
Column swaddling. How to swaddle a newborn. Wide baby swaddling


Responsible parents even before the birth of the crumbs are concerned about many questions. Along with the rest, the question arises whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby and how to do it correctly. In order for this procedure to take a little time and turn out well, certain experience and skills are required. For parents - "beginners" it will be correct to view step by step in pictures how to swaddle a newborn. A detailed description in our article will help to deal with the issues that have arisen in practice.

Things to remember before swaddling

Any procedure performed with a newborn requires a very careful and careful attitude. First of all, it is important not to harm the health of the crumbs and create conditions that are safe for his life.

  1. Swaddling your baby should not be too tight. This may adversely affect the health and development of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. In no case should a child be left unattended on a changing table or other surface without high sides.
  3. Do not put the baby on his stomach after swaddling him. This can lead to suffocation.

How to swaddle a newborn step by step

Read the general rules on how to properly swaddle a newborn baby and what you need to prepare to make the process as comfortable as possible for mom and baby. Do not forget that before you swaddle a newborn, you need to change the baby's diaper. After that, you can start swaddling.

Step-by-step description of how to swaddle a newborn in a closed way

How to swaddle a newborn in an open way with a detailed description and training step by step in pictures

Step-by-step explanation of how to swaddle a newborn head

Despite numerous discussions about whether or not to swaddle a newborn, modern pediatricians still recommend this skill for children in the first months of life. Find out why you need to swaddle a newborn baby, and what general principles worth following to do it right. And how to swaddle a newborn, depending on the type of swaddling, our article will tell you, where the entire algorithm is described step by step, and a good example is given in the pictures. And remember, no one swaddles the first time. Therefore, do not despair! Already after 3-4 days of caring for the baby, you will work out this skill.

After the baby is born and discharged from the hospital, the natural desire of the mother is to surround him with care and warmth. Therefore, parents are interested in the question of whether or not to swaddle a newborn child, to make swaddling tight or loose. There are several methods according to which this action can be performed in different ways, depending on the health of the infant.

Why swaddle newborn babies

The tradition of wrapping a baby in a diaper has ancient roots. This process is designed to perform several functions at once. Pediatricians at the first appointment explain why swaddle newborns. They unanimously agree that swaddling is necessary in order to:

  1. The baby did not freeze while lying in the crib, because his thermoregulation is not as perfect as in adults.
  2. The chaotic movements of the child were limited to avoid sudden fright if the baby touches his face or body with a pen.
  3. The newborn felt more secure. The diaper limits the space and resembles the cocoon in which he was in the womb.

Pros and cons of swaddling a newborn

There are many different arguments given by opponents and supporters of various baby swaddling systems. Until now, there are disputes among pediatricians about whether or not to swaddle newborn babies. Positive arguments for wrapping children include:

  • maintaining body temperature;
  • fixation of limbs;
  • more restful sleep;
  • ensuring the comfort of the newborn.

In addition, swaddling is a mandatory measure for children with congenital pathologies of the arms or legs, as well as for premature babies. There are not so many negative points and they refer to the conservative method of tight swaddling, when you have to forcefully straighten the limbs of the crumbs and press them tightly to the body. The main disadvantages of swaddling are:

  1. Unable to adjust temperature. Because of this, the baby overheats. Diaper rash, diaper dermatitis appear on the baby's skin.
  2. The constant presence in a thick warm diaper leads to insufficient physical and emotional development.

tight swaddling

A method such as tight swaddling is now used much less often than before.. Some pediatricians, when telling new mothers whether to swaddle a newborn, make strong arguments in favor of abandoning this method of wrapping babies. In this position, the movements of the child will be unnatural and constrained. Blood circulation and heat exchange may be disturbed. However, in some cases, when the child is hyperactive, or there are developmental pathologies, this technique will help to calm him down faster. Then it is recommended to swaddle the baby tighter when he sleeps.

Free swaddling

The loose swaddling or wide swaddling technique is a more gentle option in which the baby is given the opportunity to move his legs and arms a little. A variation of this method is wrapping only lower extremities. In this case, the full straightening of the legs is not performed. On the contrary, they are given a free, relaxed position.

