
The son of 9 years flatly does not do homework. Homework as a punishment, or how to get a child to do homework. Gifted but lazy


How to get the child to do homework? In order not to have to control, persuade, swear with the last words - in general, perform all those unpleasant actions that can turn the life of a parent into a real hell. I have already written about motivation and will write again - the topic is burning. Now let's try to deal with the situation when the child does not want to do homework. Or does, but slipshod.

The problem is very common, but there can be no single recipe. Since the reasons can be very different - lack of educational motivation, too much training load, weakening of the body, or nervous system, personality traits of the child, the style of upbringing, ... Each specific case must be analyzed separately. But there is one trick that can help. If not all, then many. I share šŸ™‚

We do not consider the situation when a child categorically declares that he wanted to spit on lessons and school in general (this is a separate conversation). Suppose he doesn't argue with you too much - yes, you have to do your homework. But he doesn't want to do it! Cannot get it together, postpones, whines, thinks up urgent matters for himself, persuades you to ā€œwait a little longerā€, gets distracted, cannot concentrate. In a word, homework takes several hours. Or even it turns out to be unfulfilled.

How to teach a child to do homework. First, discuss with your child when it is convenient for him to do his homework. How long will it take. Let him appoint "X hour" himself. A lot can change if you give the child the right to choose.

If it seems to you that the child offers nonsense (and let me start doing my homework at 9 pm), set a framework - say, homework should be done by 8 pm. What do you think is the best time to start?

Teach your child to properly organize the educational process. Have you heard about time management? - The thing is extremely useful not only for adults, but also for children. In my opinion, one of the best inventions in this area is the Pomodoro technique. Don't let the ā€œfrivolousā€ name put you off. Behind him hides effective remedy solving problems with lessons.

Francesco Cirillo is no longer a student :)

The technique was invented by an Italian student named Francesco Cirillo, who himself had academic problems. Francesco experimented a lot - and so he tried to study the material, and that way. And once he noticed that the best results are achieved when the study process is divided into 25-minute intervals. Gradually, observation became a real time management strategy.

How the Pomodoro Technique works:

Yes, an interesting question is why this sequence of actions was called the Pomodoro Technique? And the fact is that Francesco used a timer in the form of a tomato. And he liked it so much that he called not only his invention a tomato, but also working intervals of 25 minutes.

By the way, why exactly 25 minutes? - As it turned out, this is the optimal time for continuous work - you manage to complete a fairly decent piece of the task and at the same time you do not get tired.

Finally, some subtleties of the Pomodoro technique:

  • Never interrupt during the tomato (remember, tomato is a 25 minute work interval). If you had to distract yourself, then start the timer and make the tomato again.
  • If the task is too long - more than 5 tomatoes, then divide it into several tasks
  • If you have completed the task, and the timer is still ticking, be sure to check your work, think about it - in a word, sit the tomato to the end. Usually, it is at this time that brilliant ideas come to mind, bloopers are found and the most important things are added.
  • During rest, it is better not to sit at the table, but to warm up - walk, run.

If all of the above is explained in detail and colorfully to a child, then, most likely, he will want to try. And if you use a special program for the implementation of the tomato technique, then you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: increase the child's motivation and save him (and yourself) from having to manually set the timer each time.

Pomodairo: As you can see, I have a task ā€œWrite an articleā€. Done:)

All you need is to download the program Pomodairo... In it you can set a list of tasks, change work time and the time to rest (by default it is 25 and 5 minutes, respectively), set the number of tomatoes needed to complete each task, select a sound alert and view statistics.

Finally, I will briefly list the benefits of teaching a child the Pomodoro technique:

  • The child will learn to clearly set goals, break down the task into its components;
  • The educational process will be structured the best way... Gradually, the child will begin to work within 25 minutes without distraction.
  • Homework will be done much more efficiently and faster.
  • The child will learn how to competently manage his time and organize educational activities.
  • Improved academic performance (as a side effect)

PS: By the way, the Pomodoro technique is perfect for exam preparation šŸ™‚

What do you do when the child does not want to do homework?

