positive answer, you will also have to choose the method of swaddling, of which there are not so few.

If you do not know how to swaddle a newborn in a diaper when feeding or for a walk, use the closed method. For this you will need:

  • vest;
  • rectangular diaper;
  • cap.
  1. Put on a vest so that there are no folds on the back. Otherwise, they will interfere with the newborn, and you will not be able to feed him normally or walk with him: he will be capricious.
  2. Put on a hat. If it is with ties, then they will need to be tucked into a diaper.
  3. Place the child exactly in the middle.
  4. Throw one end of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and fix it behind the back.
  5. Fix its edges at the back.

To properly swaddle a newborn in this way, see step by step photo: it will help to clarify incomprehensible points.

This is far from the most complicated scheme, although difficulties may arise when fixing the diaper behind the baby. Make sure that it is not too convex, otherwise it will put pressure on the spine.


To properly swaddle a newborn in a diaper in an open way, the skill of closed swaddling will come in handy. This will be useful in the evenings when you decide to rest your baby's hands.

If he is still very small (up to a month), the vest should be with closed sleeves so that he does not accidentally scratch himself. At an older age, this method of swaddling becomes the main one. The cap is no longer needed, as this is done for home pastime.

  1. Put on a vest.
  2. Secure it with a diaper.
  3. Spread the fabric in a rectangle on a flat surface.
  4. Place the child exactly in the middle so that the top edge of the diaper is just below his armpits. If you make it higher, it will rub the body and cause inconvenience to it.
  5. Throw one end of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and fasten it behind the back.
  6. Do the same with the second side.
  7. Bend the bottom remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the baby.
  8. Fix its edges at the back.

Open swaddling is practiced when the baby has already grown a little, but it is still too early to completely release him, or he has a problem with the joints of the legs (pelvis).


To tightly swaddle a newborn, you need skill and skills worked out on the doll. Previously, this method was welcomed by pediatricians and was used by nurses of all maternity hospitals. All the kids were equally similar to the columns and could not move their arms or legs.

Now experts are increasingly speaking out against this technique, talking about the harm that it does to health:

  • hip dysplasia may develop;
  • the development of motor functions is inhibited;
  • the body overheats;
  • the lungs are compressed;
  • blood circulation is disturbed;
  • bad sleep;
  • the instinct of freedom is stifled;
  • muscles, joints, ligaments develop poorly due to passivity.

And at the same time, after tight swaddling, children most often calm down and fall asleep not only faster, but also stronger. So how to do it:

  1. Put on a newborn diaper (pampers).
  2. Place the canvas on a flat surface in the form of a diamond.
  3. Bend the upper edge into a triangle so that its border passes under the baby's neck.
  4. Wrap the left end of the diaper under the opposite side of the child, taking him under the arm. Fix behind the back.
  5. Raise the bottom of the rhombus up, along the line of socks, fix it behind the right shoulder.
  6. The remaining right end of the diaper is wrapped under the opposite side and fixed there behind the back.

A feature of tight swaddling is the fact that as soon as some edge of the diaper is not fixed or weakens from the active actions of the newborn, the whole structure will fall apart. But, as already mentioned, now rarely anyone resorts to this method.


If you need to freely swaddle the legs of a newborn, leaving everything else outside the diaper, this method is called wide.

Its advantages are that the baby takes the physiological “frog” position, which is convenient for him. It can straighten and bend the handles. Sometimes this method is prescribed for medical reasons, if a diagnosis of hip dysplasia has been made.

From clothes you will need a vest and diaper panties.

  1. Put on a vest.
  2. Fold the diaper in the form of a triangle, place it on a flat surface with an acute angle down.
  3. Place the newborn on it so that this sharp corner is in the center between the legs, and the upper edge of the triangle runs along the lower back.
  4. Wrap the sharp tip of the diaper up, passing it between the legs.
  5. Wrap the edges alternately behind opposite sides and fix behind the back.
  6. Lay out the second sheet in a rectangle.
  7. Place in the center of the baby so that the top runs along the lower back.
  8. Wrap the edges of the diaper behind the back, leaving enough free space for the legs.
  9. Raise the bottom up and also fasten behind the back.