Do I need to swaddle a newborn

The question of whether it is worth swaddling a newborn and which method is better is still a matter of controversy among specialists. Our grandmothers and mothers, who raised children 20-30 years ago, when answering the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby, recommend wrapping the baby tighter. Children's doctors, based on the results of numerous studies, are advised to take a closer look at the baby's temperament and wrap it up depending on the activity.

Since birth

After the baby is born, it is necessary to swaddle him. After all, it is hard for a newborn baby to get used to the fact that the space around is not limited. The baby may be afraid of the handles, touching their face with them. At this age, it is desirable to leave the limbs of the child free only during therapeutic massage and air procedures. Gradually, after a month, you can not wrap your hands when feeding, not forgetting to put on scratch gloves or a special vest so that the baby does not injure himself with claws.

For the night

Many mothers have doubts about whether or not to swaddle a newborn at night. Here, most pediatricians are unanimous in their opinion - when the baby is in a separate bed, it is better to wrap him up entirely, using the free swaddling method. Then parents can be sure that the baby will sleep peacefully most of the night.

swaddle legs

The swaddling method assumes that the handles remain free. The main reason why in the old days grandmothers swaddled their legs was the assertion that after hard fixation with a diaper, they would be much smoother. It has now been proven that this method cannot affect congenital pathologies and straighten the baby's bones. However, if a baby at this age is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then this technology will help fix the limbs motionless and promote recovery.

How to properly swaddle a baby

It is better for young parents to master the swaddling technique in advance, so that later, when the baby is born, do not waste time training. In order to perform this simple procedure, you need to prepare a wide diaper, gauze diaper or diaper. It is important to pay attention to the season in which the baby was born, because the flannel fabric is not suitable for hot summers.

It is necessary to use a cotton thin diaper, which will provide sufficient ventilation and help to avoid the appearance of diaper dermatitis. The most common wrapping method assumes that the fabric will be located horizontally. It is most convenient to perform the procedure in the following sequence:

  1. Wrap the diaper around the hips of the newborn, lay the baby perpendicular to the wide side of the diaper.
  2. Lightly press the baby’s handle to the side, take the corner of the fabric located on the same side, wrap the torso and straighten the edge on the back.
  3. Take the opposite corner, gently straighten the other arm of the child, bring the edge of the diaper behind the back.
  4. Pull the lower corners in different directions, put on the baby's chest and in the area just above the elbows, fix behind.
  5. Straighten all the folds that may interfere with the crumbs.

How long to swaddle a newborn

In order to understand when to stop swaddling your baby, you should carefully observe the newborn. If he sleeps peacefully, does not interfere with his handles, then you can no longer perform wrapping. On average, this happens in 3-4 months. Some babies themselves begin to release their limbs, examine them, show interest in the world around them. So, it's time to choose other clothes that will fit the baby by age - romper suits and vests.


When we talk about newborns, the image of a cute little bag, carefully wrapped in a diaper, immediately appears in our head. Indeed, more recently, it was customary for babies to be swaddled in a set of a diaper and a blanket, or only in a diaper.

How justified this is in our time, when a lot of cute clothes for the little ones have appeared, we will discuss below. However, to this day, many mothers and nurses in the maternity hospital, they are used to wrapping a newborn "the old fashioned way."

What are the benefits of swaddling for babies and parents?

During the time spent in the mother's womb, the baby is accustomed to a limited space, and therefore at first it may experience discomfort from the freedom of movement that has appeared, and swaddling will help him adapt gradually.

In addition, as practice shows, babies in diapers often fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully than in diapers.

With sufficient dexterity, it is much faster and easier for parents to change baby diapers for clean ones than changing blouses and pants. At the same time, the use of a diaper in infancy helps mom and dad save a lot on diapers, which, you see, is a weighty argument in our time.

How does it happen?