Alla, good afternoon! Please help me with advice on how not to fall for the child when he can't fulfill homework? Every night I get hysterical. I'm not even talking about the fact that all this is passed on to the son. The boy is 9 years old, helping him with homework is hell for me, all these nerves are then passed on to my husband as well. Every evening I began to drink cognac. Advise how to find a way out in this situation?

Julia, a housewife.

Julia, all parents want to see their children successful, successful and happy. Schooling is one of the most important parts of a child's life. School will be an essential part of his reality for 8-10 years. Therefore, the baby needs help. adapt, feel comfortable and learn achieve success(but here it is also very important not to catch the excellent student's syndrome, read more about this in our new article).

Looking at the studied material of our children - junior schoolchildren, we are perplexed: "How can a kid learn this?" Unfortunately, school curricula are now written in such a way that a child has no chance of completing his homework on his own. Of course, we cannot go against the education system alone, but to help his baby we just have to.

  • Talk to your husband.

Don't try to tackle these issues alone. Invite his husband To conversation and discuss together the problems that the child has. Men think completely differently and, I am sure, your husband, as a "real protector" of the family, will attend to this issue, and you will come to new solutions. It is a big mistake when a woman tries to decide everything herself. Questions about how to raise a child should always be discussed with the husband.

  • Talk to your child.

Ask him what he thinks about this issue: "How do you organize time for homework so that you have joy in your family?"

  • Remember how you did your homework.
  • Gather a family council (family gathering).

It is very important that you all take part in solving this situation together. The child will feel like a full-fledged member of the family.

  • Write a plan for the week of how you will act in the direction of: "Homework is joyful."

It is desirable that this plan wrote myself child. Make him your "family council leader." After the plan is written and approved by all participants, set a date for the next council, for example, in a week. Ask your child to prepare an agenda for him in which he will share his successes and tell what worked and what needs to be improved.

This will give the child a reason to feel independent and teach him how to solve any problems.

Instead of feeling like a loser who constantly brings "bad grades" and refuses to do their homework every night.

The main task of parents is not to help memorize the multiplication table and solve the problem correctly, but to teach baby to study, record victories and go to the goal.

What else is important?

When you sit down to do your homework, your motivation should not be to please your teacher or get a good grade. Teach your child instead independence and show him how to overcome difficulties even in small matters.

Remember that a child is the dearest person for you, and you help him become a mature person. Violence and blackmail are not only inappropriate here, but on the contrary, cause the opposite of the desired result.

Remember one more very important rule:

When doing homework, no criticism from you is allowed.

On the contrary, praise the child more, and the praise should be fair... Our children are excellent psychologists and feel insincerity very subtly. Praise fairly and notice everything, even the smallest successes.

Do not take classes with your child as a duty or hard labor. See them as a time of your life, when you can communicate with your baby and open up the world to him. With this motivation, you will see changes in your student's attitude towards homework, towards you and towards school. v the best side.

The great Franklin Roosevelt, who, despite his disability, was president of America four times and showed himself to be a wise and great ruler, had an instilled sense of success from childhood that breeds success. Talk to your child, delve into his experiences and problems. No matter how small they seem to you, take them with the whole seriousness.

You may also be interested in our article: "A child and a computer - where is the right balance in their interaction?

With love, Alla Jansons!

Does your robber have deuces in his diary again? The child does not obey, and it is simply impossible to plant him at homework? Many parents have a situation where the child does not want to study, skips school and is not attentive in the classroom.

Adults often make many mistakes in order to force a daughter or son to learn. This happens because there is no knowledge of how to cultivate a love of learning in children. Some begin to educate in the same way as they were brought up in childhood. It turns out that parenting mistakes are passed on from generation to generation. First, our parents suffer themselves and force us to learn, then we apply the same torture to our children.

When a child does not study well, unhappy pictures are drawn in their head of what their future might be like. Instead of a prestigious university and a degree, a third-rate technical school. Instead of a brilliant career and a good salary, a job that you are ashamed to tell your friends about. And instead of a salary, itā€™s a pittance on which itā€™s not clear how to live. Nobody wants such a future for their children.