Wide swaddling of newborns is a fairly common method today. It is recommended by pediatricians, as it creates enough free space for the baby and does not limit his physical activity.

with head

In the first days of life, you need to swaddle a newborn with a head in order to protect the fontanel that has not yet protracted and avoid accidental injuries. The technique is similar to closed swaddling:

  1. Put on a vest.
  2. Put on a cap.
  3. Lay out the sheet in a rectangle on a flat surface.
  4. Lay the child in the middle so that his head is much lower than the upper edge of the canvas (4-5 cm).
  5. Carefully wrap the head with a loose cloth.
  6. Take it by the opposite hand, wrap it tightly and tuck it over the side.
  7. Do the same with the second side.
  8. The bottom is tucked up and fixed behind the back.

To swaddle a newborn in a diaper with a head, you first need to practice. Here it is important to ensure that the canvas does not hang over the baby's eyes. After a week, you can switch to closed swaddling.


You can swaddle a newborn in a blanket in the form of an envelope. Usually this method is used for walks in the cold season. You will need two blankets at once - warm (thick) and thin.

  1. Dress your child according to the weather.
  2. Spread both canvases in a rhombus on a flat surface.
  3. Place the child in the middle.
  4. Throw one side of both blankets under the opposite side of the baby and leave behind the back.
  5. Do the same with the second edge.
  6. Bend the lower edge remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the child.
  7. Tie the top blanket with a ribbon in the abdomen.
  8. The fourth corner of the envelope turns out to be a kind of hood.

If the top (warm) blanket is elegant, you will get a very beautiful walking swaddle - warm and comfortable.

In fact, all these methods require certain skills and endless patience, since it is not always possible to wrap a squirming baby in a diaper. Several useful tips help you deal with difficulties.

To properly swaddle a newborn, young mothers (especially those with their first child) can follow these guidelines:

  1. About the choice of swaddling method, ask the doctor who observes the newborn at the maternity hospital. Knowing the features of his physique and health, the specialist will give the right advice.
  2. Buy a set of appropriate diapers in advance.
  3. Learn to swaddle even before giving birth on a regular doll to consolidate your skills.
  4. If something doesn't work, ask older or more experienced women to show you how it's done. You can watch the tutorial video.
  5. Never swaddle a newborn bad mood: he will feel it and will be worried for a long time afterwards.
  6. If the newborn cries, turns, worries and does not allow himself to be swaddled, he needs to be reassured. To do this, you need not be nervous for the mother herself and gently talk to the baby, sing a song, read a nursery rhyme. The voice of a native person works real miracles.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to swaddle a newborn correctly. The main thing is to choose a method for its individual characteristics.

It is best to learn on a large doll, so as not to accidentally pinch the arms or legs of the baby. The hand quickly gets used to the movements, the necessary skill is acquired, so that after a few days swaddling will not cause any difficulties. Its main task is to ensure peace of mind for you and safety for the baby.

For new mothers, the issue of swaddling is very important. How to wrap the baby in diapers so that he does not turn around and does not freeze at night? How many diapers do you need for all occasions? Is it necessary to swaddle at all if there are sliders and bodysuits with diapers? Many modern mothers consider diapers a relic of the past, since you can buy luxurious clothes for your baby in stores, and put diapers on him instead of gauze diapers. However, most women consider swaddling to be the best clothes for the baby, completely abandoning diapers and bodysuits in the first months of life. Consider the question: how to swaddle a baby?

Swaddling is recommended in the first month of life, while the baby is getting used to the new world. Our great-grandmothers always used “swivels” to fix the arms of a newborn: so that there would be no fear. When the baby throws up his arms, he may be frightened of his movements.

In the mother's tummy, his arms and legs were pressed to her chest, and this position brought convenience and comfort. Pressed arms / legs for babies - a symbol of safety and protection. Therefore, it is very important to help the baby get used to the new conditions of existence and swaddle him for at least the first month.

Mom will intuitively feel when to give up diapers: the baby will let you know about it.

From about the second month of life, the baby can already release both handles: he is no longer afraid of them. From the age of three months, the little one begins to turn on its side and is actively interested in surrounding objects. In this age period, you can refuse to swaddle altogether.


How to properly swaddle a newborn? There are several techniques for this, the algorithm of which may differ:

  1. Tight.
  2. Free.
  3. Wide.
  4. Into a blanket.

There should be a separate area for swaddling the baby. If the space of the room allows, a special table with a bedside table and drawers is placed to wrap the baby in diapers. If this is not possible, the baby is swaddled on a flat surface.

It is also important that mom has everything at hand for swaddling:

  • clean diapers;
  • disposable/reusable diapers;
  • sliders and undershirts;
  • wet wipes for wiping body parts;
  • baby cream/oil/powder.