If our great-grandmothers got by with one type of swaddling - now it is called tight - using a swaddle for this, then modern babies are swaddled in different ways: freely, selectively (leaving arms or legs free) and even in a special orthopedic way.

Tight (classic, soldier, column)

Tight swaddling is currently used quite rarely, the child needs to be left with a little freedom. However, the basic principle remained in place - both the arms and legs of the baby are completely covered with a diaper. This method is called simple or classic swaddling.


Depending on the need or desire of the mother, the baby can be swaddled freely, leaving room for the movement of the legs, or even leaving the arms free.

with head

You can swaddle the baby completely, with the head. If the room where the child is cool, it can be very convenient. Especially if the baby is not very good at putting on a hat.

We offer an algorithm of actions that will help you easily and, most importantly, correctly swaddle a newborn

What is required for swaddling?

  1. Diapers (in the heat, one, thin one is enough, in case of cool weather, a warm one, made of soft flannel, is also placed under a thin diaper).
  2. Pampers or disposable diaper.
  3. Any means of your choice with which you will treat the baby's skin under the diaper (oil, cream or powder).
  4. Convenient place for changing.

Is a changing table required?

It is convenient to swaddle the child on a special changing table. As a rule, it is just a flat table with a shelf for folding care products.

Such a table, of course, is very convenient because it has sides to protect the baby, and also allows the mother not to lean over the child too much, easing the load on the back.

However, its presence is not absolutely necessary. It is quite possible to swaddle the baby both on the bed and on the sofa.

  • An important point when swaddling is to ensure that the neck and chest of the child are not too tight.
  • Never leave a swaddled baby on your stomach, this can lead to suffocation.
  • Do not wrap the baby in a diaper after 3 months, let him move more. If desired, you can leave swaddling only for a night's sleep.

And most importantly: never leave a child on a sofa or table unattended! If you need to leave for something, be sure to transfer the baby to his crib. It's better to be safe than risk!

How to prepare your baby before swaddling?

It is possible to wrap the baby in a diaper only after performing standard hygiene procedures:

  1. The child must be washed and dried thoroughly.
  2. Before wrapping the child in swaddling clothes, they put on a diaper or a gauze diaper.
  3. Gently blotting the skin, under the diaper it is treated with oil, baby cream or talcum powder so that diaper rash does not form.

How to make a diaper out of gauze?

In order to save the budget when swaddling a baby, you can use not ready-made disposable diapers, but gauze diapers. How to build it is clearly demonstrated by the following diagram in pictures:

How to properly disinfect diapers?

After washing, it is very desirable to iron diapers for a newborn on both sides with a hot iron. If possible, it is better to use a steamer. Then the fabric will not only be disinfected, but will also become softer.

If there is no such device, you can simply sprinkle water on the fabric while ironing.

Getting Started: Step by Step Instructions

Previously, even kindergarten children, playing mother-daughters, deftly wrapped dolls in rags, copying their mother's movements. If you didn’t swaddle toys as a child or are not sure that you know how to do it correctly, we will try to tell and show everything.

Full swaddling

  1. Spread the diaper horizontally on a flat surface. Roll up the top a little.
  2. We put the baby on the diaper in the middle. One handle can be wrapped in the folded part of the diaper. We bend one part of the diaper to the opposite side of the baby, slightly tucking the edge under the side. The edge of the diaper goes behind the back of the child.
  3. Now we take the second part of the diaper and also bend it under the opposite side of the child.
  4. Now top part the baby is completely closed, including the shoulders.
  5. lower part We fold the diapers forward, covering the legs of the child. We straighten the diaper and wrap its ends under the upper edge of the lapel.

For a better understanding, we offer instructions in pictures:

This method of swaddling is shown in maximum detail in the following video clip (video from the maternity hospital):


The principle of loose swaddling is the same as tight swaddling. The only difference is that it is performed without a strong pull on the diaper, as a result, the baby's legs and arms remain practically free. In addition, in this way you can swaddle only the arms or only the legs of the crumbs.

All actions are performed in the same way as with full swaddling - first one edge is folded, then the other, and at the end the lower part rises and wraps under the armpits.