To understand why our children are reluctant to learn, we need to find the reason for this. There are a lot of them. Let's consider the main ones.

1) There is no desire and incentive to study

Many adults are used to forcing a child to do something against his will, to impose his opinion. If a student resists doing what he does not want, this means that his personality is not broken. And that's okay.

There is only one way to involve a child in his studies - to interest him. Of course, teachers should think about this first. An uninteresting program, boring teachers teaching the lesson, regardless of the age of the children - all this contributes to the fact that the child will avoid learning and be lazy in completing assignments.

2) stress at school

People are arranged in the following way: first, simple needs for food, sleep, security are satisfied. But the need for new knowledge and development is already in the background. School for children sometimes becomes a real source of stress. Where kids every day experience various negative emotions, such as: fear, tension, shame, humiliation.

In fact, 70% of the reasons children don't want to study and go to school are due to stress. ( Bad relationship with peers, teachers, insults from older comrades)

Parents may think: after all, there were only 4 lessons, the child says that he is tired, which means he is lazy. In fact, stressful situations take a lot of energy from him. Moreover, it causes a negative attitude towards this environment. Therefore, he begins to think poorly, his memory works worse, he looks inhibited. Before attacking a child and forcing him by force, it is better to ask how he is doing at school. Was it difficult for him? How is his relationship with other children and with the teachers?

Case from practice:
We had an 8-year-old boy for a consultation. According to the boy's mother, in the past few months he began to skip classes, often did not do his homework. And before that, although he was not an excellent student, he studied diligently and there were no special problems with him.

It turned out that a new student was transferred to their class, who in every possible way mocked the child. He ridiculed him in front of his comrades and even used physical force, extorted money. The child, due to his inexperience, did not know what to do with it. He did not complain to his parents or teachers, as he did not want to be branded as a sneak. But I couldn't solve this problem myself. Here is a clear example of how stressful conditions make it difficult to gnaw the granite of science.

3) Pressure resistance

The psyche works in such a way that when we are under pressure, we resist with all our might. How more mother with the father they force the student to do their homework by force, the more he begins to avoid it. This once again confirms the fact that this situation cannot be corrected by force.

4) Low self-esteem, self-doubt

Excessive criticism of the parents towards the child leads to his low self-esteem. If no matter what the student does, you still will not please, then this is just such a case. The child's motivation is completely lost. What difference does it make if they give 2 or 5, anyway no one will praise, appreciate what they deserve, or say a kind word.

5) too much control and help

There are parents who literally study on their own instead of their child. They collect a portfolio for him, do their homework with him, give orders on what, how and when to do it. In this case, the student takes a passive position. It becomes unnecessary for him to think with his own head and he is not able to answer for himself. Motivation also disappears as he is acting as a puppet.

It should be noted that this is quite common in modern families and is a big problem. Parents themselves spoil their child, trying to help him. Total control kills independence and responsibility. And this pattern of behavior continues into adulthood.

Case from practice:

Irina turned to us for help. She had problems with the academic performance of her daughter 9 years old. If the mother was late at work or went on a business trip, the girl did not do her homework. In the classroom, she also behaved passively and if the teacher did not look after her, then she was distracted and did other things.

It turned out that from the first grade Irina strongly interfered in the learning process. Excessively controlling her daughter, literally did not allow her to step on her own. Here is a disastrous result. The daughter did not at all strive to study, she believed that only the mother needed it, and not her. And she was engaged only from under the stick.

There is only one treatment here: stop taking care of the child and explain why you need to study at all. At first, of course, he will relax and do nothing. But over time, he will understand that he still needs to learn somehow and will begin to organize himself on the sly. Of course, everything will not work out right away. But after a while he will come out better and better.

6) You need to give rest

When a student comes home from school, he needs 1.5-2 hours to rest. At this time, he can do his favorite things. There is a category of mothers and fathers, which begins to press on the child as soon as he comes home.