In winter, the temperature in the room is not always warm, so the heater must be turned on during diaper changes. Also, minimize the time of unfolding / wrapping the baby in swaddling clothes so as not to catch a cold.

If you don't have stock necessary items, you will have to leave the deployed baby alone. First, it can get cold. Secondly, it may accidentally fall to the floor. Therefore, you should always check the availability of the necessary items before swaddling.

Tight swaddling technique

How to properly swaddle a newborn? Consider the technique of tight swaddling a baby. In fact, the algorithm of actions is very simple:

  • lay the unfolded diaper on the surface;
  • lay the baby in a clean diaper in the center of the cloth so that the head is outside the diaper;
  • press the right hand of the crumbs to the tummy and bend the right edge of the diaper obliquely, wrapping it under the back;
  • then on the left side copy the same actions;
  • Bend the lower free end of the diaper up and tuck it into the “pocket” that has formed.

The scheme can be seen in the pictures:

How to swaddle a newborn baby in winter? To do this, swaddle it in two or three diapers. For warmth, flannelette and knitted fabric cuts are used. The swaddling scheme looks like this:

  • wrap the baby in a cotton diaper;
  • we wrap the baby in a flannel (balaykoy) diaper over a calico.

There is another technique of tight swaddling, when the diaper is placed on the table in the shape of a diamond:

Important! So that the folded edges of the diaper do not press on the child's side, they should be carefully straightened.

Free swaddling technique

In the summer, you can use free-style swaddling methods so that the baby is not hot. How to swaddle a baby freely? This technique can be done in two ways:

  1. With open handles.
  2. With hidden handles.

Free swaddling with free handles is not difficult to perform:

  • put the baby on a diaper, the upper edge of which is under the handles;
  • wrap one free end of the diaper to the right and bend it behind the back;
  • wrap the second free end on the left and bend behind the back;
  • fold the remaining end at the legs into a pocket and secure.

Loose swaddling with fixed handles:

  • put the crumb on the fabric so that the top edge is under the neck;
  • wrap the left edge of the diaper behind the back of the baby, but do not fix the handle along the body;
  • fold the right edge of the diaper behind the back;
  • lift the lower free edge of the material up to the baby's chest and fix it from the sides.

Wide swaddling technique

Methods of wide swaddling are used to prevent hip deformities of the baby. At the same time, the legs of the baby take a natural pose: the knees are slightly bent, the legs are apart. In this position, dislocations and subluxations of the joints are impossible. Handles can remain free or wrapped in a second diaper.

For this technique, three diapers are used at once. One piece of fabric is placed between the legs to fix their wide position. The second cut is used to fix the first one (swaddling with a scarf). And the third diaper is on top.

A blanket

How to swaddle a baby in a warm blanket? In winter, babies are wrapped directly in a warm blanket for walking along the street. Consider the following methods:

  • normal swaddling;
  • with "head".

The procedure for swaddling “with the head”:

  1. Lay the blanket down.
  2. Place the baby in the center of the blanket.
  3. Wrap the left edge of the blanket over the back of the crumbs.
  4. On top of the left edge, you need to make a fold: one of its edges is under the chin of the crumbs, and the second is near the navel.
  5. Lift the bottom corner of the comforter and fold it under the fold.
  6. Wrap the right corner of the blanket over the back of the crumbs and fix the resulting envelope with a bow.

In spring / autumn, you can wrap the child in a blanket with an open head (a hat is put on it). The technique looks like this:

  1. We place the blanket on the table, as in the first case.
  2. We make a fold on the outside.
  3. We position the child so that the head is above the crease.
  4. We wrap the left edge of the blanket under the back.
  5. We wrap the legs in a blanket.
  6. We wrap the right edge and fix it with a bow.

This envelope is good because at any time you can straighten the fold and cover the child's head with a blanket.

  • The baby should be swaddled in diapers ironed on both sides.
  • The temperature in the baby's room should not be below 20-22C.
  • For the prevention of congenital dislocation of the hip, it is better to use wide swaddling.
  • It is impossible to straighten the curvature of the legs with the help of tight swaddling.
  • To prevent the diaper from being stiff after washing, spray it with water when ironing.

What not to do:

  • Tight swaddling in the heat is unacceptable: the baby can overheat.
  • In the heat, you can not wrap the baby in a diaper if he is wearing a vest.
  • With diarrhea and indigestion, you should not wrap the baby in diapers if he lies on his tummy.

For sleep, you can use a self-sewn envelope with straps: the legs and back will always be warm, and the arms will be free.