Swaddling without handles

If desired, the child can only swaddle the lower part of the body. In this case, they put on a vest or blouse, and put it on the diaper not at the level of the neck and shoulders, but at the level of the armpits.

with head

The algorithm for swaddling a baby with a head is as follows:

  1. The baby is laid diagonally on a diaper or blanket, so that one of the corners is above the baby's head.
  2. The corner is wrapped around the head, imitating a hat or cap.
  3. One side, the bottom corner, and the second side are wrapped in turn, as in classic swaddling.

This method is demonstrated in more detail in the following video:

Wide swaddling: why and how?

Wide swaddling is a means of preventing and even treating congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip, if it is diagnosed in early dates. In newborn babies, the femoral head easily falls into place if the legs are in the correct position.

In the treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip, special panties are used during swaddling, or a folded diaper is simply laid between the legs.

This is done so that the legs are constantly in the divorced position. The instruction for wide swaddling is quite simple - the main thing is to leave the baby's legs in a free position.

The essence of this type of swaddling lies in the fact that the child is wrapped in a diaper only halfway and in the usual physiological position - with legs bent to the sides. That is, the diaper in the thigh area is not tightly tightened, but remains in a free position.

The sequence for wide swaddling is the same as for direct swaddling:

  1. The child is placed on a diaper, one edge is folded obliquely to the opposite side, fixing under the handle.
  2. Bend the second side of the diaper, while leaving the lower part wide and free.
  3. The lower part of the diaper is lifted and wrapped around the child's waist, while making sure that the legs are in a completely free position.

Pros and cons of swaddling babies

Curvature of the legs: fact or fiction?

The idea of ​​our ancestors that by using tight swaddling it is possible to provide a child with slender, even legs, is currently untenable. Therefore, pediatricians strongly do not recommend swaddling the baby in this way.

Tight swaddling negatively affects the physiological and emotional development child, as a result causing problems in the respiratory and nervous systems, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and being one of the causes of rickets.

Simple anxiety or CNS problems?

Swaddling "with handles" can be of great help to the baby and parents when putting to bed. Indeed, sometimes it happens that children cannot fall asleep, as the chaotic wave of the hands frightens and wakes them up.

However, sometimes these problems may hide disturbances in the work of the child's nervous system, so it is better not only to swaddle the child to sleep, but also to consult a doctor with the appropriate question.

Simplicity and economy or muscle tone?

As we have already said, after practicing a couple of times, you can swaddle your baby very quickly and deftly. So in some cases this is the most simple and fast way dress the child. In addition, let's not forget about savings. Indeed, the first couple of months the baby is quite comfortable in diapers.

On the other hand, by dressing the baby in pants and a blouse, parents provide him with maximum freedom for movement. And we know that any movement improves muscle development and tone.

Well, in the end - all these clothes for babies are so beautiful! Maybe you should not deny yourself the pleasure? By the way, perhaps thereby parents from the very early age instill good taste in children?

Whether you will swaddle your child or wear pants and blouses from birth is up to you, the parents. The main thing is that both you and the baby feel comfortable and comfortable.

How to properly swaddle a baby? This is perhaps the first question that a mother has when she comes home with a baby from the hospital. It is simply impossible to swaddle a baby evenly, neatly and tight enough the first time. However, this problem is solved very easily, the main thing is practice, and you will have enough of it in the near future)

When swaddling we use only clean diapers. For a long time there was an opinion that it was necessary to iron with an iron, and this must be done, very carefully, on both sides. However, as pediatricians have proven, ironing diapers is a waste of time and effort. Freshly washed diapers do not contain any pathogenic bacteria that would need to be destroyed by high-temperature processing.

Where to swaddle the baby? Yes, wherever it suits you. It can be a changing table, and a sofa, and a bed. The main thing is not to leave the crumbs alone for a minute, in order to avoid an accidental fall. If you need to move away, be sure to put the baby in the crib, where he will be safe while you are away.