There are questions about grades, requests to show the diary and instructions to sit down for homework. If you do not give the baby a rest, his concentration will be noticeably reduced. And in a tired state, he will begin to dislike school and everything connected with it even more.

7) Quarrels in the family

An unfavorable home atmosphere is a major obstacle to good grades. When there are frequent quarrels and scandals in the family, the child begins to worry, become nervous and withdrawn. Sometimes he even starts to blame himself for everything. As a result, all his thoughts are occupied with the current situation, and not with the desire to study.

8) Complexes

There are children with non-standard appearance or with not very well developed speech. They often receive a lot of ridicule in their address. Therefore, they experience a lot of suffering and try to be invisible, avoid answering at the blackboard.

9) bad company

Even in first grade, some students manage to connect with dysfunctional friends. If friends do not want to learn, then your child will support them in this.

10) Dependencies

Children, like adults with early age may have their own dependencies. V primary school- these are games, entertainment with friends. At the age of 9-12 - a passion for computer games. V transitional age- bad habits and street company.

11) hyperactivity

There are children with excess energy. They are characterized by poor perseverance and concentration. In this regard, it is difficult for them to sit in the classroom and listen without distraction. And hence - bad behavior and even disrupted lessons. Such children need to attend additional sports sections. Detailed Tips for can be read in this article.

If you correctly understand the reason for poor schooling, then we can assume that 50% of the problem has already been solved. In the future, you need to develop an action plan, thanks to which it will be possible to encourage the student to study. Shouts, scandals, swearing - it never worked. Understanding your child and helping him with the difficulties that have arisen - that's what will create the right motivation.

13 practical tips to motivate your student to get A's

  1. The first thing every parent should know is that the child needs to be praised for any success.
    Then he will naturally develop a desire to learn. Even if he is still not doing something well enough, he still needs to be praised. After all, he almost coped with the new task and put a lot of effort into it. This is very important condition, without which it is impossible to force the child to learn.
  2. In no case should you scold for mistakes, because you learn from mistakes.
    If a child is scolded for what he cannot do, then his desire to do this will forever disappear. Making mistakes is a natural process, even for adults. Children, on the other hand, do not have such life experience and only learn new tasks for themselves, so you need to be patient, and if your child does not succeed in something, it would be better to help him figure it out.
  3. Don't give gifts for studies
    Some adults, for the purpose of motivation, promise various gifts to their children or monetary rewards for good studies. Don't do that. Of course, at first, the baby will gain an incentive and begin to try hard in his studies, but over time he will begin to demand more and more. And small gifts will no longer satisfy him. In addition, study is his daily compulsory actions and the child must understand this. Therefore, the issue of motivation will never be resolved with such images in the long term.
  4. You need to show your son or daughter the full degree of responsibility that lies with this lesson - study
    To do this, explain why you need to learn at all. Often children who do not have a special interest in learning do not understand why this is necessary. They have a lot of other interesting things to do, and classes at school interfere with this.
  5. Sometimes parents ask too much of their children.
    Now, and so the training program is several times more complicated than before. Moreover, if the child, in addition to this, goes to developmental circles, then naturally overwork can occur. Don't ask your child to be perfect. It is quite natural that some subjects are more difficult for him, and it takes more time to understand them.
  6. If any of the subjects is especially difficult for your son or daughter, then it would be a good decision to hire a tutor.
  7. Better to instill a learning habit from 1st grade
    If a child in the first grade learns to achieve his goals, to fulfill the assigned tasks and for which he will receive praise and respect from adults, then he will not leave this path.
  8. Help see positive change
    When your child succeeds in something very difficult, support him every time. Say phrases like: ā€œWell, now you do it much better! And if you continue in the same spirit, then you will do very well! ā€ But never use: "Try a little more and then it will be good." Thus, you do not acknowledge the small victories of the child. It is very important to maintain it and notice the slightest changes.
  9. Lead by example
    Do not try to teach your child to do homework while watching TV and relaxing in other ways. Children love to copy their parents. If you want your child to develop, for example, to read books, instead of messing around, do it yourself.
  10. Support
    If the student has a difficult test, support him. Say that you believe in him, that he will succeed. Moreover, if he tries hard, then success is inevitable. It is also necessary to support when he has completely failed something. Many mothers and fathers prefer to reprimand in this case. It is better to calm the child down and tell him that he will definitely cope next time. You just need to put in a little more effort.
  11. Share the experience
    Explain to your child that you cannot always do just what you want. Yes, I understand you don't like mathematics so much, but you need to study it. You can endure it more easily if you share it with your loved ones.
  12. Point out the good qualities of the child.
    Even if these are so far from good studies at school, but the positive qualities of the baby, such as the ability to help others, charm, the ability to negotiate. This will help in creating adequate self-esteem and find support within yourself. And normal self-esteem, in turn, will create self-confidence.
  13. Consider the desires and aspirations of the child himself
    If your toddler is interested in music or drawing, you don't need to force him to attend a math class. You donā€™t need to break the child to say that you know best. All children are different and each has its own talents and abilities. Even if you force the student to study a subject he does not like, he will not achieve much success in it. Because success is only where there is love for the work and interest in the process.