How to swaddle a newborn in a diaper

The baby should be clean, in a clean diaper. If you use not disposable, but gauze diapers, you need to have at least 20 diapers, as they will get dirty much more often.

If it’s cold outside and the room is cool, prepare a couple of films at once in advance.

The picture clearly shows what the process should look like. swaddle with handles. This is how they swaddle all children in maternity hospitals.

We spread the diaper, the child is carefully placed in the middle of the diaper so that his head is higher than the edge of the diaper. We press the right handle to the body, and wrap the right corner of the diaper obliquely, while the edge of the diaper should be wrapped behind the back of the baby. Now we also press the left handle to the body, and wrap the left corner of the diaper, like the right one, obliquely. At the bottom we get a "fish tail". The edges are alternately tucked under the baby, and then fixed in the side pocket that we got.

Everything is ready, the baby was swaddled quickly and not at all difficult. A few workouts and this process will be brought to automaticity, do not even hesitate.

The following shows how to swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

When the house is cool, we swaddle the baby in the second diaper, with the only difference being that there is no longer any need to press the handles, since they are already hidden.

How to swaddle a newborn baby in summer?

In the heat, it is best to use the method free swaddling. With this method, the baby during swaddling is located on the diaper so that its handles remain above the edge of the diaper. We wrap the diaper in the same way as with a simple swaddling. Thus, the handles of the newborn crumbs remain open. Or, you can use ready-made envelopes in which the baby's legs are fixed and the arms are free.

In case your swaddled baby shows obvious signs of anxiety, and even in your arms he cannot calm down, check if you have swaddled him too tightly, if there are any wrinkles in the diapers that interfere with him. It is very important that the baby feels comfortable. The recommended air temperature in a room with a newborn wrapped in a diaper should be about twenty degrees.

Should the baby be swaddled?

Not so long ago, whether to swaddle a baby or not has become a subject of controversy among pediatricians and parents of babies. Opponents of this method give the following arguments in their favor:

  • overheating of babies wrapped in diapers is possible, since their thermoregulation mechanism is very different from adults. If the room is too warm, it is hot outside, the likelihood of overheating increases;
  • finding a baby in a diaper can lead to a developmental lag, since he is not able to freely master the movements of his arms and legs;
  • it is useful for newborn children to sleep lying on their stomach, and being swaddled to do this is almost impossible;
  • tight contraction can adversely affect cardiovascular system child, as it slows down the process of blood circulation;

Besides, common causes refusals of young mothers from tight wrapping of the baby are the following:

  • simplification of newborn care;
  • inability and unwillingness to learn to swaddle;
  • it is much easier to put on baby sliders, and then dad can change them if necessary.

At the end of the article, we have prepared additional material for you. Download the checklist "How to properly dress and change diapers" and caring for your baby will bring you nothing but joy!

And here is what the supporters of the method say in defense of their position:

  • swaddling keeps the baby's body temperature normal in the first weeks of life;
  • the baby is more calm, sleeps better, being wrapped in a diaper, as it does not interfere with itself with uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs;
  • being in diapers, the baby feels more natural, because in recent weeks, being in the womb, he got used to the lack of living space, and therefore in diapers he is both more comfortable and calmer. In sliders and blouses, babies can be scared in a dream and wake up;
  • the use of diapers is much less expensive for the budget of a young family than buying new pants, tights, and blouses for a growing child every two or three weeks.

There are several types of swaddling. In addition to the already described, free and swaddling with handles, swaddling with an "envelope" and wide is practiced.

Swaddling "envelope" is done in the following way. The corner of the diaper over the baby's head should be left free. We lift the lower corner of the diaper and lay it on the baby's tummy. We lay the side corners, as in normal swaddling. All! A child in such a diaper will feel great while walking on the street. If it is cold, we wrap it in a blanket; if it is hot, we use a gauze diaper.

wide swaddling a newborn is used if the crumbs have muscle tone disorders, or problems in terms of orthopedics. With a wide swaddle, the baby's legs are bent, the hips are retracted, the position for the child is very comfortable and familiar. This type of swaddling does not interfere with the proper development of the baby's hip joints, it can help in case of a mild form of dysplasia, and prevent the appearance of subluxation or dislocation of the hip in babies. This type of swaddling is used from birth to six months.