Is it worth making the child learn?

As you probably already understood from this article, forcing a child to learn by force is a useless exercise. This will only make things worse. Better to create the right motivation. To create motivation, you need to understand why he needs it. What will he get through his studies. For example, in the future he will be able to get the profession he dreams of. And without education, he will not have any profession at all and will not be able to earn his living.

When a student has a goal and a concept of why he should study, then there is a desire and ambition.

And of course, you need to deal with the problems that prevent your child from becoming a successful student. For this, there are no other ways how to talk to him and find out them.

I hope these practical advice help you improve the performance of your children. If you still have questions, you can always contact us for help at. Experienced child psychologist will help in maximum short time find out all the reasons due to which the child is experiencing difficulties and unwillingness to learn. Together with you, he will develop a work plan that will help your child get a taste for learning.

All parents of schoolchildren dream of how their child, after returning from school, has lunch and immediately starts doing his homework. Moms and dads want their child to be attentive and quick-witted, to easily cope with all school tasks without outside help and never tire of pleasing with his good academic performance. However, this ideal picture is found in only a few families, and most parents are more likely to observe something completely different: the child does not want to do his homework and is instead ready to do anything, just not homework. Mom and Dad get upset and nervous, this stress is transmitted to the baby, and as a result, the whole family falls under the influence of stress. Why is this happening, and how to avoid it?

The child is lazy

Most parents believe that their child refuses to do homework for one simple reason - he is just lazy. Indeed, there are children who are naturally very lazy, and it is generally difficult to force them to do anything. However, before diagnosing their baby as a pathological lazy person, parents should take a closer look at the behavior of their child and, most likely, they will be surprised to notice that the baby is too lazy to only do homework, but to read an interesting book, watch a cartoon, conduct time for a new computer game he does it very well. If any other activity, besides doing homework, can captivate a baby for a long time, then itā€™s not a matter of natural laziness, but something else.

If a child does not want to do homework for the first time, parents should never yell at him, threaten him or compare him with one of his classmates. You need to find out the reason for refusing to do your homework. This can be fatigue, misunderstanding of the subject, or something else. How to behave with a child, explains the child psychologist Ekaterina Tsukanova.

The child is afraid of failure

Many children are terrified of failing in any endeavor, and homework is no exception to the rule. The fear of doing something wrong usually affects the behavior of the student: he can be found sitting for a long time over a textbook without performing other actions. In such cases, they usually say "looks into a book - sees a fig."

If this behavior is noticed for the child, it is best to have a serious talk with him, ask him what he is afraid of and for what reason. If a student has a fear of a teacher who is very strict about mistakes in homework, tell him that you will talk to the teacher about it, and do not forget to actually do it. If the baby is afraid of anger from the parents for bad grade, convince him that you will not swear, even if something does not work out for him. Show your kid that you are always with him, understand him and can provide any help as soon as he asks about it. Having a sincere conversation with your child will help him relax and not be afraid anymore.

The child does not understand the subject

Some children cannot get started with homework on a particular subject due to the fact that they have some difficulty with this lesson. For example, a student may not understand new material in mathematics or physics, and that is why in every possible way he shies away from completing lessons in these subjects. Some children have difficulty with logical or figurative thinking, and depending on this, they have difficulties in the exact and humanitarian sciences, respectively.

Helping the child in this case is to jointly overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Instead of scolding the child for an unfulfilled task and reproaching him for laziness, talk to him and find out what is most difficult for him, and then start joint activities, during which explain in detail the incomprehensible moments to the crumbs. If you yourself are not strong in the required subject, you can hire a tutor or negotiate with school teacher about additional individual lessons.

The child lacks love and attention

Some children refuse to do their homework just because they want to deliberately cause anxiety on the part of mom and dad. They feel, and in this peculiar way they achieve at least some manifestation of feelings from adults.

In such a situation, the main thing is to let the child feel your love and attention. Analyze your own behavior: how often do you praise your baby, are you wondering how his day went, whether you tell him that you love him. Remember that the child needs parental approval and participation in solving his problems, so it is better to hug the baby one more time and tell him how great he is when he sits down to do the lessons. And do not forget to always be interested in how your child's next school day went.

Child psychologist Ekaterina Tsukanova gives advice on how to form a child's habit of doing homework, how to organize the daily routine, how to make parents feel love so that the baby is not afraid of failures and difficulties.

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The child does not want to do homework on their own

Some children, in order to relieve themselves of the responsibility to do their homework, resort to tricks and tricks: they pretend that they do not understand something, complain of severe fatigue, and ask their parents for help. More often than not, mothers and fathers, worrying that their child does not overwork, easily do their homework for him, allowing him an extra evening to rest. As a result, for the tasks completed by the parents, the student receives praise from the teacher, and gradually realizes that mom and dad can be used to their advantage.

If you notice that the child very often asks for your help, and you do your homework instead of him several times a week, it's time to stop it, otherwise your child will forget how to do anything.

School time is full of not only new impressions, communication with peers and interesting events. This period is also characterized by intense study and constant homework, which the child does not always want to do. And sometimes a logical question arises: is it necessary to force the student, or not?

Eliminate the cause

It's easy to get a student to do their homework. But such actions can only lead to the appearance of negativity towards school and school life. Therefore, parents should be patient and find out why this is happening. Depending on the identified reason, take one or another action.

No interest in learning

Younger schoolchildren are happy to do only the work that is interesting to them. Some children do not like to do easy tasks, even if it is necessary to do it (as the teacher said). Tasks for which there is no interest are always performed last, when the child is already tired and wants to sleep. One can only dream of the quality of execution.

The solution to the problem will be to increase motivation to study. ... You can come up with a reward system for each completed task. Or make a treasure map with islands drawn (by the number of days in a quarter). On each island there are several points (school subjects) through which the chip moves (it means the student himself - the treasure hunter). Each completed task is a step forward. By the end of the quarter, the child reaches the end of the journey and receives a treasure (a ticket to the circus, theater, boat trip).

You can interest the student in knowledge. After all, every day he learns something new. It will be interesting to keep a notebook-diary "What's new I learned today." Every day, write in it everything that I learned during the working day. You can divide knowledge by subject: write with red paste what you learned in mathematics lesson, with blue paste - the Russian language, and green - with literature.

Parenting mistakes

Often, children lose interest in learning as a result of the wrong approach on the part of their parents:

  • If a student is constantly reminded that he is a slacker, then he will never forget about it and will correspond to the assigned status: why change something if no one believes in you?
  • Another mistake of upbringing is the desire to make the child's life easier, to make his childhood easy and carefree, solving all problems for him. Of course, the kid becomes uninteresting just to rewrite the solved tasks in a notebook, and the lack of consolidation (homework is designed for this) does not allow to fully assimilate the material.
  • When parents allow their child to play on the computer for a long time or constantly watch cartoons, then you should not be surprised that he will pay little attention to books.
  • Sometimes the student is forced to sit until he has completed all the assignments. This is fraught with health problems and a decrease in interest in learning (how can you like what you are forced to do?).