It is advisable to master all types of swaddling, it will be very useful for your newborn baby, and it will make life easier for you. Better to alternate various techniques swaddling.

And one more tip on how to properly swaddle a baby.

Before swaddling, put on a thin baby's undershirt wrapping on the back, followed by a warm one that wraps around on the chest. Thereafter . A diaper is often a gauze square 80 by 80 cm, which is folded into a triangle. We skip a right angle between the baby's legs, and wrap the sharp corners around the abdomen.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

There are no specific time limits. Different babies need different time in order to get used to the new for them, the huge surrounding world, which replaced the cramped comfort of their mother's tummy. It may take one week to adapt, or it may take six months. Basically, children from one and a half to three months can quite manage free swaddling. And yet, until how many months to swaddle a baby, you have to determine for yourself, and with experience you will definitely understand how to swaddle a newborn in the most convenient way.

Watching how a newborn baby falls asleep, how it sleeps, you will understand when the time will come say goodbye to diapers.

Read our next article.

Download the checklist "How to dress and change diapers"

Think gauze diapers are safer for your baby? By downloading the checklist, you will learn how to properly dress and change diapers. Let baby care bring you only joy!

As a rule, in maternity hospital They don't teach swaddling to babies. Even in medical forums there are no clear recommendations on this matter. Therefore, when discharged home, a young mother decides on her own whether to swaddle her baby or not. Many will say that wrapping the baby in diapers is no longer fashionable. But before agreeing and arguing something, you need to weigh the pros and cons of this method. So, let's consider whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby or can we do without "diaper manipulation"?

Why is it necessary to swaddle a baby?

The tradition of swaddling babies dates back to the time of Hippocrates. It was believed that tight bandaging with a diaper disturbs the baby less from sudden noise. Being in the "envelope" the baby sleeps peacefully and shudders less with arms and legs.

In general, our grandmothers also talk about the need to wrap babies in diapers. They claim that such a procedure has a positive effect on nervous system and the general mood of the child. In addition, swaddling a newborn is a kind of protection of his body from external environment during the adaptation period. After all, for about 9 months the child was in the womb and felt her warmth. And after birth, he has a freedom of movement, which can scare him, and sometimes cause serious stress.

Disputes on the topic: "for and against"

The debate on the topic: “is it necessary to swaddle a baby” has been going on for several decades. There is no consensus even among pediatricians. But is there any benefit from this simple procedure? Most supporters of swaddling give their arguments:

  • the diaper softens the adaptation period after prenatal development, as a result, the baby cries less and is naughty. Receiving the same sensations as in the mother’s stomach, the baby calms down and is in high spirits;
  • swaddling hands - eliminates the irritating factor, improves appetite, promotes the development and growth of the newborn;
  • the diaper helps to safely carry out hygiene procedures - cleaning the nose, ears, washing the eyes, face;
  • Being in a diaper, the child sleeps more soundly. For the first time, for 2-3 months, the little one does not control his body, he often swings his arms and legs, from which he gets fright.
  • The advantages of swaddling include saving the family budget. Babies grow up quickly and a lot of sliders are needed, and a diaper can be used for quite a long period of time.

But there are also mothers who do not know how to properly swaddle a newborn or are afraid to hurt their first child. Especially if historically it so happened that in the family from an early age they taught children to freedom of action. Why is a "straitjacket" bad, except as discomfort for the baby?

  • lack of temperature control - a swaddled baby will overheat in the summer, there is a risk of diaper rash, dermatitis and other skin reactions;
  • suppression motor activity- the diaper hinders movement and creates discomfort. If the child is not active, there may be a delay in the development of skills and abilities. It is especially dangerous to swaddle children with impaired muscle tone.
  • the impossibility of carrying out useful procedures - from a very early age, the baby needs care. But when a newborn is wrapped in a diaper, such useful procedures like massage, gymnastics, it will be very difficult to carry out. Yes, and there are no guarantees that after removing the diapers, the crumbs will not change their mood.