How to avoid such problems:

  1. Help the child believe in himself, support even in case of failure.
  2. Never complete assignments for a student - this is his job. You can only help if necessary, push you towards a solution.
  3. Control the time spent at the computer and TV. To cultivate a love of reading by your own example (even if it will be magazines - the main thing is to read!).
  4. Set a rest time for the child (for example, a five-minute break after 20 minutes of work).

Knowledge gaps

Misunderstanding and complexity of tasks - common reason unwillingness to complete tasks even in adults. What can we say about children? And there is no point in forcing them to do what they do not understand.

The only solution to the problem is to eliminate these gaps. You can ask a teacher for help or hire a tutor. Alternatively, find online simulators on the Internet on a problematic topic.


Responsible children try to do their homework as soon as they get home. Gradually, they accumulate fatigue (after all, the body has not rested). And this leads to emotional stress, aggression, unwillingness to learn. Children who attend a large number of circles and additional activities.

To avoid the negative manifestations of fatigue, it is important to provide the body with rest. ... And this is adherence to the daily regimen and full sleep. It is undesirable to do homework after school - let the child rest a little, sleep or walk on fresh air, and at 16-00 (when the second peak of brain activity begins) he will begin to exercise. It is better to start with difficult subjects, moving on to easier ones.

Conflict with classmates or teacher

Sometimes the reason for the "dislike" for homework is the class team or a specific teacher.

What to do in this case:

  1. Determine the scale of the "tragedy": maybe the child perceives the problem itself much more acutely than it actually is.
  2. Help the child resolve the conflict situation, advise on what to do.
  3. If the situation does not change, then it is better to transfer the child to another class (school).
  4. If the teacher ignores the student, treats him with prejudice, then you should think about replacing the teacher.

You can not ignore the problems of socialization of the student. The result of inaction can be not only a loss of interest in learning: constant conflicts provoke mental disorders.

Or not to force?

According to psychologists, a child should not be forced to do anything against his will. It is necessary to help him realize the need and benefits of doing homework. Still, independent work allows children to consolidate what they have already learned at school, to better remember the material, to learn how to use it. Skipping this step creates knowledge gaps and is therefore not recommended.

Experienced psychologists advise not to force the child to do his homework, but to help him. At the same time, do not forget that you are loving and wise parents, at the same time strict and kind, fair and patient.

When communicating with a child, one should not forget simple life rules that will help maintain good relations and trust:

  • You need to respect the child, remember that he is a person with his own unique abilities and character.
  • It is important to constantly remind him that he is dear, to help him believe in himself, to share the confidence that the baby will be able to cope with any failure.
  • Do not forget that children, no matter how old they are, need parental support.
  • Not to use material and monetary rewards to encourage the learning activities of students - this method will not always work, only when children need something.

There are a few more psychological tricks that will help your child cope with tasks faster:

  1. If a child does his homework always at the same time, then this gradually becomes a habit, which means that it will not be necessary to force him later.
  2. It is better to do the lessons on the day they were asked: firstly, knowledge will be better assimilated, and secondly, it will seem that not so much homework has been asked, because part of it will already be completed.
  3. From the youngest school age you need to teach children to do the exercises on their own, to train the ability to concentrate so that they no longer control them in high school.

An important role for the development of learning motivation is played by: if the child does not want to tinker with homework, you need to convince him that the timely completion of tasks is good.

The reason for this may be the following motives:

  • You can get a good grade in the next lesson.
  • After the job is done, the soul becomes easier - it is freed from the burden of responsibility.
  • When completing tasks, such qualities as responsibility, perseverance, the ability to concentrate develop, which means that the child is gradually developing.

Do not forget about praise: for a correctly solved example, for the ability to find mistakes, write beautifully, independence. Praise gives the child self-confidence, makes him meet the specified standard, and awakens interest.