Types of swaddling

If you decide to swaddle your baby, then you should not delay it. Do not believe in superstition and do not be nervous. Do as your mother's heart tells you.

The main thing - remember about the health of the skin. To avoid rashes, redness and other negative skin reactions - buy diapers only from natural cotton fabric.

Exist different ways swaddling, choose only the option that is most convenient and comfortable. There are many videos on the Internet and step by step pictures which will help to master simple technique in just 1-2 days. Usually children are calm about such a procedure, but if the child is very mobile, then ask relatives to help you.


Tight swaddling lies in the fact that all the movements of the child are constrained by the diaper. In this state, he cannot even move. Before wrapping the peanut with a “soldier”, the arms are straightened and pressed against the body, and the legs are pulled out at the seams. First you need to tightly wrap your left hand and fix the edges of the matter behind the back. Do exactly the same movements with the right handle. Straighten the remaining bottom edge of the fabric so that there are no wrinkles, and wrap it up. After that, pull the ends of the diaper from behind the back of the baby and tuck it into the front pocket.

This method of swaddling is unsafe, because a strong fixation of the newborn's body can cause problems with the development of tactile sensations and the cardiovascular system.


Free swaddling of a newborn is not much different from the previous method. The main difference is that the baby is wrapped in a diaper, but not squeezed very tightly. This gives him the freedom to move his arms and legs.

If the baby is not very active, it is quite acceptable to swaddle only the hands, and leave the baby's legs open. If it is cold, the limbs can be hidden in a warm diaper. In this position, the baby will feel very comfortable and not be capricious.

It is not difficult to master the technique of swaddling, first you need to spread a clean diaper in the form of a rectangle. Then he will lay the baby on the matter so that the head is higher and the arms are free to move (if necessary). Gently pull the left corner and fold behind the back, then the right, but do not tighten the fabric too tight. Align the lower part of the hem, wrap around the legs and hide in the fabric pockets.


If the baby has pathologies with the musculoskeletal system, then wide swaddling is used. feature this method there is that a newborn with dysplasia is placed on a crib and only the legs are swaddled. At the same time, a roller of several diapers is placed between the legs so that they are in the extended position - pressed at an angle of 90 degrees. With this fixation, the baby learns to keep his feet in the correct position.

How to properly swaddle

It will be better if the mother learns the technique of swaddling in advance, even before the birth of the newborn. You can ask friends who have kids or practice on the doll yourself. If you have any questions, please consult your therapist.


To swaddle a baby, you will need a special table or bed. Should be on hand baby cream and powder to treat wrinkles on the baby's body. Before this, the baby must be thoroughly washed, dressed in a clean diaper, if there is none, made of gauze and carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures.

Prepare undershirts, blouses, socks. Children's clothes and diapers should be soft, well ironed on both sides and must be made of natural fabric.

Simple swaddling

Spread the diaper in a rectangle and gently place the baby in the center of the fabric. Please note that the top edge of the diaper should be at the level of the neck, not the head. Now you need to press your left hand to the body and wrap the left corner obliquely, under the back of the baby. Perform the same actions with the right hand. Now a “tail” will appear below, its edges need to be straightened and tucked up. The remaining two ends - hide in the side pocket of the diaper.

Until what age to swaddle

Until how many months to swaddle your child, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. It all depends on the anxiety of the child. If a newborn is sleeping soundly at 1 month and does not twitch during sleep, then swaddling can be stopped.

After birth, children need time to adapt in order to better adapt to external conditions. Especially it concerns active kids. In any case, in the first month, the newborn will be calmer when he has diapers on.

You can wean your baby from swaddling at the age of 3 months. From now on, they will be needed only at night, and during the day it is advisable to wear sliders and vests.

If the child does not like to be in a diaper

Sometimes an awake or sleeping baby does not like to be swaddled. He starts crying, somersaulting, squeezing his limbs and pushing the diaper away. It is necessary to establish the reason that irritates the little man.